BER 10. 1930.'

8/, r, IEl'E rT OR NOT DOOR OF DEI\TtI ThrUII .. , Mystery Serial Now Ap­ Bobel1 Ripll'Y's FRmell. artoon I_riug In The DRily )owatl. a 0 lIy t'rature. see Pare Throe, ef' J'3ge Z I_------\


DEFEA.TED DEMOCRA.TS Italian Envoy COLORADO SENATORIAL ASPIRANTS Election Dry Michigan Flees Opening Sidelights Officials Fall League Meet Before Wets AVF.HAGES Ht at IBlies Co.) 1 With good weather eontrlbullng, o Rnll •. 20 Utll. Rumanian. Elected to Uyrnes Beats Senator 122.2 2"8 a Detroit's mayol'alt~' election Tuesday 121.9 224:9 Head International drew 0 record ballot of 340 ,000 voles, Blea.,e in South 121.1 222.2 thoul('h a wet and dry battle betwe(,n 161.8 829.4 Assembly Carolina tllree congl'cssJonal clIndJdate8 \\~ 88 • 141.6 2Sl.3 u rCtctor III Ihe mounting total. 116 ,4 ~04.7 GENEVA, Switz" Sept. (Oy Thr J\ ""dJlted PrI'8IIl The leaS'ue of nallons !l."embl,v r'rle Mayol' Charles BowleR, who WI18 re­ Thr p"lmary pitfall. whIch snared called late In JUlY ' by a plumllly of brated th~ OPonlng of It. clrvcltlh an· 30.956, rllred three opponenl. and 00· two d~m()('rtltI!' .~ nntors and three nual session 10dllY wit h ac~I."lnllle~ cause of a split vat was glv n a dry rrpuhllrll.n house members on formality, hut tho 8polllgllt of ...· "1 cl'once to win wllh a mlnOI'lty lIlal" Tile. d/l.Y \\,(>I'e ~Itlestepped ye terday Sin. b)' a OPOI'A'''' • n tor. popular Interes t pl.yrd Ull011 lln rl1ll1 S"t'klng the Mmoeratlc nomlnallon ty chalt.. Achlcd g"'.v ... n~e ngaln~t Ma)' o,· which In ro.",r.1 lI1'8u r@8 1'1ecllon. BowIe. lie. In the mYstel'IOUH .hoOI· St'n. '\'llIiRm J. )1 .... '·1" won nn @a.y This chaIr wns nballllolll'd by Uinrl Ing ot Radio Announce.· Get'ald 1-: , Grandi. 11 Ducr·. fOl'rlgn mlnlslrl·. victory 0\'"'' tnrm("l' Gov. J ohn M. ..Je .... y .. Buckley Immrdlntel)' fol1o\\" Slaton who hnd ought to rE'l'nter and Its pmpthl(,!:Ifl crf'alNl ~Otllt-t hlns:: IlIg the r<'Call election, In whlch he publlr Ilfr> nrl~ r an absence of more or a sen~tlon 1\.1l10ng del(>satr~ anti I,layed a Ill'omlnent a.ntl·Bowl • Ilart. than n d('C'l\tlf'. International obscl'vel'". I' I/W.UW t'UI->1'rGAN HIs was the ~Ieventh murdel' In 1.9 Thl. vir tory In TllpqdaY'1I prIm rl .. On the eVe 01 Il. definite ~XIll!\"'ttion days 01 the Bowles reglmc. causIng WI1. hrlllg a .. r.)'~,1 /)(I. lde the defeats by Foreign MinIster Brinnd or lel'"ncc th (·,tll1llS' of a specIal gmnd jul'Y [01' .. r !-IrnntorM ("ole man L. Blease at or hi8 IIUllilert StatPA of l JJ urol')C" plan. ------~------Investigation. Houlh nrnllna n"d Joseph E . Rana' whIch he 18 Hchrdulcd to dollve,· io· Gov(,l'llor Hammill J)e4rolt Nt"wa SplurJ:'rll 111'11 or LOulelnn . both democrats. morrow borore the assemblY, SIgnor Detroit ilK nopr ."ntall\·"M !.olluls C. Cramton Administration Cedar Rapids rl' he News continued '_DII E. Ransdell. Orand I suddenly cancclled all his en· Flays Anti.Military light ogalnst J\layol' BowleR will. It. nnrl Grant lIf. null""n of MichIgan gagements and I'rturnec1 to R om~. ~Ionday aftel'non Issue, devoting G07 SE:Si\'l'Olt {l()I.. E BLK\sl'J (right) nn.1 John [.'. Miller or 'Va.shln·gton, all His automobile sprd away from Ge. to Start New Groups in Schools Man Elected eolllll1n Illches-mol'o thnn tllt'ec My I' publican", w"rp plnCl'd on the neva. just an hnur before Ihe as.em· !luges, or 25 1·2 news columns-to hort ol(\p or the t. buln.t1on" of their bly sessIon WOJ! opened b)' Ceall" Z1I111 · SIOUX CITY. Sellt, 10 (A P)-Clov tM rlectlon, most 01 It to anti· Bowles enrounter" with Wl't •. eta. of Ven(>zuein., pr('R1,1cnt of the Plan in Health .10hn Hnmmlll of fowa. today told Legion Head materIal 0,' mattel' In (avor o( Geor!:'e ARIZONA OPPONENTS Brrn WIII~ league council nnc1 ex·offlclo tempo· the ('on \'~ ll tio n of thc' Io\\-a Am~l'l ca n I"ngrl. a rival candidate. ':;iiiRiimiiiiiiiiiii iiiiii!iiiiii'1! .r n l11e. ]0'. Ilyrnl's, to r 13 y('ar8 a rary chairman at thr a'.emuly. I,eglon thlll he cOlIHl derpd It Ihr ob· r iiiiiiii 1 houtl:e m('mbM-, waR rf'Cordpd M the I Header. ot The Dally Iowan mny ,,«,lor In lit" Aouth rollna demo· !'Oolhing Slrllnge B] '''''11 A Iignllon of e"el'Y mnl~ s tudent who at­ Inspect todllY's I.sue. cHtlmllte th,· The Italian. In sisted tonight lhcl'e Oar( ,,.. I SSUIUe Maurice Cabin Sf'rvcd rmllr 8~nnlorhll primary, and Gov. tCII(IR eIther the Unll'erslty of Iowa (I,," ntily at Its 11 WS, et1ltorlal. anlT was nothIng strange In the aboence Ilu"y 1". Long In LouRlana. Stilte Duties as Autumn 01' Iowa Stnto college to 1)''lI'Ucl\late In Through War as 1>leturo contents exeluHlvc of adver· of their ehler. l'h.y said he had len Ihe mllllnl'y ll'olnlng WOI'I< o((eI'M Ren. flrYl110ur II ]'C)'oon and Jr. " P. t1srm"nts, That I. not quite the because he had hu.lno." dema nrling Ternl Opens thpl'fl. Naval Gunner l'oJroll. Il. POI'I IIlIron Rl torm,y. wero I\lIlount of tYPe used by Tho Detl'Oll »hll'Prl .Ih('.tcl 'hHl ~on Cram· hi. atlention In Rome. "And Htuc1t1 nt \\' ho l ~ willing to ne or a.nd Npw~ 0 1' one event. • Nevel·thole,s, Signol' G1'Ilndi hau rrpt Ihl' hrnefit_ pl'ovlr16(\ hy liw ta x· tun, .. . ppctlvrly, In Mkhh;-an, Ra.lph Inau~ul'lltlnj:( a II Ia n of hrallh RIOlrx ['lTY. Srpt. In (AP) 'I'welvo elecllon Item. In The Dp· been lIstM as the chiN ItnllaH rlrlr· payel'A during Il eue(· tlmc s hou leI Ill' . A. 1I0lT w .. n O\'I'r ~ l lIter. In \)olh gate to lhe ru,sembly, "nd lhr flclt! of "upN'vl,lon that lI' ill OPOl·a.· Mflurl ~o (~hlll, 42.1"'''1'' olet of ('('(1111' 1I'0ll News began 011 t"ont pUl('e. In­ I\lIehl/("n An" WPHhlngton, oth~r ~xt~nrt pare 10 IIrr ..· thclll his sel'vlce. In tluellng a cut of 'antlll1ut l':n ~e t oc· hou~ m('rnl)(lr~ f'Hhf'r w re lpacllng speculation was wldr tllI'ougltout lhe tlons to all .turlellt a nd a.dmlnl"u·atlon tlmps Of \VOl· ... the governor saId In nnllldfC, n g-UIlIWI' on the- T', ~ , K allol'noon oml f'v~n lng, acLlvltY.the 'nlvr rslty of Iowa bool'd c'\l I, ylng 30 lnehe., nn edltedul tuTt· I heir ol'llOnenl" or ha(1 no oppostllon comm('ntlJ1~ 011 the action of thf' COil­ TrllllrlllcJlun durJng- the 1I'01'i(/ wnl·. ing u\> 34 Inchrs, rr ports of two rOI' r('nOlnIMtI~n He gav no Oxplnllallon hlll1",,·lf. hili or health wll! of'tldnlly gO Into eUecl vf'ntlun In J)a~:-:ln~ n. rC'HoluUon favor tAc1n y Wfl~ "le('tC'rl ('ollunandf'1' Of thf' delegated hi. PO\\ el·. lu Senator S,I· ~ lle~ c h "8 In C"VOI' of l ~ngel, ont' b)' In Mll'\llrmn. !'il'n James C ~"~~ ns aloja. wit h the oll.lllng of thr (,"l! lerm, Ing II polky f)f f"Olllflulsory mllllal"Y Am~d(,iln 10\\ A. 'lrllartmenl or Iho him, and one by an 01lllon~1l1 ug,dl1~t hatl hN-TI l' nr,mtna.lfld All hnrl S~n. tralnln..: :It th~ AtOI(' instjtutlons. Delegates asked On(' lInot/l"I' It HII;' Sell!, 17. \\'llh U AuMiviolon to hr L egion. IIf' RUC'(.·f'f'd~ CuI. olrnn e. /JowleH. I/t'nry \\' I,rv', In Npw Han .• ,~h ITe . J:ulh nI'l' r~llllllllrnn8. nor GrandI's pr d ill tate leavr tlklng known a" thp department or h."lIh. Hayne. O( I)". Moln~q. Rerrl'tal'y of A I10ther of the frollt pnge s torl08 ot his colleagues "",I any cO nn.'ctlon the new bOiIl'd will opel'/lte on a. plan lhQ IOWa. Oood Roa<1s p,"oclntinn, ,·:;tend. across all ell('ht column. to,' Colo ... "lo h,leI ~el'~ted GI'Mge II. Hhnw tUJ thr rl'publlrQ.n antI l'Jcl\\a.r(l with slOW pl'ogrcss of the nel;ollflU un" similar to the slutr New Regime Cnhlll, whu I"" I"'"n It p .. !lrllelnl; th""e Inche. at the bottom. consist­ betw.en Fl'lInce lind Haly OVrt· their organl1.aLlOn al. ~~~==~~ IIltol'nry at erdal' n"pl(\~ ""·tuall y Inll' of Interviews with Detroit ('Ill· 1'. (''''liJ;lIn "' the rll'mOcl'"Uo candl­ lIatr (or I hr .-lIft torlnl po_t to be v . naval dIUer.ncc •. Ir CI l)Cnlllng by Ihe though not unrl.r fi ll 01 th~ tlm~ slm'" hh In'(lflunlllln >,1'118 . Still another repo,·ts dcvelol>' ol\t.rl hy r,:'wr."~p C. Phipps, rcpu]). London naval cont.rence. etate hell lth SU llrr. f!'om th{, l'nlvt'ndty of towa in ]!IJO. mpnlx In the In,rcsligullon lOlu J erI',\' Takes Power 1(('on. Tilulcscu Eleeled visIon, waR national f'xl"cutiv(' C'ommlttt\p­ Bucklc)" " death, Meanwhile, Ihe elecllon or Nkhllias The boa.:tI 'W' m"n or tM le!;:lon fol' lhr,·. ye'U·N. "Irlor for f;l~hth Tim "Allied With GangdlJll\" AI'b:ona h"tl .rhu,""n (;porgf' \V. p, Tltulescu, general Rumanian minI.· iJ;l Argentina H I"" ~'R' " .muml . ,. l.r lb~ ot" \r T 1\'0 of tho mnjot- news 1JWI·!". ter to London. to the IJl'es"len('l' of polntod U)' I'I·e ~. ('X(I'('UtiVI\ ('om1l1Jtt~c fOt' thl'N:' y~al'H 1I11nl for tilt' r·lghlh time rtS lu d~mo­ II'altol' A, J ••S UJl rharge Bowles Of I,elng "alllNt with (,l"Iltl~ rnlll\hl:lI tor the f!lIvrrnorshlp Ihe as'embly cleal'~ d the dr"I'l.£e 20. repllrtll1g­ JOliN O. l'lIlLLJPS upon hi" hoP<'s [tnd nll,nH (01' th .. ru I'{ . I OUI! 1 all 0 AJl Threat of Revolt niH rw1tvl1l1':-\ n~ C'oOlmlttf'rl11an Iluhlkan. 1 t tt Cnrnllilign 8pC'cch In whl~h Bowtf''i lure of the I-:uropra II Cederatlo" 1t> Il. d(' malld 11 lit'ENOS ATRI ~S . Sept. to (AP)- work of .thr Iraguo . Thi. 11l"o! ulloll ",e~nl 0'1 r ~ , IJII. wa.r veter,'n" not only In Jow.t hul \\.ho advocated Bowles and .ald " 1'1\ for a rccoun!. ,ote (or a llY man that'. dry und wlll be (lebat.. 1 latrl' In one of the a M. r I ef ". "Ill I '. The I'evolutlonary govel'nment oC In oth~ r Rlnl"., rn R ofC/{-r "uto' Roosevelt for I Witness Tells 01 hr'r guhernn.tol'ln..l nomIna lions .embly's stan(lIng comlnltto(>'. h,Clld of tho .Iudent hea lth "r l'v l,·~; (10no1'01 l~val ' l " to Udbul'tl, whIch on mn.t1cally make~ him n clelegnle fl'OIll against an). man thal·. wot." In~ludrd: ir Robprt BOI'Ilen fI" Ht fIr Ie"" te or bllzahrth Halsey, rlll'rrlol' of phYHI· r,ltcl'IlJ/y columns or letter. to th. MIchIgan. WlIhN' M. BI·urkrr. rc' S , ~ I d II f l' II f.:atul·e1ay dl8l,laco<1 that of the aged Towa to thr national cnnv~lltlon of Cnnada. wilt olwn lhe a ]> crt'll mlillillg" ('fl a uca 011 01' \\'ol1~.n;:.. . Ihe Jrglon to 1)1' helel In Roston next .rlllol· al'e printed, and three colum n. State Control of Treatment publican. In the mO"nlllg ami will he itH01 "11 ",!e I,rlue,', dll'eeto .. of nllliNICS:, and 1)1'. Pl'esldrnt ltipolilo Il'llioYen, tonight month. ('olonel 1raynC"M, "c1Jutn.nt al'e devotrd to com men ts by the Dr· N"IV lIa",pRhlr , .John O. 'Vlnant. Iy [allowed hY th .. """ r 'll'h fOI'!'Ig-II j ~lIlflll'd I,;. 11,,,·ne., hO'I~ 01 Ihl' rl~· IlIlI"'III'('(1 If) hav~ oblalned fl maRIN' L:d,·(l. n nrj tl"nr""11 M,II·Nlrll'l·. P"Rt Irolt r:llIzel1N league on 0111ld ldatc8 ror I'PIJllblkan; Mbert W. Noono, delflo, mlnlsler, p.lI·tmrn! of hygiene and Ill'cventatlvr ""ndln a .11 "allon whlrh (01' 48 houl'" ('(IJlHlllll1:lc·r:-i. ld"n :l1'r a\lt()Jl1:lfh'; III ~r 2r. office•. including thesr on tho two Favor" Modification of Baker Di a~n'cl' With crat. Today's a~8(,l1lbly !If'I5Rlon w at! Ill'Ct!- lI1l'dit~IrH'. Hf" lrrtec1 :I~ d('llf",::at€'s Ilt Im'g£'. princi pal mayol'alty poss ibilIties: V('rmont, ~lal1lry C. WlIl!O n, repub. hll{ll)I'I"'~pn l N I nil t it A ('31' lll n rk ~ or tn- pled wllh Ihe OI'gHlllzn tllln ot ('011.11111· Dr. ""rIlP, IIi,·.I'Io\, (~htlt'le,.: R: i\I('Kln!"tI'Y Of " 'ntf'l·loo. "Georgo Ellgel 'has proved h" has Existing Laws OWJl Auol'Jl(,y IIcall; Park 11 Pollard, drmoci' t. tees"nd similar prpllmlno.rles. 01'. BQJ'IIPR 11'111 hnUllhe pO"illon of dllenl ",,'11 ,\1,1' ral'r. William Deml,,1': bf E:.lhrl·"l1Ir, "nIl chal'ac tol', ability. InltiaUve and a Member. o( th. Italian delrgatlon dJrector or Ihe d"pOI'lment alld ex 'I'h"rl' Itn. hrl'lI 110 ridng In the William nal!rk" of Glenwooel, \\ ~ I' IlIrge ",ensure of Indelle ndent judg· on Liquor at Uraril1g eald tonight th" Signor GI'alldi ex oWclo Illember n[ the b""l'rt. II II , 11'epl, of BurpoR Aires O[ e l s~lVhe\'P chosen \ I~!' romml\lId!'r~ at 1110 tlnal ment. After ca.,·eful consideratIon of Police Lo c pected to r~tul'IlLO [leneva during Ih" food lt ~ ndIPl'~ and employe". In nni tlll'ollr,houllhp I·"publlc or Argentina. ALBANY. 'I, 1"., Sent. 10 (AP) - ses.lon 'odIlY. Lard \1'", reelecled all the facts we heartily r ecommend MUSCATINE, Sept course at thc a" •• mbly srRBi on . It he ,·er.lty manaJ:l'rI rUlllng hall" anlll"o far a. I,rovlalona l Presld nt l' · GOVOl'IJor Roo~e ,'dt tollay broke a lwo adjulant. w!rllp Da"l(\ LYllPh of Orl· to Our membel" that lhey and thplr m-nts rnnglng from what Wl\lo rl .., does dO, the Bl'lanrl·finll1dl COJ1\"P,·l..ll.- C'aff'tci'J1l.!J will b{- f"xnmined and in- I Ih1l1'l1 nntl hl~ Hf'W offlchll family wein. W:1:'1 (~h{lSf"n rinnnc(" officer: DI', [1'1~ lId s votr next Tuesday {or GeOl'go y~al' offldal " lIpnce r one.,·nlng tho Trail of Five tlons would fi tJlI b(' Ilo8s fbJe . 1."l'olll spC'C'tlon s I1lnd(' (If rood and ~PI1PI'ltl ftt'Po ownrr Tll f'1 lT1'11111t'11 srnl1mrnl J , A. Ny~ of 1(1~\. GI'OVf", hifltOl'1rln, crlbt>d as a. ' Ioxlc contilllon" to r~1\ ~ngel fol' Mayol' of Ooll·olt.' l)Tohlbllloll ,\"estlon to "nllounce him. both French and Italian (IU [lI'lpl' ~ II COlldJUOI1S. JU" isf/iclion wl11 ex lend .rem. In I", prevalent by all over· 1)1'. R . G Danly ot llBlULJum, "~I' · "Charles Bowles 'Is lacking In ps· eel' all were Ire ted at Ihe Baker In· was learned Ihal " nov,,1 negollolloll '< to dormllorlc. a nd a ll ,,"1""1'.11)' whelming majority. s elf for I'."eal of I he elsbteenth scan t·al·BI·ms , and thp R.,·. Edmund sentlal qualifications lor lhe office. stltute by tht' Injection at a l1epdl . Bank Bandits are now gollll[ on bel ween oUr ex· building.. At'rosls Continue Smllh (If r 'heroker. rlloplnin. amendl11pntand ItUbstltution of a ted. ot mayor and should not be continued vulous wltne~sP" In th .. Injunction ~ert8 . " Vaccination, qual'antlnP.. alld othel' Anpst of prominent "tntesmen con· J . R. M u .. phy of lIla nl'o\'e. was In lhal oCUce.' .. eral statute g;antlng rach statll ihe Rene Masslgll, Fl'rllrh exp.'I't. 311(1 preventative meas llI·c. 11'111 1)(, talten tlllllcd loday, Among Inose taken In · c lectf"r1 II tllional committe('outll llml rIght to control the sale ot InLoxl · hearing .. golnot Norman Baker and OTT UMW , SP pt. 10 (AT' Belief Augusto RO.60, l\allan eXlort. CO il· by thc dp/larlmont 111 npc'eA","'Y rasps. 10 ellRtody \\' PI'" 1':l1rloup Ppl'ez 01· T. P. Hollowell of ~'orl Dodge. al· cants, fou r olher rlrtendallt. I ...tlflrd today Ilfll II", n,'" I",nrlll. who YC8trrtL~y terred prlvalely loday, In explalnlng Ihe I'elallon of the IIlll 11 , 1ll1111.t.r pC fltlancp III the lrlgo· t("l'J1fttc ('onnniltP(>man. South Carolina In a. Iplter 10 United Stales Sen. Charle. Zea.rlng, Mary K. Turn .. \' rohh" f1 I h~ !JI t 11111"" RavlngN l>J\nk of Another sugKcellon mrvl" hOI'. 10· ltealth boal'd ,dth Iho "I lldenl health ycn (,lIhl l1 l'l: Grno"nl ]lJos~ll1l. fOI'mer Thirt),·slx tli"tl'le delega.\ s to the S~na.tor C a I e n1 a n Livingston Robeli F . " ·II./l'ner, madc public here. and Myrtle Gl'esham, named wIth "'OrA thall 10,000 hn In· ' tho lallcl' pal·t at Ih la month and U·catment.'· I.' < u 0 no • f I d . If ' bl 1:lrla ut. IH·r.prlelo,·. Or thp newspaper "StronO' Man" ll'U l'8 ago. ·1'10 'UI'.'nl 1';. :'lcPhel'8on r turn­ The Il ••cmbly ('I~ctl'd aM "" vi c!' eel 011 UII . 1)1 ·~ !l1 0 ('OI11\UlIlIICa ~ Wltne .~p" lodny l"duOl'd n rorg!.' f' o That primary also required a run· added hr \\'118 " posllive In aaylng that rtl hrn', presldcnts lO(laY AI·thur lIelldl'l" UII of diseases anll 10 Inke pl'!'cnlltlonllr,v Vo? and r~rl11er It'lgoyen del)Utl~" . "'II!1On of O.I"'l.'ln, 1\1rs. flarlan \'"Pl' art, which Blease won after a "whls· there must be 8o m~ definite Meur· Th ~ I hl'r~ offIcers hlld dlrt'cl~d a England, T.\lIlPO MatHud/tlt·u of J" Iwalth mrRRIII'!'. II'h rl'el'er necessary ~la rtlal Inw was r('stlng heav,ly IInce that by no J)o"slblllly at any time ant of Edgf' wood, Mr. and Mr., B-n llan, ~'ol'clglt MIIII"lr\' llt'lrll1(1 or In the lInlve"HIt)'. lipan the rl'\luhlll', with h~nYy 1': lIRI'~ ' of Poland Jails Ilerlng" campaIgn played up Byrnes "'" I·.'h rM Ih ~ hn nllltft In thl' vlolnlty 01' In any Illflcc III old !It\loon Can J . Jla/)(l,' of D Y~ I'8"I1I~, . S. ]\I rMII or Hro(,ltb'n. " ·hnt rhr.. r. 6.nd Tam", France. l"ul'elg" MlnlHlrl' Curll"" uf H lud ~ 1l1 ";xalll illalioll of "olrllrl·. "lflllonN1 at all l'rDubhc U8 :). Roma n Catholic by blrtll who come h tlC k ," Ion of McOrr gor. Mrs. ("""rl~ FIHher In ,\'hh'h ,II "It tid tllo (t\'(' n1rn wpro O~I'lIlany, QulnoneH de I,eon or f.:p ,dll, I HlU(]pnt health examlnaLlon" at tho hul1(llnp;s Ilnd the l'c"lncnces ot ROmr harl dl'(!el'ted that falth lo e nter pol· Of M rhnnlr"vllle, and M "8. P . 11. of tile now gov('rnm('nt PXCCUUVl'S, Witos Faction IUcs. The go".,·no.· ur;Jcd Ihllt nOl only hell<'VI (\ to hav!' h n ~ ~ n late yes· and Co~ta de Rei. of Bo II vaI , IS t ar t °C th e f UII Remes t e" ear h ye:lI' should s tates be glv<1n conlrol of lIq· Siull or Vinton. ClaIming to be Il. "drinking Ill·ohlb· terday. ('Ollllllitteo (,1",11'/11'11 will be IJlarN] on "' noll' ba sis under R!Jt1undallon that an effort Is being ha.d "led to corruption nnd hYI,oorl. Lynches 2 Negroes IIIrlall quesllonK. !ih' I~nh.rl LlOl'rlon l'ltll'o measures wIll rllmlnat. :til p08· Infanll'Y 1'."lmellt fit La Plata, stili 16, :'I'heY said the oppoSlllon wOlthl made to purehase lhe repubU can sen' ~y" and addN! the declar",Uon "I with th .. tl(l .f. F . Df"vIU. nne ot Canada, WllN mlltt,. chief or the PO ' Hlbllllle8 [0" ~ pld el1lk~ Or a.ny wlel.· 100 111 to bo moved ncordlng to dIM' "lI('~t1I1Y be l'enfll'l'ed 1\Olpl~ ss If Much atol'shlp In this st... te." l personally s hare this opinIon." Accusf'd of Robbery Iitlclll cotnmlltrc. H"I'r[~d alhn!'nc (U1lO11" Vnlvo!'slty of. patches. ,U 'I'PHts continued. Ohjcct uf this attacll by SUfJPOl'ters of hi. nllol·neY8. for not rroS8 ... x~n>· inlng .John A. 1r\\'ln or Mnquokpla. fown sturlrnt" III thc futw'o was 01'.1 At fh'sl I hr Ollllo.ltion waH st lInnrl! f Denver Attorney Ooul'go 11 . Shll.w f;(,OOBA, l\tJ K~.. Sept. 10 (AP)­ Jo'Ia I!IJO lo C'llI'"'I' l,ullI 1'1' On rIlc.' belief, hy th!' hi ow. hilt they l'Peovrl'r<1 \I'M William Vun Dervee,' Hodges, Co'sle Forced to Put Aft.. · .. con8ultntlon, IT , G, 'l'homp80 n, rounty a Ulhorltles were tonight anothor defense attomey, QuesUon~d i:iT(tA\\' HJmHY 1'(l IK'I' . t.\I·) ­ (JOl1lplaitltH W olcome Youth Escapf's Iowa " l>erelilY. The)' fll'At 1l"oIC"tcrt to thp Once t l'casurer of the republican na­ O.t{ GOod Will Tour wIthout du~ " as to the personnel or 4 I rwIn. Wlilium l'enflrltl. fol·.VNU··olri fI .. ;.:· A Ithou"h SlUf1cllts living In :l!l' III IIrI'lrl' of jus tice that the 1 11'r~"lII tiunal commiUee. Cho,rscs c.ncern " l1Ia8kC'y Fight to Modify Th~ Nrl('r",,". PIli f ..o('k~lt IUId Hal· RT. IoOPIR. ~Io " fI~I't . 10 (,\ P)-'I'l'n gill'd to Insllcclion or fuod handling In nOlhlng brcau~e the 3utho"IUrH hall 1110 "',·.nrh trun"lttlallllc Cly('rs. !)""""d Iho rerol(nl1.rcl l'r Col'r! Qf ::ihl l" doys of fl'eedom Crom thc lowa refor· Ihul dl'Y organimUon. Ncw Rail Rat{~ Iv \\'hile. "'''IV helng laken ("om Dc wre.:k Krill', 'W dllya, one itUUI', tllell' l'c"peoU"o bo.lrdlng pla,·cs. gOlle over hl8 head In tho n1atter. Other COlorado oWclsls On the Dleudonno (,,,,1(1 "",I Maur Ice Bel· Kftlb to Srooha for preliminary hear· mllto1'Y at ,·jlch.JT';1 ra m£.' to all llhl'l~vt l'omplolllt8 of any natul'o that hal'P Io'llIl1ng In thl. movc', l11emb"' I'H oC Ic·aguc'. dry 1i8t werO believed to 1011 to, \VH~ I lost ttOllf"(\ lOflay for at. In/: on rohl,pry rhllrge~ when they end today tor Charles P asswn.ter, 1 G CEDAR RAPIDS. S~pt. 10 1.\1» ­ "'orlllrr Marltr 1111" 10 (10 with violation Of sanlla ry can· the Ollpos ltlon b.gan public PI'OtCRts Icast II- week L(>rutlxe of a spill pro· "~I'I' ~ ... I.. <'(I and h:o.nged In treed. .• ellI'S old. oC Rockwell Gl ty, when n have purchased stock trolll SlIperln· A fight to moolfy the nrw (rrl!:,nt rato SIUJNANDO,\II, (.\1') - 1" Un "1'11 Iltlll/ons on tho campus Ul' III tho city In Warsaw's slt·oets. Smal1 crowds t.ndent AI·thur V . Flnchl~, allegedly pel1or. Th. twO ,ICIIIlt! x. Gun Byrd and hull,' t t.·OOl.. 1l0lle~nlnn ' 8 pl"tol .ched ul~8 of thc Inters tate comm~I'I'~ lle~vlce8 will he hold 'l'hUI'MII)' 1'01' 1will bl) wol l'omr !Lnd tl'eatcIl as confl· pal'll(1 d, sInging I'Udlcal ROngS, and reollmnl 01 25 pel' cent commls~lon On Lh ~ wuy 10 lL 1'010 rnu.. ldl, osle J. J . 1)otROn, wrr~ tiM1 to a. tree by wounded him tnUt lI y. 'rlH' youth IIled commIssIon Will! ~gun toduy hI' shlfl· Georgc O. Alu'j lrl·. 75 .I'C'"'" old. rlJl'Il1 'I ,J~nlla l by tho dopnl'tmonl, D.·. "houtlng "down wIth l?lIsudskl." on a li .lock .old. lind Hcl1onl(' sl""".(\ ILL CU,-USR Idr· tile II1 IU'~Cd men, hut later t'elell!led. on a hORpltal 0t> 1'(LUng" toblc· rIng repre8cntatlv~H of Bctor~ Jl;1()t'ted Ill'opel1ol'. dustrlal association lo retuln a. legal Ua, The McCoys. roturnlng tronl a mE WEATHER 'n Lal'llml • Wyo., today to ,. turn dUl'lng a chose th"ough a lleys, slreets ngS MO INES, (AP)-1'he Iowa The Itinerary In the United Stalea reprcoentaUve In W·a.shlngton to fight honeymoon trip, IIRld the Negroes l1roy Il Ardl ng. scuI,ed liter who WfL~ Ilnd corrldor's near 1J01lce h eadqua," poultry 1I111l1'OV ment R,,"~oclallon to· Arizona was expected to be announced today Ita case before the cbmml~slon . The .Lopped them hy wavIng f1a.shJl«hts JOWA-~lo~tI .y (HII' 1'hur~ d." "plllrrd at IArnmle Tuesday. J-Iard· ters. day named 118 dh'l'CtOI''' V. C. Ranl' 'Party control of Arlzan... will bo but delay wall occasIoned by lbe ef­ grollp clalmed lhatthe nol\' schedulcs after whIch lhey were robbed of jeW' Mud t'rlday; probably ( 0 11011' 1.'01 hy I"g" fore d " p"lson guard lo dl'lvc Angelo C.. nonl, 21 yea.·s old, a by· .eyer or OMka loosa. ~II 'S, B. L. Hur· fought oulln Novem~betwoon two (ort" of the commlltee to arrange to ralee the rale~ In IOl\'a 25 per e nt ch'Y and $42. McCoy sald the Ne· ""t)W'fI~ .. "d "oln .. ",IIII' c"WII'I' "11"1 111 MlsHllurl "olley whpn he f1tn nrlfll\ wttA wountiMi Rl' l'iolis ly flll l" Inl! or (}owt'lE' anrl Mt',.., Ilnt·I'Y nccept as many lUI po.slble at the In· nbo,Te thO"r or "IVpr "'tieR and \I. ):r()('s thre."\lene~ hlR Ufe and threat. "'~,u~ Frllln,\' "Ir hl . 1I1 ,1i 1\' IIb~ l\MCn. Pt' two W { \' k~ agu. Inj; till' pistol ~ I/l ltlp \ 1;1" I,,·.i I.f D~s l\lolne~ 1 ,' UhUUUH i"(lIU dUZl' fHl o( cli ied, lInol", " IIL-d to' IIi-lnlll' htR wIle, .. THURSDA~SEPTEMBE~~

1'1 equ('1I1 lIud jll~tified tit tocks fOI· colollllg the IlPII'S, h It II~ miltlul'i~t 111111 Imfi,pl' ~b[~\­ If'tL~FVE IT OR NOT tlon poliCIes aIr nM so g'l'elltl,v cI'ff~ 'ent hilT{' Behind the Scenes PublIBhed "very morning except Monday by Student Publlcatlon. Incorporated, at U6-130 low.... venue, lowa I h(' OppOStn/? oms of tIl(' f'hrlstilln 'SCience Cltl',loWL Fred M. l'ownall, Director, jJf onl/o/' A. newspa pC'1 compl pt!'i), without in Hoilvwood.; Board or Trusteea Frank L. Molt, E M, MIUlEwen, R. bios of polIn' conllot be found, :a. Kltuld1re, Sidney 0 Wimer, Shirley A Webol.r, Bnllo), C, Webb&r, Blythe C, Conn, Leonard Poteraon, ClaYIQll Ho It't thl' ('itl7.l'n ,Itld~(> \\ hul hl' read in B. Thom""",,: hi :~ TlpWSPII PPI', \\'hllt hl' helll's fit church, wbllt By IfARIUSO)\' ('i\ItIWI.l, 'III 10 ""Qll tor II (lit p,'orll fI's a Harry S BUllker, Oeneral Manalrer ' 11tdity ('omplllllPs ('131m-for If hll hl(!k s Q1S­ IIOLL,"'wnOD, S~1'1 10- A \lu,lnll ill un,1 1l1nr" , I I ,,1!\,wnon William T,, Aa.l.lum Oener.. 1 Managor el 11I111('llt ttl s('(' Ihl' 1ell l KtftfllS of IIny ol'gani- ~Otllll1unlt}i, Hollywuod \\ till tlwtr Entereel a s second c lu •• mllll matter at the post oWe&, 7.01!()11 Ihp ,ltl~llrt' of COlllplomts, It is he who dlVO,cP "Nll'Ce1y rolrt, 1-1 ' ((\ CompAon 'r" 0 REVIVAL'; at IOWa Cll)" Iowa, under lhe !let ot COOl:re •• ot Murch 2, ha.." il AlgnlAli tl) 1)l n)! tlw Irllllntnl' '1'111' two tu1l,II' V('lj~IUIl)( ur " 1879, II ill SId fl'l' Whell th el'!' is sncll inJnstlCe It If-ud In JIlIJl eli C,UZ£> H n(\xl plC'llil eo , Lv n IW" [U'P lln tlw Vfll'm' or J)rOdll ~ The ASlloclnted PresH is exclusivoly entitled to use tor \\111 cOUll' to II!l"ht. and becllhsf, Hi e pocket­ ilnd , to 11\1:\1«.-' It mOl p dlvpt tlng, tin' tlon rer.ubllClIlIOII or ull new. dispatches credited to It or \lot book~ 9f 100 mO ll Y clti7.C IIS b!l've been too plctllle I. 10 b~ rllllNI "S h ~ Clor WIIIII Fox mokeR one 'In<1 the H~lo"ln ot lerwltle credited In tills ..,u~r and also tho JOcal new", Sh(\ \VU JI ted , Hlulllt'I H tll (1 olIU)1 rJ'lurf' \\111 be publfelll!d heroin ~tt'Ql1gl)' pinched, Thp <,ontrnct.. W(\I P Hif,(Il(10 11 onlv thl. cllfrN "nee, huw('vl'l' 1'h. Fox AU rlS'lll" or republication ot al)eelnl ulapllteh .... herein [-'01 Ih(' 11.' lIle ChlllCh, sl~te, lind Industry are alllO re.erved y,'.tPI·da} a nd Ut'lty I~ tn lIenvv ,' Oil, plelt"" ~v/lllll' iii IIII' o,lglolo l pe,1od !Jut III(' ~ I' l' lItcsl or thesl' is i~dl1 tl'," I 11'1,111(0 (\ wlql tJ\p I hl' ~Hmnkp, to Ill .... nC tilt, Hlth ~ ', 1 Rf.iO, wllllt' tltl) HlIlp{'IJnll ...... ·· ...... c:...... _ Editor P,lI (\ 111"'1 wllrdl'obf' ror th~ 1'01(' ]\ff'lln • (II P IYHHli'J "Ir.lng till Ir Vf'1 Hlon They ManuklnK 1!.:Ollur whlltl, Hugh TI't"'Ol, YOIII1k' i(lnclltlg "IRO hrtVl' tllnn ~('<1 fl" Il(lme to "Ex .N~WH f:lliitir "Low' Me, L9~(! M:y pog" man, contillue. 10 .qull P tlw blollctP , 'I,\11w" Cily ~:,Jltor Sports EditOr S1T1~ II nit's hrl 1111111£, _\[I'~ Celli rice h"lIP)i~ ut Il otlywulHl J)uILlI'~, alltl lit \lIn Ifllr-tling, ('1)111'111 Nngl't, nnd .. , Society Eelltur tJlf ~lIp))el I.lubR ('lIvP HI 0011 n. e 111 IIW l ,'ox ttl1n, •• Camr.uM EtlIC(}r Hilt' I ht, , til(' Ilalpo,llIK hhatJge c~ttr\pcUng aJl d e]lartmenta iJl!Sf('I', 111'1' higl1 claAA 11II'dale, rid" III the' !\AS'5 10( n vl\(~ ~~ + ... - ~ ONt INNING _ 10 ,ok Illtlldl' Hoge." mulle " !l111 10 S(']'I'llIlts' ('lr \lItOI'. Allegl'dly I rpmi~erllhat THURSDA Y, SEPTEMBI~R 11... 1930 .'\ :-I \'J 1'1( \I, Ill l l ~S'I ' ION J;UI'OPf' In It e::llt 1(1 hont I n ten daY II , Ill' ('Illdel I .r,,,,e 2O,\~1'" idr III the Ipgula!' pas engel' ~le· J\UIl IJiurl1ug, WhO'N n rno(lt\~ t J){\}'. 1I0W, lip I,,'gln" Ihr fh.1 lap All It Jour. (~e w(>~up \ Rial , ~II'S .'mylhe I'ompl,tin:; t lit n:ow I~ tld ney Ihat will UP IlHHI" In sllle, wllh Hr tWlte) . on, n litll(\ bpwll{\PI ill .tli tll(\ The Daily Iowau' PlatfohH is ,b,'II'I'/'d from goi ng \lp I1ml (10Wll in tile hit l)lul",p h ("~to\\,pd llpun "I lullday I I illR 1110llwI' fiS ('olllpnttion \1 It I Ihl' payIng glH'stS. • " no l1l1'Y :dwIiVf' Iff) Oil Ulu' tlti~." lJudriv will m"I,,· 1"" Ronal nppear Hh(t tnquJrE"R "wll(\11 t.;(jllh·hotlv IIlUkf?'1i nllr~" for 3 wrrh In Denver and tor For Iowa City JI ,III ~olln ll~ lWld of "Ilogg,v "-as if l\fl'R, ~ , R goo'l p!et ure?' nnolll£'I' III Bo~toll I,}('fol" IH~ HlII1" \I'('I'P )llltflllg Oil " dog," , 1. AbolIsh Ih e .\001 1l1tiMlIIce, Sllll'f lll' , 'l'hp", nrtf-ll fJvp ve'uM ((blOod, h If. I";j ill, t Itt' hol('1 mllllllgl'lllCllt must be ,H"I'l 11 ~" Ol( 1''1' turns fOI' ~l1gfigenwl1 t In N~\\' York 2. COlll901 11/vemle df'~11!l1te7lC11, 1I, I'lllIg. A 11 ,\'011 1 II 110 ~)le ll s h ~l' Illquf ~ll1yt h'r 'Plw vlc(l' ,)1 Nddpnl Of.l fnlllouioO N(lw and htrogo Aft,·" Ihal, Illc('"e~, ". "'lll( j ~wph Y ('once! n rOll1' l'I to fl ollr 3. Clean lip the ,'Ivel' front, 11/1\ (' II superf lUe dog, up,d j::ltobnbl,IT ~ hollilf wood twl(:,tl n Yt~nl l o talH' p l'l ~oll.1I ~ Lau11ch a 1)1(111 plo(Jla/1l, !lP~f'1 \,('S hll\'II1g' ,1 SPf'wti I'x~ ltl s i \'\' elel'lltol' U ltl l~ 1 1'i 11 0111 till t-llU1H Jhtdp Ilum hl~ ~I'KE:\:'-I I\ i\f!RWI'\JW 1 5. Con til/lie pa'Utnq acll,ml1J, ]J1It ill rspl'clltily fOI hr'I' IIlld HII ~tp. r , • HAROLt> LOCK\~ hU!ihlt ~Q (onnC'ctlon, lw l~ VPI V PO))U· !4ll1ce " Men Wllhout Women," K~n to hlr lllllOllg tlw Illlll pc-flplp Bnci I~ nf II, AI,'I'PIII")' hnH bpell In Mnland I 6 COllsi(lel nell'lJa!'/rm(l1'lLics -l\tJ'Id.cuf~ wh~el ORO"!:, ptI., -.rTb ~ fA,,(.S wliltJoJy l'nl~ltolllPd III Ht rOI a l ~ ltl\! ,,,"ontr tllp film III udur ...~ I 7 Move Ihe wtel'1/1'ban sta,t1on 111 ' :lppe!l.led In 'lo f./Ctlll .' hi (lIall1l' As ~o(ln :1!04 h(' f1l\i~hl'Ji\ in rOllstanre ' tI1ROUC.H 'Tilt SiRUTS fRANK , h9plill'R now 1}lellll 'l 'IU,l hi» "If" Bt'nJH U 'H l)t~ W piet llle, 11(' I ~ turn s to , 8, Con sulcI' newell,! {Iovel mnent. Of e I R~ItNG~Afo'I,~, \t.iE.TZ.E~ a IOlnlPr dnneer, h~ In cun~l,lIH'tl Upn. hi" hO(1)(> lot, ('oX 10 play the rol. ot 9, Al1l101WrC new bouse ll11lllbelS. IIPtt's npw (Hili at Pu.tht. ('tllllnln '1'10,,"1In In "fhe Man Who I 10, Plan nell' "11m b,i(~gn, f'I~I{It\Q WIth !=h"'-,lI\lch. CIIIll~ Back .. - J),C'tl'pit News M"l>t 22. "ITS Nt<:W 1I,\('1{~~ 1' \'0:' II "'rnlllhIH film will celebl41l! ~ J{eeley Citl'es DeCl'eClse IN 2. T,,.,ES , 1 Jollvwl}od h .t~ rlpYl'lo,H\d fl J1(lW the. eunlon of 1111' "torling leilll1 ot 'l'wo "Ollll'n find n l'ed wlli~kel'rd mn n 3 u~ rnekH. A groull or "Illail boy" hang Jallet (1uyno,' nn.1 Chn , les Falrell TO'WN dIl1l1lwl'(\ ~ nnd tbeir 11k us('(L 10 ought to 1ll,lkp I h.1t J IllliFlls ~1' I1,1fOl'lal rllee "IOlind Ihp .tmllo IIltrltn<'OR wllh ,tL! Haoll1 Walsh elh ecls togr aph hookR :lllcl RtnO II ramPI ~ll'i leave );omrwhut mvsIl'llOlls1y Wlll'll 'olllelhlllrt' or R IllPlllOI'lIhle SCI'UP, •• _JIIt \\"hen the RUll!'l ('Ollll uut. tlw l)()vli no YOl' J(NO\\' - J\ tllllltu ('1I11~111111101I ~"''' frie\1d ' shipl;rd tl\('ln olf to take the Ke('I!, \, , t~, "TRi~l.tS, 8 OOu&Lfs;S SINCilt$' • \!I,. VI,ll' llifolll, lIn.1 1I"('t lheh' Hlgnn· ThaI A"" " ", dlll)('" r/lst .. trilla Ii.. p. Home ohllgl n!(1y for tiOIl \, II II Ihe H(( I en was not a~ an cure, 1\1311), of tlJem off to I~ke the Keeley ]·.' X P L IN A TIO \ O}l' Y 1E.'i 'I'I~'R ]).4.1" 8 r ARTOUt.' po"~ ~n(tP' s hotf( 'I~hp!><, IlPlllll t:'ntl~· n.vhl tum" arll l"" UUI ,IR n home reader In i. for liquot', 'J'his ex))~dlel1cy l~ hlll'dly ever 'l'ommy-l'a, \\'h~' was Adam created first! -:--~------I ]G~G HE IHY I T:-\\'E.'l'l'ED 'l'nE YARD )iEAl:lURE 'I'hp Ilwn peddle Ih,'lr Wfilts to ~tllge>, 111111 'lUll I hl'l'l1 on thl' air O\'er tllO \\ U 'f"1 ._ . __, 17:.j 171~ J761 fO IllP III 1l(1lI I'll t 1111:( if Jt il1h' IJ(I~ to ~p(> l1 (lk1a ~Ii~ i923 , . • • • \\t ~l (':1 ~~ :\It~ 15i~ 1501 and I'ollrge reHl'S Dill I1lg OilS tl1ll!' slH' hilS ll'arn(;'d to slIlg !J-l- songs from l!f) Ifill WI~e cl'lIckt'l's will Op llll' thaI pl'oll1btfioll 11011111 AgIICllit IIral l\ /pchnl1lca l Which In'I'/o e. Ihe 1,lp:1. -, "udh' UI th & (n liSa ~ n! 61 t111 N I'ldi. - ( '1',1111' Rapids (luu l/e. 1MIllO!'Y, " era lIquoJ' doesll 't allow Its dl'lnkerH t.o beeol1l!' nUlion mlglll w('ll ha"e tl nollo"al ~Hn 'J'omol'1'01I'-'1'lir Preak icc Home ij-' soaks, thllt It COl'l'o(lp~ theil' lI1SINlt \JIII(,~H t'hl'vsh 1 :!!{~ "Why, Clwl'lps, ~ ' nll ciOIl 't !ll('/1!1 Jo Ipl1 WASHINGTON ~Iol Ten Nt'w Filllis p'ital fOJ "p(l'lIOntti~" or' a kllldi'('d aillncnl some Ih uf 1 p r l u'lltel' got light t(, ~ 1Iowa School C'OPtl. (1ul:l. 1 XI n 1111'),0111 III P ce:(I111~a.te when \t (lllOI' I{i lm rllt IS Iti~ Ilollble. h/':l1d I~ loughel thnll !Jllolelll,~l! " COl n PI'o,1 'Ia! _ - 1'crle BpL7ls • • • __BY_S_T_AN_ D_E_'R_ . ot'lournalism I>UI'Olll , I'" Ten IH \\ Yet cJndi ttO n'~ 11l11'C' chapf!rd SIllCI' llHll'C I\' 11ICi-NI nut probHhly (till' d they c: "Il 1:1 iCi ~ i4 were Keeley illslltules al BlltllJlgton, Des wOuld oil E'Q41y J)P takpn 1111 til(' ]nn ' Ot)n )fut 4CJ III 1,01'1' 1\roines, 8ml Reel Oak 111 ] OWl], "ltl' n ~('Yf' l'n 1 po"" of R!) I\~ Mhet '~xpPllm .. nt, I1P\'el' slIIISflt'd, Ill! is oHen SA id: has good mater argumellt In of '],he Chi iell, n Int.I~"l. E1l1phasis on Practical Hupp ~lot 1 q PI·I?!' 11'11111('1' lit much of to I'('[ut' tlw Cflltnl~ o[ 'l'h!' hplIlIly Culvestoll wlRhes n~I\H, Ir~ flit, polillc n.1 lHarh llll.~ ~UI ]Ii prohibition "Irm. 11 Pl1lliOlll,l to !I'll In h,. nlVll III Cl.'nt to hI' 1111 /lrll'('ss, " like l\ffl!'ll' Dreb.~lel' " otht'l evitl~nl e uC OI1 :-i HlPl hn.lIlllll Work Plea s perance" ll(lvoeiltes \\ 110 clamor 1'ol' 1'l'pl':11. Jilt HaT" ~l -Detl'oit News, Woodruff IT & T . "l~ • • • !t3 Chllz rl.os to 1111'''01' Ih,u Parking Between th ~ Lines Any Il0Y mllY heco\n f prPHldel1t, bll! if hl' Kn' gel ,sq F .QIAOpNAL p~llking ill"t"he malll ' bll~i­ aUl eQt pr(J()~ iR hi t-':l k d OWll when \/11111 W~," 3", wIHhes 10 become a senator he had better be· ~ome 1110nk('\ \VI t.1Il II f:;l ls i n :lur h Mot 3:il I ness 8('Ct1011 is to he fll\ly effectlVl" glll to Ruve cn l'Iy \\101 k S-llke 'l'om j It-fUll, fUI C'O lH'tU('t~c1 1II(t" n npwJoOJ)o per thnn :>int I HI ~ ~U drivers must nil do whllt a f('\\ of them rail "mille ' 1-' - Pittsblll'gh G/lt:el/e Tl11les, • • • Ihooe of othl'r mldlHe \I ~"tp, n 1".11 .\'n I (,o~h It .\ ." to do in ndJOllllllO' hloch- ohpy poll('e 111- lui ion", fI:II'I'ry T Wood' urr, "hi X Y Ct'lIl 104 • ~ 1 I ' Tn hi~ (':lrluon l Pstt'l dIn' . Dlng" ( ~IIII thhl).!s \\I ' II ~ rl()lIl~ CiI~1 WSUIPROGRAM • strnctlon~ to pm k ,wt ween t1H' hnes c Ago Tl lhtJ1Je ('olumnIst, l1(n"i ('0 111 PUI'" Pul)lfx 001 A ~(·tllrh ]ll'ofcsslonn l go/frT, a ft!'l' 14 illUSlrGlPtI bow ttl(" nlllt.:hllle Hlw\,ht '1 h(~ flit'll or IhONl' \\(1:-. 10' lit (14)\\1) :; (II 1III'IH1('(1 tllf' ulI1\(>rHlt\ unit Ppnu(>\, ~ Every au~omobJI(' 8110111<1 be at nppl'OX I· 3'1':11 S ],1'1 i l'p~ lITnt>d till' 11;1\ be wl,il 011<'11 g lll(1l Y ~ pac P llhl lNlu('p Butllto"t', ~ of 1'l'llll'n I, has Illt'. Db!: Iho Illoetical vnlup of P(·qIH11'h llnla ; I! ...... ur 'rHdn)' tl1(l '[')w I,,: (01111 \\ l~ mately a 4') ricgJ pe anl(l(' WII h the CI11 blll~. to mInimum to !'~t 3~~ 'I III -A II • ,l/llon of The 1~\'i(lpIII1" 111' fOlllld thp ball · . . • ohool. of JOlll'O. II~", In a 1'1'( P"t I, Phil n Dally !'ROM "M It A I,TO(:I'.IIILtl Iholl III til( (oll...n(Ht.:hJI1II HP<'oJd If on VOl'Ies II little fl'om that I1ngl(', II l ~ • -Npw VOl k Herald-Tllbul1e. " U" uf ill. popel Woodl'urr nIPnl lo,," Had (' A 41 ~ rU\\tLJI Hullnd \\ hll(l ~ I COlllP, TillS N I ~ \\ ' SP \I'W{ 013 not so Sel' lIl11 S, but if OlJr 1111S II w ll !'l'1 nCI'os~ 10110,1110111{ wilh :-.IOItI;\lI·,tOln, 1111 It K 0 3,,1 ~ 3~ a III - >fnrk"f. Wp~l~or. 1.Iu SIDHYA'I'WN Rey Tob H ~.!: Rlr 0,111\ lost. ' - DetrOIt )" 1 ee Press, I"wa" HchooJ was hrnu!(hl "houl by 21~ G r> m lJ)nTlPr hOlll' Illo,RIlUn WHJI ' I~ 4) vrRIi''' 27 ,,-" , R l' m l\t llHi('td IlroMI'tllll, Mrs ! Donble pm'kl11g a Iso should br ap olutely lh~ tael Ih,lt, [L' he snYA, 1"< eOU IHes - :-<,'w 1'0' kill" "'11·'1' 1Ibunp 119 (I,'orlit' ~UPlI< I, "lunl.1. fiR soon liS thp lI ew syslem oE tl'nfflc • "to e!!.,'d III nctlNtI wo, k mOhO lhUII A Bl'it;.sh 8id /0;' P~aCQ • • • l'ules goes IIlto <'ffect. "t' S, BO,\'J' FlU !1'rS Uw oUlel Ihree unlvP' ,We" (I"WIII Tile liOIlSlIS SIll. 'flte vt~teln ll TIH1Ullt;1 !-livJ r 1l1 (l'1lI , And If nlly cm clcss pal'krl' gels (I ickrt ("I~ >" nll1\~S" HANIl" 1 hl'l, wllu III~pe('tt'd tilt-' :1tlltt' IInlw', Thr Il1nOlln~"ment that lhe Geol(l'e )\'a."lnl\ton - I) I\l It.'g-I" te' f to apPp!l1' III police COlllt, liS 1I11l11Y t1irl dlll'­ .it\ "d,001 1.:.1 fanuOl y, COlllhlUPS 1,/ep"I"",,"lnl In 1'132 will be cpleblotecl In England PIO:olPP('U\,(' (lntlllHIH h~lIH1!i bewru tlt hlH cO mlnt·nt. a s follow.' I l~g the III iw on oVl'l'til11p plIl'klllg, let hllll - M, AltogelhcI feel no reSf'ntlll(,l1t tOll'llltl t itc nphcp, \ ' ho (Jughl 10 he I eORs", Ing to cPllaln blocII . of citizen. • • "RLudl'1I1 PullUclltlon8, Inr, lnot tOl' In th now I"dep ~ nfIllllng fIlii' to), CIIPI,\' dl'l I rJ', fi'HI 1M tlw IXllh, 10WIIII II I. th~ ,ccl l,I'orllW al once wllh all,Y ol>.olv.lIlCe pC O~OI ge hi. clll" III Ih" ,11,11 u, te , I"tlo <11' f ~ (mh "10' "Ing- nellRllnpel' I" IIlIYll IHl.m!t·· \\I\y 1~t... hUN II r It \\ ,0;; tull, Oue of Ihe IIctlVltl(>S of tll1 ~ ('h\1l'eh gl'oLJP 11,II'PI \r"lug - l1s SOlnt' n ope Jiut~ 1 11I IIIJ lIit kf"l'M \~I OI th hC"f n ~lIntH'" to IdIO\\ (10m lIlil hO:1ld condition. put thAI even for HI 1(111°\111 '1,,1!l,n1Iy At III(' IIn1P or Bay II Is- what ~bolll the Himilill' \vol'k iJ v lhe el' IPI t l h ttt 1l(.. "'~ :tLrt' I.t. woman at n 1111 11w \,'111 how r1 volt- wn~ gnitl{! 11(" nh:nd nl\' vl ~ I 1111 }Jr~vlouR A'lnrlllrt!,," hOfI Iown utilIty COl POl'aiiOIlS, etlllrtl bV .Jo~ rur· lod ~o Wlllld" l{ n'"ll!hl hang-tng on a rOle IIf' I PCOIOPf". or The dean goes on to point out mn,,-s \!l'cll VIl. uf th.. ' OdeD '-t. II'Hll 111(1 \ PllIfin l to pili 1n Au r h CI mi cha el of D e~ Moin(>~ 1 Thl' tllldi IS lIll\1 \"Ul I!el lo'lfqal ~ " stunl~) 01l~ lUu 1l"Iv SIlOls or ' Old .J;"vh r ('V(11 (tp\'()lulu c1 hOW{Wf') thAI lao many or the 'esHentlnl, neither is IInyl hing but what (,l thN' Inl el'est , l:;lIo Ii hllo " , "1 IlfI\'f'1I1 !Hlnh twpl' Illftl l 'rI 1(1· businesses IU " , In non· has a perfect I'JA'h t to do I t I~ 11 P to thr Suvs H plw, "YO\l can'l u laHlP ('ri\(, Huppnlt If T ~ I,IIIC ' d ~ (1 J:: 1il fOI Bl1i1flill~ Committee 1'lI/pll1O hn nds.' nnd I'hnt the shiewdlll'ss of r8~h ('dltOI' fol' le~ting thc i.· Tl rAT 0 II IIlP "I,~)1l , 1-d11 11lt.~ 1 ){III!Pl'!(ls and no 1{(lC'oltl' \ WiD Meet Tod~y fOIl'llI'SS o~ ~i lll1ns rnn()f' land. would hnvc lu race 0. Inulcal · . . sp ilk"r ('lOll, 1l1/111ftl .ll III 1916 "hll' ElIca' , ('conomlc readjustment A)}l>arenlfy HHIlH' lJOcfl' hlls h' ~n tlwi (, 10 hOIJ A t hili ljll' 111 P t'nt 1111'1 hOlI A Ilrl If allyhody \1'isll(,s to ('Xf'l'cisf' II fIlII'S­ RUlnJ\'lh g It 1111 uku lll , tOl' or tHI{III ~ I(lJl pnllH wllllltillholiHitNI 1IIe.' II11 !\, oC I he hUlldlll1\' rOllllllltte,' toO 'l'h090 Mn~s a. 0, Co" much the jug' "oca ~1I1a ry 1lg'lIlllst chllrch ol'gllnizlI I~ons ft'~ nl'l'hnl{' ond tl l in, ....' "(lHb '" • nr lil" HWtl' hon ..1 or r. llI ~oll"n will l"ger porI, AllledC11ll plnn. "ls"lI'lI .Se for "propllganda" he m Ighl I \II II Ills(t , I(l TI,e You ('lUI PI ulsc \ lilt' AideR .Ill1d 14 I"'fl i . Inlpr It I" .lllt nil of h,' helrl IOd!I' In 01(\ nplfol Thl" (\1111y Uf'WSpU p(,I'~, which 81'(> mol'!' c1fillg f'~Oll~ ,( ou t gavel nor gepera1s unqer Alld tI",l, l l pI' lh ~ or "1'~III,.t hlur, tlllll 1111,1 "tilt Iho !lnlY IIlOllnA of rlllll, 1\' 111 IJ~, n .fIl}.rlnl COllI ~IIlng rI 11,,· IHIU~" 11.lnlC- nllQIII hy 0", 11}",/lnlJlll, nl\hntl~11 !lInUe,. , 101\& CII "II'hen n\ ~y ~I'f' 1)I'op!l~fin(ll~t been liSP I hey fire lho.e Ud~'I~lsI\,odons whl~ h op· The fn1r~ thai l;IlVf\ tn~ YOU ""1thll1i: 1'luII' 11 "ulll h~ 'I !ul 10 1](' .11 M< ,18" ,1 WH, r "o1 "'\0 .... ${·, 1 tbe benevol Ilb""d Indep~n(\ence furlhered pot expectl'c\ lobe RI) , - HOj)e Iltt\ ell n,.:_ I~Wll ' I\n ~p NJlIUII I].L: fiJI j l.l!'4 I1Pl'4 III IlHi ~I',I"b~I '" or tlliK rOll\mlt!l'~ tllrlUllp IIlJrht When (conomlc tnflltHIUon by our cnpl :Pi'o~lIbly no J1('II', pllpel' is (>IlIII'('ly flpr • • • IIOllhl' If II Wti M 1101 rOI !I'll I It \'1 11 I! 1':1111'01 .1 l' H(1hoenlgen, ()!' ('ol1I1NI \b',bur4on from lufluence of 0111' sOrt 01' IInoth er, f"e· 10.1 "' ~ have been making Ihe "T thought "f pi MPSA or rn lllll ~ tho loll I,. ,tr", chilli Il1n~ Oeo, ~n 'I' TIlll(rr or UpOn hlmeel to go \\ Itla till"' HhllV('I 1\11", noon,'1 110velllJOII PrilIUne r. I>('vllt or 0.· ~annU&1 quelltl,\' indIrect illfltl('me, often by 1)) C~8 Il1 '(' Ind ep.' nclene(' or tile 181nn(\8, In this vl~)'I , ij(fl\ more ndds HO)l(\ I htlt t h ... ~, have I flo lIlt) knlt'lo"lI : Charles C, or N~w .. I Year 01 dl"I",,1 hy OUr o\\n govelllmentn.1 methods 1,1 HI Itl"'m II Hllelll

-' , 'rHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 19911 , . THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA. CITY PAGE 1'HltI!!I , ; Irene Callahan'} Galiher Reports on Former Students WaterWorks City School Funds Visit at University

Olha Cox Wed F In ancial I"'ports ot Cha,'les S. Two fO'"mm' students In the Unl· Contracts for Galilwr. NCCl'l'tury or the clly 8chools "l""lty of 10Wl. collego ot dClltlstry oY8tem. show a cllgh l)lllance of $58.· Thg vl.lled hCl'e recen tly. Dr. C. ·W. Rob­ l' pun, Couple to Live 312 III the Il'en"'ul tuml. a nd ~a7.978 New Basins It ·s • In the ""hool house fund. A Ull'. 31. e,'ts. who I. at present practiCing 10 on Kirkwood Tn part hi. 1·01101·t stale.1 $61.1 1 ~ London. England. was a resident of Avenue \""116 on hand In tho gen eral fund Mt, Pleuallt whon lie ulteDded the Plan $50,000 Project Aug. I and dlsh'lct tuition. v e , ·~ lIy. DQQth unl of tlillow' vrl'!(lonM Qf IIEust and no,'mnl " 'nlnlng aid raised thu to Improve Water l\n tlil' VP1'!;t' or produc. INlBe Callahan. daughter oC lorr •. amount 10 $63.647. DI.bursements n,o. L . Ahrln Young, d~nt8.1 C hl~ t Ettie O. Callahan. 985 S. Linn stl'eet, .hl"unk the total then to the Aug, 31 01 '89, the olho.,· visitor. now reside. Conditions one and Ihe Haloe,·I. .m arl:, by.Jolul Est{IVQn and Otha COIC. 'IIOn ot Mr. and Mr •. in !:ll. LoulH. ~o . Ct~'TlfIM . 1929 .•, 4 ..'"'- " ....,.,... \ nUH'I', ')\) "'1'1" wlrf be The 8clI001 house fund had $37.6[" If...,. />. T. CalC, 819 Kirkwood avenue. were Tn an eftort -to halt Impure water how!'l'r,·:· 1'11. FOI cash bBlo..\co at the openin g ot All ' lI\&rrled by tho Rev. W. S. Dysinger cares that havo spr~ad In Iowa City Iw hi I lit, urlglnal 1)('rlM gust a nd $326 adtlltlonnl recdl,h G:dl 1". Flllellwo,'U, h tils "eturne,1 10 What has I'OIle ~fore: mY8U~catlonll cO I1l:~a l ed a serlou8 ham," "Why don'l you ".k Carl Ba.ltlon?" at hi' home at 10 p.m .• yes~l·day . . . I RGo'. whll,' tI'" 111111101'111, were a.dded wHh no di~I)U1 ·f5e mcnl8 . luwa Cit y aftl'" .pendlng 111I'ee purpose. thaI. aIter all. the case WR8 III past yeRrs and ca used wIdespread xitet.darlts were J>.rargarct Callahan "'rands IJalU0n, 10 whom ell" On the point Of Interrupting him. "From JlOW on," rrtu"ned Norse. 1.lnl: ,h"h' vp".. loII . Tiley leavllll> 37.978. nlO ntll!1 I n Montana .. not over? I remembered the knife hIs hand stopper me. "And let me hI hunt alone. And. by lhe way. our bolUng ot wat"r In homes, the Iowa and Gerald Cox. eurnstantiJll evidence polnls ..... ,,·ater Berv.lce company ",til InitaU ("lnrlg'I'tl Itli mno,' to ·'Ex· ~o dexterously polled In Hallta's add that I'm not at. liberty-In tacl. ,.lcetlngs here. cverythlng I have The bride WIUI Wred In a white the munlerer of hIs wife, Cel.... e;n additional sedimentation buln. WOMEN IN INDUSTRY hand. It woul be a crIminal blundel~ to saId. Is confidential. you understand. (''''1I'all :-Ingel. Gnd • ",pe dl-e ... w{th hat ot thc Bame costing approxlmatel), $.0.000 at Its at f\r8t deniM gullt. Laler the Upon returning te tho window. 1 gIve you my re... ona Cor tbls. Hut fl ut what'8 thla?" IU'" Iii 111<' Fox fIIin. 1 and again repealed. IlS It ",Jlh aceI" Work will begin shortly In an at' rleany wllh a low TH.\ Vta."! "n employee .of the Trlanglo Aulo I"'ud('nt 10 allow Ihe blltler lull time "LeI us put Ilthl. way." he e,'adcd. " Wha t's this?" ho repealed. "I'd tb&t ,iew. J)r. Alllllfl a hiend or for reUrlng and I dec ided to give him Lid of $28.000 ... 11\ 0:0 " 8l ruct the 110 ('h:l1ige. A t ~w Sllpply eolJlft)9.ny. The homo will bo "She has been Ii year al Gr"yhou~. . taka my oath It ",as not here thl. t~ munkrfld ",unon's ~Ister. Ii half·hour.• As It turn('d out: thld and. !t'e rNulOllIlble to suppo.e. haB morning," lip IIp rea.d It out on the basin and other .xpendltur~" IlIld Hoger" maur II. !lip to 111&4. at 819 KIrkwood avenue. purchase" \\111 ral"" lhe amount to EleJUlor OnWlIun, liftS been ~on' "'88 none too mu('h. for I WItJ! on the l.een lIrawn Into ItM a lmoMphere-do II "sk. "So!" he ~xcllllmed, poInting cattlr honl : In len day. nearly $50.000. "I""ed of BaUlon'" 'nlll frolll th" point oC once more lea vl~g the room. )OU dpny thaI I! h ..... u cU"lous atmo· ~I) t",o cmbrottereS to G~rge l11al«' 1)l'rRO lial Gppear· lion home, to ... tend R" ailed ~, P""ssUro WH. evld,ently ex rted from "Do )·ou or do yOU not belle'·c." woman's handkN'Chlof. lind I !l8W the Keller. manager Of the {'ompany wf\elc In DenvPl' nnd for vant, " 'ho 18 III . There h.., leat'NI oulsh!'e. Rut why.' If It WOre he. (lId I ask cd bluntly. " Ihltt ~' I'ancI8 lIul. Iliitlalg of Eleanor Graham; and. whc"cllJI ru~h dcmand8 otten give 1 Boston LwrOI'(' he H3l1s. Cl: hapter E ot P. E. O. S l ~tc "hood ..hat ('~rt and' Eleanor are en· he III WIKh In know that ' I : wa .. stH! 11011 kIlled his "Ir~. ", Ihe ti lglled above all. I IllW. a. Nor",,'s tlnger only Iwo Or lhree hOIl'·. In the Itres' [ivt.l yrtU'H 11 l'Wottl.l , he .. It­ ,..14 hold Ita first meeting of tho fall ,.red, and Ihe knowledl:'o Is • there'! What bu. lnN." waft .It of hi.? ~t ... t~me"t h~ Irrt dccla,'e.?" moved f"om orl, to the other, that It ~tthe h'~ at Mr•. B. E. Manville. ent sedImentation baHln. '!'hI. pro­ nA'UKP.llrnl In :-lelv York blow to his hopes. ,raU·heariecily Only lh'e thoul:'hl.or Nor"e ·prc"ent~d NQr~e shook hi. hcod. '''tS lI.,.,ked wllh crImson opOI". Aft.,· Ihal. pl c ttlre~. a. 2Q6 , ~I, c harda streel. tomorrow. A he to aid Nono in certain j<'Ct wllll,avc no eCCect on city water .gr._ me fro~ throwIng tho doo r wid ~. " I \\,on'l answer that- I can't an. "Blood slotins," he muttered. " And. c~feterla luncheon will be sCr"cd In \'estlp,tioM, and he ('~nes to T.h(>t"(' W88 \ a. moment of silence when 119 we cost about In tho dark, limo "ates, necordlng to Mr. K eller. p.pIIlP,uy at 1 p.m. The committee lIie ('ondusion I"at Hasf, Ihe r .kn('w lhat 80meone In tho cOl'rldol' "",er that now. But I'll go this tar. 1'1IJ!8e8. lim ... I. gone." In charlo 18 Mrs. , V. L. Bywator. T bellove lhot b hInd the crIminal. bltlkor, knowa SQlnethllJl about. wa" IIstenlng ~ thena • .m He of welghl whoever It mllY be. slands another 1 stood looking stupidly al the South Carolina colton tarmers are Without Women;" Ken· iIiolllall . Cra.wford, a.nd Mr•. 'r. L. the ('rim." On.. Ill rht, ... hen he ,·.mo,'ed. and It wo.a equally obvious e Ott has I)(>t'n In demand criminal. the actual one. 8t rOng and ~qua.r ... plN:c of Iu:: . And onee more cuttIng down colton acre&&e In ~ Is about to ' admit Norse 10 the thM tbe Ustener ha4.gdne, 1 waited .I:thle88. 'We 8trlve,''' he cn me that all n. tl rannlc ..,nac of the favor of pur bred ca.tUe. [lim p ru dUl'j ~ I'S, \ . the bU81ness 8oa.lon an ncld~d.1 I .FO!I,?~g hou8e, he encounters Haatu, I\,nother quarter of an hour before " 'with pt1nclpalllles allfl I>owera.' famlllnr. ot .ometh[ng IntR,nglble aM he rlnIMI,"~ In COIl'lance IIlq.\a~ed talk on the Iowa stltte p....,w1ln&' abolli. tJ ..~ 'hulls: flashing .10 NOrsa. that I ",a's selling J) I!CAII rd Id closl"G' around mp. 1 relt I\:or"e·. nf'W IJlrlul'(l, Ill' 1'r:> L\JI'ns to parill JVlII be given by Mrs. R. H. Now go on with tJle sto!,),: out. \ o you r wo you to me " '88 hand on my shoulder. 101. Pox. 10 pia)' the ro!. or V,olliUld, who Ie a membor of the Iowa ThIs time no IncIdent Of any kind UBed by Cella Dallion-the French "You needn't waIt," he ..ald . " 1'11 III I'The Man ,Vllo .t~te Jlo&.rd ot conservation. With a gasp { stag~errd bne k. happened. l' reached t he library. be somo houn; he" e, and t visiting p, E. O,'s al'C In,'lled ;"~~~e ~':,'~:~~~I!!':~h:~~~Hr:.~~~~: bc8lde~ "II t\wal'O that I had b<>en fumbling wIth erpssed It. and found the key on Its Ingo not tancy. but llleral (aot,'. can explain nothing. Gel 80me sleep thl. rum will celebrite lo iattend. row ot books. rn another moment 1 th,· "t.lI·rlllg team 01 the clip oC my pockot lam I>. H e "N d" -but. abOVe all. promise mo to take .. l'ay shot 'out now and frumed in n had open.d the door. Rnd the lithe erse, YOU are rna . cnre" nnd Chnl'lps Jrntrm ----- "No. but I'm In 1lurHult ot the . dh·ect •. s1l8Pc~aed al'e, Hot a loot dlsla.nt, term' of the delect Iv e "lIpp~d In. r;t. M.r,.'s ()pens the face 'o! Hasta. He "cemed to me unus ually white ~ trangesl quarry man ever sough I." Now. 118 I wen t back to my roon •• "But thl. " I argued. "Ia not a mat. l08t In prl'l'lexlt)' nboul all thiS. It F.n.Seuon At first. 1 be ll e ,·~. he waH equally nnd cbnstralned In the dlmne8s of a 'St. Mary's parish \\~U Inau"ur.. tc IeI' ot . Plrl~l sm ." may hltV" heen fa ncy. but I thought I tlrst "e of a .hallow thllt movPd tiu' f( f'l ' f ~E' JI WItS not as. an tor the Call al)d winter seasons "ith I saw his jaw sot. hI s eye" narrow; thut hIs I\o.n(l trfmbled as Il rested we know ot SPi ritism or of spiritual a~?rl:!8a l lpell"od at the end at the "" n home reader In I. a cblcklm' dinner and supper Oct. 8. tnwn\? a movement of his hand thrust aside a moment on the desk. Al a.ny ra.tfl' . I~W8? Bul ['m W!IMting tlmp. and c I ~TO DE CONTINUED) The. aItiLIr will be sponsored by the tho torch. he so.t down breathing deeply. and It. already late. I want to aearch ~I. Ann's IMlclety and will be heM at "\Vho are you?" he whispered. "Oh. ~ald nothing. thl. rOom for .. 'lI·lous thlng8 In con· 601 lHe St. Mary'. school hall. All f"lenrl _ lhe doclor. eh?" ,4What's "'rdng?" I IlSktd. IIH ave nectlon with my Renotissanec IntoI" IUj a.nd members o! the pa.rlsh arc Invlt· For a moment we stoed confl·ont· you (wen a. ghost1 " ••l 8: In the rtrllt place. to find. It Change in Teacher HI to attend • . 'LoRETTA . !'!n 27i ~ a InG' each other In silence. "No-bul have you? You look play. P0881ble. an archllect's plan ot G,'cy RA~6rT. Payment Plan Gets 311 311 '. 'I'''' hat are you doing, Doctor," he cd ou t, Amel." IlO uoe, and spcondly. IIOme mention of wh re Balllon lert his collection. 51 .11 Flnt of .r;fSt . L<>UI~ rontln\led In 11 queer, purring oyice, "I've fteen n 1>1'ctty substantial "Airing" by Board HeM "alone. wandering In the da l'k by olle." I repUed. conscious of relict T·,·c Ie/lrned that It len't at hi. bank. ~:!:n ~191 2~Q eatiI Party Series In bearing a familiar voice aglll n. And J. Or what l'm prepared lo rltle Iho .. ~O~ I~~ 191 .tlrst ot a 8crles ot card paTtleA yo urself? II might be dangerou8. I The monthl}" ye rly payment plan ,The \ might haVe tall en you tor an out· 1 told him ot my encounter with Hu· desk here. Then you recall those 173~ 172 172\ .ponaored by the '\'omen uf the for public school teucher.. In Iowa .. ""ratches we tried to decipher tillS x ...... ' 30~ 291 ~91 ,j11lr:.~MEicim sider," The"e was tho tallllestHI)(lrk' tao "I'm beginning . to belieVe. In ",Iy \I'M dIHcU •• cd by the board of . 11.QOlIebart Legion will take place at .. _...... ,. 17~3 1m 1761 I ~. 1 saw ... knife In his hand. ~ plle ot Balllon's eonte8810n. that mot-ning?" eduertllon at ItK meeting 18.IIt night III 7 : .j ~ tonight at the MoO!«) hall. Bridge NEW YORK, Sept. 1D-The United can more than hold hel" Own . ODe .I t rl: 15j~ lo6j loll "And what." 1 returned. regaininG there's something wrong with tbe I nodded. lhe administration bulldlnl{. but no all. eUchre will be pla.yed and pl'lze8 States census dh·ector. 'Wllllam l\1. woman. Mrs. RosaUe Whitney, ot NOW / & Co I;sr ~66 611 f'ome measure or assurance, "were lnan." . "Well. under a strong glaBS Il wat "!I,-mpt was made at uny kind of ac· 1'111 be awarded to both mell and \\,0' £et Win-tera oJ Stewart, reports lhat 10,000.000 \Yom · Brooklyn. N. Y.• Is struggling and you about1 What were you doing In "Humph!" !l8ld Nor.e. but whethe,· {'a"y enough. T read them now as: JDen. tlon. en are "galntully" employed In this winning In her atlempt to wipe the Mr. Ho.lllon·sroom?" • In a pproval I couldn't make oul. HELP ~IEDU8A . The thlng's no 'fhe qucsllon was b"ouG'ht u\, , •. of Vifmal ~l'II. Vera Hughes and Mrs. J:080 countl"Y and that 23.000,GQO women "racket" game from the laundry come. "Oh. that's eaSY. Doctor."-l hated Then. without olher comment. "Look le88 bafCUn&,. or course. Why should J. W roh.. ·. \\ ho menlloned 1~ 'l' ln!, Iflhlll are chairmen in charge. are "housewives." huslne"". She I.. dIctator of the ('alion Ohlaiu~ hi.. InfleclJon ot my 1I11c-"that·. here. don't you thInk. you'd belter this appear on the aheet of hie con· tea~her8 onc. each month. n limos Mr. Stewal·t taclfully suggests Nelghbo"hood La,lndrymeo'l\ a~soc la. easy. I was coming to bed. a nd ."cuse yo urselt to Jln.s Grl\ham, and te8slon? Wa.. It dono In a. fit ot • )( nr, ra.ther than Oller a mne Ihal If lhe 23.000.000 hou,owlveH tlon. comprising 95 per cent O( Brook· Ten New Fjluis . , noticed the door were opon. 1 want· le t me put · one ot" .my men hore It ftuperslltloua abstraction. or does It molHhH pe"lod lUI at prcsent. A~ Iln What a comfortable Ill'e allded to at least a thh'd of lh"t Iyn's laundries. She got the job last SIDELIGHTS cd to see If eve"ythlng WIlS right." . he need!! tI. watchm:l.n-not that I I>Olnt to something?' That's the Ques· example he 8uJ()Cest d tor one I\'ettln~ <.. 10.000.000 lady jobholde,'s the total May and proml.ed to g ive tho l"Ilck, tlon. And the only Medusa here 10 $1.800 annually 10 get $160 II. monti' fe.elin&, to know that """ell." I toNI film. awar" that I think she doe&-1" would amounl 10 about 90 pel' cent of ereel'S and extortlonlstll, who were tor 12 month. mther tMn $200 ha\t' tJt'~n ::u1tit'd LO thp had an account to render. "1 heard Such was my weaknes• . atter the the one Insel betore the nnrrow door FROM PAGE 1) the number ot women between the hleedlng the laundrymen. a good tub­ monthly nine limes a year. your winter supply of t1w \'I~ulll t> dll ~utlop l1!" !qoNTlNUIllD ),our toot.teps and cam& out to look." ,moll and fret of the night. that I -the DoOr of Death." age. ot 16 and 64 III this country and bili g. TodaY she a nnounceS ho has 11\ lhtt4 maIHH.''I' an Income would be­ It wa8 strang that ho shOuld .e~m vould gladly have accepted Norse'. He got up aDd strode over to the or tl,I' t..:;1'·u: lH~1 ,11.' . 'd~J1. mlln who have been state go,'ernor lhat would make the number 0( wom· done It. No one disputes ber, to be listening to me with such in· proposal. had self·respeet permitted plnee mentioned. It was a slab of provlde{1 e\'en over vaeatJon l>e ,·lo(l. coal is snugly in the bin. hIt' uvlJ:thl.' ror U:It' In ~ ,representatives ot the two major en worker. equal to lhe number of Architecture used to a manly trade, It. Aa It was, I cpuld only tell him 8'T&Y marble, sln' lIa.r to tho others wh~n the teacher wa. not worklnl{ lI~h"ul Ih~ .lale ."~ men worker~. but .• Ias! DO more. The ladles are lense eagerness. "I saw you hwt a.1 rartles. John C. Phillips. I'ellubllcan that paved the room. and dltterlng and when n 1>~1' 80 n carele"" with ",.1· rH'd upon Il llvlirntion. Irtcumbent. was unopposed In the »1'1 · He hasn't oCflclally added the taking It over as fast lUI thoy CIln. the fo ot of the 8talrs and then go that, If Eleanor wanted me. I m uat arlc. over tho nine month porlod Phone 87 Today yh'\\o't: uf ~t.!tt(> p!lrks stay. only In that a. " 'oman's upturned tace tlw mlLl'Y. Born 'f'l an IllinOis (arm • housewIves to the feminine jobhold· 'rhey al'o oven running oCf jobs a9 back a nd close the doo,·s. l'm glad It )ml!,ht be without fund.. The plan • .. 1;'1, 1.,·en o"lallled, was only you." His attention les.en· "Wel1. " b e HI can under­ 1\ as carved upon It. A con"en tlonal Goyernor Phlllt.J>e has occupied as er8. For ".tatl.tlcal" l'NIJ!ons ho bulld~rs' foremen. Lady Phllilmore ha' worked In othe.· cities, boar~ RlIl,jrrlH Inelul! .. AJj,ka. serpent. wreathing the forehead. Iden· chief executive ornec. h' the statc wants to koep the two separate a nd Is Brltaln's only tilled lady to hold ed. I noticed that the knlte bad van· stand your pain t ot view. And I WIll! ,m.mbe,·s d lared. Yoder Coal &Ice Co. Ira, qbole!' !l:atlonal lIever yet advl~lng aoy mlLll to tlfled Il; but. for the reat. the taco rapltol building on which h wO"kcd so we arc laid lhat 90 I'e,· ccnt of the Huell [l. job. Wife of the second baron Ished. tor HI" (irnlld,·. Phlllpplll~ men and 25 per cent of tho women a"o of Phlillmore. sbe has dedlcated her "Quite right. Doctor. You weren't play the coward." was singularly beautiful. \'t·lh.l\\'!-I1nof' »ark. ,nd IS a. laborer. Norse starcd down. 'rhe best corn crop In the .tate'. Across (rom R. I. Depot Opposing Governor Phillips (or tho "gaInfully" employed. 1IC0 to building beautl!ul bomos. She In bed. I see. You're a Jate sllter· "It lan't a «u.stlon." I Interp08ed. ,hI .. , 1\\'0 III<1U" II'I"1 film •. But It Is such a well· known fact Willingly l~nd s a hand at laying liP." ho pu·rred. "just lIko [am. It'. "ot courage Or cowardice." " { can make nothing ot It, 11 I hlslory Is anticipated this year In d('mocrll-ts . will be former governol' that women are forcing their way bricks. supervisIng timber construc· W. P. Hunt. Both men have a ttained Quiet tonlgllt. ell ? You can heal' better "You pardon," he retorted, "but It Into every profosslon that no one both. lion a nd Is ready to do any of the job. when there isn't a.ny w1nd!' Is. Just t hat. Not 101'11' ogo, In thl6 only had .. pla n ot Groyhouse!" South Caroli na. iiii~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g ptomlnence tbrough doCylng the Icd· -----~ --- ers much about It nOW. PracLlcally It need be. I had retraced my steps along the very place. Francis' Ballion spoke ot ------eral rbvernment In celu'octlon ,dth eve,'y Industrial barrier has been No longer can professions a.nd com' Mexican troubles. corridor, since It was necessary now the Hplrlt ot Death abroad In thl ~ knocked down and d"aggad off by the I me"clal enterprises be cla,.~s lfle(J u to lot the buller disappear before l,ouao. He spoke true. • 'G9vernor Hunt . former cowboy weakel' sex. . ueln g fi eld. wljereln man alone ruies. and prosecutor. look hi. stand on op· openlnog for Norae. "Now let me !;lye )'ou a. piece of Englncm'lng was always a splendid Each day brings 10 light the astound· "Oood night. Doctor," Hasta mut· sound advice-Indeed. I 'm going to The Dally posUlon to the Souldel' dam l>rojeCI. masculine profession. but the Indlrs Ing fact that woman ca.n equal man . , nrch he contendcd would aid Call· tered, "goOd night. sh'." Axae t 0. promise. Ir you In slot on rc· have got Into It with both feel. lIere's and. III many cases ••urpallS him In "lalnl,,&, here at Oreyhouse. you'lI fQr~la. aL the cxp~n~e of Arlzonn I entercd my room and locked my· o lovely lady. Mis" Belly Doan Read. the execution or positions which h ere· selr In. But tho oound o( hi. fool· do three thinG'S: first. you 'lI spend HI8 unsuccesful ol,poll"nl" s( r es"~, 1 who ought to be thinking of nothing 10(01'0 were considered purely mascu· ~yced laJ(es. Ma in IS8ue. with a ~teps. as h e movcd oct. brought back as little time Qut ot your own room hour progral,ll, bul beaux and dancing. itll'lllg out a line. So much so that when Uncle us possible and you'lI keep your door II&'ht vote. ",as whelhet' the vctel'an I)Ower dam In New Mrxlco. 8am next takes the cen8us o! hl9 a memory. It Il.wcarcd to me that I [email protected] should get a chance ut a heard them ra.the l· by weight thun locked: 8econd. you'lI buy a re"olvcr I(~r hOllJ" ))J'ogrnm. The only field III which It Is not Ia.rge family. hemal' be able to 5TltUtJ5 impact. like tho paddinG' of 11 b U8t . and It ready; third. you'll Hor uJOti ('u l progl"UIn, :\Ii's. ~ven th t_et_m_.____ _ unlve('sally admlttod that womon ry that out of lhe 10.000.000 women A STOlt! .. l!VEIt)'IODy Could It be. I wondered. thaI Norae's as lillie a8 p08slbie of 1':lell'ohlblt I)!l.rl

B~TOX. Sept. ]0 (API-The It.oo,ooO ·Soldiers on ~lluyl>l' und th ~U I) e l '1111enden t ot March Against ~choo l~ wunt to kilo\\" 'whut Is fh(> muttel' Wltll Bo~ton'" public school NOJilherners educlI llollul SYHtem. When a high h lnklng girl !lchool I<'l'atluatc say~ Ahl'llham I.lncolll had ".,m~thlllg 10 I SHANGHAI, Sept. 11) (AiP)- ,!,Tllrl· BUT , First l <10 with RlflV~I · ) · hut on f:lIlfI1.J{ to Ing .00,000 lr'OOIlH tLgaln"t th. north· IT D\t:>~'T to SPENT HIS lAST tin Is h the juh he tUI'IICt! It Over to Sal el"n war )ol'(ls' (ot'ces In Hunu.n prov­ :PHIL M£WOGGLE" '!-IE .oc-rH -~KE:R CENT~ A~­ Ccol'Ae " ',,"hlngtun. thc' ort'lcinl" HfM ,A e.1T Ince, the nalionuJlst gove"mllenl to· CU1-\~ sPEclAlIS{" gay ~omethJng mu~t he ufr 1,.' 0]01'. HAb A ~R .I\&E. }-\EAt::.ACJ.-\E YAA~ HIHALL OF GOol:::o- ~IS dal' began 0. gl'eut orfen.lve 10 end O\lER.. .HE ~LAce: w~O FINALLy the rebelUon {vhlch hus menneNl It. ThIrty-foul' gfr'lt-l tOuk tJ)(' examlnn­ ANt::. WENT AN EX ­ -ro HS\bACHE IOLb ~)J-\ HE BROOKT exlste)lce since "[ny. tlon tOt' entrunce to thl~ tPlu; lll?l"li ('uf· ANb · <:.HA~ HIM vJAsUJ.~ lege ond only elo;hl 'pa~"e(\. Chuh" P'ENsl\JE. ..speC IALIS\" , Ih ...·ermit l Forty dlvlslolls at sol<1lors begnn ~ fCI\)lllNG OUT ALL So H€- ive scp.t t~ base. Moving ulc'rng nl~ . .1 ' f H • I ,. ppolog the results the examlna· ~A\JE AL\" I-US ~H ~~t: ~-rllSE 0 'PJt(ol.' rallroad trom llankow. the "RHOI1"I . ur OF HIS PREC.IOUS W pl t ~ hln g 91 tlon. lie Mid tl,ut ,""0)\g tlo. ~::5 '"TCO 'SMALL- ~: le ts han'l'tnerod their WflY 10 within r~':.~~lC;~~ . ~ -n,lSKs- 9 l league leo' 100 miles or the stl'lttcgle 1>01111. o.~lSWt'l'S tu th(· ttu{> t;" ttons wt..·rl~ S:'iltt ·~ ___ lieNaUI'M 8rndtCa", lne .• N. Y men I.' thai I)anlel IVCI' ~~\ ' WU~ th·st plll,fP \V .. llow ill 1\ftll1 \\'fiRhlngton 'N I kt;>(TP l nry or Rtn{p. Thousands or olher govPl'nll1ent shalf ove 'I'hn t G('t.t~ts I)U)'f!' \"n~ lh(l seene or troops plunged we.twa.·,l towal'(J ---'-....'...... "7""-----. Sl'OCIi ~IARJ(F!T AVERA(Ht;~ w~alt . v~ry s low; "Iaoghter triltM tnfl L13.0~ live hits. amlnation. hi/ PtMldenl Chiang Kaj·Shek drew 8~ ABLE .0 r hOnl"Nl 10 ~c higher. f!h1Plllng Low, J930 ...... I49.G 165 .4 204.7 ('0")"'011 ant! me,lIur': $G. OO@I Q.!~ on balis, b DI·. .T . r.:. Bllrke. s upel'iollendent of he~vllY fl'&m hI. Sho.nt ung forces for sale. lota le<1 01111' 5.000 »u.; coIlC"'la. ~~~-(~..,...... I'OWH, t-(00<1 nlHI cholcp. 5.6 0 ~8.2\1i log three "chools. e:lllcd In the hNldmn.ters of 1.00K A~ APPLIf thl! bl~ driVe in Honan. lions. 80.000 · hu. Nothing bool<· }<'olltbHII fnjl/i-)' <0111 lOon a nil medtulll. '4.00@b~ caS'O'B SCOI five stlhul'bon high schools loday tor IN 'T~I! 'F W', . Fjr~t, The troo1l9 moving to lhe new bot· ell 10 o!'l'lve but exjlol·t lnIsir1esN was low ~ "!I " , . lind "lItl~ l', U.6dl'fi j .~J ttl1um . nil explanation and ::\[:IYUl' .Tomes :\r T",,". good and ch()i~; ' 5690 ' showel's be 1 1]ou8es. . themselves In fOI'e lgn 1I11 9Sl0 ns along hu.; bookings. 5,000 I\u .• a.l1l1 cancel· ' 1.050 '1" .. , 0.76""8.5 0; cdrhmon ab4: the fl,'st In Freed of mIlitary reSIr'aln(. bandit the 1f,i1e how.'funglnvan l'uJ h\lal', com· llle(Jlurn. $5.001ft 7.00. bel·t single< Intlons. 33.600 bu. ot yellow corll . .C I/ <)'CAGO. S~Pt. 10 (AP) (U.S.D.A..) armle. looted hundreds of villages mn\ldeerlng buildings of· th" anadlnn The 47 cor arrival or ca.h oat. - HOGS- l 6.000; including 4.000 dl· man dOlibl< ",j'lgh} hit' throughout lIunon. killing thOse who church missIon at ](IYelleh and Ralr· eoW Sleo tIl' to a be easier. 'PhI; trird· rects; ope~e'l stPa,ly to IOc low~r . !. " r .': .. t dared oppose thelll. Their crop" erlg o:ntl t l' e Amer'l"an !;oull,ern Bal'. ber t and H I ing ba.sis wn~ I5l~ndy to a .to lower. clo"~r1 10' 16c oU. spi>tk 25c Jower; C"icago Stoclu . ( ruined. by tloods /lnd thQir' pl'opel' ty (i'l mi.slon al Kweiteh. !'lhlpplng sales totaleil 52.000 hOI. eat'ly tOil $ 11. 30; late .nleH $1I.20 dOuble,· J e~ , ,,: ~ " ~own. mo"til' $11.00 down: IlMklllg breach. -----·------t Rube !Jrl . Inlloll Attendm,lt Rlibb~d MW~ 1"l'll'el~'. $8.901ij\9.3-5 : smooth ' (8)' Thp A8!111t iat~ll press) et'; h~ jd eat; ( 'EDA R RAPIDS. (A PI-Foul' nA· IIghl lI'~jght~ . $9.50lfll9.65; "htl}pe"" Hig h Low CI

~ . ,. The Daily IOWIlIl. ,I i-

RUNNING ICI: WAHJ~ -;-also- IN E:VE:RY ROOM ,. ~ . , ~ 2tO ANa S3?O A WITH BATH NO ~IGHER "ARCTIC ANTICS" ., . 1 Very Funny PATHE .NEWS TALKS RetI~w Today NO COMING SOON Opens PARKING WORRIES The Outstanding Picture 11-- PIRECT ENTRANCE '.' ~r.oM HOTEL TO of the Year StatuI-ttl,' GARAGe '-' and with IJIU.. IAN I ROTlI "Dixiana" "Meet the Bo)" ~rlend" The Daily Iowan, o Jack Oakie At. Home A Bigger and Bet(~r Pic­ ''RoIII(' k ~mticfy .. In I . , I fll--· !, t "First With The News" ture Than "Rio Rita" MoV1ETONE N~WS "The Social Lion" F~en~' Flyers Land

.... , -- IMBER 11, 1geO THURSDA Y, SEP!r.EMDER 11: 1930' THE DAILY ' IOWAN, IOWA' C1'l'Y" !JAGE F!V. f = " ~OLDBERG

SKIP-PY--Putting It Over LlJqu~ T~mes 1 • , l!fMius'With S IJlts, ~Q llun~ ,'1ntlollul J..eugue "'1-- 1 ~ ' ,Yo L. Pct. First flY~ R.~qi 8 Chl('ogo ...... -..... ~o · 68 .e.SI) St. LotliS .•..•...... 7~ 6!1 .569 Saff!ly off Itoot, Brookll'1I ...... 711 GO .Ii 68 Ne\v Y()I'~ ...... 77 61 . .&~ 8 Je8s Belly Plltspurgh ...... 71 06 .6 18 Hq£ftdn ... :~...... , 6fi 7~ .464 \lROOKI,YN, R,' p!. 10 lAP) - Fo,' In~ lhna\l ..... ,...... ~r; RO 0407 Ih ~f' ~e~ort t1 c.W,\' 'In ~l1 C' ~e~~lo n, tlle PhIlAd<'lpt11:t ...... 46 92 .aa3 , " Chicago Cubs W('l'e 8hm nul wl\"." ""ll"tRlenlay's Re,ul/io iBrookly.'. "fl; ~lllcnti'o-'O. • five scat.tfred hit" II" BI'OOkll'~ At. 1,0ut. ii: New York 3. PII;hlhs- '~ ~d tonight the ' ~~ti\:';'u! 11oslon 6; PltIsbu"gh O. league l pn d pl'~ found Uwlr 11'jp 011 IPhllndell)hla 5; Clnclall1lltl t. first plnce rpdured to one gAIIl" nn~ • ,. . ,- 1 ..' -. .• , '!1~ :r°tl°Y Piltsbl\rlf I at Boslon . • half ave,· Ihe ~?b\ns a:"1 the Rt. Cl1lct\1f9 'nt ~fOoklyn. w ; killtighter Mttre~\ Lollis ~orflln~l". . good !llld chatCe, 80.:\ Rt. Loul. at r:(ew )"01'1< . AddlfO Luque. ~ I YP'I)' 0111 Gulmn Clncln,;n il at'la. I I OIffU.%fi; !lDO"I,IOO Ibl.,\ bout ... will 1>"000111), bring the luiMl veleran, (olloIVPOrj II Orlnnfll Ing three double play~ , Ilept Chi· J)\ltfoll ...... 67 72 .482 in 10 Rounds , . medfum. ,toil~tc21; lead nOw Mid by Chicago, 'i'lcrellBed .~ . ~.' 4- . ~corln!r ' a 5 to 4 vlctor;'OOllay. L~" ' SepteUl~er 30' cago'. sCOl'e at all iJ','e,luciule min· /:It. LOUis ...... 6~ 84 . 396 1<1 rulte!'. $3.M,U!f the tenslty 'of tho Ilc'hnantl'U e In th" tel' Sweeqand and Phil ~01lln8 cQm . ORINNELL. SePI, 10 (AP}-Orln' Imum. , Chlcall'o ...... 64 ~1 ,?91 II!{S 0 xci ua'd) g~ . s nlor cit'cuit ye"ti'l'~ny. As the Rob, blned to hurl BU!'t Sholton's team to 1lohlns Rlart. ll'1I!:lf Bb ~ tOl\ ...... 46 ~\ .336 11 H Id A hI JIIntchlllukel' liou" F[ll rh"~k" 01 neU cOlleRe'" toolball IQU d went $6.00",7.00; cutl~r .. It , McLarnin I'''avol~cd in Ins shut out lhe Cub. fOl' the s flr~~ or I chor~e . Ft.oOtlil ldd; Charley Root with" sllvall'P a"Salilt St. LOlllR 8; WashingtOn 2, Nl' w "'01'1<. r, to 3, theRe 'two team" Wi~ 'rw,o Ou the winners' ,'uns n",1 hi.. J\ay .hull' the HI'Il"OIl will b(> held TU Pft· Wott. ~' Qt'l y·tour men r por l'!d tor ~1t.I.OO; CUll 011(\ cb\q. ' that yielded five run.. ,'he ~!l(ld~n NelV York 7; ClilVelii.nd 2. Cbampion or vf .. tllUlly tit"'.1 fOr secl)nd place and I'(l. 1(01» followed nixe)' 1110nnged to day. BI','1. hu, tn 111<' L,'!;lon building. ,hij (lI'SI pracllce anti w nt Ihrollgh 00; slockel' nnd fMdtr 'Od IUl'lOli. attack SPIlt flout to ti.p BostOn 6; ChlcElgo 2. '" dueM the Illarkln thf' Cubs Iwlli 'ovel' t·o·mutch I' Hosco" lIall will ue bad" good nnd cholte: 150g. ' 8 hower~ OOfo;" ile retlrell ti" man' llI Games Tolla)' :-lEI\' YORK, :';('p1. 10 (A P)­ 1I,;"bf"lnll' up ~xel'('t n, and .Pili 111& \\,.'m to 1 1·2 gam".. St. LOUis re. DETROIT, Sept. 10 (AI') - The .• top Ihe ~h lllle" In the eighth. III tIme Cor Ihe opelliJw of lh~ 8plll'On.· 76~8.&O; common ab.: Hung ,'y for g l ry and I'ecog nfllon aq allt'l kIcking. • Ihe fil's( Inllln~. }'red~""'I< and Oil· BostQ,n at. Chlc~II'0' thh1ed Reeond place by a Ringle 1'~ r· 'I'igerA U1nnked the Phlladelplda Score y hHllngA: n. H . K LUlIl 1r nrPHt nl jJJ[HlS work (lUI , .'lit"" ,iii 7.00. ' , H"elluJllti ChantpJon, YOU (lg AI berl singled to Illunct. the " lt lly ~ lIer' Wa ~ hlngton qt I'll. ~ouls. u. ~nt:tgp pOint. 'I'he de(ell.l~a New A thlNlc. 4 in o. In tllP ocr I,," Clnclnnat'l .. 0011 OU 020- 4 12 1 III t ,how will lli' ;1 headllnel·. VacaneleM III ihe ctllLer ot the line man dOllbl e(l. Rc61~(ng F"'e(l~rlck, .11\'.1 ~ew Yorlt at CI~v.lalld. I S IIl g'£'}', bnh~' l' ull"l" or tl1P j~ fi potlna !'u,'k GlnnlN lOAt /J. g::une to theRe Nv. h I '~ today du". In part, 10 the ee· Philadelphia ... tOO 010 30.- 5 II () Dour. f 1I1~k(lI'JIlU WUh two wflll will • U"e k II omlWtltlon fo W..rgh} hl~ It 1I1' 1l .Iofjlo 10 .do ,·e C/)· . -' . • dlvlsloll, 'uuttl.., Jimmy Mo· ,vIII aIR hut remaln,'o.l ,o,;I)''' threl1 gam'" (OI'lA of li'rallk UOI )BCk, a I'e rult • Rulterles-Rlxey, Kolil, anti Sul, yCl\\' US lhun !ICtlOl"l. Chlcngo '" ...... 80 51i .680' 16 LomtOl·toiJle lena. . .. _ ...... 12. III tl; Hendrlell MUM fo,' him and ' 1IIIee! lit · d B I W'"'ll1cd !d lg hll)' lodny tv Ihe dtl el St. Loulli . ,_, iii 59 .fi69 1~ 17 S~OI'e Ly 1I1nlnf;'~: Classified Advertising ...... 293 ~92 292 ) P~tly·. flrsI pilch oyer Blal .. ·s helld lllOUn att e of tile J"wl ~ h "nd the Irlsl, Brooklyn ...... 79 00 .508 1& Hi Phlla.dplphlu .. 000 000 000-0 4 ...... 131 lSi IIi (0). B double. sco,'lflg \Y,' lght and bl' ilf'I', P h'::I !'III II l wtiathH' land llw Nell' YOl'k . 77 61 .558 3 16 o.-u·oit ...... UOO 400 00·-4 6 I BI880·II~tt e. • , ...... 56 5, 5j' gl'owlng I'plll'f Ihat Ihe 20 ·yenr·olll Botlerl 9: Sho!'e", \\' BI1)e"g one! 290 {'et j y Does Well II Call ...... 1)7. 57( 611 \ :;:inrel' hud a hnolit U f! ,'en l:'hance ochrane; SOI"'pll and Desautels. Petty pfl.ched ,11UlOllt 1)311 tor sev· I ...... I I!r BQttm,ttley Hils Ho:ut~r (0 win b,'o ll £: hl lellgthl('!' lines 10 the sa 1~1 . Allison Loses WANTEJ~l:--,-___ ...... _. ... 32 11f!2 I eq full Innings betore he wa. take.n ~.[adl " on Sqll.,,·" GanNn if""et will· ..... " RRNT out far pinch balle,. HOI'II"by In the With 2 OI~ Un e lIow[, a lld I hp P"oRppel of n $12 6, 000 Fer.. ell Fails to WA TEli - l'RA AI.. NUHri- 'p ...... U! IS 15t' l~OR nEN'l'-}lEW 1I100J;;RN !>'VR· ,r ,iShth. Bul the Cubs over that 10 • • Phone. 109...... 24 h ! I calc. Boost Win Streak nlshed fif' \'en room house. Phon£! ,tretCh could make nO hnpreRshln in Eighth in Net Upset ... _ ...... 22 22 22 Hlngel' C:1 me> to town it'(,m hlA LEVELAND. Sept. 10 (AI') - 1 ~a7. W~ntAd W.ANn;D-BOAHUERIl AT ~ •• N. On Luque, wl'o Ilevel' let \'he' lea'de/'s ...... Ii I 1;. u 'ulnillg' ('amp at PP)IIW(.lI'(' 'Val~r Wf'81t,~ y F('I~)'pJl W(lR lInf_lJlp to tier get started on a aa nge.·ous rally. ' NEW YORK, Sept. 10 '1\ P)-Scor· MadlAon. Block norlll or \J~lon ...... ~O l 301 3~! • j' ) \' Gnp. Po., III . 1)lellt1ld con,lIllon, l,acic Into hi. winning "trltle totlny p;(m RE~1'-FURNUnmD APAR1'· Double ploy" In the firth, sixth and Ing fOUl' rUn. In a stirrIng eig hth ijll' Sltielrls Wins Brilliant \\'.\~':· EO TO BUY A COOD J.rOH'1' ...... 45~ 4&.\ :[1 Wl'llfhlllg' ollUut U5 pOIl,"l.; nnd III hi" (frsl gUlIlP lIf1~, · We breok 01 menla, VOKS ~ulldlng corner Clln· Rates ,eventh Innings helped him oul of pl'('rn(IJv cou fJdC'nt tllaT he (fIll whip 1l~lIpl '. III I;ood oon<1ltlon, 71l' Ji! ...... 301 2~IL 2-~I . troUble. . Inl)lng rally, the St. Loul. CarcliMIs I , 5 Set Battle From 1.1. 13 \loWry .11·enk and Ihe N~w ton untl W".hlll l!'loll ~tT{'et". Ph",II" lite l ' ll~rg-p d Y:Ult'OUVPl' lad , Who ht\H \'o"k Yanl,pe. poundpd hIm fo., IJ Onp or two dAY", 10c IlPr line nurlll'l~ton . Apt. 8. ... ~ ..... , 81~ Nelson, pitching the eighth Inning, evened their "crucial" ""l'Ie8 with 4009 belWPP,1I 9 n.m. and 5 p,m . proven Ruth a bllg-Ill on Ow I'opes 01 Seetled Star hils nnd ,,7 10 2 victory. The a . granUng pig-ht hll~. nnd '''')!!Ie Brookl)'n ...... 600 000 10>- 6 11 0 [11)8 ,'tll1el) 18. l"urnl8hed or lInflll" COllnt flv~ words 10 the IIno, "Imporln" young ludy xl). ' · I~n. In ..cond place only I \lJ gnmes be· Iltles, but npvC'I' at w~lght, haH IIIt1e to the occasion wh~n"ver IUH\. ylv' stet":rohn~on up 10 th~ erghth. A I • ~. CIt.veland ...... 001 001 1100-2 8 4 C·2. I · C, 6·3. 1\,1 arp to b~ f'ounltlll a.s one wor(j, C~1I d fOl' "lid \ll'llv,'I·.d. Pholle ~ 'Have .7- -Vefs; 'I"h ol to\tr hit. Of whlCh' lhp la.t and Bllltprles: .rohnRon and DI kl'Y; 1'l'1erIC'a WIns 1"0" two 0,' th!'el' years now the 1.'O~t n8:>l't-;--1'WO lJE81HA HLl, 23'11 .\1'. decldlllg wallop wn. a home .'Un by I ...,.. Clnsslfied di~I)llIY, 50c PH III~b. fnn. and t11~ pillyers have been Ilall· Fell'ell nnlt Myatt. rootnH in on{\ of Iown CIty's lJt'~t Jim Bottomley with Adam. and On6 iu ... h hll~hl(,Jol~ eurd~, per WAN'I'EU-S' U8. '1' ..A D I V· lng- Shields 's the bOy who could be .. e~lue llllnl dlstrlcls. One half hlock FI'lsell 'On 'bilge, overcame the slim ,I. mouth, 51\,00. Cp. lIPd 10" 011,1 delivered, 72 WorkOut 0 0 ICtOfY klnl/ IC he would makc the etrod, nncl from bUH ""rvl ell.AY walk("g Ill"· Glnnt ' leail, gained when 1",'Unk Jlo· .. R~d SOX Even ClnsAlflell rulverU.lnr; In by 6 1063·J . this nCt .. rnlloll the stnlwu.'t ShleW" tnnl'c f .. om unlvPl'slty, Gnrage nc~ , 0. p.m ., will Ill' pubU. hrd the follow, gan hIt homer In the sixth, and b L t R hit thl' peak of his brilliant game to commotlatlon wUh ench room. 1"hollP WANTED-POlliTl ~ AH COO It Melded the game. II Chisox Series y a e a y eUmlnate the playel' who Wlls seeded 5 O:W. lilt: morning. 111 rrllle,·"lty O!' 80rorll)'. 10 year, Fair Outlook Reported; p HICAOO, Sept. 10 (AP) -Danny Except tor the two home-rR t U, "!'Coll,1 only to Big Bill Tilden on 1l1e gome was a d!'own bottle. In which Muc]"oydeh MId the Chicago WhUe pxpel·lencp. ~05 E . WlUlhlnglon St. .. Wells Seeks New lisl of lea(llng contenders. 80)( to Rlx hltA thlA afternoon and Ii' \~ n{':NT-APA1~1'ln;NT ,26. the Card. made only ell-(ht 'J\ita nn(1 FOR RENT f~'f'EnN A T rON A L FIE1.D. It WM II bl~ day for th" younge.' the ned Sox. won, G·2. evelling the 008 R. Johl1son. FOR SAUll Ball Carriers lh .. Olants "lne. New YO"k w~nt WI·;.-;'rHUf!l' . 1\. Y .. 8(lIt. 10 (AP)­ gene"nllon O[ AmerIcan tennis piIlY' W()H lmNT- FUHNISHED OR UN ahend In the fI"st Inning on singles "",·Ie.. ACl~r the Whit .. Sox AeorNl 'V1th u. ~u t'#,.rJ n g l ' lI ~h nH 'mp~tuOUt; I"·s. In anOth('r memornhlc fiVe Hel FOI-t REN'l'-FORNlSllED Olt llll:. II.·tllt fiA LI-: OH rm:-I'I' '1'\\'0 ,\101> Ilu' nhlhrd ,·OOhl. an,\ apo"tni~nt ...... h)' ('ritz and Llndst"om, nn Inflehl onee on lI\1'e~ hit" I" 0", (Ir.t Inlling Foolball prospects n.t Iowa CIty high as .nythln~ thl' ramous IIJl;ht hrlgatle ~(J'uggle. Cliff Suiter of New Or· rm nlsh d ul)ul'lrnent-H I t' P II t n f1' , lJl' n huUHl' Ollt> Ht'V,Jt\ l' OOIll Hwl ~1(jHl' In - Phon~ 295Z. • out and a fO,'C(' out ot second which Mrlf'Fnyden lIo\'er let thom get mOre are nO{'lIea.rly a. bright ns·'they \vel'e t'V(~I' put 011 thl' "BIg FOlll'" o[ A ult'l'i· lenn •• pln~ ' \Jlg Wit h the coollle88 ot " ollowl'd (I,. little second basemlln to thiln ,; hit nil Inning li;e,·enr'l.". pOl·~h. ClORe In. Inqulrp nt 314 H. on(· 12 1'0011\ ·,Iog. WolkeI' ~G !:I'>, 1"(, It HP.NT-QNfJ AIH'J(OVfoJO ~~e8.I· ago but Coach Oeo,.ge W lIs c11 11 polo gtilloped out or thp ruc·k to­ veteran, downed Bel'keley Bell. tIll! li'n(on. :.,R.:,u_m_._"_lt_. ______Rcm'e. ~Ieunwhlle. tho Red Sox Jumped on room- 425 IOWa Ave. Phone 920. 'I. ~Ill ml~' Coclng the task of rebUild· (fay and IJut 10 rOUL till' (jn~st 13,'111 . 11 brilliant lltO" .hot maker r"OIIl 'I·ex· Singles by Celb"rl anti DouthIt In VriJnn Faber [01' a )' UII III the second J"Olt RAU ~ ~OH'I'In:HN I:HUI, FOn HENT- DOUBLE nOO~! FOH Ing h Is strong eleven 01 last yenl' ('hnlleng{l n1U ).I lE."t'l d ~lrl('e t h{l WtH', as. Ivho on Batul'day Pll! OUt Jean the thlr", with n wall' whiCh sel'lt ' whpn ,"ebb hit 11 hOllle l'llIl, added ("OR l!1~:>:'l'-HOO~HI I'OH IVOHJ{· l'lml hl g t,.lm. HI." 10 $20. Cull l)oYA- phonc 4371.\\1. I filII hi ••even ret.urnlng lettermen. '{'I'alling oCl"r fI\'e l>el'loil. Of iJtll'(1 1301'otra of France. The SCf.H'es WPl'e I\elbert to s£'<'O nd, ~nn1\led the Ca"(ls nnolher III the fourth and Ice,1 away In'!' women- Walklu!!' tll.tnnce unl· 11l7fl·J . A'SQuad at 72 men repol·ted to,. open· fO ll n ht, ~E."n~ntiolHl l IJ uJu, Captulll 1·n. 6·4, 6·1 2·6, 8·6. 1.'01t R~~NT- ~'OUR NICE I'LEAfl1 LO tie I he "('01'1' in the thll'a framp. thl' gRm. In Ihe fIfth \\'h~n Hpgnn var~lty nnd cpntPJ' town- Tnqulre 21G Ing pritetlce but the majOl'lty or the Tomm~' IIJlC'h{'ocl, 's whHt' clar1 I'jdp~ A third youngster, Sidney B. WOOd 11'on )o{.t\ I .. I·;- A O()OD PJANO, nlll opp .. ov,'~ rOOIll. (0[, njpll ~lu' 1I.og:ln·/I home,· into thp lett field hit One Of the longe.t hOlnp runs Of Palrchlld. ..a(erlal I~ ' IIII'M and hwxjlerlencecI. "toW'd " f'Um~bMk tha i bl'ok. up tlit' of New Yol'i<. came t.h.'ough with ::! PlintH' a:12l·.J. !lpnls. Three .louhlp "lid OM $I ng l+ stand L\ndRt.'Om hntl singled the yen,. \Vlth 111'0 men 011 the bn."~ Moat 01 the vet~rnns to l'et~I'n nre "net A 1Ig-lo a~ tuck, J)l'oll UCl:'tl n rl'(>(l-sco l'lng with sleeping pOI'ch, ~on..i hou~ alld Olt had lO"ceo him In I ho _Ixl\", ~ · 3. 6·~, 6·3 wIn n""" Salllt1e1 B. Oil, I>"th •. VOl{ lil~NT-APPHOVl!;D ltO()~IH I"ll!( HA 1.1'; 1.i ~A-"V~I""""N 1'0H'I' ~ 'Unemen and Inch)(le Ike Isensee at htll'nl!,'\ in whil'h EriC' Pl·(li ... y sliut ~In. J] . of PhiladelPhia. winneI' OVel' w •• t or Cheml~II ' Y Bhlg., 17 'W, gave the tlinnts a lend that 1001'NI SCOI'e by InnIng.: - Phon,1 1968·.1. . .", ood I,ollllllion-R nsollable-nGO·J, eente ... Red Mille!' and Chal'les ~ra"'· goal~ from a ll PBI'I " or the rleld, on,1 'B.',Van Grunt yeste,·dny. and wlll clash :?loomlngtOn. hlg enough' tQ win the game unlil Boston ...... 010 131 000-6 12 0 I lord, gl1nrd~; "PlnRy" VestftmUl'k <:JlI1('hed tht' nlU tell by th(' d(l('I~i,'It' wIth Sutter In the tlppel' hair hr the 1 BOltomley do\nN\ I,I. fot'" bagger l'hic.lgo ...... 100 000 010- 2 6 2 I"OK RENT- }·tTRNISHED LOWgH Sl"l'UA'l'fONR WANTED I,'OH RENT-NlCErN FUIlN[Srnm ii~d Cletus Stimmel!, husllth a dl!2zllng n,I". Reu80nol;le-503 S. un (lUI·OIl. 19;;4 . j. be tilled by 1I10re 01' les8 me(llocre f~nse nnd aere,,"e will be continued .,I q . • ture of !ilzzlhlg "hots ah\1 soft "plng loduy by tUI'ning the tnbles on tbe "'n~hln ~ t o n Senators. 3 10 2. WAN'I'L:IJ- A I'LAC1,; IN I'J{A· Playe)'s. Ihe re)llalnder of t\lls week a" actlllll (11,\' 'rile JlssOI'lated Press) !long" strol'i~ tnat warted oVer the ~ND F()VND wsr tel'llily 0" ho.'orlt)' !Jy COOll with fi Som~ of the more out.lantiln~ oo.n· Hc rlJnmnge will not ~eS'ln lInlil early A or 'H~beS. I~ll ih nnd lIerman. 1I~1 Ill," thl. "pdown Illltl caught the wnshlngton'H 1)el'th In second ~ ld a l e8 that haVe r pOl'led thllA far. next we k. 'Jll~t IIOW .trong a IInc· giant flnt \'oot,,<\ In the hn cl, Court 1)lare \Vn" undlstul·bed. The Browns LOS'I'-I,EY RING WITU TWO YP:l..'H elllJ(I"I"lIo(" Itef",'p nees. 061 8th 1"011 RF.NT-],'J R S 'r C LAB 1,1<1 [l'e h envy cloutlnjl' 1'01' the bll\' !'eglons. hou se ~e~pl)\g for .re: Mi nISh, Alb~echt. uno Dllnpl\y. up will faCe Vinton tOI" the opening scored two "uns III the se<,olld when C. R. 1. & P. keYR In (OW)) between nV_IIl,a. SOUlh ,linton. Iowa. 1'001\'. colleg "Ix 'Yesterday uh~1 \1l1 1lJ'Oveu Ih·.II' g~me on a lll' ~\er Cleld Ort. 4 Is' very ,,'erl'ell doubled to lect center with u and (j p,m. \Vednesduy, rte-W OI'(1. FOI, SAU.:-GAItB"'A""G;".E"'·-- girls. Phone 8668.W. I • t'~~; L~Wl'en c~, Shannon, 'V. 'Brown, Mltlng ove,.oge" aeco,·dlngly. lIel', lad Allstln, bQck~. problenlatlca.~~ul the {led Ilnd WhIte two mell on bases. Thetr other run Cnll 148. IlENT-1'WO ROOM mall. In 8eeouII plare. lifted hI" morlC -u-I'-,'-U-I-('~t '~U"'N"'l"""'I'Y=-""I'''''·U'''J'''t---OI''''U=H'''C'''l'''J.7'\"'. _,.1I ~OR i\ I ODElR~ Coach Wells ddlled hIs bodkllelt1 mentl'" Is ' hoping (.0 ijurprlse Some \V'as mUde In the s lxlh. The S~n' ot garbage CI'om Qua d, angle Cafe· al) ...t Il1 ellt-$15.00 p~. ' 1I\0nth. Caa from .:193 . to : ~9G as lie hIt ""fel), -~ ;. ~gel JJpset! 11tOl'S sCO"ed a run In tho firth ond ,hopeful s ' on I'etlll'nlng Jlunt. IIJid be th(1 n\ol'e l't""lmlstlc ~o,lIowel'" of lel·lo. I';,, ~t Lawn find C'"'I'le.' IInll, 2~H. · I : hllt. ~~a(rrln~ llasseK III yest rdll.Y'. WorlC· Ihe team. Ih"e(' tin'eR III foul' times at one In the clghth. Huth ;quUllecl the Ceat of htuln'g three Score l)y Jnnlngs: Fo,' pOlll<-uln.,s ~nl! a.t room 8 Unl· POR llE:>:T-oN~~ S INGLE ROO~ \'PI'slt~' hilI! not 1:llel' tholl September Cor .tudeni or buslnIB8 m.. n_2~ out oC fOlil' u.n,\ a lso KIll ned three by Sampson Wllshlngton ...... 000 010 00 l-2 8 1 I !Jolnls bJ'lngl'ng his overage UJI) to Bt. Louis ...... 020 00 L 00'-3 4 1 1&. F.. DAvenport. Cal! 14' .. . 3G~. .' . . Bfltterles: CI'owdol' ond ftuel; ofr· PLUSH INO. N. Y., Sept, 10 (AP)­ Bill Tel'l'y, Lou Gehl·lg. ~nd Chuck man. BIUeholrler nnd )o'e,·.'ell. HOI'old Spt" 'tV,'}. very far. but I" vc,W, ve.'y ~tl'a.lght, Ilraz~n hn.s won twIce. Jock Hutch· 1 , whIle AI Simmons took a gl'ea!.e,· Iowa to,lay ha(1 hiS houl' of golf II'lol'Y wh~n IMon. Wlllte,' "ogen, Jim Bo r nes and ,I tlrol; aN hp Intid~ fou;' trull leRs tdpa he rel\loved the chllmplon (1'0111 the DINl'el are the othel' gl'eat pros who 4 I 1(1 ;hp plaLe and W~lIt Into flCth place,. III'0fessfonni golfer';' "sMcllltion have won the l'1~OWn. Lola «Jlark Mh:hlllI, M. D. " I'he RLlt nd'lngs: u" ~ . $3QO " . chnmploll8hlp In the seconcl Mund. rr l H~ othel' surviVOrs. ore Chal'l es DllellleR or \Vomen UniQnGrill q. AB. R. H. Pct: Sampson defentt!d Leo Diegel, one Lucey. who defeated AI Waltrous, 'I'eI'I'Y, Giants .... 138 &70 183 230 .4d~ ,up, although lie had to go 38 holos to five ,wd rour; Tommy A"mour, vic· %0104 ' ""~f'8?!, Co~nl' ~lel ' m"n. ] oblns 138 5SG 130 220 .~n6 turn the lI·lck. The 35 yeur old jll'O to" ave" Bob Shave. Cle""and, soven Ge),!'fI;, Yan\'H .... 138 ins 130 20 1 .3M Of ih.- aUI'lln!l'ame country club ge ll t nnd five; Johnny Fal'l'ell. who barely' ~~k ~ldl., "Loan. •• ma •• &0 la"I;.d~nl ... l 11 nosed out Denny Shute. Columbuij, Rleln. Phlilies .. .140 681 13d 222 .382 "n 12 rooi pult' spinning home fo!, 1fo."~ ~ III 5 p.m. ' ..ehen In a lII,a'IiIfIi. eo~ AlmmoDs, ;\'s . 126 501 la7 199 .3j.l- iJlrdle ·tllre@ 'af the s~co n<1 extra hole ono up; AI J>;splnoSll.. who ellll1ln!lled 'lal, aad _allalIC!aJ .IUI...... TIl. Rl.tll, 1nnl\.P}-Tom zacJI' a "y, veteron southpa\v. held the PI· .:00 to 6:30 ; Sal. .:00 to l:iO IUId ,- . I'ales to fOU l' hits today ancl the uaB TIIII 1:00 to ':00 p.m. Braves defea.ted P ittsburgh 5 to O. Fi~t I..... trlal tenMI'I """ : .J W(llly Bergcl', Tribal dut!lelrler. &,01 110 S. LI~n St. 1011'& C1lf - his ,thlrty·fourth home run ot the sea.. , Pbone 141 . ~ .. , ~ , ron In the first Inning when he drove lhe ball Inlo th6 centerlleld bleacher. Wllh two lII en o n base, The Bro.ves Iowan Want Ad& D". O.B..... ~~B a.ccordec1 Z.'l.chal'y brilliant s upport al T·.I r6efVaho~ \ f{ · lB· , bo t. They gllthered eight hits. ' ... _- I ScOl'e by Innings: R. n, E . CHlRO~()R ' P.f\tsburgh ...... __ 000 000 000- 0 4 2 ,ftI8NB .. A~ IOWft ~~~, P..I.Imw 0,,". Boston ...... 30~ dIG 01"- 5 8 0 Of(~'!t. ' ,1IJti!l!-:'bist' Batteries-Kremer, Spencer, and ll~~l; z~~~r: &!{C\ ~~~~fe{ . ~ !!L .l-__..... __ .. _ _ ...... _ ... _.....-...... -..,.. .. " .-...... t..oII .... ""''''M'''''''''_ THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY 'I'HURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 19M -----' ------::::-- t • Lathrop Bids NEWS about TOWN I Schools Close lor SEPr. u I Marine's Concert IOWA Ou tlll'eaiI'cs Wellt city education board las t night with - and poll<:y ('urnmltt cCl mcu'll.JuJ'H ot tlle thp pOHHlble IhnltatJon that Amaller flssoclutlon, l'C s Jl~ c tlv e l y , chlldl' 11 In low g'rades might be kept Ad"('I' UKcment COl' hldH on tho pl'O' :"~~ ~~IJ~~P!~~:"" CONSTRUCTIONCONDITION I'e!rulal' hou,'.. The malleI' Is at tbo J'lQij"" Henry Lathl'op schOol In ~olllll' discretion of the s uperlnlendent, wcst IOWa Cit)', due ",Ithln Ihe IIPX" Whatl Nu DeI.OIU'8 :10 days roilowln", net Ion or I hp el,)' No high wuy detoul's al'O I'opol'ted In 1)0.'1'<1 of education Inst monlh, ",Iii .Inhn..on counly In this wecks oru, M,·s. Ev(; Wild and son, Cafroll, be delaYed lIntll February or cal'll' elal rOlld condition stalemcnt. NO. of Allison 1" ""0 at'l'lved in Iowa City 1l/ll'lnJ; lhe bOlu'd decided Illst night. ~~ west has a three milo gl'(;vel to mnk ~ theil' home h.l'o. Carroll will .DeClnlte action by I he city co\,"cll "(('etcll during paving WOI'k west of pntol' tbe collego oC law as Ii fresh· 1 '~aJ'tling impl'ovements in tho ,II., Marengo and east a. m lie and a. halt man this se m e~ter. h'l t Is needed betore the bO'lrd plllnM detOur neM' Wlltol) Junction, both Lea ~ 1U cQIHdder work on the school. In othel' counties. a lld otllel' I'elatlves In the keystono S, '1"' , MOI'I'lson, who Iwaded Ihe o;-ducaUon g'I'OUp'S commit tee to In' . lalc. Tw~ ){l\IIth lfoul!e8 Tra.vel VeI P,encllng erection of the Lathrop , lice Hughes vlslled his sister In Ohio I clrcct. ~d the Ilf'( bUilding drew omphalic negatIve re' 1I0ll, IIlnlll sponso ["om the board. The matter the II'ref\('!1 was placeu On (lie without acuoll. 1______-.., ____ :- ______(Iu{'lioll of cetlpd hy . I)reparhlg to enle,' city NOTICE! 1I ~1It1~1 ~ I rs . C. \'an EPI>", 430 N. Cllnt.or Four Bills Heldup; Ch a rged W it h Ch enti n ~ IBy ington to Address 1'0 thl" sCllools In ordel' that such pupil. ~treel. and ~Il·~ . Ot'Ql-ge Koser, 3': V.N.A. Work Hlver"ie\\'. Mayor J. J . CIII'ro/l Is SHENANDO,\H, (AP)-ChHrg'CS of C Old S 1 Opportunity for purchase of garhagc from' !Illt (·,,'el' Stoker Talk Hushed rm ight. b p prope rly CaJ'oct fOI" or ar­ cheating hy falHe pretenscs we,.~ flied, ounty ell ers belief," I", board IJl"eJ;l(lent, l'Iingcl1lrnt~ made fO,' ,'lInles. Jobs today against JI, G. Hanley, 2~ rear, arma1l1pnt 'Wlth the Lathrop qll~ Htlo n .helvcd Quadrangle Cafeteria, East Lawn, and Cur· for SummeF werf'o rpuf)d (or thrc<' wolllen who harj old. who c laimed lo'lie II Halp.!imHn C. A. Bylllg'ton will addl'esa tho 20(1 ilnd lIothlJ tho bOArd took Ull I'oul Ille bll8h\('"~. , families to SIII'I'0rt ,tue to ~lckne"" 01' fOI' the !llmmullS C'onHtl'uction com· 10 300 old seLUer" o! this al'Ca that Bill. for the month were allowed. rier Hall. l,.uly "" f" accidents to tholr hiJsban(ls. Funeral Today pany of Omaha. tie is said to havo gPIICl'U1 I\I~ except fOUl'. Dane company's hili Has, Increase , I n her Augu.t report, suoJllllted to admitted hlij name \l'as D. J. Jlln, ure eXllecterl to convene ThurMuy I &X'tn'llv J, for installatlon of a .101,.,· lit. H~III " 'ple y. N" .\, .•1>031'(1 TU esday Illght Itt shaw oC Wlehlla, I(an., aftel' cards noon ttl city park [01' the annual plo' For particulars, call at room, 8, University Hall, nol mllltll,.y I Sabin school was !lplose,1 lll1\11 I h. ihe cll)' hall, Mix. Mclnnerny "how, , for Mrs_ He,bl I)cfll'ing that name WC1'e founel on 11(,(,I'91'l"union. Ihey a re ~ machine h as 30 days u'lal, Bills b)' 40 ."<1 Uuit the Qu(ses made 430 home him. Pollee alleged he wrnte eh ck. ~1 uslc will be (ul'Illshed by the later than September 15, I h~rc IR 1I( R. E. Slaby and n. C. 1\'011'0 1'01' Per Cent Boost in ~' I~lt ~ <)urln", th. moplh, discharged • fo1' !-I mall purc:wscs nt vurlou~ :\torth Libel'Lv band and conCCl't and I painting in severaL sc h(lol~ \\"('1'(' 11('1(1 ~ """ not I Calls; New Board -16 pat.ientsr readmItted 2B old cas.eR, 1" ~ne,.t<1 sCI'vlce fOl' ,III' •. I OllS C(Lrt'it'd over fr om Juty. home Tuesday, will IJe at 8:30 lhl. The BI'I pa ny's stlltcment was pa ••• d to th~ I,'rom t hl~ IiI'oul; 37 .had lo be carried morning i'1'um ~t. \Y cn(,clilau~ Rls te,l on I Octo!)CI' meeti ng' In as much a" all 1\'01'1, of the Iowa ('Jt,\' \'Isltlll;; into I hl ij month: dlijUl'm 'lrrlf, churoh. !lhe I·p.lucd at 1116 1I0t>: cOlltracted work ha d 1I0t ret been :-':urse as"oelatioll ~ howed nn In, . l''l:I?Pf' for ~! .llto cnrc lV~re Issued cle dght ( coml,lclcd. ~o 2(i,JndlS"<"nt cfi l-lPM I Und one, renewal aven}'p. BUI'lal will be at tit. Paul " ' . Schmidt 1l l'flCal'pd "JIll of, ','rcose Of aPIJI'o:1\tlent. were JO.~J)h·M ('!lmel.l·)', tlwlt' IIll"::) i.'·Cd 111'1('('" for Ihe 1".I,dIH liO Il "r oent for tlle m on rh~ of Jun~ , Julr, -t"kcn 10 clinics, 3H o(flo;e calls Mrs. Hcbl hOK II " NI In the county n1 tlll I N ltv II an automatic conl "'tokel':lt tHy hig h And Aug w"t thl~ l'Nlr over tlH' Sll m e l;r:i"t~d, .t"'o werO I,aken' to Uie social throe :-tcql'O yeanl fwd in Jowa ("tt,) ; )' Rehool ShOI·tl)' Ih~I'~artN' th ~ hoard jl~I'lod In In9, nC~()I'dhlg 10 Mlt/'cello I service Je·3gue. and two nOIl·residence for c10 ~e to 20 yeR'·.. Surviving her "R~du c ll ]lR n I'e"oilltion 10 11 0 t bu)' '\II)' ~rcl nnorny , Mad at the loclli orl[:1nl · ~ 1l)J. were recor{led. In the now Are a vddowCl', two riall!;hlers. Ml's. b~ ftrnn ll :.:. additional slokol'" until 111":1 -1dlll! 1,,w . mc.niJPJ's hn vo heen and four' l!'I':\nd chlhll'en. The nov. 1I1~ wOl'ltl pay entrance a nd no adult l!lXp' lr ~l' altled lho cHy l'a.r Q nt ~ T I'..tcht' l · a~!:io· th~ A New 6-cy ·A. L. Panoeh wlil offlclnte at I"inde I added to Iho ell)'"'Y. N. A. bOllrd r.' nlllnt HUl}" oble to alU tltelll. cilltltlil In Ild 1'0und'Ill' of defeatlve bringing til" total 10 H. They !u'o funeral SCI' d ee. ell for ncx' , -----~ " Tn£l:JRUI ':tb14 "'1, ~(lil i'jcr\'l"e 1'1',,'''' decl:ilv~ RI WASHTA , (AP}-n e ,I rt Q 11 " Ihe '"ll1el·t 1\'n.llt.a., Qulmb~', COl·I'O~:ln"\'llln. M. Bl'ln Anthon, Oll10, Smlt hlan(I, '1'll o'lIl1 Chevrolet Truck Fl'en('h vJ( u.nd K cnneh€'c ha\'c [lflk{'d t 11(' po ~ t· prereop ,I i malit £' I' grnc'I'td to InvC'Klhr'J If' 'h":r 101' "Nluel 1lI~11 He/'Vice. 'rhey comllln!" lhal flxpr{,RRPc1 tho 1II11l01 ~ Centra l fl'pl!fhl t 1"11" You Will Enjoy 'an'Hour .. ~ .. with Dual .Wheels n(lj!ntJ:ltiOI '~hk h ctllTle~ their matt I~ tvo t-Jlo,,-, \\oulLl ·'rol ·n t.:'I'H:' IY1~n l lJol'SCH caused 1M dr"lh. In 1\ • llo/l"t\ th" confdn dUl"lng API"II, 1\1ay, ami ,1\.1 I I' \vOU lll "ull while llil'lllu..nct; killed only r." D, $hopping "in Iowa City's 6-CYLINDER hOllO an,l 50.HO RSEPOW ER ENGINE Ihe "t"hlll A sPll'ituailst ('ollego I. IJell' ;:; I,U " \Vol' lll ," at the CheslerCleld, 111d" C'UI1» of tho Indiana aasoclallon o( 5 Jl I,.it ll "II~IS . Largest Store Web ;. First Floor I-

U viug Room Furnl.ture--Drapery Department- Wooll Person .: Working Shop An

DBTno' slondnl'{l I First Balcony rrllublira n I'~Renlatlv , /lnn dlstd, el'nl electl, Dinette S uite~Break{as t Suites-Smokers An offlc 'l'u~ co l(\ C' , 11'Icl tOll a ~,omlnnllol , S~cond Floor , Huron all, $3.90 . $6 ~ 60 lon, the lender In ('ll IlV nR g-a Here's Footwear t hat will Radio DC1»artment-Bec.LRoom Furnitur.c- 119 voteR' ""oft! Inl giv~ every woman that de­ Window Shadcs-Bedding , _ tiel>. rhe RIll' sired grace of line, The A ...w tlx-cynlMl« l~ton Ch.vrolet truck- with dual from I he I 10wo