Leicestershire [Kelly's

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Leicestershire [Kelly's 454 FAN LEICESTERSHIRE [KELLY'S ~ 'BANKERs-continued. IGrew Thos. 4I Charles st. Hinckley Abbott George, 65 Mill lane, Leiceste~ Nottingham &; District Bank Limited; Hickingbotham John, Borough street, .A.dams Mrs. E. A. 123 Argyle st.Lcstr now called the Midland CountiesDis- Castle Donington, Derby Adams Edwarq., Anstey, Leicester trict Bank Limited Hickingbotham Robert, Barroon, Adcvck Mrs.O'48 Northgate st.Leicsb Nottingham Joint Stock Bank Limited Castle Donington, Derby Adcock Jonathan, Quom, Loughboro' (sub~branches) (Edwd. Chas. Smith, Hunt J. 2 Bath st. Ashby-de-Ia-Zouch Aldwinckle J.E.176Charnwood st.Lcsb manager) (open mon'Jthurs. & sat.), Kilborn John, Clap gun st. Castle Don- Allen Mrs.A.M.23 Crafton st.Leicester Borough street, Castle Donington &; ington, Derby Allen T. D. 36 Abbey gate, Leicester (attendance tues. & fri.), Market pt Kitburn Reuben, Barroon, Castle Don- Allott Wm. Thurmaston, Leicester Kegworth, Derby; draw on the ington, Derby Andrew W. 12 Queen st.MeltonMwbry Union Bank of London, Princes st. King J. C. 94 Nedham st. Leicester Angrave O. Thurmaston, Leicester London E C Lambert William Frederick & Son, Anstee William, 6 Colt on st. Leiceste~ Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Bank- Clapgun st. Castle Donington,Derby Applebee J. 21 Havelock st. Leicester ing Co. Lim. (branches) (Godfrey Lees William Bywater,Borough street, Arguile Joseph, Anstey, Leicester Sherwood Brameld, manager),Cattle Castle Donington, Derby Arguile Mrs. Mary, 87 High st. Bar. market, Loughborough; (attend- Lockwood J. 11 Mill st. Loughborough well, Hinckley anc'3 tues. and frL), Market place, Morris Thomas, Barroon, Castle Don- Arlow John, Anstey, Leicester Shepshed, Loughborough & (G. S. ington, Derby Armson George, Ibstock, Leicester Brameld, mgr.) (attendance tues. &, Orton Geo. 226a, Belgrave gt.Leicstr Armstrong J. 59 Filbert st. Leicester fri. 10.30 to 2.30),High st.Kegworth, Orton G. 6 &; 60 ,& 62 Church gate, Arnold John, Barkby rd.Syston,Leicsb Derby; draw on London &; West- Leicester. Ashton Joseph, Whitwick, Leicester minster Bank Limited, Lothbury, Paget Samuel, 27 Eldon st. Leicester Atkinson J. 13 Free School la. Leicstr London EO Payne R. Church street, Lutterworth Bagsworth J. Thos. Ryhall, Stamford Pares's Leicestershire Banking Co. Peacoc·k Robert, 116 Castlest.Hinckly Bailey F. 27 Timber hill,MeltonMwbry Limited (Arthur Bolus, manager), Potter T. W. 60 Curzon st. Leicester Bailey J. 15 Worthington st. Leicesb head office, St. Martin's, Leicester; Rayns James &; Miss Mary, High st. Bailey William, 22 Argyle st. Leicstr branches-Anstey,Leicester; (Arth. Castle Donington, Derby Baker J. 180 Belgrave gate, Leicestep Potter, agent), Market st. Ashby· Rayns E. 19 Mansfield st. Leicester Baker Robert, 21 Newington st.Lcstr de-la·Zouch; (WaIter Webb, agent) Richards William, Spittal, Castle Don- Baker Thomas, Syston, Leicester (attendance sat. 10 to 12), 124a, ington. Derby Baker W. 77 Loughboro' rd. Leicester High street,Barwell; (WaIter Webb, Roulstone Reuben, Castle hill, Castle Bakewell Enoch, Berrisford street, agent) (attendance fri. 12 to 3), 18 Donington, Derby Coalville, Leicester The Hollow, Earl Shilton; (WaIter Saxelby Albert, Bondgate, Castle Don- Bakewell Isaac, Coleorton JUoor, Swan. Webb, agent, 13 &, 15 Borough, ington, Derby nington, Ashby-de-la-Zouch Hinckley; (Maurice Henry Inchley, Shipley E. Kibworth Beauchamp,Lcstr Bakewell J.9 Bentley st.Melton Mwbry agent), Bank st. Loughborough; Sutherland John, 17 Thorpe end, Mel- B8kewell James, 'l'hringstone, Leicestel> (M. H. Inchley, agent), Oxford st. ton ~Iowbray Bakewell J.9 Bentley st.Melton 1Iwbry Lutterworth & (open on tues. from Taylor Charles, Castle hill, Castle Bampton J. Mountsorrel, Loughboro' 10 to 3 & fair days) (Arthur Bolus, Doningkm, Derby Bannister In. 2 \Yatling ·st. Leicester agent), Market place, Melton Mow- Thornton A.· 24 Albion hill, Leicester Bantoll Henry, Oakthorpe, Ashby-de. bray; draw on Smith, Payne & Toplis Joh'l James, 86 Market street, la-Zollch Smiths, Londoll EO Ashby-de-la-Zouch Barber Mrs. Jane, Tonge, Ashby-de- Stamford, Spalding & Boston Banking Underwood Thomas, 3 Bowden lane, la-Zonch 00. Limited (branches) (Charles E. Market Ha,rborough Barfield L. Geeston, Ketton, Stamford Rare, manager), :to Gallowtree gate, Waldron Samuel, Clapgun st. Castle Barnacle T. J. 7 Mill Hillla.Lei~ester Leicester; (William Atkins, mana- Donington, Derby Barnacle T. J. 28 R~wscn st. Le.lCester ger), High street, Market Harboro'; Widdowson John, 2 & 3 Wards end, Barrow He~ry, 46 Bustall st. LelCester (John Rodgers, manager), High st. Loughborough Barrows M~ss Hannah.'15 & 17 Edwards Melton Mowbray; Joseph William BASKET WORK MANUFRS. road, Kn~ghton, Lelcester . Scott, manager), High street, 1 Barrows Henry, 35 Wharf st. L~lCestr Oakham & (Robert Michell Welldon, Ellmore W. T. &; Son Limited, 77~ Bates Alfd. I.Percy street, LeIcester manager), High street,Uppingham; High street, Leicester Bat,son W. Gr.lf'fydam, Ashb'y-de-.la-Z (sub-branches) (Charles E. Hare, BATH ENGINEERS. Baynton E. Tllton-on-t~e-~lll,Le~cestr manager), 7 Melton road & 94 Wood Bradford Thomas & Co Cres- nBedc~wodI.tsh Gel)Drge"dWhtlhVltCkH<Lelkclestl' h 'n Le' t . d Ba la &, • elor. 29 rm s ree, mc ey I, . I~es er, raw on rc y cent Iron works, Sal ford, Beer 1Yilliam, Field street, Shepshed, Co. LImIted, London EO Manchester; also London & Loughborougil BANNER MAKERS. Liverpool. Contract~rs. for all Bell Robert, 38 Freehold st.Loughbro' cl~sse;; of bat? engmeerll~g w?rk Benford James, 38 Outram s~.Leicstr See Flag & Banner Makers. su~table for prIvate. &; publIc. SWIDl- Bevan Mrs. E. Wanlip I'd. Syston,Lcstr BANNER PAINTERS. mmg baths, t~rkIsh, rUSSlan &, Bevans S. Castle st. Whitwick,Leicstl' vapour baths, mmeral wat~r baths, Biggs James" Blaby, Leicester Riley Edward & Co. Providence Street ~ also for hotels, .hy~ro~at~lC estab· Billings John, Co alville , Leicester mill, Leeds lIshments &, publIc mstltutIOns Billington Thomas, 6 Bath st. Leicstr :BASEMENT LIGHT ENGINRS. BATHS & BATH PROPRIETRS. Hilson Uichd. Wig5ton Magna, Leicstr St Pancras Iron-Work Co Limited A hb B th &; R I H t 1 n_ L' Bindiey Fdk. B. 11 Dorset st. Leicestel . ., s y a soya 0 e \.N. Im. B' d J h H' h t C l'Il L' t Pancras road London N W (J L d ~ ) A hb -d -I -Z ~r 0 n, 19 s. oa VI. e, elCes er , .' eawoo, ~ec:, s yea BIrd T.21 HowarcL rd.Kmghton,Lcstr BASKET MAKERS. LeIcester CorporatIOn Baths (Harry Fird Wm. E. 92 Er~kino st. Leicester Addlington Thomas, Bondgate, Castle Hall; r supt.), Bath lane, & (John Blackburn S. 50 Colton st. Leicester Donington, Derby G. ~ mters, manager).. Vestry st. & Blaml Dick, 25 Waring st. Leicester Bennett H. & A. 24 Market st.& CrOWD <?ossmgton s~reet, LeIcester. Bland Richard, 15 Vulcan rd. Leicester buildings, Welford road, Leicester Lelce"ter TU1'~ISh Bath Co. Llm. (H. Blockley W. A. Sileby, Loughborougb N. HumphrIes, manager), 40 FrIar Blowfield Thos, 15 Gresham st. Lcstr Brown &; Bellamy, 60?a Upper Bmns- 1 L te 8 wick street, Leicester ane,. elces r , Boaden Miss A. Wigston Magna,Lcstr CIarke John, Barroon, Castle Doning- M€:morIal (F. Street,attndnt. ),Queen s Bonser Henry, Leicester road, "Yhit- ,Park, Loughborough . wick, L{,lcester ton, Derby T Th M L t Cotton E.6 Burton st.MeltonMowbray ImS?n os. 3 useu'll sq. eIC~s r Bonshor Josiah, Blaby, Leicester TurkISh. (Arthur James Ha~kms, Bonsor Wm. Thurcaston rd. Lpicester Dat::b;' Bondgate, Castle Donington, propnetor), 9 New street,LeICester Booker J. T. 66 Catherine st. Leicstr Dixon George & Arthur, Bondgate, BED & MATTRESS MAKERS. Booth Thomas, Griffydam, Ashby-de- Castle Donington, Derby Hebb Edwin, 57 Church gate, Leicestr la-Zouch . Ellmore & Son, Thurmaston,Leicester Wells Thomas 25 Vine st. Leicester Bott Mrs. L. 2 Prospect rei:. LeIcester E~lmore Charles Arthur, 146 High 'Yoodford G. 46 Chatham st. Leicester Botterill George C. Rothley,Loughboro' Cross street, Leicester Boulter T. 45 Brunswick st. Leicester Fairbrother George, 69 St. Mary's rd. BEE KEEPERS. Boulter Wm. 85 Gartree st. Leicester Market HarborouQ'h Bent Willia.n, Groby, Leicester Bowler Charles, III Ruby street, New Frakes Amos, Clapgun street, Castle Dawkins James, Dadlington,Nuneaton Found pool, Leicester Donington, Derby BEER RETAILERS. '1owley J oseph R. Church st. Shep- Frakes William, The Pastures, Castle shed, Loughborough Donington, Derby Marked thus t are also Wine Retailers. Bo~man T. H. South view, uppingham Glover W. 49 Baxter gate,Loughboro' Abbott C. 55 All Saints' rd.Leicester Boxshall W. Aldgate, Ketton,Stamford .
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