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DEEP STATE Member SHADOW GOVERNMENT POSTER Harvard | Yale | Stanford | Oxbridge (Cambridge, Oxford) | Sycophants

LEGEND: Some corruptocrat photos in this blog contain a stylized Christian Celtic Wheel Cross in the background alongside the text "Corruption Central" meaning we Fig. 1—Starting on Oct. 08, 1480 (to Nov. 28), Orthodox Christian Czar have put the person's conduct under the microscope and Ivan III stood down the Muslim "Golden Horde" at the gates of Moscow in a discovered that he or she is at the bloodless confrontation that threw off forever the 250-year Tatar-Mongol center of global corruption. Judge Amy Berman Jackson asserts that yoke on the Russian people and the Mongol threat to Christian Europe it is unambiguously (to her anyway) a rifle cross hair. This shows her woeful (the Great Stand on the Ugra River). ignorance of theology, history, symbology and engineering. It could be many things, but she clearly wanted to see a rifle sight (ask her about her role in Fast and Furious gun By comparison, by 2005, the British-American Pilgrims Society satanists running). Others assert equally ignorantly that it is a pagan or white supremacist symbol. This stylized Christian Chi- siezed control of the 700-member National Venture Capital Association Rho Cross dates to 312 A.D. when Emperor Constantine adopted the (NVCA) (see below) to surrender America’s Christian moral force and symbol after his history-changing economic might to Muslim jihadi terrorist hordes and communist China in "By this sign, you shall conquer" vision on the Milvian Bridge. A 2005. similar Wheel Cross form was widely used in Ireland by the eighth century. The triple entendre They have finally given their demonic strategy a name: "The Great Reset." indicates that the person's corrupt life, when studied under a microscope, has been found wanting, but that there is hope in Christ if the person repents from his or her wicked ways. It triples as a reticle or graticule built into all sorts of eyepieces in microscopes, oscilloscopes, surveying instruments, astronomy optics, https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/12/new-attack-of-mongul-hordes-surrender.html 1/31 12/29/2020 Americans for Innovation: NEW ATTACK OF THE MONGUL HORDES – SURRENDER OF AMERICA’S MIGHT TO ADVANCING COM…

precision pointers, binoculars, etching equipment, and yes, gun sights, but also computer mouse pointers! Therefore, New Attack of the Mongol Hordes—Surrender of to claim that it could only mean a gun sight, as Judge Jackson did, is truly ignorant. As shown, it is a call to America’s Might in 2005 to the Advancing prayer and repentance based upon microscopic observation of the corruptcrat's conduct. For Judge Jackson to use her ignorance of this symbol as the excuse Communist Hordes to gag Roger Stone's FREE SPEECH right to defend himself is heinous abuse of authority. Chief Justice John Roberts should censor her immediately. Patriots must demand it.

Psycho Science is being used to push Pseudo Science Bookmark: #stand-with-roger-stone to conjure up false Economic Science ROGER STONE SPEAKS: On Nov. 18, 2017, Twitter censored New York Times best- selling author Roger Stone completely. Every On May 09, 2005, American venture capital bankers red-blooded American should be outraged, Republican, Democrat and Independent alike. If sold out to China and Muslim jihadists at the Roger's voice is silenced today, yours is next. We must break this embargo. Click here to read and share Roger's latest perspectives on the Battle Waldorf-Astoria, New York—site of the formation of for our Republic, including his responses to his critics (who have not been censored). the Pilgrims Society U.S. on Feb. 04, 1903

Updated Jul. 26, 2019 Psycho Science progenitor W.T. Stead, the spiritual CLICK HERE TO SEE COMBINED TIMELINE OF THE leader of the British Pilgrims Society (Oracle Larry HIJACKING OF THE INTERNET Ellison’s father’s boss), conjured up the spirits of PAY-to-PLAY NEW WORLD ORDER Cecil Rhodes and Baron Henry de Worms This timeline shows how insiders sell access (Rothschild) for the U.S. Pilgrims Society, thus & manipulate politicians, police, intelligence, judges and media to keep their secrets inhabiting the Waldorf-Astoria NY with elemental Clintons, Obamas, Summers were paid in cash for outlandish speaking fees and Foundation donations. evil beings Sycophant judges, politicians, academics, bureaucrats and media were fed tips to mutual funds tied to insider stocks like Facebook. of public exposure, blackmail, pedophilia, “snuff parties” (ritual child sexual On Oct. 31, 2017, the American Pilgrims Society inner abuse and murder) and Satanism have ensured silence among pay-to-play beneficiaries. The U.S. Patent Office circle traveled to Beijing for meetings with Xi is their toy box from which to steal new ideas. Jinping in Beijing, in defiance of President Trump’s America First vision

While the DNC plotted coup against Trump in 2017, bank-tech-media-pharma traitors were in Beijing conspiring with Xi Jinping to take down Trump and the American Republic

China is the British Pilgrims latest communist front man.

Bookmark: #crossing-the-delaware | https://tinyurl.com/yb8qya5r CROSSING THE DELAWARE, CHRISTMAS EVE, 2020

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/12/new-attack-of-mongul-hordes-surrender.html 2/31 12/29/2020 Americans for Innovation: NEW ATTACK OF THE MONGUL HORDES – SURRENDER OF AMERICA’S MIGHT TO ADVANCING COM…

Updated Mar. 19, 2014

Fig. 2—Gabriel, McKibben. (Dec. 24, 2020). President Trump crosses the Delaware. American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation. | (Raw *.mp4 video file). CONGRESS CONTACT LOOKUP Click three dots on the right of the audio player to download the raw (*.mp3) file. Then, check your Downloads folder.

0:00 / 1:17:32

= Universal Toxic Substance Symbol & Warning


Dec. 22, 2020—On May FOLLOW BY EMAIL 09, 2005, at the Waldorf- Astoria, New York City, Email address... Submit James W. Breyer, the outgoing chairman of the BLOG ARCHIVE National Venture Capital Association (NVCA), Accel ▼▼ 2020 (21) ▼▼ December (5) Partners, and Robert E. NEW ATTACK OF THE MONGUL HORDES – Grady, the incoming SURRENDER OF AME... JAMES W. BREYER, FACEBOOK KINGPIN, NVCA chairman, The IS THE BRITISH ... Carlyle Group, BEWARE REUTERS, DAILY MAIL BLAMING RUSSIA FOR HACK... pronounced treasonously THE 2020 ELECTION FRAUD OF that: WISCONSIN POLITICS DETROIT ELECTION FRAUD COURT IS COMPLICIT WITH WAY... “China will ►► November (3) ►► October (2) be the next ►► September (3) ►► August (1) Silicon ►► July (1) ►► June (1) Valley.” Fig. 3—National Venture Capital Association ►► April (1) (NVCA) chart showing the decline in U.S. ►► March (1) investing since the Breyer/Grady NVCA Waldorf- ► February (1) These British Pilgrims Astoria pronouncement about the Chinese ► ascendancy and the decline of U.S. investing. This ►► January (2) Society agents thus was evidently a self-aggrandizing prophecy since ►► 2019 (13) announced that they their companies were just incorporated in China just months earlier. Source: NVCA Yearbook. ►► 2018 (21) planned to move ►► 2017 (27) America’s wealth to ►► 2016 (39) https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/12/new-attack-of-mongul-hordes-surrender.html 3/31 12/29/2020 Americans for Innovation: NEW ATTACK OF THE MONGUL HORDES – SURRENDER OF AMERICA’S MIGHT TO ADVANCING COM… China where a communist horde from the East could attack ►► 2015 (34) the Christian world. ►► 2014 (26) ►► 2013 (28) 2012 (6) Between Oct. 08 to Nov. 28, 1480, Orthodox Christian Czar ►► Ivan III stood down the Muslim "Golden Horde" at the gates of Moscow in a bloodless confrontation that threw off forever UPDATE MAR. 25, 2014 the 250-year Tatar-Mongol yoke on the Russian people and FIVE CRITICAL AFI POSTS ON JUDICIAL the Mongol threat to Christian Europe (the Great Stand on COMPROMISE

the Ugra River). See Fig. 2 below. Fully updated Mar. 25, 2014 in the wake of the Scribd censorship:

1. HOW PATENT JUDGES GROW Sretensky Monastery, 19 Ulitsa Bol'shaya Lubyanka, Moscow (closed during the Boshevik RICH ON THE BACKS OF terror, ca. 1925-1995) was built on the spot where Moscovite Prince Vasili I met the of Our Lady of Vladimir on Aug. 26, 1395 after which the army of the Mongul Tamerlane AMERICAN INVENTORS retreated from imminent invasion of Moscow. Even at the time, this Mongul bloodless Patent Office filings are shuffled out the USPTO backdoor to crony retreat was widely revered as a great miracle. Then, 85 years later . . . lawyers, banks and deep-pocket clients. THE GREAT STAND ON THE UGRA RIVER 2. WAS CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS BLACKMAILED into supporting Obamacare by his ethical compromises in Leader v. Facebook?

(1480)—ANOTHER BLOODLESS 3. JUSTICE ROBERTS MENTORED Facebook Gibson Dunn LLP REVOLUTION attorneys. 4. JUSTICE ROBERTS HOLDS substantial Facebook financial interests.

5. JUDGE LEONARD STARK FAILED to disclose his Facebook financial interests and his reliance on Facebook's Cooley Godward LLP attorneys for his appointment.

BARACK OBAMA'S DARK POOLS OF CORRUPTION Fig. 4—The Ugra River (1480) Background:

During the spring of 1480, the citizens of Grand Duchy of Moscow decided to pay tribute Click to enlarge any longer to the Horde/Tartars. After hearing word of this, the Khan of the Great Horde Akhmat directed his troops toward Moscow to seek the tribute or war. When the Mongols arrived at the Ugra River the passages and fords had been blocked by the armies of the Grand Duchy of Moscow causing Fighting to ensue over the fords for several days. Each time the Mongols would attack they be easily repelled by the armies of the Muscovy. Instead of continuing to attack Akhmat decided to wait causing the Great Stand on the Ugra River to occur.

Purpose of the Battle: The Khan after finding the Muscovite people were not going to give him tribute decided to use force. The Khan before deciding to use force sent diplomats to the Muscovy people. This attempt to peacefully resolve the tribute issue failed, so the Khan sent in his armies. CLICK HERE FOR WASHINGTON'S ETHICAL The Battle: DISEASE DISCOVERIES RE. FACEBOOK "DARK The Standoff at the Ugra River was not an actual battle however, instead is was stare POOLS" down contest that lasted many months. Akhmat could not find a passage through the river and decided to wait on reinforcements from the Polish-Lithuanian King Kazimir IV. During the time of stalemate negotiations and skirmishes occurred but no side could find STOP FACEBOOK PROPERTY THEFT an edge. As time passed the Khan had no word from his Polish-Lithuanian allies and found himself being surrounded by the Muscovy soldiers that walked many months around the river to flank the Khan's army. With the Khan being surrounded, the Khan decided to retreat before he was outmaneuvered by the Muscovite troops. After retreating back to the Golden Horde he was told of an imposing attack from the Crimean Khan or the Nogais. Months after the Great Stand on the Ugra River, Khan Akhmat was https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/12/new-attack-of-mongul-hordes-surrender.html 4/31 12/29/2020 Americans for Innovation: NEW ATTACK OF THE MONGUL HORDES – SURRENDER OF AMERICA’S MIGHT TO ADVANCING COM… killed in a battle against the Nogais, which in turn freed the Muscovites fully from the Golden Horde.

To this day, the Russian Orthodox Christian Church celebrates the Sretensky Monastery and Ugra River miracles with special thanksgiving worship services. Special Note: Michael McKibben of Leader Technologies, inventor of social networking, tells us that he WILL HUMANKIND EVER LEARN? Facebook's Orwellian doublespeak about property and privacy (theft) merely was privileged in 1995 to participate in a massive church procession celebrating the 1395 repeats the eventual dehumanization of the individual under withdrawal of Mongul Tamerlane miracle at Sretensky Monastery (the 600th MAO's , Stalin's SOVIET Hammer & Cycle and Hitler's Anniversary). He says it was one of the first Church processions since before the NAZI Swastika. Respect for the inalienable rights of each Bolshevik Revolution. It started with a thanksgiving service at the newly-opened individual is a bedrock value of democracy. The members of the Facebook Cabal abuse this principle at every opportunity. Assumption Cathedral in the Kremlin, then proceeded across Red Square, past the They evidently believe that they deserve special privileges former KGB headquarters, Lubyanka, where they stopped and sang "Memory Eternal" for and are willing to lie, cheat and steal in order to treat the millions of souls who were victims of the communist's demonic Gulag, and through themselves to these privileges. the streets of Moscow to a monestary dedicated to this event in 1395. The procession culminated in a Divine Liturgy celebrated by Patriarch Alexi II. He said the experience was "a glorious celebration of Christian love over Soviet communistic hate and ASK CONGRESS: PASS THE destruction." INVENTOR PROTECTION ACT! Source: Micah Austin. Reproduced for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon. SeeTHE STORY OF THE GREAT STANDOFF ON THE UGRA RIVER. Pravosolavie.ru, accessed Dec. 26, 2020; See also Sretensky Monastery, Orthodoxwiki ("On September 8 O.S., 1995, the Patronal day of the monastery, the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God was brought from the State Tryetyakov Gallery for two days. In spite of heavy rains, more than 30,000 believers participated in the procession at the monastery." As stated above, Michael McKibben was in this procession (he started Leader Technologies two years later in 1997). He was a guest of honor at the head of the procession with the Patriarch and a large choir. They walked behind a large icon of Christ the Savior and a processional Cross. At the monastery, Mike and his fellow guests were able to venerate the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God and receive the eucharist from Patriarch Alexi II himself. He said umbrellas didn't keep off the rain and he was soaked!

By comparison, the British-American Pilgrims Society seized full control of the 700-member National Venture Capital Association (NVCA) by May 09, 2005 to surrender America’s Christian moral force and economic might to Muslim jihadi terrorist hordes and communist China (see below).

Tellingly, just two months earlier, on Mar. 31, 2005, James W. and his father, John P. Breyer, incorporated IDG Click image above to download a poster-quality PDF optimized for a 11in. x 17in. (ledger-size) poster. Technology Venture Investment III, L.P. that then formed America should not be in the business of cheating its entrepreneurial investors simply because the cheaters "WininChina, Inc." on Dec. 12, 2006 through HSBC in Hong buy off judges with the money gained from their theft. Such permissiveness is obscene. Kong in an offshore account.

WininChina LLC and Inc. was hidden from American LEADER V. FACEBOOK regulators and only appeared in the HSBC Swiss Leaks dump BACKGROUND of offshore banking activity. Breyer was clearly planning on cashing in on his self-serving predictions with Blackrock, Jul. 23, 2013 NOTICE: DonnaKlineNow! has gone offline. All her posts are available as a Fidelity, T. Rowe Price, Vanguard, Morgan Stanley, Credit PDF collection here (now updated, post- Suisse, Barclays, BoA, Wells Fargo, HSBC and Goldman Sachs, Scribd censorship). among others. Mar. 20, 2014 READER NOTICE: On Mar. 7, 2014, all of our documents linked to Scribd were deleted by that "cloud" service using the Two weeks later, on May 26, 2005, James W. Breyer via his flimsiest of arguments . Some of our documents have been there for two years and company Accel Partners invested $13 million in Facebook. some had almost 20,000 reads.

George Orwell wrote in 1984 that one knows By that time Grady and his Carlyle Group had already sold one is in a totalitarian state when telling the out to the British Crown three years earlier by funding truth becomes an act of courage. All the links below were updated Mar. 20, 2014 (many thanks to our volunteers!) https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/12/new-attack-of-mongul-hordes-surrender.html 5/31 12/29/2020 Americans for Innovation: NEW ATTACK OF THE MONGUL HORDES – SURRENDER OF AMERICA’S MIGHT TO ADVANCING COM… QintetiQ Holdings Plc and gave the Crown full control of the 1. Summary of Motions, Appeal, Petition, company. Evidence, Analysis, Briefings (FULL CITATIONS) in Leader Technologies, Inc. v. Facebook, Inc., 08-cv-862-JJF- LPS (D. Del. 2008), published as WALDORF- Leader Techs, Inc. v. Facebook, Inc., 770 F. Supp. 2d 686 (D. Del. 2001)

ASTORIA, NY– 2. Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam's Censored Federal Circuit Filings (Archive) LAIR OF THE 3. Brief Summary of Leader v. Facebook 4. Backgrounder 5. Fenwick & West LLP Duplicity AMERICAN 6. Instagram-scam 7. USPTO-reexam Sham PILGRIMS Fig. 5—Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, NY, is inhabited by 8. Zynga-gate the elemental evil spirits of the British Pilgrims 9. James W. Breyer / Accel Partners LLP Society and the global mayhem that has ensured Insider Trading since 1903 out of the evil plans for global SOCIETY DEMON 10. Federal Circuit Disciplinary Complaints domination and genocide laid herein. 11. Federal Circuit Cover-up SPAWN 12. Congressional Briefings re. Leader v. Facebook judicial corruption On Feb. 04, 1903, 175 guests met in the Astor gallery at the 13. Prominent Americans Speak Out 14. Petition for Writ of Certiorari Waldorf-Astoria to found the Pilgrims Society of the United 15. Two Proposed Judicial Reforms States. the guest speaker was Admiral Lord Charles Bereford 16. S. Crt. for Schemers or Inventors? brought the guest to their feet when he proclaimed: 17. Attorney Patronage Hijacked DC?

"I look forward to the reuniting of the United States of Great Britain 18. Justice Denied | Battle Continues and America." 19. FB Robber Barons Affirmed by S. Crt. 20. Judicial Misconduct WALL OF SHAME 21. Corruption Watch - "Oh what webs we No doubt Andrew Carnegie, John Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, weave, when first we practice to deceive" Elihu Root, Lord Rosebery (Rothschild), (Sir) Harry Brittain, 22. Facebook | A Portrait of Corruption Lord Northcliffe (Daily Mail), Lord Burnham (Daily 23. White House Meddling Telegraph), were there in addition to W.T. Stead (Review of 24. Georgia! AM 1080 McKibben Interview Reviews), Cecil Rhodes' biographer and spiritism . 25. Constitutional Crisis Exposed 26. Abuse of Judicial Immunity since Stump 27. Obamacare Scandal Principals are intertwined in the Leader v. Facebook scandal THE PILGRIMS SOCIETY SET IN MOTION 28. S.E.C. duplicity re. Facebook

A DEVILISH, DEADLY PLAN IN 1902- Bookmark: #gibson-dunn 1903 FOUNDED ON GREED, POWER AND GIBSON DUNN LLP exposed as one of the most corrupt law rms in America

Investigative Reporter Julia Davis investigates Facebook's Leader v. Facebook attorney Gibson Dunn LLP. She credits this firm with the reason why not a single Wall Street banker has gone to jail https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/12/new-attack-of-mongul-hordes-surrender.html 6/31 12/29/2020 Americans for Innovation: NEW ATTACK OF THE MONGUL HORDES – SURRENDER OF AMERICA’S MIGHT TO ADVANCING COM… since 2008. Click here to read her article "Everybody hates whistleblowers." LOATHING FOR HUMAN SOULS Examiner.com, Apr. 10, 2012. Here's an excerpt:

"Skillful manipulation of the firm’s extensive media connections allows Gibson Dunn to promote their causes, while simultaneously smearing their opponents and silencing embarrassing news coverage."

This statement followed right after Davis cited Facebook's chief inside counsel in the Leader v. Facebook case, Theodore Ullyot, who appears to have helped lead the Leader v. Facebook judicial corruption. Interesting word choices associated with Gibson Dunn LLP: manipulation, smear. Attorneys swear a solemn oath to act morally, ethically, and in support of democratic principles. They promise to conduct themselves in a manner than instills confidence among the citizenry in the rule of law and the judicial system. These promises appear to be meaningless. Click here for a PDF version of Julie Davis' article. Fig. 6—Anne Pimlott Baker. (2003). The Pilgrims of the United States - A Centennial History, 184 pgs, PDF, p. 58. Profile Books, London UK. Reproduced for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon. POPULAR POSTS

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1. DC Bar refuses to investigate attorney misconduct in Leader v. Facebook - Unwillingness of DC attorneys to self- police may explain why Washington is broken, Dec. 30, 2012

2. Will the U.S. Supreme court support schemers or real American inventors? Facebook's case dangles on a doctored interrogatory. Eighteen (18) areas of question shout for attention, Dec. 27, 2012

3. Two Policy Changes That Will Make America More Democratic (and less contentious), Dec. 21, 2012


American citizens must fight abuse of the constitutional right for authors and inventors to enjoy the fruits of their inventions, as a matter of matter of basic property rights and sound public policy. Otherwise, instead of innovation, creativity, genius, ideas, vision, courage, entrepreneurship, respect, property, rejuvenation, morals, ethics, values, renewal, truth, facts, rights, privacy, solutions and judicial faithfulness, https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/12/new-attack-of-mongul-hordes-surrender.html 8/31 12/29/2020 Americans for Innovation: NEW ATTACK OF THE MONGUL HORDES – SURRENDER OF AMERICA’S MIGHT TO ADVANCING COM…

. . . our society and economy will be dragged down (and eventually destroyed) by copying, infringement, thievery, counterfeiting, hacking, greed, misinformation, exploitation, abuse, waste, disrespect, falsity, corruption, bribery, coercion, intimidation, doublespeak, misconduct, lies, , attorney "dark arts," destruction, confusion, dishonesty, judicial chicanery and lawlessness.

If we do not speak up, impeach derelict judges and imprison corrupt attorneys, we cannot possibly hope to start fixing the current ills in our society. Without justice and respect for private property, democracy has no sure foundation.


We are an opinion blog that advocates for strong intellectual property rights. We welcome commenters and contributors. The Leader v. Facebook patent infringement case first came to our attention after learning that the trial judge, Leonard P. Stark, U.S. District Court of Delaware, ignored his jury’s admission that they had no evidence to support their on-sale bar verdict, but the judge supported it anyway.

The judicial misconduct has deteriorated from there, replete with two of the three judges on the Federal Circuit appeal panel, Judges Alan D. Lourie and Kimberly A. Moore, holding Facebook stock that they did not disclose to the litigants, and later tried to excuse through a quick motion slipped in at the last minute by the Clerk of Court, Jan Horbaly, and his close friends at The Federal Circuit Bar Association. (The DC Bar subsequently revealed that Mr. Horbaly is not licensed to practice law in Washington D.C.)

The judges ignored shocking new evidence Fig. 7—Charles G. Reinhart. (Jul. 18, 1926). Next War Over in few Minutes! Prophesies of that Mark Zuckerberg withheld 28 hard drives Lt. Col. David Sarnoff, RCA, p. 39. Sioux City Journal. Full size, high quality *.jpg file (23 of 2003-2004 evidence from Leader MB). Technologies that could prove actual theft (and therefore claims even more serious than infringement). In addition, Facebook's appeal Graphic: Source. British National Archives. attorney, Thomas G. Hungar of Gibson Dunn LLP, has close personal ties to just about every judicial player in this story. The misconduct appears to into the U.S. Patent Office through abuse of the It should be noted that if Cecil Rhodes and Lord Rothschild reexamination process by Facebook. We will stay focused on Leader v. Facebook until were the muscle behind the Pilgrims Society’s strategy for justice is served, but we also welcome news world domination, W.T. Stead was the spiritualist (demonic) and analysis of intellectual property abuse in other cases as well. brains who had been publishing satanic periodicals, promoting "Government by Journalism" and promoting parlor WELCOME TO DONNA KLINE NOW! séances in Victorian England for decades through his periodical Borderlands. READERS!

AFI has been supporting Of special note is that the newly-formed British Pilgrims Donna and is now picking up the main Leader v. Facebook Society was already hosting Vladimir I. Lenin in London on coverage (she will continue the finer points of communism and socialism. Indeed, the coverage as well). evidence shows that the British Pilgrims were grooming Lenin Anonymous Posts Are Welcomed! Blogger has more for the eventual takedown of Christian Czar Nicholas II (A. posting constraints than Donna's WordPress, Romanov). but we will continue to welcome anonymous posts. Simply send us an email at NEW https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/12/new-attack-of-mongul-hordes-surrender.html 9/31 12/29/2020 Americans for Innovation: NEW ATTACK OF THE MONGUL HORDES – SURRENDER OF AMERICA’S MIGHT TO ADVANCING COM… Leader® Private Email: [email protected] with Today, respectful Russians call him "Saint Nicholas the your post. Once the moderator verifies that Passion-Bearer" in recognition of his brutal assassination your email address is real, your comment will be posted using your real name or handle, including his entire family by Lenin's Bolshevik communist whatever you wish, like John Smith or Tex. hordes on Jul. 17, 1918. Click here to view a Czar Nicholas (Queen Victoria's nephew) had earlier complete Donna Kline abdicated on Mar. 15, 1917 following treacherous pressure Now! posts archive. put on him by Lord Alfred Milner, Pilgrims Society co-founder and British Privy Councilor. Milner had been aligning members of the Duma to support his plan for a Bolshevik takeover using Lenin as their front man.

The founding the American Pilgrims Society followed the earlier Aug. 08, 1902 formation of the Pilgrims Society of Great Britain at the Carlton Hotel in London. Earlier that year their chief demon organizer—Cecil John Rhodes—had died unexpectedly on Mar. 26, 1902.

No doubt that during the founding of their American Pilgrims Society subsidiary, W.T. Stead had conjured up Rhodes' spirit and spoke for him in séances at the Waldorf-Astoria where they took instruction from the spirit of Cecil Rhodes.

In other words, in the process of promoting his brand of satanism, W.T. Stead infused demons into the organization and its Waldorf-Astoria nest as he acted as the bridge to the newly-dead Cecil Rhodes to a group of greedy, power mongering American bankers and industrialists obsessed with maintaining their wealth and power at any expense.

Experts familiar with the astrological interests of wealthy people confirm that such spirit-talk is all the rage at their swank parties.

Although this sounds far-fetched, it is not. CODE OF CONDUCT FOR U.S. W.T. Stead is notoriously known for later founding Julia's JUDGES Bureau to "promote psychical research" and such activities as "spirit writing" or "automatic writing" and telepathy. The "CANON 2: A JUDGE SHOULD AVOID IMPROPRIETY AND THE APPEARANCE OF Bureau conducted over 1,300 "sittings" to conjure IMPROPRIETY IN ALL ACTIVITIES" communications with the dead where W.T. Stead took his instruction on managing the Bureau from his dead friend GALLERY OF JUDICIAL Julia A. Ames, a former American journalist from Chicago. MISCONDUCT THANKS TO XI JINPING, WE HAVE A PHOTO OF THE AMERICAN-SIDE

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/12/new-attack-of-mongul-hordes-surrender.html 10/31 12/29/2020 Americans for Innovation: NEW ATTACK OF THE MONGUL HORDES – SURRENDER OF AMERICA’S MIGHT TO ADVANCING COM…

Judge Leonard P. Stark, U.S. District Court of Delaware, trial PILGRIMS SOCIETY RING LEADERS judge in Leader Techs, Inc. v. Facebook, Inc., 770 F. Supp. 2d 686 (D.Del. 2011). Judge Stark heard his jury foreman admit that the jury made the on-sale bar decision THE SELLOUT OF AMERICA USING CHINA without any evidence other than speculation, and yet he supported that verdict anyway. Just months IS DIRECTED FROM LONDON before trial, Judge Stark allowed Facebook to add the on-sale bar claim after the close of all fact On Oct. 31, 2017, James W. Breyer led a delegation of discovery and American business to meet with China’s dictator Xi Jinping in blocked Leader from preparing its defenses to this a program named the Tsinghua University School of new claim. Judge Stark allowed the claims despite Leader's prophetic Economics and Management (Beijing). argument that the action would confuse the jury and prejudice Leader. He also permitted the jury to ignore the Pfaff v. Wells Electronics, Inc. test for on-sale bar, even after instructing the jury THE GREAT TREASON AT THE PEOPLE'S to use it. (See that Jury Instruction No. 4.7 here.) He HALL (BEIJING) also contradicted his own instruction to Leader to answer Interrogatory No. 9 in the present tense (2009), then permitted the jury to interpret it as a 2002 admission as well. Facebook's entire on-sale bar case is based upon this interrogatory. (Editorial: Hardly sufficient to meet the "heavy burden" of the clear and convincing evidence standard.)

Judge Alan D. Lourie, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, panel judge in Leader Techs v. Facebook, Inc., 678 F.3d 1300 (Fed. Cir. 2012). Judge Lourie stood to benefit financially from undisclosed Fig. 8—James W. Breyer, Xi Jinping. (Oct. 31, 2017). Opening up of China means win-win holdings in Facebook. See analysis cooperation for world: Premier Xi Jinping at Tsinghua University, including James W. of Judge Lourie's T. Rowe Price Breyer, IDG-Accel Partners China, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook, Henry M. Paulson, Jr., holdings re. the Facebook IPO. Goldman Sachs, U.S. Treasury, Blackstone Group, Stephen Schwarzman, Tim Cook, Judge Lourie also Apple, David M. Rubenstein, Carlyle Group, John L. Thornton, Barrick Gold Corp, Satya failed to apply his Nadella, Microsoft, PDF, p. 15. China People's Daily. own law-test in Group One v. Hallmark Cards to the evidence. After debunking all of Facebook's Note that Tsinghua University (Beijing). was an early member evidence on appeal, Judge Lourie created new argument in the of the IBM Eclipse Foundation (Nov. 29, 2001) and received secrecy of chambers to support Facebook and prevent the on-sale the stolen social networking inventions of Columbus OH bar verdict from being overturned— innovator Leader Technologies. a clear breach of constitutional due process. Remarkably for a college lecture series, they were ushered into the Great Hall by Xi Jinping himself! When is the last time your college class was visited by Chinese royalty? https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/12/new-attack-of-mongul-hordes-surrender.html 11/31 12/29/2020 Americans for Innovation: NEW ATTACK OF THE MONGUL HORDES – SURRENDER OF AMERICA’S MIGHT TO ADVANCING COM… China Daily carried a full record of this meeting, and even took a magnificent photo showing the scene of the crime: James W. Breyer on Xi Jinping’s right hand and Goldman Sachs’ Henry Paulson on his left at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

Judge Kimberly A. Moore, U.S. The backgrounds of the participants represented essentially Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, panel judge in Leader all of President ’s major corporate political Techs v. Facebook, Inc., 678 F.3d opponents. Notably, all of the participants were heavy 1300 (Fed. Cir. 2012). Judge Moore stood to benefit financially from Clinton Foundation donors and members of the IBM Eclipse undisclosed holdings in Facebook. See disclosure of substantial Foundation that had stolen the social networking inventions holdings in Facebook and Facebook- of Columbus innovator Leader Technologies in order to make related stocks. Judge Moore failed their many trillions of dollars. to follow the long- held precedent for testing on-sale bar Xi Jinping had James W. Breyer stand to his right and Hank evidence in Pfaff v. Wells Electronics, Inc.—an Paulson to his left. evident and intentional omission coming from a former patent law The timing of this meeting is uncanny. These power-brokers professor. After debunking all of Facebook's evidence on appeal, had just spent literally billions of dollars trying to stop Judge Moore created new argument in the secrecy of chambers to Donald Trumps election in 2017. Despite massive election support Facebook and prevent the on-sale bar verdict from being fraud, Trump won in a landslide. overturned—a clear breach of constitutional due process. Evidently, these Pilgrims Society insiders, still licking their election wounds, shuffled off to China to meet outside the bounds of U.S. law to ask Xi Jinping's help in destroying the Trump presidency. The treacherous, traitorous, seditious deal with these devils was surely access to the U.S. economy and killing of Trump's threatened trade tariffs. Judge Evan J. Wallach, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, Breyer-Blackstone Waldorf-Astoria venue on May 09, 2005 member of the three-judge panel in Leader Techs v. Facebook, Inc., was the demon spawn returning to their elemental roots to 678 F.3d 1300 (Fed. Cir. 2012). Judge Wallach is not a patent gather their forces attorney. This begs the question as to why a judge with no knowledge of patent law was assigned to the If you doubt that the current attack on the Presidency and case. Would anyone ask a dentist to the Republic is demonic, consider the enemy's choice of perform surgery? The Federal Circuit was specially formed to venues. They returned to the source of their evil, elemental appoint patent-knowledgeable judges to patent cases. There is no power: the Waldorf-Astoria in New York, site of the Pilgrims evidence so far in the judicial Society's American subsidiary's founding. disclosures that Judge Wallach holds stock in Facebook, although when he was asked on a motion to Experts in spiritual warfare say that such behavior is disclose potential Facebook holdings and other conflicts of common for demons. They draw strength from the sites of interest, he refused along with the other judges. See Motion to their previous conquests, just like murderers visit their Disclose Conflicts of Interest. Judge crime scenes. Wallach continued in silence even after Clerk of We have seen this earlier from the Pilgrims Society. Court Horbaly failed to provide him with Dr. The records show that their First Imperial Press Conference, Lakshmi Arunachalam’s motions (according to his Federal Circuit 1909 was held at Crystal City, Shepherd's Bush in West staffer Valeri White), and yet the Clerk signed an order regarding London. Modern day intelligence and propaganda were both that motion on Judge Wallach’s born out of this meeting, as was the modus operandi of behalf. See a full analysis of these https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/12/new-attack-of-mongul-hordes-surrender.html 12/31 12/29/2020 Americans for Innovation: NEW ATTACK OF THE MONGUL HORDES – SURRENDER OF AMERICA’S MIGHT TO ADVANCING COM… events at Donna Kline Now! Judge Reuters and Associated Press. That site today is the location Wallach also failed to police his of BBC TV Centre, arguably the most skilled communist court’s violation of Leader’s Fifth and 14th Amendment constitutional propagandist in the world. right to due process when he participated in the fabrication of new arguments and evidence for Facebook in the secrecy of judge's CONCLUSION chambers after he had just invalidated Facebook’s sole remaining item of evidence (using We now know we are fighting the demons and elemental disbelieved testimony as ostensible evidence of an opposite). Judge beings of a very depraved British Empire aristocracy from Wallach also failed to police his court when he failed to apply the the late 1800's to this day. They formed the Pilgrims Society Supreme Court's Pfaff v. Wells to carry out their plan for world domination, depopulation, Electronics, Inc. test for on-sale bar evidence, which included even pharmaceutical tyranny, propaganda mind control and the Federal Circuit’s own Group One v. Hallmark Cards, Inc. test—a satanism. test which Judge Lourie should have advised Judge Wallach to follow since Judge Lourie helped Chinese dictator Xi Jinping gave us a gift in his meticulous write that opinion. Group One test China Daily coverage of America's demon spawn self-styled omission analysis. elitists who came running to him after the candidacy of Donald Trump thwarted them in 2016.

It is evident today that the Pilgrims Society continues to carry out their deal with the devil that these men struck

with Xi Jinping. Clerk of Court Jan Horbaly, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, clerk who signed all the It is also evident that Xi was hedging his bets, so he created opinions in Leader Techs v. a photographic record of the treachery of these American Facebook, Inc., 678 F.3d 1300 (Fed. Cir. 2012). Clerk Horbaly and his Pilgrims, just in case the wheels were to fall off of their staff obfuscated when the court's ruling was challenged by an amicus pumpkin wagon. curiae brief revealing clear mistakes of law and new evidence. See analysis of the misconduct and Spread the word about these traitors. misrepresentations within the Federal Circuit Clerk of Court in See Leader v. Facebook. Mr. Horbaly ( 18 U.S. Code § 2381. Treason and 10 U.S. Code § 894 - failed to disclose his conflicts of Art. 94. Mutiny or sedition.) interest and close associations with numerous Facebook attorneys and law firms, as well as his close association with one of Facebook's largest WHILE AMERICANS TRUSTED THEIR shareholders, Microsoft, who is a Director of The Federal Circuit Bar Association ELECTED OFFICIALS TO WATCH THEIR where Mr. Horbaly is an ex officio officer. Additionally, the DC Bar revealed in a written statement BACKS, THOSE OFFICIALS CASHED IN ON that Clerk Horbaly is not licensed to practice law in the District of Columbia. [Editorial: What does BRITISH-CHINESE COMMUNISM VIA that make the Federal Circuit with its location within in a stone's throw of the White House? A self- governing state?]

Judge Randall R. Rader, U.S. https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/12/new-attack-of-mongul-hordes-surrender.html 13/31 12/29/2020 Americans for Innovation: NEW ATTACK OF THE MONGUL HORDES – SURRENDER OF AMERICA’S MIGHT TO ADVANCING COM… Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, chief judge responsible for THEIR TECH STOCKS the (mis)conduct of his judges and Clerk of Court in Leader Techs v. Facebook, Inc., 678 F.3d 1300 (Fed. Cir. 2012). Judge Rader failed to manage his court resulting in a likely situation where his judges never even received briefs that they allegedly ruled on in favor of Facebook. Judge Rader also failed to disclose his conflicting relationships with a Leader principle with whom he may have had deep professional differences during his time at the Senate Judiciary Committee—his former professor of law at George Washington University Law Center, former Fig. 9—Front Row, L/R (Obama’s Technology Council—Pilgrims Society): Mark Zuckerberg Leader director Professor James P. (Facebook-James W. Breyer surrogate), unknown, John Chambers (Cisco), Jack Ma Chandler. See analysis of Judge (Alibaba-Pilgrim), Virginia Marie 'Ginni' Rometty (IBM), Xi Jinping (Chinese Communist Rader's undisclosed conflicts of Party boss), Satya Nadella (Microsoft), unknown, Tim Cook (Apple), unknwn, Jeff Bezos interest in Leader v. Facebook. Judge Rader also (Amazon); Second Row: 2nd from right: Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn, Facebook); 4th from did not stop his right: Intel. judges from creating new arguments and evidence for Facebook in the secrecy of chambers—after they had debunked * * * all of Facebook's evidence on appeal, which is a clear breach of constitutional due process.

Updated May 22, 2015 Click here to view a Federal Circuit Leader v. Facebook Conflicts of Described above is abject immorality. Interest Map.

Morality must win the day.

"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

The Gospel of St. Matthew 4:17.

Bookmark: #miller-act-notice | https://tinyurl.com/y4p4o9yl See "Cover-up In Process At The Federal Circuit?" Donna Kline Now! Sep. 17, 2012.

Footnote Leader v. Facebook Legal Research Links


THE PERPETRATORS OF THIS EPIC FRAUD This is an opinion blog. Any information contained or linked herein should be independently verified and should be considered the sole opinion of the writer. MUST DISGORGE THEIR ILL-GOTTEN GAIN Free Speech and Freedom of the Press are protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Click image to open PDF of this and the next slide Constitution and other local, state, national and international laws. Therefore, as with all opinion, such opinion should not be relied upon without independent verification.

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/12/new-attack-of-mongul-hordes-surrender.html 14/31 12/29/2020 Americans for Innovation: NEW ATTACK OF THE MONGUL HORDES – SURRENDER OF AMERICA’S MIGHT TO ADVANCING COM… This site is a not-for-profit effort focused on education, news, investigation of issues in the public interest, and research, and relies on fair use copyright exemptions under 17 U.S.C. 106(a)-117 of the United States Copyright Act, in addition to any and all other related and relevant privileges to which a fair and reasonable person would attribute to this grassroots effort to root out corruption and promote justice. No rights whatsoever to third party content are claimed or implied.

AFI LOGO (with text)

Fig. 9—Mr. President: Turn the Tables on Censorship; Write the Miller Act Notice check immediately! By writing the check for the Leader Technologies' Miller Act, and AFI LOGO (no text) acquiring a global master license on social networking, President Trump, with the stroke of a pen, can turn the tables all Big Tech, Media, Bank and Pharma censorship and propaganda. It will initiate a second American Revolution to give the citizen control of the media for the first time since the early days of the American Republic, before the Rothschild Bank of England hooked its claws back in to the fledgling Republic. Click here to download the PDF (check your Downloads folder after clicking).

Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE FEDERAL BRITISH-AMERICAN PATENT to President Trump It is a contract demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay WEAPONIZATION THIEVES them for the federal government's 18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions were stolen by Major General James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) and Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W. Marshall and the CORRUPTION WATCH LIST Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment, and the Pilgrims Society who steal and weaponize inventions Faces of the Facebook for continuous war making and James P. Chandler, III Andrew W. Marshall enrichment of fascist insider military- Corruption (PDF) industrial corporations. (currently being updated after the Fri. Mar. 7, 2014 Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to President Trump Scribd censorship of this and past the Praetorian Guard. See American Intelligence Media republish of the Leader document: Miller Act Notice. Here is the cast of characters in Leader v. Facebook. We encourage you to report their corrupt activities to this site and others, like Lawless America. Feel free to communicate anonymously in any way in which you are most comfortable. The attempt of these Bookmark: #trump-jfk-v-cia | https://tinyurl.com/y3nt8v5l people and their organizations to corrupt American justice and commerce cannot be tolerated. Vigilance. We will expose them. WAR BETWEEN THE WHITE HOUSE AND See Congressional Briefings (currently being updated after Scribd censored the CIA? PRESIDENT TRUMP FINALLY documents on Fri. Mar. 7, 2014). A. Facebook's law firms:

1. Fenwick & West LLP (Facebook IMPLEMENTING JFK'S EXECUTIVE ORDER securities and patent law firm; former Leader Technologies counsel; attempted an appearance in Leader https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/12/new-attack-of-mongul-hordes-surrender.html 15/31 12/29/2020 Americans for Innovation: NEW ATTACK OF THE MONGUL HORDES – SURRENDER OF AMERICA’S MIGHT TO ADVANCING COM… v. Facebook; did not seek conflicts waiver from Leader prior to DISMANTLING THE OUT-OF-CONTROL representing Facebook) 2. Cooley Godward LLP (Facebook law firm in Leader v. Facebook; C.I.A. WHO WERE CONSPIRING WITH THE McBee Strategic energy stimulus partner; Obama Justice Dept. advisor; former employer to patent judges) BRITISH PILGRIMS SOCIETY 3. Blank & Rome LLP (Facebook law firm in Leader v. Facebook; former employer to patent judges) War Between The White House and CIA? 4. White & Case LLP (Facebook law firm in Leader v. Facebook; undisclosed former employer to Patent Office Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) officer involved in Leader v. Facebook) 5. Gibson Dunn LLP (Facebook law firm in Leader v. Facebook; undisclosed counsel to the Federal Circuit; undisclosed protégé of Chief Justice John Roberts, Jr.; undisclosed former employer to Preetinder ("Preet") Bharara, U.S. Attorney currently persecuting Paul Ceglia in U.S. v. Ceglia (Ceglia v. Zuckerberg)) 6. Orrick Herrington LLP (longtime Facebook law firm and destroyer of evidence for the cabal in Winklevoss v. Zuckerberg and Fig. 10—Daniel Natal. (Dec. 01, 2020). War Between The White House and CIA? The New American ConnectU v. Facebook) Video. https://youtu.be/AEQIdn4Pi2s | (Raw *.mp4 video file). 7. Weil Gotshal LLP (Federal Circuit Video: The New American Video. counsel in Leader v. Facebook; Judge Kimberly A. Moore's undisclosed former client) 8. Latham & Watkins LLP (Facebook Director James W. Bookmark: #fight-for-our-republic | https://tinyurl.com/y52oknth Breyer's counsel; Judge Kimberly A. Moore's husband, Matthew J. Moore's new law firm) 9. Federal Circuit Bar Association OUR REPUBLIC IS FIGHTING THE SAME ("FCBA") (Federal Circuit's bar association; second largest in the U.S.; Facebook's law firms extert BATTLE NOW AS WE DID 245 YEARS AGO! much influence in its policy and activity, incl. Fenwick & West LLP, Gibson Dunn LLP, Orrick Herrington LLP, Weil Gotschal LLP; Facebook's large shareholder, #45vsTheCrown : Dom_n_on, Technocracy & 17sev_nty5 … Microsoft, is a director; Federal Circuit Clerk of Court Jan Horbaly is an officer; FCBA made an appearance in Leader v. Facebook to oppose the amicus curiae (friend of the court) motion of Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam, former Director of Network Architecture at Sun Microsystems, in favor of Leader Technologies and objecting to the evident conflicts of interest within the court itself, her motion was denied, the judges refused to disclose their conflicts which we now know include Facebook and Microsoft stocks) 10. DC Bar Association 11. Perkins Coie LLP (Facebook's "rapid response enforcement team;" Fig. 11—Free. (Dec. 09, 2020). Our Republic is fighting the same battle now as we did 245 years law firm for Obama's chief counsels, the husband and wife team of Robert ago! You Are Free TV. https://youtu.be/Lu6nsMHZAdI | (Raw *.mp4 video file). F. Bauer and Anita B. Dunn; Bauer Video: You Are Free TV. was identified on Aug. 1, 2013 as having directed the IRS targeting of the Tea Party) 12. Stroz Friedberg (Facebook’s "forensic expert" who manipulated Return to return to the beginning of this post. the data in Paul Ceglia v. Mark Zuckerberg, and who first revealed Notices: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon the existence of 28 Zuckerberg hard without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational drives and Harvard emails that they told Leader Technologies in 2009 purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to were "lost") any photo. 13. Chandler Law Firm Chartered (Professor James P. Chandler, III, https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/12/new-attack-of-mongul-hordes-surrender.html 16/31 12/29/2020 Americans for Innovation: NEW ATTACK OF THE MONGUL HORDES – SURRENDER OF AMERICA’S MIGHT TO ADVANCING COM… principal; Leader Technologies COMMENT patent counsel; adviser to IBM and David J. Kappos; adviser to Eric H. Holder, Jr. and the U.S. Department Click "N comments:" on the line just below this instruction to comment on this post. of Justice; author of the Economic Alternatively, send an email with your comment to [email protected] and we'll post it for Espionage Act of 1996 and the you. We welcome and encourage anonymous comments, especially from whisteblowers. Federal Trade Secrets Act) B. Facebook

Posted by K. Craine at 3:54 PM attorneys &

Labels: 2008 Bank Bailout, 2020 Election Fraud, Bank for International Settlements, Facebook, James W. cooperating judges: Breyer, occult, Paul A. Volcker, Pilgrims Society, Privy Council, The Marshall Plan, The Rockefeller Foundation 14. Gordon K. Davidson (Fenwick; Facebook's securities and patent attorney; Leader Technologies' former attorney) 15. Christopher P. King ( aka Christopher-Charles King aka Christopher King aka Christopher- 10 comments: Charles P. King, Fenwick & West LLP) 16. Theodore B. Olson (Gibson K. Craine December 26, 2020 at 5:30 AM Dunn) Email comment by TG: 17. Thomas G. Hungar (Gibson Dunn) CAT REPORT 18. Eric H. Holder, Jr. (Attorney Was Adam Schiff arrested on Christmas Eve at LAX? General, U.S. Dept. of Justice) 19. James Cole (Deputy Attorney Roger Stone Announces $25M Lawsuit Against DOJ, Mueller, Comey, Barr And Brennan General, U.S. Dept. of Justice) 20. Tony West (Associate Attorney “Pence is a traitor to We The People,” says @LLinWood General, U.S. Dept. of Justice; 2008 Obama California Campaign Why do you think Pence got the Envelopes delivered on D5 #75 Manager) 21. Robert F. Bauer (Obama PRO TIP: How to identify an FBI False Flag Attack: The story is max hyped on Drudge report Attorney; White House Chief Counsel; directed IRS targeting of FLASHBACK: Vice President Pence Remarks on Flynn’s Turkish Lobbying Revelations the Tea Party; formerly and currently employed by Perkins Coie LLP, Facebook's "rapid response US Requires All UK Travelers To Test Negative For COVID, CDC Rules enforcement team;" spouse is Anita B. Dunn) Did Fauci Just Admit He Lied About Herd Immunity To Trick Americans Into Vaccine? 22. Anita B. Dunn (Obama Attorney; White House Chief Counsel; Moderna COVID-19 vaccine may cause side effects for those with cosmetic facial fillers: FDA husband Robert F. Bauer directed IRS targeting of the Tea Party, California Judge Orders Video Journalists to Pay $13.6 M to Planned Parenthood formerly employed by Perkins Coie LLP, Facebook's "rapid response Deepfake Queen Elizabeth to deliver Christmas warning on fake news enforcement team") 23. Mary L. Schapiro (former Spread the truth. Chairman, Securities & Exchange Commission (S.E.C.); holds https://aim4truth.org/2020/12/25/cat-report-646/ investments in 51 Facebook Club basket funds) 24. James "Jamie" Brigagliano Reply (former Deputy Director of the Division of Trading and Markets at Replies the Securities and Exchange Commission; Mary L. Schapiro's chief lieutenant on "dark pool" rule K. Craine December 26, 2020 at 5:31 AM making) Previous comment: 25. Joseph P. Cutler (Perkins Coie) 26. David P. Chiappetta (Perkins https://tinyurl.com/y93bkc9o Coie) 27. James R. McCullagh (Perkins Spread the truth. Coie) 28. Ramsey M. Al-Salam (Perkins Coie) Reply 29. Grant E. Kinsel (Perkins Coie) 30. Reeve T. Bull (Gibson Dunn) 31. Heidi Keefe (Cooley) K. Craine December 26, 2020 at 5:32 AM 32. Michael G. Rhodes (Cooley; Tesla Motors) Email comment by Conclave: 33. Elizabeth Stameshkin (Cooley)

18 TRAITORS THAT SOLD OUT AMERICA TO CHINA 34. Donald K. Stern (Cooley; Justice Dept. advisor) Here are 18 traitors that sold out American corporations to China. Come inside and see what we found on these globalist scumbags. 35. Mark R. Weinstein (Cooley) 36. Jeffrey Norberg (Cooley) James W. Breyer 37. Ronald Lemieux (Cooley) 38. Craig W. Clark (Blank Rome) Timothy D. Cook https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/12/new-attack-of-mongul-hordes-surrender.html 17/31 12/29/2020 Americans for Innovation: NEW ATTACK OF THE MONGUL HORDES – SURRENDER OF AMERICA’S MIGHT TO ADVANCING COM…

39. Tom Amis (Cooley / McBee Henri de Casties Strategic) 40. Erich Veitenheimer (Cooley / Christopher B. Galvin McBee Strategic) 41. Roel Campos (Cooley; former Carlos Ghosn Commissioner of the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission at the time Terry Gou of the infamous Facebook 12(g) exemption) Maurice Raymond “Hank” Greenberg 42. Lisa T. Simpson (Orrick) 43. Indra Neel Chatterjee (Orrick) Ahmet M. Kent 44. Samuel O'Rourke (Facebook; Cooley-directed) Mike McNamara 45. Theodore W. Ullyot (Facebook; Satya N. Nadella Cooley-directed) 46. Amber H. Rover, aka Amber L. Nitin Nohria Hagy aka Amber Hatfield (Weil Gotshal LLP; Judge Kimberly A. Moore's former client) Henry M. Paulson, Jr. 47. Edward R. Reines (Weil Gotschal) David M. Rubenstein 48. Trish Harris (DC Bar Association) 49. Elizabeth A. Herman (DC Bar Stephen A. Schwarzman Association) 50. Elizabeth J. Branda (DC Bar Martin Senn Association) 51. David J. Kappos (former Patent Risto K. Siilasmaa Office Director; former IBM chief intellectual property counsel; John L. Thornton ordered unprecedented 3rd reexam of Leader Technologies' patent; Mark E. Zuckerberg Obama political appointee) 52. Preetinder ("Preet") Bharara Full story: (U.S. Attorney Ceglia v. Zuckerberg; formerly of Gibson & Dunn LLP; https://aim4truth.org/2020/12/22/18-traitors-that-sold-out-america-to-china/ protects Zuckerberg) 53. Thomas J. Kim (SEC Chief Counsel) Reply 54. Anne Krauskopf (SEC Special Sr. Counsel) Replies 55. John G. Roberts, Jr. (Chief Justice, U.S. Supreme Court) K. Craine December 26, 2020 at 5:33 AM 56. Jan Horbaly (Federal Circuit, Previous comment: Clerk of Court) 57. Kimberly A. Moore (Judge, https://tinyurl.com/y98vew9h Federal Circuit) 58. Matthew J. Moore (Latham & Spread the truth. Watkins LLP; husband of Judge Kimberly A. Moore) 59. Kathryn "Kathy" Ruemmler Reply (Latham & Watkins LLP; White House counsel) 60. Evan J. Wallach (Judge, Federal Circuit) K. Craine December 26, 2020 at 5:35 AM 61. Alan D. Lourie (Judge, Federal Circuit) 62. Randall R. Rader (Chief Judge, Federal Circuit) 63. Terence P. Stewart (Federal Circuit Bar Association) 64. Leonard P. Stark (Judge, Delaware U.S. District Court) 65. Richard J. Arcara (Judge, N.Y. Western District, Ceglia v. Holder et al) 66. Allen R. MacDonald (Administrative Judge, U.S. Patent Office) 67. Stephen C. Siu (Administrative Judge, U.S. Patent Office) 68. Meredith C. Petravick (Administrative Judge, U.S. Patent Office) 69. James T. Moore (Administratie Judge, U.S. Patent Office) 70. Pinchus M. Laufer (Sr. Counsel, Patent Trial and Appeal Board, PTAB) https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/12/new-attack-of-mongul-hordes-surrender.html 18/31 12/29/2020 Americans for Innovation: NEW ATTACK OF THE MONGUL HORDES – SURRENDER OF AMERICA’S MIGHT TO ADVANCING COM…

Email comment by AIM: 71. Kimberly Jordan (Counsel, Patent Trial and Appeal Board, CAT REPORT PTAB) Donald Trump Pardons Sixteen People Including Charlie Kushner, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone 72. Daniel J. Ryman (Counsel, Patent Trial and Appeal Board, PTAB) Trump officially vetoes National Defense Authorization Act for 2021 73. William J. Stoffel (Counsel, Patent Trial and Appeal Board, Sen. Mitt Romney against higher stimulus checks for many people PTAB) 74. James C. Payne (Counsel, Patent ZOOM CALL LEAKED – BIDEN DECLARES THIS COUNTRY IS DOOMED ALONG WITH WHITE Trial and Appeal Board, PTAB) EUROPEANS! 75. Deandra M. Hughes (Examiner, Leader v. Facebook reexamination) 8 Of The Craziest Items In The $900 Billion COVID Blue-State Bailout Bill 76. Kathryn Walsh Siehndel (FOIA Counsel, U.S. Patent Office - bio and THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT USES SES, SERCO, AND OPIC AS PORTALS INTO UNSPEAKABLE conflicts log concealed) CORRUPTION 77. Dennis C. Blair (Director, U.S. National Intelligence) Hop on Board the OPIC – USAID Corporate Gravy Train. Operated by Senior Executive Service. Fueled by U.S. Taxpayers. 78. Dennis F. Saylor, IV (Judge, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, FISA) MICHAEL R. POMPEO: GROOMED ‘RINO’ INTERLOCKED WITH THE BRITISH PILGRIMS SOCIETY AND PRIVY COUNCIL 79. James E. Boasberg (Judge, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, FISA) $1.4 BILLION for Congress salaries and “expenses” including $8.2 MILLION to go directly to the “Office of the Speaker” WTF Nancy? 80. James P. Chandler, III (President, National Intellectual Property Law Institute, NIPLI; The Full stories: Chandler Law Firm Chartered; advisor to Asst. Att'y Gen. Eric H. https://aim4truth.org/2020/12/24/cat-report-645/ Holder, Jr., Dept. of Justice; Member, National Infrastructure Assurance Commission, NIAC; Reply advisor to Federal Circuit Chief Judge Randall R. Rader; advisor to Replies Sen. Orrin Hatch; author, The Federal Trade Secrets Act and the Economic Espionage Act of 1996; K. Craine December 26, 2020 at 5:35 AM Leader Technologies' legal counsel, along with Fenwick & West LLP) Previous comment:

https://tinyurl.com/yd7ocus6 C. Facebook puppet masters: Spread the truth. 81. President Barack Obama (appointed Leonard P. Stark to the judge's seat in Delaware Federal Reply District Court eight days after Stark's court allowed Facebook to get away with jury and court manipulation of an on-sale bar verdict which was K. Craine December 27, 2020 at 10:25 AM attained without a single piece of hard evidence; Barack and Michelle NEW SIDNEY POWELL TEAM EVIDENCE OF 2020 ELECTION FOREIGN INTERFERENCE AND Obama were evidently protecting FRAUD their 47 million "likes" on Facebook) 82. Lawrence "Larry" Summers Sidney Powell. (Dec. 23, 2020). Team Evidence Binder on 2020 Election Fraud, direct (Harvard President who aided foreign interference and fraud. Zenger News. (108.5 MB). Zuckerberg's light-speed rise to prominence with unprecedented Source: https://www.zenger.news/sidney-powell-document-binder-2020-election-fraud/ Harvard Crimson coverage; Obama bailout chief; Clinton Treasury Secretary; World Bank Chief https://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/library/2020-12-23-Sidney-Powell-Team-Binder-on-2020- Economist; "Special Advisor" to Election-Fraud-direct-foreign-interference-and-fraud-Zenger-News-Dec-23-2020.pdf Marc Andreessen in Instagram; co- creator of the current Russian robber baron economy; close 20- year relationships with protégés Reply Sheryl Sandberg & Yuri Milner; aided in recommendations that Replies created the Russian robber baron economy—and Yuri Milner/DST/Asmanov's money used K. Craine December 27, 2020 at 10:26 AM to purchase Facebook stock) Previous comment: 83. James W. Breyer, Accel Partners LLP; Facebook director; https://tinyurl.com/y7h89egh client of Fenwick & West LLP since the 1990's; apparently received technology from other Fenwick Spread the truth. clients that was shuffled to Zuckerberg, incl. Leader Technologies' inventions) Reply 84. David Plouffe; directed Obama's 2008 and 2012 campaigns; a self- described "statistics nerd;" likely directed the activities of the Facebook Club; employed Robert F. K. Craine December 29, 2020 at 8:04 AM Bauer, Perkins Coii LLP in 2000 at https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/12/new-attack-of-mongul-hordes-surrender.html 19/31 12/29/2020 Americans for Innovation: NEW ATTACK OF THE MONGUL HORDES – SURRENDER OF AMERICA’S MIGHT TO ADVANCING COM… Email comment by TG: the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee HENRY PAULSON: AMERICAN TRAITOR 85. McBee Strategic (one of the main Well, if it isn’t Henry Merrit “Hank” Paulson Jr., former U.S. Treasury Secretary (2006-2009) "private" arms responsible for during the 2008 bank “bailout” and former CEO of Goldman Sachs dolling out the billions in Obama "green energy" stimulus funds; partnered with Cooley Godward In 2006, Paulson as Treasury Secretary triggered the events that have led to the disastrous LLP) 2020 election fraud surrounding Dominion Voting Systems, et al—in other words, Paulson set up the dismantling of U.S. elections for the Pilgrims Society 86. Mike Sheehy (Cooley-McBee Strategic principal; former National Security Adviser to House Speaker Why is Paulson (and his Pilgrims Society bunk buddies) cavorting with the Premier of the Nancy Pelosi) Chinese Communist Party just as President Trump is taking power? 87. Nancy Pelosi (U.S. Congresswoman; appears to be Full story: running political cover in the House for Facebook, McBee Strategic, https://aim4truth.org/2020/12/28/henry-paulson-american-traitor/ Cooley Godward, Fenwick & West, Breyers, etc.)

Reply 88. Harry Reid (U.S. Senator; Judge Evan J. Wallach patron) 89. Thomas J. Kim (SEC, Chief Counsel & Assoc. Director) approved K. Craine December 29, 2020 at 8:05 AM Facebook's 500-shareholder exemption on Oct. 14, 2007, one day Previous comment after it was submitted by Fenwick & West LLP; Facebook used this https://tinyurl.com/yag7yd27 exemption to sell $3 billion insider stock to the Russians Alisher Spread the truth. Asmanov, Yuri Milner, DST, Digital Sky, Mail.ru which pumped Facebook's pre-IPO valuation to Reply $100 billion; another Harvard grad, Kim worked at Latham & Watkins LLP which was the chief lobbyist for the National Venture Capital Enter your comment... Association in 2002-2004 whose Chairman was . . . James W. Beyer, Accel Partners LLP; in other words Breyer and Kim, both Harvard grads, were associated at the time of the Zuckerberg hacking and theft of Comment as: Google Ac Leader Technologies' software code) 90. Ping Li (Accel Partners, Zuckerberg handler)

Publish Preview 91. Jim Swartz (Accel Partners; Zuckerberg handler) 92. Sheryl K. Sandberg (Facebook, NOTICE TO COMMENTERS: When the MSM diatribe on "fake news" began, our regular commenters Summers protégé; Facebook director) were blocked from posting comments here. Therefore, email your comments to a new secure email addess [email protected] and we will post them. 93. Yuri Milner (DST aka Digital Sky, Summers protégé; former Bank Home Older Post Menatep executive; Facebook director) Subscribe to: Post Comments () 94. Alisher Asmanov (DST aka Digital Sky; Goldman Sachs Moscow partner; Russian oligarch; Friend of the Kremlin; Became the Richest Man in Russia after the Facebook IPO) 95. Marc L. Andreessen (Zuckerberg coach; client of Fenwick & West LLP and Christopher P. King aka Christopher-Charles King aka Christopher King aka Christopher- Charles P. King; Summers' sponsor during Instagram-scam; Facebook director) 96. Peter Thiel (19-year old Zuckerberg coach; PayPal; Facebook director; CEO, Clarion Capital) 97. Clarion Capital (Peter Thiel) 98. Reid G. Hoffman (19-year old Zuckerberg coach; PayPal; LinkedIn; Facebook director) 99. Richard Wolpert (Accel Partners) 100. Robert Ketterson (Fidelity Ventures; Fidelity Equity Partners; Fidelity Ventures Telecommunications & Technology) 101. David Kilpatrick (Business Insider; "The Facebook Effect"; PR cleanse-meister re. Facebook origins) https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/12/new-attack-of-mongul-hordes-surrender.html 20/31