THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 JAMADA ALTHANI 13, 1436 AH First Kuwaiti High-stakes Next-generation ICC president dinar entered talks in GMOs: Pink quits over circulation on nail-biting pineapples and World Cup April 1,3 1961 extension8 purple29 tomatoes trophy16 snub Ghanem vows unity as Min 21º Max 28º MPs meet over Yemen High Tide 11:20 & 23:15 Low Tide Shiite activist arrested for critical tweets 05:05 & 17:30 40 PAGES NO: 16478 150 FILS Palestine joins By B Izzak KUWAIT: National Assembly speaker Marzouq Al- Ghanem said yesterday lawmakers will not allow anyone International to sow seeds of discord and divisions within Kuwait and completely reject any attempt to cast any doubts on any Criminal Court component of the Kuwaiti society. Ghanem’s statements came after he chaired a meeting of a large number of MPs THE HAGUE: Palestine formally joined the and several ministers to discuss the regional situation in International Criminal Court yesterday, a move the light of the Gulf military operations in Yemen in which Palestinians hope could open the door to the possible Kuwait’s air force is taking part. prosecution of Israelis for alleged war crimes. The The ministers of foreign affairs, interior, defense and oil, accession was marked at a closed-door ceremony at in addition to the state minister for cabinet affairs, attend- ICC headquarters in The Hague, exactly 90 days after ed the meeting along with 33 MPs. None of the MPs Palestine joined the court’s founding Rome Statute. spoke after the meeting and only Ghanem issued a state- The Palestinians called on Israel to also join the global ment. The meeting came after almost all the seven Shiite court, which was set up in 2002 to try crimes against MPs in the Assembly expressed their rejection of Kuwait’s humanity, war crimes and genocide. air force’s participation in the Yemen strikes, saying that Exasperated after decades of failed negotiations the move breaches the constitution which totally bans with Israel and no prospect of achieving statehood offensive wars, and any military participation must have anytime soon, Palestinians have been waging a cam- the prior approval of the Assembly. paign for recognition at international bodies includ- Ghanem said that the Kuwaiti society remains an ing the ICC. “Palestine seeks justice, not vengeance,” example of national unity at times of crises and disasters. foreign minister Riad Malki said after received a sym- bolic copy of the Rome Statute at the ceremony. The speaker said that despite different viewpoints, all MPs “Israel should join us in becoming a member of the agreed to remain united and back the political leadership International Criminal Court,” Malki said. of HH the Amir. He said more meetings will be held in the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “should future in the Assembly to hear briefings from the govern- not be afraid... if Israel has any complaints (against us) ment about the latest developments in Yemen. they should join and present their case to the ICC.” ICC KUWAIT: HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and HH the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al- Ghanem said that MPs heard during the meeting illus- chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda in January launched Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah attend a national operetta “Al-Bait Al-O’d” (The Old House) at Bayan Palace yester- trations from ministers about the latest regional develop- Continued on Page 13 day. The operetta involved Kuwaiti students performing dances and songs representing the history of ments. Kuwaiti governorates, national unity and loyalty. — KUNA (See Page 2) Continued on Page 13

KUWAIT: A sandstorm blows over Kuwait yesterday, as the Meteorological Department issued a warn- ing saying that wind speed could reach over 70 km per hour. Visibility will lower to less than 1,000 m due to the northwesterly winds, Director Mohammad Karam said. In a press statement, the Interior Ministry’s Security Media Department called on all people to take required measures for the safety of their families, instructing them to abide by speed limits. It advised people to fasten seatbelts while driving in low-visibility conditions. — Photo by Yasser Al-Zayyat US-Iran thaw spurred Saudi action on Yemen

DUBAI: Wary of a rapprochement between Washington and archrival Iran, Saudi Arabia has taken matters into its own hands by leading an air war against Shiite rebels in Yemen, experts say. The Houthi UAE planes rebels, who denies arming, were close to seizing most of Yemen when Saudi Arabia sent warplanes into avoid midair its southern neighbor, with which it shares a 1,800 km border. “America’s indifference to Saudi concerns and - the other side of that coin, America’s increasing interest collision in co-opting Iran,” are among the motives behind Riyadh’s action, said Professor Anoush Ehteshami, Iran DUBAI: Jetliners from the United Arab Emirates’ two and Gulf expert at Britain’s Durham University. main airlines avoided a possible midair collision The air campaign began last week as marathon talks after they got too close to each other over the between Iran and world powers aimed at ensuring Indian Ocean earlier this week. The incident hap- Tehran never develops a nuclear bomb entered a cru- pened Sunday as passenger planes from Dubai- cial phase. “As the nuclear negotiations proceed, the based Emirates and Abu Dhabi-based Etihad Saudis become much more nervous about America Airways were traveling in opposite directions taking its eye off the Arab world by focusing on Iran,” between the Gulf federation and the island nation of said Ehteshami. The campaign followed urgent calls for Seychelles. Both carriers have recently rerouted help by Yemen’s embattled President Abedrabbo flights to the archipelago nation to avoid Yemeni air- Mansour Hadi, as the Houthis and allied troops loyal to space due to fighting there. ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh closed in on his Emirates, the Middle East’s biggest carrier, said its refuge in the main southern city of Aden. Hadi, who flight 706 was returning to Dubai when what it has since fled to Saudi Arabia, denounced the rebels as called “an air traffic control incident” happened in Iran’s “puppets”, while Riyadh accused Tehran of med- airspace monitored by air traffic controllers in dling in the internal affairs of the Gulf and Yemen. On Mumbai, India. It said it informed authorities of the Tuesday, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal incident and later filed an air safety report that will said that Yemen’s security was “part and parcel” of the be forwarded to investigators in the Indian city. security of his kingdom and the rest of the Arab world. Continued on Page 13 Continued on Page 13 THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 LOCAL

KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah waves to children who greet him as he enters the venue to attend the operetta. — Amiri Diwan photos Amir patronizes Al-Bait Al-O’d national operetta

KUWAIT: The national operetta, ‘Al-Bait Al-O’d’ (the old house), kicked off at Bayan Palace yesterday under the patronage of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al- Sabah. The operetta involved Kuwaiti students performing dances and songs which rep- resent the history of Kuwaiti governorates, national unity and loyalty. The ceremony was attended by HH the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, National Assembly Speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanim, former speaker Jassim Al-Kharafi, HH Sheikh Nasser Al- Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al- Sabah, HH the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al- Hamad Al-Sabah and First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah accepts a memen- Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al- The operetta’s organizers present a memento to His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber to presented by the operetta’s organizers. Hamad Al-Sabah. — KUNA Al-Sabah.

(Front row, from left) Former speaker Jassem Al-Kharafi, HH the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, HH the Amir Sheikh His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah is pictured with Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, National Assembly Speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanim, Sheikh Jaber Al-Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and HH students on the sidelines of the event. Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah cheer on the performance.

Ahmadi Governorate students perform on stage. His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah (center), cabinet ministers and sen- ior officials are seen among the crowd. Official meets chief delegates to Kuwait III

KUWAIT: Undersecretary of the Kuwaiti Foreign Ministry Khaled Suleiman Al-Jarallah met late Tuesday separately with chief dele- gates of the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Canada, China, Iran and Romania to the Third International Humanitarian Pledging Conference for Syria. During his meeting with US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Powers, Jarallah dis- cussed bilateral relations and the recent regional and international developments. He held similar discussions with UK Minister of State for International Development Affairs Desmond Swayne, and French Minister of State for Development and Francophony Annick Girardin. Jarallah also held similar talks with Canadian Assistant Deputy Minister Diane Jacovella, China’s Special Envoy to the Middle East Ambassador Gong Xiaosheng, Iranian Assistant Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs and Hussein Amir Abdullahyan and Romanian State Secretary for Global Affairs Carmen KUWAIT: Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Khaled Al-Jarallah meets the US Ambassador to the UN and representative to the Liliana Burlacu. — KUNA Third International Pledging Humanitarian Conference for Syria Samantha Powers. — KUNA THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 LOCAL Anti-corruption body begins work

By Faten Omar

KUWAIT: Kuwait’s Anti-Corruption Authority held a press conference yester- day to announce the decree authorizing the authority to begin its work. The release of the implementing regulations of the authority under decree no. 77 for 2015 will serve as a starting point for the authority to begin carrying out its mandated tasks, said Abdulrahman Namash Al-Namash, Chief of Kuwait’s Public Anti-Corruption Authority. The decree also provides full protection for whistleblowers and other witnesses in cor- ruption cases. KUWAIT: Abdulrahman Al-Namash, Chief The government hopes that by empow- of Kuwait’s Public Anti-Corruption ering the agency to tackle acts of public Authority, speaks during the press con- corruption, it will reduce the growing inci- ference. —Photo by Joseph Shagra dences of bribery and corruption at gov- ernment ministries and institutions and mon suspects over corruption charges, work alongside civil society organizations stressing at the same time that the decree to improve Kuwait’s ranking on the Global of establishing the authority has commit- Corruption Perception Index (CPI). ted through its articles (24, 25, 26) all insti- KUWAIT: Participants at the symposium pose for a group photo. During his speech, Namash stated that tutions and the private sector and all citi- the doors of the anti-corruption authority zens to cooperate with the authority and are now open to anyone who wants to prohibited impeding their work. Violators report incidents of financial corruption, will face a jail sentence not exceeding three College hosts weapon pointing out that the authority will be years or a fine not less than KD 2,000 and scheduled to receive financial disclosures not more than KD 10,000, or both. to which the text of the law 24/2014 Members of the public can visit the anti- applies on. corruption body’s headquarters or website possession symposium He added that the authority will sum- to file reports about corruption.

By Meshaal Al-Enezi period that expires on June 22, 2015, and hand inal sector, the communication engineering over all unlicensed weapons. directorate, the security systems directorate, the Kuwait builds KD 54 KUWAIT: Major General Dr Rafe’ Al-Daihani, The acting manager of criminal investigation inspection directorate, the financial and admin- Director of the Interior Ministry’s National and licenses Lt Col Saleh Al-Omar said that the istrative sector, the financial affairs directorate, Security College, stressed that the college was weapon collection law was discussed at the sym- the undersecretary’s office directorate, the million gas plant one of the MoI facilities that is mainly con- posium, adding that all parties agreed that the police force affairs directorate, the National cerned with the ongoing national awareness law aims to protect the whole society from the Security College, the training directorate, the KUWAIT: Construction of a liquefied gas the plant, with aim of meeting mounting weapon collection campaign amongst its dangers caused by unlicensed weapons. Omar education and training sector and Saad Al- plant in northern Kuwait has cost up to KD domestic demand for gas, in light of popu- cadets and staff as well as for all community also noted that the weapon collection law’s arti- Abdullah Academy. 54 million (about $179.4 million), the lation growth. constituents in order to spare them legal cles were derived from the old laws 13/1991 and Kuwait Oil Tanker Company (KOTC) con- Since then, a team of Kuwaiti engineers accountability if they violate the related law 35/1985 that incriminate the possession of Case adjourned firmed yesterday. The KOTC, in a statement, had sought to acquire state-of-art technolo- number 6/2015. weapons and explosives and warned that those The Court of Appeals yesterday postponed a said the establishment of the plant, in gy and equipment to build the plant with Speaking on the sidelines of a symposium caught in violation of those laws once the grace case filed against former MP Musallam Al-Barrak Umm Al-Aish, cost KD 54 million, noting high engineering specifications, including held under the title of ‘The Danger of Weapons period is over would be subjected to five years in for taking part in an illegal gathering till April 15 that it was inaugurated nearly two weeks strategic reserve tanks, production lines, and Illegal Possession’ at the college yesterday, prison and/or a fine up to KD 10,000. to give its final verdict. ago. The plant, built on a 150,000-sq-m plot administrative buildings and a transport Daihani said the college holds several work- of land, has a productivity capacity of 15 fleet. With launch of the new plant, Kuwait shops and training programs over this national ‘Interior’ reshuffle Obesity levels million cylinders per year, 160 percent of will meet the local needs for gas till 2030, it campaign in a bid to educate its staff members Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Dr Wafa Al-Hashash, a digestive system con- the output capacity of the old plant in Al- said, also indicating that stored gas would of all ranks of this danger. He also stressed that Sheikh Mohammed Khalid Al-Hamad Al-Sabah sultant at the Health Ministry, said yesterday Shuaiba. be kept under the ground the safest method the spread of weapons has caused so many yesterday issued a ministerial decision to adjust that Kuwait comes first in obesity levels The KOTC, in late 2010, signed a KD 54.6 for storing gas. The plant includes six under- murders and violence. “Therefore, we urge all the ministry’s vocational structure. The decision amongst (Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states million contract with the South Korean ground tanks, the storing capacity of each citizens to make use of the four-month grace included a list of new appointments in the crim- and second worldwide. Hanwha Corporation to design and build amounts to 2,350 cubic meters. — KUNA Crime 4 million Syrian Report women in dire need of help: UN official

KUWAITI: There are four million women who have been affected by the conflict in Syria and are in dire need of assistance in health and livelihood matters, a UN regional official said yesterday. Mohammad Abdul Ahad, UN Population Fund’s Regional Director for the Arab Region, said the fund pro- vides support to mobile health clinics, medical centers, and hospitals in many countries including Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Turkey, and Egypt for the benefit of women in need of basic health care including birthing facilities for the pregnant ones. He said Kuwait had given the fund $5 million in the first donors’ conference in 2013 which the fund used to assist about 700,000 women, hoping that some of the pledges this year would also be earmarked for the fund’s activities vis-a-vis needy women. He said that the fund had set up centers for women in a number of Arab countries, includ- Picture from the scene showing the collapsed decora- ing Syria, not to provide them only with health services but tion pieces. also with psychological care and recreational facilities. He lauded the cooperation between the fund and countries hosting thousands of Syrian refugees and thanked Kuwait Nurse hurt as KUWAIT: Participants in the 13th Annual Fireman’s Day were honored during a ceremony held recently under the for hosting a third donors’ conference and taking the lead patronage and attendance of senior Kuwait Fire Services Directorate (KFSD) officials, including Major General in extending humanitarian help to these refugees. —KUNA ceiling caves in Yousuf Al-Ansari, Director General, Brigadier Khalid Al-Tarkeet, Deputy Director General for Financial and Administrative Affairs, and Brigadier Khalid Al-Mikrad, Deputy Director General for Firefighting and Human By Hanan Al-Saadoun Resources Development. — By Hanan Al-Saadoun Arabic Poetry KUWAIT: A nurse was injured after decoration pieces fell from the ceiling at a seminars’ hall inside the Sabah Al- festival concludes Ahmad Urology Center yesterday, the Ministry of Health Deputy Speaker congratulates KUWAIT: The eighth edition of the “Spring of Arabic confirmed. The nurse was taken to the Sabah Hospital for Poetry” festival came to a close Tuesday night, with another medical checkups and her condition is stable, said Dr Jamal seminar highlighting the works of Omani poet Abdullah Al- Al-Harbi, the ministry’s Acting Undersecretary. The ministry Palestine on ICC membership meanwhile refuted earlier reports which had suggested Khalili. The festival organized by the Foundation of that at least eleven people were slightly injured during the KUWAIT: Kuwait’s Parliament Deputy Palestinian Ambassador to Kuwait and 2015 a declaration under article 12 (3) Abdulaziz Saud Al-Babtain Prize for Poetic Creativity under incident. Speaker Mubarak Al-Khurainej con- expressed his best wishes for this of the Rome Statute, the basic docu- the auspices of His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh gratulated Palestinian leadership and “blessed” and “well-earned” step in ment of the court, accepting the juris- Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. President Mahmoud Abbas yesterday supporting the Palestinian cause. diction of the ICC over alleged crimes The seminar, which was held at the Al-Babtain Central on their country’s joining the Earlier, the ICC officially announced committed “in the occupied Library Theater, gathered celebrated writers such as Dr International Criminal Court (ICC) offi- Palestine as the 123rd member in the Palestinian territory, including East Ahmad Darwish and Dr Saeed Al-Saflawi; it was moderated cially. Palestine’s membership in ICC Court, a move widely seen as an Jerusalem, since June 13, 2014.” by Critic and Author Dr Nuria Al-Rumi. will contribute to solving several issues opportunity to bring accountability to Palestine deposited on 2 January 2015 Darwish said in a speech during the seminar that poems between the Palestinians and the years of Israel’s violations against the its instrument of accession to the of Abdullah Al-Khalili highlighted his expression and feel- Zionist occupation such as providing a Palestinian people. Palestinians signed Rome Statute with the UN Secretary ings for things in a distinguished way, and his inherited legal and legitimate warrant to bring the court’s founding treaty last January General. Acting in his capacity as poetic way and ability to tackle various types of poetic Israeli war criminals to justice for the and it came into force yesterday. ICC depositary, the UN Secretary General prospects. crimes they committed against the Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda on 6 January accepted Palestine’s Darwish explained that Khalil was able to escape mis- Palestinian people, Khurainej said in a opened a preliminary investigation accession, and thus the state became takes made by many poets who moved away from old press statement. The Kuwaiti MP also mid-January. the 123rd State Party to the ICC, effec- poetry literature style, and maintained a love for poetry mentioned that he has phoned the Palestine lodged on 1 January tively as of yesterday. —KUNA due to his attachment to poets like Ahmad Shawqi, and affection to Arab and Islamic heritage and values. Saflawi said meanwhile that Khalili’s beautiful poetry stemmed from his Islamic, and religious upbringing, including influence from his grandfather the poet and renowned Sheikh Saeed bin Khalfan Al-Khalili, his uncle Imam Mohammad bin Abdullah Al-Khalili, and a number of Omani clerics. Saflawi added that Khalili utilized his potential and energy and creativity in achieving human beauty to mankind through his quest to achieve a set of moral and behavioral balances, including a psychological, social and spiritual one. Saflawi noted that the philosophy of Khalili depictions on generosity that he does not focus too much on the The Sri Lankan drug dealer. image itself or the physical appearance, but instead high- lights the core principle of such act of generosity as end- Drug dealers arrested less noble gesture. Drug control authorities arrested a Kuwaiti man with Dinar marks 54th anniversary Abdullah bin Ali Al-Khalili, once called the ‘Omani Chief 250 gm of hashish, 50 gm of heroin and 2,000 Captagon Poet’ in the second half of the twentieth century, was born tablets. He was sent to concerned authorities. Meanwhile, a in Oman in 1922. The seminar was followed by an evening Sri Lankan man was arrested with 1 kg of heroin, 400 gm of KUWAIT: The First issue of the Kuwaiti 1961, replacing the then circulated Kuwaiti and Indian governments. Six of poetry entitled on Khalili poetry attended by 11 poets shabu and 1,800 narcotic pills. The arrest was made at his currency was put into circulation by Indian Rupee. The issuance was car- series of the Kuwaiti dinar banknote residence where the drugs were found. the Kuwait Currency Board on April 1, ried out after an agreement between have been printed to date.— KUNA from Kuwait and the Arab world. — KUNA LOCAL THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 Microbiologist warns against antibiotics overuse ‘Why I love bacteria’

By Ben Garcia

KUWAIT: A Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine yesterday warned against overusing antibiotics as they kill more of the good bacteria that our body needs in order to survive. Sir Richard J Roberts made the remarks at a lecture titled ‘Why I Love Bacteria’ yesterday at the Kuwait Foundation for the KUWAIT: The Commercial Bank of Kuwait (CBK) sponsored a kart race organized by a group of students aged Advancement of Sciences (KFAS) audi- between 14 and 16 years. The race took place at the Sirbb Circuit in Industrial Shuwaikh. torium. His talk was attended by doc- tors, medical professors and students from various universities and schools in Kuwait. “Every time you take an antibiotic, you are not only killing the bad bacte- ria, but the good ones too. One should be very careful when using antibiotics,” Dr Roberts stressed. He said cures for many diseases were found because of the research done by microbiologists on the bacteria KUWAIT: Dr Richard Roberts speaks at the lecture yesterday. — Photos by residing in our body, adding that Joseph Shagra many of the terrible things one hears about bacteria are untrue. Clostridium botulinum botulinum toxin, which is a very dan- “Every part of our body has bacte- Dr Roberts, who was recognized gerous toxin. You can be infected with ria associated with it, from hair to skin for studies of transcription bacterium clostridium botulinum, so to fingers, and they are needed there. Adenovirus-2, which led to the discov- be careful,” he advised. The diversity of bacteria living with us ery of split genes and mRNA splicing Dr Roberts is the chief scientific is amazing, and how they work for us in 1977 for which he was awarded the officer at New England Biolabs head- to live,” Roberts said. “Without these Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1993, also quartered in Beverly, Massachusetts. bugs, we would be unable to survive discussed bacterium clostridium bot- He earned a PhD in Organic Chemistry on earth, yet we know rather little ulinum, which is now used as a cos- from Sheffield University and later about them,” he said. He also men- metic enhancer. “Many ladies are into moved to Harvard University. Roberts tioned several bacteria that are good this right now, and they suffer lots in was a leader in a project that aims to and bad for humans, bacteria that live the name of beauty. They undergo connect computational biologists with us and our environment, as well botox sessions, but what they do not with experimental biochemists to find as bacteria that cause disease. know is they are injected with the the function of novel genes.

A general view of the audience. More than 2k people with autism in Kuwait

KUWAIT: Kuwait marks World Autism Awareness Day Kuwait pays huge attention to caring for people with today in order to help spread knowledge about the needs special needs, issuing Law 8/2010 to safeguard the rights of the increasing numbers of autistic people around the of this category of society. The country’s organizations con- world. World Autism Awareness Day was first launched by tinuously exert efforts to create a better life for disabled the UN’s General Assembly in 2007, to encourage NGOs people, mainly autistic patients, who are estimated to be and international organizations to bring awareness to peo- between 2,000 and 2,500 in Kuwait. ple towards the disease, and support education programs In 1994, the Kuwait Center for Autism was established for patients. as a waqf (endowment) project by the Kuwait Public Awqaf The event also aims to showcase the challenges facing Foundation, with both the Ministry of Education and indi- autistic people, and to stress that they have rights equal to vidual philanthropists pitching in later on to furbish the all society members, according to the UN’s Convention on center and improve its services. The center was the first the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. specialized institution in this field in the Arab World. The center’s activities and services span beyond Kuwait to the Gulf Cooperation Council and Arab countries. It is the meeting place and organizer of gatherings of special- ists, researchers and training courses, receiving the first ISO awards for institutions in this field in the Middle East. Moreover, the Applied Behavior Center of Kuwait (ABC), is another body which treats autistic children through early intervention services and educational programs. Autism is a form of mental disability caused by a neuro- logical disorder which develops early, before three years of age. The disease interferes with the patient’s social interac- tion abilities and usually affects males more than females. People usually disregard, or are unaware of the fact that autistic people often have many characteristics including a thorough recognition of details, strong visual skills, long-term memory, along with artistic, musical and mathematical abilities which could make them suitable for many jobs such as data entry, linguistic review and software testing. — KUNA

GCC health officials meet in Doha

DOHA: Undersecretaries of health ministries at the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) kicked off their third meeting in Doha yesterday. The meeting’s agenda includes major issues that aim at providing due healthcare to the GCC peoples, in line with the top world criteria, Dr Saleh Al-Marri, Assistant Secretary-General for Health Affairs at the Supreme Council of Health told the opening session. Recommendations of the meeting will be submit- ted to the next meeting of the bloc’s health minis- ters Qatar hosts in October, he added. During the meeting, GCC Assistant Secretary- General for Economic and Development Affairs Dr Abdullah Al-Shibli stressed the persistent efforts by the health ministries to promote and enrich joint cooperation. Participants will discuss a report for the GCC Supreme Council and resolution by the Ministerial Council on health affairs. Other issues will cover financing health services, comprehensive health coverage, and coordination of GCC stances at inter- national level. — KUNA

THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 From the Arabic press

Wife charged with Al-Qabas domestic violence Why is it necessary KUWAIT: An expatriate accused his wife of Search for harasser attacking him at their Fintas residence after he Farwaniya detectives are looking for a man to have politicians? admonished her for spending too much time who harassed a woman on a walking path in on the phone. A security source said the 39- Farwaniya after failing to convince her to year-old man gave police a medical report exchange phone numbers. The woman screamed By Abdellatif Al-Duaij stating that he was bruised after his wife beat as soon as he came closer, so he escaped on foot. him. Police summoned the woman, who told he constitutional court ruling, which linked the them that her husband hit her first and got Twitter insult right of gathering with the agreement of con- what he deserved. A former National Assembly candidate Tcerned authorities to safeguard security and accused two persons of insulting him on social peace of mind that are necessary for the society, con- Maid hits sponsor media. A security source said that a lawyer went firms the necessity to reform the constitutional court so A domestic helper assaulted her sponsor at to Abdullah Al-Salem police station and com- it includes, besides the esteemed judges who are quali- Mubarak Hospital. A security source said the plained against two Twitter users because of fied to interpret the law of laws, politicians and those sponsor brought his Ethiopian maid to the insults to his client. hospital, but she was very angry and refused concerned with public matters, who will add political to get out of the car, then attacked him before Smuggling foiled and social dimensions and meanings on the correct being controlled. The maid was admitted for Northern borders customs officers foiled an understanding of the constitutional items. treatment, and detectives are working on find- attempt to smuggle banned material used in vice Politicians wrote the constitution, and when the ing why she was behaving that way. activities arriving from China. The shipment was committee of writing the constitution was formed to addressed to a local company, and was sent to include politicians Yacoub Al-Humaidhi, Abdellatif Al- Ex-husband charged concerned authorities. Ghanim, Humoud Al-Zaid, Saud Al-Abdelrazzaq and A citizen was beaten by her ex-husband Sheikh Saad Al-Abdullah, none of them was a constitu- who attacked her in her house because of lin- Thief caught tional expert or a man of law, rather politicians who the gering problems between the two. A security Farwaniya detectives arrested a bedoon man source said the woman went to the police sta- who committed 14 armed robberies from individ- nation and trusted with its destiny, except for Sheikh tion with a medical report stating her injuries. uals and grocery stores. The suspect was found to Saad Al-Abdullah, who represented the ruling family. Hawally detectives were told to arrest the man be an ex-convict and was sent to criminal detec- Al-Jarida Those politicians are the ones who laid the foundations for questioning. tives. - Al-Rai of the rule in Kuwait, decided the nature of relations between people and between them and authorities. There is no doubt that those who wrote the constitu- tion and its legal texts were constitutional and legal experts. Forming the constitutional court of men of law only leads the court to care for the legal text and build its rulings on the intentions and goals of who fixed the legal text of the constitution’s items, not the goal and awareness of the persons who laid the general founda- tions of the general political system in Kuwait. It is true that the final text was approved and accepted by the constitution preparation committee whose members were mentioned above, and it is also true that the constituent council in its entirety subject- ed the text to understanding and explaining and amendment, so it can be said that the constituent council is the one that prepared or even wrote the con- stitutional items, but there remains the fact that the final understanding of each item was subjected to dis- cussions and many differences, and sometimes there were negotiations at length over some items, so the result of discussion, be it at the constitution prepara- tion committee or at the constituent council, clearly indicates that many items were accepted after under- takings that the opposing view on the item will be respected. The constitutional explanation of the constitution item must include the political point of view, because it is what will guarantee the fulfillment of the inten- tions of the original constitutional legislators, if it was done under the instructions and supervision of the men of law, exactly like when the constitution itself was written and prepared, so the presence of some politicians, besides the legal majority is necessary to guarantee the issue of a legal and political under- standing of the constitutional items, especially since the explanatory memo of the constitution confirmed the importance of that.

Al-Jarida Yemen unites us

By Dr Hassan Jouhar

e have always warned of sectarian congestions, lack of the spirit of tolerance and diversity in Wboth ideology and attitudes as well as accepting others’ opinions and the serious consequences in terms of defining patriotism, captainship and exchanging danger- ous accusations, which are taking place all over social media networks nowadays over the war going on in Yemen and launching the Decisive Storm strikes by an Arab coalition including Kuwait. But attitudes change. Those not in favor of this war have their patriotism ques- tioned and get accused of treason and many start calling for severe penalties for them, starting with citizenship withdrawal! This very same instigation has been practiced against political activists until recent times. Some people even found no harm in showing and expressing joy over securi- ty confrontations with the Irada Square demonstrations and withdrawing some individuals’ citizenships. The same reactions happen whenever a general political decision is made concerning domestic or regional issues. Such insti- gation and gloating surely contribute to weakening social coherence and solidarity and eliminate attempts to regain trust amongst various Kuwaiti groups, especially as far as doctrines are concerned. The world of politics is full of unpredictable changes of interests and alliances that govern states and govern- ments’ agreement or disagreement over those interests. Political balances have always changed not only over the long history, but also over recent few years and months. The war in Yemen, which is already the sixth there since World War II, might not be the last despite the difference in reactions to it. The Iraq-Iran war had tragic impact on Kuwait and Kuwaitis. But Saddam Hussein did us Kuwaitis a favor and reunited us by invading our country in 1990. The region has witnessed several misfortunes ever since. The Baath party was toppled in Iraq and we rejoiced in Kuwait. Soon, the Arab Spring blew in and people got divided. Those winds brought Islamists forward, namely the Muslim Brotherhood, and they quickly failed in Egypt, were contained in Tunisia and stricken in Libya. Even GCC states were not devoid of domestic disputes starting with incidents in Bahrain and accusing some GCC governments of supporting and controlling the opposition in Kuwait and ending with the current Decisive Storm operation. All these incidents have greatly contributed to deepen- ing and worsening domestic disagreements regardless of details and justifications. Accusations were always ready. The Muslim Brotherhood was accused of supporting Morsi’s regime in Egypt, tribes were accused of having for- eign affiliations and loyalty because they joined the oppo- sition, and Shiites were accused of having foreign affilia- tions over the incidents in Bahrain and Yemen. Accusations of treason and citizenship withdrawal have been domi- nant in all cases. The sound of wisdom, brotherly debate and respecting other opinions might sound out of context under the current circumstances. Yet, historic responsibili- ty, religious duties and maintaining what is ever left of citi- zenship and fraternity bonds require such an attitude. So let us pray to Almighty Allah to guide Yemenis of all fac- tions to reach an understanding and launch a debate even under the current domestic and foreign fires, because nothing will do them any good except reuniting after six tragic wars that pushed the once ‘Happy Yemen’ to the bottom of the poverty list not only in the Arab world, but worldwide as well. THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 Gaza man feels duped after selling Banksy Pakistan struggles with Yemen coalition dilemma mural for only $175 Page 11 Page 8 37 dead as dairy plant bombed in Yemen

SANAA: Dozens of civilians were reported dead yesterday The head of the provincial health authorities, enth night of raids that also targeted the capital and other lapse”. Amnesty International accused the coalition of after a dairy plant was bombed in Yemen, as aid groups Abdulrahman Jarallah, gave a toll of 35 people killed and areas. The Aden strikes were focused on the rebel-held “turning a blind eye to civilian deaths” as it reported four warned of a brewing humanitarian crisis from Saudi-led dozens wounded. Part of the factory was destroyed and provincial administration complex in Dar Saad in city’s children were among six burned to death in strikes on Ibb, strikes on Shiite rebels. Rights groups have voiced grow- rescue teams were looking for survivors under the rubble, north, according to a military official. He said there were in central Yemen. ing alarm about civilian casualties from the nearly week- according to a medic at a Hodeida hospital that received “many dead and wounded” among the Houthi Shiite A spokeswoman for European Union foreign policy old air war aimed at preventing the fall of President the casualties. The circumstances of the bombing were rebels but was unable to give a precise toll. chief Federica Mogherini said the conflict was having “ter- Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi. At least 37 workers were killed unclear, with some witnesses saying the dairy was hit by a rible consequences” for civilians. The coalition’s and 80 wounded overnight at the dairy in the port city of coalition air strike and others blaming rebel forces loyal to Egypt warns rebels spokesman said the alliance seeks to avoid killing civilians Hodeida, provincial governor Hasan Al-Hai said, without former president Ali Abdullah Saleh. The coalition has vowed to keep targeting the Houthis even though the Houthis had moved fighters into vil- specifying whether the factory was hit by an air strike or The Saudi-led coalition bombarded rebel positions and allied army units loyal to Saleh until they end their lages. “Collateral damage can happen... but I confirm to rebel shelling. yesterday in Yemen’s main southern city Aden in a sev- insurrection. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi you that the coalition takes all care,” said Brigadier General urged the rebels to “back off” for the sake of their country, Ahmed Assiri. At least 62 children have been killed and 30 saying Cairo is participating in a military campaign there hurt in the past week, according to the UN children’s fund. for Gulf Arab security. “The stability of Yemen and the “Children are in desperate need of protection, and all par- safety of its people hangs from your necks,” Sisi said in a ties to the conflict should do all in their power to keep televised speech to military and police officers. Iran is children safe,” said UNICEF’s Julien Harneis. — AFP accused of backing the rebels but Tehran denies provid- ing military support. The headquarters of a renegade army brigade loyal to Saleh was targeted overnight in the north of Aden, as well as the city’s international airport, the military official said. Militia fighters on Hadi’s side have captured 26 Houthis during the clashes in Aden, one of their leaders said. Six civilians were killed in an air raid targeting Maydi in the northwest province of Hajjah, according to medical sources. Coalition planes targeted camps of army units loyal to Saleh around Sanaa and in the central region of Ibb overnight, according to residents. And several Houthi positions were targeted in the northern rebel strongholds of Hajjah and Saada. After entering the capital in September, the Houthis and their allies gradually con- quered areas in the centre, west and south before bearing down on Aden last month, prompting Hadi to flee to Saudi Arabia. The embattled president had taken refuge in Aden in February after escaping house arrest in the capital.

‘Verge of collapse’ Since Friday at least 93 civilians have been killed and 364 wounded, the UN human rights office said Tuesday. “We have reports that the hospitals are really full of dead TEHRAN: Yemeni women chant slogans while holding a representation of the Yemeni flag and placards denounc- and injured people,” spokeswoman Cecile Pouilly said. “We ing the US and Israel during a protest against Saudi-led airstrikes on their homeland, in front of the Saudi have heard about lots of dead bodies.” UN High Embassy in Tehran yesterday. The placards in Arabic read, “God is great, death to America, death to Israel, damn Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein the Jews.” — AP warned that Yemen “seems to be on the verge of total col- THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 INTERNATIONAL Despite progress, Iran nuke News in brief

Morocco dismantles talks hit impasse on details Fez Islamic State cell RABAT: Moroccan authorities said yesterday they disman- tled a cell in the city of Fez that was recruiting fighters for ‘All key aspects’ of preliminary deal reached the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria. The interior min- istry said the head of the cell maintained strong ties with IS LAUSANNE: Major powers and Iran were closer to a pre- Iranian negotiator Abbas Araqchi told state television. “We Wang Yi left Lausanne. The US administration of President leadership and sent Moroccans to training camps in the liminary accord on reining in Tehran’s nuclear program as insist on keeping research and development with Barack Obama had committed to meeting an end-March two countries, where they received intensive training in marathon talks ran into yesterday, but they hit an impasse advanced centrifuges,” he said. Zarif said the talks had been deadline for the outline political accord. weapons handling. “The members of this recruitment cell over key details such as the lifting of UN sanctions and “very good”, though he acknowledged that there were Negotiators have a tentative agreement on the rough had received significant foreign funding for the necessary Iran’s future atomic research. The negotiators ended talks issues to be smoothed over. outline of a possible public statement on the progress they expenses to allow for travel and movement of these fight- in the Swiss city of Lausanne in the early morning hours A preliminary deal would be a major milestone toward a have made so far that would also highlight areas of dis- ers,” the ministry statement said, without elaborating. The with an air of chaos, disunity and cacophony as delega- final accord, with an end-June deadline, that could end a agreement, diplomats close to the talks said. But they have arrests were made by the Central Bureau of Judicial tions scrambled to get contradictory viewpoints across. 12-year standoff between Iran and world powers and not agreed on all the key details central to a political Investigations, inaugurated this year as part of the king- The six powers - the United States, Britain, France, reduce the risk of another Middle East war. The United framework that would form the basis of a future nuclear dom’s beefed up war against terrorism. They came after Germany, Russia and China - aim to stop Iran from gaining States threatened on Tuesday to walk away if the current agreement, the diplomats said. Some parts of any under- jihadists claiming to belong to IS killed 21 foreign tourists the capacity to develop a nuclear bomb in exchange for eas- talks yield no political framework accord. The talks have standing reached by the parties will likely remain confiden- and a policeman in an attack last month on Tunisia’s Bardo ing international sanctions that are crippling its economy. stalled on the issues of Iran’s nuclear centrifuge research, tial. Failure to agree a detailed preliminary accord would National Museum. Morocco, which is on guard against Iran says its nuclear program is peaceful. France’s foreign the lifting of UN sanctions and their restoration if Iran add to skepticism in the Republican-controlled US such attacks, prides itself on being a bastion against minister, often seen as making the most stringent demands breaches the agreement. Congress over an emerging deal. Congress has warned it Islamist extremism with its anti-jihadist unit and training of of Iran, returned to Paris because things had not advanced will consider imposing new sanctions on Iran if there is no imams to preach tolerance. enough for “immediate deal”. But as top negotiators from Russia says key details agreed agreement this week. A Democrat, Obama has threatened the powers met Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who returned to to veto any such sanctions moves. Syria rebels targeting Moscow, said negotiators had reached a general accord on Lavrov said the possible agreement included the Zarif again yesterday, Russia and Iran expressed optimism main Jordan crossing that an initial agreement was within reach. “all key aspects.” But a diplomat close to the talks denied International Atomic Energy Agency’s monitoring of Iran’s British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond sounded a that such an agreement had been reached, and French nuclear program as well as steps to lift sanctions. Experts BEIRUT: Syrian rebels fought fierce clashes with note of caution. “I think we have a broad framework of Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius left saying he would only would work out technical details by end-June. “One can say regime forces yesterday over the last border crossing understanding, but there are still some key issues that have return if it was “necessary”. “Things have progressed, but with enough confidence that ministers have reached a with Jordan still in government hands, a monitor said. to be worked through,” he told the BBC. Western diplomats not enough ... that we can reach an immediate deal,” Fabius general agreement on all key aspects of a final settlement A coalition of Syrian rebels including Islamists said Iran had on Tuesday reaffirmed its “nuclear rights”, sug- told reporters in Paris. “We are firm. We want a robust deal to this issue,” Lavrov said. “It will be put down in writing launched an attack on the southern border crossing of gesting the talks were again getting bogged down as they with detailed checks.” over the next few hours, maybe during the day.” A senior Nasib in Daraa province, the Syrian Observatory for entered their seventh day. Officials cautioned that any China warned of failure and urged all sides to meet each Iranian negotiator said Tehran was willing to negotiate Human Rights monitoring group said. “Fierce fighting agreement would probably be fragile and incomplete. other half way. “If the talks are stuck then all previous until the deadlock was resolved. “Iran does not want a over the control of the Nasib border crossing with “We hope to wrap up the talks by night ... We insist on efforts to resolve Iran’s nuclear standoff with the six major nuclear deal just for the sake of having a deal, and a final Jordan erupted early this morning between Islamists lifting of financial, oil and banking sanctions immediately ... powers will have been wasted,” said the rare statement deal should guarantee the Iranian nation’s nuclear rights,” and rebels and regime forces, with the rebels putting for other sanctions we need to find a framework,” senior issued by the Chinese delegation after Foreign Minister the negotiator, Hamid Baidinejad, told reporters. —Reuters the crossing under siege,” said the Britain-based group. Regime military planes dropped barrel bombs and launched missiles on rebel positions around Nasib, Observatory director Rami Abdul Rahman said. If rebel Turkey’s leftists rounded up forces seize the crossing then “there would be no pres- ence for pro-regime forces on the border with Jordan,” he said. Syrian rebels have been gaining territory in the southern Daraa province recently. Last week rebels after bloody hostage drama seized full control of the ancient city of Bosra Al-Sham, pushing pro-regime forces out after days of heavy fighting. ISTANBUL: Turkish authorities yesterday rounded up over coming from the office where he was held. tensions in Turkey ahead of June 7 legislative elections. 30 suspected members of the radical leftist group behind a Energy Minister Taner Yildiz vehemently denied there Erdogan’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) is Police seek cow ‘mugshots’ bloody hostage standoff that left a top Istanbul prosecutor was any link between the hostage drama and the power seeking a landslide victory, which would allow it to to enforce Indian beef ban dead and shocked the country. Funeral ceremonies were cut, after opposition leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu claimed change the constitution to boost the powers of the presi- being held for prosecutor Mehmet Selim Kiraz, who had the power could have been cut intentionally to assist the dency which he assumed in 2014 after over a decade as MUMBAI: Police in a west Indian township have asked cat- been investigating the politically-sensitive case of a captors. The drama came at a time of intensifying political prime minister. —AFP tle owners to supply photographs of their animals to help teenager who died of injuries inflicted by police during enforce the state’s tough new ban on beef, an officer said anti-government protests in 2013. Police late on Tuesday yesterday. Nearly 100 farmers and other owners in launched an operation to free Kiraz after an hours-long Gaza man feels duped after Malegaon have so far complied with the request for standoff with his captors but the official, who had sus- mugshots along with a dossier on the cows, said Sunil tained multiple gunshot wounds to the head and chest, Kadasne, additional superintendent of the city. “After the died shortly after arriving at hospital. selling Banksy mural for $175 new law, commercial slaughter has largely stopped but this It was not clear from where the shots that killed him program will help us to stop all killing by helping trace any were fired. Both his captors, two men in their 20s affiliated GAZA: A Palestinian man was lamenting his misfortune animal thefts faster,” Kadasne said. The Maharashtra state to the outlawed Marxist Revolutionary People’s Liberation yesterday after selling his bombed-out doorway to a local government introduced a tough ban in March on killing Party-Front (DHKP-C), were killed in the police operation. artist without realizing that the image painted on it was by and selling cows, while even possession of beef could land Turkish authorities yesterday detained 22 suspected mem- Banksy and could be worth a small fortune. Rabea you in jail for five years. Cows in Hindu-majority India are bers of the group in the southern city of Antalya after Darduna, a father of six from northern Gaza, said he sold considered sacred and several other states also ban their receiving a tip-off they were planning further attacks, the the iron-and-brick doorway of his destroyed house to a slaughter. Home Minister Rajnath Singh told spiritual lead- Dogan news agency reported. local man who offered him 700 shekels ($175) for it. ers on the weekend that his Hindu nationalist government Police in the western city of Izmir also detained 5 sus- Banksy, a British street artist who is famed for his ironic would try its “level best” to introduce a nation-wide ban pected DHKP-C members, seizing documents, digital murals in unexpected places, visited Gaza earlier this year through consensus. Kadasne said the request for informa- recordings, banned magazines and 30 bullets. Five more and spray-painted an image of a goddess holding her head tion on cows, which includes supplying purchase records people were also detained in Eskisehir, reports said. The in her hand on the door, one of a handful of paintings he and reasons for ownership, were also aimed at defusing DHKP-C is considered a terrorist group by Turkey, the did in Gaza. “I had no idea what the value of the painting possible tensions between Muslims and Hindus in the area, European Union and the United States and has carried out was or who this Banksy is,” a frustrated Darduna told which has a history of communal violence. a string of attacks in Turkey in the past. Turkish police also Reuters by telephone. “If I knew I would never have sold arrested an armed man who stormed an office of the ruling the door so cheap.” party in an Istanbul district but the incident was not Banksy pieces regularly sell for more than $500,000. A Anti-corruption watchdog believed to be related. mural painted on a shop in London in 2013 sold at a pri- targets 175 Kenya officials vate auction for $1.1 million. Banksy, who is from Bristol in the west of England, has never revealed his true identity. NAIROBI: Kenya’s anti-graft watchdog published a Darduna said he felt swindled and had been trying to call report detailing corruption allegations against 175 the man who bought the door but had got no reply. “I want government officials yesterday, with some cases involving multi-billion-dollar Chinese-backed infra- to get it back first, and then I can look at offers,” he said, structure projects. Five ministers have already left their pointing out that his house had been destroyed in last positions temporarily after President Uhuru Kenyatta year’s war and he needed money for rent and his family. made a speech last Thursday in which he directed any “Next time I’ll sell it as a Banksy painting, not as an old public official cited in the report to step aside pending door.” investigation, regardless of rank. The report was not The local man who bought it, graffiti artist and journalist made public until Tuesday, although some parts had Belal Khaled, said he had no plans to give the door back and been leaked to the media. Kenyatta made the fight no plans to sell it “at present”. “I bought the door to preserve against graft a priority on taking office in 2013, but the painting and protect it from being removed, spoiled or critics say he has failed to be effective. Corruption is destroyed,” he said, adding that he had followed Banksy for seen as a major obstacle to business and national a number of years and was inspired by his work. “Since I security in Kenya. The report by Kenya’s Ethics and Anti ISTANBUL: People stand near the coffin of senior started as a graffiti artist it has been my dream to own a Corruption Commission outlines allegations against Istanbul prosecutor Mehmet Selim Kiraz, killed piece of Banksy art.” Khaled said he told Darduna the paint- members of parliament, senators and governors in after being held at his offices by leftist militants ing on his door was by Banksy but it didn’t seem to register. GAZA: A metal door that depicted a Greek god- what local media has dubbed the “List of Shame”. in a hostage drama, during a funeral ceremony Asked if he was thinking of selling the painting, he replied: dess, presumably painted by British street graffiti Presented to parliament for debate on Tuesday, the inside of the courthouse where the hostage-tak- “I am not thinking of selling it at the present time. “I will artist Banksy, was standing on the rubble of a report cites cases ranging from bribery to abuse of ing took place. —AFP consider offers to display it in international galleries to office to interference with the award of tenders in gov- speak about the suffering of Gaza and the agonies of destroyed building damaged in last summer’s ernment projects. ‘We won’t forget you’ war.”—Reuters Israel-Hamas war, east of Jebaliya. —AP A ceremony to remember Kiraz was held at the Istanbul Caglayan Palace of Justice where he worked and the hostage drama unfolded. Hundreds of lawyers, prose- Iraqi forces hunt diehard jihadists cutors and staff stood in respect on every floor of the giant building-said to be the largest courthouse in TIKRIT: Iraqi forces battled the last jihadists in Tikrit hailed the reconquest of Tikrit as a “historic mile- “This victory is only a new starting point from which er that the fighting in Tikrit was made easier by the Europe-and unfurled a giant Turkish flag from the top yesterday to seal a victory the government described stone”. A paramilitary commander said IS fighters to launch the operation to liberate Nineveh fact that the city was largely emptied of its popula- floor. “We will not forget you, our martyr,” read a gigantic as a milestone in efforts to rid the country of the launched an attack from a mountain hideout north- province,” the defense ministry said Tuesday after a tion even before the operation began on March 2. banner. Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu was to be Islamic State group. Iraqi fighters picked their way east of Tikrit Wednesday in an attempt to open a safe meeting of top commanders. The loss of Tikrit further “Mosul still has a large civilian population, which will among the mourners at the funeral at the Eyup Sultan through the rubble-strewn streets of the city, wary of passage to the town of Hawija for fleeing militants. isolates the main IS hub of Mosul, with Baghdad’s make things very complicated,” the analyst said. Mosque in Istanbul on the banks of the Golden Horn, with any last-ditch attack from diehard IS fighters and of Iraq’s top brass was already training its sights on forces now set to push north while Kurdish forces police snipers placed on the balconies of minarets amid the thousands of bombs they left behind. A major Mosul, which jihadist fighters seized from the gov- close in from the three other directions. Zaid Al-Ali, US-Iran tension tight security. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, currently military push saw Iraqi police and allied forces retake ernment at the same time as Tikrit in June last year. author of “The Struggle For Iraq’s Future”, said howev- The government has provided no information on on a visit to Romania, would return home early and miss the city centre on Tuesday but pockets of jihadist mil- how many fighters were killed, wounded or captured the official dinner in Bucharest, the official Anatolia news itants remained. A top leader in the Badr organiza- in the fighting but Baghdad forces are believed to agency said. tion, one of the most prominent Shiite militias in Iraq, have suffered heavy casualties. Iraqi army and police Turkey’s press expressed anguish over a “Black admitted that Tikrit had not been completely purged forces, as well as volunteers and Iran-backed Shiite Tuesday” which also saw the worst nationwide power cut of jihadist fighters. “Snipers are still there and many militias, completely surrounded Tikrit within two in the country in 15 years. “The day we went into dark- buildings are booby-trapped,” Karim Al-Nuri said in weeks of launching the operation. There was a lull in ness,” said the daily Cumhuriyet. Kiraz had been leading a the northern Tikrit neighborhood of Qadisiya. fighting when government forces and their allies hotly-politicized investigation into the killing of teenager A commander for the Ketaeb Imam Ali militia apparently balked at the number of snipers, booby Berkin Elvan, who died in March last year after spending said his men were involved in a firefight in the north traps, berms and trenches which IS was using to 269 days in a coma from injuries inflicted by police in of the city as late as 11:00 am. They “tried to advance defend its city centre redoubt. Iran was Baghdad’s anti-government protests in the summer of 2013. So far on the university,” Rasul Al-Abadi said, adding that top foreign partner in the early stages of the opera- no-one has been brought to trial for the crime and the there were “no more than 30” IS fighters left in the tion but Iraqi air strikes were proving insufficient to captors demanded that Kiraz hand over the names of the city’s vast northern district of Qadisiya. “The Iraqi break the back of IS resistance. suspects and force them to confess. Publishing photos of security forces control 95 percent of the city, there Abadi’s government eventually requested strikes the prosecutor with his mouth bound and a gun to his are sporadic clashes,” said an army lieutenant colonel from the US-led coalition which has been assisting head, they threatened to kill him if their demands were from Salaheddin province, of which Tikrit is the capi- Iraqi forces elsewhere in the country since August not met. Davutoglu said it was an “attack against the tal. An official from the governor’s office said munici- last year. US jets began bombing IS targets in Tikrit Turkish judiciary, Turkish democracy and all the citizens in pal teams were already at work in some reconquered on March 25. The move sparked a freeze in the par- Turkey.” neighborhoods, cleaning debris and restoring power. ticipation of the Popular Mobilization units, an ‘Panic button pushed’ umbrella organization for volunteers and militias Turkish media reports said the attackers had carried Mosul planning which accounted for the bulk of the forces in Tikrit. fake lawyers’ ID and had legal robes, allowing them to get On Tuesday, Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi The Pentagon had expressed unease at the role round security checks. Kiraz pressed a panic button after claimed the city was liberated but the US-led coali- played by Iran and its proxies and said it conditioned he was seized but the attackers had already locked the tion that has been helping Baghdad from the air said its intervention on regular forces taking the lead. But doors, the Milliyet daily said. The circumstances of the there was “still work to be done”. After fighters after giving themselves political cover by declaring police operation were not immediately clear but Istanbul replaced the black jihadist flag on the provincial TIKRIT: Iraqi security forces and allied Shiite militiamen prepare to attack they do not want to work with each other, both sides police said it was launched after they heard gunshots headquarters with Iraq’s tricolor Tuesday, Abadi Islamic State extremists in Tikrit, 80 miles north of Baghdad, Iraq. —AP took part in the operation this week. —AFP THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 INTERNATIONAL

Man kills woman, himself in US marshals review procedures California office shooting after prisoner escapes hospital FRESNO: A Fresno man with a history released. They are all fine, authorities of domestic violence stormed into a said. Detectives searching Moua’s home medical office building in California removed a couple of rifles, a backpack Inmate overpowers private guards and fatally shot the mother of his five and two evidence bags. Moua’s neigh- children before he killed himself. bor Russ Stidston said he was a hard- ANNANDALE: Federal marshals are review- how Assaye would have overpowered a A frenzied manhunt ensued, with the hos- doned that car and left the guard’s weapon Panicked employees and patients hid in working roofer who was friendly and ing their security procedures after an guard while shackled or how he may have pital placed on lockdown and police there, police said. He then hijacked a sec- bathrooms at the Eye Medical Clinic in outgoing and who would have parties inmate receiving treatment at a northern shed his handcuffs. The incident began at searching every room of the massive facili- ond car in an Annandale neighborhood a downtown Fresno and were seen his children attended. “To find out what Virginia hospital overpowered a private about 3 am Tuesday, when one of the two ty, the largest hospital in northern Virginia. few miles from the hospital. Police guard, took her gun and set off a frenzied guards left for a bathroom break, leaving a In reality, though, authorities say Assaye searched several residential neighborhoods climbing from the building’s ground- he did, it just doesn’t meet his charac- nine-hour manhunt. The escape by Wossen female guard alone with Assaye. Mathieson had fled the hospital on foot and hid in the with tactical officers armed with assault level windows as police arrived ter,” Stidston said, adding that he never Assaye, 42, of Arlington, from Inova Fairfax said Assaye then overpowered the female trunk of a car. When the woman who rifles, startling residents. In one neighbor- Tuesday. Arriving officers heard one saw or heard any problems. A motive Hospital prompted questions as to why guard, took her gun and used her as a owned the car entered it and began driv- hood, Spence Limbocker said he heard the gunshot, Fresno police Lt Joe Gomez for the murder-suicide was not immedi- two guards assigned to him were insuffi- shield. He then fled down a stairwell, wear- ing, Assaye kicked out the trunk and car- helicopter, went outside and saw a massive said. To help people inside the building ately known, but a custody dispute cient to prevent his escape, US Marshal for ing only his hospital gown. The other guard jacked the startled woman, who suffered police presence, including officers search- get out, police smashed windows and could have sparked the shooting, the Eastern District of Virginia Bobby fired one shot in the encounter. No one was slight injuries, Fairfax County Police Chief ing homes and nearby woods. “They told helped people climb to safety, Gomez Farmer said. He said police had one pri- Mathieson said Tuesday. hit and nobody at the hospital was injured. Edwin Roessler said. Assaye later aban- me to get back in the house and lock all my said. Fresno Deputy Police Chief Pat or domestic dispute contact with Moua “Two people should be able to guard a doors. ... It was a little scary,” Limbocker said. Farmer said there are two businesses in 11 years ago. prisoner securely,” Mathieson said at a news Police sent numerous updates and lookout the building, a pediatric clinic and an On Tuesday, the call came in as a conference Tuesday after Assaye was advisories on social media for Assaye and eye clinic. There were 16 employees domestic disturbance shortly before 11 apprehended. Assaye was charged earlier the carjacked vehicles. Roessler said the and patients inside. am, police said. Police said officers sur- this month as the “Bicycle Bandit” - accused arrest occurred in southeast Washington “Several people were running out of rounded the building and ordered peo- of robbing a dozen banks in northern without incident after a citizen saw Assaye the building frantically,” Farmer said. No ple to evacuate. Believing they had a Virginia and sometimes fleeing on two and alerted authorities. other injuries were reported, Gomez shooter on the loose, police called in wheels. He attempted suicide while in jail A man who returned a call to the num- said. Investigators found a shotgun SWAT team members who entered the awaiting trial and had been at Inova Fairfax ber listed as company headquarters for inside the clinic, Gomez said. Gomez building. Raquel Castillo, a 31-year-old Hospital since Friday, authorities said. For Allied Protection Services on Tuesday identified the shooter as Neng Moua, caregiver, said she heard shots while the first 24 hours, he was guarded by sher- referred all questions to the Marshals 43, of Clovis. The victim is a 33-year-old inside with a patient visiting the clinic. iff’s deputies from Alexandria, where he Service. Assaye was initially arrested March woman, but her name was not “I heard him shoot three times and I had been jailed. After that, the Marshals 20 and charged with a robbery at Apple Service contracts called for two private Federal Credit Union in Alexandria. But the released. Farmer said the woman was heard people screaming,” Castillo said. guards from Allied Protection Services, a FBI believes Assaye is responsible for a shot multiple times at close range. The A short search of the building led Los Angeles-based company, to guard him. string of 12 bank robberies over the last exact nature of their current relation- police to the bodies. Several nearby Mathieson said Tuesday the investigation FALLS CHURCH: Fairfax County police investigate a prisoner year and a half that netted him about ship was not immediately clear. Farmer businesses were evacuated and Fresno was ongoing and he was unable to explain escape at Inova Fairfax Hospital, where the prisoner wrestled with $32,000. Assaye had been booked into the said the couple did not live together City Hall was locked down during the exactly how Assaye was able to overpower a guard before breaking free and fleeing with a gun, early Alexandria jail, which typically holds federal but have five children together. The search. “This is a tragedy and we are the guards. He said that to his knowledge, inmates charged in northern Virginia, on woman also had two other children. grateful no one else was hurt during Tuesday, March 31, 2015, in Falls Church, Va. Authorities said the Assaye was shackled and handcuffed at the prisoner, identified as Wossen Assaye (inset) was last seen wearing the federal charges March 21, Alexandria The ages of the children were not this incident,” Farmer said. —AP time of the escape, as policies require. Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Amy Bertsch But Mathieson had no explanation for a hospital gown near the room where he was being held. —AP said in a statement. —AP INTERNATIONAL THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 US farmer among the winners in sanctions-hit Russia MOSCOW: Kansas-born farmer Justus Walker is pros- estimates say inflation could hit 12 percent this year, pering in Russia - one year after the US and European hurting workers whose jobs are already under pressure. Union began imposing sanctions against his adopted “If the sanctions continue, they mostly hit the ordinary country over its aggression in Ukraine. Walker, sport- population, not the elite,” he said. “Inflation is a tax on ing a bushy beard reminiscent of a Russian peasant the poor, most of all.” He said the oligarchs have not yet from past centuries, uses his Siberian dairy smallhold- become restive. “Among the business elite, there’s a cer- ing to support his missionary work. He shot to fame in tain discontent, because the channels for economic August, shortly after the Russian government banned cooperation with the West are blocked now, that’s clear. Western food imports in retaliation for the sanctions. But there’s absolutely no sign yet of any open discon- The farmer told Russian TV that said his cheese tent or pressure on the president.” had been struggling to compete with Italian moz- Sanctions are routinely cited in state media as the zarella until the ban kicked in. He chortled as he cause of most current economic problems. These added: “But now your Italian cheese won’t be there!” include woes more properly blamed on over-depen- The clip went viral across Russia, turning the dence on oil revenue, Gontmakher said. The govern- American farmer into an Internet meme, even though ment has managed “to shift the responsibility for it he opposes sanctions and says his remarks were tak- onto the West, and not our own systems and institu- en out of context. His sales soared and there was even tions,” he said. “In that sense, the initiators of the sanc- a boom in Walker-themed souvenirs. “It’s been noth- tions have really lost out.” Despite a year of sanctions, ing I could ever have thought of in my wildest President Vladimir Putin’s approval rating has hovered dreams,” he told The Associated Press by telephone. well over 80 percent in recent months. “Sanctions with- Here is a look at Russia one year after the Western out popular dissent will hardly work” in weakening the sanctions kicked in hours before Russia’s March government, said Shevtsova. annexation of Crimea. New partners Sanctions and instability While the Ukraine crisis has taken the US govern- Russia’s “counter-sanctions” ban on food imports ment’s attention away from its “pivot to Asia” strategy, it has forced up prices within Russia - meaning Walker has had the opposite effect in Russia, forcing the gov- earns more for his product. But he warns that it has KRASNOYARSK: Justus Walker carries a sheep near the eastern Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk, Russia. — AP ernment to seek new partnerships. The centerpiece is a also made the market unstable. “I think the sanctions lending, making refinancing difficult, costly and a Political impact 30-year, $400 billion gas deal with China signed in May, do more harm to the market than good because they burden on the government. US and EU sanctions were meant to force Russia to accompanied by various other deals with Asian and pervert the cost mechanism,” he said. “We have no However, Evgeny Gavrilenkov, chief economist at back down in the Ukraine crisis - first over Crimea, then Middle Eastern nations. “There is a lot of evidence idea what our product is supposed to cost anymore.” state-owned Sberbank, Russia’s largest lender, argued over its support for separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine. which confirms that Russian authorities started to look “You go to one place and it says 2,000 rubles ($35) a that sanctions have inadvertently helped Russia’s That has not happened. “The sanctions did not produce for other partners - in Egypt, in India, in Indonesia, in kilo, you go to another place and it says 900 rubles a main oil and financial companies by forcing them to a change in Putin’s foreign policy,” said Brookings China and in Turkey,” said Yuri Zaitsev, an analyst at the kilo. Before it was pretty understandable, you were abandon riskier projects before the oil price fell. “I Institute fellow Lilia Shevtsova, although she added that Gaidar Institute in Moscow. However, he warned that somewhere right around 750.” think Russia should be very grateful for sanctions the threat of further sanctions may have prevented the new deals, such as a major energy deal with China, Sanctions have also thrown international projects which were imposed a year ago,” he said. “I can imag- open Russian military intervention in Ukraine. Sanctions rarely fit the Russian government’s stated goal of diver- into turmoil. One of the main state-owned companies ine easily that without sanctions, oil and gas compa- aimed at individuals failed to change Kremlin behavior sifying its economy away from oil and gas. “It is all to be targeted by punitive measures is oil producer nies could have started draining the North Pole and and the broader economic punishment introduced lat- about natural resources,” Zaitsev said. “It is not the high- Rosneft. It had to postpone plans to drill in the Arctic whatever in the Arctic, looking for energy which er is mostly hurting ordinary people this year, according technology sector, unfortunately, it is not the financial with US firm ExxonMobil. At the same time, sanctions looked OK with $100, $110 oil, but if $40, $50, what- to Evgeny Gontmakher, an economics professor and sector ... because these sectors require extra funding, have largely cut off state firms from international ever, will be the new equilibrium, it’s questionable.” former deputy minister of social affairs. Government extra investments.” — AP Hungary’s far-right party, once on fringe, challenges for power At its core, Jobbik remains hardline, xenophobic

TAPOLCA: The Hungarian far-right leader Gabor Vona, founder of a since disbanded paramilitary group who made a career vilifying the Roma, has cleaned up his previously hardline image. Donning smart suits, he has softened his rheto- ric and is wooing the mainstream voter, rather than any marginal groups. His personal makeover reflects his party Jobbik’s transforma- tion from hard-line fringe movement to serious political contender. So far, the strategy appears to be working: In the past year, support for Jobbik has surged to almost catch up with that of the ruling centre-right Fidesz. Last week, in the town of Tapolca western Hungary, a clean-shaven 37-year-old Vona made an appearance to support the local Jobbik can- didate. Jobbik already holds the mayor’s post, and hopes to take seat formerly held by Fidesz in an April by-election. During a town-hall style meeting in a sleepy rural suburb, Vona spoke of plans to restore services at the local hospital, LONDON: British lawmaker Nigel Farage talks to the media as he launches a poster combating official corruption and the region’s campaign for the general election for his UKIP party in London. The United Kingdom economic outlook. The word “Roma” was not will go to the polls for a general election on May 7. — AP uttered once. “Our opponents may say this is only a media hack or a false turn, but time will ASTANA: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (left) and Kazakhstan’s President Nursultan tell,” Vona told Reuters. “I honestly want to trans- Nazarbayev laugh as they attend a meeting in Astana yesterday. — AFP Far-right declines in form Jobbik into a people’s party and to do that I should be drawn up of Hungarians with Jewish Indeed, the biggest hurdle to Jobbik gaining know what is necessary. I know when and where roots. “Voters fall for Jobbik’s campaign of cute- power nationally is its lack of partners. to draw the line.” ness,” Political Capital analyst Peter Kreko said. “If “I never considered Jobbik palatable and I Britain as UKIP rises Critics have cried foul, saying Jobbik’s core something does not appear fascist then they don’t now,” Janos Lazar, the prime minister’s remains as extremist as ever, but this has not don’t recognise its fascism... I do not think there chief of staff and a vice chairman of Fidesz, told LONDON: Sparsely attended far-right ral- BNP or another fascist group, plus others, impeded its rise. Support for Jobbik has rocket- is real softening in Jobbik’s political content.” the web site last week. “Fascists like lies in Britain highlight the decline of a the extreme eurosceptics,” he said. ed by 50 percent in the past year to its highest- Lajos Rig, Jobbik candidate in Tapolca, remains Jobbik never brought this country any good.” A movement in disarray, but experts say that The party, which is poised to come third ever level, just as Fidesz recorded a steep popular even after it emerged he once shared a far-right party in government would be a first in some of its ideas have found new expres- in the election in percentage of the vote, plunge, according to pollster Ipsos. There are Facebook post that described the Roma as “the the European Union since Joerg Haider’s sion in the eurosceptic UKIP ahead of elec- has denied any far-right links but it is regu- currently no other major players: Hungary’s Jews’ biological weapon against Hungarians.” Freedom Party joined an Austrian coalition in tions in May. Anti-fascist demonstrators larly embroiled in controversies over the Socialists, once a major political force, have not The post has since been removed from his 2000, isolating Vienna and leading to a revision outnumbered the roughly 400 people at a views of prominent members. It won its recovered since their crushing election defeat in Facebook page. Local media also reported he of the EU’s founding treaty to allow sanctions if raucous English Defense League (EDL) rally first two parliamentary seats last year with 2010. Ipsos put Jobbik’s national support at 18 has a tattoo of the words “Loyalty and Honor”, democratic commitments of a member state are in the northern city of Manchester in pledges to pull Britain from the European percent against 21 for Fidesz, with around 40 echoing the motto of Nazi Germany’s paramili- in doubt. March, where speakers equated Islam with Union and dramatically reduce immigra- percent undecided. Among under-30s, Jobbik tary organization the SS. Rig said he re-distrib- Jobbik is part of a far-right surge across Nazism, terrorism and sexual slavery. “Islam tion. Tim Bale, chair in politics at Queen leads already. uted the Facebook post without paying atten- Europe, caused, sociologists say, by the eco- is not a religion of peace. It never was and Mary, University of London, said: “There’s Along with its image revamp, Jobbik has tion to its contents, and said the tattoo was a nomic slump and anger over immigration. it never will be,” said a speaker at the gath- the extreme right, and what we would call benefited from a series of policy missteps by wedding token to his wife and unrelated to the Groups like France’s Front National and Greece’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban and a perception ering, while another brandished a Quran to the populist radical right, which is slightly SS. He declined to show the tattoo to a Reuters Golden Dawn have also gained in popularity, that senior officials around him are using their jeers of “Burn it!”. less nasty”. “You could say that UKIP is pop- reporter. although their success remains limited. France’s posts to enrich themselves. “Young people like National Front scored its best ever local election Far-right groups such as the EDL and ulist radical right,” he said. The anti-fascist us trust Jobbik,” said Tapolca bookkeeper Peter the British National Party (BNP) have watchdog Hope not Hate was more cate- Coalition unlikely result in March but its chances for getting into Korodi, 35. “They discuss problems that affect Jobbik’s strong poll showing may or may not power are tempered by widespread distaste for imploded in recent years and even the gorical about UKIP picking up support us here. I don’t think they are more radical than translate into success in the next elections, due its far-right policies and an election system that from the far right, saying it had “steam- German anti-Islamist movement Pegida’s other right-wing parties. They are changing in 2018, Kreko said. “At the moment Jobbik is the allows voters to block it from office. In Hungary, first rally in Britain earlier this year was a rollered through their previous heartlands for the better.” second-strongest party and a scenario is plausi- doubts persist that Jobbik’s softer image is here flop. Several of the relatively small groups and stolen their voters”. ble where their role in forming a government is to stay. “It’s one thing that they say the nice have fallen victim to infighting including Skepticism indispensable,” Kreko said. However, it is not words now,” Erzsebet Kovacs, 50, a Fidesz sup- former BNP leader Nick Griffin, who was Fertile soil for Islamophobia Korodi would not be drawn on Jobbik’s unusual for governing parties to suffer a drop in porter, said about Jobbik. “They always use expelled by his party last year after defeat UKIP says it is not racist and has banned extremist track record, which has previously popularity midway through their term, he said. sweet-talk during the campaigns. When there is in European Parliament elections in which former members of far-right groups from attracted international attention. In 2012, there Fidesz has said it would not work with Jobbik, no election, then they are scary, even their he lost his own seat. “One obvious expla- joining, although at least two prominent was an outcry when a Jobbik leader said lists and Jobbik has ruled out entering a coalition. thoughts.” — Reuters nation is the electoral system,” said Tim members who joined before the ban was Bale, chair in politics at Queen Mary, introduced have been allowed to remain. University of London. “Clearly it’s not The party has punished members for con- favorable to small or extreme parties so duct ranging from comparing Islam to can- Deadly rocket strike a shot any far-right parties have to overcome cer to calling for a popular black comedian that obstacle,” he said. to move to a “black country”. A UKIP parlia- Britain has no proportional representa- mentary candidate resigned last week citing in Ukraine propaganda war tion and its first-past-the-post system “open racism” within the party, and accused ensures that larger parties with national it of engaging in “sectarian, racist filth”. SHYROKYNE: On a deserted road in east Ukraine, a Photographs and video footage are prized happening on our land,” Basurin said to the cameras. organizations have an advantage. The BNP, But at his campaign launch on Monday, missile strike briefly became the focus of the propa- weapons in the propaganda war between the pro- “The shot could not have been fired from the sea or Britain’s most electorally successful far- Farage said: “The thing about UKIP is we ganda war that rages unabated despite the lull in Russian separatists and the Kiev government. “It’s too from the fields (where the rebels have dug trenches),” right group, had by the end of 2014 lost have become the most eclectic, diverse fighting between pro-Russian rebels and the govern- dangerous, we can’t take everyone,” explained Basurin, he added. “Ukrainian positions are located on the hill both its European Parliament seats and political party. “We’ve got all shades of ment. A ceasefire has tamped down much of the vio- military representative for the self-declared Donetsk at the end of the road.” lence for weeks now but both sides are desperate to People’s Republic. The chosen few were joined by seen the number of its local councilors opinion, we’ve got people from the left, blame each other for any isolated clashes that violate three observers from the Organization for Security ‘Not 100% sure’ reduced to just two from a 2009 peak of people from the right, people of all ages, the truce. And this time round the rebels were keen to and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), who had recently But the OSCE representatives wondered why the more than 50. all classes, all races,” he said. Campaigners show what they said was a government missile strike arrived from Mariupol. All eyes were on the mangled military pickup was pointing towards the rebel strong- warn that racist views are finding fertile to a group of international monitors and selected remains of a civilian car and a small rebel pick-up hold of Donetsk, when separatists claim it was headed UKIP rises soil in Britain, however, amid alarm over journalists. truck, lying by the side of a road bordered on one side to Shyrokyne, in the opposite direction. It had been The decline of Britain’s far-right has Syria-fuelled radicalization and high-pro- Hours before, pro-Russian rebel official Eduard by the sea, and on the other by crater-scarred fields. rotated in order to tow it, replied a rebel, prompting coincided with a rise for the anti-EU UK file paedophile scandals involving Muslim Basurin made an early-morning phone call to journal- At 4:09pm precisely (1409 GMT) on Sunday, according the OSCE monitor to query whether rebel fighters on Independence Party (UKIP) and some com- men. “I would imagine a lot of the far-right ists, instructing them: “We are going to the south, to to Basurin, the anti-tank missile was fired as two cars the ground were communicating properly with their mentators see a clear link between the two think they can go fishing in these waters show you something.” The ten-car convoy carrying travelled along the road. commanders. “That’s why I’m here,” insisted Basurin. trends. “It’s not quite as simple as saying it’s under the guise that this is a semi- reporters pulled up just before reaching Shyrokyne, a The car accelerated and crashed into a bend, “I’m not 100 percent sure, but let’s say 98 percent, village divided between Ukrainian and rebel forces avoiding the missile and leaving the passengers that our orders reach our men on the ground”. a more respectable BNP,” said Steven respectable topic everyone’s concerned that is close to the strategic port of Mariupol, Kiev’s unharmed, he added. The pick-up, carrying a rebel Another observer told the press that they had “an idea Fielding, director of the Centre for British about,” said Nick Lowles from Hope not largest remaining stronghold in the insurgency-hit and a civilian who had asked to be escorted, bore the of where the shot came from” but that “who shot and Politics at the University of Nottingham. Hate. “The danger is the definition quickly east. But only video journalists and photographers full brunt of the missile, killing the civilian and injuring why cannot be determined now. “At the front of the “But it has certainly picked up the votes gets blurred between Islamist, Islam, were allowed to make the final kilometer-long journey the driver, according to the military spokesman. “I truck, streaks of blood are still visible on the passen- that would otherwise have gone to the Muslim, whatever.”— AFP to see the wrecked vehicles. hope that the OSCE will reveal the truth of what is ger seat,” he said. —AFP INTERNATIONAL THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 Pakistan struggles with Yemen coalition dilemma News in brief ISLAMABAD: Pakistan faces an unenviable India, and some argue its resources are too dilemma-whether to join a Saudi Arabia-led stretched to contribute in Yemen. “Nawaz coalition fighting Shiite Houthi rebels in Sharif knows the military is totally tied up, a Yemen or stay out and risk angering its old third of its strength is tied up in FATA (the ally which provides it with huge financial sup- tribal northwest), Pakistan is not in a position port. Pakistan, currently the Islamic world’s to make any troop contribution,” Rifaat only nuclear power, has provided military aid Hussain, a leading Pakistani analyst and uni- and expertise to the Gulf kingdom for versity professor said. decades and enjoyed cheap oil and massive Moreover the military is likely to be wary financial help in return. about committing troops to any future In addition, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif ground operations in Yemen, which would has close personal ties to the Saudi royal fam- likely be messy and difficult. “Pakistan is very ily, so Pakistan might have seemed like an aware it is a tribal war, a tribal conflict, even obvious candidate to join the coalition of though it has taken on a Sunni-Shiite aspect Arab states. But the government has held and we don’t want to muddy the waters by back, in part because it finds itself torn getting into this conflict unthinkingly,” between its old ally and its neighbor, Iran, the Hussain said. The government has dispatched major Shiite power, which is furious at the a high-level delegation to Riyadh to assess Yemen assault. Islamabad says it will defend the situation, but it is not clear how quickly Saudi “territorial integrity” but insists no this might produce a decision from Islamabad troops or equipment have been sent yet and on joining the Saudi coalition. Pakistan will be maintains Pakistan will not take part in any reluctant to anger Iran more than it can avoid, conflict that divides the Muslim world along given Tehran’s history of supporting proxy sectarian lines. militant forces around the region. But faced India top court suspends The coalition fight to end the Huthi rebels’ with a struggling economy and energy crisis, summons for former PM uprising against President Abedrabbo MULTAN: Family members of stranded Pakistanis in Yemen protest to demand their Pakistan will also find it hard to say no to the NEW DELHI: India’s top court yesterday suspended a Mansour Hadi has sent tensions between the return, as they gather in Multan, Pakistan yesterday. Pakistan evacuated some 500 of its Saudis. summons requiring former prime minister Manmohan Sunni Arab coalition and Shiite Iran soaring. citizens by a special plane from the Yemeni city of Hodeida. Pakistan said some 3,000 of It is not clear what consequences an out- Singh to appear as one of the accused in a corruption Sectarian violence has soared in largely Sunni its citizens live in Yemen. — AP right refusal would bring for Pakistan, though trial involving coal mining licenses. Singh, who was Pakistan in recent years, most of it targeting Saudi might consider cutting back on aid and prime minister from 2004 until last year, was the high- Shiites, who make up 20 percent of the popu- date back to the 1960s, when Pakistan helped ed in a military coup in 1999, it was Saudi the cut-price oil it provides. Islamabad’s hand est-profile figure to be implicated in the case involving lation. Umair Javed, an analyst and writer, said Riyadh build up its air force and supplied Arabia that received him in exile. But despite could be forced by the threat of Saudi sanc- the government license allocations, long dogged by Islamabad would be wary of committing to pilots to fly sorties against a South Yemeni this history, there has been considerable tions, “given the reliance on Saudi foreign suspicions of corruption. He faces allegations of cor- military action that might embolden already incursion into the kingdom in 1969, US secu- resistance in Pakistani media this week to exchange (and) oil reserves”, according to ruption-related offences, breach of trust and criminal fearsome Sunni militant groups at home. rity expert and former CIA officer Bruce Riedel joining what is seen by many as a “foreign” Javed the analyst. Security analyst Talat conspiracy, which carries a possible life sentence. “Even though this conflict isn’t overtly sectari- wrote in a Brookings Institution article. In the war, with a bitter fight against terror outfits Masood said last week Islamabad probably Yesterday, the Supreme Court agreed to consider chal- an it might be presented as sectarian within 1980s Riyadh, along with the US, funneled still going on at home. “doesn’t have the luxury of refusing” Riyadh’s lenges by Singh and five other accused, including a Pakistan-groups that are hostile to Iran and to vast sums of money through Pakistan to fund request definitively. And of course history is former coal minister and a prominent industrialist. It Shiites in Pakistan will present it as a conflict the Afghan mujahideen’s fight against Soviet Army stretched already on the Saudis’ side: Pakistani forces went to stayed the summons issued by the trial court. The 82- between Sunnis and Shiites,” he said. occupation. Cooperation and financial assis- The military is busy with a major operation help protect the kingdom in the 1970s, 1980s year-old enjoyed a reputation for probity during his tance has continued to flow from Riyadh, in against Pakistani Taleban hideouts in the trib- and 1990s. “At no point, ever, has a Pakistani decade as head of the Congress-led government Blood and money the form of cheap oil and loans, including one al northwest, on top of maintaining a heavy military resisted going to Saudi Arabia,” secu- ousted in last year’s general election. He has denied Military ties between the two countries of $1.5 billion last year. When Sharif was oust- presence along the border with arch-foe rity expert Ayesha Siddiqa said. — AFP any wrongdoing. His lawyer Ashwini Kumar said the court had decided to examine the case “since impor- tant and substantial questions of law and processes of Myanmar criminal trial were to be decided”.

collects ID Indian police arrest 4 over rape of nun cards from KOLKATA: Indian police said yesterday they have arrested four Bangladeshi nationals in con- nection with the rape of an elderly nun that sent Rohingyas shockwaves through the Christian community. The nun, who is in her 70s, needed surgery after YANGON: Myanmar authorities have begun col- she was attacked last month when a gang of lecting temporary identification cards from dis- robbers broke into the convent school in the placed Rohingya Muslims in unrest-torn Rakhine eastern state of West Bengal where she lived. state, an official said yesterday, a move that the Deputy inspector general Dilip Kumar Adak said UN has warned could strip them of all documen- police tracked the suspects down to the north- tation. Officials, backed by security forces, visit- ern state of Punjab after CCTV images and e-fit ed almost a dozen camps for people displaced images were circulated nationwide. “Four more by violence between Buddhists and Muslims in Bangladeshi nationals resembling the photo- the western state. They asked people there to graphs and sketches of the suspects in the rape hand back the so-called “white cards”, following and robbery at the Convent of Jesus and Mary a shock presidential declaration in February that High School in Ranaghat have been arrested,” he they would expire on March 31. “Immigration said. Two other suspects in the case are already officers said yesterday that the situation was OK. in custody after they were arrested last week. They collected (the cards) from 11 camps, with Adak said police had identified all eight people security personnel,” Rakhine government com- who broke into the convent using CCTV footage. munications officer Hla Thein said, adding that One had been hired by the nuns to do construc- he did not know how many cards had been col- KABUL: An Afghan eyewitness shows a video taken with his smartphone at the scene of a suicide attack targeting lawmaker Gul Pacha tion work, he said. India is reportedly home to lected. Hundreds of thousands of people, mainly Majidi, in Kabul. A suicide attacker targeting a prominent Afghan MP killed three people and wounded seven others in Kabul. — AFP tens of thousands of Bangladeshis who officials from the Rohingya minority, are thought to hold say cross illegally into the country, mainly white cards-ostensibly as part of a process of through borders in West Bengal, Tripura and applying for citizenship. Syria and Iraq - a ‘finishing Assam. The two countries share a 4,000-kilome- The issue became a flashpoint in February tre border, part of which has been fenced by when President Thein Sein announced that the India in a bid to prevent illegal immigrants cards would become invalid. He was responding school’ for foreign fighters sneaking into its northeastern states. to a row over a parliamentary bill that would have allowed holders of temporary identification papers to vote in a referendum on constitutional 22,000 foreign fighters in Syria, Iraq; 6,500 in Afghanistan MQM member arrested in amendments. The idea sparked protests from UK for money-laundering Buddhist nationalists. The Rohingya, who are UNITED NATIONS: More than 25,000 foreign fighters from some 100 violent foreign fighters across the world. The Security Council adopted LONDON: A member of one of Pakistan’s major politi- considered by the United Nations to be one of countries are linked to Al-Qaeda and Islamic State, with Syria and Iraq a resolution in September demanding all states make it a serious crimi- cal parties, the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), the world’s most persecuted minorities, are comprising a “veritable international finishing school for extremists,” nal offense for their citizens to travel abroad to fight with militants, or was arrested in London yesterday on suspicion of referred to by the government as “Bengali” and United Nations experts reported to the UN Security Council. The to recruit and fund others to do so. money-laundering, the party said. Mohammed Anwar, are largely seen as illegal immigrants from experts, who monitor Al-Qaeda sanctions violations, said in a report a member of MQM’s Central Coordination Committee, Bangladesh. seen by Reuters that along with some 22,000 foreign fighters in Syria Sharia law for captured city was arrested at his home in north London and was cur- It was not immediately clear whether those and Iraq, there were also 6,500 in Afghanistan and hundreds more in In another development, the Al-Qaeda-linked Nusra Front indicated rently being questioned, MQM said in a statement. whose cards were taken were able to begin a cit- Yemen, Libya, Pakistan and Somalia. yesterday that a Syrian city captured from the government in recent “MQM firmly denies any suggestion of money-launder- izenship application process. “People are worried At a meeting of the 15-member Security Council chaired by US days would be ruled according to Islamic sharia law but the group ing,” the statement said. London’s Metropolitan Police about the white cards being taken back. They President Barack Obama in September, the experts were asked to would not seek to monopolize power there. Nusra Front’s leader, Abu said in a statement officers had arrested a 64-year-old don’t have other identification,” said Abu Tahay, report within six months on the threat from foreign fighters joining Mohamad Al-Golani, also said residents of the northwestern city of Idlib man as part of an ongoing investigation into money- leader of the National Democratic Party for Islamic State, which has declared a caliphate in Syria and Iraq, Nusra would be treated well by his fighters and other Islamist factions that laundering. Five other men previously arrested in con- Development which campaigns for Rohingya Front in Syria and other Al-Qaeda-linked groups. “For the thousands captured it on Saturday. nection with the investigation remained on police bail rights. But he said there “won’t be conflict of (foreign fighters) who traveled to the Syrian Arab Republic and “We salute the people of Idlib and their stand with their sons, the while inquires continued, the statement said. The par- because of this” in Rakhine, where communal Iraq ... they live and work in a veritable ‘international finishing school’ Mujahideen, ... and God willing they will enjoy the justice of sharia, ty’s leader Altaf Hussain, who has been living in self- violence in 2012 left around 140,000 people- for extremists as it was in the case in Afghanistan during the 1990s,” which will preserve their religion and their blood,” Golani said in an imposed exile in Britain since 1992, is one of those. He mainly Muslims-trapped in makeshift displace- the experts wrote in their report submitted to the council late this audio recording posted on Nusra Front-affiliated online media. The cap- was arrested and questioned last June, leading to ment camps. month. ture of Idlib marked only the second time since the start of the Syrian protests which led to a lockdown in Karachi. MQM is Many of Myanmar’s roughly 1.3 million Al-Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden found refuge in Afghanistan in conflict that the government had lost control of a provincial capital. The the most influential party in Pakistan’s southern port Rohingya are stateless and subject to a tangle the 1990s, where the militant group - blamed for the Sept 11, 2001 first was Raqqa, which the Islamic State group has turned into its de city of Karachi, its commercial capital and home to 18 of restrictions. Rights groups say that many hijacked airliner attacks on the United States - ran training camps. The facto capital. Nusra Front, which has fought Islamic State, and other million people. In 2010, Imran Farooq, a founding lost crucial documents in the wave of arson UN experts said Libya had increasingly becoming a training base for groups including the hardline Ahrar Al-Sham took control of Idlib, 30 member of MQM who was on the run from Pakistani attacks that swept Rakhine three years ago. foreign fighters bound for the Middle East, but since the start of 2015 km from the Turkish border, after four days of fighting with govern- police, accused of involvement in murder and other The UN Special Rapporteur on Myanmar, there had been a reverse flow of fighters from the Middle East to Libya. ment forces. serious crimes, was stabbed to death in London. Yanghee Lee, raised concerns about the white “Those who eat together and bond together can bomb together,” the Nusra Front’s influence has been expanding in the northwestern cor- card expiry in a recent report on the former experts wrote. “The globalization of Al-Qaeda and associates, particu- ner of Syria, where it has crushed at least two Western-backed rebel junta-run nation, saying the move would “deny larly visible with (Islamic State), but also evident with Al-Qaeda in the groups in recent months. Golani said the Idlib takeover showed that Nepal doctors stay persons belonging to the Rohingya minority Arabian Peninsula (in Yemen), creates a deepening array of transnation- seeking the support of the West and regional powers was an “illusion”. away from work any form of identification and the right to al social networks.” Golani urged unity among the groups that won Idlib and said they KATHMANDU: Thousands of doctors in Nepal vote”. Rakhine’s unrest sparked outbreaks of The report warned of a medium-term threat from the new genera- should set up an Islamic court to settle disputes. He also said public stayed away from work at clinics and hospitals religious violence across the Buddhist-majority tion of foreign fighters through “plug and play social networks for property should be protected. “We as Nusra Front confirm that we do yesterday to support a colleague who has been country, overshadowing its democratic transi- future attack planning - linking diverse foreign fighters from different not strive to rule the city or to monopolize it without others,” he said. He on a hunger strike for 10 days demanding tion and coinciding with the rising prominence communities across the globe.” It also said an unintended consequence also urged people to go back to work, including those who oversee reforms in medical education and services. More of nationalist monks. — AFP of defeating Islamic State in Syria and Iraq could be the scattering of essential services such as bakeries and the power network.— Agencies than 5,000 doctors took part in the action and only emergency services were open in hospitals across the Himalayan nation, said Dr Nirmal Rimal of the Nepal Medical Association. The strike left most people in Nepal without access Air heiress appeals ‘nut rage’ conviction to doctors. The physicians are supporting Dr Govinda KC, who is demanding that the govern- SEOUL: Lawyers for the eldest daughter of Korean Air’s chair- fit, stood and spoke to the packed courtroom, voicing kneel and beg for forgiveness while jabbing him with a service ment make medical education affordable to man asked an appeal court yesterday to overturn her convic- remorse over her behavior. manual. The flight attendant who served the now infamous more students and medical services available to tion for disrupting a flight in a rage over macadamia nuts. Cho nuts has since filed a civil lawsuit, alleging Cho attacked, threat- all citizens. Only three of Nepal’s 20 medical col- Hyun-Ah was jailed for a year in February after a district court ‘I beg for forgiveness’ ened and screamed obscenities and then pressured her to cov- leges are run by the government. The private found her guilty of violating aviation safety by forcing a taxiing “On this occasion, I apologize again to the victims and beg er up the incident by lying to government regulators. colleges charge huge fees and are unaffordable New York-Seoul Korean Air Lines (KAL) flight to return to its for their forgiveness,” she said. Cho, who was a KAL vice presi- At the February trial Cho was acquitted of obstruction of jus- for the majority of the population. KC is also departure gate. Crucially, the lower court ruled that an aircraft dent in charge of in-flight service at the time of the December 5 tice charges, but the prosecution has appealed that decision alleging widespread corruption among officials should be deemed “in flight” from the moment it begins to incident, had become enraged after a flight attendant served and asked for her one-year prison term to be extended. in granting permits to private medical colleges move. her some nuts in a bag, rather than on a plate. She lambasted Prosecutors had initially sought a three-year sentence, but the and is demanding that the officials be dismissed So even though the KAL aircraft had barely left the gate the chief steward over the behavior of his cabin crew and then district court judge took into account the fact that Cho had two and punished. The government formed a com- when she forced it to return, Cho was found guilty of illegally insisted the plane return to the gate so he could be removed young children and that her personal and professional reputa- mittee to negotiate with the doctors, but there altering the plane’s flight. Her lawyer Yoo Seung-Nam took from the flight. The 40-year-old’s actions invited overseas tion had been shattered. In his argument to the High Court yes- was no agreement reached to end the strike. KC issue with that ruling in the Seoul High Court yesterday, argu- ridicule and domestic embarrassment. Many South Koreans terday, prosecutor Lee Jong-Hyok questioned the sincerity of had gone on a 15-day hunger strike last year for ing that the plane never reached the point where it could be saw her behavior as emblematic of a generation of spoilt and Cho’s apologies and said her abuse of her position merited a similar demands. He resumed eating and doc- said to be in flight. “It’s hard to say that her act actually hin- arrogant offspring of owners of the giant family-run conglom- harsher sentence. Lee also insisted that her acquittal for tors withdrew their protests after the govern- dered security and the plane’s safety,” Yoo said. “She really had erates, or “chaebols”, that dominate the national economy. She obstruction of justice should be reviewed, on the grounds that ment assured them of changes in the medical no intention to impede the plane’s safe flight.” At the end of was also convicted of assault on the cabin crew, with the chief the transport ministry investigation into Cho’s alleged intimida- education system. KC now says the government the hearing, Cho, who was dressed in a light-green prison out- steward, Park Chang-Jin, testifying that Cho had made him tion of witnesses had been ineffective. — AFP has not done enough. INTERNATIONAL THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 Boko Haram puts Lake Chad’s boatmen out of business

GUITE: Hunched up in the prow of his canoe, Mahamat Haram fighters who get around on big motorized simply watches time slip by, like dozens of boatmen in canoes painted in bright colours, like those used by Guite on Lake Chad who no longer dare sail for fear of traders. Chadian authorities have outlawed the use of Boko Haram fighters. “We’re here, but we do nothing. such vessels by civilians, leaving the way open for mili- We don’t have work any more,” the Chadian sailor says in tary patrols. Police, soldiers and spies for the National a resigned tone, looking wearily over at a group of men Security Agency keep a close watch on people in Guite, seated on the ground, playing cards. which is home to many traders and fishermen of The ruthless Islamists of the Nigerian sect have Nigerian origin, who more often speak Hausa than the brought such insecurity to Lake Chad that most trade Arabic widely used in Chad. “Among the inhabitants, among the four countries whose borders meet there- we’ve identified people who collaborate with Boko Nigeria, Chad, Cameroon and Niger-has dried up for Haram,” a soldier in battledress with an assault rifle tells months. The straw huts of storekeepers who used to AFP, asking not to be named. “They give them informa- import grain, sugar and rice from Nigeria are closed. “No tion and sell them fuel.” Hundreds of little islands are more goods to sell, no more money,” sums up an old scattered across the broad surface of Lake Chad, making man who adds that the price of basic products has dou- it very hard to monitor. In consequence, it has long been bled for residents of Guite. considered ideal for business by traffickers of all kinds, Youssouf Yaya, a ferryman, used to make money seeking to move their illicit goods from one country to from foreign visitors from the Chadian capital another. N’Djamena, two hours away by road, who wanted a Weapons, drugs and other contraband items have leisurely weekend at the lake. “There were French peo- been shifted around with little hindrance. A particularly ple, Americans, even some Chinese,” Yaya says. “I took GUITE: Children play in the waters of Lake Chad close to the village of Guite, north of the capital popular product is Tramol, a strong painkiller that dou- them on my boat to see the hippos and the birds. But NíDjamena. — AFP bles as a stimulant. The drug is appreciated by Boko they’ve stopped coming. Now I grow food to feed my Haram fighters and has of late been increasingly used family.” “You see these empty alleyways? Before, they northeast Nigeria and killed an estimated 13,000 people razed to the ground and even the cattle were burned to by poor, unemployed youths at the lakeside. “We’re try- were thriving, but many inhabitants have gone to live in since 2009. At the beginning of February, the insurgents death. ing to stop drugs coming from Nigeria, but the traffick- N’Djamena or in other villages,” he adds. caused uproar when they attacked Chadian territory for ers know to change tactics,” a Chadian police officer The area has become dangerous because of com- the first time, striking at the small Ngouboua peninsula Police, soldiers and spies says. “We recently seized quantities (of narcotics) from ings and goings among the islands of the lake by Boko where thousands of Nigerians had taken refuge. Two Guite lies just a few kilometers from Nigerian and the canoes of fishermen. They had gutted the fish and Haram, a fundamentalist sect that has seized tracts of people were killed in the raid, while a whole village was Cameroonian waters, held to be “infested” by Boko stuffed plastic bags of pills inside them.” — AFP Businessman jailed for making ‘defamatory’ Facebook posts Thailand slammed for 25-year lese majeste jail term

BANGKOK: Rights groups yesterday lambasted a ernment of Yingluck Shinawatra last May. administration of state affairs”. Thai military court which jailed a businessman for Domestic and international media routinely Brad Adams, Asia director of Human Rights 25 years for making allegedly defamatory self-censor reporting of the monarchy, including Watch, said it effectively grants the junta leader Facebook posts about the monarchy, one of the royal defamation trials, lest they too are hit by the unfettered power and “will mark Thailand’s deep- toughest known sentences for lese majeste. The draconian law, which carries up to 15 years in jail ening descent into dictatorship”. The UN special sentencing of Theinsutham Suthijittaseranee, 58, for every count of insulting, defaming or threaten- rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression, comes as concerns mount over a bid by the ing the monarchy. Critics of the law say it is used as David Kaye, also expressed “strong concerns” about nation’s junta leader to replace martial law-that has a weapon against the political enemies of the roy- the new section Wednesday as well as the increas- blanketed the kingdom for months-with new secu- alist elite. An ICJ tally says at least 49 people have ing lese majeste arrests and detentions. Addressing rity measures retaining sweeping powers for the fallen foul of the royal defamation rules since the hundreds of civil servants in Bangkok earlier as part military. Theinsutham was sentenced Tuesday to 10 coup, including those investigated, detained, con- of Thailand’s national Civil Service Day, Prayut years for each of five counts of posting messages victed or awaiting verdicts. Twenty-two of those defended Section 44. on the social networking website deemed to be cases have been tried in military courts whose ver- “It was written to give powers to the prime min- ABUJA: Nigerian president-elect Muhammadu Buhari (right) reads his acceptance speech defamatory to the Thai royal family, his lawyer dicts can not be appealed. ister without issuing laws. It does not mean we will in Abuja yesterday. Nigeria’s president-elect Muhammadu Buhari praised the ‘statesman- Sasinan Thamnithinan said. take power away from people. If I use this power in ship’ of the country’s outgoing leader Goodluck Jonathan for conceding defeat in a vote The sentence was halved because the defen- ‘Descent into dictatorship’ the wrong way, don’t you think I will be ashamed?” that saw an incumbent lose for the first time in the nation’s history.— AFP dant pleaded guilty, but is still among the toughest Freedom of expression and dissent have been he said. Thailand has been mired in political tur- yet for insulting the monarchy. “The 25-year sen- smothered by martial law imposed by the junta moil since populist politician Thaksin Shinawatra tence is one of the harshest we are aware of. It is since last year’s coup. On Tuesday Prime Minister was toppled by a coup in 2006. The Bangkok elite- Buhari praises Jonathan particularly problematic given that it was issued by Prayut Chan-O-Cha said he had asked the revered along with the military and swathes of the judiciary a military tribunal,” Sam Zarifi, regional director for but elderly king, Bhumibol Adulyadej, for permis- has spent the intervening years trying to unpick for peaceful handover legal rights group the International Commission of sion to lift martial law. But rights groups have the electoral success of parties linked to Thaksin- Jurists (ICJ) said. “Given the defendant’s age, it expressed alarm at Prayut’s move to replace it with culminating in last year’s coup. The army says it had comes close to being a life sentence.” Amnesty sweeping security powers under Section 44 of an to intervene to end bloody protests against the ABUJA: Nigerian election winner Muhammadu several oil sector corruption scandals and the International condemned the conviction as “pre- interim constitution. Under the section, Prayut can Shinawatra clan. It accused the family of poisoning Buhari congratulated outgoing President government’s performance in combating posterous” and called for an end to lese majeste unilaterally issue orders to suppress “any act that Thailand with corruption and cronyism and duping Goodluck Jonathan for peacefully relinquishing Islamist Boko Haram militants in the northeast. prosecutions, which have surged since royalist undermines public peace and order or national people in their rural poor heartlands with populist power yesterday, a day after becoming the first “You voted for change and now change has generals toppled the remnants of the elected gov- security, the monarchy, national economics or the policies. — AFP politician in Nigeria’s history to unseat a sitting come,” Buhari said. leader at the ballot box. In an unprecedented Cities in the largely Muslim north, where step, Jonathan phoned Buhari to concede Buhari’s core support base lies, erupted in cele- defeat and urged his supporters to accept the bration. Jonathan’s appeal to his supporters that result, a signal of deepening democracy in “nobody’s political ambition is worth blood” Africa’s most populous nation that few had meanwhile helped calm their frustrations, expected. “President Jonathan was a worthy reducing the chance of post-election violence opponent and I extend the hand of fellowship that blighted the 2011 poll. Despite the killing to him,” Buhari, wearing a black cap and kaftan, of more than a dozen voters by Boko Haram told reporters and supporters to loud applause. gunmen - who had pledge to derail the poll - “We have proven to the world that we are the election was one of the most orderly in the people who have embraced democracy. We country’s history. Buhari took power in a 1983 have put one-party state behind us.” The 72- coup only to be thrown out 18 months later by year-old general, who first came to power three another general. He subsequently embraced decades ago via a military coup, campaigned as democracy, running in several elections and a born-again democrat intent on cleaning up despite losing always bounced back. Nigeria’s corrupt politics. The margin of victory - He acknowledged the hard work ahead in Buhari took 15.4 million votes to Jonathan’s 13.3 building bridges. “I asked that we all be cir- million - was enough to prevent any challenge. cumspect, respectful and peaceful... We must Nigeria’s main stock index soared 6.7 percent, begin to heal the wounds,” he said. Oil-rich posting its single biggest gain this year, and Nigeria remains a complex ethnic mix of 170 Nigerian dollar-denominated bonds also million people speaking more than 500 lan- climbed amid relief at the absence of the vio- guages, split between Muslims and Christians. lence that has blighted previous elections. Though they mostly live side by side in peace, Investors are also cautiously optimistic that many harbor disputes that politicians have any crackdown on leakage and corruption by often used to stoke violence that has wors- Buhari will stimulate investment and boost flag- ened over the years. As well as the Boko Haram ging growth in Africa’s biggest economy. The insurgency Buhari must deal with the fallout rules state that Jonathan must officially hand from a dive in global oil prices in the last eight over on May 29. His People’s Democratic Party months which has hammered squeezed state (PDP) has been in charge since the end of army revenues and forced two de facto currency rule in 1999 but had been losing support due to devaluations.— Reuters

CHUUK: This picture shows structures damaged during storms brought on by Super Typhoon Maysak near the village of Mwan on the island of Weno in Adoptee from South Korea the Micronesian state of Chuuk.— AFP faces deportation from US State of emergency as super PORTLAND: More than three decades ago, a Two US senators, including Jeff Merkley, 3-year-old South Korean boy and his sister an Oregon Democrat, are proposing a stand- flew to the US to become the adopted chil- alone, automatic citizenship bill for adoptees dren of American citizens, but their life like Crapser. “It was not his responsibility to fill typhoon batters Micronesia together didn’t last long. They were aban- out that immigration paperwork,” Merkley doned, sent into foster care and separated said. “He knows no other country.” Advocates HAGATNA: Residents of the Micronesian State of “Trees fell on our houses and parts of the roof tore Weno Island resident Mori said locals had up to a even though he was dependent upon her. A say thousands of adoptees don’t know they Chuuk were struggling to clear the roads of huge up. Everyone in my compound, which are all family week of food, noting that “many of our food produc- family adopted the girl, and got her citizen- aren’t citizens until they, for example, try to pieces of debris and return to damaged homes yes- members, suffered damage to their homes as well.” ing plants are destroyed”. “We have a high supply of ship. The boy, named Adam Crapser, wasn’t as get a job. The federal government does not terday as Super Typhoon Maysak cut a destructive Maysak, with sustained winds of 260 kilometers per food right now because of the storm,” he said. “But fortunate: The parents he had were abusive, track the citizenship status of international path across the central Pacific leaving at least five hour, slammed into Chuuk on Sunday night and they’ll be spoiled soon. I give the food about a week. and never sought the green card or citizen- adoptees or how many have faced deporta- dead. Crops were ruined and water supplies contam- crossed the vast archipelago of 607 islands before Or less maybe.” Victoria Bannon, North Pacific repre- ship for him that they should have. Now, at tion. The State Department says it is aware of inated, with fears people faced starvation if they did battering the Yap group of islands yesterday and sentative for the Red Cross said the charity was on 39, after a life struggling with joblessness adult adoptees who are in immigration not receive aid soon, after the violent storm took heading out to sea towards the Philippines. The the ground in Chuuk and Yap and “in full mobiliza- because of his lack of immigration papers, removal proceedings. three days to cross the vast Federated States of typhoon appears to have now weakened with maxi- tion mode”. She said they had access to pre-posi- homelessness and crime, Crapser, a married Adoptees who didn’t become citizens are Micronesia (FSM). “Governor Johnson Elimo declared mum winds down to about 190 kilometers per hour tioned relief supplies such as tarpaulins and ropes father of three, is facing deportation because lawful permanent residents - but they lack the a state of emergency (in Chuuk) due to damage by and gusts of 225 kilometers per hour, the Philippine for shelter, buckets, cooking sets and lanterns, while he’s not a citizen. documents to prove it. Their stories about Typhoon Maysak, including five deaths,” FSM government weather station said. a ship full of aid set off from the state of Pohnpei on “The state abandoned him when he was a deportation to countries as diverse as India, President Manny Mori said in a statement, indicating Tuesday, stopping at islands where help was need- child,” his attorney, Lori Walls, said. “Now the Russia or Brazil are detailed on advocacy web- foreign aid would be needed to support relief efforts. Clearing the damage ed. U.S. is throwing him out.” sites. Many of them remained stuck in legal He did not specify where the deaths occurred, but Many residents of the islands hit by the storm Maysak, which comes on the heels of destructive A deportation hearing is set for April 2. limbo. A provision that would make citizen- earlier reports said five people were killed on Chuuk. were now trying to return home to begin clearing Cyclone Pam that hit the Pacific nation of Vanuatu Federal immigration officials say they became ship automatic for all international adoptees There was extensive damage to “schools, health facil- the damage and rebuilding. Officials said some hous- two weeks ago, is expected to weaken further before aware of Crapser after he applied to renew his regardless of age was added to a Senate ities, public utilities, private residences”, he said, as es were blown off their platforms, while other areas it makes landfall in the Philippines by the weekend, green card two years ago: his criminal convic- immigration bill several years ago. But when well as “the sinking of several fishing, passenger and saw fruit trees destroyed. “The immediate need is the Philippines government weather station said. It tions, ranging from burglary to assault, made reform stalled, the provision did, too. Since dive ships.” Chuuk resident Hiroyuki Mori said he food, water and clothing,” Manny Hechanova, associ- warned the storm would still pack destructive winds him potentially deportable under immigra- the 1950s, American couples have adopted spent the day trying to clear the roads with other vil- ate director at the University of Guam and “heavy to intense rainfall” and could even bring tion law. US Immigration and Customs nearly half a million children from other coun- lagers using chainsaws, adding that many families Telecommunication and Distance Education tsunami-like storm surges of two to three meters Enforcement wasn’t aware of Crapser’s child- tries; about 100,000 of those children came abandoned their homes and sought refuge in more Operation, told the Pacific Daily News in Guam. when it makes landfalls around the eastern provinces hood adoption history when it decided to from South Korea. For years, it was the par- solid structures, including local hotels, as Maysak “These islands are on their own, with limited food of Isabela or Aurora. The Philippines has itself not ful- pursue his deportation, agency spokesman ents’ responsibility to seek citizenship, but pounded the archipelago. supplies. They may have to wait for three to five days ly recovered from Super Typhoon Haiyan which Andrew Munoz said. many did not.—AP “There were debris everywhere,” the 27-year-old and they may not be ready to wait that long. struck in November 2013, leaving more than 7,350 told AFP from Weno Island, which is part of Chuuk. Starvation is a real possibility.” people dead or missing.— AFP NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015

A woman looks at the painting ‘Implementing the Resolutions of the 26th Party Congress’ by Andrei Bondarev at the exhibition ‘Hyperrealism. When Reality Becomes Illusion’ at the Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val in central Moscow yesterday. The exhibition runs from March 13 to July 26. — AFP

US-Iran thaw spurred Saudi action... UAE planes avoid midair collision Continued from Page 1 interests. “Saudi Arabia is no longer in a preventive Continued from Page 1 avoid a possible collision. mode,” said Ehteshami. “The traditional perception of Etihad said the traffic collision avoidance system The Houthis are not a new force in Yemen. They have Saudi Arabia being a cautious, behind-the-scenes actor “Safety is of paramount importance to Emirates, and onboard the Airbus A320 from Abu Dhabi “ensured that fought the central government for a decade in their is increasingly outdated. Saudi Arabia now is more of a we will be cooperating fully with Mumbai Air Traffic safe vertical separation of both aircraft was maintained northern stronghold of Saada. They also locked horns proactive actor in the region,” he said. Control in the subsequent investigation,” the carrier said at all times”. Emirates and Etihad have both grown rap- with Saudi Arabia in a previous conflict in 2009-2010. Riyadh has formed the largest-ever coalition of in a statement. idly in recent years, enticing long-haul transit passen- The Houthis defeated powerful tribes in months of Sunni Arab countries to fight the Houthis, bringing Both it and Etihad denied that passenger safety gers through their Gulf hubs aboard relatively young fighting before overrunning the capital in September, together most of the Gulf monarchies, Jordan, was compromised. Neither carrier would say how close aircraft. Emirates is owned by the government of the two planes came to each other, though they were Mideast commercial hub Dubai, while Etihad is con- triggering condemnation - but initially no action - from Morocco, Sudan and Egypt. The alliance is also the first close enough that an onboard crash warning system trolled by the oil-rich Emirati capital, Abu Dhabi. Riyadh. The prospect of the Houthis controlling the that openly operates away from the auspices of issued what is known as a “resolution advisory”, accord- Both carriers are regulated by the Emirates’ General southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula, including sta- Washington or NATO, though a Gulf diplomatic official ing to an official at one of the airlines, who was not Civil Aviation Authority, which had no immediate com- tioning their forces at the strategic Bab Al-Mandab said that participants would like to have international authorized to speak publicly. That level of alert, more ment. They each operate multiple flights weekly to strait, appears to have finally prodded Saudi Arabia into cover. “We are working to get a UN resolution like in serious than a broader “traffic advisory”, tells pilots to Seychelles, a tropical tourism destination that has built its unusual intervention. Mali, post-action,” the official said. It is a “coalition of the take urgent action such as climbing or descending to close ties to the Emirates. — AP “The Saudis have come to the hard conclusion that minimum” common ground, according to Barari, under no one will come to their rescue if Iran manages to which “these countries can maintain their differences have a foothold in Yemen, (and) establish a kind of but when it comes to Iran they should cast aside these Palestine joins International Criminal... Yemeni Hezbollah... to practice coercive diplomacy difference.” with Riyadh,” said Hassan Barari, professor of interna- Ehteshami said the Arab monarchies and Egypt Continued from Page 1 lects on behalf of the Ramallah-based Palestinian tional relations at Qatar University. Saudi Arabia is also could form a long-lasting bloc that would “engage Authority. Netanyahu, who was reelected prime minister “frustrated” by a perceived “American disengagement Turkey and Pakistan as the new Sunni periphery of the a preliminary investigation into possible war crimes last month, vowed during his campaign that a Palestinian from the region,” he said. Barari cited the four-year con- Arab axis”. He argued that Ankara and Riyadh have put during last year’s Gaza war. The Palestinians have already state would not be established on his watch. He has since flict in Syria where Gulf monarchies feel let down by aside their “divergent” positions over Egypt’s crack- sent the court documents authorising the prosecutor to released the frozen funds, which constitute two-thirds of Washington’s failure to help oust President Bashar Al- down on the Muslim Brotherhood, which Turkey investigate alleged crimes in the Palestinian territories the Palestinian Authority’s income, excluding foreign aid. Assad. opposed, and are “working very closely” to push Assad since June 2014. About 2,200 Palestinians and 73 Israelis On Tuesday, 26 Americans filed a complaint to the US Jane Kinninmont, deputy head of Middle East and out and to combat Iran’s influence in Iraq. were killed during the 50-day conflict in July and August. Attorney General requesting the justice ministry prose- North Africa program at London’s Chatham House Meanwhile, Iran is left with few options beyond con- Any probe of alleged Israeli crimes in Gaza would also cute Hamas leaders for “war crimes”. The 26, some of include an investigation of the firing of rockets and mor- whom also hold Israeli passports, called for Hamas leaders think tank, said Saudi Arabia “views the Houthis as little demnation. “Iran probably doesn’t want to scupper the tars by Hamas militants at civilian areas in Israel. Despite to be prosecuted for firing rockets at Israel’s Ben Gurion more than an Iranian proxy and wants to send Iran a nuclear talks for the sake of Yemen, which is not a Israel not being a signatory to the world’s only permanent airport near Tel Aviv during the 2014 war. In February, a clear message that it faces pushback from regional country that is central to Iranian interests,” said court for the most serious crimes, the tribunal could pros- US jury found the PA and Palestine Liberation powers”. The unexpected military intervention also Kinninmont. Ehteshami believes Tehran will pursue a ecute Israelis for alleged crimes committed on Palestinian Organisation responsible for six attacks which killed showed that Saudi Arabia’s new leader, King Salman, is traditional strategy of using proxies to wield influence. territory. The ICC would face challenges in arresting Israeli dozens of people and ordered them to pay the victims’ ready to take drastic action to protect his country’s “The Houthis are the perfect proxy for them.” — AFP suspects however as it does not have its own police force families more than $650 million in damages. and relies on the cooperation of member states. Human Rights Watch welcomed the accession of the The Palestinians could in theory now refer a specific sit- court’s 123 member, slamming Israel and the United Ghanem vows unity as MPs meet over... uation to the court, such as Jewish settlement building on States for trying to punish Palestine for joining. occupied Palestinian land in the West Bank. But Malki said “Governments seeking to penalise Palestine for joining Continued from Page 1 front in the country. ly criticizing the military operations Palestine would await the outcome of Bensouda’s initial the ICC should immediately end their pressure,” said Meanwhile, activists said that in Yemen and in one of them he probe. “We are not in the mood to threaten. We want to HRW’s international justice counsel Balkees Jarrah. Senior military commanders also state security police arrested former wrote that 14,000 Yemeni Houthis wait, we want to give the court ample time to complete “What’s objectionable is the attempts to undermine explained to the meeting about the Shiite MP and activist Khaled Al- have already registered to become their preliminary examination,” he said. international justice, not Palestine’s decision to join a nature of “the Kuwait air force’s par- Shatti over comments on Twitter suicide bombers. Unconfirmed Netanyahu has accused the Palestinian unity govern- treaty to which over 100 countries around the world are ticipation in the operations in deemed offensive to national unity reports also said that police have ment - including Hamas which the Jewish state considers members.” The Palestinians won observer status at the defense of Saudi Arabia”. MPs who about the Saudi-led airstrikes on sent summons for Salah Al-Fadhli, a a terrorist organization - of “manipulating” the court. Israel United Nations in 2012 and according to the Palestinian attended the meeting emphasized Shiite Houthi rebels in Yemen. Shatti, Shiite writer and academic, over sim- retaliated to Palestine’s signing of the Rome Treaty by cut- Authority, around 135 countries have now recognised the need to strengthen the internal a lawyer, wrote several tweets harsh- ilar accusations. ting off millions of dollars in monthly tax payments it col- the state of Palestine. —AFP THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 ANALYSIS


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Issues Food imports hit as war pressures Yemen supply

By Maha El Dahan, Jonathan Saul and Sam Wilkin

week into Saudi-led air-strikes in Yemen, food imports into the Arab world’s poorest coun- Atry are grinding to a halt as the conflict puts fragile supply chains under growing strain and com- mercial suppliers stay away. Saudi Arabia and Arab allies began a bombing campaign last week against Iran-allied Houthi fighters who had taken over much of Yemen and now threaten the southern city of Aden, where President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi had taken refuge. Several ports are in rebel hands and fighting has made travelling by road perilous. Yemen imports more than 90 percent of its food, including the lion’s share of its wheat and all its rice, to feed a population of about 25 million. It has enough basic foodstocks for six months in all Economics trumps politics in Turkey-Iran rift provinces and wheat stocks stood at 930,100 tonnes on the day air strikes began, the official Saba news By Jonny Hogg could be steps that necessitate us making every kind of decision,” sacrificing the Muslim Brotherhood was to be heavily critical of Iran,” agency said on Monday. But the United Nations’ he said during a press conference in Istanbul. said Sinan Ulgen, head of the Istanbul-based Center for Economics Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) said stocks urkey and Iran have accused each other of trying to domi- and Foreign Policy. could start to diminish quickly. nate the Middle East as they back opposing sides in the crisis Ottoman ‘Delusions’ “Although government sources reported suffi- Tin Yemen, but the war of words is unlikely to permanently Iran supports the Shiite Houthi militants in their campaign Trouble with Neighbours cient stocks to last the country about six months, damage a relationship driven by deepening economic ties. against Yemeni President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, but it denies The tensions with Iran further illustrate how far the ruling AK the conflict will likely negatively impact distribution, Turkey’s relations with Tehran have already been strained by stark giving them military aid or sending in its own troops. Turkey has said Party has strayed from the “zero problems with the neighbours” market availability and prices of foodstuffs sooner differences over Syria. Ankara upped the ante last week, saying it it may provide logistical support to the Saudi-led Arab coalition mantra that once defined its policy ambitions. Erdogan and Prime than earlier expected,” the FAO representative in backs the Saudi-led campaign in Yemen against Houthi militants against the Houthis, who seized Yemen’s capital last year. Erdogan Minister Ahmet Davutoglu’s vision of a Middle East with political Yemen, Salah ElHajj Hassan, told Reuters yesterday. supported by Iran. last week called on Tehran to withdraw any forces it may have in Islam, the Muslim Brotherhood and Turkey at its heart has left it iso- Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan then accused Iran of attempt- Yemen, Syria and Iraq. In Iraq, he said, Iran only wants to drive out lated. The growing prominence of both Turkey and Iran in the fight The collapse of central authority and fighting on ing to dominate the region. An Iranian lawmaker in turn charged Islamic State insurgents in order to replace them. against Islamic State could further heighten tensions, believes several fronts including Aden, one of Yemen’s main that Erdogan was seeking to rebuild the Ottoman empire and Iran responded by summoning Turkey’s envoy to complain Osman Bahadir Dincer, from the Ankara-based think-tank, USAK. ports, has already disrupted imports as well as the demanded the cancellation of his planned April 7 visit. But diplo- about the comments, which have inflamed some Iranian lawmakers. Turkey, a reluctant partner in the US-led coalition and which processing and distribution of wheat and other sta- mats and analysts say the long-term impact will be minimal as “Anyone who speaks against Iran cannot be our guest,” MP Mansour shares the oldest unchanged frontier in the Middle East with Iran, is ples, food industry sources said. “The port is not Turkey needs Iranian gas and sanctions-hit Tehran desperately Haghighatpour was quoted as saying by local media. “Erdogan has gradually increasing its role. A program with Washington to train and functioning, it has been a few days now since our needs export markets. Turkey’s imports from Iran were nearly $10 delusions of being a pasha and thinks he can resurrect the Ottoman equip predominantly Sunni Syrian rebels, who could find them- imports have stopped and we are not receiving any billion in 2014 and its exports totalled around $4 billion. empire.” Much of the enmity between Turkey and Iran stems from selves confronting Iranian-backed groups, is expected to begin in more wheat,” a source at the Yemen Company for “This would be a huge financial disincentive for Turkey joining a sharp differences over the chaos in neighbouring Syria. the coming weeks. “If we’re more involved in the Middle Eastern Flour Mills and Silos in Aden said. “Workers can’t great anti-Iran bandwagon,” said one Ankara-based diplomat, Turkey accuses Tehran of propping up a Syrian regime guilty of equation we’ll come up against Iran, because they’re on the ground,” come to work so they are not operating the mills. expressing surprise at the harshness of Erdogan’s criticism. “It was massive rights abuses. Shi’ite Iran says Erdogan, a devout Sunni, has Dincer said. The fighting and gunfire has stopped them from pretty strong rhetoric in the run-up to a presidential visit.” A gas-for- pursued a sectarian policy against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Whilst neither country wants relations to sharply worsen, the cri- showing up and the roads are blocked,” he added. gold trade, in which Turkish gold exports have been used to indi- who follows an offshoot of Shiite Islam. Ankara supports the Syrian sis sweeping the Middle East - with regional powers backing armed An explosion at a dairy factory at the Houthi-con- rectly pay Iran for its natural gas, has provided a financial lifeline to opposition, but denies accusations that it has secretly armed extrem- groups in a kaleidoscope of conflicts - means maintaining delicate trolled west coast port of Hodeida port yesterday Tehran, largely frozen out of the global banking system by Western ist groups. Erdogan’s backing of the Saudi-led coalition may also be relations will be trickier than ever, warned Fadi Hakura, Turkey expert morning killed at least 25 people and dealt a blow sanctions imposed over its nuclear program. On Monday, Erdogan an attempt to revive regional relations badly damaged by Turkey’s from the London-based Chatham House. “Both capitals will be keen to food production. Mohamed Alshamery, manager said his trip was still on, but hinted that a last minute change of backing of the Muslim Brotherhood, outlawed in much of the to avoid a direct conflict ... If anything there would be a proxy con- of the Yemen Company for Sugar Refining in plan was possible. “Developments in Yemen are important. There Middle East. “The only way to recuperate the lost ground without flict, (which would) exacerbate local tensions.” —Reuters Hodeida, told Reuters his refinery and the port were still operational but fighting was making it difficult to take sugar to market. Before the conflict, nearly half of Yemenis were ‘food insecure’, lacking suffi- Can Nigeria inspire wave of democracy? cient food for their needs, and one in four was undernourished, the FAO said. By Margaux Benn Different Battles example for the region.” only constitute a small part of the demo- The victory of Muhammadu Buhari in But others say that certain specific fac- cratic process”. “It is not because a country’s Drawing on Foodstocks igeria’s first-ever peaceful transition this weekend’s Nigerian election marks tors allowed this week’s changeover that elections were deemed free and democrat- An international trade source said it was becom- after elections this week has only the eighth time in the history of sub- will be hard to recreate elsewhere, includ- ic that the country itself is free and demo- ing difficult to deliver shipments of food. “Houthi Ninspired hopes that it could spark a Saharan Africa that a challenger has ing a well-organised opposition and an cratic,” he said. militias are in control of the major ports including trend among other African countries where unseated an incumbent in an election, all honest election commissioner. The battles The most important aspect of the Aden. Traders are unable to open letters of credit democracy has failed to take hold. In a con- but one taking place since 2010. “(It) sig- elsewhere are very different. In Burundi, Nigerian election, agreed Stephen Ellis of with banks. We are starting to see shipments being tinent where leaders often refuse to give nifies an unprecedented growth of politi- Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Holland’s African Studies Centre, is what diverted to other locations,” he said. “What this up office, Goodluck Jonathan’s willingness cal maturity in the region,” said Jeffrey Congo, for example, the opposition move- comes next. “Democracy does not neces- means is that across Yemen they will need to be to accept defeat and step down has been Smith, Africa program officer at the ments are busy trying to stop presidents sarily solve the sorts of problems you have drawing their strategic stocks.” Ship tracking data met with relief by foreign observers. “If the Robert F Kennedy Centre for Justice and changing the constitution so they can in these parts of Africa,” he said. “The elec- largest democracy on the continent of Human Rights in Washington. Nigeria was stand for a third term. tion and Buhari’s experience give him more showed only a few ships were located close to Africa couldn’t get it right or didn’t even try “by far the biggest and most influential And in Sudan, which will hold presiden- legitimacy than most, but he must now Aden, with two bulker vessels most likely to be car- to get it right - then why would anybody example to date,” he said. “The Nigerian tial elections this month, regime change is tackle the deep, deep corruption in Nigeria rying food supplies anchored off the city’s coast for else try to get it right?” US Assistant electorate defied the many ominous and highly unlikely. Moreover, said Thierry which is at the very heart of government, several days. Secretary of State for Africa, Linda Thomas- foreboding headlines, as well as ongoing Vircoulon, Central Africa project director at and powerful interests will kick and scream “The port of Aden is virtually closed but for some Greenfield told AFP. “So, Nigeria is a trail- domestic strife, and have set a positive the International Crisis Group, “elections against that.” —AFP oil shipments which berthed at Aden Refinery. Dry blazer. And they have sent a huge, huge cargo shipments are stopped because no steve- example across Africa that democracy and dores are available because of clashes,” shipping and change of government can work,” she logistics agency GAC said. A spokesman for the UN added. agency the World Food Programme said fighting in There have been positive signs else- Aden had disrupted their loading operations. A local where, with protests ending the 27-year- partner was still going ahead with distribution of old rule of Blaise Compaore in Burkina Faso food to refugees in camps in the Aden area. in October - capping a year that saw peace- In Lahj, north of Aden, authorities loyal to Hadi ful elections in Malawi and Namibia. Ghana, posted a notice ordering shopkeepers to keep Kenya, Mali and Senegal have also seen prices at their previous levels and not to hoard their more-or-less trouble-free polls and transi- stocks. Residents in the capital Sanaa and other tions in recent years. Philippe Hugon, of the parts of the country said there were widespread fuel French think tank International and shortages that coupled with heavy fighting and air Strategic Relations Institute, goes as far as strikes could also hamper efforts to distribute food. talking of an “African Spring”, saying the events in Burkina Faso and Nigeria could “Petrol stations have started hoarding fuel. There are have “considerable influence” across the queues outside petrol stations and the people are region. anxious about the war carrying on,” said Ali Salih, a Attention will next turn to the Central car owner in the central province of Ibb. —Reuters African Republic and the Ivory Coast which are due to hold elections by the end of this year. The latter intends to improve on the crisis that followed its last polls in 2010. All articles appearing on these “Looking back 20 years from now, we will pages are the personal opinion of see how democratic processes were being reinforced,” said Hugo Sada, a former the writers. Kuwait Times takes no human rights delegate for the International responsibility for views expressed Organisation of La Francophonie. “The therein. Kuwait Times invites read- most important thing is not the technical perfection of polls, but participation levels ers to voice their opinions. Please and the acceptance of results.” send submissions via email to: opin- Hugon thanks the increasing role of [email protected] or via snail young people who have previously been mail to PO Box 1301 Safat, Kuwait. excluded from the political game in the world’s youngest continent, which holds 200 The editor reserves the right to edit million people aged 15-24, as well as techno- any submission as necessary. logical advances such as electronic poll sta- Supporters of newly-elected Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari sit on top of a mini van as they celebrate the tions that have reduced the risk of rigging. victory of their candidate in Lagos yesterday. —AFP THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 SPORTS

NZ’s Mills follows Vettori Real to buy Woods practices at Augusta WELLINGTON: Pace bowler Kyle Mills has followed team mate Daniel Brazilian Danilo AUGUSTA: The lingering ‘will he play/won’t he play?’ scenario with Tiger Woods ahead of Vettori into retirement from international cricket after New Zealand’s loss next week’s Masters entered a new phase on Tuesday when the former world number one to Australia in Sunday’s World Cup final. MADRID: Real Madrid have reached an agreement with played a practice round at Augusta National. While Vettori, who announced his international retirement when the Porto to buy their Brazilian fullback Danilo, who will join the Woods’ manager Mark Steinberg told Reuters that Woods had played 18 holes at the team returned to Auckland on Tuesday, has kept open the possibility of La Liga club next season, the European champions said on iconic Masters venue as he continued to assess whether his game would be “tournament- playing lucrative Twenty20 tournaments Mills said he had retired com- Twitter on Tuesday. The Spanish giants added the 23-year- ready” for the first major of the year. pletely from all forms of cricket. old Brazil international, who plays mainly at right back, has a However, Steinberg did not say whether Woods was any closer to reaching a decision “It’s been an honour and privilege to play cricket for my country over six-year contract until June 30, 2021 at the Bernabeu. The about competing this year at the Masters, where he is a four-times champion. the past 14 years and I will miss it greatly,” the 36-year-old said in a New fee for Danilo is 31.5 million euros ($33.82 million), Porto Woods, whose ranking has plummeted to a mind-boggling 104th, has Zealand Cricket statement yesterday. said in a statement to the Portuguese stock exchange. struggled badly for form and fitness this season, and has played only “However, the time is right for me to step away from play- Danilo started his career at Brazilian club America before twice on the 2014-15 PGA Tour. ing this great game and devote more time to my family, who joining Santos and then moving to Porto in January 2012 He posted the highest score of his professional career, an 11- have sacrificed so much for me to keep playing the game I where he has won two Portuguese league titles. over-par 82, to miss the cut at the Phoenix Open in January, and love.” A fast-medium swing bowler, Mills made his interna- Danilo, who won a silver medal at the 2012 London withdrew from the Farmers Insurance Open early last month after tional debut in a one-day match against Pakistan in 2001 Olympics, has become a regular for Brazil since Dunga took 11 holes because of tightness in his back. before making his test bow in 2004 against England. over as manager after last year’s World Cup. Woods, who claimed the most recent of his 14 major titles at the Mills played 19 tests with the last of those coming six Danilo has also helped Julen Lopetegui’s Porto side reach 2008 U.S. Open, said he would not return to the PGA Tour until his game years ago in Hamilton against India. However, he became the Champions League quarter-finals where they will play was “tournament-ready” and many pundits believe he is suffering from the a limited-overs specialist and played 170 matches, Bayern Munich next month. He will compete for a starting chipping ‘yips’. “I enter a tournament to compete at the highest level, and finishing with 240 wickets, second only to Vettori place in Madrid with Daniel Carvajal and former Liverpool when I think I’m ready, I’ll be back,” Woods wrote on his website. “I hope among New Zealand bowlers.—Reuters defender Alvaro Arbeloa. —Reuters to be ready for the Masters.”—Reuters

NBA results/standings

Brooklyn 111, Indiana 106; Detroit 105, Atlanta 95; San Antonio 95, Miami 81; Golden State 110, LA Clippers 106.

Eastern Conference Atlantic Division W L PCT GB Toronto 44 30 .595 - Brooklyn 33 40 .452 10.5 Boston 33 41 .446 11 Philadelphia 18 57 .240 26.5 NY Knicks 14 60 .189 30

Central Division Cleveland 48 27 .640 - Chicago 45 29 .608 2.5 Milwaukee 36 38 .486 11.5 Indiana 32 42 .432 15.5 Detroit 29 45 .392 18.5

Southeast Division Atlanta 56 19 .747 - Washington 41 33 .554 14.5 Miami 34 40 .459 21.5 Charlotte 31 42 .425 24 Orlando 22 52 .297 33.5

Western Conference Northwest Division Portland 48 25 .658 - Oklahoma City 42 32 .568 6.5 Utah 33 41 .446 15.5 Denver 28 46 .378 20.5 Minnesota 16 58 .216 32.5

Pacific Division Golden State 61 13 .824 - LA Clippers 49 26 .653 12.5 Phoenix 38 37 .507 23.5 Sacramento 26 47 .356 34.5 LA Lakers 20 53 .274 40.5

Southwest Division Memphis 51 24 .680 - Houston 50 24 .676 0.5 San Antonio 48 26 .649 2.5 Dallas 45 29 .608 5.5 LOS ANGELES: Clippers’ Matt Barnes (right) fouls Golden State Warriors’ Stephen Curry (left) during the second half of an NBA basketball game. —AP New Orleans 39 34 .534 11 Warriors beat Clippers, Nets advance

LOS ANGELES: Stephen Curry scored 27 points and Klay Thompson had 25 as the Golden State Warriors held off the Los Angeles Clippers 110-106 Tuesday for their 10th con- secutive victory. David Lee added 17 points for the Warriors, who had lost four in a row at Staples Center. Los Angeles had won seven in a row. Blake Griffin had 40 points, 12 rebounds and five assists. Chris Paul had 27 points and nine assists, and J.J. Redick finished with 14 points. Paul’s layup drew the Clippers to 106-104 with 12 sec- onds left, but he was called for a backcourt violation taking an inbounds pass from DeAndre Jordan with nine seconds left. Thompson and Curry combined for four straight free throws to close out the win for the Pacific Division champi- ons.

NETS 111, PACERS 106 Brook Lopez had 24 points and 11 rebounds, and Brooklyn reclaimed sole possession of eighth place in the Eastern Conference with its season-high fourth straight vic- tory. The Nets moved back ahead of Boston and dealt a blow to the Pacers, who fell 1 1/2 games behind Brooklyn. They will visit the Celtics on Wednesday. Joe Johnson added 21 points, including five straight 20 Karting drivers vie for after the Pacers got within three with about 2 minutes left. Alan Anderson scored 20. Brooklyn won for the sixth time in seven games and claimed the tiebreaker with Indiana by winning the season series. George Hill scored 28 points for the Pacers, who lost Red Bull Kart Fight Title for the eighth time in 10 games. Indiana starting guard C.J. Miles, who averaged 27 KUWAIT: From around Kuwait they have then be divided into two groups as per the Champion. Participating in the World Final ment considering the Kuwait Kart Fight points in his previous two games, sprained his right ankle come. Twenty of Kuwait’s best amateur kart qualification (odd & even). is as close as an amateur racer can get to started with 200 racers. He went on to Italy in the first quarter and played just six minutes. racers will compete at Sirbb track today, all Two races of 12 laps each will be held the feel of being a top international star. A for the world final where he proudly repre- seeking the title of Red Bull Kart Fight and the top 5 from each race will qualify to purpose built track is designed specifically sented Kuwait against 20 other countries! SPURS 95, HEAT 81 National Champion. The winner of the the final race. The top 10 qualified drivers to test the depth of the competitors’ abili- Red Bull Kart Fight in Kuwait is organ- Kawhi Leonard scored 22 points and Tony Parker added national qualifier will travel to Spielberg, will do a qualification session to choose the ties over 2 intense days of competition ized by Bassel Salem Al Sabah Motor 16 in his 1,000th NBA game, leading the Spurs to the road Austria to represent Kuwait in an interna- pole position. Race one will start from posi- where only one will emerge as World Racing Club and is sponsored by Chevrolet, win. Tim Duncan had 12 points and 11 rebounds for San tional race against the best Kart Fighters tion 1 till 10 for 12 laps, points will be grant- Champion. Road Emergency, Kuwait Times and Al Antonio, which went 12-3 in March - the league’s second- from across the world. ed as per the table. Race two will start from At the last Red Bull Kart Fight in 2012 Anba. For more info about the champi- best record during the month behind only Golden State. The Red Bull Kart Fight qualifiers in position #10 till #1 for 12 laps, points will be Nawaf Al Safi convincingly defeated all oth- onship please follow @RedBullKuwait Boris Diaw scored 11 points. Kuwait started on March 1st and ended on granted as per the table. Points of two er drivers. This was no small accomplish- Instagram & Twitter accounts. Goran Dragic had 19 points and Dwyane Wade added Sunday March 29. More than 1,000 partici- races will be added together and the one 15 for Miami. Chris Andersen grabbed 10 rebounds. San pants have participated and only the who has the highest points will win the Antonio stayed No. 6 in the West, and could clinch a playoff fastest 20 racing times have made it to the race. During the final 2 races, points will be berth Wednesday in Orlando. The Heat remained in the No. Kuwait Final. Ahmad Al Ansari managed to given as follows: The winner will collect 25 7 spot in the Eastern Conference race but now are two loss- set the fastest time throughout the quali- points while the 2nd place will take 23 es behind No. 6 Milwaukee and only a half-game up on fiers with 43.8690 seconds. The 20 qualified points, 3rd: 21 points, 4th: 19 points, 5th:17 Brooklyn. drivers are as follows: Ahmad Al Ansari, points, 6th: 10 points, 7th: 7 points, 8th: 5 Abdullah, Al Shehab, Bander Ali, Rashed Al points, 9th: 3 points, 10th: 1 point. PISTONS 105, HAWKS 95 Duwaikhi, Yousef Al Bader, Ali Marafi, Every driver is hungry to take home the Andre Drummond had 22 points and 13 rebounds, Khaled Al Mudhaf, Saad Al Saad, Hamad title of champion so the road ahead will be powering Detroit to the victory. Anthony Tolliver had 13 Hasan, Fasial Alawadhi, Fahad Allanagwii, tough but well worth the effort. points and 10 rebounds for the Pistons, who have won five Reema Al Zaabi, Maryam Makhseed, The Red Bull Kart Fight is the global of six. Ahmad Al Mutairi, Faisal Alameeri, Khalid tournament to determine the fastest ama- Reggie Jackson collected 12 points and 11 assists Aloun, Anas Kanawath, Fahad Bastaki, teur kart racer in the World of Red Bull. despite being limited to four-minute stints in each of the Mohammad Al Bahar, Abdullah Al Zaben. National competitions around the planet last three quarters by an illness. Tolliver made his eighth Today, the event will start with a free search for the best racers to represent each consecutive start in place of Greg Monroe, who is out with practice. This will be followed with a qualifi- country and those winners then travel to a right knee injury. Thabo Sefolosha scored 19 points for er where the 20 drivers will be divided into the Red Bull Ring, Austria. Atlanta, while Al Horford had 16 on 8-of-11 shooting. The 4 groups of 5 where each driver will have 3 The winner of the World Final is Hawks, who have clinched the Eastern Conference’s top laps to set the best time. The drivers will crowned Red Bull Kart Fight World seed for the playoffs, have dropped two of three. —AP THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 SPORTS Burns plots Aussies comeback in India

MELBOURNE: Queensland batsman Joe the chance to play.” Burns is determined to avoid membership Australia’s recent history is littered with of the burgeoning club of Australian bats- batsmen who have been thrown into the men who have made brief cameos in the spotlight after years of toiling in the test team before permanently falling into fringes, then promptly banished after a obscurity. The 25-year-old was the only handful of games. member of the team that defeated India 2- Tasmania batsman Alex Doolan had a 0 in the 2014-15 series not to be picked for brief flirtation with Australia’s number three the 17-man tour squad for the Caribbean spot in the batting order last year but was and England in June and July. dumped after his fourth test produced con- The highly-rated right-hander’s spot was secutive failures. usurped by 35-year-old Western Australian Erstwhile one-day captain George Bailey Adam Voges, who amassed more than failed to perform in the 2013-14 Ashes and 1,300 runs in Australia’s domestic Sheffield has not had a look-in since. Three-test all- Shield to lead the run-scorers in a stand- rounder Moises Henriques enjoyed a prom- out season. ising debut in India with two half-centuries Though Voges dazzled selectors, Burns but was discarded before the end of the ill- also had a decent Shield and might feel fated 2013 tour that saw Australia white- unlucky after scoring consecutive half-cen- washed 4-0. turies in his second and last test against On his 2012 debut against South Africa India in January. in Brisbane, Victoria left-hander Rob Quiney “Sometimes tough calls are made and scored nine, which was memorably 50-50 calls can go against you but you can’t described as “the best nine” then-coach get too down about it,” two-test Burns told Mickey Arthur had seen. the Brisbane Times. He was dropped one test later after two “You have to focus on what’s important consecutive ducks and Arthur was sacked and the things that you need to continually the following year. Burns will head to India keep doing to keep performing. “I think I’m with Australia A and other test discards, not going to get too caught up in getting including Bailey, Usman Khawaja and spin- down in the dumps about it. ner Ashton Agar. “I think it’s natural to be disappointed “I want to play for the next decade for when you get left out of the Australian Australia and I think being able to perform cricket team. It’s a great team to be a part on the sub-continent is going to play a big of and I guess that’s why it hurts not to get part in that,” he said. —Reuters WASHINGTON: Eric Fehr No. 16 of the Washington Capitals skates past Ryan Murphy No. 7, Eric Staal No.12 and goalie Cam Ward No. 30 of the Carolina Hurricanes in the first period. —AFP Sri Lanka urges Sangakkara to reconsider retirement Capitals stop Hurricanes

COLOMBO: Sri Lanka’s sports minister yes- the World Cup. WASHINGTON: Alex Ovechkin scored his NHL- Rangers rallied to beat Winnipeg. Lundqvist, in the Pacific Division with their second win in terday urged the world’s number one bats- Sangakarra scored an unprecedented leading 50th goal, reaching that mark for the playing for the second time since missing 25 two nights. They did it by killing off a five-minute man Kumar Sangakkara to reconsider plans four successive ODI hundreds during the sixth time and tying a team record with the games with a neck injury, stopped 32 shots and major penalty that carried into overtime. to retire from Test cricket and urged him to tournament in Australia and New Zealand, 472nd of his career, and added an assist to help earned his first win in his return. The playoff- Eddie Lack stopped all four Nashville shots in play on for another year. racking up a total of 541 in seven innings at the Washington Capitals beat the Carolina bound Rangers (48-21-7) also got goals from overtime, then turned away attempts by Mike Navin Dissanayake told reporters that he an average of over 108. Hurricanes 4-2 Tuesday night. Mats Zuccarello and Derick Brassard, snapped a Santorelli and Filip Forsberg in the shootout. hoped a government-ordered overhaul of As well as being the number one bats- With his team pushing to make the playoffs, two-game skid, and moved one point ahead of Alexandre Burrows had a goal and an assist Sri Lanka Cricket might persuade the 37- man in the world rankings for Test cricket, the three-time NHL MVP got No. 50 at 11:12 of Montreal atop the Eastern Conference. Jim Slater for Vancouver. Chris Higgins, Linden Vey and year-old to stick around a bit longer after the former captain is also the number two the first period, giving Washington a 2-0 lead and Lee Stempniak scored for Winnipeg (39-26- Jannik Hansen scored a goal each, and Bonino he again underlined his class at the World in the ODI rankings. when he took a pass from Evgeny Kuznetsov and 12). Pavelec made 21 saves in the loss. had two assists. Cup. Although Sangakkara had announced sent a shot from just inside the left circle past Mike Fisher, Cody Franson, Taylor Beck and “As sports minister, I humbly appeal to before the World Cup that it would be his goalie Cam Ward. SENATORS 2, RED WINGS 1 Viktor Stalberg scored for Nashville, which lost Kumar to reconsider (retirement) and play swansong in one-day international cricket, On Tuesday, after Carolina made it 2-2 with Mark Stone scored the final goal in the its second straight at home. for the country for at least one more year,” he caused a stir during the tournament by goals from Eric Staal and Nathan Gerbe, shootout, and Ottawa beat Detroit. Mika the minister said in Colombo. speaking of his intention to quit Tests with- Washington went back in front on goals 82 sec- Zibanejad and Kyle Turris also had shootout BLUE JACKETS 3, DEVILS 2 Dissanayake said he hoped that the in months. onds apart late in the second period by Brooks goals for the Senators. Clarke MacArthur scored Jack Johnson’s backhander 56 seconds into appointment of an interim management “There are Test matches in June and Laich and Joel Ward. Braden Holtby made 23 in the third period, and Andrew Hammond, who overtime helped Columbus top New Jersey and team, headed by former Test player Sidath July, and I will be done by the end of saves for Washington. missed the previous two games because of a extend its winning streak to seven. It was the Wettimuny, would demonstrate the new August,” he told the ESPNcricinfo website. lower-body injury, returned and made 16 saves. Devils’ sixth straight loss (0-5-1). New Jersey has government’s determination to “clean up” “A series or two in June and in August, and MAPLE LEAFS 3, LIGHTNING 1 Petr Mrazek stopped 33 shots for Detroit, scored seven goals during the skid. Brandon the governing body which has been beset hat’s it.” Sri Lanka are due to play both Nazem Kadri had a goal and assist, and the which got a regulation and shootout goal from Dubinsky scored on a penalty shot, Nick Foligno by accusations of corruption and misman- Pakistan and India over the summer, Toronto played the role of spoiler in a win over Gustav Nyquist. Tomas Tatar also scored in the had a power-play goal, and Sergei Bobrovsky agement. “I spoke with him (Sangakkara) in although the exact dates are yet to be playoff-bound Tampa Bay. shootout. made 24 saves. Ryan Johansen had two assists, New Zealand during the World Cup,” the finalised. Sangakkara has already signed up One day after the Lightning secured a playoff giving him at least one in seven straight games - minister said in Colombo. to play for English county side Surrey in spot, they fell behind 2-0 after a sluggish spell CANUCKS 5, PREDATORS 4 one off the franchise mark. “He was very disappointed and unhap- 2015 and 2016, complicating the prospects midway through the first period. Nick Bonino and Radim Vrbata scored in the Mike Cammalleri scored a power-play goal in py (with the cricket administration) and of a u-turn. He has scored 12,203 runs in Kadri’s goal at 8:53 marked the first time the shootout, and Vancouver avoided being swept the first period and added a short-handed tally now that there is a change, I think there is a Test cricket, more than any other active Maple Leafs (29-42-6) had the lead in a game in by Nashville. The Canucks padded their lead to with 2:29 left in regulation for New Jersey. Eric possibility that he will change his mind.” player, putting him at number five on the 541:08 of action. David Booth and Morgan Rielly four points over Calgary to stay in second place Gelinas added two assists. —AP The minister said he had “asked Sidath all-time list. There was no immediate com- also scored for Toronto, which got a fine 40-save to talk to Kumar” about staying on after the ment from Sangakkara to the minister’s performance from James Reimer in winning its left-hander’s outstanding performances at appeal.—AFP second straight. NHL results/standings Ryan Callahan scored for Tampa Bay, which has lost three of four on its road trip. The Boston 3, Florida 2; Washington 4, Carolina 2; Columbus 3, New Jersey 2 (OT); Toronto 3, Tampa Bay 1; Ottawa 2, Lightning, with 101 points, are one behind Detroit 1 (SO); Vancouver 5, Nashville 4 (SO); Montreal for first place in the Atlantic Division. Western Conference Tampa Bay 47 24 7 250 204 101 Pacific Division Detroit 40 23 13 221 208 93 BRUINS 3, PANTHERS 2 WLOTLGFGAPTS Boston 39 25 13 204 198 91 Milan Lucic scored the tiebreaking goal with Anaheim 49 22 7 227 216 105 Ottawa 38 26 12 220 204 88 1:09 left as Boston rallied to beat Florida. Tuukka Vancouver 45 27 5 224 208 95 Rask kept the puck out during a final scramble at Calgary 42 28 7 229 204 91 Florida 35 27 15 192 210 85 the buzzer with Florida on a power play and Los Angeles 37 25 14 201 192 88 Toronto 29 42 6 201 245 64 using an extra skater. David Pastrnak scored the San Jose 37 30 9 212 215 83 Buffalo 21 47 8 148 255 50 tying goal midway through the third and had an Edmonton 23 40 13 185 255 59 Metropolitan Division Arizona 23 46 8 161 256 54 assist on Lucic’s goal. NY Rangers 48 21 7 231 179 103 Central Division Loui Eriksson also scored and Rask had 22 Nashville 47 22 9 224 193 103 Pittsburgh 42 23 11 210 190 95 saves for the Bruins, who moved six points St. Louis 46 23 7 229 190 99 NY Islanders 45 27 5 235 215 95 ahead of the Panthers. Brandon Pirri and Brad Chicago 46 24 6 217 176 98 Washington 42 25 10 227 190 94 Boyes scored in the second period to give Minnesota 44 25 7 219 186 95 Columbus 37 35 4 210 234 78 Florida a 2-1 lead. Roberto Luongo made 26 Winnipeg 39 26 12 217 204 90 Philadelphia 30 29 17 198 219 77 Dallas 37 30 10 239 248 84 saves. New Jersey 31 33 13 170 197 75 Colorado 35 29 12 206 213 82 Eastern Conference Carolina 28 37 11 176 208 67 RANGERS 3, JETS 2 Note: Overtime losses (OTL) are worth one point in the Chris Kreider scored with 3:46 left in the third Atlantic Division Montreal 47 22 8 203 174 102 standings and are not included in the loss column (L). period, and Henrik Lundqvist and the New York Snubbed ICC president quits

DHAKA: The International Cricket Council (ICC) The ICC had criticised Kamal for his outburst and demanded the governing body looked into was left red-faced yesterday when its president last month against a controversial no-ball deci- the dismissal. ICC Chief Executive Dave Mustafa Kamal resigned claiming he was sion in the World Cup quarter-final match. Richardson termed Kamal’s outburst as “very snubbed at the presentation ceremony after India opener Rohit Sharma was caught in the unfortunate”. “Any suggestion that the match Sunday’s World Cup final in Melbourne. deep and umpire Aleem Dar deemed it was an officials had ‘an agenda’ or did anything other Kamal, as the head of the governing body, above waist-height no-ball though replays con- than perform to the best of their ability are base- was expected to present the trophy but ICC tradicted his opinion. After India won the match, less and are refuted in the strongest possible chairman Narayanaswami Srinivasan awarded it Kamal questioned the motive of the umpires terms,” Richardson had said. —Reuters to the victorious Australian side at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. Many believe it was a price Kamal paid for his outburst against a con- troversial umpiring decision that went against his country Bangladesh in their World Cup quar- ter-final defeat by India, the country Srinivasan hails from. Kamal has been quoted in the local media flaying Srinivasan and the former Bangladesh Cricket Board chief, on his return from Australia, said “people with ugly mindset” had no business running the ICC. “I was supposed to present the trophy to the winners after the Melbourne final. But I couldn’t do that,” he told reporters at the Dhaka airport on his arrival from Australia. “I’m again requesting-these type of people should be away from cricket, otherwise cricket will be spoiled, cricket will not move forward,” Kamal said. “My earnest request to ICC is to revisit those things. I’m sure people will find out why I have resigned and they will unearth the truth-who are these people, what are they doing and how they are running ICC,” he added. The governing body confirmed Kamal’s departure, saying that his resignation letter stated he was leaving “on personal grounds” LAHORE: This is a Sunday, March 4, 2012 file photo of Bangladesh Cricket Board President and that “he had no complaints to make Mustafa Kamal (right) as he speaks as Pakistan’s Cricket Board Chairman Zaka Ashraf, looks on Kumar Sangakkara against anyone”. during a press conference. —AP THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 SPORTS Lydia Ko rolling toward history on LPGA Tour

MISSION HILLS: The pressure from playing in the first major of the year is clearly getting to Lydia Ko. The 17-year-old sensation already is the youngest golfer, male or female, to be ranked No. 1. She has finished in the top 10 in her last 10 starts on the LPGA Tour, including two victories. She has broken par in 28 consec- utive rounds, one short of the record set by Annika Sorenstam in 2004. As she made her way around Mission Hills for her first practice round at the ANA Inspiration, swing coach David Leadbetter heard a peculiar sound from his teenage pupil. She was humming a children’s song. “The wheels on the train go ‘round and ‘round,” Leadbetter said Tuesday, laughing at the latest example that Ko is not bothered by much in life and in golf. The song she chose was not lost on him, either. The train keeps chugging along, all the parts moving in beautiful rhythm, no evidence that it’s about to jump the tracks. More than an efficient swing is a clear mind that makes Leadbetter forget she is still 17. Ko has such an even temperament that when Leadbetter saw her Monday morning for a practice round, the first thing Ko told him was how great it was that Cristie Kerr won the Kia Classic the day before. In the final event before the first major of the year, Kerr and Ko were tied for the lead midway through the back nine when Ko stopped making birdie putts. She did- n’t mention that part. “Most players would be complaining about how they should have holed a couple of more putts,” Leadbetter said. “She’s different. Every other player I’ve known or have observed has this intensity. She’s intense, but she also has a humble side. She doesn’t lose her head. I told her, ‘You can’t be this calm. Go throw a ball in the pond.’” That’s what led Leadbetter to jokingly say, “We sent her to anger management school so she could learn how to get angry.” Then again, there hasn’t been much to get under Ko’s skin. She has yet to miss the cut in her 48 events on the LPGA Tour. That includes 15 starts as an amateur, and she won two of them, both at the Karrie Webb Canadian Women’s Open. Ko is a combined 90 under par during her streak of sub-par rounds that dates to the final Webb, Tseng not ready round of the Lorena Ochoa Invitational. Sorenstam was 100 under when she ran off 29 to concede the spotlight straight rounds under par. That streak included SINGAPORE: In this March 8, 2015, file photo, Lydia Ko of New Zealand tees off on the ninth two majors, and that’s what Ko is lacking. This hole during the final round of the HSBC Women’s Champions golf tournament. —AP CALIFORNIA: As the LPGA focus turns little relevance to golf, Webb has focused week is her next chance. after winning a duel against Michelle Wie. Both at No. 1 because of the math involved in the to the glut of youthful talent, two former on taking steps to ensure her longevity “That’s really what she’s missing at the are power players. Mission Hills tends to favor ranking formula. At the moment, she is helped number ones are showing that women’s as a player. moment,” Sorenstam said, pausing to remind herself of Ko’s age. “At that young age, you the long hitter, though Leadbetter was pleased in the ranking by not having played as many golf is not exclusively a preserve of the “For me it’s always been about flexibil- to see the rough up at Mission Hills, which tournaments as the other top players. very young. ity and avoiding injury rather than being would think she’d be missing a lot more, but she’s certainly done a lot. ... I watch her play would put a slightly greater premium on accu- But it’s not as if Ko came along at the right Karrie Webb and Yani Tseng have won the strongest or the fittest out here,” she and she’s just very consistent in every area. I racy. time during a lull at the top of women’s golf. 12 majors between them but are not said. “Some girls are bombing it past me think the strongest part is between her ears. Ko has added a draw to her repertoire, and Inbee Park, who has won four of the last 10 prepared to rest on their laurels and now, but I don’t feel like what I used to She just has this composure about her which Leadbetter said she hits it about 15 yards majors, is No. 2 in the world. Stacy Lewis, the might just make their presence felt at think 40 was.” While Webb has main- she does so well under pressure. So that’s what longer. She doesn’t do anything exceptional, LPGA Tour player of the year last season, is No. this week’s ANA Inspiration in California, tained a high level of consistency it takes to be No. 1.” she just does everything very well. And what 3. “For her to continue, you need to have the the first major of the year. Webb has throughout her two decades on tour, it’s It still hasn’t translated into the majors, makes play older than her age is her mind. hunger,” Sorenstam said. “The hunger to stay at made the cut in all six starts this year, been a different story for Tseng. although Ko has played only 10 of them - six as “Her great strength is she doesn’t have any the top, the hunger to keep on working, and while Tseng tied for second at the She emerged from Taiwan to win 15 a pro. She was runner-up at the Evian Masters real weaknesses,” Leadbetter said. “When she the motivation to grind, and all the players are Thailand Open in February. Webb, 40, times between 2008 and 2012, a haul in 2013 as an amateur and finished third in the gets into the heat of things, she goes on looking at you and trying to find flaws in your retains youthful enthusiasm that belies that included five majors. Nobody, man LPGA Championship last year. She has not autopilot. Things don’t bother her.” game or for you as a person and trying to pull her age, motivated primarily by a desire or woman, has won so many majors at cracked the top 25 in two starts at Mission Hills. Without a major, or piling up more wins at you down.” For now, the wheels keep going to represent Australia at the 2016 Rio such a young age. Lexi Thompson is the defending champion an alarming rate, it will be difficult for Ko to stay around and around. —AP Olympic. Tseng, 26, has not won since. She “If I didn’t have that long-term goal, I admits she lost confidence but sounds don’t know if I’d be playing full time right like she is on the right path again. “Last now, so that’s keeping me out here,” sev- two years I don’t really enjoy it as much, Federation probes death en-times major champion Webb told and I always tell people I’m happy, but reporters recently. actually, I’m not. In my mind I’m just real- Webb, who won twice last year to ly, really disappointed in what I do, very bring her career haul to 41, says she does upset,” said Tseng. threat against Kipsiro not feel like an elder stateswoman, even “But now I feel the confidence is com- if she is twice the age of many of her ing from the inside ... so it feels very dif- KAMPALA: The Uganda Athletics Federation is rivals. ferent. Now I feel I love golf so much investigating claims by Commonwealth Games While some players undertake punish- even more than when I was a kid, so I 10,000-meter champion Moses Kipsiro that he ing training regimens that seem to have want to play my best.” —Reuters received a death threat from a coach, while police said yesterday they had arrested a relative of the runner on suspicion of setting the coach’s house on fire. The apparent feud between Kipsiro and local coach Peter Wemali appears to date back to accusa- tions last year that Wemali sexually harassed female runners. Kipsiro was one of the athletes that accused Wemali then. The coach was cleared by an investiga- tion and did not face criminal charges. UAF president Dominic Otuchet said the federa- tion and police were now looking into Kipsiro’s charge last week that he received a death threat on his cell phone and that Wemali was behind it. Kipsiro said he was “mentally tortured” by the threat and it caused the three-time Commonwealth Games champion to pull out of the cross-country world championships in China, where he was due to captain Uganda’s team. But Kipsiro, who has missed races before after saying he would run, faces disciplinary action if it is found he lied about the threat, Otuchet said. Wemali denied making the threat, and police say Kipsiro has not made a formal complaint. “We are investigating the matter ... while the federation is also trying to establish if he (Kipsiro) told lies,” Otuchet said. Otuchet said Kipsiro could be banned ABK hosts successful 4TH if he lied. Yesterday, police said a man was arrested on sus- annual Golf Challenge event picion of arson after Wemali’s house caught fire. Police identified the man in custody as Simon Ayeko, who is a cousin of Kipsiro and also a professional KUWAIT: Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait (ABK) Airlines, Golfme and Sahara Golf Club for runner. Akeyo was seen at Wemali’s house around announced the results of its 4th Annual their support. the time it caught fire on Sunday night, district ABK Golf Challenge event, aimed at Alongside the winning teams, the los- police commander Patrick Odokonyero said. He said bringing together clients & business ing team was also rewarded with a com- police were looking for a second suspect. partners. The event was held at the plimentary hour of golf lessons at the Kipsiro retained his 10,000-meter title at last GLASGOW: In this Friday, Aug. 1, 2014 file photo, Moses Kipsiro of Uganda celebrates after Sahara Golf Resort and Spa on 28 March, Sahara Golf Club. In addition to the ABK year’s Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, Scotland. winning the 10,000m final during the Commonwealth Games 2014.—AP 2015. Golf Challenge prizes, there were some He won gold in the 5,000 and 10,000 at the 2010 During the event, participants com- extra awards for individual competitions. Commonwealth Games, and was a bronze medalist peted in teams of 4 for the ABK Golf Talal Al Othman won the “Beat the Pro” in the 5,000 at the 2007 world championships. Challenge trophy. The 2015 winning competition, receiving a return business He is one of Uganda’s most successful athletes, Media team in Bahrain team, as well as the second and third class ticket on Emirates Airlines while but has also sometimes been troublesome for the placed teams received personalized tro- “Nearest-the-pin” went to Colin McKenzie federation. He failed to appear at the 2014 world half phies from Mr. Abdulla Al Sumait, ABK’s who received a putter presented by Ali Al marathon championships and the African athletics KUWAIT: Kuwait Media Team left for and Sports HH Sheikh Khalid bin Hamad Deputy Chief General Manager. Jazzaf from Golfme, and the “Straightest- championships after saying he would compete. Bahrain to participate in the first Gulf Al-Khalifa. The delegation is headed by The event was a great success, and all Drive” was won by Brian MacDonald who Other athletes also accused Wemali of sexual Championship for sports media which will Zaid Al-Sarbal, and it includes Eng players enjoyed the friendly competition. received a KD100 ABK Emirates Gold pre- harassment last year, but the federation maintained be held for the cup of First Deputy Humoud Al-Fahdly as official, Haidar ABK thanked their partners; Emirates paid travel card. he was cleared after a proper investigation. —AP Chairman of the Higher Council for Youth Saber coach and 10 players. THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 SPORTS KSSC takes aim at best conclusion of season By Abellatif Sharaa the season will be honored during the prize awarding ceremony. Eng. Duaij KUWAIT: Information Minister and Al-Otaibi said the shooting communi- State Minister for Youth Affairs Sheikh ty is proud of the HH the Amir support Salman Sabah Al-Salem Al-Humoud of the tournament and his unlimited Al-Sabah will represent HH the Amir support to Kuwait shooting, which during the closing ceremony of HH contributed to its development and the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad encouraged the shooters make out- Annual Shooting Tournament. standing achievements in various President of Kuwait and Arab regional, continental and international Shooting Federations, member of the arenas. Al-Otaibi said the tournament Asian and ISSF executive committees will be held over three days and will Eng Duaij Khalaf Al-Otaibi said Kuwait conclude on Saturday April 4th. Shooting Sport Club (KSSC) is looking Meanwhile, Eng. Al-Otaibi said the forward to bring out the tournament club will prepare a number of Kuwaiti of HH the Amir in an outstanding shooters to qualify for the Olympic manner to be the best conclusion of Games in Brazil 2016, through their the local shooting season this year. participation in several international Al-Otaibi held a news conference and Asian tournaments, as well as be Tuesday evening at Sabah Al-Ahmad involved in several training camps. Olympic Shooting Complex on the He said the club prepared pro- occasion. He said 220 shooters repre- grams and training plans in order to Arab championships to be held in in October. in taking the sport to higher levels senting the club, military sports asso- guarantee the participation of at least Sudan, Egypt and Morocco. Al-Otaibi appreciated the efforts both at the local and Asian levels, as ciations besides a number of GCC four shooters in the Olympics. He said Eng. Duaij Khalaf Al-Otaibi said the and role of the President of the Asian well as in international arenas. shooters will take part. shooters will participate in a number Kuwait Shooting Academy will receive Shooting Confederation, Honorary He also lauded the support of the He said the winner of the tourna- of tournaments including the world shooters of various categories during President of Kuwait Shooting Public Authority for Youth and Sports ment will be declared Kuwait champi- championship in Venice, Italy, pistol the summer period until start of the Federation Sheikh Salman Sabah Al- (PAYS), led by its Director General on for the season. He said shooters tournament in Korea, shotgun cham- local season which will be opened Salem Al-Humoud Al-Sabah describ- Sheikh Ahmad Al-Mansour Al-Ahmad who had good achievements during pionship in Cyprus in addition to the with HH the Crown Prince Tournament ing him as the “Godfather” of shooting, Al-Sabah and other officials.

China’s Chen and Lin storm Malaysia Open

KUALA LUMPUR: World champion Chen Long of China was on top form as he stormed into the second round of the Malaysia Open after an easy win over ’s Takuma Ueda yesterday. The top-seeded Chen, who is coming off the back of a victorious run at the All-England Championships, was taken the distance in the first game, before some brilliant foot- work earned him a 22-20 victory. The reigning world champion cut a more dominant fig- ure in the second, dictating play at the front court, com- bined with razor sharp smashes to take the second game 21-16 and breeze into the next round, where he faces India’s Parupalli Kashyap. Two-time Olympic gold medalist Lin Dan meanwhile barely broke a sweat as he moved into the second round after his opponent Tommy Sugiarto retired in the first game with a back injury in the $500,000 Malaysia Open badminton championship. Sugiarto had defeated the Chinese maestro at the Indian Open last week. Lin, who has won every title the game has to offer except the Malaysia Open is on a mission to fill that gap, made easier following the absence of his long-time Malaysian nemesis Lee Chong Wei, who is cur- rently suspended for a doping violation. “I missed the previ- ous two tournaments, so I am looking to do well here and win for the first time,” he said. “I was looking forward to play Chong Wei on his home ground, but unfortunately that is not possible because of his predicament,” added Lin, who is looking to win a third successive Olympic gold medal next year in Rio. Lin will take on India’s HS Prannoy in the second round. There were no upsets in the men’s singles as second seed Jan Jorgensen registered a 21-11, 21-17 victory over Korean veteran Lee Hyun Il. The women’s singles saw newly crowned world number one Saina Nehwal build on her tri- umph at the Indian Open on Sunday by brushing aside Indonesia’s Maria Febe Kusumastuti 21-13, 21-16 to set up a meeting against Chinese qualifier Yao Xue. “The feeling of SAN FRANCISCO: In this Sept. 22, 2013 file photo, Emirates Team New Zealand maneuvers with Oracle Team USA (left) before the 14th race of the America’s Cup sailing event being world number one has yet to sink in, but it’s a great in San Francisco. America’s Cup teams have voted to reduce the size of boats to be sailed in the 2017 regatta in Bermuda, a cost-cutting move that could lead to the two achievement for me, I never thought I’d be here seven strongest challengers dropping out. —AP months after changing coach,” said Saina. —AFP America’s Cup teams vote to downsize boats

SAN DIEGO: America’s Cup teams have vot- size of the boats in mid-cycle. Luna Rossa ACEA (America’s Cup Events Authority).” designing 62-foot (19-meter) catamarans. defeat Emirates Team New Zealand in the ed to reduce the size of boats to be sailed in said last week it “will be obliged to with- New Zealand Prime Minister John Key As it was, the larger cats were said to be a 2013 America’s Cup, winning eight straight the 2017 regatta in Bermuda, a cost-cutting draw” if the race boat was downsized. Team has said if the Auckland regatta doesn’t take cost-saving measure over the 72-foot (22- races in one of the biggest comebacks in move that could lead to the two strongest New Zealand supported the Italians. place, government funding will likely be meter) catamarans used in the 2013 the event’s history. challengers dropping out. On eliminating the Auckland regatta, withheld. That would make it difficult for America’s Cup. And while smaller boats America’s Cup czar Russell Coutts, a New In a statement Tuesday night, organizers Emirates Team New Zealand said on its Team New Zealand to continue competing would mean reduced costs and a smaller Zealander who heads both Oracle Team said a majority of teams favored the move Twitter account that it has filed for arbitra- since it doesn’t have corporate sponsorship. crew, they could also mean less excitement USA and the America’s Cup Event Authority, from 62-foot (19-meter) catamarans to 48- tion to reinstate the qualifier based on a The decision by two-time defending for spectators. The 48-foot (14.65 meter) has verbally sparred with both the Kiwis and foot (14.65-meter) cats. signed and accepted bid. champion Oracle Team USA to contest the catamarans will be the smallest boats in Italians in recent years. They also said a majority of teams sup- “We are fighting to keep Auckland as a America’s Cup in Bermuda rather than in the America’s Cup history and aren’t that much In a landmark victory, Coutts led Team ported having the entire race take place in qualifier,” Team New Zealand general man- United States has also made it difficult for bigger than other one-design classes sailed New Zealand to a five-race sweep of Bermuda, eliminating a qualifying regatta in ager Grant Dalton told New Zealand media some teams and the event itself to raise in less-prestigious regattas. American skipper Dennis Conner off San Auckland, New Zealand - a move that could on Wednesday. “This isn’t about govern- sponsorship money. If Italy and New Zealand drop out, Oracle Diego in 1995. He then guided the Kiwis to cost Team New Zealand its primary funding ment funding, this is not the end of There’s some question how much the Team USA would conceivably have an easier a sweep of Luna Rossa in the 2000 America’s source. It’s believed Italy’s Luna Rossa and Emirates Team New Zealand, it’s about downsizing of the boats will save consider- shot at retaining the Auld Mug trophy. Cup before jumping ship for a bigger pay- Emirates Team New Zealand voted against enforcing a contract and bringing America’s ing some teams have already spent several Oracle Team USA rebounded from a check from Alinghi of Switzerland, leading it the unprecedented proposal to change the Cup racing to New Zealand as agreed by months and tens of millions of dollars cheating scandal and an 8-1 deficit to to a sweep of Team New Zealand.—AP Warriors can battle back into contention with double header LEEDS: Matty Bowen is the first to that we wanted but we have just Rovers, who also take on admit Wigan Warriors were slow out been taking it game by game and Huddersfield Giants on Monday, of the blocks this season but the not looking too far ahead. It will be a have won two of their last three out- Australian full-back believes a hectic good test on Friday - games like this ings and former Canberra Raiders Easter period provides the perfect always are. half-back Campese has been in opportunity to get things back on “It will be no different to any inspired form. “This club is definitely track. With just one victory in their game against St Helens - whether it’s going places and I’m glad to be a opening four Super League clashes, just a friendly or a Good Friday part of it,” he said. the 2013 champions handed their game. Last year they did the same “I’ve really enjoyed my time here title rivals a head start. thing and started off well. They got since arriving in the New Year. The Two wins in their last three have beaten at the weekend and will be coaching staff have been excellent, begun to right the ship but a hectic looking to turn things around. They the boys are a tight-knit group and I April - beginning with this weekend’s will be looking for a big game couldn’t ask for it to have run any double header - will be the real acid against us. smoother to be honest. “That made test. “I’m enjoying myself here. I think it an easy decision in that I know Reigning Super League champi- the family is enjoying it and the what I’ve got here at Hull KR, how ons St Helens are first up on Friday footy has been great. I just need to good the club is and how mad the night before Wigan visit Salford Red get that confidence back and start fans are.” Fetuli Tanaloa is wary of Devils and the in-form Rangi Chase playing some good footy. Rovers’ threat on Thursday night, on Monday. Former North “I just wanted to see how I got before he and Hull FC travel to St Queensland Cowboys man Bowen, along in the first year - the people Helens on Monday. “The derby now in his second season with were great, the club was great and games are the best games to play in, Wigan, is relishing the challenge. “We obviously the boys are good as well. anywhere in rugby league,” said the play four games in just under two It made my decision a lot easier.” former South Sydney Rabbitohs weeks,” he said. “It can get tough but Elsewhere, Terry Campese gave man. “There will be plenty of passion if we can win all four games then it Hull KR a boost ahead of their derby and pride on show this week and we will put us in a good position. clash with Hull FC by putting pen to know we need to make sure we get “It wasn’t the start to the season paper with a new deal until 2017. the win.” —AFP Matty Bowen in action in this file photo. THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 SPORTS

Platini vindicated by expanded European Championship

LONDON: It was much derided when likes of San Marino, Estonia and the competition has opened up. The As it stands, Wales are on course to tion ended now, Wales would be among announced but UEFA’s decision to Lithuania, but there is another side to fact many more countries now have take part in their first major finals since the finalists as would Iceland, who are a expand the Euro 2016 championship to the argument with far more meaningful hope has lifted their game. their sole appearance at the World Cup point behind the Czech Republic at the 24 teams has revitalised the qualifying matches being played because there are “European football is now of such a in Sweden in 1958. top of Group A-but five ahead of the competition with a host of countries more slots available. high quality that we do have 24 very In the past great Welsh players such Netherlands. daring to dream of making it to a major It is now nearly seven years since good teams who deserve a place in the as Ian Rush and Ryan Giggs missed out The closest Iceland have come to a tournament, often for the first time. UEFA president Michel Platini finals, why should they be deprived? on major finals as did current manager major finals was reaching the playoffs At the halfway stage, countries such announced the expansion of the finals “It is still tough for them to qualify, Chris Coleman, whose unbeaten side for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil when a Wales, Iceland, Northern Ireland, from 16 teams, and faced heavy criti- but this is part of what UEFA does- are second on goal difference to they lost to Croatia. Albania and Norway, who have either cism that he had destroyed the “perfect develop football throughout Europe- Belgium with 11 points at the top of Slovakia, three points clear of hold- never qualified for a major finals or been format” and that by having 24, almost and this is one way of doing it.” Group B. Wales do boast Gareth Bale of ers Spain in Group C, are also relishing absent for years, are all in contention for half of UEFA’s members, the tournament Under the new format, the winners Real Madrid, the world’s most expensive the competition and are currently a place in France next year. At the same would be devalued. and runners-up from the nine qualifying player, as well as the influential Aaron heading for their first European finals time traditional powers such a Italy, But he now has good reason to groups plus the best third-placed team- Ramsey of Arsenal and Coleman since they began playing as an inde- Germany, Netherlands, and holders defend the decision, initially instigated with the results against the sixth-placed believes if they take another nine points pendent nation from 1996. Slovakia did Spain have all dropped points, while by his former general secretary, David team discarded-comprise 19 direct from the remaining 15 available they appear in the World Cup in 2010, but a only England and Slovakia hold 100 per- Taylor of Scotland, who died last year. qualifiers along with automatically- should qualify. combination of their continuing good cent records with five matches played “David must be credited for this and qualified hosts France. The eight “I played in Welsh teams in 1994 and form, and the restructuring of the com- and five to come. it is just a shame he did not live long remaining third-placed teams will con- 2004 where we nearly did it and now we petition, could mean their long wait to The English FA, for example, might enough to see it happen,” Platini said. test two-legged playoffs to determine have the opportunity to go a step fur- sit at Europe’s top table will come to an have been less than happy to play the “He was right because look at the way the last four qualifiers. ther,” he said. If the qualifying competi- end. —Reuters

Portugal suffer home defeat

LISBON: A second-half sending off for Centre back Gege grabbed the second Andre Pinto capped a miserable evening with an expert far-post finish after a free for a second-string Portugal side, who were kick from Cape Verde captain Heldon had beaten 2-0 at home by African minnows reached him through a forest of legs. Cape Verde in a friendly on Tuesday. The match, which was in aid of the vic- Portugal fielded none of the players that tims of last November’s volcanic eruption beat Serbia in Euro 2016 qualifying on on the Cape Verdian island of Fogo, went Sunday and were undone by two first-half from bad to worse for Portugal when Pinto goals scored within six minutes of each received a red card for a foul following an other. audacious piece of skill by Heldon. Odair Fortes opened the scoring for A mass of second-half substitutions by Cape Verde after 37 minutes in fortuitous both sides interrupted the game’s flow, but fashion as his right-wing cross appeared to the team from the tiny African archipelago catch the wind and flew over Anthony held on comfortably to record a memo- Lopes in the Portugal goal. rable victory. —Reuters Queiroz’s Iran reign ends with Sweden loss

STOCKHOLM: ’s reign as Iran The coach said he had been told he had manager ended with a 3-1 defeat away to not met “the minimum requirements” for Sweden in a friendly on Tuesday but the success laid down by the sports ministry. Portuguese coach did not go quietly as he He said the humiliation and undermining delivered some stinging criticism of his of his position left him with only one employers. Iranian media began reporting option but that he was leaving with his on March 20 that Queiroz would leave the head held high. job, which he took in April 2011, following international friendlies against Chile and VERY PROUD Sweden following a bust-up with the coun- “The most important thing is that, after try’s sporting authorities. four years, I feel very honoured and very TURIN: England’s Andros Townsend (second left) scores during the international friendly soccer match against Italy. —AP Despite pleas from fans and players for proud of coaching this team and these Queiroz to stay, he confirmed at a post- players,” Queiroz said. match news conference that his time was “They have been fantastic, outstanding- up. “There is a difference of opinion inside the commitment, the attitude, the dedica- Townsend rescues England the federation. There are almost two feder- tion to the national team. I must say that I ations, with two different opinions,” the 62- never saw and I never worked with such a TURIN: England substitute Andros Townsend paced match. We let the win slide through our minutes after the break Eder, whose late goal had year-old former Portugal and Real Madrid group of players. They deliver so much and fired home a superb late goal to earn a 1-1 draw fingers but Townsend scored a fantastic goal.” salvaged a 2-2 draw away to Bulgaria in Italy’s coach said. they receive so little.” against Italy in a fiercely contested international Antonio Conte’s side dominated the first half Euro 2016 qualifier on Saturday, almost put the “But when one of the parties think that Queiroz also thanked the Iran fans-many friendly in Turin on Tuesday. by pressing when England had possession and hosts 2-0 ahead but his shot was brilliantly par- they have the right to come in your face of whom packed out the Friends Arena in Townsend struck in the 79th minute by rifling quickly attacking with crisp, short passes once ried with one hand by Hart. and humiliate you, offend you, treat you Stockholm, making it seem more like a an unstoppable shot past goalkeeper Gianluigi they won the ball. Marco Parolo had the first Italy could not sustain the pressure, though, without respect-me, my players, my staff- home game in Tehran than an away game Buffon from 20 metres to give England a effort on goal after 10 minutes with a rising shot and Roy Hodgson’s side began to take control that is not acceptable.” in Sweden-for their support during his time deserved result at the Juvetus stadium. from 30 metres that England goalkeeper Joe Hart with Rooney testing Buffon with a fierce strike Queiroz led Iran to last year’s World Cup in charge. Italy had taken the lead on the half-hour deflected over the bar. England were not given after 72 minutes. Townsend, who came off the in Brazil, where his team put in some “I have never received so much love, so through Graziano Pelle’s deft header after time to catch their breath as the Italians kept on bench nine minutes earlier for Fabian Delph, decent performances despite finishing bot- much attention, so much affection as I have defender Giorgio Chiellini waltzed around Phil attacking and defender Phil Jagielka had to be then popped up with his third goal in seven tom of the group with one point, and in received from the Iranian fans,” he said. Jones and provided a precise cross from the left. alert seven minutes later to foil Brazilian-born appearances for for England, whose run of seven September the Portuguese extended his “I really want to express my deep grati- It was Pelle’s second goal in his three appear- Eder who would otherwise have had an easy tap- straight wins since last year’s World Cup was deal until 2018. tude, recognition and my love for them,” he ances for the “azzurri” although the striker has in. A Wayne Rooney volley from the edge of the brought to an end. That contract has now ended, with added, saying they knew the truth about failed to score a Premier League goal for his club area almost put England ahead against the run of The result left both teams undefeated since Queiroz describing himself as “the weak the reasons for his departure. “I’m sad to Southampton since December. play but his shot clipped the crossbar after the finals in Brazil where Italy beat England 2-1 in link” in the power struggle between the leave under these circumstances, but that’s “It didn’t seem like a friendly,” Italy defender deflecting off Roberto Soriano before the home a group match but neither side managed to qual- country’s FA and its sports ministry. life. It’s time to move on.”—Reuters Leonardo Bonucci told Rai TV. “It was a high- side took the lead through Pelle’s header. Four ify for the knockout stages. —Reuters Netherlands haunt Spain with 2-0 friendly victory

AMSTERDAM: Netherlands revived bitter Spanish memories from last year’s World Cup finals when they beat a second-string La Roja 2-0 in a friendly on Tuesday to become the first team to inflict two defeats on coach Vicente del Bosque. Rather than reliving their World Cup final triumph against the Dutch from 2010, Spain were overrun in the opening 20 minutes at the Amsterdam Arena, falling behind to goals from Stefan de Vrij in the 13th minute and Davy Klaassen three minutes later. The superiority of the home side recalled their 5-1 thrashing of the Spanish in the group stage in Brazil last year, a defeat which signalled the end of Spain’s STOCKHOLM: Sweden’s Ola Toivonen (left) heads the ball to score his team’s third glittering six-year run when they won the 2008 and goal of the game, past Iran’s Pejman Montazeri (center) and during 2012 European Championships and the 2010 World their international friendly soccer match. —AP Cup. Del Bosque, who had not lost twice to the same side since taking over in 2008, did field a largely experimental lineup, with Malaga forward Juanmi and Sevilla midfielder Vitolo making their internation- Argentina, Mexico al debuts. However, he will have been concerned that the notch US tour wins presence of the likes of experienced campaigners Cesc Fabregas and Santi Cazorla in his midfield did NEW JERSEY: Argentina beat Ecuador 2-1 the box and the striker shot low past Sergio not prevent Netherlands from running away with the to notch a second straight Copa America Romero. match in the early stages. warm-up victory without Lionel Messi at a Pastore scored the winner in the 58th “It seems impossible that we didn’t score,” Del freezing MetLife stadium in New Jersey on minute when an Ecuador clearance was Bosque told a news conference. “The first 20 minutes Tuesday. blocked and he beat the offside trap to tap set us back,” he added. “Later, we managed to control In other friendlies in the United States the ball under goalkeeper Alexander the game, we dominated and created chances but ahead of the June 11-July 4 tournament in Dominguez. were just missing the goal.” Chile, Mexico beat Paraguay 1-0 and “I thought this was a pretty good De Vrij netted the opener from a Wesley Sneijder Venezuela overcame Peru by the same Argentina in general terms though we have centre and Klaassen followed up his own saved shot score. Gerardo Martino’s Argentina, with a lot to work on with our coordination,” to rifle the rebound past Spain goalkeeper David De captain Messi looking on again while he Martino told reporters. Gea. Pedro and Juanmi came close to pulling a goal nurses a right foot injury, had beaten El “Messi is having trouble getting his boot back before the break and Bruno Martins Indi almost Salvador 2-0 in Washington on Saturday. on because of the pain, there’s no way he made it 3-0 to Netherlands with a free header in the They went in front after eight minutes could play,” he added. The match, which 54th minute. on Tuesday when midfielder Javier Pastore began in a sleet storm and was played in Vitolo, who replaced Pedro at halftime, fluffed his glanced an Angel Di Maria corner towards temperatures barely above freezing, was shot when well placed in the 68th minute and Spain the far post where striker Sergio Aguero Gustavo Quinteros’s second in charge of had the better of the final stages but failed to breach headed his 22nd international goal and Ecuador while defender Ayovi won his the home defence. first since Argentina beat Germany 4-2 in a 100th cap. After reverses to France in September and friendly last September. Mexico, who beat Ecuador on Friday, Germany in November, it was the first time Spain Ecuador equalised midway through the also had their second consecutive win by have lost three friendlies in a row since 2001. first half when a mistake in the centre of beating Paraguay with a goal from Eduardo Spain and Netherlands have both stuttered in the Argentina defence allowed left back Herrera in the third minute at the qualifying for Euro 2016, the Dutch in particular AMSTERDAM: Netherlands’ Davy Klaassen celebrates scoring 2-0 during an international Walter Ayovi to square to Miller Bolanos in Arrowhead in Kansas City. —Reuters struggling at the halfway stage in Group A.—Reuters friendly soccer match Spain. —AP Lydia Ko rolling Townsend toward history rescues on LPGA Tour England

THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 17 19

Federation probes death threat against Kipsiro Page 17 Djokovic survives scare, Murray wins

MIAMI: Desperate Novak Djokovic fought back from a set “But I fought my way through. I was just trying to find a and a break down to defeat Alexandr Dolgopolov 6-7 (3/7), way to come back in the match. He was playing well. He 7-5, 6-0 Tuesday, salvaging hopes of defending his Miami has a very unorthodox game, tricky opponent, mixes up Open title. the pace, and can easily get you out of the rhythm.” World number one Djokovic won 24 of the last 27 Britain’s Andy Murray won his 500th career victory, points to reach a quarter-final against Spanish sixth seed defeating South Africa’s Kevin Anderson 6-4, 3-6, 6-3. The David Ferrer, a 7-6 (7/5), 6-0 winner over Frenchman Gilles third-seeded Scotsman, who holds two Grand Slam titles, Simon at the ATP and WTA hardcourt tournament. needed his best effort against his 17th-ranked rival. Murray, Ukraine challenger Dolgopolov was unable to stretch who has won four of five matches against Anderson, his lead to a double break in the second set, Djokovic sav- improved his career match record to 500 triumphs and 155 ing two break points in the fourth game. defeats with 31 titles, including the 2012 US Open and “I was really frustrated,” Djokovic said. “I was trying to 2013 Wimbledon crowns. calm myself down, because inside there was a big fire. You “I hope I’ve still got a lot more wins in me,” Murray said. could see a little bit of that in the first set. “To get to 500 is good. It’s not an easy thing to do at my “Just try to get to the state of mind where I have a age. It’s nice. Hopefully I can keep going.” serene, controlled mind and emotions and where I’m able Murray is the first British man, the ninth active player to just be in the present moment. That’s where I was focus- and the 46th man in the post-1968 Open Era to achieve the ing on.” 500-win plateau. The Serbian top seed turned the match on its head in a “There have not been loads of players that have done it. 22-minute final set in which he could do no wrong, sustain- It’s nice for me the fact that it happened here as well,” said ing his chance for a US double after his Indian Wells final Murray, who trains in Miami in the off-season. “It’s just fit- victory over Roger Federer. ting just because I have spent so much time training here Dolgopolov began breaking down in the third set and working to get better and to improve. That was nice.” after getting blisters on both feet taped. Near the end he Next up for Murray will be Austrian Dominic Thiem, was clasping at his thighs with cramps as he went down who defeated Frenchman Adrian Mannarino 7-6 (7/5), 4-6, to defeat. 7-5. “He had his best year on the tour last year. He’s a very “It wasn’t my kind of a day,” Djokovic said. “Just on the talented guy. He’s strong,” said Murray. “I know him fairly KEY BISCAYNE: Alexandr Dolgopolov of the Ukraine plays a backhand against Novak Djokovic of Serbia in warmup the entire day was one of those days where you well and practice with him quite a bit. I expect tomorrow their fourth round match during the Miami Open. — AFP don’t feel so great mentally. will be a tough match.” Japan’s fourth seed Kei Nishikori beat Belgian David Goffin 6-1, 6-2 with Nishikori set to move to a career-best fourth in the world, sending Rafael Nadal to fifth. Venus falls to Navarro, Petkovic in semis “I feel a lot of confidence. It’s really going well these three matches,” Nishikori said. “It’s tough to compare, but MIAMI: Spain’s Carla Suarez Navarro came back from a The Spaniard won the last two games however to first set but the 23-year-old Pliskova powered her way maybe I have been playing a little better than last year.” dreadful first set to defeat three-times Miami Open continue an impressive season that has seen her reach back to 4-4 and then had three break points, all of Next up for Nishikori will be American John Isner, who champion Venus Williams 0-6 6-1 7-5 at Key Biscayne two other semi-finals and make the last eight at Indian which were saved. won a big-serve duel with Canada’s fifth-seeded Milos on Tuesday and set up a semi-final clash with Wells for the first time. Petkovic, the 2011 Miami semi-finalist, won the next Raonic over two and three quarter hours. Isner’s 6-7 (3/7), Germany’s ninth seed Andrea Petkovic. “It was a crazy match, crazy first two sets. Venus was five games and wrapped up the match in one hour, 16 7-6 (8/6), 7-6 (7/5) triumph featured a combined 35 aces Petkovic booked her place in the last four after a 6-4 unbelievable at the beginning. I started a bit nervous minutes. “I was playing really well at the start but I but no service breaks. 6-2 win over 14th seeded Czech Karolina Pliskova. but even if you lose the first set you are still in the com- couldn’t see the ball on my serve with the sun on one Another quarter-final was set as Czech eighth seed Williams utterly dominated the first set, crushing the petition and I am happy with the way I came back,” side and I was struggling,” said Petkovic. Tomas Berdych advanced thanks to a mid-match with- Spaniard 6-0 in less than half an hour but her opponent said Suarez Navarro. Williams said she had struggled to “Karolina also started playing really well and I was a drawal from France’s injury-hit Gael Monfils. was able to regroup and battle back in impressive style. find consistency. “I just made a little too many errors little lucky at the end of the first set. But then I got bet- Berdych won 6-3, 3-2 when his opponent stopped a Suddenly regaining her confidence Suarez Navarro and I was going for it the whole match. Towards the ter and better from there,” she said. game after falling heavily on his right hip. Monfils has now won the first four games and went on to take the sec- end just never found the happy medium between Late yesterday’s quarter-finals see top seed Serena withdrawn 15 times in his career. ond set 6-1. The third set bucked the trend for one- being aggressive and putting the ball in the court,” she Williams take on Germany’s Sabine Lisicki while third- Berdych will play Argentina’s Juan Monaco, a 6-3, 6-3 sided exchanges until Suarez Navarro broke to go 5-4 said. seed Romanian Simona Halep faces American Sloane winner over Fernando Verdasco. Monaco will be playing in up only for Venus to break back straight away. Petkovic made a blistering start, going up 4-1 in the Stephens. — Reuters the last eight at the ATP Masters level for the first time in three years. —AFP TAQA slashes capex plans, dividend, after big Q4 loss Page 22

China’s new bank AIIB Business faces tough questions Page 23 THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015

US private payrolls, factory data point to weak growth flydubai spreads its wings to Chennai Page 25 Page 26

TOKYO: A senior employee (right) of Japanese shoe cream maker Columbus polishes the shoes of a newly recruited employee during an entrance ceremony at the company’s headquarters in yesterday. — AFP China, Japan report gloomy industrial data Pressure piles on Asian giants to launch new stimulus

BEIJING: China and Japan reported gloomy industrial data yester- Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, found manufacturing was The central bank has been pumping trillions of yen (tens of bil- based on domestic consumption might be deepening too day, adding to pressure on leaders of the world’s second- and weak in February. HSBC said companies shed jobs at their fastest lions of dollars) into the economy through asset purchases aimed sharply. The top Chinese economic official, Premier Li Keqiang, third-largest economies to launch new stimulus. rate in seven months. That came after China’s central bank gover- at keeping interest rates low and stimulating inflation. But Kuroda said in March that Beijing might intervene to stimulate growth if Two surveys showed Chinese manufacturing was weak in nor, Zhou Xiaochuan, warned Sunday economic growth had fall- and other economists say government action alone cannot fix employment weakens too much. February and employers cut more jobs. In Japan, a central bank en “too sharply.” Japan’s problem with weakening demand. Manufacturing “continues to struggle to gain growth traction,” survey found companies expect conditions to deteriorate and Despite improvement in the federation’s index, “growth is still said economist Annabel Fiddes of Markit Economics, which con- plan to cut investment. The latest data muddy the global outlook likely to have slowed sharply last quarter,” said Julian Evans- Deterioration ducted the HSBC survey, in a statement. at a time when the US is the only major economy to show signs of Pritchard of Capital Economics in a report. “We expect more policy Two-thirds of the 11,126 companies surveyed anticipate fur- “Company downsizing policies contributed to a further healthy momentum. Both China and Japan are relying on US support measures, including further rate cuts and required ther deterioration in conditions. Some 83 percent of large manu- decline in manufacturing employment,” said Fiddes. “Any savings demand and a strong dollar to offset internal problems. Either reserve ratio reductions, as the government moves to avoid miss- facturers found conditions “not so favorable” or unfavorable. The were generally passed on to clients as part of attempts to attract could send shockwaves through the global economy if efforts to ing its annual growth target.” survey found companies plan to reduce capital spending by near- new business, suggesting a further squeeze on profit margins.” overhaul their economic models fail. The Bank of Japan’s quarterly “tankan” survey, the country’s ly 5 percent in this fiscal year, which ends March 31, 2016. The Instead of the uptick usually seen as Chinese factories resume The loss of manufacturing jobs is a setback for Chinese leaders leading measure of corporate sentiment, highlights a dilemma for companies expect to cut spending on land purchases by nearly 37 work following the Lunar New Year holiday, HSBC said its survey who are trying to steer their economy to more sustainable growth leaders who are trying to break out of two decades of stagnation. percent. showed new orders declined for the first time in three months. based on domestic consumption while avoiding a politically dan- Japanese media assert there is growing friction between the Japan emerged from recession last year following a sales tax New export work also fell for a second straight month. On Sunday, gerous spike in unemployment. They have cut interest rates twice central bank and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s administration over hike that dented consumer and corporate demand. But growth the Chinese central bank governor, Zhou Xiaochuan, said growth since November but want to avoid a large-scale stimulus that expanding stimulus further. The central bank governor, Haruhiko still is weak. In China, economic growth slowed to 7.3 percent in had fallen “too sharply.” He said inflation has fallen so low the would set back efforts to reduce reliance on investment. Kuroda, says the economy is on course for a moderate recovery the latest quarter. That prompted concern the decline brought on country should be alert to the possibility of deflation, or a damag- The surveys by HSBC Corp. and an industry group, the China and inflation will pick up again after it cools due to lower oil prices. by Beijing’s efforts to shift the economy to self-sustaining growth ing overall decline in prices. — AP Stronger oil supports Saudi, Dubai rises; Kuwait drops


DUBAI: A midday turnaround of oil prices and positive corpo- UAE, QATAR rate news helped Saudi Arabia’s bourse edge up yesterday Dubai’s index edged up 0.5 percent as Dubai Parks and while fresh plans for amusement park attractions boosted Resorts (DPR) surged 8.6 percent to 0.93 dirham, its highest Dubai. Other Gulf markets were mixed. Brent crude oil futures close since the stock listed in December. The firm, which is reversed early losses to rally to $55.50 barrel as talks over Iran’s building a $2.9 billion amusement park complex, said on nuclear program dragged on, curbing expectations for an Tuesday it was partnering with Hollywood studio Lionsgate immediate deal that would allow more Iranian crude onto the Entertainment to build attractions based on its franchises JAKARTA: Employees of BNI bank, an Indonesian state-owned bank, prepare rupiah banknotes for their ATMs and branch market. including the Hunger Games movie series. offices in Jakarta yesterday. Indonesia’s Central Bank had warned that the risk of losses due to the currency exchange rate of The main Saudi stock index edged up 0.4 percent as heavy- DPR does not expect to turn profitable until 2018 and still private and state-owned companies’ foreign debts are still high and continue to haunt throughout 2015. — AFP weight Saudi Basic Industries, the kingdom’s top petrochemi- trades 7 percent below the price of its initial public offer, cals producer, rose 1.0 percent to 80.75 riyals, having found which took place in November, but investors seized on the support just above its March low of 79.25 riyals. Humger Games news to bid the stock up. National Petrochemical Co (Petrochem) surged 7.1 percent Most other stocks in the emirate also rose, but trading Indian beef traders call after announcing that its subsidiary Saudi Polymers Co had volume shrank by a quarter, indicating this week’s rally may completed all of its obligations under financing agreements be running out of steam. Abu Dhabi’s bourse rose 0.6 per- with its local and international lenders and would no longer cent on the back of Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank and Union off strike, look to courts need third-party financial guarantees. National Bank , which jumped 2.9 and 3.5 percent respec- Saudi Arabian Mining Co (Maaden) rose 1.7 percent after tively. MUMBAI: Faced with dwindling business, Indian beef traders which has rendered several thousand people jobless.” Prime restarting the ammonia plant which it had to shut down last But Abu Dhabi National Energy Co, also known as TAQA, called off a month-long strike against a beef ban yesterday and Minister Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has backed week because of a cooling facility fault. Arabian Cement Co tumbled 8.8 percent after posting a net loss of 3.01 billion decided to mount a legal challenge to the government. the clamp down on the beef trade, which is run mostly by climbed 1.5 percent after announcing it had signed a deal for dirhams ($820 million) for 2014 compared with a loss of Maharashtra, India’s second most populous state, extended a Muslims. Other states ruled by the Hindu nationalist BJP, such as the construction of a new line at its plant in Rabigh. The bank- 2.52 billion dirhams in 2013. TAQA also said it would not ban on killing cows to bulls and bullocks in early March. Cows are Jharkhand and Haryana, have also tightened curbs. ing sector also rebounded after a sell-off in the two previous pay dividends for 2014 and would cut its capital expendi- considered sacred by many Indians, but beef is eaten by some “Our children were dying of hunger because of the strike. We sessions and rose 0.6 percent. tures this year. Qatar’s market fell 1.5 percent, giving up poor and lower-caste Hindus as well as by Christians and Muslims. had no option but to resume to work,” said Mohammed Shareef The Kuwait Stock Exchange (KSE) closed lower yesterday, some of the gains made in the last few days. Trading vol- Campaigns to protect cattle are often used to vilify religious Qureshi, a supplier at Deonar, the site of India’s biggest abattoir on and the three main indexes were down.The Price Index shed ume more than halved. Egypt’s bourse edged down 0.4 minorities. “We have called off the strike as no solution was com- the outskirts of Mumbai. About 250 buffaloes were slaughtered in 45.9 points, to 6236.5 points, while the Weighted Index and percent in another broad decline. Local food maker Edita ing and our families have been suffering,” said Mohammed Ali Deonar yesterday as against 400-450 cattle daily before the ban Kuwait 15 Index lost 2.4 and 1.3 points respectively. As many will resume trading today after a heavily oversubscribed Qureshi, president of the Bombay Suburban Beef Dealers was imposed, president Qureshi said. Early this week, Home as 74.3 million shares, valued at KD 10 million were traded in a public offer, and investors may have sold stocks to free up Association. Minister Rajnath Singh said the government would use “all our total of 2.615 transactions. some cash for it. — Reuters “But we will not stop here and will go to court against this ban might” to ban cow slaughter. — Reuters THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 BUSINESS TAQA slashes capex plans, News in brief

US dollar stands dividend, after big Q4 loss at KD 0.300 KUWAIT: The exchange rate of the US dollar against the Kuwaiti dinar was stable yesterday exchanging at KD Lower oil, gas prices cited for earnings drop 0.300, and also the Euro stabilized at KD 0.324 com- pared to Tuesday’s exchange rates, said the daily bul- letin of the Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK). The Sterling ABU DHABI: Abu Dhabi National Energy Co (TAQA), the quarterly figure in its earnings statement. This quarterly storage site and doubles the Netherlands’ seasonal gas Pound exchange went up to reach KD 0.446, while the state-owned oil explorer and power supplier, said yester- loss dragged down its full-year earnings, with TAQA saying storage capacity. Swiss franc stabilized at KD 0.309 and the Japanese yen day it would slash its capital expenditure plans and costs in its statement it made a net loss of 3.01 billion dirhams in In a statement, it said it would start injecting customers’ remained unchanged at KD 0. 002. The stable exchange after posting big losses in the fourth quarter on lower oil 2014 compared with a loss of 2.52 billion dirhams in 2013. gas at full capacity yesterday into the reservoir in prepara- rates of some major currencies was due to absence of prices. The company, 75 percent owned by the govern- It would not pay a dividend for 2014 as a result, it tion for the winter heating season. major economic data worldwide, excluding the UK ment of Abu Dhabi, would reduce its capex budget for this added. TAQA’s shares slumped a maximum daily limit of 10 The site has a capacity of 4.1 billion cubic metres of gas, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the fourth quarter of year by 39 percent on 2014 levels-the equivalent of 2.5 bil- percent in early trading. enough to supply 2.5 million Dutch households for a year, 2014, which witnessed a growth of 0.6 percent, while lion dirhams ($680.7 million) — and would implement a TAQA said it had booked a non-cash impairment of 3.3 TAQA said. “Gas storage Bergermeer is fully contracted for the British economy grew by 3 percent. Currency cost-cutting plan that would save 1.5 billion dirhams over billion dirhams which “reflected the rapid reduction in oil the 2015/2016 storage season running from 1 April 2015 to exchange markets continued to be affected by the US the next two years, it said in its results statement. and gas prices in the second half of 2014”. This overshad- 31 March 2016,” TAQA said in a statement. “TAQA will auc- Federal Reserve Bank which indicated that the interest Energy companies around the world have scaled back owed a 6.1 percent increase in total revenue in 2014, which tion capacity for the 2016 storage season in September prices are gradually going up this year, which would the amount of cash for expansion in response to an oil climbed to 27.3 billion dirhams, the statement said. 2015.” greatly support the dollar trading compared to other price which is down by around half since its peak in June The firm has achieved full capacity at its Bergermeer gas The facility is located near the city of Alkmaar and con- major currencies. last year, which has also pushed them to trim costs and storage facility in the Netherlands as of April 1, it said in a sists of the depleted Bergermeer gas reservoir, a gas treat- focus on short-term returns. separate statement. ment facility and connecting pipeline network. TAQA has TAQA’s move comes after it reported a net loss of 3.63 developed the project together with Dutch state-owned Al-Jaber Group suspends billion dirhams for the final three months of 2014, accord- Gas injection oil and gas company EBN. Construction started in 2012 CFO pending action ing to Reuters calculations, wider than the 2.6 billion Meanwhile, TAQA started to inject gas yesterday into its and limited commercial operations began in April last dirhams loss it reported in the corresponding period of the newly-completed Bergermeer gas storage facility in the year. Domestic gas production in the Netherlands has ABU DHABI: Abu Dhabi’s Al-Jaber Group, which restruc- previous year. Netherlands, the Arab Emirates energy company said. been reduced after the government in February capped tured substantial debt last June, has suspended its chief Reuters calculated the fourth-quarter figure from finan- TAQA completed work on Tuesday on the facility, production for the first half of the year at its Groningen financial officer ahead of disciplinary action, the conglom- cial statements from the company after it did not disclose a which it says is Europe’s largest third-party access gas gas field. —Reuters erate said yesterday. Sam Deeb, the group’s CFO was appointed in January 2014 and “has been suspended pending a disciplinary hearing,” a company statement said without elaborating. The group, whose main business is Oil holds around construction but also has interests in areas from retail to aviation, sealed a drawn-out debt restructuring agreement $55 as Iran nuke last June which is said to have set new terms on around talks drag on $4.5 billion of obligations. LONDON: Brent crude oil futures held around $55 Egyptian pound steady a barrel as speculation continued over whether a on official, black market preliminary deal over Iran’s nuclear program would CAIRO: Egypt’s central bank kept the pound steady at be reached, opening the way for more Iranian 7.53 pounds to the dollar at a foreign exchange auction crude to come into world markets. Talks between yesterday, and the domestic currency was unchanged Iran and six world powers to settle a dispute on the black market. The central bank has kept the offi- around Tehran’s nuclear program extended cial exchange rate steady for more than a month after beyond a Tuesday deadline in the Swiss city of letting the pound weaken in an attempt to wipe out Lausanne. black-market trading. The bank said it offered $40 mil- lion at auction and sold $38.4 million at a cut-off price Brent crude for May delivery was down 3 cents of 7.5301 pounds per dollar , unchanged from its last at $55.08 a barrel by 1026 GMT, after reaching a auction on Monday. Black-market traders said volumes session low of $54.70. US crude for May delivery have fallen dramatically since the central bank’s move was trading 39 cents lower at $47.21 a barrel. against them and since it imposed a cap in February on Iranian senior nuclear negotiator, Abbas the amount of dollars that can be deposited in banks. Araqchi, said that Iran hoped to wrap up talks by The limit discourages use of the black market because yesterday night. “We insist on lifting of financial those who exchange dollars outside official channels and oil and banking sanctions immediately ... for are deprived of a place to keep their funds. other sanctions we need to find a framework,” he told Iranian state television yesterday. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius was Bahrain launches more cautions, saying yesterday that talks TOKYO: A pedestrian walks past a share price board of the Tokyo Stocks Exchange in Tokyo yesterday. between Iran and world powers were not suffi- Tokyo stocks fell 0.89 percent April 1 morning as investors reacted to a disappointing business confi- liquidity tool for ciently advanced to ensure a quick conclusion. dence survey that showed Japanese firms are increasingly pessimistic about a rebound in the world’s Talks had appeared to get bogged down after the number three economy. —AFP Islamic banks United States warned it was ready to abandon DUBAI: Bahrain’s central bank has launched a new liquidity them altogether and Iran affirmed its “nuclear management tool for Islamic banks, part of efforts by the rights”, with officials cautioning any agreement Gulf Arab economies to put sharia-compliant finance on a would probably be fragile and incomplete. UAE plans to boost its level playing field with conventional banking. “If you get an agreement, there is the likelihood The one-week wakala contracts, offered to Islamic retail of Iranian oil being allowed to hit an already over- banks every Tuesday, will allow the banks to deposit excess supplied oil market and drive prices lower,” said gas import capacity funds with the central bank, which will invest their money in portfolios containing sukuk. The contracts mean Islamic Michael Hewson, chief markets analyst at CMC banks can invest liquidity with the central bank in a similar Markets. DUBAI: The United Arab Emirates Dubai’s floating LNG regasification The UAE is moving ahead with way to conventional banks, Sheikh Salman Al-Khalifa, the Iran currently produces around 2.8 million bar- plans to increase its gas import capaci- import facility at Jebel Ali port “to cater adding more capacity to the Dolphin central bank’s executive director for banking operations, rels per day (bpd), according to a Reuters survey, ty and sees a fall in liquefied natural for more LNG imports ... definitely it is pipeline and is developing its own gas said in a statement yesterday. although Western sanctions limit exports to 1 mil- gas (LNG) prices as an incentive for an upgrade from the existing 3 million resources such as the Shah and Bab In the past, Islamic banks in Bahrain have focused on lion bpd. It keeps around 30 million barrels of many countries to diversify their gas tons (a year)”. He gave no further details sour gas fields, Mazroui said. managing their short-term liquidity through the central crude on its fleet of oil tankers ready to be sold if supplies, the country’s energy minister on the capacity increase or timeline. The Shah project, which began bank’s monthly issues of 91- and 182-day sukuk. said yesterday. LNG is natural gas cooled to liquid operations this year, will achieve full possible. Higher OPEC supply also put pressure on Islamic banking has been growing faster than conven- “In the future we will be increasing form so it can be loaded on special production in the second quarter. “We oil prices, after a Reuters survey showed the oil car- tional banking in the Gulf, but it has been hampered by the the amount of LNG or the capacity to tankers. The liquid is then delivered to are building the capacity from within fact that sharia-compliant money markets are not as devel- tel increased supply in March by 560,000 bpd, to import. This is to provide flexibility for receiving terminals where it is regasified and we are also increasing what we its highest since October. Iraq’s exports rebounded oped as conventional ones, limiting options and raising power generation,” Suhail bin and pumped into onshore pipelines. should have from the outside, foreign costs for banks. after bad weather and Saudi Arabia pumped at Mohammed Al-Mazroui told reporters The UAE is building an LNG import gas coming to the system, whether it’s Policy makers are gradually addressing the problem. close to record rates. on the sidelines of an energy event. “We facility at the busy oil port of Fujairah, pipeline gas or whether it is LNG,” Last week, the United Arab Emirates central bank said it US crude inventories rose for the 12th straight have seen a significant drop in the LNG known as EmiratesLNG, with a capacity Mazroui said, adding that the global was making it easier for Islamic banks to access its special week by 5.2 million barrels, in the week to March gas prices ... All of these things are of 9 million tons a year. The UAE gets a fall in oil prices had no impact on these lending facility overnight by expanding the range of collat- 27, according to data from the American encouraging many countries to consid- modest volume of Qatari gas through strategies. “The plans that we put are eral they could use. Oman’s central bank has set up a task Petroleum Institute. —Reuters er LNG as part of their diversified gas the Dolphin pipeline, which helps feed realistic, they are doable. We have not force to develop sharia-compliant liquidity management sources.” power and desalination plants at seen any risk on missing these targets,” tools, central bank chief Hamood Sangour Al-Zadjali said He said there are plans to upgrade Fujairah. he said. —Reuters late last year. —Reuters EXCHANGE RATES

Al-Muzaini Exchange Co. UAE Exchange Centre WLL Syrian Pound 2.590 Sierra Leone 0.000066 0.000072 Nepalese Rupees 4.000 Singapore Dollar 0.216671 0.222671 South African Rand 0.018881 0.027381 ASIAN COUNTRIES Malaysian Ringgit 82.170 COUNTRY SELL DRAFT SELL CASH Chinese Yuan Renminbi 48.950 Sri Lankan Rupee 0.001884 0.002464 Japanese Yen 2.509 Australian Dollar 229.18 Thai Bhat 10.240 Taiwan 0.009502 0.009682 Indian Rupees 4.831 Canadian Dollar 241.77 Turkish Lira 116.315 Thai Baht 0.008927 0.0009477 Pakistani Rupees 2.953 Swiss Franc 315.13 Srilankan Rupees 2.254 Euro 327.93 Arab Nepali Rupees 3.011 US Dollar 301.30 Bahrain Exchange Company Bahraini Dinar 0.792211 0.800211 Singapore Dollar 220.990 Sterling Pound 450.37 Egyptian Pound 0.039105 0.042205 Hongkong Dollar 38.832 Japanese Yen 2.55 Iranian Riyal 0.000083 0.000085 Bangladesh Taka 3.870 Bangladesh Taka 3.868 COUNTRY SELL CASH SELLDRAFT Iraqi Dinar 0.000190 0.000250 Philippine Peso 6.750 Indian Rupee 4.824 Europe Jordanian Dinar 0.420667 0.428167 Thai Baht 9.273 Sri Lankan Rupee 2.252 Belgian Franc 0.007853 0.008853 Kuwaiti Dinar 1.000000 1.000000 Nepali Rupee 3.015 British Pound 0.440334 0.449334 Lebanese Pound 0.000148 0.000248 GCC COUNTRIES Pakistani Rupee 2.957 Czech Korune 0.003750 0.015750 Moroccan Dirhams 0.021564 0.045564 Saudi Riyal 80.325 UAE Dirhams 81.91 Danish Krone 0.039335 0.044335 Nigerian Naira 0.001238 0.001873 Qatari Riyal 82.754 Bahraini Dinar 799.72 Euro 0.318801 0.326801 Omani Riyal 0.776064 0.781744 Omani Riyal 782.590 Egyptian Pound 39.38 Norwegian Krone 0.033379 0.038579 Qatar Riyal 0.081993 0.083206 Bahraini Dinar 800.050 Jordanian Dinar 428.11 Romanian Leu 0.073322 0.073322 Saudi Riyal 0.079657 0.080357 UAE Dirham 82.021 Omani Riyal 781.40 Slovakia 0.008946 0.018946 Syrian Pound 0.001275 0.001495 Qatari Riyal 82.97 Swedish Krona 0.030927 0.035927 Tunisian Dinar 0.151867 0.159867 ARAB COUNTRIES Saudi Riyal 80.26 Swiss Franc 0.303691 0.313891 Turkish Lira 0.115768 0.122768 Egyptian Pound - Cash 41.365 Turkish Lira 0.115768 0.122768 UAE Dirhams 0.080997 0.082146 Egyptian Pound - Transfer 39.388 Dollarco Exchange Co. Ltd Yemeni Riyal 0.001360 0.001440 Yemen Riyal/for 1000 1.406 Australasia Tunisian Dinar 155.210 Australian Dollar 0.221355 0.232855 Jordanian Dinar 425.370 Rate for Transfer Selling Rate New Zealand Dollar 0.218219 0.227719 Al Mulla Exchange Lebanese Lira/for 1000 2.021 US Dollar 301.050 America Syrian Lira 2.147 Canadian Dollar 238.350 Canadian Dollar 0.232452 0.240952 Morocco Dirham 30.882 Sterling Pound 448.375 US Dollars 0.297000 0.301700 Currency Transfer Rate (Per 1000) Euro 325.230 US Dollars Mint 0.297500 0.301700 US Dollar 298.850 EUROPEAN & AMERICAN COUNTRIES Swiss Frank 292.305 Euro 323.750 US Dollar Transfer 301.100 Bahrain Dinar 801.720 Asia Pound Sterlng 452.450 Euro 326.240 UAE Dirhams 82.340 Bangladesh Taka 0.003525 0.004125 Canadian Dollar 239.000 Sterling Pound 449.380 Qatari Riyals 83.515 Chinese Yuan 0.047108 0.050608 Indian Rupee 4.775 Canadian dollar 328.780 Saudi Riyals 80.460 Hong Kong Dollar 0.036736 0.039486 Egyptian Pound 39.150 Turkish lira 116.250 Jordanian Dinar 424.925 Indian Rupee 0.004536 0.004937 Sri Lankan Rupee 2.240 Swiss Franc 311.700 Egyptian Pound 39.379 Indonesian Rupiah 0.000018 0.000024 Bangladesh Taka 3.842 Australian Dollar 230.940 Sri Lankan Rupees 2.254 Japanese Yen 0.002424 0.002604 Philippines Peso 6.750 US Dollar Buying 299.900 Indian Rupees 4.824 Kenyan Shilling 0.003249 0.003249 Pakistan Rupee 2.942 Pakistani Rupees 2.954 Korean Won 0.000262 0.000277 Bahraini Dinar 795.750 GOLD Bangladesh Taka 3.868 Malaysian Ringgit 0.078301 0.084301 UAE Dirham 81.600 20 gram 239.000 Philippines Pesso 6.739 Nepalese Rupee 0.003049 0.003219 Saudi Riyal 79.800 10 gram 122.000 Cyprus pound 738.965 Pakistan Rupee 0.002819 0.003099 5 gram 62.000 Japanese Yen 3.505 Philippine Peso 0.006724 0.007004 *Rates are subject to change BUSINESS THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 China oil storage flows key for crude imports LAUNCESTON: The state of China’s oil stor- total of 10.84 million bpd of oil available for age tanks is shaping up as a key determi- refining. However, only 10.22 million bpd nant of the likely path of imports by Asia’s was refined in January and February, leav- largest fuel consumer. It’s widely accepted ing 620,000 bpd that likely went into stor- in the oil market that China is importing age. more crude than it actually uses, or re- exports as refined products, and that the COMMERCIAL STOCKS RISING extra is flowing into both strategic and Refiners have been boosting commer- commercial storage sites. cial stocks in line with a government What is less known is how much capaci- requirement that they increase inventories ty is left in these tanks, when they are likely to 15 days of average throughput by the to be full and the rate at which new facili- beginning of next year. ties are being built. A trading executive at This does help explain some of the sur- top Chinese refiner Sinopec weighed into plus crude coming in during the first two the issue on March 25, saying China’s com- months, but again, questions have to be mercial and strategic storage is almost full. asked as to whether this can continue at Perhaps showing how sensitive the the pace it has been going at so far this issue is, the executive requested not to be year. The answer for March is that it likely named despite speaking to reporters at an did, with Thomson Reuters Oil Research industry event. and Forecasts estimating China will have If the Sinopec official is correct, it almost imported 28 million-29 million tons of certainly will lead to slower growth in crude in March or about 6.59 million-6.82 China’s crude imports, thus putting down- million bpd. This can be confirmed only ward pressure on global prices given when the preliminary data for China’s China’s status as one of the few centres of March imports is released next week. significant demand growth. The problem is Another factor worth considering is how that there is a fair degree of skepticism over much of China’s crude imports are being whether China’s storage tanks are indeed re-exported as refined products, particular- full. It is believed that some of the capacity ly diesel and gasoline. due to come available in the second half of The first two months of 2015 have seen last year has been delayed, probably to the fairly significant reductions in exports of second half of this year. the two main fuels, with diesel shipments Storage with a nameplate capacity of dropping to about 23,100 bpd from 89,900 132 million barrels was delayed until at bpd in the first two months of last year, and BEIJING: A man carries a package as he walks along a street at a Central Business District (CBD) in Beijing yesterday. China scored a diplomatic least the second half of this year, according gasoline declining to 76,800 bpd from coup by enticing almost 50 countries including key US allies to join its new development bank, but analysts say authoritarian Beijing now faces to Thomson Reuters Oil Research and 98,900 bpd. a daunting task managing a multilateral institution for the first time, with members ranging from the Netherlands to Nepal. — FPA Forecasts. This would imply there is scope While positive for the margins of Asian for oil imports to remain strong in the sec- refiners outside of China, the lower fuel ond half of this year as these storage tanks exports raise the risk that these will be China’s new bank AIIB become available. ramped up in coming months, especially if It is also fairly clear that some oil has diesel demand growth remains soft in been finding its way to storage tanks this China. The picture that emerges overall is year, with imports and domestic oil output that large volumes of crude are still appar- faces tough questions exceeding the amount of crude processed ently flowing into storage in China, but by refiners. Crude imports averaged 6.62 there is uncertainty as to whether this will million barrels per day (bpd) in the first two continue, or will taper away towards the months of the year, while domestic output middle of the year before resuming as new Hard money, soft standards? was 4.22 million bpd, giving a combined tanks are completed.— Reuters BEIJING: China scored a diplomatic coup by more countries like this that you bring on board, purse’,” said Damien Ma, an expert at The Paulson enticing almost 50 countries including key US the tougher it’s going to be for you to control and Institute in Washington. allies to join its new development bank. But ana- the more input those people are very reasonably The approach is built around a “grandiose lysts say authoritarian Beijing now faces a daunt- going to expect to have,” he said. vision of recreating the old Silk Road trading ing task managing a multilateral institution for routes to further integrate Eurasia economically”, the first time, with members ranging from the ‘Talk softer and carry a large purse’ he said in an email. “All the newly formed enti- Netherlands to Nepal. The Global Times newspaper, affiliated with ties, AIIB, Silk Road Fund, BRICS Bank etc, should By Tuesday’s deadline to seek founding mem- the ruling Communist Party mouthpiece be viewed as vehicles that will support this bership of the $50 billion Asian Infrastructure People’s Daily, acknowledged as much on ambitious endeavor in one form or another.” Investment Bank (AIIB) a total of 49 countries Wednesday, saying in an editorial: “The more and Taiwan had applied, the finance ministry countries and regions join, the harder it will be ‘Chequered’ record and governments said. for us to achieve a consensus in the future.” China insists it has no ulterior or selfish They include four of the five permanent Reports said a key part of Beijing’s appeal was motives. “The AIIB is a mutually beneficial initia- members of the United Nations Security Council, a willingness to give up veto power over the tive and is a beneficial complement to the exist- 18 out of 34 members of the Organization for bank’s decisions-which it said it was not seeking. ing international economic order,” vice finance Economic Co-operation and Development ANZ economists said the AIIB could offer “a minister Shi Yaobin said in a statement, promis- (OECD) and all 10 members of the Association of new approach for Asia’s infrastructure financing”, ing it will be built “in an open, transparent and Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). with “more transparent and well-developed highly-efficient manner.” Conspicuous by their absence are the United practice and policies from advanced economies”. The AIIB could erode the role of the World States and Japan. China already has leading But there are enduring concerns over the open- Bank and the ADB. The US and Japan have so far roles in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization ness of a bank helmed by China which is led by refused to apply, with Tokyo’s Chief Cabinet that links it with Russia and Central Asian coun- an authoritarian Communist Party embroiled in Secretary Yoshihide Suga saying it remains “dubi- tries, and the BRICS group of emerging endemic corruption-and whether Beijing will ous” about governance. US Treasury Secretary economies-which also comprises Brazil, Russia, want to use it to push its own geopolitical and Jacob Lew said in Beijing that Washington was KUALA LUMPUR: A Malaysian couple shops for groceries at a supermarket in Kuala India and South Africa. economic interests as a rising great power. still concerned over standards, adding: “The ini- Lumpur yesterday. Malaysia yesterday began implementation of a six percent con- But the AIIB “is on a whole different level”, said Asia will need vast transport, power and tial decisions of what kinds of projects are sumption tax aimed at plugging a leaky tax-collection system and addressing a Christopher Balding, of Peking University’s HSBC telecommunications networks in coming invested in will obviously be a very important widening fiscal deficit, but which has sparked consumer unease. — AFP Business School. “This is a lot more money, this is decades, costing far more than existing multilat- signal as to how it will proceed.” countries that have a lot more influence and eral lenders such as the US-led World Bank and Given China’s experience so far, such caution expect to be taken a lot more seriously.” the Japan-led Asian Development Bank (ADB) may be warranted. “The record of Chinese lend- Taiwan welcome to join AIIB The signatories include countries closely tied are considered able to deliver. ing to places like Africa and Latin America, let’s to China such as Kazakhstan and Myanmar, but An ADB study once estimated infrastructure just say is chequered at best, whether investing with appropriate name: China also some of Washington’s biggest allies- spending demand at $8 trillion between 2010 in projects that have either essentially defaulted Germany, Britain, France, Italy and Australia. and 2020. Under President Xi Jinping China, the or are very tenuous,” said Balding, citing a multi- BEIJING/TAIPEI: China welcomes Taiwan’s The AIIB issue has touched off a heated With democratic and market systems they will world’s second-largest economy, is pushing to billion-dollar deal for Venezuelan oil in particu- decision to apply to join the Beijing-led debate in Taiwan since the Presidential have strong views on issues such as the environ- build on the ancient Silk Road trade routes on lar. Ultimately, some say that Beijing recognizes Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) Office announced the island’s intent to join ment, human rights, corruption and efficient land and sea, a “One Belt, One Road” initiative the need for a strong Western contribution. as long as the self-ruled island uses an on Monday. The government says the move lending. China has basked in the enthusiastic expected to be part-funded by the AIIB. “Beijing Rajiv Biswas, Asia-Pacific chief economist at IHS, appropriate name, state news agency will help Taiwan in its efforts for regional acceptances of its invitations despite US opposi- is clearly pursuing economic statecraft in a big told AFP: “China would be happy to see this Xinhua reported yesterday. economic integration and raises the possi- tion, but the victory could end up a case of “be way, centering its foreign policy on the strategy input, because they really want the AIIB to be China’s Taiwan Affairs Office has bility of it joining other multinational bod- careful of what you wish for”, Balding added. “The of what I’ve called ‘Talk softer and carry a large successful.” — AFP received Taiwan’s letter of intent to join and ies. “We also want to join under an appro- has passed it to the AIIB’s interim secretari- priate name. If the name is not appropriate at, Xinhua cited Taiwan Affairs Office we will not join,” Taiwan Premier Mao Chi- Syria cuts imports to save spokesman Ma Xiaoguang as saying. kuo said yesterday. Critics are concerned “The AIIB is open and inclusive,” Ma said. though that Taiwan will be not be allowed “We welcome Taiwan to participate in the to join the multilateral investment bank as AIIB under an appropriate name.” Most an equal member and are worried about dwindling foreign reserves countries, including the United States, do closer cross-strait ties. not recognize Taiwan due to pressure from Late on Tuesday a small group of pro- China. Taiwan is not a member of the testers of mainly young Taiwanese gath- DAMASCUS: Syria’s government, presiding over an the other economic consequences of the war. By increase and so will foreign reserves,” he said. United Nations, the World Bank or the ered in front of the Presidential Office economy ravaged by war and facing dwindling for- 2013, the SCPR estimated manufacturing output “The country doesn’t need to be importing lux- International Monetary Fund. accusing President Ma of “selling out eign currency reserves, is taking new measures to had fallen to just 18.6 percent of its 2010 levels. ury products like pineapples and French cheeses,” However it is a member of the Asian Taiwan” in its bid to join the AIIB. slash imports and prop up exports. Last year, it rebounded somewhat, but was still he added. “We should be importing primary mate- Development Bank under the name of “This issue has caused strong dissatis- Importers require government licenses that at just 21.7 percent of 2010 levels by the end of rials necessary for local industry to produce mer- Taipei, China. China views Taiwan as a rene- faction among the people,” said the allow them to request a favorable exchange rate at 2014. The country’s key agriculture sector has been chandise that is export quality.” According to Al- gade province and has not ruled out the Democratic Progressive Party, the main the Syrian central bank. But the government has in similarly ravaged, contracting 31.9 percent in 2013 Watan, Syria’s exports in 2014 were worth just $1.8 use of force to bring it under its control. pro-independence opposition party. The recent months issued fewer licenses, and the cen- compared to the previous year, according to the billion, down from $11.3 billion in 2010. The ratio of However, since Taiwan’s current president United States has urged countries to tral bank has increasingly declined to offer SCPR. “We asked the government to reduce exports to imports deteriorated from 82.7 percent Ma Ying-jeou took office in 2008, enmity think twice about joining the AIIB until it importers the favorable conversion rate. imports and encourage local industry and exports,” in 2010 to 29.7 percent in 2014, according to SCPR. has declined considerably and the two could show sufficient standards of gover- “A month ago, I got a text message from the said Mazen Hammour, secretary general of the Iyad Mohamed, the exporters association treasurer, sides have signed a number of trade and nance and environmental and social safe- economy finance ministry telling me that because Syrian Federation of Exporters. said measures to protect domestic manufacturing investment deals. guards. — Reuters of the shrinking foreign currency reserves, I would “If local industry is solid, then exports will were desperately needed. —AFP no longer get the preferential dollar rate at the central bank,” one importer of consumer goods said. “I’ve been left to fend for myself.” An official at RBS sells $817m of UAE Syria’s economy ministry, quoted by the Al-Watan daily, said two-thirds of import licenses granted in company loans to CBD the last quarter of 2014 went to industries consid- ered essential, including fuel, agriculture and phar- DUBAI: Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) has sold such as Dubai World and Dubai Group. Both maceuticals. That quarter, the government around 3 billion dirhams ($816.8 million) of of those companies had debt troubles after received import requests worth $2.7 billion, but loans belonging to companies in the United the 2008 financial crisis. only granted licenses worth $1.2 billion, the official Arab Emirates to Commercial Bank of Dubai RBS sold at least part of its exposure in told the newspaper, which is close to the regime. (CBD), both banks said yesterday. RBS is Dubai World as the conglomerate nears a And the central bank offered preferential shrinking its corporate and institutional bank- $14.6 billion debt restructuring, sources exchange rates to just 13 percent of those granted ing business in the Middle East, Africa, parts told Reuters last month. An RBS spokes- licenses. The measures come as Syria’s economy of Europe and Asia as the lender, 79-percent woman declined to name the companies suffers the ravages of more than four years of con- owned by the British government, refocuses involved in the CBD loan sale. She said the flict that began with an anti-government uprising on its home market. sale formed part of the bank’s previously- in March 2011. The Syrian Centre for Policy But it is the first time a sale of RBS’s corpo- announced plan to exit its corporate debt Research (SCPR) estimates losses to the Syrian rate assets in the region has been announced. and debt capital markets business in the economy totalling $202.6 billion, equivalent to 383 The portfolio of loans sold to CBD were most- Middle East and Africa. percent of GDP in 2010, the year before war broke ly to large UAE-based companies, CBD said in RBS has already taken steps to slim down out. “A decision was taken to increase exports and a statement. They held “excellent” credit pro- its business in the UAE. In 2010, it sold its limit imports,” Fares Shehabi, president of the files, it added. retail business in the country to Abu Dhabi Syrian Federation of Chambers of Industry, said. The transaction was expected to be com- Commercial Bank. RBS’s credit exposure to “What can be produced locally, will be, and what plete this month, with the bank using its own Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, can be produced here will not be imported. We can funds for the purchase, CBD added. Over the Central Asia and Africa as well as supranation- provide the market with many products,” he said. PATIALA: Indian carpenter Mohinder Singh Lotay (right) poses with his son Amandeep Singh past decade, the UAE represented fertile als such as the World Bank, was 16.6 billion Lotay and their handmade five seater wooden car at their home in Patiala yesterday. They ground for RBS’s overseas expansion as a pounds ($24.5 billion) in 2014, representing ‘We don’t need pineapples’ claim the car which cost Indian rupees 400,000 ($6,400) to make and is based on the engine of booming economy encouraged it to make 4.3 percent of its 381.3 billion pounds of cred- But that assessment may be optimistic, consid- a Maruti 800 with teak bodywork can attain a top speed of 120kms per hour and has an econo- loans to large state-controlled companies it risk assets, its annual report said. —Reuters ering the decline in local manufacturing along with my level of 16kms per liter. — AFP THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 BUSINESS Solid Q2 start for Euro stocks, Asia wobbles

LONDON: European stocks and the dollar euro-zone manufacturing data was revised remained under pressure amid hopes of an quarter again considering the perform- data indicate that domestic and foreign made solid starts to the second quarter on higher. Wall Street was expected to see a Iran nuclear deal that is expected to loosen ances of the dollar and the euro over demand remains subdued amid weaker Wednesday as signs of a recovery in the more subdued start when it resumes later sanctions on the OPEC member. the last few quarters,” said Derek market conditions,” said Annabel euro-zone and expectations of more good but the dollar was back on the front foot Currency markets stayed mostly in recent Halpenny, European head of global Fiddes, an economist at Markit. US news cheered investors after their with traders eyeing ISM manufacturing and ranges after a tumultuous few months. After markets research at Bank of Tokyo Shares in Shanghai gained 1.4 per- blowout last few months. ADP jobs data for the latest readout on the a dip in Asia, the dollar edged back up to Mitsubishi in London. cent however, on the hope of more Europe’s benchmark FTSEurofirst 300 health of the US economy. 120.15 versus the yen and to $1.0750 per “With no policy (rate hike) stimulus. The rest of Asia was subdued. recovered strongly after an early wobble to Euro zone bonds also remained in favor euro after the euro made its worst ever start announcement likely in the second Bourses in the red included Japan, put London’s FTSE Germany’s DAX and as the European Central Bank pushed on to a year in Q1. quarter from the Federal Reserve, that South Korea, Australia, Malaysia and France’s CAC up 1.1, 1 and 1.5 percent after with its 1 trillion euro buying plan, while oil “I would be surprised if we had a similar reduces the scope for significant Indonesia. Japan’s Nikkei sank 0.9 per- moves... Also the bulk of global easing cent after a lacklustre Bank of Japan that has helped fuel the dollar is proba- business survey. After Greece failed on bly behind us now.” More signs that the Tuesday to reach an initial deal on ECB’s stimulus program is bearing fruit reforms with its lenders, Athens was the came as euro-zone manufacturing only bourse in the red in Europe and its activity accelerated faster than previ- government bond yields inched closer ously thought last month to hit a 10- to 12 percent. month high. The rising dollar weighed on com- modity markets, helping drive nickel to DELICATE CHINA its lowest in 6 years before a bounce, Data from China was less robust, bol- copper slipped and gold struggled at stering the view that Beijing has to pro- $1,180 an ounce to add to last month’s vide more stimulus to keep growth on 2.4 percent loss. The Iran talks kept the track, with some analysts eyeing moves squeeze on oil markets. Brent crude for to directly push down the yuan’s value. May delivery, which fell 8 percent over The HSBC/Markit China the last week, was flat at $55.10 a bar- Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ rel. US crude was 25 cents lower at Index (PMI) came in at 49.6, slightly $47.35. higher than a preliminary “flash” read- Iran’s senior nuclear negotiator, ing of 49.2 but still below the 50-mark Abbas Araqchi, said Tehran hoped to separating contraction from expansion. wrap up talks by Wednesday night. “We An employment subindex contract- insist on lifting of financial and oil and ed for a 17th straight month, falling to banking sanctions immediately,” he its lowest since August 2014. “The latest told Iranian state television. —Reuters BUSINESS THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015

US auto sales tap the brakes in March

DETROIT: US auto sales slowed down a bit in Ram pickup, were down 2 percent. remain on track to reach 17 million this year, Chevrolet Silverado pickup sales were up 7 decline. Ford sold 235,929 cars and trucks last March, but the industry remains optimistic Other automakers were scheduled to their best performance since 2005. Low inter- percent. GM sold 249,875 cars and trucks month. FCA sold 197,261 vehicles last month. about the market. March sales were expected report sales later. March won’t see the kind of est rates, low gas prices, the improving econ- last month. It was the company’s best March since 2007. to be flat compared with last March. Car buy- big increases the industry is used to. US auto omy and hot new SUVs like the Subaru Ford’s F-Series pickup truck sales were Jeep sales jumped 23 percent thanks to brisk ing site predicted total US sales of sales were up 14 percent in January, for exam- Outback and the Jeep Cherokee are all draw- down 5 percent as the company continues to sales of the Cherokee, Grand Cherokee and 1.5 million vehicles in March, down less than 1 ple, and 5 percent in February. ing buyers to dealerships. Cherokee sales change over to its new aluminum-bodied F- Patriot SUVs. Chrysler brand sales were also percent from a year ago. But there were several contributing factors. were up 38 percent in March. 150. Ford has said it won’t have normal truck up as sales of its 200 sedan more than dou- General Motors’ sales fell 2 percent and Last March saw a surge in sales after an GM - like other automakers - saw big inventory levels on dealers’ lots until this sum- bled. Nissan’s truck and SUV sales were up 15 Ford and Nissan both saw 3 percent declines unusually cold February; by contrast, this declines in car sales as consumers flocked to mer. But the company also saw big declines percent thanks to strong sales of its new compared with last March. FCA - the parent of March still had lingering snow in much of the SUVs and trucks. Sales of the compact Sonic for some of its other top sellers, including the Rogue crossover. But that wasn’t enough to Chrysler and Fiat - said its US sales rose 2 per- country. This March also had one less week- dropped 51 percent for the month, and Escape SUV, which was down 8 percent, and offset a 13 percent decline in car sales. Nissan cent in March. But sales of its top seller, the end than last March. Analysts said sales Cadillac ATS sales dropped 31 percent. But the Fusion sedan, which saw a 12 percent sales sold 145,085 vehicles last month. — AP US private payrolls, factory data point to weak growth

Construction spending falls for second straight month

WASHINGTON: US private employers added the smallest number of workers in more than a year in March and factory activity hit a near two-year low, fresh signs that economic growth slowed significantly in the first quarter. Activity braked in the first quarter, held back by bad weather, a strong dollar, weaker overseas demand and a now-settled labor dispute at the country’s busy West Coast ports. “The US economic recovery is continuing to leak momentum. Growth is expected to slow to a crawl in the first quarter,” said Millan Mulraine, deputy chief economist at TD Securities in New York. The ADP National Employment Report on GoDaddy CEO Blake Irving holds a foam hat on the floor of the New York Stock Wednesday showed that private payrolls Exchange as he waits for his company’s IPO to begin trading yesterday. — AP increased by 189,000 jobs last month, the small- est gain since January 2014. That was well below economists’ expectations for an increase of Germany sets very 225,000. Manufacturing payrolls declined for the first time since January of last year. The ADP report, which is jointly developed high bar for fracking with Moody’s Analytics, was released ahead of the government’s more comprehensive employ- ment report tomorrow. “There are some good BERLIN: German Chancellor Angela accounted for 37 percent of Germany’s reasons to think that the job growth has slowed, Merkel’s cabinet signed off on a draft law supply. Only 12 percent of Germany’s that we’re not going to see monthly job gains of yesterday that imposes an effective ban on needs were covered by its own reserves, ORLANDO: Construction worker David Rager, 53, frames a window in the upper floor of a two- 300,000 for a while,” said Mark Zandi, chief econ- the controversial technique of fracking for down from almost a fifth a decade earlier. storey custom home being built in Orlando, Florida. The Commerce Department releases con- omist of Moody’s Analytics. shale gas. The legislation will allow fracking for struction spending for February yesterday. — AP While the ADP report is not a very good pre- Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, involves deep-lying or “tight” gas, a technology that dictor of nonfarm payrolls, it signals softness in blasting chemicals and water into rock for- has been used for decades in Germany. But lar and slower demand in Europe and Asia. The 1.1 percent drop. job growth. Employers likely added 245,000 to mations to release trapped gas. Opposition even this type of fracking will be subject to dollar has gained 12 percent against the curren- That could see economists further mark their payrolls last month after hiring 295,000 is strong in densely populated Germany stricter rules and environmental audits, cies of the main US trading partners since June down their first-quarter growth forecasts. workers in February, according to a Reuters sur- due to concerns about the risk of contami- Hendricks said. of last year. Multinational corporations such as Estimates for first-quarter gross domestic prod- vey of economists. In a separate report, the nating drinking water. Environment The ban will be extended to all areas technology giant IBM , semiconductor maker uct range between a 0.8 percent and 1.2 percent Institute for Supply Management (ISM) said its Minister Barbara Hendricks said the new that supply drinking water, including dams Intel Corp, industrial conglomerate Honeywell annual pace. The economy expanded at a 2.2 national factory activity index fell to 51.5 last law would set Germany’s strictest condi- and reservoirs, while fracking up to a depth and Procter & Gamble, the world’s largest house- percent rate in the fourth quarter. month, the lowest reading since May 2013, from tions for fracking. “Protecting health and of 3,000 metres (3,300 yards) will also be hold products maker, have warned that the dol- Construction spending in February was 52.9 in February. drinking water are top priorities. For this prohibited. Opposition to fracking remains lar will hurt their profits this year. restrained by a 0.8 percent drop in public con- A reading above 50 indicates expansion in reason, we want to restrict fracking as far as strong in Germany and 79 percent of those In addition, lower crude prices have squeezed struction outlays. Spending on federal govern- the manufacturing sector. It was the 28th con- possible,” Hendricks told a news conference. surveyed for a Forsa poll in 2013 were in profits for oil companies, prompting some to ment projects jumped 9 percent, but that was secutive headline reading at or above 50. The The new law, which now goes to parlia- favour of strict environmental regulations. either postpone or scrap capital expenditure offset by a 1.6 percent plunge in state and local new orders index eased to 51.8 last month from ment for approval, will impose an outright Europe had hoped to emulate a shale programs. The sector, which accounts for about government outlays - the largest portion of the 52.5 in February, and the employment index fell ban on fracking for shale gas in the next gas boom in the United States which has 12 percent of the economy, continues to deal public sector segment. to 50 from 51.4, both also at 22-month lows. few years and only allow scientific test helped to lower energy costs and boost with supply chain disruptions created by the Spending on private construction projects US stocks fell, while prices for US government drilling under strict conditions to assess the industry. But strong popular opposition, a now-resolved labor dispute at the West Coast was up 0.2 percent as a rise in non-residential debt rose after the data. The dollar was lower risks and environmental impact. recent slide in oil prices and question ports. Separately on Wednesday, the Commerce outlays made up for a decline in spending on against the euro and yen. The law could allow commercial shale marks over Europe’s reserves have raised Department said construction spending dipped home building. Private residential construction gas fracking in exceptional cases from 2019 doubts over the prospects for fracking. 0.1 percent to an annual rate of $967.2 billion. spending fell 0.2 percent, likely due to the dis- Weak construction spending but only after successful test drilling and Chevron Corp has decided to stop explor- January’s outlays were revised to show a 1.7 per- ruption from cold and snowy weather in the sec- Manufacturing has been hurt by a strong dol- the approval of a special committee. ing for shale gas in Poland because cent decline instead of the previously reported ond half of the month. — Reuters Germany’s gas industry has warned reserves did not lived up to initial expecta- restricting fracking could increase the tions. France and Bulgaria have banned country’s dependence on imported energy fracking. It is allowed in Britain but is sub- Germany’s overall debt Legions of Japan’s new at a time when geopolitical concerns, par- ject to strict environmental and safety recruits start on job ticularly over Ukraine, are growing. guidelines and the Scottish government ratio fell in 2014 The BDI industry lobby group described has imposed a moratorium on granting TOKYO: With crisp new suits and fresh haircuts, thou- the new conditions as “completely over the permits for all unconventional oil and gas FRANKFURT: Germany’s total debt had been growing steadily by a total of 91 top”. Last year, gas imports from Russia development. — Reuters sands of Japanese twenty-somethings started their increased slightly in 2014, but because billion euros, which is equivalent to 3.1 first day on the job yesterday in an annual ritual that the economy grew, its proportion of over- percent of current GDP, as a result of traces back to the country’s fast-disappearing jobs- India says will shake up trade all output fell, the country’s central bank measures relating to the euro-zone sover- for-life work culture. At Japan Airlines, more than or Bundesbank said yesterday. eign debt crisis. “The cumulative effect of 1,000 first-day employees tossed folded paper planes tariffs to compete globally “According to provisional calculations, the support measures in favor of domes- at a ceremony inside a giant hangar. general government debt in Germany tic financial institutions since 2008 The bosses at shoe cream maker Columbus buffed NEW DELHI: India plans to pull its tariff regime covering two-fifths of the world economy and amounted to approximately 2.168 trillion amounted to 236 billion euros or 8.1 per- new hires’ shoes, a reminder they’ll have to live up to closer in line with global norms to prepare for a third of all global trade. euros ($2.3 trillion) at the end of 2014. cent of GDP,” the statement said. its motto: “A little sparkle makes a big difference.” new regional trade pacts being negotiated by China, which is not part of the TTP negotia- The debt level thus increased by 2.0 bil- Such effects decreased in the past two An executive at an aquarium north of Tokyo wel- advanced economies, the government said tions, is pushing for a separate trade liberaliza- lion on the year,” the Bundesbank said in years, however, it said. Under the comed one of the venue’s new hires in an underwater yesterday. tion framework. “They have been explicit about a statement. But because gross domestic European budgetary surveillance proce- ceremony-both wearing scuba-gear over their suits- India has not been invited to join pacts the fact that there are these mega agreements product also expanded, “the debt ratio, dure, EU member states are obliged to such as the US-led 12 country Trans-Pacific that we are not invited to - as a response to which the neophyte later described as “a really valu- ie, the level of debt in relation to GDP, submit data on their general government able experience”. April 1 is the start of Japan’s fiscal Partnership (TPP) and is “not in a position to that they are trying to fix things internally,” said decreased by 2.4 percentage points to deficit and debt levels to the European join,” partly because its tariffs are not competi- Akshay Mathur, head of research at foreign pol- year, a day when tens of thousands of new recruits- 74.7 percent,” the Bundesbank said. Commission twice a year, at the end of some awkwardly struggling to get comfortable in for- tive, a top official said at the unveiling of a new icy think tank Gateway House. Kher said India Under EU rules, member states are not March and end of September. For this five year trade policy. “If the country is to stand was interested in a third grouping known as mal attire-fan out across Tokyo and other major cities up to these agreements, it’s important that we RCEP that combines Southeast Asian nations allowed to run up overall debt in excess purpose, the federal statistical office cal- to report for their first day of work. start to address these issues,” Trade Secretary and six others -Australia, China, India, Japan, of 60 percent of GDP. culates the public deficit, while the Missing the big day, known as “shinsotsu ikkatsu Rajeev Kher said, adding that India’s access to New Zealand, and South Korea. The Bundesbank said that since 2010, Bundesbank calculates the overall debt saiyo” in Japanese, can hurt procrastinators who often markets was likely to erode when such pacts “India expects to be a major beneficiary of general government debt in Germany level. — AFP struggle to find jobs after leaving school-companies take effect. the ASEAN Plus six trade pact for which negoti- visit campuses to get their hands on cream-of-the- Kher said India needed lower tariffs for ations are likely to be completed by year end,” crop students before they finish their studies. Over at intermediate goods to help it further integrate Kher said. Experts say the viability of that KSE suspends shares the Bank of Japan, governor Haruhiko Kuroda sternly with global supply chains, and that these grouping may depend on India’s progress in informed about 140 aspiring central bankers what industries would have to come more competi- easing domestic regulations and external barri- of four companies was expected of them. “As central bank employees, tive. He did not give more details. ers that constrain economic activity. India aims you must have a sense of m mission,” he said. Regional trade pacts are being promoted to raise its exports to $900 billion by fiscal year KUWAIT: The Kuwait Stock Exchange (KSE) Holding (ALDEERA), Noor Financial Meanwhile, the chairman of troubled Skymark by advanced economies after years of failure to 2019/20, the government said in a statement. yesterday suspended trading over the shares Investment Company (NOOR) and Amwal Airlines thanked 11 new hires for actually turning up negotiate a global agreement under the World In the first 11 months of the fiscal year to of four companies that failed to submit their International Investment Company (AMWAL). to work at the now-bankrupt-but still operating-carri- Trade Organization. TPP would link a dozen March 2015, merchandise exports stood at annual financial statements for the year 2014. These and other listed companies were grant- er. “We appreciate you very much for choosing Asia-Pacific economies by eliminating trade $286.58 billion, down from $314.4 billion in the barriers and harmonizing regulations in a pact previous year. — Reuters Trading was halted over the shares of the ed a 90-day grace period to announce their Skymark at this difficult time,” Takashi Ide said. —AFP International Financial Advisors (IFA), Aldeera statements, but they did not. — KUNA BUSINESS THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 flydubai spreads its wings to Chennai Dubai-based carrier introduces three flights a week

KUWAIT: Dubai-based flydubai yesterday announced the commencement of its service to Chennai. Chennai becomes the eighth des- tination on flydubai’s network in India and is part of the continuous commitment to meet the increasing demand for travel between India and the United Arab Emirates.

launched by flydubai since the beginning of ted to enhancing connectivity between India President, Commercial (GCC, Subcontinent, network and further afield. Fifty five per cent this year, Ghaith Al Ghaith, Chief Executive and Dubai.” Africa) at flydubai added, “flydubai sees India (55 percent) of the overall passenger traffic Officer at flydubai, said: “It has been our con- flydubai is committed to creating free flows as a key market on its network and is commit- from India is connecting onwards based on Sudhir Sreedharan, SVP of Commercial stant endeavour to provide greater conven- of trade and tourism in the region by opening ted to delivering the best, reliable travel flydubai’s statistics for the past 12 months. Operations- Speaking at the Press ience to our passengers travelling from India. up underserved markets as well as serving options whether in economy or business class. Abha, Bahrain, Jeddah, Kiev, Kuwait and Conference in Chennai. The addition of Chennai to our network will more mature markets, giving passengers more With the launch of four new points in India in Moscow are some of the popular connections Since flydubai’s started its service to provide the opportunity to visit Dubai more options whether travelling for leisure, visiting 2014, flydubai saw a 70 percent growth in pas- for passengers travelling from India. Lucknow in 2010, the carrier’s first point in often and explore the flydubai network which family and friends or for business. The carrier senger numbers and we are confident that Within India, in addition to Chennai, fly- India, there has been a strong appetite for we are already seeing from our other points in added four more routes in India in 2014 offer- this will significantly contribute to the growth dubai operates services to Ahmedabad, Delhi, enhanced connectivity. The launch of the India. It will also provide the opportunity to ing passengers from Dubai affordable travel of not only trade and tourism between the Hyderabad, Kochi, Lucknow, Mumbai and Chennai route will be served with three flights connect, with the interline agreements we options to Delhi, Kochi, Mumbai and two countries but across the region.” Thiruvananthapuram. Business class services a week which will see flydubai operate a total have in place, onwards through Dubai’s avia- Thiruvananthapuram. flydubai capitalizes on the facilities and are available on flights to Chennai, Delhi, of 29 weekly flights between Dubai and India. tion hub. India has strong economic and cul- Commenting on the inaugural flight to convenience of Dubai’s aviation hub to con- Hyderabad, Kochi, Mumbai and Commenting on the start of the ninth route tural ties with the region and we are commit- Chennai, Sudhir Sreedharan, Senior Vice nect traffic between the different points on its Thiruvananthapuram. ‘The Great Gold Rush’ at Malabar Gold & Diamonds Win up to 2 kilos of gold

KUWAIT: Malabar Gold & Diamonds, the leading jewellery retailer unfurled the details of its much awaited campaign - ‘The Great Gold Rush’ to cele- brate this festive season. This campaign will run at all Malabar Gold & Diamonds outlet in GCC & Singapore from 1 April 2015. ‘The Great Gold Rush’ gives the customers unprecedented opportunities to win a whopping 2 kilos of gold with special facilities such as advance booking. With every purchase of gold jewellery worth KD 40, the customers get a chance to enter raffle draws to win 2 kg of gold in 4 draws. Those who buy diamond jewellery worth KD 40 will get 2 raffle coupons and double the chance to win. The customers can also avail a free one gram gold coin for every KWD 400 spendon diamond jewellery until 25 April 2015. Keeping the con- Bader Abdullah Al-Hajri venience of their customers in mind, they also offer advance booking facility, where the cus- tomers can book their ornaments in advance by wins KD 250,000 in paying a certain percentage of the total cost. The customers also get a fabulous chance to ments purchased from GCC with the brand new Ethnix - Handcrafted Designer Jewellery, Era - NBK’s Al-Jawhara draw buy 8 gm gold coins with absolutely no making enticing collection of Malabar Gold & Diamonds Uncut Diamond Jewellery, Mine - Diamonds charges from any of Malabar Gold & Diamonds without any loss. Any 22 ct old gold ornaments Unlimited, Divine- Heritage Indian Jewellery, outlets in GCC during this period. purchased from GCC can be exchanged with Precia - Precious Gem Jewellery and Starlet - Kids KUWAIT: National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) money in an account means more chances To add more glitter to this season, they have Malabar Gold & Diamonds designs by paying Jewellery. Their mesmerizing collection of jew- announced Bader Abdullah Al-Hajri the in each draw. The new feature introduced also unveiled the latest collection of jewellery only making charges ensuring they don’t lose ellery is available at all their outlets in India, GCC winner of KD 250,000, NBK’s Al-Jawhara to Al-Jawhara Account enables customers specially designed for the festive season in gold any value on the rate of gold. All these offers will and Singapore with unique exchange offers and quarterly prize. The winner’s name was to double their chances when maintaining and diamonds to suit the tastes of their multicul- be valid at their outlets in Kuwait until 30 June buyback policies. The jewellery chain also offers announced live on Marina FM and the draw their balance without withdrawing. tural and multinational customers. Moreover, 2015. The group offers one of the most admired lifetime free repair and maintenance service for was held under the supervision of the Al-Jawhara is the most popular prize- the customers can update any of their old orna- brands in the jewellery segment that includes all its products. Ministry of Commerce & Industry. giving account in Kuwait. Al-Jawhara NBK added a new feature to the Al- account entitles account holders to enter Jawhara account recently by doubling cus- the weekly, monthly and quarterly Al- tomers’ chances to win in the weekly, Jawhara draws. All prizes are automatically Million barrels of oil per monthly and quarterly draws when they do credited to the winners’ accounts the day not withdraw or transfer from their after the draw. Al-Jawhara accounts are accounts. Al-Jawhara Quarterly draw is one available to both Kuwaitis and expats and of the biggest cash prizes in Kuwait. NBK can be opened at any one of NBK’s branch- day riding US rails: Data customers have the opportunity to double es around Kuwait, or through NBK website their chances to win the next quarterly for existing customers. draw in June. NBK pioneered many firsts in both the LONDON: More than 1 million barrels of Rail shipments are running at the highest train fires was always present but hidden and NBK customers have chances to win KD local and regional markets by offering crude oil move by train across the United level since the Second World War, when oil not appreciated because there were so few 5,000 weekly, KD 125,000 monthly and a innovative products and value added serv- States every day, according to data published was shifted from tankers to railcars to avoid crude carrying trains. grand prize of KD 250,000 quarterly. Each ices. For more information please contact for the first time by the government yester- being sunk by submarines (“Fightin’ Oil”, The danger has only become apparent KD 50 in a customer’s account entitles NBK Call Center at 1801801 or visit NBK’s day. The volume of crude shipped by rail has 1943). Railroads have become an essential when the size of the business was scaled up them to one entry in the draw, thus more official website increased more than 50-fold in five years, part of the American energy revolution. by more than an order of magnitude. It is a from just 630,000 barrels in January 2010 to Without the massive unit trains hauling 100 familiar problem with new technologies or 33.7 million barrels in January 2015, the tank cars or more loaded with crude from the technologies which undergo rapid growth Energy Information Administration (EIA) shale fields to refineries, US crude production (“Normal Accidents: Living with High-Risk UK’s sluggish productivity revealed in its first monthly report on move- could not have grown so quickly over the last Technologies” 1999). But crude-by-rail has ments of oil by rail five years. According to the EIA, railroads become so central to the US oil business that worsened in late 2014: ONS ( moved 10 percent of all US oil production in the industry has struggled to formulate an Until now, information on oil shipments January 2015, and 40 percent of production appropriate safety response-even as the risks grew only marginally in 2014 and by LONDON: British economic productivi- has been incomplete, partly confidential and from states in the Midwest such as North have become increasingly evident following a less than the 0.5 percent forecast made ty fell in the last three months of 2014 scattered across a number of sources. The Dakota, Colorado and Wyoming. The main string of devastating train fires. by the Bank of England in February. and remains well below its pre-finan- Association of American Railroads, individual consumers were refineries in Pennsylvania, The industry is torn between fear of a cata- The BoE says annual productivity cial crisis level, underscoring the chal- railroad companies, and the federal govern- New Jersey and Delaware, which accounted strophic train fire in a major urban area that could growth is likely to pick up to 0.75 per- lenge of making the country’s recovery ment’s Surface Transportation Board, which for almost half of the oil shipped by rail at the cause mass casualties and cost billions of dollars cent this year and 1.5 percent next, sustainable in the long term. regulates freight rates, have all published lim- start of this year. in compensation and clean up, and the need to close to its long-run average. But the Output per hour worked dropped ited data on shipments. Crude-by-rail has become essential to East fight or delay tougher safety standards which BoE has been wrong on productivity by 0.2 percent in the fourth quarter of The EIA has now brought together the con- Coast refiners. Railroads delivered almost half could restrict the availability of tank cars and dis- before. Howard Archer, economist at 2014 compared with the previous fidential data from the US Surface the crude processed by East Coast refineries rupt the increasingly vital flow of oil by tank car. IHS Global Insight, said there could be three-month period, its first fall since Transportation Board and Canada’s National at the start of 2015, according to an analysis Negotiations between the railroads, oil pro- an underlying problem. mid-2013, the Office for National Energy Board as well as its own information of EIA data. ducers, refiners and the US government about “If productivity has taken a signifi- Statistics said yesterday. on production and stocks in each part of the The surge in crude-by-rail explains why new crude-by-rail regulations and tank car cant lasting hit, it means that the econ- Productivity has been very weak United States, to produce the first compre- both the railroads and oil shippers were slow safety standards boil down to the question of omy has less potential to grow without since the crisis as output as grown far hensive picture of crude-by-rail movements. to appreciate the risks involved in carrying how to balance the safety imperative of with- generating inflationary pressures and more slowly than employment, in con- The data underscore how rapidly the modern large volumes of oil in unit trains. Because so drawing older and less secure tank cars as that interest rates will need to rise at an trast to most other big advanced oil-by-rail business has grown. Shipments rose little oil was transported by rail prior to 2011 soon as possible against the commercial earlier stage,” he said. economies and Britain’s own pre-crisis from almost zero in 2008 to hit 1 million bar- or even 2012, there was not much statistical imperative of keeping them in service for Inflation pressures appear muted economic performance. “The absence rels per day (bpd) for the first time in the cur- information on the risks involved in carrying longer to maintain tank car availability and and headline consumer price inflation of productivity growth in the seven rent boom in April 2014. oil in unit trains. The risk of derailments and keep the oil flowing. — Reuters years since 2007 is unprecedented in is zero, far below the BoE’s 2 percent the post-war period,” the ONS said. target. Unit labor costs-a measure of Britain grew at its fastest rate since how much employers pay for a worker 2006 last year-due in part to more peo- to produce a fixed amount-rose by an Gulf Bank’s red customers to get ple working longer hours-but most annual 1.2 percent in the last three economists say higher productivity months of 2014. Citi economist growth is the only way to boost living Michael Saunders said this suggested 50% discount at KNCC in 2015 standards in the long run. further weak productivity was unlikely Labor opposition leader Ed to push up inflation soon. “ULC growth KUWAIT: Gulf Bank announced that its red cus- chase cinema tickets from KNCC ticket kiosks. deposit required to open the account or a mini- Miliband said weak productivity was is clearly below the pace consistent tomers can now see movies at all Kuwait Gulf Bank is committed to providing its red mum balance charge. Britain’s “biggest economic challenge” with the ... inflation target. Even if pro- National Cinema Company (KNCC) cinemas customers with new and exciting promotions To become a Gulf Bank red account holder when he presented his party’s business ductivity growth does not pick up, during the weekend for KD 1.750 instead of the that are tailored to meet their specific needs. or to find out more of its benefits, visit one of policies on Monday ahead of May 7’s modestly higher pay growth would still usual KD 3.5, which is a 50 percent discount on The red account is designed for university and the Bank’s 59 branches, contact the Customer election. Wednesday’s ONS data be consistent with the inflation target,” the normal price. college students aged 17 to 24 years old. Contact Centre on 1805805, or log on to showed overall hourly productivity he said. — Reuters This latest offer is open to any red account Amongst other benefits, account holders, Gulf Bank’s bilingual customers who use their red ATM cards to pur- receive an ATM card and there is no minimum website. technology THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 MEA tablet market grew 26.1% year on year in Q4 2014

DUBAI: Middle East and Africa (MEA) ple of reasons behind this growth -in position despite shipments falling 7% to tablet market recorded robust year-on- South Africa, Vodacom, one of the 206,000 units, while Turkish vendor year growth in the final quarter of 2014, biggest telecom operators in the country, Casper increased its shipments 80% to with holiday purchases and aggressive introduced its own tablet and shipped 180,000 units on the back of strong end-of-year promotions spurring a par- approximately170,000 units during the growth in the consumer and education ticularly strong performance in the con- quarter, while in Turkey, local vendor segments. sumer segment. The latest figures Casper shipped around 100,000 tablets “Moving forward, the MEA tablet mar- released today by global advisory servic- through the Telco channel.” ket is expected to see a significant slow- es firm International Data Corporation Year-on-year growth of 16% saw down in growth,” says Fouad Charakla, a (IDC) show that the overall MEA tablet Samsung continue as the leading vendor research manager at IDC Middle East, market grew 26.1% year on year in Q4 in MEA, with the Korean giant shipping a Africa, and Turkey. “This has become par- 2014to total 4.43 million units, with the total of 886,000 units to the region in Q4 ticularly evident since the start of the activities of several Far East manufactur- 2014. And despite suffering a decline of new year, with the MEA market set to ers spurring significant annual growth in 11%, Apple retained second place in the experience its first ever quarter-on-quar- shipments of Android (33%) and market, with shipments totaling 580,000 ter decline in Q1 2015 amid intensifying Windows (131%) tablets. units. Lenovo remained in third position, competition from smartphones and “The telco channel experienced its but with year-on-year unit growth of phablets. Nevertheless, the MEA tablet highest ever rate of growth during the 100% and volumes totaling 572,000 units market is still forecast to post double- Fouad Charakla final quarter of 2014,” says Victoria for the quarter, the vendor is extremely digit growth for 2015 as a whole, while declines. The consumer segment will contribution from the commercial seg- Mendes, a research analyst at IDC Middle likely to overtake Apple at some point other regions around the world will expe- remain the major contributor to this ment in 2015, with education deals being East, Africa, and Turkey. “There are a cou- during 2015. Asus maintained its fourth rience much bigger slowdowns or even growth, but we also expect to see a huge a major driver.” Google, Microsoft battle drives down prices for PCs, tablets

SAN FRANCISCO: Google is releasing its cheapest Chromebook laptops yet, two versions priced at $149 aimed at undercutting Microsoft’s Windows franchise and gaining ground in even more classrooms. Various PC manufacturers have been working with Google to design lightweight laptops running on the Chrome operating system since 2011. The newest ver- sions are made by Hisense and Haier. Hisense’s Chromebook can be ordered beginning Tuesday at and Haier’s version can be bought at Their arrival coincides with Microsoft’s rollout of a lower-priced Surface tablet in an effort to reach students and budget-conscious families. Pre-orders for that device began Tuesday, too. As the prices for tablets and smartphones have been declining, it has forced on PC makers to lower their LOS ALAMITOS: Faith Lennox, 7, right, smiles as she holds an extra plastic pros- prices, said International Data Corp. analyst Jay Chou. thetics part with her newly 3-D printed hand at the Build it Workspace in Los The success of the Chromebook line is intensifying the Alamitos, Calif., on Tuesday. At left, her aunt, Grace Stedman. — AP PC pricing pressure. “It has been good news for consumers, but not so 3-D print technology provides good for vendors,” Chou said. The cheaper version of the Surface Pro 3 sells for ‘robohand’ to 7-year-old girl $499, compared with $799 to $1,949 for the higher-end models. The discounted version has a slightly smaller screen - 10.8 inches rather than 12 - a slower processor, LOS ALAMITOS: Seven-year-old Faith objects like the favored plush toy she and less flexible kickstand - just three angles rather than Lennox never thought much about putting brought with her. unlimited positions. a prosthetic limb where her missing left The oldest of three children, Faith had The Chromebook has served a dual purpose for This product image provided by Google shows the Haier Chromebook 11, a $149 lap- hand had once been. compartment syndrome when her position Google. Like the company’s Android software for mobile top running on Google’s Chrome operating system. Google is releasing two $149 lap- Not until the little girl learned she could during childbirth cut off the flow of blood devices, the Chrome system is set up so users will auto- design her own, strap it on easily and then to her left forearm, irreparably damaging tops in an effort to undercut Microsoft’s Windows franchise and drive down already matically begin using Google’s search engine and other falling personal computer prices. —AP jump on her bike and pedal away at speeds tissue, muscle and bone. After nine services, such as Gmail and YouTube. Google has used previously only imagined. With family months of trying to save the limb, doctors the Chromebooks as a prod to bring down the prices of members occasionally shouting “Be careful” determined they had to amputate just all PCs, something the company wanted to do because it and “Watch out for that car,” Faith firmly below the elbow. has more opportunities to show the digital ads that placed her new hand’s bright blue and pink She had tried a couple more traditional - bring in most of its revenue when more people can fingers on her bike’s left handlebar and and more expensive - prosthetics over the afford to buy an Internet-connected device. took off for a seemingly endless sojourn years but found them bulky, heavy and “We cannot be happier that Microsoft is helping around the Build It Workspace on Tuesday hard to use. Her parents were working with drive down the prices of PCs,” said Caesar Sengupta, morning. Inside, just a short time before, the nonprofit group E-Nable to get her a 3- Google’s vice president of product management for that hand had rolled off a 3-D printer that D-printed hand, but the technology is so Chromebooks. “If Microsoft is reacting to (Chromebook’s built it overnight. new there’s a waiting list, her mother said. low prices), that’s fantastic. We love it.” “I don’t think we’ll ever get her off it,” Then she learned of what Build It Unlike most computers, Chromebooks don’t have a said her mother, Nicole, smiling with resig- Workspace could do from a friend whose hard drive. Instead, they function as terminals depend- nation as she watched her daughter con- son visited with his Scout troop. The small ent on an Internet connection to get most work done. tinue to circle the parking lot in this Orange studio teaches people to use high-tech Despite those limitations, Chromebooks have been County suburb. The prosthetic that had just printers, provides access to them for proj- steadily gaining in popularity, particularly in schools, as made such a task immediately easy repre- ects and does its own commercial printing. more applications and services made available over sents a breakthrough in small, lightweight Although the company, founded less Internet connections - a phenomenon known as “cloud hands that are economical and easy for than a year ago by mechanical engineer computing” that has reduced the need for hard drives. children to use. It weighs only a pound and Mark Lengsfeld, has printed out everything About 6 million Chromebooks were sold worldwide costs just $50 to construct out of the same from pumps for oil and gas companies to last year, more than doubling from 2.7 million in 2013, materials used to make drones and auto- parts for unmanned aerial vehicles, this was according to IDC. In contrast, sales in the overall PC mar- mobile parts. the first hand Lengsfeld and his employees ket slipped 2 percent last year, marking the third consec- When Faith outgrows it in six months or had built. utive annual decline. IDC is projecting 8 million a year, a replacement can be made just as So he used E-Nable’s open-source tech- Chromebooks will be sold this year. cheaply and easily, said Mark Muller, a pros- nology and called in Cal State, Dominguez Besides the $149 laptops, Google also is attacking This product image provided by Google shows the Google Chromebit by Asus. The thetics professor at California State Hills’ experts for guidance. Microsoft on other fronts. Later this spring, Google and device is a stick loaded with an entire operating system that can be plugged into any University, Dominguez Hills, who helped When Faith quickly strapped on their Asus are releasing a hybrid Chromebook that can use HDMI port, providing people a cheaper way to upgrade an old PC. —AP with the design. He said a heavier adult new creation and headed out to ride used as either a laptop or tablet with a 10-inch screen. model with sensors attached to a person’s Tuesday morning, as TV cameras captured Called the Chromebook Flip, it will sell for $249. needing to run complex software might still want the 8.1, just like the Pro 3. In the past, Microsoft has used a muscles would run $15,000 to $20,000. the moment, Lengsfeld admitted he was In the summer, Asus and Google will start selling a company’s higher-end Pro 3, said Dennis Meinhardt, lightweight version called RT in its cheaper tablets. The Faith manipulates her hand without nervous. After being up all night finishing new Chrome device that will provide people a cheaper director of program management for Surface. But the Surface 3 also has a USB port, a feature that distinguishes sensors. Instead, as she happily demon- the hand, he wanted to test it himself to be way to upgrade an old PC. The device, called the Surface 3 should be good for everyday tasks, he said, the Surface line from most rival tablets. strated over and over after the bike ride, sure it worked. “But she did fine with it,” he Chromebit, is a stick loaded with an entire operating sys- and brings the Pro 3’s premium feel to a device that will she moves her upper arm back and forth. said, chuckling. She noted it did fine by her tem that can be plugged into any HDMI port. The be affordable to more people. Sizing up the chromebooks That in turn opens and closes its blue as well. “I didn’t have to lean so much,” she Chromebit’s price hasn’t been set, Google says it will cost The new Surface model is thinner and lighter, partly Both the Hisense and Haier models have 11.6 inch and pink fingers - “my favorite colors,” she said of the difficulty of navigating and less than $100. Here’s what you need to know about the because it gets rid of the fan - similar to Apple’s new screens, 2 gigabits of memory and run on Rockchip noted with a smile - that she uses to grasp steering a bike with just one hand. —AP cheaper Surface Pro 3 and new Chromebooks: MacBook laptop. At 214 pixels per inch, the screen reso- processors. The Hisense machine promises up to 8.5 lution is comparable to the Pro 3’s. hours of battery power per charge while Haier is touting Pros and cons of the surface Battery life is promised at 10 hours for video play- up to 10 hours of power per charge on a battery that can Google Maps lets you play Pac-Man Graphic artists, engineers and finance professionals back. The Surface 3 runs the regular version of Windows be removed for easier replacement. —AP

WASHINGTON: Google’s mapping service alerts users that “it looks like Pac-Man can’t rolled out a gamefied version inspired by the play here.” classic Pac-Man, turning the real streets of a It was unclear how long the feature Recapturing the humanity in city into a labyrinth to gobble up pellets and would be available. ghosts. A Google spokeswoman said the Play on Google Maps was similar to that game was an early April Fool’s joke. It allows of the classic arcade game, with desktop the Internet’s birth, on stage users to play the game featuring the popular computer users manipulating the yellow character created in 1980 in select locations. Pac-Man character with keyboard keys to eat If there are not enough roads at a given up pellets, white ghosts and fruit while PALO ALTO: Is the Internet a force for public good, or “Without telling the audience what to think- technology during the Vietnam War. site, the game cannot be played, and Google avoiding colored ghosts. —AFP for social control? Or a bit of both? Such tensions, so because that’s never interesting-the goal is that when But even as the Pentagon encouraged early prevalent in today’s debates, were rife at the very they focus on Facebook or on privacy issues, they can research on the Internet, the scientists took their dawn of the computer age. Hoping to stimulate think about what this is all about and where it came inspiration instead from the 1960s California counter- debate about the future of technology, a new pro- from,” he said. culture. duction at Stanford University brings to stage the life Rouse sits in a tie at a desk to portray Engelbart in Footage of the 1968 demo exists thanks to cam- of Internet pioneer Doug Engelbart who envisioned a “The Demo,” turning the complete 1968 experiment- era footage by Stewart Brand, who edited the hippie more humanist role for computers. “The Demo,” an jargon and all-into a libretto in which Rouse sings to a bible Whole Earth Catalog. Engelbart himself dab- experimental opera, dramatizes the so-called “Mother whirl of electronic music and projected images. bled in LSD, according to “What the Dormouse Said,” of All Demos” in 1968 in which Engelhart’s team at Fellow composer Ben Neill plays the mutantrumpet, John Markoff’s book on the era on which “The Demo” Stanford set up some 65 kilometers (40 miles) of cable an electronic-infused version of the trumpet he is inspired. The opera offers hints of the era through to share a presentation with a conference on comput- invented, in the role of Engelbart’s assistant William sounds of protests and musical allusions to 1960s ers in San Francisco. English. psychedelia and West Coast jazz. But the heavy The 90-minute demonstration, which included beats are more reminiscent of Electronic Dance Engelbart sharing a grocery list from his wife, lay the • Contrast of cultures Music, transplanting “The Demo” to the present day. groundwork for the Internet, video conferencing and “The Demo” flashes back to past episodes from data cutting-and-pasting-and marked the invention Engelbart, who trained as a World War II navy radar • Asking questions through art of the computer mouse, a nomenclature for which technician. “The Demo” again comes back to 2015 through the scientist is heard apologizing. At a time when After Japan’s surrender, Engelbart spent a year in flashing images-of connectivity maps and tech com- computers were clunky number-crunching machines, the Philippines. He was transformed at a Red Cross panies-projected on the trusses of the concert hall. Engelbart — who died in 2013 — opened a path for library in Leyte where he read an article in Life maga- Rouse’s movements are projected overhead, and better known figures such as Apple’s Steve Jobs and zine about early US plans for computers. an entirely different set of characters resembling an Microsoft’s Bill Gates to develop the ever-expanding The young Engelbart discovered the goal that lat- office perform behind a transparent screen, in fur- This screen shot made Tuesday shows the Times Square area of New York in world of personal computers and gadgets. er became his motto at Stanford-how to use ther representations of the Internet. Pac-Man form on Google Maps. Google added the option to convert its pop- “It grounds you in where we are now. We really machines to extend the power of the human mind. Experimentation in form is encouraged by the ular navigation service into the Pac-Man video game in celebration of April tried to emulate the humanity that we saw in Yet the influences around him were complicated. The layout of Stanford’s Bing Concert Hall, whose 842 Engelbart,” said Mikel Rouse, the co-composer of “The Stanford Research Institute, with which he was affiliat- seats are arranged as a “vineyard” surrounding the Fools’ Day. —AP Demo” which premieres Wednesday evening. ed, faced heated protests for working on military stage. — AFP THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 HEALTH & SCIENCE

Medical providers can’t sue states over Medicaid funding: Court

WASHINGTON: The US Supreme Court on Medicaid is a federal health insurance The providers sued the state in 2009, silent regarding who may enforce federal the funds that pay for such services,” Tuesday ruled in a case from Idaho that pri- program for lower-income people that is accusing it of maintaining reimbursement laws in court,” Scalia wrote. Sotomayor added. vate medical providers that deliver residen- administered by the states. Idaho’s lawyers rates that were too low and did not keep up Scalia noted that the providers have The medical providers had noted that tial care services cannot sue a state in try to said that in order to receive Medicaid fund- with their rising costs for delivering medical another option: they can ask the federal similar litigation in other states, including raise Medicaid reimbursement rates to deal ing, they are required only to comply with care. government to intervene on their behalf. Illinois and Oklahoma, has been allowed with rising medical costs. the Medicaid Act and related regulations. Writing on behalf of the majority, Justice In a dissenting opinion, Justice Sonia ever since Medicaid was introduced in 1965. The justices, on a 5-4 vote, ruled in favor The case focused on rates for certain res- Antonin Scalia said that providers have no Sotomayor said the ruling would have “real The 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals ruled of the state of Idaho, which asserted that idential services. right to sue the state under what is known consequences” because previously when a in 2013 that the providers could sue. The medical providers have no legal recourse to State officials recommended increases in as the Supremacy Clause of the US state set rates too low, it could be held high court split along non-ideological lines. sue. The ruling is a loss for the healthcare reimbursement rates in the late 2000s but Constitution, which holds that federal law accountable by the providers directly affect- Liberal Justice Stephen Breyer joined four industry, with trade groups and the U.S. they were never implemented because the generally trumps state law. ed. The federal government’s only real conservatives in the majority. Conservative Chamber of Commerce backing the Idaho legislature declined to appropriate The clause “instructs courts what to do recourse is “through the drastic and often Anthony Kennedy joined the other liberals providers in the case. funds, according to court papers. when state and federal law clash, but is counterproductive measure of withholding in dissent. —Reuters

Fight to save Italy steelworks, where cancer trumps starving

TARANTO: As the main blast furnace at one of Tucked between two bays, the coastal city- Europe’s most polluted steelworks belches its last which is also home to a refinery owned by Italy’s toxic cloud, activist Fabio Matacchiera was the largest oil company, ENI, and a cement works-was only one there celebrating. accountable for 92 percent of the country’s dioxin In the impoverished city of Taranto, work that before the steel shutdown began. has provoked cancer is preferable to starving. The decision to keep Ilva smelting has been a “Seeing this monster shut down was really emo- controversial one: the company was put under tional, the city should have been here with cham- special administration in 2013, when the Riva pagne,” says Matacchiera, who has been fighting family that owned it was accused of failing to pre- for 25 years to close the Ilva factory that provides vent toxic emissions from polluting the city. work for around 16,000 people-and who has been Prosecutors in Taranto, who say such emis- threatened at gunpoint for his efforts. sions have caused at least 400 deaths, have Here, where red iron oxide dust from the facto- placed 50 people under investigation for corrup- ry stains balconies and tombstones, a full-scale tion and environmental damage in a case expect- struggle is under way between employees of ed to go to trial later this year. Europe’s biggest steelworks who rely on its opera- Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has promised to tion to put food on the table, and judges who clean up Ilva and sell it on, and locals cheer sup- have forced its partial closure on environmental port for one of the few large-scale employers in grounds. the area — where the jobless rate stands at 20.6 Blast Furnace Five will be offline for about a percent, well above the 12.7 percent national year while work is carried out to bring it into line average. with European regulations. But in the meantime But critics say the industry is in decline, and the mammoth plant, temporarily nationalised this warn the plant has had its day. month, continues to produce steel. China is the global heavyweight of steel pro- Nothing more than a fence separates the duction, churning out 779 million tonnes in 2013 smoking chimneys and the nearest houses-the compared with Italy’s 24.1 million tonnes, accord- closest just 200 metres away in the Tamburi quar- ing to the Italian steelworks federation. ter, where death notices are plastered on walls But anaemic growth has created a world-wide amid graffiti of gas masks and poison warnings. supply surplus and output is slowing, with pro- The barrier does little to stop minerals and car- duction in China down 4.7 percent last year. cinogenic dioxins from covering the city, where The decline will not erase the mark Ilva has child tumours are up 54 percent and the death already left on the area. A far cry from the region’s rate among under-14-year-olds is 21 percent high- famed golden beaches, olive groves and baroque er than in the surrounding Puglia region. towns, the plant’s huge red and white chimneys NEW DELHI: In this photograph taken on March 11, 2015, Ganga Kalshetty, 12, diagnosed with the early signs of leprosy, smiles in Matacchiera, 53, founder of the Anti-Dioxin dominate the landscape, its roaring furnaces a leprosy colony in New Delhi. The last decade has seen a worrying resurgence of leprosy in India, which now accounts for more Fund which raises money for research into the masking a dismal bill of health. than half of the 200,000 new cases reported worldwide every year. —AFP health consequences of Ilva, says tests have shown The company was declared insolvent in “even the milk of breastfeeding mothers is con- January with debts of 2.91 billion euros ($3.19 bil- taminated with toxins” from the plant. lion), and is hemorrhaging an estimated 80 mil- Stigma stalks India’s leprosy lion euros a month. ‘Like the Middle Ages’ But ex-workers like Vincenzo Pignatelli, 62, who Off-shore accounts smelted steel for 28 years before falling ill with Despite clean-up costs of an estimated five bil- sufferers as disease returns Leukaemia, insist the plant is all Taranto has. lion euros according to environmental agency “Four of my co-workers have died of the same Arpa Puglia, Renzi has promised just two billion disease. Even though my teeth are crumbling euros for Ilva-including a state loan and over one Chronic infectious disease that causes lesions on skin away and I may only live another four of five billion euros seized from the Riva family. years... I would get my son a job there because it’s Most of the Riva money is held by Swiss banks NEW DELHI: Ganga Kalshetty was just two years old one case per 10,000 people. documents, even if they have been cured. about survival. in offshore accounts, and the plant’s court- when India declared itself leprosy-free in 2005, giving That was achieved in India in 2005. But while the Employment is hard if not impossible to come by, “It’s like in the Middle Ages, either you die of appointed receiver Barbara Valenzano warns her family hope that she would be spared the disfig- national prevalence rate remains below the thresh- and for many begging is the only option. “The stigma hunger or hard work.” those funds may not be easily recovered. uring disease and its social stigma. old, some areas have now exceeded it. associated with the diseases is formidable,” said P.R. But the last decade has seen a worrying resur- In 2013-14, 126,913 new leprosy cases were Manglani of the Netherlands Leprosy Relief gence of leprosy in India, which now accounts for reported across the country, including 12,043 chil- Foundation, a charity that works with sufferers in Study finds equality between more than half of the 200,000 new cases reported dren, according to government figures. Delhi. worldwide every year. Delhi alone registered 1,145 cases, the figures “We go to slums and tell them interesting stories sexes at moment of conception Kalshetty lives in one of India’s dozens of informal showed. from mythology so that they know how to suspect NEW YORK: Every year, slightly more boy babies tists from Harvard and Oxford universities and “leper colonies”, where many of her relatives are the disease early and go for treatment.” than girl babies are born worldwide. elsewhere. afflicted with the disease. She has grown up sur- Social stigma The government has said it wants to eliminate But back when sperm meets egg, the two In general, around 105 boys are born for rounded by sufferers. Due to the social stigma that still surrounds the the disease from India completely in the next 10 sexes are conceived in equal numbers, a new every 100 girls worldwide. The imbalance, first Seven months ago her worst fears came true disease, thousands of sufferers often end up living in years, and has made it a formal priority that no chil- study suggests. That contradicts the idea found noticed centuries ago, is a natural phenomenon when she, too, was diagnosed with the disease. “I close proximity to each other in informal settlements dren should be left with visible deformities. in many textbooks and scientific articles that not due to selective abortion of girls in some don’t want to suffer like her,” the 12-year-old told AFP spread across the country that became known as males are in the majority at conception, areas. as she glanced at her grandmother’s clawed hands, a “leper colonies”. House-to-house searches researchers said. The study authors drew on a variety of hallmark of leprosy sufferers, at the family’s home in Poverty, poor sanitation and overcrowding mean India’s director general of health services Jagdish And it implies more females than males die sources for information on the male-female ratio New Delhi. that residents not already suffering are susceptible to Prasad said the biggest challenge was the incubation before birth, resulting in the excess of male throughout pregnancy, including abortions, Leprosy, a chronic infectious disease that causes the disease. period of up to 20 years, which makes the disease births, says Steven Orzack, a study author. genetic sampling of fetuses in the womb, and lesions on the skin and attacks nerves in the hands Shiv Shankar Tiwari is a former leprosy sufferer hard to detect. “We don’t have good information on the fetal deaths. and feet, can be cured. But if left untreated it leaves who lives in a ramshackle mud and brick house in “Now our strategy is to search house-to-house, cause of this difference,” he said. The work, To estimate the sex ratio at conception, they deformities that mark the sufferer out. the Delhi colony. The 55-year-old was devastated treat the patients and give one dose of preventive released Monday by the Proceedings of the examined data on nearly 140,000 embryos that C.M. Agrawal, who heads the Indian govern- when three of his six sons were diagnosed with the medication to each of their family members,” he told National Academy of Sciences, also estimates had been routinely screened at fertility clinics in ment’s leprosy programme, said the number of disease. Two went on to develop disabilities because AFP. the ratio of males to females at various points in the United States and elsewhere for genetic children being diagnosed with the disease was they stopped their treatment. “That’s how the Western world got rid of leprosy.” pregnancy. It finds a see-sawing pattern over problems. worrying. “We didn’t know how important it was to keep The WHO has been helping the Indian government that time in which sex is more prone to die in the The embryos were 3 to 6 days old. Analysis “Because we declared India to be leprosy-free taking the medicines,” said Tiwari, his voice choked plug the loopholes in its anti-leprosy programme. womb, as various genetic influences take their concluded that by that point, the sex breakdown in 2005, it led to complacency. Other diseases took with emotion. “There is a very serious commitment to get leprosy toll.”We’re gaining fundamental new insights in was virtually 50-50. So extrapolating backward, priority,” he told AFP. “The reporting of child cases If it is caught early and treated with a combina- eliminated at the state and the district level,” WHO the biology of humans in the first nine months “the best evidence we have is that the sex ratio suggests active and recent transmissions.” India tion of drugs, leprosy ceases to be contagious and India representative Nata Menabde said. of life,” Orzack said. That biology “unfolds differ- at conception is even,” Orzack said. stopped conducting door-to-door searches for can be cured in six to 12 months. But for Kalshetty, who already bears early signs of ently, starting soon after conception, between The fertility-clinic data provide the best avail- suspected patients 10 years ago, a move Agrawal But sufferers were once forced to ring bells to the disease in the form of a faint white patch on her boys and girls,” he said. able stand-in for what happens in natural con- believes exposed families to the risk of new infec- alert others to stay away as they passed by, and cen- arm, that commitment has come too late. Orzack is president of the nonprofit Fresh ception, the authors said; their analysis shows tions. The World Health Organization allows gov- turies later, they still face severe prejudice. Many “No matter what happens, my school friends will Pond Research Institute in Cambridge, those two ways of conceiving produce identical ernments to declare that leprosy is no longer a states in India have laws barring leprosy sufferers always think of me as the girl from the leprosy colony,” Massachusetts. He reports the work with scien- sex ratios for babies at birth. —AP public health risk if the prevalence rate falls below from obtaining a driver’s licence and other routine she said. “I will never be normal again.” —AFP Probe sees link between semen quality, pesticides

PARIS: Higher levels of pesticide residue in The data factored in whether the items In addition, the pesticide residues were fruit and vegetables are associated with lower had been peeled and washed before being estimated rather than actually measured in quality of semen, according to a study pub- eaten. the lab, and it was not known whether the lished yesterday. Men who had the greatest consumption of fruit and vegetables that were consumed Its authors said the research was only an high-category fruit and vegetables had a total were conventionally-grown or organic. early step in what should be a much wider sperm count of 86 million sperm per ejacu- “These findings should not discourage the investigation. late. This was 49 percent less than men who consumption of fruit and vegetables in gener- In a first recommendation, they urged men ate the least. They had a sperm count of 171 al,” said Jorge Chavarro, assistant professor of not to stop eating fruit and veg, and pointed million per ejaculate. Nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of to organically-grown food, or food that is low In addition, men with the lowest pesticide Public Health in Boston, who co-led the study. in pesticides, as options for lowering any residue intake had an average of 7.5 percent “In fact, we found that total intake of fruit apparent risk. of normally-formed sperm-but this tally was and vegetables was completely unrelated to The US team analysed 338 semen samples nearly a third lower, at 5.1 percent, among semen quality. from 155 men attending a fertility centre those who had the highest intake. “This suggests that implementing strate- between 2007 and 2012. There were no significant differences gies specifically targeted at avoiding pesticide The volunteers were aged between 18 and between the low-and moderate-residue residues, such as consuming organically- 55, had not had a vasectomy, and were part of groups. grown produce or avoiding produce known a couple planning to use their own eggs and “To our knowledge, this is the first report to have large amounts of residues, may be the sperm for fertility treatment. on the consumption of fruit and vegetables way to go.” The men were asked to fill out a question- with high levels of pesticide residue in rela- Outside commentators said the research naire about their diet, asking them how often, tion to semen quality,” said the study, pub- was interesting but limited. Further work was on average, they consumed portions of fruit lished in the journal Human Reproduction. needed to confirm the findings, and see if and vegetables. “These findings suggest that exposure to they applied beyond this small group of men. These portions were then placed into cate- pesticides used in agricultural production “This paper may cause unnecessary worry,” gories of being low, moderate or high in pes- through diet may be sufficient to affect sper- said Jackson Kirkman-Brown of the ticide residues, on the basis of US Department matogenesis in humans.” Birmingham Women’s Fertility Centre in cen- LEGNICA: Polish doctor Wojciech Kowalik examines premature baby Kamil of Agriculture data. The study acknowledged limitations: men tral England. Peas, beans, grapefruit and onions, for attending fertility clinics are prone to having “Men wishing to optimise their sperm Wawruch at the Legnica Hospital in Legnica, Poland, on March 26, 2015, where he instance, fell into the low category, whereas semen quality problems, and the diet in this quality should still eat a healthy balanced diet was rescued through a renal transplantation. Wawruch is the youngest human in peppers, spinach, strawberries, apples and case was assessed only once and could have until more data is available,” he told Britain’s the world living with an artificial kidney, according to his Polish doctors. —AFP pears were in the high category. changed over time. Science Media Centre. —AFP THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 HEALTH & SCIENCE Latin America divided between oil and green energy

MONTEVIDEO: Latin America spends billions of among the grazing cows in its vast stretches of less than 0.5 percent of our electricity” from solar, He said those three countries, together with dollars subsidizing fossil fuels each year, but also unbroken fields to take advantage of the gales that he said. Argentina, spent around $40 billion subsidizing fos- has some of the world’s largest renewable power often sweep the plains. Obstacles, resistance sil fuels in 2013. programs, highlighting the energy-hungry region’s Other countries are making similar bets. Chile The future energy mix is a high-stakes issue for a That “is basically twice what was invested in divisions as it charts its future. has inaugurated several solar energy projects in region that made massive gains against poverty renewable energy across the entire continent that Exhibit A is Venezuela, estimated to have the recent years and is at work on a massive solar park. during its economic boom in the 2000s, but remains year,” he said. And oil and gas producers are resist- biggest oil reserves on Earth, where drivers can fill Mexico and Brazil have also invested heavily in the most unequal in the world and desperately ant to change. their gas tanks for about $1. wind power. needs to reboot growth. Researchers forecast elec- A source close to one of the governments said Exhibit B is Uruguay, which has one of the most In December, environmental group WWF tricity demand will double by 2030. there were “tensions” across the region between advanced wind-energy programs anywhere and declared Latin America the leading region in the “This puts pressure on the energy system, mak- countries backing renewables and “a group led by was generating 96 percent of its electricity with world on renewable energy, naming five top per- ing energy a challenge for the region,”said Gerard Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentina and Ecuador.” renewables at the end of last year. formers: Costa Rica-on its way to becoming “the Alleng, climate change specialist at the Inter- “We’re in the process of drafting an energy treaty With electricity demand projected to double in first Latin American country with 100 percent American Development Bank (IDB) in Washington. for UNASUR (the South American regional bloc), but the next 15 years, the region is split between coun- renewable electricity”-Brazil, Chile, Mexico and “But it also provides an opportunity in terms of a we can’t get past the table of contents because we tries devouring their rich oil, gas and coal deposits Uruguay. long-term perspective when it comes to renewable have completely different views,” said the source. and those banking on green energy. “From 2002 to 2012, electricity generated by energy.” The IDB predicts the region’s bright sun and Even star pupil Uruguay announced in January “It’s true it’s a region with a lot of oil and natural wind increased an average of 26 percent worldwide. strong winds could cover more than 20 percent of that it had found potential crude deposits off its gas, but a lot of countries don’t have any,” said In South America, it increased 51 percent, and in Latin America’s electricity demand by 2050. coast. Uruguay’s former national energy director Ramon Central America 42 percent,” said Tabare Arroyo But obstacles remain, including what the WWF “Yes, of course, we’re looking for oil,” said ex- Mendez, who stepped down from the post in Curras, a WWF energy specialist based in Mexico. calls “perverse subsidies for fossil fuels.” energy boss Mendez. February. Some 20 Latin American countries offer incen- “The countries where it’s very complicated for Even if the country manages to go fully renew- “In Uruguay, we don’t have oil, or gas, or coal.” tives for green power producers. But there is room renewables to make inroads are Bolivia, Peru and able for its electricity grid, it will still need fuel for That has pushed the small country of 3.3 million for improvement, Arroyo Curras said. “In solar ener- Ecuador, which have subsidies for fossil fuels,” said transportation, he said. “It’s a question of sur- people to go green, plopping windmills down gy, we haven’t made much effort.... We generate Arroyo Curras. vival.” —AFP

EU farmers welcome Cancer-fighting pink pineapples, end of milk quotas, others fearful heart-healthy purple tomatoes LONDON: European Union milk quotas were lifted yesterday after more than 30 years, creating expansion opportunities for some dairy farmers while potentially Next-generation GMOs threatening the livelihood of others. Farming groups in top producer Germany and key exporter Ireland welcomed the lifting of the quotas WASHINGTON: Cancer-fighting pink pineapples, heart-healthy or made into popular processed food ingredients like corn spots, a benefit not only for farmers seeking higher yields but which were first introduced in 1984 to cope with infa- purple tomatoes and less fatty vegetable oils may someday be starch, soybean oil or high fructose corn syrup. The engineered also for consumers who wouldn’t have to soak them before mous milk lakes and butter mountains as EU supplies on grocery shelves alongside more traditional products. corn and soybeans have faced resistance from environmental preparation. far outstripped demand. These genetically engineered foods could receive govern- groups and some consumers who are wary of the technology, British scientist Cathie Martin has developed the modified But a vigil was held by some other dairy farmers ment approval in the coming years, following the OK given saying not enough is known about it. While science has so far purple tomatoes and hopes to eventually sell them as a juice in outside the European Parliament in Brussels on recently given to apples that don’t brown and potatoes that shown that genetically engineered foods are safe, the groups the United States. She says some of those same health-con- Tuesday, lighting a “warning fire” and holding funeral don’t bruise. have called for the labeling so consumers know what they are scious consumers that have concerns over GMOs should be march. The companies and scientists that have created these foods eating. According to a December Associated Press-GfK poll, attracted to a product with potential to help lower the risk of The EU regime included individual and national are hoping that customers will be attracted to the health bene- two-thirds of Americans favor those labels. cancer. “This product has been designed to be good for them,” production quotas. If any producer exceeded their fits and convenience and overlook any concerns about genetic Facing that concern, companies developing the new prod- Martin says. quota then they had to pay a levy although this was engineering. only applied if the national quota was also exceeded. “I think once people see more of the benefits they will The system of quotas, and the threat of levy, helped to become more accepting of the technology,” says Michael Firko, cap the expansion of EU production. who oversees the Agriculture Department’s regulation of The European Milk Board, a federation of dairy genetically modified organisms, or GMOs. Critics aren’t so sure. farmers with member organisations from 13 countries, They say there should be more thorough regulation of modi- said it was likely that the market would not be able to fied foods, which are grown from seeds engineered in labs, and cope with significantly expanded production in a rea- have called for mandatory labeling of those foods. The sonable way. Agriculture Department has the authority to oversee plant “Chronic price collapses are inevitable, the next cri- health of GMOs, and seeking Food and Drug Administration’s sis is on its way,” EMB president Romuald Schaber said. safety approval is generally voluntary. “Many of these things Germany’s national farmers’ association DBV, however, can be done through traditional breeding,” says Doug Gurian- welcomed the end of quotas. Sherman of the advocacy group Center for Food Safety. “There “Milk producers will be freed from the costs of the needs to be skepticism.” quota,” the DBV said in a statement. “In the period of What could be coming next? Del Monte has engineered a the quota, German farmers had to shoulder an esti- pink pineapple that includes lycopene, an antioxidant com- mated 15 billion euros in costs for levies, purchasing of pound that gives tomatoes their red color and may have a role quotas and quota fees,” the DBV said. in preventing cancer. USDA has approved importation of the “The end of quotas brings more freedom for com- pineapple, which would be grown only outside of the United mercial decision-making about how much milk to pro- States; it is pending FDA approval. A small British company is duce, gives more responsibility for developing your planning to apply for U.S. permission to produce and sell purple own farming company but also more fluctuations in tomatoes that have high levels of anthocyanins, compounds milk prices.” found in blueberries that some studies show lower the risk of A study by the Irish Farmers Association (IFA) esti- cardiovascular disease and cancer. FDA would have to approve mated the ending of quotas would create 9,500 extra any health claims used to sell the products. jobs in Ireland, and upwards of 1.3 billion euros annual additional export revenue. Non-browning apples This image provided by The John Innes Centre, UK, shows a salad made with red and purple tomatoes. A small “Facts would suggest that Irish dairy farmers are Seed giants Monsanto and Dow AgroSciences are sepa- British company is planning to apply for US permission to produce and sell purple tomatoes that have high well placed to capitalise on the end of quotas, and in rately developing modified soybean, canola and sunflower levels of anthocyanins, compounds found in blueberries that some studies show lower the risk of cardiovas- so doing help develop the dairy and agribusiness sec- oils with fewer saturated fats and more Omega-3 fatty acids. cular disease and cancer. —AP tor with major increases in direct and indirect employ- The Florida citrus company Southern Gardens is using a ment,” IFA National Dairy Committee chairman Sean spinach gene to develop genetically engineered orange trees O’Leary said. that could potentially resist citrus greening disease, which is ucts say their strategy for winning over consumers is to har- Retailers are still uncertain. McDonald’s buys Simplot’s con- The European Dairy Association, which represents devastating the Florida orange crop. Okanagan Specialty ness the increased interest in healthy eating. ventional potato products, but said the company does not milk processors, also backed the change. Fruits Inc., the company that created the non-browning “This is a new wave of crops that have both grower benefits have “current plans” to source any GMO potatoes. Other retail “It goes without saying that the end of the quota apples, is also looking at genetically engineering peaches, and consumer benefits,” says Doug Cole of J.R. Simplot, the chains have already pledged not to sell a genetically engi- will lower the administrative burden on all levels. This cherries and apples to resist disease and improve quality. company that developed the potatoes. Many modified types neered salmon that is pending approval at the Food and Drug will naturally further enhance the competitiveness of A few genetically engineered fruits and vegetables are of corn and soybeans are engineered to resist herbicides, a Administration. Cathleen Enright of the Biotechnology Industry the whole sector,” EDA Secretary General Alexander already available in grocery stores: Hawaiian papaya, some benefit for growers trying to control weeds but of little use for Organization says the industry worries that opposition from Anton said. —Reuters zucchini and squash, and a small amount of the sweet corn we the consumer. advocacy groups will slow development. “At the end of the day, eat, for example. But the bulk of the nation’s genetically engi- Fewer black spots the marketplace is going to determine what is going to suc- neered crops are corn and soybeans that are eaten by livestock Simplot’s potatoes are engineered to have fewer black ceed,” Enright said. —AP WHAT’S ON THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015

ABS beach clean up

es, I am Green,” was the slogan for the Equate beach clean-up that importance of youth in making change happen. Each school was assigned to the ABS National Honor Society students partook in on Sunday, a station along Green Island and was responsible for cleaning their given “YMarch 8. The NHS students collaborated with Equate, K’s Path and area. We found everything from t-shirts to gas cans. There is still much work a number of other schools from around the city to raise awareness about the to do, and the struggle to keep the environment clean will be an ongoing environmental risks of litter and pollution. The event took place at Green battle that continues for the foreseeable future, but every bit of effort makes Island and began with a short briefing about pollution in Kuwait and the a difference.

FAIPS- KG celebrates Graduation Day!!

he mesmerizing evenings of 11th& 12th March ‘15 wit- collection ofhandpicked rhymes. The cheerful expressions nessed a grand graduation ceremony of FAIPS and the poised movements of these students got them a TKindergarten’s UKG Batch (2014-15).The backdrop was huge applause from the proud parents. And then the little an undeniable amalgamation of the wide range of fanciful wonders made their debut attempt at a North- Eastern - ideas of the kinder world , the rendition of instrumental FUSION dance which set the stage into a rhythmic frenzy music and the young hearts of the happy and contented chil- through their graceful moves. The spellbound audience gave dren were the “Reflections of joy”! a thunderous applausefor their synchronized steps and the In keeping with the Kindergarten tradition, the masters of creative props!!! Next came the energy packedperformers the ceremony were the 5 year olds- the Ukg students who bouncingonShakira’stune as they performed on the roaring began the show by exhibiting their well- honed oratory skills. “FIFA WORLD CUP” Song.The next act had completely tapped And then the nostalgia began on an auspicious note with the the dramatic and dancing ability of our tiny Salman Khans lighting of the traditional lamp by the honorable Principal who setthe stage ablazewhistling away on the tunes of Mrs. AnjuDheman,Vice Principal Mr. Ravi Ayanoli, the Chief “Pandeyji . Last but not the least, the hindidance troupe cap- Guests Mrs. Goel , Mrs. Kabra, Mrs. VasudaMalhotra, Mr. tivated the hearts of one and all with the very popular SunojNambiar, and the KG Headmistress Mrs. SangeetaBawa “London thumakda”.Theenthrallingeveningcame to an end . when the tiny tots of UKG did the graduation march adorn- And then the magic began, the UKG choir began the ing their elegant gowns to receive their respective certifi- show with a beautiful welcome song followed by a unique cates. LPO graduates first Quality Management Diploma batch

n continuation of the Life Principles Organization (LPO)’s communal services, ILPO celebrated the graduation of the first batch of trainees in its Quality Management Diploma Course on March 23, 2015 at ACK theatre, Mishref. The celebration was mainly dedicated to lecturer and Quality Management Consultant, Dr Mohammed Rabee’ Al-Shaikh who highly praised trainees’ performance. Speaking on the occasion, the head of LPO’s development and training unit, Wael Asfour talked about the role his unit played in terms of organizing the course. Last but not least, LPO president, Dr. Ahmed Sameer stressed that LPO had come a long way since it began as an idea until it became a tangible fact firm with ambitions to exceed local boundaries to international ones. Concluding the ceremony, graduating trainees wee all honored and awarded the Quality Management Diploma certificate to act as LPO advocates. WHAT’S ON THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015

A month full of surprises at The Regency Hotel this April

s the visitors of The Regency - The leading 5 star with an elegant comfortable interior. During the day of hotel in Kuwait - are used to the constant tanning, relaxation and swimming ladies can enjoy an Aimprovement in the hotel’s offers and the consis- extensive healthy menu of lights snacks and refreshing tent changes to reach the highest points of satisfaction, cool drinks. April delivers wonderful news to The Regency’s female The Regency introduces exciting new ideas at Silk Road guests as The Ladies Lounge will be opening for the 2015 during the month of April for visitors to explore different Summer Season on Saturday April 4th, 2015 daily from delicious dishes. The restaurant offers “The Corner’s Chef!” a 8:00am until 7:00pm. The Ladies Lounge provides its weekly highlight of our chef’s favorite dishes, it includes; female members a sanctuary with an outdoor swimming Pasta Al Dente Corner, Hot Fatayer Corner, The Lite Corner pool, plunge pool, secluded beach and an indoor lounge and Taste of Tandoor Corner. Songs from KPFA celebrates jointly National around Days of Kuwait and Pakistan the world akistan Friendship Association (KPFA) recently cele- KNES Choir concert brated jointly the National Days of Kuwait & Pakistan Pat the Crown Plaza Hotel. Beside many Pakistanis and n 22nd March 2015, the Choir pupils of the Ambassador of Pakistan Aslam Khan, the event was Kuwait National English School, conducted attended by many prominent Kuwaitis that includes, the by Adriana Cherciu, had an outstanding Head of Red Crescent Kuwait, Hilal Al Sayer. Member and O Under Secretary for council of ministries - Najla Al Naki, performance for International Day. The theme of the musical was internationalism, where students Chairman Marafie Foundation - Abdul Ilah Marafie, Dr. sang beautiful songs from around the world. The Mohammad Al Sharhan, Jamal Al Noon, Abdul Rehman Al message of unity, friendship and global citizenship Saqr. Fatimah Al Rasheedi and KPFA Chief Patron - Mubarak which is part of our Schools Mission Statement was Sadoun Al Mutawa. highlighted. The KNES Choir captivated the audi- The event was started with the recitation of Holy Quran ence with their amazing performance of songs, followed by National anthems and cake cutting ceremony. instruments and dance. The number of parents that Speakers that includes Ambassador Aslam Khan, attended was incredible and they have been Mubarak Sadoun Al Mutawa. Dr Saeed Khan, Najla Al Naki, immensely supportive of the children and the Abdul Ilah Marafie and Fatimah Al Rasheedi lauded the Choir. relations between Kuwait and Pakistan and the efforts of After the event many parents commented that KPFA for bringing together the two brotherly nations by they couldn’t believe how great the children were organizing such events. They also appealed to the Kuwait and how well they have progressed with their per- Government to review its visa ban on Pakistanis by giving forming since being part of the Choir and they look them relaxation so they can bring their families and rela- forward to many more concerts in the future. tives on visit visas. At the end President of KPFA, Rana Ijaz thanked all the guests for attending the event and spoke highly of Kuwait & Pakistan relations. Special prayers were offered for well- being of two countries and its people.

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South African Embassy n the occasion of Easter Sunday and Family Day, the South African Embassy Owill be closed Sunday, 5 April and Monday, 6 April 2015. The Embassy will resume its normal working hours Tuesday, 7 April 2015. Please note that the working hours will be from 8h00 to 16h00 and the Consular Section operation hours will from 8h30 to 12h30.

LPO members and president, Dr. Ahmed Sameer recently paid a visit to Farah Specialist Center for the Care and Rehabilitation of the Elderly (one of MSAL geriatric home facilities) where they spent time with senior citizens receiving care there. THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 TV PROGRAMS

00:45 Waking The Dead 00:20 Fast N’ Loud = 00:30 Guy’s Big Bite 01:40 Eastenders 01:10 Chaos Caught On Camera 00:00 Violetta 01:00 Chopped 02:05 Doctors 01:35 Chaos Caught On Camera 00:45 The Hive 02:00 Food Network Challenge 02:35 Being Erica 02:00 What Happened Next? 00:50 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 03:00 Guy’s Big Bite 03:20 Spooks 02:25 What Happened Next? Teenage Witch 03:30 Rachael vs. Guy: Celebrity 04:15 The Weakest Link 02:50 Man vs Expert 01:15 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Cook Off 05:00 Teletubbies 03:40 Storage Hunters Teenage Witch 04:30 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 05:25 Show Me Show Me 04:05 Garage Gold 01:40 Wolfblood 05:00 Chopped 05:45 Boogie Beebies 04:30 Storage Wars Canada 02:05 Wolfblood 06:00 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 06:00 Charlie And Lola 05:00 How It’s Made 02:30 Violetta 06:30 Siba’s Table 06:10 Teletubbies 05:30 How It’s Made 03:15 The Hive 07:00 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 06:35 Show Me Show Me 06:00 Yukon Men 03:20 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 07:30 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 06:55 Boogie Beebies 06:50 Wheeler Dealers Teenage Witch 08:00 Chopped 07:10 The Weakest Link 07:40 Fast N’ Loud 03:45 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 09:00 Barefoot Contessa - Back To 08:00 The Old Guys 08:30 Storage Hunters Teenage Witch Basics 08:30 My Hero 08:55 Garage Gold 04:10 Wolfblood 09:30 Farm Kings 09:00 Eastenders 09:20 Storage Wars Canada 04:35 Wolfblood 10:30 The Big Eat... 09:30 Doctors 09:45 How It’s Made 05:00 Violetta 11:00 Mexican Made Easy 10:00 Being Erica 10:10 How It’s Made 05:45 The Hive 11:30 Chopped 10:45 Getting On 10:35 Chaos Caught On Camera 05:50 Mouk 12:30 Siba’s Table 11:20 The Weakest Link 11:00 Chaos Caught On Camera 06:00 Dog With A Blog 13:00 Guy’s Big Bite 12:05 The Old Guys 11:25 What Happened Next? 06:25 Binny And The Ghost 13:30 Guy’s Big Bite 12:35 My Hero 11:50 What Happened Next? 06:50 Girl Meets World 14:00 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 13:05 Eastenders 12:15 Man vs Expert 07:15 H2O: Just Add Water 14:30 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 13:35 Doctors 13:05 Storage Hunters 07:40 Jessie 15:00 Guy’s Grocery Games 14:05 Being Erica 13:30 Garage Gold 08:05 Wizards Of Waverly Place 16:00 Chopped 14:50 Getting On 13:55 Storage Wars Canada 08:30 Austin & Ally 17:00 Guy’s Big Bite 15:20 The Old Guys 14:20 Yukon Men 08:55 Dog With A Blog 17:30 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 15:55 My Hero 15:10 Wheeler Dealers 09:20 Binny And The Ghost 18:00 Siba’s Table 16:25 The Weakest Link 16:00 Fast N’ Loud 09:45 Girl Meets World 18:30 The Big Eat... 17:10 Eastenders 16:50 How It’s Made 10:10 Liv And Maddie 19:00 Chopped 17:40 Doctors 17:15 How It’s Made 10:35 The Suite Life Movie 20:00 Guy’s Grocery Games 18:10 Hitler On Trial: The Story 17:40 Dive Wars Australia 11:50 Sofia The First 21:00 Best In Chow Behind The Film 18:30 Street Outlaws 12:15 Sofia The First 21:30 Best In Chow 19:00 My Hero 19:20 American Muscle 12:40 The Adventures Of Disney 22:00 Siba’s Table: Fast Feasts 19:30 Twenty Twelve 20:10 Dukes Of Haggle Fairies 22:30 Siba’s Table 20:00 Stella 20:35 Storage Wars Canada 13:05 Good Luck Charlie 23:00 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 20:45 Waking The Dead 21:00 Street Outlaws 13:30 Dog With A Blog 23:30 Chopped 21:40 Waking The Dead 21:50 American Muscle 13:55 Gravity Falls 22:30 The Old Guys 22:40 American Muscle 14:20 H2O: Just Add Water 23:00 Silent Witness 23:30 Dive Wars Australia 14:55 Liv And Maddie 15:20 Binny And The Ghost 15:45 Girl Meets World 16:10 Violetta 00:35 Midsomer Murders 17:00 Dog With A Blog 02:00 Emmerdale 17:25 Binny And The Ghost 02:25 Emmerdale 17:50 Hank Zipzer 02:55 Coronation Street 00:05 How It’s Made 18:15 Jessie 00:15 Bill’s Kitchen: Notting Hill 03:25 Kate Middleton: Heir We Go 00:30 Close Encounters 18:40 Liv And Maddie 00:40 Sweet Baby James Again! 00:55 Close Encounters 19:05 H2O: Just Add Water 01:05 Masterchef: The 04:20 Mr Selfridge 19:30 Violetta Professionals 01:20 Through The Wormhole With 05:15 The Chase 20:20 Binny And The Ghost 01:55 Bargain Hunt Morgan Freeman 06:00 Midsomer Murders 20:45 H2O: Just Add Water 02:50 Come Dine With Me 02:10 How Do They Do It? 07:30 Kate Middleton: Heir We Go 21:10 Austin & Ally 03:15 The Hairy Bikers USA 02:35 How Do They Do It? Again! 21:35 Jessie 03:40 Kirstie’s Fill Your House For 03:00 Food Factory 08:25 Mr Selfridge 22:00 Gravity Falls Free 03:24 Food Factory 09:20 Coach Trip 22:25 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 04:25 Tareq Taylor’s Nordic 03:48 Strangest Weather On Earth 09:45 Coach Trip Teenage Witch Cookery 04:12 Strangest Weather On Earth 10:15 May The Best House Win 22:50 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 04:50 Bill’s Kitchen: Notting Hill 11:10 Emmerdale 04:36 Strangest Weather On Earth Teenage Witch 05:15 Masterchef: The 11:35 Emmerdale 05:24 Prank Science 23:10 Wolfblood Professionals 12:00 Coronation Street 05:48 How Tech Works 23:35 Wolfblood 06:10 Bargain Hunt 12:30 The Chase 07:00 Bargain Hunt 06:12 Food Factory 06:36 How Do They Do It? 13:15 May The Best House Win 07:50 Come Dine With Me 14:05 Midsomer Murders 08:15 Kirstie’s Fill Your House For 07:00 Prank Science 07:25 How Tech Works 15:35 Martin Clunes: Heavy Free Horsepower 07:50 The Science Of Star Wars 09:05 Tareq Taylor’s Nordic 16:30 The Chase: Celebrity Cookery 08:40 Food Factory 00:00 House Of DVF 00:55 Extreme Close-Up Specials 09:35 Bill’s Kitchen: Notting Hill 09:05 How It’s Made 01:25 Keeping Up With The 17:25 Tricked 10:00 Extreme Makeover: Home 09:30 Strangest Weather On Earth 18:20 The Chase Edition Kardashians 09:55 Strangest Weather On Earth 02:20 E! News 19:10 Coronation Street 10:40 Masterchef: The 10:20 Strangest Weather On Earth 19:35 Martin Clunes: Heavy Professionals 03:15 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 11:10 How Do They Do It? 03:40 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills Horsepower 11:35 Bargain Hunt 11:35 How Do They Do It? 20:30 The Chase: Celebrity 12:25 Come Dine With Me 04:10 THS 12:00 Prank Science 05:05 THS Specials 12:50 Kirstie’s Fill Your House For 12:25 Gadget Show - World Tour 21:25 Tricked Free 06:00 Keeping Up With The 12:50 The Science Of Star Wars Kardashians 22:20 Coronation Street 13:40 Tareq Taylor’s Nordic 22:50 Emmerdale Hunt To Kill ON OSN MOVIES ACTION HD Cookery 13:40 Food Factory 06:55 Keeping Up With The 14:05 How It’s Made Kardashians 23:15 Emmerdale 14:10 Bill’s Kitchen: Notting Hill 23:45 May The Best House Win 10:00 Apocalypse World War I 10:30 Coronation Street 14:35 Extreme Makeover: Home 14:30 Strangest Weather On Earth 07:50 Style Star 08:20 E! News 11:00 World’s Deadliest Animals 12:00 Sleepy Hollow Edition 14:55 Strangest Weather On Earth 12:00 Dogtown 13:00 The Fosters 15:15 Masterchef: The 15:20 Strangest Weather On Earth 09:15 Giuliana & Bill 10:15 Giuliana & Bill 13:00 Situation Critical 14:00 Live Good Morning America 01:00 Snowpiercer-PG15 Professionals 16:10 How Do They Do It? 14:00 Is It Real? 16:00 Parenthood 18:00 ICC World Cup H/L : 1ST 16:10 Bargain Hunt 16:35 How Do They Do It? 11:10 House Of DVF 03:00 A Family Reunion-PG15 12:05 E! News 15:00 Brave New World 17:00 Sleepy Hollow Semi Final 17:05 Come Dine With Me 17:00 Through The Wormhole With 05:00 Horizon-PG15 13:05 Extreme Close-Up 16:00 Big, Bigger, Biggest 18:00 The Fosters 07:00 Maladies-PG15 19:00 ICC World Cup H/L : 2ND 17:30 Kirstie’s Fill Your House For Morgan Freeman 17:00 America’s Lost Treasures 19:00 Parenthood Semi Final Free 13:35 THS 09:00 Heaven Is For Real-PG 17:50 How It’s Made 14:30 Style Star 00:00 Brave New World 18:00 Bob Ballard Specials 20:00 Sleepy Hollow 11:00 Philomena-PG15 20:00 ICC World Cup H/L: Final 18:15 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 18:15 How It’s Made 01:00 Convoy: War For The Atlantic 19:00 Brave New World 21:00 The Fosters 21:00 ICC Cricket 360 19:00 Michela’s Classic Italian 15:00 Kourtney And Khloe Take 13:00 Between Us-PG15 18:40 Food Factory The Hamptons 02:00 Apocalypse World War I 20:00 Big, Bigger, Biggest 22:00 Grimm 14:45 Beast Of The Bering Sea 21:30 ICC World Cup H/L: NZ v 19:30 The Little Paris Kitchen 19:05 Food Factory 03:00 Mammoth: Back from Dead 21:00 America’s Lost Treasures 23:00 The Strain AUS 19:55 Tareq Taylor’s Nordic 16:00 Kourtney And Khloe Take 16:30 Heaven Is For Real-PG 19:30 Rise Of The Machines The Hamptons 04:00 Jurassic C.S.I. 22:00 Bob Ballard Specials 18:15 The Hobbit: The Desolation Cookery 20:20 Rise Of The Machines 05:00 Science of Stupid 23:00 World’s Deadliest Animals 20:25 Masterchef: The 17:00 Christina Milian Turned Up Of Smaug-PG 21:10 How Do They Do It? 05:30 Science of Stupid Professionals 17:30 Christina Milian Turned Up 21:00 Paranoia-PG15 21:35 How Do They Do It? 18:00 E! News 06:00 Clash Of The Continents 23:00 Rush-18 21:20 Bargain Hunt 07:00 Animal Mega Moves 22:00 Rise Of The Machines 19:00 THS 00:00 22 Bullets 22:10 Come Dine With Me 08:00 Brave New World 22:35 Nigel Slater’s Simple 22:50 Rise Of The Machines 20:00 House Of DVF 02:00 Bad Country 21:00 House Of DVF 09:00 Convoy: War For The Atlantic 04:00 Hellboy: Blood & Iron Cooking 23:40 How It’s Made 00:45 Extraordinary Pregnancies 00:30 The Daily Show With Jon 06:00 Street Fighter 01:35 Extreme Couponing All-Stars Stewart 08:00 Terminal Velocity 02:00 Mob Wives 01:00 Hot In Cleveland 10:00 Snake Eyes 01:00 Luke And Lucy: The Texas 02:50 Say Yes To The Dress – 01:30 Mixology 12:00 Hellboy: Sword Of Storms Rangers Bridesmaids 02:00 Mixology 14:00 Street Fighter 02:45 Zambezia 03:15 Little People, Big World 02:30 South Park 16:00 The Package 04:30 Escape From Planet Earth 03:40 Ballroom Blitz 03:00 Community 18:00 Hunt To Kill 06:00 Barbie As The Island 04:30 Cake Boss 03:30 Baby Daddy 20:00 Terminal Velocity Princess 05:00 Sister Wives 04:00 Two And A Half Men 22:00 Mission To Mars 04:30 The Tonight Show Starring 08:00 Pim And Pom: The Big 06:00 17 Kids And Counting Jimmy Fallon Adventure 06:25 Jo Frost’s Family SOS 05:30 My Name Is Earl 10:00 Casper’s Scare School 07:15 Say Yes To The Dress – 06:00 Til Death 11:30 Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears A Bridesmaids 06:30 My Boys Who 07:40 Little People, Big World 07:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 00:00 Bad Country-18 13:00 Zambezia 08:05 Kate Plus 8 08:00 Two And A Half Men 02:00 Hellboy: Blood & Iron-PG15 14:30 Los Campeones De LA 08:55 Say Yes To The Dress: The 08:30 My Name Is Earl 04:00 Street Fighter-PG15 Lucha Libre Big Day (Specials) 09:00 Community 06:00 Terminal Velocity-PG15 16:00 Barbie In The 12 Dancing 09:45 Cake Boss 09:30 Modern Family 08:00 Snake Eyes-PG15 Princesses 10:10 Sister Wives 10:00 Modern Family 10:00 Hellboy: Sword Of Storms 18:00 Casper’s Scare School 11:00 Ballroom Blitz 10:30 My Boys 12:00 Street Fighter-PG15 20:00 Garfield’s Fun Fest 11:50 Oprah: Where Are They 11:00 The Tonight Show Starring 14:00 The Package-PG15 22:00 Los Campeones De LA Now? Jimmy Fallon 16:00 Hunt To Kill-PG15 Lucha Libre 12:40 Jo Frost’s Family SOS 12:00 Til Death 18:00 Terminal Velocity-PG15 23:30 Barbie In The 12 Dancing 13:30 Cake Boss 12:30 Til Death 20:00 Mission To Mars-PG15 Princesses 14:20 19 Kids And Counting 13:00 My Boys 22:00 Aliens-18 14:45 19 Kids And Counting 13:30 My Boys 15:10 Cake Boss 14:00 Baby Daddy 15:35 Little People, Big World 14:30 Modern Family 16:00 Hoarding: Buried Alive 15:00 Modern Family 16:50 Say Yes To The Dress 15:30 The Daily Show With Jon 00:00 Foodfight!-PG 17:15 17 Kids And Counting Stewart 00:00 Bad Milo! 17:40 Sister Wives 02:00 Free Samples 02:00 Moms’ Night Out-PG 16:00 Hot In Cleveland 04:00 Safe-PG15 18:30 Ballroom Blitz 16:30 Til Death 04:00 Article 99 19:20 Oprah’s Master Class 06:00 Stand Off 06:00 The Croods-PG 17:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 08:00 Summoned-PG15 20:10 World’s Worst Mum 18:00 Community 08:00 Your Love Never Fails 21:00 90 Days To Wed 10:00 Free Samples 10:00 Quartet-PG15 18:30 Baby Daddy 12:00 Safe-PG15 21:50 Say Yes To The Dress: The 19:00 Black-Ish 12:00 Blazing Saddles Big Day 14:00 Stand Off 14:00 Tinker Bell And The Pirate 19:30 Parks And Recreation Fairy-FAM 22:40 Extreme Couponing All-Stars 20:00 The Tonight Show Starring 16:00 Your Love Never Fails 23:05 Mob Wives 18:00 13 Going On 30 16:00 Summoned-PG15 Jimmy Fallon 18:00 Killer Reality-PG15 23:55 Oprah: Where Are They 21:00 The Daily Show With Jon 20:00 The Big Wedding Now? 22:00 Freeloaders 20:00 Need For Speed-PG15 Stewart 22:15 Evil Dead-R 21:30 Hot In Cleveland 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 Brickleberry 23:00 South Park 23:30 Late Night With Seth Meyers 01:15 Five Thirteen-PG15 00:30 Super League 00:40 Extreme Forensics 03:00 Pawn-PG15 02:30 Premier League Darts 01:30 Solved 05:00 The Good Witch’s Wedding 06:30 Super Rugby Highlights 02:20 Most Evil 07:00 Mirror Mirror-PG15 07:00 Golfing World 03:10 Devil In The Details 08:00 C.S.I. 09:00 Knife Fight-PG15 08:00 PGA Tour Highlights 04:00 Blood Relatives 12:00 Emmerdale 11:00 The Good Witch’s Wedding 09:00 Volvo Ocean Race Highlights 04:45 Extreme Forensics 05:30 Solved 12:30 Coronation Street 13:00 The Glass Man-PG15 09:30 Gillette World Sport 15:00 The Last Harbor-PG15 06:20 Deadly Affairs 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:00 AFL Premiership Preview 14:00 C.S.I. 17:00 Knife Fight-PG15 07:10 Deadly Affairs 19:00 Empire State-PG15 Show 08:00 Nightmare Next Door 16:00 Emmerdale 11:00 Live AFL Premiership 16:30 Coronation Street 21:00 The Citizen-PG15 08:50 Fatal Encounters 18:00 C.S.I. 23:00 Her-18 14:30 Super Rugby Highlights 09:40 Murder Shift 19:00 Suits 15:00 HSBC Sevens World Series 10:30 I Was Murdered 20:00 The Flash 20:00 Trans World Sport 10:55 Stalked: Someone’s 21:00 American Idol 21:00 Live Premier League Darts Watching 23:00 Hannibal 11:20 Forensic Detectives 12:10 American Greed 00:00 The French Connection II 13:00 Disappeared 02:00 Carrie (1976) 13:50 True Crime With 04:00 Faces In The Crowd 00:30 IndyCar Highlights Aphrodite Jones 14:40 Who On Earth Did I 06:00 The Patriot 01:30 Trans World Sport Marry? 09:00 Escape From Polygamy 03:00 Live NHL 11:00 Faces In The Crowd 15:05 Who On Earth... 01:00 Good Morning America 07:00 NRL Premiership 15:30 American Greed 03:00 Grimm 13:00 Searching For Sugar Man 11:00 HSBC Sevens World Series 16:20 I Was Murdered 04:00 The Strain 14:45 The Patriot 14:00 PGA Tour Highlights 16:45 Stalked: Someone’s 05:00 Good Morning America 17:30 Escape From Polygamy 16:00 Super Rugby Highlights Watching 07:00 Emmerdale 19:00 Promised Land 17:10 Murder Shift 07:30 Coronation Street 19:00 WWE NXT 21:00 He Got Game 20:00 WWE Smackdown 18:00 Disappeared 09:00 Parenthood 18:50 Fatal Encounters 23:30 Raging Bull 22:00 Live PGA Tour RUSH ON OSN MOVIES HD 10:00 Emmerdale 19:40 Forensic Detectives Classifieds



SHARQIA-1 HOME 4:45 PM CINDERELLA 12:05 AM FAST & FURIOUS 7 6:30 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 12:15 PM QOT WA FAR (Arabic) 6:45 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 9:30 PM CINDERELLA 3:00 PM QOT WA FAR (Arabic) 8:45 PM AVENUES-4 FAST & FURIOUS 7 12:30 AM CINDERELLA 5:15 PM THE CANAL 10:45 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 1:15 PM CINDERELLA 7:30 PM THE CANAL 12:45 AM FAST & FURIOUS 7 4:15 PM 360º- 1 CINDERELLA 9:45 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 7:15 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 12:00 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 12:05 AM FANAR-4 FAST & FURIOUS 7 10:15 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 3:00 PM HOME -3D 11:30 AM Special Show “FAST & FURIOUS 7” 10:15 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 6:00 PM SHARQIA-2 FAST & FURIOUS 7 1:30 PM THE GUNMAN 1:00 AM FAST & FURIOUS 7 9:00 PM HOME -3D 11:45 AM FAST & FURIOUS 7 4:15 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 12:05 AM CHANGE OF NAME FAST & FURIOUS 7 1:45 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 7:00 PM AVENUES-5 FAST & FURIOUS 7 4:30 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 9:45 PM CINDERELLA 12:30 PM 360º- 2 I, NJOKU CHINWEOKE FAST & FURIOUS 7 7:15 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 12:30 AM CINDERELLA 3:00 PM RUN ALL NIGHT 11:45 AM IHEYINWA from Imo State FAST & FURIOUS 7 10:00 PM Special Show “FAST & FURIOUS 7” 2:45 PM RUN ALL NIGHT 2:15 PM Nigeria with Passport FANAR-5 CINDERELLA 5:30 PM RUN ALL NIGHT 4:45 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 12:45 AM Number A02398494 do FAST & FURIOUS 7 12:30 PM CINDERELLA 8:00 PM THE GUNMAN 7:15 PM hereby change my name to SHARQIA-3 FAST & FURIOUS 7 3:15 PM NO FRI+WED Special Show “FAST & FURIOUS 7 “ 7:15 PM THE CANAL 12:30 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 6:00 PM Special Show “FAST & FURIOUS 7” 7:45 PM RUN ALL NIGHT 9:45 PM ONONAJI CHINWEOKE HOME 2:30 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 8:45 PM Special Show “HOME” 7:45 PM RUN ALL NIGHT 12:15 AM IHEYINWA. PAPER PLANES 4:30 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 11:30 PM RUN ALL NIGHT 10:30 PM 1-4-2015 HOME 6:30 PM RUN ALL NIGHT 1:00 AM 360º- 3 PAPER PLANES 8:30 PM MARINA-1 THE DIVERGENT SERIES: INSURGENT 12:00 PM I, Maddina Latika THE CANAL 10:30 PM CINDERELLA 11:30 AM AVENUES-6 THE DIVERGENT SERIES: INSURGENT 2:30 PM Chowdary D/o Maddina THE CANAL 12:30 AM CINDERELLA 1:45 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 11:30 AM THE DIVERGENT SERIES: INSURGENT 5:00 PM Ramaiah R/o. Thimmaiah CINDERELLA 4:00 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 2:30 PM THE DIVERGENT SERIES: INSURGENT 7:30 PM Garipalli (V&P.O), Chitvel MUHALAB-1 CINDERELLA 6:15 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 5:30 PM Special Show “FAST & FURIOUS 7” 7:30 PM Mandal, Y.S.R. Kadapa dist. FAST & FURIOUS 7 12:00 PM CINDERELLA 8:45 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 8:30 PM THE DIVERGENT SERIES: INSURGENT 10:00 PM A.P. change my name as CINDERELLA 2:30 PM THE CANAL 11:00 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 11:30 PM THE DIVERGENT SERIES: INSURGENT 12:30 AM Korrapati Lathika Chowdary CINDERELLA 4:45 PM THE CANAL 1:00 AM D/o Korrapati Rama CINDERELLA 7:00 PM AVENUES-7 AL-KOUT.1 Chandraiah Naidu. (C 4958) CINDERELLA 9:15 PM MARINA-2 FAST & FURIOUS 7 12:45 PM HOME -3D 11:30 AM FAST & FURIOUS 7 11:45 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 1:00 PM THEEB (Arabic) 3:30 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 1:30 PM I, Maddina Neteesha FAST & FURIOUS 7 3:45 PM THEEB (Arabic) 5:45 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 4:15 PM Chowdary D/o Maddina FAST & FURIOUS 7 7:00 PM MUHALAB-2 FAST & FURIOUS 7 6:30 PM THEEB (Arabic) 8:00 PM Ramaiah R/o. Thimmaiah FAST & FURIOUS 7 9:15 PM Special Show “FAST & FURIOUS 7” 8:00 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 9:45 PM HOME 11:30 AM Garipalli (V&P.O), Chitvel THE CANAL 1:30 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 12:05 AM THEEB (Arabic) 10:15 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 12:30 AM Mandal, Y.S.R. Kadapa dist HOME 3:30 PM THEEB (Arabic) 10:30 PM HOME 5:30 PM MARINA-3 THEEB (Arabic) 12:30 AM AL-KOUT.2 A.P. change my name as RUN ALL NIGHT 7:30 PM THE CANAL 11:30 AM PAPER PLANES 11:30 AM Korrapati Neshitha THE CANAL 10:00 PM THE CANAL 1:30 PM AVENUES-8 THE CANAL 1:30 PM Chowdary D/o Korrapati THE CANAL 12:05 AM HOME -3D 3:30 PM PAPER PLANES 1:00 PM PAPER PLANES 3:30 PM Rama Chandraiah Naidu. HOME 5:30 PM PAPER PLANES 3:15 PM PAPER PLANES 5:45 PM (C 4958) MUHALAB-3 FAST & FURIOUS 7 7:30 PM PAPER PLANES 5:30 PM THEEB (Arabic) 8:00 PM 30-3-2015 FAST & FURIOUS 7 1:15 PM RUN ALL NIGHT 10:15 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 8:00 PM QOT WA FAR (Arabic) 10:00 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 12:45 AM Special Show “FAST & FURIOUS 7” 8:00 PM THE CANAL 12:05 AM FAST & FURIOUS 7 4:00 PM ACCOMMODATION FAST & FURIOUS 7 6:45 PM PAPER PLANES 11:00 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 9:30 PM AVENUES-1 EX MACHINA 1:00 AM AL-KOUT.3 FAST & FURIOUS 7 12:15 AM PAPER PLANES 11:30 AM THE CANAL 11:30 AM 2 BHK available in Quitaiba THE DIVERGENT SERIES: INSURGENT 1:30 PM AVENUES-9 CINDERELLA 1:30 PM St, Hawally, with 2 big bath- FANAR-1 RUN ALL NIGHT 4:00 PM HOME 11:30 AM CINDERELLA 3:45 PM room, big hall, one floor 2 BONTA 11:45 AM THE DIVERGENT SERIES: INSURGENT 6:30 PM HOME -3D 1:30 PM CINDERELLA 6:00 PM apartment only with 2 lifts PAPER PLANES 1:45 PM RUN ALL NIGHT 9:00 PM HOME 3:45 PM CINDERELLA 8:15 PM with double bed, oven, gas, BONTA 3:45 PM THE DIVERGENT SERIES: INSURGENT 11:30 PM HOME -3D 6:00 PM THEEB (Arabic) 10:30 PM fridge and single bed. Easily PAPER PLANES 5:45 PM HOME 8:15 PM THE CANAL 12:45 AM to make 3x3 mts room in PAPER PLANES 7:45 PM AVENUES-2 THE GUNMAN 10:30 PM hall. Call: 60982737. RUN ALL NIGHT 9:45 PM THE CANAL 11:45 AM THE GUNMAN 12:45 AM AL-KOUT.4 (C 4959) RUN ALL NIGHT 12:30 AM THE CANAL 1:45 PM HOME 12:15 PM 29-3-2015 THE CANAL 4:00 PM AVENUES-10 HOME 2:45 PM FANAR-2 THE CANAL 6:15 PM BONTA 12:00 PM HOME 4:45 PM CINDERELLA 12:15 PM THE CANAL 8:30 PM BONTA 2:00 PM RUN ALL NIGHT 6:45 PM Prayer timings CINDERELLA 2:30 PM THE CANAL 10:45 PM BONTA 4:00 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 9:15 PM Fajr: 04:18 CINDERELLA 5:00 PM THE CANAL 1:00 AM QOT WA FAR (Arabic) 6:15 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 11:45 PM CINDERELLA 7:15 PM QOT WA FAR (Arabic) 8:30 PM Shorook 05:38 CINDERELLA 9:30 PM AVENUES-3 QOT WA FAR (Arabic) 10:45 PM BAIRAQ-1 Duhr: 11:52 CINDERELLA 12:05 AM CINDERELLA 11:30 AM FAST & FURIOUS 7 12:45 AM FAST & FURIOUS 7 1:00 PM CINDERELLA 2:00 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 3:45 PM Asr: 15:23 FANAR-3 CINDERELLA 4:30 PM AVENUES-11 FAST & FURIOUS 7 6:30 PM Maghrib: 18:06 THE CANAL 12:45 PM CINDERELLA 7:00 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 12:30 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 9:15 PM HOME 2:45 PM CINDERELLA 9:30 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 3:30 PM FAST & FURIOUS 7 12:05 AM Isha: 19:25

Directorate General of Civil Aviation Home Page (

Arrival Flights on Thursday 2/4/2015 KAC 672 Dubai 13:55 Departure Flights on Thursday 2/4/2015 JZR 176 Dubai 13:10 Airlines Flt Route Time QTR 1078 Doha 14:05 Airlines Flt Route Time JZR 124 Bahrain 13:30 KAC 564 Amman 00:05 KNE 460 Riyadh 14:10 AIC 976 Goa/Chennai 00:05 MSR 611 Cairo 14:00 QTR 1084 Doha 00:05 FDB 057 Dubai 14:20 BBC 044 Dhaka 00:10 THY 767 Istanbul 14:10 THY 772 Istanbul 00:15 GFA 221 Bahrain 14:20 JZR 562 Sohag 00:20 UAE 872 Dubai 14:15 JZR 239 Amman 00:20 SVA 500 Jeddah 14:30 JAI 573 Mumbai 00:25 QTR 1079 Doha 15:05 JZR 267 Beirut 00:30 KAC 538 Sohag 14:55 MSR 615 Cairo 00:30 GFA 222 Bahrain 15:05 DLH 637 Dammam 00:35 RJD 135 Abu Dhabi 15:00 FDB 072 Dubai 00:30 FDB 058 Dubai 15:05 FDB 068 Dubai 00:55 KAC 788 Jeddah 15:00 KLM 411 Amsterdam 00:55 KNE 481 Taif 15:10 JZR 539 Cairo 01:30 OMA 645 Muscat 15:05 JZR 502 Luxor 01:10 KAC 617 Doha 15:15 JAI 574 Mumbai 01:30 ABY 127 Sharjah 15:35 DLH 637 Frankfurt 01:35 KAC 673 Dubai 15:20 SAI 441 Lahore 01:35 UAE 857 Dubai 15:45 THY 773 Istanbul 02:05 JZR 188 Dubai 15:50 PGT 858 Istanbul 01:40 RJA 640 Amman 15:55 SAI 442 Lahore 02:35 KAC 773 Riyadh 15:55 RJA 642 Amman 01:45 JZR 535 Cairo 6:05 ETH 621 Addis Ababa 02:50 KAC 741 Dammam 15:55 ETH 620 Addis Ababa 01:50 FDB 051 Dubai 16:10 JAI 525 Abu Dhabi/Chennai 02:55 KAC 613 Bahrain 16:00 KKK 6507 Istanbul 02:15 QTR 1072 Doha 16:20 PGT 859 Istanbul 02:55 SVA 505 Jeddah 16:00 GFA 211 Bahrain 02:15 JZR 125 Bahrain 16:25 KKK 6508 Istanbul 03:10 OMA 646 Muscat 16:05 UAE 853 Dubai 02:25 KAC 118 New York 16:30 MSC 404 Sohag 03:30 RJD 136 Abu Dhabi 16:10 MSC 403 Sohag 02:30 KNE 476 Jeddah 16:40 OMA 644 Muscat 03:35 ABY 128 Sharjah 16:15 OMA 643 Muscat 02:35 ETD 303 Abu Dhabi 16:50 UAE 854 Dubai 03:45 RJA 641 Amman 16:55 QTR 1076 Doha 03:05 KAC 562 Amman 17:00 FDB 068 Dubai 04:00 JZR 266 Beirut 17:05 ETD 305 Abu Dhabi 03:05 SVA 510 Riyadh 17:15 ETD 306 Abu Dhabi 04:05 FDB 052 Dubai 17:10 FDB 067 Dubai 03:15 UAL 982 IAD 17:25 QTR 1077 Doha 04:05 JZR 512 Sharm el-Sheikh 17:15 MSR 612 Cairo 03:15 GFA 215 Bahrain 17:30 MSR 613 Cairo 04:15 QTR 1073 Doha 17:25 KAC 1544 Cairo 03:35 JZR 177 Dubai 17:45 JZR 560 Sohag 05:00 KNE 477 Jeddah 17:30 MSC 401 Alexandria 04:00 JZR 777 Jeddah 17:50 MSC 406 Sohag 05:00 UAE 858 Dubai 17:40 JZR 555 Alexandria 04:15 KAC 678 Muscat/Abu Dhabi 17:55 THY 765 Istanbul 05:05 ETD 304 Abu Dhabi 17:40 THY 770 Istanbul 04:40 KAC 176 Geneva/Frankfurt 18:20 QTR 1085 Doha 05:20 SVA 511 Riyadh 18:15 QTR 8646 Doha 04:50 KAC 502 Beirut 18:35 GFA 050 Bahrain 06:00 JZR 184 Dubai 18:20 DHX 170 Bahrain 05:10 KAC 786 Jeddah 18:35 QTR 8646 Doha 06:20 GFA 216 Bahrain 18:20 GFA 050 Istanbul 05:15 KAC 542 Cairo 18:55 RJA 643 Amman 06:35 KAC 563 Amman 18:30 KAC 412 Manila/Bangkok 06:15 KAC 618 Doha 18:55 GFA 212 Bahrain 06:50 JZR 538 Cairo 18:40 BAW 157 London 06:35 AXB 393 Kozhikode 18:55 THY 771 Istanbul 06:50 UAL 982 Bahrain 18:40 JZR 563 Sohag 06:45 QTR 1080 Doha 18:55 JZR 240 Amman 07:05 JZR 238 Amman 19:15 TAR 327 Tunis 06:55 KAC 742 Dammam 19:00 FDB 070 Dubai 07:05 GFA 218 Bahrain 19:50 JZR 503 Luxor 07:20 KAC 104 London 19:00 JZR 164 Dubai 07:15 FDB 064 Dubai 19:50 IRA 673 Ahwaz 07:30 GFA 217 Bahrain 19:05 KAC 415D Kuala Lumpur/Jakarta 07:15 QTR 1081 Doha 19:55 KAC 382 Delhi 07:40 UAE 875 Dubai 19:05 TAR 327 Tunis 07:45 AXB 394 Kozhikode 19:55 KAC 206 Islamabad 07:45 KAC 614 Bahrain 19:10 KAC 537 Sohag 08:20 KAC 361 Colombo 20:00 KAC 204 Lahore 07:50 FDB 063 Dubai 19:10 JZR 778 Jeddah 08:30 ABY 124 Sharjah 20:00 SVA 512 Riyadh 07:50 ABY 123 Sharjah 19:20 IRA 672 Ahwaz 08:30 UAE 876 Dubai 20:35 FDB 053 Dubai 07:50 JAI 572 Mumbai 19:35 FDB 054 Dubai 08:30 JAI 571 Mumbai 20:35 KAC 302 Mumbai 07:55 KAC 774 Riyadh 19:40 BAW 156 London 08:35 FDB 062 Dubai 20:35 QTR 1086 Doha 07:55 AGY 684 Sohag 19:50 SVA 513 Riyadh 08:50 AGY 681 Alexandria 20:50 KAC 352 Kochi 08:15 FDB 061 Dubai 19:50 QTR 1087 Doha 08:55 KAC 543 Cairo 20:55 UAE 855 Dubai 08:25 KAC 674 Dubai 20:00 JZR 534 Cairo 09:15 KAC 343 Chennai 20:55 KAC 362 Colombo 08:30 OMA 647 Muscat 20:00 KAC 671 Dubai 09:25 OMA 648 Muscat 21:00 KAC 332 Trivandrum 08:30 KNE 480 Taif 20:10 KAC 787 Jeddah 09:30 ABY 122 Sharjah 21:00 IRA 667 Esfahan 09:00 MEA 402 Beirut 20:15 ABY 126 Sharjah 09:45 KAC 331 Trivandrum 21:00 ABY 125 Sharjah 09:05 ABY 121 Sharjah 20:20 UAE 856 Dubai 09:50 KAC 351 Kochi 21:05 ETD 301 Abu Dhabi 09:10 DLH 634 Frankfurt 20:20 KAC 101 London/New York 10:00 KAC 287 Dhaka 21:05 KAC 284 Dhaka 09:25 JZR 189 Dubai 20:25 IRA 668 Mashhad 10:00 KNE 461 Riyadh 21:10 FDB 055 Dubai 09:40 MSR 618 Alexandria 20:30 ETD 302 Abu Dhabi 10:00 JZR 554 Alexandria 21:15 KAC 350 Kochi 09:40 KLM 417 Amsterdam 21:05 FDB 056 Dubai 10:40 MEA 403 Beirut 21:15 QTR 1070 Doha 10:00 ALK 229 Colombo 21:10 KAC 677 Abu Dhabi/Muscat 10:50 MSR 619 Alexandria 21:30 SYR 341 Damascus 10:05 UAE 859 Dubai 21:15 QTR 1071 Doha 11:00 DHX 171 Bahrain 21:50 KNE 470 Jeddah 10:30 ETD 307 Abu Dhabi 21:15 KAC 501 Beirut 11:00 KLM 417 Dammam/Amsterdam 22:05 GFA 213 Bahrain 10:40 FDB 073 Dubai 21:30 SYR 342 Damascus 11:05 ETD 308 Abu Dhabi 22:05 UAE 873 Dubai 10:40 QTR 1074 Doha 21:30 KNE 471 Jeddah 11:20 FDB 074 Dubai 22:10 MEA 404 Beirut 10:55 GFA 219 Bahrain 21:45 KAC 561 Amman 11:25 ALK 230 Colombo 22:20 MSC 405 Sohag 11:20 THY 764 Istanbul 22:10 KAC 165 Rome/Paris 11:25 UAE 860 Dubai 22:25 JZR 561 Sohag 11:25 ETD 309 Abu Dhabi 22:10 GFA 214 Bahrain 11:35 KAC 301 Mumbai 22:30 RBG 553 Alexandria 11:30 AIC 981 Chennai/Hyderabad/Ahmedabad 22:25 MEA 405 Beirut 11:55 KAC 349 Kochi 22:30 AGY 680 Alexandria 11:40 UAL 981 Bahrain 22:40 KAC 541 Cairo 12:05 KAC 381 Delhi 22:30 JZR 165 Dubai 11:50 FDB 059 Dubai 22:50 UAE 874 Dubai 12:10 QTR 1075 Doha 22:40 JZR 241 Amman 12:40 JZR 185 Dubai 22:55 RBG 554 Alexandria 12:10 GFA 220 Bahrain 22:45 UAE 871 Dubai 12:45 JAI 526 Chennai/Abu Dhabi 23:00 JZR 776 Jeddah 12:15 ETD 310 Abu Dhabi 23:00 MSR 610 Cairo 13:00 JZR 513 Sharm el-Sheikh 23:30 MSC 402 Alexandria 12:20 KAC 205 Islamabad 23:05 THY 766 Istanbul 13:10 MSR 614 Cairo 23:30 AGY 685 Sohag 12:40 KAC 411 Bangkok/Manila 23:25 JZR 779 Jeddah 13:50 FDB 071 Dubai 23:35 KAC 785 Jeddah 13:00 KAC 415 Kuala Lumpur/Jakarta 23:50 DIAL161 FOR AIRPORT INFORMATION stars34 THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 CROSSWORD 860 STAR TRACK

Aries (March 21-April 19) Libra (September 23-October 22)

Any kind of work that requires precise thinking and concentration will have Your success in solving problems today is like magic. You may be requested your attention for today. Do not let all this concentration isolate you from others, howev- to solve problems in a special situation. Your ability to navigate difficulties is quite good. er, or make you feel lonely. Take care to include yourself in some activity that is full of Whatever you start now will have beneficial results. This is a great time to begin a new and pleasant communication. You can become a mentor to others as you move through your positive habit. Perhaps a more nutritional way of feeding your body would be acceptable. day. Take frequent breaks and fire up the office jokester later this afternoon. Also, love is in Communicating and getting your message across to others is also at a high. Your timing is full bloom during this time and it is a good time to be affectionate to loved ones. perfect and those around you should find you most spontaneous. Taxes may prove less Additionally, your powers of creativity are great. You could write poetry or music or do taxing than usual this month; you have a better understanding of how to manage your some other creative achievement. There is a potential for much personal growth. Couples financial affairs this year. You will help to give someone emotional support this evening. will be enjoying a romantic evening together tonight. Tonight you help with a special dinner or party.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Your confidence is high, making this a super day to deal with others. This is In-depth discussions and probing conversations find you at your mental also a good time to lead the way on a project–for your originality is finely tuned. If you best. You can open up discussions into new and helpful directions. You may need to use should get a group together, everyone will feel a mutual benefit. It is also a great time to your persuasive talents in getting people to perform and accomplish outside the norm but expand your horizons, learn new things and meet new people. You may find yourself in a you will be successful. Projects that need finishing can be handled efficiently. If you have class as a student, or perhaps the teacher. You could come up with new solutions or inven- been considering a new business venture, today is an exceptional day to begin. It is also a tions this afternoon that will make everyone’s job easier. Teaching, learning, communicat- good day for travel. You have a clear-minded insight into your own plans and methods. ing and social contact have a way of outlining new directions in your life and there is much This is a good time for decisions. Loved ones, children and other people or things dear to activity and involvement with these kinds of issues. Care must be given to the practical use your heart might help you decide on the travel destination–if you are considering a leisure of money. Take action steps toward saving. trip. You love being with your family.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Your attitude for today is that everything’s coming up roses and optimism This is an easy, relaxed sort of day–particularly if you avoid excesses. You are rules the day. Life is for living and you cannot wait to partake of all those inclined to expect that the world will come to you–do not expect too much. There is a line new and rewarding experiences that are waiting to enthrall you! Do not go overboard, but ACROSS trimmed off. between relaxation and laziness. Life can be beautiful when you feel you have contributed have fun! Any doubts about your capabilities fade into the background–you are encour- 1. Alternative names for the body of a 79. A doctor's degree in education. your own talents. If you give your best effort now, success will be sure to follow. You aged to be expressive. Maternal instincts that come to the forefront now may encourage human being. DOWN should experience all the benefits of this most powerful planet. There is enough energy you to make every effort to appease any discordance in the home. This is a time in which 4. Any of numerous short-stemmed plants 1. 100 bututs equal 1 dalasi. available for you to successfully tackle any problem involved with your profession or your you may desire beauty and clean spaces in the family setting. You might slip on a pair of personal life. This evening, friendships will be most pleasant. Your energy level is good and of the genus Primula having tufted basal 2. The ending of a series or sequence. earphones and use a little time later this afternoon to clear away a few things you no it’s best to apply it in practical pursuits. You may want to show up at a community meet- longer need. There is an opportunity to convene with nature this evening. leaves and showy flowers clustered in 3. Russian country house. ing–pay attention. umbels or heads. 4. A syndrome that occurs in many women 11. The capital of Western Samoa. from 2 to 14 days before the onset of men- 15. A benevolent aspect of Devi. struation. ) Capricorn (December 22-January 19) 16. Of or relating to a mayor or the office of 5. Common house rats. Cancer (June 21-July 22 mayor. 6. The eighth month of the civil year. This is a great day for achievement and a most energetic period–filling you with a You know how to gain the support you need for the work you are trying to accom- 17. German organist and contrapuntist 7. God of blame and mockery. great desire to succeed in all spheres of your life. Working with partners in an open, honest envi- plish. Do not be afraid to talk about what you want to accomplish in front of the people that you (1685-1750). 8. Duct through which urine is discharged ronment can only bring good fortune to you now. Your personal goals are clearly visible and you know will support you. You could be seen by others as just the person to be put in charge of 18. A police officer who investigates crimes. in most mammals and which serves as the should take great strides in reaching them. If you are in a business that can show off your talents, some project. You have a conservative mind and you will do well. Difficulties and all manner of 19. The male reproductive organ of a male genital duct. you are indeed a happy camper! Unearthing previously unrealized talents can be a positive hot spots are the challenges you look to answer. You have a natural sense of what the public wants at this time. Clear decisions affecting others come easily now. There is someone older in flower. 9. East Indian tart yellow berrylike fruit. answer to your extra income now. This time usually brings about good conditions and commu- nication among co-workers, particularly with the opposite sex. You want to be with friends and your family or among your friends with whom you can discuss the solution to world problems. 21. Title for a civil or military leader (espe- 10. A silvery ductile metallic element found to have a good time this afternoon. Any type of social activity should bring favorable results. Many times when discussing world affairs there is some insight into solving personal affairs. cially in Turkey). primarily in bauxite. 23. Russian revolutionary and Communist 11. A loose sleeveless outer garment made theorist who helped Lenin and built up the from aba cloth. army. 12. A member of the majority people of Leo (July 23-August 22) Aquarius (January 20- February 18) 25. A vessel (usually cylindrical) with a wide Punjab in northwestern India. You are captivating. People want to know your secrets and many would like Your emotions are very close to the surface today. Your sensitivity to the needs mouth and without handles. 13. Of or relating to a seizure or convulsion. your energy. You have creative ideas and can present these ideas to higher-ups with great of others is heightened and your desire to help is strong. This should be one great day to work 26. An official language of the Republic of 14. (Zoroastrianism) Title for benevolent success. This may be as advertisement ideas, short cuts, proofing techniques or perhaps a with people. If you are a salesperson, you should double your quota today! Although you do South Africa. deities. motivating contest for the employees. Whatever the case, you are determined to make a well in the workplace, whatever your job identity is, you will desire to improve and move for- 27. United States humorist who wrote 20. Minor or subordinate. positive difference and would be wise to keep up the pace of your good work. You find ward in your professional life. This period in your life indicates a time span when fundamental about rural life (1818-1885). 22. Second brightest star in Perseus. yourself enjoying a long conversation, writing a letter, or making a special phone call this beliefs about your position in society and responsibilities as an adult are seriously examined. You afternoon. A friend may seek you out for your advice regarding a very personal issue. may decide a job change or upgrade is in order. This evening is a great time for social activities–a 29. According to the Old Testament he was 24. A festival featuring African-American Helping someone else will help you to understand your own life progress. If something little r and r is suitable. Things will be going your way this evening for socializing activities. a pagan king of Israel and husband of culture. puzzles you, an older, wiser head may give guidance. Jezebel (9th century BC). 28. A Dravidian language spoken in south 30. A plant disease caused by the ergot fun- central India. 31. Measuring instrument in which the gus. Virgo (August 23-September 22) Pisces (February 19-March 20) 37. An intensive care unit designed with echo of a pulse of microwave radiation is special equipment to care for premature or used to detect and locate distant objects. This is a time when you can expect a little boost, some sort of extra support Stimulation from others is motivating now. You are especially hardworking and low-birth-weight or seriously ill newborn. 32. Great brightness. or recognition from those around you. You may feel that you are in touch and in harmony ambitious on the professional level. You are readily receptive to all thoughts that impinge upon 40. The capital of Malta. 33. Any of several herbs of the genus with others–the lines of communication are open. Though you may prefer to be around old you. Any ongoing project should be a great success. It’s best to rely on facts rather than feelings 42. The azimuth of a celestial body is the Dipsacus native to the Old World having friends, you certainly will not close the door on making new ones just now. However you during this time. You should enjoy being around people in general; however, the understanding interact with people today–communicating one-on-one, leading a group toward a com- between you and your significant other is especially strong. With a new understanding, you can angle between the vertical plane contain- flower heads surrounded by spiny bracts. mon goal, convincing others in a sales or public relations effort–you will be a winner; all will be quite nurturing. Work is definitely on the back burner this afternoon, although you could be ing it and the plane of the meridian. 34. The ermine in its brown summer coat feel the warmth of your compassion. It will be genuine and it will be appreciated. You seem inspired to plan a future home repair or garden changes. For now, consider displaying a different 43. A state in northwestern North America. with black-tipped tail. relaxed more than usual and are, perhaps, more in tune with your own needs. You may val- arrangement of family pictures. Carefully consider your choice of food and drink this evening. 44. An agency of the United Nations affiliat- 35. The (prehensile) extremity of the superi- ue a loved one’s company this evening. ed with the World Bank. or limb. 45. (in Gnosticism) A divine power or nature 36. A board game in which players try to emanating from the Supreme Being and move their pieces into their opponent's WORD SEARCH Yesterday’s Solution playing various roles in the operation of the bases. universe. 38. Type genus of the Canidae. 46. Baked dish of layers of lasagna pasta 39. An edict of the Russian tsar. with sauce and cheese and meat or vegeta- 41. The fourth month of the civil year. bles. 47. Someone who works (or provides work- 49. A town in southeastern New Mexico on ers) during a strike. the Pecos River near the Mexican border. 48. Aircraft landing in bad weather in which 51. (British) A waterproof raincoat made of the pilot is talked down by ground control rubberized fabric. using precision approach radar. 52. An alliance made up of states that had 50. A Russian river. been Soviet Socialist Republics in the Soviet 54. Corrupt morally or by intemperance or Union prior to its dissolution in Dec 1991. sensuality. 53. A small tree. 56. A small cake leavened with yeast. 55. Lower in esteem. 60. A city in northern India. 57. Remaining after all deductions. 61. Consideration in dealing with others 58. A soft silvery metallic element of the and avoiding giving offence. alkali earth group. 62. God of love and erotic desire. 59. A Chadic language spoken south of 63. At any time. Lake Chad. 64. Essential oil or perfume obtained from 65. Any of numerous local fertility and flowers. nature deities worshipped by ancient 66. A dull persistent (usually moderately Semitic peoples. intense) pain. 69. Title for a civil or military leader (espe- 67. Harsh or corrosive in tone. cially in Turkey). 68. Relating to or characteristic of or occur- 73. Electrical conduction through a gas in ring on land. an applied electric field. 70. The portion of the vertebrate nervous 74. A person with the same name as anoth- system consisting of the brain and spinal er. cord. 76. Ancient Hebrew unit of liquid measure 71. A reproach for some lapse or misdeed. = 1.5 gallons. 72. A young woman making her debut into 77. The seventh and last day of the week. society. 78. A cut of pork ribs with much of the meat 75. (Sumerian) Goddess personifying earth.

Yesterday’s Solution

Daily SuDoku Yesterday’s Solution THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 information

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Afghanistan 0093 Luxembourg 00352 GOVERNORATE PHARMACY ADDRESS PHONE Albania 00355 Macau 00853 Algeria 00213 Macedonia 00389 Ahmadi Sama Safwan Fahaeel Makka St 23915883 Andorra 00376 Madagascar 00261 Sabah Hospital 24812000 Abu Halaifa Abu Halaifa-Coastal Rd 23715414 Angola 00244 Majorca 0034 Amiri Hospital 22450005 Danat Al-Sultan Mahboula Block 1, Coastal Rd 23726558 Anguilla 001264 Malawi 00265 Maternity Hospital 24843100 Jahra Modern Jahra Jahra-Block 3 Lot 1 24575518 Antiga 001268 Malaysia 0060 Madina Munawara Jahra-Block 92 24566622 Argentina 0054 Maldives 00960 Mubarak Al-Kabir Hospital 25312700 Capital Ahlam Fahad Al-Salem St 22436184 Armenia 00374 Mali 00223 Chest Hospital 24849400 Khaldiya Coop Khaldiya Coop 24833967 Australia 0061 Malta 00356 Austria 0043 Marshall Islands 00692 Farwaniya Hospital 24892010 Farwaniya New Shifa Farwaniya Block 40 24734000 Ferdous Coop Ferdous Coop 24881201 Bahamas 001242 Martinique 00596 Adan Hospital 23940620 Modern Safwan Old Kheitan Block 11 24726638 Bahrain 00973 Mauritania 00222 Ibn Sina Hospital 24840300 Bangladesh 00880 Mauritius 00230 Hawally Tariq Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25726265 Barbados 001246 Mayotte 00269 Al-Razi Hospital 24846000 Hana Salmiya-Amman St 25647075 Ikhlas Hawally-Beirut St 22625999 Belarus 00375 Mexico 0052 Physiotherapy Hospital 24874330/9 Hawally & Rawdha Hawally & Rawdha Coop 22564549 Belgium 0032 Micronesia 00691 Ghadeer Jabriya-Block 1A 25340559 Belize 00501 Moldova 00373 Kindy Jabriya-Block 3B 25326554 Benin 00229 Monaco 00377 Ibn Al-Nafis Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25721264 Mishrif Coop Mishrif Coop 25380581 Bermuda 001441 Mongolia 00976 Kaizen center 25716707 Salwa Coop Salwa Coop 25628241 Bhutan 00975 Montserrat 001664 Rawda 22517733 Bolivia 00591 Morocco 00212 Bosnia 00387 Mozambique 00258 Adaliya 22517144 Botswana 00267 Myanmar (Burma) 0095 Khaldiya 24848075 Brazil 0055 Namibia 00264 Brunei 00673 Nepal 00977 Kaifan 24849807 Bulgaria 00359 Netherlands 0031 Shamiya 24848913 Burkina 00226 Netherlands Antilles 00599 Burundi 00257 New Caledonia 00687 Shuwaikh 24814507 Cambodia 00855 New Zealand 0064 Abdullah Salem 22549134 Cameroon 00237 Nicaragua 00505 Canada 001 Nigar 00227 Nuzha 22526804 Cape Verde 00238 Nigeria 00234 Industrial Shuwaikh 24814764 Cayman Islands 001345 Niue 00683 Central African 00236 Norfolk Island 00672 Qadsiya 22515088 Chad 00235 N. Ireland (UK) 0044 Dasmah 22532265 Chile 0056 North Korea 00850 Bneid Al-Gar 22531908 China 0086 Norway 0047 Colombia 0057 Oman 00968 Shaab 22518752 Comoros 00269 Pakistan 0092 Qibla 22459381 Congo 00242 Palau 00680 Cook Islands 00682 Panama 00507 Ayoun Al-Qibla 22451082 Costa Rica 00506 Papua New Guinea 00675 Mirqab 22456536 Croatia 00385 Paraguay 00595 Cuba 0053 Peru 0051 Sharq 22465401 Cyprus 00357 Philippines 0063 Salmiya 25746401 Cyprus (Northern) 0090392 Poland 0048 Czech Republic 00420 Portugal 00351 Jabriya 25316254 Denmark 0045 Puerto Rico 001787 Maidan Hawally 25623444 Diego Garcia 00246 Qatar 00974 Djibouti 00253 Romania 0040 Bayan 25388462 Dominica 001767 Russian Federation 007 Mishref 25381200 Dominican Republic 001809 Rwanda 00250 W Hawally 22630786 Ecuador 00593 Saint Helena 00290 Egypt 0020 Saint Kitts 001869 Sabah 24810221 El Salvador 00503 Saint Lucia 001758 Jahra 24770319 England (UK) 0044 Saint Pierre 00508 Equatorial Guinea 00240 Saint Vincent 001784 New Jahra 24575755 Eritrea 00291 Samoa US 00684 West Jahra 24772608 Estonia 00372 Samoa West 00685 Ethiopia 00251 San Marino 00378 South Jahra 24775066 Falkland Islands 00500 Sao Tone 00239 North Jahra 24775992 Faroe Islands 00298 Saudi Arabia 00966 Fiji 00679 Scotland (UK) 0044 North Jleeb 24311795 Finland 00358 Senegal 00221 Ardhiya 24884079 France 0033 Seychelles 00284 Firdous 24892674 French Guiana 00594 Sierra Leone 00232 French Polynesia 00689 Singapore 0065 Omariya 24719048 Gabon 00241 Slovakia 00421 N Khaitan 24710044 Gambia 00220 Slovenia 00386 Georgia 00995 Solomon Islands 00677 Fintas 23900322 Germany 0049 Somalia 00252 Ghana 00233 South Africa 0027 Gibraltar 00350 South Korea 0082 Greece 0030 Spain 0034 Greenland 00299 Sri Lanka 0094 PRIVATE CLINICS Grenada 001473 Sudan 00249 Guadeloupe 00590 Suriname 00597 Guam 001671 Swaziland 00268 Guatemala 00502 Sweden 0046 Ophthalmologists Plastic Surgeons Paediatricians Endocrinologist Guinea 00224 Switzerland 0041 Dr. Abidallah Al-Mansoor 25622444 Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalaf 22547272 Dr. Khaled Hamadi 25665898 Guyana 00592 Syria 00963 Dr. Abd Al-Naser Al-Othman 25339330 Dr. Samy Al-Rabeea 25752222 Dr. Abdal-Redha Lari 22617700 Dr. Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rashed 25340300 Haiti 00509 Serbia 00381 Dr. Masoma Habeeb 25321171 Dr. Abdel Quttainah 25625030/60 Dr. Zahra Qabazard 25710444 Dr. Ahmad Al-Ansari 25658888 Holland (Netherlands) 0031 Taiwan 00886 Dr. Mubarak Al-Ajmy 25739999 Family Doctor Dr. Sohail Qamar 22621099 Honduras 00504 Tanzania 00255 Dr. Mohsen Abel 25757700 Dr. Kamal Al-Shomr 25329924 Dr Divya Damodar 23729596/23729581 Dr. Snaa Maaroof 25713514 Hong Kong 00852 Thailand 0066 Dr Adnan Hasan Alwayl 25732223 Physiotherapists & VD Hungary 0036 Toga 00228 Psychiatrists Dr. Pradip Gujare 23713100 Dr. Abdallah Al-Baghly 25732223 Dr. Zacharias Mathew 24334282 Dr. Deyaa Shehab 25722291 Ibiza (Spain) 0034 Tonga 00676 Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Dr. Esam Al-Ansari 22635047 Iceland 00354 Tokelau 00690 Dr. Ahmed Fouad Mouner 24555050 Ext 510 Dr Eisa M. Al-Balhan 22613623/0 Dermatology Dr. Musaed Faraj Khamees 22666288 India 0091 Trinidad 001868 Dr. Abdallah Al-Ali 25644660 Gynaecologists & Obstetricians Dr. Mohammed Salam Rheumatologists: Indian Ocean 00873 Tunisia 00216 Dr. Abd Al-Hameed Al-Taweel 25646478 DrAdrian arbe 23729596/23729581 Bern University 23845955 Indonesia 0062 Turkey 0090 Dr. Sanad Al-Fathalah 25311996 Dr. Verginia s.Marin 2572-6666 ext 8321 Dentists Dr. Adel Al-Awadi 25330060 Dr. Mohammad Al-Daaory 25731988 Iran 0098 Tuvalu 00688 Dr. Fozeya Ali Al-Qatan 22655539 Dr Anil Thomas 3729596/3729581 Dr. Ismail Al-Fodary 22620166 Dr. Khaled Al-Jarallah 25722290 Iraq 00964 Uganda 00256 Dr. Majeda Khalefa Aliytami 25343406 Dr. Shamah Al-Matar 22641071/2 Dr. Mahmoud Al-Booz 25651426 Ireland 00353 Ukraine 00380 Dr. Ahmad Al-Khooly 25739272 Dr. Anesah Al-Rasheed 22562226 Internist, Chest & Heart General Practitioners Italy 0039 United Arab Emirates 00976 Dr. Abidallah Al-Amer 22561444 Dr. Mohamme Y Majidi 24555050 Ext 123 Dr. Salem soso 22618787 DR.Mohammes Akkad 24555050 Ext 210 Ivory Coast 00225 United Kingdom 0044 Dr. Faysal Al-Fozan 22619557 General Surgeons Dr. Yousef Al-Omar 24719312 Dr. Mohammad Zubaid Jamaica 001876 Uruguay 00598 Dr. Abdallateef Al-Katrash 22525888 Dr. Tarek Al-Mikhazeem 23926920 Dr. Amer Zawaz Al-Amer 22610044 MB, ChB, FRCPC, PACC Japan 0081 USA 001 Dr. Abidallah Al-Duweisan 25653755 Dr. Kathem Maarafi 25730465 Dr. Mohammad Yousef Basher 25327148 Assistant Professor Of Medicine Jordan 00962 Uzbekistan 00998 Dr. Abdallah Ahmad Eyadah 25655528 Dr. Bader Al-Ansari 25620111 Internists, Chest & Heart Head, Division of Cardiology Kazakhstan 007 Vanuatu 00678 Dr. Nabeel Al-Ayoobi 24577781 Neurologists Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital 25339667 Dr. Adnan Ebil 22639939 Kenya 00254 Venezuela 00582 Dr. Dina Abidallah Al-Refae 25333501 Dr. Sohal Najem Al-Shemeri 25633324 Dr. Mousa Khadada 22666300 Consultant Cardiologist Kiribati 00686 Vietnam 0084 Urologists Dr. Jasem Mola Hassan 25345875 Dr. Latefa Al-Duweisan 25728004 Dr. Farida Al-Habib 2611555-2622555 Kuwait 00965 Virgin Islands UK 001284 Dr. Ali Naser Al-Serfy 22641534 Gastrologists MD, PH.D, FACC Dr. Fawzi Taher Abul 22639955 Dr. Nadem Al-Ghabra 25355515 Kyrgyzstan 00996 Virgin Islands US 001340 Dr. Sami Aman 22636464 Inaya German Medical Center Dr. Khaleel Abidallah Al-Awadi 22616660 Dr. Mobarak Aldoub 24726446 Laos 00856 Wales (UK) 0044 Dr. Mohammad Al-Shamaly 25322030 Te: 2575077 Dr. Adel Al-Hunayan FRCS (C) 25313120 Dr Nasser Behbehani 25654300/3 Latvia 00371 Yemen 00967 Dr. Foad Abidallah Al-Ali 22633135 Fax: 25723123 Dr. Leons Joseph 66703427 Lebanon 00961 Yugoslavia 00381 Soor Center Liberia 00231 Zambia 00260 Psychologists [email protected] Tel: 2290-1677 Kaizen center Noor Clinic William Schuilenberg, RPC 2290-1677 Libya 00218 Zimbabwe 00263 /Psychotherapists Zaina Al Zabin, M.Sc. 2290-1677 Fax: 2290 1688 25716707 23845955 Lithuania 00370 lifestyle THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 GOSSIP Drake for Wireless birthday show

ew Look Wireless has announced a one- off show headlined by Drake. The N‘Started from the Bottom’ rapper had already been announced as a headline act for the three-day festival, and will now also head- line the 10th birthday celebration show on Sunday June 28. The party in London’s Finsbury Park will take place a week before the beginning of the festival, and will also feature a UK festival exclusive performance from ‘I Will Never Let You Down’ hitmaker and ‘The Voice UK’ judge, Rita Ora. Elsewhere at the single-day event, Chance the Rapper and Public Enemy will perform, as well as Black Star (Yasiin Bey AKA Mos Def and Talib Kweli), Raekwon and Ghostface Killah, Big Sean, Kid Ink, Jhene Aiko, iLoveMakkonen and G-Eazy. Confirmed per- formers for Wireless Festival, which runs from July 3 - 5, include Nicki Minaj, David Guetta and Avicii, as well as Major Lazer, Kendrick Lamar, Clean Bandit and Jessie J. Tickets for the New Look Wireless 10th birthday celebration on June 28 will go on general sale on April 2 at 9am costing £69.50, while tickets for Wireless Festival are available online now. Minaj joined by Jessie Ware at The O2

icki Minaj was joined by Jessie Ware on stage at The O2 Arena in London.The 32-year-old musician performed to adoring fans Nin the capital and treated the audience to a rendition of her track ‘The Crying Game’ which she sang with collaborator, English singer-songwriter Jessie Ware for the first time. After performing the ballad - which appeared on her third studio album ‘The Pinkprint’ - Nicki wrote on Twitter: “Thank you for coming out tonight my love @JessieWare (sic).” The duet came at the midway point of her 90- minute set, quickly rapping tracks from the record before the song, before later re-visiting her pop-focused back catalogue with her high- energy singles including ‘Starships’ and ‘Super Bass’. During her per- formance she also joked with the thousands of gig-goers by adopting Hilton a fake British accent and asking if they had brought along any tasty English delicacies for her to enjoy, before thanking her fans for making her “feel at home” in the capital, despite being from New York. She shouted: “I can’t believe I’m back in my second home. Did anyone gets Las Vegas bring me some scones and tea? “Everytime I come to London, you guys make me feel at home. That’s why everywhere I go, I say, Iggy Azalea nobody’s palying with London.” Despite seeming to enjoy the per- DJ residency formance, she recently revealed she contemplated cancelling ‘The Pinkprint Tour’ after her crew member De’Von Pickett was stabbed to aris Hilton is set to take up a Las Vegas DJ residency. The 34-year-old I’ve been ‘annoying’ Britney death in a bar in Philadelphia. However, she was inspired to continue socialite recently ended a residency at Amnesia nightclub in Ibiza and has with the string of dates - which will also see her visit the US later this Pnow revealed her next regular slots will be in Atlantic City and Las Vegas. ggy Azalea has been “annoying” was such a journey, that song. I got asked year - because she wanted to honor him by performing. She previous- She admitted: “I’ve got a residency in Atlantic City, and I’m about to do one in Britney Spears with ideas for their and it was her song, and then she didn’t ly said: “I can’t let anything stop us from putting on the show because Las Vegas. I can’t say where yet.” After five years of DJing, the TV personality said Imusic video. The ‘Fancy’ hitmaker col- think she would have her album done in that would be quitting. So we’re going to continue the tour in his she hopes further residencies will quash speculation about her having a lack of laborated with the 33-year-old star on a time, and then I rewrote parts of it and it memory.” Nicki will continue her UK tour throughout April before talent on the decks, as she insists she has refined her skill since she first started track named ‘Pretty Girls’ which will fea- became my song, and I tried to make it returning to the capital to perform at Wireless Festival on July 5. out with the hobby. She explained: “There are so many rumors out there. ture on Britney’s new album and Iggy has all mine and keep it. “Then she said, ‘No, People who think that I don’t play live. There are so many haters that make up confessed she’s been bombarding her no, I am going to take it, my album is so many stories. But anybody who comes and sees a show and watches behind with ideas for the clip. Speaking about ready’. And so I swung it back her way the booth will see I know exactly what I’m doing. I’ve been training so hard for working with the ‘Piece of Me’ singer, she because she’s Britney Spears, you have to the past five years.” However, Paris said being a DJ is the perfect profession for shared: “She’s super nice. She came to my do that. She gets whatever she wants.” her because she has so much experience in going to parties. She told Billboard: house and had lunch and I didn’t know Iggy also spoke about the sound of their “Because I’m Paris Hilton, people assume, ‘Oh, she’s just this rich girl.’ They don’t what to expect, and we actually really collaboration, claiming it evolved into a understand that I’ve actually been going to raves since I was 15 years old. I love get along. “I’ve been texting her, annoy- “cool” “powerhouse” duet. She added: “It’s music. I love entertaining people. I love partying. I love having a good time and ing her with all my ideas for the video kind of really evolved into something having people around me have a great time. So I feel like DJing is kind of per- and she’s been a really good sport about that I was just featured on originally, into fect for what I do.” it, so I’m really excited.” The 24-year-old really a true duet, where I’m on the cho- rapper previously claimed ‘Pretty Girls’ rus with her. We go back and forth, she would be the first single off her new has her verses and I have my verse, but album as Britney didn’t think her new it’s not just me kind of popping in it. It record would be ready in time but she’s really is a duet. And I love that. I love a since been back in touch to ask for it good pop duet where it’s equally power- Duran Duran back. Iggy explained to MTV News: “It house. Cool.” sign record deal Bieber scrapped album

ustin Bieber has scrapped an entire album. The 21-year-old singer recently Japologized for his past conduct - includ- Hart to receive ing wild parties, being arrested for driving offenses and egging a neighbor’s house - and vowed to be a better person, and as a result of his new outlook on life, he realized the music Comedic Genius Award he had been making didn’t reflect where his “head’s at” so ditched the recordings to make new songs. He said: “My whole direction has changed. What you are thinking about all the time is what you write, and now that I’m think- ing about more positive things, it completely changes my music. “I had to re-do my whole album. It was done but it didn’t match up to where I am now and where my head’s at. “I want to tell my story, but I also want to give people hope. I lost hope for a while, I was in a dark place, but it’s about getting out of that times and it might taint what you believe. I rut. It’s about knowing there’s sunshine on the think that’s what happened with me, I low- other side.” Instead, Justin’s new album - the ered my beliefs.” Justin is working with Kanye follow-up to 2012’s ‘Believe’ - will focus on West and producer Rick Rubin on the record “growing, hope and faith”. Asked what it will and thinks the finished album will be a big be about, he told USA Today newspaper: surprise to people. He said: “I’m finishing up “About growing, being in touch with your- the album now, working with Kanye and Rick. self.”What can I say, it’s life experiences, and I’m not rushing it, I’ll just wait until it’s totally knowing that you can and get back up and done. “I don’t want to say, ‘It’s different’, keep going. “Hope and faith, that’s what’s because that’s what everyone says. But it is uran Duran have signed ed with our catalogue after years gotten me through this too, my faith. What I different, it’s a grown-up version of Justin and an album deal with Warner apart - and in that sense it really believe in. “You’re around some people some- I think people will be shocked.” DBros Records. The world- feels a little like coming home.” renowned band - featuring Simon The record will be the band’s first Le Bon, Nick Rhodes, John Taylor since 2010’s Mark Ronson-pro- evin Hart is to receive the ‘Comedic Genius Award’ at the and Roger Taylor - have duced ‘All You Need Is Now’, and Jolie prefers directing to acting 2015 MTV Movie Awards. The ‘Get Hard’ star will be handed announced their 14th album is will see them team up with the Kthe gong by chat show host and comedian Jimmy Kimmel scheduled to be released in musician once again, as well as ngelina Jolie prefers directing to act- at the live ceremony, which will air on Monday April 13. The award September, and will feature guest acclaimed producers Nile Rodgers ing. The 39-year-old star, who helmed honors Kevin’s raw comedy talents and his numerous appear- appearances from Canadian and Mr Hudson. In December it Athe biographical war drama film ances in hilarious movies including recently ‘The Wedding Ringer’. singer Kiesza, former Red Hot Chili was believed the band - who have ‘Unbroken’ in 2014, has revealed she finds Other celebrities set to attend the show - which will be hosted by Peppers guitarist John Frusciante, sold more than 100 million directing to be a more rewarding experience Amy Schumer - are Shailene Woodley, Miles Teller, Reese and singer/songwriter Janelle records during their career span- than appearing in front of the camera. She Witherspoon, Vin Diesel and Sofia Vergara. Elsewhere, ‘Guardians Monae, who will sing on the LP’s ning three decades - could be explained: “I prefer directing to acting. There is of the Galaxy’, ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ and ‘Neighbors’ lead the first single, ‘Pressure Off’. Speaking working with ‘Mean Girls’ actress huge freedom that comes from being behind nominations with seven nods each. Chris Pratt has been nominat- about the deal, John said: “We Lindsay Lohan on their new music, the camera.” In the film, Jack O’Connell, 24, ed for a host of gongs, including Best Male Performance, Best could not be happier to be mak- although they have yet to reveal if stars as athlete Louis ‘Louie’ Zamperini - who Shirtless Performance and Best Comedic Performance whilst ‘The ing this deal with Warner Bros, anything came of their short stint survived in a raft for 47 days after his bomber Fault in Our Stars’ Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort received and are looking forward to work- in the studio together. Alongside went down during World War II - and Angelina said that although she doesn’t often reflect on joint nominations for Best Duo as well as Best Kiss. ‘Neighbors’ ing on our forthcoming album a picture of herself with sister Ali, says it’s particularly rewarding to work with a film once she’s finished making it, ‘Unbroken’ stars Seth Rogen and Zac Efron were handed a nod for Best Fight. release with not only their US and Simon and Nick from the such talented young people. She told created some particularly vivid memories. She Fans may cast their votes for their favourites until Saturday April team but also everyone else with- band, Lindsay wrote on Instagram “It brings a lot of responsibilities as said: “I tend not to look back and dwell on a 11, with the voting for the prestigious Movie of the Year Award in the Warner family around the at the time: “#DuranDuran well, but is intensely rewarding. “Particularly project once it is finished. But I do remember continuing during the show’s live broadcast. The 2015 MTV Movie the chance to help draw out the best in young world.”We are also excited that @alianalohan recording with how intense the atmosphere was on-set film- Awards, which take place at the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles, will actors, like Jack O’Connell in Unbroken, who is this deal means we will be reunit- some greats!!! (sic).” ing some of the tougher scenes [such as] air live on Monday April 13. — Bang Showbiz a remarkable talent.” What’s more, Angelina when Louie is being brutalized. lifestyle THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 FEATURES

The under-construc- tion Porsche Design Tower in Sunny Isles Beach, Fla.

A 100.20 carat flawless diamond is displayed at a media preview for Sotheby’s Spring Art Auction. — AFP photos 100-carat diamond expected selling price: $25 million rare emerald-cut 100-carat dia- mond is expected to fetch up to a Awhopping USD 25 million at an auction in New York. Sotheby’s New York will place the internally flawless diamond up for auction at its Magnificent Jewels sale on April 21. “In terms of size and gen- eral shape, we have compared the dia- mond to a 9-volt battery,” said Gary Schuler, head of Sotheby’s jewelry depart- Live in a Porsche? Designer ment in New York. The diamond has no measurable nitro- gen impurities; it is one of the largest and rarest such stones in existence, according to Robb Report. The emerald-cut diamond labels draw Miami home buyers was originally more than 200 carats when the London jewelry house De Beers sourced it from a mine in southern Africa. he wow factor for Miami’s skyscraper condos no Treasured name and logo The diamond’s current owner - who longer comes from a dazzling Atlantic Ocean Shaped like a piston driven into sand, the concrete- has chosen to remain anonymous - spent 100 carats that have ever been sold at auc- Tview. It takes something more audacious to sell and-glass Porsche Design Tower will contain three car more than a year studying, cutting and tion. “What makes this stone so striking beachfront property these days to the global ultra- elevators. Each can whisk a convertible up 60 stories polishing the gem to achieve its current and rare is the combination of its impres- wealthy who arrive in Miami with millions to spend on and then slide it into the owner’s personal steel-rein- state. It is estimated to fetch USD 19 mil- sive scale, the elegant shape, and the puri- second or third homes. It takes words invested with forced garage. (The owner can stay in the driver’s seat.) lion to USD 25 million. If sold, it will join ty and crispness of the stone,” Schuler meaning in the language of the international jet set: Inside the apartments, curved windows capture a vista just five other diamonds measuring over added. — Porsche. Giorgio Armani. Fendi. With a slew of residen- of waves billowing from a midnight blue into a pale tial and hotel developments, Miami is embracing the green along the shore. For the designers and builders, notion that homes, like cars, handbags and jewelry, the partnership offers dual rewards: The brands gain a should carry luxe designer labels. The trend has revenue stream and enhance their cachÈ. The develop- spread from Europe, Asia and the Middle East, where ers and owners benefit from the allure of a treasured developers discovered a few years ago that luxury- name and logo. “What we’re selling is luxury,” Dezer Contemporary cross-stitch branded hotels and homes could command huge pre- said. “The buyers already know the brand. They like the miums that the moneyed set would happily pay. style, they like the look and that’s why they feel more Having transformed New York and London, the comfortable buying it.” Dezer is also taking reservations wealthy are increasingly pursuing new havens. Miami for condos at the Armani Casa. The Chateau Group is patterns are creative, edgy is luring Argentinians, Brazilians, Chinese, Russians building the Fendi Chateau (named for the Italian fash- and French, some of whom seek refuge from political ion house) steps from the Chanel, Gucci and Tiffany instability and higher taxes at home. The purchases go boutiques. Nearby is the Faena District, a condo, hotel all it subversive stitchery. Alternative watching the show with my grandmother,” beyond the appeal of haute logos: Owning an asset and cultural center backed by Argentinian hotelier and embroidery. Today’s home samplers she says. Emily Peacock stitches alphabets priced in dollars can protect fortunes from the shrunk- fashion designer Alan Faena. Their emergence has Cinclude everything from Kanye West and phrases like “Think Happy Thoughts,” en values of euros, pesos and rubles. The pull is so spawned thousands of skilled construction jobs. Yet it’s tweets to tattoo designs. Jamie Chalmers, a using colorful, groovy typefaces with a hap- powerful that developer Gil Dezer’s Porsche Design also produced an epic surge in home prices. And it’s burly, bearded fellow who lives in Bedford, py-go-lucky vibe. The artist, based in Tower is mostly sold-out, even though construction walled off Miami’s coastline behind a phalanx of sky- England, calls himself a “manbroiderer.” He Buckinghamshire, England, says her back- won’t wrap until early 2016, meaning that most buy- scrapers that has isolated low- and middle-income resi- runs a blog and wrote a book, “Push ground in graphic design, and fascination ers committed millions based on blueprints. dents. Many have had to buy farther and farther inland, Stitchery: 30 Artists Explore the Boundaries with fonts and uplifting themes inform her said Aaron Drucker, a managing agent for Redfin, the of Stitched Art”. ideas. “I love the vibrancy of folk art and the real estate brokerage. “Locals are not really part of the “About 12 years ago, I bought a cross- simplicity of mid-century design. I have an party,” Drucker said. “It’s a little bittersweet for folks who stitch pattern as something to do while on a idea, sketch it out and then turn up the vol- aren’t going to be able to enjoy the beauty of Miami.” long plane journey. I was motivated by the ume so that the effect is eye-catching and Demand from European and South American buy- The under-construction Porsche Design juxtaposition of being a big man doing a immediate - I like designs that demand your ers caused prices for the top 5 percent of homes Tower in Sunny Isles Beach. tiny little cross stitch, but once I got into it, I attention as you enter a room,” she says. “I around Miami Beach to surge 66 percent in the past really enjoyed it,” he says. “I started Mr X play a lot with colour and can feel a sort of year to $6.3 million, according to Redfin. That compares “There is an element of trust.” The developers enjoy a Stitch as a way of showcasing contempo- ‘yes’ moment when the colour balance is with a 5 percent increase in luxury prices nationwide. growing pool of wealth to target. Roughly 173,000 indi- right. Then I know I can start stitching.” Miami Beach’s gains dwarfed the price increases of top- viduals worldwide are worth more than $30 million, a rary embroidery from around the world, tier homes in San Francisco, Los Angeles and population that rose 3 percent last year, according to a challenging the common paradigm that Washington DC. report by Knight-Frank. Their numbers are forecast to stitching is just for little old ladies. Online tutorials swell an additional 34 percent over the next decade, Want the entire “Game of Thrones” Court filings meaning that more foreign buyers will be looking for Westeros map in cross stitch? That’s the top- Global buyers are largely paying with cash. Some homes in New York, Los Angeles, Miami and elsewhere. seller at Jen Eggleston’s shop. may be shifting their holdings from US bank accounts Eggleston, of Vancouver, British Columbia, after the IRS sought to reduce tax avoidance in 2012 by Car elevator also has riffed on “National Lampoon’s requiring banks to report interest earned on accounts In setting up the Porsche Design Tower, Dezer identi- Christmas Vacation” and “Mad Men.” She held by foreigners. Those accounts are estimated to fied and sent packages to 1,500 individuals with an recently completed an ambitious design The elevator shaft in the core of the under- hold up to $400 billion, according to court filings. Two- affinity for the German automaker. The outreach pro- that shows the self-destruct sequence on construction Porsche Design Tower. thirds of sales in the Miami area were all-cash, com- duced 62 sales. More than 90 percent of the 132 condo the spaceship in “Alien.” pared with 48 percent in other US markets with high units have been sold. Prices started at $4 million, with There are lots of downloadable patterns proportions of international buyers, Redfin found. penthouses listed for above $30 million. The buyers are like these online for a nominal cost - design- Nationwide, by contrast, all-cash sales accounted for committing millions to a designer condo based on blue- ers provide color and measurement guide- only about a quarter of purchases in February, accord- prints, models and animated videos. They agree to pay lines. Online tutorials show how to design ing to the National Association of Realtors. 50 percent of the purchase price in installments during In this photo provided by Jen your own chart. If you just appreciate the A result is that the demand for branded condos is far construction - essentially financing the development on Eggleston/RandomlyGenerated, cross-stitch motif without picking up nee- outpacing the fundamentals of a Miami-area economy more generous terms than some banks would. Just the Eggleston replicates in cross stitch an dle and thread, consider the Stitches collec- that’s still recovering from the housing bust. Over the idea of the car elevator was enough to persuade Juan iconic scene from “Alien,” one of her past year, average hourly wages in metro Miami have tion from Danish firm Menu. There’s a pretty Pablo Verdiquio to buy at the Porsche Design Tower. “I favorite films. risen just 1.3 percent to $22.74 an hour, according to the took a leap of faith,” said Verdiquio, who had moved to jar, candlestick and vase done on white Labor Department, below national averages. “The typi- Miami from Argentina a few years earlier and launched a porcelain with grey stitch trim. Here too is cal metrics used to measure real estate markets - such as construction business. In the end, he decided the condo “One of the reasons people like learning Gry Fager’s vine and leaf cross-stitch pattern local job growth - don’t apply here,” said Neisin Kasdin, a he had bought for vacations was lacking as a year-round from me is that I’m big, bald, straight and printed in soft grey on a crisp white plate. former Miami Beach mayor and lawyer who represents family home. For Verdiquio, who drives a Porsche 911 tattooed, and if I like embroidery, then any- Hungarian artist Zsanett Szirmay uses developers of the Faena District. “I’ve never seen this 4S, the tower seemed a perfect fit. So he bought an one can like it,” he says. Pop culture translat- cross stitch to create multimedia art. Using congregation of wealth before.” Branded homes are apartment. ed into cross stitch may be edgy, irreverent a laser, she transfers old-style, Eastern A Porsche Panamera Turbo is used to test the helping attract some buyers who weren’t familiar with and funny. European, folk-art embroidery patterns car elevator and parking technology being Miami’s luxury housing, said Liam Bailey, global head of Less extravagant onto fabric strips, which can then be developed for the Miami-area Porsche Design research at the London-based real estate consultancy But then Dezer also showed him the blueprints for Photo makes a difference “played” in an old punch-card music box. Tower. Knight Frank. “There is a marketing benefit of having a the Armani building, whose architect, Argentine Cesar Picture a sampler stitched with lyrics She calls it “sound weaving.”-AP brand that is recognized outside the market,” Bailey said. Pelli, known for designing the Petronas Towers in from Stephen Sondheim or Snoop Dogg; Malaysia, Verdiquio admired. The prices, starting at $1.5 scenes from “Poltergeist” or Harry Potter; million, were less extravagant. So Verdiquio bought a portraits of Lena Dunham or Grumpy Cat; unit there, too. He expects the designer labels to carry cross-stitched burgers, asparagus, cupcakes weight from Shanghai to Sao Paulo, giving his apart- or kimchi. You get the idea. Singapore- ments more value than one with an ordinary name based artist Teresa Lim stitches scenes from chosen by a developer. her travels - a bridge in Prague, a park in “I think it’s going to be a huge landmark for Miami Tokyo, a field of German sheep. and, I think, worldwide,” Verdiquio said. Yet Dezer also pitches Miami as a bargain compared with other global “Embroidering a place instead of taking cities. The average Miami Beach condo sells for roughly a photo makes a difference. When you take $760 a square foot, according to the brokerage a photo, you don’t notice the small details. Christie’s International. But when you draw or embroider, your eye That makes it cheaper than a comparable pad in picks out so much more detail,” she says. Monaco, New York City, London, Moscow, Paris and “After I complete a piece, I feel like I actually Beijing. With only so much oceanfront, the condos KNOW the place.” should become a scarce resource that appreciates over Jacqueline and Christopher Gable of St time, Dezer said. This makes these buildings a store of Catherines, Ontario, run a blog called Wee value, though association fees and taxes can cost Little Stitches. They’ve found a niche ren- $300,000 a year, according to estimates by the real dering the casts of movies and TV series like estate lawyer Kasdin. “Star Wars,” “Lord of the Rings” and “The Big In some cases, the condo has even insulated buyers Bang Theory” into pixels for cross stitching. from the devaluation of foreign currencies against the Why pixels? “The neat thing about pixels is dollar. A Russian who bought a $1 million home in that they translate exactly in to cross-stitch Miami last year would have spent the equivalent of 34 designs - in fact, it could be said that cross- million rubles. Because the ruble has plunged since stitching is the original pixel art,” laughs then, that home is worth roughly 60 million rubles. A Jacqueline. similar trend has played out for the euro, the Brazilian “I think my favourite is the ‘Golden Girls’ real and the Colombian peso. “People look at these pattern. I have such fond memories of The view looking south from the under-construction Porsche Design Tower. apartments as bank accounts,” Dezer said. — AP A map of Westeros. lifestyle THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015

Music & Movies ‘Furious 7’ shows off sharp new Imax laser technology eeper blacks, brighter whites, even bigger to extend to 140 feet wide and utilize more of the screens and better sound. When the high- screen at the top and bottom, Gelfond says. The Dspeed action sequel “Furious 7” debuts this Chinese Theatre can now show Imax movies at a width weekend, audiences at Hollywood’s famous TCL of 96 feet, compared to 86 feet in the past, says theater Chinese Theatre will see every tire skid and fistfight in president Alwyn Hight Kushner. Imax’s brand-new laser format. Lasers are supposed to Larger screens means being able to fill bigger the- be able to heighten contrast. In laser-projected trailer aters with more seats and build even larger auditori- footage of “Furious 7” shown exclusively to The ums from scratch, says Gelfond. He hopes the better Associated Press, details were noticeably crisper than visual experience and 12-channel audio that Imax is images shown in a standard-sized auditorium with a rolling out with the laser upgrade will drive more regular digital projector. Deep blacks, one of the tout- moviegoers to want to see films in Imax, which typical- ed benefits of laser projection, stood out boldly, par- ly cost a few dollars more than standard movie tickets. ticularly in actress Michelle Rodriguez’s eyes and hair, a The laser system is expected to boost gross profits by suit worn by actor Jason Statham, Vin Diesel’s tank top, around $1 million this year, Gelfond told investors in black car paint and shadows in the grooves of tire October. “I think over time, this will be the next big treads. thing,” Gelfond said in an interview Tuesday with The Imax’s first laser projector started operating in AP. “It’s not going to change the world in a day. It’s Toronto’s Scotiabank Theatre in December. The going to happen a pair of eyeballs at a time.” Chinese Theatre, one of the largest Imax theaters in the world, is one of more than a dozen locations that New standard Imax expects to outfit with laser projection this year. Imax joins a host of other companies shifting to Others include the AMC Loews Lincoln Square 13 in lasers, such as projector maker Christie, which has its Manhattan and Empire Cinemas’ Leicester Square in own offering and a partnership with Dolby London. Tickets for laser-illuminated shows will be the Laboratories Inc Barco Inc supplies its own projectors same price as those shown in Imax’s standard format. and provides them for Imax. There are about 25 screens worldwide outfitted with laser projectors and Gross profits about half are Barco’s, according to Barco vice presi- Palladium IMAX in San Antonio installed a Barco laser percent more at first, and decrease over time. Because This photo provided by Laser projection is more than contrast, though. The dent of digital cinema, Patrick Lee. Dolby is set to system in December. Seago plans to convert all of the of the cost, it remains to be seen how far the laser roll- Universal Pictures shows, technology will allow more movies to be screened in announce a rollout in the next several months; Christie company’s big screens to laser projection. out will spread, says Keith Watanabe, director of busi- Vin Diesel, left, as Dom giant theaters, says Imax Corp CEO Rich Gelfond. Until says it has a half-dozen laser projectors installed. Imax “They know there is something different without us ness development for Miami-based Cinema Toretto, and Jason Statham now, digital projectors haven’t been able to use all the plans to use lasers only on its biggest screens - 80-feet- telling them it’s laser,” he says. “We think it’s the new Equipment and Supplies. “Everyone that begins to see as Deckard Shaw, in a scene real estate of the largest screens because industry- wide and above - and at institutions such as the standard for what a guest should expect.” One draw- films like this will prefer it,” he says. “The question is, from ‘Furious 7.’ — AP standard xenon bulbs weren’t bright enough. And the Smithsonian, which has ordered three for all its Imax back of the format is its hefty cost. Today’s digital pro- will people come up with the capital to make this high cost of Imax film prints, which show more bright- theaters. Imax has contracts with over 71 theaters to jectors cost tens of thousands of dollars apiece. Barco’s investment a reality?” — AP ly than digital files, meant that only about eight big- install its laser system so far. Art Seago, the CEO of Lee says its laser offering costs about four to five times budget blockbusters a year could be shown on giant family-owned Santikos Theatres, said customers felt that, a figure echoed by Christie spokesman Dave screens. Lasers change all that. Screens should be able they had a better experience after the Santikos Paolini. Gelfond says the Imax system will cost only 50 ‘Ex-Machina,’ ‘It Follows’ breathe life into stale genres

lex Garland has learned a few things in his years as a sci- ence-fiction screenwriter: namely, that money doesn’t Aalways help. Garland is now making his directorial debut with the acclaimed science fiction film “Ex-Machina,” after earlier scripting the influential zombie thriller “28 Days Later” and seeing his first book, “The Beach,” turned into the Leonardo DiCaprio adventure. The 2007 Danny Boyle-directed space thriller “Sunshine,” which Garland wrote, particularly drove home the lesson. “The thing I really felt about ‘Sunshine’ almost while we were making it, is that we were spending too much money,” says Garland. “When you’re spending that much money, either consciously or unconsciously, you start to think about recoup- ing. You start to think about the business of film and trying to make it entertaining or trying to adrenalize it at moments and Shinji Higuchi when it’s the wrong thing to do.” Garland’s “Ex-Machina,” which opens in theaters April 10, was made for $15 million, not the $50 million it took to make Anno and Higuchi to direct “Sunshine,” a philosophical journey to the sun that eventually dissolved into more of a monster movie. “Ex-Machina,” howev- ‘ 2016’ er, holds its trance throughout the tale of a young computer Toho’s programmer (Domhnall Gleeson) who flies to the remote lair of Oscar Isaac, right, appears on the set with filmmaker Alex Garland during the making of a tech billionaire (Oscar Isaac), and is introduced to a very real- the science fiction film ‘Ex-Machina.’ — AP op Japanese film-makers Hideaki Anno Anno worked on the animation of Hayao istic artificial intelligence (Alicia Vikander). and Shinji Higuchi will team up to co- Miyazaki’s Studio Ghibli-produced “Nausicaa direct “Godzilla (2016)”, the new in the Valley of Wind.” He later directed T New generation Japanese version of the iconic Godzilla mon- series including “,” “Nadia: The “The one thing I do know is that I really, really want creative ster movie franchise. The Toho studio, which Secret of Blue Water” and the “Neon Genesis Review freedom - not just for me but the people I’m working with,” licensed remake rights to Warner Bros. for the Evangelion” series for which he is best most says the British writer-director. “You need to be Christopher hit 2014 revival by director Gareth Edwards, known. He also curated a touring exhibition Nolan to have creative freedom at that level. That’s what, like, produced the seemingly terminal “Godzilla: -Special Effects Museum. ‘Woman in Gold,’ two or three people in the world.” Final Wars” back in 2004. But interest was Higuchi also worked on the “Evangelion” Instead of fighting those odds, a new generation of film- revived by Edward’s 2014 “Godzilla,” which series, before debuting as a feature director makers is breathing fresh life into the often over-commercial- a remarkable story lifelessly told earned $525 million worldwide and JPY3.2 with “Lorelei: The Witch of the Pacific Ocean” in ized genres of sci-fi and horror. A regular diet of big-budget billion ($26 million) in Japan, with Toho and 2005 and scoring a major hit with “The Sinking oman in Gold” has a rich they arrive abroad to plead their case. In releases have helped stagnate genre thrills by over-relying on Warner Bros. Japan co-distributing. of Japan.” Meanwhile, Edwards has been story to tell. The true Vienna, they’re helped by a young native visual-effects spectacle (“Jupiter Ascending,” “After Earth”), “Ever since Hollywood announced that signed to make “Godzilla 2,” which is set for a “Waccount of Maria Altmann’s journalist (Daniel Br¸hl) who functions while mainstream horror has been overrun by gimmicky shlock ‘Godzilla’ was to be resurrected, the expecta- June 8, 2018, bow, with Legendary and fight to reclaim a famed Gustav Klimt mostly as a human exposition vehicle. (the “Paranormal Activity” series) and familiar retreads (“I, tion for another Japanese Godzilla grew. And Warner Bros. again co-producing. In total Toho painting of her aunt, “Portrait of Adele With two actors as charming as Mirren Frankenstein”). if we were to newly produce, we looked into has produced 28 Godzilla movies since 1954 Bloch-Bauer I,” first stolen by the Nazis and and Reynolds anchoring the story, it’s a bit But many of the most exciting horror and sci-fi films in Japanese creators who were the most knowl- when Ishiro Honda directed the first. Ryuhei then appropriated by Austria after the disarming that their charisma never really recent years - “Under the Skin,” “The Babadook,” “Her,” edgeable and who had the most passion for Kitamura’s “Godzilla: Final Wars” earned a dis- war, is laced with riveting history, deep manages to energize the sluggish tale. “Upstream Color,” the “Black Mirror” miniseries - have come Godzilla” said Toho in a statement. Anno will appointing $12 million. — Reuters and complex emotion, and fascinating Part of that is for effect - they’re supposed from independent filmmakers working with small or even also be responsible for the screenplay while bureaucracy. Yet director Simon Curtis’s to grow to love and admire one another skimpy budgets, who prize creative control in genres where Higuchi will oversee the picture’s VFX. The rendering of Altmann’s tale, though while he learns to respect her history - but final cut is scarce. two directors previously collaborated on “God respectful and pretty, is somehow lifeless. the eventual payoff doesn’t connect. Janet Pierson, head of film at South By Southwest, where Warrior Appears in Tokyo.” “Their drive to take There is almost too much here for a These characters aren’t equipped to deliv- “Ex-Machina” premiered, has regularly programmed inventive on such new challenges was exactly what we single movie. Curtis, who charmed with er the lively generational comedy that this genre fare. While she’s witnessed steadily intrepid sci-fi and all had been inspired by,” said Toho. his Marilyn Monroe slice of life “My Week story so desperately needs. horror for years, she sees a larger shift. “What I’ve noticed is with Marilyn,” relies on a combination of The flashbacks, ranging from Maria’s that the young people that come in here, particularly more flashbacks of Maria’s pre-war life in Vienna childhood to her early 20s (“Orphan and more of the women, their first love is genre films - which is and the present day tick-tock of her legal Black’s” Tatiana Maslany), are meant to a real change, which is something that didn’t exist before,” said quest to take ownership of the painting. contextualize Maria’s plight. We see a spir- Wahlberg to produce Pierson. “I come from the more traditional art-house genera- Played in the present by Helen Mirren, ited girl’s life upended by the war, the bru- tion.” Maria is a prickly woman with a thick tality of the Nazi regime and the faceless Austrian accent. She owns a boutique in a indifference of her fellow countrymen. Quieter moments fancy part of Los Angeles and, following But, seeped in the obligatory sepia and Boston Marathon bombing David Robert Mitchell, writer-director of the indie horror the death of her sister, has made up her lace, these sequences are as adventurous sensation “It Follows,” is a kind of combination genre-art house mind that she would like to claim what is as a paint-by-numbers, with the exception filmmaker. His first movie, “The Myth of the American hers. The man she convinces to help her is of a heart-pounding chase sequence. movie for CBS Films Sleepover,” was his version of a teen drama that portrayed the Randy Schoenberg (Ryan Reynolds), a dull A recurring theme throughout the film quieter moments of adolescence, rather than the melodramat- corporate lawyer with a prestigious pedi- is that everyone has forgotten the horrors ark Wahlberg, Scott Stuber, Dylan Clark, ic extremes usually depicted in the genre. gree and a few poor career choices on his of the Holocaust - that no one really cares Stephen Levinson and Michael Radutzky will “It Follows” is his stab at horror. The DVDs he pulled off his resume. about the living history of so many. It’s an produce “Patriots’ Day,” a movie chronicling the M shelf in preparation make a respectable horror syllabus: interesting question, but “Woman in Gold” events of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, for CBS “Nosferatu” (the original and the Werner Herzog version), Heart-pounding chase doesn’t have the guts to go too deep on Films. No director or actor is attached yet, but a source Romero, Cronenberg, Polanski, the classic Universal monster It’s been over 60 years since Maria fled that or any of the complexities around indicated that Wahlberg is considering coming on movies, the Hammer classics, “The Shining” and many more. Austria during World War II and she is sick- Maria’s quest.—AP board for one of the roles. “Patriots’ Day” is based on the “There’s a bunch of us that grew up watching what are now ened by the thought of returning, refus- account of Boston Police commissioner Ed Davis. Matt seen as classic horror films,” says Mitchell, a Michigan native. ing to even speak the language when Charman (“Bridge of Spies”) is writing the screenplay “That’s probably affected a lot of us to, if not update them, be and Nicholas Nesbitt will executive produce. inspired by them.” Davis worked with the FBI, Watertown Police Mitchell’s deep appreciation of the genre is self-evident in Department, Boston Police Department, Massachusetts “It Follows,” an atmospheric suburban teenager thriller with a State Police and local first responders to track, identify synthesizer score evocative of John Carpenter. “It Follows” has and apprehend the suspected bombers. The announce- crossed over from art house to mainstream: it expanded last ment came Tuesday as the defense rested its case in the weekend to some 1,200 theaters, despite earlier plans for trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who is accused of the April video-on-demand. It pulled in $4 million at the box office, 15, 2013, attack. Juror deliberations will begin Monday about twice its budget. While he acknowledges “more money after closing arguments. Radutzky is a “60 Minutes” sen- would definitely be helpful” and that he may later be interest- ior producer who leads the broadcast’s creative devel- ed in directing bigger studio films, “my intention is to kind of opment unit, 60 Minutes Productions. take my time with that,” says Mitchell. “And that’s by choice.” CBS Films has secured Davis’ life rights as well as the “Ex-Machina” and “It Follows” both create suspense by rely- information in connection with the “60 Minutes” story ing on acting and atmosphere. “It Follows,” in which an unseen, in which he appeared. Davis was appointed the police unknown entity is passed like a sexually transmitted disease, commissioner of the Boston Police Department in 2006, works like “Jaws” or “The Evil Dead”: What we imagine is more serving seven years before announcing his retirement fearful than anything a movie can physically represent. “Ex- in 2013. He serves as the security analyst on WBZ News Machina” has the distilled feel of a chamber piece: It’s all ques- This photo provided by The Weinstein Company shows, from left, Ryan Boston. Wahlberg is a Boston native. He portrayed tions and mysteries to unravel, none of the fat of special effects Reynolds, Helen Mirren, and Daniel Bruhl, in a scene from the film, ‘Woman in Bostonians in “The Departed,” “The Fighter” and “Ted.” set-pieces. “What that stuff doesis it takes the heat off charac- Gold.’ —AP The news was first reported by Deadline. — Reuters terization and themes and story,” says Garland. “What a cham- ber piece does is it leaves you nowhere to hide.”— AP Mark Wahlberg lifestyle THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015

Music & Movies Duchovny to release 1st album in May

Files” actor David Duchovny is releasing his roles in the TV series “The X Files” and “Californication.” released on ThinkSay Records. Duchovny will star in David Duchovny attends first music album. He announced Tuesday He says in a statement making the album was a the upcoming NBC series “Aquarius,” which debuts May ‘The Truth Is Here: David “Xhe’ll release “Hell or Highwater” on May 12. “dream come true,” though he adds it’s shocking to 28. — AP Duchovny and Gillian The album will include 12 tracks he wrote. Duchovny think he has a musical career. The first single is the title Anderson on The X-Files’ at has won two Golden Globes and is best known for his track and already is available. The music is being The Paley Center for Media. — AP Joni Mitchell hospitalized in US

anadian singer Joni Mitchell, one of the symbols One of Mitchell’s best-known songs is “Woodstock,” of the Woodstock generation, was in intensive a tribute to the huge, counterculture music festival Ccare in a Los Angeles hospital yesterday, accord- held in upstate New York in 1969. It brought together ing to her website. Mitchell, 71, was found uncon- an estimated 400,000 people and lasted three days. scious in her home in the afternoon Tuesday but Mitchell had planned to perform at the festival, but regained consciousness on the ambulance ride to a huge traffic jams leading to and from the farm where Los Angeles hospital, said a statement on her website. it was held forced her to stay in New York for a TV “She is currently in intensive care undergoing tests engagement. “So I stayed home in New York and I and is awake and in good spirits. More updates to watched it on television all day and saw everybody come as we hear them. Light a candle and sing a song, let’s all send good wishes her way,” it added. The news was broken by the celebrity website TMZ, which said emergency services came to the singer-songwriter’s house around 2:30 pm (2130 GMT). A representative of the singer did not immedi- Lauren Bacall ately answer calls from AFP. Mitchell, whose real name is Roberta Joan Anderson, is known for hits including “The Circle Game”, “Big Yellow Taxi” and “Help Me”, Hollywood icon Bacall’s among many others. She was one of the top musi- cians to come out of the 1960s music scene, along with the Doors, Neil Young, Carole King, the Eagles, the Mamas and the Papas and Crosby, Stills & Nash. belongings lure bidders Other artists have done cover versions of her songs, including Prince, Bjork and Janet Jackson, the Los Angeles Times recalled. ollywood screen icon Lauren Bacall’s personal papier mache ornaments-filled Bacall’s plush Manhattan possessions from the precious to the mundane residence, and have toured the world, attracting poten- Awards galore hit the auction block in New York, drawing plenty tial buyers from China to France. H She has received eight Grammys, the top prize in of fans Tuesday. Collectors were jostling for a memento A hand-colored etching by naturalist John James the US music industry. She was also inducted into the of the Oscar-winner from among more than 200 items Audubon “American White Pelican” fetched $173,000, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1997. Mitchell says she from fine art to kitchenware, and avant-garde to kitsch. three times more than was expected, a Bonhams state- suffers from an ailment called Morgellon’s disease, The sale continues today at Bonhams auction house. ment said. From the Bogart years, before he died from Joni Mitchell holding two which is described as a crawling, biting or stinging there playing and singing. It was really a nice festival, I The collection includes jewelry and clothes, aborigi- cancer in 1957, was his black granite games table and a Grammy Awards for Best sensation all over the body. Some doctors say it is a guess, from the looks of everything,” she told an audi- nal and African art, English and French furniture and pair of silver candelabras from the couple’s marital home Pop Album, ‘Turbulent real illness, while others call it a form of psychosis, ence at a concert in 1970. Mitchell has performed the items bought in antique shops around the world. Items in Los Angeles. The table brought in $26,250 — almost Indigo,’ during the 38th whereby patients believe their skin is infected with song herself, but it also became a big hit for Crosby, that date from her marriage to legendary on-screen co- nine times the estimated value. The auction house said Annual Grammy Awards in parasites. Stills, Nash and Young, as the folk group was known star Humphrey Bogart and sculptures by English artist Bacall became interested in African art while accompa- Los Angeles. — AP “I have a tremendous will to live,” Mitchell told the when accompanied by Neil Young. Some of the song’s Henry Moore are among the most prized items. Bacall, nying her husband on location for “The African Queen” Los Angeles Times in 2010. The paper reported that in trademark lines goes like this: “By the time we got to one of Hollywood’s great golden age actresses, died in starring Bogart and Katharine Hepburn, which was recent years she had been a vocal advocate for people Woodstock, we were half a million strong. And every- August aged 89 in her nine-room home overlooking filmed in Congo and Uganda. Other items from around who suffer from the condition. “I’m a polio survivor, so where there was song and celebration.”— AFP Central Park, which is also on the market for $26 million. the world include Indian miniatures, a Japanese I know how conservative the medical body can be,” Most of the items sold so far were at or above the portable brass tea set and a marble table inscribed with she told the Times. “In America, the Morgellons is price estimates made by the auctioneers, Bonhams said. “in the name of Allah” in Arabic calligraphy. — AFP always diagnosed as ‘delusion of parasites,’ and they The proceeds of next week’s auctions will go to her three send you to a psychiatrist. I’m actually trying to get children. All 740 lots-from Yves Saint Laurent evening out of the music business to battle for Morgellons suf- wear to a cheese slicer, silver tea strainer, suitcases and ferers to receive the credibility that’s owed to them.” Who’s Who in music streaming: Tidal, Spotify, Pandora & more ince Apple shook up the music world with iTunes a little and higher-quality audio over Web browsers. more than a decade ago, online music has exploded and Sbecome the central way many people enjoy and discover Tidal music. Internet services such as Pandora and Spotify have millions Unlimited listening. Among the few services offering high- of users. Now, several high-profile musicians are behind what’s fidelity songs, which many audiophiles prefer over MP3s and oth- being billed as the first artist-owned music-streaming service. er formats that reduce quality in the compression process. Offers Tidal isn’t new, but it’s getting a reboot from rapper Jay-Z, who music video and curated playlists from experts. $10 a month for bought the Scandinavian company behind it, Aspiro. Madonna, standard sound quality and $20 for high fidelity. There’s no free Rihanna and Beyonce are among the co-owners. That’s notable offering. because many artists complain about how little payment they get from other music services, such as Spotify. As owners, artists could Apple insist on better deals. Pay per song to download and own forever through iTunes. There are now three main ways to get music, and many servic- Free Internet radio through iTunes Radio on Apple devices. Also es offer a blend: owns Beats Music, which offers unlimited listening for $10 a Pay per song. Apple’s iTunes has made it easy to buy singles or month, with no free version. Beats touts its playlists and other rec- Ringo Starr taps friends albums. Many artists release new albums early through iTunes. ommendations curated by experts, not computers. Google and Amazon now compete, but the premise remains the for ‘Postcards,’ reflects same: Buy songs or albums to own forever. Google Unlimited listening. For a monthly subscription of about $10, Pay per song through Google Play. Google Play Music service on music world you can listen to as many songs as you want on a variety of per- offers unlimited listening for $10 a month, with no free option. sonal computers, phones, tablets and other devices. Many also let Google also offers YouTube Music Key for selected music videos, espite a struggling music industry and a less-than-favor- you download songs for offline playback. Once you stop paying, free of ads, for $10. Paying for one gets you the other, too. able relationship with online streaming music platforms, though, you lose all your songs, even ones you’ve already down- Dformer Beatle Ringo Starr is still insistent on making new loaded. Some offer free versions with ads and other restrictions, Amazon songs. Starr, 74, released “Postcards From Paradise” this week, his such as song selection only on PCs. Pay-per-song offering. Amazon’s $99-a-year Prime member- 18th solo studio album featuring 11 original songs by the veter- Internet radio. You can’t choose specific songs or artists, as you Jay Z at the 2014 Coachella Music and Arts Festival in ship comes with unlimited listening, though the song selection an musician in collaboration with friends such as Peter Frampton can with the unlimited-listening services. But you can fine-tune Indio, Calif. — AP isn’t as broad as what rivals offer. and Joe Walsh. “Even though there’s very little record industry your Internet stations by specifying a song, artist, genre or playlist. this week, Spotify launched an app on Sony’s PlayStation game left, I like to make records because I write. I write with songwrit- The station will then stream songs similar to your choices. You can console. The two companies worked closely to make listening Samsung’s milk music ers;I play with other good musicians,” Starr told Reuters, noting personalize stations further by giving thumbs up or thumbs down seamless, so music can be heard in the background while playing Offers free Internet radio like Pandora and others, but tries to “because it’s what I do.” to songs you hear. Music services typically have deals with all games, without losing the game’s sound effects, for instance. make it easier to find music to match your mood. Instead of typ- “It’s very hard for me to find a stranger these days because major recording companies, so they differ mainly in features Spotify offers unlimited listening and Internet radio. It’s free with ing in songs or artists to find matching stations, you spin an on- I’ve been around a long time.” Starr has witnessed the music rather than song selection. That said, Taylor Swift took her music ads; on mobile devices, users are limited to Internet radio and screen wheel to go through various genres until you land on industry evolve dramatically over his 50-year career, and con- off Spotify last fall in a dispute over fees. All but her most recent can’t choose songs. Paying $10 a month gets you an ad-free pre- something you like. Initially exclusive to Samsung TVs and mobile sumption is becoming increasingly digital with Apple Inc’s album are on Tidal, Rdio and Beats. Here’s a look at who’s who in mium service that offers song selection and offline playback on devices, there’s now a Web player for personal computers. — AP iTunes and Inc as well as online streaming plat- music streaming. mobile devices. forms such as Spotify and Jay Z’s newly announced Tidal. The Beatles famously abstained from going digital until 2010, Spotify Pandora when its entire back catalog became available exclusively on One of the most popular music services, with 60 million active Offers Internet radio only. More than 81 million active listeners. iTunes. Starr himself still prefers purchasing physical copies of users worldwide, and a quarter of them paying subscribers. Just Free with ads, or pay $5 a month for an ad-free premium service music. “Streaming I don’t understand anymore.

Most successful bands All I ever hear is that your record has been streamed 17 mil- lion times and they give you a check for 12 bucks,” he said. “With Mexico City businesses take a hit from Bond the established musicians, that seems to be the problem. And the bigger problem with that is there’s nothing coming in for the housands of businessmen in Mexico City’s historic center new bands.” are griping that they have lost nearly $24 million due to Starr’s career is an integral part of music history as a member Tfilming of the upcoming James Bond flick. The megalopolis of seminal 1960s English band The Beatles alongside Paul had been buzzing with excitement about hosting the latest 007 McCartney, George Harrison and John Lennon. The “Fab Four” film, which will include scenes shot at the old Senate building in led the British invasion into US pop music and became one of the historic center and the sprawling Zocalo Square facing the the most successful bands in the world. “Postcards From ornate National Palace. Paradise” coincides with Starr’s induction into the Rock and Roll But “the closure of streets and pedestrian malls (in the historic Hall of Fame in April - the last member of the Beatles to be given old town) is directly and indirectly affecting (for the worse) more the prestigious honor as a solo artist. He’ll be inducted by none than 6,627 businesses,” which have lost $24.6 million, said other than his former bandmate McCartney. Canacope, the local small business chamber of commerce. “I only found out because Paul called me,” Starr said about Filming started two weeks ago and wraped yesterday. The the ceremony. “I’ve said yes to it and a few other friends are com- businesses were paid $100 to $130 a day as compensation for the ing to play and we should have a good night. And I’m finally in shutdown, but they are now complaining the amount was ridicu- the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.” “Postcards From Paradise” has lously small, Canacope said. Stephanie Sigman will be the first received mainly positive reviews, with Rolling Stone magazine “Bond Girl” from Mexico. “Spectre” premieres November 6. — AFP calling it “a masterful summary of Ringo-ness: his cheer, his cheek, his wisdom.”— Reuters A 100-carat diamond expected selling price: $25 Million

THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 37

This file picture taken on March 4, 2015 shows the world’s oldest woman Misao Okawa with her In this Feb 27, 2013 file photo, Japan’s Misao Okawa, then family members at a nursing home in Osaka, western Japan. — AP/AFP photos 114, poses with the certificate of the world’s oldest woman, which was presented to her by Guinness World Records. Italy’s Egyptian museum reopens after ‘pharaonic’ revamp

uge black and gold sarcophagus- Towering sarcophaguses es with kohl-rimmed eyes dwarf The star draw is clearly the new sar- Hvisitors at Turin’s palatial Egyptian cophagus gallery, where varnished wood- museum, which is reopening to the pub- en or stone burial casings sporting intri- lic after a “pharaonic” five-year renova- cate hair braids and long goatees stand tion. What was it like to be an early 20th- with their arms crossed, and a mummified century explorer, stumbling across the body lies curled on its side. A large part of ancient tombs of pharaohs and digni- the museum’s current display of statues, taries and unearthing the mummified papyrus texts, sarcophaguses and mum- bodies and treasures within? mies were bought in 1824 by King Carlos Now visitors donning 3D glasses in the Felix (1765-1831), king of Piedmont- museum in northern Italy will be able to Sardinia and of the House of Savoy. They explore a reconstruction of the tomb of were part of a collection put together by A visitor uses his cell phone to take a picture of hieroglyphic papyrus at Queen Nefertari, Ramesses the Great’s Bernardino Drovetti, a Piedmontese diplo- the Egyptian Museum. favorite wife, as well as that of another mat and antiquarian appointed French tomb and a cult chapel. The red-brick Consul to Egypt by his companion in The inner coffin of Kha is seen at the Egyptian Museum of Turin, Italy. building in the heart of Turin’s historic arms, Napoleon. centre, built as a Jesuit school in the Sniffed at by France, the collection was 17th century, has undergone a 50 million offered to Italy-and archaeologically savvy euro ($53.7 million) makeover that has Carlos Felix jumped at the chance. doubled its exhibition space to 12,000 Egyptology at the time “was very in fash- square meters (129,000 square feet). ion. The public were discovering these “The (refurbishment) works were real- objects that were so new, that told an ly pharaonic. This renovation is not the obscure, far-away story,” Beppe Moiso, one end of the journey, but the beginning,” of the museum’s eight curators said. museum director Christian Greco told a French scholar Jean-Francois Champollion, press review Tuesday. “The Egyptian known primarily for deciphering the museum will become a great internation- Egyptian hieroglyphs on the famous Hieroglyphic papyrus are displayed. al museum once again,” he said. One of Rosetta Stone, studied the Turin collection the top 10 museums in Italy in terms of when it was first put together. From the 8- visitors-with over half a million people metre (26-foot) long papyrus of the Book A visitor looks at a mummy in the Egyptian Museum. through its doors in 2014 — it is opening of the Dead-now on display behind glass to the public for free yesterday, one — to the food preserved from ancient month before this year’s Expo begins in tombs, Champollion was so impressed, he nearby Milan. said that the “road to Memphis and Thebes Organizers hope some of the millions passes through Turin.” — AFP of visitors expected in Italy’s economic capital for the six-month Expo will be enticed to add Turin-and the world’s only museum outside of Cairo dedicated entirely to Egypt-to their itineraries. The collection-which boasts 32,500 pieces, only a small portion of which are on show-is laid out over four floors and cov- ers a period from 4,000 BC to 700 AD. A visitor passes near the sarcophagus of Butehamon.

Ancient Egyptian statues are displayed at the Egyptian Museum.

The coffin of Merit, architect Kha’s wife. A visitor looks at Egyptian artifacts in the Egyptian Museo delle Antichita Egizie. — AP/AFP photos