X38 Burton - Derby

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X38 Burton - Derby X38 Burton - Derby Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Operator AMN AMN TRN TRN AMN AMN TRN TRN AMN AMN TRN TRN AMN AMN TRN TRN AMN AMN Wetmore, Derby Turn 0645 0705 § Burton upon Trent, Railway Station (Stand S1) 0649 0709 § Burton upon Trent, opp Sainsbury’s Store 0652 0712 Burton upon Trent, High Street (Stand 10) 0655 0715 0735 0755 0820 0840 0900 0920 0940 1000 1020 1040 1100 1120 1140 1200 1220 1240 § Burton upon Trent, opp Meadowside Drive 0655 0715 0735 0755 0820 0840 0900 0920 0940 1000 1020 1040 1100 1120 1140 1200 1220 1240 § Burton upon Trent, opp Bass Cottages 0656 0716 0737 0757 0821 0841 0901 0921 0941 1001 1021 1041 1101 1121 1141 1201 1221 1241 § Wetmore, adj Bus Garage 0657 0717 0822 0842 0942 1002 1102 1122 1222 1242 § Wetmore, adj Pirelli Sports Club 0659 0719 0740 0800 0824 0844 0904 0924 0944 1004 1024 1044 1104 1124 1144 1204 1224 1244 § Wetmore, adj Beech Hotel 0700 0720 0740 0800 0825 0845 0905 0925 0945 1005 1025 1045 1105 1125 1145 1205 1225 1245 § Clay Mills, nr Mill Stream Lane 0702 0722 0744 0804 0827 0847 0907 0927 0947 1007 1027 1047 1107 1127 1147 1207 1227 1247 § Royal Derby Hospital, opp Royal Derby Hospital 0723 0743 0807 0827 0848 0908 0928 0948 1008 1028 1048 1108 1128 1148 1208 1228 1248 1308 § Uttoxeter New Road, adj The Rowditch 0725 0745 0809 0829 0850 0910 0930 0950 1010 1030 1050 1110 1130 1150 1210 1230 1250 1310 § Derby, adj Bold Lane Car Park 0812 0832 0932 0952 1052 1112 1212 1232 Derby, Victoria Street (Stop B4) 0730 0750 0815 0835 0855 0915 0935 0955 1015 1035 1055 1115 1135 1155 1215 1235 1255 1315 Mondays to Fridays Operator TRN TRN AMN AMN TRN TRN AMN AMN TRN TRN AMN AMN TRN TRN AMN AMN TRN TRN Burton upon Trent, High Street (Stand 10) 1300 1320 1340 1400 1420 1440 1500 1520 1540 1600 1620 1640 1700 1720 1740 1800 1820 1840 § Burton upon Trent, opp Meadowside Drive 1300 1320 1340 1400 1420 1440 1500 1520 1540 1600 1620 1640 1700 1720 1740 1800 1820 1840 § Burton upon Trent, opp Bass Cottages 1301 1321 1341 1401 1421 1441 1501 1521 1541 1601 1621 1641 1701 1721 1741 1801 1821 1841 § Wetmore, adj Bus Garage 1342 1402 1502 1522 1622 1642 1742 1802 § Wetmore, adj Pirelli Sports Club 1304 1324 1344 1404 1424 1444 1504 1524 1544 1604 1624 1644 1704 1724 1744 1804 1824 1844 § Wetmore, adj Beech Hotel 1305 1325 1345 1405 1425 1445 1505 1525 1545 1605 1625 1645 1705 1725 1745 1805 1825 1845 § Clay Mills, nr Mill Stream Lane 1307 1327 1347 1407 1427 1447 1507 1527 1547 1607 1627 1647 1707 1727 1747 1807 1827 1847 § Royal Derby Hospital, opp Royal Derby Hospital 1328 1348 1408 1428 1448 1508 1528 1548 1608 1628 1648 1708 1728 1748 1808 1828 1848 1908 § Uttoxeter New Road, adj The Rowditch 1330 1350 1410 1430 1450 1510 1530 1550 1610 1630 1650 1710 1730 1750 1810 1830 1850 1910 § Derby, adj Bold Lane Car Park 1332 1352 1452 1512 1612 1632 1732 1752 1852 1912 Derby, Victoria Street (Stop B4) 1335 1355 1415 1435 1455 1515 1535 1555 1615 1635 1655 1715 1735 1755 1815 1835 1855 1915 Mondays to Fridays Operator AMN AMN TRN TRN TRN TRN TRN TRN TRN TRN Service Restrictions F F F F F F F F Notes * * * * Burton upon Trent, High Street (Stand 10) 1900 1920 1930 2030 2130 2230 0100 0200 0300 0400 § Burton upon Trent, adj The Lord Burton 1930 2030 21300 2230 0100 0200 0300 0400 § Burton upon Trent, opp Meadowside Drive 1900 1920 1931 2031 2131 2231 0101 0201 0301 0401 § Burton upon Trent, opp Bass Cottages 1901 1921 1932 2032 2132 2232 0102 0202 0302 0402 § Wetmore, adj Bus Garage 1902 1922 § Wetmore, adj Pirelli Sports Club 1904 1924 § Wetmore, adj Beech Hotel 1905 1925 § Clay Mills, nr Mill Stream Lane 1907 1927 § Wetmore, adj Clough Drive 1936 2036 2136 2236 0106 0206 0306 0406 § Wetmore, adj Upton Drive 1937 2037 2137 2237 0107 0207 0307 0407 § Stretton, opp Kingsmead 1937 2037 2137 2237 0107 0207 0307 0407 § Stretton, adj Britannia Drive 1938 2038 2138 2238 0108 0208 0308 0408 § Stretton, adj Ladywell Close 1938 2038 2138 2238 0108 0208 0308 0408 § Stretton, adj Post Office 1939 2039 2139 2239 0109 0209 0309 0409 Stretton, opp St Mary’s Church 1940 2040 2140 2240 0110 0210 0310 0410 § Clay Mills, adj Hall Green Avenue 1940 2040 2140 2240 0110 0210 0310 0410 § Clay Mills, opp William Shrewsbury School 1940 2040 2140 2240 0110 0210 0310 0410 § Clay Mills, adj Dovecliff Road 1941 2041 2141 2241 0111 0211 0311 0411 § Clay Mills, adj Rose Avenue 1941 2041 2141 2241 0111 0211 0311 0411 § Royal Derby Hospital, opp Royal Derby Hospital 1928 1948 1955 2055 2155 2255 0125 0225 0325 0425 § Uttoxeter New Road, adj The Rowditch 1930 1950 1956 2056 2156 2256 0126 0226 0326 0426 § Derby, adj Bold Lane Car Park 1958 2058 2158 2258 0128 0228 0328 0428 Derby, Victoria Street (Stop B4) 1935 1955 2000 2100 2200 2300 0130 0230 0330 0430 Saturdays Operator AMN TRN AMN TRN TRN AMN AMN TRN TRN AMN AMN TRN TRN AMN AMN TRN TRN AMN Burton upon Trent, High Street (Stand 10) 0730 0800 0830 0900 0920 0940 1000 1020 1040 1100 1120 1140 1200 1220 1240 1300 1320 1340 § Burton upon Trent, opp Meadowside Drive 0730 0800 0830 0900 0920 0940 1000 1020 1040 1100 1120 1140 1200 1220 1240 1300 1320 1340 § Burton upon Trent, opp Bass Cottages 0731 0801 0831 0901 0921 0941 1001 1021 1041 1101 1121 1141 1201 1221 1241 1301 1321 1341 § Wetmore, adj Bus Garage 0731 0831 0942 1002 1102 1122 1222 1242 1342 § Wetmore, adj Pirelli Sports Club 0733 0803 0833 0904 0924 0944 1004 1024 1044 1104 1124 1144 1204 1224 1244 1304 1324 1344 § Wetmore, adj Beech Hotel 0734 0804 0834 0905 0925 0945 1005 1025 1045 1105 1125 1145 1205 1225 1245 1305 1325 1345 § Clay Mills, nr Mill Stream Lane 0736 0806 0836 0907 0927 0947 1007 1027 1047 1107 1127 1147 1207 1227 1247 1307 1327 1347 § Royal Derby Hospital, opp Royal Derby Hospital 0754 0824 0854 0928 0948 1008 1028 1048 1108 1128 1148 1208 1228 1248 1308 1328 1348 1408 § Uttoxeter New Road, adj The Rowditch 0755 0825 0855 0930 0950 1010 1030 1050 1110 1130 1150 1210 1230 1250 1310 1330 1350 1410 § Derby, adj Bold Lane Car Park 0828 0932 0952 1052 1112 1212 1232 1332 1352 Derby, Victoria Street (Stop B4) 0800 0830 0900 0935 0955 1015 1035 1055 1115 1135 1155 1215 1235 1255 1315 1335 1355 1415 Service Restrictions: F - Operates only on Fridays Notes: * - Part or all of this journey operates in the morning of the following day AMN - Arriva Midlands TRN - Trent Barton § - Time at this stop is indicative. You are advised to be at any stop several minutes before the times shown Staffordshire County Council03/09/2021 1349 X38 Burton - Derby Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Saturdays Operator AMN TRN TRN AMN AMN TRN TRN AMN AMN TRN TRN AMN AMN TRN TRN AMN AMN TRN Burton upon Trent, High Street (Stand 10) 1400 1420 1440 1500 1520 1540 1600 1620 1640 1700 1720 1740 1800 1820 1840 1900 1920 1930 § Burton upon Trent, adj The Lord Burton 1930 § Burton upon Trent, opp Meadowside Drive 1400 1420 1440 1500 1520 1540 1600 1620 1640 1700 1720 1740 1800 1820 1840 1900 1920 1931 § Burton upon Trent, opp Bass Cottages 1401 1421 1441 1501 1521 1541 1601 1621 1641 1701 1721 1741 1801 1821 1841 1901 1921 1932 § Wetmore, adj Bus Garage 1402 1502 1522 1622 1642 1742 1802 1902 1922 § Wetmore, adj Pirelli Sports Club 1404 1424 1444 1504 1524 1544 1604 1624 1644 1704 1724 1744 1804 1824 1844 1904 1924 § Wetmore, adj Beech Hotel 1405 1425 1445 1505 1525 1545 1605 1625 1645 1705 1725 1745 1805 1825 1845 1905 1925 § Clay Mills, nr Mill Stream Lane 1407 1427 1447 1507 1527 1547 1607 1627 1647 1707 1727 1747 1807 1827 1847 1907 1927 § Wetmore, adj Clough Drive 1936 § Wetmore, adj Upton Drive 1937 § Stretton, opp Kingsmead 1937 § Stretton, adj Britannia Drive 1938 § Stretton, adj Ladywell Close 1938 § Stretton, adj Post Office 1939 Stretton, opp St Mary’s Church 1940 § Clay Mills, adj Hall Green Avenue 1940 § Clay Mills, opp William Shrewsbury School 1940 § Clay Mills, adj Dovecliff Road 1941 § Clay Mills, adj Rose Avenue 1941 § Royal Derby Hospital, opp Royal Derby Hospital 1428 1448 1508 1528 1548 1608 1628 1648 1708 1728 1748 1808 1828 1848 1908 1928 1948 1955 § Uttoxeter New Road, adj The Rowditch 1430 1450 1510 1530 1550 1610 1630 1650 1710 1730 1750 1810 1830 1850 1910 1930 1950 1956 § Derby, adj Bold Lane Car Park 1452 1512 1612 1632 1732 1752 1852 1912 1958 Derby, Victoria Street (Stop B4) 1435 1455 1515 1535 1555 1615 1635 1655 1715 1735 1755 1815 1835 1855 1915 1935 1955 2000 Saturdays Operator TRN TRN TRN TRN TRN TRN TRN Notes * * * * Burton upon Trent, High Street (Stand 10) 2030 2130 2230 0100 0200 0300 0400 § Burton upon Trent, adj The Lord Burton 2030 2130 2230 0100 0200 0300 0400 § Burton upon Trent, opp Meadowside Drive 2031 2131 2231 0101 0201 0301 0401 § Burton upon Trent, opp Bass Cottages 2032 2132 2232 0102 0202 0302 0402 § Wetmore, adj Clough Drive 2036 2136 2236 0106 0206 0306 0406 § Wetmore, adj Upton Drive 2037 2137 2237 0107 0207 0307 0407 § Stretton, opp Kingsmead 2037 2137 2237 0107 0207 0307 0407 § Stretton, adj Britannia Drive 2038 2138 2238 0108 0208 0308 0408 1 § Stretton, adj Ladywell Close 2038 2138 2238 0108 0208 0308 0408 § Stretton, adj Post Office 2039 2139 2239 0109 0209 0309 0409 Stretton, opp St Mary’s Church 2040 2140 2240 0110 0210 0310 0410 § Clay Mills, adj Hall Green Avenue 2040 2140 2240 0110 0210 0310 0410 § Clay Mills, opp William Shrewsbury School 2040 2140 2240 0110 0210 0310 0410 § Clay Mills, adj Dovecliff Road 2041 2141 2241 0111 0211 0311 0411 § Clay Mills, adj Rose Avenue 2041 2141
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    18 August 2020 Dear Head Teacher, As the new term approaches and you are gearing up to return your pupils to school/college, we are aware that a key concern both yourselves and parents are likely to have is how to get them to you safely. I’d like to take this opportunity to share some information with you on how our bus services will be operating to ensure that all those wishing to travel with us can do so safely and confidently. Please rest assured that all of our buses are Covid-19 secure and undergo enhanced touchpoint cleaning each day. Good ventilation of fresh air is also ensured by keeping windows open wherever possible. To help reduce the amount of physical contact between pupils and drivers, we are asking pupils that do not receive a local authority bus pass to only use contactless payment or tickets via the Arriva Bus app. Cash will only be accepted as a form of payment in exceptional circumstances and where the correct fare can be paid, our drivers will not be able to provide change at this time. There are some elements of bus travel that are operating slightly differently this year. We will have a number of additional buses providing enhanced capacity for school, sixth form and college pupils; the route number for these services will have an “S” prefix before the usual route number – for example the extra buses on route 127 will be numbered S127. Pupils from any year group and from any school or college located on the route can travel on these buses.
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