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A. Unpublished Private Document (Bengali)
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C. 1 Records of Political Department of Bengal, Political Branch.
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232 Fornightly Report On The Political Situation in Bengal for the 1st half and 2nd half of February, 1940, Home Poll, Govt of Bengal, File No 1812/40. Fortnightly Report From the Commissioner of Rajshahi District for the First Half of Jan 1940, GOB Poll. Con f. File No. 30140. File No 396/42 Home Political Confidential, Communal Disturbances Case of Dacca and Rural Areas - There Review. Government of West Bengal, Home Political, Confidential, File No 350142. Revenue Department, Land Revenue Branch. Report of R.E.A. Ray, Special Superintendent, 1.8, C.!.D, Bengal April to Dec 1930. Reports from the Deputy Commissioner, Jalpaiguri. Action Against the Kishan Agitations in the District of Dinajpur, Bengal, Home Poll Dept, Govt of Bengal, File No W/510 of 1940 Reports from the S.D.O, Dinajpur. Report of the Deputy Commissioner, Jalpaiguri. Proceedings Book of the English Bazar Municipality. Proceedings Book of the Jalpaiguri Municipality.
C. 2. State Archive Files
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233 West Bengal State Archives, Political Department, Confidential S. C 39511924, History of the Non-Cooperation Movement and Khilafat Agitation in Bengal. West Bengal State Archives, Political Department, Confidential S. C 39511924. I.B File No- 601142 Jalpaiguri. I. B. File No -368-35(Dup) Rabindranath Bhattyacharya, Dinajpur. I. B File No 169138 Hindu Mahasava, Bengal Provincial. I. B File No 505142- R. S. S. S -A Hindu National Volunteer Corps founded in 1925 at Nagpur. I.B File No 167-38(1) Dup. G.B.S.B 'PEH' Series File No501139. 1.8 File No 1389 -34 Part 1, Krisak Samity of Rangpur. I.B File No 116139 Mohammedan Affairs. 1.8 File No 859136, Communist Propaganda, Pabna. 1.8 File No 859/36, Communist Propaganda Rajsahi. I. B File No 116139 Mohammedan Affairs. File no 661 -42 Govt of Bengal, D.I.B Police, Jonathan Lindell, American, Darjeeling. I. B File 859-36. I. B File No 99 -38 Connections of the Bengal Revolutiaries with Gooch Behar. D. Official Publications
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234 Arrest of Congress leaders thereafter August 1942 to Middle of March 1943 (Aiipore,Supt, Govt Print 1943).
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235 F. Oral Evidence
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