Why Wheatgrass? Wheatgrass is renowned for its therapeutic value since ancient times under Naturopathy or Nature Cure, which is a branch of Ayurveda and traditionally used for maintenance of general health in various healing practices. Whole leaf Grass Powder is considered like a naturopathic medicine super food promoted by Naturopaths, Naturopathy Practisioners, Herbalist, Alternative Therapists, to help combat stubborn diseases especially related to blood and digestion right from Anemial, Thalassemia, Diabetes, Hemorrhoids / Piles to Cancers.

Dr. Ann Wigmore has mentioned the Biblical story about Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar who spent seven years, insane, living like a wild animal eating the grass of the fields and got cured.

The common observation that dogs and cats nibble on grass, presumably when ill, strengthens our belief in the healing power of grasses. French - Herbe de blé en poudre, poudre Herbe de ble, poudre d’herbe de blé naturelle, German – Weizengras Pulver, Weizengras, Bio-Weizengras, Bio-Weizengras Pulver, Spanish - trigo en polvo, de polvo de hierba de trigo, la hierba de trigo, hierba de trigo, Dutch – Tarwegras poeder, Tarwegraspoeder, organische tarwe gras poeder, Norway – Hvetegress, Økologisk Hvetegress Pulver, Naturlig Hvetegress Pulver, organisk hvete gress pulver Russian – пшеничных ростков Порошок, Джирмес Уитграсс, Побеги пшеницы в виде порошка

Nutritional Facts of Wheatgrass Powder

NUTRITIONAL / SUPPLEMENT FACTS Wheat Grass is a naturally rich source of more than 90 different Phytonutrients. The following is a summary report about best-known, commonly researched nutrients from our product tested in NABL accredited & Govt. recognised lab. Certificate of Analysis (COA) of Girmes Wheatgrass Powder – Download • Wheatgrass is hailed as ‘The Panacea on Earth’ by many famous Naturopaths and Dietitians around the world, due to the natural concentration of numerous beneficial nutrients present in it. In the last few decades, many Naturopaths from various countries have studied in depth the possibility of Wheatgrass for its therapeutic applications and conducted experiments to gauge its efficacy. Even to-day many people are engaged in further exploring the application of this ‘wonder grass’ which can be termed as ‘Natures Gift to Mankind’ for maintaining good health. • The concentration of nutrients 'stored' in Wheatgrass reach their peak at the ‘jointing’ stage (6 to 7 days in tropical climate). Tropical grow Wheatgrass is rich in chlorophyll and 'sun energy' than the ones grown in cold climate / indoors. • Wheatgrass is a naturally rich source of , , Amino acids, Enzymes, Chlorophyll and Fibre • Chlorophyll has powerful germicidal and antiseptic properties. It has shown to benefit people with Asthma, Ulcers, skin disorders, varicose veins, swelling of the intestine, healing wounds, etc. Use of Wheatgrass Powder helps remove harmful toxins from the body, which is evident from the reduction in smell of sweat. Chlorophyll is totally safe and has no side effects. Research by leading scientists has shown the presence of Wheat grass chlorophyll to reduce the harmful effects of radiation. It is therefore recommended to many cancer patients during chemotherapy / radiotherapy. • Wheatgrass contain more than 90 different nutritious substances and 19 Amino acids including 9 EAA (essential amino acids). • The molecular structure of Chlorophyll contained in Wheatgrass bears a close resemblance to the substance called Hemin contained in human blood. Dieticians therefore call Wheatgrass as ‘green blood’. • The pH (hydrogen molecules) value of human blood and Wheatgrass both is about 7 (alkaline) & is therefore quickly absorbed in the blood and is highly beneficial. • 100 g Wheatgrass Powder, obtained from 1 kg of fresh Wheat grass, can supply nourishment equal to that obtained from 23 kg of selected vegetables. • Wheat grass Powder is high in dietary fibre and thus helps maintain blood sugar level, cholesterol level and prevents constipation.

Wheatgrass Powder - Directions for Use

• 1 bottle = 100 g Powder = 30 days course.

• For best results, mix 1 spoon (3 g) Wheatgrass Powder in a glass of warm water & drink on an empty stomach.

• Tastes fresh & palatable, just like plain vegetable but a little sweet.

• If you want to blend taste, add 1 tsp. honey or mix with any sweet fruit juice.

• SAFE- for children above 1 year, the elderly, infirm and women during pregnancy, breastfeeding and if trying to conceive. Suggested Quantity

A. Normal people (for generally well being).

• SAFE: No harmful side effects even if Wheatgrass Powder is taken continuously for a long time.

• For 1 month– 1 spoon in the morning. Then: a) Continue the Wheatgrass Powder all year b) If you want to take a break, then repeat the course (1 bottle) after a gap of every 5-6 months.

• For better result see more >>Diet plan

B. Health issues - to help combat diseases:

• First 5 days - 1 spoon in morning.

• 6th to 10th day - 1 spoon in morning and evening.

• 11th day onwards - 2 spoon in morning and evening. Then – a) Take 2 spoons / sachet (6g) Wheatgrass Powder mixed with water twice daily for at least 3 months continuously or longer if needed. b) After desired result is achieved, then gradually reduce the Wheatgrass Powder quantity & stop if you want to. c) We suggest to continue taking at least 1 spoon / 3g sachet Wheatgrass Powder daily as part of an ongoing health program lifelong.


• Wheatgrass Powder therapy should accompany a good diet consisting of vegetables, soups, sprouts, green salads, fruits, juices, dry fruits, etc. • Bakery products, fried foods, sweets, spicy foods, overcooked food, non-veg, alcohol, etc. should be kept to a minimum.

History of Wheatgrass Wheatgrass is represented in Naturopathy or Nature Cure - the ancient art of curing and preventing diseases by bringing about suitable changes in food and lifestyle without use of any chemical or formulated drugs, tablets, injections, operation, etc.

It is therefore referred to as ‘The drugless therapy’, which is safe and devoid of any harmful side effects.

Naturopathy is an alternative therapy which advocates that: • Our body has the inbuilt ability to heal itself when provided with proper , exercise and environment. We are born with a strong inbuilt resistance power (immunity). If it is preserved carefully, no disease would dare to attack us and we would live a healthy life. • The accumulation of harmful substances in the body (toxins) is the root cause of most illness. If we observe the way wild animals live, we realize that they do not have any ‘doctors’ to attend them when ill. They adhere to natural way of treatment when required. Simply, they follow naturopathy. Wild animals are observed to ‘fast’ without food and rest quietly when ill. Their wounds heal naturally due to mudpacks and sunlight. Wild boars are observed to lie in mud when wounded due to shots fired by hunters. Wild animals also visit ‘salt licks’, natural open rock salt, to supplement their body’s requirement of minerals. Even carnivorous animals such as Tigers, Cats and Dogs are seen nibbling on grasses, presumably when ill. Why Wheatgrass? In modern times, man is increasingly turning away from nature. His lifestyle is more un-natural and synthetic. Wrong living and eating habits, irregular life, addictions, lack of physical activity, pollution, stress and use of harmful drugs are the major factors that adversely affect the natural resistance of the body. The time has come to follow Mahatma Gandhi’s slogan ‘Go back to Nature’. He was a staunch supporter of Naturopathy and his teachings have inspired the establishment of many Nature Cure Centers all over India. The father of modern medical science and the great Greek philosopher Hippocrates, who lived about 2500 years ago, has rightly said ‘Let thy food be thy medicine’. People spend fortunes to get rid of ailments but fail to get relief. The reason behind this pathetic situation is that we never think of resigning ourselves to the almighty Nature. We simply ignore the health- giving herbs and created by Nature. There are natural remedies for cancer, diabetes and other severe diseases. Nature provides a wide variety of herbs and foods to fight with different ailments and diseases. Wheat grass is one such boon bestowed by Nature on man to make him healthy. Wheatgrass is a part of naturopathic medicine which can help to boost healing process through its excellent mixture of nutrients. Wheatgrass in Powder form is the most convenient, economical and efficient way of making its benefits readily available. Besides this, there are several reasons why wheatgrass is beneficial for all. Here are some of the reasons – • It serves as one of the effective natural remedies for diabetes. • Wheatgrass proves to be helpful for cancer patients. Along with other treatments, it lessens side effects of radiations and accelerates recovery. That is why; in the list of natural remedies for cancer, wheatgrass comes in the top. • It provides natural cure for hemorrhoids and other digestion related problems. • It increases red blood cells and a well-known and tested natural cure for Anemia. Where Can I Buy Wheatgrass Powder? You may find wheatgrass powder easily in the market. However, it is essential to get organic and scientifically manufactured wheatgrass powder to ensure excellent results. Girme Wheatgrass provides organic wheatgrass powder made with scientific methods and advanced technology to offer quality wheatgrass powder.

Better Result Diet Plans

Naturopathy based diet plans given for following health problems: CANCER, DIABETES, HEART DISEASE, WEIGHT LOSS, WEIGHT GAIN, ACIDITY, ANEMIA, THALASSEMIA (To increase Haemoglobin level), PILES (Haemorrhoids) Wheatgrass powder is a Naturopathy product and its efficacy to help cure diseases increases when it is accompanied by a healthy diet. Wheatgrass powder is a natural food supplement and not a medicine. It should not replace any medication.

Following points are common for all diet plans: • Wheatgrass powder mixed in a glass of warm water has more soothing effect. • Include mild exercise (walking), yoga, pranayam and meditation in daily routine as possible. • Maintenance dose (1 spoon. daily) to be continued for a few more weeks even after the disease is controlled. This helps to stabilize the rejuvenated body metabolism. • Repeat the Wheatgrass powder course for one month after a gap of every six months. This helps to supplement nutrition deficiencies caused over time and thus maintain good health. • Use Jaggery syrup as a sweetener wherever required. • Drink sufficient quantity of water daily.

CANCER Wheatgrass powder: First 5 days – 1 spoon in morning Next 5 days – 1 spoon morning and evening, 11th day onwards – 2 spoon morning and evening. Take the course for minimum 3 months along with diet as follows: 6 am: A glass of water. 7 am: Wheatgrass powder ( in warm water). 7.30 am: Basil (Tulsi) leaf tea. 8.30 am: A glass of . 11.30 am Lunch: Have a bowl of vegetable soup or salad first and then other food. Steamed vegetable + Chapatti / Roti (Indian bread) + Dal water 1 large bowl + Til / Jawas chutney. 2.30 pm: Potato skin soup 1 cup. 4 pm: A glass of fruit juice. 6 pm:Wheatgrass Powder. 7 pm Dinner: A bowl of sprouted Green Mug first and then food. Steamed vegetables + Dal water 1 large bowl + Bhakri / Chapatti / Roti + Brown rice or its Pulao (Khichidi rice). Top

DIABETES Wheatgrass powder: First 5 days – 1 spoon in morning Next 5 days – 1 spoon morning and evening, 11th day onwards – 2 spoon morning and evening. Take the course for minimum 3 months along with diet as follows: 6 am: A glass of lime water. 7 am: Wheatgrass powder. 7.30 am: Ragi (Nachni) milk 1 cup. 8.30 am: ½ spoon. Sprouted Methi (Fenugreek seeds) + Carrot juice 1 glass. 11.30 am: Lunch: Have a bowl of vegetable soup or salad first and then other food. Steamed vegetable + Dal water 1 large bowl + Jowar / Ragi (separate or mixed) roti + Til / Jawas (Flaxseed) chutney. 2.30 pm: Potato skin soup I cup. 4 pm: Apple juice 1 glass. 6 pm: Wheatgrass powder. 7 pm: Dinner: A bowl of sprouted Green Mug first and then food. Steamed vegetable + Dal water 1 large bowl + Jowar / Ragi (separate or mixed) roti + Til / Jawas (Flax seed) chutney. Top

HEART DISEASES Wheatgrass powder: First 5 days – 1 spoon in morning Next 5 days – 1 spoon morning and evening, 11th day onwards – 2 spoon morning and evening. Take the course for minimum 3 months along with diet as follows: 6 am: A glass of lime water. 7 am: Wheatgrass powder. 7.30 am: One small bowl of dry fruits + 4 spoon Khawa + Cows milk 1 cup with half spoon. turmeric powder ( without sweetener). 8.30 am: ½ spoon. Sprouted Methi (Fenugreek seeds) + Carrot juice 1 glass. 11.30 am: Lunch: Have a bowl of vegetable soup or salad first and then other food. Steamed vegetable + Dal water 1 large bowl + Chapatti or Roti + Til / Jawas (Flaxseed) chutney. 2.30 pm: Potato skin soup 1 cup and then rest. 4 pm: Sweet fruits or their juice 1 glass. 6 pm: Wheatgrass powder. 7 pm: Dinner: ½ bowl of sprouted Green Mug first and then food. Steamed vegetable + Dal water 1 glass + Chapatti / Roti + Brown rice / its Khichidi + Til / Jawas (Flaxseed) chutney. Top

WEIGHT LOSS Wheatgrass powder: First 5 days – 1 spoon in morning Next 5 days – 1 spoon morning and evening, 11th day onwards – 2 spoon morning and evening. Take the course for minimum 3 months along with diet as follows. 6 am: A glass of Lime water. 7 am: Wheatgrass powder ( in warm water). 7.30 am: Basil (Tulsi) leaf tea. 8.30 am: A glass of Carrot juice. 11.30 am: Lunch: Have a bowl of vegetable soup or salad first and then other food. Steamed vegetable + Chapatti / Roti (Indian bread) + Dal water 1 large bowl + Til / Jawas chutney. 2.30 pm: Lime water 1 glass. 4 pm: Sweet fruits or their juice 1 glass. 6 pm: Wheatgrass powder. 7 pm: Dinner: ½ bowl of sprouted Green Mug first and then food. Steamed vegetable + Dal water 1 large bowl + Chapatti / Roti + Til / Jawas (Flaxseed) chutney. Top

WEIGHT GAIN Wheatgrass powder: First 5 days – 1 spoon in morning Next 5 days – 1 spoon morning and evening, 11th day onwards – 2 spoon morning and evening. Take the course for minimum 3 months along with diet as follows: 6 am: A glass of lime water + 2 spoon. honey. 7 am: Wheatgrass powder. 7.30 am: One small bowl of dry fruits + 4 spoon Khawa + Cows milk 1 large cup. 8.30 am: Carrot juice 1 glass. 11.30 am: Lunch: Have a bowl of vegetable soup or salad first and then other food. Steamed vegetable + Dal water 1 large bowl + Potato veg + Chapatti / Roti with butter or Ghee + Til / Jawas (Flaxseed) chutney + Brown rice. . 2.30 pm: Potato skin soup 1 cup. 4 pm: Sweet fruits or their juice 1 glass. 6 pm: Wheatgrass powder. 7 pm: Dinner: ½ bowl of sprouted Green Mug first and then food. Steamed vegetable + Dal water 1 large bowl + Chapatti / Roti with butter or ghee + Brown rice / its Pulao (Khichidi) + Til / Jawas (Flaxseed) chutney + wheat porridge (kheer). 9 pm : A cup of sweet milk before going to sleep. Top

ACIDITY Wheatgrass powder: One spoon in morning and evening. Take the course for minimum 3 months along with diet as follows: 6 am: A glass of warm lime water. 7 am: Wheatgrass powder in warm water. 7.30 am: One small bowl of dry fruits + Cows milk 1 large cup. 8.30 am: Carrot juice 1 glass. 11.30 am: Lunch: Have a bowl of vegetable soup or salad first and then other food. Steamed vegetable + Dal water 1 large bowl + Potato veg + Chapatti / Roti + Til / Jawas (Flaxseed) chutney + Brown rice. Rest for a while after some time. 1.30 pm : Have a fruit plate. 4 pm: Sweet fruits or their juice 1 glass. 6 pm: Wheatgrass powder in warm water. 7 pm: Dinner: ½ bowl of sprouted Green Mug first and then food. Steamed vegetable + Dal water 1 large bowl + Chapatti / Roti + Brown rice / its Pulao (Khichidi). 9 pm : A cup of sweet milk before going to sleep. Top

THALASSEMIA For Adults: Wheatgrass powder: First 5 days – 1 spoon in morning Next 5 days – 1 spoon morning and evening, 11th day onwards – 2 spoon morning and evening. For Children Below 10 Years: Wheatgrass powder: First 5 days – ½ spoon. in morning and evening. 6th day onwards – One spoon in morning and evening. Take the course for minimum 3 months along with diet as follows: 6 am: A glass of warm water + ½ juice + 1 teaspoon honey. 7 am: Wheatgrass powder as above. 7.30 am: Black Raisin (Kala Kishmish) / water + 1 cup of cow’s milk (sweetened) (First day - Soak 1 black raisin overnight in ½ bowl of water. In the morning, crush it in the same water and drink it. Second day - Soak 2 black raisins and do the same procedure Third day - Soak 3 black raisins and do the same procedure. Every next day increase 1 black raisin till the 21st day. From 22nd day onwards go on decreasing 1 black raisin per day till day one. Repeat this procedure again if required. 8.30 am: Carrot juice 1 glass. (For small children 1 cup of carrot juice) 11.30 am: Lunch : Start by finishing 1 big bowl of vegetable soup. (For small children 1 cup of vegetable soup). Then food: Steamed vegetable + 1 large bowl Mung Dal water + Chapatti / Roti + Til / Jawas (Flaxseed) chatni. 2.30 pm: Potato skin soup 1 cup. (For children 1/3rd cup soup). 4 pm: Sweet fruits plate or their juice 1 glass. (For children 1 cup of fruit juice). 6 pm: Wheatgrass powder. 7 pm: Dinner: First finish ½ bowl of boiled green Mung sprouts and then food: Steamed vegetables + 1 large bowl moong Dal water + Chapatti / Roti + Til / Jawas chatni. + Brown rice or Pulao (Khichidi). Top

ANAEMIA Wheatgrass powder: First 5 days – 1 spoon in morning Next 5 days – 1 spoon morning and evening, 11th day onwards – 2 spoon morning and evening. Take the course for minimum 1 month along with diet as follows: 6 am: A glass of lime water + 2 spoon. honey. 7 am: Wheatgrass powder. 7.30 am: One small bowl of dry fruits + Cows milk 1 large cup. 8.30 am: Carrot juice 1 glass. 11.30 am: Lunch: Have a bowl of vegetable soup or salad first and then other food. Steamed vegetable + Dal water 1 large bowl + Potato veg + Chapatti / Roti + Til / Jawas (Flax seed) chutney + Brown rice. . 2.30 pm: Potato skin soup 1 cup. 4 pm: Sweet fruits plate or their juice 1 glass. 6 pm: Wheatgrass powder. 7 pm: Dinner: Start by finishing ½ bowl sprouted Green Mug and then food. Steamed vegetable + Dal water 1 large bowl + Chapatti / Roti + Brown rice / Pulao (Khichidi). Top

PILES Wheatgrass powder: First 5 days – 1 spoon in morning Next 5 days – 1 spoon morning and evening, 11th day onwards – 2 spoon morning and evening. Take the course for minimum 3 months along with diet as follows. 6 am: A glass of Lime water + 2 spoon honey. 7 am: Wheatgrass powder ( in warm water). 7.30 am: Basil (Tulsi) leaf tea. 8.30 am: A glass of Carrot juice / Bottle gourd juice. 11.30 am: Lunch: Have a bowl of vegetable soup or salad first and then other food. Steamed vegetable + Chapatti / Roti (Indian bread) + Dal water 1 large bowl + Brown rice. 2.30 pm: Potato skin soup 1 cup. 4 pm: Sweet fruits plate or their juice 1 glass. 6 pm: Wheatgrass powder. 7 pm: Dinner: ½ bowl of sprouted Green Mug first and then food. Steamed vegetable + Dal water 1 large bowl + Chapatti / Roti + Til / Jawas (Flax seed) chutney + Brown rice or its Pulao.

Naturopathy Diet Recipes

As per Naturopathy, a combination of healthy diet along with Wheatgrass powder shows better health enhancing results. Diet plans for a few prominent diseases are given in the next chapter. Following are the recipes for preparing items mentioned in the diet plans. Brown Rice | Rice Soup | Mug Dal Soup | Sprouted Pulses | Carrot Juice | Vegetable Salad | Basil Leaf Tea | Jaggery Syrup | Lime Water | Vegetables soup | Baked Potatoes | Ragi roti (Madua / Nachni roti) | Ragi (Madua / Nachni) milk | Khichidi | Vegetable Parathas | Fruit Salad | Potato skin soup | Til (Sesame seed) chutney | Jawas (Flaxseed / Linseed) chutney

1) Brown rice: This semi-polished rice has a reddish brown color and contains more beneficial nutrients than white (polished) rice. It should be washed minimum and soaked for 2 to 3 hours before cooking it in a pressure cooker using the same water. 2) Rice soup: Follow the above method but add water 8 to 10 times the quantity of rice. Remove the rice to a side and the thick rice soup that is obtained is very nutritious.

3) Mug dal soup: (Green Gram Dhal) Add 7 to 8 times water and boil without stirring. Strain out the thick watery soup and add a little salt and pepper for taste. The Mug dal soup thus obtained contains many proteins, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, etc.

4) Sprouted pulses: Pulses such as Green Mug, Matki, Harbara Dal, etc. are very nutritious when eaten raw after . For sprouting, first soak the selected pulses in water for 8 to 12 hours. Then drain the water and keep the pulses wrapped in a thick wet cloth for one day. Keep the cloth moist by frequent watering. Length of the sprouts increases if kept for another day or two. Longer sprouts are more nutritious. Raw sprouts are recommended to be included in daily diet. The sprouts can also be boiled / stir- fried by adding a little salt, pepper and spices for flavor.

5) Carrot juice: Remove the inner whitish stem (as its acidic) and use the outer reddish layer of the carrot for extracting juice by adding water as required.

6) Vegetable salad: Use vegetables such as Carrot, Cucumber, Cabbage. Radish, Beetroot, spinach, Lettuce, Coriander, etc. by cutting them into small pieces or shredding. Mix them well and add salt and pepper. Another version is to add dry fruits and honey to the previously mixed salad. It has a little sweet taste and is liked by children also.

7) Basil leaf Tea (Tulsi kadha): 2 cup water + 3 or 4 Basil( Tulsi) leaves + Lemon grass (gavti chai) + 2 g ginger + Jaggery as a sweetener. Boil the above ingredients (without adding milk) and pour the tasty drink in a teacup. Try this tea instead of the regular tea / coffee and you will find it more refreshing.

8) Jaggery syrup (Gud paak): Use organic jaggery, which is dark brown in colour. Break into small pieces one Kg. Jaggery, add 2-cup water and let it soak for about 10 hours. Then add a little more water and boil well to form thick syrup. Let it cool naturally, strain the syrup and store it in a glass / ceramic jar. It should be prepared fresh in quantity as required for a week.

Jaggery syrup is an excellent sweetener and should be used wherever required instead of sugar. It can be added to milk also or eaten with roti, by adding a few drops of lemon juice for taste.

9) Lime Water (Nimbu Pani): Take a glass of water (warm or cold water as per the season), squeeze a half / full lemon in it and stir well. Do not add any salt or sugar). Having a glass of limewater first thing in the morning has therapeutic value.

10) Vegetables soup: Select two / three vegetables from a variety such as Bottle Gourd (Bhopla), Dodka, Cabbage (Patta Gobi), Fenugreek leaves (Methi), Spinach (Palak), Cow Pea (Chowli), etc. Cut them into small pieces, add water twice the quantity of vegetables and steam cook in a cooker. Let it cool a little and then extract its soup by grinding and removing the fiber through a wire-mesh strainer. Give seasoning of Cumin seeds (Jeera), garlic, turmeric powder and Kadi Patta. This soup has very high nutritious value.

11) Baked Potatoes: They are better than the boiled potatoes. Apply a mudpack before baking them over coal amber in a tandoor / barbeque and eat them without removing the skin. In urban areas, they can be baked in an oven / microwave.

12) Ragi roti (Madua / Nachni roti): Ragi is a good minerals and fiber supplement. Rotis are prepared from Ragi flour. Another version is to prepare roti by mixing Bajra / Jowar flour with it.

13) Ragi (Madua / Nachni) milk: Take a bowl of Ragi seeds (Nachni) and soak for 12 hours. Then grind the sprouted Ragi by adding water as required in a mixer. Strain it using a cloth. It is good for diabetes patients.

14) Khichidi: Mix 2/3rd part Brown rice and 1/3rd part of sprouted Green Mug + 4 times the quantity water + Garnishing of Turmeric, salt, grinded Groundnuts, Coriander, Jeera, Garlic, Ginger, etc. Add previously cut vegetables such as Bottle gourd, Cucumber, Carrot, Green Peas, etc. Mix and steam cook in a cooker.

15) Vegetable Parathas: Add pre cut vegetables such as Cabbage, Potato, Chow Pea, Fenugreek, Ginger, Garlic, Onion, etc; to Wheat / Jowar dough and roast the Parathas over a flat pan by adding a little oil / Ghee / Butter.

16) Fruit Salad: Cut and mix sweet fruits such as Papaya, Chikko, Banana, Apple, Dates, etc. Add thick buttermilk / sweet whipped curds. Do not add milk with custard powder, as is the general practice. A few Mint (Pudina) or Basil (Tulsi) leaves add flavor.

17) Potato skin soup: Wash clean 4 to 5 medium sized potatoes and scrap off the skin using a scraper. Boil the skin in water and strain out the thick soup. Add a little salt for taste. 18) Til (Sesame seed) chutney: Dry roast a bowl of Til (Sesame seeds) on a low flame till they splutter. Add roasted garlic 10 flakes, rock salt 1 Tsp and red chilly powder 1 Tsp or dry pepper for taste. Pound or dry grind it in a mixer.

19) Jawas (Flaxseed / Linseed) chutney: Flaxseeds are the best source of essential Omega 3 fatty acids and rich in antioxidants. Dry roast a bowl of Jawas (flaxseed) on a low flame till they splutter. Add a little dry coconut, roasted garlic 10 flakes, rock salt and red chilly powder 1 Tsp or dry pepper for taste. Pound or dry grind it in a mixer. One spoonful with every meal is a healthy addition to the diet. It can also be sprinkled over salad or sprouts.