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#5492872 in Books 2015-07-11Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.00 x .34 x 6.00l, .46 #File Name: 1515036766148 pages | File size: 50.Mb

Adin Ballou : Christian Non-Resistance (Perfect Library) before purchasing it in order to gage whether or not it would be worth my time, and all praised Christian Non-Resistance (Perfect Library):

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. ... want to understand what is this is a good book. It is a relatively easy book to ...By bgarramoneIf you want to understand what nonresistance is this is a good book. It is a relatively easy book to read and whether you agree with the idea or not it won't leave you wondering what nonresistance is when your done.5 of 6 people found the following review helpful. Adin Ballou a Christian pacifistBy Daniel H. ShubinAdin Ballou was a voice crying in the wilderness to deaf people regarding the futility and horrible consequences of the Civil War. An excellent example of bold remonstrance against war, and a powerful testimony to Christian .

"Christian Non-Resistance" from Adin Ballou. American prominent proponent of pacifism, socialism and abolitionism (1803 – 1890 ).

About the AuthorAdin Ballou (1803-1890), the founder of the utopian community of Hopedale, Massachusetts, was a leading nineteenth-century pacifist, socialist, and abolitionist. Unlike many other reformers of his time Ballou did not abandon his pacifist principles during the Civil War. His version of pacifism, which he called Christian Non- Resistance, was admired by and, through Tolstoy, influenced the great twentieth-century non-violent activists, Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.

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