Critical Issues Commentary CI A BIBLICALLY BASED COMMENTARY ON ISSUES THAT IMPACT YOU C January/February 2000 Issue Number 56

ROBERT SCHULLER AND R OBERT S CHULLER AND OLD FASHIONED LIBERALISM T HE S EEKER S ENSITIVE C HURCH Robert Schuller does not claim to be a BY BOB DEWAAY liberal. He still is affiliated with a Reformed denomination1 and willingly “For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not come to know God, God calls himself “evangelical.” Yet when was well-pleased through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe. For Schuller appeared on Larry King Live indeed Jews ask for signs, and Greeks search for wisdom; but we preach Christ crucified, to Jews just before Christmas 1999, I heard him a stumbling block, and to Gentiles foolishness, but to those who are the called, both Jews and proclaim, “I am not trying to convert Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.” (1Corinthians 1:21-24) anyone from another religion, I am only try to reach people who have no reli- gion.” If so, he has just ruled out billions wo men met another man as road to Emmaus would considered of people as possible recipients of the they were walking down a road. “irrelevant” to the “felt needs” of the gospel. The vast majority of Americans They were having a private dis- congregation. The hearts of church- T claim to be Christian and most of the cussion when the third man began ques- goers no longer “burn” in conviction, rest claim some religion. So also the tioning them. The third man soon dom- joy, or intense devotion to God and His majority of the people throughout the inated the conversation. Throughout Word, because it is seldom heard. If the world have some religious affiliation. the rest of their journey, the man began pastor of one of these churches The idea that one ought not try to con- with the books of Moses and proceeded announced a sermon that would outline vert others to the Christian faith is liber- to explain to them, verse by verse, all of all of the Old Testament prophecies al to the core. the Old Testament passages that per- about Messiah, the likely result would be Dr. Schuller has other things in tained to the Jewish Messiah. It turned yawns, moans, and bewilderment over common with religious liberalism. In out the third man was Jesus the Messiah. how the church lost its “vision,” or mass 1982, Schuller wrote a book claiming The resurrected Jewish Messiah had exodus to a church that understood the that the church needed to be reformed joined them on their journey and “needs” of modern “seekers.” based on the psychological theory of self- preached a sermon from Old Testament How did we get to this situation? I esteem.2 He has often been quoted as messianic prophecy. Here is how the two credit Robert Schuller as the key person suggesting that Christian theology ought described their experience of this talk on to have orchestrated this previously to be more man-centered rather than the road to Emmaus: “Were not our hearts unimaginable change in evangelical God-centered. As we shall show, burning within us while He was speaking to Christianity. It was Schuller’s bold move, Schuller’s teachings have their roots in us on the road, while He was explaining the beginning in 1955, to integrate the posi- early twentieth century liberalism. Many Scriptures to us?” (Luke 24:32). tive thinking philosophy of Norman people know that Norman Vincent Peale We do not have a transcription of Vincent Peale with savvy, business ori- was a key person in the development of the exact passages Jesus cited or how He ented marketing techniques that Robert Schuller’s ministry, but most do explained them. Yet we have enough brought thousands into what eventually not know the roots of Peale’s and after information in the became the Crystal Cathedral. In the him Schuller’s approach to Christianity. about Messianic prophecy to reconstruct process he also developed his hugely In his book, Your Church Has a a similar sermon. Did you know that in successful television broadcast. Though Fantastic Future,3 Dr. Schuller describes many of the largest so-called “evangeli- he did not coin the phrase “seeker-sensi- how he started with $500 and a dream. cal” churches in America such a sermon tive,” his success and ideas have inspired Eventually he built the Crystal would never be tolerated? Hundreds of many of the most successful “seeker” Cathedral and his multimillion dollar thousands of professed Christians go to churches in America. Television ministry. He rented a drive in churches where Jesus’ sermon on the theater in 1955 and began to take Dr.

Also In This Issue: “God’s Vessels of Salva tion” p. 5 User’s Guide to Seeker Sensitive Terminology” page 7 January/February 2000 2 Issue Number 56

Norman Vincent Peale’s message of pos- that the cross is an instrument of death growth as if it were a do or die situation. itive thinking to the people. He writes: and that we must die to our old sinful During the last seven years, I sat through self. He claims such preaching produces many classes and seminars promoting Then I proceeded to spend “sick people.”10 this approach. In preparation for this about $50 for brochures. Similarly, Dr. Schuller is ready with article I ran a search on the seminary Hoping to impress unchurched versions of the 10 Commandments and library computer and found 400 books people, I wrote to Dr. Norman other Biblical issues that fit his theolo- on the topic. As I paged through dozens Vincent Peale, who wrote back gy. This is Schuller’s nice, user friendly of these books I encountered a confusing a marvelous statement with his version of the decalogue: “The answer is array of opinions. One book said that permission to quote extensively. simple. The Ten Commandments are one should never call the church “the So I grabbed hold of his coat- given to us in order to show us how to family of God” since families are closed tails.4 live in such an ethical behavioral pat- units and people will not feel welcome. tern that we will feel good about our- Then another said that young wander- In 1957 he persuaded Peale to speak selves. The Ten Commandments are not ing souls are looking for a sense of fami- at his drive in church.5 From Peale he 10 negative restrictions.”11 The sin ly. Another suggested that if a church is learned a key lesson about appealing to nature gets a similar treatment. While going to ever have over 200 members, the “unchurched.” The lesson was, not denying its existence, Dr. Schuller the pastor must make it clear from the “Jesus never called a person a sinner.”6 defines sin as a lack of faith. Our sin is beginning that he will do no hospital vis- This insight led to Schuller’s philosophy that, “We’re conceived and born with- itation, personal counseling, or personal, of possibility thinking and self-esteem. out faith, without any belief.”12 So we pastoral care of the members. His role is Schuller writes: “[P]ossibility thinking need faith, and most importantly we to build a team, with him as the manag- and self-esteem theology can both be need to believe in ourselves (and God of er. summarized in this single sentence: The course). Since Dr. Schuller publicly Though confusing, there is a unify- ‘I am’ determines the ‘I can.’”7 His idea claims to not seek the conversion of peo- ing theme: in America, nothing suc- was that the key to making positive ple from other religions, obviously faith ceeds like success. When I was in Bible thinking work out practically was to in God need not be described in college in the 1970’s, the visiting speak- develop high self-esteem. He imagines Christian terms. So whatever issue ers were often the latest successful pas- that people to not realize their full comes along, possibility thinking and tors whose churches grew to 2,000. potential because of low self-esteem. self-esteem have the answer. Many at that time succeeded by buying Dr. Schuller usually does not come a fleet of old school buses and going out and deny any key evangelical beliefs. T HE L EGACY AND R OOTS around town offering to bring people’s He says that he believes in the various OF D R .SCHULLER’ S I DEAS kids to Sunday School so the parents points of orthodoxy. He even interacts could sleep in. We were expected to lis- with his critics who claim he skips essen- Having settled these issues, the rest of ten in envy of the glorious success of tial aspects of the gospel. For example, the book tells us how to be successful these contemporary church growth when someone questions him on not and concludes with testimonies of heroes. Soon the whole bus ministry preaching that we must deny ourselves, dozens of successful pastors who got thing became passé and something else take up our crosses and follow Jesus, he their church growth ideas from Dr. took its place. When I went back to is ready with an explanation that possi- Schuller. C. Peter Wagner, a key promot- seminary, eighteen years after graduating bility thinking is doing just that: “To er of modern church growth theory, from Bible college, I was confronted with deny yourself means daring to ask God, sings the praises of Dr. Schuller in the a whole new generation of super-star ‘What do you want me to do’?”8 This preface of the book.13 Bill Hybels, the pastors to emulate. These new heroes sets in motion God’s answer. Eventually pastor of the now famous Willow Creek have found a new key, the “unchurched” the question leads to this: “[Y]ou’re Community Church in Illinois, is among are “seekers” who will come if the ser- going to get a dream. And anytime a many notables who claim to at least par- vice is “relevant.” dream comes from God, it is going to be tially owe their success to Schuller’s The year I graduated from seminary humanly impossible to accomplish.”9 principles. According to Hybels’ testi- (1999) I heard a young pastor in chapel This all leads to his version of “faith” mony, he got his inspiration from one of who had managed to start a new congre- and success through possibility thinking Dr. Schuller’s church growth seminars.14 gation from scratch and had come back and self-esteem. So through this clever It is undeniable that Robert to tell us of his success. His message was process, taking up one’s cross and deny- Schuller started a trend that grew into a entitled “Thinking Outside the Box.” ing self actually means letting God make huge movement that is now engulfing Supposedly Jesus was good at thinking you more successful than you ever much of evangelicalism. I know from outside the box (notice the similarity to thought possible and having high self- personal experience that evangelical “possibility thinking”). The way this esteem. He then goes on to scold those seminaries are promoting the latest seek- young man practiced his theory, was that of us who still think that Jesus’ point is er-sensitive approaches to church he had a Sunday morning service with January/February 2000 3 Issue Number 56 coffee tables and coffee. Those who ventures, computer mailings, etc.), by his sacrificial saviorhood, his resurrected come to the meeting view clips of and large modernist clergy were content and triumphant life, his rightful Hollywood movies and discuss what to remain inky-fingered, acting as if the Lordship. . .”22 This sounds good, until point they think the movie is trying to communications revolution had never one finds out that he did not believe in make. Schuller got his start in a drive in taken place.”15 Christ’s bodily resurrection which the movie theater preaching possibility Fosdick strongly believed in his New Testament writers so steadfastly thinking and look at his success. Maybe modernism and was willing to battle for affirmed as necessary to the faith. this young man is on to something! it. He fought battles in the Presbyterian Fosdick said, “I believe in the persistence What I think is this: most of those and Northern Baptist denominations on of personality, but I do not believe in the jumping on this modern bandwagon do behalf of modernism against fundamen- resurrection of the flesh.”23 The follow- not realize that this is simply old-fash- talism.16 In the midst of the modernist ing explanation by Fosdick’s biographer ioned liberalism. Sadly, some probably controversy in the Presbyterian church, is enlightening: do know this and simply do not care. We Fosdick wrote an article in the shall see this by examining the roots of Times rebutting a previous article by Fosdick could not believe that the movement. that had called Jesus was virgin born. He did evolution “unscientific and irreligious.”17 not ridicule those who did, but T HE H ARRY E MERSON Fosdick promoted the theory of evolu- he was adamant that such belief F OSDICK C ONNECTION tion. He soon after preached his most was not essential to acceptance famous sermon, “Shall the of Christian faith. . . . Fosdick After the modernist controversy of the Fundamentalists Win?”18 Fosdick’s point doubted whether Jesus ever late 19th and early 20th centuries, there was to say that the fundamentalists thought of himself as the was a huge upheaval in American could not “drive out from the Christian Messiah; perhaps he did, but Christianity. The modernists denied the churches all the consecrated souls who more probably “Jesus’ disciples authority and inerrancy of Scripture. do not agree with their theory of inspira- may have read this into his Those who opposed them were called tion.”19 This was a key shot fired in the thinking. . . .”24 “Fundamentalists,” so named after a fundamentalist-modernist war. Fosdick The modernist can still preach document called “The Fundamentals.” was eventu- about God, These were simply the basics of the ally driven Christ, faith, Christian faith that had been believed out of the and even since the time of the apostles. Creation Presbyterian PREVIOUS GENERATIONS OF EVANGELI- make use of versus evolution was a key issue, but not pulpit, but the Bible. The the only one. Even the deity and resur- this was CALS THOUGHT THE KEY CATEGORIES key is to center rection of Christ were questioned. What merely the the message emerged from this was the birth of many beginning of WERE “SAVED AND LOST.” NOW THEY on human denominations we now know as “evan- his success- needs and gelical.” On the other hand, liberals ful career. ARE “CHURCHED AND UNCHURCHED.” understand took control of the seminaries and head- After other Christian min- quarters of most of the older, main-line battles, and istry as a denominations. with the considerable financial help of “helping profession.” A key modernist of the early twenti- John D. Rockefeller, Fosdick established To this end, psychology is a key eth century who was perhaps the most the interdenominational Riverside aspect of Christian ministry for the liber- successful of all liberals (at that time) in Church in New York.20 al or modernist preacher. Historian gaining a national audience was Harry A key question that comes to mind Glenn T. Miller sees religious liberalism Emerson Fosdick. Fosdick was able to is: if you no longer believe in the inspira- as one source of the professional take his liberal message to the masses at tion of Scripture, what do you preach? approach to religious education. He a time when most modernists were fight- Fosdick had no problems with finding writes, “American religious liberalism ing behind the scenes battles to control sermon topics. For one thing, he did not was dissatisfied with traditional pastoral denominations and their seminaries. deny everything in the Bible. He had his care.”25 This led to the, “understanding Several historians have commented on own way of believing it. As is typical of the minister as an advisor on life’s this. For example, Leonard Sweet writes, with liberalism, rather than believing the way. . . .”26 Glenn Miller provides the fol- “Suffice it to say that while a few mod- Bible is the word of God, he believed it lowing insight into Fosdick’s role in this: ernist preachers like Harry Emerson contained the word of God.21 So the Fosdick, Norman Vincent Peale, Ralph Bible is still useful, but the preacher evi- Harry Emerson Fosdick in the Sockman, and Robert Schuller pio- dently decides which parts are useful. North, and Theodore Adams in neered in the use of mass communica- Fosdick believed in the resurrection, for the South, incorporated coun- tions media (radio, television, publishing he wrote “I believe in Christ, his deity, seling into their ministries. January/February 2000 4 Issue Number 56

Both Adams and Fosdick con- Robert Schuller has followed in the churches, is that so many contemporary sulted psychologists and psychi- footsteps of Peale and Fosdick and pro- people refuse to accept the Biblical atrists, served their churches as vided a religious approach for those who answers to their questions. counselors, and, more impor- normally would reject traditional Human potential as understood in tantly, used psychological Christian theology. He often has said Schuller’s twin foundations of self- insights in their widely imitated (when asked about his version of church esteem and possibility thinking is an preaching.27 and Christianity) that he is a last stop for alternative to the cross, not an expres- those for whom all other approaches sion of it as Schuller’s theological leg- So for modernists, helping people have not worked. People will come to his erdemain would make us think. The along the way with whatever means are church who have given up on church (or Biblical message of the cross speaks of available through the culture is a key to as he recently said on religion). Of human depravity, the wrath of God preaching and ministry. As for Fosdick course, the unspoken assumption is that against sin, the need for substitutionary and the Fundamentalists, Fosdick wrote the reason Biblical Christianity does not atonement and the bodily resurrection “We won our battle.”28 His biographer, “work” for many, is that they refuse to from the dead unto either eternal life or Robert Moats Miller shares an interest- believe its message. Schuller’s approach eternal damnation. This is not a message ing insight on this matter: puts aside the message that is so unde- of the unlimited potential of humans sirable to many modern religious con- through positive thinking. “Seekers” as [He] was correct only in the sumers and replaces it with self-esteem they are now mislabeled, are those who, limited sense that the liberals and possibility thinking. This is squarely according to Schuller himself, are not were not driven from the in the liberal tradition of having little to going to accept the two millennia old churches. I may very well be say about eternal judgment, the blood message of Biblical Christianity. But they that for tens of millions in every atonement, or the bodily resurrection of will come to church under the right con- era Fosdick’s liberalism could Christ, but having loads to say about ditions. never adequately answer the how one can have a better life in this This is what ties the modern seeker terrors of human existence. world. movement to historical liberalism. The Nevertheless, when he added, goal is to get people to be “churched” “it was one of the most neces- WHAT IS GAINED? even though the inspiration of Scripture sary theological battles every and the whole counsel of God (Acts fought,” he was right on the If Robert Moats Miller was right that 20:27) are set aside. The Bible only money, for millions found in his Fosdick’s liberal approach is the “only “contains” the word of God and the evangelical liberalism the only religious answer possible” for some, then preacher is at liberty to ignore any religious answer possible for Schuller and the his new legions of pas- Scripture that does not fit his purpose of them.29 toral followers are the current providers church growth and religious success. Dr. of that answer. Others have noticed this. Schuller has adamantly rejected any Robert Moats Miller wrote his biog- For example, David Wells writes: idea that he is obligated to preach every- raphy on Fosdick from the perspective of thing in the Bible. Does he believe in a an admirer. His understanding that His [Harry Emerson Fosdick’s] literal hell? This is very difficult to deter- there were many who needed Fosdick’s theology of the person was built mine because one never hears him approach as “the only religious answer on the ideas of the immanence preach about it. At least Fosdick came possible” is a key point. It likely is based of God in human personality out in public with all his beliefs and on the fact that once one accepts a sup- and the perfectibility of human stood by them. Schuller is more of a posedly true theory of evolution and a nature. He spoke enthusiasti- politician, keeping a smile and a hand- historically and scientifically flawed cally of the unlimited inner shake always ready while skirting con- Bible, one must either reject Christian potential that only had to be troversial questions. Schuller’s approach religion or find a way to change its found and cultivated. . . . From to his modernism has done what essence so that is no longer conflicts Fosdick the ideas traveled to Fosdick’s could never do: brought evan- with the modernist understanding of the Norman Vincent Peale and gelicals and liberals together. “facts.” Fosdick provided a way to simul- then to Robert Schuller, and The liberals of the 1920’s never taneously hold to liberal assumptions now they have become com- thought of Schuller’s brilliant move. and still have a version of the Christian monplace throughout much of Rather than deny any Biblical doctrines religion. Norman Vincent Peale, whom the evangelical world.31 and thus rile the ranks of the tradition- Fosdick knew and admired,30 carried on alists and believers in Biblical inerrancy, a similar version of liberalism geared for The reason that the modernist let the doctrines die the death of the mass media. Peale’s profound influ- approach is deemed the last ditch, possi- neglect. Keep the congregation so enam- ence on Schuller is often attested by Dr. ble answer for those who flock to what ored with brilliant homilies on “Five Schuller himself. are now called “seeker sensitive” Ways to Deal with Stress in the January/February 2000 5 Issue Number 56

Workplace” and “Nine Ways to Envision and the Bible were there to help us live unchurched.” Evidently it is assumed a Brighter Future” and they will never a better life. Not realizing what the cat- that since we call ourselves “evangelical” think about such matters as the wrath of egories were, I found myself in the mid- (like Schuller) we have something to God, eternal judgment, atonement, or dle of modernism and liberalism. My offer. If people are in our churches they heaven and hell. Does anyone seem to response was to exit the church immedi- are imagined to be better off than if they care whether Dr. Schuller and his hordes ately. Being “churched,” in my mind was are not, regardless of whether or not of evangelical copy cats really believe quite worthless if none of the things they are being confronted with God’s any of these doctrines? For decades lib- churches supposedly existed to promote word and His holy claims on their lives. erals have claimed that most New were true. This assumption is false. As in my per- Testament doctrines are irrelevant. So as a new Christian four years sonal experience, unregenerates are Judging by how many modern evangeli- later, I realized that the problem was often further from the gospel when they cals go to churches where doctrine is that we had churches full of lost people are “churched” but not hearing God’s considered passé, contemporary evan- who would go to hell if they did not hear word than when they are “unchurched.” gelicals must have decided the liberals the gospel, believe and repent. Nothing At least in the later condition they know were right. could be clearer. Many churches were they are not Christian. False assurance is pastored by individuals who were them- worse than no assurance. “Seekers” are C ONCLUSION selves unregenerate. That is the legacy really unsaved sinners who may never that the fundamentalist/modernist bat- find out they are unsaved sinners The greatest problem with all of this is tle had left. As Fosdick pointed out, the because they are becoming so adept at that we have radically changed the key modernists stayed in most of the church- dealing with stress in the workplace categories in the minds of the contem- es and controlled the seminaries. They through the help of the savvy, therapeu- porary evangelical church. For example, won the battle in most old line denomi- tically oriented pastor. When life seems previous generations of evangelicals nations. Consequently, when people like to be getting better with a little help thought the key categories were “saved I was in 1971 came to Christ, we never from the church, who needs to concern and lost.” Now they are “churched and considered going back to those denomi- oneself with heaven and hell, especially unchurched.” When I came to Christ in nations. We were hungry for God’s word if one is never told they exist. Iowa in 1971, nearly everyone in our and wanted to be challenged week by We must return to the only means community was “churched.” At that week to grow into conformity to Christ’s that God has ordained for bringing sal- time Bible believing Christians under- purposes. vation to the lost. It is outlined in the stood there to be two categories of peo- Thus it is with great alarm and sor- verses cited at the beginning of the arti- ple, the saved and the lost. Whether or row that I write this article. Masses of cle. It is the message of the cross: “[B]ut not one was in church was immaterial. I churches and denominations who once we preach Christ crucified, to Jews a stum- grew up in a church that gave lip service were proud to have left the modernists bling block, and to Gentiles foolishness, but to the facts of Christianity, but was told behind and went out on their own to to those who are the called, both Jews and by a pastor when I was 16 years old that promote Biblical orthodoxy have now Greeks, Christ the power of God and the these were in fact false. There was no either wittingly or unwittingly joined the wisdom of God.” (1Corinthians creation of the world out of nothing, no modernists. The categories that I now 1:23,24). miracles, no virgin birth, and no bodily hear, not occasionally, but constantly in resurrection from the dead. Christianity evangelical circles, are “churched and

G OD' S V ESSELS er of righteousness” (2 Peter 2:5). I imag- will place themselves under its shelter. ine Noah was subjected to a plethora of Just as the ark was ridiculed by the world OF S ALVATION insults, scorn, and ridicule. However, he as foolishness, the Gospel is also. 1 remained steadfast in his obedience to Corinthians 1:18 proclaims: “For the Trusting the "Foolishness" of God God; faithfully carrying out all God com- word of the cross is foolishness to those manded him. God’s “vessel of salvation” who are perishing, but to us who are BY RYAN HABBENA was seen by the world as complete fool- being saved it is the power of God.” ishness in the days of Noah. It is no dif- Sadly, many in Evangelicalism are now ferent today. accommodating the world’s response. hrough the world’s eyes, surely The ark saved Noah and his family Noah looked to be quite the fool. from God’s wrath upon sin. Noah’s ark is THE NEW “PRACTICAL” GOSPEL For 100 years he constructed a T a type of the ultimate “vessel of salvation” gigantic ark on dry land. While he did - the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel The word “gospel” literally means good this he called people to repentance, for is God’s “vessel of salvation” to all who news. The good news preached in the the Scriptures proclaim he was a “preach- January/February 2000 6 Issue Number 56

Scriptures is that “Christ Jesus came into we focus on a three-part grid. We ask ordained message. In his book, Ashamed the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy ourselves: Is this real? Is this relevant? Is of the Gospel,3 John MacArthur com- 1:15). However, today a subtle, new this rockin?”2 He continues to note that ments: “Inherent in the Gospel message gospel is taking its place. Instead of the service is made “real” by watching is the power of an omnipotent God. That preaching “Jesus can save you from your movie or television clips, and made “rele- power alone is sufficient to save the vilest sins,” the new message is: “Jesus can save vant” by playing secular music. This well sinner and transform the hardest heart - you from your problems.” Sin, the wrath illustrates how the focus has been gravely apart from any human arguments, illus- of God, hell, and other truths of Scripture misplaced in many modern Evangelical trations, or ingenuity.”4 Paul knew it was are by very nature offensive to the unre- churches. The most essential question is the message that was of utmost impor- generate, and thus drive many people being ignored: “Does it produce repen- tance - not the medium. Few today trem- away from the church. Since the “church tance?” ble at the responsibility of conveying the growth theory” has replaced obedience to pure message of the Gospel. God’s word as the driving force behind THE POWER OF THE PURE GOSPEL many Evangelical churches, preaching TRUSTING THE “FOOLISHNESS” OF GOD the pure Gospel has been found to be a 1 Corinthians 15 gives, in my estima- hindrance to perceived success. Thus, in tion, the most succinct presentation of Noah trusted and obeyed God’s means of order to be inoffensive to the unbelieving the pure Gospel. Paul declares: “For I salvation, even though it was ridiculed as “seekers” who visit, practical principles delivered unto you as of first importance foolishness. We do well if we learn from are extracted from the Scriptures.1 This what I also received, that Christ died for Noah’s example. For “by faith Noah, provides a comfortable environment for our sins according to the Scriptures, and being warned by God about things not yet the unbelieving “seeker,” and thus the that He was buried and that he was raised seen, in reverence prepared an ark for the numbers within the church grow. on the third day according to the salvation of his household, by which he It is certainly true that Jesus is “wis- Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3,4). condemned the world, and became an est of the wise” and gives wonderful prac- Notice that Paul did not appeal to their heir of the righteousness which is accord- tical advice. Scripture indeed holds a superficial problems in trying to present ing to faith” (Hebrews 11:7). wealth of wisdom. When the whole the Gospel to them. Rather, he declared In God’s word, success is not judged counsel of God is preached, the believer the Gospel to them “of first importance!” in numbers. Noah preached to the will become equipped with all that is nec- He also admonished the Corinthians that world’s inhabitants and didn’t produce a essary for Christian living. However, the if they did not hold fast these truths that single convert, save his family. In many glaring problem with only preaching the they “have believed in vain” (1 contemporary Evangelical circles Noah practical wisdom of Scripture is it Corinthians 15:2). would be told give it up, or find a differ- neglects the true Gospel, which is the Why was Paul so insistent on pre- ent method, because whatever he was foundation of all these things. serving the pure Gospel? It was because, doing was just not working. On the con- Everything is for naught if the primary as a minister of the Gospel, he knew that trary, however, true success lies in trust- reason for the coming of Christ, “to seek it was the only message able to save souls. ing and obeying God and His commands, and to save that which was lost,” (Luke It was the only message that produced no matter what the cost. 19:10) is never preached, and therefore true repentance. He was so aware of this Preaching the pure Gospel of Jesus never accepted. Replacing the Gospel when he preached the Gospel to the Christ may indeed bring about ridicule, (which cuts to heart of mankind’s most Corinthians, he proclaimed: insults, and accusations of being “out of serious problem) with preaching strictly touch.” Yet, those who are redeemed can superficial practical advice is equivalent For I determined to know noth- indeed see the power and wisdom in the to driving a heart attack victim to the ing among you except Jesus “foolishness” of God. Just as the ark was Dairy Queen instead of the hospital. Christ, and Him crucified. I was the only “vessel of salvation” in the days Sure the ice cream may taste good, but with you in weakness and in fear of Noah, so will be the Gospel on the Day there is a much more pressing issue at and in much trembling, and my of Judgment. Therefore, let all of God’s hand. message and my preaching were servants not shrink back from preaching In this disturbing downward trend, not in persuasive words of wis- the pure message of the Gospel of Jesus the hard truths that are essential to the dom, but in demonstration of Christ. For “God was well-pleased very nature of the Gospel, such as the the Spirit and of power, so that through the foolishness of the message wrath of God, sin, and the atonement are your faith would not rest on the preached to save those who believe” (1 not preached, or at best given in small wisdom of men but on the power Corinthians 1:21b). doses over a long period of time. of God. (1 Corinthians 2:2-5) Therefore, the heart of the Christian faith has been all but removed in order to Paul knew the Gospel was the power appeal to a modern worldly culture. For of God unto salvation. He was so aware instance, one proponent of this trend of this that he preached the Gospel plain- notes the central focus of their weekend ly, in much fear and trembling, so that he services. He states: “On the weekends would not interfere with its pure, God- January/February 2000 7 Issue Number 56

A USER’S GUIDE TO offended. Let them imagine Christ how- much like a trial, or like a search for ever they want to. truth. Seekers do not want to make deci- SEEKER SENSITIVE RELIGIOUS sions about truth and error, or right and TERMINOLOGY CHURCH: Many seekers have had nega- wrong, they just want to experience life. tive experiences with churches. The term Seekers would rather hear inspiring sto- BY BOB DEWAAY is rather old fashioned. Try “Christian ries than to hear rational proofs. Center” (like “shopping center”) or even ince modern evangelicals have better, a name with no Christian conno- FATHER GOD: Do not use the term taken to using professional pollsters, tations. “Father” when referring to God. Seekers Sfocus groups, demographic analysis, prefer gender neutral terminology. Many and other marketing “tools of the trade” COMMANDMENTS: Seekers do not like to seekers had bad experiences with their to foster church growth, it has been dis- be commanded to do, believe, or abstain earthly fathers and so they cannot relate covered that many common religious from anything. Seekers would rather be to God if He is a Father. Try terms like words are a “turn off” to would be seek- invited than commanded. For example, God, deity, higher power, divine being or ers. Therefore, a new set of religious rather than commanding seekers to obey even Christ. terms has been developed for the use of God, invite them to enjoy a more fulfill- the market savvy, evangelical pastor. The ing life. Which would you rather hear, ten FEAR OF GOD: This phrase cannot be following is a “tongue in cheek,” though sadly commandments or ten invitations to per- used around seekers. Seekers have a neg- quite realistic, user’s guide to seeker sensitive sonal happiness? ative image of any religion that teaches religious terminology. Terms defined else- that God is to be feared. Fear is a definite where in the guide are in bold. THE CROSS: The cross is OK as long as turn off to seekers and implies that God is it is a gold plated, Christian symbol. Many Judge. Seekers do not like to think about seekers enjoying wearing them as jewelry. authority figures who may be displeased ATONEMENT: This is too technical and Though perhaps a bit old fashioned, with them. too threatening. Claiming that people crosses do not usually offend seekers. need atonement implies that God is angry However, if you preach on the cross in FUNDAMENTALIST: This is a great term to at sin and that He has wrath that needs to terms of the blood atonement and use to describe anyone who disagrees with be appeased. These ideas are irrelevant or explain that seekers must embrace the the seeker sensitive approach. It sounds offensive to seekers. Try this: “at-one- cross, die to self, and trust fully in Christ’s something like “terrorist bomber” and ment”; seekers don’t mind being “at one” substitutionary death, this will offend will send your critics heading for cover. At with a higher power. them. all costs, make sure everyone knows you are not one of these and always use it to BIBLE: This is a book that fundamental- DAMNATION: You have got to be kidding! describe people who insist on preaching ists carry to church with them. Seekers Don’t even think about mentioning this. from the Bible or who resist your agenda. do not like to be preached “at” from these. If you feel the need to refer to the DOCTRINE: Nothing drives seekers away GOSPEL: Since the term means “good Bible, use stories from the Bible to inspire quicker than doctrine. The very term news” it works with seekers, as long as people, but avoid doctrine and anything sounds stodgy, dogmatic, and narrow you don’t let on there is any bad news (see that might be controversial. minded. Doctrine is so passé that no seek- damnation). The tried and true gospel er sensitive pastor should use the term or for seekers, proven by Robert Schuller BLOOD: The blood atonement is offen- teach it. People are interested in practical himself, is the gospel of self-esteem. sive to seekers. Mentioning blood is dis- matters and nothing is less relevant to Seekers are always wanting to hear good turbing to many seekers and sounds too them than Christian doctrine. news about how they can have more self- archaic. A God who demands blood as a esteem. payment for sin seems ominous and ELECTION See damnation. threatening. Many modern seekers are HELL: Obviously this word should not be animal rights activists so don’t mention EVANGELICAL: This term is usable. Even used. There is a difference of opinion that God required the blood of animals to the greatest seeker sensitive pastor of all about how to deal with this matter. Some be sacrificed in the Old Testament, this time, Robert Schuller, uses it. As long as have opted to deny its existence and will drive them away. Try talking about you do not define it as excluding anyone, teach annihilationism or universalism. love instead. there is no harm in using it. Also, people Others substitute the phrase “Christless calling themselves this deny many eternity” and leave it to seekers to imag- CHRIST: Do not be afraid to speak about Biblical doctrines and remain popular. So ine what that might mean. Christ. This term is innocuous to seekers why shouldn’t a seeker church that teach- as long as you don’t make any exclusive es no doctrine at all use it? HOLINESS: Seekers are very turned off by claims or explain who He is in terms of this term. It sounds ominous and likely to the virgin birth or the blood atonement. EVIDENCE: This is not important to post- provoke feelings of guilt. Don’t use it at If you mention Christ often without any modern seekers. Evidence sounds too all. further explanation, seekers will not be January/February 2000 Issue Number 56

shame that will turn them away; so never JUDGEMENT: On the eternal type, see mention it. WORSHIP: Though some seeker churches hell. Judgement is also something seekers still use this term, many do not. It sounds should never be subjected to. In another REVERENCE: This term is a turn off for old-fashioned and religious. It implies sense, judgements are something people seekers. Try “relevance.” bowing before a holy God, which is defi- should be urged not to make. Post-mod- nitely something seekers are not prone to ern seekers hate judgements and judg- SIN: This is a very negative term that is do. A better term is “celebration.” mentalism more than anything. seen by seekers to be judgmental, sham- Seekers love to celebrate. You can invite ing, and holier than thou. However, since them to “celebrate life” and thus create a LOVE: There you go! This is the one topic something obviously is wrong in the positive feeling without any Christian you should always dwell on. But, be care- world and people’s lives are not what they connotations. ful — remember that seekers do not like would like, another term is needed to being commanded to do anything. So explain the problem. Use “low self- This users guide is not exhaustive. don’t command them to love God and esteem” whenever you normally would However, the astute seeker-sensitive pas- neighbor (see Bible) but invite them to use “sin.” tor should be able to use these basic prin- experience love. Everyone wants to be ciples and make wise decisions on any loved. Most important of all, always SINNERS: Never, ever refer to seekers as other matter that may come up. The remind seekers that they need to love “sinners.” Why do you think we call them basic idea is tell people what they want to themselves more, self-love resonates with “seekers”? hear. If you do it well, they will come in seekers. droves. TRUTH: The most important thing to REASON: See evidence. Seekers do not remember is “all truth is God’s truth.” like to think, they like stories and uplift- Once that is established, everything can ing anecdotes. be lumped into the category of truth and no one will question you. Seekers do not REPENTANCE: Seekers often come from care whether an idea is true anyhow, they dysfunctional, shame-based homes. The are more concerned about how it makes idea of repentance brings back feelings of them feel or if it seems to work.


“ R OBERT S CHULLER AND T HE (Eerdmans: Grand Rapids, 1989) 28. “GOD’ S V ESSELS OF S ALVATION: S EEKER S ENSITIVE C HURCH” 16. Robert Moats Miller, “Harry Emerson T RUSTING THE ‘ FOOLISHNESS’ Fosdick: Preacher, Pastor, Prophet” (New OF G OD” 1. The Reformed Church of America York: Oxford University Press, 1985) see 2. Robert Schuller, Self-Esteem: The New chapters 8 and 9, 112-173. 1 This is often how many churches rationalize Reformation, (Waco, Word Books, 1982). 17. Ibid. 115. their methods. As long as they strictly preach the non-offensive, “practical” por- See Bob DeWaay, Self-esteem, the New 18. Ibid. Christian “Virtue” Part 2, in Critical Issues tions of Scripture, they still may call them- 19. Quoted by Miller, Ibid. 115. Commentary, Issue 18, November, 1993; selves “Biblical.” 20. Ibid. 211-222. for a critique of this book and Schuller’s 2 Tim Celek, “A Look at a Seeker-Centered self-esteem philosophy. 21. Ibid. 403. Church” in, Make Room For the Boom . . 3. Robert Schuller, Your Church as a Fantastic 22. Quoted by Miller, Ibid.129. . or Bust, Gary L. McIntosh, ed., (Grand Future, (Ventura: Regal Books, 1986). 23. Quoted by Miller, Ibid. 411. Rapids: Fleming H. Revell, 1997), 76. 4. Ibid. 29. 24. Ibid. 409. 3 John MacArthur, Ashamed of the Gospel, 5. Ibid. 30. 25.Glenn T. Miller, “Professionals and (Wheaton: Crossway, 1993) This book 6. Ibid. 115. Pedagogues: A Survey of Theological critiques the current “user-friendly” move- Education,” in Op. Cit. Lotz, 196. 7. Ibid. 117. ment and addresses many of the biblical 26. Ibid. 8. Ibid. 122. and practical problems that arise from this 27. Ibid. 196, 197. 9. Ibid. trend. It is highly recommended. 28. Quoted from Fosdick, Robert Moats Miller, 4 Ibid., 129. 10. Ibid. 123. 173. 11. Ibid. 124. 29. Ibid. 12. Ibid. 120. 30. Ibid. 560. 13. Ibid. 15-17. 31. David F. Wells, No Place for Truth, (Grand 14. Ibid. 227,228. Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture taken from the Rapids: Eerdmans, 1993) 178. 15. Leonard I. Sweet, “The Modernization of New American Standard Bible, © Copyright 1960, Protestant Religion in America” in Altered 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, Landscapes, David W. Lotz ed., 1988, 1995 The Lockman Foundation. Used by per- mission.