Friday, July 17th 2015

Shabbat Candle Lighting

time this : 8:05 PM

The Weekly Portion: Parshat Matot-Massei

Matot- conveys the laws governing the annulment of vows to the heads of the tribes of Israel. War is waged against for their role in plotting the moral destruction of Israel, and the Torah gives a detailed account of the war spoils and how they were allocated amongst the people, the warriors, the and the high priest. The tribes of Reuben and Gad (later joined by half of the ) ask for the lands east of the as their portion in the , these being prime pastureland for their cattle. Moses is initially angered by the request, but subsequently agrees on the condition that they first join, and lead, in Israel’s conquest of the lands west of the Jordan.

Massei- The 42 journeys and encampments of Israel are listed, from the Exodus to their encampment on the plains of across the river from the Land of Canaan. Also in Massei: The boundaries of the Promised Land are given, and cities of refuge are designated as havens and places of exile for inadvertent murderers. The daughters of Tzelafchad marry within their own tribe of Manasseh, so that the estate which they inherit from their father should not pass to the province of another tribe.

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This week at Gan Israel, the children learned about some of our favorite Jewish heroes. We learned about Moses, Noah, and Queen Esther. We had a wonderful time on our trip to LICM. The children enjoyed the bubbles, blocks, climbing and making music. We made a master piece of Jackson Pollack in art and had a great time with all our special instructors. Next week, we look forward to creating fun food projects. Have a wonderful weekend!

Shabbat Shalom, Morah Michal and Morah Amy


*On Wednesday, July 22nd and Thursday July 23rd , please wear camp t-shirts!

* On Mondays, girls should wear leggings/tights for Yoga. On Thursdays, girls should wear leggings/socks for Little Gym.

* Please bring bathing suit to camp every day except Wednesday.

* Please apply sunscreen to your children before PEEK @ NEXT WEEK: camp.