Federation of Nigceria. Official Gazetic.

_ No. 61 LAGOS- 1ith September, 1958 Vol. 45

. CONTENTS | : — = Governor General’a Movements. « »« 1108 _Eosws of Railway Goods Warrant... oe A144 = Appointment of Permanent Secrotary «1108 “Losof Railway Goodsand Passenger Appointment of Acting Government Marine Warrants and Local Purchase Order 1142 Ficer ve se eee ee LOB Lossiof Licence bee cee ee TAR Me 1142-3 Movementi of Officers et 4 11081116 Tenders es a Application for Registration of Trade Unions 1116 , fo Renee’ Probate Notice ©. 4417 STAFF Vacancizs , Is s Land RegistryApplications for University College Hospital ee 1143-4 egiatration +. ae »» 1117 Nigerian College of Arts, Science and Return of Employment and Extnings, Technology 41 ue tee 14 September 1953 +. we ve ws 1117 Federal Edycation Department—King’8 Removal from Campanies Regiater .. «s 4118 College, Lagas ©... as oe 144 - Mon otReglieytors Certificates ++ 1118 Federal Education Department _ 1145 Minis . Disciplinaryce ractitionersCommitteean icntists., 6.indice.ve 1119 . Regia Tands and Tabour, Western 1145-6 Confirmation of Ordinances .. «++ 1119» Federal Information Service ce ae 1146 Claimsagainat formerGerman Reich s+ TH? astern Region Library Board . 1146 myeoss “e or par ™ _ mae 1120-4 _ Ministry of Justice, Eastern Region 1147 avelopment Board Balance Customs and Excise Notices »: 1147-8! 77 naeas 1122 dietMareea 1988 aeata Besaree! a HLM, Customsand Excise-=Notice to Importers and Agents i ee 4148-9~ 1958-59 Cocoa Marksting Scheme-~Licensed Inpex to Lecay Notices 1n Supprement Buying Agente~Western Region .. +. 1199 L.N.No Short Titl . Pp, 1958-59 Cocoa Sesson Producer Prices . , omy ile Page wee 1139 45 qwnship | Authority Servants’ ooWeaterti Region et as ‘84 4140 rovident Punt (Rate of Interest) Export Duty* en Rubber.bb oe ve oe MS (No, 2}: Order, 1958. B397 Royalty on'Tte. se ee os 1140 446 ‘Township L 1Auth & , Danish Consular Répresontation «. +. 1140 Provident FandyeasSaree Spanish "Gini atNemarnom 1140 (No. 2) Order, 1958... B397 Teachors’155¢-+SupplomentaryGra ertificatePas Lat.minat lon, r > 4140 147.4 Educatucation (Genetal) Regulations, 1958 B398 NativeLanguage Examination Result 148 Police Regulations, 1958 =. =. BAY SeJune1958 au .. 4140 = 149 Nigerian Military Forces Royal| West ee. : rican, Frontie: ‘ . VistriCentury CelebrationsCx . 1140 wren)Ordeb,11980“AppointedDay 3496 : C Joes of Local Purchase ‘Orders a "44064 umtultive jindex to: Subsidiary Legislation Loss ofTreasury Receipt Books 4, 4. IMdt from ist J;annua to dist August, 1958 and Lous of Treasury Receipt 6.00 1. os ie Alphabetical Tableof Ordinances 1958— Loes of Warrants « e+ om. e 1st January to Stat August, 1958 | 1108. OnFIpIal GAZETTE.6 No. 61, Vol 45

Government Notice No, 1698 Govmvon-Gateeut’s Marmensrs It is notified for general information thatin-comnection withthe forthcoming Constitutions! Conference in London His Excellency, the Governor-General, SixJAMESAditROBERTSON, C.C.M.G., C.C.V.0., KBE., Will leave Nigeria by air on Friday the 19th of September, 1958...HisExcellency willwill be accompanied by LadyRobertson. GG.0004

vomit Hip. PS: - oe Apromraat OFPreseaner Sarees . Itis notified thatMrFC.Nwoxxpy, has.been}poipointed to ermanent Secretary, MinistryofofLabour and Welfare, in succession » MrVeKe Bitelewood, ‘SrreC.Nwobed? appowmiient thaweffect from ist September, 1958. ; .

Goverriment Notice No, 1708 APPOINTMENT OF ACTING Goyeanmenr Marine Orricer It is notified that Mr G. N. Wood, Assistant Director (Marine) of theInland Waterways Departmentheshes oitoLahSep to be ActingGovernment Marine Officer,” Mr G. N. Wood's appointment haa effect from eptembpety 49 . P30977

Government Notice No. 1701 NEW APPOINTMENTS AND OTHER STAFF CHANGES "The following are notified for general information,:ne - : ie By His Excellency'a Command, - LO | ” A, G. H, Ganpyen- Brown, Lagos, 11th September, 1958, a3 Acting Secretary to the‘GovernorGeneral NEW APPOINTMENTS . Deteof Date of Department Name Appointment mt Arrien! Agrlocheural Repost, Adenckan, T.A. ... 3rdClese Clerk .. oe B12SF Os : Anike, HHaLSs, A +» AgriculturalGrdellt..Assistant,| 0° EF eres “ NGmdelt eee ORE Omomo, E, A. +» Agricultural Assistant, - an Poi ; . pateat ‘Agri 1 43-128 — inson, J. ve uty Directo cultural ‘ : ‘ , . ” Reseearch ro ’ se 42-48-58 1¥3-5-58 Antiquities ae Willett, F, ae Acchanolegin oe «+ «©31-7—568 1-83-56 Audit ve . os ‘Bada, Bes. . sa 3rd Class Clerk .. oe (92-57

Aviation. we ay Akintomide,.R, 0. ae Craftsman ee ee _ 1-§-53 -— Anyanwu, D, -» Craftetnan as «« 165458 one Azuike, A. A. o.. Crafteman a 1S _ Nyckolo, $0, -+ Graftentan t. ESSE ' > Odunuga, S .~» Craftsman -- ee 1-5-S3 _ . Sandee c. < --. Craftsman oe .s i-5-SS _ Be Uzemere, M. 8. ««. Craftsman «es: 165=58 awe Customs and Excise . Arlolk DE - vc Sd Class Officer ... -» 1-7-58 — _. ., ADaobry, Ey oO. as 3rd Class Clerk .. - ee, 201-58 ne 7 : 5. W, «+ 3rd Class Officer .. eogt 21-7%-SB Taikwei, Bfa. ~. 3rd Class Officer.. wt T8+1658 — Iweha, G. C. -. 3rd Class Officer .. ae 343458, me Mbuagbs:ys E. ‘ay «3rd Cleese Clerk .. te 20-658 — Nwoko, +. 3rd-Class Officer .. ow 1-58 _ Qheretion’LM. °.. 3rd-Class Officer .. so. 1-73-58 _ oorR. L 1) 3rd Class Officer .. +s Bo-38 _ ee SrdiCless Officer .. ‘ «+ 10-1-58

“4 1109i Nth September, 1958 OFFICIAL GAZETTE -

NEW. APPOINTMENTS—continued > Dateof Date of Department "Name . Appointment Appointment Arrival Education (Southerh Morika, M, 1. we _ Workshop Assistant. ©. 6. 15-4520 , Cameroons) _ Inland Revenue —-«»-- Ransome-Katl, 0. " Asseasmient Clork, GradeIti. 3-6-58 —_ Inland Waterways .. Akpobome,S.K. .. Marine Driver, Class Wl», 46-58 ‘Thompson,R, ay EngineeringJAssistant, —! we 1-458 oP Clerk... oo 19-1 1-57 Judicial e ee Follvi, Le *. 2. Sed Class > Class Clerk ve ee 12-7-58 — Labour ae $f Aringe, F, C as 4 ‘d lerical Assistant 2 we 5-6-58 — Legal ‘ ae . s¢ "Onepuchelees, . . ise aye + orta Bassey, B. H. . roduce Inspector, Grade ut 1-2-58 _ Marketing® and Bip Ugborte, P. 1s ard Class Clerk . 18-7-58 - — Medical .. ~ ae *Akpabio, U. M. vee Clerical Assistant oe 1-5«§8. teerin1Mite.N.E, .. Nursing Sister .. os 5-3-58 an inE ..: Staff Nurae oe ae 11-6-58 _ Fatale, f A. 2. Ged Class Clerk. * 90-1-58 0 Tesanmi, F, xe Stores Assistant .. "4, 10+7-58 ~ Njoku, S.- yet Class Clerk .. 1-12-57. — Meteorological Services Bisong, L. O, ax Meteorological Observer,: . Grade If oe 9-6-58 — SumonupR. A. A... Meteorological Observer, : - Grade II . «> 29-5-58 —~ .. Agbi, S. E. a» dvd Class Clerk .. - 4-3-58 _ Posts and Telégrapha ReTs O.., <2 Grd Class Clerk 2) 117-58 inten, T oO +» rd Class Clerk .. 16~-4-S8 © “- “nk an, S.Je ae) “Lechnical Officer-in-T'raining | 1-7-58 — Anieze, Miss R. +. ‘Felephone Operator-in« : Training =. + 5-458. — Anizoba, C. ae Ord Class Gterk oe te 9-7-58 —~ - Arisukwu, A. U. +» Lechnician-in-Training 1-6-58 _ Awotona, E, O, ++ lerical Assistant « 16-7~58 — Bromberger, E. ve Chief Technical Officer ' 21-7-58 22+7-58 Chiahana, HG. ve “Pechnical Officer-in-Training 4-6-58 _ Ekpo, U. ov Glerical Assistant ve 1667-58 . Eluagy,J. C v» Pechnical Officer-in-Training 16~6-58 —_ Eze; G. O. ve Ord Class Clerk .. . 14-7-~58 | _— Ezue, I. . j ee torekeeper, Grade 7-7-§8 _— J .. echnical Officer-in-Training 1-7-58 ~~ HasatrupThekwe,. Ts «tt Ghee Technical Officer 4-6-58 Ike, J, +» 3Srd Class Clerk .. ve 95-58 _ Nwaka, K. : ve Grd Class Clark... +» 101-58 _ Obianwu, A ws Grd Class Clerk... ' 1-7-58 — Ogbénneh, FH. «+ Technical Officer-in-Training 3-6~58 ~_ 8 cafor, Pp,” aa Ord Class Clerk -.. 47--3-58 — Okafor, N. G: ae ‘echnical Officor-in-Training. 19-6-58 — Onigho, F. a» Postal Officer andTeleraphist . - 9 in-Training ve A7~1-58 —_ — Onwuchelwa, E, ue rd. Class Clerk © oe j-4-58 QOsuwah, G, CG. se ‘Technical Officerin-Training | 3-7-58 — Ude, G. «+ Postal:Officer ..- 2-1-58 = Umer, 1 «+ Postal Officer... ve 2-1-58 bet Senior ‘Investigation Officer we «14-8558 15-8-58° Young, T. +s J. “Printing and Stationery Ashaju, B. +« Mechanical Assistant- +s 30-4-58 _ Elad, J. A. +» Pechnical Assistant , 1-6~55 — Printi , : intingPreteCameroons} oe — oe oe as 4SAbagbe, J. +e. Sonior Warder, Grade ut oa 1--5-57 SAdibe, Ps K. e« Senior Warder, Grade re 15~57 nm’ “Alwubue, J1.c, ee Senlor Warder, Grade LIT =... 15-57 we, sAnene, M,N. we Senior Warder, Grade TIT... 1-5~57 ‘Buszaghe, «. Senlor Warder, Grade Til... 145-57 ~ * 4Eme, Kalu . enior Warder, GradeITT 1-5-57 — ‘asjokwn, G.G.0. Senior Warder, Grade HI... 1-5-57 =. Mbagwo,iNN: «. Senior Warder, Grade THs. 1-5-57- — ~ 4210 OFFICIAL GAZETTE : Na, $1, Vol. 45

NEW APPOINTMENTS-—centimed oo. . Dateof Dateof Department Name Appointment Appointment Arrival Prisons—contiiued: .: ‘Meze, G as S@tiior Warder,Grade HI... 1-5-57 — ®Modebe,"ahicabeth -- Senior Wardress . «. ° 4-12-58 —_ . “Molokwu,, N, Qe .« Senior Warder, Grade lit 2. I~5-S7 _ ‘Muolokwu, P, A. 9s. Senior Warder, Grade QIT ... 1-5~-57 ~e 4Ngumi, F, yy Senior Warder, Grade THE... 1+5+57 nom ‘Nysba, A, A. «x Senior Warder, Grade lll ., 1-5-57 ~ A+Odiasi, I. it Senior Warder, Grade II .. 1~5-57 _ 4Okhirhia, C. sx Senior Warder Grade HI, 1-5-57 - ‘Onyckwere, P. «« Senior Warder, Grade TIT .. 1~5-57 — ‘Pereira1.J.T.C, °° ++(4. GeniorSenior Warder, GradelllGrade HI «... 1-5-571~5-57 —oe aWoarilete, L ~« Senior Warder, Grade ITZ... {~-$~37 ~ *Yousuo,TK «+» Senior Warder, Grade Wio.. «=-4-5-57 _ Public Works Odufaderin, A. aa. Clerical Assistant oe $—#-8 — ~ Public Works:(Southern Ndip, T. T. ow 3rd Class Clerk 14° °° = $-9-S7 —_ Cameroons): , Social Welfare >. ‘Agarah, F. A. -+« Social Worker, Grade JIE... 1-7-58 -_ Soyinka, J.O. . .. ‘Feacher, Grade U1 ae -1-4-88 _ Treasury s+ Umunegbu, PT. 2. 3rd Clase Clerk .. -» 19-11-57 ~ ‘Treasury (Southern| Lyonga, KR. C. . 3rd Class Clerk .. 1-9-57 — eroons). Newa, P. V. - 3rd Class Clerk ., * 4-B+57 one Veterinary Research. .. Tkwuegbu, O. A. . 3rd Class Veterinary Laboratory Technician ,. +> 13-1-58 — : Okafor, V. N. «- Storekeepér, Grade I a» 12-858 ae West African Institute Akpan, A. E. «« Clerical Atsistant » 1-10-57 ~ for Oil Palin Reséa Ikpat, M. 1. * ClesicalalAdsistant « 1+-10+57 _ . Jesurobo, 3.0. oa oeneeeGrade If -» 1-10-57 _— asia, J. O. ae Giese - 4-41-57 _ Okeke, E. E. A; -. Field Overseer, Grade II. 1-40-57 ~_ .

4 Notification in Gazette No. 49 of 247.58 amended. 2 Notification in Gazette No, 56 of 7-38-58 is‘hereby amended, 3 Notification in Gazette No. 47. of 10-7-58 ig hereby amended. . _ & Notification in Gazette No. 31 of 104-58 is hereby amended, 5 Notification i Gazette No, 42 of 12-60-58 amended.

‘moworions 3 Date of Department Vv Name Appointment Promotion ” Administration Williams, E, J. ve -. Administrative Officer, Clase I, os 164-58 Aviation .. : .. 2Dhomaes, T. A. ~- .. Ais Traffic Control Assistant; Gradel .. 8-37-85 Co-opérative * ,. *Erusiafe, J.0 .+ Assistant Hegatres-ioTetiaing «» 10-6-58 Customs and Exciso. .. Ephraim, J. £. A... Collector of Customs © oe) 1-458 Idowu, j. M. .» Senior Collector of Customs .. ve 1-458 Nean, N. E. - ior Collector of Customs and Excise... 207-57 Omoregie, A. O. +e Collectar gf Custoris .. +e ‘ 1-4-58 Education .. +e Khem, I. C. O. oe Assistant ExecutiveOfficer - .- 1-7-58 Education (Sotitherh’ Martin, Mre H. NL Teacher, Ginde I phe oo 1-58 Cameroons). De Federal Training Centre *Adekoya, A »« Instructor oe a ae 44-8-58 Government Coastal _ Alasin, M. K a» “Ast Class Clerk... ve a. 1-$-58 Agency Empiyi, 8. ‘4st Class Clerk... +e on 1-4-58 Kufosit, E, ist Class Gierk ..- oe 1455 gunlana +» int Class Clerk... ey e2 =4-58 a Ofnipe,ca ce dat ClaseGlerk we 1. 1-458 Information Service .. Obiawru,M D, a+ Ansistarit Ibxecutivs Officer 5. oe 29-858 Ogbulu, A. qa Chief Clerk .- we 29~8~58 Sho-Silva,P. v. +» Assistant Chief Clerk . «+ 29-8-58 Judicial Sobanjo, G, Ae «« Assistant Registrar, Grade 1 ee 14-57 Whyte, H, Ji ». Assistant Registrar, Grade IT- os 2543-58 Lith September, 1958 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 1f11

PROMOTIONS—conttinued. . Date of Department Nama Appointment Promotion Medical -.. +» David, Pp. .» Stores Assistant .. +s vo 1-5-58 ~ Ske, J, es ++ Stores Assistant... 1-5~58 Emuakpor, D, 5S... Ist Class Medical Laboratory.Technician 2-1-58 Nwogu, I. O. +» Stores Assistant ..- as 1~5~58 *Obichere, FS. .. Nursing Suparintentent- 2 29-11-57 Okemuo,C- Stores Assistant .. |. we - oe 1-5-58 Onyeagwalam, F. .. Stores Assistant .. Lowe - ae -165~58 . Ugwuegbulam, C, Or Storekeeper, Grade TIE 0. | we 15-58 Meteorological Services Adewale,B.S.0. .. Moteorolégical Superintendent 243-58. Police a ae Fountain, D.5S,, cv.0, Deputy Inspector-General ofPolice 18-6-58 Kirwan, G. A. ae Senior SuperintendentOf Police » 18-11-56. _ Poate and ‘Telegrapha ., Booth, A. «+ Principal Tclecommunications:Engineer——_ : mo . (Wirelless) os ee 7~7-56 ‘ - "admis, Je Ge | _ fe Assistant Executive Officer. awe15-6-58 7 Cole, Mrs M, - ta«GradeSenior MechanicalII’ Accounting Assistant,ve A58 . ~ a tart,Echetebu,I, 8,Be‘A,: . ws ‘Enumerator, Grade I os 1-4-58 . ve Bjalcko, ms0. «« Senior Survey Dray htaman, Grade Tl .. .4-4-58 Surveys nm, Miss M. Q. 3. Assistant?Teconical Officer”. i. 4-858 Vetorinary Research «. Ike, HO. oe . Assistant Exccutive Officer te ++ In4n88 1 Notification in Gaxette No, 57 of 14-8458 amended. 2 Promotion on trial. 3. Notification in Gaxette No. 59 of 28-8-58 amended, CONFIRMATION OF APPOINTMENTS Kos of Department : “Name Appointitent — Confirmation Agricultural Research .. Harris, K. M. ae Entomologist oe os o. 7-9-58

Information Service ee Ojemuyiwa, 8. O. ae Graphic Arts Officer ae ve 10~5~58 1-10-51 Nigerian Railway #1 Adele, 8, 0. Engine Turner. oy Lorry Driver, Grade I ie 1-10-51 BkeschaC A.Ne ' Artisan Blacksmith . 14-54 Aasistant Shed Foreman, Grade I . 14-47 Emeta,8,T, hn Senior Shuriter .. : oe 1-4-56 Olo, J. BA. Senior Shunter . 1-4-56 ravi, J. A. ee Craftsman Fitter, Grade I 1-4-47

Printing and Stationery Adebanjo, B. B $F Technical Assistant v6 26~7-58 Adekoya, M.A. ee Technical Assistant ve 27-58 Hajule ys, U, A. os Technical Assistant ~ we 2-7-58 Ekeocha, . oe Technical Assistant . ve on 3-8-58 JaiIaiyonimi J.A. ve ‘Technical Assistant te oe os 18-7-58 ea Technical Assistant a 2~7--58

Oguntauti 8, 0 +e Technical Assistant — “ 26~7-58 Oshunronbi,iT A. +e echnical Assistant ve : 2-7~58 Riea, E. O. ae Mechanic andCrafteman ve oe 1-9-58 Soetan, 0. . Technical Assistant yy ob oe 13-6-58 Shobande, J. lL « Technical Assistant oe 3-7-58 Popta andl Telegrapha .. Ghegbaje, J. FE. 2s Typist we 12-7-58 Mafiana, P, eh a¢ ae 81-57 Onskewe, c C. us Behes Cler : ~ ve 12-7-58 Treaaury es Ojo, E3. A. . oe Srd"Class-Clerk. ., >e 8-8-58 Igbogidi, O. A rd{Class Clerk 2. a MO 22-8-58 112 _ OFFICIAL GAZETTE Ne, 61, Vol.45

ACTING APPOINTMENTS , . Date of Department Name Acting Appointment Acting . Date of - : Appotatment Administrator-General 1Oduyemi,- A. 6. »» hieRegistration Cletk .. 1-458 _ Apricultiral Research .- 5"Beck, B.D... Senior Specialist -« oo 9-7-58 *Chant, Dr'S. B... .. Principal Research Officer .. — -23-7-57 “Chant DrS-B: <2. Senior Specialist s. a. -23-7-58 _ Aviation ‘ - Lawson, P. L. -« Air Trafic Control Officer, Grade il Pad ae 1-4-58 7-35-58 Cu d Excise .... Adekshunsi,J.K. .. ChiefClerk ae . 1~5-58 29-27-58 ustorpe a sees Aiehahuneh LA vr_Assist Chief Clerk -» 10-6-58 28-73-58 Bello, Ac R :. Senior Officer; Grade IE 95, 20-6-58- Dara, _e. Assistant Chief Clerk we 1-4-5§ 19-758 . Halliday, :EW. at Senior Officer, Grade II ee 5-7-58 —_ Nwachuku, J. >... Senior Officer ofCustoms, — . ° : - Grade : ae «=14-4-38 127-58 a oo: _Onuji, AO, * +. Senior Officer, GrdelT 3>- 3-6-5B 4-8-58 Clerk we 166-58 = Edupationtion 1. +. -Abjoye,HseiheQ.2 vseo. hiAssistaetClerkt Chief1 wis ". WheQ5R -28-7~58 Presna : ae Vice-Principal, Yaba : me Tk‘rade Centre we oe 24-758 — Executive .. e “Bennison, D. R, ... Senior Assistant Secretary, . . _ Prime Minister's Office .. 25-8-58 _ Jenkins, M, .» Deputy Secretary to the cil of Ministers .§.. 15-8-57- 11-8-58 *Odubiyi, s & e - Assistant Chief Clerk, . Ministry of Commerce and Spciivan, sh; pinduatries ‘Sythe 7 Guhn§S8 20-5-58 ee Prilyanei de- oe we MEounell of Ministersta: to w. *‘ T1-8-SB. Inland ‘Revenue »«. Adebasijo, B. F. +. Assistant Executive Officer. .. 1-458 = Inland'Waterways +. Awwopika, J, A. ve Higher Executive Officer, 6. 2-538 21-~7+38 Judicial + Akindeinde,J.Q. .. AssistantRegistrar, GradeT... 3-5-58 | 14-7-58 einde, JO. .. Assistant Registrar, GradeI.. 15-7-58 — Sokale, E. A. ~- Assistant Registrar, Grade! .. 5-6-38. —_ Judicial (Southern Crane, V. E. .. Chief Magistrate .. ae _ 9-65-58 _ - Cameroons). o - Land. am »« Esuabana, J. A. .» Assistant Executive Officer... 1-9-5829 — ‘Medical - *Alakija, DrO.B.. -. Deputy Chief Medical Adviser 17-7-53 sone Medica sLshanmi, i. A. ‘ Executive Officer (Accounts)... 20-5-52 _ Meteornlogical Services. Brown, B.M.:« «« Senior Meteprologist oo 148-58 ~_e Office: of the Commis- Akinyeye, A. A, ze Exdcutive Officer (Accounts)., _1-7-58 - stones forfo Nigeriain Dabiri, ¥. As ve Executive Officer (Accounts) .. 29°5-58 a Police”. cae -Etien, a ‘s Inepector, Grade I se «11-3458 30-6-58 - Fashoyin, D.A Ay... Inspector, Grade:I o- 144-58 30-6-58 d Tel he « Ademiluyi, I. A; . Supervisor +» 4-11-57 -2-6-58 Ponta and Telegrap ‘Ajediti, J. A. » Assistant Executive Officer (Accounts) eo. ‘| 17-657 25+6+58 Aruna, GA. 1. Senior Wireless Operator =.) 23-93-58 1447-58 Ateima, D. A, .+ Senior Supervisor oe 23-3-87 -8~3-58 Balogun, M. A, ~« Supervisor es . ve 10-658 | ne . »G. a> ss Senior.Telecommunications ;

* 4 oe 1-4-55 — Booth, A. «+ PrincipalEngineer‘Telecommunications : ; Engineet «s ew 24-53-88 13-4-38 *Dobson, T’. R. ~» Technical Specialist ~» 10-1-58 —_ Earland, G. , «a» Assistant Chief Clerk es 1-S-57 22-6-58 Eddo, S. 0. ++ Supervisor o4 «. 22-7-S7 F-7-58 - Fanu, M. F. +s SeniorSupervisor, ws 10-6+58 —-12+-7+58 Finch, S, A. E,L, + Senior:Telecornmnunicati Engin 9s «+ 16-6-58 oe Ghoroge, D. +» SenioraWireless Operator os ©«.26-1-58 —-3-7-58 George, I. A. a» Assistant Chief Clerk es 96-38 21-37-58 lith September, 1958 OFFICIAL GAZETTE _. 1113

ACTING APPOINTMENTS—continued Date of . a , Department Name . Acting Appointment Acting Date of , . , Appointrient Reversion . Poste anc Telegraph George, I, A. +» Assistant Chief Clerk 1 48-58 ~-continued * Idehen, G, 0. +. Supervisor (Telephones) .. 10-5-58 1447-58 John, J. F, «+ Supervisor +» 10-6-58 12-7-58 Nwaiae, GN. a» Assistant Chicf Clerk «- 21-7-58 _ Nwokora, Fy +> Senior Wirelcas.jOperator ‘e 9~3-58 13-7-58 Odeda, Ax +s Supervisor, (Tolgephones} ve §$=12-56 27-5-58 Odu, A. G, te Asaistant ChiefC! ss 21+7«88 _~ Oduneys,WH. W. A... Assistant Executive Officer (Accounts) .. +» 24-10-57 ~~ "Perkins,Taire, 1.7.J. H. ..oe FechnicalSupery Specialist -. §~11-5728-458 23-6-58-_ 7 "Thomson, J. F. us DeputyC‘Controller ‘of Posts =. 1-8-58 _ ~ Uyanne, P. N, +» Poatal Controller .. 944-58 _ ‘Wilkinson, P.R. .. Technical Specialist -» 1-10-57 _ = Zakariya, A. R. .. Assistant Chief Clerk ve 1-6-57 4-8-58 Printing and Stationery Adeyeme, A. -. Ovenicer «- 29—458. 21~-8-58 Z AjayiJeae > «os Typewriter Engincer +» 20-2-58 8-8-58 *Ajayi, J... . oe Typewriter Engineer «. 24-8-58 — Menakaya, DU. .. Oversees +» 31-5~58 9-8-58 Menim, W.J. «.. Overseer oe oe 9-858 Mosanya, V. F. «+ Senior Overseer .. 1. 29-458 21-8-58 Williams, G.- |. ~-Senior Foreman .. -» 24-8-58 _ Prisons see ee Mbodopara, Pr Je. oe Assistant Chief Clerk ae 25-7-58 i- Public: Works r+ Agbasi, F.C, Ni: ... Executive Engineer 2... 14-7-58 ik4 . Armitage, E. S. .» Assistant Director cs: 12-8-58 —_ ” Ballarte3. J. .« Higher-Stores Officer oe 2~7-58 _— Carr-Efall, M.R. =... Assistant Director. . 1-4-58 11-8-58 Creasy, D. E, ++ Executive Engineer,"Grade I 10-3-58 _ . Daykin, A. B.S. .. Principal Accountant - .. 28-4-58 — Dove, L. G. - «. Senior Executive Officer : - (Accounts)... s+ 28-4458 ~ Froggatt; N. «+ Senior Executive Engineer «. 10-3-58 _ Galloway, A.A... Assistant Works Manage - 28-1-58 3~-3-58 IGlover, A. 0, ; +s Deputy Chief StoresOFOiicer 1-4-58 10-6-58 Glover,.ASoo «+ Deputy Chief Stores Officer 116-58 “* Hawkins, W. E. «. Senior Accountant ++ 22~10-57 20-6-58 Howle, D. +» Principal Accountant +s 22-10-57 20-6-58 Magill, A. ++ Senior Executive Engineer (Mech) be «1 * 7-3-58 _ Mitchell, N. L. 1» Chief Engineer .. «+ 12-8-58, — Roberts, F, «« Higher Stores Officer ee 263-58) Rogers, J. .+ Higher Stores Officer oe 1-4-58; ~_ Scallan, E. R.. «« Senior Exeoutiverepeines, . ‘Temporary «* 19-2-58) —_ "Thompson, P, A... Chief MecheniealElectrica Engineer oe oe 7-5-8 — *Timmings, R. . Assistant Director Me 7-17-58 _ Wedderburn-Ogtivy, Architect, GradeI +. 2-10-57 22-5-58

Social Welfare .. Alabi, A. F. .. Assistant Social Welfare Officer 17~7-58 — Gafari, R. A. .« Assistané Social Welfare Officer 1-4-58 17-7-58 Oluwole, Mrs D, =... Social Welfare Officer -« 6-8-58 _ Statistica .. »« Robson, M. .. Assistant Federal Government - Statistician “ . 10-3-58 15-8-58

"Treasury ae an. Andrews,2NORe we Senior Accountant, - oe 27-§-57 157-58 Cardoso, F. vs Principal Accountant «> . 12-98-58 —_ Hornby,J. - ». Principal Accountant te 3-6-58 12-8-58 Innes, 1. S. . ve Senior Accountant ve 1-8-58 Page, D, E. -« Principal Accountant -: 20~-5-58 12-8-58 Udebiuwa, M.E.P. Senior Accountant se: 12-8-58 _ 4144 ORFICIAL GAZETTE Ne. 61, Vol. 45 ; . ACTING APPOINTMENTS—vontinuad

Department Name Acting Appointment Acting Date of . : . Appointment Reversion Veterinary Research .. Nwanna,B.N, .. Executive Officer, GradeI .. 22-4-58 26-7-58 >“ *Oreffo, V0. C. =... Veterinary Laboratory ; Technologist .. +» 8-458 — Smith, W. .» Higher Executive Officer .. 22-4-58 26-7-58 Umeh, G, 0. .- Assistant Chief Cleck ae 1-4-58 —_ per Urisi, M. 4. ce ©Avistant Executive Officer .. 22-4-58 26-7-58

21 Novation50 pet sent actingte CharetteallowanceNo.$7aysble,9€ 14-8-58 amended. os _ 3 Wo actingallowance payable. Lea 7 ; : 4 Notification in Gazette No. 45 of26-6-58 amended. Full acting allowanoe payable. § Notification in Gazette No.,38 of 15-5-58 amended. Full acting allowance payable. 6 Notification in Gazette No. 22 of 13-3-58 amended.| Full acting allowance payable, 7 Notification, in Gazette No.-49 of 24-7-58 amended., $ 75 cent acting allowance payable. . 9 NoUheationin Gazette No. Shot 31-7-58 amended. Full acting allowance payable, 10 Notificationin Gaxette No. 60 o£ 4-9-58 LEAVE OF ABSENCE . , . ‘Dateof Leave Department Name Appointment Departure Granted Chemistry ae Watkin, RP, St... Deputy Government Chemist 2-9-58 147 days Education .. +» 4#Gregory, S. G. 1» “Technical Instriictor = .. 13-758 56 days Jeffery, R. W. es ‘Temporary Education Officer 1-7-58 70-days Labour... «. George, NCE. +. Labour Inspector .e 9-9-58 100 days Marketing and Exports Fenn, M. G. .« Senior Marketittg Officer .. 26-5-58 9126days . Mines. ~. Usunnakwe, EO. J. Instructor, Schoof ofMinca,. 9-8-58 75 days Naval Services «- Moreton, La-Com- * , : . mander, P, D. H. Naval Officer .. oes 29-7~58 91 days Posts and Telegtaphs Holiday, A. «_ SeniorTelecommunications . _*= King,7 REBToe Sor Ls we aria MNQMOCLEngineer 7.2s os* atesa Hodes : Odunsi, O, A. «+ Assistant Postal Controller «. 1-3-5844. days Public Works .° +e Bredshaw, J. or Executive Engineer, Grade I 1-3-58 132 days une ‘ Hamer, "? +» Deputy Works M wager ee 11-9-58 98 a Walley, E. A. a> Executive Engineer, Grade I. 99-58 98 days , Watts, R. W. «. SeniorExecutive Enginser .. 20-8-58 70 days Veterinary «. Smith, V. W. ~» Veterinary Research Officer.. 11~9-58 126 days West African Institute Page, W. A. 1» Research Entomologit .. 12-8-58 175 days for Trypanceomigsis Williamson, Dr J... Principal Scientific Officer .. 11-6-58 112 days Resear

1 Notification in Gaxette No. 48 of 17-7-58 amended. 2 Notification in Gazette No. 57 of 14-8-58 amended. 3 Notification in Garette No. 44 of 19-6-58 amended.

EXTENSION OF LEAVE Department Namie From . Te Selery Executive «> ‘Tuck, CE. H. +» 13-7-57 +» —‘FE-8~S? -« Fall ‘Tuck, C. E.'H. ps 12-8-57 a 22-9-57 as Nil


Department Name - Appointment Resumption Labour .. -. Koku, 8. 0. «« Labour Inspector i ae «» 21-8-57 Legal ss .« Wheeler, A. W.E. .. Crown Countel .. ae +» 12-8-38 Marketing andExports __Lee-Smith, B. «« Senior Accountant. , ‘e \ 14-8-58 “"‘IOsime,C.0. _ .. ‘Shipping Officer .. ve ae 23-658

11th September, 1958 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 1 al .

RESUMPTION OF DUTY—eontinued . paca Departrient Nome Appointment Resumption Medical. +. Caulerick, J. M .» Accountant. ee we 5-8-58° Phillige, PL G. ws Superintenden Medical Laboratory . echnologiat =. . oe 29-7-58 Maotcorological Services Brown, B. M. +» - Meteorologist, Grade I 14-8-58 Naval Services ee Grifithd, R. HL. ++ #ydrographic Officer ++ ee 2347-58 Police gs »» Bell, 3.8. .» Senior Superintendent. * Ve 7-858 Lawani, .» Deputy Superintendent of Police «- 21-7-58 Poats and Telegrapha Fletcher, I.WA. vs Chief Technician (Wireless) +. 2048-58 : Oduns +» Assistant Postal Controller ee. 26-58 Biceirilto, D.C,f v» Senior Radio Officer Pr . 20-8-58 _ . Stith, D. A. «+ Principal Telecommunications Engineer ... 13-8-58 Public Worke~~".s- Bustard, J. D, «> Works Superintendent +2 19~7~58 Heding, LAN, P, Civil Engineer =... ve 20-8-58

1 Notification in Gaxetta No, $7 of 14-8458 amended.

. 2 SECONDMENTS ” . Post to which Dateof Dateof Department ' Name Appointment Seconded Secondment Reversion * Ministry of Akinrele, OO, =. Anslatant Secretary = Central Bank of Finance . : Nigeria «+ 15+8-58 _ Public Worka Frazer, J. «. ‘Btores Examiner, Assistant Stores Grade IT Officer-in-Training 18-6—-58 i—

TRANSFERS a . : Past to which, Date of partment _ Name Appointment - . Transferred _ Transfer Audit. st .» Assoh,D,T,.. Clerical Assistant, Audit Leading Writer, —_ ; - Departmerit _ Naval Services .. -1-8-58 Electricity Corporation Urquhart, Marine Engineer Marine Engineer, , , of Nigeria J. Me, Li Seconded to the Inland Waterways, Nigerian Ports Federal Public : Authority Service : 30-11-57 Meteorological Services Ebodili, L. C... Seniorel Assistant, ist Claas Clerk © 1-458 e . Nigerian Railway =. Duke, UE. .. Secretary.Tpit, Assistant Instructor, = Nigorian Railway Federal. Training _ Corporation Centre we 11-8-58 T Notifcatioh in GaxsttnNo. 67 of 12-12-57 amended,

LEFT THE SERVICE - . . Dateof r Department Name Appointment leaving Reasonsfor leaving: Service ervice Adminiatrator- Adarns, C.C. +e Federal‘Administrator- enoral : General +s 28758 Completed tour ‘Somolu, Misa S. O, ~ Clerical ‘Assistant +e 18-58 Resigned | Aviation .. Obi, P, C. ‘.. Afr Traffic Control _ Officer, Grado IT | 4. -1-9-58 Resigned Broadcasting Hankinson, A. .. Senior News Editor | +s 20-8-58 Completed contract ustomeand Jackson, Mig E.I, 3rd Class Clerk y. 18-09-58 R do i dikintum, C. B. K. 3rd Classasa ClerkCler « Tones Resined 4435 OFFICIAL GAZETTE |e. 6, Vole a5 . “LEFTTHESERVICE-cottinued . . + Dateg Department Name -- : Appointment hocine Reasonsfor leaving : Service * Service . . X . Executive .. Salami, R,A..O. «° Clerical Assistant, Prime . eo : . Minister's3 Ollice -- «2-8-5 Resigned «= Thomas, E.O. .. Clerical Assistant, Prime —_ . Minister's. Office ce 30-7458 Terminated Forest Research Okon,0.1,E, ,.. Forest As st, Grade TIN’ _17-8-88 Resigned . Iplend:Revenue Ransome-Kuti,O. Assessment C = i” mo"GradeIE ak ARHSB Resigned Judicial -» Fowora,E.A,O... 3rd Class Clerk ++. 22-8-58 Resigned Labour ». Adesola, Miss I..... 3rd Class Clerk oe 9-SB Resigned Land .» Adelaja, C. von’ Cletical Assistant ae» 69-58 Resigned Medicati .. Dahinole, R.A, +. Dental Surgeon +» —G-9+58 Resigned © : Equere, LU. * we a ‘. ee . 1-9--58 Resigned , Fauere,I tins zB ee, 9-0-58. Resigned

Nigerian | Seaton, G. H. “0 — Railway oe ae 10-7458 Reticed = Police ... Garbett, M. + Assistant1 Superintendent .

’ Posts and * _Edike, R. on , : ‘Telegraphs ; -. 31-7-58 Retired —- es s+, 1-9-5 Retired - Printing and =" Besidonne, M. A: ,. Learner Printer ve 1-90-58) Resigned , Stationery , Surveys... Bekare, M.'P. ca. SurveyAssistant, Gradefl} 20-8-58 Resigned Treasury .. Boyo,A.O.S. ... Assistant Exccutive Officer (Accounts)... 8-9-58 Resigned - Social Welfare Bakare,MAL. Teacher + «> 1-858 Resigned

aa _ OBITUARY His Excellency the Governor-Generalannounces with deep regret the death of the following>~ Legian, T M,, late, Lithographer, Grads 5b Fedral Survey Department at the General Hoepital Legos, "|. on the 22nd August,1958. oO Ovazimo, F., Leading Scanian, Nijigetian Navy; on the 24th August, 1958.

Government ‘ake oe a ‘|: rade Unions OrdinanceChapter 218) APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION or Trang Unions The following peitealer of‘Trade Unions in respect of which applications |for registration have been received bbya the Registrar of Trade Unionsareare puublished for general information in sccordance with section | 15 of the rade Unions Ordinance (Chapter 218 of the Revised Laws of Nigeria). 2.“Objections|to such pechoced,Gf any) should reach theRegistrarwithin 6 months ofthe date hereof, otherwise xegistration, may effected Date of . Receipt . Nameof Union _. | Name of Secretary Registered Address 9-1-56 AfticantBuildingMatedisls Contractors’. - . Gadwin Nwagwu 133 Bonny Stet, Port . 2-5+58 Customs Commercial ‘Transport Union ., B.Adeyinka 19aBishop Street, Lagus Daren this4th day:of September, 1958, nn ‘ soar Fares : von "MLN, Q.Sacos, : : - eting Registrar of FrisdléTrion 228 be x. ~ Lith September,1988. OFFICIAL GAZETTE 17>.

Government Notice Novt702 " {Government Notice No. 1704 In ‘rue Hron Court or Lacos, Nioanta <\" Registrationof Titles Ordinance (Chapter 197) PROBATE REGISTRY - LAGOS LAND REGISTRY Waeazas the Federal Administrator-General by : ‘The following pplications have been. made for \virtue of the power conferred on him by section 58 “first registration. : f iof the Administrator-Goneral’s Ordinancé, Cap. 4 of the Revised. Laws of Nigeria 1948 intenda to apply 1.03222. 52 Maritia and 2 Davies Street, Lagos, to the High Court of Lagos or the High Court of the Nigeria, (Freehold), | The United appropriate of Nigeria for permission to Company of Nigeria Limited of Niger House, administer the eatatos of the deceased persons whose Marina, Lagoa. names and addressesars sot out below and who died Inteatate on the dates act out opposite their names. L.03223. : 14 Cow Lane, Lagos,Nigeria. (Freehold), Novice 1, HEREAY QIVEN THAT the Federal Chief Theophilus Adebayo Doherty of 25 Odun- . AdministratorsGeneralwillapply fodauchPermission lami Street, Lagos, Company Director. © accord lone. Rotices te provid aang filed thsofloe within twenty-eight (28) dayafrom 103224. 2Idi-Omo Street, Lato, Nigeria. (Frée~ the date hoteof. e hold). Sabitiya Dahunsi of -50 Bridge Street, Lagoa, Petty Trader, . Noticets also givert that all creditors haying claims against the aaid estates should submit their M00816, 66 Olokodsna Strect, Ebute Metta, claims to me the undersigned on or before the 9th Nigeria. (Freetiold). Christiana Ayodele Coker day of October, 1958, after which date I will proceed of 17 IbukunStreet, Suru-Lere. Seamstress. te distribute secetethe of ane said. aatetee among at the partion entitled thereto having regard only: 2 M00841, Ladipo Oluwole Road, Plot No. AW2550, ¢claima ofwhich notion shall thenhave been received. Spies. (Leasehold). Jaiyeola Aduke Moore of —- Anpall persons indebted to the said cataten are - 43 -Bourdillon Road, Ikoyi. Legal Practitioner. forthwith.’ hereby requested to maka payment M00852, 100 Cemetery Street, Ebute Metta, 1. Jusrus Brarrunio AnnrA,late of Nigerian Ports Nigeria, (Frechold), Abudu Ganiyu and 4 > ‘Authority, died at Koroama in _Gbaran Others of 7 Daddy Alaja Street, Lagos. 5 Ekpstiama Native Court Arca in Brass Division, on the 17th day of March, 1957, Plans of the above described lands can be seen at the Lagos Land Registry, Race Coutse Road, Lagos. 9. Tuomas Usapivor, late of the Public Works Any person. may by notice in writing signed by Department, Joe died at Wamba, Northern - himself or his agent and delivered at the Registry Rogion, on the 20th day of January, 1956. within two months from, the: date of this notice object to the registration... The notice must state - 3, Monamanu ‘Tokura, late of: the Nigerian the: grounds of the objection and give address for Corporation, died at Zaria, on the service, Soo,

: Government Notice No. 1706. In the event of nos objectionBeing received befoce the 25th day of prember, 1958, a new Certificate of. : CompaniesOrdinance. (Chapter 38). * Titlewillbeissu REMOVALFROMCOMPANIBS REGISTER Daten the 12thdayofJune, 1958, Notice is hereby given that VAN BrusseL AND Kena (West Arnica) Lincrep:. having ceased to A, A. Apgornan, carry on business in Nigeria can no loriger continue to be registered under séction 233 of the Companies £0022/S. 2 vat Titi

Ordinance and the name istherefore removed from. she Companics Register with effect from the date erea Government Notice No, 1649 (2ndpublication) Daten this 11th day of September, 1958. Registration ofTitles Ordinance Chapter 197 4{Saction 57) M.N..Q. Sacor, . - _ Acting Registrar Companies Lagos Laxp ReGistay R.C. 1418)31 © mg Registrar of par LOST Seeead

M0127Movin | 4 OndoraeSect, ChatopheCiteewetae ition Ebute Metta.’ Government Notice No. 1601 Gra publication) . Natiosis hereby givenrea hettheLenothe Cai “cate of Title Registrationof Titles Ordinance (Chapter 197) been oeporredb;by ches Momoino Udeont Sicitoetoto Pesratone Tege haere 19D the Federal Loans E Lacos Lanp Recrrey person, inv hoes possession the Land Coctifi LOST CERTIFICATE ctcmay begwh kee atrajetion fo the ienuaof Title No: Property Registered Proprietor diately to the Registrar of ‘Titles, LagosTend £00436 52 Odunlami; George Bandcle Registry. . Street, Lagos. Amancio Santos of : AgegeintheWestern Intheevent of no objection being tecelved before ihe25th day of September, 1958/0 newy Cattitoate - Region. of Nigeria. Title wilt'bo inated. Notice ig hereby Ziven thit the Joss of Land _ Certificate of Title (Erechold) to the above property Dat the48th day of April, 1958, ~ has heen reported: ‘by the Registered Proprietor AA ADEDIRAN, (GeorgeBandeleAmancio Santos). Registrar of Titles ANYperson inwhose possessionthe Land Certlfi- 10022/9.2 até maybeorwho prs any objection to the Isaus of : € a new Certificate should report In writing Imme- intBaSERRTteanlayltRENE diatelyto. the Registrar’ oe‘Titles, Lagos Land Registry. Governinent Notice Ne. 1650(2ndpublication) In the event of no objection being received before Registration of Titles Ordinance Chapter 197 18th September, 1958, a new Certificate of Title (Section 57) will be issued. Darep the 14th day.of August, 1958. LOST CERTIFICATE - A. A. ADEDIRAN, 01617Title No. 9 SheteohProperty PhebeanRegisteredThiciadePropricior 18,2 | Registrar of Titles ‘Street, Lagos. Cokerof20 Recla-

; Norice 1s ERESY GIVEN that Government Notice No. 1648:(2ndpublication) Certificate ofTitle{Frechold) to the has Been, ‘by Registration of Titles Ordinance Chapter 197 - and Funmnilayo Browne as Execator tnd Bxecutrix (Section 57) of the Estatevf the Late Phebesn, Ibirinade Coker. Lagos Land Recistay “Anyperson in whose posession the Land Certifi- LOST. CERTIFICATE - cate maybe ar Wh objection ta the iasuc tittle No. * Property _ Register bor of a new Ce shouldreport in writing imme 100410. 62 Bal , "GeorgeGalea co? . diately to the Registrar of Tides, Lagos Land Rogistrys , Street, gos Kato, Northern Nigeria. In the event of no objection being received before Noticeisherebyathatthe Leoofthe Certifie - ill30thSeptember, 1958, 2 new ‘Certificate of Title te le ed) ta. 3 be -issuad, Beenreported by;Mur George FiExdoul thepropraton, Des the 18th day of August, 1958, Any -pérson in whose possession the Certificate A. A, ADEDIRAN, may beor who. has anyobjectionts the Istte of & Registrar of Titles new Certificate should¢¢report in writing immediately to the Registrar ofTitiety Lagos LandRegistry. - 1022/8.2

Tith Septanber, 1938 awORFICIALGAZETTE|v 2119 GovernmentNevesNe, 1707 oo Kriegsfolgengesetz (General Law: on Consequences of -the War) (AKEG). ‘This provides for the _ Medical Practitioners and DentisttOrdinente. | settlement of certain claims against the former (Chapter 130) Reich, the Reichabahn, the Reichspost, theformer State. of Prussia and the Reichsautobshnen, and Duscipnanany Gommirras : requires that all claims shall besubmitted as. soon as Natica ip hereby given that. the Disciplinary possible and notlater than 31st December, 1958, Clomnalttee eatalfiatnd in ‘accordance with the 2. Tho German toxt of the law muy be purchased pravislons of subsection (1) of aection 20 of the from Bundesanizelger-Verlag G..m- b. H, Bonn, or edical Practionera and Dentists Ordinarices connlata froma Interbooks Limited, 12 Fitzroy Street, London, ofthefollowing Membarg t= W.E.-1f in doubt claimants are advised ta consult a - “the Chief Medicat Adviser to. the Federal lawyer practising in-German Law. Government~(Chainnan). 3. The AKFG does not deal with or affect claims Appointed by the Chief Medical Adviser io. the regulated by other lawsof the Federal Republic, ae Federal Government with effectfrom 14th May, 1958. ot ita Lander, of the Combined Economic Area or of Dr S. BE. Onwu, Ma.chu., Director of Medicat the Occupation Powers, nor will elaims be settled Services, Eastern Region. Ot undey jt which ure “deferred under Article 5 (2), read in conjunction with Annex VIII,of the London The SeniorMedicalOfficer, Lagos. Agreement of 27th. February, 1953 on German The SeniorDentalSurgeon, Lagos. Exteenal Debts (Command 8781 : HMSO,price 3s Bleeted by the Avscctation of Medical Practitioners net), The Lawitself also specifies categories of and Dentists of Nigeria with effect from 13th ust, claims, notably those arising from reparations and 1958. a Niger effect from 1 ave Xestitutions measures, the settlement of which is Chicf The Honourable Six Kofo Abayomi, Kt, - reserved forfuture German legislation.” Maa, 4. Subject: to the-reservations in the precéding ‘Dr Olatunfi Adeniyi-Jones, ma. cha, peat paragraph, theAKKG purports to extinguish, at eaAth Lecoe 2 ee ‘German municipal law, claims not covered byits provisionsfor settlement. Thishowever, expressly, DrW,A.M.Akiyemi,M.n., Chi.b. does not preclude:any further!legislative settlement Government Notioe No: 659 in Gavette No. 15 of of claims not capable of settlement under. the terms. Sit March, 2953ta hereby cancelled, - of thy AKFG to tho extent that experience of the AKIG's application may show this to be necessary, ot MH16/8. 9 Furthor, the law provides that claims submitted within the time limit by foreign claimants and GovernmentNoticaNo, 1708 ‘atateless persons outside the Fedetal Republic may ’ be tested im German courts for validity at German 7 Gowmetarion or Orpnvances- municipal law before entryinto force oftheAKFG. 5. As it may be difficult for claimants to be dure The Right Honourable the Secretary of Stato for ‘whether:or nottheir claimsare eligible for settlement the Colonies has been pleased to. notify that Her under this: Law or for testing in the courta it is Majesty will not be advised toexercise her power advisable in uny case of doubt to submit requests for of disallowance with respect to the following Ordi- settlément of claims against the Reich or its agencies AACS fos notJater than 31st December, 1958: in order to safe- No, § of 1958, entitled “The Mineral Oils guard—the right of. asserting them, though there (Araendment) Ordinance, cannot, of course, be any guarantee that’ such 6G02084/S.5 -gotion will securésetélement. No, 8 of 1958,entitled “Phie Industrial Davelop- 6, Applicationforms and information concerning . ment (IncomeTax Relief) Ordinance; 1958". bonded debts. are being madeavailable to banks in. the GG02084/S. 8 ’ United Kingdom or, in: case of difficulty, may be No. 44 of 1958, entheléd “The Nigerian Rajlwa obtained from the German Securities Agency, 23 Corporation (Amendment) Ordinance, 1958, College Hill, E.6i4. — se *GG02084/S.23 7. Other claims should be made byletter to. the Oberfinanzdirektion at Cologne, Federal Republic . No, 30 of 1958, entitled “The Savings Bank of Germany, and be accompanied by full supporting (Amendment) Ordinance, 1958," information. - e : GG02084/S.30 §. Applicants should note that claims other than jn wespect of bonded debts submitted by foreign -clnimants will not. result: in payment before 1st GovarnmentNotice No. 1709 January, 1961. _: 9 The AKFG is a measure of Federal-German Craima Aqamer tit Foamen Grawan Raictt municipal legislation, not @ matter of international Persons who have claims against the former law. Claimants should therefore deal direct with German Reich fineluding -claima ‘itr. respect of the competent Gérmatrauthorities (according to thé bonded:or other debt) which have not been oligible jnatructions connected with the application forms in fot acttlement under Federil German municipal the case of bonded debis and, in the case of other Jogialation in force before 1958 of under the Agree~ claims, the QOberfinanzdirektion at Cologne), and mitnt of 1953 on Gesinan External Debts uce rertin~ not with. any department of Her Majesty’s Govern: ded of the entry into force in the Federal Repyblic ment. It ja advisnble to retain copies of relevant Germany on, Lat January, 1958 of the Allgemeines correspondence. ~ oo -e yo. |

. Gooernment Notice No. 1740 " AUGUST RETURNS. ca! vs Fistax 1 | ANALYsIs oF3 Seat or Pepa,Govern DEraRrMnrs BSAT THe Isp OFAvavit1958 _ oe ha:

- ColumnA & el Loa eit

Admin: nd Teche

= Lina ia | Se PLS / if ‘hee 2 4: _ = ~~ a el a < : ; z = ~ ae siioy . Pei a] snp =]ter seat” tose siz | gon | 2m 3paar 2.69 Ptanya: te ieC Non. Te ude: ove whic ¢ 4§ 13? 10,846, reece “% 254% 4 38> Total 513 az] | ped sae8 | 4,593 9841 | 2,890 2.851 14;t67] 7 ss "26 F 515. ~ 276 "2pl4 | 780 On Dury “Ta 1,045 11,414 F eas “wtf 353 | "4894| 1,084 + “1,310 2125 |. Fi a]ay Ea

Ga Leave of otherwise Off Duty strength Ti 13 err: 103] | 182 oe) 10y 244 “2,03t Vecangien (Estminus Duty aiid Leave, etc:) 423 95 of 768 459 142 442 a} ul #143 - Foral (Shouldequal Line 3 abave) S13. 1,503 avai t 4.455 $129 3,129 £4,167}

PAVAILABILITY 2351 | ~ Nigecian Oficers. of] 492 3,445 Jas| 2,618 2,378 13,5347 £8 32,144

WestAfricin Officers {(G.0, i002) tL 32 3i 9 12: QOvecacas Officers 363 58l 363 | —

ORIGIN 1.555 “Toma by OrieinGbould ecual17 below)_ 418

363 3587 Reh 2,670 2,405. 13,503 Hela] &]f{olals] Officera on. the Parwiona Estnieat | 39%

| 43 | 08 SfemporesyTiatater) | Bt 43) Baas 4349 4,150 $16 2,852 4 we 14 a7 26% 133 | Te Offers oxErbaton or Probationary, om A aa + 48 |. 183 527 1,194 3001 16060. } 2,786 -

) 16 ENGAGEMENT 1% Oficeca on, Contract other Temporary ana 17 % eg (inchingTorr reanqnend Pestnse wt 184 11} a2t 73 yo.2ast 45 41,579 oF Tranatee} ty

TYPROP TH is 10 PA 19 Ae w 1,086 £13 3,587 Fad 7 2,670 2,404 foalbyreok aa "oF ei} | STSSE ory

AUGUST RETURNScontinued | ANatysis om Starr oF Facer GormmmantrDushersemras srnat tet or Ancenr, 1958—rentiancd

ColmaA « {ated oa zx | ata lst» ti{xi{ 2i wy ro

J 3 Str load Psee'| Bip See Oe rem free WON eater Zee | Poe At Cm) |ete P| pias ee oe : ‘Sonle | . Po PPh ° P1445 PI7-2t a : i : PentonaibkethemonthOfficers rommoted “solntedduvine Neeetos|jin: | —} —1. : a7 4 19}. : 18f 9] gel. ous 6\ ase} —| ai —]} ae , African. ab Overscas 21] 3 2 _ 6 _ — _ amet ob. ef oe 11 nee : 4 promoted, "sppaintad during Nigerian - Contract Officers: & the month “ aod West 22). -— ~ 1 _ q 5 —_ 42 \ 4 9 —p mp

me pe ee 15 Overseas 23 4 —_ 3 — & 2 — _ —} = 2 . TIO ‘Pensionabte Officers leaving the Service for any. i ; ronson, during the month Refer any: |i Wer}24] —p foo 4 a, af tof sat 38 4{ 187]. F- —j —|fy Oversos | 25{. Bf — 9 — 1 _ _— — —|o—j] in| -—}.—| 4 . ° . _ t : de Contract Officers5 lesyingtheServi for Nigerian ELLaZ¥D _” Feason during the mony ied any andWest 26 —_ —_ 1 oad —~ 53 26: g 6) = Ppp — 8 and . = POverseas 27, —} | 6 2] 2f af —f =f —| —/) -| -[|;-| | " Total intakedisring the month epee Fp of ap sot a7] 196] 86}, 357 so| sez} —~| 8] |. 930 Total-wastaxe during themonth fet sty wtf at me ay at a7] | ta] Net intake or vitstage afoven at -}or ~ ~ ff —at 7 +237 +10] 433) =8] #9] +116 —[Hsof —| +8] —} +4370 the Nigerias : oT : Number of Officers known 3 1 we —|— wt 1% Serviceot proceeding weeeringi ave West BR] — — _ 1 —~ 12 1}

3 — _. Tt SO | Overseas -32) 10 _ wz] #4 1

P53309/S. 1. | | -

. xy wr fees 7 : nd wn < Aa lt mage » oo Notice No. 1711 Government BOARD | ; _ LAGOS EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT *. BALANCE SHEET—3isx MARCH, 1958 1937 - : ; SS | cad go Ga ~"ZzIt & Adio & os & ; PROPERTY AND PERMANENT * 4 ‘ CAPITAL LIABILITIES ~ Works , 2,590,000.RCOTecan debt per Capitalet ne RBAoo: AOL 2B 3,619,263. SanitCa ital ExpenditureAtount Ss. 4. , ee 5,299,492 4-8 cante-Nigerian. sapee wpee : gemsj “Binarydebtoorswsans cea . -siegoon RAGovernmentPayjigeriar ——_.. 1,963,600°.0-0 - * sesexve for bad debts) 44920 16. 8 snate _ Odieeanoete. W . Storee ‘yee 4-2 8 _ . oeExpital Account . » 571,254 16 7. : 44,961.18 4 2,534,85416 7 ‘Liasrexrres 32,648 NGhatedsecur _ AL,65L ganday creltors be ee ce 66,521 8 4 (LM.see£30488) 35,809 8 3 Rexenves 12,700 Savings Bank ©. 8,627 16 i] $1404 Ayapa Estate rents... 89,955 12 9 250,061 | 185 13 1 “ 20 Fensions and gratuities $gl4 a 4 C. " 44,62218 3 ousing repairs : . . wen 109,852: 11 3 59,775St.Btiahandbank -. 1.a wsol. 616498S 71 112 a __ Revenun BALAN ws actmeninamens 7089 9 4 29,378 Gener Development 5.366 earings Acsoanta saate 40 4 oni acount a 7,324 16.7 tx : . , WoopetAnae M875. iit 75476 8B £4,010,738 © £5,396106. 7 4 [4,010,738 ’ £5,396,106 7 4 iciniencsieliiaaelihaan. en, Nowe.—Thefollowing assets included under “Property arid Pamanent Works" are held by the Boerdon behalfofthe Federal Goveriment, of £ d Tages Housing Sthene, 1955 ss 926,458 15 0 LagosSchoblaitesStadium 6.0.. oeetek- 2181416,528 53 95

“20thMay, 1958. | oe ETO, R, Newnan, Finance Oficer Ment sheet been - qUprt CERTIFICATE the i "The xbove Balance hae examined under diccation idapeordance witha 5 (3). of Legos Town Plan Ordinance 103, 2 haveobnt ell cueformation andestore T haverequired, andeerieantemy opopinion,the Balleece Sheet iecortect sadx in accordance with refncenuntatthe Hoard. Authority fora fewfc items ofexcess expendinurshe stot yet ofFederalAudit SSeS Ard July, 1958. i. WiHi, Au, Director



1956-57 EXPENDITURE. : 3956-57 INCOME 9 £

‘andloverseas “gst fon as oes -- 14,78917 1. 6,216 (Cf) Tratepott sMowsness -- 743818 7 1,957 ®) Recruitment of staff «. 1563 7 10 ~~ (A) Training schemes 3210 4: 635. {8} Medical fees ory os 90 § 3 — 121,008 10 . < 105,049

2. Mamnrenance oF Orsices cr 2. Gaamean Rents 553, (a) Rent a -. #40 0 0. 2,606 (a) Quarters ‘ -.. 2,936 11 9 451 8 Rates o- .- o. 514-5 3 1,853 (6) General .. ae -s 2,030 7.4 .

AF (e} Electricity -. 356 21 «10 $966 19 1 1410 (dd) Maintenance of buildings 4,459 " TWISKEIO.

and equipment .. »- 1,504 47 4 1,123 2) Depreciation we -- 1179 0.90 he 3,994 14 3,484

- 3. MAINTENANCEOF Quanrens 3, Increrest vi! ALEAZYS >858 (a) Hent . -- 958 01 882 {a} Inivestmerit 3,289 3 3 1,661 (6) Rates . 2,288 3 +4 420. (6) Advances 347 7 8 240% (c) Maintenance of bitdings 381. (©) RentPurchase agreements 99 6 6 3.935 {7 : oo. and equipment . ans i+ 2 $,033 (@) Depreciation san 6276 O G 1,683 . ) 1 a 14,490: 17 9,958 / 7

_ 4, Ovrice i 4, Fres 1,665 (a) Stctionerys books and post- ; _ 5,565 (a) Estate management - 12,822 4 7 < 3328 35 2 73+ (6) General .. + o* 2,355 12°11 “

TR Dawing Office requisites o pee 15,177 17 6 so and repairof equipment 1,342 9: 0 14,299 :

246 9 Lefalcharges.. « 616. 10° 3 847 @) Other expenses...’ -- 1032 0 6 5,319 +1

eter Ste erer/etoan (i) GENERAL INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 1958—continued 1956-57 " -EXPENDITURE ~ 1956-57 INCOME “ s d sd , ads d 4 ‘ 5. "TRANSPORT ‘ é . f _ #8 f ‘ 444 Runnin, enses os 734415 1 506 Depreciation os os 458. 0 0 1192 15 1 Be BO . . 6. Spnctat,SuRvays OO 5. Seuctan Suaveys me .. 1,000 3 SouthWest Ihoyi - ws —_— Oo 7,304 | Government Grant, 4,186 19 9 6,304 8) Victoria Island . e- 4,186 19 9 Laren ne ATG 19 9 7,304 _ ic 7. Tauporary Syors __. 6, Tamporsay Suops 400 @ Rates and insurance ~ *s 659 7 3 2,242 Rents ~~ . (6) Maintenance of buildings 71.14 0 ae ae ry 6,653 3 4 111 6 Managementcharges 343.7 =°5 1,731 (@) Surplus tyanaferdto Ex . wenn fied(Caplalaccount) 5578 14 8 2,242 6653 3 4

8. Sexvics Innusraims Burnpines % Seayics Inovsrars Bunpncs . * ae Rates and insurance oe 70 0 0 ~— Rents .. se as 41381390 -—- (6) Maintenance of buildings. 290 - —iyo. (a) Management chargea 5. 20 20-18 8 937 §

. . Xx Mucacranmoos : , ' 8 Miscantannocs 3 3,625430) PublicitySurvey .. 044oTws 336550 a918. 9 1,171, Miscellaneous, ik| . 916101610-55 |

180 Geest * soonea M08‘ “NeT —» te) Boerd Member! emolu- ° 9, Banance eea ae. . ct os §=63,076 IZ 9 101,457 Net 4xpenditure catried 70 (Cf) Other expenses... | 4B 16 0 , Development “OT feat cosemenmcnmemn §560 + 14 Expenses Account a 124,502 t 58 "79

senglerainamnoethatritoeie £136,797 {161499 17 9 f136,797 £163,499 179 Pa

9¥ a

(2) GENERAL DEVELOPMENT EXPENSES ACCOUNT. YEAR ENDED 3isr MARCH, 1958 INCOME a ’ EXPENDITURE ITY 1956-57 £ x4 Lisa £ . £ 3 d General deve!development expentes 4 61,249 Babnee{eorplos)atbegining SetteBaraatoyire- ™ 29,378 6 3

of.THON " wwaiten“. - 116,487 Socom ee Aaqtuardag Net expenditurefor seat frm . during year per Capital

101,457 RSGT General Income and Expen- _ Account ., os a , 125,606 17 2 ditureAccount bee 124,502 1.35 , 21,612 Contributions to ea ital expen- oe P ae te 7,610 11 10 29,378 fpalonoeteurphe) at endofyear 22,872 10 2 ae, £177,736 £154,985 3 5. £177,736 - £184,985 3 5 OE


EXPENDITURE “INCOME QZVO 1956-57 1956-57 | £ 34d £ £ a 83,040 (1) Interest on loans 100,180 ~--{1}--Rents ee «- a . 127,626 10 11 2a (2) ‘Wages ofpatrolmen .. ee 90 =(2) Other income - 2,231 (3) Maintenance of roads, drains, etc. 5,003 (4) Management charges we ‘15 (5) Otherexpenses - tee (6) Irrécoverable rents written off +e 90,560 92,457 18 9

9,710 (7): Surplus for year carried down. oe oe , 35468 12.11 £100,270 £127,626 10 11 £100,270 . £127,626 10 11

9,710 Surplus at end of year .. 44,699' 1 11 — ~Surplus at beginningofyear . 9,710 9 0 9,710 Surplus for year brought down of 35,168 12 11 £44,879 111 + £9,710, £44,879 1 11 ' £9,710 ‘StU — i ——

SURU-LERE RE-HOUSING ESTATE (4) REVENUE ACCOUNT YEAR ENDEYS 3isr MARCH, 1958 EXPENDITURE INCOME | BUT. 1956-57 1956-57 & £ 8s & ££ é@a — (i) Repayment of loans... -. 16,000 0 9 9,090 Rents .. aa + oe. +» 26,008 13 9 3,673. (@) Repairs Fund contribution . . -- 4265 0 © _ Deficit for year carried down a tae) «2419 3 2 62, (3) Insurance. . “a ae ok «. 182.10 4 395 (4) Management charges we oe 14,081 2 8 * 1,166 (8) Ezcas of retit-—antoccupied houses (ote (a)) 4398 218 +s (GyIsrecoverable rénts written off <8 .- 8tit = we (7) Reserve for icrevayerble rents ev? .. 427 99 3,290 . . 28,428. 8 1 5,800 (8¥ Surplus for year catried down ae s a . pammemnictntoocspatnts j£9000 LBB 6 11 £9,090 [BAB 6 It

"= Deficit for year brought down 2. ae «248913 2 Sg Surplus at beginning of year .. ne +e 6,018 1 4 6,018 Surplus atend of year... as . 3,598 8. 2 5,800 Surplus for year brought down 1s ee —

erences "TWIDLAO £6,018 LOE 1 4 °° LeuIsE £6,018 1 4 ee —s | Norte (a)Thelimited accommodation on the Estate, in relation to the number ofpersons to be re-housed temporarily under the La 3 Central Planning Scheme,has made it necessary to maintain a reserve of vacant accommodation to ensure the continuity of the Scheme. Hence, this igure is igh, and is the direct cause of the deficit for the year. __@) REPAIRS FUND YEAR ENDED 3fsr MARCH, 1958 "BLLAZYS EXPENDITURE INCOME 1986-91 1956-57 £sad. '£ & sd 333 (1) Wages wit anaterials =. -» 383 6 10 (1,673 Contribution from Revenue account re %,265 0 6

. Al Q) Blennichy: en Ra ee ee ae 5 9 3 , 1,293 3) S$ lusfor year catried down -- 2316 4 8

£1,633 £5,265 0 0 £1,673 £6,265 0 0 a, nl iniinrin, OE

1,84 Surplusatcnd of year 6... -» 3,750-10 14 TAI lus at beginning of year... - 4,434 6 3 19 , 1,293 we for year breughedown oe . 2316 4 8 L144 £3,750 10 14 £1,434 £3,750 10 11 A

Rana,ad aan. SH NS



714 (1) RepaicsFund'contribation.. - ., 8,100 0 6 2,738 Rents .. ee a. ae -- equaaideg (2) Reees .. on oe ee ve 5,571 15 10 2 Othrincome .. oe -

G) Insurance oe —- oe se ae 215 3 3 653 Deficit af end ofyear carrieddown .. BSGT 639° (4) Selectiort' oftenants .. oe on on — 6) Management charges 98914 9 1,605 (6) Lone of rent-—runoccupied houses (Note 6)

(1) Reserve for isrecoverable rents)... oe 139 0 0 (8) Surplus for year carried down. ae 4,779 2 4 £3,393 £22,135 1 6 3,393

A , ed . 653. 653 Deficit at end pfyear carried forward

“Deficit at-beginning of year... se 652 13 11 -—— Sarplus for year brought down ++ TyiOIdHO

Surplus at endofyear .. - + 4126 8 5 £653 £4,779 2 4 £653 , {4,719 24 ed aS


i 1956-87 foul "1956-57 ££ £ 38 d £ sd. 12. (t) Wages and-materials, - 3,264 8 9 ‘714 — Contribution from Revenue Account 8,100 0 0 (2) Electricity son a) 413 0 702 ®) Surplus for year carried down 4,830 18 3 £714 £8,100 0 0 £714 £8,100 0 0 ——_aaee-

702 Surplus at end of year oe los ee | 33533 3 3 + Surplus at beginning of year .. 702 50 - J 4 702 Surplus for year brought down .. 4,830 18 3

£702 £5,533 3 3 mo £702 f .: £5,533 3 3 =a

~——Nore(b}:—Duringtheyearhouseshave beenheld in reserve to accommodate persons displaced Let by Federal Government building.



\ Durii this year Detail At 1st April a Total at 1957 . Depreciation | 31st March, Additions Sales, &te, ross 1 2 8 af 5 " ; £ «sd £ sa d/|é£& sa £ ad 4. Avars Expats : . 7 j t Purchase of land =... 7 o wo ae ‘ o* 16,649 18 6 _ — 16,649 18 6 . (2) Reclamation .. o we ” a ae lee «od: 797,303 16 6 — — 797,303 16 6 2 Site. development ve oe aa oe. “s 94235 10 4 14,684 18 6 —_ 558,920 § 10 4) Deficit on Estate Management Account...ae ee fe, ae owe 97,009 18.1 7 — ~—" "009 18 1 5) General development expenses 4. te we syne ae | 218,524 18 2 1,835 12 4 — 220,360 10 6 ||

2,053,724 1 7. 16,520 10 10 ~~ 2,070,24412 §

~“2‘Sunv-Lenn}Rauousg EsratE TVIDIAIO 21 §SitePurchase ofdevelopmentland ..oe +.. as oeae“+ ewoe onene' 63,29211,872, 1518.429 | 10602.2,804 43 05 —_ 14.677 0til2 a Exeotion of hibuwes 4.004. “ewe ces «+ as 302,652 13° Bf 461,451 &, 4 _ sitios 0 0 4) General development expenses. v ee ae ae +] 46,315 6 10 21,646 a7 it ~ 67.2962 4 9

424,073 15 2] 196,504 11° 8 — 620,378 6 10 SLLAZVS

3, SunuveLann Iams Roan Esrare .

1): Purchaseof land ae mT) ve fe + oe as « 21,062 611 ‘ ow ; we 21,062 6 11 a Site development wets 8 * ts ee “4 f _ A7401 6 9, 33,208 19 10 ~~ 80,610 6 7 (Q) General developmentexpentty "FF vs rare ve {6,98SBT45 2 6 oo 11,136 3 2

75,448 19 44 47,360 2 4 ~ 112,809° 1-8.

4. Lacos Hovusine Scie, 1955 () Purchase ofland =... ve we . ee os ae we 36,953 18 6 2013 O 8 = 38,966 19 2 i Site development ae ve “+ we "e ta wo ae} 106,608 $6 51336 7 10 oe 119,144 13 4 (3) Erection of houses. « ‘ a oe ws es we » 37701317 9 | 298191 3 4 som 675,205 1 1 *19°ON (4) General development expenits gs. as as “ «> «. 62,300 9 6 38,042 11 41 —_ 100,342 1 5 1A,

39, Y 582,876 11 3 343,582 3 9 noe 926,458 15 0 St


INCOME WATT . . - - Tore at

Deol : #1 1st1957Aprif,| thiyearDuring 31Se ‘equiadag . 6 . 79 8 9

BS6E 1, Arara Esvate ; £ s a £ ad £ sd . .

Leans ‘ . Nigerian Government aa - -- o- - “ ae a oe 600,000 0 O — 600,000 0 0

Colonial Development Corporation «wwe ee we we we we $1,250,000 0 0 _ 1,250,000 0 0 | Sale ofland and buildings— . Govemment re-entry es wees ewe ewe fe 249,220 18 9 — 219,221 18 9 Other we eee tee te te eee tne 5172 7 2) 0 — 15,172 7 2

2,084,394 5 11 —_ 2,084,394 5 ii 'IVIOLLO 3 2, Stau-Lene Renoustnc Estate —™ Loan— . Nigerian Government .- - o ae ee oe -- -- oe § «—640000 0 «OO 16,000 0 0| 624,000 0 0 DLLAZVO Loan repaid oe sews wee i . o- se ce te _—- - . 16,000 0 0 16,000 0 0

‘ 64,00 0 0f — | 640,000 0 8

3. Suru-Lerk Irme Roap Estarg “= 8°: * : ” “ pe | Saleofland 6. kee teeth ee 35,031 19 71 44,2621979,79419S 35,031 19-7] 44,762 1910| 79,794.19 5

4, Lacos. Housine Scuume, 1955 , Grants ue 7 ™ «1 680,000 0° 0'} 392,600°-0 © 1,072,600°0 0 Nigenah Government. _.. ae oe of os o es ae “oe = - : — 680,000 0 0] 392,600 0 0| 1,072,600 0 0. oe . 67TT tate '



; = 7 During this year tgifnnnnn -- At AstApril-- foo " —— Total at ~ a 1957 Deprecigtos| 3 , , ‘Additions + Sales, etc. edMoreh

. 1 2 a~ 3 . 4 ~ 5 a

£ sd £ sd &osd@ £osd §, LAGOS Centra, Pi.aNnNinc’SCHEME ' G4) Purchase of land... ee . es . ss . 135,152 15 5} 393,204 17 11 — 728,447 13 + (2) Purchase of buildings oe tee : as . 90461 2 1) 197,427 11 3 — 287,878 13 4 (3) "Transport ufaffected persons to Suru-Lere s- 6 2,134 16 7 1,287 15 3 — 3,422 1110 ft (4) Demolition of buildings. re we o wea 1,166 5 1 oe 1,166 5 1 — | + (5) Site development ., on on os ae .- ae -- 10,189 16 5 88,655 9 7 — 98,848 6 0 a (6) General development expenses. ss ose . 12,966 18 9} 50,778 18 J — 63,745 16 9 %

252,073 14 41 933,437 12 . 02,766 5 2 4,182,343 1 3

Gy Ebseepratia Commpeisation Fund— OER 0) Compensation paymenta . we o . es ws 21,105 2 6 48,978 10 0 a “90,083 12 6 (i) Tereetion of temporary shops : . «+ «+ °10,897 19 4 3,013 6 3 ~ 43,911 57 } {fii} General development expenses... . . a os i 1,362 #11 376 13 3 wc 1,738 18 2 |

33,365 & 9] 52,368 9 6 _ 85,733 16 3 1

6, Sunv-Lens Seavice Inpusruss Burconos ¥ (1) Erection of buildings os ee ae as *s e as $450 9 0 91 5 0 _ 5541 5 0 ie (2) General development expenses oe ws skews 681 6 6 1i 81 a 62 R81 *

3 £ 611 8 6 102 13 1 ~ 6,233 13.1 is



Detail | | Ae 1st April Diving seMek i . dat 1957 ‘ this year st1958 | 7 8 8 ToquINdeg

sda £ s 4] | £ os “Sse 5. Laces CorrnatPuonane Screws £ Grot— . Nigerian Government’ .. os on . os a o- os we - oa 229,000 0 0 574,00 0 Of} 803000 0 0 Sale of salvaged matetiats 1 owe » o- +. ne “- ve 3,505 2 1 6,255 HW 2 9,760 B 3

Reconveyanee ofland—~ ‘ ° . . : Completed sales be ae oe oe * on = oe on . Ps — 115,464 0 0. 115,464 6 0 Deposits an we we ne te oe aa a. +e + —_ 64,209 11 0 64,209 11. 0

—_——. 232,505 2 1] 759,929 2-2| 992,434 4 3. TWIDIsaO

t FLLIZVO Ex-gratia Compensation Fund (Note 2) coo, _ ‘Temporary shops—Surplus rents ‘e ae os - 1,730 8 9 5,578 14 8 7309 3 5 ”% ° j 1,730 8 9 557314 8} 7,309 3 5 doy >. =

/ . /

6. Suru-Lene Service Inpustriss BultpIncs - : .Contributions from Board Revenue . . ee eee ye ees 6,131. 0.0 102-13 1 6,233 13. 1

£6,131 0 0 102 13° 1 6,233 13 1

“ens ~





eta At tet#ril, During this year rete!dat

(4277) , Additions Peiseation stGSE ! 1 2 4 4 5

So d £ sd £aed & sd. 7, Sunu-Lurz Netcnpournoop Canrre . . (1) Purchase of land ., oo as Ms ae a a ‘ 2,575 16 9 1777 8| — 2,753 4 5 {2} General development expenses «wel es tat as ae a . 128 15 10 - 817 Sy we 137 13.3

2,704 12° 7 186 5 1 _ 2,890 17 8

¥ 8 Sunu-Lers Genmrar Devetorment : (1) Purchase of land .. ae “* ne .« we os . 12,167 15 6 se one 12,167 15 6 (2) General development expenses .se as w ws ae we se +608 7. 9 ~ am 608 7-9 12,776 3 3 ~ ~ 12,776 3 3

9. Suxv-Linz Max Roans- | (1) Site development .. oa: oa on Be oe we as _ 22,220 0 0 oe 22,220 0 0 "(2) General development expenses . os ve o* te ee ws _ 2,777 10. 0} — 2,777 10 0

. — 24,997 10 Of] ‘=« 24,997 10 0

10. FaextiowHoverse Scueue No.1 °

¢ Purchase of land oe 7s. +e * te ae ee e* as — 22,990 0 0 ahead 22,990 0 0, fh Ereetion ofhouses ee oe on oe me ee oe ae — anes 0 2 ant wats ; 2 . (3) Interest on temporary foans —.. os +n ee os ant. oas _ O11 ova 186 Off &y General development expenses .. “9 ae ws *e an ae _— “adel 17 6 mee 4,101 17 6

. — 60,092 18 7] os $0,092 18 7

“41. Brsey Comatenery Canrre . ON

qi} Erection o€ building =e ae ‘ * va en oe en ae a 959 0 0 = 959 0 0 ‘19

12, T.aoo8 Sraptum’ PA

(2) Purchase o€ land .. as ws oe n a. ost ‘ 14,257 4 7 7,887 O10) «« 21,814 5 5 ct


. Atist April, | Dring this Toteleat |§ {8 Detail 1957 rear Bist Merch, B - 1958 g eo 8 7 ; & 9 ' _§ ~ . re : £ s a £ s a £ esd - 7. Scrc-Laee Nercrsocmnoop Centre -

Contributions from Board Revenue he ae .. -- ae ee on ae 2,704 12 386 5 1 2,890 17 .8 2,704 12 18% 3 1 2,890 17

3 8. Scnv-Lene—Generat DevELoPMENT o . _— 3 pore sa 42-7796 3 7 42996331 Contribution from Board Revenue ;. et ss ; ‘a

. 12,776 3 3 — 12,776 3 3 :

10, Freexorp Hovsixe Scemax No.1 . 8

Loans : a ; — Nigeria Building Society .. =e tees ten + ne ee — 41,401 2 6] 41,401 2 6 Sale ofhouses: , : . . 7 ee 11,320 0 0] 11,320 0 0 Deposits ' 1 . _ 52,721 2 6| 52,721 2 6

12. Lacos Staprum ~

“ a Grant: ; - ° Nigerian Government... -- . . .. Lowe Lows 15,000 0 0} 15,000 0 0} 3000000 |&



° “P8tt

During this year Detail At 1st Apri ns Totalat : eer Additions Sales, ete. istMarek ‘ 1 2 3 e 5

‘ £ ed] g edt fsa Los 12, SctoonSrrs — ~ : (1) Purchase of land sw. ‘ ae . . es ogs 11,634 18 4 3,933 0 OF —_ 15,567 18 4 aeGeneraldevelopment expenses o- soos . . 581 14 1 378 10 6 — OS § . " 1221613 3] 4,311 10 6 — 16,528 3 9 14: Sowtw East Inows iNoit) (1) Reclamation bea as ae neon 316,456 10 10 — — (2) Site 326,456 19 19 development * ae . ae ‘ we oes ae 134,080 0 O07 -11,983 2 4 — 4 063 4 (3) Direct expenditure . ve te ge a ae sys 457 17— 3 Saad _ 457 u 3

(4) General development'expenses... os . : oe 00 |-—- 92,335 11 11 , 1,497 7 9 — 33,833 9 8 TWioisso . 493,330 0.0 13,481 Bid _ 506,811 0 1 15 Guwmrat Lasp’ - 1) Non-productive BE ee ee ee ene = {00, 3 Rent purchase sgreenients tos +e owe as ee 3451 + 10 coe 2,785 15 11 665 8 11 | 3) Leased =. was to 8792 8 0 ~ _7%2 9 0) 871919 0 ALIAZVS 12,244 12 10 _ 2ess ¢it| 9386 71 16, Srare Quarrae (1) Purchase ofland 2.00 6.00 eg » ow ee 10000 08 OD 10,0000 0 Erection of buildings ee. ae we ws a . . 102,682 G 2 8} Fisrsiture 6,997 410 1/5,1348 g 104,455 14 0 wnt equient woes woos "es 5711 11 8 1,897 13 0 HZ 0 6,467, 4 8 118394 0 40| 8,804 17 10676 0 0} taoom te 8 “47. Ometens es! ‘ ontPurchase of land P ee . we we oe > 150 @ 0 some } eet 150-0 0 GisErection ofnewbuildinbth ee ve * . . 15,707 13 10 2.420 4 g 78s 009 113 i 30 F

roprovementofof existing ings os . . _ Si me TOON quent ee -f. 4972 2 5) LOM iT S| gee 0 0] 2's80 13 10

1A. 17,829 16 3 6,561 13 $12,279 6 0 23,212 9 11 Sh ‘wechidtentuseyteint setcette



a7 INCOME iy

Detail At ist Apeil mn sie «= E a 8 thie year ie. IE 9. iS 6 - _ 7 . : 8 RS

£ sd £ sd £& sd} 13. Scoot Sires 4

NigerianGovernment .. 2-06. ea ees asa 20,000 0 0} 38,000 0 O07): 55000 9.0 |

20,000 0 0] 38,000 0 0] 53,000 0.0 |

> 7 . re) | -! ES 14, Sours East Ixoyt (Nore 1) g Payments direct to contractors by Nigerien Government... + - -- «| 460,536 10 10 11,983 2 4{ 47251913 2 z Charged to NigerianGovernment ...... -. ee we 32,793 9 2 149717 .9-| 34,291. 6 11 g

eeeee| " . 493,330 0 0| 13,481: 0 1} 50681 0 1 4 , &

Rent purchase dgreements—Instalments w. skeen ne 3,451 410] . 2,785 19 11 665 $11

3451 410] 2,785 15 11 665 8 It

a. bm



EXPENDITURE Co Olt oo During this year Total at Detait | ..“hsAt 1s¢ April, Depreciation 183 March, Additions ‘ales, ele. 1 2 3 4 5

£ sd _sd &Esd £ad 18. Moror Venicies oe we ee . oo e- as 1348 0 0 766 00 458 0 6 50 0 0

“49. Toran | ketene tenses we 4,122,892 12 0 €1,705,587 199] £11,93710 0 5,806,243 1 9

Deduct S.E. \koyi (Item 14) .. oe oe oe ‘e ae as 493,330 0 0. 506,811 0 1

20. Bossp Expenpiture .. 4s ee ee oe ee. a oe -~ 3,619,262 12 0 5,299432 1 § 21, Carsrat. BALANCE

Excess o€ capital incomeover capital expenditure ts aa aa a. 217,376 12 0. _ "IvI91440

£3,836,839 4 0 £5,799.432 1 8



Nore.—(1) Item (14) “South East Ikoyi" is being carried out by the Board as agents of Government who pay the contractors direct. ‘The

involved 26 included at Item (14) for statistical purposes. only and is d ected from Teem (18) vo obtain the gures taken into tha Balance Sheet ie ON I9

~ Nore—{2) Item 5 Be. Compensationtn Fund Expenditure is limited to £200,000 for the Scheme aa 4 whole. This sum is met from. the RA

FedCearreaintgrantfan So


TT ‘ '.\ ENCOME . ‘

DetailJeteril as. Atst Anil, 1 Dering sixMock, 19357 this pear 1958 : f oquesdog Veet le ee 6 wo 7 8 9 . es s dt £ #4 £ sd RSGT 13. Great. Perposes ; & os | Government gg gee were eee ee wee 100000 0] 100,000 0° 0 ("NigerianContribution from Board Revenue 5. 1s a teeoe we ew A 7 GO] 7,822.13 10,436 0 8 oe ‘ 103,114 7 O}| (7,321 43 110,436 0 8

14. "Tora. o- vo ae a os «s wn A oe a oe 5 es 4,330,169 4 0 [£1,326,897 45 5,657,066 19. 2

Deduct SE. Thoyi (Item 14) .. e ae owe as a4 < o- + PP 493,330 Oo oO} 506,811 0 1

\- - 15. “ Baancz : aa oo ae ae oe ae 3,836,839 4+ 0 5,150,255 19 over capital incomei wegee _ 149,175 2 5 Excess ofcapital expenditure ‘TVIOMIO 4£3,836,839 4 0 ‘}£5,299,432 1 8.

Nore.—(3) The sources from which capital monies have been obtained are s— woos £ sd £ s. DLLAZVO

‘Nigerian Government... -- a ae er, oF -- 1,324,000 0 0 | NigeiaBuitdingSoc Corporation - ae as ae ae ee . -o 75000g 8 Nigeria ding iety .. es ee ee o- a Oe 32,336.14 8 ' / Loans repaid ae oe oe wes on ue = . - 16,000 0 0 . ON wey — | 371,254 16 7 / . pe ee. : : a om, eeeereeenieererennenemnnnnnneeneen oe = 7 8 5,150,255 19. 1 Temporary use of L.E,D.B. surplus funds... meee Nae ae ws . .- 149,176 2 7

ToraL agreeing with column 9above 2-00 6. eee de ee +. ee, £5,299,432- 1 8 LELt SS

pt 1238" OFFICIAL GAZETTE ‘No.6, Vol45

Government Notice No.1712 (c) Cash discount freely available;; HLM:Customs ann Excise . . (2)QualQuality te... for goods described , ‘NOTICE TO IMPORTERS AND ‘AGENTS. ng ‘seconds’ (.Baying _Goenzaission {for definition see This notice is issued under the authority of fhe Comptroller of Customs and Excise and cancels ” para, 4}:: eral Government Notice No, 1684 of 1958. Ie (f) Bank Comission ; deals with the general invoicing requirements for {g) Crown Agents’ Departmental charge of 14 goods imported forcatete in Nigeria and in per cent, particular the 5 rocedure under Federal Government ‘NoticeNoe 1467 to be followrd in 7. Discounts whieh are sot allocable.~~Discounts respect ofTrade Goodsliable to a duty ad valorem. which arenot allowableas dedictode from valae for duty purposesinclude :~ %, Value—The value for duty purposes is defined in section 20 of Cap. 48. It is the price which an (a) Sample discount; " inrerton ‘would pay for the goods on a purchase in (5) Pattern discount ; i thepen market at the time of importation, if the gogdswere delivered to him, atthe port of importa- (c} Discounts given for 2 special consideranon tioh, Height, insurance, commission and all other legs 2g3,condition of there being. no claimfor costs, chargés and nses incidental to making the contract of sale and thet delivery of the goods at such (d@) Agenty discounts 5 port having beenpaid (except any duties of Customs payable in Nigeria (reek allowable discounts, wre Canting discount -» Gepend paragraph 6). encdocaoeer reached $ mee cae Spon 3. Trade Discount—ikthe freelyavailable discount (f) Contingentfreight rebate ; normally given when goods are consigned to 2. mer- {g) Unspecified discounts ; chantfor resale. {h) Discounts not freely available. . 4. Buying Commission—allawed ae a deduction under paragraph 6 is buying or head office com- “8. Documents to be produced with Entries-—With mission not exceeding 5 per cent which is :-~ ‘€achset of import entries must be presented original @ shown to thesatisfaction of the properer officer and duplicate invoices cov { the goo's pon- tto be an expense incurred by the exporter fn the tained in the entry, and with each invoicecertificate2 \country whence the goods are consigned 33 of value and origin in the form C.16. ‘These certifi« cates may be on separate ts or sorbined (5) separately shown on the invoices ;: : with the relevant invoice. Invoices must show full " (¢), covered by avalid Statutory Declaration as detailsot, aaiking, ievightimorance, a the goods - “required, byReg. 61 of Cap. 48,- This Statutory ig te freight,ininaurance, Declaration must be pro uced -in support of 4 Gneladingcadoft ing house claimed discount, on demandby a Custom Officer, the 5. Trade Goods—are deemed to be goods tmported favoicesdo’DonBaieee & packing List byway of trade and include those goods which are :-— invoivesidealso be presented. Invoicesmust be mt the English Janguage or « translation in the English (a) imported in pursuance of a contract of sale ; language must be provided and attached to the (6) imported on consignment; relevant invoices, All certificates oforigin und value _ (c) purchased by private individuals (bat see (w) must indicate clearly whether or not the low) ; or, the manufacturer or supplier of the goods, or is in any way associcted with the importer (see the pré- (d) supplied by 4.parent company or assoviated amble to Government Notice No. 1467of 1958 for firm, for use by the importingfirm, definition of associated firms), Similar information The following are, for the purpose of thisisnotice, must be givenby thei6importerand, where the firme excluded from the category of trade g dre not associate eclaration in the following (2) passengers’ accepted as such by the form must be ettachedtotheimportentryorendarsed ~omptrolier 5 thereon fide gifts ; 3 “J declare thet the foreign exporter and the (i) bona importerof the goods entered to this entry are (ii) government and quasi-government impor- not associated fiers as defined ini Federal Gavern- tations ; mont Notice No. 1467 of 1958." (io),importations of educational and medical etc,, by Missionary Socicties an =PPTOV 9, Additional docmnentation for Trade Goods Hable suppleoe establishments ; -to ad valorem duty-—Federa Governmeat Notice (v} small quantitics of goodsimported for fier No, 1467 of 1958 tts out the invoice r2quirements sonaluse, for trade ; woodssubject to ad valorem duty and imported in the circumstances settout in paragraph 1 6. Abowable Discoietts-~Below are enumerated that notice, Paragraph 4 of that notice provides the discounts which dra allowable deduptions in we certificates by ceed Banks or Chambers of computing the statutory walue for the purpose of Commerce to be given as an alternative to the pro- asstasiny ad valorem dutics -~ -. duction of aed or suppliers’ invoices, (a) Trade discount; Lists ofappraved Banks wid Chambersof (6) Quantitydiscount—if freely available ; will be published from time to time in the Ofiis Lith September,1958 OFFICIAL GAZETTE | 1139

Ganetts. Certificates in the following forms will be Ebenezer Trading Company.. . acceptable from approved Banks or Chambers of Flionis Brothers Limited, | Commerce ie G. L, Gaiser (Nigeria) Limited, '] certify that suppliers’ and/or manufacturers’ Ibadan: Traders Association Limited,” invoices have been produced and compared with G. Afolabi Ibironke and Sons, Do the consigning firm's invoices and. that the Isttor- Yjiebu-Mure ‘Trading. and Transport Conipany truly represent particulara of the goods and. tho . Limited. a selling price, together with all charges up to the Ijebu Traders Association Limited. - Ajesha United. Trading and Transport Company time of landing. ° . Limited. to : a As thalternative to the above, the following certifi- John Holt and Company (Liverpool) Limited. cate will be accepted from Chambers of Commerce Kajola Kawuai Stores. who ars in aposition togiveaucha certificate -— A. G. Leventis and Company Limited.: “We herewith declare:on Oath that all atate- Luwaji and Ademiluyi Trading Stores, merits made in this invoice are correct in every Mandilas and Karaberis. Limited. reapect and: that the prices given in this invoiceare OkunowoBrothers. in accordance with the actual prices to be paid, §; A. Oladapo.and Company, . Moreover, we declare that no agreements exist G.-B, Ollivant Limited. which may lead to an alteration of thease prices and Olu-Iwa Truding Company. furthermore, that the goods are of. . i... <. origin.” L. Omole and Sons, 10. Goodsfrom Hong.Kong.—Customs entrica for Omotayo Brothers. Otele Brothers. : goods originating in Hong Kong must also be Paterson Zochonis and Company Limited, accompanied by a Government Certificate of Hong Rowntrve-Fry-Cadbury (Nigeria) Limited. Kong origin lagued by the department of Commerce Royal Brothers Limited, and Industry, Hong Kong. : Shoriny. Brothers and: Company. 11, Photostatic Copier Invoices---Photoatatie - Societe Commercinle de l'Ouest Africain. copies of invoices and certificates of origin and value Tiwantiwa Trading Compzany. . will be accepted as duplicates and photoutatié copies Union Trading Company Limited. monyalso be used in lieu of original manufacturers’ or United Africa Company of Nigeria Limited, aupplicrs' invoices where such invoices are required Western Nigeria Products Company, as supporting documents under the provisions of Western Nigerian Trading Company Limited. paragraph 1 of Federal Government Notica No. 1467 Western Produce Troders Syndicate. 0} « Wiso Commercial Syndicate. 12, Facsimile Signatures.--Facaimile signaturesare C. Zard and Company Limited. acceptable on all invoices other than original L. Zard. . exporters’ invoices.+ N. IS, Zard and Company.

13, Trade Goorls impovied by Post--One copyonly of cach invoice or certificate required under para~ graphs 8 and 9 of this notica necd be produced for Government Notice No, 1714 trade goods imported by post. To. avoid delay in Western REGION Markétine Boarp clearance the invoice(s): should be affixed to the outalde ofthe relevant row (se¢ Federal Govern- PRODUCER PRICES : ment Notice No, 715 of 1987 $ 1958-59 COCOA SEASON 284/22/2 Tt is notified for general information that the Western Region Marketing Board by virtue of-its Rowers under section: 14 (a) of the Western Region Government Notice Noo 713 arketing Board Law 1954 (No. 10 of 1954), and in consultation with the Western Region Cocoa WeaarrenRaoton Marketing Boaap Representative Committee has fixed, with ’the 1958659 COCOA, MARKETING SCHEME approval of the Minister and with the prior concur- rence of the Executive Council, the following basic LICENSED. BUYING AGENTS roducer prices. for cocoa purchasedin the Western It is notified for general information that the egion in the 195859 season :— *« i Weatern Region Marke Board, by virtue of ita Standard Weight Light Weight sowers under section 16 (¢) 0f tho Western Region (Main Crop) (Light Crap) - arketing Board Law, 1984 (No, 10 of 1954) has (Per ton naked ex-scale port of shipment) appointed the following as Heensed buying agents for arches of cocoe in the Western Region in the + Grade Tt ..-} +s 18 18 1958-59 acason t— Grade IT.. f es 135 135 N, Abizakhem. Abok and Company. The above prices are subject to a deduction of £4 per JL Alawode and Sons. / ton Produce Sales Tax in each case, Alatishe Brothers Limited. . 2. Details off, the minimum | prices payable at Aasociation of Nigerian: Co-dporative Exporters up. country buying stations in the Western Region Limited. ; - will form the aubjectof a separate Gazette Notice to - Atinuke Brothers Limited, bepublished shortly, As in previous seasons,th tie ’ A. O, Bakaro and Sons, _ prices wil! be determined by deducting from the port Boladale Trading and Transport Service. prices the appropriate transport differentials except Compagnie Francaise do l'Afrique Occidentale. that the port prices will be abated by the amountof Daramaja Produce Stores. _ Produce. Sales Tax payable in the Region. #140 OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 6f, Vol, 45

Government Notice No. i715 _ 2 GovernmentNoticeNo. 1720 - Exrorr Dory on Rymeer Nazivs Lanavace EXAMINATION Resutrs It is notified for general informationthatfor, the Wasrean Ruotowe: Jone, 1958 prose: of9 assessing thevalue of. ies forthe _ Aioitex Sranmaxo Yorvss, . ing of export duty, the price or the month o Administration - September 1958, valBe 23.125dper Ib. : Pat& Part B * ga0/100j9 ‘NameafOfficer Rank Poi " George O. Administrative — — Orewa Officer (Catet) 12-658 — Government Notice Nos1716 Ds Adgias ~~ 33-64-58 ROYALTY Note-~Tt should be noted thet candidates whose names are yot ‘cluded fathe above list, cicher failed For the purpose of computing royalty on the of withdrew. Similarly, those who are shown as mineral specified hereunder, the following informa- Passingin-onepart only,‘either did nottake orfailed tion is given :-— Rateofroyalty : ‘ : | Average mean applicable Acting SeStr ETINARER: y —- Mineral price during exports mele “Minisiry of Educat the month during theperiod . ended 31st Ast to 30th . August, 1958. Sept, 1958 GovernmentNoticeNo. 1721 Tin ee £731. £93. 6. “0. Vicrosis Cantmiary Cxcuseations : ActésimopaTIo’ 220/0)30 it is neriiedforgeneral informiation thet during the period of Victoria Centenary Celebrations (6th——14th fae it will be very difficult te obtainhotel orcatering rest houseaccommodation at Government Notice No. zv7 Bueaor Victoria, aa snoet oftheavailable sconeotis tion will be reserved for official visitors, and guests Danis Constibar REPRESENTATION ofthe Government. It is hereby notified for general information that 2, Other eriont whoaah to visit Buea or Mr E. D. Hindley has proceededed on leave and that ictosia at this time for the purpose of attending Mr Jens Nielsen, has assumed chargeof the Royal Danish Consilatein Lagos. tinarable to make_CekorationsofAES,rad nefadore communicate with the Deputy Commissioner of the Camroons, ues,for advice 28 to what accommnoda- 51592 tion is available, 3, Thesame difficulties will apply to acoommods- "tion at Bamenda during the period of the Bamends Agricultural Show Gtn—7th3December). Applica. Goutrument NoticeNo. 1718 tions for accommodation 2 shoukt be addressed to the District Officer. Spanise Vres-Consut at Lacos j.8. DUDDING, -Itda hereby notified for general information that Deputy Commissioner of the Cameroons Senor €. Mondore basresumed. duty as Honorary VieeeConsulfor SpainatLagos, . _ Government Notice No. 1722 © Vole ‘| 20388/Vol.IL Lae sportedEhPemeerthe

satthas beenrei rmanent Secretary, Health, pieaPerruanent Secretary, Government NoticeNox 1719 Orter ‘o.Myrrs issued to Messrs C.F,A.0., Kano, by Medical Officer ijc, Nassarawa Hospital, Kano, Teacters’ Grape I Cerriricats EXAMINATION on 5thAugust, 1958 has been fost. 1956 Surprementary Pass List 2, The Local Purchase Order is bareby declared Bo i (Teorey Oxty) cancelled, 3. Any person who comes in possession of it or is . Regd,No. Name — Subjectpassed Class .. able to furnish any particulars relating to it should A.34844 Ipwe, Lawrence . : . report the facts to the nearest Police Station. Chukwumma Agriculture Firat

. ALCORNpo2Baera Bareal, FEO,S009/633 Lith September, 1958 OFFICIAL. GAZETTE 1441

Government Notica Ne. I 723 . 3. Anybody who comes intoposséssion of the ~ = 4 “4 Receipt Books, or is able to furnish any information Los or Locat, Purcuass Onin relating to them should report the fact to the nearest It fe hereby notified that the Original copy of Local Police Station andto this Office, Purchase Ordar No. 409587 of 22nd November, 1957 ‘ A. 'T. Kemp, issued by the Commissioner. of Police Northern Acting Accountant-General, Region Kaduna,to the Manager—Kahaleale and Co., - estern Region

Kaduria, haa beer reported lost, and is hereby cancelled, ‘ Governnient Notice No. 1727 Any person who. comes itito possension of this Loss or Trnasuay Reorter . Orderoie able to furnish any information relating to Ie ix horeby notifled that the original coples of the it la asked to. repare the fact to the nearest Police undetmentiotied Treasury Reccipta have been Station, . . ‘ . . reported lost -— : R, E. Manet, Treasury Receipt No, 178668/366 dated 13th June, Acting Accountant-General, 1958, amounting ta. £350, issued in fayour of Mr ration af Nigeria Auyustus 0, Obanye of Onitsha. ‘Treasury Receipt No. 178778/476dated 19thJune, 24584 Vol. IV 958, amounting to £2, issued in favour of Mr

Godwin Ezenwanne, - Gorernment Notice No, 1724 2. ‘The receipts are hereby cancelled, 3, Any person who comes into possession of the Lowe or Loeat, Purcrant Orne receipta or is nble to furnish ony information. relating It is hereby notified that Local Purchase Order to them, should report the facts to the nearest Police No. 416519 issuad by the Forces Secretary, Nigerian - Station. Military Forces, Apapa, to. the Nigerian Office J. Brincerr, Stationery Supply Stores haa been reported Jost, and Accountant-General, ia herebycancelled. Ministry of Finance, Any person, who comée into posseasion of this Eastern Region

Order or ix able to furnish any information relating © Government Notice No. 1728 to it is asked to report the fact to the nearest Police Station, j , Loss or Warrants R. E, Mansi, It is hereby notified that she urdermentioned Acting Accountant-General, warrants hive been reported lost at Calabar ;— - Federation of Nigeria Freight Warrant No. 16062 dated 28th July, 1958. Iasued in respect of Land RoverNo. LC,4165.- 24584 Vol. IV - aa Inter-Port and River Passenger.Warrant No, 32744

dated 28th July, 1958. Issuedinrespect of Driver Government Notice No. 1725 I, I<. Popoola, Nigerian Marine Warrant No. 6168, dated 28th ‘Loss or Local Puncuass Oren July, 1958, Issued in respect of Land Rover Ie is herebynotified that Local Purchase Order No. LC.4165 and Driver I. K. Popoola. . No. 308429 dated 2nd May, 1958,isstied by the Arca 2. The Warrants are hereby cancelled. Superintendent,Nigeria Leprosy Service, Oji River, 3. Any person who comes into possession of the to. the Manager, Singer Sewing Machine Company, warrants or is able to furnish any information relating Lagos, for supply of one sowing machine, has to thent, should report thefacts to the nearest Police been reported logs, Station, J. Brincert,. 2. "The Lecal Purchase Order is heraby cancelled. Accountant-General, 3. Any person who comes into possession of the Ministry of Finance, Orderoris able to furnish any information relating to Eastern Region it should report the facts to tha nearest Police Station. Government Notice No. 1729 J. Bawortt, Loss or Rariway GoonsWARRANT Accountant-General, It is hereby notified that Railway Goods Warrant Ministry of Finance, No, 12046F dated 2nd May, 1958,issued by the Area Eastern Region Superintendent, Nigeria Leprosy Service, Oji River,

to the Manager, Singer Sewing Machine Company, Lagos, in respect of one sewing machine from Iddo Government Notice No, 1726 to Enugu,haa been reported lost.“ Loss ov Treasury Raczrets Books 2. TheWarrantis hereby cancelled, It is hereby notified that four exhausted Treasury ._ 3. Any person who comes into possession ofthe Booka 6A Serial Nos, 034301-034450 and 034501- Warrantoris able to furnish any information relating 034550 issued by the Sub-Treasurer, Ibadan, to the to it, should report thefacts to the nearest Police Station, o eelenior eeurgeon, Ministry of ngHealth an . J. Bripcert, Sdcial Welfare, (Dental Division), tbadan. 2 Accountant-General, Ministry of Finance, \% The Treasury Books are hereby cancelled. Eastern Kegion “$442 _ OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 61, Vot. 45

‘Government Notice No, 1730 GovernmentNotice No. 1732 Loss oF RAILWay Goons and Passencen WARRANTS FEDERAL Mintérey oF Wonxs ann Scrvers AnD Loca, Porcussze ORDER . ; Contract No. 1010 ‘It ig hereby notified that’ the undermentioned TENDER Warrants and Local Purchase Order have been ‘Lendersare shortly to be invited from Contractors * reported Tost -— ; registered in Category "G" for the above-menti Number Description - assedto contract, : " A176932 -Reilway . Mr RB, Aminu, The works comprised in the Contract are 51 an Passenger Porter, Po & Ty bridges each carrying a roadway over a waterway AAN76933 ‘Warrants while proceeding on and superceding an existing bridge. or; a leave 3 for self, wife ‘The bridges are located on the Rowd “A” 15-2.58 and 2 children, aged system: of Nigeria, between Kaduna and Guseu; {0 andGand one. Kano and Daura; and Kano and Jibiya in the . servant, Northetn Region of Nigeria and consist of simole 21688A and Gneds Mr R. Aminu and spans rangingfrom 10 feet clear to 100 feet clear used 21689A of Warrants family. either singly or in combination with others, Con- 45-2-58 2 |. oO struction is in both reinforced concrete aad steel. Contractors desiring to tender should register . 76369211-57of _ LocalPurchase Manager,‘Tech. Lagos.S.C.0.A. their names at the office of the -Sentor Executive . Order Engineer (Bridges), Federal Public Warks Denart- ment React partersLagos between am, an » The. Warrants and the Order are hereby nim, Monday to ay, Dot lates than seven days cancelled. aher the second publication of this notice, . 3.. Any perton who comes into possession of them or is able to furnish any information relating to them iis askedto report thé fact to the nearest Police Station _ > 4. WreePuor, . “or te this office, , ~ Director of Federai Public Works . R. E, Marsan, Acting’ Accountant-General Government Notice No. 1733 . : Federation of Nigeria -: QAS84 Vol. 4 Minisrry oF Works AND ‘Transport Contracts WR/R/i3 ; WRIR/143; WRIR/15S

Brruminovs Surract Dressine or Roavs Government Notice No. 1731 "TENDER “Propuce Ineraction Senvite, Eastern The Chairman of the Westerd Region ‘Tenders _ REcton Board invites Tenders from Contractors, registered for Civil Engineering Contracts in Category G in the a LOSS OF LICENCE eo, Western Région Register of Contractors, for Con- It is hereby notified that Licence No. 20398 of tract WRIR/15 for the Bituminous Surface dressing 14th January, 1958 in respect of Messrs T, N. Madu, (Resesling) of the following roads: Sons and Company Limited No. 1 store at Ogwe , . Routes Miler Approx. ‘thas been reported lost. . 41. $78 ITbadan-Iwo .. ee a- 27 2. In the event of this licence being found, the 2. 373 Ibsdan-Akanran-JbadinProvin- ‘matter should be reported to the nearest Produce _cial Boundary ws ve 225 Officer of the Produce Inspection Service, giving 3. 500 Akure-Alade .. .. e 12 full details, - 4, 360° Ilte-Northern Region Boun 4 5, 462 Route 358 Junction-Imessi lle 17— 6. 134 Aiyepe-Tlishan es a» 2 GovernmentNotice No. rros publication) 7. =~ Aiyepe-Odogbolu. 2. +. + 8. 791 Shagamu-Ode Lemo (miles 0-3 FeperaL Ministry.or Worxs anp Surveys excluded) .. 4s ee 5 | Conraact No, 400 9, 682 Shagamu-Shiwun .. .. 10§ TENDER 1. 7or TosiGeooti-Colos Beretayan tSve Fenders are ‘invited from contractors registeredin 12. 139 ijebu-OdecTbefun se ae 3 Category ‘G* for the construction of The General 43. 418 Naro--Aro (excluding mites Post Office, Marina,Lagos, =. =~ . 411 on Ilare-Jiga Section) .. 30 Contractors idesiring to tender should register 14, 126 Abeokuta-Asha v* oo. 26 their names at the office of the Quantity. Surveyor, 15. 142 Agoclwoye-Oru-Ijebu-Igho ., 6 Federal Public Works Department, - Racecourse Road, Lagos, between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. Monday to Toral ae es ez 199 Friday, not later than seven daya after the second =a publication ofthis notice. 2, Contractors in Categories F andG may tender separately for the bituminous surface dressing of I, Wen Pucn, © ose roads numbered 1-5 above of lenith ia ‘ Director ofFederal Public Works mately 92} miles under Contract WR/Rj13. Simi- T.0060 larly Conteacts in Categories F and G may tender 1ith September, 1988 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 1143 separately for the bituininous surface dressing of (x) Grease (5,000 Ibe).—-A general purpote those roads numbered 6-15 above of length approxi~ grease suitable for lubrication of vehicle chassis mately 1064 miles under Contract WR/R/14, points, caterpillar bulldozer Track rollers, ete. ’ 4, Contractora who are entitled to tender may (i) Brake Fluid’ (600 quart tins).—Hydraulic collece tender documents at the office of the Chief fluid suitable forbraking systems of Bedford A.5 Civit Engineer, Ministry of Works and ‘Transport, trucks, Ford E.T.6 Trucks and Land Rovers. ‘Secretariat, Ibadan, betweenthe hours of 8.30a.m. The above quantities are approximate only and and 2p.m, daily on or after Wednesday 3cd Septem- the Director of Public Works, Eastern Region will not ber, 1 58, . be held bound to order the full quantities stated. - 4, Contractors who decide to tender for any orall Tenders should be addressed to the Director of the contracts must first. deposit £5: (five pounds) Public Works, Enugu by registered post'andmarked with the Sub-Treasurer, Ibadan, und obtain an official “Confidential (For the attention of R.M.E.)Tender receipt which must be submitted to theChief Civil forthe supply ofOilsand Greases”. =. Engineer, Ministry ofWorks and Transport, Ibadan.the Tender documents may not be collected until Government Notice No, 1734 official receipt is produced, 5, Contractora who do not submit properly University Cotikor Hosptrat, IsapaAn completed tenders: will forfeit their deposits. DePARTMENT.OF SURGERY , - 6, Tenders should be submitted under Confiden- : VACANGIES FOR REGISTRARS tial Cover marked “Tender. for the Bituminous Contracts ‘The Board of Management invite applications Resealing of Roads, Western Region from registered medical practitioners for the above WRIRMLS s WR/R/14s WRIR/IS"to the Sccretary appointments in the new Teaching Hospital. Regional ‘Tenders. Board, Secretariat, Ibadan and pisced in. the Tender Box in his office in Room $3B, Thesalary’offered for the posts is £1,266 rising by lock 1, Secretariat, Ibadan, not laterthan 12,00noon one annual iacrement to £1,320. per annum. plus Wednesday 8th October, 1958. ‘inducementaddition where payable. in on, “Applications may he considered in the grade of 7, ‘The lowest or any tender will not necessarlly , Senfor House Officer at a dalory of £1,212 per he accepted, annum. from candidates who are not eligible for D. M..En.107, appointment as Registrars. . oO of Works PermanentSecratary, Ministry The appointments will be initially for one tour of and Transport, Jéadan 12 months renewable in the caseof Registrars for a second tour by mutual agreement. Government NoticeNo, 1689 (2nd publication) Conditions of service are generally imilar to those applicable to contract officera in the service Puatic Wonks DrawMent,Eastern Reaion . NIGERIA ofthe Federal Government. Forms of application may be obtained from the Jaumricatina Oris, Grease, AND-oTHER O1Ls House -Governor to whom completed applications TENDER should be sent not later than 30th September, 1958. Tendersare invited. for the supply of oils and i . MH 44/8. 8 gtensea na specified below. Pricea are required for various atanderd size Government Notice No. 1735 : delivered at Port Harcourt. Special concessionarykates should be quoted for emailer - quoted » Univensrry Conrsce Hosprrat, Inavan . quantities (a ut 10 per cent of thefigure DQBPARTMENT OF MegpicinsE below) if supplied through branches or sub-agencies at any station the Eastern Region. VACANCIES FOR SENIOR REGISTRAR Requirements over 12 Montus: AND REGISTRAR . Lubricating Oi (10,000 gallons).--Heavy for high ‘apeed auto- The Board of Management invite applications au) AE. 30oil Aaitale from, registered medical practitioners for the ahove mobile dissel engines and caterpillar equipment, appointments, so (b) Flushing Oil (500 gallons).—-Flushing olf suitable for use with engines referred to in para- The salaries offered for theposts are :— ‘graph (@) shove, ; Senior Registrar—-£1,542 per annum rising by ¢) Hydraulic Fld (500 fallons)Highly 3 annual increments to £1,722 peranoum ; refined wax free oil for use in ydraulic tipping gears, aly compressors and refrigerator plants, Registrar.-—-£1,266 rising by1 annual increment d) Cutting Oif (80 gallons).—Suitable for to. 1,320 per annum ; plus inducement addition tons zitAO at for cement block where payable. meric : making machines,shuttering, etc. The appointments will be initially for one tour e) Transmission Oil (500 gallonn)—-Gear oil of 12 months renewable, in the case of a Registrar §.A.R. 90 suitable for gear boxes. and rear axles of for a second tour, and in the case ofa SeniorRegistrar Bedford Model A.5 lorries, ete. for subsequent tours, by mutual agreement. Tranwnission Oil (1,500 gallons).—Gear oil Applications may be considered for appointment S.A.E. 140 auitable for gear boxes and transmission Thames in the grade of Senior House Officer from cafididates of caterpillar graders and bulldozera, Ford whoare incligible for appointmentas Registrars. E.1T.6 Trucks, ete. 1144 OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 61, Vol. 45

Conditions of service are generally similar to those ment of Nigeris regulations where zpplicable. Partly applicable to contract: officers in. the service of the furnished quarters at one-twelfth of besic salary Federal Government. |j : . rental, . - Application forms may be obtained from the __Apniication forme obtainable from the Resistrar, House Governor, University College Hospital, Headquarters, Nixerian College of "Fechndivey, ' Ibadan, to whom completed applications. should Zaria, should be completed in dupticate andreturned be sent not later than 30th September, 1958. / to him by 30th September, 1958. Applications . from. officers in Government Service must be oo, MBAIS.&S aubmitted through the Head of the applicant's Department and be accompanied by « Confidential Government Notice No 1736 Report. ; Nicertan CoLiece or Arts, SCIENCE AND: | MES/S. 20

: TactNoLocy VACANCY FOR ASSISTANT *Gousrment Notice No. 1737 MAINTENANCE OFFICER Applications are invited fromsuitably qualified Fanerat. Eoucarion Deeaxtsorst candidates for the following appointment Assistant Eve's Cortrce, Lacos Maintenance Officer. — : a. VACANCY ‘FOR LIBRARY ASSISTANT, Candidates should be well qualified with suitable . GRADE f experience in building and construction work. Applications are invitedfrom suitably qualified Salary scale-—-Federal Government. Scale C(T) candidates for the post ofLibrary Assistant, Grade I, 1 and 2—£408-744 per annum. Point. of entry at King's College, Lagos. - according to qualifications and experience. The appointmentis pensionable... Stole of salary-D 3 £282-12-330-15-375. Applications should be addressed to the Registrar, Qualifications.-1. Applicants should possess once Headquarters, : Nigerian College of ‘Technology, of the following qualifications i - Zaria, and reach: hin. sot later than 4th October, (a) West African School Certificate (2, with 1958; these should be accompanied by certifi passes in-at least six subjects including at least one copics of certificates and testimonials.. In the case credit or pass int at Jeast five subjects including at of candidates%already in Government Service the Jeast two tredits plus « pass or a compensating applications must be submitted ‘through the appli- passin English Language}; . cant’s Head of Department and be accompanied by a (6) General Certificate of Education (with « confidential report. . pass in three subjects, including English Language ora puss in-any three subjects and at the same time MES/S. 20/T ~ achieve 4 certain minimum standard of attainment

in English Language) : s Government Notice No. 1692 (2nd publication} (c) Cambridge Qverscas School Certificate (with passes in at least cix subjects including one ‘Nicertan Cotzece or Arts, SCIENCE AND credit ofpasses in at least fivesubjects including _THeitnotoay two credits, and in either case including x pass it English Language); . VACANCY.FOR ACCOUNTANT (@) London Matriculation Certificate: ~ Applications are invited, from suitably qualified (e) Success in the Junior Civil Service Entrance persons, for the post of Accountant in the Nigerian Examination held in any pact year. College of Arts, Science and Technology. Asecond 2. They should also have pasecd the entrance vacancy is likely to arise. | examination of thé Library Association and their experience of Library work will be taken into account, Candidates must have had good practical experi- ence with a firm of accountants, a public company Ability to type will bean adventage, ~ or a Government Department amd should preferably Daties-~Thess will include cataloguing and be members of one of the recognised fea of -acceagioning of new baoks, rcaponsibility for the ‘professional accountants, Suitability for the post reparation and checking of Crown | ts Indents will, however, be assessed upon the candidate's Fribrary), the citeulation ofbooks and the day-to-day general experience acd organising ability ‘rather supervision of the Library. than upon possession of high professional qualifica- Methad of applicatiin.—Applications aceompani tions. . : ethiodofdocaments should reach the ksings College, Lagos,not laterthan BehSeptember . Salary scale.--Contract appointment £690-£1,524 per annum on Federal Government Scale A plus gratuity of £100-£150 per annum if professionally ‘Applications from officers already in the Govern-. - neat Servieo shouldDeaubruittedthrough the Hiv qualified, otherwise: £618-£1,074..on Scale C(E) ‘ e applicant’s Dept ht and be scctompan? 2, 3, 4, plus gratuity of '£100-Z2150 per annunt. Entry point according to. qualifications ‘and experi- ‘by a confidential report on the Confidential Report ence. Pensionable appointnient may be made: at Form, _ proportionately lower salary, . 23242/8, 1 Vol. IT YInducement addition, chifdren’s allowances, leave ® Government Notice No. 855in Gasette No. 38 | and other privileges according to Federal Govern- of 15-5-58 is hereby‘cancelled. Lith September, 1953 _ OFFICIAL GAZETTE _ 1145

Government Notite Ne. 1691(2ndpublication) . ~ Government Notice No. 1738 . Freoweat. Enucation DerantmMent Fengra, Epucation DepaRTMEeNt VACANCY FOR TECHNICAL INSTRUCTOR VACANCIES FORASSISTANT TECHNICAL Applications/are invited from suitably qualified INSTRUCTORS-IN-TRAINING candidates for appointment to the vacant post of Applications are invited from suitably qualified Technical Instructor at Yaba Technical Inatitute. candidates for appointment to the vacant posts of Assistant ‘Technical Inatructors-in-training at Yaba ' Sealéofsalary.Seale C(E) 2, 3,41 £564-24-612 ; Technical Institute or at Yaba Trade Centre, in the £684-30-864-36-972, The point of entry will be following trades or subjects -—~ : datermined byprevious professionalexperience. -_ (a) Printing’ (cither. Compdsitors’. Work or Qaalifications~Applicants should have several Lotterpteas Machine Printing) years olhice experience in a well eatablished Commer- (6) Painting/Decorating. - cia) Elouse, Corporation or Gaverntment department, He should have a Weat African School Certificate (¢) Sheetmetal Work with Credit in English Language or a General - (d) Blacksmithing/Welding Certificateof Rducation. He must also have (a) the (e) Shorthand and Typewriting. Roysl Society of Arts Certificaces aa follows — Stage 11 in either Book-keeping of Accountaricy and Scale of solary—For posts (a) to (a), C(T a Stage 111 in either Economics or Commerce or Training, 1, 2; £288, £315, £345; Plan, (6) the Intermediate Cernticate of a recognised 24-558 ; £594-24-642, £714, £744. mo professional body such as the Association of Certified. For post (#), C(E) ‘Training, 1, 2: £270, £294, and Corporate Accountants or the Corporation of is; pespuctaeri-24-340)C56424°012,” L08e Gecamsics ox the Chartered Inatitute of Secretaries, ‘. 6 i ” Qualifications.—-For posta (a). to (d), applicants It would be an advantage if tho candidate had must have served a recognised. apprenticeship, Royal Society of Arta Stage [1 Certificates in other preferably at x Government ‘Trade Centre, Govern- subjecta, «g.. Economic Geography and Economic: ment ‘Technical Department or Corporation, and ' History. Home teaching experience would bo am have had subsequent satisfactory industrial expe- added advantage, rience. They should alsohave passed the appro- priate Intermediate Examination of the City: and ~ Duties—The rion appointed will| be required to. Gtuilds of London Institute, A candidate with a . teach commercial subjects (other than sborthand and Final City and Guilds certificate and/or experience typewriting) to new courses whichare tobaintroduced in # supervisory capacity will be considered for in the Commercial Branch of the Technical Institute, appointment above the minimum point on the scale. Staff called upon to teach in evening classes receive: additional remuneration. For post (@), applicants must (1) hold a Sctiool Certificate with credit in English Language and The successful candidate will be expected totake asses in three others of General Certificate of part in the extra+mutal activities of the Inatitute, Education equivalent ; (2) have passed the Sraye IT: Examinations of the Royal Society of Arts in, both Other conditions of.servica—(i) The poat will be ioneble and in the case of a now entrant to. Shorthand and Typewriting; and (3) have had Government aervice, appointment will he on proba« suitable office experience. . tion for three years, : | Mithod of applicationApplications stating age, Gi) An outitt allowsnes of £60 Is piyable on first , full details of qualifications and subsequent industrial eps ience, should be addressed to the Chief Federal appointment. Adviser on Education, Federal. Education : Office, (iii). Rent is payable at 8} por cent of basic salary topos 80 ag to reach him not later.than 28th October, whenofficer is occupying Government quarters, ‘Mathod of application-~Applications should be Applications from. candidates ulready in Govern- addressed to the Secretaty, Iederal Public Service nient Service should be submitted through the Commission, Private Mail Bay 2586, Lagos, #o as to applicant’sa Head of Department and be accompanied reach him notlater than 15th October, 1958, by a confidential report on. the Confidential Report Applications from candidates not in Government Form, 23742/8, 1 vol. IE ; dervice ‘should be complered in duplicate on the from all prescribed form which may be obtained esidents in charge of Provinces, and from the Director, Federal-information Service, Lagos, and Government Notice No. 1739 from tha Rejonal Public Relations Officer, Ibadan, Kaduna and Enugu: : . Ministry or Lanps AND Lanour Westen REcIon OF NIGERIA * Applications fro candidates in Government service should be submitted through the Head of the. VACANCY FOR PRINCIPAL LANDS OFFICER applicant's Department and the Secretary of the be Applications are invited for appointment, to the Public Service Commission concerned and Fort of Principal Lands Officer in the Ministry. of accompanied by_s Confidential Report-on the Con< ands: and Labour, Western Region of Nigeris. Adential Report Form. The successful candidatewill be in chatge of the P17929/8.14 Landa Division of the Ministry. . 1446 OFFICIAL GAZETTE _ No. 61, Vet 45 Seale of salary,—-Group 7, £2,040 onpensionable Government Notice No. 1693 (2nd publication) terms or £2,244 on contract terms. On contract ? terms a gratuity is payable at the end of the Officer's . Farmar Dorroscation Sexvice _ service with Government calculated at £37—-10s-0d foreach completed period ofthreemonths including VACANCY FOR SENIOR CINEMA ’ earned leave. te PROJECTIONIST. Qualifications—Candidates miust be Associates of Applications are invited from suipbly qualified the Royal: Institute of: Chartered Surveyors (Eatate candidates for appointment as Senior Cinema . Management) with a minimunt of eight years post Projectionist in the Film Unit of the Federal qualification experience.. Experience in the tropics Information Service. : will be an advantage,- \ Scale ofsalary.~-F 4(£288«12-300-15-330}, Dutier

(et) IncomeTaxis payable at local rates, Government Notice No. 1694 (2ndpublication) - Method of application.—Applications from can- didares in Government service should be submitted Easrern Retox Lainraky Boarp through the Heads ofthe applicants’ Departments Enucu, Niceata and be accompanied by copies of confidential reports on the uppropriate formfor the last three years and 2 VACANCY FOR SENIOR CATALOGUER _ covering letter wherever possible containing special comments that may prove of value’in assessing the - Applications abe invited for Senior Cataloguer. suitability of the candidate for the post. Scale of solary.—£570-972. Point of entry Applications from candidates not in the Govern~ depends on qualifications and experience. ; ment service should be completedin duplicate onthe prescribed form obtainable from the Director of any Qualifications.—Applicants must be conversant of the Regional or Federal Information Services or with the administration and organisstion of a cata- from theDirector of Recruitment, Public Service loguing depattment and be chartered librarians or Commission, Western Region, Ibadan. graduates with professional qualifications. Applications -from candidates in the United Conditions of serzice,~Post not pensionable but Kingdom should be completed in duplicate on the the Board has = Staff Provident Fund Scheme. prescribed form obtainable from, the office of the - Normaltouris 18 months. No quarters available. Commissioner for the Western Region of Nigeria, 178/202 Great Portland Street, London, W.1. and Duties—-The Senior Cataloguerwill bc responsible submitted through. the Official Secretary;to reach for theCataloguing Department of the service and himby 20th ofSeptember, 1958, will assist the Regional Librarian in stalf training. *s All applications should reach the office of the Method . ication.-Applications with three Director of Recruitment, Public ServiceCommission. ecifethodofwhe and marked CONFIDENTIAL to _ Western Region, Ibadan, not later than 29th of reach the Regional Librarian, Eastern. Region September, 1958, ~ Library Board, Private Mail , Exvcu, not * 4721/8, 10/C 1 than 14th September, 1958.

ow — s< Mth Septeber, 1958 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 4447 _ ‘, _ \ paid * Government Notice No, 1740 probation for three years. ‘There shall also be to the holder of tho office on account of expenses Ministry ov Justice, Eastern Recion incurted in connexion with his office such allowances ag are paid from time to time to members of the VACANCY FOR DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC public service holding an appointmentat on equiva- PROSECUTIONS fen salary. ‘Thesalary and allowances are protected . Applications are invited from oultatly qualified. yy law. candidates for appointment to the post of irector of A non-Nigerian will be considered for appointment Public Prosecutions, Eastern Region. on contract only. : : Scaleofralary.-Group 4-~£2,640. ; Method of application.—Applications should be addressed to the Secretary, Public Service Com- Qualificutions-~A, candidate shall be qualified to Enugu, so as to reach him if: mission, Eastern Region, be appointedas a Director of Public Prosecutions notlater than 13th October, 1958, h has been, f havi uniaaived juriadiction in adageOfdminalmatters Applications from candidates in Government— in some part of Fler Majesty's Dominions ¢ or service should be submitted through the Headsof the and be accompanied by _ (0) @) he is qualified to practise a8 an advocate applicants’ Departments copies of Confidential Reports on the appropriate Inauch a court and ‘orm, . (it) he has been qualified for not less than ten years to practise ae an advocate or solicitor in such Applications from candidates. not in’ Government -@ court. . service should be completed in duplicate~onthe be in charge prescribed form obtainable from the Director of any . Dutien=-Theholderof tho office will Regional or FederalInformation Services or from the - of criminal work in the Legal Department. He will Secretary, Public Servico Commission, Enugu, the — havesole responsibility for the initiation, conduct and Seeretary.for Students’ Affairs, No. 9 Northumber- discontinuanes ofprosecutions. land Avenue, London W.C. 2. and the Nigerian Other conditions of seruices“Tho post is ponsion- Liaison Officer, 506 DupontCircle BuildingWashing- . able and in the case of # new entrant into the Public ton 6 D.C, U.S.A, Service ofthe EasternRegion, appointmentwill be on .0394/S, 3/T

GovernmentNoticeNo. 1741 . “ LO - V “HAM, Cusroms Ann Excise , t é . SALE OF GOODS AT SAPELE . _. Unless previously cleared, the following unclaimed goodslying in the Queen’s Warehouse at SAPELE, will be sold by public auction at the Queen’s Warehouse, Sapele, on. the Wednesday succeeding the elaps fromthe date of thefirst publication of this notice, Sule commences 9 a.m. of one calendar month . ¢ . “* . . Date of Name of air Number of a yeport eraft or ship re Marks aud Nos. packages Description ofpackages - * 12-7.58 Patani 8E. WST, 583. -« - 4 Cases Beer - _s 15-7-58 Sansu ABBS/i1/3 ss os 3 Cases Stationers Sundrie: | cargo lying: in the Quéen’s Warehouse and adjacent And a miscellaneous quantity of unidentifiable : . 4” ~ stacking area, ¥

GovernmentNoticeNo, 1744 § : HM. Customs anp Excise '" . SALE OF GOODS AT DEGEMA Unless previously cleared, the following unclaimed goodslying in the Queen’s Warehouse at DEGEMA, the Queen's Warehouse, Degema, on the Wednesday succeeding the elapse will be sold by public auction at -~poy he _ Of ons calendar month from:thedate of firstpublication ofthis natice éommencingat Dam, Po Date of Name af aire _ Number of report —evaft or ship. - Marke and Nos, packages Description of packages 4 Carton Bread | 44-6-58 Rose of Lan- HOLT HAB (PH) e cnaver . 1 Carton Machine Oil | 146-58 Rose of Len. EZEMS, PH. 1263 . Gaater . » 146-58 Rose of Lan- M.CS,ONITSHA via PH... 1 Loose Negro-Pot \ ‘1148 OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 61, Vol. 45

Governinent Notice No. 1743 / HLM, Customs ann Excue SALE OF GOODS AT APAPA Unless previously wleared, the following unclaimed goods lying in the Queen’s Warehouse APAP.1, will be sold by public auction at Queen’s Warehouse, A on. the Thursday succeeding the elapse of one calendar month from the date of first publication ofrinaotcentcommencing at 9.30 2,al Date of Name of air- Number of veport craft or ship Marks and Nos. _ packages Description ofpachazes 17 6-58 Jean Mermez A.B, Co. Lagos1 .. ‘a 1 Case Record Changer 17-6-58 Jean Mermez TD.‘Lagos i-5 , § Cases Silver Smith Works 29-11-57 ‘Tezai Maru. FZ.Ne: 9517, 7466Lagos 987 76 1 . Case Enamelware 6-4-58 Sansu, NPB 236 APAPA NIN .. 1 a ~ Unknown . 14 Drm Line 36-58 Ondo GAL 17's. ASU 1 jie APAPA" 16 Crates Cardboard Sheets 11-5-58 Baiien Francogus Trading Co, Tjebu Oda t +s oe 1 Case Motor Cyche sod

— Unknown Shell Ape 2 Prams Dovax P. Oi! 46-58 African Pilgrim SuwebseaseSofola Lagos Ghana... 1 Box Generator 23-6-58 Freetown. oraPIHIZABAciLAGOS . : . . 14 Gases Laboratory Hardware 22-6-58 Patani ° Age ZINDER “tie APAPA 0427 1-25 a -» 23 Bales Cotton Tissues --- Unknown Reetgor GMR Frectown .. 2 Bundies Motor Springs 23-6-58 -Gennet ’ SF. KS.581 Accra 3215 ve 2 Cases Orange 15-1-538 Lugano aes TAKORADL 155 1 Case Rubber ‘See 29-§.58 ‘Tumlaren SE of 902668 Fort Lamy via 1 Cane Beer : ase 26-11-57 Benin Palm DEHi/z5006 Port Harcourt 3304.. 1 Cause Reyon Piece Goods 26-11-57 Benin Palm SCW 508 PH. C564 t Drum Lime 12-6-58 Juliane PR. Byrne West & South African Gold Mines Ltd. Takoradi .. 1 Case Earthenware 20-5-58 Maloja SegramFFort ‘Lamy via Apapa oe . ‘3 Cartons Tapioca — PostOffce . RLOE3888158 MajorLA Gordon

25-6-584 A 2) Meetvac Ltd.i. Zactaa 1 al Cine paps ry Nigeria 1 ‘Trunk Personal Effects 25-6-58 Apapa Kanofe Aypapa 1 + 1 Case Electric Desk Fans 1-7-58 G-AKGM GIN 050-1284318 ee ee 1 Parcel Imitation Jewellery 1-7-58 G-AKGM C/N 035-1163967 .. . 10. Parcels Imitation Jewellery 3-7-58 GAKGK - C/N 060-1284320 .. ae 1 Parcel Imitation Jewellery 3-7-58 G-AKGK C/N 061-384826 .. . 1 Parcel Samples 3-7-58 G-AKGK CIN 061-378751_ ... oe 1 Ivory Ornaments 3-7-58 G-ANUB CIN 060-2257066 .. os 1 Parcel Camera 7-17-58. G-AKGM CjN 060-1284330 :.. ~ ve 1 Parce! Imitation 9-7-58 WR-NCO CIN 074 6148646 .. ae 1 Parcel Belts 10-7-58 G-ANTZ C/N 061-386190_ .. oe 1- Parcel Samples 15-7-58 VR-NCM CN 074-6148885 .. ve 1 Parcel Weating Apparels 20-7-58 G-ANUB C/N 085-1256024 . oe 1 Parcel Watches 20-7-58 G-ANUB CIN 085-1225674 .. oe 2 Parcels Pharmaceuticals 20-7-58 G-ANUB C/N 060-1133672 .. eae 1 Parcel Cosmetic Samples And a miscellaneous quantity of unidentifiable packages lyingiin the Queen’s Warehouse and on the | dump. t fe

ln Printed and Published bythe Federal Government‘Printer, Nigel, 2229958;15,250 Annual Subscription : Nigeris, £3. Overseas, £3~10e post free. Present isnue (including Supplement) 2¢-Bé per copy.