G 6761 G 299 S 2006/242 The e THE REPUBLIC OF THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA Registered at the Published General Post Office for transmission within by East Africa as a Newspaper Uganda Gazette Authority Vol. CIX No. 21 24th March, 2016 Price: Shs. 5,000

CONTENTS Page Dated this 15th day of March, 2016. The Companies Act— Notices...... 299 The Advocates Act—Notices...... 299 IMPALA LEGAL ADVOCATES & CONSULTANTS The National Medical Stores—Notice...... 300 (Counsel for the Petitioner) The Trademarks Act— Registration of Applications 301-317 IMPALA CHAMBERS, Advertisements...... 318 6 KANJOKYA STREET, HILL, P.O. BOX 34651, , UGANDA.

General Notice No. 204 of 2016. NOTE: Every Creditor who wishes to be heard on this THE COMPANIES ACT, LAWS OF UGANDA, 2000. Petition shall within five (5) working days from the date of this publication give notice of their intention to support or (Cap. 110). oppose this Petition to M/s Impala Legal, Advocates & NOTICE. Consultants (the Petitioner’s lawyers) at the address above. Pursuant to Section 19(4) of the Companies Act, (Cap. 110) Laws of Uganda, 2000, notice is hereby given that ROLIZ LINENS LIMITED, has been by a special resolution passed on 3rd day of February, 2016, and with the approval of the Registrar of Companies, changed in name to ROZIZ LINEN LIMITED, General Notice No. 206 of 2016. and that such new name has been entered in my Register. Dated at Kampala, this 24th day of March, 2016. THE ADVOCATES ACT, CAP. 267.

MWESIGWA SILVERIO, NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE Assistant Registrar of Companies. OF ELIGIBILITY. It is hereby notified that an application has been presented to the Law Council by Namuwaya Hadijah who is General Notice No. 205 of 2016. stated to be a holder of a Bachelor of Laws Degree from University, Kampala, having been awarded on the IN THE HIGH COURT OF UGANDA AT KAMPALA 24th day of January, 2013 and a Diploma in Legal Practice (CIVIL DIVISION) awarded by the on the 4th day of IN THE MATTER OF WINDING UP OF SUPER MEDIC April, 2014, for the issuance of a Certificate of Eligibility for LIMITED entry of her name on the Roll of Advocates for Uganda. AND Kampala, MARGARET APINY, IN THE MATTER OF COMPANIES ACT, No. 1 OF 2012 16th March, 2016. Secretary, Law Council. AND IN THE MATTER OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT, 2011 AND IN THE MATTER OF THE INSOLVENCY General Notice No. 207 of 2016. REGULATIONS, 2013 THE ADVOCATES ACT, CAP. 267. AND NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE COMPANY CAUSE No. 6 OF 2016 OF ELIGIBILITY.

20 CUBES LOGISTICS UGANDA LIMITED-Petitioner It is hereby notified that an application has been presented to the Law Council by Kusiimakwe Roland who is Versus stated to be a holder of a Bachelor of Laws Degree from , Kampala, having been awarded on the SUPER MEDIC LIMITED—Respondent 30th day of January, 2014 and a Diploma in Legal Practice PUBLIC NOTICE OF A PETITION awarded by the Law Development Centre on the 30th day of April, 2015, for the issuance of a Certificate of Eligibility for TAKE NOTICE THAT on the 15th day of March, 2016, a entry of his name on the Roll of Advocates for Uganda. petition for winding up in respect to M/S SUPER MEDIC LIMITED was lodged in the High Court of Uganda at Kampala, MARGARET APINY, Kampala (Civil Division). 16th March, 2016. Secretary, Law Council. 300 THE UGANDA GAZETTE [24th March

General Notice No. 208 of 2016.

NATIONAL MEDICAL STORES Plot 4-12 Nsamizi Road P.O. Box 16 Entebbe- Uganda. NM Phone: +256 414 320542 MEDICAL LOGISTICS +256 414 320507 Fax: +256 414 321062 Passionate about your Life Email: nms.go.ug www.nmsgo.ug


2015 2014 UShs.000 UShs.000 TURNOVER 219,839,751 224,867,915

Net Surplus/(Deficit) for the Year 6,670,579 2,764,229


Notes 2015 2014 Non Current Assets UShs.000 UShs.000 Property, plant and equipment 2 15,516,086 15,648,615 Prepaid operating leases 3 180,379 184,594 Intangible assets 4 107,501 25,922 15,803,966 15,859,131 Current Assets

Inventory 5 83,430.417 72,459,914 Trade Receivables 6 23,838,297 20,667,943

Other receivables & Prepayments 7 3,774,823 3,080,218

Cash and Bank 9 187,920 4,705,020 111,231,457 100,913,095 Total Assets 127,035,423 116,772,226 Equity & Liabilities Capital and Reserves Government Subventions 10 7,089,751 z.utjy, /t> i Capital grants 11 2,797,968 3,201,002 Revaluation Reserves 12 5.302,622 5,416,453 Retained earnings 14,680,109 24,240,273 29,870,450 39,947,479 Non Current Liabilities CDC balance 13 (14.458,777) (15,344,886) Staff Pension fund 14 443,897 679.544 Deferred Taxation 8 0 4,898,881 (14,014,880) (9,766,461) Current Liabilities Trade payables 16 105,924,481 71,707,740 Sundry Payables 17 110,016 7,277 Corporation Taxation 8 0 7,507,381 Vote 116 Deferred Income 5,144,955 7,368,809 111,179,452 86,591,208 Total Equity & Liabilities 127,035,022 116,772,226

were approved by the Board of Directors oh 30th September 2015, and signed on its behalf by: 1...... Board Mem/er General Manager

ponsibility for the Financial Year 2014/2015 Pursuant to the provision of Section 15 of the Public Enterprise Reform and Divesture Act (CAP 98), we the undersigned of National Medical Stores acknowledge the responsibility for the proper safeguarding of assets of National Medical Stores We hereby confirm that we have complied with all the requirements of the law. We further affirm that any act or omission resulting out of this acknowledgement is our responsibility. A list of Company assets is available for viewing at the Company's offices.

Head.Finance & Accounts 24th March] THE UGANDA GAZETTE 301

General Notice No. 209 of 2016. (646) Association : THE TRADE MARKS ACT. (731) Name of applicant and Address — SUPERSONIC (Cap. 83). INVESTMENTS (U) LIMITED NSANGI, NOTICE. WAKISO DISTRICT, P.O. BOX 39, KYENGERA Notice is hereby given that any person who has KAMPALA, UGANDA. grounds to oppose the registration of any of the marks (740) Address for Agent/Representative advertised herein may within sixty days from the date of this (750) Address for Service- SUPERSONIC INVEST­ Gazette, lodge a Notice of opposition on Trade Mark Form MENTS (U) LIMITED NSANGI, WAKISO No. 6 together with a fee of Shs. 4000 in case of National DISTRICT, P.O. BOX 39, KYENGERA applicants or US$ 250 in case of Foreign applicants. The KAMPALA, UGANDA. period of lodging Notice of opposition may be extended in suitable cases by the Registrar as he thinks fit upon such terms as he may direct. Formal opposition should not be (541) Representation of Mark lodged until after reasonable notice has been given by letter to the applicant so that he may have an opportunity to with draw his application before the expense of opposition proceedings is incurred. Failure to give such notice will be taken into account in considering any application by the opponent for an order for costs if the opposition is uncontested by the applicant. Representations of the marks (210) Application No. 2016/54687 in Part “A”. herein advertised can be inspected at the office of the (220) Date offiling application—27th January, 2016. Registrar of Trade Marks, Amamu House, Plot No. 5B (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim George Street, P.O. Box 6848, Kampala. (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Hoes. (541) Representation of Mark (511) Class: 6 (526) Disclaimer (591) Restriction to Colours (646) Association (731) Name of applicant and Address — YOGESH PATEL, Plot 24, Nakivubo Road, P.O. BOX 23318 Kampala (210) Application No. 2015/53116 in Part “A”. Uganda. (220) Date offiling application— 07th July, 2015. (740) Address for Agent/Representative (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (750) Address for Service- YOGESH PATEL, Plot 24, (510) Nature of GoodslServices— Beers; mineral and Nakivubo Road, P.O. BOX 23318 Kampala aerated waters and other non- alcoholic beverages: Uganda. fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other (541) Representation of Mark preparations for making beverages; beer- based cocktails; lemonades, shandy, flavoured beers; beers flavoured with lemon; lemon flavoured beers. TIMBERLAND

(511) Class: 32 (210) Application No. 2015/54336 in Part “A”. (526) Disclaimer (220) Date of filing application— 24th November, 2015. (591) Restriction to Colours (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (646) Association (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Clothing, footwear, (731) Name of applicant and Address — SAB MILLER headgear. INTERNATIONAL B.V, SCHOUWBURGPLEIN (511) Class: 25 30-34,3012 CL ROTTERDAM, NETHERLANDS. (526) Disclaimer (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, (591) Restriction to Colours , P.O. BOX 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (646) Association (750) Address for Service— Sipi Law Advocates, Teachers (731) Name of applicant and Address — TBL LICENSING House, Suite 204, Bombo Road, P.O. Box 4180, LLC, 200 Domain Drive, Stratham, New Kampala, Uganda. Hampshire 03885. U.S.A. (541) Representation of Mark (740) Address for Agent/Representative—Jocasa House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (750) Address for Service— Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (210) Application No. 2016/54773 in Part “A”. (220) Date of filing application— 09th February, 2016. (541) Representation of Mark (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim TIMBERLAND (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Wine. (210) Application No. 2015/54335 in Part “A”. (511) Class: 33 (526) Disclaimer (220) Date offiling application— 24th November, 2015. (591) Restriction to Colours (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim 302 THE UGANDA GAZETTE | 24th March

(510) Nature of Goods/Services— Leather and imitations of (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, leather and goods made of these materials and not Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box included in other classes; animal skins, hides, 4180, Kampala, Uganda. trunks and travelling bags, umbrellas and parasols; (750) Address for Service Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa walking sticks whips, harness and saddler. House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, (511) Class: 18 P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (526) Disclaimer (591) Restriction to Colours (541) Representation of Mark (646) Association (731) Name of applicant and Address — TBL LICENSING LLC, 200 Domain Drive, Stratham, New Hempshire 03885. U.S.A. (740) Address for Agent/Representative—Jocasa House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box (210) Application No. 2015/54130 in Part “A”. 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (220) Date offiling application— 10th November, 2015. (750) Address for Service— Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Electric generators using P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. solar cells, wind energy or other renewable resources; power generators; engine driven (541) Representation of Mark generators; current generators’ alternators. TIMBERLAND (511) Class: 7 (210) Application No. 2015/54334 in Part “A”. (526) Disclaimer (220) Date of filing application— 24th November, 2015. (591) Restriction to Colours— The mark is limited to the (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim colour “BLUE”. (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Precious metals and their (646) Association : alloys and goods in precious metals or coated (731) Name of applicant and Address — B Medical Systems therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery, S.a.r.l. 17 op der Hei, 9809 Hosingen, Luxembourg. precious stones; horological and chronometric (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, instruments. Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box (511) Class: 14 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (526) Disclaimer (750) Address for Service Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa (591) Restriction to Colours House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, (646) Association P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (731) Name of applicant and Address — TBL LICENSING LLC, 200 Domain Drive, Stratham, New (541) Representation of Mark Hampshire 03885. U.S.A. (740) Address for Agent/Representative—Jocasa House, UBER Unit 5,3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box (210) Application No. 2015/54252 in Part “A” 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (220) Date offiling application— 16th November, 2015. (750) Address for Service— Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Providing temporary use of online non- downloadable software; providing (541) Representation of Mark temporary use of online non-downloadable software for providing transportation services, bookings for transportation services and for dispatching motorized vehicles to customers; providing temporary use of online non- downloadable software for providing delivery services, bookings for delivery services and (210) Application No. 2015/54135 in Part “A”. for dispatching delivery couriers; design and (220) Date offiling application— 10th November, 2015. development of computer software. (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (511) Class: 42 (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Installation, repair and (526) Disclaimer maintenance services, especially of electrical (591) Restriction to Colours generators, compressors, sensors and apparatus for (646) Association refrigerating and freezing, safety cabinets, platelet (731) Name of applicant and Address—Uber Technologies, agitators and incubators. Inc. 1455 market street, 4th floor, San Francisco, (511) Class: 37 California 94103, U.S.A (526) Disclaimer (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, (591) Restriction to Colours— This application is restricted Unit 5,3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box to the colour “BLUE” as represented on the mark. 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (646) Association (750) Address for Service Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa (731) Name of applicant and Address — B Medical Systems House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, S.a.r.l. 17 op der Hei, 9809 Hosingen, Luxembourg. P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. 24th March) THE UGANDA GAZETTE 303

(541) Representation of Mark software for obtaining transportation services; computer software for scheduling and coordinating transportation services; computer software for UBER dispatching motorized vehicles; computer software (210) Application No. 2015/54251 in Part “A”. for providing delivery services; computer software (220) Date of filing application— 16th November, 2015. for obtaining delivery services; computer software for scheduling and coordinating delivery services; (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim computer software for dispatching delivery (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Providing a website couriers; computer hardware; mobile telephones, featuring information regarding transportation mobile communications devices. services and bookings for transportation services; (511) Class: 9 providing a website featuring information regarding (526) Disclaimer delivery services and bookings for delivery services; transport; packaging and storage of goods; (591) Restriction to Colours travel arrangement. (646) Association (511) Class: 39 (731) Name of applicant and Address—Uber Technologies, (526) Disclaimer Inc. 1455 market street, 4th floor, San Francisco, (591) Restriction to Colours California 94103, U.S.A (646) Association (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, (731) Name of applicant and Address—Uber Technologies, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box Inc. 1455 market street, 4th floor, San Francisco, 4180, Kampala, Uganda. California 94103, U.S.A (750) Address for Service Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (750) Address for Service Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa (541) Representation of Mark House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 1< Nakasero Road, P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, U^nda. DANONe (541) Representation of Mark

(210) Application No. 2015/54277 in Part “A”. UBER (220) Date offiling application— 18th November, 2015. (210) Application No. 2015/54250 in Part “A”. (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (220) Date of filing application— 16th November, 2015. (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Still or sparkling water (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (Mineral or non Mineral) fruit or vegetable juices, (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Telecommunications fruit or vegetable drinks; lemonades, sodas, sorbet services, namely, routing calls, SMS messages, and drinks, drink preparations, syrups for drinks; push-notifications to local third-party motorized alcohol- free fruit or vegetable extracts; alcohol- vehcle operators and delivery services in the free drinks. vicinity of the caller using mobile phones, (511) Class: 32 telecommunications (526) Disclaimer (511) Class: 38 (591) Restriction to Colour— The applicant claims colours (526) Disclaimer White, Red and Blue as distinctive features of this (591) Restriction to Colours mark. (646) Association (646) Association (731) Name of applicant and Address—Uber Technologies, (731) Name of applicant and Address—COMPAGNIE Inc. 1455 market street, 4th floor, San Francisco, GERVAIS DANONE 17, Boulevard Haussmann, California 94103, U.S.A 75009 Paris, . (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (750) Address for Service Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, (750) Address for Service Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (541) Representation of Mark UBER (541) Representation of Mark (210) Application No. 2015/54249 in Part “A”. (220) Date of filing application— 16th November, 2015. (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (210) Application No. 2015/53935 in Part “A”. (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Computer software; mobile application software; computer software for (220) Date offiling application— 16th October, 2015. providing transportation services; computer (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim 304 THE UGANDA GAZETTE [24th March

(510) Nature of Goods/Services— Pharmaceutical (511) Class: 3 preparation for thr treatment of osteoarthritis, (526) Disclaimer sexual dysfunction, pain and inflammation, type 2 (591) Restriction to Colours diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, enzyme (646) Association deficiency, depression, GI hyperacidity, hepatic (731) Name of applicant and Address — VICTORY (EA) disease, gastrointestinal disease and elevated uric CO. LTD., P.O. BOX 70848, Kampala, Uganda. acid; pharmaceutical preparations, namely, proton­ pump inhibitors; antibiotic ointments for treatment (740) Address for Agent/Representative of cuts and abrasions; muscle relaxants; surgical (750) Address for Service-VICTORY (EA) CO. LTD., P.O. antiseptic foam; dietary and nutritional supplements BOX 70848, Kampala, Uganda. for humans. (541) Representation of Mark (511) Class: 5 (526) Disclaimer— Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word ’’PHARMACEUTICALS” except as represented. (591) Restriction to Colours (646) Association : (731) Name of applicant and Address — LIPTIS PHARMACEUTICALS U.S.A, INC 110 Red (210) Application No. 2016/55094 in Part “A”. School House Road, Spring Valley, New York (220) Date of filing application— 10th March, 2016. 10977, U. S. A. (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (740) Aiddress for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Cosmetics. Unit 5,3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box (511) Class: 3 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (526) Disclaimer (750) Address for Service Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa (591) Restriction to Colours House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, (646) Association P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (731) Name of applicant and Address — VICTORY (EA) CO. LTD., P.O. BOX 70848, Kampala, Uganda. (541) Representation of Mark (740) Address for Agent/Representative (750) Address for Service-VICTORY (EA) CO. LTD., P.O. BOX 70848, Kampala, Uganda.

(541) Representation of Mark

(210) Application No. 2015/53386 in Part “A”. (220) Date of filing application— 21st August, 2015. LAOSHAN (210) Application No. 2015/53903 in Part “A”. (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (220) Date of filing application— 14 th October, 2015. (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Services for providing (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim food and drink, temporary accomodation. (511) Class: 43 (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Malt wort; beer wort; beer; extracts of hops for making beer; malt beer; (526) Disclaimer preparations for making beverages; preparations for (591) Restriction to Colours—The mark is limited to the making liqueurs; preparations for making mineral colours red, white and black. water; non- alcoholic beverages; non- alcoholic (646) Association fruit extracts. (731) Name of applicant and Address — Kentucky Fried (511) Class: 32 Chicken International Holdings, Inc, 1441 Gardiner (526) Disclaimer Lane, Louisville, Kentucky U.S.A. (591) Restriction to Colours (740) Address for Agent/Representative—P.O. Box 4180, (646) Association Kampala, Uganda. (731) Name of applicant and Address—TSINGTAO (750) Address for Service— Sipi Law Advocates, P.O. Box BREWERY COMPANY LIMITED, NO. 56, 4180, Kampala, Uganda. DENGZHOU ROAD, QINGDAO, SHANDONG PROVINCE 266012, PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF (541) Representation of Mark CHINA. (740) Address for Agent/Representative— P.O. BOX 4180 VICTOR Kampala, Uganda. (750) Address for Service— Sipi Law Associates, P.O. BOX 4180 Kampala, Uganda.

(541) Representation of Mark

(210) Application No. 2016/55095 in Part “A”. (220) Date offiling application— 10th March, 2016. (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Cosmetics. (210) Application No. 2015/53091 in Part “A”. 24th March] THE UGANDA GAZETTE 305

(220) Date offiling application—01st July, 2015. (646) Association (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (731) Name of applicant and Address—Nikon Corporation, (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Production and recordal of 12-1, Yurakucho 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, radio, television, video, satellite and cable Japan. programmes; entertainment and education services; (740) Address for Agent/Representative— P.O. Box 4180 organisation, presentation, production and recording of Kampala, Uganda. live performances, shows, events, concerts, theatre (750) Address for Service— Sipi Law Associates, P.O. Box productions, competitions, lectures, promotion, 4180 Kampala, Uganda. seminars, sports activities and events, recitals, debates, public and private gatherings, cultural activities and (541) Representation of Mark events, conferences, meetings, rallies and displays; rental of cine-films, video recordings, audio recordings Nikon and CD-ROMs; hiring, rental and leasing of apparatus (210) Application No. 2014/51061 in Part “A”. and instruments; publication of books, manuals, magazines and texts, films, videos, audio visual and (220) Date offiling application—24th October, 2014. sound recordings; advisory services relating to all the (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim aforesaid services; provision and dissemination of (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Advertising; business information relating to all the aforesaid services. management; business administration; office (511) Class: 41 functions; retail services or wholesale services for (526) Disclaimer cameras, lenses, optical equipment and accessories; (591) Restriction to Colours retail store services for cameras, lenses, optical (646) Association equipment and accessories, and related merchandise (731) Name of applicant and Address—M-NET in the Held of consumer electronics and INTELPROP HOLDINGS LIMITED, IFS Court, entertainment equipment, provided via the Internet and other computer and electronic communication Twenty Eight, Cybercity, Ebene, Mauritius. networks; providing a website featuring multimedia (740) Address for Agent/Representative— JOCASA House, content displaying information relating to products, Flat 5, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box 4180 services, and event’s in the field of consumer Kampala, Uganda. electronics all for business and commercial (750) Address for Service— Sipi Law Associates, JOCASA transactions and purposes; administration of the House, Flat 5, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box business affairs of retail stores; computerised point- 4180 Kampala, Uganda. of-sale data collection services for retailers; management of a retail enterprise for others; (541) Representation of Mark electronic shopping retail services connected with cameras, lenses, optical equipment and accessories; Nikon retail services connected with the sale of consumer (210) Application No. 2014/51062 in Part “A”. electronics; computerised business information (220) Date of filing application—24th October, 2014. processing services; data processing; data processing for businesses; data processing for the (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim collection of data for business purposes; (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Medical services; information services relating to data processing; on­ veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for line data processing services; accounting; human beings or animals; agriculture, horticulture advertising agencies; advertising by mail order; and forestry services; providing dental information; auditing; bill-posting; book-keeping; business providing ophthalmoscopy information; providing appraisals; business information; business inquiries; medical image data; rental of industrial beauty business investigations; business management and machines and apparatus; rental of consumer organisation consultancy; business management ultrasound bath for eyeglasses; opticians services; assistance; business management of performing beauty salons; barbershops; providing bath houses; artists; business research; commercial information garden tree planting; garden or flower bed care; agencies; commercial or industrial management fertilizer spreading; weed killing; vermin assistance; compilation of information into exterminating [for agriculture, horticulture or computer databases; cost price analysis; forestry] ;massage and therapeutic shiatsu massage; demonstration of goods; direct mail advertising; chiropractics; moxibustion; treatment for dislocated dissemination of advertising matter; distribution of joints, sprains, bone fractures or the like [Judo- samples; document reproduction; marketing seifuku]; physiotherapy services; acupuncture; research; marketing studies; modelling for providing medical information; physical advertising or sales promotion; office machines and examination; dentistry; preparation and dispensing equipment rental; opinion polling; organization of of medications; dietary and nutritional guidance; exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; animal breeding; animal grooming; nursing care; organization of trade fairs for commercial or rental of potted plants; farming equipment rental; advertising purposes; outdoor advertising; payroll rental of medical apparatus and instruments; rental preparation; personnel management consultancy; of fishing equipment and instruments; rental of personnel recruitment; photocopying; providing apparatus and instruments for use in beauty salons business statistical information on cameras and or barbershops; rental of lawn mowers. accessories; public relations; publication of (511) Class; 44 publicity texts; publicity; publicity agencies; publicity columns preparation; publicity material (526) Disclaimer rental; radio advertising; radio commercials; (591) Restriction to Colours relocation services for businesses; rental of 306 THE UGANDA GAZETTE [24th March

advertising space; secretarial services; shop wholesale services for kitchen equipment, cleaning window dressing; business statistical information tools and washing utensils; retail services or on sales of new goods; systemization of information wholesale services for pharmaceutical, veterinary into computer databases; tax preparation; television and sanitary preparations and medical supplies; advertising; television commercials; transcription; retail services or wholesale services for cosmetics, typing; updating of advertising material; word toiletries, dentifrices, soaps and detergents; retail processing; automated data processing; computer services or wholesale services for agricultural data processing; computerised data processing; data machines, implements and supplies; retail services processing verification; electronic data processing; or wholesale services for flowers [natural] and processing of data by a computer; data search in trees; retail services or wholesale services for fuel; computer files for others, in particular news articles; retail services or wholesale services for printed advisory, consultancy and information services in matter; retail services or wholesale services for this class for all the aforesaid services; advertising paper and stationery; retail services or wholesale and publicity services; promoting the goods and services for sports goods; retail services or services of others through the issuance of trading wholesale services for toys, dolls, game machines stamps; business management analysis or business and apparatus; retail services or wholesale services consultancy; providing information concerning for musical instruments and records; retail services commercial sales; business management of hotels; or wholesale services for photographic machines preparation, auditing or certification of financial and apparatus and photographic supplies; retail statements; employment agencies; auctioneering; services or wholesale services for clocks, watches import-export agencies; arranging newspaper and spectacles (eyeglasses and goggles): retail subscriptions; shorthand services; office functions, services or wholesale services for tobaccos and namely filing, in particular documents or magnetic smokers’ articles; retail services or wholesale tapes; providing assistance to others in the services for building materials; retail services or operation of data processing apparatus namely, wholesale services for semi-wrought precious .computers, typewriters, telex machines and other stones and their imitations; retail services or similar office machines; reception services fo’r wholesale services for pets; the bringing together, visitors in buildings; rental of typewriters, copying for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, machines and word processors; providing enabling customers to conveniently view and employment infonricition; providing information purchase those goods from a department store or on newspaper articles; rental of vending machines; from an Internet website; management of retail services or wholesale services for a variety of information files related to daily living, advertising, goods in each field of clothing, foods and other websites, making friends on websites, sharing beverages, and livingware, carrying all goods photos, and transmitting image data for providing together; department store retail services connected social networking; administration and management with the sale of clothing, food and beverages and services made on a global computer network for livingware; retail services or wholesale services for businesses distributing content related to daily woven fabrics and beddings; retail services or living, advertising, other websites, making friends wholesale services for clothing; retail services or on websites, sharing photos, and transmitting image wholesale services for footwear [other than special data for providing social networking; advertising on footwear for sports|; retail services or wholesale the Internet; business planning for sales promotion services for bags and pouches; retail services or of a counterparty’s goods or services provided on wholesale services for personal articles; retail the Internet; mediation services between the users services or wholesale services for foods and and the developing/printing company to enable the beverages; retail services or wholesale services for ordering and processing of photos and digital liquor [alcoholic beveragesj; retail services or images; providing media for advertisements; wholesale services for meat; retail services or providing information on commodity sales wholesale services for sea food; retail services or regarding photographs and other goods; e- wholesale services for vegetables and fruits; retail commerce services relating to photography services or wholesale services for confectionery, services; image data storage services, all the bread and buns; retail services or wholesale services aforementioned services being provided in the for rice and cereals; retail services or wholesale field of on-line photography services. services for milk; retail services or wholesale (511) Class: 35 services for carbonated drinks [refreshing beverages] and non-alcoholic fruit juice beverages; (526) Disclaimer retail services or wholesale services for tea, coffee (591) Restriction to Colours and cocoa; retail services or wholesale services for processed food; retail services or wholesale services (646) Association for automobiles; retail services or wholesale (731) Name of applicant and Address—Nikon Corporation, 12- services for two-wheeled motor vehicles; retail 1, Yurakucho 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan. services or wholesale services for bicycles; retail (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, services or wholesale services for furniture; retail Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box services or wholesale services for joinery fittings; 4180, Kampala, Uganda. retail services or wholesale services for tatami mats; (750) Address for Service Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa retail services or wholesale services for ritual House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, equipment; retail services or wholesale services for P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. electrical machinery and apparatuses; retail services or wholesale services for bladed or pointed hand Kampala, NYANGOMA MARIA, tools, hand tools, hardware; retail services or 31st March, 2015. Registrar of Trademarks. 24th March| THE UGANDA GAZETTE 307

(541) Representation of Mark handheld digital electronic devices; computer software to enable users to program and distribute OS X EL CAPITAN text, data, graphics, images, audio, video, and other multimedia content via global communication (210) Application No. 2015/53605 in Part “A”. networks and other computer, electronic and (220) Date offiling application— 15th September, 2015. communications networks; computer software for (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim- 67011 27/04/2015 JM identifying, locating, grouping, distributing, and managing data and links between computer servers (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Computers; computer and users connected to global communication peripheral devices; computer hardware; handheld networks and other computer, electronic and electronic game software adapted for use with an communications networks; computer software for use external display screen or monitor; hand held on handheld mobile digital electronic devices and computers; tablet computers; personal digital other consumer electronics; electronic publishing assistants; electronic organizers; electronic notepads; software; electronic publication reader software; electronic book readers; computer game software for computer software for personal information gaming machines; handheld digital electronic devices management; downloadable pre-recorded audio and and software related thereto; handheld mobile digital audiovisual content, information, and commentary; electronic devices capable of providing access to the downloadable electronic books, magazines, Internet and for the sending, receiving, and storing of periodicals, newsletters, newspapers, journals, and telephone calls, faxes, electronic mail, and other other publications; database management software; digital data; electronic handheld units for the wireless character recognition software; voice recognition receipt, storage and/or transmission of data and software; electronic mail and messaging software; messages, and electronic devices that enable the user computer software for accessing, browsing and to keep track of or manage personal information; searching online databases; electronic bulletin boards; sound recording and reproducing apparatus; MP3 and data synchronization software; application other digital format audio players; digital audio development software; computer monitors and recorders; digital video recorders and players; audio display screens; computer keyboards; computer mice cassette recorders and players; video cassette and mouse pads; computer printers; computer disk recorders and players; compact disc recorders and drives and hard drives; user’ manuals in electronically players; digital versatile disc recorders and players; readable, machine readable or computer readable digital audio tape recorders and players; radios, radio form for use with, and sold as a unit with, all the transmitters, and receivers; audio, video, and digital aforementioned goods; electrical and electronic mixers; audio amplifiers; audio receivers; audio connectors, couplers, wires, cables, chargers, docks, decoders; car audio apparatus; voice recording and docking stations, interfaces, and adapters for use with recognition apparatus; earphones, headphones; audio all of the aforesaid goods; computer equipment for speakers; microphones; audio components and use with all of the aforesaid goods; electronic accessories; modems; network communication apparatus with multimedia functions for use with all apparatus; electronic communication equipment and of the aforesaid goods; electronic apparatus with instruments; audiovisual teaching apparatus; optical interactive functions for use with all of the aforesaid apparatus and instruments; telecommunications goods; accessories, parts, fittings, and testing apparatus and instruments; global positioning system apparatus for all of the aforesaid goods; covers, bags (GPS) devices; telephones; wireless communication and cases adapted or shaped to contain all of the devices for voice, data or image transmission; cables; aforesaid goods; navigational instruments; apparatus apparatus for data storage; magnetic data media; to check stamping mail; cash registers; mechanisms chips, discs and tapes bearing or for recording for coin-operated apparatus; dictating machines; computer programs and software; facsimile hemline markers; voting machines; electronic tags for machines; cameras; batteries; televisions; television goods; prize selection machines; weighing apparatus receivers; television monitors; set top boxes; and instruments; measures; electronic notice boards; computer software; computer and electronic games; measuring apparatus; wafers [silicon slices); computer operating system software; global integrated circuits; fluorescent screens; remote positioning system (GPS) computer software; control apparatus; lights conducting filaments [optical computer software for travel and tourism, travel fibers]; electric installations for the remote control of planning, navigation, travel route planning, industrial operations; lightning arresters; geographic, destination, transportation and traffic electrolyzers; fire extinguishers; radiological information, driving and walking directions, apparatus for industrial purposes; life saving customized mapping of locations, street atlas apparatus and equipment; whistle alarms; sunglasses; information, electronic map display, and destination animated cartoons; egg-candlers; dog whistles; information; computer software for creating, decorative magnets; electrified fences; electrically authoring, distributing, downloading, transmitting, heated socks; alarms, alarm sensors, and alarm receiving, playing, editing, extracting, encoding, monitoring systems; residential security and decoding, displaying, storing and organizing text, surveillance systems; smoke and carbon monoxide data, graphics, images, audio, video, and other detectors; thermostats, monitors, sensors, and controls multimedia content, electronic publications, and for air conditioning, heating, and ventilation devices electronic games; computer software for use in and systems; electric and electronic door and window recording, organizing, transmitting, manipulating, locks and latches; remote controls for opening and and reviewing text, data, audio files, video files and closing garage door openers; curtain, drape, window electronic games in connection with computers, shade, and window blind openers; lighting controls; televisions, television set-top boxes, audio players, electrical outlets; electrical and electronic switches. video players, media players, telephones, and 308 THE UGANDA GAZETTE [24th March

(511) C7ass: 9 (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (520) Colour Claim— (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Scientific, nautical, (526) Disclaimer surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, (591) Restriction to Colours weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (646) Association (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus (731) Name ofapplicant and Address— APPLE INC., 1 Infinite and instruments; apparatus and instruments for Loop, Cupertino, Califonia, 95014, U.S.A. conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, (740) Address for Agent/Representative— P.O. Box 4180 regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for Kampala, Uganda. recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or (750) Address for Service— Sipi Law Associates, P.O. Box images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; 4180 Kampala, Uganda. automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and (541) Representation of Mark computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus. (511) Class: 9 (526) Disclaimer (591) Restriction to Colours (646) Association (731) Name of applicant and Address — KINGSTON BOND TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION, 17600 NEW Hope Street Fountain Valley, California 92708, (210) Application No. 2016/55093 in Part “A”. U.S.A. (220) Date of filing application— 10th March, 2016. (740) Address for Agent/Representative—PLOT 3, (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim PARLIAMENT AVENUE, RAJA CHAMBERS, 2ND FLOOR, SUITES No. 48 & 49, P. O. BOX (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Installation and 27689, KAMPALA, UGANDA Maintenance of intruders; alarm systems; CCTV; (750) Address for Service-Nt/S ANGUALIA BUSIKU & Our door access, Fire systems; electric fence and all CO. ADVOCATES, PLOT 3, PARLIAMENT other goods in class 09 like; Scientific, nautical, AVENUE, RAJA CHAMBERS. 2ND FLOOR, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, SUITES No. 48 & 49, P.O. BOX 27689, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking KAMPALA, UGANDA (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instrument’s for (541) Representation of Mark conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or AFRO TWIST images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording (210) Application No. 2015/53516 in Part “A”. media; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; (220) Date of filing application—09th September, 2015. cash registers, calculating machines, data (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim processing equipment, computers; computer (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Hair extensions. software; fire-extinguishing apparatus. (511) Class: 26 (511) Class: 9 (526) Disclaimer (526) Disclaimer (591) Restriction to Colours (591) Restriction to Colours (646) Association (646) Association (731) Name of applicant and Address — Ganda Fashion Ltd, (731) Name of applicant and Address — BOND P.O. Box 27611 Kampala, Uganda. INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGIES SERVICES (740) Address for Agent/Representative LIMITED P, Plot 26, Road, Park Royal (750) Address for Service—Ganda Fashions Ltd, P.O.Box Mall, Room 21o, Kampala, Uganda. 27611 Kampala, Uganda. (740) Address for Agent/Representative (750) Address for Service-BOND INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGIES SERVICES LIMITED P, Plot (541) Representation of Mark 26, Buganda Road, Park Royal Mall, Room 21o, Kampala, Uganda. JUMBO BRAID (210) Application No. 2015/53519 in Part “A”. (541) Representation of Mark (220) Date offiling application—09th September, 2015. (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Hair extensions. (511) Class: 26 (526) Disclaimer— Registration of this Trademark shall give (210) Application No. 2016/55288 in Part “A”. no right to the exclusive use of the word "BRAID" (220) Date of filing application— 18th March, 2016. except as represented. 24th March | THE UGANDA GAZETTE 309

(591) Restriction to Colours (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (646) Association (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Cosmetics, toilet soaps, (731) Name of applicant and Address — Ganda Fashion perfumes, body cream and hair products. Ltd., P.O. Box 27611, Kampala, Uganda. (511) Class: 3 (526) Disclaimer— Registration of this mark shall give no (740) Address for Agent/Representative right to the exclusive use of the words “HAIR (750) Address for Service—Ganda Fashions Ltd., P.O. Box CARE” except as separately represented. 27611, Kampala, Uganda. (591) Restriction to Colours (646) Association (731) Name of applicant and Address — Sun Industries Ltd., Plot 1045, Block 236, Bweyogerere, P.O. Box 34825, Kampala, Uganda. (740) Address for Agent/Representative (750) Address for Service— Sun Industries Ltd., Plot 1045, (210) Application No. 2016/55078 in Part “A”. Block 236, Bweyogerere, P.O. Box 34825, (220) Date of filing application—07th March, 2016. Kampala, Uganda. (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (541) Representation of Mark (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Electronic Payment Solutions. (511) Class: 38 (526) Disclaimer

(591) Restriction to Colours (210) Application No. 2016/55021 in Part “A”. (646) Association (220) Date of filing application—3rd March, 2016. (731) Name of applicant and Address — Pebbu Limited, Plot (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim 29, Street, Kamwokya, Kampala, Uganda. (510) Nature of Goods/Services (740) Address for Agent/Representative (511) Class: 3 (750) Address for Service— Pebbu Limited, Plot 29, Bukoto (526) Disclaimer— Registration of this mark shall give no Street, Kamwokya, Kampala, Uganda. right to the exclusive use of the words “BODYCARE” except as separately represented. (541) Representation of Mark (591) Restriction to Colours (646) Association (731) Name of applicant and Address — Sun Industries Ltd., Plot 1045, Block 236, Bweyogerere, P.O. Box 34825, Kampala, Uganda. (740) Address for Agent/Representative (210) Application No. 2016/55016 in Part “A”. (750) Address for Service— Sun Industries Ltd, Plot 1045, (220) Date offiling application—2nd March, 2016. Block 236, Bweyogerere, P.O. Box 34825, (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim Kampala, Uganda. (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Cosmetics, Body care, health care and Hair care. (541) Representation of Mark (511) Class: 3 (526) Disclaimer Ponders (591) Restriction to Colours (210) Application No. 2016/55296 in Part “A”. (646) Association (220) Date offiling application—21st March, 2016. (731) Name of applicant and Address — Sun Industries Ltd., (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim Plot 1045, Block 236, Bweyogerere, P.O. Box (510) Nature of Goods/Service—Milk and Milk products. 34825, Kampala, Uganda. (511) Class: 29 (740) Address for Agent/Representative (526) Disclaimer— Registration of this mark shall give no (750) Address for Service— Sun Industries Ltd., Plot 1045, right to the exclusive use of the acronym “LTD” Block 236, Bweyogerere, P.O. Box 34825, except as represented. Kampala, Uganda. (591) Restriction to Colours (646) Association (541) Representation of Mark (731) Name of applicant and Address — PONDERS UGANDA LIMITED, PLOT 10-12, MULWANA ROAD, INDUSTRIAL AREA, P. O. Box 40425, KAMPALA, UGANDA. (740) Address for Agent/Representative (750) Address for Service— PONDERS UGANDA LIMITED, PLOT 10-12, MULWANA ROAD, (210) Application No. 2016/55020 in Part “A”. INDUSTRIAL AREA, P. O. Box 40425, (220) Date offiling application—3rd March, 2016. KAMPALA, UGANDA. 310 THE UGANDA GAZETTE |24th March

(541) Representation of Mark (740) Address for Agent/Representative (750) Address for Service- CHARCOAL AUTO (/\/V\>MOTO BRIQUETTE CO-OP SOCIETY, P. O. Box 2731 Kampala, Uganda. (210) Application No. 2016/55295 in Part “A”. (220) Date offiling application—21st March, 2016. (541) Representation of Mark (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air and water. Allianz @ (511) Class: 12 (526) Disclaimer (591) Restriction to Colours (210) Application No. 2015/54332 in Part “A”. (646) Association (220) Date offiling application— 24th November, 2015. (731) Name of applicant and Address — AUTO MOTO (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim LIMITED. PLOT 10-12, MULWANA ROAD, (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Insuarance; financial INDUSTRIAL AREA, P. O. Box 40425, Kampala, affairs; monetary affairs, real estate affairs. Uganda. (511) Class: 36 (740) Address for Agent/Representative (526) Disclaimer: (750) Address for Service- AUTO MOTO LIMITED. (591) Restriction to Colours PLOT 10-12, MULWANA ROAD, INDUSTRIAL (646) Association AREA, P. O. Box 40425, Kampala, Uganda. (731) Name of applicant and Address —ALLIANZ SE, (541) Representation of Mark KoniginstraBe 28, Munchen 8082, Germany. (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House Unit 5, 3rd floor, Plot 14 Nakasero Road P.O. Box AMIMZA 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (750) Address for Service— Sipi Law Associates, Jocasa (210) Application No. 2016/55239 in Part “A”. House Unit 5, 3rd floor, Plot 14 Nakasero Road P.O. (220) Date offiling application— 18th March, 2016. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (541) Representation of Mark (510) Nature of Goods/Service—Coffee, tea and sugar. (511) Class: 30 (526) Disclaimer (591) Restriction to Colours uty (646) Association (210) Application No. 2016/55177 in Part “A”. (731) Name of applicant and Address — AMIR HAMZA (T) LTD. PLOT 1, 2 & 3, P. O. Box 617, BUKOBA, (220) Date of filing application— 14th March, 2016. . (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (740) Address for Agent/Representative (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Audit & Accountancy. (750) Address for Service- AMIR HAMZA (T) LTD. PLOT (511) Class: 36 1, 2 & 3, P. O. Box 617, BUKOBA, TANZANIA. (526) Disclaimer: (541) Representation of Mark (591) Restriction to Colours (646) Association (731) Name of applicant and Address—UHY THAKKAR AND ASSOCIATES, CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, P.O. Box 9098, Kampala, Uganda. (740) Address for Agent/Representative (750) Address for Service— UHY THAKKAR AND ASSOCIATES, CERTIFIED PUBLIC (210) Application No. 2016/55080 in Part “A”. ACCOUNTANTS, P.O. Box 9098, Kampala, Uganda. (220) Date of filing application—07th March, 2016. (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (541) Representation of Mark (510) Nature of Goods/Service—Energy briquettes. I IHI /Thakkar & Associates (511) Class: 4 (526) Disclaimer (210) Application No. 2016/55176 in Part “A”. (591) Restriction to Colours (220) Date offiling application— 14th March, 2016. (646) Association (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (731) Name of applicant and Address — LUBAGA CHARCOAL BRIQUETTE CO-OP. SOCIETY, (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Audit & Accountancy. P.O. Box 2731, Kampala, Uganda. (511) Class: 36 24th March | THE UGANDA GAZETTE 311

(526) Disclaimer: Registration of this mark shall give no (731) Name of applicant and Address—WANG WENJ1E, right to the exclusive use of the words “Associated Mukwano Mall Building, Kampala, Uganda. Certified Public Accountants”, except as presented (740) Address for AgentIRepresentative in the application. (750) Address for Service—'NANG WENJIE, Mukwano (591) Restriction to Colours Mall Building, Kampala, Uganda. (646) Association (731) Name of applicant andAddress-UHY THAKKAR AND (541) Representation of Mark ASSOCIATES, CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, P.O. Box 9098, Kampala, Uganda. (740) Address for AgentIRepresentative ©Avvio (750) Address for Service- UHY THAKKAR AND ASSOCIATES, Certified Public Accountants, P.O. (210) Application No. 2015/53652 in Part “A”. Box 9098 Kampala, Uganda. (220) Date of filing application— 21st September, 2015. (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (54 /) Representation of Mark (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Telephones, portable telephones: cellular mobile telephones and related accessories for the foregoing goods; protective cases and covers; telephone apparatus; hands- free kits for telephones; telephone receivers; telephone wires, telephone transmitters; apparatus for recording, cornerstone transmission, reproduction or processing of sound or images. (511) Class: 9 (210) Application No. 2016/55178 in Part “A”. (526) Disclaimer (220) Date offiling application— 14th March, 2016. (591) Restriction to Colours (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (646) Association (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Secretarial services. (131) Name of applicant and Address — Narbitec, LLC, (511) Class: 35 9725 NW 117th Avenue Miami Florida 33178, (526) Disclaimer: Registration of this mark shall give no U.S.A. right to the exclusive use of the words “Registrars” (740) Address for AgentIRepresentative—P.O. Box 4180, and “(U)" and “Limited” except as presented in the Kampala, Uganda. application. (750) Address for Service— Paul Asiimwe, P.O. Box 4180, (591) Restriction to Colours Kampala. Uganda. (646) Association (731) Name of applicant and Address—CORNERSTONE (541) Representation of Mark REGISTRARS (U) LIMITED, P.O. Box 9098 Kampala, Uganda. FEBREZE (740) Address for AgentIRepresentative (210) Application No. 2015/53650 in Part “A”. (750) Address for Service- CORNERSTONE (220) Date offiling application— 21st September, 2015. REGISTRARS (U) LIMITED, P.O. Box 9098 (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim Kampala, Uganda. (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Apparatus and instruments. all for scenting, purifying or refreshening the (541) Representation of Mark atmosphere; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; battery- powered or electric- operated aromatherapy and air cleaner unit and refills to be inserted in these units; free standing, unscented, non­ TOPWEAR substance emitting air deodorization devices and filters Your Drsasting for refrigerators and other small spaces. (511) Class: 11 (210) Application No. 2016/55110 in Part “A”. (526) Disclaimer (220) Date offiling application— 11th March, 2016. (591) Restriction to Colours (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (646) Association (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Clothing, footwear, (731) Name of applicant and Address —THE PROCTER & headgear. GAMBLE COMPANY, ONE PROCTER & GAMBLE PLAZA, CINCINNATI OHIO 45202. (511) Class: 25 U.S.A. (526) Disclaimer— Registration of this mark shall give no (740) Address for AgentIRepresentative— Jocasa House, right to the exclusive use of the word “BETTER”, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box “YOUR”, and “DRESSING” except as 4180. Kampala, Uganda. represented. (750) Address for Service Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa (591) Restriction to Colours House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, (646) Association P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. 312 THE UGANDA GAZETTE |24th March

(541) Representation of Mark (646) Association (731) Name of applicant and Address — RANGOLD RESOURCES LIMITED, UNITY CHAMBERS, FEBREZE 28 HALKETT STREET, ST. HELIER, JERSEY, (210) Application No. 2015/53649 in Part “A”. CHANNEL ISLANDS, JE2 4WJ. (220) Date offiling application— 21st September, 2015. (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim Unit 5,3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Dust absorbing, wetting 4180, Kampala, Uganda. and binding compositions; candies, fragranced or (750) Address for Service Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa scented candles, candles for scenting or perfuming House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, the atmosphere; illuminants, illuminating wax; P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. tapers, night light and wicks. (511) Class: 4 (541) Representation of Mark (526) Disclaimer (591) Restriction to Colours (646) Association TECHNITE (210) Application No. 2015/54002 in Part “A”. (731) Name of applicant and Address —THE PROCTER & (220) Date offiling application— 27th October, 2015. GAMBLE COMPANY, ONE PROCTER & GAMBLE PLAZA, CINCINNATI OHIO 45202, (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim- 2015/19623 20/ 07/2015 U.S.A. (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Installation and repair (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, services of all kinds and descriptions. Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box (511) Class: 37 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (526) Disclaimer: (750) Address for Service Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa (591) Restriction to Colours House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, (646) Association P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (731) Name of applicant and Address — CUMII INTERNATIONAL LIMITED, C/O DTOS Limited. 10th Floor, Raffles Tower, 19 Cybercity, (541) Representation of Mark Ebene, Mauritius. (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, MAESTRO EDGE Unit 5,3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box (210) Application No. 2015/52568 in Part “A”. 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (220) Date of filing application— 27th April, 2015. (750) Address for Service Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Vehicles, including parts, P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. fittings and accessories thereof falling in class 12. (511) Class: 12 (541) Representation of Mark (526) Disclaimer (591) Restriction to Colours (646) Association RANDGOLD (731) Name of applicant and Address — Hero Motorcorp Ltd (210) Application No. 2015/54258 in Part “A”. 34, Community Centre, Basant Lok, Vasant Vihar, (220) Date offiling application— 17th November, 2015. New Dehli- 110057, . (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Mining services including Unit 5,3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box mining extraction services, building and 4180, Kampala. Uganda. construction of prospecting equipment: (750) Address for Service Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa construction, construction engineering; demolition House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, and site clearance, installation, maintenance, repair P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. and servicing of mining equipment and machinery. (511) Class: 37 (541) Representation of Mark (526) Disclaimer: RANDGOLD (591) Restriction to Colours (646) Association (210) Application No. 2015/54257 in Part “A”. (220) Date offiling application— 17th November, 2015. (731) Name of applicant and Address—RANGOLD RESOURCES LIMITED, UNITY CHAMBERS, (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim 28 HALKETT STREET, ST. HELIER, JERSEY, (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Precious metals and their CHANNEL ISLANDS, JE2 4WJ. alloys and goods in precious metals or coated (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, therewith, not included in other classes, including gold, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box silver and platinum; jewellery; precious stones. 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (511) Class: 14 (750) Address for Service Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa (526) Disclaimer: House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, (591) Restriction to Colours P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. 24th March] THE UGANDA GAZETTE 313

(541) Representation of Mark (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Coffe, tea, cocoa, and artificial coffee, rice, tapioca and sago: flour and RANDGOLD preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and (210) Application No. 2015/54259 in Part “A”. confectionery, ices, sugar, honey, treacle, yeast, (220) Date offiling application— 17th November, 2015. baking- powder; salt; mustered; Vinegar, sauces (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (condiments) spices, ice. (510) Nature of Goods/Services—Specialist consultancy, (511) Class: 30 advisory and research services in the field of (526) Disclaimer geophysical exploration and mining; technology (591) Restriction to Colours—The mark claims the colours research and advisory services relating to mining red, white and black. machinery and equipment and geological (646) Association prospecting, specialist minning and prospecting services in this class. (731) Name of applicant and Address — Kentucky Fried Chicken International Holdings, Inc, 1441 Gardiner (511) Class: 42 Lane, Louisville, Kentucky U.S.A. (526) Disclaimer: (740) Address for Agent/Representative—P.O. Box 4180, (591) Restriction to Colours Kampala, Uganda. (646) Association (750) Address for Service— Sipi Law Advocates, P.O. Box (731) Name of applicant and Address—RANGOLD 4180, Kampala, Uganda. RESOURCES LIMITED, UNITY CHAMBERS, 28 HALKETT STREET, ST. HELIER, JERSEY, (541) Representation of Mark CHANNEL ISLANDS, JE2 4WJ. (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, Unit 5,3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (750) Address for Service Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, (210) Application No. 2015/54134 in Part “A”. P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (220) Date offiling application— 10th November, 2015. (541) Representation of Mark (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Containers for food and beverages; heat retaining containers for food; cool boxes; portable active and passive cold boxes. Block is Beautiful (511) Class: 21 (526) Disclaimer (210) Application No. 2015/53953 in Part “A”. (591) Restriction to Colours— This application is restricted (220) Date of filing application— 20th October, 2015. to the colour “BLUE” as represented on the mark. (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (646) Association : (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, (731) Name of applicant and Address — B Medical Systems essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions, dentifrices. S.a.r.I. 17 op der Hei, 9809 Hosingen, Luxembourg. (511) Class: 3 (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, (526) Disclaimer— Applicant disclaims exclusive use of the Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box words “BLACK” and “BEAUTIFUL” separately 4180, Kampala, Uganda. except as represented. (750) Address for Service Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa (591) Restriction to Colours House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, (646) Association P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (731) Name of applicant and Address —MARSAVCO S.A. Avenue Kalemie No.l Communie De La Gombe (541) Representation of Mark Kinshasha, Congo. (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box ZIP COLA (210) Application No. 2014/51541 in Part “A”. 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (220) Date offiling application— 19th December, 2014. (750) Address for Service Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non- alcoholic beverages: (541) Representation of Mark fruit juices and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. (511) Class: 32 (526) Disclaimer

(210) Application No. 2015/53385 in Part “A”. (591) Restriction to Colours (220) Date offiling application— 21st August, 2015. (646) Association 314 THE UGANDA GAZETTE |24th March

(731) Name of applicant and Address — SHOPRITE (646) Association INTERNATIONAL LIMITED, Level 3, Alexander (731) Name of applicant and Address—COMPAGN1E House, 35 Cybercity, Ebene, Mauritius. GERVAIS DANONE 17, Boulevard Haussmann, (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, 75009 Paris, France. Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, 4180, Kampala, Uganda. Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box (750) Address for Service Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa 4180, Kampala, Uganda. House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, (750) Address for Service Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (541) Representation of Mark

(541) Representation of Mark

(210) Application No. 2015/54369 in Part “A”. (220) Date offiling application— 04th June, 2015. (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim-DE30 2015 043 887.1 22/06/2015. (210) Application No. 2016/55111 in Part “B”. (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Alcoholic beverages (220) Date of filing application— 11th March, 2016. (except beers), in particular herbal spirits; pre­ mixed alcoholic beverages. (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (511) Class: 33 (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Advertising; business management; business administration; office (526) Disclaimer functions. (591) Restriction to Colours— The colours white, black, (511) Class: 35 green, orange, brown and gold as reflected are essential and distinctive features of the mark. (526) Disclaimer— Registration of this Mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “PRAY”, (646) Association “SAVE” and “PROSPER” except as represented. (731) Name of applicant and Address — MAST- (591) Restriction to Colours JAGERMEISTER SE, Jagermeisterstrasse 7- 15,38296, Wolfenbuttel, Germany. (646) Association (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, (731) Name of applicant and Address — BARANG1 FAITH Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box HEALERS AND BELIEVERS SAVINGS AND 4180, Kampala, Uganda. CREDIT CO-OP. SOCIETY LTD. (BAFHABS) P.O. BOX 287, MBARARA, 0772687149, (750) Address for Service Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa 0772481117, 0772504504, UGANDA. House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (740) Address for Agent/Representative (750) Address for Service- BARANGI FAITH HEALERS AND BELIEVERS SAVINGS AND CREDIT CO­ (541) Representation of Mark OP. SOCIETY LTD. (BAFHABS) P.O. BOX 287, MBARARA, 0772687149, 0772481117, DANONe 0772504504, UGANDA. Kampala, BAH1Z1 SYLVIA, 14th March, 2016. Registrar of Trademarks. (210) Application No. 2015/54275 in Part “A”. (220) Date offiling application— 18th November, 2015. (541) Representation of Mark (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Milk, milk powder, NOS VIES EN PARTAGE gelled, flavored and whipped milk; milk products, namely, milky desserts, yoghurts, yoghurt drinks, (210) Application No. 2015/54256 in Part “A”. cottage cheese, plain or flavored beverages (220) Date offding application— 17th November, 2015. composed mainly of milk or milk products, milky (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim beverages mainly made of milk, milky beverages comprising fruit, fermented plain or flavored milky (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Investment; real estate; products. leasing; financing; services for and pertaining to all or any of the aforegoing. (511) Class: 29 (511) Class: 36 (526) Disclaimer (526) Disclaimer: (591) Restriction to Colour— The applicant claims the colors “White”, “Red” and “Blue” as distinctive (591) Restriction to Colours features of this mark. (646) Association 24th March | THE UGANDA GAZETTE 315

(731) Name of applicant and Address—NOS VIES EN (541) Representation of Mark PARTAGE, Ogier Foundation Management (Jersey) Limited Ogier House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands JE4 9WG. VAXATO (210) Application No. 2015/53959 in Part “A”. (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box (220) Date offiling application— 20lh October, 2015. 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim-86, 656, 974 09/06/2015 - US. (750) Address for Service Sipi I .aw Advocates, Jocasa House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Pharmaceutical P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. preparations, namely, anti-coagulants. (511) Class: 5 (526) Disclaimer: (541) Representation of Mark (591) Restriction to Colours (646) Association (731) Name of applicant and Address— Liptis Pharmaceuticals NAME IT U.S.A, INC, 110 Red School House Road. Spring (210) Application No. 2015/52194 in Part “A”. Valley, New York, 10977 U.S.A. (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, (220) Date of filing application— 09th March, 2015. Unit 5,3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Clothing, footwear, (750) Address for Service Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa headgear. House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (511) Class: 25 (526) Disclaimer: (541) Representation of Mark (591) Restriction to Colours (646) Association TIMBER (731 )Name of applicant and Address—Akticselskabet Af 21. (210) Application No. 2015/53838 in Part “A”. November 2001, Fredskovvej 5, 7330 Brande, (220) Date offiling application— 07th October, 2015. . (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, (510) Nature of Goods/Services— After - shave, APDO, Unit 5. 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road. P.O. Box Bath Soaps, Body Sprays, Body Wash, Hair Care 4180, Kampala, Uganda. Preparations, Shaving Preparations. (750) Address for Service Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa (511) Class: 3 House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, (526) Disclaimer P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (591) Restriction to Colours (646) Association : (731) Name of applicant and Address — SHULTON, INC, (541) Representation of Mark ONE PROCTER & GAMBLE PLAZA, CINCINNATI, OHIO 45202, U.S.A. (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, PRINORELAX Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box (210) Application No. 2015/53958 in Part “A”. 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (220) Date offiling application— 20th October, 2015. (750) Address for Service Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim— This application claims P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. priority based on USA Application Number No. 86,656,993 dated 9th June, 2015. (541) Representation of Mark (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Pharmaceutical preparations, namely, muscle relaxants. CITRON (511) Class: 5 (210) Application No. 2015/53836 in Part “A”. (526) Disclaimer: (220) Date of filing application— 07th October, 2015. (591) Restriction to Colours (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (646) Association (510) Nature of Goods/Services— After - shave, APDO, (731) Name of applicant and Address— Liptis Bath Soaps, Body Sprays, Body Wash, Hair Care Pharmaceuticals U.S.A, INC. 110 Red School House Preparations, Shaving Preparations. Road, Spring Valley, New York, 10977 U.S.A. (511) Class: 3 (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, (526) Disclaimer Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box (591) Restriction to Colours 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (646) Association (750) Address for Service Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa (731) Name of applicant and Address — SHULTON, INC, House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, ONE PROCTER & GAMBLE PLAZA, P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. CINCINNATI, OHIO 45202, U.S.A. 316 THE UGANDA GAZETTE | 24th March

(740) Address for Agent/Representative—P.O. BOX 4180, canvas traveling sack, luggage, attache - cases, leather Kampala, Uganda. cases, briefcases, pouches, pocket wallets, purses, key­ (750) Address for Service— Sipi Law Advocates, P.O. BOX holders, leather card holders; umbrellas, parasols, 4180, Kampala, Uganda. canes, walking- stick seats. (511) Class: 18 (541) Representation of Mark (526) Disclaimer: (591) Restriction to Colours (646) Association FIJI (731 )Name of applicant and Address—Aktieselskabet Af 21. (210) Application No. 2015/53837 in Part “A”. November 2001, Fredskovvej 5, 7330 Brande, (220) Date offiling application— 07th October, 2015. Denmark. (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, (510) Nature of Goods/Services— After - shave, APDO, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box Bath Soaps, Body Sprays, Body Wash, Hair Care 4180, Kampala, Uganda. Preparations, Shaving Preparations. (750) Address for Service Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa (511) C7ass: 3 House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (526) Disclaimer (591) Restriction to Colours (541) Representation of Mark (646) Association : (731) Name of applicant and Address — SHULTON, INC, ONE PROCTER & GAMBLE PLAZA, SIRI CINCINNATI, OHIO 45202, U.S.A. (210) Application No. 2015/54038 in Part “A”. (740) Address for Agent/Representative—P.O. BOX 4180, (220) Date offiling application— 02nd November, 2015. Kampala, Uganda. (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim-67060 01/05/ 2015 JM (750) Address for Service— Sipi Law Advocates, P.O. BOX (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Horological and 4180, Kampala, Uganda. chronometric instruments; watches; clocks; timepieces; chronographs for use as timepieces; chronometers; watchstraps; watch bands, cases for (541) Representation of Mark watches, clocks and horological and chronometric instruments; parts of watches, clock, and horological and chronometric instruments, jewelry. ARGIETA (511) Class: 14 (210) Application No. 2014/51443 in Part “A”. (526) Disclaimer (220) Date offiling application— 11th December, 2014. (591) Restriction to Colours (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (646) Association (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Human pharmaceutical (731) Name of applicant and Address — APPLE INC, I preparations. Infinite Loop, Cupertino CA 95014 U.S.A. (511) Class: 5 (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, (526) Disclaimer: Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box (591) Restriction to Colours 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (646) Association (750) Address for Service Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, (731) Name of applicant and Address — Johnson & P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. Johnson. One Johnson & Johnson Plaza, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08933- 7001, U. S. A. (541) Representation of Mark (740) Address for Agent/Representative— P.O. BOX 7026 Kampala, Uganda. AT THE HEART OF DEVICES YOU LOVE (750) Address for Service— Hunter & Greig Advocates, P.O. BOX 7026 Kampala, Uganda. (210) Application No. 2015/52847 in Part “A”. (220) Date offiling application— 25th May, 2015. (541) Representation of Mark (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim-86/469162 02/12/ 2014 U.S.A. NAME IT (5 10) Nature of Goods/Services— Integrated circuits, computer hardware and software for processing in wireless (210) Application No. 2015/52193 in Part “A”. communication apparatuses, consumer electronics (220) Date of filing application— 09th March, 2015. devices, portable media devices, mobile gaming (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim devices, computing devices and smart phones. (511) Class: 9 (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Boxes of leather, envelopes of leather for packaging; trunks, valises, traveling (526) Disclaimer— Registration of this mark shall give no bags, traveling sets, garmet bags for travel, vanity­ right to the exclusive use of the phrase "AT THE cases, rucksacks, bags, handbags, beach bags, HEART OF DEVICES YOU LOVE" except as shopping bags, sholder bags, school bags, suit cases, represented. 24th March] THE UGANDA GAZETTE 317

(591) Restriction to Colours (541) Representation of Mark (646) Association (731) Name of applicant and Address — QUALCOMM INCORPORATED, 5775 Morehouse Drive, San RETINA Diego, CA 92121- 1714 U.S.A. (210) Application No. 2015/53409 in Part “A”. (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, (220) Date offiling application— 24th August 2015. Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim-066637 24/02/2015 JM. (750) Address for Service Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Horological and House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, chronometric instruments; watches; clocks; P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. timepieces; chronographs for use as timepieces; chronometers; watchstraps; watch bands, cases for (541) Representation of Mark watches, clocks and horological and chronometric instruments; parts of watches, clock, and AVVIO horological and chronometric instruments, jewelry. (511) Class: 14 (210) Application No. 2015/53651 in Part “A”. (220) Date of filing application— 21st September, 2015. (526) Disclaimer: (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (591) Restriction to Colours (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Telephones, portable (646) Association telephones, cellular mobile telephones and related (731) Name of applicant and Address— APPLE INC, I accessories for the foregoing goods; protective Infinite Loop, Cupertino CA 95014 U.S.A. cases and covers; telephone apparatus; hands- free kits for telephones; telephone recievers; telephone (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, wires; telephone transmitters, apparatus for Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box recording transmission, reproduction or processing 4180, Kampala, Uganda. of sound or images. (750) Address for Service Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa (511) Class: 9 House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (526) Disclaimer (591) Restriction to Colours (541) Representation of Mark (646) Association (731) Name of applicant and Address — Narbitec LLC, 9725 NW 117th Avenue Miami Florida 33178 U.S.A. (740) Address for Agent/Representative—P.O. BOX 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (750) Address for Service— Sipi Law Associates, P.O. BOX B 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (210) Application No. 2015/54133 in Part “A”. (220) Date of filing application— 10th November, 2015. (541) Representation of Mark (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim (510) Nature of Goods/Services— Apparatus for heating, NAME IT ventilating and air conditioning and purification (210) Application No. 2015/52195 in Part “A”. equipment; cool boxes (electric-); portable active (220) Date of filing application— 09th March, 2015. and passive cold boxes (electric-); electric (310) (320) (330) Priority Claim refrigerators; freezers (electric-); lamps; fans; ice (510) Nature of Goods/Services— The bringing together, for machines and apparatus; refrigerators, freezers and the benefit of others, of a variety of goods ultralow freezers. (excluding the transport thereof), enabling (511) Class: 11 customers to conveniently view and purchase those (526) Disclaimer goods through retail stores, wholesale outlets, shops- in- shops or means of electronic media. (591) Restriction to Colours— The mark is limited to the (511) Class: 35 colour “BLUE”. (526) Disclaimer: (646) Association : (591) Restriction to Colours (731) Name of applicant and Address — B Medical Systems (646) Association S.a.r.I. 17 op der Hei, 9809 Hosingen, Luxembourg. (73V)Name of applicant and Address—Aktieselskabet Af 21. (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, November 2001, Fredskovvej 5, 7330 Brande, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box Denmark. 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (740) Address for Agent/Representative— Jocasa House, (750) Address for Service Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, 4180, Kampala, Uganda. P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. (750) Address for Service Sipi Law Advocates, Jocasa House, Unit 5, 3rd Floor, Plot 14, Nakasero Road, Kampala, KALIBBALA NYANJA PHILLIP, P.O. Box 4180, Kampala, Uganda. 27th January, 2016. Registrar of Trademarks. 318 THE UGANDA GAZETTE |24th March ADVERTISEMENTS THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT. (Cap. 230). NOTICE. THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT. ISSUE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. (Cap. 230). Division, Block 255, Plot No. 1024, Land at NOTICE. .

ISSUE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of one Kyadondo Block 229, Plot 1521, Land at Kamuli. month from the publication hereof, I intend to issue in the names of Moses Mayanja, of P.O. Box 24756, Kampala, a Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of one Special Certificate, the Title which was originally issued month from the publication hereof, 1 intend to issue in the having been lost. names of Kayongo Charles, Kayiwa Richard and Buuka William, all of P.O. Box 31102, a Special Certificate, the Kampala, MOSES SSEKITTO, Title which was originally issued having been lost. 14th March, 2016. for Commissioner of Land Registration. Kampala, CHRISTINE KATWESIGE, 10th March, 2016. for Commissioner of Land Registration. THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT. (Cap. 230). THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT. NOTICE. (Cap. 230). ISSUE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. NOTICE. Division, Block 215, Plot No. 1154, Land at ISSUE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. . Kyadondo Block 153, Plot No. 19, Land at Muzaale Luunga. Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of one month from the publication hereof, I intend to issue in the Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of one names of Tibakwira Florence, of P.O. Box 12884, Kampala, month from the publication hereof, I intend to issue in the a Special Certificate, the Title which was originally issued names of Sebagala Erisa, of Bukalabi, Muzaale, Kyadondo, having been lost. a Special Certificate of Title which was originally issued having been lost. Kampala, MOSES SSEKITTO, 29th February, 2016. for Commissioner of Land Registration. Kampala, EMMANUEL BAMWIITE, 17th March, 2016. for Commissioner of Land Registration.

THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT. THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT. (Cap. 230). (Cap. 230). NOTICE. NOTICE. ISSUE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. ISSUE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. , Block 20, Plot No. 75, Land at . , Block 217, Plot No. 156, Land at Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of one Kiwatule. month from the publication hereof, I intend to issue in the Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of one names of Yvonne Nabawesi Kigundu, of P.O. Box 5526, month from the publication hereof, I intend to issue in the Kampala, a Special Certificate, the Title which was names of Jennifer Jael Mukolwe, of P.O. Box Kampala, a originally issued having been lost. Special Certificate, the Title which was originally issued Kampala, YUSUF KAKEREWE, having been lost. 4th March, 2016. for Commissioner of Land Registration. Kampala, KABIRA AISHA, 17th March, 2016. for Commissioner of Land Registration. . — THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT. THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT. (Cap. 230). (Cap. 230). NOTICE. NOTICE. ISSUE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. ISSUE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. Busiro Block 143, Plot No. 12, Land at Lube. Busiro Block 367, Plot No. 32, Land at Mpongo.

Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of one Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of one month from the publication hereof, I intend to issue in the month from the publication hereof, I intend to issue in the names of Manulino Kateregga, of P.O. Box Kakiri Mut. II, a names of Samusoni Sebuliba, of P.O. Box Mpogo, a Special Special Certificate, the Title which was originally issued Certificate, the Title which was originally issued having having been lost. been lost.

Kampala, EMMANUEL BAMWIITE, Kampala, DDAMULIRA AHMED, 18th March, 2016. for Commissioner of Land Registration. 18th March, 2016. for Commissioner of Land Registration. Printed and Published by Uganda Printing and Publishing Corporation, P.O. Box 33, Entebbe, Uganda.