Volume 29 September 30, 1954 Number 2 Casting Is Roucek Will Two UB Alumni Return Started On i Lecture At imi » j • • * * • ■% , Thunder 55 Air College TO A dm inistrative POStS Two graduates of the University have come to “roost” as members of the Univer- by Ken Hawman Dr. Joseph S. Roucek, chair- ! gity’s administration. Flash!!! Here is the advance man of the Political Science and j Victor Muniec, a graduate of the Class of 53. and former editor of Hie SCRIBE, is weather report for the Greater Sociology departments at UB, j ta k in g over the position of Director of Public Relations. William Kennedy, Class cf ’52, and Bridgeport Area on Nov. 19 thru will fly to Montgomery, Alaba- ; formerly with the Bridgeport Telegram will assume the duties of Director of Alumni Re­ 22 — "Thunder and Sunshine’’! ma to lecture to the students' | lations The "Thunder” is “Campus of the Air War College about Muniec, from Palmer, Mass., Thunder ’55” and you’ll find the came to UB after a hitch in the sunshine sitting out there in the "The Committments of the USSR and Her Satellites” on Oct. 18. U. S. Arm y. He received his B. audience watching the annual S. degree at UB in Journalism, campus musical. Major General Delmar T. Spi- and then received his M. S. de­ Albert A. Dickason, Director ney. Commandant of the College gree in Public Relations from of the most popular campus mus­ has arranged for Dr. Roucek to Boston University. He held the ical in Connecticut, announ­ position of Managing Editor on ced tryouts and casting for be flow n there U. S. A ir Force Bomber. Thq SCRIBE from 1951 to 1952, "Thunder ’55” were held Sept. and was Editor from 1952 to 29 and 30 at the new Little Thea­ Dr. Roucek toured the West 1953. ter building on Hazel Street, from Coast this summer giving lec­ 7 to 9 P. M. Member of SPA tures to the students of various Will Need Hundreds colleges on the problems A member of Sigma Phi Alpha fraternity, Muniec was also as­ Mr. Dickason announced of communism, In addition, his sistant to tne Director ot Public that this year’s extravaganza latest book Was released last nelauons. while attending UB. He will require several hundred stu­ month. This brings to 50 the received tne Jacooson Journal­ dents, both in front of and be­ number of books that he has ism Scholarship In his Senior hind the footlights. There are year. openings for the full cast, from written or co-authored. leads, singers, dancers and chorus Kennedy, a native of Bridge­ ity and business men. If you port, was a reporter on the Tele­ want to try out, but could gram for tne past 15 months. not make it on Sept. 29 and 30, While at UB, he was a member contact Mr. Dickason. oi Theta Sigma fraternity. Prior Council Meets to attending UB, Kennedy ser­ The all-campus show, which ved in tne U. S. Marine Corps grows bigger, better and more lor three years, being discharged popular each year, is slated To Name as a sergeant in 1949. While with for three nights in Bridgeport. In tne Marine Corps, he was at- addition to the local run, the tacned to the Public Relations show -will gw on the road fot the Group Heads O ffice, U. S. Marine Corps, first time in its eight-year his­ Brewer On Sabbatical Leave Cherry Point, N. C. tory. "Thunder” will play the The Student Council he] Bushnell Memorial Auditorium He received his degree, Cum in Hartford on Nov. 23. initial meeting of the new Campus Duties Are Shifted Laude, in History from UB, then year on Tuesday, in Alumni spent a year at the University The ' packed house that sat A t>ig change has taken place in the student personnel of Pennsylvania, where he re­ presided over by President Dick through each performance of and housing department of the University; Floyd I. Brewer, ceived his M. A. degree in Amer­ “Thunder ’54” will testify to the Barrett The meeting pointed out Director of Student Activities is now on Sabbatical, while ican Civilization. fast-growing popularity of Dick- the need for greater effort on ason’s Dream. The Genie with Alphonse J- Sherman is acting director in his absence. Kennedy replaces Mrs. Betty the part of Council members and Jensen, a graduate at the Junior his magic wand, the lovers’ Mrs. Marion Lunn, former Di-1 — — - duets, the big production num­ increased cooperation with the rectress of Women’s Residence | Activities, now has the official College of Connecticut, who held bers and dance numbers brought faculty. title to go with it The Univer­ the position for the past two Halls is now the Director of So- years. ringing applause throughout the One decision reached was that cial Activities on campus. Re­ sity, for the past three years, has not had a full time position Klein. the Student Spirit Committee w ill placing her as Residence Hall Replace« L«paw Directress is Miss Claire Fulcher, of this sort, and deemed it ne­ Thundeqettes Again continue to function under the a new face on the UB scene. cessary to have one due to the Muniec replaces Alfred Lepow, Well worth the price of admis­ guiding hand of the Student Miss Fulcher is residence coun­ increased enrollment. who resigned his post to become sion alone are those wonderful, Council. After hard debate on the sellor of Wistaria Hall and is Director of Publications at the gorgeous gals, those luscious, issue of leave of absence as ap­ originally from North Holly­ Lycoming Division of the Avco wood, California. She came east Corp. in Stratford. lovely, laughable "Thunderettes” posed to resignation, it was de- — . the funniest chorus line to two years ago to take her Doc­ Debaters To Meet Lepow will continue to handle (continued on page 4) [ cided that the Council would han­ torate’s degree at Columbia Uni­ Need New Orators the Sports Publicity Division of dle each case individually as it versity. She is still studying at the Tublk Relations Depart­ arises. Columbia and at present attends UB Call Oat Soon ment He was formerly Sports It was also agreed that the there one day a week in order The University’s, Debating So­ Ed‘ tfv-. M e urgin g Editor, and- ad­ tu'.rark on hi. tiiesis. Miss Ful-' ciety is looking for new mem­ viser to The SCRIBE. l£V Working In Shifts awataing 61 recognition pins and cher lived her whole life in Cal­ the address by President Halsey ifornia, but thinks the east is bers! There will be a meeting Parkers Warned would be postponed until after “just fine”. „ on Oct. 6 to acquaint prospect­ The Bridgeport Police Oct. 8. Mr. Sherman, aside from ive members, experienced and Department is working a double Appointments to the various the trend,' is spending his sab­ otherwise, with details. Last batical at Columbia working on I Freshmaa Nurses Feted shift in the UB area to pass out committees were announced as parking violation tickets for all his ^«tor’sd ^ iw also. He was y®*1- the ^ t y met some of cars that are parked in no-park­ follow s: Residence counsellor ol Milford the top brain trusts on the Freshman students altering ing or limited parking areas. Ethics - David Bar-Cohen and Hall last year, which at the time eastern, seaboard, including: the College of Nursing were Robert Vossler; Student Council was a boys’ dorm, but due to Amherst; NYU; West Point; feted Sept 16, in the Bishop Hall The warning was given to The lounge. The meeting was term­ SCRIBE by Superintendent of Financial • Sam Goldberg, Bar- the influx of female freshmen Fordham Dartmouth and Hof- was converted to a girl s dorm, |___ « ed a Survival and Revival get- Polcie John Lyddy, to be con­ Cohen, Vossler and Marvin Gel- stra. together by Dean Martha P. veyed to the students. Superin­ and is now under the care of fand; “Who’s Who” - Jim Martin, Miss Virginia Desmond. The meeting will take place Jayne, and was organized by tendent Lyddy warns that no ex­ Barbara Collins and Marilyn ceptions will be made to the Gary Singer and Myra Seide; Mr. Sherman, who, aside from* in the Alumni Hall Conference being the father of three girls, Wilkinson, respective presidents rules. He points in particular Athletic Policy - Joe DiDominico Room A 2 P. M. on Oct. 6. In ­ of the sophomore and junior to cars that parked w ithin 25 is an instructor in accounting and Ignazio Salone. and assistant football coach. His formation may also be obtained classes of the College of Nursing. feet of intersections, blocking from Mr. Banks or society mem­ driveways and parked in the no­ Summing up the need for more duties as Director of Student Ac­ The freshman class rest» in­ parking area on Park Place, from work and greater cooperation tivities will consist of the same bers George Chamberlain or Clar­ trudes: Caryl Blank, Marilyn. Park Ave. to Fones Hall. with the faculty, Barrett said, things as did those of Mr. Brew­ ion Fry. The topic this year is: Gardiner, Marilyn Johnson, Jo- Ann Robertson, Lorraine Talxm- er. *. * “Resolved That The USA Should He reminds students that, “If we are to have good student Mrs. Lunn, former Residence elli, Mrs. Eleanor Banko, Arlene; while violations of Bridge­ government it will be necessary Counsellor of Schiott Hall, whose Extend Diplomatic Recognition Stalowitz, Kathryn Bonaminlo, port laws are punishable by $1 To The Communist Government Ruth Cooper, Marie Qnofrio!, fines, violatoin of state auto laws for us to sacrifice, to dedicate duties last year were in reality those of the Director of Social and Judith Margolies. bring $6 fines. and to love”. o f China” . Page 2 T H E SCRIBE September 30, 1954 ARE YOU KIDDING?? Dear Editor Dear S ir: It’s disgusting to see a person take advantage of anoth­ On behalf of the Freshman er who can’t help himself. It’s like stealing a crippled man’s Class I should like to thank the crutches or throwing an old lady down a flight of stairs. Freshman Week Committee for the splendid job they did this That’s exactly what was done at Candlelite Stadium year. last Saturday evening. Without any advance knowledge on Sam Marks and Bemie Frank the part of those attending, stadium owner Carl Brunetto gave a great part of themselves suddenly imposed a 25c parking fee on all who used his lot- to the work of the Committee and deserve considerable praise By BILL WBIGHT This is the first time that football fans have ever had for the manner in which they to pay for parking at a U B game at Candlelite. A s a matter carried on, despite rain, cold Everybody has a little “ham” in him, and A1 Dicka- of fact, it’s the first time that this paper can remember that and small calamities almost son is trying to bring the best of it into the limelight. Final every day. Brunetto charged for any parking. . . including all the Mon­ •The entire Committee worked casting for “Campus Thunder” is tonight at 7 o’clock. Every­ day night stock car races. hard and long, and each one de­ one who goes to UB is eligible, so let’s make this last night Why, then, does he suddenly impose this parking fee? serves an individual word of of try-outs the biggest. Try-outs will take place in the Little thanks. In my years as Advisor Don’t ask UB officials. They were as amazed as we were. Theatre behind Schiott Hall. to the Freshman Class, I have Big doings at Champ’s that Kathy Boy hen has said And they’re as perturbed as we are. never seen a better nor more in­ “Yes” to the owner of the White Shore House this Friday Turkey Inn in that city. W e hope it doesn’t happen again. I f it does, we suggest terested committee. I am sure nite, as KBB is kicking off that I speak the mind of each the fraternity social season , On the debit side of the that UB hire a bus or two and charge the passengers to get and every Freshman when I say “Newly Pinned” ledger are to the game. It’ll be cheaper than giving money to Brunetto, with t*.eir Football Hop. The “Thank you very much”. I am program will be under the Myra Seide and Carl who is already making money on the stadium rental fee and just as sure that you all have M. C.-manship of “Kip” Kir­ Wattner. She was last year’s the refreshments. set a splendid example for those by, and according to certain editor of this weekly gem. who will emerge as campus sources, may prove to be Gert Swift, Joan Trombley, leaders from the Freshman very novel. Let’s ail go and Lois Calabrese, and Martha Ban- Class. find out why. nar. the Four Roses of Wistaria Francis E. Dolan, Timmy Ryan, one of UB’s Hall, will soon appear as real Advisor to the former court stars, was home on Yaleys on campus. The girls are LACK OF INTEREST?? Freshman Class a weekend pass from Fort Dix. saving their pin money to He says one of these days he’s buy scotch-plaid kilts and girley We have been hearing a lot of'talk lately about the going to get a stripe to put on pipes. This I gotta see. “lack of industrial interest” in the University of Bridgeport, his . Through a typographical as well as the supposed lack of interest in us by local philan­ PUPPY DOG HAS BABY error on my part last week, Secretarial DOLL: Marie Le Claire Dick Watt and his new bride thropists. W e could break out a fresh copy of the new cata­ (known affectionately to her were not mentioned. Sorry, logue and rattle off the listings of scholarships donated by friends as Puppy Dog) has Dick and good luck to you industrial firms and philanthropists in Bridgeport, who' Sweetheart had an addition to her little and the little lady. have been, are now, and will be interested in UB. fam ily. This tim e it’s a 4 lb.. Wilton Hall is planning its JENNIE FOGEL 2 oz. g irl doll. Th e g irls in first Open House. It will take Let us remind you, instead, of one single donation by Milford Hall got together place Sunday, Oct. 17, from 3 to two lobal men, Bridgeporters, who were interested enough and named her Milly Mil- 5 P. M. Refreshments will be .... Herb Glines’ secretary in ' ford. Fine thing, first a in us to donate $200,000 — yes, Two Hundred Thousand the athletic office .... hails served on the lawn, and every­ men's dorm, second a Wo­ one is invited. Dollars — for a new, ultra-modem library on campus. W e from London, England. . . . in men’s dorm, now it’s a nurs­ Two UB alumni have re­ are, of course, speaking o f the Carlson Brothers and the V. S. and UB for one year. . . . ery. turned to these hallowed likes dancing, reading, rooting Marv Gelfand and Diane new Carlson Memorial Library. (And $200,000, you must for UB teams. . . . true to tradi­ halls this week. Of course, admit, will buy an awful lot of coffee from Brazil!!) tion, favorite actor is Laurence Bulkin have tied the knot a little I’m talking about Bill Ken­ Olivier. . . . favorite actress is tighter by her trading his fra­ nedy and Vic Muniec, who ternity pin for an engagement are taking over their jobs Audrey Hepburn. . . . thinks UB ring. Congrats, you two. is fun. . . . thinks our opinion' of as Alumni Relations Chief Bill Bevacqua is herein no­ and Public Relations Direct­ London fog “highly exaggera­ tifying all Freshmen that ted”. . . . has sister in Cleveland or, respectively. they don't have to tip their who works at Western Reserve By the way, that was “Cook­ University. . . . came to U. S. be­ beanies to him on campus. ie” Kushnick you saw leading He’s not REALLY a profes­ the bull at the- game, Saturday cause heard it was land of op­ s o r » portunity. . . . opinion of Ameri­ night. Or was he throwing it? can men: “ w ow !” . . . prefers Word from Danbury has it Oh, well. not to say what she thinks about American women. . . . favorite food is food. . . . can be found most of the time at Bishop Hall (she says). . . . next most favor­ ite spot is Alumni Hall snack bar. . . . is Mrs. Martin's shadow .... has a real British accent. . . could be mistaken for Deborah Kerr with her accent . . . work­ ed for United Press for two years in London. . . . now helps out in CCilISC ofbct lit opSat-e . . . ! lives off campus in Bridgeport’s West End. . . . still hasn’t been Nf V* to top of Empire State Building .... any offers??? takes dicta­ tion like a whiz. . . . attends) all Oxford . . . designed especially fo r the man of UB social affairs. . . . was house mother for weekend at Seaside .... was hostess fdr Bookstore w . | convention last summer. . . fav­ combed eattoa O d o nl orite faculty member is Martha m two vooalita wldoiy Jayne, head of college of nurs­ preferred stylo* — tho ing. . . . also works for College Button-Down and d w *WHAT CAN YOU DO? 4 TO i of Nursing as secretary.__ often confuses two offices.. . . athletes Sound Collar. Sty fed and get assigned to Bridgeport Hospi­ mado with tho nwo hoed tal. . . . straightens it all out in o( Now England*« nick of time. . . . finest shirtmoknrs, d a y boast sudi niretios os a THE SCRIBE NEW WIDE SCREEN! center back plant ood UNiyiatSITY OF BRIDGEPORT FRANK H. FARGO confer tattoo on CAMPUS WEEKLY WARNER & MERRITT COMPANY conaebech. Published weekly during the achdol year Ihn NOW PLAYING • (except exam and va.atton periodai by the GLYN1S JOHNS collar has a hocosslng students o f the University of Bridgeport. DIANA DOBS Zippers «rehod (root Bar«. Um The SCBIBE is a member of the Inter- “THE WEAK AND Loose Leaf Ring Books collegiate Press and the Associated Col­ collar and cods oca legiate Press. Both services are entitled to THE WICKED” • « «afinad for consta t. full use of material contained herein. * .— Plus 2nd Big Hit — Meeting Students Needs the All material Should bo seat to SCRIBE. “RETURN FROM For All School Supplies is designad tob o University of Bridgeport. Bridgeport. Conn. TH E S E A * • Office phone: 3-2522. JAN STERLING vith an «adorila pie,1 1001 BROAD STREET 1 VoL 29 — No. 2 y S ep t 30,1954 NEVILLE BRAND September 30,1954 T H E SCRIBE P a g e s Knights Meet U Friday;Inramorals Open WHk Mm Sports ooking For First Victory Listed For Year by Larry Babich A full scale intramural pro­ Win ip “ ghts wjH be gunning for their initial gram consisting of nine sports ThiLil tJl*1Ifootb?n season when they take on the Vikings of has been released by IM coordi­ nator Nick D’Aluisio, with touch k S S L ^ S , * ? ! in+?ast 0ran« e’ N- J" Friday night. The football and volley ball leagues Knights will be out to even this year’s record, after dropping opening the season Oct. 5. The rest of the program for the 1954 thFrfd^SOnrriday nights ^ hclash r ,asnwill Saturdaymark*1------37-6*------to New Hampshire -55 season includes basketball, and contrary,to the popular feeling tM t tne fourth meeting between the track, golf, tennis, table-tennis, schools in a series that dates bowling, and softball. back to 1949. The Knights have taken two of the three contests A meeting was held in Coach played thus far. including a 13-6 Herbert Glines’ office yesterday squeaker last season. with all organizations having a a s m s ££■. representative present as rules *£**■"“ h*“ ****** UConn, Rhode Island — Yanke* Conference championship. and regulations were discussed. *°P 14 °*> after his team had just left the fieklw H fta Vikings Led By Holt The schedule of events will run 37-6 victory under their belts. * from Monday to Thursday. The Vikings, led by halfback Duly Holt, have overpowered A competent group of officials » d « S t a s 's as Norwich University 41-20 and SL were named by D’Aluisio to re­ feree all events on the pro­ Lawrence 430 in preparation for their meeting with the Purple gram. The select group includes: , . «»Is wont mean a thing it the Knights should fall down. and White, and will be banking Tom McNeil, Jack Liggins, John experience they have always been able to rebound McKenna, Sam Bernstein and and'this bureau looks for a better season Hum most pebpfee* on their 4-H backfield of Holt, Tony Silva. Others are expected Norm Hinks, Tom Henderson and Fred Hill to continue their to be named by D’Aluisio. free scoring attack. af £?CiCe°nIS ?opcer tea™ opens its season Wednesday nite UB will counter with quarter­ Jri^ntpn, N. J. and although there can never be enough said about back Don Ardito, who suffered ° i the team» w® feel that a special bit oil a bruised elbow in the New notice should be given to the only new player on the'starting eleven; Hampshire game, but will be hi Davins whose *3101100 D ollar B M ? wme ready for the Vikings; Co-­ Clink Leaving ¡umthe Most Valuable Player award In the baseball tain Johnny Esposito, individual league in Blaine this summer, and who also plays a bit o f bmkst- offensive leader with 60 yards ball (we ve seen his name in s few boxscores), has taken over for the graduated Waitte Slavkin in the nets. gained, at .left half; Dick “Peach- DICK CIPRIANI In his sec­ For Trotters es”. Fresdlone, who scored the ond year of ball at UB has Alvin Clinkscales, the only i he dofsn t have the experience that Slavldn did, Knights’ first touchdown of the been a starter from the mo­ player in the history of tie Uni­ b e1 n ama^ng even the most seasoned members of the season, at righ half; and Co­ versity to be named to the Helm’s ment he donned the Purple upu!nlfr^t^ai|1«.§1^J front an 8-2 record IS dswith is not MUJeunforeseeable. n ^ on t- Gordie Cochrane et al captain Roland Emery in the and W hite. The tw o pmncri he N A IA All-America team, fullback slot. Joe Marrucco and caught in last Saturday's will leave Saturday to joih the Maurice MacAllister will be ready opener set up the lone Bridge­ original Harlem Globetrotters for service in the backfield. port score. tryout camp is Chicago. SILVER GLIDE'S Dick Cipriani, whose pass catching set up the Knights’ lone score, will be at one end; and STRATFIELD MEN'S SHOP Hans Schneider, who grabbed j Mere-Lan Mere-! Cashmere three passes good for 51 yards, Booters vs TURTLE will be at the other wing. Ray ! NECKS AND GAUCHOS Glatkowski and Don Kirschbaum Styled by ARROW will back up the frontliners at Rider College SOLID COLORS — SKI PATTERNS _ ARGYLES that spot. W ed nesdayl 10% . DISCOUNT TO UB STUDENTS Line Set WITH THIS AD After two weeks of strenuous 1243 Main Street Stratfield Hotel Bldg. At the tackles, George Strop- practice, coach John McKeon paro and Hal Trischman will see vVW send his 1954 soccer team most of the action. Both boys on the field to open their played a bang-up game on the season against Rider College in line against New Hampshire. Trenton, N. J. next Wednesday THE MEMBERS OF Frank “Moose” Aloi, broken night. hand and all, will be backing This will be McKeon’s them up. The DiDominico twins, second year at the helm of the Fred and Joe, will be at the Purple and White. He has 10 ALPHA PHI OMEGA guard slots with Lenny Pirro, lettermen returning to action recovering from . a shoulder in­ from last year’s team which spilt OB'« ONLY NATIONAL FBATEHWTT jury, expected to be ready. Gene its eight games. Heading the list Pulaski, who played a good of­ are Co-captains Danny Katz and WELCOMES THE NEW F R E S H M A N nf.Aflfl i t a fensive game last week, will al­ Tommy DéNoto,* 'An-New Eng- so move into a guard post Dave land Mike Belmont and Gordie ‘Clinker’, who holds the UB sin­ Deep, the hard-charging center, Cochrane, Bob Stevenson, Carlos gle season scoring marie and is will again hold up the middle Lares, Nick D’Aluisio, Jack •of the line. second in scoring in the school's For Movies From 30 Different Countries White, Herbie Rudolph and Mark Taken by One of Our Brothers' — ----- After Upsala the squad will Scheinbart. Other returning vet­ history, received the good news play Hofstra College at Hemp­ erans are Ralph Carbone and in a telegram from Abe Saper- “AROUND THE WORLD WITH A. P. Ol» stead, L. I., and return to Bridge­ Louis Besson. stein, head coach of the Globe­ port to play New Haven State WATCH FOR OUR DANCE AT ALUMNI OCT. IB McKeon is well pleased with trotters last week. Teachers on Oct 16. the way the team is shaping up After the New Haven State and is especially high on J im m y Clinkscales was an ace 440, 890 Davins, the agile junior who will and mile relay runner for coach take over the goalie position va­ Walt Kondratovich’s Track team cated by the graduation of W ally as well as being a Dean’s List Slavkin. student. Upon graduation last “BUILD.. FOR TOMORROW TODAY" The Knights will open their home schedule Oct. 9 against A l­ spring, “Clink” was named act­ Regular deposits to a savings account ho«, bany State Teachers at Seaside ing Athletic Director at Rassick with 2 V2% current interest added, just seem Park. High School in Bridgeport. to grow — and grow — and grow. CORNER MAIN AT GOLDEN HILL Open Fridays FOR . until 5:30 COLLEGE & farm ers ÇawHÿfSatüi, j A cor »um um mm meen • i r i CM*fcnc«r • m. w ' AT THRIFTY PRICES September 30, 1954 T H E SCRIBE Page 4 THUNDER (continued from page 1) ever kick high in Bridgeport. They won’t exactly dazzle you with their beauty but they will tickle your iunnybone no matter what condition it's in. The highlight of the show is the Thunderettes, one of the mam reasons why “Thunder” is being compared to the very-successful “Mask and Wig” production of the University of Pennsylvania. When those ‘gals’ strut out on the runway, native Bridgeport- ers will stop wondering what ever happened to burlesque. Why is it that the people who .... that the guy who is al­ complain the most about the food ways late to class is the first up in Marina are the first in line I when the bell rings? Social Activities at 5:20? .... that the best looking girls Why is it that the prettiest always sit with other girls in Tentative plans for three main girls on campus go home on the snack bar? dances, the Christmas Ball, the weekends? .... that students who com- Sweetheart Dance and the Wi­ .... that boys who wear sharp | mute from out-of-town are al- staria Ball have been set up by bow ties are usually emitting i ways on time, while those who the Social Activities Committee sound from the aperture direct­ live in dorms are late? for the coming year. Howard ly above said tie^ .... that the sign in the snack Shapiro has been named tempor­ .... that those who complain bar says “stand in line” and ary chairman with Mrs. Marion most about the failure, of the I those that don’t are the first Lunn as Directress. football team know the name of ones served? School ‘Queens’ vail be elected their brand of liquor better than .... that seniors flock to the for the Sweetheart Dance and they do the players? freshman girls rather than Wistaria Ball. .... that those who yell loud­ those of their own age? The naming of Shapiro to the est about school spirit don’t yell .... that UB fellows who have head post was temporary only at all when it comes time to { been around longest always take because the Committee is wait­ cheer at games or rallies? non-UB girls to dances? CAMPUS CUTIE — Bobbie Fechtner is $he SCRIBE’S ing for all new members to meet .... professors who are easy .... that students who always the upperclassmen in the group. first campus cutie this year. A cute 5’6” frecklefaced going in Alumni Hall are hard­ appear broke during semester The SAC will meet again spend all summer touring Eur­ doll, she is majoring in the WeyHster school. Tuesday in room 30 o f Alum ni est going in the class room? .... that guys who wear ties ope? I HaU. * and to class go out on .... that freshmen know more dates in sweat and dunga­ about UB in three weeks than ALPHA TO ZETA rees? old timers ever do? .... that the girl who has two by Lou Csigay Troupers Work Out .... that as soon as a guy gets N pinned, the girls start flocking closets full of clothes always Practice and try-out sessions around him? wears slacks to classes? Last week, this column was devoted to an introduction of the Arnold Troupers are held .... that profs will always .... that the writer of this of the Greek groups on campus with a “thumb-nail” sketch each afternoon from 4 to 5:30 schedule an exam the morning column never knows the answers of each of them. This week I would like to have you meet at the Little Theater directly after a heavy date? to these questions? the officers of the groups. behind Schiott Hall. K A P P A B E T A R H O is again opening the social season Programs and exhibitions are planned at nearby schools as are with their annual Foot-Ball at Champs this Friday night. television appearances of the The officers of KBR are president, John Kirby; vice presi­ group. dent, Mike Kirilenko; secretary, W es Sanislo; and treasur­ According to Dr. David Field, CONTYS faculty adviser to the group, all FOR A GOOD SNACK ANYTIME • er, Frank Cavendar. students, both male and female, The newly elected officers of ^ lnt0 the army> SIGMA OMI- are invited to attend the practice SANDWICHES SOFT DRINKS • AI.PHA GAMMA PHI are Ro- CKON SIGMA found it necessary sessions and try out. land Emery, president; John to hold new elections . The re­ Kehoe, vice president; Arch Cur-_ sult* were Bob Kleist, chancel­ OPEN UNTIL 2 A. M. rie, secretary; and Don Dolan, lor; Howie Shapiro, vice chancel­ treasurer. lor; Connie Range, scribe; Bob Bill Bevacqua is handling the Siebert, chancellor of the ex­ 30 Park Place reins of SIGMA PHI ALPHA chequer; and Mike Fastoso, this year; he will be assisted by equerry. Ernie Amaral as vice president; The PI OMEGA CHI slate of Bob Vossler as treasurer; Owen officers is president, Sam Marks; Kroeger as corresponding secre­ vice president, Leigh Danen- tary; Art Parisi as recording berg; secretary, Jim Martin; secretary; and Bill Tuite as ser­ pledge master, Bemie Milov«; geant-at-arms. and exchequer, Hubie Vines. Ken With Marge Gale as president, Hawman, of all people, is chap­ Pat Craig as vice president, Jan­ lain, assisted by missionary-to- et Grossman as treasurer, Pam the-winterlands Wes Hobby. House as corresponding secre­ Geraldine Bennett is running tary, Bobbie Stefanek as L F. C the show for THETA EPSILON representative, and Barbara this year, and assisting her w01 Biitzer as social ■ director. „***CIA be Sheila Haffner, vice presi­ GAMMA seems to be headed for dent; Ruth Beckman as secre­ another banner year. tary; Rose Sievers as treasurer; The new officers of SIGMA Emily Forte as historian; and LAMBDA CHI are president, Marianne Lacy as pledgemaster. Sam Goldberg; vice president. DELTA EPSILON BETA elect­ Carlo Racomato; treasurer, Ron­ ed new officers Monday night. nie Krum; corresponding secre­ They are president, Ed Brown; tary, Hal Nevins; and sergeant- vice president, Russ Moore; re­ at-arms, Sam Belinski, Racoma­ cording secretary Charles Young; to replaced Mel Zimmerman as corresponding secretary, Don veep because Mel is wearing kha­ McIntyre; and treasurer, Charles ki for Uncle Sam this season. IYalek. ALPHA DELTA OMEGA will be led by Dick Piroh as chan­ cellor; Frank Jawoisz, vice chan-1 cellor; Lou Csigay, exchequer; Vinny Maggio, chancellor of the SWICK CLEANERS exchequer; Steve Tolkin, scribe and Dick Farrell, equerry. 6 — HOUR — 6 President Bill Wright presided ; at the second meeting of THETA [ DRY CLEANING SIGMA, with vice president, j Bemie Palaske; treasurer Tom AND Mills; secretary Larry Miller; director ol social activities, B ill! OUR SPECIALTY Firisn; and pledge master, Joe J Kenny using their executive abil­ Telephone EDison 3-7871 ities to move things smoothly. *346 State. St. Bridgeport Because two officers, Bob Vlo- j olyn and John Mate, were induct-'