Curriculum Vitae

Díaz Falú, Estanislao Martín

Personal information Nationality: National Identity: 29.559.932 Birth date: 15/09/1982 Civil status: Married Address: Gammertinger Straße 7 70567, Stuttgart, Germany Tel.: +49 0176 32971386 E-mail: [email protected]

Studies  Postgraduate studies: Ph.D. in Agronomic Sciences at the University of Mar del Plata (ongoing). Project: “Grazing ecology of a mixed grazing system of cattle and sheep in subtropical grasslands”. Adviser: Dr. M. A. Brizuela. At present I am performing a research exchange period at the University of Hohenheim, Germany, founded by the German Service of Academic Exchange (DAAD) within the frame of the GrassNet Project. Master in Animal Production at the University of Mar del Plata. Title: Feeding site selection of co-grazing cattle and sheep in a subtropical grassland”. Adviser: Dr. M. A. Brizuela. July 2008 to November 2011. Qualification: Summa cum laude.  College: Agronomist at UBA (University of ) (GPA: 7.2). Final work: “Influence of the temporal variability of the ANPP upon the livestock carrying capacity of north-western Patagonia”. March 2001 to February 2008. Adviser: Dr. Rodolfo Golluscio. Qualification: 10 (ten).  High School: BA with specialization in Natural Sciences. Escuela Media Nº 6 –Campana, Buenos Aires . (GPA: 8.85).

I Informatics knowledge  Microsoft Office, Software for GIS and Remote Sensing (ArcGIS, ERDAS Imagine), Statistical software (R, Info Stat), Simulation Models from the module DSSAT (Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer).

Language knowledge  Italian: Reading: advanced; speaking and writing: intermediate.  English: Reading: advanced; speaking and writing: intermediate.  German: reading, speaking and writing: basic.

Experience  Assistant of the Production Manager of Fruits and Juices at the Company Ledesma S.A.A.I. May 2007 to May 2008.  Internship in the Project: Modelling the functioning of the Argentinean Beef Supply Chain“. Agreement between FAUBA and IPCVA. Role: characterization of the regional production systems of Argentina. January to May 2007.  Devolpment and implementation of the methodology for ambient delimitation and characterization, within the National Plan of Management of the Environment Heterogeneity (Precision Agriculture), AACREA. Coordinated by Ing. Agr. Fernando Menéndez. September 2005 to May 2007.  Consultant in the project: “Evaluation of climatic risks in the main agricultural ”. Instituto de Clima y Agua – INTA Castelar. March to September 2003.  Internship in the “Instituto de Clima y Agua” of INTA Castelar. August to October 2002. Issue: “Comparison between two drought índices in Cnel. Suárez and : base don precipitation deciles and calculated through the NDVI”. Directed by Dr. Raúl Díaz.

Teaching experience  Assistant teacher, Herbivory I (bachelor) y Herbivory II (postgraduate programm), Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agronomical Sciences of the University of Mar del Plata. February 2010 to March 2011.  Ad honorem assistant, Beef Production, Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires. October 2006 to May 2007.

II Attendance at conferences and workshops  GrassNet Summer School: “Livelihoods from Grassland systems: Concepts and methods to increase adaptive capacity of land users to changing conditions”. Universität Kassel, Witzenhausen, Germany. October 2011.  Tropentag 2011: “Development on the Margin”. Bonn, Germany. October 2011.  GrassNet Summer School: “The flux matters – Concepts and methods for a cross continental analysis of grassland ecosystems vulnerably to climate change”. University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany, 6-14 September 2010.  Tropentag 2010: “International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development. World food system – A contribution from ”. Zürich, Switzerland, 14-16 September.  32° Congreso de Producción Animal. Asociación Argentina de Producción Animal (AAPA). Malargüe (Mendoza), October 2009.  V Congreso Nacional de Pastizales Naturales y II del MECOSUR. INTA y Asociación Argentina para el Manejo de Pastizales Naturales. Corrientes, August 2009.

Proceedings  Brizuela M.A., Díaz Falú E., Cid M.S., Cendoya M.G. and Cibils A. 2011. How can grazing behavior research at the plant community and landscape scales contribute to enhance sustainability of rangeland livestock production systems? International Rangeland Congress, Rosario. 2011.  Díaz Falú E., Brizuela M.A., Bendersky D. and Giese M. Factors affecting the seasonal patter of grazing distribution in a mixed grazing system. Tropentag Bonn, 2011.  Cendoya M.G., Díaz Falú E., Brizuela M.A. and Cid M.S. 2011. Grazing Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Domestic Animals. Congress of the International Biometric Society. 2011.  Cid M.S., Brizuela M.A., Díaz Falú E., Cendoya M.G., Fernández Grecco R., Ventroni L. and Cibils A. 2011. Grazing distribution and diet of cattle in paddocks with different wood type. International Rangeland Congress, Rosario. 2011.  Bendersky D., Díaz Falú E., Cendoya M.G., Brizuela M.A., Cid M.S., Cibils A. and Pizzio R. 2011. Seasonal grazing distribution patterns of cattle and sheep in a heterogeneous subtropical grassland. International Rangeland Congress, Rosario. 2011.

III  Díaz Falú E., Bendersky D., Cendoya M.G., Brizuela M.A., Cid M.S. y Cibils A. 2011. Influence of environmental factors on daily patterns of feeding site selection of cattle and sheep in a mixed grazing system. International Rangeland Congress, Rosario. 2011.  Díaz Falú E., Brizuela M.A., Cid M.S., Fernández Greco R., Cibils A., Cendoya M.G. 2009. Selección de Sitios de Alimentación de Vacunos en un Pastizal de la Pampa Deprimida. 32° Congreso de Producción Animal. Malargüe (Mendoza), Octubre de 2009.  Brizuela M.A., Cibils A.,Utsumi S., Wesley B., Cid M.S., Fernández Greco R., Siffredi G., Willems P., Bendersky D., Pizzio R., Díaz Falú E. Collares GPS para el estudio de la distribución del ganado. 32° Congreso de Producción Animal. Malargüe (Mendoza), Octubre de 2009.  Brizuela M.A., Cibils A., Cid M.S., Fernández Greco R., Siffredi G., Willems P., Bendersky D., Pizzio R., y Díaz Falú E. Selección de sitios de alimentación mediada por factores bióticos y abióticos en tres regiones ganaderas de Argentina. XXIII Reunión Argentina de Ecología. San Luis, 2008.  Díaz R., Díaz Falú E., Fonda C. 2004. “Utilidad de la Pluviometría de la SAGPyA en la Identificación de Anomalías Extremas”. Congreso de la AADA (Asociación Argentina de Agrometeorología), Octubre de 2004, Mar del Plata.

Curricular courses (M. Sc. program)  “Pastures Production and Utilization”. Professors: Drs. M. A. Brizuela and C. Cangiano. November 2009.  “Experimental Design II”. Professor: E. Frutos. November 2009.  “Biophysical Bases for water and energy exchanges in ecosystems”. Professor: Dr. R. Fernández Aldúncin. Escuela para Graduados “Alberto Soriano”, University of Buenos Aires. May 2009.  “Statistical Methods II”. Professor: Dr. H. Fernández. September-October 2009.  “Experimental Design I”. Professor: Dr. G. Monterubbianesi. May-June 2009.  “Statistical Methods I”. Professors: Drs. G. Cendoya and S. Sanmartino. March-April 2009.  “Herbivory II: Plant-Animal Interactions”. Professors: Drs. M. A. Brizuela and M. S. Cid. March-May 2009.  “Micro-histology: Quantification of the botanical composition of the herbivores´ diet”. Professor: Dr. M. S. Cid. November 2008.

IV  “Mathematical Models in Ecology”. Professor: Dr. Imanuel Noy-Meir. INTA EEA Bariloche, October 2008.  “Lineal Programming in Livestock Feeding Systems”. Professor: Ing. Agr. H. Fernández. August-November 2008.  “Animal Nutrition I”. Professor: Dr. O. Di Marco. August-December 2008.

Extracurricular courses  “Modern safety management and loss control”. DNV (Det Norske Veritas). Libertador Gral. San Martín, Jujuy province, December 2007.  “Management by processes and theory of constraints”. Consultant M&S. Calilegua, Jujuy province. October 2007.  Technical update day “Building Blocks for Good Use of Herbal Medicines: Dose, Mode of Action and Prevention Drift”. Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres, INTA and Sociedad Rural de Tucumán. San Miguel de Tucumán, October 2007.  “Utilization of Natural Grasslands”. Escuela para Graduados “Alberto Soriano”. Professors: Dr. R. Golluscio, E. Jacobo and P. Cornaglia. October- November 2006.  “Evaluation of forage resources”. Escuela para Graduados “Alberto Soriano”. Professors: Dr. M. Oesterheld and J. Paruelo. August-September 2006.  “Heterogeneity of forage resources at regional and landscape scales”. Escuela para Graduados “Alberto Soriano”. Professors: Dr. R. León and W. Batista. June-August 2006.  “Functioning of Pastoral Systems”. Escuela para Graduados “Alberto Soriano”. Professors: Dr. M. Aguiar and M. Semmartin. June-August 2006.