Read: Luke 11: 37-54 & 12: 13-34 (See additional study, ’ judgment against the Pharisees and lawyers: Luke 11: 37-54 topic #31) 1. In Luke 11: 42 Jesus said the Pharisees were known for tithing, but they neglected justice and the love of God. Jesus said they should practice justice and the love of God. What else were they to do?

2. What is the first thing Jesus judged the lawyers for?

3. In verse 52 Jesus judged the lawyers for one more thing. What else had they done?

The of the Rich Fool: Luke 12: 13-21 4. What is Jesus’ warning about possessions?

5. What is the main point of the parable?

Don’t worry: Luke 12: 22-34 6. What did Jesus tell His disciples not to worry about?

7. What does Jesus use as an example of God’s provision of food?

8. What does Jesus use as an example of God’s provision of clothing?

9. Our heavenly Father knows what we need, so what are we to do?

10. If our heart is where our treasure is, where should we be trying to store treasure?

Today’s Thought Accumulating things can become an obsession. I should supply for others’ needs rather than accumulating “treasure” for myself.

Knowing Jesus, ©Diane Constantine, 1998 65 Read: Luke 12: 35-59 & 13: 1-17 Being watchful: Luke 12: 35-48 1. In this portion Jesus is using the analogy of servants and masters. He is neither condoning nor condemning the practices, merely using some aspects of it to illustrate His point. What is the key thought Jesus is emphasizing in Luke 12: 35-40?

2. Which servant will be rewarded by the Master?

3. Which servant will be punished by the Master?

Peace or division: Luke 12: 49-53 4. Jesus describes division even among families. Does Jesus bring peace or division among people?

Interpreting the times: Luke 12: 54-59 (See additional study, 5. Just as people are able to forecast the weather by the sky, what did Jesus want His topic #32) followers to be able to do?

6. When should we try to reconcile with our adversary?

Repent or perish: Luke 13: 1-9 7. Were those who died tragic deaths more guilty than others living near them? What is Jesus’ warning?

8. What does the caretaker’s plea to wait one more year before cutting down the fig tree show?

A crippled woman is healed on the Sabbath: Luke 13: 10-17 9. Why did Jesus say the woman should be healed, even on the Sabbath?

10. What were the responses to this healing?

Today’s Thought Do I expect Jesus’ message to bring peace in all my relationships? Or do I understand that some may oppose me because of Him?

Knowing Jesus, ©Diane Constantine, 1998 66 Read: Luke 13: 31-35 & 14:1-35 Jesus’ sorrow over Jerusalem: Luke13: 31-35 1. Why did some of the Pharisees tell Jesus He should leave their area?

2. Jesus said He would be traveling on, but gave a different reason from what the Pharisees gave. What was Jesus’ reason for leaving?

3. What can be seen about the Savior’s desire toward Jerusalem? Was Jerusalem willing?

Jesus ate at a Pharisee’s house: Luke 14: 1-14 4. What reason did Jesus give for healing the man of dropsy on the Sabbath?

5. What virtue was Jesus teaching in the parable about choosing the best seat at a wedding feast?

6. Who should you invite to your parties? When will you be blessed for it?

The Parable of the Great Banquet: Luke 14: 15-24 7. What did all the banquet guests do when everything was prepared?

8. Who did the master tell the servants to invite in their place?

The cost of discipleship: Luke 14: 25-35 9. What did Jesus say were the costs of discipleship?

10. Jesus gave the examples of the man building a tower and a king planning a war. In becoming a of Jesus, how should we be like the builder and the king?

Today’s Thought Do I consciously choose to invite those who cannot repay when I plan a get-together?

Knowing Jesus, ©Diane Constantine, 1998 67 Read: : 1-31 The Parable of the Lost Sheep: Luke 15: 1-7 1. What was the Pharisees’ complaint about Jesus before He told the parable?

2. How does the shepherd act when he finds a sheep that was lost?

3. What brings the most joy in heaven, one sinner who repents or 99 righteous people who have no need of repentance?

The Parable of the Lost Coin: Luke 15: 8-10 4. What is the main point of this parable?

The Parable of the Lost Son: Luke 15: 11-31 5. What did the younger son do with his share of the inheritance?

6. After some time, he “came to his senses.” What did he decide to do then ?

7. What was his father’s immediate reaction to him?

8. This son barely confessed his sin when his father called his servants. What did the servants do for the younger son?

9. What was the older son’s reaction to the party for his brother?

10. How did the father react to the older son?

Today’s Thought I want to celebrate with everyone who repents. I don’t want to have a self- righteous attitude that looks down on “sinners.”

Knowing Jesus, ©Diane Constantine, 1998 68 Read: Luke 16: 1-31 & 17: 1-10 The Parable of the Shrewd Manager: Luke 16: 1-15 (See additional study, topic #33) 1. In the parable about the shrewd or unjust manager, this man used his influence to win friends for himself. What does Jesus say the righteous should use their influence for?

2. What do we need to do to be trusted with true wealth?

3. Jesus said, “No servant can serve two masters.” What were the two masters He was talking about?

4. What is God’s attitude toward the things that man highly values?

Teachings on the Law: Luke 16: 16-18 5. How permanent is the Law?

The : Luke 16: 19-31 6. What two things did Jesus say Lazarus could not do from heaven?

7. Why did Jesus say it was useless for someone to appear from the dead?

Jesus’ word to His disciples: Luke 17: 1-10 8. How serious does Jesus say it is for someone to cause another one to sin?

9. How much faith does Jesus say we need to do a miracle?

10. When we have done everything that we are told to do, do we then have the right to make demands or claim rights?

Today’s Thought I want to see things as God sees them. I want to value what He values and hate what He hates.

Knowing Jesus, ©Diane Constantine, 1998 69 answers: week 9

Day 1 1. Jesus wanted them to practice justice and to love God and to tithe. 2. Jesus judged the lawyers because they loaded people down with regulations and burdens they couldn’t keep, nor did they do one thing to help the people carry them. 3. Jesus also judged the lawyers because they took away the key to the knowledge of God and hindered those trying to find God. 4. Jesus warned about greed. Life is much more than just what we possess. 5. The main point of the parable is that storing up things for ourselves is foolish. Having a relationship with God is what is wise. 6. Jesus said not to worry about food and clothing. 7. Jesus uses God’s provision of food for the ravens to show how God can provide food for us. 8. Jesus uses the splendor of lilies to show how God can provide clothing for us. 9. We are to seek God’s kingdom and He will provide all we need. 10. If our treasure is where our heart is, we should be trying to store treasure in heaven, not on earth.

Day 2 1. Jesus is emphasizing that it is important to be ready at all times for the coming of Jesus. 2. The servant who does what he has been commanded to do, even when his master is not watching, will be rewarded. 3. The servant who takes advantage of his position and does not get ready and does not do what his master wants will be punished. 4. Because Jesus requires belief and there are many who want to continue in their own way, Jesus often brings division rather than peace to people. 5. Jesus wanted His followers to be able to understand the signs of the times. 6. We should try to reconcile with our adversary as soon as possible—while still on the way to court. 7. No, those who died in tragic circumstances were not more guilty than those who lived nearby. But Jesus’ warning is that if we do not repent, we will also die. 8. The caretaker showed mercy and patience. 9. If they would release their animals to allow them water, He had even more reason to release this woman from her bondage and heal her. 10. Jesus’ opponents were humiliated by His answer about the woman’s healing. The people were delighted with everything He was doing.

Day 3 1. These Pharisees wanted to frighten Jesus by saying Herod wanted to kill Him. 2. Jesus said He was going because of God’s plan, not because He was afraid of Herod killing Him. He had people to heal and deliver from demons before He went to Jerusalem. 3. The Savior longed to gather Jerusalem and protect her. Jerusalem was not willing. 4. Jesus used the same reason He had used before that if an animal fell into a pit on the Sabbath, the owner would pull it out. Thus a person should be healed on the Sabbath. 5. Jesus was teaching the virtue of humility in choosing the least important place. If we humble ourselves we will be exalted. 6. Jesus said to invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. He said we would be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous. 7. All the invited guests made excuses for why they could not come.

Knowing Jesus, ©Diane Constantine, 1998 70 answers: week 9 (continued)

8. The master told the servants to bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind, and the lame. 9. Jesus said those who follow Him must hate their family and even their own life to be a disciple. (Note from Holman Bible Dictionary- “Hate here refers not to emotional hostility but to the conscious establishment of priorities. Hate means to love family less than one loves Jesus.”) 10. We should count the cost and recognize that we must be willing to give up everything else to follow Him.

Day 4 1. The Pharisees were complaining that Jesus welcomed sinners and ate with them. 2. The shepherd is so happy about finding his lost sheep that he carries it home and then calls all his friends together and celebrates finding the one that was lost. 3. Jesus said there is more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents. 4. The main point of the parable is the same as with the lost sheep. There is great rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents. This answers the Pharisees’ complaint about Jesus spending time with sinners. 5. The younger son left home and wasted all his inheritance. 6. When he “came to his senses,” he realized his father’s hired hands had more than he had now. He decided to return to his father, confess his sin, and ask to be treated as a hired hand. 7. His father saw him a long way off, was filled with compassion, ran to his son, threw his arms around him, and kissed him. 8. The servants put the best robe on the younger son, put a ring on his finger, and sandals on his feet. They killed the fattened calf and prepared a feast because he came home. 9. The older son was angry and refused to go in. He complained that he had been slaving for his father and never disobeyed orders, and yet his father had never given a party in his honor. 10. His father reminded him that everything he had belonged to this older son. But they needed to celebrate the return of the brother that had been lost in sin.

Day 5 1. Jesus said righteous people should use worldly wealth to gain friends for eternity. 2. We must be trustworthy with a little before we are trusted with more, and we need to be rustworthy with worldly wealth before we are trusted with true riches. 3. Jesus was talking about the two masters, God and Money. 4. What is highly valued among men is detestable with God. 5. It would be easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for any of the Law to disappear. 6. Jesus said Lazarus could not help the man in hell, nor could he go back and warn people still alive on earth. 7. If people would not listen to the Law and the Prophets—the Old Testament, they would not be convinced by someone returning from the dead. 8. Jesus said it would be better to die than to cause someone else to sin. He is not recommending suicide, but rather emphasizing the seriousness of being the cause of another’s sin. 9. Jesus said we only need faith the size of a mustard seed to do a miracle. 10. Even when we have done everything we are told to do, we still should be humble and recognize we have only done our duty.

Knowing Jesus, ©Diane Constantine, 1998 71 additional study: week 9

Day 1 31. Tithing: The first tithe Gen. 14: 18-20 Jacob’s vow to tithe Gen. 28: 20-22 Tithe everything Lev. 27: 30-33 Old Testament tithe given to Levites Num. 18: 21-29 Blessing promised for giving tithes Mal. 3: 8-12 Abraham’s tithe to Melchizedek Heb. 7: 4-10

Day 2 32. of Jesus: What is it? Heb. 9: 28 Described: Same Jesus returns Acts 1: 11 Raise the dead I Thes. 4: 13-18 Gather redeemed Matt. 24: 31 Reward God’s people Matt. 16: 27 Judge the world Matt. 25: 32-46 Glorify believers Phil. 3: 20-21 New heavens and earth II Pet. 3: 12-13 When: Unknown Matt. 24: 27, 36 After is preached Matt. 24: 14 After antichrist II Thes. 2: 2, 3 How will Jesus return?: In the clouds Matt. 24: 30 With angels Matt. 25: 31 As a thief I Thes. 5: 2, 3 In His glory Matt. 25: 31 We must: Wait for it I Cor. 1: 7 Look for it Tit. 2: 13 Be busy until Lk. 19: 13-18 Pray for it Rev. 22: 20 Day 5 33. Money: Wrong uses: Making interest Psa. 15: 5 Bribes Esth. 4: 7 Miser Matt. 25: 18 Good uses: To buy property Gen. 23: 9, 13 To buy food Deut. 2: 6, 28 To give as an offering Deut. 14: 22-26 To repair God’s house II Ki. 12: 4-15 To pay taxes Matt. 17: 27 Dangers: Greed II Ki. 5: 20-27 Debts Neh. 5: 2-11 Covetousness I Tim. 6: 9-10

Knowing Jesus, ©Diane Constantine, 1998 72