
Volume 46, Number 9 · December, 1978

The Hog on the Dye Creek Ranch, California

Reginald H. Barrett


JNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES From 1967 to 1970, an extensive study was made of the life his­ tory and ecology of the feral hog (Sus scrota L.) inhabiting woodland in the Sierra foothills. A detailed description of the feral hog included number, size, conformation, skull characteristics, , tusk development, coat color, com­ munication, social structure, and behavioral patterns. Home ranges of boars and sows were estimated to be 50 and 10 km", respectively; hogs were capable of homing at least 15 km. Acorns were the most important food item, but green grass and forbs, wild oats, berries, bulbs, roots, insects, and carrion were also eaten. Hogs grazing irrigated pastures during the summer consumed more green forage and crude protein and exhibited significantly greater growth rates than hogs without access to pastures. Pen-raised feral hogs were found capable of growth equal to domestic swine, but typical free­ ranging hogs exhibited growth rates of only half their potential. Sows bred continuously after the age of 6 to 10 months, averag­ ing two litters per year and 5.6 young per litter at birth. Sows with access to irrigated pastures produced 20 percent more fetuses than those without access. From birth to 6 months of age, piglets sustained a 70 to 90 percent mortality. Losses were due to acci­ dents, and starvation. Insufficient resulting from low levels of protein in the sows' diets was a major underlying cause of losses. was the major cause of adult mor­ tality. abscesses and related infections were the most im­ portant natural causes of adult mortality. Population density ranged from five to eight hogs per square kilometer on the 130-km~ study area. Although the annual kill averaged 21 percent, the population increased 10 percent per year from 1966 to 1970. Young hogs made up nearly half and yearlings made up nearly a quarter of the fall population in 1969. The proposed management pro­ gram aims to economically control feral hog populations on pri­ vate lands by paid recreational hunting, thus providing income for the landowner and recreation for the public.

THE AUTHOR: Reginald H. Barrett is Assistant Professor of Forestry and Re­ source Management, Department of Forestry and Resource Man­ agement, Berkeley. Reginald H. Barrett

The Feral Hog at Dye Creek Ranch, California!


MAN HAS }{NOWN the Sus scrota as This dissemination increased greatly a domestic for 8,000 to 9,000 during the age of , when years (Sillar and Meyler, 1961; Zenner, explorers, sailors, and settlers intro­ 1963; Bokonyi, 1970; Epstein, 1971; duced swine into a multitude of new Protsch and Berger, 1973). Today it habitats. were first introduced to provides a major source of animal pro­ the in 1539 and subse­ tein for mankind, and is second quently spread throughout the South­ only to in pounds consumed per east (Towne and Wentworth, 1950). capita in the United States (Ensmin­ They presently occur in several parts of ger, 1961:24). The use of miniature Anglo-America, including California swine for biomedical research is in­ (McKnight, 1964:42). Feral hogs have creasing (Mount and Ingram, 1971), been in California since the arrival of and pig physiology continues to be the Spanish in 1769 and were released studied in great detail (Braude, 1972). by the Russians at Fort Ros-s in Sonoma In contrast, the wild pig has received County, perhaps as early as 1812 little attention. Most works are oriented (Hutchison, 1946: 21). The greatest in­ towards the sportsman (e.g., Wardrop, crease in their distribution throughout 1914; Snethlage, 1967), although major the state probably occurred during the ecological studies of the European wild homestead era, which continued from boar have been made in Germany the Gold Rush in 1850 into the twenti­ (Oloff, 1951; Briedermann, 1973), Rus­ eth century. sia (Sludskii, 1956; Bromlei, 1964), and By the 1840s, men such as Lassen, Poland (Haber, 1969). Native races of Su« scrota that have no history as domesticated will subsequently be termed "." Wild boar will be distinguished from the "feral hog" which has been defined by McKnight (1964:3) as "... one that was once domesticated, or with domesti­ cated ancestors, but now living as a wild creature. It is not under the effec­ tive ownership of and does not receive protection, care, or food as a deliberate gift from man." Due to the pig's usefulness as a pro­ Feral hogs in eastern Tehama County stem ducer of and , it has been from releases of domestic swine by homestead­ spread by man throughout the world. ers as early as 1880.

I This manuscript was accepted for publication May 31,1978. [283 ] 284 Barrett: The Feral Hog at Dye Creek Ranch

2 I II Km Fig. 1. Dye Creek Ranch study area. Toomes, and Dye established rancheros hands, a few old-timers, and hunters along the Sacramento River in Tehama were the only people entering the road­ County and introduced domestic swine less foothills. Ranch employees and lo­ and other . Settlers were hunt­ cal citizens, hunting with dog'S, kept the ing feral hogs in the foothills northeast feral hog population under control along of Red Bluff in the 1880s (Leslie, the valley edge. In 1963, William Keeler 1966), and by the turn of the century purchased the Dye Creek Ranch (Fig. had exterminated the Yahi Indians 1) and instigated a policy of multiple (Kroeber, 1967) and the land use. In addition to continuing a Ursus arctos (Storer and Tevis, 1955). operation, he set up a commercial This facilitated intensive homesteading hunting preserve. Hunting pressure by of the foothills from 1890 to 1920 with local people was removed but partially the consequent introduction of domestic replaced by the Preserve's first boar swine (pers. c.omm. with Mrs. Ward season in the winter of 1966-1967. and Mr. A. H. Clough of Los Molinos, European wild boar have twice been 22 January 1970). Swine were an im­ introduced into as a portant source of lard for the home­ sporting animal (Manville, 1964). In steaders who generally released their 1911, 13 young European wild boar pigs to fatten during the acorn season were shipped from Germany to Hoo­ (E. B. Shaw, 1940: 245). Apparently, per's Bald, North Carolina, where their the feral hog has taken advantage of descendants interbred with feral hogs the niches vacated by the bears and the already in the region (Jones, 1959). Indians. Some of these descendants were intro­ During the 1920s most of the home­ duced into Monterey County, Califor­ steaders moved from the area, and cow- nia in 1923. The wild boar eventually HILGARDIA • Vol. 46, No.9· December, 1978 285 spread south through the Santa Lucia 1970; Wood, 1977). The present study mountains and interbred with the exist­ was undertaken to obtain ecological in­ ing feral hogs (Blocker, 1937; A. C. formation for use in the management Shaw, 1940; Bruce, 1941). Wild boar of the feral hog on the Dye Creek from Monterey County have now been Ranch. Particular effort was made to transplanted to several areas of Cali­ describe the manner in which this large, fornia including 'I'ehama County. De­ exotic: has adapted to the Dye spite this, the feral hog is still the pre­ Creek area. 'I'ho most likely mechanism dominant type of wild pig found over of natural population regulation ap­ most of the state, including the Dye peared to be through the effect of the Creek Ranch. quantity and quality of available food Several studies have been made of on and piglet survival. A com­ the wild boar in America (Stegeman, parative study was planned to investi­ 1938; Bruce, 1941; Matsehke, 1962, gate this hypothesis. The field work was 1963, 1964, 1967; Henry, 1968, 1969, carried out from June, 1967, to Septem­ 1970; Pine and Gerdes, 1973), but little ber, 1967, and continued from June, work has been done on the feral hog 1968, to January, 1970. (Hanson and Karstad, 1959; Sweeney, METHODS The major activities conducted was determined from 100 points taken throughout the study were analysis of at random in each type with a 10-pin, vegetation, field observation, capturing point frame. This work was done in and marking of hogs, and collecting and April, 1970, when mo.st herbaceous spe­ autopsy. Other methods used will be cies were flowering. described in the appropriate sections. Nomenclature used follows Miller and Field observations Kellogg (1955) for and Munz Binoculars (8 x 40) were the stan­ and Keck (1959) for . dard equipment for field observations. Cards listing the tagged and otherwise Analysis of vegetation identifiable hogs for each five subunits A collection of 322 was in the study area were continually made and housed in a herbarium at the updated as new individuals were ob­ Dye Creek Field Station. After prelim­ served. I recognized many untagged inary study of aerial photos and on-the­ hogs simply by their coat-color pattern. ground reconnaissance, the vegetation I recorded 1,824 separate observa­ was subjectively divided into eight tion periods in which a total of 14,707 types. The botanical composition of hogs were tallied including repeated each type was sampled using six, ram­ observation of many individuals. Ap­ domly located, 100-point transects in proximately 500 hours were spent actu­ each vegetation type as outlined on ally watching free-ranging feral hogs. aerial photos. At each step-point (taken Groups were observed for from less every other pace), the nearest herb than one min. to more than 4 hours at within 15 ern, the nearest shrub within a time, but most observations lasted less 2 m, and the nearest tree within 6 m than 10 min. were recorded. Density and canopy cover of woody vegetation was deter­ Trapping mined using acre (0.405 hectare) Information on size, growth, and square sample plots set at random in population structure was obtained by each type within type lines drawn on trapping. Captured hogs were marked, the aerial photos. Herbaceous cover aged, measured, and released, often to 286 Barrett: The FeraZ Hog at Dye Creek Banch

o Trap Site ~ Jeep Trail Management Units A Long Gulch B Kingsley CAllen o Ballard E Wildcat 3, Km

Fig. 2. Trap sites, jeep trails, and feral hog management units on the Dye Creek study area. Most of the field work, including the habitat analysis, was carried out in the Kingsley and Bal­ lard units. be recaptured. 'I'hree types of traps and then placed traps in those locations were used successfully: permanent cor­ where the bait was regularly taken. Pre­ ral traps (3), portable panel traps (5), baiting improved the trapping success and portable box traps (6). Drop doors greatly, because sometimes a week proved, with all traps, to be more reli­ passed before hogs discovered the bait. able than swinging doors (Barrett, I moved the traps in a cyclic pattern 1971). The corral traps were most effi­ from one area to another. Most of the cient where a large number of hogs hogs in the vicinity of a trap' site were congregated in one area, such as along captured within a week of discovering a trail to an irrigated pasture. Due to the bait; thereafter most of the hogs the large size of these traps, it was dif­ caught were recaptures. A total effort ficult to rope and restrain a captive of 790 trap nights was expended over hog, and for most purposes the portable 41 trap sites (Fig. 2). Of this total, 55 box traps were, the most efficient. percent were successful in capturing at Most trapping was done during the least one hog. spring and summer. During the autumn A total of 731 female and 694 male it was particularly difficult to draw the (including barrows, i.e., castrated hogs to bait, because acorns were abun­ boars), or a grand total of 1,425 cap­ dant. Little trapping was, done in the tures were made. This figure includes winter, and I joined hunting parties to 601 different individuals. The average collect samples. During the summer, number of recaptures was 2.3 for males the hogs came readily to many types and 2.4 for females; the difference be­ of bait including barley, commercial ing insignificant (P' < 0.1). In addition pig feed, mill sweepings, molasses, to those trapped, another 48 ani­ peaches, and fish. mals were tagged after capture with Once hogs discovered the bait they dogs or release from the Dye Creek continued to return to the site as long breeding pens. as bait was left each night. Normally, Young hogs, particularly young I left 2 to 5 pounds of bait on hog trails males, tended to be captured more often HILGARDIA • Vol. 46, No.9· December, 1978 287 than adult hogs, particularly older ing genetic variation in response to this boars. Old boars often attempted to drug. reach the bait by tipping the traps Fifteen of the drugging attempts re­ over rather than entering them. Any quired one or more additional doses population structure estimates based when I underestimated the weight of solely on trapping data would tend to the animals or accidentally injected overestimate the number of young and the drug into the fat layer instead of underestimate the number of adult the muscle. Where a second dose was boars. required the animals soon built up a resistance to the drug and required a Drugging greater dosage each time a subsequent A few hogs were captured with Su­ one was given. However, if a second costrin (succinylcholine chloride injec­ dose was given within a few minutes tion U.S.P., E. R. Squibb & Sons, New of the first, the effect of the second dose York) using a Palmer, CO2-powered was additive. I usually administered Cap-Chur gunvThis technique was not only 10 mg no sooner than 2 min. after as efficient as trapping, however, and the previous dose. Rarely more than was discontinued. three consecutive additional doses were Trapped hogs over 150 pounds (68 required. kg) were immobilized with Sucostrin A single injection was successful with which acted rapidly and lasted just 121 hogs (86%). Boars generally re­ long enough for the necessary work to quired slightly higher dosages than be done. 'I'his technique was safer and sows, and boars in good condition re­ more efficient than tying the animal quired a higher dosage than boars in down with ropes or a net. Henry and poor condition. Condition of the sow Matschke (1968) used Cap-Chur-Barb was also of some importance, but this (pentobarbital scopolamine), but this was complicated by the effects of preg­ drug took approximately 55 min. to nancy. Pregnant (90+ days) sows re­ immobilize the animal and lasted an quired a lower dosage than nonpreg­ average of three hours. nant sows. The average successful dos­ There are two problems with suc­ age ranged from 0.37 mg/kg for a cinylcholine chloride (Harthoorn 1965: weak reaction by pregnant sows to 0.70 43): (1) in the liquid form it must be mg/kg for a strong reaction by boars in refrigerated, and (2) the dosage is rel­ good condition. The overall range of atively critical, although less so for successful dosages was 0.30 mg/kg to pigs than for most other ungulates. Se­ 0.88 mg/kg which falls within the range lecting" the proper dose did not prove of successful dosages given by Zurow­ a problem since I was able to make rea­ ski and Sakowicz (1965) for European sonably accurate weight estimates for wild boar. hogs in a trap. The 100 mg/cc solution was injected into the of the hog Handling and marking with a 1-cc hypodermic syringe while Hogs up to 150 pounds (68 kg) were the hog's head was tied to the side of hung by their heels from a spring scale the trap. The animal was untied as by means of rope hobbles attached to soon as the drug was injected. their hind legs just above the hocks. Out of 141 attempts to immobilize Larger hogs were immobilized with hogs in traps, five animals (3.5%) died drugs and examined while lying on the from overdoses, two at the beginning of ground. When in the hanging position, the work and three during the study. the animals could be safely weighed to Two of the three were Iittermates and the nearest pound, aged, and measured succumbed to normal dosages, suggest- in a few minutes. Age determination 288 Barrett: The Feral Hog at Dye Creek Banch was accomplished with a mouth specu­ occasionally caught hogs. With the com­ lum, using the techniques described be­ bination of 11 basic coat color patterns, low. Seven standard body measure­ 10 streamer colors, five Rototag colors, ments (Ansell, 1965) were taken in­ and the possibility of marks in either cluding: total length (over the curves), ear, I had little trouble identifying head length, tail length (angle 40°), individual hogs within 100 m. shoulder height (between pegs), heart girth, ear notch length, and hock length Age determination (over hoof, normal position). Measure­ Several methods have been used to ments were made with a. steel tape. determine the age of wild pigs. Sports­ Total length was measured to the near­ men often consider the size of the ani­ est inch (25.4 mm) on adults. Shoulder mal and its tusks (Kiessling, 1925; height and heart girth were measured Snethlage, 1967), but there is great to the nearest half-inch (12.7 mm), and variation in these characters. Matschke the remaining parameters were meas­ (1963) and Sweeney et ale (1971) ured to the nearest quarter-inch (6.4 found eyelens weight to be of less value mm). than tooth eruption pattern as an age Record cards were kept for each ani­ indicator. Cabon (1959) concluded in mal. Weights were taken each time an her review that the most objective animal was captured, but other meas­ method involved the use of a tooth erup­ ures were taken no more often than tion schedule for pigs under 3 years old, monthly. Data on movements, condi­ and tooth wear for older pigs. No tion, abnormalities, parasites, reproduc­ studies have considered the use of tive state, and a general description of growth rings in the teeth of pigs. Such each animal were recorded. rings could be seen in a small sample Early attempts to brand the hogs on of teeth from Dye Creek pigs. the inner hind leg were unsuccessful. Many schedules have been published The Jumbo Rototag (NASCO, Fort At­ for tooth eruption in domestic swine kinson, Wisconsin) proved to be the (Brown, 1895; Huidekoper, 1903; Mor­ most successful ear tag. They were visi­ rison, 1928:28; Sisson and Grossman, ble up to a quarter-mile (0.4 km) away 1938:488; Habermehl, 1961: 115). A.few under excellent conditions with a spot­ publications give schedules for wild ting scope, and lasted up to 2 years. A boar (Cabon, 1959; Habermehl, 1961: hole left in the ear identified an indi­ 181; Matschke, 1967), and Weaver et vidual as having lost a tag, which rarely al., (1966, 1969) provided schedules for occurred. By checking records on sex, "miniature swine" derived from feral age, color, teat number, and the loca­ hogs. 'There is some variation between tion, I could always identify such in­ schedules for domestic swine and wild dividuals. pigs, which may be largely due to dif­ Some sows were marked with plastic ferences in nutritional status. McCance streamers (150 mm long) which were et all. (1961) found that poor nutrition visible up to a half-mile (0.8 km) away. retarded tooth eruption in pigs, al­ The streamers were inserted through a though not as much, as it affected body slit in the lower edge of the ear. size. Pine and Gerdes. (1973) found the Streamers usually were lost within 6 tooth eruption schedule developed by months but some remained for over a Matschke (1967) gave satisfactory re­ year. Boars lost streamers rapidly due sults with wild pigs in Monterey to their continual fighting. County, California. I' was able to fol­ Other useful marks were cut ears, cut low the eruption pattern of a number tails, or . 'I'hese marks were of tagged piglets for up to 18 months. made by the Ranch cowboys when they In all cases, their true age fell within HILGARDIA • Vol. 46, No.9· December, 1978 289 the limits suggested by Matschke's in 1969 when 5 years old. The age schedule, although the few data avail­ groups beyond 36 months were distin­ able suggest a slightly earlier average guished ill the following manner on the eruption date for the Dye Creek feral basis of wear of the third molars: 48 hogs. months, height of molar cusps reduced Based on Matschke's (1967) schedule, 25 to 50 percent; 60 months, cusps 60 I estimated the age of each hog cap­ to 90 percent worn; 72+ months, cusps tured to the nearest month up to 26 completely worn and first molars often months with a probable accuracy of ± lost. 1 month. Individuals with the third molars 75 to 95 percent erupted but Autopsies not worn were placed in the 3D-month Autopsies of 129 hogs were carried group. At 36 months, the permanent out in connection with the commercial dentition is complete, and beyond 3 hunting season on the Dye Creek Pre­ years, age determination is less reliable. serve from November to May. To the I based my classification of older age extent possible, I obtained body mea­ groups on skulls from two animals of surements, field-dressed weights, stom­ known age and on descriptions of molar ach samples, digestive fluid samples, wear given by Cabon (1959). The hogs female reproductive tracts, and skulls. of known age (4 and 6-7 years old) Information on body fat stores, para­ were marked when young by Ranch sites and disease was also obtained from employees. Also, two individuals classed autopsies. I collected an additional 21 as 3-year-olds in 1967 were reexamined samples at other seasons. THE STUDY AREA The Dye Creek Ranch is at the north­ or south aspect. These slopes are gen­ east end of the Sacramento Valley, erally quite rocky, with bedrock out­ about 21 km southeast of Red Bluff, crops and numerous boulders lying over Tehama County, California (Fig, 1). the landscape. The horizontal stratifica­ 'I'he study was conducted on a 13,000­ tion of the bedrock results in broken hectare section of the Ranch, extending slopes with many cliffs and benches. from the valley floor into the Sierra foothills. The area is, bounded on the Geology and soils north by the Tehama. State Wildlife The study area lies at the southwest­ Management Area, on the east by the ern edge of the Cascade Range Province Lassen National Forest, and on the (Bailey, 1966: 68). The TUscan forma­ south and west by other private lands. tion is the major geologic formation The elevation of the study area in­ underlying the area. This large, west­ creases from 76 m on the Sacramento ward-dipping formation is composed Valley floor to 762 m elevation in the primarily of volcanic tuff-breccias (An­ foothills. There is an abrupt rise at the derson, 1933; Rogers, 1962; Burnett, valley edge of about 300 m, then the 1963) . general level of the foothills rises gently The soils of the study area can be eastward to the mountains. The foot­ divided into two broad groups: (1) hills are cut by small to medium-sized soils of the foothills, and (2) soils of streams that follow steep, rugged can­ the floodplains and terraces in the Sac­ yons westward to the Sacramento Val­ ramento Valley (U.S. Department of ley where they join the Sacramento , 1967). The foothills are River. covered by soils of the 'I'oomes-Guenoc The east-to-west flow of the streams association. These are shallow to mod­ causes most slopes to have either a north erately deep, rocky soils underlain by 290 Barrett: The Feral Hog at Dye Creek Ranch

D Tuscan 8 Inks Soils Anita 8 Keefers Soils •D Toomes Soils Supan Soils

3 Km

Fig. 3. Generalized soil vegetation map of the Dye Creek study area. Adapted from the Tehama County, California, Soil Survey, by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (1967). volcanic rocks of the Tuscan formation. sionally temperatures reach 46° C in the Shallow soils of the Toomes series cover summer (E.S.S.A., 1969). most of the area. Deeper soils of the Average yearly precipitation totals Supan series occur in relatively small, on the study area run from 58.4 em in narrow strips throughout the foothills. the valley to 76.2 em in the higher foot­ The old alluvial terraces, which cover hills. The average for most of the lower most of the valley land in the area, are foothills is probably 63 em. Very little overlain by soils of the Tuscan-Inks as­ rain falls during the summer; 90 per­ sociation. These cobbly soils are shallow cent of the yearly total falls in the to moderately deep above a hardpan. seven winter months from October Deeper soils of the Anita and Keefers through April. There is great annual series cover the majority of the plains variation in precipitation pattern. In north of Dye Creek and support irri­ dry years, totals for the valley drop as gated pastures. Distribution of soils low as 25.4 em; whereas, in wet years as over the study area is shown in Fig. 3. much as 203 em may fall in one winter. Precipitation was above average in two Climate of the three study years, the 1967-1968 Eastern Tehama County has hot, dry season being a dry one. Snow rarely summers and cool, wet winters typical falls at the lower elevations; however, of a Mediterranean climate (Elford and during the winters of 1967-1968 and McDonough, 1964) . January tempera­ 1968-1969 significant amounts fell even tures average 7° C but the foothills in the valley and remained on the are generally a few degrees cooler. ground up to 3 days. Usually, snow There are normally 23 days per year does not play an important part in the with minimum temperatures below ecology of the area (E.S.S.A., 1969). freezing at Red Bluff. July tempera­ The seasonal pattern of precipitation tures average 27° C in the valley but are and evapotranspiration was calculated generally a little cooler in the foothills. from mean monthly temperatures by Maxima of over 32° occur an average Thornthwaite's (1948) method (Fig. of 97 days per year at Red Bluff. Occa- 4). Given a seasonal precipitation of HILGARDIA • Vol. 46, No.9· Deoember,1978 291 58.4 em and seasonal evapotranspira­ ning water does not last long, potholes tion of 91 em, the calculated winter in the volcanic bedrock may hold pools water surplus is 33 ern, and summer of water late into the dry season. water deficiency is 63.5 cm-assuming Springs and seeps are common through­ a figure of 10 em for the amount of soil­ out the foothills. They drain from the moisture utilization and recharge. less consolidated substrata, and several may be located along certain contours. Most of these springs dry up in the summer. Many have been improved re­ cently, and now empty into stock ponds 15 6 or sumps. Q> m 0 "5 Twenty-seven small stock ponds and ~ ~ a greater number of small sumps have '010 4 '0 recently been constructed in the foot­ (f) E Q) hills. The sumps hold water for only a U s: u ..s few weeks after a rain, but at least 5 2 seven of the stock ponds contain water throughout the year. More than 20 shal­ low duck ponds have been constructed on the valley plains. Most of these dry up in the summer. An irrigation canal J FMAM JJ A SON D Months built in the 1920s brings water year­ +-+ Potential .-. Precipitation round from Mill Creek, north along Evapotranspi ration the base of the foothills for the entire Soil em Soil Moisture Soil Moisture Depth Utilization Recharge length of the study area. This canal is 5 ~ a a' a vital water source for the valley re­ 20 lliIlliJ b b' + 30 ~ C c' gion during the summer, sustaining ir­ Fig. 4. Seasonal change in precipitation and rigated pastures and providing high evapotranspiration, describing the soil mois­ quality drinking water. ture regime for Red Bluff, California, calcu­ During the winter, good quality lated by the method of Thornthwaite (1948). water is available in every low spot and The moisture depletion dates for 2- and 8-inch (50 and 200 mm ) soils are estimates. small drainage. As summer progresses, water becomes restricted to the few pe­ Hydrology and water resources rennial streams, potholes, springs, stock The majority of the soils in the study ponds, and the canal. However, even at area are very shallow, and the thinnest the end of the dry season there is some are dryas early as May. 'I'hus, the an­ source of free water in nearly every nual vegetation dies about a month square kilometer of the foothill region. earlier than in most of the other foothill regions around California. The prepon­ Vegetation derance of thin soils on an impermeable According to Holdridge's (1967) substratum results in rapid runoff from classification of world plant formations, the watersheds during the winter rains. the study area would fall into the cate­ Flooding is common along all of the gory of a "Dry Forest," with a biotem­ streams. The first runoff of the winter perature of 17° C and a mean annual carries with it considerable quantities precipitation of 65 em. This description of silt, especially when the first storm fits the general character of the vegeta­ is severe. tion. The area falls into Merriam's All but the major streams are short­ (1898) Upper Sonoran Life Zone, and lived, and even these have very low it would be classified as a Digger Pine­ flows in the late summer. Although run- Oak Forest by the Society of American 292 Barrett: The Feral Hog at Dye Creek Ranch


Present study Jensen (194'7)

Valley region: Nonforested land: Upland plain Grassland Boulder wash Grassland Irrigated pasture Oultivated

Foothill region: Rock-grass Grassland Buckbrush Chaparral

Hardwoods: Oak savanna Woodland grass Oak woodland Blue oak woodland Oak thicket Live oak woodland

Foresters' (1954) forest classification chess Bromue mollis predominate. On scheme. Digger pine Pinus sabiniana is some of the best sites, slender wild oat uncommon in the area but does occur Avena barbata and the native perennial along Mill Creek. grasses, purple needlegrass Stipa pul­ I classified the vegetation of the chro and pine bluegrass Poa scabrella study area into types which were well are found. Summer-maturing species represented and easily distinguishable. such as camphor Trichostema Key plant species are the most distinc­ lomceolatum, rosin weed Calyca,denia tive attribute of each type. Table 1 fremontii, yellow star thistle Centau­ gives a comparison of the classification rea solstitialis, and Lessingia tuma set used with that of Jensen (1947). Vege­ the aspect of the upland plain type dur­ tation ranges from sparse annual grass­ ing the dry season. land to dense foothill woodland (Table Annual grassland-perennial grass­ 2) depending primarily on the degree land prior to European settlement of soil development on the geologically (Burcham, 1957; Heady, 1977)-is now young substrate, and to a lesser extent the climax vegetation throughout the on the exposure and slope (Barrett, main portion of the valley region, 1971) . largely because of shallow soils, a hard­ The upland plain type covers most of pan, and less annual precipitation than the valley region of the study area. It in the foothills. However, it is, likely is an annual grassland with variable that valley oak woodland is the climax species composition (Talbot, et al., vegetation on the alluvial soils along 1939; Heady, 1956, 1958; Biswell, 1956; the major streams. Throughout the Sac­ Burcham, 1957). It occurs on the poor ramento Valley most of the original terrace soils of the Tuscan and Inks valley oak woodland has been cleared series and on the deeper terrace soils for agriculture. of the Keefers series. The topography Normally, most vegetation is dry by varies from flat to hummocky and the the end of May, and seedling germina­ streams have cut shallow channels tion does not begin until the first rains through the terraces. in October. Plant growth is retarded On the shallower Tuscan soils, annual through the winter by low temperatures forbs such as alkali goldfields Baeria but increases rapidly as the weather plat.ycarpha and annual fescues Eestuca warms in the spring. Flowering and spp. predominate. In the deeper soils of seed set occur from March to May for the Keefers series, filaree Erodium spp., most species, but a few weedy species bur clover Medicago hispida, and soft mature during the summer. The phe- HILGARDIA • Vol. 46, No.9· December, 1978 293 nology and composition of the annual grassland varies greatly from year to rIJ year with annual variation in weather. e No major fires have occurred on the up­ ~ ~ rn ~ land plain type for many years. Cattle -aco use is relatively heavy for a short pe­ ~- ~ 0 riod in the spring, and most of the up­ ~ land plain type is below optimum con­ rIJ ! dition. 8 The boulder wash type consists of numerous low drainage channels and basins and makes up approximately 10 percent of the valley region. It is most ~~ extensive on the low-lying, heavy-tex­ g~ ~CJ tured Anita soils which remain moist ~ longer into the dry season than the sur- o~ rounding plains. An abundance of ~ rounded cobbles and boulders lying on rIJ ~ ~ i . the surface characterize this type. Feral CJtlG o~ ~~ hogs root and overturn these rocks cP ~ oS thereby keeping them on the surface. :5 In areas not rooted, this type is more - o~ heavily vegetated, and the rocks are ~ less conspicuous. i .rIJ Dominant grasses are the early ma- O; ~ 05 turing Poa annua and the late matur- : ing Hordeum hystrix. Bur clover and - ~ tomcat clover Trifolium tridentatum ~ ...cP are the major nonbulb-producing forbs ~ ~ g fa .E: in this type. Several species of Brodiaea ~ :a ~ .s are the most common plants in the 3 ..:I e ~ boulder wash type, and their bulbs are c ~ - the food item sought by feral hogs. .~ Bulbed species are well adapted to the ~ heavy soils of this type and seem to be ~ ~ C'JO '0 co f""4 able to withstand heavy and frequent ~ .t' rooting. During the summer, ] mullein Eremocarpus seiiqerus, milk­ - IS:a weed Asclepias spp., and Eriogonum S oimineum. invade the washes where hogs ~ ,!14 o ,g have recently rooted. ~ .E The irrigated pasture type includes E all of the valley region which is flood­ ~ irrigated from June through Septem­ g ber. It covers approximately 300 ha of

~ ~ the study area and includes some lev­ 0 ~G> i eled and seeded pastures as well as wild ~~ tl.Q+a .5 pasture. These pastures occur mainly ~ • ~ ~ on Anita and Keefers soils. The fields • just north of Dye Creek are not leveled and include low, marshy spots and 294 Barrett: The Feral Hog at Dye Creek Ranch small reservoirs. The major pasture is the dominant woody species, but nor­ grasses are perennials, including Dallas mally a few blue Quercus douglasii grass Pcspolum. dilatatum, Bermuda are present. The herbaceous layer is Grass Cynodon dactylon, and Johnson similar to that of the rock-grass type grass Sorghum halepense. White clover but has a greater percentage of annual Trifolium repens and bur clover are the grasses. Plantago hookeriana replaces major forbs. On the higher and drier alkali goldfields as, the major forb spe­ sites, many weedy species such as rib­ cies in this type. Buckbrush is crowded grass Plantago laneiolata and low rag­ out by oaks on the better, heavier soils; weed Ambrosia ariemisiiiolia are com­ therefore, on the light-textured soils mon; whereas, on the lower sites cattails the buckbrush type represents a suc­ Typha latifolia, spikerush Eleocharis cessional step between the rock-grass sp., and willow weed Poiuqonum. Iopo­ and oak woodland types (Biswell and ihifolium. predominate. There are a few Gillman, 1961). Almost all of the buck­ groves of cottonwoods Populus [re­ brush in the study area is mature or montii and willows Salix melanopsis, decadent, and judging from annual and scattered brambles of Himalaya ring counts, most stands are well over berry Rubus procerus. The phenology 25 years old. No major fires have oc­ of this type is almost the opposite of curred on the ranch for at least this the annual grassland. The major spe­ period. Most of the foliage is unavail­ cies are dead or dormant during the able to black-tailed Odocoiieus winter, Growth and flowering occur hemionus cotumbumus, and the remain­ during the summer with the onset of der is heavily hedged. Few seedlings irrigation. Cattle grazing is normally are present in the area, and this type heavy throughout the year, and supple­ seems to be slowly diminishing. mental feed is provided during the The oak savanna type is the most ex­ winter. tensive type in the foothill region and The rock-grass type occurs in the gives the area the aspect of Holdridge's foothills on the shallower Toomes soils "Dry Forest."This type occurs on the and is surpassed in area only by the deeper Toomes soils, or in areas where oak savanna type. Rock-grass is most fracture traces are common in the bed­ common on ridge tops and south slopes, rock. It occurs on all types of topog­ but also occurs in lengthy strips along raphy and even extends into the valley the contour of the canyons where the region for some distance, particularly more resistant tuff-breccias outcrop. along creeks. Blue oak is essentially the This type is most easily distinguished only tree species on this type and by the abundance of surface rock and reaches a density of 65 trees per hec­ moss, and by the presence of alkali tare. Buckbrush occurs in the type, to goldfields and annual fescues. The rock­ a minor extent, as the only shrub cover. grass type grades, with increasing soil The herbaceous layer of the oak savanna depth, from bare rockland to buekbrush type is similar to that of the rock-grass (Ceanothus cuneatus) or oak savanna. and buckbrush types, but has a greater The buckbrush type is relatively un­ abundance of grass. Soft chess is the common in the- lower foothills but be­ dominant herb. Filaree, bur clover, and comes more extensive and grades into native clovers Trifolium spp, are the a more complex chaparral at higher ele­ major forbs. In terms of herbaceous vations east of the study area. It occurs forage, the oak savanna is the most pro­ most often on the deeper, relatively ductive of the foothill types. coarse-textured Toomes soils and may The blue oaks are deciduous from No­ be found on any topography, but it is vember to March. Flowering occurs most common on ridge tops. Buckbrush about April, and acorn drop begins the HILGARDIA • Vol. 46, No.9· December, 1978 295 following September, production being deeper Supan soils. It is found to some quite variable. The oak savanna type extent on all topography but is most represents a developmental stage be­ common and well developed on the tween the rock-grass and the oak wood­ lower north slopes, where a more moist land types. It is close to, and often in­ microclimate prevails. The oak thicket tergrades with, the buckbrush type but is the most highly developed vegetative tends to favor the more finely textured, community in the area, and its botani­ deep Toomes soils. Blue oa.k regenera­ cal composition is more varied and more tion is not common but appears to be complex than any other type. Although sufficient to replace those trees which interior live oak and California laurel are decadent and dying. Most trees are Umbellularia californica are the domi­ between 75 and 150 years old according nant trees on most sites, scrub oak to ring counts. Quercus dumosa does occur as a major The oak woodland type is the third species on some sites, particularly most extensive vegetational type in the south-facing slopes. The oak thicket has foothill region. It occurs on all types the densest tree and shrub layers and of topography but is most prevalent on the sparsest herb layer of the foothill north-facing slopes. Oak woodland is types. Because of the evergreen canopy, found on the shallower phases of the all the major understory species are Supan series that generally lie in long, shade tolerant. Poison oak Rhus diver­ narrow bands along the contour of the siloba is the dominant shrub species, landscape. Blue oak is the dominant and the forbs Torilis nodose and bed­ tree, and it forms a relatively dense straw Gallium parisiense are the most stand with from 66 to 200 trees per hec­ comon species in the herb layer. How­ tare (White, 1966). Some scattered in­ ever, leaf litter is the most common terior live oaks Quercus' wislizenii occur ground cover. in this type, along with an occasional The "riparian woodland" community buckeye Aesculus californica. Large, was included in the oak thicket type be­ mature manzanita trees Arctostaphqlos cause of its rarity. It is dominanted by rnanzanita may be present as single in­ interior live oak, valley oak Quercus dividuals or in small groups. Most of lobata, sycamore Platanus racemose, these are slowly being crowded out by and alder Alnu,s rhombifolia. Wild blue oaks. Shrubs, including buckbrush, grape Vitis ca,zifornica and California redberry Rhamnus crocea, and the vine­ blackberry Rubus vitifolius are two im­ like chaparral honeysuckle Lonicera in­ portant understory species. This ripar­ terrupta, occur infrequently in this ian subtype occurs only along the re­ type. The herb layer of the oak wood­ cent alluvial deposits of the larger land differs from the oak savanna in streams and could be considered an having fewer annual grasses (soft chess extension of the valley oak woodland is still the dominant grass species), and from the Sacramento Valley. Although more shade-loving forbs. The dominant it is quite small in extent, the riparian herb Geranium pusillltm gives the her­ woodland subtype is highly preferred baceous layer a distinctive aspect in the by the feral hogs, especially during the springtime. Oak woodland represents a summer. developmental stage between the oak The live oaks flower about 2 weeks savanna and the oak thicket types, and later than the blue oaks, and the acorns in many places it grades into these do not mature until the second autumn types. The blue oak stand probably is after pollination. Normally, live oak stable, except in a few sites where fire­ acorns fall in November, a month or wood is being cut. more later than those of the blue oak. 'I'he oak thicket type occurs on the This difference is beneficial for wildlife, 296 Barrett: The Feral Hog at Dye Creek Ranch because it results in a longer and less appear to be stable or slowly increasing, variable acorn supply (Christisen and even though deer heavily browse all of Korschgen, 1955; Reid and Goodrum, the palatable species, including the live 1957). The present stands of live oak oaks.

THE ANIMAL 1800 and crossed with local breeds The wild pig population on the study (Peirson and Owtram, 1945). Asian area consisted entirely of feral hogs breeds were used to modify some of the until 1968, when the landowner began modern American breeds during the breeding captured feral sows with Eu­ late 1800s (Ensminger, 1961). ropean type boars from Monterey Most of the swine in California be­ County. By January, 1970, over 20 fore 1900 were not ; they feral sows had been bred and released were mongrels of various colors. These into the population. At that time I pigs were descendants of northern and could account for at least 40 and possibly southern European swine brought in by 60 "hybrid" young, an average of two Spanish missionaries and settlers. At to three per breeding. Except where that time, the swine industry's most noted otherwise, all the following life­ important product was lard; conse­ history information pertains to the feral quently, the short, chuffy, lard pig was hog and not necessarily to the wild the preferred type. This was undoubt­ boar or hybrids. Brief comparisons are edly the type released in the study area made with the wild boar since it is now around the turn of the century.. present in the population. The taxonomy and evolution of do­ mestic swine has been heavily debated, McFee and his co-workers (1966) particularly with respect to the ances­ confirmed that domestic swine have a try of western domestic breeds (Nathu­ normal chromosome number of 2n = 38, sius, 1864; Rolleston, 1877 ; Nehring, but they also reported a normal karyo­ 1888; Pira, 1909; KeIrn, 1938). Because type of 36 chromosomes for the Euro­ they readily interbreed, domestic swine pean wild boar in Tennessee. Hybrids and wild boar are presently considered between wild boar and domestic swine to be the same species (Sus scrota). had 37 chromosomes, and members of Simpson (1945) and Thenius (1970) the F 2 generation had 36, 37, or 38. have summarized the evolution of the They suggested that these differences , and Belie (1938) and KeIrn do not indicate differences in total chro­ (1939) have provided the latest re- mosomal material, but represented a views of Sus taxonomy. Haltenorth Robertsonian type polymorphism. Most (1963: 24) listed 32 for Sus likely a centric split of a pair of sub­ scrota. The majority of the European metacentric chromosomes, producing and North American breeds of domestic two pairs of telocentrics, has caused the swine were developed from Sus scrota 38-chromosome condition in the domes­ scrota in several locations and at several tic pig (Hsu and Mead, 1969). Rary et times, beg-inning in the period ale (1968) found a good correlation be­ over 6,000 years ago (Zeuner, 1963). tween the European wild boar "agouti" The Asian breeds evidently were devel­ color pattern and a chromosome com­ oped from Asian wild boar in a similar plement of 36, and a spotted coat cor­ manner. Certain Asian breeds were im­ related well with 38 pairs. Although ported into England between 1750 and wild boar in Germany have 36 chromo- HILGARDIA • Vol. 46, No.9· December, 1978 297 somes (Gropp et al., 1969), wild boar in Yugoslavia (Zivkovic et al., 1971), India (Manna and Talukdar, 1965), and Japan (Muramoto et al., 1965) have 38 pairs. Based on the method outlined in Me­ Fee et ale (1965), peripheral leucocyte cultures from eight variously colored Dye Creek feral hogs showed these in­ dividuals to have a chromosome com­ plement of 38 pairs (Barrett, 1971). The karyotypes were the same as those Fig. 5. A feral sow in excellent condition. previously published for domestic pigs (e.g., Ruddle, 1964; Hulot, 1969). those of pigs with poor diets (Nathu­ Two European wild boars used for sius, 1864: 99). breeding feral sows were tested. 'I'hese The distinguishing secondary sexual individuals were descendants of Mon­ characteristics for the male feral hog terey County wild pigs and had the are continuously growing canines or typical conformation and color pattern tusks, a' larger head, and a heavy 3-cm of the wild boar type. Both boars had thick keratinous' "shield" (Stemmer,' karyotypes of 36 chromosomes. One 1909) covering the shoulder region. wild pig captured in Monterey County, Castrated males (barrows) lose the and having the wild boar conformation, shield and large shoulders of the boar was found to have 38 chromosomes. Its but retain large tusks. Generally, bar­ coat color, however, was. pure black rows are larger in size than boars or with no agouti pattern. When bred to SO'YS. European So\VS which normally pro­ The wild boar has longer legs, a duced striped young, this boar fathered deeper more laterally compressed body, pure black offspring. Analysis of chro­ higher shoulders, a longer snout, and mosome complements as well as coat a straighter tail than the feral hog color patterns and morphology should (Stegeman, 1938). be useful in monitoring future changes The typical adult male hog on the in the percentage of European wild study area weighed 80 kg live weight. boar type in the Dye Creek population. The largest boar weighed was 125 kg and the largest barrow weighed was Size and conformation 157 kg, but exceptional boars probably The feral hog of eastern Tehama reach 170 kg. A typical adult sow County is a descendant of the short, weighs about 75 kg. The largest sow chuffy, lard hog described by Smith weighed was 170 kg but was extremely (1952) and well illustrated in Coburn fat. There is a great deal of seasonal (1922). It has relatively short legs and variation in the weight of individual a round, barrel-like body when it is in animals, due mainly to the ability of the good condition (Fig. 5), but when all lard hog to deposit a thick subcutaneous fat is lost, it acquires a "razorback" ap­ layer of fat (Fig. 6). A sow in poor pearance. It has a curly tail, upright condition can nearly double its weight ears, and a slightly dished face. This in a few months if sufficient acorns are last characteristic is partially related available. Typical measurements for to the level of nutrition during growth, adult feral hogs in the study area are inasmuch as individuals with better listed in 'I'able 3; a detailed account of diets develop profiles more dished than size is given in the section on growth. 298 Barrett: The Feral Hog at Dye Creek Ranch Thirty-nine different skull measure­ ments were taken from each of 113 feral hog skulls collected on the study area. Details of measurements and their analysis are given by Barrett (1971). Growth curves for three skull parame­ ters are given in Fig. 7. It takes 30 to 36 months for the maturation of most skull parameters, which correlates with the age at dental maturation. The up­ per canine alveolar breadth most clearly Fig. 6. Cross section through the carcass of distinguishes the two sexes, barrows a feral sow in excellent condition. The muscle being similar to boars. For most char­ is 2 inches (50 mm) deep and the fat is 3 acteristics, the Dye Creek skulls are inches (75 mm) deep (6-inch [152-mm] rule). intermediate between domestic swine and wild boar. The zygomatic breadth­ 'I'he few published records of aver­ nasal length ratio was the mo.st helpful age feral hog weights (Wodzicki, 1950: characteristic in separating adult feral 239; Pullar, 1953) are similar to the hog skulls from adult wild boar skulls'; figures for the Dye Creek hogs. Euro­ facial curvature was of little value pean wild boar tend to weigh more and (Barrett, 1971) . show greater sexual dimorphism than feral hogs (Boubier, 1929; Anon., 1949; Dentition and tusks Oloff, 1951; Sludskii, 1956; Kozlo, 1968; The normal dentition for the feral Haber, 1969; Briedermann, 1970; hog is: Henry, 1970; Pine and Gerdes, 1973). 2(Ij P~ M~) 44 Skull characteristics Cf = A number of studies have provided and has been described in detail by Vir­ quantitative descriptions of domestic chow (1937) , Sisson and Grossman swine and wild boar skulls (e.g., Rol­ (1938:485), Ripke (1964), and Landolt leston, 1877; Major, 1883; Nehring, (1968). In some Dye Creek skulls the 1888; Miller, 1912; Matchie, 1918; upper third incisors or lower first pre- Schroter, 1922; Bolkay, 1929; Adler­ molars apparently never erupted. Sowls berg, 1930; Dehaut, 1939; Markov, and Phelps (1968) described a similar 1954; Cabon, 1958b). However, most of situation in the these studies were based on very small porcus. I analyzed 100 complete feral samples, and none include data on feral hog skulls for the presence of these hogs. teeth; if a tooth appeared to have ever


Hock Sex length centimeters Boar 170 34.4 30.5 67.3 99.1 15.7 27.9 Sow 165 31.8 30.5 62.2 92.7 15.2 26.7 percent Difference 3.1 8.0 0.0 8.2 6.8 3.3 4.8

* Data are taken from growth curves presented in the discussion of growth (page 315). HILGARDIA • Vol. 46, No.9· December, 1978 299

320 Male 300 Female 8



6 240 14 8 220 Basilar Length

E 200 E .. 180 Zygomatic Breadth s: +­ C)) 5 ~ 160 -' ;---~=--Jt 140 6 15 120 5 100 9 f------t 10 I 80 4 _~------T 60 f----- t-t +-t + ~ 8 16 6 40 21 .----+---- 7 ++"+-3 8 C/ Alveolar Breadth 20 -4...... -.....----r...... --...... ,~--_.._..._--.....,..._w__---~1II II 123 67--1112--1718-2324--30 36-48 60-72 Age group, Months

Fig. 7. Growth patterns for the basilar length, zygomatic breadth and upper canine alveolar breadth of male and female feral hog skulls. Horizontal bars represent the means, vertical bars represent the range, and triangles represent the standard error of the mean for each age group. Sample size is given above or below each range bar. 300 Barrett: The Feral Hog at Dye Creek Ranch 10 6 8 ~IO 8 E --t------t u6 17 s: "& c Q) ...... J4

2 271/t 4J!i-+ 9 10 12 15 18 21 25 30 36 48 60 72+ Age Group, Months Fig. 8. Growth of the lower tusk in the male feral hog. Tusk length was measured from the gum line around the outer edge of the tusk to the tip. The means are indicated by a horizontal bar, the ranges are indicated by a vertical bar, and the standard error of the means is indicated by triangles. been pre.sent it was counted as present. mally has 5-cm tusks and can be classed Normally if one incisor was missing, so as a trophy. was the other, and similarly for the The maximum length from the gum premolars. Forty-five percent of the measured in the sample was 89 mm, skulls were missing one to three of these but tusks of up to 100 mm have been teeth, and 6 percent had none. There recorded from Dye Creek boars. Occa­ was no significant difference between sionally, the upper tusks are broken off, sexes. allowing the lower tusks to grow unob­ Pullar (1953) and Snethlage (1967) structed. In one such case the lower gave good descriptions of the tusks. of tusk measured 165 mm from the gum the feral hog and European wild boar, line, and if not broken off would have respectively. The lower tusks in the soon prevented the boar from feeding. male attain a total length of up to 12.5 To determine absolute growth rate, inches (318 mm) (France, 1969), but I filed a small notch at the gum line in over half of this is buried in the man­ the lower tusks of 55 adult boars. Sev­ dible. The length of the lower tusk, enteen boars were recaptured and the measured along the outer curve from new growth was measured to the near­ the gum line to the tip, is commonly est sixteenth-inch (1.6 mm ). The aver­ used to determine the trophy value of age growth rate was 5.6 mm per month; a wild pig. Tusk lengths for a sample therefore, approximately 4 mm per of 216 feral boars are presented in Fig. month, or over 70 percent of the lower 8. From the ninth to the fifteenth tusk's growth is lost by abrasion with month of age, the lower tusks grow the upper tusk. The data did not indi­ from the gum line about 4.3 mm per cate any variation in the rate of growth month. After the lower tusks begin with age or with season. wearing on the uppers, the length from There was considerable variation in the gum increases only 1.5 mm per the conformation of the tusks with re­ month. By 3 years of age a boar nor- spect to the angle at which the lower HILGARDIA • Vol. 46, No.9· December, 1978 301 tusks wore against the uppers. In some and black versus red- and black-spotted cases the lower tusks were kept rela­ hogs. 'I'he extent of the black spots tively short by arching directly into varied from nearly complete coverage the uppers. At the other extreme, the to only a few small spots. lower tusks arched slightly ahead of Belting was another prominent color the uppers and continued to grow be­ pattern in which the "belt" or "saddle" yond them. Thus, not only age, but con­ was always white, normally with a pat­ formation of the tusks is important in tern of white skin underlying the pat­ the production of an excellent trophy. tern of white hair. Black-belted, red­ belted, and buff-belted categories were Pelage and coat color recognized and together made up about The pelage of the Dye Creek feral 10 percent of the sample. Belts were hog is similar to that of domestic swine, rarely superimposed on spotted pat­ having bristles but lacking an under­ terns and were placed in a belted cate­ coat. On the adult, the bristles are 25 gory corresponding to their dominant to 40 mm long, but they may reach 60 background color. Belts varied in width mm on the back between the shoulders. from less than 2 ern to the whole length Normally the bristles are straight and of the torso. Some belts had parellel lie flat. Occasionally, I observed ani­ margins and some were triangular, mals with rough, curly pelage, a trait widening on either the ventral or dorsal which may have been a result of poor part of the body. Some individuals dis­ nutrition (National Research Council, played an incomplete belting pattern, 1968: 23). The coat is sparse on the but made up only 2 to 3 percent of the belly but relatively dense over the rest sample. of the body. The winter coat is slightly I observed three individuals which longer and more dense than the summer appeared to have a "variegated" or ran­ coat. dom pattern of white, red, brown, and The pelage of the European wild black hair. However, these hogs were boar is longer and more dense than that never captured for a close examination. of the feral hog, and the mane of the There are at least seven different male may reach a length of 10 to 13 loci determining coat color in pigs, each em. The wild boar also has a dense coat locus having two or more alleles of fine, woolly underfur (Hofliger, (Searle, 1968: 196-200). The Dye Creek 1931) which I observed on some wild population included the "agouti," pigs of Santa Catalina Island and Mon­ "dominant black," "belting," "normal terey County, California, but which black," "tigering," and "yellow reces­ was not present on the wild boar used sive" alleles. for breeding at Dye Creek. The wild-type color pattern, as dis­ The Dye Creek feral hogs displayed played by the European wild boar, is 11 basic coat color patterns. I tabulated a reddish-brown to grey-black pattern these patterns for 768 hogs tagged or with increasing grey hairs on the belly individually identified in 1969. Solid and jowls. The lighter patterns are a black animals made up 46 percent of result of light bands of varying width the sample. Other pure colors ranged on the individual hairs. This agouti from white to dark brown, but were pattern is controlled by a dominant arbitrarily classed as either buff or red. allele (Searle, 1968), and feral hogs Spotted individuals included approxi­ presumably have the recessive, non­ mately 28 percent of the sample. Spot­ agouti allele. The dominant black allele ting ranged from black and white to can mask the agouti pattern, and young black and dark brown, but usually a from a black feral male x European distinction could be made between buff type sow cross were all black. 302 Barrett: The Feral Hog at Dye Creek Ranch The longitudinal red- and black­ and will change their food habits dras­ striped pattern of young wild boar is tically and rapidly to make use of the generally dominant and is often re­ best foods available. They will also mod­ garded as evidence of wild boar influ­ ify their response to humans fairly rap­ ence in a population of feral hogs. Hy­ idly if it benefits their survival. brids may have distinct stripes or only The behavior of both wild boar and "ghost" stripes. In 1967, before any domestic swine has been investigated known introductions of wild boar stock, extensively (Fradrich, 1967; Fraser, two young feral piglets from the study 1968; Gundlach, 1968; Hafez and Sig­ area were observed with faint ghost noret, 1969; Beuerle, 1975). The Dye stripes. A number of striped young ap­ Creek feral hogs displayed behavior peared in the area after European-type patterns similar to or intermediate be­ boars were bred to feral sows. Stripes tween the patterns of wild boar and can occur over any color pattern except domestic swine. Feral hogs. depend on the belted pattern and black which is olfaction and audition more than vision a result of the dominant black allele. (Wesley and Klopfer, 1962), and can The fact that some black young had be approached closely from downwind faint stripes indicates the presence of even in open country. Scent posts are the normal black allele. commonly used, often in conjunction with body scratching behavior, and Number of teats travel is normally along well defined The mean teat number of Dye Creek trails which are located primarily by hogs is lower than in modern domestic olfaction. Although sign-posting oc­ breeds (Plum, 1938: Smith et al., 1938: curred, I saw no evidence of defended 51), but higher than in wild boar territories. Most of the vocal sounds (Nachtsheim, 1924). The number of described for domestic swine (Grau­ teats on 197 feral sows from 5 subunits vogl, 1958) were emitted by the feral (Fig. 2) of the study area ranged from hogs. 10 to 16. The mode was 12 teats in three Feral hogs have a matriarchal soci­ of the subunits, 11 in one, and 10 in the ety, with males leaving their dam at last. Using the Chi-square test of ho­ age 9 to 12 months. Boars live singly mogeneity, I found no significant dif­ except when joining groups for breed­ ferences; between the frequencies of ing or for feeding on localized food teats for the five subunits. However, supplies. Of 1,384 observations, 18.5 when the data for the two back-coun­ percent were of single individuals, and try subunits were compared with the all but a few of these were adult boars. data for the three pasture area sub­ Barrows generally traveled in pairs or units the difference was significant small groups. The average size of 1,128 (P < 0.02). The back country sows groups was 8.4 hogs, with monthly aver­ averaged 11.9 teats per animal and the ages ranging- from 6.0 to 10.5. Groups pasture sows averaged 12.6. This differ­ or "sounders" included a sow and one ence could be due to natural selection to three generations of offspring. Al­ or to differences in the original domes­ though groups over 25 were rare, large tic stock. herds up to 97 animals were seen when Behavior several family groups congregated in Pigs learn quickly (Hafez and Sig­ irrigated pastures. Members of a typi­ noret, 1969: 355), and are more adapt­ cal family group followed the oldest able than many ungulates to changing sow, and remained within about 30 m conditions. They will move if environ­ of each other while maintaining an "in­ mental conditions become unfavorable, dividual feeding distance" of 0.6-1 m. HILGARDIA • Vol. 46, No.9· December, 1978 303

~~ Tuscan Buttes

cr eel<. 0 Km t-fti\\ 0 2 4 6 8 I , I I

Fig. 9. Present range of the feral hog in eastern Tehama County, California. Boars were dominant over sows and times subordinate to sows and always sows over young. Barrows were some- subordinate to boars (Barrett, 1971).

MOVEMENTS Range and distribution portedly exists northeast of the town The range of the feral hog population of Paynes Creek, over 24 km north of in ea.stern Tehama County covers ap­ the study area. Also, scattered pockets proximately 310 km 2 of foothill country of feral hogs are found to the south be­ (Fig. 9). 'Tlhe largest concentration of tween Mill Creek and Deer Creek. In­ animals occurs in the larger creek can­ terchange of hogs between the study yons, which have permanent water. The population and the one north of Paynes hogs prefer the lower north slopes sup­ Creek is doubtful, and there is prob­ porting heavy thickets of live oaks and ably little interchange across Mill are found less frequently on ridges or Creek. Most of Mill Creek flows in a plains. Their preference for the eight steep-walled channel which the hogs vegetational types described is in direct cannot cross, and I never saw any sign proportion to the density of cover, ex­ of hogs on the south bank. cept for the irrigated pastures and boulder wash types which are heavily Activity patterns used for nocturnal feeding during the In general, seasonal temperatures af­ dry season (Barrett, 1971). fect the time at which activity occurs, Hunting pressure is heavy on all ac­ and the availability of food influences cessible public lands to the north and the duration of activity and the dis­ east of the Dye Creek Ranch, and this tance traveled during feeding. appears to be a major factor limiting In autumn, the hogs assume their pre­ expansion of the feral hog's range. ferred pattern of crepuscular activity A small feral hog population re- (Hafez and Signoret, 1969:352), and 304 Barrett: The Feral Hog at Dye Creek Ranch daily movements are minimal, often could cover up to 5 km at 16 km per only a few hundred meters. Adult hour. swine prefer temperatures of about 20° C (Mount, 1968), and at this time the Home range weather is optimum. Most of their time There was a noticeable difference in is spent sleeping in shallow beds or the degree and frequency of movements "moulds" dug under oaks or shrubs. between hogs of diffrent sex and repro­ Boars bed alone but family groups sleep ductive condition. Adult boars were the together, usually quite soundly. Nor­ most mobile group and the most difficult mally by October, rains have produced to follow. Conclusions are based on re­ abundant sources of water and, with an peated observations of marked boars average acorn crop, food is plentiful. followed for periods of up to 2 years. The hogs spend almost all of their feed­ Boars moved up to 11 airline kilometers ing time under the oaks, and gathering in only a day or two. They had a pre­ a meal entails little more than picking ferred area but from there they often up acorns and searching for sources of ranged in one direction or another in protein. search of breeding opportunities. They As winter advances and night tern­ sometimes spent a week or more in one peratures drop below freezing, the hogs location and then appeared with an­ become diurnal. They normally remain other family group up to 11 km away bedded all night in small caves scat­ in a different canyon. The home range tered throughout the foothills, and may of Dye Creek males is at least 50 km", not arise until midmorning if the Adult sows traveled much less than weather is cold and windy, As the acorns boars, especially when they had litters. are consumed, the hogs shift to grazing I followed the movements of '16 sows and tend to travel farther while feed­ for 1 year, and several sows were fol­ ing. The animals are most easily ob- lowed for up to 2 years. The typical home range of Dye Creek sows is 10 and o served during the winter and spring because they move during the day and rarely 25 km'. Home ranges normally included two or three adjacent canyons. spend more time in open country. Seasonal shifts were common within this As summer approaches, with rising range, and during any given month temperatures and drying vegetation, sows used only a part of their annual the hogs resume a crepuscular activity home range. Sows with young less than pattern, then shift to a nocturnal one, 3 weeks old rarely moved more than resting through the hot days and emerg­ 0.5 km from their nest. There was no ing only at dusk. Summer beds are lo­ evidence of major home range shifts by cated in dense oak thickets or grape Dye Creek sows, and the small seasonal tangles, often on lower, north slopes shifts could be explained by seasonal near water. Food resources are rela­ variations in temperature and avail­ tively scarce in the summer, and the ability of food and water. hogs are forced to travel up to 10 km Adult barrows do not expend energy on reproduction, and thus need to daily and feed throughout the night spend less time gathering food. More­ with only occasional short rest periods. over, they usually are quite fat and By daybreak, or soon after, they return move with greater difficulty. They re­ to their beds. I never observed a hog mained close to their food source traveling at midday during the sum­ throughout the year, and tended to mer unless it was disturbed. Hogs nor­ travel even shorter distances than sows. mally traveled at a rate of 5 km per Barrows were seen less often than other hour, although when alarmed they hogs because of their relatively re- HILGARDIA • Vol. 46, No.9· December, 1978 305 stricted activity pattern. Typical home food and water are available, but will ranges and movements observed for shift their home range as a result of Dye Creek hogs are shown in Figs. drought, flooding, or severe disturbance 10 and 11. (Wodzicki, 1950; Oloff', 1951; Sludskii, These findings are similar to those of 1956) . other studies which have suggested that wild pigs normally have home ranges Dispersal Most young established home ranges within or adjoining that of their dam. The farthest .known shift was by a young sow which established its home range approximately 3 km from that of its mother. The sow was less than a year old when it left its mother and had its first litter in its new home range. Several yearling boars were seen most often at distances up to 1.5 km from areas where they had been com­ monly .seen with their dams when Fig. 10. Movements and home ranges of young. However, their home ranges in­ three individual adult feral sows of different cluded most of their dam's range. family groups, and the trap site (triangle) Blocker (1937) and Ling (1955) re­ and kill location (X) of an adult boar. Dots and heavy lines indicate observations and 0 b­ ported a dispersal rate of 4-5 km per served movements. year for wild boar. Ling also pointed out that range extension begins with of 5 to 30 km2 (Lewis, 1966; Verescha­ "accidental" boars invading an area, gin, 1967; Kurz and Marchinton, 1972; and "improving" it by making beds Pine and Gerdes, 1973). Wild pigs have and trails. Next, sows, particularly been known to travel longer distances, young animals, immigrate and colonize up to 210 km (Sludskii, 1956), and the area. Accidental boars have been they may exhibit distinct seasonal mi­ seen in the Sacramento Valley west of grations (Rakov, 1956; Vereschagin, Dye Creek, and on the Tuscan Ranch 1967). Most authors have concluded to the north. If these individuals were that wild pigs are irregularly sedentary not regularly eliminated, feral hogs animals. They remain in an area with would undoubtedly colonize the ripar­ suitable cover only so long as sufficient ian woodlands and oak thickets in these areas. Homing ability Fifteen groups of feral hogs were transplanted during the study to de­ termine: (1) the distance necessary to move animals to stop pasture damage, and (2) the best class of hogs to estab­ lish new populations. Three groups were never seen again after their re­ lease. One or more individuals of seven Fig. 11. Movements and home range of a groups returned 4 to 11 airline kilome­ barrow and trap sites (trianglea) for an adult ters to their original capture site. boar joined by dashed lines. Dots and heavy lines indicate observations and observed move­ Adults led younger hogs in most of ments. these cases, and the return was appar- 306 Barrett: The Feral Hog at Dye Creek Ranch ently deliberate and immediate (Bar­ confirm nor contradict this conclusion. rett, 1971). However, they do suggest that if sows Transplant experiments by Lewis with litters, late pregnant sows, or (1966), Matschke and Hardister (1967) young hogs are transplanted after be­ and Pine and Gerdes (1973) indicated ing held in captivity for a period, these groups may be successfully trans­ wild boar will not return if moved at planted less than 20 km if the release least 20-22 km to suitable habitat. The site includes cover, water, and readily Dye Creek data (Barrett, 1971) neither available food.


Age and sex Number of samples Pasture Foothill I I I Total Month I (1968-70) Adult (12+mo.): I '67-'68 '68-'70 I Female 53 Jan. 6 0 4 10 Male 63 Feb. 9 3 6 18 Sub-total 121 Mar. 18 2 23 43 Young (-12 mo.) : Apr. 8 0 8 16 Female 10 May 1 0 1 2 Male 3 June 2 0 1 3 Sub-total 13 July 6 0 0 6 Total 135 Aug. 4 1 0 5 Sept. 3 1 1 5 Oct. 3 0 0 3 Nov. 2 1 4 7 Dec. 4 3 9 16

Total 66 11 57 134

FOOD HABITS Two questions raised at the outset of by analysis of stomach contents, analy­ the study were: (1) To what extent do sis of scats, and field observations of the irrigated pastures provide food for hogs feeding. The latter two supple­ the feral hogs and (2) What effect does mented the findings from the stomach this food have on their growth and re­ samples. production? Consequently, the study A total of 134, one-liter-sized samples area was divided into two areas on the were collected from thoroughly mixed basis of whether or not hogs had access hog stomach contents and preserved in to summer irrigated pasture.s. Flood 10 percent formalin. Most animals were habits were compared between the "con­ killed by hunters; the collection data trol" area in the foothills and the pas­ are given in Table 4. All samples were ture area along the edge of the valley. analyzed at the end of the collection In addition, data for 2 successive years period. They were washed in a series are given for the foothill area to illus­ of two sieves (mesh no. 16 and 27), and trate annual variation in food habits. spread thinly while still wet in shallow Thus, results are presented under three dissecting pans. The volume percent of categories: (1) pasture area, 1968 to each food item was visually estimated 1970; (2) foothill area, 1968 to 1970; under a low-power dissecting scope and (3) foothill area, 1967 to 1968. In­ (Korschgen, 1969:242). If estimates of formation on food habits was obtained composition varied greatly between sieve HILGARDIA • Vol. 46, No.9· December, 1978 307 subsamples, which only occurred with of green range forage, and the hogs fine food items like acorn meal, adjust­ began to graze as the acorns were de­ ments were made for the recorded com­ pleted. position. Samples were analyzed at ran­ Other food items included roots of dom, and to avoid bias: the collection herbs (particularly filaree ), manzanita data were not referred to until the anal­ berries, and animal matter. Animal mat­ ysis was complete. ter comprised only 1.6 percent of the A total of 4,932 scats was analyzed total annual volume; however, this in the field as they were found and re­ small amount probably was: vital to the corded in one of four classes of food hogs' well-being. Carrion was the major items: (1) grass, forbs, and browse; animal matter eaten, but earthworms (2) bulbs; (3) berries; and (4) acorns and various insects and their larvae (Barrett, 1971). were also consumed.

Pasture area 1968 to 1970 Foothill area 1968 to 1970 Sixty-six stomach samples were col­ The results for the foothill area (Fig. lected in the pasture area from July, 13) are based on 57 stomach samples 1968 to January, 1970. There were good taken from July 1968 to January 1970, acorn crops in the fall of 1968 and 1969, and on scat analyses and field observa­ and the pattern of food available dur­ tions for the summer months. Except ing each season was similar for both for the summer diet, the seasonal pat­ years. The monthly changes in volume tern was similar to that described for percent of each of the major food items the pasture area. (Fig. 12) are based entirely on stomach The summer foods in the foothills samples. Data from scats and field ob­ included green grass, dry grass, and servations substantiate the results from browse. The only green grass available stomach samples. through the summer grew around In the early spring, feral hogs spent springs, and these areas were heavily most of their feeding time grazing utilized by the hogs. Because green green grasses and forbs. They preferred grass was in short supply, the hogs filaree and clovers which made up most resorted to stripping poison oak leaves of the forb category. During May, as from the numerous shoots in the live the range dried up, the animals con­ oak thickets, and finally to stripping centrated on.wild oats: and bulbs. Bulbs the seed heads from the dry soft chess continued to be an important food item and fescues. As summer progressed, through the summer, but by July, hogs the hogs ate manzanita berries as these spent much of their feeding time in became available. Manzanitas were rel­ irrigated pastures. Although they ate atively scarce, and nearly every plant a greater quantity of perennial pasture was rooted under during that time of grasses (mainly Dallas grass and Ber­ year. The berries were consumed al­ muda grass) than pasture forbs, the most as: soon as they fell, but due to hogs seemed to prefer white clover their scarcity they made up a small which was less abundant than grass. part of the diet. Beginning in September, the hogs fed more and more heavily on acorns, Foothill area 1967 to 1968 and from October to December acorns Although based on only 11 stomach comprised most of the diet. In a good samples and 1,131 scats, plus general acorn year this item may remain in the observations, Fig. 14 indicates the great diet until February. By mid-November annual variation in food habits. In the the fall rains had stimulated the growth fall of 1967 the acorn crop failed, but 308 Barrett: 'l'he Feral Hog at Dye Creek Ranch 100 Berri~~·· :.:.. Animal Matter 90


70 +-c Q) u 60 ~ a,QJ 50 Q) E ::J 40 ~ 30




Fig. 12. Monthly variation in the feral hogs' diet and an annual composite for the pasture area, 1968-1970. The diagram is based on the volume percent of major food items found in 66 stomach samples.





60 +-c Q) u ~ 50 Q) 0... 40 Q) E ::J (5 30 > 20



Fig. 13. Monthly variation in the feral hogs' diet and an annual composite for the foothill area, 1968-1970. The diagram is based on the volume percent of major food items found in 57 stomach samples and on scat analyses and field observations for the summer months. HILGARDIA • Vol. 46, No.9· December, 1978 309 100-r----':::?"':'T:"i'":"'~~~==:::::;::::;::I"5'~~~~~::O::=~=;:;:;:~=___;_---1r:::::::::::::::::r_



70 +-c Q) o 60 ~ Q) Q.. 50 Q) E :::J 40 ~ 30



0 J FMAM JJ A SON D Fig. 14. Monthly variation in the feral hogs' diet and an annual composite for the foothill area, 1967-1968. The diagram is based on the volume percent of major food items in 11 stomach samples, and on scat analyses and field observations.

the manzanita berry crop was good. As tational production, and (4) inter- and a result, the hogs relied on bulbs as a intraspecific competition for food items. major source of energy and ate a The adaptability of the omnivorous greater percentage of manzanita ber­ hog is evidenced by the abrupt and ries than in the following years. A radical, seasonal changes in its food greater than normal amount of rooting habits. For example, in May the ani­ occurred in the foothills during that mals concentrated on wild oats which winter, which suggests that the hogs flowered and set seed within about 3 were seeking bulbs. weeks. In the autumn when acorns be­ gan to drop, the hogs shifted to an Discussion acorn diet within 2 weeks. Manzanita 'I'hers was no apparent variation in berries were eaten in the late summer, food habits between sexes or ages, with but they were left in deference to acorns one exception. Adult boars tended to in the autumn. After the acorns were eat more carrion than other hogs due consumed the hogs returned to finish to their ability to dominate a carcass. the manzanita berries. They also moved farther and more The above results agree with most often than sows or barrows which prob­ previous studies, which have generally ably increased their chances of en­ noted a predominance of vegetable mat­ countering carcasses. 'I'he major varia­ ter in wild pig diets, particularly tion between the stomach samples was or energy-rich root crops (Rakov, 1956; a result of seasonal availability of pre­ Janda, 1958; Briedermann, 1967; Kor­ ferred food items which is related to nyeyev and Krychevs'ka, 1967; Henry four factors: (1) presence or absence and Conley, 1972; Pine and Gerdes, of a vegetational type within a hog's 1973). However, wild boar may eat a home range, (2) phenology of the vege­ majority of animal matter (Haber, tation, (3) annual fluctuation in vege- 1966), and all of the above studies in- 310 Barrett: The Feral Hog at Dye Creek Ranch dicate that the wild boar consumes mer the latter consumed a much greater more animal matter than did the Dye proportion of green herbage including Creek hogs. much white clover. It will be shown that The diets of the foothill hogs and the this resulted in a significant difference pasture hogs were similar, with the im­ in growth and reproduction between portant exception that during the sum- the two populations.


Class of swine (live weight, kg)

Growing pigs Lactating Item Bred sows sows Boars 5-10 I 10-20 I 20-35 110-160 136-200 110-180 Digestible energy: Kcal/kg of forage 3,500 3,500 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300

Kcal/day 2,100 4,370 5,610 6,600 16,500 8,250

Total feed: (air dry wt., kg) 0.6 1.3 1.7 2.0 5.0 2.5

Crude protein: Percent of diet 22 18 16 14 15 14 Grams/day 132 225 272 280 750 350

SOURCE: National Research Council (1968). NUTRITION The detailed data now available on Few data are available from digestive the nutritional needs of the pig are trials using the foods eaten by wild responsible for much of the improve­ pigs. Because digestive trials are rela­ ment in domestic swine production tively difficult, only simple proximate since 1900 (Ensminger, 1961:163). The analyses were conducted. Some idea of pig is a monogastric animal; thus, it is digestible energy can be gained by com­ not well adapted to feeding solely on paring the results of proximate analy­ roughage and must obtain certain es­ ses of feral hog food items with similar sential amino acids and vitamins from data for more common swine feeds, f'or its diet (Cunha, 1957; Hafez and Dyer, which the digestible energy is known 1969). Protein needs are particularly (T'ahle 6). Caution should be used in great for young pigs and lactating sows interpreting the data, since moisture (Table 5). Animal matter is the best values are not available. source of essential amino acids, but young, fresh forbs, particularly le­ Acorns gumes, provide reasonably high-quality The acorn is the most important food protein (Rerat, 1972). item in the Dye Creek area. Without The energy and protein content of this, the area could not support the the major food items described above present density of wild pigs. Produc­ were analyzed to further clarify: (1) tion and digestibility data for the local their relative nutritional importance, acorns are not available, but informa­ (2) their nutritional value in compari­ tion is available from studies made in son with common domestic swine feeds, Spain where oak woodlands support a and (3) the nutritional significance of major swine industry (Parsons, 1962). the difference in summer food habits Torrent et ale (1962) gave a digestibil­ between the pasture and foothill hogs. ity of 74 percent for dry acorn Quercus HILGARDIA • Vol. 46, No.9· December, 1978 311 ilex flour which approaches the digesti­ tein per day. It is very unlikely that bility of corn, 92 percent (Table 6). Dye Creek hogs were consuming this Hogs effectively removed the hull much protein. from most of the acorns they ate. I esti­ These authors also gave some figures mated that hull made up less than 13 for the carrying capacity of the Span­ percent of the total volume of acorn ish oak woodland. This woodland or "en­ matter in 15 stomach samples. This cina" is managed specifically for acorn practice improves the digestibility of production, mainly by pruning the oaks the acorns by reducing the intake of (Ruperez-Cuellar, 1957). A woodland crude fiber and tannins which inhibit with six trees per hectare produced a protein digestion (Morrison, 1956: 498) . perennial average of 645 kg of acorns In Spain, 15- to 21-month-old swine, per ha. This crop can support approxi­ weighing 50 to 70 kg, were allowed to mately 0.3 yearling pigs per hectare, or forage for acorns in the autumn. These 180 pigs/km", for 3 months. The Dye swine ate 5.9 to 7.2 kg, wet weight (2.7 Creek oak woodland appeared to be to 4.1 kg, dry weight), of acorns per much less. productive than the Spanish day and gained 0.7 to 0.8 kg per day, cneina, but this information gives some or a total of about 68 kg in 3 months idea of what the carrying capacity could (Torrent et al., 1962). Candau (1959) be during the acorn season. found that it took 6.4 and 11.9 kg of acorns to produce a gain of 1 kg in Berries swine weighing 8 and 66 kg, respec­ Manzanita berries were the only other tively. Similar weight gains were made type of mast commonly eaten by Dye by the Dye Creek feral hogs during a Creek hogs. Approximate analysis good acorn season. Gains of 0.5 kg per showed that the berries are very high day were common for yearling pigs, and in crude fiber, and thus are a relatively sows which were in poor condition after poor energy food (Table 6). The hogs lactating gained up to 1.0 kg per day stopped feeding on berries entirely if on an acorn diet. sufficient acorns were available. The Acorns contain relatively little crude fact that the foothill hogs sought the protein in relation to total energy berries during the summer indicates (Lund and Sandstrom, 1943). There­ that their level of nutrition was quite fore, when the hogs were feeding heavily low at that time of year. on acorns, protein probably was a major factor limiting efficient gains. In the Wild oats autumn, hogs actively sought sources Wild oats were utilized for only a of animal matter and green forage, and short period of the year, but were an the period of most severe rooting in the important and readily obtainable en­ irrigated pastures occurred during Oc­ ergy source during May. The data in tober and November before the foothills Table 6 are for Avena fatua which has had turned green. At that time the pas­ a slightly larger grain than Avena bar­ ture hogs fed on acorns in the hills but baic, the oat found in the study area. rooted for earthworms and insect lar­ The crude fiber would be higher, and vae in the pastures. Torrent et al, the carbohydrate content slightly lower, (1962) noted that pigs gain faster when for A. barbata. Even so, it is apparent green forage is available along with that with a digestible energy of ap­ acorns. They also suggested that to proximately 2,822 Keal/lrg of dry mat­ make the most efficient use of the acorn ter, this food item is a better source of crop, a yearling pig should be given a energy than all the other food items supplement of 140 g of digestible pro- except acorns. ~ I-l ~ TABLE 6 NUTRITIVE VALUES OF 'VILD FOODS (AT APPROXIMATE GROWTH STAGES WHEN CONSUMED) SELECTED BY FERAL HOGS, ALONG 'VITH GROSS AND DIGESTIBLE ENERGY VALUES-ACCORDING TO THE LITERATURE AND THE PRESENT STUDY*

Dry matter Energy 'Food Crude Ether N-free Crude Source Ash I fiber I extract I extract I protein Gross I Digestible percent Kcal/kg Acorn, hulled 1.3 5.0 9.8 78.0 5.9 Guilbert & Quercus douglasii Hart (1951) Acorn, hulled 1.6 8.4 25.7 59.3 5.0 Guilbert & Q. wislizenii Hart (1951) Acorn, hulled 3.0 6.9 5.4 77.1 7.6 Candau (1959) Q. ilea; Acorn, flour 2.6 11.4 7.0 74.0 5.0 4,918 3,650 Torrent et al. Q. ilea; (1962) Corn, dent 1.2 2.2 4.4 82.2 10.0 4,402 4,056 NRC (1968) Zea mays 5-01-617t Manzanita, berry 3.2 76.2 9.5 4.5 6.6 This study Arctostaphylos sp. bj ~ Wild oat, grain 5.2 16.9 6.3 58.4 13.2 2,822 NRC (1968) "i '"i Avena fatua 4-03-394t ~ <:"io Barley, grain 2.7 5.6 2.1 76.6 13.0 4,589 3,461 NRC (1968) c:;. Hordeum vulgare 4-00-530t ~ ;;:t' Grass nut, bulb 21.4 31.4 1.4 31.0 14.9 This study ~ B rodiaea laxa ~ Blue dick, bulb 21.9 18.1 3.1 45.4 12.0 This study ~ B. pulchella ~ Carrot, root 10.1 9.2 1.6 69.0 10.1 3,616 NRC (1969) ~ c Daucus carota 4-01-145t ~ Potato, tuber 3.6 2.1 0.4 84.9 9.0 3,792 NRC (1969) ~ Solanum tuberosum. 4-03-789t <:"io Green grass 15.7 21.8 4.2 42.0 16.3 NRC (1969) t::1 se~ Lolium multijlorum 2-04-073t ~ NRC (1969) '"i Bermuda grass 10.4 25.9 2.1 50.0 11.6 ~ ~ Oynodon dactylon 2-00-712t ~ Dallis grass 11.6 38.8 2.8 58.4 8.4 Morrison ~ Paspalum dilatatum (1956:1018) ~ :;3 0 ;;:t' HILGARDIA • Vol. 46, No.9· December, 1978 313 Bulbs Proximate analyses of two species of Brodiaea bulbs showed a very high ash o content (Table 6), probably due to in­ ~ Z complete washing of soil from the outer coat of the bulbs. Bulbs were thought to be similar to other root crops like carrots or potatoes in having a high carbohydrate content. Due to the method of calculating the results from a proximate analysis, a higher nitrogen­ free extract value would have been ob­ tained if the ash content had been lower. The value of Brodiaea bulbs is diminished because they have a high moisture and fiber content and require more energy to gather than acorns or berries. However, during the summer "'"'! 0 ~ co 0 ~ ~ If'.) t--= cO and during poor acorn years, bulbs are ~ ~ If'.) ~ ~ the major source of energy. Grass

++ Grass made up a large part of the et:) et:) ~ ~ ~ 00 o ~ ~ ~ If'.) C'i feral hogs' diet, but it is a relatively If'.) ~ ~ ~ ~ poor source of energy because most of its carbohydrate content is in the form i of cellulose. The digestible energy value o o M for green grass is lower than for en­ ++ t- ~ 0) 00 1'""4 co ergy foods such as acorns (Forbes and cO C'i ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ Hamilton, 1952; Krider and Carroll, 1971: 395), and is probably lower than that for alfalfa (58 percent digesti­ bility) . Although the pig has no rumen, its co ~ ~ If'.) ~ If'.) cO ~ 0 ~ eO C'i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ alimentary tract does contain micro­ organisms capable of fermenting cellu­ lose into volatile fatty acids (VFA) which are metabolized (Cranwell, 1968; Horszczaruk, 1971). VFA concentra­ ~ C'! et:) ~ t- 0 tion In the stomach, duodenum, and 0) 00 0) ~ 0 t--= ~ M ~ caecum of 31 feral hogs was determined by gas chromatography (Barrett, 1971). The results (Table 7) confirm that microbial fermentation is an im­ portant process in feral hog digestion. There was no significant correlation of total VFA content with food items in the stomach or with estimated time since feeding. 314 Barrett: The F eral Hog at Dye Creek Ranch


Organ SE

mg/l00 ml Stomach 202.9 28.7 113.2 16.7 390.9 51.2 Duodenum 62.0 12.7 6.7 0.8 74.6 13.9 Caecum 646.3 30.2 123.0 12.4 905.4 49.4

* SE == Standard Error.

Forbs crude protein level was significantly higher (P < 0.01) than the autumn Green forbs are similar to grass in level. This difference can be attributed having an energy content mainly in the to the difference in crude protein values form of cellulose. The digestible energy for grasses and forbs versus acorns available per pound of forbs eaten which dominated the diets during the varies inversely with the moisture con­ two respective seasons, tent, but would be roughly comparable to 2,425 Kcaljkg of dry matter, the fig­ 50 ure given for alfalfa (Table 6). Forbs, --- Area A especially clovers and other legumes, - Area B contain nearly twice as much crude pro­ tein as grasses (Gordon and Sampson, 5 1939), and this is undoubtedly the rea­ son why the hogs selected white clover in the pastures and bur clover and na­ ~,~* tive clovers in the foothills. 4 0-+------Crude protein consumption Jan.-Apr. May-Sep Oct-Dec.

Animal matter averaged only 1.5 per­ Fig. 15. Seasonal changes in crude protein cent of the feral hog's diet; therefore, content of feral hog stomach samples from the plant foods must provide a large por­ pasture area (A) and foothill area (B). Means tion of their protein intake. A cup-sized are indicated by a horizontal bar, ranges by a vertical bar, and the enclosures indicate the sample was collected from each of 68 95 percent confidence interval. Sample size thoroughly mixed stomach contents. is given above or below the range bars. These samples were frozen within 1 to 4 hours after the death of the hog and During the summer, the crude pro­ analyzed for crude protein by the Kjel­ tein level of the pasture hogs' diet was dahl method. Although no control data significantly (P < 0.01) higher than are available, the results appear to be that of the foothill hogs' diet. This dif­ quite realistic when compared with the ference is due to the use of green grasses known crude protein values for some of and forbs by the pasture hogs, and the the plant foods eaten. use of dry grass, manzanita berries, Seasonal change in crude protein lev­ and browse by the foothill hogs. The els in the diets of the pasture and foot­ back country food items are all lower hill hogs were not significantly different in protein content than green grasses in the spring and autumn; therefore, and forbs. The foothill hogs' suboptimal the data for these seasons were com­ protein intake only intensifies the ad­ bined (Fig. 15) . The winter-spring verse effects of their low energy diet. HILGARDIA • Vol. 46, No.9· Deoember,1978 315 Much of the great variation in the 20 percent which is quite comparable crude protein values during winter and to the crude protein values given in spring can be accounted for by varia­ Table 6 for forbs. Furthermore, the tion in the percentage of forbs in the crude protein level with no forbs in the diet (Fig. 16) as indicated by a signifi­ diet is about 13 percent, and is compar­ cant correlation of crude protein con­ able to the crude protein values given tent with volume percent of Forbs in 55 in Table 6 for green grass, which made stomach samples collected during win­ up the remainder of the diet. ter and spring, and during summer from pasture hogs only. The regression Discussion indicates that a nearly pure forb diet The data presented here do not en­ produces a crude protein level of over able a precise analysis of nutrient in­ take rates, but they strongly suggest that the feral hog's diet is seasonally deficient in energy and protein. None of the food items provide the level of nutrition commonly given domestic swine, "I'hs summer deficiencies, espe­ cially of protein, are particularly marked for young and lactating hogs 10 - in the foothills. In autumn, even though Y = 12.8896+ 0.0847 x the hogs may obtain sufficient energy r=0.3911 P =0.005 from an acorn diet, protein deficiencies

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 probably are reducing efficient use of Volume Percent of Forbs this energy source. The grass-forb diet during the spring probably is well bal­ Fig. 16. Relationship of crude protein con­ anced, but because of its high and rela­ tent to the volume of forbs in the winter, spring, and summer-pasture feral hog stomach tively undigestible cellulose content, samples. The dashed lines indicate the 95 per­ the hogs cannot consume enough feed cent confidence limits for the regression, to provide optimum energy levels.

GROWTH I attempted to (1) determine if the TABLE 8 two nutritional regimens described DISTRIBUTION OF 1,001 FERAL HOG above cause significant differences in GROWTH OBSERVATIONS AMONG growth pattern between the pasture and VARIOUS CATEGORIES foothill hogs, and (2) compare these Category Number ~ growth patterns with that of domestic Sex swine. I expected significant differences Male 422 45.0 in both cases since it: has been shown Female 515 55.0 that pig growth is very plastic in re­ Barrow 64* sponse to several environmental factors Seasont Summer 748 79.8 (McMeekan and Hammond, 1940; Winter 189 20.2 Weaver and Ingram, 1969) . Location An analysis of covariance was carried Pasture area 616 65.7 Foothill area 321 34.3 out on 1,001 multivariate observations Age group (Table 8) using the DANIEL linear Young (-30 mo.) 805 85.9 least-squares curve fitting program Adult (30+ mo.) 132 14.1 (Daniel and Wood, 1971) for the CDC * Barrows not included in analysis of covartance. t Sununer-May through September, Winter--Oc­ 6400 computer. Most of the observa- tober through April. 316 Barrett: The Feral Hog at Dye Creek Ranch tions were from different individuals. towycz, 1961; Myers and Gilbert, 1968) Those hogs measured more than once was used: 1 were aged according to their tooth pat­ loglo Y = a+ b(---), tern at the time of measurement regard­ X+K less of any previous age estimates. Most where Y is live weight in kilograms or samples were obtained in 1968 and size in centimeters, X is age in months, 1969, and a few were obtained in 1967. and a and b are growth constants. The For each observation the following data constant K was determined for each were included: sex, season, location, age growth parameter by iterative means. group, live weight, total length, head The logarithm of the dependent vari­ length, tail length, shoulder height, ear able was used to remove heterogeneity length, hock length, and heart girth. in the variance between age groups. Sex, season, location, and age group Initial analyses of covariance were were considered as the independent made including all interactions between variables. independent variables other than age. For purposes of this discussion, age In most cases, interactions and main ef­ will be considered as an exact inde­ fects which were not statistically sig­ pendent variable. It should be remem­ nificant at the P = 0.05 level were bered, however, that these ages are dropped from the model. Few interac­ really age groups, and the following tions were significant. Finally, separate analysis depicts the regression of regression curves were fitted to the com­ growth parameters on tooth eruption bined data for each sex, using the same and wear, not necessarily on true age. I( value in the transformation formula Although there is some individual vari­ as was used in the corresponding analy­ ation in tooth eruption and wear, nutri­ sis of covariance. In two cases where tional level affects tooth eruption less the curves for boars and sows were than it does weight or body size (Mc­ nearly the same, they were combined Cance et al., 1961; Matschke, 1967; for comparison with barrows. Sweeney et al., 1971). Differences in growth between two nutritional levels Live weight would likely be underestimated using The regression coefficients b for the tooth eruption age groups instead of live weights as a function of age group true age; thus, statistically significant are significantly different (P < 0.001) differences found in the following and indicate that barrows are about 7 analyses are undoubtedly real. percent heavier than boars and sows at The data were transformed with a 5 months of age, and are over 50 per­ curvilinear function to remove most of cent heavier by the 72-month age group the variation due to age in the analysis (Fig. 17). of covariance. Many workers: have Results of the analysis of covariance wrestled with the problem of fitting for the effects of sex, season, area, and curves to growth data, and no single age on live weight are summarized in function has been found to rationally Table 9. Variations in live weight for describe the growth of an organism season and area (Fig. 18) show that throughout its lifetime (Thompson, boars were 5.3 percent larger than sows 1942; Brody, 1945; Simpson et a; in the summer but only 1.4 percent 1960:373; Wood et al., 1962; Laird, larger in the winter. This is reasonable, 1966). In this case it was only possible since lactating sows are more affected to work with averages of many observa­ by the poor summer feed conditions tions and a rational function was not than the boars, which fluctuate less in necessary. Therefore, an empirically de­ weight and condition (Table 10). Win­ rived formula (Dudzinski and Myky- ter weights of boars were 23 percent HILGARDIA • Vol. 46, No.9· December, 1978 317

300 100

120 Harrow" y _ Ir'O.9 x 10 LL20tl/(I +25) N' 64 r " O,fJ8tJ 80 O'l 100 ~ 1: 200 ~ 60 c O'l ~ Ow 80 o 0. 3:

Q) 40 1: > O'l 60 :.J ~ ~ cv 100 :J 20 :J 40

Boars B Sows y. 94,79 x 10- 5 ,3356 /(1+ 2,5) 20 N=937 r=O,942 5 10 15 20 25 30 36 48 60 72+ Age Group, Months o 5 10 15 20 25 30 36 48 60 72+ Fig. 18. Variation in mean feral hog live Age Group, Months weight by season for boars and sows combined from the pasture area (A) and the foothill Fig. 17. Growth curves for barrows-and area (B). Fitted winter weights are given by boars and sows combined. the top regression lines for each area, and fitted summer weights are given by the lower heavier than summer weights, while lines. The fitted values are derived from an winter weights of sows were 27 percent analysis of covariance described in the text. heavier than summer weights. As expected, the pasture hogs made was raised on a bottle and a standard more rapid gains and were significantly commercial swine ration. Based on in­ (P < 0.001) heavier by about 25 per­ dividual growth rates compared with cent than the back country hogs. The average growth rates for domestic swine average back country hog never attains and the feral hogs (Fig. 19), it appears the weight of the same aged pasture that the Dye Creek feral hog is capable animal, the latter maintaining a heavier of growth comparable to that of typical weight throughout the year. domestic swine if given adequate food To determine whether the Dye Creek and care. The fact that No. 530 was feral hogs still have the potential of pregnant with a litter of seven may growing as fast as average domestic have caused her relatively slow growth swine, a female piglet 'was raised in after 5 months of age. Several other captivity. Its sole surviving littermate piglets of feral stock were raised in cap­ (No. 693) was left with its dam and tivity and grew at rates similar to that recaptured at periodic intervals for of No. 530. Thus, the relatively slow weighing. The captive piglet (No. 530) growth of the feral hogs (less than half


Standard Factor Coefficient Error t value P(1 tailed) Age -5.42119 0.05470 99.1 < 0.001 Area -0.04919 0.00349 14.1 < 0.001 Season 0.04847 0.00411 11.8 < 0.001 Sex -0.00700 0.00409 1.7 0.045 Sex X season 0.00425 0.00408 1.0 0.159

* The multiple correlation coefficient for the model is 0.959. 318 Barrett: The Feral Hog at Dye Creek Ranch


Mean Sex/season Mean (range) difference Significance

Boars Winter 25 27.8 (13-50) 0.8 N. S. Summer 2 27.0 (21-33)

Barrows Winter 14 105.9 (60-188) 30.6 N. S. Summer 3 75.3 (50-80)

Sows Winter 44 58.2 (5-240) 31.7 P < 0.01 Summer 18 26.5 (8-46)

200 Domestic 60 Swine

Sow 530

O'l 150 60 ~ 40 E Sow 693 O'l E ~ u Feral £ OJ ~ Barrows y= 198.8 x 10-2,1898/(f+2,8) > Hogs c 20 OJ N=64 r=0,924 ~ ..... -l .- 40 '" 100 Boars y= 183.6 x 10- 2,0109/0+2,8) / _. "0 ~ N=422 r=0.964 Sows Y=176.8 xIO-I.8585/(f+2.8)

N =515 r = 0.964

23456789 Age, Months 50 20

Fig. 19. Growth curves of two sibling feral Til I 1 I I I I I I sows compared with those of domestic swine o 5 10 15 20 25 30 36 48 60 72+ (Heitman, 1954), and the growth regression Age Group, Months for all feral boars and sows where Y =94.79 X 5 3356 10- . / ( t + 2. 5) . Sow 530 was captured at 2 weeks Fig. 20. Comparison of growth in total length of age and raised in captivity. It was weaned of feral barrows, boars, and sows. at 2 months and farrowed at 7.5 months. Sow 639 remained with its feral mother and was weaned at about 5 months. length than in live weight. The regres­ sion coefficient differences between that of domestic swine) is more indica­ boars and sows, and barrows and sows tive of poor environmental conditions were highly significant (P < 0.001), than genetic limitations. and the difference between barrows and boars was considered significant with Total length P=0.06. Growth curves for each sex, drawn The analysis of covariance for the on the fitted points for data on total effects of sex, season, area, and age on length, (Fig. 20) indicate that there total length (Table 11) shows that area was considerably less variation in total was the most significant factor other HILGARDIA • Vol. 46, No.9· December, 1978 319


Standard Variable Coefficient Error t value P(l tailed)

Age -1.95425 0.01690 115.4 < 0.001 Area -0.01096 0.00099 11.0 < 0.001 Season 0.00559 0.00117 4.8 < 0.001 Sex -0.00202 0.00093 2.2 0.014

* The multiple correlation coefficient for the model is 0.968. than age, and the pasture hogs were were analyzed in a similar fashion to about 5 percent longer than back coun­ total weight and total length. 'The re­ try hogs. Sexual dimorphism in length gressions fitted to the data (Fig. 21) was slight but significant. indicate significant sexual dimorphism. The effect of season was also highly A detailed discussion of the statistics significant with winter lengths 2.6 per­ is given by Barrett (1971). cent longer than summer lengths. Since total length is generally nonregressive, Discussion this may be explained by: (1) The anal­ It is evident that the Dye Creek hogs ysis of covariance model assumes that are capable of growth similar to the the regression coefficients for all cate­ average , but due to en­ gories are equal; this assumption was vironmental stresses the feral hogs ex­ not always met. Because differences at hibit only about half their potential. all ages are averaged, a large difference The ear and hock mature at roughly 2 at one end of the age scale, or a nonor­ years of age. Total length, the head, thogonal sample can produce results tail, and shoulder height reach maturity which must be interpreted with caution. at about 3 years, although they continue Winter feed is better than summer to grow slightly throughout life. Girth feed; therefore young pigs grow faster and especially total weight increase in the winter, and are, in fact, longer more gradually throughout life, and than young of equal age in the summer. unlike the other parameters both show Since young under 12 months of age distinct negative growth seasonally. make up 86 percent of the 937 observa­ The analyses of covariance can best tions used, the analysis is biased ac­ be summarized with reference to T'able cordingly. (2) The seasonal fluctuation 12. Although the T values given are not in subcutaneous fat also may have con­ exactly comparable between the depen­ founded the analysis. Measurements dent parameters, they give some idea taken on the same adult hog were up to of the relative importance of each inde­ 4 em shorter in the summer than those pendent variable. Age naturally ac­ taken the previous winter. This is prob­ counts for the most variation. Head ably due to the thick layer of fat which length is the best indicator of age and rounds the backs of the hogs during the is relatively little affected by environ­ winter, thereby increasing the total mental conditions. There is telatively length measurement. Although the ver­ little variation due to sex, although tcbral column does not shrink during there is an 8 percent sexual dimorphism the summer, the fat layer is lost, causing in head length, boars being longer than an apparent shrinkage. sows. Barrows are significantly larger than both boars and sows in all respects. Additional measurements Seasonal variation is directly related The remaining six measurements to food supply and nutritional status, 320 Barrett: The Feral Hog at Dye Creek Ranoh

34 36 32 30 32 28

26 28 24 E u E 22 24 u or: -21418/(1 + 33) .c 20 -19092/0 + 3.0) ~ Barrows Y =37.36 x 10 ~ Barrows y =34.82 x 10 c c N = 64 r =0876 Q) N.64 r =0.936 Q) 18 -.J 20 -.J Boars Y'37.06 x 10-2.0971/(1+3.3) 16 "0 0 N=422 r=0.974 Boars 8 Sows Y=32.97 x 10-1.9340/(1+3.0) Q) ~ 14 I 16 N=937 r=0.925 Sows Y=34.09 x 10-18786/(1+33) 12 N=515 r=0.972 10 12 8 6 T 1 1 1 1 1 I T Iii II I o 10 15 20 25 30 36 48 60 72+ 0 10 15 20 25 30 36 48 60 72+ Age group. Months Age group, Months


16 70

14 60 E u E 12 50 u :c x 10-1.8281/(1+33) Ql or: Barrows Y =17.35 'Q) x 10- 2 6156/(1 + 3.5) Barrows Y =78.31 ~ 10 I c N = 64 r = 0.892 N = 64 r = 0.915 Q) 40 10-1.8676/(1 + 3. 3) -.J Boars Y = 17.07 x Q) x 10-2.3972/(1 + 3.5) Boars v . 73.63 "0 8 N = 422 r = 0.949 :; N = 422 r = 0.956 0 0 w x 10-17528/(1 + 3.3) or: 30 Sows Y = 16.59 (/) x 10-2.0930/(1+3.5) Sows Y =67.69 N = 515 r =0.952 I\i =515 r =0.945 6 20

T I III i T I i i j i 0 10 15 20 25 30 36 ... 48 60 72+ 0 10 15 20 25 30 36 48 60 72+ Age group, Months Age group. Months



30 110 28 26 100 24 80 E 22 u E 70 u 20 ~ or: Barrows Y=30.18 x 10-12369/(1+23) <.? 18 x 10-2.7897/(1+3.0) ~ r = 0.864 60 Barrows Y=125.5 c N = 64 Q) 16 N = 64 r = 0.886 -.J Boars Y = 30.02 x 10-14160/(1 + 2.3) 0 Q) 50 -2.2600/(1 +3.0) 14 N = 422 r = 0.962 I Boars Y =106.9 x 10 ~ u N =422 r" 0.938 10-12532/(1 +23) 0 12 Sows Y =28.22 x I 40 x 10-19764/(1 + 3.0) Sows Y = 99.16 10 N = 515 r = 0.952 N = 515 r = 0.908 8 30

T 1 I I II I 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 10 15 20 25 30 36 48 60 72+ r 0 10 15 20 25 30 36 48 60 72+ Age group, Months Age group, Months Fig. 21. Growth curves for selected measurements based on 1,001 observations. See text for discussion. HILGARDIA • Vol. 46, No.9· December, 1978 321


T-values for Multiple Dependent independent variables correlation variable coefficient Age I Sex 1 Season I Area squared Total weight 99.1 1.7 11.8 14.1 0.920 Total length 115.4 2.2 4.8 11.0 0.937 Head length 125.8 9.6 5.9 5.8 0.949 Tail length 75.2 N.S. N.S. 5.9 0.863 Shoulder height 99.7 5.2 11.0 6.4 0.922 Ear length 96.4 1.8 3.6 9.4 0.914 Hock length 99.8 7.0 2.5 7.3 0.920 Heart girth 81.4 3.8 11.8 9.4 0.889 the hogs (especially sows) growing fat in measurements was explained by the in the autumn and winter, and thin in models used. However, it must be the spring and summer. Season pri­ stressed that the accuracy of the sta­ marily influenced total weight and tistics is no better than the data used. girth. However, the highly significant The method of determining age in older T values for the remaining parameters individuals is particularly suspect. indicate that young pigs grow faster Some hogs were used for more than one in the winter than in the summer. multivariate observation, and such data Of the four independent factors, area are not strictly independent. The con­ was second only to age in accounting centration of observations in the early for variation in most parameters mea­ age groups obviously biased the analy­ sured, and it significantly affected every sis in several respects. However, even parameter. There is little doubt that with these reservations, the method was the availability of green, protein-rich useful in this case. The significance of pasture grasses and legumes not only the area effect was so great in all cases­ increased the growth rate of young pas­ that it is undoubtedly real. Further­ ture pigs during the summer, but had more even though the growth curves a significant carry-over effect through­ presented do not fit the data for very out the remainder of the year and even young and very old hogs as well as the rest of the hogs' lives. might be desired, the regression models The multiple coefficients of deter­ were very useful in presenting the great mination (T1able 12) suggest that 86 mass of growth data in a standardized to 95 percent of the observed variation and concise form.

REPRODUCTION Particular attention is directed to will reach market age. Consequently, differences in reproductive pattern be­ much research effort has gone into max­ tween pasture and foothill animals as imizing this productivity. Duncan and determined from an analysis of 71 fe­ Lodge (1960), Day (1962), Fraser male reproductive tracts collected (1968) , and Sadleir (1969) all provided throughout the year. In addition, feral good reviews of the voluminous litera­ hog data are compared with the repro­ ture on swine reproduction. The la.st ductive patterns of domestic swine and two authors compared the reproductive wild boar. biology of swine with that of other un­ The main economic function of the gulates and other mammals, respec­ domestic sow is to produce young which tively. 322 Barrett": The Feral Hog at Dye Creek Ranch Puberty termediate; a captive hybrid sow from The domestic boar produces primary Monterey County, California, first bred spermatocytes at about 3 months of age, at 12 months, although it was in good and mature sperm by 6 months of age. condition and had constant opportunity However, domestic boars generally are to breed earlier. not used for breeding before they are 9 months old (Day, 1962). At Dye Estrus and breeding behavior Creek, feral boars about 6 months old Domestic swine are polyestrous. Once often attempted to breed. Because of breeding age is reached, estrus occurs their subordinance to the older boars every 21 (18 to 24 days, and the out­ and their small size relative to that of ward signs persist for 1 to 5 days. A the adult sow, they were rarely success­ sow's first estrus lasts only about a day ful. Feral boars were normally 12 to but this increases to 2 to 3 days in adult 18 months old before they took a sig­ sows. During estrus the vulva becomes nificant part in breeding activities. swollen and the sow stands to back The domestic sow's ovaries normally pressure or mounting. A postpartum produce Graafian follicles at an age of estrus is exhibited 2 to 4 days after far­ 3 to 4 months. 'I'here may be several rowing, but is usually infertile. Lacta­ "false estruses" before actual puberty. tion inhibits estrus until about 2 months The first successful breeding usually postpartum. However, removal of the occurs at 6 to 7 months of age, but the young, even for a period each day, will range is known to be from 3 to 13 stimulate the onset of estrus. If the months. The time at first breeding is young are removed immediately after influenced by severe restriction in en­ farrowing, estrus can be induced within ergy intake and by excessive fatness 2 to 4 weeks. If suckling continues for (Duncan and Lodge, 1960). 6 to 8 weeks, estrus will recommence The range in age at puberty was 6 to about 4 (3 to 10) days after the young 8 months for nine feral sows of known are removed (Duncan and Lodge, 1960; age in the pasture area. In the back Day, 1962). country area the few data available in­ I watched four different estrous sows dicate that puberty occurred between for several hours each. When a sow 8 and 10 months. Three back country came into estrus, as many as 10 boars sows were known to have had their first gathered around her for about 2 days. litters when 14 months of age. The fig­ When the sow began standing for breed­ ures given for the pasture area hogs ing she was bred as often as every 10 are comparable to those for domestic minutes throughout the estrous period. swine, but the severely restricted diet By the second day she was exhausted of the back country hogs apparently from being pushed around and from a increased the age of puberty by about lack of food. Unless the weather was 2 months. Birth date may also have had very hot or very cold, breeding took some effect. A few observations sug­ place continuously, day and night. gested that sows horn in the summer There was much activity, and much first bred at an older age than those fighting if several boars of equal domi­ born in the winter. nance were present. Sows did not get European wild boar generally first much chance to overtly stimulate the breed as yearlings (18 to 21 months) boars. The sow was courted so intensely (Sludskii, 1956; Haber, 1969). How­ by so many boars, even before she was ever, in good mast years a small pro­ ready to stand, that her main reaction portion of young sows may breed at 8 was just to try and maintain her posi­ to 10 months of age (Oloff', 1951). Do­ tion. By the end of 2 days, however, she mestic x wild boar hybrids may be in- often was too exhausted to do that. HILGARDIA • Vol. 46, No.9· December, 1978 323 Breeding activity was a jumbled com­ ing a train of five boars behind the sow. bination of courtship, male fighting, There was obviously little chance for and breeding. Boars courted by "nuz­ normal sows to go unbred, and most lit­ zling" the flank, belly, and perineal re­ ters probably had multiple . gions of the sow, and by uttering a "chant de cour" (Burger, 1952; Mad­ Gestation and parturition den, 1962). They also chomped their The gestation period in a captive jaws and salivated. Both sexes urinated feral sow was 116 to 118 days, close to the frequently which seemed to have a stim­ average gestation period of 114 (98 to ulating effect, as noted by other authors 124) days for domestic swine (Ensmin­ (Quinto, 1957; Eibl and Wettke, 1964). ger, 1961:146). The gestation period The boar's preputial fluid which con­ for European wild boar is slightly tains "muskone" (Dutt et al., 1959) is longer than for domestic swine, ranging the excreted while urinating from 110 to 140 days (Kenneth and (Signoret and Du Mesnil du Buisson, Ritchie, 1953: 19; Asdel], 1964: 541) . 1962) . Shortly before farrowing, the feral Most contests between rival boars were sow left the family group to build a settled by a display or a charge by the nest in a heavily vegetated, secluded larger and older boar. The charge usu­ spot. Nests could be simply a large bed ally caused the subordinate boar to back rooted into the soil, but usually they away squealing. Boars displayed by were haphazardly lined with grasses, facing each other head to shoulder with leaves, and other vegetation. I never erect manes, so as to present a large found a ne.st as elaborate as the shelters broadside silhouette and open mouth and described by Nichols (1962), Medway tusks to the competitor. 'I'here was (1963), Gundlach (1968) or Diong much loud roaring and coughing, and (1973). I watched one sow carry sev­ actual combat occasionally occurred. eral mouthfuls of dry grass to her nest, Boars fought by charging sideways and but I never observed parturition in the slashing the opponent with an upward wild. Sows remained fairly close to the thrust of the tusks. After a charge or nest for at least a week after farrowing. two, the animals would again pair off Then as the young grew and could and display, with upraised heads and travel better, they began to follow the open mouths, a pattern also seen in wild sow as she fed farther and farther from boar (Beuerle, 1975). the nest. The largest, oldest boar bred first unless it was so involved with competi­ Frequency and season of breeding tors that a younger boar reached the 'I'he Dye Creek sows are polyestrous, sow first. After breeding, a dominant averaging two litters per year. I found boar would lie down nearby while sub­ no indication that anestrous periods ordinate boars bred. Then after 15 to occurred for more than a month or two 30 min., he would return to breed after lactation. This was most com­ again. This pattern continued as long monly observed in sows losing their lit­ as the sow would stand. In one instance, ters within the first month postpartum. boars attempted to breed a sow which Three tagged sows never reproduced in was too exhausted to stand. 2 years. They all were very fat and may In the confusion there was much ho­ have had reproductive disorders, but mosexual activity, especially by the no autopsies were made to check this. young males, which often attempted to All 71 adult sows autopsied throughout mount the sow's head or the boar breed­ the year either were pregnant or lac­ at the moment. In one instance, four tating. boars mounted each other at once, form- If a sow did not lose her entire litter, 324 Barrett: The Feral Hog at Dye Creek Ranch she normally suckled for 3 to 4 months; mer and late autumn. Most sows in the one sow weaned a litter at 2.5 months, corn belt region of the United States and another suckled a single young for farrow in April and in September 5 months. Estrus normally occurred in (Smith, 1952:17). lactating sows 2 to 3 months postpar­ 25 tum whether- they were drying up or not. I observed several cases of sows -c 20 breeding while lactating. One pasture r-'0 ."'. sow in good condition was bred only 1 '+- 15 month postpartum, although she o suckled her litter until just 1 month ~ 10 o before the next litter was born. On the Q) CL other hand, foothill sows in very poor 5 condition after suckling a litter occa-

15 J FMAM JJ A SON D Fig. 23. Estimated month of birth of 360 surviving feral hogs 4-16 months of age as of September 1969.

Other data also support the possibil­ ity of two peak breeding periods. A J FMAM JJ A SON D total of 360 hogs, between the ages of Fig. 22. Number of feral hog litters far­ 4 and 16 months as of September, 1969, rowed, presented as the percentage of total were back-aged to determine their recorded farrowings. Two consecutive farrow­ ing dates for 59 sows were available for a total month of birth. 'I'hese hogs were sample of 118 dates. trapped allover the study area. Births by month as percentages of the total sionally did not breed again until 5 sample (Fig. 23) show peaks in July months postpartum. Thus, nutritional and November. The relatively low July condition of the sow apparently can peak is a result of the poor survival of affect the frequency of breeding, even young born in the summer. when lactation extends for the normal The two intervals between farrowing period. peaks (Figs. 22, 23), one 5 months and To clarify the Dye Creek situation, one 7 months, can be related to nutri­ I plotted two successive farrowing dates tional status of the sows. During the for 59 sows that were intensively summer many if not most of the sows studied in the Kingsley sub-unit of the lost all their young soon after farrow­ study area. "I'he 118 farrowing dates ing. They bred within a month and thus represent about 50 percent of all litters were ready to farrow again by Novem­ dropped in the subunit between July, ber if they lost their litter in July. Few 1967, and November, 1969. There was litters are lost entirely during the win­ no definite peak of activity, but there ter, and since most sows did not come were two small rises, one in July and into estrus until after 3 months of lac­ one in November (Fig. 22). This corre­ tation, the interval between litters was lates with observations that breeding about 7 months. Accidents and acorn increased in midspring and the late crop failures could alter this pattern, summer. These periods are close to the and individual sows did not necessarily "natural" breeding seasons for domes­ keep a 7 month-5 month pattern. The tic swine which, according to Ensmin­ above information is for relatively good ger (1961:146), occur in the early sum- acorn years, and an acorn crop failure HILGARDIA • Vol. 46, No.9· December, 1978 325 could cause a considerable shift in many sliced into 1-2-mm sections with a razor aspects of the reproductive pattern. blade after preservation in 10 percent Wild boar in normally breed formalin. The number of Graafian fol­ only once a year, and most young are licles over 3 mm and the number of born in March or April (Sludskii, 1956; corpora lutea of pregnancy were re­ Haber, 1961). However, they are capa­ corded. Fetuses were counted and meas­ ble of producing two litters per year un­ ured from crown to rump. Mean age der zoo conditions (Ackernecht, 1950; (mean 77, range 25 to 118 days) of Zuckerman, 1953; Steinbacher, 1954), each litter was determined from mean and during years with excellent mast crown-rump lengths (Warwick, 1928; crops (Olof!, 1951; Mauget, 1972). Eu­ Ullrey et ol., 1965; Henry, 1968). ropean wild boar may cease breeding '1 Litter size averaged 5.6 (one to 10) altogether in very poor mast years live fetuses per sow. This is very close (Olof!, 1951; Cabon, 1958aj Henry, to the 5.4 fetuses per sow reported for 1966). In contrast, subspecies of wild. feral sows in Hawaii (Nichols, 1962). boar in India and Southeast Asia breed The mean number of developing fol­ twice a year (Blanford, 1888-1891; licles was 23 (eight to 35), and. the Hoogerwerf, 1970: 345; Diong, 1973). mean ovulation rate as indicated by the has placed strong em­ number of corpora lutea was 8.5 (four phasis on the polyetrous habit, and to 15) per pregnancy. Thus, follicle other studies of feral hog populations losses were 68 percent before ovulation, are in agreement that this trait is not and intrauterine losses were 34 percent. readily lost (Wodzieki, 1950; Nichols, Only a quarter of this intrauterine mor­ 1962). Even in the winter of 1967-1968 tality was accounted for by atrophic when the Dye Creek acorn crop was fetuses dying during the last half of poor, apparently all sows attempted to pregnancy. produce litters. In terms of reproduc­ The European wild boar reportedly tive efficiency, the feral hog appears less has mean litter sizes of four to six adapted than the European wild boar young, but individual litters may range to the seasonal food conditions gener­ up to 13 (Oloft, 1951; Sludskii, 1956:54; ally found in temperate regions. Asdell, 1964; Henry, 1966; Mauget, 1972; Pine and Gerdes, 1973). Euro­ Litter size pean wild boar apparently produce Modern breeds of domestic swine pro­ about 25 follicles per estrus (Kappeli, duce from 7 to 24 young per litter 1908), only half that produced by (Duncan and Lodge, 1960; Epstein, domestic swine, but similar to the num­ 1969; Wrathall, 1971). Domestic sows ber for feral hogs. They produce a produce approximately 50 Graafian fol­ mean of five to six corpora lutea per licles (over 3 mm diameter) and 20 pregnancy (Boye, 1956; Mauget, 1972), corpora lutea per estrus; thus, given which is significantly fewer than feral a mean litter size of 14 young, they nor­ hogs or domestic swine. Thus, the Euro­ mally lose 60 percent of potential ova pean wild boar exhibits a potential ova and exhibit an intrauterine mortality loss of nearly 80 percent but an intra­ of nearly 40 percent (Duncan and uterine mortality of less than 20 per­ Lodge, 1960). About two-thirds of the cent. intrauterine losses occur during the first month of pregnancy and are re­ Variation in litter size lated to implantation failure (Wrathall, There is variation in litter size within 1971) . a given breed of domestic swine with Reproductive tracts of 71 Dye Creek parity and nutritive status of the sow feral sows were analyzed. Ovaries were (Anderson and Melampy, 1972). He- 326 Barrett: The Feral Hog at Dye Creek Ranch reditary defects and disease will not Z 0 be considered here. The litter size of o: cO "'C E-4 H s:: on follicle number and number of live H ~ .5 0 fetuses, but corpora lutea number in­ ~ J.4 E-t Z ..cQ,) creased with age. In the pasture area, -< § where better nutrition allowed a fuller -<~ Z fo- ~ expression of potential productivity, E-4 CIS fetus number increased with age from Q,) P J.4 ...... H CIS ... Q,) 5.3 in gilts to 8.7 in the 4- to 5-year age ...

nificant at the P = 0.05 level. ~ ~ ~ 0 Comparing the two areas without con- HILGARDIA • Vol. 46, No.9· December, 1978 327 sideration of age or season, sows from death of sows that attempt to suckle both areas averaged 23 developing fol­ young under conditions of very limited licles (Table 13). The pasture sows aver­ food supplies. aged 9.1, and the back country sows The difference in food habits and averaged 8.0 corpora lutea. per preg­ nutritional status between the pasture nancy-a 14 percent difference which is and foothill hogs produced a signifi­ significant in a 1-tailed test (P < 0.05). cant difference in mean litter size. In The pasture sows averaged 6.1, and the addition, limited data suggest that pas­ back country sows averaged 5.6 fetuses ture hogs breed earlier and more fre­ per litter-a 20 percent difference, quently than back country hogs. This highly significant in a J-tailed test (P substantiates the hypothesis that use < 0.01). of summer irrigated pastures by the p-as­ ture hogs results not only in more rapid Discussion growth of individuals but in greater Apparently the average number of productivity of sows. primary and secondary follicles pro­ These results agree with the well­ duced is fairly stable for this popula­ known fact that improved nutrition tion of hogs. If this parameter is defini­ produces increased growth and repro­ tive for a given population or breed of duction in swine. The data presented pigs, the Dye Creek feral hog has a document this fact in a wild pig popu­ lower potential fecundity than modern lation and provide specific estimates domestic swine. This is reasonable since of reproductive success for a fairly well-defined pattern of food habits. De­ swine of the late 1800s had a lower pro­ spite the variation in their food supply, ductivity than do modern breeds (Dun­ the Dye Creek feral hogs maintain the can and Lodge, 1960). Another possi­ polyestrous habit of domestic swine. bility is that selection is occurring for Possibly some feral sows cease to breed a reduced fecundity as a means of im­ in poor mast years, but in this respect proving the reproductive efficiency of the feral hog is not as sensitive to its the population. A high reproductive environment as is the European wild rate is of little value if it results in the boar.

MORTALITY Of the seven categories of feral piglets. I found six dead young in mortality, accidents, starvation, and nests vacated by feral sows. These predation primarily affect piglets under young were less than 2 weeks old and 6 months of age. Adult hog losses are all had broken bones and apparently largely due to hunting, but parasites, had been crushed to death. In domestic diseases, and tooth deterioration take swine, accidental losses tend to increase some individuals. with increased litter size and with in­ creased age of the sow (Fraser, 1968: Accidents and injuries 143). The greater the number of young, Accidents, including stillbirths, are the harder it is for a sow to move or lie the most important cause of piglet mor­ down in the nest without injuring a tality in domestic swine. Suffocation piglet. during birth causes a 4 to 7 percent When the piglets begin to venture loss (Duncan and Lodge, 1960: 39), and from the nest at 1 to 2 weeks of age, crushing is the major cause of acci­ the chance of accidental death by be­ dental deaths (Smith, 1952: 69). Simi­ coming separated from the sow in­ lar losses probably were sustained by creases. 'Twice I observed single piglets 328 Barrett: The F eral Hog at Dye Creek Ranch left behind by the sow and the rest of frontal and parietal bones, which had the litter. If the sow rejoins a larger been gouged and even penetrated. Al­ group of hogs there is a chance of pig­ though tusk wounds were common, they let losses due to careless or aggressive usually healed rapidly. Only three behavior of other hogs, particularly boars were observed to be in poor con­ boars. I observed two young piglets dition because of their wounds; how­ trampled by several adult hogs when ever, one of these would probably have the latter were surprised in their shel­ succumbed if not shot. ter. Boars occasionally knocked piglets Two sows were observed that had aside if the piglets got in their way. been tusked by boars. In both cases the I observed one ease in which a boar tusks had inflicted a deep, 10 to 15-cm killed a piglet by tusking it in the abdo­ gash on the belly near the flank. In one men; the boar was in a trap and excited case the wound had healed completely at the time. Domestic swine are known by the time I recaptured the sow a to be cannibalistic in some cases (Fra­ month later. Such wounds, might be in­ ser, 1968:130), but I never observed flicted when boars "nuzzle" the sows this in the feral hogs. There was evi­ during breeding activities, or they dence of hogs eating hog carrion, how­ might result from fighting over a food ever. item. During the summer, many piglets got foxtails in their eyes while walking Starvation through dry grass. The most common During summer and in winters with were red brome and fescue florets. Two poor mast production, many piglets piglets' eyes were so damaged that the died of starvation or of starvation-in­ animals were blinded. One of these pig­ duced causes. A sow will produce only lets was observed to follow its mother as much milk as her least abundant nu­ and suckle although blind, but when trient reserve will allow. The quality weaned, this piglet disappeared and of a sow's milk is little affected by nu­ presumably died. tritional deficiencies, although its com­ Another hazard was porcupine position changes slightly over the lacta­ Erethizon dorsatum. quills. A, 5-month tion period (Elsley, 1971). If a sow old hog was trapped which had over cannot obtain sufficient amounts of the 100 quills in its face and mouth. Por­ 'necessary nutrients, she will limit her cupine quills occurred in the stomach, milk production by drying up one or , intestines and body walls of 6 more teats (Duncan and Lodge, 1960). adult hogs autopsied. The quills may have entered during feeding on porcu­ Piglets using the forward teats grow pine carrion and did not seem to be faster than piglets using the hind teats causing severe damage to the animals. (Fraser, 1968). The larger piglets tend Wounds were commonly found on to dominate the forward teats, and a boars and occasionally on sows. Since "teat order" is developed soon after the feral hog breeds throughout the birth. This order tends to reduce ag­ year, boars are continually fighting. gressive behavior by the piglets and Most wounds occurred on the boar's speeds sucking by all littermates. After shield and usually were minor cuts. sucking, piglets normally remain at­ However, a number of facial cuts and tached to their teat while resting. In­ punctures were found. These wounds creased aggressive behavior of litter­ normally formed abscesses, and during mates and increased sow movements the summer commonly became infested cause increased disruption of the teat with maggots. Several of the boar skulls order. Displaced piglets become disori­ collected showed signs of wounds on the ented, are more likely to be crushed, and HILGARDIA • Vol. 46, No.9· December, 1978 329 are more susceptible to exhaustion and served in which an old sow (No. 201) starvation (Fraser, 1968: 132). dried up three of six functioning teats Dominance in piglets is a function of and kept only three young. A gilt (No. weight and strength. I raised two very 499) which was the sow's daughter had young piglets on a bottle. First, I al­ just lost her entire litter. Before drying lowed one piglet to have all the food it up, she adopted the older sow's three wanted, but limited the food of the abandoned young and successfully other piglet. The first piglet became raised them to weaning age, becoming larger and stronger and always was extremely thin in the process. able to dominate the bottle when offered Starvation is: probably the major to the two piglets together. A week later, cause of feral piglet mortality. During I reversed the feeding schedule, and summer, most lactating sows are in very soon the second piglet was larger and poor condition (Table 10) and piglet stronger than the first, and was able mortality is greatest (Fig. 23). Starva­ to dominate the bottle. tion is also a major factor predisposing I observed the sequence of events piglets to accidents and predation and during the lactation periods of two sows would become increasingly important that lost young during the summer. One during a period of poor mast crops. sow (No. 377) was first observed with Protein probably is the nutrient most seven very young piglets. She was lac­ often restricting milk production of tating on all 12 teats but within a week Dye Creek sows (F'ig. 15). Duncan and had lost considerable weight and was Lodge (1960) found that domestic sows lactating on only six of 12 teats. One on diets with less than 15 percent crude piglet was obviously a runt and disap­ protein lost 17 to 18 percent of their peared the next day leaving one piglet young. The diet of the foothill hogs per functioning teat. One week later, contained only half this amount and approximately 1 month after far­ (7.3%). Most of this was of vegetable rowing, the sow was in very poor con­ origin, which may be lacking in some dition and was lactating on only five essential amino acids. Such an imbal­ teats for six young. Two days later the ance in amino acids may be partly com­ smallest littermate disappeared and its pensated for by products of microbial partly eaten carcass was found in the fermentation in the alimentary tract. vicinity. The sow successfully raised I observed a few cases of communal the other piglets and finally dried up nursing within family groups where the last five teats 3.5 months after far­ two or three sows were nursing young rowing. During the lactation period, of the same age. In one case, I watched she lost nearly 50 percent of her pre­ one of three lactating sows babysit the farrowing weight. entire group of piglets for several A yearling sow farrowed at least five hours, while the other two sows were young in her first litter during the sum­ elsewhere. Another day, a second sow mer of 1969. Although most gilts lost was watching over all the young. Sayler their litters soon after farrowing, espe­ (1969) stated that communal nursing cially during the summer, this gilt only by laboratory mice increased the growth lost two young in the first 2 weeks. rate of the young mice, even when the About a month after farrowing, she ratio of mothers to young was the same dried up on two of the remaining func­ as for young raised by a single mother. tional teats and promptly two of her Most piglets are weaned by 4 months three young disappeared. She succeeded of age. Between then and 6 months of in raising the remaining piglet to wean­ age, the young hog must make the tran­ ing age. sition from a milk-supplemented diet One other exceptional case was ob- rich in protein to a diet low in protein. 330 Barrett: The Feral Hog at Dye Creek Ranch If the piglet is weaned during the sum­ piglets eaten were not killed by , mer in the foothills. its postweaning diet and that piglets which were killed prob­ may provide only a fourth of the opti­ ably were predisposed by starvation or mum intake of protein (T'able 5, Fig. accidental abandonment. More data are 15). Many recently weaned hogs in the needed to substantiate this. foothills stopped growing for a month I expected that piglets would com­ or more. Starvation or starvation-in­ prise a larger portion of the 's duced mortality undoubtedly occurred summer-fall diet than its winter-spring during this critical period. However, diet because the hog is the only resident if a feral hog reached 6 months of age, large mammal during the summer, and its chance of surviving to reproduce piglet losses are highest during this appeared good. season. However, the proportion of hog Starvation may sometimes occur in remains in the scats was relatively con­ adult sows in the later stages of lacta­ stant throughout the year, which fur­ tion during the summer. I observed two ther suggests that predation is not the cases in which lactating sows were so primary cause of piglet mortality. weak they could hardly move. They or their young were never seen again. Parasites No detailed study was made of feral Predation hog parasites because they did not ap­ Although wild pigs are important pear to be a major mortality factor. prey of large felids in other areas (e.g. All feral hogs examined, even those as Rakov, 1970; Hoogerwerf, 1970), hu­ young as 2 weeks. old, harbored light to mans appeared to be the only predators heavy infestations of the common hog of adult feral hogs in the study area. louse H ematopinus suis, Most hogs had Potential predators of piglets included fewer than 100 lice and these did not coyotes Cami« lairams, Lynx seem to be a problem to the adult ani­ rufus, and golden eagles Aquila chrys­ mals. I found a few young piglets suf­ aetos. Mountain Felis concolor do fering from heavy infestation of lice. not inhabit the Dye Creek Ranch, The Ticks Dermacentor sp. were rarely coyote was the only predator present in discovered on the hogs, and I never numbers great enough to cause signifi­ found more than six ticks on one ani­ cant piglet mortality. Therefore, 1,042 mal, Ticks were usually attached to the coyote scats were analyzed for the fre­ inner flank region. quency of occurrence of food items. All the internal organs of 65 adult Feral hog remains were found in 12.7 hogs were dissected, and a gross exami­ percent of all the scats analyzed, and nation was made for internal parasites piglet remains accounted for 95 percent or parasitic lesions. The most common of all the hog material (Barrett, 1971). internal parasite found was the swine The remaining 5 percent consisted of lungworm Metastrongylus sp. Of the mummified or maggot-ridden adult hog hogs examined, 60 percent harbored remains-suggesting it was eaten as lungworms or showed lesions from this carrion. parasite. Seventy-four percent of the samples. from the pasture area and 45 Many of the coyote scats contained percent of the samples from the foothill mummified piglet hide. This, and the area had lungworm, probably because fact that I found a number of piglet the pasture hogs: consumed more earth­ carcasses in nests and one simply lying worms than the foothill hogs-earth­ along a creek indicates that there was worms being the intermediate host for a quantity of piglet carrion available. swine lungworm (Dunne, 1970: 718) . I suggest that a large portion of the Most infestations were light, but in a HILGARDIA • Vol. 46, No.9· December, 1978 331 few cases as much as a third of the lung positive reactions for brucellosis (Wood was affected by this parasite. et al., 1976). Six of the hogs autopsied had one or Wild pigs have been known to carry more thin-necked bladder worms bovine tuberculosis in other parts of hydatigena attached to the liver, intes­ California (Allison, 1967: 15), but no tines, or fallopian tubes. The coyote sign of this disease was noted in the probably is the intermediate host for feral hogs autopsied. The pulmonary this parasite. I found one case in which lymph nodes of a barrow with septice­ a hog had eaten a coyote scat; such be­ mia were sent to the State Department havior would increase the hogs' chances of Agriculture for testing and proved of becoming infested with bladder negative for tuberculosis. worms, 'I'wo possible cases of infectious atro­ One hydatid cyst Echinococcus gran­ phic rhinitis were observed in animals ulosis about 20 mm in diameter, was kept in the preserve's breeding pens. found in the liver of a. hog. The coyote One European sow from Monterey probably also is the principal interme­ County had a swollen and bent nose, but diate host for this parasite. otherwise appeared healthy. A young I found two cases of very light infes­ male hybrid which also developed a tations of the large intestinal round­ bent nose, may have contracted the dis­ worm Ascaris lumbricoides. I also noted ease from the sow. Both individuals a few cases in which the hog's liver had were killed. Neither was ever released several small white scars which pos­ from the pens, and no signs of atrophic sibly were produced by migrating as­ rhinitis were ever observed in free­ carid larvae. This parasite probably is ranging feral hogs. uncommon because the hogs range over large, seasonally dry areas, thereby re­ Tooth deterioration ducing the chances for reinfection. Tooth deterioration apparently was None of the smaller roundworms in­ the most important cause of death from cluding Trichina was ever located, but old age. All hogs examined which were I did not attempt to make a. thorough over 4 years old had one or more peri­ examination for them. No cases were odontal abscesses. Deterioration begins found in which parasite loads were so as erosion of the teeth themselves, or as great that they could have been an im­ a result of hard materials such as twigs portant mortality factor, but it is pos­ and acorn hulls becoming impacted un­ sible that parasites become a significant der the gum. These areas then fill with predisposing factor in times. of high hog decaying food. This eventually develops densities and poor acorn crops. into an infection which may extend well into the jaw bone. In one skull, an ab­ Diseases scess had eroded the base of the cra­ No signs of any of the common swine nium in the vicinity of the upper third diseases (Anthony and Lewis, 1961; molar and apparently reached the brain Dunne, 1970) were observed in the cavity before the animal died. If large feral hogs during this study. In coop­ abscesses contaminate the blood, the eration with the California State De­ animal may die of a generalized septi­ partment of Agriculture, blood samples cemia. One old barrow was shot that were collected from 97 feral hogs. These had abscesses containing pyogenic bac­ samples were tested for brucellosis with teria throughout the bone marrow and a standard card test by the local state in several joints, This situation prob­ veterinarian. All of the samples proved ably resulted from deterioration of the negative. Eighteen percent of feral teeth and the spread of bacteria from hogs sampled in South Carolina showed large abscesses in the animal's jaw. 332 Barrett: The F eral Hog at Dye Creek Ranch 14 or more abscesses and often had de­ 10 formed jaws or teeth missing. Normally, 12 the first molars were the first teeth lost. x Q) The most severe abscesses usually de­ ~ 10 veloped between the first and second

(/) molars then spread to the third molars. ~ 8 u Loss of these molars obviously impaired (/) .c a hog's ability to feed. Tooth deteriora­ « 6 tion and the factors influencing it (Sognnaes, 1963; Jump and Weaver, 1966) need further study. 2 Discussion

O-+-~----r.:I:~--L.r---+~r---,.....-~-r---r-~....., Of the causes of mortality discussed, o 12 24 36 48 60 72+ starvation and accidents or predation Age Group, Months predisposed by starvation appear to be Fig. 24. The relationship of the tooth ab­ primarily responsible for piglet losses. scess index to age group for the Dye Creek A relatively low-energy diet com­ feral hog, based on 137 skulls collected from pounded by a shortage of protein, es­ hunter kills and natural mortalities. Horizon­ pecially high quality protein, causes tal bars indicate the mean and vertical bars indicate the range for each age group. Sample lactating sows to restrict milk produc­ size is given above each range line. tion. The drying up of one or more tea ts results in the starvation of a cor­ To obtain an idea of the prevalence responding number of subdominant of tooth abscesses in the population, 137 piglets, unless they can find a foster skulls collected from hunter kills and sow. Piglet losses are greatest during natural mortalities were examined. A the dry summer months, particularly tooth abscess index was developed for in the foothills. Presumably a similar comparative purposes. The number of process occurs in years of acorn crop teeth affected by abscesses were counted failure. Predation losses probably are in both jaws. Each tooth involved was minor, although coyotes may consume given a value of 1 if still present and a majority of the available carcasses. a value of 2 if missing as a result of Hunting is the primary cause of the abscess. 'I'here was no significant adult mortality as described below. difference between the number of ab­ Parasites, diseases, and injuries take scesses in the upper and lower jaws. very few lives; however, during years The points for both jaws were totaled with an acorn crop failure and a high and divided by 2 to give the index value population density, these factors might in terms of a single jaw. become important. Parasites may pre­ No abscesses were found in skulls un­ dispose lactating sows to starvation der 9 months old (Fig. 24). From that during the dry season. The main cause age, the number of abscesses increased of "old age" deaths appears related to slowly until the 48-month age group. a slow process of tooth deterioration Hogs 5 years old and older all had one eventually leading to septicemia.

HUNTING Hunting has undoubtedly been a ma­ tor controlling hog distribution in east­ jor cause of mortality among the feral ern Tehama County. Prior to 1966, hogs since their introduction into the when the Dye Creek Preserve was study area. It has been a principal fac- started, no harvest records were kept. HILGARDIA • Vol. 46, No.9· December, 1978 333


Category of kill 1966-1967 1967-1968 1968-1969 1969-1970*

Recorded kill (including wounding losses) 36 92 108 87 Unrecorded Ranch kill (estimated) 6 10 5 3 ---- Total Ranch kill 42 102 113 90 Poaching kill (estimated) 25 40 30 25 Valley neighbor kill (estimated) 15 110 46 5 Total non-Ranch kill 40 150 76 30 Total annual kill 82 252 189 120

* Data available only to 1 June 1970.

Thereafter, records were kept on sex, loss represented approximately 75 per­ age, color, and tusk size of each kill. cent of the hogs in the Long Gulch The following discussion is based on subunit. the recorded kills from September, 1966 to June, 1970, and on estimates of un­ Wounding losses recorded losses caused by humans. The Under the controlled conditions ex­ commercial hunting season set by the isting on a guided hunt, relatively few Preserve extends from November animals were not recovered when shot. through May. The heaviest monthly A record of wounded animals was' kept harvest usually occurs in March, al­ during the 1968 to 1969 and 1969 to though kills are fairly well spaced 1970 hunting seasons. Known wound­ throughout the season. Losses to neigh­ ing losses were 5.9 and 2.5 percent of boring landowners occur during the the recorded kill for these seasons, re­ summer and early autumn. spectively, and decreased with in­ creased experience of the guides and Annual kill hunters. Normally, hunters did not 'I'he estimated total kill by humans shoot until they were fairly sure of a averaged 160 per year, or about 20 per­ successful shot. This practice increased cent of the average fall population the chances of selecting the best target, (Table 14). 'I'he recorded kill averaged and reduced wounding losses. 79 hogs per year or about 50 percent of the estimated total kill. Although a few Sex and age structure of the kill unrecorded kills were made by Ranch In the fir.st season of commercial and Preserve employees, this number hunting little conscious selection was was decreasing. The major unrecorded made for a specific sex or age group, loss of hogs was to poachers from the although hunters preferred adults or public land north of the study area, and yearlings to young hogs (Table 15). In to valley neighbors owning irrigated the second season, considerable effort pastures. Feral hogs entered these pas­ was made to select trophies. This re­ tures during the summer and caused a sulted in a relatively low female kill certain amount of damage. Usually, the and a high adult boar and barrow kill. neighbors trapped the hogs and either It was then realized that to produce a sold them or slaughtered them for their maximum sustained harvest of trophies, own use. In October, 1967, one neighbor both sexes should be harvested approxi­ captured and sold about 100 hogs which mately equally. Thus, in the 1968 to had been rooting up his pasture. This 1969 and 1969 to 1970 harvests, the sex 334 Barrett: The FeraZ Hog at Dye Creek Ranch


1966-1967 1967-1968 1968-1969 1969-1970 Average No. 0/0 No. 0/0 No. % No. % No. % Sex Barrows 6 17 22 24 19 18 7 8 54 20 Boars 17 47 44 48 38 35 29 33 128 38 Sows 13 36 26 28 51 47 51 59 141 42 Age Adults 10 33 53 58 68 63 40 46 177 53 (25+ months) Yearlings 12 40 20 22 30 28 36 41 98 30 (13-24 months) Young 8 27 19 20 10 9 11 13 48 17 (1-12 months)


Item 1966-1967 1967-1968 1968-1969 1969-1970 Average Number of samples 20 65 52 36 173 Mean tusk length (nun) 33 45 45 41 43 Percent trophies 15 48 33 33 37

ratio was more balanced. As they was black for a mounted trophy. Dur­ gained experience, the guides became ing the first two hunting seasons the more selective in trying to find the class percentage of black hogs in the kill was of hog desired by a hunter, while still greater than that in the population. manipulating the kill for an optimum There was concern that this situation sustained harvest. might lead to a decrease in the number of black hogs available. Beginning with Tusk length and trophies the 1968 to 1969 season, guides made a The longest tusk was measured on special effort to select for nonblack each of the boars killed. The measure­ hogs. The percentage of black hogs ment was made to the nearest 5 mm killed dropped from 66.7 in 1966 to 1967 from the gum line, around the greater to 41.4 percent in 1969 to 1970. In the curve, to the tip of the lower tusk. 1969 to 1970 season at least seven (8%) Any animal with a tusk 50 mm or of the recorded kills had agouti pat­ longer was considered a trophy. Mean terns which indicated they were hy­ tusk length averaged 43 mm and the brids resulting from the European percentage of trophies in the total num­ wild boar breeding program. ber of boars and barrows harvested averaged 37 percent (Table 16). Nearly Discussion all of the largest trophies were barrows, Two important points emerge from and barrows represented 48 percent of the data on hunting mortality: (1) reg­ all trophy animals taken. ulation of hunting pressure can be used successfully to manipulate the Dye Color composition of the kill Creek feral hog population, and is Most hunters preferred a head that likely to be the most economical man- HILGARDIA • Vol. 46, No.9· December, 1978 335 agement tool available, and (2) the sible to influence hunter selectivity, a data on the sex, age, and color compo­ necessity for intensive population man­ sition of the kill indicate that it is pos- agement.

POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS By 1910, feral hogs were common in In 1967, about 75 percent of the hogs the foothills north and south of Mill in the Long Gulch unit were trapped creek. Most of the homesteaders moved and tagged or recognized as individuals from the roadless back country during by a distinctive coat-color pattern. Ob­ the 1920's, thereby greatly reducing hu­ servations throughout that summer of man predation in that area. Local citi­ the proportion. of recognizable animals zens kept the hog population along the to unrecognizable ones indicated that valley edge at a low level until William there were about 140 hogs in this unit Keeler purchased the Dye Creek Ranch in September. All annual estimates in 1963 and restricted hunting. The val­ were made in September, when the pop­ ley edge population then began to in­ ulation was at its lowest seasonal crease, and, in the summer of 1964, density. hogs invaded the irrigated pastures of In September, a light plane was used neighboring landowners (Messrs. G. to carefully survey the entire study Vodjansky and C. C. Glidden, pers. area for hog sign. Rooting, trails, and comm., 1969) . bedgrounds were visible at this time of While numbers of hogs along the val­ year due to the trampled dry grass. No ley edge were increasing, those in the other large animals remained in the foothills were declining. From 1964 to area during the summer, and all sign 1966, the Pacific Gas and Electric Com­ could be attributed to the hogs. An esti­ pany constructed a power line and ac­ mate of 750 hogs was made for the cess road through the foothills, stimu­ total Dye Creek population based on lating a rapid increase in hunting pres­ the figure of 140 individuals in the Long sure on state-owned lands and making Gulch unit, and the relative amount of ranch lands easily accessible to poach­ hog sign in this. unit and the rest of ers. Since the Dye Creek Preserve was the study area. This method seemed organized in 1966, hunting has been reasonably reliable in this case, but its regulated and distributed more evenly value would decrease with increasing over the ranch, and the hog population tree and shrub cover. has increased an average of 10 percent In 1968, more hogs were tagged and per year (up to 1970) .. more were individually recognizable in all parts of the study area. In the fall Density of 1967, most of the Long Gulch popu­ Throughout the study, estimates of lation was trapped and removed by a population size were determined by two neighboring rancher. For this reason methods. The most reliable technique the Kingsley unit was chosen for inten­ involved calculating the ratio of tagged sive study. Its population was esti­ and recognizable animals to unrecog­ mated to include 175 animals in Sep­ nizable individuals. Aerial reconnais­ tember, 1968. An aerial survey of hog sance of hog sign throughout the study sign was again made, and the total Dye area was used to make population esti­ Creek population was estimated to be mates for the entire area by extrapolat­ 800 hogs. ing densities derived from local esti­ In 1969, I recognized a sufficient mates. number of individuals throughout the 336 Barrett: The Feral Hog at Dye Creek Ranch


Estimated carrying ca.pacity Management unit Number Density/kInJ

Long Gulch 70 5 Estimated total no. 140 30 25 No. actually sighted' 100 24 14 (% of estimate) 71 80 56 Kingsley 150 6 Estimated total no. 150 175 205 No. actually sighted 55 125 200 (% of estimate) 37 71 97 Allen 140 6 Estimated total no. 120 120 125 No. actually sighted 29 73 105 (% of estimate) 24 61 84 Ballard 190 8 Estimated total no. 210 200 235 No. actually sighted 79 125 232 (% of estimate) 38 62 99 Wildcat 200 5 Estimated total no. 130 275 315 No. actually sighted 65 192 303 (% of estimate) 50 70 96

Total ranch 750 6 Estimated total no. 750 800 905 No. actually sighted 329 539 854 (% of estimate) 44 67 94


Location Density (pigs/km2 ) Habitat Authority Germany 0.04 Primeval forest* Oloff 1951 India 0.08 Dry woodland* Berwick and Jordan 1971 California 0.5-0.8 Chaparral-woodland Pine and Gerdes 1973 Poland 1.2-1.8 Mixed forest Mackin 1970 1.2-1.9 Mixed forest Kozlo 1970 Czechoslovakia 3.1 'Forest preserve Janda 1958 Southeastern U.S.A. 3.9 Mixed forest Hanson and Karstad 1959 Germany 5.6 'Forest preserve Leopold 1936 Armenia 6.9 Forest Safarov 1960 Germany 7.7 Marsh Oloff 1951 Java 7.7 Monsoon forest* Hoogerwerf 1970 25.0 Native forest Thomson 1922 Hawaii 48.0 Fern forest Nichols 1962 New Zealand 35-115 Native forest Wodzicki 1950

* With large predators. study area to make a total population ter, by the spring of 1970, normal re­ estimate based solely on ground obser­ production presumably raised the pop­ vations. In September, 1969, I could ulation to 1,000. recognize 94 percent of the hogs I saw. A check was made on the earlier esti­ Therefore, since 854 individuals were mates by analyzing all the known-aged known, an estimate of 905 hogs prob­ individuals tagged or killed on the ably is close to the. true population at ranch as of May, 1970 (Table 17). that time. Although adults were being These results substantiate earlier esti­ harvested by hunters through the win- mates. HILGARDIA • Vol. 46, No.9· December.Ls'rS 337

Year 6 • Tagged 5 IU\~\::U;\\:\\1 Recog nized 4 D Estimated 3


20 10 o 10 20 Percent of Toto I Fig. 25. Sex and age structure of the Dye Creek feral hog population in September, 1969. The young (bottom) age class represents only 6- to 12-month-old hogs. The male data include barrows. Of the total 905 estimated hogs, 53 percent were tagged and 94 percent were either tagged or individually recognizable.

The range of the Dye Creek hogs portion of young are over 6 months old, includes approximately 130 km', Divid­ (2) the population is at its lowest point, ing the population estimates by this fig­ and (3) September is just before the ure gives average densities varying opening of the Preserve's boar-hunting from five to eight hogs /km" over the 5 season. Young less than 6 months old years. Six hogs/km" is close to the den­ were disregarded for, although at times sity that a dry oak woodland of this they make up a large part of the popu­ type will support on a long-term basis. lation, they have a very low survival The figure would be lower for areas rate. Young 6 to 12 months old are with greater amounts of non-mast-pro­ easier to census and give. a better indi­ ducing trees and shrubs but possibly cation of the year's production. higher for dense oak forests or marsh 'I'he estimated structure of the Dye habitats. The data in Table 18 provide Creek hog population for September a number of wild pig density estimates 1969 (Fig. 25) is based on: (1) trapped for comparison. animals aged by tooth eruption and wear pattern, (2) recognized animals Population structure aged according to their size and domi­ 'I'he Dye Creek feral hog reproduces nance, and (3) estimated unidentified in all months of the year but experi­ animals in the population. The last cate­ ences a differential survival of the gory was determined from proportions young by season. Population structure of identifiable to unidentifiable animals estimates in this case are more difficult in field observations. to make than for a population that re­ Young comprised 48.8 percent of the produces during a short period. I chose population, and yearlings formed 22.8 September as the best month for estab­ percent of the total. The sex ratio of lishing the population structure be­ young hogs was 1.0. Of the' adult (13+ cause: (1) at that time the greatest pro- months) population, boars and barrows 338 Barrett: The Feral Hog at Dye Creek Ranch


Location Sample Adult boars/ Young/100 period size 100 adult sows adult sows Source Russia 580 100 133 Kozlo 1970 1960-1963 Dye Creek 905 84 173 This study 1969 Russia 734 98 197 Sludskii 1956 1936-1952 Germany unknown 100 200 Oloff 1951 1840-1940 Poland 2,859 150 360 Severtzov and 1946-1948 Sablina 1953 S. Carolina 160 105 519 Sweeney 1970 1968-1969 Germany 172 107 568 U eckermann 1972 1962-1970 Monterey 124 166 1,110 Pine and Gerdes 1966-1967 1973

comprised 46.4 percent and sows 53.6 1000 percent. The uneven adult sex ratio probably is due to the selection for \\ boars by hunters in past years. Bar­

rows made up at least 19 percent of oe .~ .~. all male hogs, e100 A Natural From 1967 to 1969, the ratio of young ~ \-...... (f) to 100 adult sows ranged from 24 to .~. 289 in the various management units '" ~ G> (Barrett, 1971). Production of young .c ."" <, by the total population dropped slightly 5 10 <, \ (119 to 104 young per 100 sows) from Z ."" . 1967 to 1968, but increased substan­ B Hunted ."" \ tially (173 per 100 sows) in 1969 due to improved food conditions. The data \ .""'<,.....\ for the Ballard unit show best the effect of a good acorn crop on production of -.3 0.5 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 young, because it is in the foothills Age Group, Years where the hogs do not benefit from the Fig. 26. Survival curves for (A) a "natural" irrigated pastures. From 1968 to 1969, feral hog population based on the age struc­ the ratio of young to 100 sows increased ture of 74 skulls collected from mortalities that were not -caused, and (B) a "hunted" from 72 to 212. The Dye Creek popula­ population based on the 1969 age structure tion .structure is compared with those and reproductive data for the Dye Creek hogs. of other wild pig populations in Table 19. from: (1) the mean number of corpora lutea and live fetuses per sow, (2) the Survival curves proportion of adult (13+ months) sows 'I'wo estimates of mortality in the in the 1969 population, and (3) the as­ Dye Creek hog population are pre­ sumption of a 99 percent fertility rate sented in Fig. 26.. The mortality rate with two litters per year. The 1969 age from conceptionto parturition was cal­ structure was then used to develop the culated (Deevey, 1947; Caughley, 1966) survivorship curve for a "hunted" pop- HILGARDIA • Vol. 46, No.9· December, 1978 339


Season Item 1966-1967 1967-1968 1968-1969 1969-1970 Quality of acorn crop Good Poor Good Excellent Mean eviscerated weight/pig (kg) 56.5 50.8 56.5 61.3 Sample size 36 92 102 85 ulation, and the age distribution of 74 " Europe. Two consecutive years of above skulls collected in the field from mor­ average acorn crops undoubtedly con­ talities other than those caused by hu­ tributed to improved reproduction and mans "vas used to develop the curve for survival of young in 1969 and 1970. a "natural" population. The calculated The data on nutrition and growth show life expectancy from 6 months is 4.3 that acorns are the food item responsi­ years for the natural curve, but only ble for major seasonal weight gains, and 1.6 years for the hunted curve. that average hog weights vary annually The life expectancy figures for the with the size of the acorn crop (Table hunted population, being based on the 20). These results are similar to those age structure of an increasing popula­ of Oloff (1951), Matschke (1964), and tion, are slightly lower than might be Kozlo (1970). expected for a stationary population. 'I'hroughout much of Europe, severe Even so, the curves in Fig. 26 clearly winter weather is an important cause illustrate the heavy mortality of of wild pig mortality (e.g. Sludskii, young, the effect of hunting on the 1956; Cabon, 1958a). Conversely, at adult population, and the rapid in­ Dye Creek, the hot, dry summer with crease in natural mortality of old hogs its attendant shortage of green forage due to tooth deterioration. is the critical season. My data on growth, reproduction, .and mortality Discussion strongly suggest that, even in good The most important factors: causing acorn years, many sows, especially year­ seasonal and annual population fluc­ lings in the foothills, lose their litters tuations of the Dye Creek hogs are (1) because the quality of the available acorn production, (2) severity of the food is insufficient for normal milk pro­ summer dry season,' and (3) the inten­ duction. Young that are weaned in the sity and selectivity of hunting. The den­ back country during the summer often sity of hogs per square kilometer in­ stop growing and may even lose weight. creased from five to eight over 5 years With no mortality, an even sex ratio, despite an average annual harvest of and production of 10 young per sow 20 percent. The feral hog's: ability to per year, the population doubling time reproduce is reflected in the population is only 4.6 months. This relatively high structure data for 1969 by an annual reproductive potential added to their increment (young over 6 months) of unsynchronized breeding habit enables almost 50 percent, a mean age of 22 feral hogs to withstand mortality rates months, and a mean life expectancy well above those tolerated by other un­ from birth of only 10 months. gulates. Feral hogs can quickly respond A seasonal mast crop is the common to seasonal improvements in food sup­ factor stimulating wild pig growth and ply and rapidly repopulate an area af­ reproduction in both California and ter severe population reduction. This 340 Barrett: The Feral Hog at Dye Cre'ek Ranch situation poses both the opportunity quently enough to control the popula­ for a large annual yield, and the neces­ tion and prevent environmental dam­ sity for a substantial harvest fre- age. MANAGEMENT The wild pig is the second most im­ large area. 'I'heref'ore, any proposed in­ portant big- species in terms of troduction should be discussed with the total population and annual hunter kill Department of Fish and Game and in California (California Department should not be taken lightly. of Fish and Game, 1968, "Feral Ani­ Assuming, then, that the landowner mals in California," 11 pp. mimeo.; has some wild pigs and cannot afford to 1968, "Annual Summary of Statewide exterminate them, he is faced with two Game Bag," mimeo. report). A feral management questions: (1) What is the hog is considered a game animal under optimum number of wild pigs for his the State Fish and Game Code, and economic and ecological circumstances? therefore is under the jurisdiction of and (2) What is the best method for the Department of Fish and Game. controlling the population' However, if a landowner captures and puts his "mark" on a feral hog, he can Maximum allowable density claim it as his own livestock and sell it. The maximum allowable density of This legal technicality could complicate wild pigs will depend on (1) the type, statewide management of wild pigs. Be­ extent, and distribution of habitats cause they are a big-game species, meth­ present, (2) the type of economic enter­ ods of hunting wild pigs are restricted prises utilizing these habitats, (3) the by state law, but as of 1970 there was cost of wild pig control, and (4) the no closed season and no bag limit for income available from the pigs. Most the feral hogs in Tehama County. landowners in the foothill region of In most areas of California where California are ranchers of cattle or wild pigs occur, the major opportuni­ , and much of their property is ties for management lie with private grassland or oak savanna. At present, landowners. The following discussion most ranchers receive no income from will be directed towards management wild pigs, and a pig population which by private ranchers. I will assume that: competes with livestock for forage is (1) the management policy chosen by undesirable. Oloff (1951) has suggested the landowner will be directed toward a maximum allowable density of one 2 producing maximum sustained income wild boar per square mile (0.4/km ) to per acre of land, and (2) wild pigs minimize agricultural damage in Ger­ already occur on the land. many. Pine and Gerdes (1973) found I caution against the introduction of that an estimated density of one to two S pigs of any type into areas lacking pigs per square mile (0.4--0.8/km ) in­ them. They can have significant and terfered little with the livestock indus­ often detrimental effects on the environ­ try in Monterey County. Such a density ment (Barrett, 1971; Bratton, 1974, probably is a realistic maximum for 1975), and they are difficult, if not im­ most ranching property in the state. possible to exterminate from large areas On the other hand, a landowner of heavily vegetated country (Taber, whose property is fairly wooded and 1965; Allison, 1967). The average pri­ who is able to derive some income from vate landowner would require the fi­ wild pigs could allow a population of nancial aid of state or federal agencies up to six piga/km" without an inordi- ­ for an extermination program over a nate loss of cattle or sheep forage. A HILGARDIA • Vol. 46, No.9· December, 1978 341 very heavily wooded area supporting and the vegetation along the fence was few livestock might safely carry a few treated chemically in the spring to pre­ more pigs. vent short circuits along the wire. The above methods do not consider Methods of control the possibility of obtaining a direct in­ The method of control used will de­ come from wild pigs. In California, pend mainly on costs and the intensity there are two possible methods of sell­ of management desired. Many land­ ing wild pigs. Some landowners regu­ owners presently shoot all pigs on sight. larly trap feral hogs and sell them at This practice takes little time, and the auction. In many situations, the price cost is low if it can be done in conjunc­ obtained at auction for a feral hog tion with other work. But special effort " would not cover the cost of the labor may be necessary at times to control and transportation. However, if the ani­ pigs in specific trouble spots. This mals can be captured with little effort method does not produce any benefit in the winter when fat, and an auction other than to prevent damage to other is nearby, this method might be eco­ resources and occasionally to provide nomically sound. pork for home consumption. Paid recreational hunting is now a Hunting with dogs is a reasonably reality for several species of game in successful method of control but is ex­ Califorina and other states (Long, pensive in terms of time and labor. 1968; Schreiner, 1968; Severson and Labor costs could be lowered by allow­ Gartner, 1972). A wild pig will com­ ing sportsmen on the property to re­ mand a higher price for its recreational duce the hog population, but this could value than for its meat value in most be costly in terms of hunter-caused dam­ parts of California. Thus, in some areas age and time needed to control the it may be possible to control a wild pig sportsmen. Also, unguided sportsmen population by paid recreational hunt­ may not be willing to expend enough ing. effort to control the population. Trap­ 'I'he landowner can sell recreational ping (Giles, 1973) can be used success­ hunting by means of at least three dif­ fully in local areas, but again consider­ ferent systems (Barrett, 1970): (1) He able time and labor are necessary. Poi­ can simply charge a fee and let hunters soning (Mackintosh, 1950) and the in­ on his land. However, this system per­ troduction of disease (Taber, 1965) are mits little regulation of the hunters, possibilities, but they may result in commands a low price per kill, and losses of domestic animals and wildlife without advertising may not adequately depending on the type of poison and control the population. (2) He can sell bait or disease used. a hunting concession to a local guide If it is absolutely essential to keep who would handle all detailsl or to a wild pigs out of a small area, fencing larger preserve operation which would (Tilley, 1973) may be the most eco­ simply add his land to their program. nomical alternative. If electricity is A contract could provide for the con­ available and the need for the fence is cessionaire to harvest a minimum num­ seasonal, a one- or two-strand electric ber of hogs. (3) He can, if he has suf­ fence (Wright, 1972) may be practical. ficient land and other game species, set One strand of electric wire was added up his own commercial hunting pre­ to 3.2 km of barbed-wire fence on the serve. He might then hire a manager study area to keep feral hogs from en­ who would take care of all details con­ tering certain irrigated pastures during cerning hunters and wildlife manage­ the summer. The electric wire was ment. The Dye Creek Preserve is an placed 20 to 25 em above the ground, example of the last system. 342 Barrett: The Feral Hog at Dye Cre'ek Ranch Dye Creek Preserve in good condition provide excellent meat whereas that from adult boars is The management of feral hogs on the , , generally lean, tough, and ga.my. Dye Creek Ranch is outlined to ex­ All boar hunts at Dye Creek are emplify the potential value of wild pigs guided, and transportation is provided. to the private landowner, The situation This plan eliminates hunter caused at Dye Creek is an example of one damage to structures, range, or live­ rancher's efforts to develop the recrea­ stock, and it helps to insure that the tional and wildlife resources on his hunter will be successful and ha.ve a land. satisfactory experience. Hunts are or­ The policy in this case is one of mul­ ganized from November to May. At this tiple use, to make the greatest long­ time, the weather is best for hunting, term profit per acre of land by estab­ and the hogs are in better condition lishing as many enterprises on the land and are more active during the day. An as is ecologically and economically fea­ extensive network of roads (Fig. 2) en­ sible. 'I'ho major profit from the land is ables an even distribution of hunting produced by a beef-cattle enterprise. activities, and facilitates the retrieval In addition, various types of public of kills. However, hunting from a ve­ recreation, including hunting, are sold hicle is relatively unsuccessful, and through the Dye Creek Preserve. Both most hunting is done on foot. Dogs are the Ranch and Preserve enterprises use not used at Dye Creek but may be es~ the same land but are managed by dif­ sential in areas with extensive dense ferent personnel who are coordinated by vegetation such as the North Coast the landowner. Range of California. The primary method of controlling To maximize economic returns, the feral hogs is through paid recreational manager must determine the most de­ hunting. As in any market situation, sirable hog population with respect to an attempt must be made to balance other land uses and other game species, the constraints of the resource and the and the optimum sex and age composi­ desires of the consumer. 'I'he manager tion of the annual harvest. He must must consider the needs of the hunter, know the ability of the population to including type of animal desired, con­ produce a given class of animals at a ditions of the hunt, supplemental amen­ given population density and popula­ ities desired, and finally, ability and tion structure. willingness to pay for the product. At Dye Creek, the first goal of man­ These factors will vary among individ­ agement is to keep the total population ual hunters, and there is always the pos­ at or below the estimated carrying ca.­ sibility of modifying the hunter's de­ pacity of six hogs/km'. Then the popu­ sires through education or persuasion. lation structure can be shifted by selec­ Most hunters want an adult, black tive harvest to produce the maximum boar with tusks large enough to look number of animals of a desired class. presentable when the head is mounted A proposed optimum population as a trophy. Tusks with a length of 5 structure for the production of trophy or more centimeters from the gum can boars similar to that proposed for Po­ be pulled out of the jaw to look longer; lish wild boar by Wlazelko (1969) is shorter tusks are difficult to extend. Be­ shown in Fig. 27. The proposed harvest cause of the greater demand for this is indicated by the shaded areas. The class of animal, a greater price may be September, 1969, population structure asked for it. Some hunters are more is shown for comparison, with the aver­ concerned with enjoying the hunt and age annual recorded kill for 1966 to obtaining meat. Young hogs and sows 1969 indicated by shading. HILGARDIA • Vol. 46, No.9· December, 1978 343 of average production and mortality available at present. All boars over 3 years old (11 percent of the popula­ tion) are harvested as trophy animals. If this scheme were carried out to the letter, it would require a 27 percent annual kill to control the population. In most cases such control of the sex

20 10 o 10 20 and age structure of a wild population would be impossible. Moreover, annual environmental fluctuations will require a corresponding variation in the har­ vest rate. Butvthe above scheme can be used as a management goal in a com­ mercial preserve operation where hunt­ ing guides are used. Discussion Wild pig populations in the absence 10 o 10 of large predators (the large felids and Per c en t 0 f Tot a I canids) may quickly reach high densi­ ties and cause environmental damage Fig. 27. Present (A) and proposed (B) feral hog population structures for the Dye by rooting (Barrett, 1971) unless they Creek Ranch. Males include barrows. Shaded are controlled by man. Potential man­ areas represent the annual (recorded) harvest. agement schemes range from simply shooting all hogs on sight, to the estab­ Theoretically, by removing the given lishment of a commercial hunting enter­ percentage of young, a greater number prise such as the Dye Creek Preserve. of adults can be carried to 3 or 4 years Under this system, the hog population of age on the available forage. Oloff can be maintained at a suitable density, (1951) pointed out that trophy boar and be managed to produce the maxi­ production in Germany is improved mum long-term income from paid recre­ when young pigs comprise up to 80 per­ ational hunting. Feral hog populations cent of the annual harvest. Also, by may be manipulated via habitat modi­ harvesting a greater proportion of fication (Barrett, 1971); however, ma­ young sows than young boars, the adult nipulation of the annual harvest prob­ sex ratio is shifted to 150 boars per 100 ably is the more feasible management sows. Assuming the remaining sows pro­ technique for a preserve enterprise. duce an average of 1.9, 6 to 12-month­ This necessitates keeping accurate pop­ old young per sow per year and a 10 ulation and harvest statistics, from percent natural mortality of hogs over which quotas can be set for selective 6 months old, the proposed population harvests. In this manner ~he produc­ structure can be maintained. These two tion of desirable animals can be maxi­ characteristics will vary annually with mized within the limits of the allowable variation in acorn production and the population density. Experience at Dye severity of summer drought. However, Creek has shown that qualified hunting the figures given are the best estimates guides are the key to a selective harvest. 344 Barrett: The Feral Hog at Dye Creek Ranch SUMMARY An extensive study of the life history forage and crude protein than hogs and ecology of the feral hog Sus scrota without access to pastures. Pen-raised was made from 1967 to 1970 at the Dye feral hogs were capable of growth equal Creek Ranch, Tehama County, Califor­ to domestic swine, but typical free-rang­ nia. The hog population stems from do­ ing hogs exhibited growth rates of only mestic stock released by homesteaders half their potential. An analysis of as early as 1890. European wild boar covariance indicated significant differ­ from Monterey County, California were ences in growth between hogs with and introduced in 1968. The feral hogs ex­ without access to irrigated pastures. hibit a "lard type" conformation, a Sows bred continuously after 6 to chromosome complement of 38, and a 10 months old, averaging two litters mode teat number of 12. About 46 per­ per year and 5.6 young per litter. Sows cent are black, but 11 coat color pat­ with access to irrigated pastures, evi­ terns were recognized including spotted denced a significantly higher reproduc­ and belted patterns. Boars developed tive rate than those without. From tusks (lower canines) 5 em in length birth to 6 months of age, piglets sus­ from gum to tip by 3 years of age. tained a 70 to 90 percent mortality. Tusks of old boars grew up to 10 ern Losses were due to accidents, predation, gum-tip length. Feral pigs have a ma­ and starvation. Insufficient milk pro­ triarchal social structure, adult boars duction by the sow appeared to be the living alone except when joining family major underlying factor causing piglet groups for breeding. Family groups losses. A low level of protein in the averaged 8.4 hogs. There was no evi­ sow's diet was probably the primary dence of territoriality. The preferred cause of inadequate milk production. activity pattern was crepuscular, but Hunting was the major cause of adult extreme temperatures stimulated diur­ mortality. Tooth abscesses and related nal and nocturnal patterns in the win­ infections were probably the most im­ ter and summer, respectively. Dura­ portant natural cause of adult hog mor­ tion of daily activity was influenced by tality. Population density increased ,the seasonal quality and a.vailability of from five to eight hogs/km" on the 130 food. Home ranges of boars and sows km 2 study area, an increase of 10 per- were estimated to be about 50 and 15 .cent per year for 5 years, although the krn", respectively. Hogs were trans­ annual kill averaged 20 percent. Young planted up to 15 km to determine hom­ hogs over 6 months old made up nearly ing ability. half, and yearlings made up nearly a Food habits were determined from quarter of the fall population in 1969. stomach samples, scats, and feeding ob­ The management program of the Dye servations. Acorns were the most im­ Creek Preserve is presented as a means portant food item. Green grass and of economically controlling feral hog forbs, wild oats, berries, bulbs, roots, populations on private lands by paid insects, an~ carrion were also eaten. recreational hunting, thus providing in­ High volatile fatty acid concentrations come for the landowner and recreation in the caecum and stomach indicated for the public. Procedures are sug­ a high rate of microbial activity and gested for maximizing trophy boar pro- utilization of cellulose. Hogs grazing duction through intensive population irrigated pastures during the sum­ manipulation. Qualified hunting guides mer dry season consumed more green are the key to success in such a scheme. HILGAR.DIA • Vol. 46, No.9· December, 1978 345 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The cooperation and financial sup­ J aechel, John L. Strother, William M. port of William S. Keeler, Wayne Long, Longhurst, John Oh, and .Robert Har­ and many other Dye Creek Preserve ris. Bruce Browning and other mem­ personnel is gratefully acknowledged. bers of The California Department of This study was completed while the Fish and Game provided advice on var­ author was a doctoral candidate at the ious aspects of the work. The research Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Univer­ was supported by a National Science sity of California, Berkeley. The follow­ Foundation Graduate Fellowship, The ing individuals of the University of Union Foundation Wildlife Fund and California provided assistance during the Department of Zoology-in. addi­ the project: A. Starker Leopold, Mar­ tion to the Dye Creek Preserve. Finally, shall White, Harold F. Heady, James I thank Kathy Barrett for her never­ L. Patton, Gene M. Christman, Nobu ending assistance in all aspects of the Asami, Wilhemina Stefansky, Louis l\.. study.

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