
‘ Technician

North Carolina State University’s Student”Newspaper Since 1920

Volume LXIV, Number 44 Monday. Joinery 10, ‘1” Raleigh. Phone 737-2411.-2412

Deadline for South Hall

sign-up set for January 24 by David Snood are $750 a semester. Single rooms are ,, areas of campus through the Random $830 a semester. Selection Process. CoNews Editor The rooms have private phones. “1 would love to have South Hall fili The deadline for signing up for a provisions for Cable TV. air condition- ed before the Random Selection Pro room or arranging for group ing. wiring for computer terminals cess starts." Haywood said. assignments in South Hall is Jan. 24. and brand new furnishings. The Office of Campus Planning and In an official bulletin from the Hons Students signing up for South Hall Construction says the building's con- ing Office students are encouraged “to are not eligible for housing on the struction is “on schedule." and the make application in the Housing office main campus (halls other than North building will be ready for the fall of by 5 p.m. on Jan. 24. 1983." ‘ or South). 1 1983. “‘Asiong as rooms are available in Students will be billed for South The. construction. is being done South Hall." students are guaranteed Hall and deposit payment will be due under a contract of $5.585 million by a nine-month assignment in South Hall on March 4. 1988. .i.M. Thompson Co. of Raleigh. , for next year if they apply by the Associate Vice Chancellor for Stu- South Hall has 490 beds available deadline. dent Affairs Charles Haywood is in for sign up. which will be on a first- StsffphotobyDrewArmstrong By signing up for South Hall. charge of the Housing Office. come. first-serve basis. South Hall will be open for students nextfall. The new dorm wll1~lnclud¢ private phones, provisions for Cable TV. air con- students are exempt from the Random Haywood says by filling South Hall. The housing office will also be tak- ditlonlng, wiring for computer terminals, and brand new furnishings. - Selection Process. more students would have a chance ing applications from special interest South Hall double occupancy rooms for a room on the main residential 81’0“!”- Pick-up ends Wednesday

Parking decal distribution begins this week system will give a better service to No information on the number of want to be of more service to the by San: Hays the students. permits available at the weekly sale students." she said. Staff Writer “We were not able to accomodate will be given by telephone. Ross said. Motorcycle and moped permits will Parking decals for students who all campus residence students. but we be available any time during office - have been allocated parking space did accomodate all commuting The weekly sale of available per- hours in the Traffic Records office. through the pro-registration process students for spaces." Ross said. She mits is a change from the previous Ross said. will be issued from Monday to defined a commuting student as one method of periodic sales. Ross said. Bicycles may be registered as a Wednesday. Jan. 10-12. according to who lived outside a one-mile radius of “We believe the new method will give means of their identifications. Ross Janis Ross. director of the Division of campus. a better service to the students. We said. but registration is not required. Transportation at State. Thirty-five extra “C" permits and Decals will be issued at the Traffic 300 extra “F" permits go on sale Enforcement of parking Records office in 9 Wednesday,Jan. 12. from 9 a.m. to 4 a.m. to 4 p.m. for "R". “J". “C" and “F" p.m. at the Traffic Records office in permits to students whose names ap- Reynolds Coliseum. Ross said. on a pear on the allocation lists. Ross-said. firstcome. first-serve basis. No extra regulations begins Jan. 12 “R" or “J" permits are available, by Sam Hays lots west of Winston Hall. south of The allocation lists have been All students buying parking per- Williams Hall. west of Polk Hall and posted at the Student Informa- mits must bring their current State Staff Writer southwest of Mann Hall. including tion Desk. at the Registration and registration card and their automobile Enforcement of parking regulations south Yarborough Drive. is from 5 Records Office in Harris Hall. and at registration card. Ross said. in student areas will begin Jan. 12 at p.m. until 9 p.m.. Monday through Reynolds Coliseum. Ross said. ' The sale of newly available return- 7:30 a.m.. Janis Ross. director of Thursday. Ross said. “Preregistration for the spring ed permits will be on each Tuesday at transportation at State. announced semester parking permits was com- 7:80 at the Traffic Records office. Ross last week. Twenty-four-hour enforcement is pleted in November 1982." Ross said. said. The number of available permits Parking regulations in staff parking maintained in the Life Safety areas in “This semester is the first time park- for sale on Tuesday will be posted areas is enforced between 7:30 non-parking areas. in the 24-hour han- ing permits have been issued through each Monday at noon at the Traffic a.m. and 5 p.m.. Ross said. dicapped areas. and in the 24-hour pro-registration. and we hope the new Records office. Evening enforcement in the staff reserved spaces. Ross said.

Time appears as key in economic recovery by Bob Cairns Assumming that the government interest is expected to decline in the “Investors who were earning 15 doesn't attempt to stimulate the coming year." he said. percent in the money market (short- State Information Services economy by increasing the money sup How will 1983 economics affect the term) last June can expect about eight Economic prognosticators calling ply, inflation should remain at about average American citizen? percent this spring." he said. for recovery in 1983 are playing a tune the same level as in 1982. he said. According to Lapp. the Consumer Those who are working in 1983 will they made popular last year — “It's "If the Federal Reserve opens up on Price Index forecast would indicate reap the benefits of the third and final . just a matter of time." the money supply as it did in 1977. in- that US. consumers will pay approx- round of President Ronald Reagan‘s “The expectations for 1983 are flation may well increase." Lapp ex- imately $1.05 for the same product tax cut. similar to the picture we’d hoped to plained. that cost $1 in 1982. "As of July 1. our average income see in 1982." John S. Lapp. associate Lapp says that short-term steps of “Some people who were tax rate will be down about 10 percent professor of economics at State. said. this sort can prove costly in the long unemployed in 1982 will find jobs in due to this cut." Lapp said. “Significant economic growth and . 1983. but others who worked in the On the big picture of economic decreasing unemployment rates are “We’ve been fighting inflation for past now will be unemployed." Lapp recovery for 1983. Lapp remains 5" k expected for the coming year. we just the past several years by tightening said. “There will be some give and guardedly optimistic. Staff photo by ClevtonBrinltley sure when the changes will oe up on money. We're just now beginn- take in the job market. but generally “Because I can't account for why we aren’t ing to see some results." Lapp said. things will show a slight improve didn't have the recovery in 1982. 1 cur." Lapp said. "Unemployment has risen. but it ment." can't be positive as to when it will Going for two Lapp said he believes interest rates always does when inflation is pushed Long-term interest rates overall come this year." Lapp said. “But l'm will continue to decline and the pro down sharply. Everything cuts two will be approximately three to four very confident that it will be here. it‘s State's forward looks for two against West Virginia’s Russell Todd. gress against inflation should be sus- ways in economics." percent lower." he said. just a matter of time." State won 61-59. tained. Lapp sees two forces pushing in op- According to Lapp. Real Gross Na- posite directions influencing US. in tional Product (the production of terest rates for 1988. goods and services in the country). “On the one hand an economic State’s Minority Visitation Day scheduled for Jan. 15, which increased marginally in 1982. is recovery may increase the demand for currently expected to accelerate. credit and produce rising interest "When the business sector finds rates." he said. “On the other hand. as production to be more profitable. the financial markets adjust to slower designed to show students what State has to offer economic activity will increase." Lapp inflation. interest rates can begin to said. This will lead slowly to a fall." by Sara Hays the prospective academic depart- A goal of 420 new black students in State. The 1983 intentions to enroll decrease in unemployment rates.” Of these two forces. Lapp says the Staff Writer ments. the fall semester of 1983 was announc- are higher than the 1982 figure. Keller cautioned that although impetus towards lower rates is At Stewart Theatre. State student ed by Keller. said. Lapp in the long term. State is holding a Minority Visita- Jewelette Peterson will present a stu- unemployment will decline. it may stronger. especially tion Day on Jan. 15 for black ap dent’s view of State and Marvin Con As of Jan. 2. 1983. 539 black Keller noted that North Carolina take several years to reach the normal “While short-term rates may rise students had been accepted at State. high school seniors in rate of about six percent. during some of 1983. overall long-term plicants to State who have been ac- nely will present a mentor's view. ac- and 261 of these have stated their in- has 3.000 fewer I cepted by State or who appear to be cording to the program. 1983 than it had in 1982. North -L ‘- qualified to enroll at State. After a concert by State's New tention to enroll at State. Keller said. Carolina had 19.000 black high school — Tootsie rolls. Page 7. The Visitation Day program is Horizon‘s choir. the group will be These figures compare favorably seniors to receive letters of invitation designed to show the black student State's guests for the StateGeorgia with the Jan. 2. 1982 black student ac- to apply at State in 1982 compared inside — Ultimate what their expectations should be Tech game. ceptances of 488 black students by with only 18.200 in 1983. toy. Page 8. when they get to State. according to Anna Keller. director of admissions. Time for the NCAA to go to — The Verdict is in. Page 9, State realizes recruiting is a very fall semester school. Page 9. small part of increasing minority Black enrollment up for - Santa brings State new foot- presence and it is not just the adiab- The total increase of black students prevent HEW from cutting off federal - Just thinking. Page 3. ball coach. Page 11. sions office recruiting goal that will by Sam Hays at the predominantly white institu- funds to the system. get black students to enroll at State. Staff Writer tions amounted to .27 percent. accor- In the consent decree. the UNC Keller said. presi- agreed to make a good faith effort to — l resolve not to indulge in — Trade winds calm on islands. “State has so very much to offer to Black student enrollment at State in - ding to the figures filed by the UNC Page 152. all students and we can sell State to the fall semester of 1982 was 1.857 in a dent of the UNC. William Friday, with increase minority presence in all drinking, smoking and assorted total enrollment of 22,488 students. ac- the US. District court in Raleigh. campuses by increasing black enroll» evils stoning next year. Page 4. the minorities. on the 9f» ment at the 11 predominantly white - Women Cagers “State has a committment as a cording to enrollment statistics from An annual progress report percent by the fall sting Tigers, university to reach the minority the office of Thomas H. Stafford Jr.. forts of the UNC to increase minority schools to 10.8 - State then and now, Page 5. claw Jackets. Page 13. enrollment goals necessary to in- associate vice chancellor for Student enrollment in all of the prodominantly semester of 1986 and by increasing Affairs. white institutions is required by the w‘hite enrollment in the 5 crease the minority presence at State. decree came predominantly black schools to 15 per- O I O O 0 "The whole University feels the Black enrollment constituted 7.4 1981 consent decree. The cent during the same period. to attain percent of the total enrollment at -as part of the lawsuit started by the Ticket distribution for Wednesday night‘s basketball game With obligation and responsibility State. an increase over the 8.8 percent UNC against the US. Department of White enrollment at predominantly begins today at noon and lasts until 6 p.m. and continues Tues the minority gains in enrollment." and.Welfare. cur» black campuses increased from 11.78 Virginia Keller said. in 1981. according to Nancy Pate. a Health. Education percent in 1981 to 12.7 percent in 1982. day from noon until 4 p.m. it needed. ‘ Chancellor Bruce Poulton will planner in Student Affairs. rently the Department of Educaton. There 15 no priority for the. pickup, but students must present their State's percentage of increase in The consent decree settled an. Black enrollment in predominantly welcome the visitors and various black enrollment over 1981 was the 11-year disagreement over the rate of white schools rose from 7.678 in 1981 spring registration card and a picmie it? to get a ticket. faculty and administrators will pre progress of the UNC in removing all to 8.130 in 1982. ( must use that ticket to’ see the Stare-Virginia women's sent State‘s offerings to its students. largest increase of any of the 11 Students Keller said. ' predominantly white institutions in vestiges of former racial discrimina- Black enrollment in the entire UNC game, which begins at 6:30 p.m. The men's game begins at O p m The group will have lunch at the the University of North Carolina tion in the UNC system. with the UNC system was 21.980 in 1981 and 21.857 1'University Dining Hall. and then tour system. Pate said. starting an action in federal court to in 1982.

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A paper that. is entirely the product of the student body becomes at once the olficisi'organ through which the thoughts. the activity and in fact the very life of the campus are registered. It is the mouthpiece through which the students themselves tslk."Coliege life without its journal is blank. — Trrhmr:.n-. \n‘ l rm. l Feb l l9?"

NCAA must put textbooks

over playbooks in athletics Clemson University President Bill At- class. Perhaps this figure of five percent is chley, whose own school is currently on just too high. However. the number of probation for a long list of football exceptions under both Monte Kiffin and recruiting violations, has recently made have been admirably reduc- national headlines calling for major ed. reforms within National Collegiate The NCAA should prohibit freshmen Athletic Association policies. Atchley and from starting on the varsity teams. This the rest of the nation’s university would give student athletes time to presidents. including State's Chancellor develop regular study habits. _fi?_"1mfim.t Bruce Poulton. will have the opportunity Practicing almost daily, combined with '4 to implement these reforms when the away games. can quickly make even the 11’s 43 :l VE‘ NCAA's annual meeting opens in San best of students fall behind in their studies. Diego today. Student athletes need counseling; mast-rmdeg‘W'MANBB-E Many proposals have been introduced however. there is only one faculty this year. Backed by the American Coun- academic advisor for the athletes. it EATS“? mm: PUB!— W? cil on Education. the most important of Athletics Director.Willis Casey must act to these reforms is the acceptance of real increase this number. This may include Pie--in-t-he-face solution? academic standards for athletes. The more tutors as well as more academic ado NCAA, fighting to save its credibility. is vising. However. at no time should ripe for some much-needed and long- athletes expect to get any special treat- delayed academic reforms. ment in the classroom. Grades must be Holidays create intolerance Regardless of the NCAA's decisions. earned. not rewarded for averaging 15 State is obligated to make changes in its points a game. Now that it's over. let's look back at the chocolate cream or a lemon meringue in the place. l was happy for the driver when he workings with student athletes. Academic The NCAA must consider taking action holiday season and reflect a little bit. Hind- mug of some abusive nit-wit who mistook my finally told her. in rather firm tones. to sit who do not sight is always clearer than foresight. and name badge for a “kick me hard" sign. down and shut up. and happier still when he standards can take two forms: tightening against schools with teams rather than do a pre-Christmas column on the Speaking of pie-in-the-face candidates. on refused to give her anything but his first admissions and examining grade point have enough student athletes graduating. subject. I made notes everywhere I went dur- the Thursday before Christmas I got off work name. Merry Christmas. pest. Report that to averages. No athlete should be admitted This would guarantee that schools spend ing the holidays so I could look back and a few minutes early and was able to catch an the bus company. toState — or anywhere for that matter —— more time helping athletes with their perhaps understand it all a little better. if at all. earlier bus than usual. On boarding. I noticed The holiday season. as it always does. strictly because he excels at a certain studies. As a veteran of retail work.'l tried my best that the driver was in less than good cheer. moved on to New Year's Eve. always a boom sport. Any action taken by the NCAA to en- to stay out of the shopping malls prior to and l soon found out why. time for the liquor companies and police State's current policy allows for some sure higher academic standards Christmas day. I did manage to keep my visits departments. The local papers were absolute~ exceptions in accepting athletes whose throughout the country will be applaud- down to lWU. both of them on weekday morv Cynical Sayings ly covered with DUl stories, and they seemed grades would normally be considered too ed. However, the NCAA cannot take nings. but it was the same old crowded story. to have had a scare effect. DUI arrests were low for admittance. The rate for excep- token measures. it must enact reforms i worked almost eight years in the retail record extremely low while cab drivers never got a tions is five percent of the entire freshman which will be obeyed and enforced. business. and records. of course. make ex- BRUCE break. cellent Christmas presents. At the same time. People may not have been driving that record store employees seem to make ex- WINKWORTH . night. but they certainly were drinking at a cellent targets for customer abuse. brisk pace. at least where l was. If the person Get involved I worked in almost every record store in who drove me home on New Year's Eve is WIIIVVIVVV VIA, 3K4!!! 5 ‘tbwn?an}! they're air fhorMss'tlfe sfinH ditonial0W Wirfitfiisfiapei’. ple‘asé dal‘H'he. I'dlike to ii A new year. A new semester. A new State are fun. BeingWolved in Student Christmas. To begin with everybody wants Sitting at the front of the bus. in the seats thank you and find out who you are. l dont start. Everyone gets a chance to do better Government means meeting people — the same records for Christmas. and those reserved for the elderly and handicapped. seem to remember Judging from the ex- this time around. A chance to try new fellow students who share common in- albums invariably sell out. Contrary to what was a rather rude woman in her mid~305 who cesses being performed at the party I attend- seems to be a popular notion, this is not by had evidently been hounding the poor driver ed. I don't think l'm the only one with courses and maybe retry a few old ones. terests. UAB committees plan'many of design. Merchants never ever want to sell out for some time and may have done it on prior memory gaps. The person who chauffered New opportunities are available to the events that make State fun. such as of a good-selling item. especially at trips. He did seem resigned to having her me home may not remember a thing about it everyone as well. the filrris committee which selects what Christmas. It just happens. aboard. either. Rich Holloway, who is coordinating films will be shown at State every Now I realize that Christmas-time One final thought. I'd like to wish myself a volunteer management for the Student semester. customers have to put up with much less than happy birthday since very few people were Government. is hoping that all students Needless to say. State5 fraternities and ideal shopping conditions. but store around to help me celebrate. One of my will get involved in some of the many and sororities offer students plenty of oppor- employees have it much worse than can be ‘Now I realize that Christmas-time roommates did me the disservice of telling me varied student organizations on campus. tunities to meet new friends. imagined without experiencing it first hand. customers have to put up with much I had passed the national median age. mean- Most of the student organizations require Thompson Theatre is currently holding They cannot walk away from it all like the less than ideal shopping conditions, ing. in essence. every day I wake up. I'm little time and the benefits far outweigh auditions for Rashomon. State students customer can. They are stuck in miserable. beating the odds a bit more than the day the investment Holloway is sending a let- are eligible for all roles. The theater offers ugly excuses for buildings — malls are a by- but store employees have it much before. Thanks a lot. a good learning experience whether product of the miserable ‘705 — and have to worse than can be imagined without :1 ter to some students in hopes that more put up with awful crowds at every turn. in- experiencing it first hand. They can- students will get involved. you‘re into acting or not; many jobs are cluding dinner time. lunch time and break TECHNICIAN 6‘. As Holloway said; “There are positions available for lighting and stage crews. time. No person with any degree of tolerance not walk away from it all like the Sen-innNuns('sruli‘saSosaUniv-raritysinceI” 1:“ available on University committees. Whatever a student shows an interest can blame store employees for being a bit customer can. ' Editor inChief Union Activities Board committees. the in. there is a group on campus where crabby. Toni After a"; Technician and WKNC as well as the Stu- students can express themselves. Most shoppers get nasty after two hours in Ctr-News Editors...... ’ dent Government." Everyone should try to get this semester a shopping mall. but mall employees have to lf she is a regular. I pity bus drivers Jeffrey everywhere. She had one of those shrill. We Assign. Editor.....Shelley W All of State’s publications can use off to a good start. That means getting in- put in eight hours a day. five days a week. high-pitched voices that cause shudders like a fissure Editor...... Susan W creative people working to serve the volved and becoming a part of State. And on top of merely having to be there — a nail going across a blackboard and a face that Asst. Posture Editor...... Tlm University. Writers, photographers, Diversity exists at‘State. it is the diversi- royal pain in the hind-quarters in itself — they Editorial Editor...... Torn have to put up with foul-mouthed customers could make a freight-train take a dirt road. Iports Editor...... WilismTorry layout artists and technical personnel are ty that‘makes State great and it is the who seem to think the store sold out of a cer- After dumping all over the bus driver about Asst. Sports Editor...... in demand. students who get involved that create im- tain item as a plot to spoil their Christmas. when the bus was going to leave — it left on Asst. Icons Editor...... BruceM While no one can be involved in provements at State. Many of the pro- Well. if that's all it takes to ruin Christmas schedule. I checked - she got off about four everything at State, everyone should be blems that exist at State can be solved if for them. they deserve a pie in the face for whole blocks from where the bus departed. an“. Editor...... involved in something. State is more than students take an interest in solving them. each of the 12 days of Christmas. and let the Four blocks. Think about that. If she had Asit. Photo Editor...... Dru if anyone is interested in getting involv- Mid. Editor...... Dennis going to classes during the day and study- store employees throw the pies. When I been loaded down with packages. which she cementum“...... ing at night. ed call Holloway at 737-2797 or call the worked at Crabtree Valley. I'd have gladly was not. I might have understood‘why she Asst.Coay.Edltors...... Yonnisw, All of the extra-curricular activities at Technician at 737-2411 or 737-2412. foregone my entire Christmas bonus to put a even bothered to take the bus in the first Iocrstsry...... “we” . Advertising ‘ ff“ ‘ forum______IusinsssbAd. Manager...... llsirlIflflt Isles...... Tom Voting, Mike ; g Darsrnyondridt, m . Designers...... ussn Molar, Rod Potting; DeWitt uses misleading facts about social programs Psmsls Thomas Paul DeWitt's rather interesting column poverty in the United States since 1950 has been Medicaid. SSl. food stamps and nutritional pro- middle classes. In recent years that wish has been of Dec. 8 titled “War on poverty surrenders" was dramatic and is the result of expansion of social in- grams. and a good deal of that is absorbed as an refined to one of protecting public expenditures misleading in at least one important respect. surance. public assistance and related programs. administrative expense (because means-tested pro- that benefit the comfortable and savrng money by DeWitt writes that . .rather alleviating poverty. What DeWitt means to say is that the reduction grams are expensive to administer). The American cutting benefits to the poor This wrsh may be social welfare spending has the reverse effect." of poverty through transfers is distasteful and that welfare state has grown in large part not because of politically appealing for the moment but I find it Later in his column. he quotes Charles Murray to there has been little increase in the market derived the needs of the poor. or compassion for them. but deficient both as social policy and social ethics the effect that social welfare spending does not portion of the income of the poor. The “welfare because of the politically expressed wishes of the reduce poverty. lf DeWitt means that the provision state" is successful in the reduction of poverty but for social insurance. public assistance and related not through social development. rather through the Dr Nelson Rf’ldA programs providing income support to many patch work of income support programs. DeWitt SerioUs Page Assocmte Professor. Americans does not reduce the incidence and ex- would prefer a society that solved the problem of Sociology and Anthropology tent of poverty. as usually conceived and poverty by creating . .an economy that provides measured. he is plainly mistaken. less damnation and more opportunity." 1 can share Using standard measures of poverty and in- that sentiment but l cannot agree that a dismantling in poor taste come. a recent report of the University of Wiscon- of the existing programs for income support would Although this is by no means always true. it has =Forum policy= sin‘s lnstlute for Research on Poverty concluded advance our progress toward such a society. come to my attention that. in many cases. the thiit social programs that provide cash transfers - DeWitt is misleading. also. on a point of lesser Technician's “Serious Page" has become one of like social security. vouchers — like food stamps. importance. He states V. .the federal government the most glaring examples of poor journalism that l may:The Technician wdcomos "forum" letters They arelikely to be printed it or third party reimbursement -— like Medicaid now spends in excess of $403 billion annually to have ever encountered. and with sigriificsni issues. bra-limo news or public interest. .have succeeded in dramaticallyreducing the administer a bloated welfare bureaucracy that bare- There reaches a point where human dignity is osrsrypsdarpnmsdisu‘blysnddoublasoscod percentage of those livingin poverty.‘'The conclu ly keeps the indigent afloat." Leaving aside the im- are limited to $0 words. and it writerisastudent trampled upon by the likes of the ”cunning runt" oarefinnedwithwritercurriculum.IMoss, phonenumber and sion is inescapable. using the census definiton of portant. but complex. issue of "bloat." it is impor- type humor. If this is the only example of portrayal hisTheW70cmandrusrvos the right not to publish any letter which does poverty. 21.3 percent of Americans would have tant to note that of these $400 billion less than 20 wit that the Technician can provide. perhaps there notcomptywith thestoverulss«whichisdeemedinappropriateforanti been poor in I965 without the aid of social pro- percent. by most estimates. directly improves the should be a deep reconsideration of just what ring by thesdttor‘ in chief grams. but only 12.1 percent were after counting economic lot of the census-defined poor Most of humor should be in a university newspaper and the Lsrtsrsor.subject toeditingtorstyle. browry and taste. in no casewill cash and in-kind transfers; in 1974. 20 3 percent these billions go to finance social security. veterans ability to express what would be found funny or. at thswntsrbs'informodbsforshsndthsi histenorhssboonsdiiodior prin Americans would» have been poor .withoui these benefits. unemployment insurance. public educa- ting.The Technician and withhold sn author‘s name only it “time to do so least agreeable. to all readers. wouldresultinadoorand presentdangertothewntor RareIlCeDliOnIto programs. and 6.1 percent were poor after the tion (including higher education). Medicare and Such examples as previously mentioned should modsat the dbcrotton of the editor in that transfers were taken into account White stuuems the great lot of social programs with a largely non be. if disclosed at all. kept within the environment “policyAltonerswilsubninsdbe becomethsproperty or the Tarhmcianand Willnn of the subject may bicker on tiye measure oi Dover poor clientele. In 1981. $75.9 billion (of approx- of persons with similar distastes be mto in. sinhor. Lotion should be brought by Student Came ty to be used or the sources of income It) count. imately $400 billion) was expended for cash and Todd Williams wits am or «used to Technician tenors to the Editor P 0 an: 5698 there is general agreement that the reductw. :n in'klnd programs for the poor like AFDC. FR CHE Collage St. Station. Raleigh, N C 27650 50m i January 101%3 Technician Opinion I3

Social comments for 1983 look for simple answers As the year 1982 has now drawn to a close are bittersweet; Allentown is not too proud of to be the host of a sparsely watched but very Chancellor Nash Winstead Vice Chancellor CnrlSldeflI'ig the Koran to be on the same level and 83 looms ahead of us some comments Joel’5 tothe--point lyrics. lsrecession rock" joumalistically sound program named “Sport— of Student Affairs Banks Talley. Vice as the Bible Still others may think I'm en- are in order. Everybody else does it. . going to be the trend of the '805? sbeat" Chancellor for Finance and Business George couraging some official relationshb with O MacNeil Labs. Johnson 8: Johnson and the O Isn‘t it time that WRAL 101 FM stopped Cosell's refusal to cover pro boxing stems Worsley as well as almost all student leaders religion and state. Actually, I'm merely Tylenol people deserve some hardy hand- using “We play three songs in a row several from his on-the-air commentary during the Assistant Athletics Director Frank Weedon at- ’ alluding to the type of hassle which often ab- shakes for their tremendous marketing job of times an hour?" Let's face it. what kind of a recent boxing farce between heavyweight tends many of the meetings. Casey has never surdly surrounds religion. Religion doesn't Tylenol products. In less than three months. promotion is that? Other stations around the champion Larry Holmes and the totally in- been to one meeting yet this academic year I save.God does. Tylenol has recaptured an amazing 95 per- country. such as DC 101 with commercial- competent “Tex” Cobb. His commentary think it's time Casey made himself more 0 Yet. somehow.‘l feel compelled to feed cent of its market. This is due. in part. to the free hours and WNBC 66 which often plays available to the State community. that evil spirit who dwells in all video games media who did not blow the ugly cyanide- 10, 11 and 12 songs in a'row. would have a ,0 Despite playing well in yesterday's loss. Wllh quarters. infested situation out of proportion for a good laugh when hearing WRAL's “promo- perhaps State's Cozell McQueen should ‘0 I'd like to take this opportunity to wish change. The only question remaining is: who tion." Locally. 6105 has a “30-minute music never again try a jump shot from more than State lnnthall coach Tom Reed the best of did it? sweep. " Radio broadcasting in major markets eight feet away. The center'5 attempt at such luck Now that the dust has settled from the 0 No more parking tickets for me. please. like Washington. DC. New York and a shot against West Virginia was nothing short controversy surrounding former head coach 0 It is hoped that the major unions of this Raleigh is big business and service to the com- of disastrous. But he and the rest of the Monte Kiffin‘s resignation. let's hope that he country will realize that unless they agree to munity. WRAL should realize that it could basketball team are to be commended for can get the Wolfpack's football program roll- take cuts in‘ salaries (which usually run about have the best of both worlds by merely play- such a fine start. See you at the Final Four ing again. $20 an hour), employees will be layed off. ing more music. (WNBC is the nation's most- consisted of what he felt was wrong with box- 0 Just once this year Id like to leave a 0 I hope that I can get my grade point Take the case of Bethlehem Steel as an ex— listened-to station and has the same Top 40 ing. His heart Was in the right place but he un- barbershop looking the way Id hoped I look average as high as my handicap. ample: the union local presidents rejected an format as WRAL.) justly attacked the referee while neglecting to when I walked in. offer by the corporation and its associates to O The antenna on my car was knocked off place the blame of the fiasco on the sport's 0 I’d like to see all students have a bette. Most importantly, I hope that everyone reduce employee salaries by $1.50 an hour yesterday. Good way to start off the year. Don relationship with God (and before exam does not take 1983 for granted. Students are which would be repaid after three years. huh? two major promoters Bob Arum and time). President Ronald Reagan has named busy preparing for the future. In some cases. Despite acceptance by the national union's 0 Do you think that could get King; Cosell then declared he would never 1983 the year of the Bible. It sounds kind of they are too busy to stop and be thankful for bargaining unit, the United Steelworkers a job with the ABC television network if he cover another fight unless changes were corny. but. it’s not a bad idea. everything they have. union local presidents rejected it; Bethlehem applied today? The network would have to made. Everyone needs to realize that religion is Tragically. four State students died last fall. Steel shut down two plants last week. The consider a couple of facts: that Cosell would So — if he were applying today -.would merely a tool to foster a better relationship As Elliot said in E.T.. “This is reality." United States stands for free enterprise and refuse to cover any professional boxing mat- ABC hire Cosell and meet all his demands? _ with God and that one‘s prayer services are Studentscan not take the simple pleasures of the protection of the individual in the job ches — a sport which Cosell has a credible No way. That's telling like it is. Get him off the not an end in themselves. Reading the Bible is life for granted. Surely. State basketball market; union presidents. under the guise of reputation reporting. he would want to be a air. just one way to Become closer to God. player George McClain will not. ' The representing the worker. are just a corruptive member of the broadcasting crew which 0 By the way, what does StateA..t..letic It is hoped that l have not upset anyone by freshman was the victiiri of batterial spinal bureaucracy. covers all the extremely lucrative Monday Director Willis Casey look like? Every impor- encouraging them to read the Bible. Some meningitis Fortunately. McLain is almost ful- 0 Bethlehem and its neighbor Allentown Night Football, and all-star tant figure at State's campus attends the Moslems may complain that I did not include ly recovered. have been put back on the map with Billy baseball games (he admittedly knows very lit- chancellor's liaison meetings. including the reading of the Koran as well as the Bible Lets pray that 1983 will be — simply — .loel's “Allentown." HoWever. the rewards tle about either sport) and Cosell would want Chancellor Bruce Poulton. Provost and Vice Some Christians would scoff at me for even one great year.

allstudents int 4 “$3,a};Ilia”: ,i‘ i"!9.J. ”24.. .‘ V‘fit," :‘n., :1"“y". ' Ll "“. ... “.1" .OOOOOO0.00QQOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...O0.6.0.000...90.990.000.900.0000000000000000000.


FROM THE HOUSING OFFICE TO ALL STUDENTS b.0099...O...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...O96.0.0099...0.00..OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. a 4 As you may know, this year. the number of students participating 6) The rooms have brand new furnishings; in the Random Selection Process greatly outnumbers the number of anticipated “winners." Last year. Residence Life adopted a new 7) You have opportunities to arrange group approach to determining continuing eligibility for on-campus assignments along predetermined parameters; rooms; “winners" would be allowed to remain in the halls a limited number of semesters without participating in the RSP again pro 8) All utilities are provided. except long distance vided they had continuous occupancy. This has drastically in- phone service: creased the number of students who can remain on-campus and consequently reduces the availability of rooms for' RSP par- 9) There would be no transportation costs like the ticipants. ones you would face daily in off-campus dwellings; * We are projecting that we will accept nearly 2,800 10) You are exempt from the Random Selection Pro- freshmen for on-campus housing; cess if you remain in South Hall (until the end of your second semester senior year). *We also anticipate that 2.200 of the current residents will want to continue on-campus next year; We encourage those current residents who are interested in *Very roughly, this allows for approximately 5,000 South Hall to make application in the Housing Office by 5:00 pm students to have “assured" space in our residence on January 24. 1983. By so doing. and as long as rooms are halls next year. availablein South Hall. you will guarantee yourself a nine month room assignment to South Hall for next year. In addition, please * Specifically, the significance of the above is that of note that by signing up for South Hall. you will not participate in the approximately 2.900 current students who will the Random Selection Process. and will not be eligible for housing go through the RSP, we have only 500-600 main cam- on the main campus (halls other than North or South). You will be pus beds available to them this coming fall. billed for South Hall and deposit payment will be due on March 4. 1983. On the brighter-side, however, we are pleased to announce that the new South Hall has very nearly finished the construction We also encourage interested current off--campus students to phase andis targeted to open for business for Fall 1983. There are make application at their earliest opportunity. The January 24th a number of features to this new building that make it attractive deadline does not apply to you in that you will not be placed to State students. The advantages are outlined below: automatically in the Random Selection Process. 1) If you are anxious about the possible “negative" RESIDENCE HALL ROOM RATES FOR 1983-84 outcome of the Random Selection Process, assign- ment to South Hall will assure you housing for Fall South Hall: Doubles - $750/semester 1983; Singles - $830/semester North Hall: Doubles - $670/semester ‘7 2) The rooms have private phones;- Main Campus: Doubles SSOO/semester Singles $585/semester 3) The rooms have provisions for Cable TV; 4) The rooms are air-conditioned; If you have any questions. or would like more information on 5) The rooms have wiring for com ‘uter terminals; South Hall, please call the Housing Office at 737-2449. - .. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..0.0.000000000000000000000000990.090.....0 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO9.00.09...0.99..OO'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0.0...OOOOOQOOOOOOOOO... O... Features ’ January 10.1% / Technician

Setting smaller gOals makes stronger resolutions by Patrick Felton “hencestors, and it seems likely that it is here to‘stay Feature Writer for awhile. Since we are going to make resolutions one way or It was New Year's Eve, 1982--style. at the Jones3 the other. we should at least try a little harder to house. Around 11:54 p.m. Mrs. Jones quickly struck a stick to keeping them. There are surely some people . match and lit up her last Salem of 1982. According to along the line that have taken their resolutions her. it was also her last Salem ever Mr. Jones pro seriously and changed their lives by persevering. mised to take his last swig of rum just before mid- The difference between those people and the majori- night. The kids even got into the act. Ten-year-old ty is that they had more stamina in the face of temp- Billy assured Mr. Jones that he would not blow his tation. allowance on PacMan every week from that moment This brings us to the main problem of resolutions on. To top it all off. 1&year-old Sally swore to stop — most people are just too slack to keep them. The chasing after the football team. success of a resolution depends upon the individual These attempts by the Jones family to start anew who makes it. are commonly known as New Year's resolutions. Two Each person knows his own breaking point. We all weeks later. let’a see how well the Jones family did in could benefit more from our resolutions if we would keeping their resolutions. learn more control or if we would learn to avoid For starters. Mrs. Jones threw all of the cat food situations we cannot control. out of the pantry. as well as the cat. to make room for For example, suppose Mrs. Jones knows that she her new supply of cartons and is currently puffing goals we set are too high. For instance. if Mrs. Jones Year‘s Eve. but we would not remember to play it gets the urge to smoke the most when she is tense. away to her hearts content. Yesterday. Mr. Jones had vowed to cut down one cigarette a day. she may back everyday. Who has timefor that anyway? So. What she might do is to find some other outlet to got blasted at the golf course and went swimming in have been mare successful. why should we even bother to make resolutions at relieve her anxiety at that particular moment. such the water hazard. Meanwhile. Billy has taken up ThisIs not to say that Mrs. Jones would eventually all? as playing with the cat, choking the cat or whatever Donkey Kong. and Sally has a date with the outside quit smoking for good. but the gradual reductions To answer that question. we need to consider the she finds most satisfying. linebackers. may have helped her more in the long run. It certain origin of resolutions. A long time ago. the English The point'Is that your resolutionIs what you make It'Is safe to say that the Jones family is typical of ly did her no good to quit cold turkey and two weeks people began.to practice a custom of cleaning their it to be. Set goals that can be attained through most in America. We mean well. but somehow. the later revive her old habitIn full force. chimneys on New Year'3 Day. This wassupposed to moderate efforts and strive to reach those goals farther away we get from New Year’s Day. the more Another problem with keeping resolutions is that bring good luck to the heus’ehold during the coming after concentrated thought and speculation. If this is vulnerable we become in regard to breaking our we just plain forget them after some time has pass- year. Today we say '.‘cleaning the slate" instead of done. your resolution experience should be wor- resolutions. Sometimes the reason may be that the ed. We could tape record our resolutions on New “cleaning the chimney." It is a tradition from our thwhile and the outcome favorable. Good luck!

Influences wreak havoc on English language, produce progressive regression Welcome back. With the thoughts of Christmas know the ways of the speaker; and two. people on tle sense. unless you know exactly what the conver— “Have you eaten yet?" and New Year's Eve stillIn our minds. we come back drugs can't understand the real words. Most of the sation is about. For instance “Yes." to school with a fresh new spirit of beginning. We slang expressions used by drug addicts are easy. one- “Say man. .what's up?" " ”Well, I'm going to eat." realize how much things change in our lives. And. syllable words: Bong. hit. smack. speed. ludes, coke. “Not much. how's your fruit in the cereal bowl of “'OK. I‘m leaving, too" you know, nothing changes more than the language and pot. life?" Pretty simple. huh? we speak. Pots were used for cooking in the old days. Weeds "Can‘t say. can't say." There are hundreds. maybe thousands more words were something that you tried to keep out of your “How about that wench you scooped up at the and sayings that are used for ulterior meanings may Trying To Make It grass. and-grass was something you cut with a lawn Link?” have become part of our permanent vocabulary. mower instead of tea leaves. To score meant to “Ain't nothing but a thang." Brew was something witches cooked up. and suds register points. not purchase joints. “Did you rap?" were used for washing clothes. A call girl was a swit- Of course. language changes all by itself. too. From “Solid ice.” chboard operator. and valley girls lived between two TIM the very first words until our dying breaths. we “What about blondie from Smuts." m'ountains. Seems strange. though. that now always twist words and their meanings. A person i, “Saturday night.” derogatory terms are used for praise. It used to be ELLINGTON may use a word throughout his lifetime. and it could “Action." that had was bad and baaad was very bad. - have several different meanings. ' “Mega buc...s. minorfeedback." Years ago a buzz was something left to bees and Most first words and sentences are pretty simple. “Grubbed out yet?” getting stoned was a rather rocky experience. Get- Assistant Feature Editor Mama. dada and the universal word. waaah (which ., “Yea." ting blitzed was a fear of Quarterbacks and getting ranges in meaning from “I'm hungry" to “say. mom. “Well, later on." bombed was a pastime of England'In WWII. Going on Think about how words have changed their mean- how bout gettin' me outta this wet diaper.") I, “I'm history." a trip meant a physical movement. not mental tor- ings throughout history. Why. I remember when a however. was a little different as one of my first More than likclj, yo know what went on in the ment bong was the sound a bell made and a water bong words was “"tuxedo. (thanks to my uncle) and my previous conversation.uhut just in case you didn't. Funny how things change, isn’t it? was the sound a bell made under water. A lot of to- first sentence was ”Gilligan fell out of the tree and hereIs a translation. One wonders what the slang terms of the future thy‘a saying!!!“slang expressionecome from the broke his nose (thanks to an incessant urge to watch , “Hi friend. how are you?" will be. .Well,letswhip out the old crystal ball and drug cull-T1mm maIn reasons,fogthis, Qrio, slang Gilligaa'.1 Island.) , “All right. how's your life been?" look at some possibilities. terms are usually only recognized by people who There are a lot of sayings today that make very lit “I can't complain." If current trends hold.goingout and pickingup’ "What did you decide to do about the girl you saw girls will be called " wishing." Actually meeting girls in the Link Building?" and starting a relationship. consequently. will be call- “I decided it wasn‘t worth the trouble." ed “dreaming." A girl's best defense against ag- “Did you talk to her?" gressive guys will be “football." “Yes. but she was very cold natured." If the recent herpes epidemic doesn't die out. mak- “What about the blonde you met at Tuts?" ing love will be known as “Russian Roulette." or at “We went out Saturday night." the very least. “Scar Wars." “Well. how did it go?" So. if you're out on the town and you hear someone ”I spent a lot of money. but I couldn't decide talking. listen to what they say. It could be a learning whether or not she had a good time." experience.

FEATURE WRITERS and anyone interested in

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Chry5talrocks campus with her unique personality ;‘ an by Rick Jameson \, Chrystal started working for WKNC a few weeks before she graduated from high school. “What's shakin'? Radio 88. WKNC." Chrystal Hard work and her suggestion for a Canadian rock answers, always eager to talk to listeners who call weekend contributed to her advancement to assis her at the studio. tsnt promotions director. Chrystal rocks' State every Thursday and Satur- Her most recent contribution took place Dec. 1012 day from 8 pm. to midnight with an array of tunes when WKNC promoted a women's rock weekend: ranging from old Black Sabbath to Led Zeppelin. ' Equal Rock Amendment. The Long Island. New York native is a diversified “The weekend featured six songs an hour by pro- radio personality: in addition to disc-jockeying. minent female artists in rock ‘n' roll." Chrystal Chrystal has done production. news and promotions. noted. Chrystal is compelled to go after all she can learn “It's not just my sole efforts," she stresses. about radio — about life. “everybody works hard." Her oneness stems from her exposure to various Looking ahead. the speech-communication major lifestyles and people across the United States. She intends to write promotional copy or advertising. feels she has a “broader perspective than most peo- “It's so impossibly hard to get a job. There's le." massive competition. I'll probably start out as a Chrystal thinks of herself as an ecletic. a product gopher but I'm versatile." she adds. of several environments. She describes herself as a Chrystal draws the line at being versatile when it “little frog in a big pond." means wrestling an eight-foot grizzly bear to open up “Chrystal is an intense person." David Sneed. a the Big Bad Wolf. friend and the Technician conews editor, said.’She "It's hard working with all older males — I've dedicates herself body and soul into her work. She mine one of the guys." she states. shaking her enjoys having fun. yet she gets things done." ea . The 19-year-old assistant promotions director She doesn't mind being “one of the guys" too delayed her academic progress a semester in order much. though. when it means a chance to make her to travel. She becomesa sophomore in January. Staff photo by Wayne Beyer own muSIc. During her travels,. e applied at a West Coast Being on the air just comes naturally to Chrystal. As AssistantPromotions Director. her duties vary from being a disc Chrystal often jams on her electric bass with a radio station. She was turned down because she Jockey to doing office 'wprk for the WKNC staff. band during the summer. “Nothingserious.” she could not speak in a standard midwestern accent notes. “just to learn and have fun." She admits that her voice sometimes sounds too subplots as the outstanding characteristics of the Her biggest asset in thestudio. she insisted is her That's what Chrystal does best. Learn and have low and sexy. It has a “husky" sound to it. but sheIs works she reads. ability to relate to people as people: one to one. fun. The hard work comes naturally. ‘ working hard at developing the quality of her voice. “1 like Gandalf‘s magic. Lord of the Rings" she She performs her show as though she was “in the “I started developing my voice in high school when said.."not like top-40 magic but from the mind: real living room not locked up in a booth." ’ I read stock reports to a blind man who invested magIc." Chrystal maintains that she is “unobtrusive. but heavily in the market and needed to be kept inform- Chrystal also creates poetry. She writes free still entertaining." although she does admit that she ed." she said. verse, but she explained that the structure of her has goofed occasionally. “Reading a lot helps, too." she added. poems is integral to the meaning. 714 silver lined During a ticket giveaway. she remembered. she Chrystal spends a lot of her free time relaxing clouds/Grey at the centre/still. was on the air talking about the band the tickets with a book. Her favorites include Frank Herbert’s The poem. she explained. explicates her lack of were for. but she could not remember the band's Dune. J.R.R. Tolkien'3 Lord of theRings and William tolerance for people who rely on drugs for escape. name. Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. “It might seem better." she noted, “but things On another occasion. she remembered getting CASTING NOTICE “ 'This above all else; to thine own self be true.” really haven't changed. It's a form of mental mastur- tickled on the air. "For about a minute all we did was Weareauditioning for over200 singers dancers she recited, gazing at WKNC's control panel. “from bation." laugh. and then I said something like ‘Wahoo let go Wvariety artistsand technicians for The Old Hamlet —— that's it!" .More than anything else. however. Chrystal en- — stop."' Country? BuschGordan". 1933 Entertainment 'i confessed that she looks for intrigue and “We're so funky Season. Chrystal joys turning people on to music. up there!" she said. TheOldCountry. America'smost truly “themed" thempark will provideyou with a paycheck and an opportunity topolish and display your talents before mummolovenwo million guests. And Ill»- Some State students old enough to remember these things voiudrieexposureandexperienceare notenough in tisernselvegthenweluvemorelorywi Freeciasses In all formsofdance. vocal instructionand Instru- by John Davison and only honors and graduate students were admit- Brother's or My Apartment; mental arrangingsroofferedasapart ofBusch ted to the stacks; 12. When Everett Case was basketball coach; EntertainmentCorporation'scommitment toper- Feature Writer 3. Jesse Helms on Channel 5 news at noon; 13. “Burn your Own Steak Nights" on the Brickyard sonal growth. There Is also theopportunity to take 4. Buying stock in “Lobo I." the original ”K001 each week; part Inchoral. bond.innanddanceconcerts anda A few recent conversations with some of my fellow I fully stagedtheatricalproduction produced by tho students has driven home the fact that there are a Kyote:' 14. The "White Shoes" defense of the 1967 football cnpioyoesthemselves. LOT of us on this campus over the “typical" age for 5. Earle Edwards as head football coach. season; So gotyouth together and show it tous. Thenoot students. 6. When Riddick Stadium was demolished: 15. The King Religious Center building; ready to mow Ittotheworld. If you want to find out if you are in the “mature" or 7. The first game at the new Carter Stadium; 16. When Pullen Hall burned. with most of the Band the”immature' group. this easy test may help you to 8. When Withers Hall was the entire Chemistry uniforms and instruments; department. 17. AutocrossesIn the parking lotwhere the parking ”iiét'ipa’ii’h'vAi'iiiénnmtsmegma ifN'YErARS 9. The Erdahl-Cloyd StudentUnion,With its‘billiards deck currently is. ' “‘ ONLX). IF.YOU. REMEDIES“! room and barber shop. ' ‘ If you have memories of most of these. and‘may. :5.ii.3* 1. One of your classmates when theywore diapers; 10. Pool halls along Hillsborough Street; many more. then you probably qualify as a profes- meuu-mum 2. When the library tower was a small parking lot 11. Hillsborough Street- without Two Guys'. sional student. or you grew up here. MMWWWWMM \‘Kbi\\\\xo\\\\\\\s\\\s\\\\\o\|\‘\\\}_\_‘\o\\\\\s\ . Don’t you just hate .9 by John Davison past the stairs to ride the umbrella at home; and then Feature Writer elevator up (or down) one it starts raining? floor? When you're late for a This article is not meant When the operators at date. and as soon as you put to offend anyone or to point Daniels don't adjust the your bankcard into the an accusing finger at paper in the printers cor- "magic money machine." anyone, but if you happen rectly. and the final. perfect the device breaks? ‘ to feel a small twinge of copy of your hardest pro When you're trying to guilt after reading this. gramming assignment impress a date and you spill stop and think about what comes out with the output drink down your sleeve? I've said. printed across the fold? When you're trying to When you discover that enter the Beltline and the the last person in the driver in front of you thinks DON'T YOU JUST bathroom not only used the that if he can see another HATE7: last of the towels. but also car coming. he has to wait stuffed them down the until it's gone before he can When someone gets the sink? go? front—row seat you‘ve been TA's who give you the The people who park sitting in all semester? material and turn you loose. next to your car and who When Food Service with no explanation of the obviously don't care about employees "have to go to procedure or what it's sup- their doors and paint (or lunch" and the line at their posed to demonstrate? yours either)? register is a mile long. and TA's for whom English is The drivers who still you are at the end of it? a second language. and haven't found theirdimmer When you don't have any whose explanations might switches (and the cops who cash. you're starved. and as well be in their native ignore this violation of com- the only register open tongue? mon sense. courtesy and doesn't take Diner's Professors who, 15‘ glaivi? Friend? minutes after they finish hen the computer K‘s.\s\s\s\s\s\s\s\s\I\\\s When the computer goes going over a long deriva- aw, while you're sub “down" with no warning. tion. go back and change mitting a program thats and you lose a whole night's one sign in the middle of it? duefii 15 minutes? work? Lab students who expect The long waits at lunch When someone who has you or the TA to explain because the Diner's Friend two healthy legs parks in a the procedure to them. computer isn't working? handicapped spot or a fire because they didn't bother Reading someone's com- lane. and you just walked a to read it? plaints in the Technician? mile in the rain after park- Long. commercial tran- ing legally? sactions at the bank's only The lab manuals that open teller window? If any of these make you really don't help you Twenty-five minute see red. relax. you're nor- prepare for the day's pro waits for lunch. when you mal. If the last one really cedure because they don't only have 45 minutes before fries you. then pitch in and tell what the experiment is your next class? write something so you supposed to demonstrate? Believing the weather won't have to read articles When someone walks . forecast and leaving your like this one! \\\.\‘§

Feature Staff meeting \\\‘ 5:00 Thursday Jan. 13

All present writers please attend, and anyone interested in writing this semester is welcome too \\\‘\_b\‘\:\ / January 10, 1% / Technician

7' I ti"1 l'\',H )1. W! 1% ' ,r‘, I I ,/ l.‘ ' l ‘l QM l .’”W,, W \"j fl ‘3' u i MN ll .-

law a .'

ut things have ready to check out at one trying to keep up with changed. And in of the many fine eating es- bulky coupons. 1983, students at North tablishments on the NCSU iner’s Friend is the Carolina State University campus, he simply pre- simple, easy, and have a much ”simpler and sents his Diner's Friend modern way to manage easier way to pay for card and the amount of . your-food budget while lunches, dinners, or his purchase is debited attending NCSU. Contact snacks with the ease of a from his account. University Dmm'g in credit card. Room 3 102 of the Univer- Diner's Friend works He entire transaction 51ty Student Center, or by this way. Students sign up takes only a second to calling 737-3090, to sign to participate in the pro- complete, and the student up today. gram, and then make a is secure in his knowledge deposit with University that his food money is Dining. Then that student there when he needs it. is given a Diner’s Friend No more counting change card-much like a credit to see if you have enough card—and when he is money to buy lunch, or , You' re Never Short Of Bread! January 10, was / Tactmlcian

Hoffman gains job, boy-

friend in rOle as female

1 by To. Alter The story is not without its absurd moments. Editor in Chief however. The predicament which Dorsey faces in a dress is that the girl he has stopped seeing (Terri Dustin Hoffman will certainly be nominated for Garr) thinks he‘s gay. the girl who he's fallen in love Best Actor in this year's Academy Awards for his with (Jessica Lange) thinks Michaels is a lesbian and performance as Michael Dorsey in Tootsie. He could Lange's father '(Charles Durning) has fallen in love very well be nominated for Best Actress as a result with Michaels. Interesting? Definitely. .. of his stunning portrayal of soap opera actress Hoffman. who had hoped to do a film on the actor, Dorothy Michaela. And probably win both Oscars. gives a super performance. He had to settle for a Photos courtesy Columbia Pictures Director Sydney Pollack will certainly be movie based on being a woman combined with being (Above) As George Fields. Sydney Pollack flips out when he discovers the woman he is with is actually Michael Dorsey nominated for Best Director in this year‘s Oscar race. an actor. In either case. Hoffman indeed proves he is played by Dustin Hoffman. (Below) Hoffman attempts to clear the air about his role as a woman to Jessica Lange who He may also be nominated for Best Supporting Actor one of America‘s foremost actors. He had a lot of sup plays Julie Nichols. a popular star of a leading daytime soap opera. (light) Terri Garr plays Sandy Lester, an unemployed for his performance as Dorsey's tough to please port. actressweanedonreiection. agent George Fields. And win both. ' ‘ Terri Garr. Jessica Lange. Charles Durning.‘ .iv Such is Tootsie. a delightful new comedy which Dabney Coleman. Sydney fl. . ‘a._ f Pollack. George Gaynes m;- . . . ~- a'3. iii .\ successfully walks the tightrope between laughter and. surprise. Bill Murray were all outstanding. The 5. v {ins ' . and social commentary. cast worked so well together the soap opera feeling a." . 0 t? .3 “"4’o Everything about Tootsie works like a charm. The really applied. Murray. who is purposely not in any . . cast is outstanding. the direction flawless. the make of the film's promotions. is simply perfect as Hoff- up perfect. The movie also holds a few surprises. man's out of work playwright roommate. In his first film role since winning the 1979 Director Pollack has a habit of making successful Academy Award for his performance in Kramer vs. films. Having previously directed such hits as They Kramer, Hoffman plays Michael Dorsey. a dedicated Shoot JfIUiaca, Don't Theyfi The 'rVuy 'v'v'e’ Ir'ere, New York actor who. though he is recognized by his. Three Days of the Condor and The Electric peers as a brilliant performer. has earned the reputa- Horseman as well as producing last year's Absence tion as being “difficult" and can't find any work. He of Malice. Pollack is obviously one of Hollywood's is forced to work as a waiter at nights to make ends hottest directors who makes films based on the meet. Americana. When the actor learns that his actress friend. ' Tootsie is just that. a triumph of a slice of life: whom he has been coaching. is turned down for a role what it means to be a woman and/or an actor in cur- i133 soap opera before she even gets a chance to read rent America. Hollywood thuld emulate Tootsie; ’4‘ an' after his agent tells him that he won't find work in New York because he doesn't have a name. Dorsey vvvvvvAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAA-AAAAAAAAAAAfiv1 dresses as a woman. auditions for the same part his friend was turned down for and gets the job. Michael IT! imad Dorsey becomes Dorothy Michaels. a8ii Sound absurd? If the screenplay was handled by :9. anyone other than Larry Gelbart. the story would probably have been exactly that — absurd. For- ----A-_--AA - ----_------V'v' 7" tunately. Gelbart. who is the major reason "M‘A‘S'H" is so successful. penned a witty and Stewart Theatre is proud to present Amadeus. a poignant script. Dorsey uses Michaels' position in the drama revolving around a theme of overriding ambi- soap opera to raise women to a new level of respect tion and the mystery of the early death of composer on the show. Pollack describes the film as “the story Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. at Memorial Auditorium of a guy who puts on a dress and by doing so becomes on Jan. 24 at 8 pm. All seats are reserved; tickets for ‘3‘ a better man." State students are $10 for main floor. 88 for mez— zanine and $5 for balcony seats. Tickets can be pur- chased at the Stewart Theatre box office. Thompson Theatre holds auditions for Rashomon Thompson Theatre given at the trial — the event challenges his violence. His crimes of returns to witness in his Wife — 203. beautiful will hold auditions today bandit's. the wife's and idealism. robbery. rape and behalf. and aristocratic. She and Tuesday for the the husband's. Each ver- murder are numerous Medium —— 305. a wild. can. however. be earthy drama Rashomon. Audi- sion is true in its fashion. Wigmaker — 605. a beyond count. writhing woman who and even savage. tions begin each evening There are roles for six gnarled and wrinkled enters into a trance and Whether she has been at 7:30 and are open to males and three females: old man who lives in the makes contact with the raped or seduced by the State students. Scripts forest and survives as a Husband -— 30s. a dead husband. It is bandit is uncleark Her MONDAY are available at the Priest — 30s. A quiet. thief and scavenger. He samurai warrior whose through her that the past holds secrets she Happy Hour ALL i‘iite Lonfl theater office for internally-torn man who has learned to view bearing shows breeding husband’s ghost must tries to conceal. 2 drafts-l 25¢ reading. questions his religious mankind with sardonic and position. His sense present his story. Rashornon is taken mission in a world ofear- humor and cynicism. of honor is destroyed Interested students Featured Movie - Animal House ~ No Cover from the famous stories thquakes. famine. when he is defeated by Mother — 50s, the wife’s may audition for either of . Akutugawa and pestilence and ”the Deputy - 203. a small, the bandit and is forced mother who tries to one or both scheduled TUE§QAI adapted for the stage by savagery of men toward wiry man who manages to witness the “rape" of romanticise the evenings. For more in- '3‘le flour ALL Hlte Longlli Fay and Michael Kamin. one another." to capture the bandit his wife. The manner of background relationship formation contact Burt The story takes place in and bring him to justice. his death is questioned of her daughter and the Russell at Thompson Free Hot & Cold Hora d‘oeuvres Japan. The wife of a Woodcutter - 20s. a at the trial. and his ghost samurai. Theatre. Music by samurai officer is poor. ragged soul who Bandit — 30s. hand- LAHNN WWI” assaulted and her hus- has witnessed the alleg- some. virile and bestial. band killed by a roving ed rape and murder in He lives as though the wconcsbar I bandit. Three different. the forest and is called forest is his kingdom. contradictory versions forth to reveal what he and those who trespass Happy Hour 'til19z30pm are has seen. The whole are subject to his 2 drafts / 25¢ 'till 9:30 of what happened $2.00 Pitchers

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Spoiled bratddsemanunusual purchase in The Toy

by Kimberly Frazier U.S. Bates lJackie Gleason) is a megalomanisc millionaire. He fires Jack for shaving too seldom among other things. Jack finagles a job as a janitor1n Every child's toy imaginable lined the room — a a department store also earned by US. The two men Richard Pryor. an out-of- computer-operated model railroad. a personal pinball would never hage met again if it hadn't been for Eric. worit journalist, is caught parlor. video games. punching bags that punched U.S.'s 9-year-old son who comes home to visit U.S. numerous times in situao back and lifesize stuffed animals — but Eric desired one week a year. tlons he would have something else —- Jack Brown. Jack Brownis not the During this week. Eric is allowed to do anything rather avoided. usual battery--charged toy; it runs with the help of a and have anything he wants — except his father‘s Photos courtesy human heart because “it"is actually a“‘he." time and company. He goes to his dad's store and Cqumbia Pictures He is Richard . Pryor — Eric Bates is Scott picks out a present. The boy who should be happy Schwartz — and what else could the movie be but but isn’t. cracks a smile as he watches a man rolling The Toy. Jack Brown (Pryor) is a journalist who has around in a huge inflatable. plastic wheel. He makes been fired from more jobs than he cares to discuss. , his choice. He wants that man - Jack Brown. He applies for a job at the Bates Ledger under false “I‘m not for sale." Jack says. “I thought we settled pretenses — and becomes a waitress. When Jack all that --— during the Civil War." meets the man who owns Bates Ledger. confusion It doesn't take much convincing to get Jack to sets in. agree to a one-week warranty. Money is thrust into his hands and that is that. Hours later. a packing crate marked “Fragile”1 tr1.q it ,18111111156 . AHBIT110 ll 5] delivered to the Bates estate. It contains a toy;Atid" i ’2‘ 'mthran, . the adventure begins. ~. 1 . . This Ray Stark production presented by Columbia Pictures is based on Le Jouet. a French film. Carol Sobieski wrote the new script for the comic premise. Richard Donner (The Omen, Superman) directed the ' film'and Phil Feldman produced it in the setting of Baton Rouge. Louisiana. Other members of the cast gathered for the stag- ing of The Toy include Ned Beatty as Morehouse — Bates' right-hand man with a 30--year mortgage on his soul. Teresa Ganzel as Bates' third wife. Fancy.a well-endowed ex--cocktail waitress.from an Amarillo bar and Wilfrid HydeWhite as the calm butler who had been awarded as the first prize in a game of billiards. Actors and actresses are not the only members of the cast. Sections of Baton Rouge are transformed in- .2 to fictional businesses — an Exxon refinery sudden- 527‘ mW/JV/‘xf/Vfl/JV}- L. ly sprouts a huge sign — BATES OIL, a department mem‘ ./:/‘ .A‘f/J/‘JV/V JGC/Z/D’S/T/J/f/J/‘f store parking lot becomes the the site of another department store and Charbonnet. a replica of an old eeting of°all plantation home. becomes the Bates estate. It all adds up to a good setting for Pryor to carry out his role in. As Jack. Pryor receives the ridicule of others r'nZNTERTAINMENT WRITERS because of the many practical jokes carried out by Eric. He makes an appearance at a formal dinner par- fl-EDEVDI} ty in longjohns and is used to frustrate Eric's Wednesday at 3 pm. . Mon. it Tues. January 111 111- no governess. Yet The Toy has a serious side to its plot also. You not only see the mischief of Eric's imagination. the in the Technician office ‘7 -" Thompson Theatre NCSU cruelty of U.S. and the frustration of Jack. but digni- ty and pride. It brings together two people and rrgt1..i'v' _'a Open to all STATE students makes a dream come true for another. tiar The Toy-n. it‘5 one of the holiday films worth see Contacthint at 2411 if unable to attend. fiflflflflflfiflflfl’”.A/CA/I/ ing. :. fi”/.‘/‘/‘./:/:/.7:/‘JVf”WM/”f:5U £37 ./:/‘./:/:/:/'/./‘ .«ffl’C/C" WMCZ’W CIT/C" :WJV/ .17. HEAL'rnwAvs Lowest TV Rental 1s TOWN RALEI s COED Free Elective Excitement Prices In Town! NAUTILUS CLUB RentAis'ColorWAsiowA‘s‘ SEVEN MINUTE This spring put some excitement in your schedule with an Army HUN lree electhe; classes are $18.00am... DRIVE FROM open to all students, Learn what it takes to Lead NCSU CAMPUS Sl'RlNi. IBM} Hi'Htlll ll. (H t l $.5th TELE RENT TV HEALTHWAYS Inc. SPECIAL 8 #0700 in R.1lt-igl1,-M17-h40lli11( .111 828-2008 STUDENT RATES

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‘Maximum R&B chronicles The Who’s Siloenscneen

rock music adventures Since 1962 by Kimberly Frasier l , _ . _ _ Entertainment Editor 1 by Craig Dean The author. Richard final member in the complications are we the differences and album, It's Hard. and a i ‘ Entrrtainment Writer Barnes. has been a confr- original lineup' of The plained. other times ‘he forgets. triumphant farewell 1 dant of the band since Who. From this point. This book contains an and the book appears to tour. 3'43 Stop Tueflivfi P-m- Throughout the its humble origin. and is. Barnes takes the reader amazing compilation of have been written strict- Overall though. Max- Stew‘" ““3“" Adm’m’“: Free history of rock. few in fact. the man who dub on a journey down the photos. concert posters ly for the British. imum MB does a splen- groups have experienc- bed the band ”The rocky road of The Who's and other Who collec- did job of chronicling This fresh. vigorous romancecomedy from 1956. ed the success or acclaim Who." existence. He points out tibles. many of which Maximum MB does certain segments of The starring Marilyn Monroe. Don Muray and Arthur The Who has. Also. few Unlike many rock the good and the bad — have never been in print a fine job of covering Who's history. The book O'Connell proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that major groups have ex- band biographiemMax- there's been plenty of before. This assortment The.Who up to the is printed on high quali- Monroe was indeed an excellent actress. She brings perienced the duration imam MB does not in- both in the 20-year span of pictures makes Max- release of Townshend's ty paper. and it makes a all her usual charm to this tale of a dumb cowpoke The Who has. with only clude the childhood ac- that The Who has been imum 3&8 a visual All The Best Cowboys lovely addition to any who pursues an equally dim but irresistable floozie. The Rolling Stones and tivities of the members together. history as well as a writ- Have Chinese Eyes music fan's library. One A winning combination. The Kinks being among of the group. but rather Barnes narrates the ten history. album. The book's final word of” caution its ranks. picks in}, in 1962 as Pete band's story while keep- Many Americans may impression is that it is however. be sure to keep After 20 years. . The Townshend. Roger ing the reader intrigued find it difficult to inter- incomplete because of your receipt after pur- TheLostJungle(Episode 1) Wednesday. 8 pm. Who's history has been Daltry and John Ent- — most of the time. pret parts of the book the increasing populari- chasing the book Erdahl-Cloyd Theatre Admission: Free charted in an authorized wistle join together as a ’Maximum R‘B does because of its British ty the group has been because the binding biography titled The band that was soon to in- slow down a bit when style. Sometimes Barnes making lately with the leaves something to This first episode is of a 12-part series that will be Who: Maximum MB. clude Keith be shown with High Adventure Series during this Moon — the financial and contractual remembers to explain release of their best desired. semester. The Black Pirate is also part of the High Adven- ture Series and will be shown following The Lost Newman deserves good‘iudgment for acting role Jungle. A thrilling silent swashbuckler with Billie . Dove becoming a pirate after his family isvictimized b Kimberly page, Infemo: in. The Veflet.- . . n but similar. . to the 1 has hadin. the past three OSheaia, ars tobeon The-strangeriRar-nphngr. by a gang of cut-throats.. Other members, of. the cast Errtertainment Editor he 'is a than trying to two controversial fil’ . years. Before that he Mason's :31: especially in Galvin's loVe life are Douglas Fairbanks. Jr. "id Donald (.risp. redeem himseff'at‘all‘ex- he has starred in —- Fm was divorced from his when he rules a last leaves the audience pense. Apache. the Bronx and wife and had to leave his minute testimony to be questioning what her Network Thursday.8 p.m. Ring. . . ring. . . ring. .. The first scene opens Absence ofMalice. father-in-law's law firm disregarded. The pro next move Willie: the Stewart Theatre Admission:81 No response. He knew with Newman at a pin- He takes on a because he was accused blems grow. And in the e V l I ' P l 0 t t l n 8 . who was calling instinc- ball machine with drink challenge. His client is a of jury tampering. middle of them, a dishonorable foe (Mason) This Academy Award-winner stars William tively but didn’t give a at hand. Not altogether mother who- lays in a Things don‘t look good romance sparks between is completely opposite in Holden and Faye Dunaway. Directed by Sindey darn. sober but not drunk. he coma after her baby has when he takes on a Galvin and a mysterious character of the com as Lumet. this is a 1976 perceptive satire of television The Verdictstarring makes his way to the bar been killed in a fouled-up malpractice suit against lady (Rampling). How sionate friend (War en). network news by Paddy Chayefsky. Paul Newman. Jack after a final game and delivery. The challenge a well-known doctor. No long will Galvin stick to problemAnd Newmanabout I“,bringsin thea Warden. Charlotte .guzzles down a raw egg turns into one with a one supports him but an the case? How long will courts that exists today . Rampling and James cracked in a beer. Dress reputable law firm in old friend (Warden) who he be able to stay sober to foam American Graffiti Friday. 7 and i1 p.m. Mason. A movie about a ed in a black suit, he Boston. a hospital run by is determined not to let under the unending Does the alcoholic. Stewart Theatre Admission:$1 man caught in a trial of strolls to a funeral home the Catholic Church and Galvin come to self- pressure? stricken attorney pick lies and deceit only to and presents his card to the hostile public opi- destruction. himself back up again? Richard Dreyfuss. Ron Howard. Cindy Williams. face the verdict alone. a crying widow. nion as Galvin’s Sidney Lemet directs Is he able to prove to the Harrison Ford. Suzanne Sommers. MacKenzie Paul Newman as Newman is called an obstacles. Galvin's courtroom this uncivilized scheme jury the malpractice of a Phillips. Candy Clark. Wolfman Jack — what a cast! Frank Galvin carries out “ambulance chaser." Washed up and known , adversary (Mason) uses and reinforces Galvin's well-known doctor? Does One who contributed to the changing television his role well. He is not Frank Galvin stays a as a heavy drinker. every dirty game in the attempt to put his life he discover the truth habits of America. cast as the young hero as grave man — a different Galvin does not stand in book to bring Galvin to back together again. The about his girlfriend? in Butch Cassidy and character for Newman the eyes of the public as his knees. Galvin's star cast he has put together Find out in -The Verdict Rock 'N’RollHigh School Friday. 9 pm. the Sundance Kid. The to play in comparison to a very good attorney. He witness disappears on contributes to the plot in -— it's a film worth judg- Stewart Theatre Admission: $1 Sting or The Towering some of his earlier films has lost the few cases he him; the judge (Milo the most effective way. ing yourself. The Ramones really blow it out in this high school fantasy come true of 1979. Rebellious students battle *' Moving Pictures crosses ocean to US. with SUCCESS the principal while scientists study the effects of rock‘n’roll on laboratory rats. Everybody knows how roclr‘n'roll effects people; it makes them want to par- 5, Rick Allen out the energy it takes melody. song is about a beautiful is slowed by the song suspecting man into her ty. Come raise cane in high school with the Ramones. 14;“th _ to rock-out. and this “Round Again." cut woman and her lover “So Tired." This is a clutches. ' energy is more than evi- three on side one. is a and the odd pair they mellow melody about a Days ofInnocence isa EntertainmentEditor dent on Days of In- medium-tempo song make. There is some fine faltering romance. very good album. The d: 0 :Me «.1. g enc . . about a, ' workin clash guitar picking . .. sic and the musicipns'; Thu-"WM’W *7 S‘t’qu' 1.1 p'm' , ‘ AuBrali? .. whims“; Pictures is girl. The saw is Ewell- throughout this song. t Cfis‘govfi mlsh‘thhthe may are excellent. All. Stewart Theatre ‘1 3" Adm'”’°"‘ ‘1 ' but have you heard of vocalist Alex Smith. written look at the lives L." is ex eased r03’ ch ea ltng Y" “J 9 of thedsongis are welll ar- . . . . Moving Pictures? The guitarist Garry Frost. of the blue collar pr mam c arac er '“ 0'“ "“89 an quite P 933‘ A gripping tragic story 0‘ romantic love from 1972 group’s song “Round saxophone player An- workers and what a slice Cut two on side two is and the Romeo." This is ing to the ear. starring Marlon Brando. Marie Schneider and Jean- Again" can be heard drew Thompson. of their lives is like. “Sweet Cherie.” Lyrics an up-beat song about a Moving Pictures is a Pier_e Leaud; Bernardo Bertolucci directs. Brando periodically on local keyboardist and A pounding drum beat like. “One night of love/- well-bred girl and her band that deserves to delivers one of his finest performances as a recent radio stations. trumpet player Charlie and racing guitar pace Just a few passing involvement with a make it big. Days of In- widower who sets up house with a young girl initially Moving Pictures is the Cole. bass player Ian sets up “Bustin’ Loose." hours/But one night with playboy. This is a toe- nocence gets a four star for s9 al purposes. but grows more emotionally newest group to cross Lees and drummer Mark The words. “Well every you/Seems eternal/Go- tapping mglody rating. depen eat as their relationship develops. the “great water" to Meyer. who replaced guy is a clumsy ing beyond/What we’ve guaranteed to speed up America. The band's Paul Freeland at that poet/And every girl is a known before/Pushing slow circulatory album. Days of In- position. beauty queen/Well our senses to the limit." systems. nocence. spent nine Days of Innocence» they're foggin' up the express the love of a The final song on the weeks in Australia‘s begins with the rousing window of friends' park man for a woman. The album is “Streetheart.” number one spot. and melody “Nothing to Do." ed cars/On the way to keyboards on this song The song has a haunting the single “What About The song speaks of the the land of dreams." tell are subtle but lovely and melody and eerie quali- Me" was at the top of the boredom of turning 21 about Friday night's enhance this already ty. “Streetheart” is charts for seven weeks. and having nothing to do scheduled groping ses touching song. about a streetwise girl Coupled with this suc- on a Saturday. The sion at the local drive-in. The pace of the album and how she traps an un- cess. Moving Pictures keyboards. sax and Side one of the album opened for Elton John guitar on this song is rounded out by l'fl on his tour through the sound great. and the “Wings." ”Well you land down under. Here song has hints of John's must be an angel/Won't AIOIIION:adifficuitdecision in the United States sound throughout. you please be my angel." that’s made easier by the “What About Me" reach- Cut two on the LP is illustrate a young man's of theFleming Center. Counselors are avail- ed a spot on Billboard’s the song “What About wish for the attentions day and night to support and understand you. Top 50 charts. Me}? The lyrics. “What of a young lady. This :Yoursafety. comfort and privacy are assured by the Put a little of Elton about mellt isn't fair/I song has several in- no staff or the Fleming Center. semen.- ’h John. Michael Stanley don't have enoughfl. teresting and pretty H r' — SahardayAbqtlon/ippolntmentsl ma and your favorite rock want my share/Can't you changes in tempo and 2nd Trimester Abortions 'up to 18 Weeks I Free band together and you see/I wanna live/But you saxo hone parts that Pregnancy tests I Very Early Pregnancy TestsI All get Moving Pictures. just'take more than you delig t the ear. -Foes I Insurance Accepted I CALI. 7M- The best way to classify give.” express the “The Angel and the _ V9! NIGHT I Health care, counseling and the band's music is to frustration of a one- Madman" begins the se call it urban rock‘n'roll. sided relationship. This cond side of Days of In- was”? rugfittumo cameo Moving Pictures can put song has a beautiful. soft nocence. This fast-paced Sunday.Januery I. human" «in an Won. u . a mJTha‘ w“ mon. M Theatre. cousrrékor roam YOU Do... WHOLESIIIE Mondav.Januarv 10 . . . . . ll ' w.kmm0o.umwmmsm.. .fimmm-mmm . .5 _ I *‘ ‘ incorporated Ifina-aasmmcm m.*°:nz'mo£~h. so:: pm. u. " 3' “1mm" WWW" J. p. I. v” K i Oimmw-mm Me .fiwmio-Ion-uasmm ., ItnK-aummcynmasoanny' Iismuaun' Mia-D.ra?any 'J rs II 0* AbnoGumnakhoJackusehod mean p.m,. O * Kaw- Nah-“09.5w. and GoNaked rm 0 *SWMW-INI.WWNYWPW .tswn-eulrsm .fi nxmmmmmmm ~, .tuunmmm I * www.msinnnunmrmmrn I WNCSU vs. Georgia Your ww- Itnwsnn-aa-owm ‘ ,* sunset-wen. wow O * Kauai sums-u. 5.... . LeeannmCoiraawn,‘Luther K'ng(I) m(3mm. I a sunbeam-macaw o a sum- CN-un My O inns-Murrow .* Tawwnmm amen Lacuna.$ienan Maj-mon Uri-MM.IMNM 0* mmm-AMWM Ifisuncu-m-mm I i Pram-em January 130. Faun-i . Film "Tasmann o mtango in Paris.” s-wsn insure WIIM”. .‘MSWW-Packae-M . i L-nbda cm anus-"Linn Has-m" Friday. January 14 . . Ww'l W.Wl. filler in “I". IkrhIWIIu 0 a m Kappa Tau-P.J. Pm I wmmm-WM Q 'mm aim," 7m and 11:00 pm {soc} ‘n' nor . “MMmea-kh .* M ' " * n : mama? . | ,, .*$WH-MVMM High School"9:flp,m. 5m Tho-m O M's"""""uv"“m 9,... man-mums» Ginsu-swu-'mmmTn ..*Si¢naAmhaMu—GGDPW. ‘ W’ 'W'" . mm.mmw.r.m . . * Mum-mm”. "wimp,“ Ow0 ucsu vs.-...... Goun- You». "me“nylon. Srud-nCensarM“m."ruuuuno...MIWedDonna_ 0* "corms— .tmmwuw. W. m, “w I fiance-MN” VW'I Eve-flim- Sou-- Pony °""" "N‘ w" Mule-WWW Gammon-ammun- Itswwmsmswmw . . * KappaAmha-Omarloasrjzwom (”dwmm‘ I Sign Nu-"Td Mime Hana sm- . T” g”. “pm m. m.“ pm . i Sign ADMEden-“Tbs Russian are Coming“ .immrn-Guasmu-n t m 7mm Thursday,January 13 I*Aunswmuasusomem I I WSW-canon sznopm MWNWUH ginmmms-rrnw I 5'9"“ sub": 1"" . *mfflsrwut” 3”! Theatre. am pm. . * “wow-M “N 'W‘ .‘MMWMM'NW'I'lzmlmlMMW Ifsymmwmwrnw . * rm Ink-o O * SW W mam9m. PJ Soc'djzmpm. *' fl 5‘ ‘0‘ M.“ I LloarsDnnas It nwm-onrnns-mmuwvm _.*sl"" noun mm». Pam WednesdayJanuary ‘2 Q ‘, o... union-mam to 00.7:00pm * Siam 0‘,” AW- I * saw.was Eden-Saturday morn on My 5m luv: ffimmwwm .gmxmmwrr'm-mm Dimmwrwrm IiunbchAiuho-GGDP-w Dammmmwunm Iiswmgnmmmnnn ' m..w_wm'.mpm . fawn-mummies“ . ."WMWWM'PW . *mw.m gm... page... v.“ rm ' .. .. w .grnmw‘swwm .. .h-ulbal. msu».ma"§‘.m I *MMN‘MM .thW-mswrm .* men- W‘w'w'*MM - i . M r 0 firm- cram M 0 w_ .3333: mm"... as) I a any. marm- "Cold Cm" . . 9'" mm to”. , g t m up... mace rm . w fund-\Istnusry 11 . If M‘ can Mir-Gamma: 7:3;92:3”. “'1 . “use.mm M .* 3‘0"” “Wm"' “I” V‘" “0"“ . * H w AWIW PM 0 Scan- I a nun saunaWhrs-sins own-3mpm. Oammmmm .iSiwnaPNW-Ufllamluur .tmmw-mhm I *oairaundon-vaa. wan-man on I *mwM-Whmm It ran Kssea W"m the Cssbsnmgnr , fswmwrnaw‘ "c" 'u "n “m. . *mmrn-rnn'r . * YauKanpaEdnw'M'sc‘r-Inalm” . * M Wwwgg 1 ~ 1 10/ January 10. 1% / Technician

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Jan 10. Monday Jan 11. Tuesday Jan 12. Wednesday ' ‘ AGR—Blck to School SC—Hat Party. SAM—Rush Dinner, Jan 13. Thursday. PKP—Roaring 20's 5:mpm. Speakeasy. DSP—Rush Dinner, SN—Ruah Dinner, . SAE-Scorpio the 6:mpm. 6:00pm. Jan 14, Friday PKP—Johnny White B Magician (Hypnotist). DU—State vs UVa, 8:3). TC—Rush Dinner, Szmpm. Jan 15, Saturday The lite Band. ASP-Detective Party. PKP—American Graffitti DU—Smoker, 7zmpm. DU¢,—Happy Hour 4:00pm. SAE—Jungle Party. DSP—Koolaid Party. 50's Party. SAE—Toga Party. PKP—New Year's Eve KS—Cookout 42m. ASP—"Altitude DU—Hill Street Blue SAE—Thumper Party. AGR—Livs band. Party. KA—Oyster Roast _ Adjustment Party." Party. SC—Punk-Funk. KA—St. Mary’s "Cold SAE—"The Russians are 6:00pm. DSP—Pack House Party. KA—Hop, Skip, and 60 KA—Beat Virginia Party. Cuts". Coming". PKP-SflthdBY Night U" SAM-Mexican Party. KA-Wslcome Back Naked Party. KS—Royaity Night. KS-Band. ASP—M'A'S'H 4077th Party. . _ SPE—B-bail Party. KS—Trash Can Party. LCA—Get Tall Party. LCA—Destroyed in Party. SAE—Saturdav Night Live TKE-"Night'on the KS—Long island Ice Tea LCA—Band: Liquid PK‘T—Cup Night. January Party. KA—Punk and PJ. . Party. Riviera." Party. Pleasure. ”(A—Screwdrivers. PKT—"Lucky Sevens" KS-CrashBum Party. DSP—Homn 8 He" su—Late Night featuring LCA-pTlp-Ofl Mixer. PKT—Traah Can Party. SP—Beat Virginia Party. Night. . LCA—GGD. Party. "Th hem" . PKT-Mixer with girls' PKA-Band: Mighty SN-"Whip the Wahoo's" PKA—Girls School Mixer. PKT—Round Up Night. DU-New Year's Party.‘ . ' 12.3230 echoob. Majors Party. SAM—DJ Party. PKA—Littie Sister Rush. PKA—i-lead Start Party. SAM—GGD Party. * SPE—B-ball 8 Beverages. SP—Buil Party. SAM—Little Sister Party, 8AM-—Paarl Harbor Party. SN—Long island Tea TKE—Siberian White SPE-Little Sister Rush. SP—Hawaiian Luau. SP—Dick Nixon's Birthday Party. Russian Night. TKE—Casino Night. SN -Ring in the New Party. SP—"My Schedule FM—National January Year. SN--Ragiatration Day Sucks" Party. 13th Festival. SPE—GGD. SPE—Band: The Good SC—Orange Flip. TKE—"Rock the Casbah" SPE—DJ“Party. Guys. Jan19,VVednssday. night. Saturday TKE—”Snowbiind" Party. TKE—Throirir Down Party. TC—Stag Party. Jan a, TC‘KamalIezi Party. Jan 3. Thursday SG- Band:_White . . '. KS—Little Sister Flush. ”‘5- SN—Open Dinner fizmpm. Animls. ’ PKP—Boerdweik Party. PKT-“Beg-a-Bud" Party. SAM—Rush Dinner, SAE—New Year'8 Eve PKA-'-”l-lairy Bush" Siwpm DU—Dinner and Party Party. ' SAE—Dinner/Smoker, Basketball night, Jan 21, Friday DSPBonfire Blast. SAM—Trash Can Paity. Jan 18. Tuesday 5:31pm., UNC on 5:wpm. ~ KA—Beat the Deacons TKE—"South of the TV TC—Ruah Dinner, Szmpm. SC—CookoutBonfire Party. Border". DU—Smoker, 7:00pm. AGR—M'A'S'H Party, 5:30pm. 0-:535 Jan 17, Monday TC—Ruah Dinner, 52%. LCA-Beat Dean on Wide Bzwpm. TT—Party in Merry Monk TT—Smokar in DSP—"Hainy-l-lo” Time. SN--—Open Dinner Packhouae, Szmpm. Screen, 7:00pm. Lounge, 8pm. AGR—Beat Carolina KA—Long island Ice Tea PKP—TGIF Party. *Iki‘ki'ktiiii‘kitiititiifit 5:009!" AGR—Hat Party, 8zmpm. Party. Party. SAE—Casino Party. KA-Smoker for men PKP—La Fiesta Mexicans ASP—Casino Night. KS—Ruahae Bar Night. ASP—"Progressive" only, 8:Mom. Party. DSP—Rush dinner. LCA—Band: Mighty Party. DSP-Rush Dinner. SAE—Sorority Mixer. KA-Robert E. Lee’s Majors. DSP— Erotic Dancers mmpm. DSP-Band: Buddy Er The Birthday Party. PKT—"One and one” 10:00pm. DU—Smoker (slide show), ' ”mum KS—Bud Night. Party. DU—Last hours. 7zwpm. DU-E.T. Phones Home PKT—NCSU vs UNC-CH PKA—Casino Night. KA— British Invasion SAE—Alcohol Awareness Party. on TV. SAM —Raal Ice Tea Party. Party. Pm. 7:009!“- KA-Band: "The Voltage PKA—‘Mixer. SN—21st Annual Big Time KS—Hawaiien Party. : .M ASP-Country Hoadown. Brothers". SP—Beat Carolina Party. Mixer. LCA—Rush is Not Over KS—Bunny Night. KS—Smoker. SC—Band: "Steps". SPE—"The Good Humor Yet Party. Bali-28W ' LCAa‘é-iMixer. LCA-Crescent Party. SPE—B-bali Er Beverages. Band". PKT—Casino Night. Phi #4.,.. W,8P~8ipmsPl 2 PKT—Snowblind Party. PKA—"Heiny-Ho" Night. TKE—lrish Pub Night. TKEu-Looney Tunes PKA—Mexican Night. _,,DU ~DeiiaUnion GAE-em Alpha. PKA—"Bubbly" Night. SC—Charlie Failons. TC—Meet Jack Daniels Night. SAM -Beach Party. SAM-Lucky 7 Party. SAM-Great White North Party. Party. SC—Caaino Party. SP—All Night Social RA—kappu Alpha see-1Sigma Phi SPE—Aiumni Dinner. FH-Beai Carolina Party. SAE—Heaven or Hel! . Hour. KS~KeppaSigma Epsilon TKE—Banquat. SP-"Hotal Party". Party SN—An Evening of Tc-Tazmanian Devil SN—"Mixing it Up" all Refinement. 'LGA~Lambde Chi “(Eh-Tau Kappa Party. night. TKE—Band: The sc-Beach Party. SPE—Sunrise Party. Penetrators. 1 PIA—PI KappaAbha ~ TC-Thats Chi TKE—Little Sister Flush TC—Red OX Stampede. ‘nwwn4;,$w Ttflhmfln with DJ. ~0. ‘1» AI.I. PARTIES START AT 9IOO PM UNLESS OTHERWISE NGTED


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WDF TRAILwooo ROAD SORORITIES ~‘ ..$ports January 1&1” / Team'

Reed barely beats

*Santa to Wolfpack by William Terry Kofley State's football. coach subscribes to a clean pro Sports Editor search committee. gram and had no problem “Dr. Mochrie called me with the State situation. 1 State's football program about a week ago and ask- "If you'll check my had put its order in a little ed. “Would you be interi background at the schools ' late. and it looked like San ested in the State football I've been at. those schools ta Claus might pass them job." Reed said. “He caught have never even hinted Of ‘ by. But just in the nick of me a bit off balance: I having any problem with ‘ time. the Wolfpack went to wasn't thinking at the time NCAA regulations." Reed l the "Cradle of Coaches” — of leaving Miami Universi said. "I think the infractions ’ Miami of Ohio - and ty. The feeling I had for at State are of a very minor . brought home a new head North Carolina State was a nature. and it had no hear 1 coach. positive one. I've known ing on my decision." Tom Reed. a 37-yearold Lou IIqu and was very Along with his I-Offense. former Miami halfback. was close friends with Bo Rein. Reed emphasizes an ag- named to replace former “After being here and gressive defense with good ' State head football Monte spending a day and a half. I habits. Habits. he said. can Klffin Dec. 21. Kiffin had had even a more positive combine with emotion to I resigned Dec. 1 under feeling. Miami University is make a good football team. pressure after posting a a place where coaches are “I'd like to endear the 16-17 overall record. in not expected to retire; alumni and say we'll pass ‘45 cluding a $5 record in 1982. they're eXpected‘ to move times a game. but I can't The Pack's choice of a on." say that right now." Real new coach'ended weeks of Reed has some definite said. “I think we have to speculation and frustration ideas about student- have the best quarterback for Wolfpack fans. It is a athletes. too. He expects in the league. If you have move that many hope will them to get a degree. the best quarterback in the put the State program back “We graduated 61 of 61 league. you throw. and if on the road to the type seniors at Miami the. last you throw. you don't run op of years they enjoyed in the three years, and I don't see tions. If you have a good ‘70s. any reason why we can't do quarterback, you have to State had been hard that here." Reed said. have good wide receivers. If pressed to find a successor “Here at North Carolina you have a good quarter- to Kiffin. especially after it State we have 92 majors. I back. a good tailback and was revealed that the Pack think we have a broad base good wide receivers. then would be investigated by academics. I think the you're going to have a good Std! photo by Greg Hatcm the NCAA. Three can- academics here are unique. football team, because you New State head football coach Tom Iced has come to State with some barelygottheiobbeforeSt. Nicircunethroughlalaigh.lcedtookovcr didates withdrew from coo I saw a nuclear reactor recruit linemen whether definite ideas in mind for the State football program. The new State mentor duties Dec. 21. See Wednesday‘s paper for assistant profiles. tention. Tulsa coach John when I drove in. I've never you run or pass. Cooper had seemed to be seen that on a college cam- “Our defense will be set for the job until he pus before.” characterized primarily by Tigers break loose in 2nd half to cage State cagers ‘ decided to stay on at Tulsa Reed believes starting people who just like to run where he is head coach and behind in the recruiting around and have a good by Devin Steele way through the second game road trip." said State Charles were whistled for cond half. but fouls hurt ' AD. Also pulling out of the process should not put the time playing defense. I Assistant Sports Editor period but suddenly got coach Jim Valvano. “This is four infractions. us race were Furmsn coach Wolfpack behind the eight don't care what size they cold. State experienced a a disappointing loss. but Staterjumped out to an The Tigers took their Dick Sheridan and Holy ball. are because you win games six—minute scoring drought one which shouldn't early 4-0 lead and never first lead Of the game. 23-21. ‘ Cross coach Rick Carter. “I think there has been with the mind." COLUMBIA. M0 — After as the Tigers edged out to discourage the players. trailed during the first half. on Sunvold's basket just in Not being the Pack's first some good work done here Reed is confident he will having tamed Clemson's the lead which they never coaches and fans. but the score was knotted to the second half. Mizzou choice didn't bother the in the interim time." Reed .be able to recruit from the Tigers Friday night. State's relinquished. “You've got to give seven times. Missouri had held two four-point leads. ._ new.r State mentor, and I224: said. “therefore I don't surrounding areas and not i6th-ranked men’s basket- Sunvold. a (32 senior who Missouri the credit. They several Opportunities to 27-23 and 31-27. before the was ready to get right to perceive us as being as far go back to the midwest and ball team got clawed by finished with a gamehigh haven't lost a non- pull ahead. but could not do Wolfpack came to life work. behind as you might think. I north for recruits. Reed another tiger. losing to 17 points. scored four conference game here since so. Bailey scored inside. Whit “I'm just tickled to be think we should go out now sets the ACC championship Missouri's Tigers 49-42 straight points to tie the '78 and only about seven in Bailey connected a pair of here." Reed said. "As far as and be as aggressive as we as a long-range goal. With Sunday before 12.400 score 35-35. The Pack tenburg tallied four poinh something like that bother- can. I think three years failed 16 years. But 1 think we free :nrows at 2:50 to give and McQueen added .1 ing me — the schedule that the Pack tenacious Tiger fans at Col- to hit several key outside proved we can play with a the Wolfpack a 21-17 lead. bucket in an M scoring absolutely not." from now we'll know more has next year. the recovery umbia. Mo. buckets. and Missouri edg. ‘ clock or without a clock." Steve Stipanovich and Sun- spree which saw State State Chancellor Bruce about how far behind we program could be easily ex- Missouri. 10-2 and ranked ed out to a 41-35 lead with State's perimeter game. vold hit tWO foul shots forge ahead. 3531. Poulte whose-via. just i'werefl' e" "w-ru .. ., 'NO. 15pm the‘coungry,‘eon- ; 25‘ left "inn. “within. it; usual‘stropz ”unjust apiece to account for the Mfssouri. which played a after ed's Introduction. ' Crum did not have any in Whatever the case. the verted 10 of 15 foul shots ges.t lea? was eight. 46-38. wasn’t clicking this day. low 21-21 halftime score. maotoman defense the en didn't care that others had fluence on Reed's decision. State program has a man down the final second-half Missouri then went to its The inside game. however. Both teams were cold tire game. then scored 10 turned down the State job but Reed did note that his with some definite ideas. stretch. including five by motion Offense. and State surprisingly took up some shooting the first half. straight points to quiet the either. newly acquired arch—rival The Pack took its time nam- Jon Sunvold. to pull out the was forced to foul. The Pack of the slack. Lorenzo State hit just 8 of 25 from Pack. Stipanovich had 6 “We have exactly the and he were “on speaking ing its man. but Santa final- comefrom-behind victory. could get no closer than six. Charles muscled his way for the floor for 32 percent and points and Sunvold 4 in the right man." Poulton said. terms." ly came with a gift from the The Wolfpack. which fell 46-40. a team-high 10 ”He's been my NO. 1 man noted that he points; while Missouri converted Of 20 spurt. which pushed the since the day I met him." Reed Miami Catalogue. to 7-2. held a 3531 lead mid~ "It's been a tough. two Cozell McQueen popped in 8 attempts for a 30 percent Tigers ahead “35 with ‘ Reed has indicated ~ his season total going in- accuracy. three minutes left. recently that he would have to the game. Thurl Bailey (8 ”Our shooting the first Six of the final Missouri some of the things that Pack denies Clemson death wish, 76-70 pointsl and Dereck Whit- half really let us down." points came from the char: ‘ were denied to Kiffin. such tenburg (9) were both held said Valvano. “We wanted ty stripe as the Pack saw its as a recruiting coordinator by William Terry Kelley The win gave the Pack a well below their averages. to be tied or up at the half. upset hopes dwindle. . and a full-time strength the court. I was not pleased throws to give State the Fouls also hurt the Pack. but we could've been up by "The intensity was there. v- co‘ach. Sports Editor 1-0 ACC mark while Clem- with our performance in the final margin. The Pack had McQueen and freshman Er 10 if our shooting had come the defense was there. but son fell to 0-1. State was 61 second half." taken a 71-68 lead on the nie Myers both fouled out. through for us. I thought the ball just wouldn't go ' A native of Princeton. CLEMSON. S.C. — They overall heading into Sun- The clock haunted the Myers steal. ‘ and Whittenburg and we did a better job the so Ind.. Reed is a graduate of call it Death Valley Lit- day's game against Pack at least twice in the “It was Ernie's play down for us." said Valvano. i Miami. and he and his wife. tlejohn Coliseum that is. Missouri. For both teams it second half as the Clemson because Ernie blocked the . Cathee. have two children. State hadn't won a game was the first experience of defense kept the Pack from shot." Lowe said. “I was " In five seasons at Miami. there since the 1978-79 a conference game with the getting off a shot. Those able to get a hand on it. and 3: Reed's teams compiled a season. but Ernie Myers new 30second clock and turnovers brought explo at that time in the ballgame “’ record of34492 including a stuck it in death's face Fri- threepoint goal. For State sions from the Clemson I didn't want to take a ' 7-4 mark this past season. day night. coach Jim Valvano the crowd. chance on a travel so I just 3 Reed was the successor to Myers blocked a Mike Clemson comeback was a “The clock went off tried to get rid of it." North Carolina head coach Eppley shot with barely a chance to plug the rules he because Of their defense Heretofore. the trip from 1 Dick Crum at Miami and minute left in the game. and advocated. and us trying to be patient Clemson has been a long follows a long line Of great picked up the . “If this game was not a on Offense." Lowe said. one for Bailey. coaches that have left the loose ball and hurled it to commercial for the shot Valvano said the clock “It was our turn." Bailey Midwest stepping stone. Myers all alone at the other clock and the threepoint made his team play more in- said. “We just kept our Paul Brown. Weeb Ewbank. end of the floor to ice a hard play. I don't know what is.“ tensely on Offense. poise down the stretch. A Ara Parseghian. BO fought 76-70 win for State. he said. “This was not a pro “I am pleased with the lot of it was experience and Schembechler. Woody “When I hit it. I saw game. We had changing results." he said. “I have ad- being patient. This is tho. Hayes and Crum all have Sidney grab it and he just defenses. and they changed vocated the shot clock and hardest place to play I've come from Miami. threw it and I layed it up." their defense after every the threepoint play for a been to. There's something . Reed would not discuss Myers said. “Sidney and timeout. long time. With the clock in the atmosphere. Like terms of his contract. but at Dereck (Whittenburg) said “This was a great college you are going to have yesterday. we came out to ‘ that time he was believed to go out and play and do game. I can't say enough periods where one team practice. and we practiced . to have received a fiveyear what you've got to do. They about their run in the se plays bad and the other sluggishly. I don't know '15 OffchoId$3O Off14mm agreement. His salary at said the crowd would get cond half. We gave them plays good. and you are go what it is. It must e men- Miami was close to $36,000 rowdy." the six points and they got ing to have times where tal. They call if :‘Death ‘ annually. and at State Kif— And get rowdy they did. excited. We were outplayed both teams play well. With Valley. and there's ‘6’: fin received in the The Pack had built as by a very physical team. I the clock you have to play something in the back of 3 neighborhood of $43,000 a much as a 17-point lead in am only satisfied with the to win. This was the first our minds that says_"uh-oh. year. the first half before the first 10 or 15 minutes we game where we had to have we're here again'." i 2 Reed made no bones Tigers cut the margin to played. In the second half. great Offensive play to about what he had planned 42-31 at the half. we didn‘t react — to the win." for the State attack Offen- The Tigers then hit the crowd or the clock. We Myers hit a bucket and sively. He prefers the first three baskets ofthe se- started walking the ball up Lowe hit a pair of free Welcome Back I-formation and wants a cond half to cut the lead to passing quarterback. one seven and by the 10-minute v that can throw for 2.000 mark had taken the lead at . yards in a season and the 5049. led by a torrent of ‘ best runningback in the Warren Wallace buckets. ‘ league. Obviously the partisan Reed also stated that he Clemson crowd of 9.600 wants the quarterback only couldn't remain quiet. HOt Dogs -" thinking about passing and State built their first-half i not having to worry about margin largely because of . 3721 Hillsborough St. . the option. Thurl Bailey's 15 first-half Just Across From Meredith Reed came into the State points. The senior forward. VII coupon “WW“ . picture after being con- along with Myers. pamd tacted by Dr. Richard the Wolfpack with 25 points Mochrie. chairman of each. ..l ABORTION U TO 121‘ 3 HOTDOGS $1.00 WEEK or PREGNANCY , SEE YOUR JOSTENS REPRESENTATIVE. $185 '1‘nodnoo ' knions from 13 to 16 weeks _ with cou in Hillsborough St. Location good Juno thru 17 at additional charge. pregnancy test. birth control _D_ATE: WED.. THURS. & FRI. - JAN. 12. I3 & 14 . l and problem prenancy counseling. For funhminfor , mation cull 832Wroll-free number 8w221-W bee ween 9AM. RM. weekdays. "6erClinic" Famous Hot Dogs TIME: 9 To 5 - 820.00 DEPOSIT ' . RALEIGH WOMEN'S IIEALTII , Discover Our Daily Specials , ORGANIZATION r .c‘ 755-0554 PLACE: STUDENT suggu STORE 1 917 West Morgan St. '9 Rileigh. Nc mos Famous Cheeseburgers #1 January 10, 1m / Technician 590M /

Mounties, Spartans among holiday victims for Pack by Devi Steele note. freshman guard ting Ernie Myers and Alvin percent and 9 of 15 free closer. Whittenburg provid- Assistant Sports Editor George McClair was Battle into the starting five throws. ed 10 straight points. in- stricken with spinal men- in place of Louisville outmuscled cluding two three-pointers Besides victories over ingitis. a lifethreatening and Cozell McQueen. State inside. gaining a 34-26 in an ensuing scoring binge Clemson and Missouri dur- disease. butit was caught in Michigan State. with four rebounding edge for the as the lead swelled to 50-37 ing the holiday break. time. He is expecting to starters returning from a game. at 13:45. West Virginia State's men's basketball» return soon. year ago. provided a strong Whittenburg led all could get nocloser than five team racked up wins over Here are capsules of inside game to keep it close scorers with 22 points. and from there with three Michigan State. 20th- those games: as the game went down to Bailey chipped in 13. Loren- minutes left. ranked West Virginia and State 41 the wire. Dereck Perry's zo Charles had 9. Whittenburg was high Fairleigh Dickinson. The State 45. w 20footer with 84 seconds For Louisville. center scorer with 19 points. Pack fell short in its upset The Pack pushed its left pulled the Spartans Charles Jones had 17 points Bailey finished with 18 bid of No. 14 Louisville. » record to'4-0 with a 4541 within 42-41. but Sidney and guard Rodney McCray points and 12 rebounds. and The Wolfpack's position slowdown victory over the Lowe connected on a foul 11. The Pack held down the Lowe had 9 points and 10 shifted slightly in the Top Spartans. reminiscent of shot. and Thurl Bailey hit Cards‘ scoring leader Lan- assists. 20. and currently the Pack days past. The game was two charity shots to pull out caster Gordan to 5 points. Guard Lester Rowe led is ranked No. 18 in the UPI played under NCAA rules. the cat-and—mouse victory. the Mountaineers with 20 poll and No. 16 in the AP State coach Jim Valvano The Wolfpack edged out State 67. Michkan State 59 points. and forward Greg used a lineup change for the to first-half leads of 10-4. State gained its most im- Jones had 18. On a less encouraging first time this season. insen 16-9 and 1814 and held a pressive victory in the ear- State 111. Fairlekh Dickie- 24-23 lead at intermission. ly season with the win in son 76 .1 State marched to two six- the Meadowlands. but had The Pack returned to Grapplers even record point leads in the second to overcome an 11-point Reynolds Coliseum and got half before MSU. which first-half deficit to do so. the new year started off on shot 67 percent in the The Pack. however. was a good foot. hitting the cen with win over Oswego period. closed the gap to aided by the 21-foot. three tury mark for the third by Devh Steels Vince Bynum. Steve Koch. one late in the game. point play. hitting.5 of 10 time this season. The 111 Assistant Sports Editor Kurt Wenta. Scott Skid- The Pack got a balanced threepointers to the-Moun- points was the most scored more and Chris_Mondragon. scoring attack. with Dereck taineers' 0-3 effort from by a Wolfpack team since State’s 13th-ranked Oswego‘s only points of Whittenburg. Sidney Lowe that range. The game was the 197576 season. Twelve wrestling team hit the mats the ‘match came in the and Bailey scoring 12, 11 also played under the State piayers scored in the for a duel meet only once 190-pound class. when and 10 points. respectively. Atlantic 10's 45-second shot game. played under ACC over the break. routing undefeated Doug Morse Guard Sam Vincent led clock. rules. previously undefeated pinned State freshman Dar- Michigan State with 16 Valvano said beforehand Both Whittenburg and Oswego State 81-6 Wednes- rell Martin at 1:05 of their points hitting 8 of 12 shots. he believed playing on a Bailey joined State's day night at Sanderson bout. _ Perry added neutral court would help his 1.000-point club with 21 and High School. ‘ Louisville 57. to 52 club become familiarized 16 points respectively. but All-America TabThacker In the 126pwnd class. Led by W ttenburg/s 18 with playing in that type of freshman Ernie Myers was and Craig Cox recorded Negrete defeated Lou first-half points. the Pack atmosphere. the star for the game with pins. and Steve Love added Chartrond. 4-2. before was able to stick with the West Virginia rolled out 22 points. Gannon chipped a superior decision to lead Bynum decisioned Mark Cardinals for a 33-33 to a quick 7-0 advantage in a career-high 17 points in the Wolfpack. 1-1. Howard. 13-8. in the halftime score. State shot a and held leads of 11-4. 1911 just 16 minutes. hitting 6 of Thacker. the fifth-ranked . ISA-pound division. hot 56 percent from the and 27-16. before the 6 three-point shots. and heavyweight in the nation. At 142. Went: scored an floor to Louisville's 46 per- Wolfpack got untracked. Charles added 10. Lowe upped his record to 8-0 on 8-2 decision over Mike Let- cent in the period. State scored , 16 dished off 11 assists. the year with a fall over cher. Koob routed John In the second half. unanswered points to notch State fired in 12 of 18 Mark Glickman just 50 Wilcox 12-4 at 150. and however. Whittenburg was the lead it never relinquish three-pointers. hit 57 per- seconds into the bout. Skidmore blanked Tom held to only four points. ed. 32-27. Lowe led the cent from the floor and Cox. the eighth-ranked Masel. 6-0.'at 158. In the That. along with a quick spurt with 7 straight hauled down a blistering 45 wrestler in the 177-pound 167-pound class. Mon- second-half scoring surge points. including a three rebounds. totally . class. upped his record to dragon baited Tom Stan- enabled the Cards to pull pointer. ’s dominating outclassed Staff photo by Jim Frci ' 58 by pinningTom Fleming bro. 12-4. away for the victory. three-pointer with 1:42 left Fairleigh Dickinson. State forward mm Bailey pulls the over Fairleigh Dickinson In on Pack‘s 111-re l at the 4:20 mark. The Lakers fell to 6-1 on Freshman guard Jeff Hall in the first half gave State Marcus Gaither led FDU rout Love. a senior. recorded the season. led the spurt. scoring eight the edge at 28-27. Alvin with 21 points. an awesome 31-7 decision State's next match is straight points. State con- Battle scored the last four “I didn't think we played over Tom Barton in the Sunday at 1 pm. when it nected on only 8 of 28 shots points of the half as the that poorly." said Fairleigh Baseball ’5 winter meetings 118-pound class. , hosts Maryland and Pem- from the field for a paltry Pack held a 32-29 halftime Dickinson coach J. Donald Other State winners in- broke State in Reynolds 32 percent. while Louisville advantage. Feeley. “At least we forced cluded Rickey Negrete. Coliseum. hit 10 of 18 field goals for 55 In the second half, the them to call a timeout in the 1 Mounties pulled within one. second half. I think that's a find environment too-pleasant T KIRTLUGD BAGS 0 BELL HELMETS o FENDERS 34-33. but could get no positive sign for us." 0We give six months service and free use of tools $5.00 OFF There's an old saying Sports As I See It including instruca'ons, with every bicycle sold. about baseball's winter A" Sportswriters meetings to the effect that 0We specialize in touring and transportation ' Tune Up the nicer the surroundings. 'bicycles. Expert Repairs, Tool rentals, - - 10 and those interested the less is accomplished. Speeds. or BRUCE’? Mon. - Fri 10-7 / Sat. 10-5 I Overhaul Last month's meetings in 1211 Hillsborough Street Sports StaffMeeting Honolulu were proof of that Raleigh theory. with next to ‘ WINKWORTII “' ' 933-4588 nothing accomplished in the with this coupon Wednesday 4:30 pm. l ely Hawaiian Islands. . 1. he most pressing mat- Assistant Sports Edito Innis exp. 2/28/83.“ 3rd Floor Student Center ter fore the club owners L was t e restructuring of of yawns and ho-hums. season. is ready to play baseball's executive There were only two everyday at third base and l” branch. including the selec- noteworthy trades consum- that the addition of Armas tion of a successor to com— mated at the meetings. will prevent teams from pit- missioner Bowie Kuhn. while one other fell ching around Jim Rice. whose term of office ex- through, symbolizing what something that's happened pires, in August. The is happening in these days._ regularly since Carlton DAY SKI TRIP owners accomplished of the long-term. ‘Fisk and Fred Lynn nothing as far as his suc- guaranteed contract. departed in 1980.: cessor isconcerned and fail- On the first day of the From Oakland's stand- ed to make any headway meetings. the Boston Red point. this trade gives them toward the restructuring of Sox angered many of their an experienced infield glove the game itself. including fans by trading the popular and opens right field for WINTERGREEN SKI RESORT many crucial financial mat- to rookie Mike Davis. their top ters. Oakland for slugging out- minor league prospect. The Despite the many pro fielder . In ad- A's will probably start blems facing baseball. the dition. the Sox got reserve rookie Tony Phillips at owners used last month's and shortstop. and adding meetings to stick their gave up reserve outfielder Lansford will make that SATURDAY JANUARY 29 heads in the sand and hope -Garry Hancock. The Red change easier. the crisis will simply go Sox gave up a few years in Two questions must be away. In fact. it's hard to this deal - Lansford is 24. asked about this deal from see any area in which Armas is 29 — but they ad- the Oakland side. First. can baseball's owners justified ded some sorely needed they sign Lansford without STUDENTS their little excursion to power to their lineup as upsetting their salary COST: $35 NCSU Hawaii. protection for Jim Rice. structure what about They certainly did who hasn't seen many Rickey Henderson — and nothing nothing in the way fastballs the last two years. second. can Lansford hit for of trades that couldn't have Armas. a top-flight as high an average in the $40 “OTHERS been done with a few long- center fielder. has hit more Oakland-Alameda Coliseum distance telephone calls. In home runs than any right- as he did in Fenway Park? I the period since the handed American League personally think the answer meetings began on Dec. 6. hitter over the last three is no on both counts. but the from there have beeri firmly a years except Gorman A's have ' improved Includes transportation to and handful of trades. "most of Thomas. The Red Sox feel themselves by this trade. which should 'have been that young Wade Boggs. a greeted with a long chorus .349 hitter in 104 games last (See 'Indians, ‘ page 13) Wintergreen Ski Resort and an all day The Union Activities Board Presents a “Semester'Opener” film guaranteed lift ticket. BUS STOP

Equipment and Lessons

are/available cheap.

For more information and registration, come by Room 3114 Student Center, 737-2453 Y

Registration deadline is 12:00 noon on Fridnay Jan. 21. Stewart Theatre Other trips are scheduled for February 5, 1‘ 19 and 26. free January 10, 1&3 / Technician Sports I13

Cavalier Pack takes 2 ACC wins

Ticket Distribution by Ines Winkwerth bounds against Clemson and 10 each against Clem- Ticket distribution for Wednesday nights basketball Assistant Sports Editor and 24 points against Tech. son and Georgia Tech. game with Virginia begiru today at noon and lasts until6 State's Wolfpack Women The two wins follow the “Angie got back on track p.m. and continues Tuesday from noon until 4 pm if completed the holiday Pack's 76-69 win in Los against Rutgers." says needed phase of their season with Angeles over a tough Yow. “We need points froml There'Is no priority for the pickup. but students must back-toback road victories. Rutgers team in the, con- her position and hsdnt gotr present their spring registration card and a picture ID 84-88 over Clemson Friday solation round of the ten them in a while. to get a ticket. night and 83-81 over Winston Tire Holiday ”Robyn Mayo (Arm- Students must use that ticket to see the State Georgia Tech Saturday Classic. Pack head coach strong’s backup) has been a Virginia women's game. which begins at 6:30 p.m. The night. Linda Page led the Kay Yow hopes the three- catalyst off the bench for us men's game begins at 9. way for the Pack. continu- game winning streak too. She's ing a streak of torrid play signals the complete made some with 28 points and 17 recovery of her club from a crucial plays and played re- three-game stretch of bad good defense.“ play which began Dec. 11 at Yow made two lineup South Carolina (an 81-78 changes during the break. Indians, Phillies create most loss) and continued Dec. 18 Mary Jane Wild has moved against Francis Marion (an into the starting center 8581 loss) in Raleigh and spot. and for the time being. winter trade winds in Hawaii Old Dominion. Dec. 28. (an Claudia Kreicker is starting 87-64 drubbing) also in the at forward while Karen can be called an overwhelm- seven hits. He stands 6-7 Winston tourney in Los I Continued from page 12) ing offer. and weighs around 230 lbs. Brsbson nurses an ankle in- Trillo has one year left on He has been a full-time Angeles. jury. The second major trade his contract and. will be dif—’ reliever for only the last “We came out ahead this "Clsudia played her two of the winter meetings was ficult to sign. but at least two seasons. but many time." says Yow of the wins best games back-toback the five-for--one Phillies- for one year, he and Franco baseball people consider over Clemson and Tech. against Clemson and Indisns deal. The Indians will give the Indians a com- him the top relief prospe'ct "We've played well the last Georgia Tech." says Yow. ‘didnt want to give up petent double-play com- in the minor leagues. three games. The game “Our inside play has been rookie outfielder Von bination. In recent years. Unless Hayes becomes the with Old Dominion was good. but we'd like to im- Hayes unless they got an Cleveland iniielders have next Babe Ruth and all .of really a continuation of prove. Ronda is coming off overwhelming offer. Hayes treated ground balls as if Cleveland's new players South Carolina and Francis the bench and helping. has the potential to be a 30 they were live grenades flop. I don't see how the Marion. We just weren't although it doesn't show up . 30 stolen base rolling through a mine field. Phillies can come out aheld ready in those games. I in the box scores. I don't player and drive in 100 runs With star center fielder on this deal. The only think in the Old‘Dominion think we‘re getting the ball as well. Last year. he drove Rick Manning recently negative factor for game we could have played to her at the right times. in 82 runs for Cleveland. hit signed for five years. the In- Cleveland is the loss of a better game than we did. But people have to respect 14 homers and stole 32. dians defense up the middle Hayes' power. The Indians I'm not saying we would her while she's on the court bases. He batted only .250. should be as strong as any hit precious few home runs. have won it. but we could because of her height." but his minor league in the American League. have been more CORP average of .323 says he can Even if Trillo doesn’t The deal that fell through petitive.” For the time being. Yow hit. But the Indians got an sign with the Tribe. Franco involved the Dodgers and would like to maintain overwhelming offer from and Baller more than make Rangers. the principle If Yow was worried steady performances from Philadelphia. this a good trade for players being Los Angeles about the losing streak. the those who have been play- The Phillies farm system Cleveland. Franco makes a pitcher Burt Hooton and Rutgers game seemed to ing well. especially Page. is one of baseball's most lot of errors. but he also has Texas catcher Jim Sund- turn things around. With productive. and the Indians tremendous range and berg. Complications in their Page matching her career “It’s getting to be a way managed to get two of the 'makes plays other short- contracts doomed this deal. high of 28 points, the of life for her to get no Sundberg’s may be the Wolfpack played one of its points and eight or nine re- Phils’ top three minor stops don't make. As an ad- better games of the season. bounds each night." says league prospects in short- ded bonus. he can hit for most detailed and Yow. "She's been playing stop and pit- surprising power. as his 21 laboriously complicated “We got everything hard at both ends of the cher Jay Baller. Add to home runs at AAA last contract in all of profes- together in that game." floor. and she continues to those two a package in- season will attest. sional sports. For a great says Yow. “We played a get better in all phases of cluding all-star second Baller developed sudden- many legal reasons. in good team game, a heady her game." baseman . ly two years ago and during cluding trade demands. no game against a good underrated outfielder the last two years has trade clauses and disburse Rutgers team. We also got The Wolfpack Women. George Vukovich and minor struck out almost ten men ment of deferred payments. significant contributions now 8-3 on the season. 1-0 in league catcher Gerry per nine innings pitched. this deal fell through. from inside." the ACC. return to action Willard. and you have what while allowing less than Wednesday night against Since the meetings. there During the three-game Virginia in a doubleheader Staff W0 by Jlfii Ff€t .7 have been a few deals and losing streak. several State with the men. Gsmetime'is freeagent signings worth players had their dif- Stateforward Claudia Itrelckerflghtsforaloosebahlnactioneanlerthlsyear. The Pack All Sports Personnel mentioning. and I‘ll talk ficulties. foremost among women currently rank 90th nationally. about those next time. par- them being Angie Arm- crien staff meeting ticularly the Braves two ad~ strong. The senior point Big ditions. reliever Terry guard. who had scored in Forster and starting pit- double figures in State's Crhsilsrmnitisthefewerlhenilfl OUR SEARCH FOR INTIMACY relieal NEW COURSE' The Comtemporary the Packhouse Busmess meeting 7 pm Wednesday5pm. cher Pete Falcone. and the first five games.scored Indenlsnglhsndrmstbetypedor spomored by Banner Student Union Jan Woman Issues Affecting Her Health and Wear your llOITS. Everyone IS welcome! entire Floyd Bannister- ‘ nine point? inthet ’ 2'1: '"Weir“X 11 paper Items :1416. Cosl $20 All Sludenls welcome Role 1ft Sbtiety' 7Eli“298‘ lcrl‘ Tlh‘l"CHI A' CHRIS FELLOWS .P Steve Garvey free-agent losses. Armstrong scored sibliiitlsd tint do not conform to the Cal18341875 or went the Bapllsl Student 220338 Dr lurnhull 7372563 meets (Ellery Tuesday at 7f3rpm in the 3rd Floor Student Center extravaganza. 18 points against Rutgers above specifications will not be run Only Center for more information STATI GAY COMMUNITY MTV Vrdeo Green Room in the Student Center All one item from a single organization will Screen Saturday, Jan lbrh, at 8 pm Ill are welcome. be run in an issue. The Technlelan will attempt to run all items at least once t classifieds before their meeting date, but no Item REMINDER APPLICATION DEADLINE t i will appear more than three times. The Application for the School of Veterinary l PEA CE CORPS W cost 15¢ per word with ACCUWRITER TYPING SERVICE—Honors ROOMS FOR RENT Singles and doubles UNIVERSITY TYPING SERVICE for term deadline for all Criers isfi pm. the data Medicme, 1983 class Will be accepted t . . . II: ' e minimum charge of $2.25 per insertion. English graduate wrth word processor II block from school - kitches pnveleges, papers, theses, dissertations. Experienc of publication for the prevrous ISSUE. through Friday, Jan 14, 1983 5 pm tvvvvv Jorn a phenomenal tradition. I: All erb must be prepaid. Mail check and will type your resumes, cover letters, some parking call 8345180. ed, dependable. resemble, prompt Items may be suhmrtted Ill Student tt The difference is a better world. and a ll ed to W, PO. Box 5698 term papers, Cell 7878384 day or night Acrom from NC. State. 833%26. Center Suite 3120. Criers are run on a t better you. 1: Coleus St Station. Raleigh, NC. 27650. Pick up and delivery available HELP WANTED: Part-time work on cam 847-9815. spseeevsilsble basis and the Techni- STUDENT SPEAKERS FOR ANIMALS tl Jobs available in agriculture. forestry. ll Deedine is 5 pm. on the date oi publics pus for aggressive, peopleoriented WORK ANY 3 NITES ii SAT. $7.22 per cian is in no way obligated to run any i lien for the previous issue. Liability for TYPINO LET ME 00 YOUR TYPINO at a students. Excellent pay. Call 821-0271 for hr. gust. (Full time summed. Cell ITS pm ANONYMOUS erI hold its llTSl meennq l health. business. science education, etc. 1; Crier item. — Blue Room, Student Union, Wednes t mistakes in ad limited to refund or room reasonable rate. IBM Selecrric II. Call appointment for interviewl 832-7423. day, Jan. 12, at 700 Speaker Kenneth t 04 “or“ W 36“ ”redeem :, unnumthereponsdtoouroffioes Ginny, 848-8791. the t i within two days after first publication of GET A PERFECT RESUME and learn to IFITCANBETYPEOJCANTYPEIT, NCSU SOARINO CLUB meeting tonight. Brodie, "Victims of Cosmetics t pate/em “(all ad TYPING FOR STUDENTS done In my manage your jolt campaign, $36 quickly, accurately and reasonably. Mrs Come and felt flying! 8:00 pm Truitt Drama Test" Discussion, retreshmnnis, t 7 3 7 - 3 8 1 8 1: home. Very good rates 28 years’ ex Istudentsl. Evelyn ONeal, 8333529. I8.A., Tucker, 8288512. Auditorium IBroughton 14021. meeting follow Everyone welcome i'v'vvvvvvv' AAAAAAAA‘AOffice Hours TWl-IF llam ‘i penance Call 8343747 Journalism, former speech writer, NC NEED FIVE PART-TIME people to show governor.) educational material to families with PARKING FRESHMAN 8 UP- llllllllllllllllllllll ||||I||||||||llllllllllllllllllllll children. Flexible hours, guaranteed $100 PERCIASSMEN Guaranteed spaces I6 FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED: Nice 2 W per week Must be available for training block from y0ur building Now Signing bed2 bath apt only 1 mile from NCSU. G/(a‘fl January 15, 9 . 4:30. 03118470059, 9 4. leases for this semesrer call 8345180. $165 plus II util Cell Nancy 8338128. .N REFRIGERATOR 9.0 cubic feet wrth freezer section. Ideal size for students. YOU PLANNING 31m. 8334848. ARE (9/ FRESHMEN \ ROOM FOR RENT-II block from NCSU 8r UPPER CLASSMEN TO BE IN THE llllllllllllllllllllll Bell Tower, parking. Oeposrt required, $1Mmo. 8334889 MondeyFnday. SPIRIT? O MOVING SALE: Long Bed, Oriental Rug IOIIZI, Bike Rack for car, Chair, Bulletin ARKING L boards. Contact John Shnbos, 8511640 or 737-3178. It's the beginning of a new school year. Spirits flow during the Spring Rush '83. Have you PROFESSIONAL TYPING WI do Rush 834-5180 planned to publicize?? jobs. Cal 8281882. Ask for Matinee The Spirit Page is a new section in the Technician for clubs and organizations to publicize news and information to the students and friends who receive the paper. Each week new and exciting articles will appear but only With your help. Follow these easy guidelines, and you too can get into the Spirit. 1) Only organizations recognized by the Student Government may submit an article. 9) All articles must be submitted two days in advance (prior to 3 pm.) before the next paper is to be published — for example, the article must be submitted before 3 p m on Monday for publication in Wednesday‘5 paper 3) All articles must be written by the group or organization sponsoring the article and should be a well~wrltten, informative piece intended to increase interest in the respecnve organization or club. 4) Photos for the article must be arranged four days before—The event IS to take place. 5) Articles must appear on 81/2 x 11 paper and should be typed doubled spaced. 6) Allarticles may be edited for style, brevity and taste. 7) The Technician reserves the right to refuse any article.

99¢ Special $1.85 Special Further information may be obtained by contacting Tom Vcss 737-9411/941‘2/9413 we are willing to work with you. 4 Single and l Single, Regular Fries 16 oz. Ice Tea. and a Medium Soft cheese and tomato extra Drink plus tax cheese and tomato extra pl.s tax . Good at Western Blvd. only. Good at Western Blvd. only. with coupon only with coupon only Ex i ires 1.31-83 Ex iires 1-31-83 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll||lllldllllllllllllllllllllllll m lllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllll First of a three part series Information TheHousing Office... courtesy Housing Office

Everything you’ve always wanted to know,

gg‘é.4;a... . ‘ but Were afraid to ask The philosophy of the pose of the Departments of State. The Departments of ministration. educational means that each resident Housing Office is expressed Residence Life. Residence Residence Life. Residence and cultural programming assumes the role of a in the organisation's opera- Facilities and Special Pro Facilities and Special Pro and personal and group‘ responsible member in Wm»..«mar tional handbook: grams for Residence Life at grams for Residence Life counseling. his/her community. As “Traditionally the pur State is housing for have a unique opportunity The best environment in members of the Depart- pose of any housing system students. The operating - to enhance the resident's which academic excellence ments of Residence Life. has been to provide living philosophy of these three education by providing and personal development Residence Facilities and space for. college and departments goes far social. educational and can occur and flourish is one Special Programs for university students. As a beyond the responsibility to cultural experiences of community. The Residence Life. it is our matter of fact. the concept provide students with a beyond the academic cur- development of a communi- goal and responsibility to of ‘universtiy' began in the comfortable place to study. riculum. The responsibility ty atmosphere in the act. as motivators in rooming houses .of Oxford sleep and eat. of the staffs of the three residence halls requires community-buildiong ef- and Cambridge — not in Included in the depart- departments is to provide that the residents forts. Building a sense of formal classrooms. mental philosophy is the an environment in which themselves must be active community in the residence Classroom buildings are a belief and attitude that the personal grewth and Iy involved in hall govern- balls is therefore that first fairly recent addition to the residence halls are an in- development can occur — ment and programming. Be- step in the implementation physical plant of higher tegral part of the educa- through efficient ad- ing a part of a community of our philosophy. l-lsrrlsl-lallhouscsthaoflicesoflesldancsfodlltles. education. The basic pun tional establishment at RESIDENCE iicmms KEYS TELEPHONES Organizational Chart 1 MAINTENANCE Depicting the day-to-day communication, MM. direction, coordination, and interaction of all SUMMER CONFERENCES three (3) departments.

According to Housing Office “the primary responsibility of the Department of Residence Facilities is to maintain the physical facilities in which students are housed." In the Housing Office's reorganized guidelines. which became effective in July of 1982. the Department of Residence Facilities has adopted specific goals for 1982-83. Among those goals is the development of a computer ASSOCIATE VICE CHANCELLOR organized work~order system which would interact and ex- LA FOR STUDENT AFFAIRS change information with the Physical Plant computer. r The department also hopes to initiate procedures to in- stall smoke detectors in high rise residence hall buildings in J accordance with State of North Carolina Fire Safety re- DEPARTMENT ' DEPARTMENT OF quirements. OF RESIDENCE LIFE SPECIAL AND EDUCATIONAL The continuation of development of residence halls and student rooms for handicapaccess and living use is also a ...... PROGRAMS goal for '82'83. Residence Facilities will close North Hall for the summer Ell Pence, Director of Residence Facilities Staff Training/Budget International Programs of 1983 to conduct major repairs and improvements. but at Housing Assignments Honors Programs the same time the department will continue summer con- heavily on the Coordinators. HR‘s. RD’s and resident , Staff Selection Residence Hall Programs ference housing services as a major source of revenue. advisers to keep them advised of problems in the Discipline Budget for Programs A five-year plan for routine maintenance. replacement of halls and to report such promptly. In this regard. the Supervision: & Evaluation House Council/RC items and renovations in residence halls will be developed director. assistant director and associate director according to the list of goals of '82-'83. have constant interaction with the staff in order to For students whose roommates or suitemates consistent- insure a comfortable living environment is provided ly fail to pay telephone bills. the Department of Residence to the student residents. . fl Facilities will cooperate with Residence Life to discipline [ 1 these individuals where appropriate. [KING VILLAGE] [EAST camusl [CENTRAL camusj [west camfil [METCALF] To carry out these goals. the department has three peo Associate Director of Residence Facilities — Ken ple who comprise the “Director Level" staff of Residence Bobam acilities. The following is a list of the individuals' titles Coordinate departmental responsibilities in 0 the director in budget preparation. miscellaneous keys. key code inventory. lost key and their job descriptions as it appears in the Housing 0f- regard to maintenance of the residence halls and ES evelopment and implementation. and replacements and all policy development in thi fice guidelines. King Village. This includes: ‘ Participate in the selection. training and supervi- area. JOB DESCRIPTIONS P Receipt. administrative process and submission of sion of RA's. HR‘s. RD‘s and coordinators. P Coordinate and supervise student painting 0 DIRECTOR LEVEL STAFF routine and emergency work requests. P In established areas of responsibility perform rooms and common areas. including policy develo P Follow-up and review of work in progress or com- preceding functions for E.S. King Village. ment and publicity in this area. pleted work orders. Supervise the department in the absence of the Act as chairperson of the Interdepartmenta Director of Residence Facilities — Eli Ponce Review of invoices and submission to budget of- director. Residence Facilities Committee. The director is ultimately responsible for all func- fice for payment. or other corrective actions P Perform other duties as assigned by the director. P Develop and coordinate special programs such a tions and responsibilities with the department necessary. Fire Safety. Energy Conservation. Hall Security an preview. This includes budget administration for the Review of costs and work performed under the Assistant Director of Residence Facilities -— Treks other similar programs. ' Departments of Residence Facilities. Residence Life EPIX Maintenance System. Spraggins P Supervise part-time student clerical personnel t and Special Programs. coordination of maintenance P Billing of student charges. fees appeal reviews P Coordinate and supervise all aspects of the summ- include responsibility for hiring, training. payrol requirements for 17 residence halls. housing approx— and consultation with residence hall staff on creative ber conference housing program. This includes train- and discipline functions. imately 5.760 single students. and 300 student family discipline sanctions. ing and supervision of special staff personnel and P Assist the director with evaluation. research pla apartments and renovations or capital im- P Performing analysis (statistical or otherwise) or summer coordinator. receipt of housing requests. ning. and development of departmental policies, pr provements to the facilities. The director has as his work requests and generate reports to identify pro room or building assignments, rental invoicing cedures, programs and long-range plans. primary responsibilities: blem areas as well as making recommendations for ndlor billing for damages or special services. P Participate in the selection. training. and supervi Administer three separate operating budgets and improvements. Coordinate and supervise departmental respon- sion of RA's. HR's. RD’s and coordinators. one trust fund. P Working with residence hall staffs in all aspects of sibilities concerned with: Pthe department in the absence of the director an P Indentify and purchase departmental supplies the maintenance program. 1) Laundry refunds associate director. and equipment. P Direct supervision of part-time student 2) Phone services P In established areas of responsibility. perfor 0 Plan all renovations or major repair .projects for maintenance personnel — to include responsibility 3) Mail services these same functions for 13.8. King Village. the summer. for hiring. training, supervision. payroll and 4) Vending services 0 Coordinate as necessary. departmental respon P Plan and coordinate all major preventive discipline functions. 5) Motor pool reservations and invoicing sibilities in the check-in/check-out process. maintenance programs for the summer period. P Assist the director by identifying and recommen- 6) Storage facilities and services P Assist the director in budget preparation P Plan all long-range plans to include departmental ding major repair and renovation-projects to the 7) Audiovisual equipment development. and implmentation. especially in thos goals and objectives for 3-5 year period. residence halls. P Maintain inventory and accountability of keys for areas related to job responsibilities. Coordinate and administer all building services to P Coordinate and review building maintenance the entire residence hall system. This responsibility P Serve as back-up to the associate director in th include phone and laundry and mail services. custodial service. includes maintaining account *‘of room key maintenance area. P Supervise the assistant director and associate P Maintain departmental property inventory assignments. roster of floor masters and P Perform other duties as assigned by the director director in their responsibilities. (capital assets management system) and coordinate P Participate in the selection process of area coor- disposal of surplus property. dinators, head residents and residence directors. P Serve as liaison to Physical Plant. Public Safety. P Coordinate as necessary with other University University Laundry'and other University depart- Bragaw lines repaired over holidays departments with respect to matters related to ments as necessary. Residence Facilities operations. P Assist the director with evaluation. research plan- by M- Boyd departmental services. The pipe that was in use the replacement is $14. P Prepare reports and budgets as necessary. ning. and development of Departmental policies. pro Staff Writer there has been a continuing was four inch pipe that and was done by Bolto cedures. programs and long-range plans. problem during the past could not be checked with a Construction Company 0 The Department of Residence Facilities relies The sewage system in two years with back-ups in sewer camera to locate the Raleigh. the northwest wing of the system. problem because the Staff meeting Bragaw dormatory has “We can’t find any real camera cannot fit into pip- The work was complete been replaced by Residence causes for the back-ups." ing smaller than six inches. on Jan. 7, and a clean-u WCd 5 Facilities. McGou‘gh said. “so we The replacement piping is crew moved in on Jan. 8 p According to Mike decides to replace the pip six inch. clean up for the return 0 12:13.5 TQM McGough. director of ing." The approximate cost of students on Sunday.

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NC. State Courses. RENTAL Reduced Beer Prices REFRIGERATOR We‘ve Neier Had More Used Books. Blimpies Regular Specials: “Delivery to your School Supplies A vailable. Happy Hour Buckets Sl.00....$1.25reg. dorm room” Tuesday‘s Best: 3 Jacob’s Best for 31.00 FREE D.J.'s Textbooks 2416 Hillsborough St. (upper level) Sunday: 25¢ Draft - 7p.m.-9p.m. 8332-4125 ((‘all for hours) Wednesday: Little Kings Nita: AAA BEN T ALL 4* t H r- hl\r special hours at selected times. ~ 7p.m.-12p.m. Soc/bottle 828-1101