African Women in Imagining Your Future 2244 - 2525 MayMay 20112011 • SandtonSandton ConventionConvention Centre,Centre, SandtonSandton inin JohannesburgJohannesburg

“The sky is no limit. We gain strength and courage and confi dence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face… we must do that which we think we cannot” -

“Please know I am quite aware of the hazards. I want to do it because I want to do it. Women must try like men have tried. When they fail, failure must be but a challenge to others.” ~


This conference brings together women of achievement or those who • How to Navigate from Within: A guide want to achieve highly in the aviation industry.The aim is to promote their to tapping your greatest resource –You. advancement through a network of aviation professionals such as women • Building brand and infl uence in the who hold high positions in the aviation and aerospace industry including airline Industry airline, airport, fi nance, insurance, law, manufacturing, operations, suppliers • Trends in Aviation and how women can and government. There are a lot of women working in the aviation industry tap the opportunities but the number of those in management positions could get better. • Things you fi nd weird in the industry As the industry adjusts to world wide economic and political change, women • Gender issues in aviation: Unmasking are assuming greater and more visible roles. This forum will provide women the bottlenecks and challenges an opportunity to share views on matters of importance to the industry, as • Aviation Challenges and Opportunities well as on issues that affect women generally. in Southern Take advantage of this opportunity to meet and network with some truly • Changing the World of Aviation: A View extraordinary people who share the common interests of promoting and From Women advancing women in the aviation industry. • Uncovering the path to destiny fulfi ll- ment in aviation for women Are you an air traffi c controller, pilot, mechanic, engineer, fl ight attendant, • Balancing your career goals, personal astronaut, dispatcher, aviation historian or just plain enthusiast? needs and family demands in your daily Or are you in the military or are you working for an air carrier? Do you activities move freight or passengers by air as your daily routine? Come join us, you • Optimising your professional skills impeccable women from all walks of aviation and aerospace industry, as and capabilities by taking advantage we gather to connect and share our collective wisdom and celebrate our of hidden resources available in rich history. your organisation • Benchmarking a national priority that will lead and support women to the top • Challenging personal assumptions which limit opportunities for promotion

Visit our website: AMABHUBESI CONFERENCING & TRAINING Tel: +27 11 326 0353 In Association with Beaver and Beaver Management Solutions (Pty) Ltd Fax: +27 11 326 0354 African Women in Aviation

WHO SHOULD ATTEND Dear Prospective Delegate, • Women in Corporate We at Amabhubesi Conferencing and the entire Organising committee have the pleasure of inviting you or a representative of your organisation to attend our and Law Aviation conference on African Women in Aviation scheduled for the 24th - 25th May 2011 • Pilots at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg. • Air Paramedics in hospitals This conference is aimed at providing an international forum where women working in the aviation industry will showcase and discuss issues that affect them • Women Technicians in their day to day discharge of duties. • Chief Executives

The event will provide industry professionals with a unique opportunity to inter- • Directors act with their peers from different countries, sharing ideas and experiences on how they can advance and sustain their careers. In addition to being an excel- • Aeronautical Engineers lent networking opportunity, the conference will explore the most pressing is- • Aviation Maintenance sues that face the industry today in order to make better decisions for tomorrow. • Service Pilots It will therefore be a great pleasure for you to attend this conference where you • Air Traffi c Controller shall be afforded an opportunity to share knowledge, experience and expertise with other professionals across the industry. • Meteorologist

I look forward to hear from you the soonest. • Researchers on Women Studies from Universities Yours Sincerely, • Airline Staff • Law enforcers within the aviation industry. Mwawi G. Sitshoni Project Manager Tel: 0027 11 326 0353 • Fax: 0027 11 326 0354 Email: mwawi@


General Mavumbe Melapi Director: Corporate Communication - Airforce Jane Trembath First female pilot in SA qualifi ed to fl y the -400 Sibongile Sambo Managing Director - SRS Aviation Dr. Lesego Bogatsu Civil Aviation Authority Colonel Petrus Oberholster National Commander-Air Wing - South African Police Service Lieutenant Colonel Nakale SA1 Medical - Department of Defense, Commander Trish Beckman (Rtd) Flight Test Navigator, Production Flight Test, Boeing Test and Evaluation - Boeing Company, of America Natasha Rheeders Director - Rainbow Aviation Hilma Leonard Chief Aeronautical Information Services - Civil Aviation Authority of Namibia Andre Smit Executive Offi cer: Aerospace Chamber - Transport Education & Training Authority Patrinah Masalela Finance Director - Ministry of Transport, Lynnette Loosens Former President of Association of South Africa

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08:00 - 08:30 Registration & Coffee 12:15 - 13:00 Policy and Guidelines for the aviation sector in Bo- 08:30 - 09:15 Keynote Address: tswana (Government initiatives & major challenges) Challenges for the Global Aviation Industry Many airports and airlines suffer from a legacy of government Recent developments and evolving challenges in the airline ownership that was characterised by burdensome and inef- industry have had an emphasis on global industry forces. The fi cient bureaucratic practices and a general lack of innova- session begins with review of recent airline performance and tion and entrepreneurial spirit. Privatisation can be a remedy strategies, followed by an analysis of emerging challenges for some of these ineffi ciencies, but many governments have facing the global aviation sector. demonstrated that they can change as well without introduc- • Economic cycles ing privatisation. This session will look at: • Fuel price volatility • Overview of the aviation sector in Botswana • Impacts of growing competition; • Scope of capacity shortfalls • Implications for infrastructure capacity, operations, • Regulatory fl exibility, the key to building new capacity and safety. • Benchmarking to achieve economic suffi ciency Commander Trish Beckman (Rtd) Flight Test Navigator, Patrinah Masalela Finance Director - Ministry of Transport, Production Flight Test, Boeing Test and Evaluation - Boeing Botswana Company, United States of America 13:00 - 14:00 Networking Lunch 09:15 - 10:00 Current state of women in the 14:00 - 15:00 South African Professional Development - South Africa and Africa at large still refl ects many character- What are you doing in the Gap istics of a patriarchal society. Although women constitute the If women are catching up with men in almost all facets of life, majority of the population, they are still inadequately repre- why can’t you breach the gap to destiny fulfi lment in the avia- sented in political, economic, social and cultural structures of tion industry? We all clamour to get ‘there’. Are you working society, except on the lower echelons towards becoming an echelon in the industry? Be an agent • Historical background to promote and deal with change; reinvent your career and • Personnel & Training fi nd the incline to the development of women in this industry. • Structure This session will look at: • Conclusion • Innovation development General Mavumbe Melapi Director: Corporate Communi- • Professional Culture cation - South Africa Airforce • Operational Management 10:00 - 10:15 Tea Break • Strategic Management Hilma Leonard Chief Aeronautical Information Services - 10:15 - 11:30 Civil Aviation Authority of Namibia The Impact of Airline Infrastructure on the 15:15 - 16:15 growth of the airline industry in Africa Climbing up the ladder - The Fuel You The lack of adequate infrastructure capacity – airports and Need for Reaching High Attitudes airspace – and the rapidly growing costs of maintaining and This course addresses the key leadership challenges facing expanding this infrastructure are two of the most critical those with responsibility for executing their company’s strate- problems for the future of air transportation, nationally and gies through organisational change and portfolio, program, internationally. and project implementation. It focuses on those skills and This session will look at: competencies that leaders require for guiding their organiza- • Overview of airline infrastructure in Africa tions, in addition to offering innovative tools for engaging • Critical problems and associated solutions others in meaningful collaboration. The session will tackle: • Lessons learnt from the developed world. • Leading decision-making and communications in strate- • The role of government in sustaining critical airline in- gic execution planning frastructure • Ensuring strategic alignment and organisational “fi t” Andre Smit, Executive Offi cer, Aerospace Chamber, Trans- • Assessing and planning for organisational execution port Education and Training Authority risks Security Equipment • Building collaborative partnerships through sponsorship and alliances 11:30 - 12:15 • Planning and leading change induced by new strategies Building value and brand in the airline industry and portfolios This session has been against the unenviable backdrop of an Lynnette Loosens Former President of Helicopter industry facing continued rapid change and acute fi nancial Association of South Africa pressures. The global recession and the weakening demand for air travel in key economies, particularly in Africa, make 16:15 End of Day One this the most diffi cult of downturns for the airline industry and building brands and infl uence can help reposition your company. The session will look at: • Realising opportunities in challenging Times • Marketing and Advertising in a the airline industry • The key to building infl uence in the airline industry • Four principles of building infl uence Sibongile Sambo Managing Director - SRS Aviation

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08:00 - 08:30 Registration 11:45 - 13:00 The Fuel You Need to reach high attitudes 08:30 - 09:30 Today’s world is full of challenges, crises and choices, es- Military Issues Pertaining to Women in aviation pecially in the aviation industry as it changes and adapts to Women entering a male dominated sphere for the fi rst time changing economics and technologies. How can aviation en- will always encounter diffi culties. Some of these problems re- thusiasts and professionals move successfully with the chang- late to the physical or physiological attributes of the women ing tides and times? Leadership begins with the premise that themselves. Others relate to the attitudes of the men whose you are the pilot-in-command of your career and in that re- world they do not wish others to enter. sponsibility, you need to know what is important to you, what • Medical Evacuation of the Wounded Troops ignites your passion, and what you stand for. • Translating your Military Skills to the civilian technical fi eld Leadership gives participants an opportunity to explore their • Lifesavers: A Panel of US Coast Guard Women Aircrew unique values and put them in the context of their careers, - Case study challenges and opportunities. • Flying the World’s Fastest Airplane – SR-71 Blackbird Natasha Rheeders Director - Rainbow Aviation • A Historical Perspective of Women in Military Aviation Lieutenant Colonel Nakale SA1 Medical - 13:00 - 14:00 Networking Lunch Department of Defense, Namibia 14:00 - 15:00 09:30 - 10:30 Finding Your Place as a Woman in a Man’s World Medical issues in the Aviation Industry For the past 100 years we’ve been hearing, “It’s a man’s job,” In the airline industry, health-related issues concerning pas- or “Let a man do it.” Well, not anymore it isn’t! Women in sengers or crew are crucial in most activities: aircraft opera- today’s workforce are strong, confi dent and know what their tions, passenger transport, cargo, etc. They cover matters as doing. They are blue collar workers in dangerous occupa- diverse as duty time limitation, transmission of communica- tions and corporate workers in extreme jobs and they are ble diseases, and disinsection. This session will look at: making a huge impact on the way women are viewed and • Guidelines to help you cope with health & safety issues accepted in the work force today. This session will look at: • Allergen-sensitive passenger • The diffi culties faced by women in aviation • Passenger contract tracing • The causes Dr. Lesego Bogatsu Civil Aviation Authority • The solution Jane Trembath First female pilot in SA qualifi ed to fl y the 10:30 - 10:45 Tea Break Boeing 747-400

10:45 - 11:45 15:00 - 15:15 Afternoon Tea Generational Diversity in the Aviation Industry: 15:15 - 16:00 Continuation of discussion Now What? The commercial airline is an extremely competitive, safety- 16:00 End of Day Two sensitive, high technology service industry. People, employ- ees and customers, not products and machines, must be the arena of an organisation’s core competence. The implications are vast and pervasive affecting no less than the organisa- tion’s structure, strategy, culture, and numerous operational activities. This session will look at: • Tapping diverse talent in aviation • The next generation aviation professional • Age (four generations at work);Culture (increased glo- balisation) • Experience Colonel Petrus Oberholster National Commander-Air Wing - South African Police Service

Visit our website - click here: REGISTRATION FORM African Women in Aviation 24 - 25 May 2011 Sandton Sun, Johannesburg R7490 Cost, excl. VAT pp Tel: +27(0)11 326-0353 Fax: +27(0)11 326-0354 Please complete and return this form to Authorising Person:

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Company VAT No. 4870237817 Name of Bank First National Bank (SA) Branch name FNB - Randburg Square Branch Code 261 - 750 Account name Amabhubesi Training Account number 62134658155 Reference Insert your ref number on the deposit slip please Registration fees above include the following entitlements: Entrance to sessions, registration pack, daily lunch and refreshment breaks. CANCELLATION NOTICE By signing and returning the registration form, the authorizing signatory on behalf of the stated company is subject to the following terms and conditions. Delegate Cancellations: All cancellations must be received in writing and are subject to the following conditions: s Charge of 50% of the registration fee, plus R700 (+ VAT) administrative charge will be made for cancellations received in writing at least 14 working days prior to the event s For any cancellations received less than 7 working days before the date of the event, the full fee will be payable and no refunds or credit notes will be given. s If a registered delegate does not cancel and fails to attend the Summit, this will be treated as a cancellation and no refund or credit note will be issued. Substitutions Delegate Substitution: Substitution is welcome at any time and do not incur any additional charges. Please notify AMABHUBESI in writing of any such changes at least 3 days before the date of the event. s Please note that the speakers and topics were confirmed at the time of publishing. however circumstances beyond the control of the organizers may necessitate substitutions, alterations or cancellations of the speakers and/or topics. s As such AMABHUBESI reserves the right to alter or modify the advertised speakers and/or topics if necessary. Any substitutions or alternations will be updated and sent to you as soon as possible. s Delegate substitutions must be made in writing 7 days before the start of the event. PLEASE NOTE – AMABHUBESI HAS A STRICT NO CASH REFUND POLICY PAYMENT BY MEANS OF A BANK TRANSFER s Please state your full names clearly on the money transfer. s Please note, bank charges are for your OWN account and this should be stipulated to your bank. Please advise your bank that the charges should be included in your deposit amount. s A copy of the bank deposit receipt should accompany your registration form and must be posted or faxed (+27 11 326-0354)