The Daily Register Honmoiitli « OIIIIIY'S Great Homo Newspaper VOL.104 NO. 66 SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1981 20 CENTS Congress may seek larger defense cuts (AP) - Despite President 1984. reduced by this amount without setting us back Reagan's request that the defense budget no After returning to the White House yesterday militarily," Reagan said. longer be treated like a "poor relative," there from Camp David, Md., Reagan said that However, Domenici said the Pentagon still are indications that Congress may want to cut domestic spending in fiscal year 1982 would be has not made its case for large increases, adding defense spending by more than double the $13 cut "something like" $9 billion to $14 billion. that the even proposed reductions would make it billion, three-year package proposed by the ad- Asked whether he let the Defense Depart- difficult to reach Reagan's goal of a balanced ministration. ment off the hook, Reagan replied, "No, not budget in 1984. "I feel that the overall cuts, in defense really." "I believe the cuts will make it very difficult should be more in the neighborhood of $30 "The 2 ($2 billion cut from the 1982 pro- to get where we have to go," Domencic said. billion," said Sen. Pete V. Domenici, R-N.M., posal), I think, is all that could be asked when "And I further believe that a majority of my chairman of the Senate Budget Committee. you stop to think that domestically, we're cut- committee and a majority of the Congress are Senate Democratic Whip Alan Cranston of ting a budget that has been overgrown — just looking for larger cuts than that." California said yesterday that the president's extravagant spending — over the years while Domenici was interviewed on CBS' "Face proposals for defense spending earlier this year over those same years defense has been the poor the Nation." Cranston made his comments on "were excessive and therefore I don't think that relative in the act," Reagan said. ABC's "Issues and Answers." the rather modest reductions now proposed are "We have not been keeping pace as we Reagan is tentatively scheduled to meet with going to be very significant." should," he said. his Cabinet tomorrow or Wednesday to discuss Reagan decided Saturday to reduce the de- Budget director David A. Stockman re- his decisions for additional cuts in domestic fense budget by $2 billion next year, $5 billion in portedly sought defense cuts of $30 billion over programs. 1983 and $6 billion in 1984 the three years, while Defense Secretary Caspar The Congressional Budget Office has said The size of the Pentagon spending reduction W. Weinberger held out for no cuts. Under additional savings of $35 billion for 1983 and $50 was the key element on which hinged other cuts Reagan's new plan, defense spending over the billion for 1984 will be necessary to achieve a Heagan will propose as he tries to keep the 1982 three years would be $639.3 billion. balanced budget by 1984. budget deficit close to his target of $42.5 billion "There was complete agreement between Congressional leaders have said it would be and keep alive chances of a balanced budget by the three of us ... that these outlays could be See Congress, page 5 Dennis running for council LONG BRANCH - James W. Dennis, the Other points Dennis plans to stress in his city's public advocate, announced yesterday he campaign are the "responsible manner" in will run for election to the City Council in which the mayor approached the city budget, Rnlil" riwtok) J«m«i J. CMIIMMV November's special election. Cioffi's new "self-insurance" program for the PARADE PASSES BY — Eric Foster, 8, of Freehold, has cool spot in shade to view Dennis said he plans to run on a platform city, the mayor's commitment to garbage col- lengthy parade along Freehold's Main Street, which was part of celebration of 40 supporting Mayor Henry R. Cioffi, the man who lection by city employees, and the mayor's years of service by the Freehold First Aid and Emergency Squad. appointed Dennis public advocate. Cioffi has support for the public library, all of which have clashed with the present councilmen almost drawn fire from members of the council. from the time they were elected three-and-a- Muscillo last night noted that he and Dennis half years ago. do not disagree on many of the issues listed Only one person besides Dennis has taken out above. For example, Muscillo said he supports 40-year salute given a nominating petition for the upcoming election: the construction of a garbage transfer station, Councilman Anthony J. Muscillo, the man re- although perhaps not so elaborate as the one cently appointed to fill the unexpired term of favored by the administration, and he opposes ousted Councilman Richard G. Traversa. The turning city garbage collections over to outside to Freehold aiders deadline for filing petitions is less than two contractors. weeks away. The one issue that Muscillo clearly disagrees By ROB REINALDA the participating units by members of the Dennis, a former councilman and unsuc- with Dennis, the councilman said, is Seven Pres- Parade Judges Association of New Jersey. cessful candidate for mayor, announced last idents Park. "I don't see how we can afford to FREEHOLD - Some 2,000 marching feet Matawan First Aid Squad received top month that he might seek election this fall, but lose any more ratables," Muscillo said, adding kept in step to blaring trumpets and pounding honors as the Best Overall unit. Matawan not if Cioffi advanced another candidate. Cioffi that grant monies sought by the county to de- drums to help the Freehold First Aid and also was awarded the top trophies for Best since has indicated that he does not intend to velop the park could just as easily be sought by Emergency Squad celebrate 40 years of ser- First Aid Squad Without Music and Best enter a candidate in the council race, at least not the city. vice First Aid Auxiliary. yet. According to Muscillo, the "real issues" will JAMES W. DENNIS More than 75 first aid squads, fire com- Also among the top winners was Dennis said his campaign will focus on his come out in the mayoral and council campaigns panies and ladies' auxiliaries were on hand Marlboro, which received the Best Appear- support for such Cioffi positions as turning Sev- next year, not this fall. mayor's proposals. for the festivities, joining with approximate- ing Fire Auxiliary and Best Appearing Fire en Presidents Park over to the county and Dennis feels it is important for Cioffi to have For all this support, however, Cioffi has not ly 2,500 borough residents and visitors in Company with Music. Marlboro's 1928 building a garbage transfer station. The council some vocal support on the council, not only to backed Dennis publicly yet. Late last month the lazing in the grass, eating hamburgers and pumper was selected as the Best Appearing majority opposes the mayor on both these is- help push through Cioffi programs and in- mayor said he did not want to support or oppose hot dogs and, sources say, having a beer or Antique Fire Apparatus. sues. itiatives, but also to inform the public of the See Dennis, page i two. Freehold High School was voted the Best All 500 commemorative pewter mugs Appearing High School Band by the judges, were sold within the first hour, and the bulk while the Friendly Sons of the Shillelagh. Old of 1,444 commemorative glasses also found Bridge, was named Best Appearing Band. homes with visitors to the celebration at The Long Island Sunrisers took home the Long Branch boy, 11, drowns Freehold Raceway, following the parade. Best Appearing Drum and Bugle Corps trophy. More than 100 caps bearing the First By LARRY HAAS Cote also received help at the scene by the sistance, Cote and about 10 persons at the scene Aid Squad logo also were sold. Fire and first aid units from Burlington U.S. Coast Guard, which answered a police call began to Search for the body. Meanwhile, a First aid and rescue squads, fire com- copped trophies for Best Appearing Fire LONG BRANCH - An 11-year-old city boy for aid with a helicopter and a cutter, and by police back-up unit went to Grant's house, where panies and ladies auxiliaries from as far as Company Without Music, Best Appearing drowned yesterday afternoon while swimming about 10 adults in the area who searched the the boy's uncle said Grant had not returned Cape May paraded their equipment down Fire Pumper and Best Appearing Aerial Ap- in the unguarded Atlantic Ocean off Seven Pres- water for the body, police said. home, police said. Main Street and to the race track grounds. paratus, and (for the same piece) Newest idents Park, which has been closed for the According to police, Grant had been swim- Fire Apparatus in the parade. Cote "saw a leg come up in the air during a Harry Carter, publicity chairman for the season since last week, police reported. ming off Seven Presidents Park with a group of wave," Beaver said. "He swam, to it and Anniversary Committee of the First Aid Burlington showed off their new prize — Alfredo Grant of Baker Place was pro- about 10 friends when one of them, a young girl, grabbed it." Squad, said that the event "turned out real the aerial truck, not the trophy — by raising nounced dead at Monmouth Medical Center be- noticed she was having trouble swimming to well." He cited the hot, clear weather as a members of the Neptune Unexcelled Fire tween 3 30 and 3 45 p.m., police said. shore because of a strong undertow. Upon reach- By the time the patrolman carried Grant to booster for the large crowd. Company nearly 100 feet off the ground! Patrolman Wally Cote reportedly had ing the sand shortly after 2:45 p.m., she flagged the shore, "there was no sign of life," Beaver "The people have all had a good time, rescued Grant from the water at about 3:20 p.m. down Cote, told him about the undertow and said said. Carter said. Nearby, Freehold Township Independent after the officer, on car patrol in the area, was she remembered Grant struggling behind her in Police said the uncle later identified the Country music provided by Lew Wright Fire Company 1, scraped the sky, as did flagged down by a young girl. The boy appeared the water. boy's body at the hospital. Police said they did and the Country Melody Men helped set the Howell Township Fire Company 1, which lifeless, police said, and was transported im- "When he (Cote) got down there, the kid not know the uncle's name. mood of a country-western hoe-down. sprayed water lightly down on children seek- mediately -by the city First Aid Squad to the was not in sight," said Patrolman George ing a break from the heat. Lt. Robert Sartor said the beach, closed and Thirty trophies were awarded to many of hospital, where doctors tried life-saving techni- Beaver. without lifeguards since the end of the Labor ques to no avail. After calling police headquarters for as- Day weekend, is fenced in and he added that police did not know how Grant or his friends got on the sand. He said that swimming on an unprotected Fiesta Hispana 1981 beach is a crime and could result in a summons for offenders, but he did not anticipate that happening in this case. Police said it was not yet known whether an draws 3,000 to city investigation of the incident would continue. LONG BRANCH - Blessed with perfect Firemen's Field may have caused a drop in weather, the Fiesta Hispana 1981 brought a attendance, because the fraternity had less time small patch of the city to vibrant life yesterday to advertise the event. The fiesta organizers The Inside Storv afternoon, as hundreds of exuberant people first tried to secure Seven Presidents Park, gathered to eat, drink, chatter and dance on Luna said. But after several weeks of shuffling Firemen's Field, Ocean and West End avenues. between the city, which controlled the park this THE WEATHER The fiesta's many attractions, ranging from summer, and the county, which now operates a children's beauty contest to a softball tour- the park, the fraternity wound up with Partly sunny today with highs near 80. nament, drew into the city a largely Hispanic Firemen's Field. Complete report, page 3. crowd of roughly 3,000, including families from One advantage to having Firemen's Field, U.S. Open , • as far away as Pennsylvania and Connecticut. however, was that it allowed the fraternity to Giants win, Jets lose I Officials of the Spanish Fraternityof Mon- sell beer. Luna said the fraternity hopes to use Weddings M mouth County, the event's host, said the day's whatever money it makes from the fiesta con- Ann Landers 16 festivities went smoothly, thanks to good or- cessions to fund community projects such as a ganization. The coordinator of the event added proposed drug addiction program or the ^—tftat another fiesta may be staged later this year fraternity's Little League team. A number of public officials were on hand for Advice IS DAILY REGISTER "for the whole (local) community." Arts 13 PHONE NUMBERS Spread out over Firemen's Field were booths the fiesta, including Harry Larrison Jr., direc- tor of the Board of Chosen Freeholders, Free- Births 18 selling such traditional Puerto Rican foods as Builneis 7 Main Office S42-4IM bacalaitos and pastales, and less traditional holder Allan MacDonald, and Monmouth County Sheriff William Lanzaro. Also attending was Classified 16 Toll Free (71-UN Puerto Rican foods such as hamburgers and hot Comics 19 Toll Free SM-81M dogs. Between the food and souvenirs one could Carmen Torrez, the new coordinator of bilingual education in the city schools. Editorials • Classified Dept SU-17M also find a variety of games of chance, ranging Lifestyle 14 Circulation Dept.... M2-4M* from craps to shell games to cards. Musical entertainment was provided throughout the afternoon by three bands special- Make A Date SportlDept S42-4M4 Luis Navarro, coordinator of Fiesta Hispana Rttllter plwto bv Larry Ptriw Movies 13 MkkOetown Bureau.. 171-ttM 1981, estimated that this year's crowd was about izing in Latino or "folkloric" music of Puerto Rico: the Orquesta Cultural from Perth Amboy, MUSIC LOVERS — Eddie Sosa of Long Branch and Nilsa Hernandez of Asbury Park turn Obituaries 4 Freehold Bureau... 431-Z1K the same as last year's, when the event was held a few steps while the crowd listens to Latino music at yesterday's Fiesta Hispana 1981, Sports 9 Long Branch Bureau. ZZz-MlO at Seven Presidents Park. San Miguel "77 from Newark, and Conjunto los Amigos from Eatontown. staged at Firemen's Field In Long Branch. Perfect weather and large crowds marked the Television 13 State Bureau... (M-ZK-S3S8 However, Luis G. Luna, treasurer of the 15th annual fiesta, sponsored by the Spanish Fraternity of Monmouth County. fiesta, felt the late decisionJtrfmove the fiesta to See Fie§ ta, page S 2 The Daily Register ,n\it\J_Jjll RY. N J MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. 19B1 4 TION Miss America: Very down-to-earth' ATLANTIC CITY (APi - The woman and I don't believe ratification is necessary. By Tte AsMcUlfd Press who whooped out a long and loud Arkansas When asked whether she ivllt'd Razorback cheer after she was crowned the boyfriend after she was crowned, she new Miss America said she is just a "very hesiit.iicil. smiled and then said: "That's down-to-earth " person kind of personal I'm Miss'America, and 3 Navy crewmen missing at sea that's what I m going to do this year.'' People often have a "pre-conceived no- NORFOLK, Va — Three men were missing and presumed tion of what a Miss Arkansas or a Miss Miss Ward said she couldn't remember dead after a SH-3 Sea King helicopter with six men aboard America is like They're surprised to find out crashed 360 miles east of the Virginia coast yesterday, the the last time she was angry and said what I'm a real person.' Elizabeth Ward, 20, said upsets her is seeing people being taken ad- Navy said. yesterday. Three of the crewmen were rescued about 25 minutes after vantage of. the crash, and were reported in stable condition "I'm just extremely happy and I enjoy life as much as I can," she said. Her mother, Patricia Hampe, put it this Cmdr. Jim Lois, spokesman for the U.S. Atlantic Fleet way: "She s sweet. She's honest. You've got Naval Air Force, said no distress message was received from She said her hometown of Russellville. the most interesting, beautiful and talented the helicopter prior to the crash and that no one observed the Ark . a town of 13,000 people where poultry is Miss America you'll ever^come across." impact the main industry, was staging parties and The helicopter, attached to Naval Helicopter Anti-Sub- celebrations in her honor. She said her one-year reign as the "repre- marine Warfare Squadron 3 based in Mayport, Fla., was sentative of the young women of America" flying a routine mission off the aircraft carrier Forrestal, Backstage minutes after she won the title, would help her future career as a corporate which is returning to its home port in Mayport after a seven- Miss Ward vented her joy by shouting: lawyer. The $20,000 scholarship she won will month Mediterranean deployment. 1' Wooooo-pig-sooiee!'' fund her studies at Arkansas Tech, where she A search was begun by other aircraft after the helicopter • I hope I can always do that," she con- is a iiini.ii in accounting was reported overdue, Lois said. fessed later. She is guaranteed at least $50,000 in book- Lois said a helicopter crew pulled the survivors from the But she became quite sophisticated in her ocean, and returned them to the Forrestal. ings as the 55th Miss America. Her predeces- refusal to talk about her personal life or stir sor, Susan Powell, 22, of Elk City, Okla., Two of the survivors were being treated aboard the up controversy. carrier. earned about $83,000 in appearance fees last The third was flown to the Norfolk Naval Air Station, then Gracefully dodging questions on her opin- year ions or habits, she said: "I don't want (o say transferred to the Portsmouth Naval Hospital, where he was After appearing at the dedication of a listed in fair condition last night. Lois said he had swallowed anything controversial that might embarrass sea water and possibly some aviation fuel. someone. I'm not saying I have any opinions shopping center in Atlantic City, Miss Ward that are controversial.'' headed for her first visit to New York City, The names of the missing and injured were withheld until where she was scheduled to appear on the relatives could be notified. She did say, however, that she supported "Today" show this morning. President Reagan's economic polices and thought the nomination of Sandra Day Miss Ward won a swimsuit award in pre- Watt greeted by 230 protesters O'Connor to the U.S. Supreme Court was liminary competition Thursday night and for ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - Interior Secretary James G. "great." her talent performance gave a sultry rendi- tion of the 1920s ballad "After You've Gone." Watt was greeted yesterday by some 250 protesters organized She also said she doesn't think the Equal by the Sierra Club as he arrived as part of his 21-day Western Rights Amendment is needed. Miss Ward is the second Miss Arkansas to tour. become Miss America. The other was Donna The protesters had rallied at an Albuquerque park before 1 c^ 1 Axum, 39, who hosts a television talk show in MISS AND MOM — Elizabeth Ward, the newly crowned Miss America, is pictured marching about I '* miles to the Albuquerque International \"Isupport equal rights," she said. "But Little Rock. with her mother, Patricia Hampe, in Atlantic City yesterday. Airport, where Watt, a native of Wyoming, arrived sporting I believe the Constitution protects my rights Western-style clothes. The purpose of the rally was "to show Watt that West- erners are concerned about his policies, too," said Ron Grotbeck, the Sierra Club's Albuquerque conservation coordi- Haig reveals chemical warfare evidence nator. "We took great offense that Watt said Eastern environ- BONN, West Germany (AP) - The U.S. Although Haig did not say specifically Haig said more detailed information on "That is a source of strength and health mentalists were the only ones giving him a hard time. This is government has evidence for the first time that the Soviet Union was responsible, the the alleged use of chemical weapons in South- for democracies," he declared. "But when it our time to show him that we, too, are concerned," Grotbeck that lethal chemical weapons have been used Soviet news agency Tass accused him of east Asia would be released in Washington paralyzes essential efforts to defend free- said. in Southeast Asia, says Secretary of State "unfounded and false assertions ... to divert today. dom as it did in the 1930s, not only freedom Protestors carried signs with slogans such as "Watt Alexander M. Haig Jr. the attention of the world public from the Taking note of a demonstration against but peace,too, is endangered ' Burns Me Up," "Let's Get Rid of Watts His Name, ' and Haig, in a televised speech in West Berlin real threat, which is brought by the U.S. his visit by an estimated 30,000 West Her Haig said the Reagan administration is "Dump Watt." yesterday, said there have been "continuing militarist policy as well as the preparation, liners, the secretary asked why they were not serious about arms control negotiations with Watt 43, told reporters there are "really very few" who reports" that such weapons have been used started by Washington, for a chemical war." demonstrating against the Soviet occupation the Soviet Union and would welcome the oppose him. by the Soviets and their allies in Laos, Cam- Other U.S. officials who didn't want to be of Afghanistan, the Vietnamese occupation of reduction of armaments on both sides. "We had tremendous support from the governors con- bodia and Afghanistan. identified said one of the chemicals is Cambodia and Libya's occupation of Chad. "But the hopes for such reductions will ference and we have great Congressional support," he said. "We now have physical evidence from , trichothecene toxin, known as T-2, which I detect a growing double standard in be doomed if our people succumb to a double Southeast Asia which has been analzyed and they said occurs naturally in grain molds the West toward appropriate norms of in- standard that falsely blames the troubled found to contain abnormally high levels of common in the Soviet Union. ternational behavior," Haig said. state of the world not on aggression but on Nuclear protest draws 3,000 three potent mycotoxins - poisonous sub- Time magazine recently reported that "One is a super-critical standard applied the effort to defend against it," he said. stances not indigenous to the region which people in Afghanistan, Laos and Cambodia to those who cherish diversity, tolerate dis- "... It is Soviet tanks, not NATO's de- SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. - A tent city of protesters are highly toxic to man and animals," he have reported a "yellow rain" that caused a sent and seek peaceful change. Another is a fenses against those tanks that threaten the outside the gates of the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant grew to continued. burning sensation, convulsions and massive more tolerant standard applied to those who peace of Europe. It is the rapid expansion of 3.000 people yesterday, awaiting word from the Abalone He said the use of these toxins, which are internal bleeding resulting in death. The U.S. abhor diversity, suppress dissent and pro- Soviet nuclear weaponry in the European Alliance on when to begin a blockade. chemicals produced through biological government is understood to believe that T-2 mote violent change." theater that has forced NATO to respond." At a nearby military base, 500 National Guardsmen pre- means, is prohibited by the 1925 Geneva may account for this, and Time said evidence He said "our openness, our free press, Haig. during his brief visit to Berlin, did pared to back up hundreds of state troopers and local police in Protocol and that their manufacture is for- of T-2 has been found in soil samples from our democratic institutions ' subjected the not see the anti-American demonstrators be- the event of a disturbance. bidden by the 1975 Biological Weapons Con- Cambodia that have been analyzed in the democracies to a "relentless criticism" that cause armed police kept them several blocks The Abalone Alliance, an umbrella group for about 58 vention. United States. their adversaries do not experience away. smaller anti-nuclear organizations, has been planning for two years to protest the start of nuclear operations at the $2.3 million plant, citing both the nearness of an offshore earth- quake fault and general opposition to the use of nuclear power. Stakes high Confirmation The group, which drew 30,000 people to a rally in 1979, has announced it will blockade the plant by land and sea in a symbolic effort to prevent the scheduled loading of nuclear when Treasury for O'Connor fuel into the reactor to test the facility. However, the fuel is already on the site and protesters concede the likelihood of actually stopping the plant operation goes to auction seen this week is slim Alliance leaders yesterday said they were still trying to By LOUISE COOK. WASHINGTON (AP) - From her first reach a concensus on when to begin the blockade. Associated Press Writer moment in the congressional spotlight to her final day of testimony, Sandra Day O'Connor Going, going, gone! quickly disarmed her conservative opposition —People- The investments of millions of Americans and set the stage for this week's Senate vote .ne linked to regular auctions in Washington, on her Supreme Court nomination LONDON I AT i DC. — auctions at which the government As a result. Mrs. O'Connor, chosen by Buckingham Palace has sells billions of dollars in short-term Treas- President Keagan to become the first woman refused comment on a ury bills to the highest bidders. on the high court, is likely to be confirmed newspaper report thai There is no gavel-wielding auctioneer, no with barely a ripple of opposition Princess Anne. 31-year- pushing or shoving for recognition. But the Admittedly, a strong feeling in Congress old daughter of Queen stakes are high and the impact is widespread. that it is time to end 191 years of all-male Elizabeth II. is having The interest rate on six-month domination ot the high court is giving Mrs. marital problems with certificates of deposit issued by banks and O'Connor's nomination an added boost. her husband, t'apt. Mark thrift institutions, for example, is based on Support for the nomination also has Phillips. the interest rate for six-month Treasury crossed party lines A palace spokesman Bills "I have finally found an issue on which I who asked not to be iden- The interest on the "All Savers ran agree with Sen (Harry i Goldwater," tified said in London late Certificates." available starting Oct. 1. will s.uci Sen Edward M Kennedy, D-Mass., a Saturday I do nut wish be equal to 70 percent of the rate on one-year member oj the Judiciary Committee. Gold to comment on any of it." Treasury bills. water. R-Ariz . is an avid supporter of Mrs The Australian news- Kven the interest on money-market funds AP photo O'Connor, an Arizona appeals court judge. paper tycoon Rupert is tied to the Treasury bills, since many of HILL STREET HEROES— Daniel Travanti and Barbara Babcock, both from A vote is scheduled tomorrow In the Sen- Murdoch's Sydney Sun- the lunds invest heavily in government secur- "Hill Street Blues," display Emmysat33rd presentation last night. ate Judiciary Committee with confirmation day Telegraph, quoted ities in the full Senate likely the next day unidentified royal When the government sells Treasury Congress also was expected this week to sources who said rumors bills, it is borrowing money. Like any other A record eight Emmys receive President Reagan's latest rounds of were spreading that the borrower, it wants to pay an little as possible. budget cuts, including a proposal to cut $13 eight-year marriage was Princess Anne The buyers of Treasury bills are the lenders. 9 billion from the defense budget. ' "heading lor the rocks." And. like other lenders, they want to get as The Senate planned to vote on a new The paper said rumors The event will be held much interest and make as much money as at the Los Angeles Music for 'Hill Street Blues attempt to break a liberal-led filibuster were that the queen hat they can The auctions get the borrower and against a ban on school busing, while the spoken with the couple Center It will come the the lenders together. night after the end of LOS ANGELES (APi - "Hill Street writers Michael Kozoll and Steven Bochco. House was scheduled to consider legislation about their alleged dif- Treasury bills are short-term invest- Blues, " the NBC police station drama in and for cinematography and sound editing. that would increase military pay scales. ficulties. It said Phillips Miss Taylor's six-week ments, with terms of up to one year You buy run ;jt the same theater serious ratings trouble, scored a record "Playing for Time," the CBS concen- The strongest challenges to Mrs was taking a private trip them at a discount and get the face value of eight Emmys last night, including best O'Connor's nomination came almost ex- to Australia next month complex in Lillian tration camp drama which arroused con- the bill at maturity. Treasury bills with a drama series and top performers, at the troversy because of the casting of Vanessa clusively from the increasingly-powerful or- to "think things over Hellman's drama "The maturity of three months or six months are Little Foxes 33rd Television Academy awards. Redgrave, won the Emmy for dramatic ganizations — including the fundamentalist »The Australian story auctioned every Monday. One-year Treasury special. Miss Redgrave won as lead ac- Moral Majority — that favor reversal of the The production ar- bills are auctioned every fourth Thursday. An Taxi. " ABC's raucous picture of life said the queen is be- inside a Manhattan cabbie station, col- tress in a special and Jane Alexander as 1!<7:I Supreme Court decision that legalized lieved to be particularly rives Sept 25 at the Mu- arm of the Treasury Department known as abortions sic Center's Ahmanson lected six Emmys, including best comedy supporting actress in the production. upset by one (report I the financing group decides on the value of And it was their supporters on the com- Theater Miss Taylor won the Treasury bills which will be sold at each series and best lead actor. Judd Hirsch. "Lily: Sold Out," starring comedian claiming a close icl.i NBC, which has lingered long in the No. Lily Tomlin, collected the Emmy as out- mittee who tried hardest to break Mrs. tionship between her son- praise lor her per- auction. lormance in her stage de- 3 ratings position, collected the most Em- standing variety, music or comedy pro- O'Connor's sustained, if polite,. refusal to in-law and a TV person- An investor can buy Treasury bills mys - 20. CBS, which broadcast the three- gram. indicate how she might rule on any issue to ality." but on Broadway through a commercial bank, a securities hour Gmmycast, collected 18, ABC re- "Shogun," NBC's super production of come before court, especially abortion. dealer, a broker or through the nearest Fed- ceived 12, PBS got eight, and one Emmy James Clavell's novel, was selected out- "Our questioning must be tough, and LOS ANGELES (APi TOKYO (AP) - U.S. eral Reserve Bank or branch. The minimum was presented to a syndicated show — standing limited series. direct," said Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, — The nation's first lady Supreme Court Chief Jus- denomination is $10,000, with additional in- "The Muppet Show With Carol Burnett" Isabel Sanford, the matriarch of CBS's as the hearings began Wednesday. has agreed to serve as vestments in increments of $5,000. Banks, for writing. "The Jeffersons," was a popular winner tice Warren K. Burger Such .organizations as the Right-to Life honorary chairman of a arrived here yesterday brokers, and securities dealers may charge For '^Hill Street Blues" it was a as lead actress in a comedy series. She service fees. There is no commission if you hopeful sign-that (he overwhelming Emmy was caught back stage having a snack and Committee say legalized abortion signals the tribute to one of the film alter completing a 10-day breakdown of family life in America. world's longtime leading visit to China. buy the certificate through the Federal Re- triumph would attract viewers, who have came hurredly to the podium to murmur. serve Bank. The interest on Treasury bills is ladies: Elizabeth Taylor. During his three days been scarce despite splendid reviews. The "At Last!." She added to the delight of the So, even before answering questions, Mrs. Nancy Reagan will be subject to federal tax, but is exempt from eight Emmys were a record for a series, audience, "I have a piece of cheese in my O'Connor proudly introduced her own in Tokyo. Burger will state and local taxes. honorary head of a Nov. 8 meet Takaaki Hattori, the previous winner being "The Julie An- mouth .... I waited so long (for this award) "close" family: John, her husband of 29 tribute by the Los Angel- chief justice of Japan's You can submit either a competitive or drews Hour" of 1972-73. all my humility is gone." years, and three sons - two in law school and es International Film Ex- highest court, and will non-competitive bid. If you submit a com- "Hill Street Blues" racked up early Anthony Hopkins won as lead actor in a the third in business. position, a gala benefit participate in a dis- petitive bid. you must state the price you are awards and kept rolling to the ceremony's limited series or special for his portrayal Then, reading from a vow she wrote to use called "An Evening With cussion program with bidding per $100. You might, for example, climax. Besides best drama series, it Of Adolph Hitler in "The Bunker." in marriage ceremonies, Mrs. O'Connor ex- Elizabeth Taylor," direc- Japanese lawyers, judges offer a bid of $99,555 per $100 for a three- scored for stars Barbara Babcock and Eileen Brennan, the martinet Capt. pressed her belief that marriage "is the tor Gary Essert has an^ and legal scholars, the month Treasury bill. That means you are Daniel J. fravanti, supporting actor Lewis of CBS's "Private Benjamin," won foundation of the family, it is mankind's nounced U.S. Embassy said. willing to pay $9,955.50 for a $10,000 Treasury Michael Conrad, director Robert Butler, the Emmy for supporting actress basic unity of society, the hope of the world bill. and the strength of our country." SHREWSBURY, N.j. , MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14,1981 The Daily Register

By Refiner Stale Houie Bureau Ml Toe Aiuclaled Preli Howard bill would place restrictions State shelves reuervnir pl«n NEWARK — Unfavorable geological conditions and rising costs have led the state to abandon plans to build a new on foreign tuna fishing off U.S. coast reservoir in Hacketutown, officials said. By SKIP WOLLENBERG The Japanese fishermen typically set out The state will consider alternate proposals, Including the economic stake in maintaining the tuna ex- baited longlines which trail as much as 60 emption. controversial Tocks Island Dam project, to augment the miles behind the foreign boats. There have Delaware River's water supply during dought conditions. WASHINGTON (AP) - New Jersey fish- The federal government Insures Ameri- erman Melvyn Siegel says his boats became been reports that the longlines have damaged can fishermen who are arrested for violating "As a result of the subsurface conditions (at the Hacket- entangled in fishing nets trailing behind for- the equipment and gear of local fishermen as a fishing regulation which is not in force in tstown site), the cost of the project would be much more than eign tuna vessels so often that he gave up on well as depleting the supply of fish. American waters, he said. If the United we anticipated," said William Whlpple, an administrator (or American coastal waters. States regulated tuna fishing in the 200-mile the state Division of Water Resources. "All kinds of valuable recreational fish, "It became an everyday occurrence. We including marlin and swordfish, are getting zone off its coast, American fishermen would Although the state originally estimated the cost at about pulled-our boats out about a month ago and hooked on the 60-mile Japanese lines," How- not be protected if arrested for tuna fishing in »66 million, Whlpple said the construction cost would be sent them up to the Newfoundland coast," ard said. "It is affecting not only our tuna a similarly-protected area off a foreign considerably higher. the 40-year-old Margate, N.J., fishing industry, but all who fish between 20 coast. The 1,720-acre reservoir would have covered portions of swordflsherman said. and 200 miles offshore." Despite the political clout held by the Morris, Warren and Sussex counties and would have stored a But while he may have found a more But he said the Japanese "are not the West Coast fishermen and the opposition of supply of fresh water which could have been released down congenial fishing spot, Siegel thinks some- sole villains." the State Department, Taylor said he is the Musconetcong River into the Delaware during a drought thing should be done to help those who want hopeful the tuna exemption will be lifted. He emergency, he said. "The present loophole will allow other to fish closer to home. nations to become active in our waters," he points to his committee, created about six The state Department of Environmental Protection will He supports legislation introduced last said. months ago, as one indication of change. begin a two-phase study to examine the Delaware River's week in the House to give the Department of There have been periodic efforts over the "There has been no organized attempt to problems, outline possible solutions and conduct an in-depth Commerce authority to regulate tuna fishing past five years to delete the tuna fishing address this before," he said. "This time, feasibility study of the most promising project to augment the within 200 miles of the U.S. coast. exemption, but none have gotten beyond the we'll be facing it head-on." . river's water supply. The chief sponsor of the legislation is subcommittee stage. The fight has pitted Rep. James Howard, D-N.J. Two other New East Coast against West Coast with the State Jeffrey Bell, running for the 1982 Re- 3 nuclear plants get low marks Jersey Democrats, William Hughes and Pe- Department siding with the West Coast fish- publican nomination for the Senate from New ter Rodino Jr., are co-sponsors along with ermen. Jersey, said last week he has halted distribu- WASHINGTON — New Jersey's operating nuclear power several other lawmakers from the Eastern A State Department spokesman who tion of a fundraising letter which Sen. Roger plants were listed as among the IS the Nuclear Regulatory seaboard. A similar bill was introduced In the asked not to be identified by name said the Jepsen, R-Iowa, sent on his behalf. Commission has classified as "below average" and will Senate on July 31 with Sen. Bill Bradley, D- department under four administrations has The letter said there was was a possibility devote more inspections to them, sources in the agency said. N. J , listed as a co-sponsor. supported the tuna fishing exemption and that a special election would be held for the "A rating of below average does not mean the plant is The legislation addresses a problem continues to oppose a change in the law. seat held by Sen. Harrison A. Williams Jr., unsafe. We expect high performance from all plants," one of which persisted after Congress passed the The 200-mile zone was imposed to limit D-N.J., and that Bell needed to raise $326,000 the sources said Saturday night. Fishery Conservation and Management Act foreign harvesting of resident fish species, he in three weeks. JAMES J.HOWARD Salem 1 and 2 nuclear generating stations, operated by in 1976. said. The tuna, he said, is a highly migratory Bell said the letter was sent in mid- of the letter against suggestions that it was Public Service Electric & Gas Co., and the Oyster Creek The law specifically exempted tuna fish- fish which passes through many zones. August when it was unclear whether Gov. alarmist. plant, operated by Jersey Central Power It Light Co., were ing from the types of fishing which could be He said it is also feared that new regu- Brendan Byrne would call a special election "When it became clear that Byrne would among the "below average" plants. regulated within the 200-mile limit. lation of tuna fishing off American coasts or simply appoint someone in the event that appoint, we stopped mailing it," Wasinger Mark Budaj, an Oyster Creek engineer, said yesterday the Those who want to regulate foreign tuna would prompt retaliation against American Williams resigns or is expelled for his con- said. plant has been deficient in some areas. "We're going through fishing in American waters say the Japanese fishermen and jeopardize negotiated fishing duct in the Abscam case. a major reorganization. We are aware of the problems and have taken advantage of the legal loophole agreements with other nations. Bell said Byme has since indicated he •The National Historical Publications and are devoting our resources to correcting them, ' he said. and are hurting business for a variety of But Arnet Taylor, executive director of would appoint someone should a vacancy Records Commission has approved a 166,000 Neil Brown, a spokesman for PSE&G, said he believes the commercial and recreational fishermen on the American Tuna Action Committee which occur. Bell said he quickly ordered a halt to grant for the publication of the papers of ranking "relates to items the NRC has told us about previous- the East Coast. is backing Howard's bill, said regulation of distribution of the four-page letter. Thomas Jefferson by Princeton University. ly. They have been corrected or are in the process of being Forced in recent years from the Mediter- foreign tuna fishing would give the United Tom Wasinger, a top Jepsen aide, said The commission also endorsed publica- corrected." ranean, the Japanese have done more and States a trump card to use in negotiating with 167,000 copies of the letter were impounded at tion of the papers of Thomas A. Edison at Nine other plants were classified as above average and more tuna fishing in the western Atlantic other countries. the mailing house. . No funding had been will get fewer inspections, the sources said. Twenty-six were Ocean. Taylor said West Coast fishermen have an Both Bell and Wasinger defended the tone requested. classified as average and will see no change. Restitution program caned nop Union County i ail inmates riot for 2 hours NEWARK — New Jersey's performance in a federal J *F project that requires juvenile offenders to make restitution to their victims was so poor that the program is being canceled ELIZABETH (AP) - Calm returned to Only one shot was fired during the siege, in 12 of 14 counties, Justice Department officials said. the Union County Jail yesterday following a and that by an inmate, who shot at the floor Out of a total of $180,469 in monetary restitution ordered two-hour rampage as inmates held six guards with a smuggled 32-caliber automatic that by judges statewide during the two-year program, only 135,370 hostage, set several fires and caused ex- later was confiscated, the sheriff said. has been collected so far. tensive damage to the building's plumbing, Authorities said corrections officer Rob- The program has failed in Hudson, Ocean, Passaic and officials said. ert Schaper suffered cuts to his face during a Essex counties but .succeeded in Mercer, Burlington and A cell-by-cell search was conducted yes- scuffle with an inmate as Schaper came off a . Camden counties, officials said. terday, but no new weapons were discovered. fourth-floor elevator. The program showed encouraging results in Middlesex "It was a bad, intense situation with Froehlich said the disturbance broke out and Monmouth counties and officials there will continue great potential for injury and death," said about 8 p.m. when Sgt. Jean Peziewicz was funding it out of county budgets. Sheriff Ralph Kroehlich "But there were no making her rounds on the fourth floor. An Other states involved in the program showed better re- serious injuries to either officers or inmates inmate with the weapon reportedly forced sults than New Jersey. The amounts of restitution and com- and I couldn't be more proud of my staff and' her into a cell. As other officers attempted to munity service ordered and performed in states like Nevada the other departments that came down." come to the rescue, the inmate locked them and Delaware were consistently higher than New Jersey, Shortly before 10 p.m. Saturday, about 60 in the cell also. according to data provided by the Institute for Policy Analysis police and prison guards entered the fourth Screaming inmates began breaking in Eugene, Ore. floor, using a "show of force," and got the chairs, benches and glass; stuffing towels Juveniles who entered the program were chosen on a very prisoners to release their hostages — includ- into toilets and setting small fires in piles of selective basis and were not involved in violent crimes, ing two women guards — and return to their rags. officials said. cells, Froehlich said. Corrections officers who were hostages were identified as Peter Mastrogiacomo, "It's very quiet now," the sheriff said Timothy Vliet, Tony LaRocca, Gary Darrar, The weather yesterday. "The state took eight inmates Jackie Irwin and Ms. Peziewicz. this morning and I'm going to keep pressur- "Some of the inmates taken by the state ,.»-, U-i.iIf.TT ing them to take more to alleviate this tense were a great asset and help to us," the sheriff situation." said. "Two of the hostages were wbmen, so Froehlich said inmates assigned to state you can imagine what a tense situation it prisons but temporarily housed at the county was. One of those inmates protected them." COUNTY JAIL DAMAGE — Union County Sheriff Ralph Froehlich stand in a room facility were the instigators. State inmates were allowed to be housed at the Jail which was damaged bv inmates during a two-hour rampage Saturday "We're not going to take any more in- at county facilities for no more than 15 days night. Order was quickly restored at the jailwith only one corrections officer being mates from any municipalities until at least until Gov. Brendan Byme issued an ex- hurt. Tuesday," he said. ecutive order allowing them to stay longer. The building was designed to hold 238 That order was upheld by the appellate ary. inmates. State inmates are not here for sing- inmates, but 317 were held at the time of the division of Superior Court last week and will "It's the second most crowded jail in the ing in church. Being a state inmate means disturbance, he said. be in force until Byrne leaves office in Janu- state," Froehlich said. "I've got 77 state they've been convicted of a serious crime."

Jersey Shore Federal budget cuts key campaign issue Partly sunny today. High near 80. Partly cloudy TRENTON (AP) - New Republicans say the elec- theories applied in the presi- 1," he said. declined to say the election But he says the revenue loss tonight. Low mid 60s. Considerable cloudiness tomorrow Jersey Democrats are eager tion will provide an endorse- dent's program. Needy school children par- would be a referendum on the will be offset by new invest- with a chance of a few showers. High mid 70s. Precipita- to make the November ment for Reagan's economic New Jersey and Virginia ticipating in federal hut lunch president's policies. ments. tion probability near zero today and 20 percent tonight. gubernatorial election a first- plan and support for its New are the only states with programs will have to get by The Democratic candidate Florio has proposed Winds west to southwest 10 mph or less today. Ocean time thumb vote on the Re- Jersey counterpart — a pro- gubernatorial elections in No- with milk cartons containing emphasised, however, there eliminating the net worth tax agan administration's federal vember, one year after water temperatures are in the low 70s. posed cut in business taxes 4 ounces instead of 6 ounces, were growing doubts being on new investments and Marine Forecast budget cuts. offered by GOP Ronald Reagan's landslide Florio adds. expressed among Wall Street small businesses and giving At virtually every cam- gubernatorial candidate presidential triumph over experts about the GOP eco- an exemption to the corpo- Watch Hill, R.I. to Manasquan, N.J. paign stop, Democratic Thomas H. Kean. Jimmy Carter. The party campaign plat- nomic program. rate income tax for bank Winds mostly west to southwest 10 to IS knots today gubernatorial candidate In any event, when polls In New Jersey, Reagan form adopted last week by Kean, himself, took excep- loans to small companies. and 10 knots or less tonight. Weather fair today and partly James J. Florio mentions close on Election Day, New defeated Carter by almost Democrats also warned of tion last week to having his federal cuts totalling more But the Democratic can- cloudy tonight. Visibility 5 miles or more except 1 to 3 Oct. 1, the starting day for Jersey voters may have done 400,000 votes last year. tax plan labeled as "supply didate says the tax incentives the federal government's fis- considerably more than pro- Florio, a four-term con- than $100 million in loans for miles in some fog and haze this morning. Average wave college students and $53 mil- side" theory when asked must be "targeted." The heights 2 feet or less on Delaware Bay and 1 to 3 feet on cal year. duce a governor for the next gressman from South Jer- about Florio's remarks. Democrats' party platform It will be a Thursday sey's Camden County, seldom lion for public schools, includ- the ocean todav four vears. ing substantial reductions in "Why do you want to call calls Kean's plan a "massive morning — about the time A clear margin of victory fails to note that Kean has it strictly 'supply side?'" billion dollar giveaway to The Weather Elsewhere baseball playoffs produce embraced "Reaganomics" vocational aid and lunch pro- for either candidate will give grams. Kean replied to reporters af- corporations..." HI La Prc Ollk Los Angeles U 65 clr World Series contestants — wholeheartedly. ter he addressed the Re- Albany 90 49 tt Louisville 17 U fn a strong indication of what Albuque la 54 clr Memphis 9.1 M rn when the first wave of more residents in a highly, in- "In as much as Tom en- In turn, the state GOP publican Platform Conven- 88 59 lOcdy Miami 85 79 cdv Amarlllo cdv than $700 million in federal dorses Reagan's program, Anchorage 41 04cdy Milwaukee 77 S4 dustrialized Northeast state platform also adopted last tion in Piscataway. "It's la 17 55 clr College Ashevllle 14 Si cdy MplsSt P budget cuts will New Jer- of nearly 8 million people Oct. 1 will be a very signifi- week, pledges to "work en- supported by non-supply side Atlanta N 11 cdy Nashville •7 60 rn sey, the Democrat says. Atlantc Cly 79 cdy New Orleans 93 77 03 rn think of Reagan's tax and cant date," he says. thusiastically with President economists as well " Board Review M New York » IS clr Baltimore M 66 clr clr By the Tuesday evening of Junior* and Seniors Blrmlnanm 91 64 rn Norfolk M budget cuts. At a fundraiser in Hamil- Reagan's block grant pro- Kean has proposed cutting Bismarck 79 51 cdv Okla City 92 69 13 Cdv Nov. 3, Florio's emerging gram, taking full advantage the 9 percent corporate in- PREPARE NOW FOR Bolia clr Omaha •2 clr Democrats contend a ton Township, Mercer Coun- N U 72 cdv THE NOV-OEC 8.A.T. Boston 6! c r Orlando campaign strategy calls for Florio victory will mean vot- of the new opportunity of the come tax in half within two u Phlladphla as 6i Cdv ty, last week, Florio de- Clataes Start Sunday Brownsvlle n » cdv clr New Jersey voters to elect Buffalo j% VI cdv Phoenix IOS oo ers realize they were misled scribed a visit with elderly states to make their own de- years, eliminating the corpo- Oct. 49-12 NOON Charlitn SC 73 cdv Pittsburgh at to him as governor and, thus, •I cdvv by Reagan's pledge that cuts patrons of a nutrition center. cisions on the spending of fed- rate net worth tax after four . Hilton Inn Charlitn WV aa 57 rn Plland. Me 56 Plland. Ore clr repudiate what he says are Tlnton Falls Cheyenne u cdv clr in taxes would invigorate the "A good number of those eral funds...." years and reducing the 5 Chicago 61 cdv Rapid Cliv 14 90 59 cdv "cruel (federal) cuts" in so- economy, a cornerstone of Exit Q.S.P 105 Cincinnati M 60 rn Reno people are going to get food Florio last week stepped percent sales tax to 4 percent Cleveland 64 cdv Richmond 91 clr cial programs. M Sail Lake - 62 "K the "supply side" economic stamp reductions as of Oct. up his attack on Reagan, but after three years. Sheraton Inn Columbus 93 61 rn Rt. 35 Hazlat Dal-Ft Wth N n c Iv San Diego so 6a clr The GOP candidate esti- Denver U 55 Ir San Fran 65 sa cdv HOWARD JOHNSON'S Oes Molnes 11 It Seattle 74 4a clr mates the plan will cost the Rt. 35 Detroit aa 51 c IV SI Louis n 72 cdv Ouluth >i 56 If SI P Tamoa 90 69 cdv state about $100 million in For Info and ft— Fairbanks S9 14 01 I IV SI Ste Marie 77 42 cdv revenue during its first vear. Diagonotitc TMl Hartford ai 5« Ir Spokane as 48 clr Helena N 46 Ir Tulsa a3 69 1.12 cdy Bargaining session continues 222-8704 Honolulu M 75 (14 , Ir Waihingtn 92 36 clr Houston H It C V Wlchll. S3 66 cdy ndnaplls 17 II n Temperatures Indicate hl.h PENNS GROVE (AP) - The job action by 185 -Carney's Point Educa- support for the negotiating Why you should have your Jacksnvlle . 90 64 Ir arKllawler.aytel.m. IOT Striking teachers and repre- Junaau M 49 OS < Ir Prc—Precipitation tar 24 neurs teachers began Tuesday and ssociation. team that is going back to the Kans City HI 60 C V endln.le.rn. (IDT) yesterday sentatives of the Penns Grove has kept 2.800 students out of checking account with us. Las veaas 102 ra cdv Otlk-jkv condltlens atrttae* The teachers want an 11 Llltla Rock 94 69 17 cdy lor May. Carney's Point Regional three elementary schools, bargaining table tonight," As your FULL SERVICE BANK, we re experts School District met into the one middle school, and a high percent salary increase, and Ms. DeMore said Sunday. in checking accounts and offer a variety of early-morning hours today school in the district since the school district is offering types-one just right for your needs . Tides trying to negotiate an end to Wednesday, the scheduled Sandy Hook For Red Bank and a Wn percent wage tyike, Ms. "The fact that it is only a the week-long strike that has first day of classes. one percent salary difference ... and remember, we have TODAY - High 8:59 Rumson bridge, add two closed schools. DeMore said. p.m. and low 2:57 p.m. hours; Sea Bright, deduct A bargaining session is not the issue. What is at WliCHECKING. TOMORROW - High 10 minutes; Long Branch, The meeting, which got Thursday night with state Striking teachers and their issue is the way we feel we 9:20 a.m. and 9:43 p.m. deduct 15 minutes, High- underway about 8 p.m., was mediator Jack Tillem ended supporters held a rally Sun- have beej treated by the CENTRAL JERSEY BANK and low 3:20 a.m. and lands bridge, add 40 the second negotiating ses- without substantial progress, day afternoon at Dunns Park board leadership, and the in Carney's Point. "The buildup of frustration." she 3:43 p.m. minutes. sion between the two sides said Barbara DeMore, a MCQNVENCNT OfFCfS • MOOlESt* OCCAM • UMON and a state mediator. spokesman for the Penns point of the rally was to show said. 4 The Daily Register SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER U, mi 272 filed as millionaires in N,J. I I i iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii inn Frank McHugh, 83, NEWARK (AP) - Eight "A person could be worth earners because "only over- Regarding the' wealthy New Jerseyans who reported a million dollars but not have all statistics are public." 272, their combined income Obituaries 1979 earnings of more than $5 earnings in one year over a. The 272 paid a combined was 1 07 percent of the total was supporting actor earnings reported by all the iiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii million each shelled out $1.5 million dollars," said Sidney total of $13.9 million in state GREENWICH. Conn. he went to London with million in state income taxes, (Jlaser, director of the state income taxes, he said. 2 8 million tax returns — al- i AIM - Frank McHugh, who and Robert officials said. division of taxation. "The re- The combined income of though they accounted for acted in supporting roles in Armstrong to appear in the only one one-hundreth of 1 Collectively, these eight ports here show reported in- the millionaires — $563.2 mil- William Loeb; 75, vaudeville, theater, films and prize-fight comedy, "Is Zat comes in one year from earn- lion — equalled the earnings percent of the total returns So?" reported earnings "of $61.6 Mini television for more than 50 million for one year. ings, investments and other of the 160,000 people who re- years has died at Greenwich McHugh, who married ac- sources of over a million ported earnings between Hospital, a hospital spokes- tress Dorothy Spencer in The eight were among 272 acerbic publisher millionaires in NewjJersey dollars." 14.000 and $6,000 for the year, (ilaser said 186 people re- man said. 1928, returned to Broadway said Glaser. ported one-year earnings be- MANCHESTER, N.H. after many years in Holly- during 1979, state officials Glaser said he could not McHugh, who was 83, was said. pinpint the million-dollar While the earnings of that tween $1 million and $2 mil- (AP) - William Loeb, the best known for his sidekick wood to perform the part of lion for 1979. Forty-six re- acerbic publisher of the elite attract much attention, roles in motion pictures in- Senex, the henpecked hus- ported earnings between $2 Manchester Union Leader band in "A Funny Thing the state's report shows the cluding "," largest block of income million and $3 million. Seven- and New Hampshire Sunday with , "The Happened on the Way to the News who influenced state Forum" in 1963. Man who set himself earners are those in theteen were in the $3 million to Fighting 69th." with James (20,000 to $50,000 a year in- $4 million a year bracket, and and national politics for a Cagney, "A Midsummer His movie career included generation, died of cancer come class. They constitute the other 15 millionaires Night's Dream " (1935) and one year in which he acted in afire, dies of burns about half the state's income earned between $4 and $5 mil- yesterday. "Roaring Twenties." 14 films, and he said he found EDISON - Charles H. charge had he recovered, ac- taxpayers, he said. lion. Loeb, 75, died at the Leahy A resident of the Cos Cob "life much easier in Holly- Clinic in Burlington, Mass., wood." Christiansen, 59, who last cording to police. section of Greenwich, week reportedly poured Born in Woodbridge, shortly after noon, said Paul McHugh died Friday after a "I play a dumb cluck," he Tracy, editor-in-chief of the gasoline over his body and set Christiansen had been a life- short illness. said. "There's nqthing to it." long resident of Middlesex Undertakers unveil Loeb newspapers. Despite his usual role as himself on fire, died Saturday McHugh was born in at Crozer Chester Burn Cen- County. Loeb was well-known for Homestead, Pa., and began an affable pal, McHugh also his conservative views, often played more serious charac- ter, Upland, Pa. Before retiring one year acting at the age of 6 as a Christiansen reportedly ago, he operated the Central delivered in stinging prose, member of the McHugh Stock ters including a role in "Five money-saving plan but in recent months he had set himself on fire Wednes- Trailer Co., Hazlet, for eight Co. in Braddock, Pa. The in Judgment" about two men ATLANTIC CITY (AP) - Saying that people who have stopped writing the front- suspected of murder. day morning inside his car on years. company was run by his pa- the grounds of Freehold High been pre-paying their funeral arrangements were not getting page editorials for which he McHugh is survived by his He was an Army Air Corps rents, Edward A. and Cather- School, Freehold. Chris- veteran of World War II. their money's worth, New Jersey undertakers and the First had become famous. ine McHugh. wife. Dorothy, a son, Peter S. tiansen had had a history of In addition to his wife, sur- Jersey National Bank have developed a plan enabling cus- A friend and enemy of After performing in thea- of Toronto; a daughter, Susan tomers to stay apace of inflation. presidents, governors and mental problems and had viving are a son, Taylor C. ters across the Midwest and S. of New York, and two tried to commit suicide pre- The present practice for pre-paid funeral arangements is senators, Loeb's influence grandchildren. Christiansen of Greenville, William Loeb New England, McHugh made viously, according to police. N.C.; two daughters, Miss to have funeral directors place the money in individual was felt in state politics and his Broadway 8ebut in "The A private funeral service nationally during New Hamp- Christiansen allegedly had Judy Christiansen of Morgan- savings accounts which earn only about 5 percent interest. an descent "Cannucks." Be- Fall Guy," with Ernest is planned in West Hartford ville; and Mrs. Pamela Mac- The new plan calls for the establishment of a joint trust shire's quadrennial first-in- tomorrow. tried to force his wife Norma cause of Manchester's large Truex in 1925. The next year Christiansen of Colts Neck, a Farlane of Harrington, R.I,; account, called the New Jersey Pre-Paid Funeral Trust Fund the-nation presidential pri- Franco-American population maries. teacher at the high school, four brothers, Norman Chris- to be invested in money market certificates yielding more the damage was serious. into the car. He was pre- tiansen of East Brunswick; than 16 percent. "No one can dispute that Loeb also reprinted an un- Ruling in youth's death Albert Christiansen, here; The new system will be formally announced here today at William Loeb, through his vented from doing so by complimentary Newsweek Ferdinand Cutolo, 36, a William Christiansen of New the association's annual convention. newspaper and his person- article about Mrs. Muskie, Brunswick; and Harold ality, played a dominant role to be delayed 2 months school bus driver, who police Charles Hoens, assistant vice president of First Jersey. which brought an angry said, intervened and physi- Christiansen of St. Louis, National Bank, said checks would be made out to the New in New Hampshire politics Muskie to the newspaper MIDDLETOWN - The before ordering his food and cally restrained Christiansen, Mo., and three grand- Jersey Pre-Paid Funeral Trust Fund which would be sent during the last 35 years," building to respond. Muskie cause of death of 17-year-old children. New Hampshire Gov. Hugh never regained conscious- allowing the woman to es- along with copies of the contract to the association's office in appeared to break down and Charles "Scott" Hertgen ness. cape. (•alien said yesterday. that, with the editorials that The Flynn and Son Funer- Manasquan. may not be determined for Hertgen was pronounced al Home, Fords, is in charge "The money will be deposited in the bank where it will Loeb, who lived in Prides followed, damaged his cam- several months. Christiansen would have dead on arrival at Riverview faced an attempted murder of arrangements. stay for 30 days while the checks clear. Then once each Crossing, Mass., and Carson paign. The Monmouth County Hospital. Red Bank. City, Nev., took control of the month, the association's trustees will send a check, made up When President Jimmy medical examiner, Dr. Becker said Hertgen ap- of the money invested that month, to the bank's trust depart- newspapers in 1948. His blunt, Carter appointed Muskie sec- Stanley Becker, said Sept. 8 parently died of edema, a Edward J. Gorman Sr. ment where it will be invested in a high-yield certificate, " page one prose stirred con- retary of state, Loeb won- he won't issue a ruling until buildup of fluid in the lung Hoens said. sternation, anger or applause dered what good a "cry he receives the results of tox- and brain tissue. He said he MIDDLETOWN - Ed-the day Charles Lindbergh from his readers. baby" would be in that office. icological tests — a process ward J. Gorman Sr., 89, of 539 took off on his transAtlantic "The program will help persons who pre-pay for funerals would not speculate on the by allowing their money to earn interest at current market To Loeb, Dwight D. Eisen- that will take about two reason for the buildup until Newman Springs Road, Lin- flight. In August 1979, Loeb said rates," said C. Stewart Hausmann, the association's presi- hower was "Dopey Dwight." he planned to turn over own- months. the test results are received. croft, died Saturday at the He was a communicant of Eisenhower's aide, former ership of 75 percent of the Medi-center. Red Bank. St. Leo the Great Roman dent. Hertgen. of 88 Fish Hawk Hertgen had gone to the He said the present practice of placing the money in a New Hampshire Gov. Sher- newspaper to a trust for his Drive, died mysteriously ear- diner after working that night He was born in Brooklyn, Catholic Church, Lincroft, man Adams, was "Shermy employees. Shortly before, he ly Sunday. Sept. 6. shortly as a busboy at the Pear Tree NY., and lived in New York and was a member of the single passbook account at low interest was acceptable when Wormy." Margaret Chase had agreed to settle a suit after entering the Rex Diner Restaurant. Rumson. He was City before moving here IS Knights of Columbus and the inflation was not a problem. "But today, with double-digit Smith of Maine, the first charging pension law vio- on West Front Street. Red to have been a senior this fall years ago. Knights of the Wheel. inflation, people who pre-finance their funerals are not get- woman to serve in the U.S. lations by selling 25 percent Bank, with a friend. Police at Middletown High School He retired after serving Surviving are two sons, ting what they paid for." Senate, was "Moscow Mag- of the newspaper's stock. • .ml he passed out at a table South. many years as an employee Edward J. Gorman Jr. at As well as being more economical for the customer, the gie." for the late Mrs. William home and Navy Cmdr. Thom- new plan would involve far less bookkeeping for the funeral The 1952 presidential cam- Though the sale provoked as J. Gorman, retired, of Lin- directors who would no longer have to open separate trust speculation that other in- Albert A. Leo Purdy. paign first brought Loeb into He had been associated croft; and two grandchildren. accounts for each pre-paid customer. the national eye when New terests might try to acquire the paper, Loeb said he had MIDDLETOWN - Albert daughters, Mrs. Marion I)e- with several of the early The John E. Day Funeral Hampshire's. March primary A. Leo, 72, of Alice V. Palma of Colts Neck, and pioneers of aviation and had Home, Red Bank, is in charge adopted a preferential ballot planned for 30 years to turn Parkway token boxes over the paper to employees. .Tomaso Plaza, died yester- Mrs. Diana Calhoun of assisted the ground crew on of arrangements. on which voters could choose day at Riverview Hospital, Hazlet; four brothers, John candidates, not just dele- "After I die, I want the Red Bank. Scacci of Roswell. N.M., Sal going on sale tomorrow gates. paper to be run by people who Mrs. James T. O'Neill He was born in Jersey and Frank Chessari, both of WOODBRIDGE - The New Jersey Highway Authority In subsequent presidential share the same philosophy City, and lived for many Newberry Park, Calif., and MIDDLETOWN O'Neill, will sell boxes designed to hold Garden State Parkway toll elections, New Hampshire's that I do. that of public ser- years in Port Monmouth Angelo Chessari of Gutten- is a former Josephine M. O'Neill of Oak Keansburg mayor, former tokens beginning tomorrow, it was announced by F. Joseph primary became increasingly vice," he said at the time. before movlng^here three burg, N.J.; four sisters, Mrs. Hill Road, Poricy Park, died business administrator in Carragher, executive director of the authority. significant, making or break- "While I always thought I years ago. Christina Bagnardi of Oneon- yesterday at Riverview Hos- Middletown and Deptford, "Our 25-cent toll tokens have proven quite popular with ing candidates — and helped was immortal, I realized that • Mr. Leo retired 20 years ta, N.Y., Mrs. Sally Scrudato pital. Red Bank and is now business manager our parkway patrons," said Mr. Carragher. "As a further make Loeb a factor in na- ... I should make it official." ago after 18 years of service tional politics. of Secaucus, Mrs. Rose of South River. service to them, and as a way of inviting other motorists to as an electrician with Mon- Motder of West Paterson, and She was born in Philadel- During the 1980 presiden- Loeb was married* tnree Also surviving are a son, use tokens, the authority will be offering handy token holders mouth Electric Service Inc., Mrs. Ann Euler of North phia, and had resided in tial campaign, Loeb's papers times. He had one daughter James T. O'Neill Jr. offor sale." with his second wife and two Shrewsbury. Bergen, and four grand- Deptford before moving here The token holders are small plastic boxes with a lid. The took on Rep. Philip Crane, R- He was a communicant of 25 years ago. Belford; a daughter, Mrs. III., claiming Crane drank daughters with his widow, children. box has room to hold a full roll of tokens or other loose change. Nackey Scipps Loeb, a grand- St. Mary's Roman Catholic Joanne Thayer of Deptford; heavily and that he and his The John F. Pfleger Fu- She had retired after hav- three brothers, John D. John- The motorists may mount the box wherever it is most wife had engaged in improper daughter of Edward Wyllis Church, New Monmouth and convenient. a member of International neral Home, New Monmouth, ing worked as a bookkeeper. ston of Port Monmouth; sexual behavior. Scripps, founder of the is in charge of arrangements. Her husband, James T. The 25-cent tokens are sold in rolls of 40 for $10 at the Scripps-Howard newspaper Brotherhood of Electrical Alexander Johnston of Colts authority headquarters here, and at all toll booths where the In 1972, the Union Leader Workers Local 400, Asbury Neck; and Arthur Johnston ot published the "Cannuck" let- syndicate. toll is 25 cents The token holders will sell for 35 cenU each Park and a member of the Elizabeth G. Caynor Deptford; three sisters, Mrs. and will be sold wherever tokens are sold. ter, whose author never was Tracy said a memorial Middletown Democratic located but who was believed Jeanne Miller of Sunny Vale, "Our tokens allow patrons to use the automatic toll lanes service would be held in Club. MIDDLETOWN - Mrs. Church, here, and its Altar- Calif.; Mrs. Virginia Jensen to have been a "dirty Manchester but there would which can process vehicles twice as fast as manual toll lanes, Surviving are his wife, Elizabeth C. Gaynor. 62, of 15 Rosary Society. of Colts Neck; and Mrs. Ann which is why we say Use tokens to speed your trip on the trickster" from the Nixon be no funeral. Pacific Ave., East White House. Ann Frederick Leo, two Surviving are her hus- Malley of Toms River; and Garden State Parkway," said Carragher. Keansburg, died Saturday at band, John Gaynor; a son, The letter quoted then- , the Simi Valley Community John Gaynor Jr. of Matawan; three grandchildren. "Additionally, patrons purchasing a roll of tokens will Democratic frontrunner Ed- George T. Gooley Hospital, Simi Valley, Ca|. two daughters, Mrs. Kathleen The John J. Ryan Homt automatically receive their receipt as it is printed directly on mund Muskie of Maine call- She was born in Hoboken, Shaeffer of Belford, and Mrs. for Funerals, Keansburg, is the roll's wrapper - a particular advantage to salespeople ing people of French-Canadi- ABERDEEN-George T. His wife, Catherine Smith in charge of arrangements. and °'ners who must file travel receipts ' Gooley Jr., 83, of West Pros- and lived in Jersey City Nancy Hamilton of Artesia, Gooley, died in July 1972. before moving here 34 years Cat..; a brother, Bernard pect Avenue, Cliffwood, died Surviving are two daugh- 202. Death Notices yesterday at Bayshore Com- ago. Dohring of Jersey City; a sis- munity Hospital. Holmdel. ters, Mrs. Dorothy M. Dalton Mrs. Gaynor was em- ter, Miss Mamie Dohring of of Mala wan and Mrs. Dolores ployed as the Belford branch Jersey City; and four grand- HABAND'S'TOP of the Line' B R I TTON — Minettc I of Long He was born in Jersey children. Branch. N.J., on Scot 12, 19*1, aoe City, where he resided before M. Butler of Saddlebrook; manager of the United Coun- It, Funeral services Tuesday 2pm two sisters, Mrs. Lauretta ty Trust Co., for 20 years. from the Floch Funeral Home. 24J moving here 28 years ago. The John F. Pfleger Fu- DRESS Broadway. Lonu Branch. Friends Young and Miss Ethel may call Monday 1 * ana 7-9 p m Before retiring in 1965, he She was a member of St. neral Home, New Monmouth, interment Woodbine Cemetery.' was a trainman for theGooley, both of Hazlet; 10 Catherine's Roman Catholic is in charge of arrangements. 1 •< '"iirilK.r I former Central Railroad of grandchildren; and 11 great- LACKS. CHRISTIANSEN — Chant. New Jersey for 40years. grandchildren. H . iv. of Edison, on Sept 12 Hus band of Nora (Hanseni Anthony He was a communicant of The Day Funeral Home, St. Joseph's Roman Catholic MacFarlane. and Judv and Taylor Keyport, is in charge of ar- OUR56THYEAR Crtristlansen. brother of Norman, Church, Keyport. Albert, William and Harold Chris rangements. liansen. alto surviving are three OKI I A.M. am. at Our Redeemer Lutheran Minette I. Britton, Church. Fords Interment will be IW 5:30 P.M. private. Friends may call the Fiynn and Son Funeral Home. 26 Ford LONG BRANCH - Miss FRI IHI9P.M. Ave , Fords, N.J , on Monday from She was a member of the 2-4 and 7-9p,m. Minette I. Britton, 81, of this Simpson United Mehthodist YOUR FINEST place, died Saturday at her rouMs Church, here. OCCASIONS deserve these sister's home, here. GAYNOR —Mrs Eluatjem c Surviving are two sisters, Haband dress slacks — the perfect Inec DohringJ. 62 years, of 15 Pacit She was born in Clarks- ic Awe . East KeansOurg on Sept 12. Mrs. Charlotte F. West, here PREVENT 196! Beloved wife of John, devoted burg, and had lived here all choice/ And they have built in stretch mother of John Jr., Mn Kathleen and Mrs. Nettie B. Green of Shaeffer and Mrs.'Nancv Hamilton. her life. for comfort and style, too/ dear si>ier of Bernard and Miss West Long Branch; and sev- MILDEW Mamie Funeral wed M 8 IS a «f* She retired in 1962 after 32 100% Polyester in Navy, Brown from the John P. Pfleger Funeral years of service as assistant eral nieces and nephews. Home. US Tindall Road. New Mon De-Moist and Endew or Black. mouth Mass of Christian Burial will controller with the Swiss For- The Flock Funeral Home 'Larger sizes slightly higher be offered at SI Catherine \ R C eign Exchange, N.Y. acts quickly and gives oil vapors automatically— Church. East Keansburg. at 9 a.m is in charge of arrangements. protects shoes, luggage, garments, carpets, Internment Holy Name Cemetery Jersey City Visiting Mon 7 9 and draperies, books, furniture, sporting equipment, Tues 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. boats. In tact, any ob|ect on which mildew, tends to 11AIIA N IHOOO0OOOO6OG& lorm. $ GORMAN — Edward J Sr of The Dairy Register Lincroft. on Sect 12. 1981 Husband of the late Susan (nee Costeltol. (USPS-U5-440) $3 OFF 3 lather of Edward J Jr and Cmdr. Thomas J USN fret I Funeral | mass Wednesday 11am al SI Leo ANY PURCHASE Ihe Great Roman Catholic Church, The Sunday Register Lincroff Visitation at the John E Day Funeral Home. 8S Riverside OF 20.00 OR MORE Ave Red Bank. Tues 2-4 and 7-9 Published bv The Red Bant, Register o m In lieu of flowers, memorial Established in 1878 bv John H Cooh and Henry Clay 7ft« Limit 1 coupon par visit donations may be made lo Ihe build- ing fund of SI. Leo the Great Roman Main Office One Register Plaia. Shrewsbury, N J 07701 •3 Catholic Church. Lincroft. N J , arm Branch Offices 876 •* 35. Middletown, N j 07748 L EO — Albert A . 72 years, of 110 Monmoulh County Courthouse, Freehold. N J 07716 Oakdale Drive. Middlelown. on Sept 279 Broadway. Long Branch, N.J 07740 13. 1981 Beloved husband of Ann v State House, Trenton, N j 09625 Frederick, devoted father of Mrs Marion OePalma and Mrs Diana Members of the Associated Press The Associated Press is entitled exclusive Calhoun. dearest brother of John i to the use of all Ihe local news printed in the newspaper as well as all AP news Scacci. Sal Chessari, Frank isoatches. Chessari. Angelo Chessari. Mrs. Christina Bagnardi. Mrs Sally Member of the American Newspaper Publishers Association, the Audit Scrudalo, Mrs Rose Molder and ureau of Circulation, the New Jersey Press Association Mrs. Ann Euler Funeral yVerlnes MIDDLETOWN day at 9: IS am from the John F. Second Class postage paid at Red Bank. N J 07701 and at Middletown, N.J Channal Home Canter Pfleger Funeral Home. IIS, Tindall 07748 Published Sunday tthrough h Friday Mail subscriptions payable in advance Road, New Monmouth. Mass of RL 36 & Harmony Rd. 671-5472 Christian Burial will be offered at St. Ten Daily Sunday Daily and 32 BROAD ST. <%$ 7*1 nenn Mdrys R C. Catholic Ctiurch. New Only Only Sunday STORE HOUR8: Mon.-Frl. 10-9 pm; Sal. 10-« pm * Sun. 12-5 pen, Monmouth, at ID a m Internment at One Ye*r US 00 122 00 S77OO RED BANKS G© /4W0UU Ml. Olivet Cemetery. Middletown Home delivery by C ier — Daily and Sunday Ji 35 a week, Sunday only 3S Visiting Mon. and Tues. 2 4 and 7-9 rents, Daily only 1 00 p.m. Single copy at Counter — Daily ?0 cents. Sunday 3J cents SHREWSBURY, NJ MONDAY. SEPTEMBER t4 1981 The Daily Register 5 Solidarity t . . ^^^^m Over 200 run around may open to benefit Sorrentino

WEST LONG BRANCH - More than 200 people gave TV station Councilman Frank "Clint" Sorrentino the run-around WARSAW, Poland (AP) - The Solidarity labor federation yesterday — around Franklin IN threatening to start its own TV station unless it gets a say- Lake, around Monmouth Col- so in the operation of Poland's official mass media But the lege, practically around the Communist government says it will never share control entire borough "We should speak in our own voice," Solidarity chief Lech The event was the Clint Walesa said, telling a weekend rally that the state radio and Sorrentino Benefit Run. a television service belong to the people. pair of races staged by the PAP, the official news agency, said Walesa warned that Clint Sorrentino Fund to help unless the government agrees to share control of the radio and the ailing councilman pay his television with Solidarity, the union will start broadcasting on READY TO FIRE — Militiamen take aim moments before yesterday's re- medical expenses its own. enactment of the Battle of Shoal Harbor, the fifth annual commemoration of People young and old, the historic 1779 battle between English troops and a makeshift militia from this borough and far- "We shall build our own transmitter. We have our own organized from the local population of several communities in what is now away communities, worked equipment and cameras," he said. Monmouth County. up a sweat for Sorrentino,

'We defend and shalIIWU lMVIVII defenM hilld. th11IUeI IWflr/lllt indivisibilit/ Ul I IIIy | >1| 1of Polish who has been paralyzed from radio, and television," Warsaw TV chief Wladyslaw Lorenc the chest down since last De- said in a televised interview. "In the 20th century, radio and cember. Sorrentino is suffer- television are for social life what energy is for the economy ' ing from acute transverse Solidarity's struggle for access to the state-run media has myelitis, a rare disease that become a key issue in the escalating confrontation between attacks the nervous system. the Communist Party and the independent union. Sorrentino, who says he never ran himself, even as a Solidarity is "in for a sharp struggle" with the govern- youth, was heartened to see ment, Walesa said yesterday in a speech at Gniezno, the the large turnout yesterday ancient religious capital 150 miles west of Warsaw, where he He said he knew a "good attended the installation of Archbishop Jozef Glemp as the many" of the entrants, in- Human Catholic primate of Poland. ltor photo bv Ltrrv Ptrna cluding a former delivery WINNERS — West Long Branch Councilman Frank "We do not want to take over power, but we must assure man from his luncheonette, "Clint" Sorrentino, right, hands the winner's trophy to that the authorities serve us," Walesa said in answer to Clint's Corner, who came all Anthony Gallirio of West Long Branch after Gallirio accusations from the Soviet Union and other Warsaw Pact the way from Newark to run finished first in yesterday's Clint Sorrentino Benefit states that the union wants to take over the Polish govern- in his first race. Run. Proceeds from the race go to aid Sorrentino, who ment. The first event, the one- is suffering from acute transverse myelitis. • mile "fun. run" around Soviet bloc attacks on the union became more threatening Franklin Lake, attracted minutes and 50 seconds, and Long Branch, the Jersey after Solidarity's first national congress last week expressed about 100 entries, including Maureen Enderly of Shore Bank, Shadow Lawn support for independent labor movements in other communist many children and borough Wanamassa. 35 minutes and Savings, Milt's Deli on Route countries and called for free parliamentary elections in officials. Among the latter 30 seconds. 36, the Pottery Barn, the Poland. were Angelo Valenzano, Major contributors to the McDonald's restaurant on former councilman; Joeevent included Schlitz and the Monmouth Road, Gallo, the Planning Board borough Shop-Rite super Valenzano's Office Equip- secretary, and Robert Taran- Senate may scuttle • NtfllSttr pholoi bv Larrv P»rn« market on Monmouth Road, ment and Supplies on Locust SING IT — John Amberg, 12, of Leonardo holds a sheet of lyrics as Gloria tola, school administrator. both of which donated $400. Avenue, the Larchwood tav- Muscenti of Leonardo belts out a song at yesterday's re-enactment of the The more serious event and New Jersey National ern on Wall Street, and Fred Battle of Shoal Harbor at the Spy House Museum Complex, Port Monmouth. was a five-mile race through Bank, which kicked in $325. Weston and associates. AWACS to Saudis The re-enactment has been organized bv the Preservationist Foundation of the borough and Monmouth Other sponsors included Winners received trophies WASHINGTON (APl - A he wants exactly that chance Middletown. College. Of the approximate- the Carvel ice cream store on and medals, while almost all leading opponent of the pro- in the 100-member Senate. ly 110 men and women who Route 36. the Dairy Queen entrants received t-shirts and posed sale of AWACS radar "I just hope that the sena- entered this race, the top fin- restaurant on Broadway, the coupons for the Running planes to Saudi Arabia says tors will not get their feet in ishers were Anthony Gallirio Running Store in Eatontown. Store. Shop-Rite or Dairy of West Long Branch, 27 there are 51 Senate votes to concrete until I've had a the Casey Jonesrestaurant in Queen. scuttle the deal. President chance to present my case for Reagan says he hopes their the AWACS sale," he said. Fiesta draws 3,000 feet aren't set in concrete. "And the case is, it is not "We presently have 51 only essential to our own na- i continued i Second place in the children's beauty con- Dennis enters council race One of the fiesta's main attractions was test went to Lunar, Guzman. 10, of Long votes against, and I think tional security; it is, I think, of great help in preserving the traditional greased pole-climbing con- Branch, followed by Ana Maria Belen, 8, of there are probably a dozen test, in which teams of seven men attempt to Red Bank l continued i "The taxpayers of the .more who are unpreditable," the safety and freedom of Is- said, "if I did not come out form a human ladder to the top of a heavily publicly any candidate, but and make an issue of it." city are really paying through Sen. Minority Whip Alan rael." greased. 40-foot pole. After more than one The winning team in the fiesta's Softball preferred to keep his feelings Last November the school their nose" for this arrange- Cranston, D-Calif, said yes- Congress has until Oct. 30 hour of futile attempts by a series of en- tournament, staged at I.enna Conrow Field, on the election private. board agreed to pay Dennis ment. Muscillo said. terday on ABC's "Issues and to veto the proposed $8.5 trants, a team from Elizabeth successfully was a local squad directed by Felix Rodri- Dennis said he has not for a six-month leave of Dennis and the school Answers." billion sale, which includes wrested the small Puerto Rican flag from the guez. Navarrow said. Six teams competed in sought doffi's backing, and absence and for 240 days of board both argue that the He added, however, that five sophisticated Airborne top of the pole. tin' tournament, including sides from Red noted that an earlier Cioffi unused sick leave in exchange agreement was the most eco- Warning and Control System Bank and Camden. Reagan will fight "very, The winning team, which also won last statement makes the mayor for Dennis' immediate and nomic solution to Dennis' very hard" to win his first (AWACSi planes The Demo- hard pressed now to oppose permanent withdraw! from problems with the board. cratic-controlled House is year, consisted of Freddy Cruz, captain. Navarro thanked Sam Cannito and Joe major foreign policy test on Pedro Cruz. Puchalez Cruz, Ralph Bulle. DiMaggio of the city Recreation Department Muscillo When Traversa was city schools. That agreement Nevertheless. Dennis offered Capitol Hill and bonceded likely to oppose it, so the ad- removed from the council. was finalized this year when to dissolve the agreement and ministration is concentrating Ruben Perez, Lito Colon and Angel for their efforts on behalf of Fiesta Hispana that "he may be able to tip Hernandez. 1981. as well as all those who came and Cioffi said he hoped someone Dennis submitted a physi- return to the classroom, but the ba la nee the other way." on winning approval in the of Italian-American descent cian's statement indicating the board turned him down, Republican-controlled Sen- Sandra Ramos. 11. of 147 Franklin Ave., enjoyed the festival. Reagan, after returning to here, was crowned Miss Fiesta Hispana 1981, The fiesta's coordinator also said he would be appointed to the that the former high school saying Dennis presence was the White House yesterday ate, which would enable the vacancy, and Muscillo is an math teacher suffers from a disruptive and detrimental to sale to go through Ramos, who is a student in the Long Branch hopes to stage a second festival this year, for from Camp David. Md , said Middle School, received a {50 savings bond the benefit of the entire city community. Italian-American. chronic skin irritation. the schools for finishing first among the beauty contest's "This one was nice," Navarro said, "but the Dennis is not completely 10 entrants. nextpne will be better." supportive of Cioffi, however. Iran plans election Recently. Dennis has drawn Dr. Nobelto Materdo criticism from the mayor for Family Medicine BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) — Iran's revolutionary regime calling on City Administrator scheduled its third presidential election in 2' i years for Oct. 2, Congress may ask more cuts Eugene Bedell, a Cioffi ap- Moved to MIDDLETOWN and said the secretary of the national Security Council as- pointee, to resign, and for op- sassinated the last president and prime minister. 9 posing a downtown re- Dr. Materdo, previously at Tehran Radio, in announcing the election data Sunday, did in Reagan s defense budget development project ad- 812 Poole Ave., Hazlet, not name any candidates. A three-day registration period ends vanced by the mayor will relocate his office to today, and the Interior Ministry said the Council of Guardians (continued i defense, perhaps postponing work on a weap- One final issue that is like- 170 Hwy. 35, Middtetown would select presidential candidates who are devout Moslems next to impossible to enact further domestic y ly to be aired this campaign loyal to Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's Islamic republic. spending cuts without large reductions — The reductions announced by Reagan do is Dennis' controversial ar- on Sept. 15, 1981. The ruling Islamic Republican Party is expected to decide about $30 billion over three years — in not appear large enough for that. rangement with the city 842-2466 who will be president and perhaps allow one or two paper projected defense spending. In addition, influential congressional Re- Board of Education. "I candidates to enter the race as window dressing to give the House Republican Leader Robert H. publicans have said new non-defense cuts would be remiss." Muscillo appearance of a contest. But the IRP's choice is considered Michel of Illinois said last week that a reduc- should include "entitlement" programs such certain of election. tion in defense was needed to sell an overall as Social Security and other retirement President Mohammad Ali Rajai and Prime Minister package of cuts. plans. Mohammad Bahonar were killed by a fire bomb at the prime "Defense simply could not be Domenici said those programs now ac- minister's office on Aug. 30, 38 days after Rajai was elected sacrosanct. "Michel said he told the presi- count for 56 percent of the federal budget. by a landslide to replace ex-President Abolhassan Bani-Sadr. dent during a White House meeting. "If you do not decide that they are going Tehran Radio said yesterday the bomb was set off by One aide, who asked not to be identified, to be curtailed in some way ... then we're not Masoud Kashmiri, the secretary of the Security Council, and said Michel and Senate Majority Leader Overweight going to satisfy these nervous people (on he, too, was killed. It said the "hypocrite" infiltrated the Howard H. Baker Jr. urged Reagan at that Wall Street) that are on the verge of panic." ruling circle and "had knowledge of practically everything." meeting to recommend a "visible cut ' in he said. Teensger?

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Upholstery Cleaning Our Losers are Winners"! House Cleaning Carpet Stain Repellent Floor Waxing All work fully guaranteed Offer good only through Sapt. 30,1981 Call 201/741-0633 MARLBORO: Route 9. Marlboro. New Jersey ('/a Mile South of Robertsvllle Road) 53O-81OO NORTH BRUNSWICK: Carolier Lanes Mall Route 1. North Brunswick, NJ 846-19OO RnllUr pdolo bv Carl For,no FOLK DANCERS — Slovak dancers display their craft as part of the Slovak MIDDLETOWN: Village Mall. 1060 Hwy 35. Heritage Festival held yesterday at Garden State Arts Center, Holmdel. Approx- Middletown. NJ 671-8822 imately 3,500 people attended the festival, which featured ethnic foods and exhibi- MAINTENANCE KING tions. The African American, Jewish Arts, Scottish and German Heritage Festivals will be held at the arts center over the next two weekends. The Daily Register Torture, murder on Taiwan Established in 1878 - Published by The Red Bank Register By JACK ANDERSON • mi urn iiiiiiiiiiini stories, lead us to share these lease's quality - adding misgivings." some pictures - we still ARTHUR Z.KAMIN WILLIAM BLOCK, JR. WASHINGTON - There WASHINGTON What were these in- think that is not enough." is no longer any d^ubt about consistencies that have led Enclosed is a questionnaire, resident and Editor ~ J Publisher • •> it. Chen Wen^cneng was vi- American officials to suspect asking readers to rate the "SCENE" press releases in various Herbert H Thorpe. Jr.. Assistant Editor; Charles C Triblehorn, Sunday Editor: Russell P. Rauch. ciously tortured on a recent foul play? A confidential Night Editor; Jane Poderaro, City Editor; Doris Kulman, Editorial Page Editor visit to his native Taiwan. cable to the State Depart- ways, and to make sugges- The episode ended in his vi- IIIIIIIIIMHI I • llllllllll ment from U.S. officials in tions for improvement — of Pat N Riccl, Controller; Richard D. McKean, Advertising Director; Kenneth L Van Dalen, olent death. Taipei lists some of them: the press releases, that is, not Circulation Director; Frank J. Allocca, Production Manager The fate of Chen Wen- Some of the secret findings the government. tend to corroborate the — Nongovernment experts cheng has become the subject WATCH ON WASTE: The darkest suspicions of his who examined Chen's body 6 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1981 . of secret communications be- CIA can throw taxpayers' friends. found "many Injuries, ob- tween Washington and money around with the best In one cable from Taipei, vious even to laymen, which tion Yet the official autopsy Taipei. Underlying the ex- of them; it's just harder to an American diplomat ln-o are not explained by a fall." showed Chen's stomach was change of cables is a quiet catch them at it, because formed the State Department In particular, the cable says, empty. 'Ten more years and our bank loot won't be outrage over the brutal treat- their budgets are squirreled that he had openly expressed these outside experts "be- ment of this inoffensive pro- away In fiscal crannies fessor. his doubts to Taiwanese of- lieve that Chen was tortured These are just a few of the worth digging up' known only to a few. But one ficials about their account of by a variety of means, includ- doubts raised by the U.S. in- Chen had come to Ameri- wasteful project has come to what happened to Chen. He ing needles inserted in sensi- vestigations. Rep. Steve So- ca as a graduate student and light: The agency's map- told the Taiwanese that he tive areas." They noted such larz, D-N.Y., is doing still a was teaching at Carnegie- makers and writers labored was troubled over the rela- suspicious Injuries as small separate investigation of Mellon University. He was a for 18 months on a major tionship of "Chen's 13-hour lesions under the fingernails Chen's death. We are also young man, just 31 years old, project on Soviet energy, and interrogation by the security and on the left wrist, and four checking into the glaring dis- with a sense of dignity. a similar one on China. But police to his death which took puncture wounds in the kid- crepancies in the official He had gone back to his the projects were suddenly place, at the latest, a few neys — none of which, they Taiwanese version of the homeland for a happy visit to called off after an outlay of at hours after that interroga- believe, would be caused by a show his infant son to his tragedy and will report our least $500,000 in salaries tion." fall from a building, acciden- family. He was picked up by findings in a future column. alone. Sources familiar with The language is even less tal or otherwise. the Taiwanese authorities OPPORTUNITY the CIA budget estimate the diplomatic in a confidential and interrogated for 13 hours. — "Once it is established KNOCKS: "Democratic total loss to the taxpayers State Department memo- A few hours later, his bat- that at some point prior to Kampuchea" — the high- was about f 1 million. tered body was found on the randum obtained by my as- death Chen was subjected to falutln name adopted by the pavement beneath the fire es- sociate Lucette Lagnado. murderous Cambodian re- — There's gold in them torture, it is difficult then to thar hills of trash produced cape of a high-rise building. "There is ample reason to be gime of Pol Pot — is asking argue that he would go to the by the Defense Department The official Taiwanese critically skeptical of the top of a fire escape, get dizzy for help in its public relations each day. But the Pentagon version of Chen's death was prosecutor's report on Pro- and fall off," the cable states. campaign. The rump govern- that it must have been either fessor Chen's death," the won't take the trouble to dig Yet that Is the theory offered ment has already achieved a for it. A recent DOD audit suicide or an accident. His memo states. by the Taiwanese authorities certain respectability by win- friends think he was either Noting that one important estimated that the solid when confronted with the ning a seat in the United Na- waste generated by the mili- pushed off the 'building or Taiwanese source "believes even greater absurdity of tions, and it throws elegant died under torture — his body Chen may have been tary each year contains the their suggestion that the new parties to Impress U.N. dele energy equivalent of about perhaps dumped from the murdered," the memo adds: father committed suicide. gates in New York. building in a clumsy attempt "The generally shaky ver- 160 million gallons of fuel oil. to simulate suicide or acci- sions of Chen's interrogation — Chen's interrogators But it is apparently wor- But the Pentagon doesn't dent. and subsequent release from claimed to have shared meals ried that its press releases take full advantage of this Both the State Depart- custody, disseminated by the with him during his prolonged are in need of improvement. potential bonanza, preferring ment and the Central In- authorities, together with the questioning. The authorities Its latest propaganda sheet instead to shell out over $60 telligence Agency have been substantial inconsistencies in also say Chen had dinner with says that "although we have million a year to collect the investigating Chen's death. some of the authoritative a friend after the interroga- been improving the press re- garbage and haul it away. Basic flaws in affirmative action By JAMES J. KILPATRICK mm iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiH have been there all along and dustries in 1978. A resident they remain in irreconcilable necromancer in the Labor WASHINGTON - The La- CONSERVATIVE conflict with other sections Department multiplied 3.1 bor Department published a that require contractors to percent by a factor of 2.21, set of proposed new regu- establish specific "goals" for heaven knows why, and nine- lations the other day, in- VIEW minorities and women, to tenths of a female carpenter tended to end some of the make good-faith efforts "to wound up in the Federal Reg- Mickey Mouse requirements || nil Illlllll Illl HllllllK employ minorities and wom- ister. en evenly on each contract," of "affirmative action." The Despite these gains, the rules would in fact get the and actively to "seek and recruit" minority and female new rules would continue an government off the backs of specially recruited and hired oppressive paperwork burden about 150,000 small contrac- in place of equally qualified workers. KILPATRICK tors, but the proposals leave other persons, notably whites Even in the Humpty- on the 50,000 companies that a vast deal to be desired. and males. Thus the principle Dumpty world of Washing employ 75 percent of all of "equal opportunity" flies ton, where words mean what than 250 workers on federal workers on federal projects. The trouble with the pro- out the window. The rule of the bureaucracy chooses contracts of $1 million or less These employers still would' posed new rules is at bottom affirmative action is Orwell's them to mean, and neither — from the elaborate hocus- have to develop elaborate the trouble with the present rule at the Animal Farm: All more nor less, this semantic pocus still required of the programs of affirmative ac- rules. The rules are fun- the animals are equal, but razzle-dazzle is remarkably larger employers. This is net tion; they still would have to damentally flawed by a fun- some are more equal than glaring. In the name of pro- gain. file nit-picking reports Wise planning damental flaw. "The objec- others. hibiting discrimination, con- The new rules also would replete with "progression tive of an affirmative action tractors must discriminate. line charts" and "applicant The Reagan budget cuts will slash until 1977, when he was named director The proposed new rules, abandon the precise "goals" program," says the depart- like the old ones, solemnly This is knovn as "reverse of the present rules. Under rejection ratios by minority federal aid to social services in New of the New Jersey Division of Youth and ment, "is equal employment propound the same folly. discrimination" or "benign the existing program, con- and sex." And all contrac- discrimination," but a hun- Jersey by at least $133 million. Mon- Family Services, and was a special as- opportunity." But the two are Time magazine thought it had tractors must make an effort tors, large and small alike, mutually exclusive. There is dred adjectives cannot re- mouth County welfare and social service sistant commissioner in the Department stumbled over something to hire at least 6.9 percent would remain subject to the agencies expect to face a $2 to $3 million no way under moon or sun new and significant in two alistically modify the noun. basic provisions of the Civil of Human Resources when he left state that these opposing purposes Discrimination is still — dis- women in every craft classi- cutback in the approximately $11 million provisions saying that the fication. If a job requires 30 Rights Act of 1964. employment. can be reconciled. rules shall not be used to dis- crimination. a year they receive for welfare grants cement finishers, two should criminate against "any" For the moment, let it go. Black spokesmen and and services to the needy. The loss of Under Wells' direction, the Mon- One might as logically say be female. Seen any female women's libbers are hollering that the objective of peace is qualified employee because The Supreme Court has that amount of federal funds will hurt, mouth County Welfare Board earned an of race, color, sex and so smiled upon this oxymoronic cement finishers lately? No against the proposed war, or the objective of sin is one seems to know precisely changes. They see a good and it will take knowledgeable, wise, and enviable reputation for initiating pro- virtue. The whole idea of af- forth. Time thought the lan- nonsense, and the point need how the 6.9 percent quota was skillful planning to stretch the available grams designed to improve social ser- firmative action is to give guage would flatly forbid an not be labored. Thfjiew rules thing made worse. My own employer from favoring one arrived at. The figure thought is that the changes money and blunt some of the pain. vices and to deliver them more effective- favored treatment to certain would have theiflLl effect race over another. But the of exempting smalTcontrac- emerged from some study of would make a bad business ly and efficiently. Some of the practices people — blacks, women or The Monmouth County Board of Hispanics They are to be sections are not new. They tors — those employing fewer demographics in craft in- just a little bit better. Freeholders is to be commended for its he instituted in this county have since swift action in establishing a county Hu- been federally mandated for all welfare man Services Planning Committee, agencies. made up of representatives of the free- Travelers are luxuriously at sea While acutely sensitive to the plight holders and social service agencies of the poor, Wells has been particularly By JIM BISHOP i mni iiiiniHiiiiiiiiii i i sure. For a few days, or- a topside as the big yellow and which get federal funds, to do the crucial week or two, they are willing white ship passed Aicatraz, concerned with eliminating wasteful du- job of planning. In hiring Robert C. Wells ABOARD MS. SAGAF- THE to spend $175 a day per person which is now a museum to old for a part-time, three-month stint as plication in the administration of social JORD — Thirty years ago, to live aboard a cruise ship, agonies. the great ocean liners of the stuff themselves with four consultant to that committee at a total welfare programs, thus cutting manag- The wind, at 20 knots, was ment costs and making more money world were swept from the REPORTER meals a day and be taken to raw as we passed under the fee of $4,500, the freeholders are buying seas by aluminum birds exotic places at a speed no available for client services. That em- Golden Gate Bridge, waving the county a lot of expert knowledge and which could carry vaca- ••< • •••• •••>>•• greater than 20 miles per up to kids with bicycles who experience for the money. phasis, combined with his talent for in- tioners from one continent to hour. didn't wave back. Once in the another in eight hours. No Now, the trend has re- Wells, an Aberdeen Township resi- novation and his intimate knowledge of Some say an ABC pro- broad Pacific, Motor Ship matter where we wanted to versed itself. Millions of gram called "Love Boat" is dent who teaches in the Graduate School the services being provided by the vari- go, we demanded, and got, Sagafjord -turned north- Americans and Europeans responsible. Maybe. If so, It northwest for stops in British of Social Work at Rutgers University, ous agencies in the county, should prove frightening speed. are asking for luxuriant lei- BISHOP is accountable for American Columbia and Alaska. has impressive credentials in social ser- invaluable in helping the new Human vacationers spending $1.8 cabin, tour guides for shore excursions and time for a Oh, there's more to this vices administration on both the state Services Planning Committee develop a billion, on 88 cruise ships this year. In European yards, nap. voyage than that. This one is and county level. He headed the county comprehensive plan for allocating the acetylene torches brighten Kelly and I have had a lot going to be 30 days of togeth- Board of Social Services — then the reduced federal funds that will be com- the nights as new ships are of practice taking cruises. erness — a month of no cook- county Welfare Board — for 14 years ing into the county. being hammered together. The best, for us have been out ing, no utility bills, no phone, A good cruise ship panders of Miami and Port Ever- no newspapers — nothing but to the joys of the passengers. . glades. We never seek an ex- enjoyment and, as Kelly It is a floating city. The menu pensive cabin because the phrases it: "Being waited on Hounding crime for breakfast, lunch and din- only time we're in it is to rest hand and foot." ner (and the midnight buffet) a few exhausted bones or get dressed. In the morning, we awak- Jeremiah Red Wrinkles has won life- period with the department in late Feb- is a delectable delight to the ened promptly at 9:30 and time tenure with the Marlboro Township epicure. If it isn't far better Cabin 323 is on the Main pressed a button summoning ruary. than home, why leave home? Deck, which is in the hull of Police Department — and residents of Elizabeth. She is a young But Jeremiah apparently has bitten The Sagafjord, for exam- the ship. It measures about 10 that community should be doggone glad feet by 20. It has two Austrian stewardess. We ar- off more than one bloodhound can chew. ple, is a sturdy ship of 24,109 ranged to have breakfast in of it. portholes. Once unpacked, we Detective Sgt. Donald Andrews, who tons — not the biggest, not our cabin every morning. The Marlboro Council has authorized the smallest — but it packs a remain unpacked for the en- purchased Jeremiah, and Police Chief tire voyage. Dinner is formal That way, we can lounge for an annual stipend.of $1,086 for the food, lot inside its steel hull and two hours, tuning in The Joseph Walker have bought two more superstructure. Away down and I left my block bow tie at board and medical bills of the blood- home. I endure the silent Voice of America for quick bloodhounds which sometimes assist near the engine room, eight hound, whose sharp nose for poljce work Chinese men are doing laun- stares of the ladies in cocktail flashes of breaking news. is credited with assisting in seven ar- him. But, the officers say, they haven't dry all day. dresses because they do not If you assume that taking recognize a true artist when rests and in locating several missing any intention of turning those two dogs There is a small complete a late summer cruise to Alas- they see one. ka is peculiar, allow me to persons since he began his probationary over to the township. hospital, a doctor, a nurse. jDoc charges $10 for a visit, Sagafjord moved out of tell you of the stops we will v $15 if he makes a house call to Pier 35, San Francisco, on a make: Vancouver; Prince your cabin. Sea sickness isn't Sunday afternoon. She was on Rupert; Juneau, Valdez; as prevalent as it used to be, time and we weren't. From back down to Sitka; on to Parking place because the ship carries big the airport, we got a hilarious Victoria, British Columbia; finned stabilizers. Chinese cab driver who kept San Francisco; Los Angeles; Red Bank's "Great Swamp, an area get underway in two weeks. The borough There's a gymnasium, a telling us not to worry as he Mazatlan, Mexico; Acapulco; east of Broad Street between Mechanic will pay $8,455 of the $25,623 cost; the sauna, masseurs, a beauty laughed through his buck Balboa; transit the Panama teeth. and Wallace Streets named for its pro- balance will be apportioned among the shop, a gift shop, a swimming Canal; Cartagena, Columbia; Men were pulling the pensity to flood even in moderate rain- pool, room service, a hotel Georgetown, Grand Cayman; property owners. manager, a library, several gangway away as we fall, soon will be a much needed 53-car Playa del Carmen, Mexico; Congratulations to all. including the bars, a card room, verandah boarded. Breathless, we Cozumel, Mexico; and Port parking lot. lounges, a couple of night threaded our way through Red Bank Area Chambt of Commerce, Everglades, Fla.; The construction, subject of joint clubs, a disco band, a happy passengers who who made the long-contemplated im- ballroom, music (classical started their own party an As you can see, this ship planning by the borough and five proper- and jaxz) piped into your hour early. Still, we were makes more stops than a run- ty owners for five years, is expected to provement possible. Diminishing circle away ferry.

I SHREWSBURY, N.J MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 14. 1981 Business The Daily Register 7 tion By SYLVIA PORTER •.nil step, since the loan cannot be granted unless (FirHi ol tbree columoi) the college certifies your child's academic stand- It is unmistakably clear that the era of inex- ing and indicates wliat other aid he or she is pensive, easily obtained college loans is over (,'i'tting While college costs have doubled in the past 10 YOl'R MONEY'S Return the approved application to the vears, (Vngress has followed the Reagan White bank, which will take over handling the loan from Houses lead and has slashed federal dollars for that point student financial aid. hitting hardest at the popu- — Have your child sign the promissory note in lar land much abused) Guaranteed Student Loan WORTH order to get the check for the loan without delay. Program (GSL). You may apply both to the GSL and to the Students and families of students having to Auxiliary Loan Programs The Alas Program was pay for college ust prepare to do more for begun under the Carter administration and has themselves; you should educate yourselves about been expanded to provide some relief to you if you all forms of financial aid, and to let the colleges of Student Loan, you have only days left qualify as financially strapped parents. Under vour choice know the facts about your own partic- before you may be curbed by stiff new require- this program, as parents of undergraduate stu- ular circumstances ments These requirements become effective Oct. dents, yon can borrow up to $3,000 annually at 9 You must be far more aggressive than ever in . I. and they could drastically limit your chances of percent interest until Oct. 1. when the interest BUILDING TORN DOWN — Freeholder Clement V. Sommers, left, and Freeholder pursuing all leads about possible help — including Betting a college loan. rale will jump to 14 percent Eligibility will be Director Harrv Larrison Jr., supervise the demolition of the county building at One "campus-based" programs such as grants, col- You must act immediately, since the key to broadened to include graduate students and self- Lafayette St., Freehold. The county bought the former livery stable and hardware lege work-study programs and scholarships from vour i nun i- situation is to have the approval of the supporting undergraduates In combination with store, reported to be 100 years old, in 1956, and housed its mail room and planning private sources. college aid Office by Sept 30 This advice also the GSL. undergraduates can borrow up to $2,500 board there. Freeholders said the building was too expensive to keep up and the site "There still is financial aid to help pay for the holds lor students in the states where the Aux- a year as of Oct 1. while graduate students may ' will be turned into parking spaces. college your child wants to attend, despite the iliary Loans to Assistant Students (ALASi Pro- borrow the maximum in each program up to cutback in federal aid." says Joe Paul Case of the gram is in effect. This formerly was the Parent $8,000 per vear College Scholarship Service, the financial aid Loans for Undergraduate Students (PLUSi Pro- Keep in mind, however that if you borrow division of the College Board But you have to gram Check the college aid officer to find out the Irom both, each will have a separate repayment Older residents target prove that you need assistance. And to get as- critical facts about your standing. schedule and a different set of requirements. sistance, you have to apply in the right way at the - Identify a bank in your home state I or area» Because there is no consolidation arrange- right time is ,i lender, and at the same time obtain a ment lor student loans, you could find that you're- Timing is crucial." Case emphasizes. loan application from the bank, your child's col- required to repay much more each month than of small business course whether your child is a high school senior lege or(he state loan agency you expected Ask questions about these pro- grams from the aid officer or your bank. You'll be MIDDLETOWN -Men and women 55 Community Services division. The coordi- planning to start college in the fall of 1982. or is Complete the application in as much detail years and older who need more income and already enrolled and is looking for money to pay as required to be sure you avoid processing de- better off when you have the answers, good or nator is Kel Bamford of Little Silver, a bad want more activity can take advantage of a retired business executive who has been college bills ' lays. rare opportunity being offered by Brookdale chairman of Chapter 36 SCORE (Service If your child is attending college this fall, but - Submit the completed application to the Tomorrow: Calendar of dates on applying lor college financial aid office for approval. This is a Community College in Lincroft. They can Corps of Retired Executives) based at has not yet submitted an application for a Guar- aid. participate in a project entitled 'Older Per- Brookdale Bamford is being assisted by an sons in Small Business' which will enable advisory committee consisting of: Sister them to use skills they already have to start a Mary Simon, executive director, Office on small business of their own. Aging, Freehold; Ben Berzin, Jr., vice presi- Technology stocks a good buy now It is funded for one time only through the dent, First National State Bank, Newark; American Association of Community and Ann Lyons, executive vice president, Red growth is projected at 25-30 Junior Colleges and the Administration of By DAVID It SARGENT are Massachusetts-based Bank Chamber of Commerce; Teddy A. Digital Equipment (NYSEi percent annually. At the cur- Aging, and will be useful for those currently Luszcz, US Small Business Administration, andEG&G (NYSE). rent P, E of 12, the stock working and contemplating retirement and Q — I have let aiide part Newark; Patrick J. Clark, manager of em- ol my investment funda lor Digital Equipment repre- rates a buy for long term for persons already retired but feeling rest- ployment. International Flavors & Fra- technology stocks Could you SUCCESSFUL sents top quality in the com- growth. less grances. Inc., Union Beach; Dr. James El- •uggeat ume buys In Ibis puter technology field. Its EG&G has 'also demon- The project provides individual business liott, Brookdale Professor of Human Affairs; group? — R.M., New Jersey. shares have an accepted strated dramatic sales and consultation, personal counseling, open ac- Harvey B Schmelter, Brookdale Director of A — This is a good time to INVESTING place in pension fund earnings growth over the past cess to Brookdale's numerous resources, Career Services; Irv Wasserman, Mid- take a look at technology portfolios, heading their decade, as the stock's action time for sociability, and flexibility in choice dletown. of SCORE; Priscilla Ransahoff, stocks, as many of them have glamour stock lists. Earnings reflects The company's ex- of subject matter and scheduling. Each par- Fort Monmouth; John Kay, president. fallen off a bit from their growth over the past 10 years pertise spans several technol- ticipant's skills and situation' will be re- Shrewsbury Bank; WalterScherer. President intimidating highs ?.nd pres- has averaged 38 percent an- ogy fields — aerospace, com- alistically assessed. Monmouth County Council of Senior Citizens; ent good buying op- leader in the important test struments used in pollution nually, an exceptional rate. puter, medical research, and The 10 session program will start with an Jack Uauch, personnel manager. Bell Labo- portunities. Two appropriate and measurement area of control, among other things Digital is the largest pro- energy. EG&G is a prime information meeting to help group members ratories; Sylvia Griffin, Monmouth County stocks, recently recom- electronics, and Perkin Both enjoy favorable near ducer of minicomputers and contractor to the govern- become acquainted with each other and to Extension Service, and Donald Mohr, Senior mended in this column, are Elmer (NYSEi, big in semi- and long term outlooks. Two is a leader in all types of data ment, providing technical familiarize them with Brookdale and its fa- County Agricultural Agent. Hewlett-Packard (NYSE), a conductors and analytical in- processing equipment. While services for energy and de- others well worth reviewing fense projects Nuclear cilities. Classes, instructed by experienced The orientation session is scheduled from growth over the next decade retired business people, will include open might well be expected to weapons development, tes- 1-4 p in Sat , Oct. 3 in the lower level of ting, and maintenance, as discussion, case studies and problem solving. Brookdale's College Commons (Parking slow to a rate befitting a Course work covers legal and financial more mature company. well as environmental con- Area 71 on the Lincroft campus Daytime and trol services, will keep aspects of small business, business man- evening class sections are planned to accom- "DEC is well positioned to agement, insurance, record keeping taxes, benefit from defense mar- growth momentum going modate both working and non-working partic- strong A much lower priced marketing, advertising and advice on how to ipatns Daytime classes will meet from 9:30 kets, and will play a major be successful. Students can lake all the sub- role in outfitting the "office stock than DEC. EG&G of- .1 in to 12 30 p.m., Tuesdays and Fridays, fers an attractive way to in- ject offered or can omit areas of study in Oct 13 through November 13. of the future." R&Dand new which they already have expertise product development outlays vest in American technolog- Brookdale was one ol 111 American col- Identical evening classes will meet from remain impressive. Future ical know-how. leges selected to be a demonstration site for 7-10 ji m Mondays. Oct 12 through Dec. 14 the Older Persons in Small Business Further information may be had by call- Project,' which is an offering of Brookdale's ing the college

Group planning to march ( a career school in protest on budget cuts hahne's, monmouth mall

EATONTOWN - The tension of the act. going to Washington on the Asbury Park-Neptune Branch An NAACP fact sheet urg- 19th An NAACP bus will leave Rtelfttr photo bv Larry P#rn* new fall classes of the NAACP and the Mon- ing Solidarity Day partici- DIET INSTITUTE — The Diet.lnstitute recently opened its third office at the Village mouth County Education As- pation cites cuts in Social Se- Asbury Park at 5.30 am on the 19th. picking up Red Bank Mall, Route 35 in Middletowh.Pictured at the opening are, left to right, Carolyn for preteens, teens sociation called on all or- curity, food stamps. Aid to Barth, and employee of the Institute, Barry Geffner, administrator, and Diana ganizations, churches, and Dependent Children, and the chapter members at 6. The MCEA bus will leave Tinton Cohen, R.M.N. Also pictured is a Ketone Monitor, called a Caldatech. The machine and career women groups to mobilize their threat to the Voting Rights monitors the ketone levels, the count of carbohydrates in the body. • members for the Sept 19Soli- Act as primary reasons for Kiills at ti the same morning darity Day March on Wash- Get a head start on a career or ington to protest President start your own self-improvement Reagan's budget cuts program! You can become an "The real majority of expert in executive grooming, Americans must demon- personal development, poise, strate in a massive and con- cosmetics and more. There's no vincing fashion the [act that better time than right now. And the policy of this adminis- the John Robert Powers career tration to balance the budget school is the place. For at the expense of the poor information on enrollment, call does, not have universal ap 554-8300, ext. 163 or 164. stated Howard I. West, president ol the Asbury-Neptune NAACP located in the junior dept., chapter Furthermore.', lie said, we must make Congress hahne's monmouth mall aware ol our unalterable op position to this adminis- tration's efforts to make the poor, the elderly, (he handi capped, .mil minorities scapegoats for the economic ills ol the country Robert Moil spokes person for the Monmouth County Education AssoCia lion, supported Wests re- marks and went on to under- score the dissatisfaction ol teacher groups with 'Re- agonomics "There is an outright attack on public education being orchestrated from the White House" he said. "Ten percent of federal funds have been cut already Public school employees and the children of America are being hit very hard." Both men agreed that it should be a federal priority to find jobs for the seven million unemployed instead of adding to the unemployment lines MCEA's parent organization, Aerobic dancing now! the National Education As- Re-sign Special, 6 months for only $49. sociation, as well as the The largest figure control system for women In the world: NAACP, favors extending the 1965 Voting Rights Act. which enabled millions of black 4k Call now for party reservations!! Americans to vote for the 739-4774 544-1773 first time There is concern K-Mart Plaza, Route 35 Shrewsbury Ave. and Highway 35 in both groups about what the Shrewsbury, N.J. Reagan administration and Hazlet, N.J. Congress will do about ex-

i 8 The Daily Register SHREWSBURY. N J. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 14. 1981 Ex-spy seeks CIA payment TRENTON (APl - The ex-wife of Oral arguments are scheduled in me Shulman of West New York. Cuba's counterintelligence chief is U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia as Mrs. Mackowski fights Mrs. Mackowski received a lump scheduled to renew attempts today to sum payment of $7,582 for her work sue the U.S. government for $1 million to overturn a Octobes 1980 ruling by U.S. when she was released and no further on grounds the CIA improperly .trained District Court Judge Dickinson De- plalmml Mr. her as a spy. bevoise in Trenton that limited her claim to $10,000. Mackowski claims she did not spy on her Carmen Mackowski, 45, a U.S. husband, but against the Cuban govern- Debevoise ruled that Mrs. citizen who is remarried, will press her ment of Fidel Castro. claim that she should collect damages Mackowski failed to make her claim for medical problems she suffered dur- within two years after she was released He said the woman "had substan- ing nine years in a Cuban prison follow- in 1979 following a thaw in II S -Cuban tially complied with the federal tort ing a two-hour trial after she was relations and noted claims of more than claims act" in suing the government. nabbed in 1969. $10,000 must be handled by the Court of Claims in Washington, D.C. Debevoise's ruling said "one would Mrs. Mackowski's lawsuit contends have to be a clairvoyant" to recognize it The CIA declines to comment on the the CIA gave her insufficient training as a proper legal claim. for her $250-a-month espionage work court case. while married to Alfredo Ruiz, director Mrs. Mackowski, who "used to live Shulman said a Court of Claims suit of Cuba's Department Against Spies, in Perth Amboy, but now lives in seeking money has been rejected be- who reportedly tried to get her in- Queens, NY, I think," developed leg cause of an 1875 ruling that bars former terested in spying for the Marxist island and lung tumors as she served her sen- spies from collecting "because just re- AUXILIARIES nation. tence, said her attorney, William Z. vealing you're a spy is taboo.'' OrO/XL

A paid directory of coming events for non-profit Knights of Columbus, Red Bank Council No. 3187, organizations. Rates $3.00 for three lines for one day, special pancake breakfast to be held at Council Home. $1.00 each additional line; $4.00 for two days. $1.25 each 200 Fair Haven Rd., Fair Haven. Sun., Sept. 20. 8 A.M. additional line; $6.00 for three to five days, $1.50 each to 1 P.M. Adults $2.50, children under 12, $1.50. additional line; $7.00 for 10 days, $2.00 each additional GOALS SHOWN — Recording employee support on Red Scoreboard are Terry McGuire and Horace Brown, co- line. Deadline noon two days before publication. Call James Dobson's excellent film series "Focus.On Bank's Rivervlew Hospital Family Campaign Progress chairman of the hospital's employee campaign. The Daily Register, 542-4000 for the Date Secretary. The Family", first film shown Sun., Sept. 20th, seven consecutive Sundays at Middletown Reformed Church, 123 Kings Highway, 7 P.M. Everyone 18 & older invited. 9 Freewill offering. Hospital 'family pledge over $925,000 LONG BRANCH Saint Gerard Guilds of America Large Flea Market, Sept. 20, 9 A.M. to 4 P.M., Italian Earthquake Funds. Spare victims another hor- Fountain Casino Parking Lot, Rt. 35, sponsored by RED BANK — Riverview Hospital The hospital 'family' is striving to facility and avoid paying higher equip- rible winter. Checks payable to Rev. Nicola Ferrante. achieve more than $72,000 in additional "Remember When Club " Spaces $6.00. For information 'family' members have pledged over ment costs when the project is com- Mail to Jersey Shore Bank, c/o Hubert L. King, 555 566-9534 or 264-2428. $925,000 as part of a community wi4$ pledges from its members to reach a pleted in 32 months. Equipment prices Ocean Ave.. West End, N.J. 07740. The real truth about campaign effort to raise $3 million i minimum of $1 million before the start have been rising at a rate of between 15 Italian Earthquake victims. It's almost one year & SEPTEMBER 22 & 23 needed to equip the hospital's new Cen- of the community campaign early next and 55 percent a year. billions of dollars later & the victims are still living in The 11th Annual Shrewsbury Corners Antique Show ter for Health Resources. month under the chairmanship of tents & mobile units. Please spare them another brutal & Sale at Presbyterian Church House, 352 Sycamore The 33 members of the hospital's Charles T. Parton of Rumson. The Center for Health Resources is winter exposed to the horrible elements. Guaranteed Ave. Shrewsbury. Tues., September 22. 10 A.M. to 9 Board of Governors, led by its presi- "Those closest to the hospital, who the largest and most important ex- relief through the Long Branch Saint Gerard Guilds of P.M. Wed., September 23, 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. Luncheon dent, Frank F. Blaisdell, pledged over know the importance of the expansion pansion project in the hospital's 52-year America. All our organization efforts to date have been will be served from 10 to 2 each day. $170,000, thereby surpassing a board project, have set the pace for this cam- history. The seven-floor building pro- acknowledged by clergy of victims in quake area. goal of $150,000. paign, " said Parton. "It's up to the rest gram, started last month, will connect SEPTEMBER 23 of us in the community to follow through the hospital's main building with its east MONDAY-WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY Chinese Auction at Buck Smith's Restaurant, 8 The hospital's 1,700 employees under wing and provide nearly 160,000 square CHRISTIANS IN SERVICE, qualified persons to the leadership of Terry McGuire and to achieve the campaign victory needed P.M. benefit Port Monmouth First Aid Squad Auxiliary. to help assure that Riverview continues feet of urgently needed new space. assist senior citizens in filing various forms, tax, social Donations: $2.00. Horace Brown pledged' more than security, insurance, medical, etc. Service free of $175,000, exceeding their goal in the to be ready and able to help us should we The project will allow for the ex- SEPTEMBER 24 suddenly need it." charge. Call 291-0485, Mon., Wed., Fri., 9 A.M. to 12 campaign by over $25,000. pansion and modernization of the hospi- Noon. The Open Door of the Bayshore Area is sponsoring Auxiliaries pledged $205,000 toward Parton. a bank official and civic tal's operating rooms, x-ray and nuclear a bus trip to Madison Square Garden to see The Rodeo their goal of $200,000 while Riverview's leader, is now recruiting campaign vol- medicine departments, coronary care SEPTEMBER 12, 13 on Sept. 24, Thurs. evening performance. Bus departs medical staff made gift commitments unteers. He noted that achieving the $3 and intensive care units, obstetrical de- MYA ROLLER HOCKEY SIGN-UPS. Ages 8-16. from Red Bank and Hazlet. Price $18.00 includes totaling more than $377,000 in its cam- million campaign goal will enable the partment, laboratory, outpatient de- Registration dates Sept. 12th and 13th at Bodman Park, excellent seats and transportation. For reservations paign effort directed by Dr. Andrew hospital to contract now for lifesaving partments and many other vital facil- Middletown. From 10-4. For information call Jack call: 739-3963, 739-3868, 495-2471. Dedick. medical equipment needed in the new ities. 747-9368. Bill 787-4235. Dennis739-2987. Fee: $15.00 SEPTEMBER 26 SEPTEMBER 14 Lincroft First Aid Flea market, Hurleys Lane, Breakfast in Hollywood at Buck Smith's at 7:30 Lincroft. Sat., Sept. 26. rain or shine. For information p.m. Funniest hat contest, games, door prizes and call Linda Walters at 946-2940 or Sally Daneman at Man faces Security probe request goes to state refreshments. Sponsored by Hazlet Italian-American 842-3891. Tables: $8.00, space $5.00. 10 to4. Ladies' Auxiliary. Donation $3.00. MARLBORO - The State Attorney Gen- the patient had, at one time, threatened THE DOROTHY PONS DANCE COMPANY will charges of eral's office has referred a request from the another patient with a razor blade. Christ Church Thrift & Consignment Shop. 100 present "Spatial Phenomena" A concert of contem- county'; presiding judge for a probe of Shebell said he has met with Roy Ettl- Kings Highway, Middletown, reopening for the 1981-82 porary dance Sept 26th at 8 p.m. at the Monmouth Arts car thefts whether Marlboro Psychiatric Hospital can inger executive director of the hospital, and season, Mon. thur Fri., 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. Sat. 10 A.M. Center, Monmouth St., Red Bank. For ticket informa- adequately provide "moderate" security for was satisfied with the information he re- until Noon. tion please call 741-2208. RED BANK - Karl An- patients to state Commissioner of Human ceived about the hospital. He said he has not thony Wood, 19. of 86 Third Services Timothy Cardin. discussed the possibility of an investigation SEPTEMBER 15 Flea Market, sponsored by Knights of Columbus at St., Fair Haven, faces a Judge Thomas F. Shebell, Jr. made the with the hospital administration. Parents Without Partners, Chapter 644. Cocktail Council Hall, Rt. 35, Keyport, Sept. 26,10-6 P.M. $6.00 a munincipal court hearing to- request several weeks ago after listening to Shebell said the Attorney General's office Party, Club Bene', Rt. 35, Sayerville. Orientation 8:30 space Reservations: Frank. 264-6722. Tony. 264-6178. day after his arrest Saturday testimony from hospital staff members on referred hts request to Cardin so Cardin's P.M. Members $3., perspective members $5. Call Rain date Oct. 3. 671-2777. on charges of auto thefts, the status of a patient who had escaped. staff could investigate "problems" which OCTOBER 3 criminal mischief and crimi- Hospital employees reportedly testified that had been raised. SEPTEMBER 15 & 22 Fun Night • Fairview First Aid Squad presents an nal trespassing, police said. The Monmouth Conservatory Children's Chorus "Indian Summer Fun Night." 8 P.M - 1 A.M. Games, He was held in the county Try-outs. 7 P.M., Church of The Nativity, Hance & refreshments. Donation: $5.00 Middletown No. 1 Fire jail in lieu of $2,000 bail. College business research post to city woman Ridge Rds , Fair Haven. 4th thru 8th graders who can Company, Fire House, Rt. 35. , Wood is charged with sing in tune are accepted. Further information call stealing four cars from the WEST LONG BRANCH - Miss Neurohr, who is en- cipient of the faculty's Dow 741-8880. Hazlet Fire Co. No. I. Holmdel Rd., Hazlet. 9 AM Katherine A. Neurohr of rolled in the MBA. program Jones Student Achievement to 4 P.M. Tables are $7, spaces $5. Call 264-6487. Rain Sanson Auto dealership, 100 SEPTEMBER 16 E. Newman Springs Road, Long Branch who received a at Monmouth, will assist the Award, presented to the grad- date Sun. Oct. 4. Crafters are welcomed. uating senior with the best Red Bank Christian Women's Club has Brunch at Lincroft. police said. In addi- B.S. degree in business sum- business administration fac- Luncheon & Fashion Show at the Shore Casino at ma cum laude from Mon- overall abilities, she also Buck Smith's, 10-12 Noon, $3.50. Laurie Celeste tells tion, he is charged with five ulty on a number of ongoing Atlantic Highlands, 12 noon. By Our Lady of Perpetual mouth College in May. has research projects. While still earned the school's award how to conduct a garage sale. Sharon Jennings sings & counts of theft, one theft of Helen Roman is guest speaker. To make reservations, Help Church, Highlands Rosary Altar Society, by merchandise, one count of been appointed a graduate as- an undergraduate, she served given to the senior with the sistant in the College's School an internship in finance with highest scholastic standing in call 264-9375, 747-1409 or 741-7377. Angelic Tiger. Rumson. Reservations 872-0844 or criminal mischief and one 872-0941. $12. count of criminal tres- of Business Administration. Professor William Feist. Re- finance SEPTEMBER 17 passing. The Baha'i Community of Red Bank is sponsoring a Fifth Annual Flea Market sponsored by Matawan Additional arrests are ex- discussion on the "Baha'i Faith & the UN". The public Junior Women's Club. $7.00 donation per space. Foun- pected, police said. is invited. Call 747-1573 for details. tain Casino Parking Lot, Rt. 35 north, Aberdeen. 9-4 Wood's arrest followed an P.M Reservation & information call 691-1607 or SEPTEMBER 18 583-9514. ongoing investigation con- Atlantic City Bus Trip leaves St. Mary's, New ducted by Detectives Gary Monmouth, 4:30 P.M. Cost: $15.00 - rebate $10.00 from OCTOBER 4 Watson and James Clayton. Bailey's Park Place Casino. Phone evenings 787-3652 or COUNTRY WESTERN ROUNDUP, SUN., Oct 4, Police recoved automobiles 787-9138. 2-10 P.M. Live music by Jimmy Star & Eddie Connor & valued at a total of $50,000 as Silk & Steel. Buffet. Donation: $5.00, sponsored by the rsesult of Wood's arrest. QUEST — Weekly forum for single, divorced & River Plaza Hose Co. «K1 Ladies' Auxiliary, at River LADIES SALE! widowed adults. Discussion, refreshments, dancing, Plaza Hose Co #1, 70 Foster St., River Plaza. Tickets & Unitarian Church, 1475 W. Front St., Lincroft, 7:45 P.M. Information 747-2148 or 741-4875. Admission limited to first 200 people. Donation: $3.00. Four face Ladies Auxiliary of Liberty Hose will hold a Flea SEPTEMBER 19 Market on Oct. 4, at Liberty Hose Fire House. Hwy. 36. charge Joy Fellowship invites all women to its monthly Keyport. Rain date Oct. 11th. Tables: $7.00, spaces breakfast at the Holiday Inn, West Long Branch. $5.00. Reservations: 739-0303. THAIS SHOE HZ Speaker: Dr. Mary Ann Diorio. Call Stephanie Osborn, RED BANK - Four men face Municipal Court ap- 542-0462, Polly Ferster, 229-4537. Sept. 19,9:30 A.M. B'nai B'rith Women Ayelet Chapter Flea Market, Middletown Shopping Center, Rt. 35, Middletown, $7.50 pearances today on four SUPER FLEA MARKET, ATLANTIC HIGH- counts each of possession of for double parking space. Rain date Oct. 11th. Call LANDS HISTORICAL SOCIETY at the Scenic Town 583-5476 or 566-8333. firearms. $ 00 Marina, 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. Rain date Sept 26 Reserve a The men were all being space, send $6.00 to: Atlantic Highlands Historical , OCTOBER 9 held in the county jail in lieu Society, P.O. Box 108, Atlantic Highlands. N.J. 07716 or The Little Silver Police Department is sponsoring a of $5,000 each, were arrested VALUEST0S54 call 291-4313 or 291-2718 for details. dinner-dance on Fri., Oct. 9. to honor Chief John H. shortly after 3 a.m. Friday 15 Foster, who is retiring on Sept. 30 after 30 yrs. service lor the un; awful possession of FLEA MARKET AT - Lincroft Presbyterian to the borough of Little Silver. Dinner will be at the two handguns and a sawed-off FANTASTIC FASHIONS. Church. West Front St. & Everett Rd . Lincroft Rain- Shore Casino, Yacht Harbor Marina, Atlantic High- shotgun, police said. ALL CURRENT STYLINGII date Sept. 26. For space info, call 739-0976 after 6 p.m. lands Tickets $25.00 per person. 8:30 P.M. Tickets may They were identified by be purchased through the Little Silver Police Dept.' By: "Gaol" •"Selby" Sea Bright Tailgate Flea Market. Borough parking 747-5900 through Sept 30. police as Richard Williams, "Nalurahzer" • "SRO" lot. next to Firehouse. Sponsored by Ladles Auxiliary 24. of 135 Rockwell Ave., Foremost and fashionable lor "Red Cross" • "Connie" "Careslo" • "Pappagallo" S.B.F.D., 9 AM to 3 P.M Rain date Sept 26 Space* $5. OCTOBER 11 Long Branch; Anthony the season ahead...isour Information 842-2898 or 842-4919 Latimore. 26. of 109 Atkins footwear to take you "Bandolino" • "Capezio" Indoor Flea Market sponsored by Sisterhood of "Old Maine Trotter" • "Bass" Congregation Agudath Achim of Freehold. $10.00 dona- Ave., Asbury Park; Willie everywhere! Smart pumps, "Dexter" • "Hill & Dale" Annual Church Fair It Chicken Barbecue dinner, Wade. 25, of Lakewood. and sandals, wedgies ... a lovely "Joyce" • "Howard Fox" & many more tion for space includes a 6' table. Dealers call Roberta Embury United Methodist Church. 40 Church It,, Little hangman. 938-4133 by Sept. 15. Tyrone Payne, 30, of selection, See! SIZES 5 to 11 Silver. 10 A.M. to 8 I'M Boutlqut, ira«h L treaiure. Lakehurst. silent auction (handmade quilt I '•'n-» ««is lor Chicken Arts '& Crafts Show sponsored by the Monmouth The arrests were made Barbecue $4.75 for adults, $2 00 lur rnildrtin Take out County Park S. stem, 10 A.M. - 4 P.M. at Monmouth Patrolmen Robert Scott. orders also. Call 747-1270. County Thump: n Park. Newman Springs Rd.. Lincroft. $7 50 per space. For information 842-4000 Kick Cotlhr, Joseph Saling ALL LEATHER The Monmouth Museum pre»«nU Victorian Muiic and John Cain, and Sgt. Ray- Hall, an evening of sentimental ballad* & bawdy iiJltl*11 mond Moore OCTOBER 4 ONLY edy performed with a certain Edwardian elegance by COUNTRY WESTERN ROUNDUP. SUN., Oct. 4, Mercer College Theatre Productions, at 8 P.M. The 2-10 P.M. Live music by Jimmy Star & Eddie Connor it show at the Performing Arts Center on Brookdale Silk & Steel. Buffet. Donation: $5.00. sponsored by Library begins LADIES community College Campus will be followed by a River Plaza Hose Co. #1 Ladies' Auxiliary, at River 00 reception at the Museum. A donation of $25.00 per Plaza Hose Co. #1, 70 Foster St., River Plaza. Tickets & talks on books person will benefit the educational fund. Call 747-2266 Information 747-2148 or 741-4875. BOOTS far further information. SHREWSBURY - The Ladies Auxiliary of Liberty Hose will hold a Flea Small Book Club at the Mon- SEPTEMBER 20 Market on Oct. 4, at Liberty Hose Fire House. Hwy. 36. mouth County Library's SIZES 3% TO 11 VALUES $75 TO $100 "Art, In The Park Festival" (Arts & Crafts Show- Keyport. Rain date Oct. Uth. Tables: $7.00. spaces Eastern Branch, Route 35, Sale), Veterans Memorial Park, Union Ave.. Hazlet, $500. Reservations: 739-0303. Noon to 4 P.M. Over 100 artists & crafters. Exhibitors begins its fall series ?t 7:30 B'nai B'rith Women Ayelet Chapter Flea Market. ' p.m. Tuesday with a dis- $5.00, seniors $3.00. students $1.00. Public invited. Free 8 WALLACE ST., RED BANK admisson & entertainment. Refreshments & picnicking Middletown Shopping Center, Rt. 35. Middletown. $7.50 cussion of Ernest Heming- for double parking space Rain date Oct. 11th. Call ways "For Whom The Bell (next to Ludwigs Deli.) available. Rain date Sept. 27 Call Hazlet Recreation. HOURS 739-0653. 583-5476 or 566-8333. Tolls," led by Fred Oser of TUES-SAT. 10-5:30 842-6610 the library's staff. ADVICE 15 The Daily Register CLASSIFIED / 16 COMICS ....„ 19 SHREWSBUHY, N J MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 14, 1981 Sports

Borg beset by death threats Big Mac follows Big Bill into Open book

NEW YORK (AP) - No offense, Bjorn, John check for $66,000. "I think he's going to win this McEnroe seemed to be saying. McEnroe and Martina, damn tournament someday, but hopefully not But all slimmer long, the 22-year-old New when I'm here." Yorker has been spoiling things for Bjorn Borg. see page 10 Borg wasn't around to hear the consoling And yesterday he leveled the crowning blow by words. beating Borg 4-6, 6-2, 6-4, 6-3 in the final of the He made a hasty retreat to the dressing room. U.S. Open tennis championships. There he quickly showered and was rushed by It's not that McEnroe has ceased to appreciate Yesterday, McEnroe refused to share the plainclothes policemen down a grimy back stair- Borg's artistry or his position in the game. It's wealth. He built momentum in the third set and way, past garbage from concession stands and just that he knows he is on a level with one of the steamed past Borg in the next. into a waiting car. best men ever to play tennis. Now McEnroe has an enviable victory string The reason for the quick getaway was a tele- "A good deal of the time, I think I can read of his own. He won the Open for the third time in a phoned death threat against Borg, delivered to where he's going." McEnroe said. And winning row! the first such streak since Bill Tilden won his the main switchboard at the National Tennis this year was not as big a deal as last year, he sixth American championship in 1925. Center. Borg left with his coach, Lennart said. He had to get by such unknowns as Juan Nunez Bergelin. Borg's wife, Mariana, who had watched Tracy .Austin had the opposite view after she of Chile and Ramesh Krishnan of India in four the match from courtside, did not leave with him. defeated Martina Navratilova 1-6, 7-6, 7-6 Satur- setters, and a resurging Vitas Gerulaitis in a five- It was the second day in a row he had been day in the women's final. Austin was only 16 when set semifinal. Borg had to beat tough Roscoe threatened. she won in 1979, and she thinks now she w's Tanner in four sets in the quarterfinals and beat It was a grim day for Borg anyway. too'ynung to appreciate it. This one meant more Jimmy Connors in the semifinals. "I don't think he was really sure what he was to her, she said. Borg, who has tried 10 times, making it to the doing," McEnroe said. "He'd come in (to net) Two months ago at Wimbledon McEnroe put a final four times, has never won the Open. and then wasn't really sure whether he should period to Borg's string of five Wimbledon vic- "I'd like to join in commiserating with Bjorn have or not." tories. And he assumed the No. 1 position in the because he's a great champon," McEnroe said to It was not dazzling tennis and certainly it was computer rankings. the crowd as he accepted the winner's trophy and not of the caliber of their Wimbledon final, which McEnroe won 4-«. 7-6,7-6,6-4 McEnroe made nearly as many unforced er- rors as Borg — 18 off the forehand, to Borg's 13, and 15 off the backhand, compared with Borg's 19. McEnroe got in 52 percent of his first serves, compared with Borg's 56 percent. But there's a saying around here, uttered sc often you'd think it was engraved on players' rackets: what counts is how you play the big points. Down a break in the third set, McEnroe began to move better. He got 30-15 on Borg's serve in the eighth game, passing him with a lob. He-set up break point with a forehand cross-court pass. And he polished it off with another lob that passed Borg, who was making an untimely visit to the net That evened the score 4-4, and McEnroe made no bones about his own service game: he won it with three service winners and an ace, and went to work on Borg's serve again. From 15-40, Borg struggled back to deuce, but hit a forehand long to give McEnroe the advan- tage. McEnroe cleaned up again with a forehand volley cross-court. They traded breaks in the next set. But with Borg's serve faltering in the next game, he made some backhand errors, and McEnroe had the last break he would need. With a.11 respect, McEnroe said, this wasn't as tough as last year's final, in which he beat Borg 7-6,6-1,6-7, 5-7, 6-4. "Last year it was a little more satisfying because I stopped him from winning the third segment (in the )," McEnroe said. Last year, for the third year in a row, Borg had THIRD STRAIGHT — John McEnroe raises his arm triumphantly after defeating captured the French Open and Wimbledon titles Bjorn Borg yesterday, 4-6, 6-2, 6-4, 6-3, to win his third consecutive U.S. Open tennis and needed the U.S. and Australian titles to SECURITY BLANKET — Bjorn Borg, center, is escorted from the court by a flock of championship. The victory enabled McEnroe to tie the record set by ''Big" Bill complete the Slam. security men after his loss to John McEnroe in the U.S. Open finals. Borg's life had been Tilden in the 1920s. Borg was obviously affected by threats made on his life before threatened by a phone caller. See McEnroe, page JO the start of play. Randolph, Watson bats come alive in Yankee win another contract. Watson also addded to the Yankee Watson, who wears a cut-off wet suit Dave Revering. I can hit against any- NEW YORK (APi - Willie Ran- percentage 429 i. they probably want to "I'm not negotiating a new contract cause by slugging a solo homer in the to prevent further straining said. "It body," he said "1 don't care from what dolph and Bob Watson are not .230 hit- keep me off base Or maybe I'm playing ever again," he said. "After next year. fifth inning. He blames injuries, Yankee was only a week ago that I felt 100 side he throws from. I'm a .300 hitter. ters. But the fact remains that on Sept. dead I don't know I'm as confused as I'm calling it quits. I've played a long Stadium and platooning for his poor percent for the first time." I've been a .300 hitter all my life. And a 13. Randolph and Watson are struggling everyone else." time (15 seasons i and I. think I've had performance this year. lot of those hits came against right- at .235 and .231 respectively. It's been Yesterday, however, Randolph About Yankee Stadium, the big right- handers." enough." "I know if I stay healthy," he said. baffling. smashed three hits in five at bats and hander said, "Charley (Lau, the batting Watson was then asked about 1982. "I can play." "It's tough to break out of a slump knocked in three runs as the New York instructor! has counted all the balls I've There are rumors that the Yankees will The 35-year-old veteran hurt himself sitting on the bench." said new manager it's the weirdest thing." said Ran- Yankees defeated the Boston Red Sox hit to lefKenter and center this year. It acquire Cubs first baseman Bill on opening day. swinging against Texas Bob Lemon, who said he plans to use dolph, whose lifetime average is .274. 104 comes to 26, and I've only gotten four Buckner as the player-to-be-named lat- Rangers Charlie Hough. He was Watson against some right-handed "I can't really figure it out. Sometimes Randolph thought he should have hits out of those 26 I'm thinking of throwers. er in the Doug Bird-Rick Reuschel deal. I ask myself. What am I doing wrong?' been 5-for-5. "I hit those other two balls placed on the 15-day disabled list effec- maybe becoming a switch-hitter." Watson is in the second year of a 'Those are just rumors. ' replied Maybe everyone is cuing in on me. May- hard, too, ' he said. "With the way tive May 13 because of a strained abduc- three-year deal for a reported $1.71 mil- Watson. "I can't worry about that. I be after last year (he placed second to things have been going for me, I'll take tor muscle in his right thigh and was Watson doesn't like the idea of pla- lion. He said he was not thinking about just gotta go out there and do my thing." Kansas City's George Brett in on-base all 1 can get ' reactivated June 5. tooning at first base with left-hander Giants grab Jets squander lead first victory in loss to Bengals NEW YORK (AP) - Cincinnati quarter- Wesley Walker back Ken Anderson will spend this week But Anderson shook off his wooziness and, WASHINGTON (AP) - New York Giants Coach Ray looking two ways — toward next Sunday's with some long passing, started the Bengals Perkins may finally have seen the light at the end of the game with Cleveland and back over his shoul- on their way back. The biggest pass was a 42- tunnel. To Joe Gibbs, the light must look like a train coming der at Jack Thompson and Forrest Gregg. yarder to Isaac Curtis, who finished the game with five receptions for 108 yards. right at him. Anderson completed 21 of 33 passes for 246 Gibbs, who is still looking for his first win as a head coach, yards and two touchdowns in yesterday's It set up Jim Breeches 44-yard field goal watched his Washington Redskins drop a 17-7 decision to the 31-30 Natipnal Football League victory over late in the second period — and before the New York Giants yesterday. the New York Jets. Gregg, his coach, said he first half ended, Anderson had cut the Jets' The loss came despite 's com- was "absolutely satisfied" with the per- lead to 17-10 with a last-minute 7-yard scoring pletion of 27 of 48 passes for 318 yards, both personal bests. In formance. But he refused to say whether it pass to Steve Kreider. two lost causes, Theismann has now accounted for nearly 600 guaranteed Anderson a third start this sea- Archie Griffin's 1-yard touchdown run fol- yards through the air. son. lowing the second of two field goals by New "We just do everything it takes to lose a ball game," fchompson, the Bengals No 2 quarter- York's Pat Leahy left Cincinnati trailing Gibbs said. "If we make a catch, it's two inches out of back, has been nursing a bruised ankle. It 20-17 going into the fourth quarter. After bounds. If we make a good catch, we get a penalty. If we pop it could be better by the time the Browns' game Leahy added three more points for the Jets, for a good gain inside we get the . We're just not rolls around. And he just might be in the Anderson put Cincinnati on top for the first playing good football. starting lineup. time with a 3-yard pass to Griffin. "Right now, we don't have the playmakers that a/e I know you're going to say I'm hedging Then the defense took over. "They didn't getting us the plays we need," Gibbs said. and I am." Gregg said when asked about want to get behind again," Gregg said. Perkins, who has had two losing seasons since taking over Anderson's status. "I believe right now I'm Ross Browner sacked Todd and forced a the Giants in 1979, gave credit to his defense for yesterday's not prepared to make a decision." fumble. Fellow defensive end Mike St. Clair ran the ball 12 yards for what proved to be the victory. A week ago, Anderson was yanked follow- winning touchdown with 3:03 to play. It offset "The defense won the game for us; it was that simple. ing a poor first-quarter performance in Cin- cinnati's 27-21 victory over Seattle during Todd's second touchdown pass to Barkum an The two fumble recoveries gave us both touchdowns," Per- 8-yarder with 1 03 remaining. kins said. which No.3 quarterback Turk Schonert rallied the Bengals. Afterward, Gregg said "Ross, he made the play," St. Clair said. The Giants' first touchdown came with the Redskins Schonert would be his starter against the "He put the pressure on Todd. He sacked ahead 7-0 in the third quarter. Jets, but then he reversed himself. him, he forced the fumble ... I just saw the Washington punt return specialist Mike Nelms, fielding ball and that's all there was to it " kicks despite a east on his arm, fumbled a punt that was Yesterday. Schonert was in for only one play — when Anderson was shaken up early "It's too early to say just how good this recovered by Giants' reserve linebacker Frank Marlon on the APMwta in the second period following a scramble. team is." Anderson said after the Bengals Redskins 13. Perry runs past At that time, the Jets had built a 14-0 lead won their second game and dropped New Two plays later, Billy Taylor crashed over from the 5 and PERRY KEEPS PUMPING — New York Giants running back Leon York to 0-2 I think we'll find oik some a Washington Redskin defender for a short gain during yesterday's NFL game at on Richard Todd's touchdown passes of 40 the Giants were on the board. yards to Jerome Barkum and 14 vard* tn yore about ourselves next week." See GUnti, page Z0 RFK Memorial Stadium. 10 The Daily Register SHREWSBURY, NJ. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 14,1981 Major league Mac takes backseat to Martina

box scores John McEnroe got the big bundle — is temporarily the world's undisputed No.l. Cowboys fan. Her accent was strictly down shades of Big Bill Tilden — but the centenary Yet Borg, unless he's getting bored at age 25 home USA. American tennis championship belonged to after 10 hard years of campaigning, must be Martina played in the shadow of Billie • OSTON NIW YORK too 9 20 Cabell. Heep 3B~Revnold». S— Jean King and Chris Evert Lloyd for a while, •krkM •trhkl Garner. DAIeiander. an adopted daughter, Martina Navratilova. Itching to get his chief foe at a different place Evans rl 3 10 0 Rndloh 3b SO33 H II ER M 10 but moved to the front when King surren- itaplln 2D S 0 0 0 Mm,In . Cl 10 0 1 San Franclic* Martina wasn't on center court yesterday under different terms. Rke II 5 0 3 0 iv,i,i II 5 1 3 J DAIeMndr L,fl I when the sport paid proper tribute to the left- WILL dered to ailing knees and Lloyd took longer Vattrik dh 5 12 1 Pinlella dh h 1 1 0 Holland Meanwhile, the world will be pulling for breaks from competition after she married. Lansfrd lb 12 10 ReJcktnrf 4 110 Houston handed, shot-making marvel from neighbor- Pirei lb 4 13 3 BBrown rl 0 0 0 0 Knepper nil Navratilova to bring her emotions into tune When Martina was winning in 1978 and Allenson c 3 0 11 Nettles 3b 3 110 LaCorle S,S ing Douglaston, NY, an almost-effortless with her brilliant game and restore her to the Hotlmn ss 3 0 0 0 Watson lb 3 3 3 2 Wl' liAle..iiKli-i Holland. T—2:32. A winner over rival Bjorn Borg, but the con- GRIMSLEY 1979, the cloud always hung over her: "It Hancck ph 10 0 0 Cerone c 13 2 3 — 19,642 top world pedestal she occupied in 1978-79. would be different if Chris were around." Valoei ss 10 0 0 Milborn ss 3 10 0 crete and steel National Tennis Center still Miller it 4 0 11 MONTREAL CHICAGO Poor Martina. It will be hard for the She had barely conquered that obstacle TMal IS t II « Total It 10 11 10 abrhbl • brhbl dripped with sentimentality over the Czecho- Bonds cl S 2 2 0 tennis public to forget how she walked from before teen-age wizard Tracy Austin came •oston al ooi— t Raines II 12 0 0 slovak miss who didn't make it. Nt. York Francon II 2 10 0 DeJesus ss 5 0 1 0 center stage in tears Saturday after a into view. Meanwhile, Martina's lifestyle had 410 10I-U RScott 2b 1111 Urn Kn. lb 4 0 4 3 Neither McEnroe, with all his natural DP—Boston 1, New York 2. LOB—Bos- Dawson cl 5 3 4 3 Durham rl 5 0 0 0 crushing loss to 18-year-old Tracy Austin 1-6, drawn publicity and mtu-i^m Ion S, New York 6. 2B—Cerone, Briggs ct 0 0 0 0 Morales II 4 0 10 brilliance and volatile disposition, nor the 7-6, 7-6. How could a player so strong and Yastrzemskl. Randolph, Rice HR—Perei Carter c S 0 1 0 ID r. C 4 12 1 tragic Borg, just a shadow of the powerful A powerful left-hand«Xwjj.h quickness and 16), WlnlKId 111), Watson 14) SB-Ran Cromrl lb 3 111 Reitl 3b 3 0 0 0 talented as Martina lose two tiebreakers to dolph. S—Milbourne. SF—Mumphrev, Parrish 3b 5 0'2 3 Eastwck p 0 0 0 0 stroking machine that crammed five many it was just another rendition of a long- natural instincts, she had the capability of Cerono. Wallach rl 4 111 SThpsn ph 10 0 0 an opponent who hits the ball with half her IP M R ER • • SO Wimbledon and six French Open titles into a running road show, like "Sound of Music" or handily defeating any woman — Lloyd or tartt*. Speier ss 3 110 Caudlll p 0 0 0 0 pace? Yet she did. Phillips ss 10 0 0 Tabler 2b 4 110 half-dozen years, could wrench from the "Fiddler on the Roof." Head to head, they Austin — but she fell victim to her fragile Tanana i. i v 1 I 1 5 4 4 I I Sandrsn p 2 0 0 0 Krukow p 100 0 Aponte 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 emotions. Office pn 10 10 Howell p 0 00 0 massive audience, live and electronically are now 7-7. This was patented because it was It's been a long, uphill and frustrating Tudor 3 3 ! 5 J I BSmith p 00 0 0 Hall ph 1112 This year she thought she had whipped her Crawford 2 2 112 0Fryman p 00 0 0 LeSmith p 0 0 0 0 tuned, the drama and sadness that spilled the McEnroe's favorite surface, in his own struggle for the Slavic player since she de- Rainev 1 2 0 0 0 0 Tldrow p 0 0 0 0 Achilles heal. She lost weight. She tinted her Now York day before. backyard in a tournament Borg is yet to win. fected from her native Czechoslovakia in 1975 Waller 3b 2 110 GuldrvW.11 3 5 13 3 2 3 at age 16 and told the world she wanted to hair and tied it with a ribbon into a pigtail. Frailer 0 2 2 2 10 Total II 10 111 Total it »u » They cheered the restrained Superbrat for The script remains the same — RDavIS 3 2 0 0 2 3 Montreal 110 021 000—10 his sweeping left-handed serves and crisp McEnroe's explosive serve-volley attack breathe the free air of America, v-- "I feel I look better now," she said poign- LaRoche 1 11110 Chicago M0 010 III— I antly after beating Lloyd in the semifinals. Franer pitched to 3 batters in 6th. E — Durham. Buckner. OP—Montreal volleys and moaned when Bjorn's once-rifle- against the Swede's measured consistency. If No one was more American, although she HBP-bv Tudor (Mllbournel T 2 so I. Chicago 2 LOB—Montreal I. Chicago 9 IB—Dawson 2. Parrish, Buckner 2. 3B— like passing shots died limply in the net, but, you didn't like the result, wait around. It had to wait until July to receive her Then against Austin her old affliction Tabler HR- Wallach 14). Hall It). JDavIS citizenship. Successful immediately on the struck again — nerves. (31 S— BSmith they still talked of Martina's losing fight could have a different ending next time. NEW YORK ST. LOUIS IP H IIIIIU Saturday to little Tracy Austin in the wom- You can't erase, however, the fact that booming women's tour, she shopped at Guc- "I missed so many volleys," she said. "I ab r h bl ab r n bl Montreal Wilson cl 4 110 Herr 2b 4 111 Sandersn W.fl 6 S" I 3 3 en's final. ci's for all the nice things she never had — wanted so hard to win. I wanted to win for all Root II 2 111 the 22-year-old McEnroe is now the first Howard rf 4 0 12 BSmith 3 1-3 jewelry and handbags. She lived in blue those people cheering for me — my fellow Brooks 3b 4 0 10 KHrndl Ib 4 0 10 Fryman 2 3 0 The McEnroe-Borg match had its mo- since Tilden to win three U.S. Open titles in a Klngmn Ib 4 0 10 Hndrck cf 3 0 0 0 row (Big Bill had six In the Roaring 20s) and jeans. She moved to Dallas, became an avid Americans." Maiillll II 4 0 10 lorg rf 2 0 0 0 Krukow L,6-9 4 13 5 5 5 3 3 ments of excitement — no drama — but to Trevino c 2 0 10 Landrm rl 110 0 Howell 2-3 I 0 0 10 Jrgnsn ph 10 0 0 Oberkll 3b 4 0 2 0 LeSmith 13 2 3 3 Hodges t 0 0 00 Sanchei c 2 0 0 0 Tidrow 2 3 2 2 2 Flvnn 2b 3 0 00 Tenace c 10 0 0 Eastwick 0 0 Orosco p 0 0 0 0 Ramsey ss 2 110 Caudlll 1 Tavers ph 10 0 0 Anduiar p 2 0 0 0 WP-Tidrow. T-3S4. A-I4.SI9 Grdnhr ss 4 0 10 Leican ph 00 0 0 I mi li p 10 0 0 Bai 0 0 00 Cubbaa ph 1110 Goniall ph 10 0 0 CLEVELAND DETROIT Mets give up third straight to Cards Leach p 0 0 0 0 Suiter p 0 0 0 0 abrhbl akrkM Bailor 2b 2 0 10 M.III,my Cl S 0 0 0 Peters cl 4 13 3 ST. LOUIS (AP) — For want of a play, the Telal II 1 9 1 Total II 4 « l ( II I.I rl 3 3 0 0 Cpwens cl 10 0 0 With one out, Omar Moreno reached first New York M0 IM 000— 1 Hargrv lb 112 0 Tramml ss 3 l 0 0 New York Mets may have lost out on their when his bad-hop bouncer squirted out of the 11. Louli M0 Ml Oil— 4 Page! ph 0 0 0 0 Gibson dh 4 13 2 E—Trevino 2. Tenace, Kingman, How- Thrntn ph 10 11 Kemp If 3 111 storybook quest for a second-half title in the glove of shortstop Larry Bowa for an error. ard. LOB—New York I, SI. Louis 9. 2B— Kelly dh 110 0 Hebner lb 3 0 0 0 National League East. Rool. Wilson. 3B—Oberkfell SB—Root 2, Charbn ph 0 0 0 0 Leach lb 0 0 0 0 Stargell then stepped into the on-deck _ Bailor. S— Ramsey CBando ph 10 0 0 .mi , rf 3 0 0 0 Inopportune blunders made it a possibility circle to bat for Tim Foli, and Stargell got a ' IP H R ER kk so Harrah 3b 3 110 L Jones rf 10 0 0 Now York Haves II 3 0 13 Fahev c 4 111 yesterday. By committing four errors, the standing ovation as he came to the plate. Lynch Dial c 3 0 0 0 Brokns 3b 4 2 2 1 club also made it easy for Manager Joe Torre Leach L.1-1 Hassey c 10 11 Whitakr 2b 4 I 1 I Orosco Kuiper 2b 4 0 10 to explain its defeat. Dodgers 4, Reds 2 SI. Loull Fischlin ss 2 0 0 0 Anduiar W.i 4 Rosello ss 2 0 0 0 "We didn't play well defensively, and it CINCINNATI - Reliever Bob Castillo Balr TOUI 114 1) Total Mill! cost us all three games," said Torre in an Sutler S.2I Cleveland m »2 111- I understands his role in the Los Angeles Leath pitched to 1 bailers in 6th WP- Detroit Ml 164 Mi— I assessment of New York's 4-2 loss, its third Dodger bullpen. And he performed it Anduiar Balk—Orosco PB—Sanchei T— E—Haves, Kuiper. DP—Detroit I. LOB 1:10 A-14,619. —Cleveland I. Detroit 6. 2B— Haves, in a row to the St. Louis Cardinals. brilliantly Sunday. Whitaker 2, Gibson. Fahev. Thornton. SB- Haves, Brookens SB—Harrah. S— Tram- "If you do that, you can't expect to win. "When the star gets in trouble, here I PHILA PITTSBURGH mel! We're just going to have to go home and ab r h bl ak r h bl IP H R IR Ik SO come," said Castillo, 2-4, who drove in one Rose lb 4 0 2 0 Moreno cf 4 111 Cleveland regroup," the Mets' manager said. "It's not run and pitched 3 2-3 innings of relief to lift McBnd rl 4 12 0 Foli ss 3 0 0 0 Soillner L.2-4 i 2 3 I I 3 3 3 Matthws II 4 111 Slargell ph I 0 I 0 Monge 2 1-3 3 1 1 0 2 too late, but it's getting close to midnight." the Dodgers over the Cincinnati Reds. Schmdt 3b 2 0 10 MAI>dr pr 0 10 0 Detroit Morelnd c 4 0 2 1 Tekulve p 0 0 0 0 Will n. will/ / 6 S 5 ! 4 New York, which arrived at Busch Stadi- The "star" for the Dodgers was starter Dernier pr 0 0 0 0 Madlck 3b 10 0 0 Saucier 1-300010 um l''i games back of St. Louis in a three- Bob Welch, who struggled through four in- Maddoxcl 4 0 0 0 BRbnsn tb 3 0 10 Tobik 2110 0 0 1 Bowa ss 3 0 10 JThpsn lb 10 13 Kinnev . 1-311111 way tie for second place, limped away. 4'z nings before yielding to Castillo in the fifth. Unser ph 10 0 0 Easier 4 0 0 0 Rothschild S.I 2-300000 games behind and in fourth place. . Trllltf 2b 4 0 0 0 TPena c 3 0 0 0 HBP—bv Saucier (Haves) T—3:53. A Welch pitched out of bases-loaded jams in the MDavisp 2 00 0 Lacy rf 30 30 - 34.916 The Mets have 20 games left. They next first three innings, surrendering only one run 0 0 0 0 Ray 2b 3 13 0 OJones p 10 0 0 return home, where they open an eight-game as the Reds stranded 11 runners in the first Montni ph I 0 0 II KANSAS CITY OAKLAND Berra ss 0 0 0 0 abrhbl abrhbl homXstand^omorrow night against the Phil- four innings. y TMal n 1 • 1 Total II 1 I I Wilson II roll RHndsn II 4 0 11 adelpitrayphillies. Meanwhile, the Cards, "Welch was skating on some thin ice," ' Philadelphia ' Ml Me— 1 White 2b Ml IMI Murphy cl soil Plllibureh 010 010— 1 GBrelllD 6 110 CJhnsn dh 5 0 10 with 22 left, take to the road for their next 10 said Dodger Manager Tom Lasorda, noting E-TPena, Bowa DP— Pittsburgh 1 Aikens lb 6 0 10 Pagedh 10 0 0 games — starting tomorrow with five against LOB—Philadelphia 6 Pittsburgh S 2B— Otis cl 4 111 Armas rl 3 0 0 0 that Welch threw 109 pitches in the four- Gross 3b Ray, Matthews SB -Foil. MAIexander. Me Rae dh 4 2 2 0 10 10 the Montreal Expos. Hurdle rt 2 12 1 Seiton 3b 2 10 0 inning span. Dernier S—OJones KlutlsSb IP H RER •• SO Geronm rl 2 110 2 110 "It's easier to hit in some of the other Philadelphia Watnan c 10 2 0 JNettles rf 0 0 0 0 MDaVis I 3 2 Wshgln ss 10 2 2 Bosetti ph 2 0 0 0 parks," said St. Louis Manager Whitey Aitrot 3, Giants 0 R Reed L.4-2 I 2 2 Phelps ph 10 0 0 Heath c 6 0 10 Herzog, whose club stands 10-5 away from Plttstnirih OCncpc ss 0 0 0 0 KMoore lb 3 12 0 HOUSTON - It almost lool/eti like Hous- OJones W.4 2 8 S I Spencer lb I 0 I I home during the season's second half. Tekulve S.3 I MDavis lb 10 0 0 ton pitcher Bob Knepper was tbying with the T 2 20. A 16,49] Newmn ib 10 0 0 Against New York, the winning St. Louis San Francisco Giants. McKav 2b 4 13 0 formula consisted of six hits in tandem with* Picciok) ss 3 12 2 Knepper combined with Frank LaCorte on LOS ANOLS CINCINNATI Dmrghl ph 10 0 0 eight walks, the Mets' miscues and ag- ab r « bl ak r h kl FStanlv ss 0 0 0 0 a nine-hit shutout in the Astrodome yesterday Lopes 2b 4 0 0 0 Hoshldr rl 4 0 10 Total 41 i III TOUI 41 i 14 I gressive baserunning. as the Astros completed a three-game sweep I cl 4 0 I 0 Grlltev cl 3 110 Kansas Cllv ill 101 Ml Mi l Rookie outfielder Gene Roof doubled Guerrer ]b 4 0 (I 0 Cncpcn ss 4 0 2 0 Oakland Ml M0110 ON-I of the Giants and won their twelfth straight Garvev lb 4 110 Foster If 10 0 1 E Heath DP—Kansas City 1 LOB— home Tommy Herr, who had walked in the Baker II 3 2 11 Driessn tb 10 2 0 Kansas City 14. Oakland tl 2B—McRae home tilt, 3-0. Monday rf 2 111 Knight 3b 10 10 HR—Picciolo (1) SB—RHenderson. Page, first inning. Then, after Roof scored also on a The Astro lefthander upped his record to Roenick rf 10 0 0 Oester 2b 4 11 Wilson s— Washington, JNettles, McRae. stolen base and error, St. Louis unlocked a 2-2 Scioscia c 2 0 0 0 OBerrv c 3 0 0 0 FStanlev SF—Washington. RHenderson 8-3 by scattering six hits in seven innings, but Thomas ss 3 0 0 1 Nolan c 10 0 0 IP H R IR •• SO tie in the sixth with a walk, single and balk. • Welch p 10 0 0 Pastore p 2 0 0 0 Kansas Cllv three walks and three errors made it in- Mitchel ph 0 0 0 0 LaCoss p 0 0 0 0 MJones 613 Dane lorg ignited the Cards' uprising by teresting. Castillo p 10 11 Barrnc ph 10 0 0 Quisenberrv 2 2-3 coaxing the walk from Terry Leach, 1-1. Forsler p 0 0 0 0 Hume p 0 0 0 0 SplitlOrft W.4-S 3 0 0 "It was a Houdini act, that's for sure," Stewart p 0 0 0 0 Ken Oberkfell's single up the middle next Total » 4 « « Total Illll McCaltv 6 1-3 II 1 4 2 3 said catcher Alan Ashby. "He pitched super, Let Angeles III 1M 200- 4 JJones 4 3 0 0 13 sent pinch-runner Tito Landrum to third. Cincinnati 1M Ml 110- 1 Underwood 1-10 0 0 0 0 but it seemed like he pitched best after he got E—Guerrero 1. Thomas. Scioscia DP Beard L.0-1 11-13 1 1 0 2 After Jesse Orosco came on to relieve, Gene into a bind." Cincinnati 1 LOB—Los Angeles 4. Cincin HBP—bv McCaltv (Otis) WP under Tenace pinch-hit for Orlarido Sanchez and nati 1] 2B—Concepcion, Driessen HR— wood T—4 29 A—10.701 The Giants stranded 12 men overall, 10 Baker 19). Oester 141 SB—Householder. Orosco balked Landrum home on a 3-2 count SQUEEZE SQUELCHED — St. Louis Cardinals' Ken Oberkfell is tagged out by Landreaui S—Scioscia SF—Thomas during Knepper's six innings. Mets catcher Alex Trevino after being caught in a rundown between third and home IP N RIR •• SO while attempting to pick Oberkfell off first. TEXAS CALIFORNIA Twice, San Francisco runners were on in the fourth inning. Mike Ramsey of the Cardinals was supposed to have attempted Los Antolos abrhbl Welch 4 i> l 0 a 4 abrhbl Torre waited until the end of the inning to Wills 2b S I I 0 Harlow It 2 0 10 second and third with none out, but the a suicide squeeze bunt, but Trevino called for a pitchout and Oberkfell was a dead Castillo W.2 4 33 3 1 I I 0 1 Fergusn II 0 0 0 1 protest the balk call, resulting in his ejection Forster 0 0 0 0 10 Rivers cl 52 20 Giants came up emptyhanded. Oliver dh 6 0 11 Harris ph 10 0 0 duck. Looking on is Mets third baseman Hubie Brooks. Slewerl Si 1110 Downing]] by plate umpire Bruce Froemming. Cincinnati BBell 3b 4 110 Pastore L.3 I loleson JU 10 0 0 Pirates 3, Phillies % Braves 6, Padres 4 Cardinals. LaCoss Putnam Ib 5 2 2 2 Much of Cox's strategy had backfired as Sundbrg c 4 10 0 PITTSBURGH - Pinch-hit singles by ATLANTA - It upset Bobby Cox con- left-handed pinch hitters Brian Asselstine [Jawson drilled four hits yesterday includ- Pailore pitched to I baiters in ith Grubb rl 4 0 11 siderably. "All I can say, if it don't work, it Foisier pitched lo'i batter in eth WP Sample II 5 0 2 0 Willie Stargell and Jason Thompson keyed a and Biff Pocoroba faced left-handed pitching ing a pair of doubles and drove in three runs Forsler I ) 01 A 11 BSa LRobrts If 0 0 0 0 Mendol ss 10 0 0 two-run,/eighth-inning rally that gave the don't work," the distressed Braves manager and hit into double plays to kill rallies in both and Larry Parrish drove in three runs to lead Poquetl ph 0 0 0 0 Pittsburgh Pirates a 3-2 victory over the said late yesterday afternoon. the Montreal F.xpos over the Wagner ss 3 0 12 innings. SAN PRAN HOUSTON . Nothing upset San Diego Manager Frank "Were swinging the bats and that's a ab r h bl all r "Asselstine hit lefties well in the spring Cabell Ib 10 2 0 TScotl cf 3 0 Calilornia The Phillies' rookie starter, Mark Davis, Howard. He's used to it. "We play like that and has been our best pinch hitter," Cox good sign.' said Oawson. and it's good that LeMsIr ss 10 10 Garner 20 3 10 0 Two outs when winning run se led 2-1 on a six-hitter through seven innings in all the time. It's not unusual at all for my we won our last two on the road before going Clark If 10 2 0 Puhl rl 4 0 0 0 [ Will DP—Calilornia 2 protested. "I guess it's been a long time Herndon If 3 0 10 JCruI If 3 0 10 as II. Calilornia 10 2B—Putna his bid for his first major league win. coaches and me," said the pilot of a very since he's seen one." home. I do believe \ have to swing the bat JeMrln cf 4 0 10 Walling lb 3 10 0 Campanens HR-Bavlor (14). . Brenlv C 3 0 0 0 Ashbv c 4 0 10 Beniquei (2) SB—Carew, LRoberts But Manager Dallas Green, figuring young team with the worst record in the good for us to stay in contention.'' OEvans 3b 10 0 0 Garcia 3b 3 0 0 0 Ferguson, Putnam. Beniquei major leagues. Expos 10, Cubs 6 Sularl ]b 2 0 0 0 Revnlds ss 4 13 1 IP Davis had had enough, replaced him with Dawson's four hits boosted his average to Mav c IOIO Knepper p 2 0 0 0 Ttiai Ron Reed to open the eighth. Cox had just seen his Braves fail in their CHICAGO — Andre Dawson is swinging a .323 but he isn't looking for any batting title. Peltini 3b 10 0 0 Heep ph toil Jenkins 3 13 6 Whlfrd ph Loucks pr 0 0 0 0 Malldch 113 t "Davis pitched good. That's what we've bid for a fifth straight victory as the Padres' hot bat and he considers that a good sign, "It would be nice but I'm not thinking Morgan 2b 10 10 Lacorte p 10 0 0 Schmidl 1-3 0 squandered a 3-2 lead in the ninth, but scored what with a five-game series coming up DAUndr p 2 0 0 0 Butcher t to have out of him," said Green. "But I about that," said Dawson. All I want is to Venabl ph 10 0 0 Comer L,M guess you could say we stopped here.'' three in the 10th to take the decision. against the division-leading St. Louis get this team into the playoffs." Holland p 0 0 0 0 Calllomla Total II 0 9 0 Talal II I I 1 Will 5 13 6 San Fran.lito 0OO M0 000- 0 AaM 3 3 Heulton IM 000 111- I E—Garcia 7 Her idon. knepper DP Houston 2 LOB SenFrennsco II Hous Trio of Brewers hurlers shut out O's How they stand MILWAUKEE (AP) - Ben Ogliviekeyed single to short left field in the top of the 12th spoiled by an injury to first baseman Rod Peters then advanced to second on a walk a four-run fourth-inning with a two-run single inning to give the Royals a victory over the Carew. to Alan Trammel! Both runners came home Second Hall at Seeson NATIONAL LEAGUE AMERICAN LEAGUE and Pete Vuckovich, Jamie Easterly and Bob A's yesterday. The hit followed a similar Carew, who earlier in the game had come on a pop double to left by Kirk Gibson, who EAST Pel 01 McClure combined for a six-hit shutout, lead- looper to left by Wilson an inning before, his within one hit of 2,500 in his superlative then scored on a single by Steve Kemp. W Pel SI Louis 600 - Oelroil 22 U' Montreal 114 2'i ing the Milwaukee Brewers to a 5-0 victory first hit of the series. career, left the field on a stretcher following Twins 7, White Sox 6 I New vorfc lit Chicago 401 J I over the yesterday. "I thought sure he'd catch it," Wilson a 12th inning collision with Texas' Bill Sam- BLOOMINGTON, Minn. - Rookie Kent Milwaukee 10 ill New York 411 4> t Baltimore II 14! • Philadelphia 406 6 Vuckovich, 12-4, gave up three hits, struck said of Rickey Henderson's desperation lunge ple. Hrbek's two-run single in the bottom of the Boston II 131 PitKhuroh 400 61 Cleveland II out sev.en. walked one and hit a batter in for the winning hit. "They play me so shal- Tigers 8, Indians 6 ninth inning capped a four-run rally by Min- Toronto II WEST WEST seven innings, as he tied Dennis Martinez of low anyway. I was glad it fell in though. The DETROIT — Tiger outfielder Ricky Pe- nesota and carried the surging Twins to their Kansas Cllv 1) II Mi - Houston 22 II to! - Baltimore and Jack Morris of Detroit for the fans kept getting on me and every time I sixth straight victory. • Oakland 11 16 4(4 2 I Los Angeles 19 U 511 1 ters has been in championship drives before, Minnesota 16 II 411 i , Atlanta 10 14 563 3' American League lead in victories. Easterly made an out, they added a zero. It got up to 14 but none quite like this. The win, which kepj the Twins in the thick Te«as 14 II 452 3 Cincmnali 11 IS 531 4"; — I'm just glad it didn't get to 16." Chicago 13 20 m San Francisco 1! 15 531 4'; gave up two hits in the eighth an'd McClure The others were in college and minor of the American League second-season pen- Seattle 13 20 394 1 San Diego 10 24 294 12'; one in the ninth. nant race, came as no surprise to the young California 12 19 317 i i First hall division winner league baseball. But this is the major * f if st nail division winner Baltimore starter Steve Stone, 4-6, al- Angels 8, Rangers 7 leagues, and Peters says he doesn't want to Twins, who seem to be doing just about Saturdav's Games- Toronto 3, Seattle 0 lowed only one baserunner through the first ANAHEIM, Calif. - Watching his Cali- "go overboard thinking about it." everything correctly these days. Boston 2. New York I fornia Angels squander a 6-0 lead over Texas Detroit II, Cleveland 9. 12 innings three innings, but he walked Paul Molitor to Yesterday, the seldom-used outfielder "Everyday somebody'different is doing Kansas Cilv 4, OaklandO Saturday's Games open the fourth. One out later^Cecil Cooper yesterday brought back not-to-fond memo- started in center field and led the Tigers over the job for us." said Minnesota manager Milwaukee 6, Baltimore 3 Montreal 2, Chicago 0 ries for Manager Gene Mauch. Minnesota 3. Chicago i Cincinnati 6. Los Angeles 1, II innings singled. Ted Simmons walked to load the the Cleveland Indians with three hits and two Billy Gardner, who contends that his club is a Teias J. Calilornia J Pillsburgnu, Philadelphia 2 r. bases and Oglivie lined his two-run single up "I've lost a 6-0 lead only once in my life," runs-batted-in, to complete a three-game legitimate pennant contender. "If these kids Yesterday's Games Atlanta 1. San Diego 4.11 innings Detroit 8. Cleveland6 St Louis 4. New York 2. 13 innings the middle Simmons scored when Gorman said Mauch. "It was on Labor Day in 1958 sweep of the Tribe. keep playing like this, we are." ' New York to. Boston 6 Houston i. San Francisco 2 Minnesota 7. Chicago 6 Thomas lined a single to right field that against the St. Paul Saints. That's what was "I just don't want to try too hard," The' White Sox Led 6-3 entering the inning, Milwaukee S, Baltimore 0 going through my mind." California 8. Teias 7 13 innings Yesterday's Games chased Stone. Peters said. "You try too much and it gets to but reliever Ed Farmer got into trouble by Kansas City 6. Oakland i. 12 innings Pittsburgh 3. Philadelphia 2 Jeff Schneider relieved and struck out Mauch's record in blowing big leads the point where it's depressing. walking Rob Wilfong and then giving up a Only games scheduled San Diego 6. Atlanta 4.10 innings wasn't aggravated as the Angels bounced Today's Games Los Angeles 4, Cincinnati 1 Roy Howell for the second out, but Jim "You have to concentrate as much as triple to Gary Ward which cut the margin to St Louis 4, New York 2 Detroit IPetrv 8 61 al Boston iTorrei Montreal 10, Chicago 6 Gantner then rapped an RBI single to make back for an 8-7 win in 12 innings to snap an possible but let your physical talents come 6-4. B2I.I 30 pm Houston 3, San FranciscoO Minnesota (Havens 2 4) at Toronto the score 4-0. eight-game losing streak. natural. You always get a little nervous." Dave Engle followed with a single to (Clancy 191,1 30 pm The Brewers added their final run in the The victory delayed what appears to be score Ward and Farmer was then replaced by New York (John 8 M al Milwaukee Todays Games Peters, 25, played in the 1977 college ICaldwellll 7), 8:30pm Cincinnati (Berenyl Ml at Houston seventh when Thad Bosley singled, stole sec- California's inevitable demise in the Ameri- world series for Arizona State and in two loser Kevin Hickey after a sacrifice by Oakland ILangtordf 8) al Texas IMed IRuhle3-3>, (n) can League West second-half pennant race, ichl'4),8:3!p.m Los Angeles IHooton 10 II at San Diego ond and scored on Molitor's single. pennant drives with Evansvllle, Ind. and Mickey Hatcher. Kansas Cltv (Wright i-ll at California [Welsh 16). In) Royal»6, A's5 which for the Angels might come down to Montgomery, Ala. in the minors. Hickey walked pinch-hitter Butch (KisonOOI. 10 30pm Atlanta (McWHllamsOO) at San Fran Chicago (Lamp 1-3) al Seattle (Ban- Cisco (Griffin 7 6), In) OAKLAND - Willie Wilson knew he was three games against first-place Kansas City "There's no comparison with this," Pe- Wynegar and was promptly replaced by nister 6 7). 10 V. P in Only games scheduled beginning tonight. Only games scheduled 0 for 14 against the Oakland A's this season — ters said. "Up here there's much more in- Lamarr Hoyt, who got one out on a fielder's Tomorrow's Camel the fans wouldn't let him forget. But that "It's absolutely imperative for us to tensity. When I'm in there. I've just got to try choice. Detroit al Boston, 7 30 p m Tomorrows Oemes Minnesota at Toronto, 1.30 p.m. Pittsburgh al Chicago didn't stop him from getting a game-winning sweep," said Mauch. "Until that pencil gets to be calm." Ilosken Powell drew a walk, loading the Baltimore al Cleveland, 7 3ip m Cincinnati at Houston, (nl you, something good can happen." New York al Milwaukee. 1:30 p.m. St Louis at Montreal, 2.6pm Int. With the score tied 4-4 in the sixth inning, bases, and Hrbek, who hit a lum u- run iigninst Oakland at Texas, 8 35 p.m. Philadelphia at New York, (n) Wilson, the ' leading Nothing good has been happening for the Peters singled off Cleveland starter and loser New York to bear the Yankees in Ins first Kansas Cilval Calilornia, 10:30p.m. Los Angeles at San Diego, (n) Chicago al Seattle, 10 3ipm Atlanta al San Francisco, (n) hitter before Friday night's first meeting Angels for most of the/month, and that in- Dan Spillner, 2-4, to drive in Lou Whitaker, major league game Aug. 24, responded with u between Kansas City and Oakland, blooped a cluded yesterday when their victory was who had doubled. single to left for the game-winning runs •v Rogers gains 162 yards SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 14, 1981 Daily ReSKtCT 11 as Saints shackle Ram

NEW ORLEANS (AP) - It was a rough 27 points in the first half then coasted over the St. after his team won its National Football League afternoon's work for the rookie running back, but Louis Cardinals. home opener over the Bears. New Orleans Saints Coach Bum Philips said Fullback Ron Springs scored three touch- 's third touchdown pass of the Heisman Tnphy winner George Rogers is in for a downs on short runs and Rafael Septien kicked game, a 5-yard strike to tight end Charle Young in lot more of the same after yesterday's 23-17 upset three field goals in Dallas' seventh consecutive the third period, sent the 49ers ahead 21-17. It victory over the Los Angeles Rams. victory over the Cardinals to keep pace with came two plays after Payton caught a pass but Rogers carried 29 times in leading the Saints Philadelphia in the National Conference East. fumbled at the Chicago 33-yard line. over the Rams and spent much of the second half Dallas quarterback Danny White said "It was Chlefi It, Buccaaeeri II on the bench with muscle cramps. really hot out there and it took its toll on the field. KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Nick Lowery kicked "I was very pleased with George Rogers' The Cardinals didn't fold like I thought they field goals of 20, 20, 42 and 41 yards yesterday, performance, naturally," Phillips said after the would. Usually when you get ahead of a team and leading Kansas City over the Tampa Bay Buc- game. it's hot they will slack off.but the Cardinals just caneers and propelling the Chiefs to their best Although Rogers carried the brunt ol the scor- kept coming." start since their Super Bowl championship season ing attack, one of his really big playe came on a Lomax, making his starting debut because of 1969. possession down while the Saints were trying to Jim Hart had a bruised knee, threw a 62-yard The Chiefs are 2-0 while Tampa Bay, which run out the clock. He made the first down touchdown pass to running back Willard Harrell played the entire second half without All-Pro "No, I didn't draft him for the last three and gave the Cowboys (its despite two intercep- defensive end Leroy Selmon, fell to 1-1. minutes of the game. I drafted him for the first 57 tions. Lowery's chip-shot 20-yarders in the second minutes," Phillips said. Bills 35, Colls 3 and third quarters followed decisions by the Kan- Playing in place of injured starter Archie BALTIMORE — Joe Ferguson tossed four sas City coaching staff after the Chiefs twice Manning, veteran backup Bobbie Scott hit just touchdown passes as the Buffalo Bills stalled on the Bucs' 2-yard line. four of IS passing attempts for New Orleans. He manhandled the Baltimore Colts The Bucs had trouble with their kicking game was intercepted on three straight pass attempts. The stifling Buffalo defense, best in the NFL most of the day and committed what turned out to However, his fourth completion was good for a last season, limited Baltimore to 151 yards. Bert be a fatal error on their very first possession. 23-yard touchdown to wide receiver Wes Jones, who sat out the second half after injuring Falcons 31, Packers 17 Chandler. his right elbow, and Greg Landry totaled 13 net GREEN BAY, Wis. - In an amazing fourth "It was sloppy looking, but it got the job yards passing prior to two meaningless fourth- quarter replete with big plays, the biggest of all done," said Scott. quarter drives. for the Atlanta Falcons was turned in by the "I think George Rogers showed today that he Ferguson, who completed 16 of 28 passes for shortest player in the National Football League. has the potential to be as great as anybody in the 261 yards before leaving in the fourth quarter, had Reggie Smith, a 5-foot-4, 168-pound speedster, league," Scott said. "You hit him into the line three scoring passes in the 21-3 first half. returned a punt 53 yards to the Green Bay two- and he's going to get something." He tossed 33 yards to Joe Cribbs, 54 yards to yard line yesterday. It set up Atlanta's first Rams Coach Ray Malavasi, suffering his sec- Jerry Butler and a f ive-yarder to Mark Brammer touchdown in the Falcons' 31 -point fourth period, ond loss of the young National Football League with 17 seconds left in the half. as they stormed from a 17-0 deficit to defeat the season, said bad field position wrecked his team. A 35-yard interception return to the Baltimore stunned Packers. "And we didn't play well in the first half and four by Charles Romes set up a three-yard TD "It all starts with Reggie's return," Falcon that's what did it to us." Malavasi said after the pass from Ferguson to Buster Barnett in the third quarterback Steve Bartkowski said. "When game. COME HERE JOE — Baltimore Colts linebacker Barry Krauss grabs.Buffalo Bills period. Roland Hooks had a five-yard TD run in you're 17 points down, one big play is not going to quarterback Joe Ferguson after Ferguson picked up a lateral from running back Joe Eagles 13, Patriots 3 the last quarter. win for you. But that got us started." Cribbs. Action took place during the first quarter of yesterday's game. PHILADELPHIA - Placekicker Tony Frank- Oilers I, Browns 3 Seahawks 13, Broncos 10 lin and fullback Perry Harrington, a couple of CLEVELAND - In the final analysis, it Coach Dick Vermeil's whipping boys, rallied the SEATTLE — Efren Herrera's 22-yard field wasn't a duel between pro football teams. It was a goal in the third quarter was the difference yes- Philadelphia Eagles over the New England Patri- duel between Houston placekicker Tony Fritsch, ots. terday as the Seattle Seahawks ended a 10-game 37, and Cleveland's Dave Jacobs, 24. losing streak by shading the Denver Broncos. Enter Franklin, who almost was sent packing be- "I'm 37, but there are not many kickers that Winning their first regular-season game in the cause Vermeil was upset by the kicker's attitude close to me in my kicking," Fritsch said after and lifestyle, kicked field goals of 46 and 22 yards Klngdome since 1979, the Seahawks shut out the hitting three of three field goal attempts to give Broncos in the second half with a superlative to erase an early 3-0 New England lead. the Oilers a win over the Browns. Harrington, criticized by his coach for poor defensive effort and a ball-control offense. Jacobs, a free agent who took the Cleveland The Seahawks took the opening second-half blocking and inconsistent pass receiving, ripped place-kicking job from veteran Don Cockroft dur- six yards for a touchdown that gave the unbeaten kickoff from Fred Steinfort and marched 68 yards ing the pre-season, hit just one of four attempts. in 15 plays to position Herrera for what turned out Eagles, 2-0, some breathing room over the win- Two of them were blocked by veteran Oiler less Patriots, 0-2. to be the game-winning field goal. lineman Elvin Bethea, and a third was wide. That drive consumed 8:58 and the Seahawks Philadelphia's Wilbert Montgomery led all "They were good snaps, good holds," said a rthe Registers rushers with 137 yards on IB carries, including a wound up controlling the ball 11:28 of the third despondent Jacobs. quarter. 40-yard breakaway after the game was in hand. "He was taking a little more time than most Harrington finished with 60 yards in 14 carries, kickers," Bethea said, "I'm glad it wasn't Chargers 28, Lions 23 most when the game was on the line. Cockroft." SAN DIEGO - John Cappelletti crashed over from two yards out with 56 seconds remaining New England took a 3-0 lead with 4:28 left in "Jacobs is a pretty good kicker, but he has to yesterday, boosting the San Diego Chargers over the first period on a 22-yard field goal by John learn to speed up and get under the ball," Fritsch the Detroit Lions. Smith, the NFL's leading scorer the last two said. seasons. Detroit had taken a 23-21 lead with 4:32 left on Cowboyi M, Cardinals 17 tftnU, Bears 17 a 30-yard field goal by Eddie Murray, his third of IRVING, Texas — The Dallas Cowboys sur- SAN FRANCISCO - The the day, but on the ensuing kickoff, rookie James vived 98-degree heat, rookie quarterback Neil yielded 97 yards to Walter Payton but got the best Brooks had a 31-yard return and the Lions were Lomax and running back Ottis Anderson, in that of the ' star running back by taking penalized 15 yards for a personal foul, putting San order, to remain unbeaten in the National Foot- away two Sunday. Diego in good position at its own 49. ball League. "We played against one of the greatest The Chargers drove the necessary 51 yards on With temperatures reaching 120 degrees on the players I've ever seen. Payton can wear out 11 nine plays to win their second straight game. The floor of Texas Stadium, the Cowboys exploded for men all by himself," 49ers Coach Bill Walsh said Lions fell to 1-1. WORLD'S FIRST TALKING PLAIN PAPER COPIER! mita DC-131 $ 69 par month rental • Limited Tim* only CALL FOR A FR11 DEMONSTRATION

•PMMM 462-8880 PRIIHOLD __ TAKE THAT TOMMY — Sugar Rav Leonard bears \ down as he trains for his upcoming fight against 763-4574 • So. Orange Tommy Hearns. to Oraiit*. W J 0TO7B Rono breaks b-copy, Inc. own record WI OSLO, Norway (AP) — Kenya's Henry Rono bettered his own men's 5,000-meter world record, while Paula Fudge of Britain set a women's world record for the same distance at an international track and field meet '150 WEEKLY Knarvik, Norwegian Radio reported. JUST PREDICT HIGH SCHOOL, COLLEGE Sports in brief AND PRO GAME WINNERS... in genuine leather ENTRIES START SEPT. 20 REGISTER Rono's excellent run was capped with a spectacular Famous Pony multi-court sneakers in genuine leather...what a way if you think you know Football, here's your chance to prove it. Enter the last lap of 56 seconds, giving him a new mark of 13:06.20. to start a season! lust name Register's Football Contest each week You may win $100 first place, $30 The standard shaved more than two seconds off his your game...or relax in this second place and $20 for third place. Simply check the names of the teams previous record of 13:08.4, set in Berkeley, Calif., April 4, super-comfortable casual. you think will win from the teams listed on the Register's entry form 1978. Big boys' size 4 tu appearing in the Sports Section each week starting on Sunday. You may men's size 12. $K) submit up to six different entries each week Anyone of any age may thru Saturday. participate During the football season, $150 will be awarded each week to Rogers takes Suntory golf the persons who select the greatest number of winning teams. In case of a tie. single winner will be determined by the closest to the total number of INZAI, Japan — Defending champion Bill Rogers of points scored by all teams on the contest card. the United States, who maintained his lead from the 29" second round, shot a final-round 69 Sunday for a two- Usually MO in'll find your entry form and conteit details in the department store* stroke victory and first prize money of $34,800 in the SPORTS SECTION of The Dally and Sunday Register. Home Suntory Open Golf Tournament yesterday. Delivery $1.35 per week. Call 542-4000 - ask for circulation. The 30-year-old Texan's four-day total was 18-under- par 270 over on the par-72 NarasHino Country Club course. Rogers, who started the final round with a four-stroke advantage, sank three birdies on the front nine and GET THE FAME WITHOUT PAYING THE PRICE The Register finished the second nine holes with a par. The University of Houston graduate's only bogey in SHOE-TOWN THB BIST PART OP IVIRY DAY the 72-hole tournament was on the par-3 16th hole on the ONI RBQISTBR PLAZA• SHREWSBURY, N.J. III "WMIII MGH" Ol fMONI DHHCfOOt lot IMC1 MMMIMIt. third day. 12 The Daily Register SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER U, 1981 Giant tuna making waves at Mud Hole

Mike UViola of the Tackle Box, ' tuna will eat larger fish,1 too. I once 12 pound stripers for Erik Baghsarian legislation, Tuna Protection Act, has 11 ans pull in 350 tons per year in our Hazlet, who has yet to hook his first saw a bluefish of 5-6 pounds make a of Englishtown yesterday morning. co-sponsors in the Senate, including waters but deny American! fishing giant tuna this season, reports that vertical leap high out of the water with The fish were taken in the surf during Sen. Bill Bradley, D-N.J., but none in privileges off Canada. '.here are more giants in the Mud Hole a 500-600 pound tuna in pursuit. At the the night. Rich Colangelo of Ocean the House of Representatives. "Since the 200-mile zone wai estab- low than he has seen in years. top ill its leap that bluefish had to be 10 Township caught a 3-pound striper yes- The bill is aimed specifically at lished, all species of fish except tuna He was out twice on his boat Rav HENRY to 12 feet above the surface. terday. Motts Mar tell i weighed a 7- Japanese long liners who are now have been under the exclusive juris- mi of Atlantic Highlands last week and I don't know if the tuna succeeded pound bluefish at the store. working on swordfish and tuna off the diction of the United StateV' Mid ;aw pods of giants feeding on trash fish in catching the bluefish. Dave Seigal of the Fisherman's Continental Shelf. Howard, one of the chief sponsors of aeing discarded by two beam trawlers SCHAEFER Problems at acceil Den, Neptune, weighed a 204-pound "These foreign fishing vessels are the 200-mile limit. "This will fill a real near the Oil Wreck in the Mud Hole. The Roosevelt Ave. access to the bluefin tuna for a sports fishing boat on a constant source of disruption to our gap in our fisheries management." inf pod held eight or nine giants and Deal beach has proven very popular Friday. i own fishermen," Howard said. "Their Howard said he became involved In ithci s consisted of three, four, to a half with surf fishermen, but surfers and Capt. John Brackett's tuna, re- long lines snag our lines and deplete the issue because of horror stories re- dozen fish. bathers are using it too, causing some ported at 725 and 755 pounds and caught the waters of thousands of pounds of ported by local fishermen, including LaViola was accompanied by Moe anxiety. on Labor Day, were hooked on a live tuna, swordfish, marlin and sailfish accounts of ripped and torn gear, care- Mantz and John Olson, Keyport boat Big bluefish bonito which Brackett had taken on a Voluntary restrictions have not less setting of the gear, and actual builder. They fished where the tuna the diameter of the boil, like 10 feet, Hank Rauer of South Plainfield and bucktail while whiling away the time worked, except to limit the catch of our collisions. He is particularly concerned were boiling for the discarded fish but you can get a pretty good idea of the Charles Burns of Rahway weighed waiting for a tuna to bite. Usually tuna boats and provide the Japanese with about the economic losses resulting didn't draw a strike. size of the giant you have raised. bluefish of 14'/i and 10 pounds at fishermen try to catch ling for bait even greater stocks. from the mishaps and over fishing. Compared to the smaller varieties Off Nova Scotia I once tossed a beer Gigllo's Bait and Tackle shop in Sea from the bottom of the Mud Hole, but a "As a member of the International "All kinds of valuable recreational of tuna and tuna-like fishes, the giants can in frustration at a boiling giant and Bright yesterday morning. They re- live bonito is certainly a much livelier Commission for the Conservation of fish, including marlin and swordfish, often move slowly and deliberately the fish turned to swallow the can. It ported getting a half dozen big bluefish bait Atlantic Tunas, the U.S. has reduced are getting hooked on the 60-mile when they're feeding on culled fish, or didn't eject the can either. on whole bunkers fishing from a boat 200-mtle limit for tuna its catch by about 30 percent since 1975 Japanese lines. It is affecting not only chunks of menhaden being doled out by When it comes to bait, most people off Monmouth Beach. Rep James J. Howard, D-N.J. re- as compared to previous years. The our own American tuna fishing in- a chumming boat. The boils they leave use fish such as mossbunker, herring, Joe LaPresti of Steven's Bait and ports he will introduce legislation to Japanese have substantially increased dustry, but all who fish between 20 and on the surface are awesome and from mackerel, whiting, and ling, but giant Tackle shop in West End weighed four bring tuna into the 200-mile limit. The their harvests over this period. Canadi- 200 miles offshore," Howard said.

Rentier's 69 captures More sports, Jimmy Fund Classic page 20

SUTTON, Mass. (AP) - behind Renner and Valentine, went in front to stay as Valen- Young Jack Renner, reacting fired a 68 for 275 and second tine took a bogey on the first to pressure like an old pro, place. hole. fired a methodical 2-under- Tom Kite, the most con- Then he went 3-up with a par 69 and won the $300,000 sistent scorer but rarely a birdie two holes later. After C.B.S SUPERMARKET Pleasant Valley Jimmy Fund winner except for prize mon- another birdie on the fifth 36 MAIN ST. KEAN8IUM Golf Classic yesterday with a ey, fashioned a birdie on the green, he got down in par the 72-hole score of 273. 72nd hole for a 70 and third rest of the way, achieving the Renner, who joined the place at 276. "great finish" he has hun- PGA tour five years ago at Gary Trivisonno finished gered for since his only other PICK-IT the age of 20, broke out of a with a 69 and 277 for fourth. PGA victory in 1979. tie with Tommy Valentine on Valentine slipped to a 75 for Renner, tall and slim, col- JERSEY NUMBER 6AME the first hole of the final 279. lected his biggest check as a Pick any thraa numbara — you can play round and charged to a two- However, the day pro, $54,000, boosting his from 7A.M. to 10 P.M., 7 day* a waak stroke victory before a Pleas- belonged to Renner from the earnings for the year to WE AW A CLAIM CENTER ant Valley record crowd of start of the final round. He $177,675. 50,000. Scott Simpson, who started the day three strokes

SUTTON. Matt. IAP) — Final scores end prlit monev In Iht Pleasant Vallev Jimmv Fund Goll Classic al tha 7,119-vard. par-71 Plaaiant vallav Jack Renner. IM,000 UUH1I-1U GOOD/YEAR Scott Simpson, 132.400 U ti 10 6a— !7J Tom Kile. tlO.400 68 W6S 70 J!» Gary Trivisonno, 114,400 SERVICE ^STORES ».|1UH -111 Don Poolev. 110,9SO CI-M-H-el—271 Mark Lve, 110.9S0 74 66 69 69—J78 GiDov Gllbart, 110.950 69 69-70-70—J7« Mike Reid. J7.5O0 U M 6a 66 279 Bill CallM. I7.S00 70-726770—279 Ed Dougltlirlv. 17.500 n 68 6a 71--J79 Jell Milt nail. S7.S00 U-69-7O-72--279 Danls Watson. 17.SCO 69-67 71 72-279 Tommy valentine. $7,500 70-67-67-75— 279 Ed Snead, 14.SO0 72-69 73 W1IO Bob Eastwood. M.SO0 69-70-73 68—2N ANNIVERSARY AIGalDargar.t4.S00 72 70 70-68—280 Jim Barbar, 14.300 70-71-71-68—280 Pavna Stewart. 14.500 70-70-71-69—280 Don Lavln, 14,MO 68-70-72 70— 280 Jim Colbert, 14.500 68 73-6*71—280 APphcU Rooer Calvin, $2,446 70 70 75 66-281 Fred Couples. $2,446 7567 71 67 281 RENNER WINS — Jack Renner hold club and ball aloft after two-putting the 18th Roger Maltbie. $2,446 69 73 72 67—281 SERVICE SALE! Hubert Green. $2,446 69 73 7069-281 hole to win the Jimmv Fund Classic yesterday. In Sutton, Mass. Rentier's share of Jell Sanders. $2.446 69 71-71 70-281 the 1300,000 tournament was $54,000. Tim Simpson, 12.44a 73 69 69 70 281 Goodyear Gas- Stephenson Saving Time-up winner in MONARCH ENTERTAINMENT PRESENTS Import & Domestic Cars & Light Trucks ladies golf '31Reg. $42 Four cytindei c»s equipped I* election* WIKXI SUFFOLK, Va. (AP) - WORLD WELTER Electronic analysis of starting, charging Jan Stephenson completed a and engine systems plus wire-to-wire victory in the • Instil ne» loto nen • i uoticut and «d*isl CHAMPIONSHIP Wrt plugs choke $125,000 LPGA United Virgin- - Set tuning to team • **JSI carburetor ia Bank Golf Classic with a 5- mended specilicjiions under-par 68 yesterday for a 6 Cylinder cars Reg 147 No* 135 8 Cylinder cats Heg 149 No* $36 nu~ IT -I « , > 54-hole total of 205 over the ON ANY SERVICE LISTED I C*s mm standard ignition add 18 00 In °"BT En"S October 3 Sleepy Hole course required poms comma and arJMcnj) lain The 29-year-old native of Australia finished at 14 under par for the three rounds and was 3 strokes up on Sally Lit- Pre-Season tle and Janet Alex. lube. Oil Stephenson earned $18,500 Auto Winterizing for the victory, her third on Change A Filter the tour this year, and Includes chassis lube up boosted her 1981 winnings to lo five quarts map brand Early Bird savings make $169,200. No. 6 on the money moloi oil oil tiller and our Anniversary Month a 9 POINT maintenance good lime to winterize' list. It marked the highest cue* amount she ever has won in Service includes • liansmission fluid '13 Reg. $14 one year. • Powei steering lluio - Brake fluid Reg. $18 In her eight-year LPGA • Barieiy water level career, Stephenson — who ' Battery cables now lives in Dallas — has won Includes many imports and light trucks •

By BILL ZAPCIC option on our next three'plays." "It really" heips if a play's been ner theater or summer stock," Jane "I think it's a renegotiated thing," produced," Bill noted. "If it's being said, "so we think in terms of one set, TINTON FALLS - Experience Van Zandt noted of the three-play op- produced in the New York area, a lot of small casts, quick pace " gained as actors assists Billy Van Zandt tion. "I hope we don't Wind up owing times the editors can see it while Performing their plays at The Dam and Jane Milmore as playwrights. them 999 plays all of a sudden.'' they're making up their minds." Site gives the pair not only the op- portunity to gain audience reaction and Van Zandt and Milmore, whose third Samuel French, the pair said, does Letters from producers, copies of a set of reviews, it enables them to world premiere comedy "Lie, Cheat not actively promote the sale of plays it reviews and actors' comments also aid make changes before shipping off the and Genuflect" winds up its sellout run lists. The firm publishes a catalog and possible sale. script. at The Dam Site Dinner Theater this supplements, which categorize plays by week, hope to sell the script to Samuel cast sizes and character descriptions — Because, as Van Zandt and Milmore "Lie, Cheat and Genuflect," the French Inc. of New York, the theatrical five men and three women, for example. readily admit, they write for them- playwrights noted, will be the most- script service which bought their first selves, they have the advantage of changed play they've submitted. "We Considerations in the possible sale of two plays. "working through" not only the cut some from the second act,'.' Bill a play include the play's potential for dialogue, but the stage movement as said, "and we've been fiddling with it "When we sold French 'Love, Sex success (French doesn't want to list a well. Finished scripts distributed through the entire run.'' and the I.H.S '," Jane explained, "they play that won't make money); size of through French include suggested stage had an option on our next three plays. cast; cost of production; timeliness or With any luck, the next change made 1 directions. to the play will be wrapping it in a When we sold them 'Suitehearts, they timelessness, whichever is more prized Samuel French Inc. cover. JANE MILM/ORE BILLY VAN ZANDT put in the contract that they had an at the moment; and editors' opinions. "Our plays are more geared to din-

Roger Ebert end Gene Siekel I INDEPENDENT NEWS diaaelera, political Intrlgu* and inlereatad In a handsome haa killed hie brother cornea to lake a look at films about J CHESPIRITO leal pacedactionwhlletryinljlo ient (Repeat) Harry lor help (Repeal) 0 O THE TONIGHT lamellae - with acenea from 1:50 OB MOVIE (WESTERN) " emugglaadefeclingsgenloutof EL IDOLO !i SHOW The Beet Of Carson 'Ordinary People.' 'The Greet "DlalanlDruma "IBSIGary . lha country (Reted PQ) (68 S UNCOMMON VALOR Sentim' end 'Kramer va Television today 'Okinawa Oueate Barry Mamlow. Jean Cooper, MarlAldon Kramer.' HBO MOVIE-(COMEDY) Marah, Fernando Lamaa, Ray 2:00 • EDITORIAL 8:30 0 O THE TWO OF US A Johnaon (Repeat. 60 mine ) •••Vi "Airplane " 10S1 700 CLUB O MARY TYLER MOORE NEW JERSEY Ruaaell alar In Ihia Disney 8:00 •CDWKRPINCINCINNA- Brltiah manaervent named 0 MISSION Robert Haya. Julia Haggarty 8MOVIE-(HORROR)"" SHOW animal adventure about an Tl Dr Bob Halyara. a preachar Brenlwood ia hired by a (VHFl WNET 13; (UHFi Hilarious apoof of airplane IMPOSSIBLE "Hunchback Of Notre B BEST OF MIDDAY orphaned cougar kitten who la whoheadsup a media taakforce disorganized television Dam*'' 1939 Charlae 23,50,52,58(aillistedas52l. raised by a lumberieck until he personality to aaaiat her in ax-war pilot ia 0 MAUDE O JOE FRANKLIN SHOW called CURB, makes WKRP hia CD NEWS Laughton. Maureen O'Hera In hears the call ot the wild organizing her chaotic forced to fly a heavily booked O MOVIE NEW YORK heeri fir at Cincinnati atop and (D MASTERPIECE Seventeenth Century Franca, a household (Repeat) (SCIENCE-FICTION)* (UVHl WCBS2, WNBC4, 6:56 EDITORIAL racalvaa a mixed welcome from THEATRE: DUCHESS OF deformed hunchbacked 7:00 CBSNEWS the tie" (Repeal) 0MERV GRIFFIN crew becomes ill (Rated PG) "Warning From Space' WNEW 5. WABC 7, WOR 9, ia.) DUKE STREET bell-ringer tails in love with a EVENING MAGAZINE OO LITTLE HOUSE ON O BASEBALL Milwaukee gypaygirl. (2 hrs ) 1968 Toyomi Karita, Keiic WPIX 11; (UHFI31. I LOUQRANTRoasi O ANDY GRIFFITH Kawaaaki Alan Aids. Adorable Genius' THE PRAIRIE A blind artlat'a Brewere va 10:00 SHOW 12:35 HBO MOVIE-(DRAMA) gala a real inaider'areport on an tO DELAWARE VALLEY PHILADELPHIA Alternearlyadecedeolintenee, auccaea laade her mother, who CHESPIRITO Q KOJAK •••• "Julia" 1»77 Vaneeae brilliant actingonTV'eM AS H, abandoned her aa a child, to SPORTS AMERICA teat explosive labor diapute when FORUM (VHFl KYW 3, wTVI, 8S O CINE La Lampara Da Redgrave. Jane Fonda A taut Alan Alda la Amertca'e favorite attempt a reconciliation, but tha Inter Collegiale Rodeo he's asked to publicize the 2:05 S NEWS Aladino' Digrue Farias. Carlos tele of life, death and love in WCAV10; (UHF) 17,29,48 actor. 'Driving Up tha River' young painter angrily ratuaea plight of atrlking farm workers 2:10 •MOVIE-(SUSPENSE)" 9:00 *9Q M.A.S.H.Hawkeye Caatro (2hre) pre-World War II Germany Philadelphia couple drive to the l (Repeat; 00 mine) (Closed betaB.J.hecengoanentireday and winda up behind bare "Last Shot You Hear" IMS himself (Repeat. 00 mins ) I LUCHA LIBRE (Rated PUIIl 1/mine I AFTERNOON — boat ramp, don thalr sailor hate Caplioned, U S A ) without tailing a joke, and Hugh Marlowe. Zene Walker and accelerate right into the • PM MAGAZINE NEWS WILD WILD WEST 12:46 0 MOVIE -(CRIME) •• Charlaa geara up tor a confron- 2:12 SMOVIE-CCOMEDY)"* 12:00 water in the aama cer that O O THAT'S INCREDI- tatlon with tha officer who 11:00 BOCDNEWS 11:45 SB NEWS "Manhunter" 1974 Kan drove them ten miles to their BLE exiled' him to Korea (Repeal) M.A.S.H. 12:00 O MOVIE-(ADVENTURE) Howard, Stafanie Powers "Famal* Instinct" 1972 Thundfjr Bay" 1963 9 NEWS AT NOON. Nowi~ launching point SO MONDAY NIGHT AT fl) BENNY HILL 0MOVIE-(MYSTERY)" t Jamee Stewart. Joanne Dru Oil r NBC NEWS THE MOVIES Family Plot' "Harry-O" 1073 David 4GENERAL CINEMAT * ONE-HOUR Broidcist. 9 THE CHRISTIANS. 187B Stara: Bruce Dem. (0 "INDEPENDENT NEWS drillers fight sabotage of shrimp Janaaan. Margot Kiddar Adv ALL IN THE FAMILY fishermen oil the Louisiana [ BAHCAIN MAIINIIS UOO 1 TIC TAC DOUGH * DARWIN ARRIVESI BarbaraHarrie.Aahady medium O DICK CAVETT SHOW 1:00 RAT PATROL 4:00 Quaat. Author, physician. coast (2hrs.) unit au iwi mmtrn 1 ABC NEWS Ad and h»r huaband aat out to get a coal 1:30 LOVE AMERICAN [ vm t Houaan v BUTMO wow ontr J large reward by locating a director Jonathan Millar. Part I ODD COUPLE S YOU ASKED FOR IT O THE CHRISTIANS The MY THREE SONS STYLE 4 HERE'S LUCY ENTERTAINMENT mining heir, but they are HOGAN'S HER0E8 Roota Of Dlaballef Thie unaware that thalr quarry haa a ABC CAPTIONED Every Monday TONIGHT EL INFORMADOR 1 Bargain Nlghl • GUEST STARS: apiaode deala with tha Bible proaparoua sideline kidnap WS 0 BARNEY MILLER S I LOVE LUCY All seats 12 oo under eltack.aaaclence plngforranaom (Repeat.2hra.) MOVIE-(MUSICAL)*" ELIZABETH TAYLOR A 0 FRIENDS OF MAN HBOMOVIE (COMEDY)" as: provided more and moreahocka "Swanee River" 1930 Don O STAR TREK The (Cloeed Captionad. USA) "Blazing Saddlea " 1f»74 /iorunoutfi RICHARD BURTON for tha faithful, particularly the OS MONDAY NIGHT ClavonLiltle. Gene Wilder A meche.AIJolson The Peth' theory of evolution Victorian FOOTBALL Minnaaota Maniacal and wildly lunny apool biogrephy of composer Steven Aita Verit&t E H, M.A.8.H. Dudley Moors la England, moreover, would Vlklnga at Oakland Raidare of tha old Weat and westerns Foster (Paid Subacription 4:30 EL HOGAR OUE YO Arthur" IPOI < S continue to be jarred out of ita O MOVIE -(NO INFORMA- (Rated R) (S3 mina) Television) (2 hrs ) ROBE 7:30. 1:30 complacancybytheaciancaaof TION AVAILABLE) Peep 11:15 IB REP0RTER41 12:15 00 ABC NEWS NIGHT- ffi ELIZABETH THSJARYTYLERMOORE geology and zoology Ing Tom" Moire Shearer. 11:30 OG9 CBS LATE MOVIE LINE Anchored by Ted Lovers 1 Liars INI O BOB NEWHART Anna Msssey (2 hrs ) • Special Quasi Star O WOMEN OF RUSSIA 'OUINCY. M E : The Hot Dog Koppel 1.10 , • SHAKE SPE ARE PLAYS 0 UGIA SANDOVAL Murder' When a prisoner diee of 12:30 0 O TOMORROW Pwny Marshall ffi GARDEN STATE 'Henry VIII' •IE) HOUSE CALLS Whan aaphyxietioncaueedbyafroien AST-TO-COAST ENDLESS TONIGHT S:30 Charley breeka a data with Ann hotdog.Ouincyaetaouttoprova HOGAN'S HEROES 1 SHREWSBURY PIAZA I m NEW JERSEY IB MOVIE -(COMEDY) tor a baseball game and than that it waa homicide (Repeel) TWILIGHT ZONE EVENING WSWATCH tatlk "Pillow Talk" 1050 braaka another date to go to a 'HARRY O Conletti People An SNEAK PREVIEWS LOVE Howard Heesmen 6:00 0 0 ~0 O 0 CD 7:30 MUPPET SHOW Dona Day. Rock Hudaon. poker party. Ann becomes ex-mental patient who teara ha FilmeAboutFamiliea'Cohoata "Prlvete Lessons" (HI WILD WILD WORLD OF 7:10. 9:30 NEWS i: SD MOVIE (DRAMA) ">1 ANIMALS Deadly Alrlcan "Sillor Who Fall From 0 CHICO AND THE MAN 7:30* 9:30 p.m. Krlsty McNlchol 0 TREASURE HUNT Snakea' Qnc« With The Sea" Km K*>lr>4Lle>iiMM>>M.|» Q HAPPY DAYS AGAIN OD FAMILY FEUD Krialoffaraon. Sarah Milea Rain Mat. Sat. 2 PM CO! 7:30, 9:45 YOU ASKED FOR IT 0 HERE'S TO YOUR Story of the love affair between Herrlaon Ford HEEALTA H S DAY OF DISASTER aaailorandaaailor'awidow (R) At the movies Mtmmouth s\tla t ' "Raiders ot the Leet Ark" WELCOME BACK. hre) Monmouth St., Red Bsnh 747-4000 (POI 7:30. 9:45 JTTER Entertainment Tonight Alton for the movie time- IR) I 45. 7 IS.9 15 MENLO PARK CINEMA II- Bo. Office Cultural Into. I KAKUKOMICOS S4JM0J 747 »BTS 0 LAVERNE AND I MOVIE -(DRAMA) ••• UAMIDDLETOWN III — Bodv Heat IR) 1 IS. 3 45. 5 45, BURT REYNOLDS AND S Raiders ol me Lost ArK (PG) 7 45, 9 45 IIRLEV "Mary, Queen of Scott" change II it recommended that 1 30. 7 30, 9:45 WOODBRIDGE 1 I REPORTER 41 DEBBIE HARRY 1971 Vaneaaa Redgrave. reader*. c«ll the theater to confirm UAMIDDLETOWN IV CINEMAI — I ILASOMBRA Qlenda Jackaon. The story ot rorreel limei Private Lessons (R) 2 00. 7:00. Comin' At Ya IRI I 30. 3 15, 5 00 I I SIX MILLION DOLLAR M0NM0UTHCOUNTY 8 40. 10 20 6 45 8 30. 10 IS O ENTERTAINMENT the Scottiah Queen aantenced ABERDEEN TOWNSHIP UAMIODLETOWNV- CINEMA II — AN to deeth by e jealoue Queen CINEMA 14 — The _ TONIGHT i 45 7 45 9 45 I ANIMAL WORLD Elliebeth (2hra .30 mini ) Fvc or the Needle IR) J 30.9 30 Georgia (PG) 1 40, 7 40 9 40/ I > UNCLE FLOYD Q )N NEWl S STRATHMORE CINEMA I — UAMIDOLETOWNVI- SOMERSET COUNTY MACNEIL-LEHRER Under (he Rainbow (PGI 7 30, SOMERSET 6:30 I I NBC NEWS IB 9 30 9 30 Nine to Five (PGI 7 30 RUTGERS PLAZA CINEMA I — I CAROL BURNETTAND REPORT 50/58 NJ Nitwork PREMIERE STRATHMORE CINEMA II — UA MIDDLETOWN VII — Endless Love IR) 7 20. 9 75 . Rl 7 30 9 30 F IENDS fB ROSA DE LF.JOS * SPORTS INSIGHT with OCEAN TOWNSHIP 9 ALL IN THE FAMILY »S»URY PARK SEAVIEW SQUARE CINEMA I — RUTGERS PLAZA CINEMA II — DAILY F '. ONLY I ABC NEWS BARONET Arthur IPG) 7 30. 9 30 The Night me Lights Went Out in I MATCH GAME 0 NEW JERSEY NIGHTLY HOST BILL PERRY Seiual Heights IXXX) 7 30. SEAVIEW SO UARE CINEMA II - Oeorgia 'PG) 7 25 9 40 I CBS NEWS NEEWV S Adv 10 00 Oremonv^eH Love (XXX) I overs and Liars (R) B 00. 10 00 MPAA RATINOS DUDLEY LIZA WALL STREET SPORTS INSIGHT 8 IS MIDDLEBROOK I — G — General audtencei I SANFORD AND SON LYRIC- Endless Love (R) 7 30 9 35 PG — All aoei. I Parental aul- MOORE MINNELLI JV I NEW JERSEY NIGHTLY REVIEW 8 MOVIE-(DRAMA) ••• Best ol Gail Palmer (XXXI 1! 05. MIDDLEBROOK II- dance suggested) I WS HBO DOUGLAS "I'll Cry Tomorrow" 1965 ? 30 7 IS, 9 30, Ho! Legs (XXX) Under Ihe Rainbow (PGI 7:15, R — Restricted (Parians under The mo§t fun MACARTHUR: THE 1 15 6 30 9 15 17 not admitted unless accompanied I BARNEY MILLER SuMnHayward.RichtvdCont* ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS RED BANK bv parent or adult guardian) I HAPPY DAYS AGAIN DEFIANT GENERAL The frank, revealing story of ATLANTIC CINEMA — RED BANK MOVIES I- X — AdulM only. money can buy S.I.N. NATIONAL Narratad by Hal Holbrook, this Lillian Roth, bated on her Under the Rainbow (PG) 7 30, Lovers and Liars (R) 7 30, 9 20 documentary • * p Io r e • autobiography (Paid Subscrip- v ]0 RED BANK MOVIES II — 2.8. 10 IWI EATONTOWN Eve ol the Needle IR) 7 30,9 35 MacAnhur'a powerful char tion Televlnon) (2 hra) ar:GARDEN STATE CON COMMUNITY I — MONMOUTH ARTS CENTER - actar, onathatbothcraatedand HBO MOVIE American Werewolf in London Endless Love (RI 7 30 9 30 JMEH LINE I Rl 7 45. 9 45 SHREWSBURY daatroyad his brilliant military -(ADVENTURE) •• SHREWSBURY PLAZA CINEMA I GREEN ACHES "Avalanche Expreaa" COMMUNITY II — HBO CHARLIE, THE The Cannonball Run (PGI 7 30 Privale Lessons IRI 7 30. 9 30 7:57 •*N.J. LOTTERY PICK-IT 1979 Robert Shaw. LeeMarvin Nine to Five (PG) 9 IS SHREWSBURY PLAZA CINEMA II AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF LONESOMECOUGAR, EATONTOWN DRIVE IN — The Night me Lights Went Out in DRAWING (LIVE) A trio confront* natural PART I Ron Brown and Brian Deadly Blessing IR) 7 40, 10 40. Georgia (PG) 7 30, 9 45 IN LONDON He Knows You're Alone IR) 9 20 SHREWSBURY PLAZA CINEMA FREEHOLD FREEHOLDQUAOI '"R-aiders o. the Lost Ar. ,PG, Eve ollhe Needle IRI 7 25. 9 30 7 30 9 45 . FREEHOLD QUAD II MIDDLESEX COUNTY EDISON W ' JS *•• 7 30 7 IS 9 30 Ceremony ol Love IXXX1 1 1VB JO Otrathmore I LONO BRANCH \J& STRATHMOtVC SHOPPING CENTER GHTVKUGHTS PIGGY! LONG SIANCH MOVIES I — HMHWAY M - MATAWAN Arthur (PGI 7 30 9 30 LONG BRANCH MOVIES II Slripes iR) 7 40 9 45 MIDDLETOWN UAMIDDLETOWN I •- She's one of the stars of Arthur 1 PG) 2 00. 8 00. Ip 00 UAMIDDLETOWN II — Burt Reynolds • Roger Moore the funniest new American Werewolf in London comic strip in years. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS CINEMA 291 0148 Arthur ALL SEATS ti.50 ledinKOlor '• ©llfl King fealureiSyndicate, I ' TJf|^ tsVll WAMNCR BROS i Lompm, & NINE TO FIVE 730 lE^ MOPPET Character! EVENINGS 7:30 and 9:20 | * *^ i C 1 CHenun Associates. |>K. )M1 MAT., SAT.-SUN.J. GOLCME HAWN CHEVY CHASE AMBOYS EIGHTPLEX THE MOVIES AT GIANCARLO GIANNINI ( AHHII FISHER 7 MUSIC MAKtRS CINEMAM9«'67 » 1 '0» CIRCLE CINEMA THE MOVIES SEAVIEW SQUARE 'Liars BR1CKTOWN LONG RRAN( H ASBURY PARK 1:30, 7:». 9:30 >-L-\ HAZLET CINEMA 34 Route 34, Aberdeen 583-3600 or 583-3601 cinemas • Her 7 p.m Route 35 B 739-9697

HKLD OVKH Beginning DONALD SUTHERLAND ^Special • A GIANT comedy - IN TAVERN CARRIE FISHER Sunday, September 2 CHEVY CHASE EYE OF THE RESTAURANT and appearing daily also NEEDLE (R) FAMILY DINNER SPECIALS MONDAY & TUESDAY , in Friday ft Saturday 8 4 10 Mil MAI.! I AIM VEAL PARMIQIANA SVI VK9TKK STALI.ONK Sundly-Thursday SERVED WITH SALAD S/1S0 7:30 * 9:30 SPAGHETTI, BREAD 4 BUTTER wtjjv VICTORY The Register AMPLE FnEEPARKING Shrewsbury Ave., Red Bank HOME MADE POPCOBN atHerbe-tSI 747-1586 LAME MATING CAPACITY Ample Oil Street Harking 14 The Lifestyle SHREWSBURY. N.J. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1961

Weddings Dyingdad Dalton-Richeal Foderaro-Feminello calls son RED BANK - The marriage of Karen Rev. Dpminic Scibilia officiated at the cere- FORT MONMOUTH - Rosemarle nuptial Mass celebrated in the Post Chapel. By DR. JOYCE BROTHERS Lynn Richeal and Gregory Dalton took place mony, which was followed by a reception in Feminello and 11 S. Army Private Leonard There was a reception in Buck Smith's Res- Aug. 1 in Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. The Fisherman's Wharf, Rumson. Foderaro III were married Aug. 29 at a taurant, East Keansburg. Dear Dr. Brothers: I'm 45 yean old and a lucceii In my Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. builness against a lot of odds. My father never liked me and It Robert L. Richeal, 7 Rose St., Lincroft, and Meriche Feminella, 125 Morristown Road, look me many yean to figure out that he wan really holding Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Dalton, 30 Cardinal Matawan. me back as a man, personally and professionally. Even when I Road, Middletown. wai a child, he blamed me for whatever seemed to be going The bridegroom is the son of Leonard Alison Richeal was maid of honor. Also wrong In his life. Now, after all this time, and after aot having Foderaro Jr., Cottonwood Lane, Old Bridge, seen him for 12 years, I learn from my sifters that he'i dying attending the bride Were Jeanne Richeal, Jill and Rosanne Tomaako of South Amboy Dalton, Linda Curtis and Robin Fredericks. and Is asking for me. How can I not go? I really would like to Jeffrey Dalton was best man and the Donna Barricelli was maid of honor and say, "Tough, old man, you're too late." My wife tells me this ushers were Peter Dalton, Mark Richeal, Theresa Disbrow was bridesmaid. Jennifer is wrong and that I must go. — UK James Murray and Donald McCarthy. and Justin Roebuck were flower girl and ring Dear B.K.: I agree with your wife. I appreciate your Mr. and Mrs. Dalton were graduated from bearer. problems, but I believe, for your own sake as well as your Middletown High School South. She was grad- John Barrett was best man and James father's, it's essential that you go to him at this time. He uated also from Brookdale Community Col- Cusick was the usher. probably wants to make peace with himself over his own lege, Lincroft, and is a staff nurse at Riv- The couple are graduates of Cedar Ridge guilts. Try to forgive even though you obviously still feel a erview Hospital, Red Bank. Mr. Dalton is a High School. She has been employed by deep resentment toward him. If you can do this now, you'll supervisor at Maher Terminals, Port Eliz- Prudential Property and Casualty Insurance feel much more at peace with yourself. abeth, and is teachnical sergeant in the U. S. Co., Holmdel. Pvt. Foderaro is stationed at I think we have to believe that no one wants to be a bad, Air Force Reserve, McGuire Air Force Base. Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, Ga., evil, destructive parent. Your father was, after all, the After a wedding trip to Cape Cod, Mass., where he and his bride will reside after a product of his parents, and I suspect he never received the MR. AND MRS. GREGORY DALTON Mr. and Mrs. Dalton reside in Rumson. PVT. AND MRS. LEONARD FODERARO HI wedding trip to the Poconos. love he needed. If he had, he would have been able to give this love to his own children. Parents aren't perfect Healizing this is part of the Levy-Ha richer maturation process. A mature person learns to see his parents Young-Witek as individuals, sometimes as individuals with problems. The RED BANK - Kimberlee Jo Witek and the ceremony. There was a reception in The EATONTOWN - In St. Dorothea's Ro- Hancher, 5 Pearce Ave , was married to adult learns to separate himself emotionally from the total Willim F. Young were married Aug. 30 in St. Barclay, Belmar. man Catholic Church Aug. 29, Stacy Lynn Howard Owen Levy, son of Mr. and Mrs. dependence he felt as a child. Anthony's Roman Catholic Church. Parents of the couple are Dr. and Mrs. Hancher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stanley Levy, 9 May Place, River Plaza. Going to your father's bedside will help to free you. Go and Monsignor Salvatore DiLorenzo officiated at Victor J. Witek, 20 Hill Terrace, and Mr. and forgive. Mrs. Harold T. Young, 89 South Lake Drive, The Rev. James B. Coyle officiated at the both couples of Middletown. ceremony, which was followed by a reception Robin W. Horner was matron of honor. in Squires Pub, West Long Branch. ASK DR. BROTHERS Also attending the bride were Karen Attending the bride were Kelly Ann Rathgeber, Tracy Witek, Cindi Bucina, Hancher, maid of honor, Diane Chapman, Dear Dr. Brothers: I'm a sucesiful, 30-year-old woman Michele Young and Barbara Hansen. Kathy Jenks and Patty Sprinkle. Harold Young was best man and the who's a real failure In the love department. I'm not unattrac- ushers were Eric Bilski, Tim Skelton, John Steven Johnson was best man and the tive and I've done well at my job, but I consistently pick the Budnick, Ed Bucina and George Horner. ushers were Danny Wendell, Chuck Urenzky wrong man to fall in love with. I fall hard and always end up Mrs. Young was graduated from Mid- and David Connelly. getting hurt. This depresses me so much that no one wants me dletown High School South and Lock Haven around for months and I'm forced to crawl Into the shell of my Mr. and Mrs. Levy are graduates of Mon- work. I usually end up further ahead In my Job, but personally, (Pa.) State College. She is employed at High mouth Regional High School, Tinton Falls. Point, Marlboro, a facility for adolescent I feel unloved and like a real failure. I feel so unwanted and She was employed by Old Orchard Inn here, unattractive that I'll go out with almost any man who looks girls operated by Children's Psychiatric Cen- and Mr. Levy is with Roysons Corp., Rock- ter, Eatontown. away. even mildly Interesting. Then, it's back on the roller coaster Mr. Young is a graduate of Christian again! - D.M. Brothers Academy, Lincroft, and Monmouth After a wedding trip to the Poconos, Mr. Dear D.M.: It's sounds as if your conception of yourself is College, West Long Branch. He is employed MR. AND MRS. HOWARD LEVY and Mrs. Levy reside at Budd Lake. based almost entirely on what men think of you. It should be by New York Telephone. based on what you've accomplished, how you relate to women After a wedding trip to Cape Cod, Mass., as well as men, if you're able to have long-term relationships Mr. and Mrs. Young make their home in Frunzi-Winer with friends, and if you're able to learn and change. MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM YOUNG Bradley Beach. Dr. Michael Liebowitz of the New York State Psychiatric RED BANK - Mr and ated from Long Island Uni- Institute talks about women with problems similar to yours. Mrs. Morton Winer, 28 Riv- versity and is attending He describes them as women in search of an emotional fix but Ponsi-Moss Boehm-Eastmond erside Ave., announce the Rutgers School of Social Sci- who almost always select an inappropriate love object It Aug. 29 marriage of their ences. She is employed by might be a married man or one who's too aloof to become PERTH AMBOY - and John Ponsi. MAT A WAN - Harriett J. sity and is a member of daughter, Lynn Adrienne Riverview Hospital, Red involved, or one who is unable to meet the woman's constant Winer, to Michael George Bank. Margaret T. Moss, daughter Mrs. Ponsi is a graduate Eastmond, 33 Schenck Ave., Sigma Chi alumni. Mr. need for reassurance and praise. He suggests that some may Frunzi, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Frunzi is a graduate of Mr. and Mrs. James B. of Red Bank Catholic High and Richard J. Boehm, 284 Boehm, a Navy veteran, is be "love junkies" and that part of their problem may be Moss, 182 Manor East, Red School and Brookdale Com- Peter Frunzi ST., 12 Daniel of Seton Hall University, chemical as well as psychological. Broad St., were married Aug. manager of field personnel at Drive, Middletown. Bank, was married Aug. IS in munity College School of 8 at a ceremony conducted in South Orange, and is self-em- My own advice is to take time out from all relationships Asarco, New York. ployed at Michael G. Frunzi St. Mary's Roman Catholic Nursing. She is a registered Imperial Palace Chapel, Las Attending the bride were with men and try to build your self-esteem on firm ground After a honeymoon in Ne- Mrs. William Dubin, matron Associates, Middletown re- Church here, to Donald A. nurse in pediatrics at Mon- Vegas, Nevr, by the Rev. Eva that can't be easily rocked. If you once establish who you are I'onsi, Jerolamon Avenue, mouth Medical Center, Long vada, Utah and Colorado, Mr. of honor, Ellen Lichtig and altors. Tubby. Alfred Boehm was the and Mrs. Boehm reside here. and appreciate your own worth, you'll be less apt to get Long Branch, son of the late Branch. Mrs Stanley Leffler. Following a reception in involved with the kind of men who will be destructive to you. attendant. Richard Frunzi was his Navesink Country Club, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ponsi. Mr. Ponsi is a The bride is the daughter The Rev. Nicholas Youpa of- mathematics teacher at St. brother's best man. Ushers and Mrs. Frunzi left on a mo- of Mr and Mrs. Harry V. were Stephen Winer and Wil- tor trip to New England. ficiated. Joseph's High School, Toms Woolley, 831 Lloyd Road, Kathleen P. Moss was River. liam Simmons. They make their home in To look Aberdeen. She was graduated Mrs. Frunzi was gradu- Middletown. maid of honor. Leigh Parker After a reception at from Keyport High School Moss and Allison Moss were Squires Pub, West Long and attended Monmouth Col- terrific and flower girls. Branch, Mr. and Mrs. Ponsi lege, West Long Branch, and Drella-Kasianik The bridegroom had Rich- left for a wedding trip to the is employed as office man- feel great, \ ard Kenderian as his best Pennsylvania Dutch country. KEANSBURG - Mary Miss Kasianik, daughter They reside in Long Branch. ager for Dr. E. N. Galkin and man. Ushers were' Robert Dr. L. R. Ciuffreda, here. DeSantis, 12 Bonafede Place, also of John Kasianik, was call Jack! Mr. Boehm is the son of announces the engagement of graduated from Keansburg the late Frederick Boehm her daughter, Debbie Kasianik, to Ronald Drella, High School, as was her Sorensen's and the late Mrs. Helen son of Veronica Drella, 12 fiance. She is employed by Engagements Boehm O'Brien. He is a grad- Forest Ave., and the late Aberdeen Data and Mr. Aerobic uate of Colorado State Uni- Ronald Drella. The couple Drella is emloyed by versity and Cornell Univer- Ronald Drella, plans to be married next Au- Hydraulic Parts Inc., Debbie Kasianik gust —-—' Brooklyn. Dancing. Reinalda-Lyttle Here's your chance to HAZLET - Mr. and Mrs. of The Lawrenceville School, try the original Aerobic Edward T. Lyttle, 18 Col- was awarded a BA degree in eridge Ave., announce the en- Dancing fitness program. speech, communication and OVERWEIGHT? It's fun. It works. Lose gagement of their daughter, theater arts from Monmouth Derys Anne Lyttle, to Robert College, where his minor was inches as you firm up and D. Reinalda, son of Mr. and ARE YOU SO DESPERATE YOU English. He is a news and find new energy as you Mrs. Siebren Reinalda, 17 Brightview Ave., Tinton arts reporter for The Daily DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO? dance. Join Jacki's local Falls. and Sunday Register, class today. Miss Lyttle is a graduate Shrewsbury. of Ha nl an High School and An August wedding is CALL NOW received a bachelor of fine planned. Derys Lyttle arts degree from Monmouth 201-842-5451 College, West Long Branch. An artist, she plans to enter 12-week Fall Session graduate school next Septem- ber begins week of Sept. 14 Mr. Reinalda, an alumnus LOSE I Barn dance CtftSt A*rnba.m. Debra M WOT**, M.D. Support Services Coordinator. • UNION BEACH providing help for surviving Medical Services Coordinator. •HOLMDEL Memorial School siblings. WEIGHT HolmdalFkahouao MornlngildoAv*. Hwy. 520 The procypm a for those of us v*o «r 4 km 35 pounrfc ovHwogtl and haw fated with conwrtkmal doing mahodi Claaaaa - Tu*a. ft Ttwa. al 10:18a.m. Claaaaa • Tuaa A Thura at 1:15 p.m • LINCROFT • WEST LONG BRANCH Fashion show WATCHERS Waal Long Branch Community ttf?THINUFE CENTERS Lincroft Praabylarlan Church Canlar 270 M The most successful weight loss Claaaaa - Tuat. A Thura. anoa.m. Locuel Av*. EATONTOWN LJL-J BY NUTRITION CONTROL, INC. Claaaaa. Wad. A Frl at 10:11 a.m. Abraham and Straus, Mon- program in the world. Call now to receive a schedule It pre-reglstratloprereglstratlon M mouth Mall, will present E Wvgrti Wakfiers iniMnabonii inc own* 1ngtahtown, NJ(2OI) ^OlSO/Oakhurst NJ. (201) 531 92l47Toms River, iSJ (201) 341 1590 form. You may register for any locatiolti n at any ddemo rh« Awgfil Walchws Tradamar* fashions by Liz Claiborne, The moMr lupovked oKWon dt Lean Une, Inc 13 yen of endfcaty and Integrity for thote who need more. wherh e apace IIs availableilbl . Thursday, Sept. 17 at 7 p.m. Advice SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1981 f|^ [felly Regfeter 15 ANN LANDERS A NEW YOU Guideline for specs-wearer Small talk tip Dear Ann Landers: Your that can be mighty mean if how often. By EMILY WII.KKNS BOTTOM OF FRAME: A dark color will eye and make more makeup mandatory, or reply to "N.V.C. Reader" bit provoked by another dog, but This man is not a bona fide shorten the face. "plus" lenses, which magnify the eye and call for me where I live. I also have a he is extremely gentle with slob nor does he consider I've never been able to understand the charts A soft or no-color bottom of frame lengthens less makeup. difficult time conversing with people. housework the woman's re- that suggest which style frames suit what shape the face. Louette's tips on eyeglass frames give you men I'd like to gel to know "Champ" has one trait sponsibility, but he has not face. Terribly confusing. In fact sometimes the BRIDGE: A high bridge makes a short nose some good pointers to consider when purchasing belter. that" worries me. Whereas lived up to our agreement — eyeglass frames on such charts look alike. look longer. frames. They'll guide you for try-ons. Your final I am no good at small talk. most dogs wag their tails and it bugs me like crazy. His I've finally found someone — Louette Duvall An onrcenter bridge takes the focus off the decision, of course, should be based on what you Please tell me what specific back and forth, this animal favorite phrase: "I'll do It of Rainbow Optics — who has some good com- nose and is a good choice if your nose is long. see in the mirror when you check out new frames. questions I can ask a man wags his tail in a circle. I later." mon-sense advice on selecting eyewear. A dark-colored bridge accentuates the nose. that will capture his interest. recently read that dogs with At the suggestion of a Her approach is a simple diagram that shows JUST FOR YOU — Tongue-Tied In Augusta aberrant tail-wagging habits Dear Emily: Do you think • woman has to be friend I went on a three-week the different parts of a frame — brow line, temple BROW LINE: Frame should cover brow or Dear Augusta: First, re- are apt to be gay. strike and did absolutely no line (that's the part that stretches back over your come just below it. aggressive to gel ahead? Can't the be feminine, member that eye contact is too? — Jenny R. I know you have access to housework. He didn't even ear), bottom of frame, side of frame and bridge. SIDE OF FRAME: Soft colors at the side of important. Look the man the best scientific minds in notice. I am not exactly Mrs. Simple enough so far, right? Once you know the frame are most flattering. Dear Jenny: Aggressive? No! Ambitious and squarely in the eye and pro- Clean, but 1 gave in when feminine? Yes! A woman should pursue her ca- the country. Please check the parts of the frame, it's easy enough to follow Sharp or dark colors focus people's attention ceed with the following ques- and let me know if "Champ" things began to grow in the LoiK'ttc's advice and select frames that flatter on the frames rather than on the wearer's face. reer goal with all she's got in the way of ability, tions: refrigerator and around the remembering that her femininity is an extra plus. might be so inclined. — your face. Here are her easy-to-understand tips Louette thinks double-colored tinted lenses are (1) "Nobody gets to J.P.M. In Weston, Mass. toilets. TEMPLE LINE: A high temple will flatter a Why give up being feminine for being equal, when where you are or ac- most attractive in frames. For example, she likes you can be both? Dear J.P.M.: I decided Any suggestions before short face or a full jawline and will add length to complishes what you have by clear lenses with light peach or pink at the bottom not to bother any of those fine you read a headline, the facial contour. accident. Who in your life because these shades accentuate skin tones and EMILY WILKENS welcomes letters, but can- scientific minds with this one "Berserk Wife Bludgeons A center temple line cuts face in half and thus was the strongest influence? give the face a glow. not undertake to answer each one. She will use since the answer couldn't Husband to Death With shortens the length of the face. Who made the greatest im- As for makeup, Louette suggests that eye- questions of general interest in her column. Ad- possibly matter to anyone ex- Mop?" — Premeditating In Wide temples should be avoided, as they ob- pact?" (I am assuming, of glass-wearers needn't take extra care unless they dress your letters to Emily Wilkens, care of this cept another dog. Charleston struct vision. wear "minus" lenses, which tend to shrink the newspaper. course, that the man HAS ac- complished something and Dear Ann Landers: My Dear Pre: You are NOT achieved some level of suc- husband and I have been mar- going to change this man and cess — not necessarily finan- ried 18 months. We are rea- it's not worth a divorce, so HINTS FROM HELOISE cial.) This question could sonably mature, well- change your attitude before keep some men talking non- educated people in our you develop high blood pres- stop an entire evening. midZOs. sure. Lower your standards. (2) "Most party chit-chat Before marriage we Consider day help once a is superficial and boring. I'd agreed to share household week. And let Mr. Pro- like to get off that level and chores. I wrote down who crastination run out of socks Best way to care for garlic hear what you have to say was supposed to do what and and shorts now and then. about the Reagan adminis DEAR IIII.OISK Dear Heloise: My wife and I have a very Some folks wrote that you had to hum or sing a tration." (It doesn't matter Would you please tell me the best way to keep comfortable den we like to share, but the long and waltz while doing this, but any tune did the trick whether he is for it or against garlic? I never seem to have any luck doing so and loud football season on television. When she likei for me. Absolutely amaiing! — Heloise it. He will probably be de- OLDE UNION HOUSE it dries out and spoils before I can use it. Also, a to read and sew, understandably gets on her BAG IT lighted to respond in detail to good way to peel those pesky little pods. nerves sometimes. Dear Heloise: On a rainy day, when I have this question. If he hasn't I would be ever so grateful! — Mrs. Velum So, last Christmas, my wife bought me a gift several letters to put out for the mailman, I put formed any impression by Tbomaipn which she said was really for her — a TV band them in a plastic bag. this time, he is a dummy and The best way I have found to easily peel those radio with a set of headphones. Keeps them dry and prevents the addresses not worth cultivating. Ex- 11 Wharf Ave., Red Bank slippery little cusses is to put them in water, Now, I can watch my favorite team to my from being smeared. — Marian Hirsch tricate yourself and select an- bring it to a boil and then drain. After cooling a bit heart's content and turn the sound as loud as I PIE-PAN SAVER other target.) DAILY DINNER SPECIALS to allow for easy handling, the skin will slip right want without disturbing her peace and quiet. — Dear Heloise: When preparing fresh fruit pies (3) "I have three weeks off. Lanny for the freezer, add your usual seasonings, then vacation time coming but I Next, pat them dry, place them in a jar and BELIEVE IT! line the pie pans with plastic wrap. don't know where to go. What Call 842-7575 cover them completely with olive or cooking oil, Dear Heloise: As to "How do you gel the ice Put the filling in the plastic lined pan, cover is the best vacation you ever or, white vinegar. Cover with a tight-fitting lid cube tray from the sink to the refrigerator with plastic wrap, then place in the freezer until had?" (If the man has never and store in the refrigerator. The garlic will keep without spilling the water?" you won't believe the frozen. Lift out of the pie pan and store in plastic had a vacation he can talk indefinitely. following hint, but try it anyway... It's a happy bags. about with enthusiasm, he is You may use either the garlic pods themselves thing and it works! When ready lo make pies, use the same size probably a workaholic and in a recipe or, the oil or vinegar. But if using the Just hum all the way from the sink to the pie pan and line it with a crust. Remove the not a viable prospect for a liquid, you will need to replenish what you re- fridge! plastic from the frozen filling, place it in the pan, social companion. Move on to move, keeping the garlic always covered with it. Try this also when carrying soup bowls, coffee cover with another crust and bake. someone else.) Be careful not to use too much either, as the oil or cups, plant watering cans — any dumb thing that By using this method, I don't tie up my limited Dear Ann Landers: I own vinegar will become very garlicky. Start out with gets itself filled loo full through no fault of yours supply of pie pans and can be using them for other a splendid golden retriever a few drops (notice I said a few) and go from or mine! baking in the meantime. — G.K. PROFESSIONAL CONSULTATION there. Anyway, I have found one cannot be unhappy Got a freezer trick? TeU Heloise about it so . The garlic will always be ready for immediate while singing. Love and happiness. — Maxine she can share it with all her readers. Write ANTIQUES SHOW & SALE use,and you won't ever have to waste money Barridge Heloise, care of this newspaper. She can't ac- replacing those flavorful little bulbs again. — True! I did try your hint, numerous limes, knowledge your letters individually, because of MORRISTOWN, NEW JERSEY Hugs, Heloise and, yes, it does work — or, did for me — but don't the heavy volume of mail she gets, but she will NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY ^^^ HINTS FROM HIM ask me lo explain why. use the best in her column whenever possible. WESTERN AVENUE rf^^r*\ SEPTEMBER 15-16-17, 1981 aaX'l •»(-•#wi "g !<• YOUR HEALTH Many kinds of coughs JOIN WEIGHT WATCHERS Some coughs are dry, hacking and unproductive. No By LESTER L. COLEMAN, M.D. mucus or other secretion is brought up. Moist coughs are productive ones which bring up phlegm, mucus secretion, and NOW! Doctors are often besieged by telephone calls that always infected pus. seem to be some modification of this request: "Can you call Some coughs should be suppressed. Others should be $ X my druggist and tell him to give me something for my cough? stimulated to further help bring up secretions from the lung. It keeps me up all night.'' RECEIVE UP TO 22 It is for this very reason that doctors hesitate to recommend The request is a simple one and certainly does not seem to an over-the-counter or even a prescription drug without be too much of an imposition on the physician. Yet a slight knowing the underlying reasons for the cough. It is pointless amount of resentment follows when the doctor questions the to suppress a cough when the real need may be to stimulate IN VALUES. wisdom of prescribing for "just a little cough," the cause of expectoration. which is unknown. Some coughs may have an overtone of pipes, squeaks and A cough is not a disease or an illness. It is a symptom of groans which, to the trained ear, may indicate some some irritation along the respiratory tract that the body is asthmatic condition. Only by listening to the chest can one trying to expel. There are many different kinds of coughs. hear and recognize the subtle variations in sounds that are so Some are insignificant. Others may be worrisome. important for diagnosis and subsequent treatment. Start losing weight for less. We'll take A throat tickle, a smoker's cough, spasmodic coughs and Many drugs are available to suppress a cough or to S4.00 off your first meeting and registration allergic coughs may sound alike but are caused by totally encourage it. The wisdom of choice depends entirely on the fee when you join Weight Watchers between different conditions. Severe infections, bronchitis, pleurisy, complete knowledge of the history of the patient, the duration September 8 and October 5, 1981. Hurry in soon and find ****** ll pneumonia, emphysema, tuberculosis and tumors are but a of the cough, the determination of its origin — viral or m few of the illnesses having the predominant symptom of a out about the revolutionary 1981 WeighI/eight ^^mJ bacterial — and the need for antibiotics. Watchers Food Plans I cough. • A superficial decision to prescribe a drug, based on the A cough is a sudden contraction of the muscles of the chest patient's plaint, "I've got a cough," is unwise and unsafe. wall and the diaphragm. When any irritation, infection, or I constantly ask my readers to understand the predica- foreign body disturbs the delicate lining of the bronchial tubes ment that a doctor can be placed in if he is urged to prescribe the cough is nature's mechanism for clearing the passage. a drug with an inadequate knowledge of the illness. TAKE 50% OFF Dr. Coleman welcomes questions from his readers. Please The handy special edition of Weight Watchers Party & write to him in care of this newspaper. Holiday Cookbook will delight you with such delicious dishes Garage sale benefits as Carrot and Potato Velvet... Galway Bay Oyste/ Stew ... \{){\{\1\{'\\{){\{\1 R Apple "Creme" ... and over 400 more tempting recipes If you attend a Weight Watchers class between September 8 and Family and Chilren's October 5, 1981, you can start entertaining with this 57.95 | Carl A. Quaglia cookbook for only S3.95I Limited Quantities Available LONG BRANCH - Fami- proceeds for the 72-year-old R.P. ly and Children's Service, a agency, which is facing fund- non-profit agency serving ing cutbacks afdfecting pro- families in crisis in Mon- grams and service. MEDICINES AND HEAT ARE TAKE IT FOR FREE mouth County, is sponsoring Donations of items of USUALLY INCOMPATIBLE Here's the newest, most exciting cookbook yetl a two-day garage sale "Sinks clothing in good condition, or And this S 14.95 value can be yours free if to Minks," Oct. 9 and 10 from working kitchen and elec- Certain medicines require special storage In- 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Long structions. Please read the labels for informa- you attend 12 consecutive paid classes between trical appliances are being September 8 and December 21, 1981. The Weight Branch Armory, Ocean Ave- collected, along with toys, tion about how lo protect potency. Anything which destroys, changes, or (owers the potency Watchers 365-Day Menu Cookbook is filled with over nue. furniture, jewelry, notions, of a medicine is Incompatible with that medi- 500 tempting recipes, incorporating all the new foods Mary Edith Moody, co- books, records....and a bath- cine. room sink. and beverages featured on the 1981 Weight chairman and agency board With very few exceptions, excessive heat Watchers Full-Choice Food Plan. Cook up cheese member, announced that her Donors of items may con- causes chemical and physical reactions xhlch souffles ... peanut butter fudge or shrimp scampi committee is soliciting trash tact the agency. Items will be often results In drug decomposition c'r a and treasures from residents picked up at a convenient com'plete change in the character of the drug. And enjoyl of the county to be turned to time. Radiators, stoves and hot-air vents should never be near medicines. They can damage them overnight. Hadassah membership event YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need i WEIGHT medicine. Pick up your prescription if ihopplnf nearby, or we will deliver promptly without extri charge. A RED BANK - Red Bank from The Yellow Door and greaynany people entrust us with their prescriptions Hadassah will have a paid-up Footnotes, Deal. May!* compound «nd dispense youn? WATCHERS membership dessert party Models will be Madeline and fashion show tomorrow Seeman, Holmdel, and Clare AUIHOMED OIITmiUTM FM HOUtTiR WTMY PMNWCTt The most successful weight loss program in the world. at 8 p.m. in Llncroft Inn.The Comick, Judy Gold and Ellen membership fee may be paid Shrewsbury Ph«r«aey Cotenoff, show chairman, THESHREWSBURYSHOPS at the door. Guests ate wel- CALL US AT 364-5511 or toll Free 800-242-5866 come. Middletown. BROAD ST. 741-4374 SHREWSBURY PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS FREE DELIVERY Featured will be a collec- Myrna Scames, Mid- tion from Bon Prix, West dletown, membership vice C Weight Watchers Int'l Inc 198) owm» ol The Weight Watchws Trademark End, and jewelry and shoes president, is chairman. I 16 The Daily Register SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 14,1981 Toll Free: Middletown art*, 671-9300: Matawan area, 566-8100. • ','.• Classified Advertising 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE ON THE ACTION LINE, 542-1700.

CLASSIFICATIONS 9 Construction Equipment 54. Situations Wanted hemaie 70. MERCHANDISE 79 Swap or Exchange 102. Houses For Rent 110. Wanted To Rent 137. Lots And Acreage 200. SPECIAL NOTICES 103 Rentals To Share REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 210. Lost And Found 1. AUTOMOTIVE 10 Wanted Automotive 55. Situations Wanted Male 71 Merchandise For Sale 80 Bicycles/Mini Bikes 138. Mobile Homes 20. BUSINESS DIRECTORY 56. Situations Wanted Male/Female 72 Garage/Yard Sales 61. Sports Equipment 104 Winter Rentals 130. Open Houses 139. Cemetery Lots 211. Special Notices 2 Autos For Sale 212. Trawl - Transportation 3 Trucks and Trailers 21 Business Service 57 Child Care/Nulseiy Suhu 73 Machinery For Sale 82 Swimming pools 105 Summer Rentals 191 Houses For Sale 140 Real Estate Want«i1 132 Apartments/Town Houses 213 Instruction 4 Motorcycles 22 Arts & Crafts SO. FINANCIAL 74 Rental Service 83 CB's, Electronics 106 Furnished Rooms 150. RECREATIONAL 5 Auto Services/Parts SO. EMPLOYMENT 61. Business Opportunity 75. Farm Equipment 84 Merchandise Wanted 107 Nursing/Relirement 133 Income Properly 152. Boats And Accessories 6 Aulo Rent/Lease 51 Help Wanted Male or Female 62 Mortgages 76 Auction Sales 85 Inflation Fighters Homes 134 Farm Property 153 Camping Equipment 154. Recreational Vehicles 7 Aulo Insurance 52 Babysitting/Child Care 63 Money to Loan 77 Pets And Livestock 100. REAL ESTATE RENTALS 108. Commercial Rentals 135 Commercial Property 8 Aulo Financing 53 Domestic Help 64 Money Wanted 78 Aircraft 101 Apartments 109 Buildings/Garages 136 Industrial Properly

HOURS DAILY FRONT PAGE READERS DEADLINES CANCELLATIONS u ADS Sal Solid style adt 4 30 p m day before FAMILY PLAN RATES DAllV AND SUNDAY SO OOP* Court line Notice and credit for cancellation n Qivt publication fhdiy 4 30 p m loi Sunday -14 Mlalm Catf* 3 LINES-6 DAVS-S3.30 Bold fsce Hstding.HO 00 on iiiutnce 0' special hill numbei lo advslse CitaatnWIMu-MI "B3fcB3 publication Clmified Display 4pm two dan wnen cancellabofi ol ad «isquttiad Advt>1'S«r •WUM Minimum insertions 2 lines piiOf lo publiuiion Thutsday 4 p m for Sunday Perlk>e •erUne $1 00 Each line Available to indi- 0u< sttiicntwwd '• op*" « H «> AM snd Uanmum ?4 lines All reader placed si loot of musl wain numbs* lor hitms iefe»ence trained Personnel are on hand at Inai lime 10 Publication Piool adt Tfutt days prie. to Piesw check yow ad M day il spptari Tha 6 Days (Consecutive).58« viduals placing ads under column publication Real Estate today Wednesday for 1 Day 88« 6 Days (Consecutive) 660 take rour Clawfttd Ad Call 54? 4000 Daily Asatiai cannol be reiponnbie lor eirors • Day 98C "Merchandise For Sale" for Hems Friday and Sunday publicalion 2 Days (Consecutive) 81 'fit 7 Days (Conseculive)..54 V4« 7 Days (Consecutive).63* WEEKEND CALLS BOX REPLY SERVICE trie, .he f..s. day Call 54? 1700 to mahe 8 Days (Conseculive) 51 '/4« 2 Days (Conseculive). 92« nol exceeding $200 each, items cwrecl'ont 3 Days (Consecutivel 74( 8 Days (Consecutive) 60t From B 30 am lo 1? 30 pm me Classified I PICK UP J? 00 CORRECTIONS 10 Days (Consecutive) 49'1« 3 Days (Consecutive). 85* must be priced Noncommercial" Depaitmem Mill be open u> Ml copy, const MAIL $4 00 4 Days (Consecutive) 67» 10 Days (Consecutive). 54« 4 30 p m Monday twougn Thufsday 'Of neit 4 Days (Consecutive) 7BC ads only. i.ixii and kill! lor Uondayt papa Call F w each boa numbs* assigned day 4 30 p m Fuday tot Sunday I? 30 p m ',4: 1 /i HI 5 Days (Consecutive) 63c 5 Days (Consecutive) 72t Conlract Rales on Request Salu>day lor Monday

t Autos For Sale 2 Autos For Sale SI Help Wanted SI Help Wanted AUTOMOTIVE Tiaer IT WAS Too SHoi?r, CADILLAC SEDAN DeVILLE 1972 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL — 1972 MAINTENANCE PERSON - PART TIME —Counter help, morn Autos For Sale While black lop. full power, perfect New trans. (750. THeyuOu.P'HAv/ Ncedf rj for winter months, part lime ings I alternoons. Inquire 747 9630 running. I driver, only 56.000 ml Call 49S-3I4S position. tltalDIi hours. ConUct Corner Room Coflee Shop Handsome car. MAPS If A LOT Punt »t UilUS 1967 VOLKSWAGEN — Runs good, ui 'mi MAZDA 1973 — 4cyllnder. 49.000 PART TIME — M/F. work Irom best reasonable offer. miles, original owner. Exc. cond MAINr fcNANC fc HELP Had home on telephone program, earn up CADILLAC 1971 - New paint lot), Besl offer 291 5918. time Apply In person, Shadow Lakt to 135 lo 1100 per week depending on white, air, PS/PB. orginial interior, Village, Maintenance Dept. Mid lime available 747-4666 or 760-2654 1966 CTO CONVERTIBLE — EM. e«c cond, asking 12,500 741 9568 MERCURY COMET 1975 — 4-door dlplown i mill Call 462-9488 or auto.. 6-cvl-. PB/PS. air. good me PART TIME — Prefer retiree tor • 4t; ISM chanlcal cond. Asklno (2300. Cal MANAGER Service stdhon, 3 housework and knowledge of book alter 5, 542-4374. pm II shift Salary + commission, keeping. Call altar 6. weekends. 1976 CHEVY VAN — Customized. 6 CAMARO 1971 SS bonus Apply in person, no calls. 291 5371 cvl., stick, 47.000 miles. 13200 Cal MERCURY MARQUIS 1975 — ' Hi Edtonlown Circle Ejcion. after S:30 urn, 042 S424 350 V-8, aulo., AM/FM stereo, A/C. air, electric windows, new brakes, PS/PB. New tires, brakes, shocks. exhaust system i. tires. (2,500. T~~: MATRON PASTRY CHEF 19/4 MUSTANG II — Low mileage Engine, transmission & body all pro- 8420604 good price. fessionally restored Asking (3200. Full & part time matron, Red Bank 741 1442 MERCURY CAPRI 1976 — 4-cyl., 4 area after 7:30 p.m., call 661 3000 CREATIVE BAKER FOR EX 291 4453 O.USIVE CONTINENTAL RES speed. 40,000 ml.. (2,295. MECHANIC'S HELPER — Ex- 1970 MERCURY MONTEGO - Call 842 3398 lAliUANI Runs good, body fair. Asking 1350 oi perienced only Apply m person FIRSTS64.ASS PASTRIES. PIES. best offer. 787-1808. MONMOUTH MOTORS Mon thru Frl, 9 a.m. lo 4 p m 43SPECIALTY CAKES, ETC. CARS GALORE! SI Help Wanted ( hur(h SI , Kf-ansbu.u Over 35 to choose from (many small 52 Hwv. 35. Eatontown 2"Autos For Sale 51 Help Wanted 51 Htlp Wanted FLEXIBLE BQURS. 1974 PONTI AC CATALINA — 2-floOI 542-2414 RESTAURANTVJPEN 6 OAVS PER sedan, ejtc. cond. Automatic, PS cars), ranging from woo to (2000. MECHANIC - To do wheel align Come see and save! ment and front end work H*d Bank WEEK IN SUMMER 1 DAYS IN PB. PW. air. power seats, beaulifu MONTE CARLO 1973 VW BEETLE I968 — Good running INSURANCE - Monmouth Countv WINTER family car. J18S0 Call 671 6043 eves KINGSLY AUTO (500 ARTILLERY DENTAL ASSISTANT — Red Bank agency seeks a senior personal lines Tire Call 747 3404 order. (500. area, 4v) days, experienced only. 4- EXCELLENT STARTING RATE or weekends. 542-6600 583-3412, 1-4 p.m. Call 8426519. VETERANS underwriter. We require familiarity handed dentistry, X-rav license a with all coverages Including claims, MEDICAL FULL COMPANY BENEFITS 1973 PINTO — ) door, 4 speed, re MUSTANG 1967 — 6-cvl.. auto, NEEDED must. Send resume to Box B 378, The CATALINA 1973 — 51,000 ml.. 15 VW 1974 SUPER BEETLE — New a good client relationship back- CALL 229 3131 FOR APPT built XMOcc engine. New shocks looks good, runs fine. Asking (650. paint, new tires, rebuilt engine with PART-TIME Daily Register, Shrewsbury, NJ. ground and the ability to work with TRANSCRIBERS good .Ires, new clutch. Asking 1475 mpg. 8 cvl.1 auto., exc. shape. (1500 or besl oiler 739-2024. 6423366 6 months warranty. 544-0373 eves. 07701. computers. The position offers ex WORK AT HOME 1*1 0763. cellenl growth potential. Salary PERSON — To work part-lime on OLDS 98 1972 — 4-door Sedan, white. VW SQUARUACi 1966 — Good DRIVER — Part-time, to transport We have immediate openings lor 1979 DOOGE VAN — Vi-ton. 6-CVl. CHEVETTE 1980 — High rppg. air, hardtop black roof. Exc. cond., all The Army Reserve urgent- open. Send resume with salary re- transcriber* with recent experience lit horse farm. Only experienced stereo. Musi sacrifice. cond., needs some work. (300 clients to and from Day Activity quirements to Box C-365, The Daily people need apply Clarmar Farm, aulo trans , PB/PS. »2,4»S. 197' power. 1 owner. 108.000 mi., regular 767 5509 after 6 or Sat. ly needs your experience. Center in Red Bank. 25 hours per transcribing operative reports, dis Ford van, 1-ton window van, auto 741-9333 gas. IS mpg, (1,000 linn 741-8781 Register. Shrewsbury, N J 07701 charge summaries, etc Excellenl corner of Lakeside Ave.. Rte 537, For a weekend a month week S3 35 per hour. Call 842-7030. Colls Mam. tram.. PB/PS. 302 engine. 1995 Cal CHEVY CAPRICE ESTATE WAG- An Equal Opportunity Employer earning potential. Call 238-0187,11-4 741 8426. ask for Dave. PARCEL DELIVERY VAN 1978 — plus two weeks annual INSTALLERS/SUB CONTRAC- ON 1974 — PS, PB, air. AM/FM Ford, exc cond 37,000 miles 110,000 3 Trucks A Vans TORS — C.A.T.V. Must have own PICTURE FRAMING - Full lim» stereo, power windows & door locks, training/ an E-5 with 4 DRUG CLERK — Full-time, good Motel Room Cleaning including Sat Will train but musl 1979 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME - or best offer 870-9731 INight Owl tools 4 equipment, also own trans- Steady work, daytime hours, must 1 dr auto., air. PS/PB, AM, FM very clean. (1495. Call 747-9684. upholstery). For Sale years pulls down over salary, benefits, will train. portation. Must present Insurance have art background and recent ex- 741 4874 certificate. Apply in confidence to work weekends & have own car. For perience in quality retail store. converter, radlals, velour Interior CHEVY VAN — 1975. V-8, aulo., $1,596 a year. Plus PX priv- interview call 842-1837. exc. cond . 14710. Call 946-2963 after PARK CHEVROLET 1975 CHEVY UTILITY VAN — 6-cvl. Box F 394, The Dally Register. 61; 7330, between 10 * 5 power steering, power brakes, new Sales Leasing Service-Parts i leges and retirement EARN EXTRA INCOME - Tha Shrewsbury. N.J. O77Ot. MOTEL NIGHT CLERK 3 p.m. tires and paint. (1700. Call 222-5678. aulo., new paint Job, new battery, Amwav way Gel started in a busi- Rl. 6e—775-1212—Neptune good tires, sliding side door Ex- points. Call us collect: Permanent position for handv PLUMBER WANTED — E»-, AMI GREMLIN 1974 -6 cylinder, ness of vour own. Training provided. ponencedonlv Steady work all year CORVETTE 1976 — While, T-rool. cellent running condition 51,000 532-2029 Get the whole story. Call Nan or inalure person, live-in sliuatlon. automatic, PS, musl sell, MIS PONTIAC GRAND LEMANS 1975 - miles. Asking (2395. Call 446-9252 or JOB INFORMATION ouno Call 542 0343 PS/PB, 64,000 ml., exc. cond., (8.500. PS/PB, air, (1400 or best offer. Exc. Jack Akin, 8424966 142 1837 787 1808 Can be seen Sat. 1 Sun. at 40 Union after 5 p m , 73*9226 Alaskan 4 Overseas cond., 264 8018. (1 employment. Great Income NIGHT SHIFT PORTER — Part lime for nursing AUDI FOX 1973 SI . Matawan. EARN U20 A MONTH & STILL BE potential Call 602-941 home. 15.33 per hour. Experience PONTIAC WAGON 1978 — Air,8' OVERHANG CAP For pickup. 4 Army Reserve Op- IHiWI WITH YOUR CHILDREN — 1 a.m. to « a.m.. Aides. not necessary, will train. Do not Front wheel drive, AM/FM OATSUN PICKUP 1972 — (1500 or windows. (400. 8014 Dept 7002 Phone U» an hour, 493 30+6 JISOO. Call 142 3)M PB/PS, AM/FM stereo, deluxe In- portunities For an appointment, call 264 1612. call refundable phone, apply In person Contact Mr best offer. 1972 Pinto, runs good, terior, root rack. Mini. 747 9246 747-0412. Edwards, Atlantic Highlands Nurs cheap 2290332. after 5 p.m. EXCELLENT POSITION — Avail NOW INTERVIEWING — For com- AUDI FOX 1974 — Runs good, but CHEVY 1973 — 350. auto . AM/FM. ATTENTION AUTO TECHNICIANS KENNEL SUPERVISOE — Pcr*son mission commercial/dealer sales- ing Home. 6 Mlddletown Ave., Allan needs minor work. 60,000 ml., aulo.. RAMBLER STATION WAGON I960 able for experienced marina man sought for kennel work, hospital as- lie Highlands, NJ. DODGE ASPEN SE 1976 — Auto., 4- — California car. Collector's Item. I owner, good cond. Must sell, 11600 Circle BMW Is expanding rapidly ager, Highlands area. Send resume person, immediate openings Appli- AM/FM. tirst WOO lakei II. Candoor. PS/PB, air, vinyl top, exc. Call 787 ms and in need of quality conscious sistance and general maintenanceot cants should: (300 or best oiler Call 747 8542. to P.O. Box 207, Highlands, N.J. premises. Reliability a must, must PNHP COOKS Dishwasnerv 8410900 or 8709060 cond., 49,000 ml., asking (2,850 Call technicians. Bosch fuel injection ex- 07732 or call 872-14S0 for appoint 1 Have prior sales experience OATSUN PICKUP 1967 — 1300 cc. perience Is necessary. German auto be good with animals. For appoint- buasers. experience suggested App BUG 1948 — Very good cond . MOO or 671 3146 alter S p.m. 2 Present good appearance. i person M . m to 4 p m el The RASSAS PONTIAC rum good, very good cond.. low repair experience Is preferred. We ment, please call 566-6343. 3 Have flood speaking voice, be able Mst offer Call after 1 p.m 264 64*0 mileage. (1.000. 671-0913. Wharf, Highlands, M.J. DODGE POLARA 1970 — AC,395 Broad SI Red Bank 741 5180 offer factory and on-the-Job train- EXPERIENCED HOUSE to mix well with others and be eg PS/PB, new exhaust system, runs ings, a complete health Insurance BUICK RIVIERA 1973 — 1 owner. RITTENHOUSE FORO ECONOLINE 300 1972 —(750. CLEANERS — Own transportation gressive. PREP COOKS — Dishwashers, all options, lop cond.. low mileage. good 842-3034 package, life insurance, paid vaca $4-15 per hour. 787-8300, NEW. Inc. 1 2293200 SOCIATES 741 33J6 13.000 ml,, flawless, '82 on order 264 1694 Good m Set your own hours. Call with figures, temporary assignment Every conceivable option. Call otter. Call 264 6383 *714391, 566 -MM or S300451. FULLTIME — Or part-time, genar- m local area. Full-time a part-time If you're in Rrel Estate Sales 530 0230 8. 530-0328. STRAUS BUICK OPEL 1980 HARLEY DAVIDSON SUPER ACE TEMPORARIES GEORGE WALL GLIDE — Immaculate cond. with BASKETBALL COACH NEEDED ai work, must work weekends terested in providing excellenl care LINCOLN/MERCURY NINE ACRES ol New and used Cars Phone for »n appointment, 431-5858 20 Thomas 5420X2 ..hrewsburv and working tn pleasant surround- SHOPPING • CADILLAC 1972 - Sadan Do Vine. Hwv 35 264-4000 Kevporl extras. Information, call 671-2437. — For private junior high school in Fully equipped. AM/FM stereo. Shrewsbury Ave., at Sycamore Lincroft Call S30-1M3. Becker Hardware Co., Colts Neck. LABORER — For water utility con- ings, we t\*v lust what you ur* FOR A NEW LOOK Shrewsbury 747-5400 SURPLUS JEEPS, CARS, TRUCKS 1961 YAMAHA YZ 125-H — water Closed Tuesdays. struction and related work Call looking lor on our 3-M shift, parl cooled, excellent condition, with BAKER — Experienced, year-round ttme. 2 days a week Apply in person THIS FALL? urn. — Car-lnv. value (2143-sold for (100 FULL-TIME — Cleaning persons, 9468080 between 9 am and 4 30 HOLSEY PONTIAC For information on purchasing simi trailer & equipment Must sell Call position, good pav. benefits Apply in p.m. 10 lo 12, 1:30 to 3 30. Holmdel Con Before you buy your new wardrobe, 495369J. 7470349 person, Long John's LTD, IB Beach must have buffing machine ex- valescent Center, 188 Hwy 34wh. y not Irv on a gold iacket? CAPRI 1976 — Exc cond. Low RTE 36 542 7800 EATONTOWN ar bargains, call 602-941-8014, Ext perience. Apply at Nichols. Rte 34 A 7002 Phone call refundable Blvd., Highlands. LANDSCAPE GARDENER'S Holmdel 944-4200 It will change vour life. mileage, excellent gas economy. HONDA ACCORD 1979 — 2 dr HONDA — 1972 Model CL 350 Re- Lloyd Road, Matawan. HELPER — Wanted, experience Sunroof, AM/FM stereo tape Hatchback, silver, auto, trans., air, THE FINEST SELECTION — Ofbuilt, many new parts, exc. running BARMAID/BARTENDER — S necessary, driver's license a must. NURSE RN/LPN M/F — Part-lime. For a confidential Interview call cassette, $2650 741-31.9. -M radio, 32.000 ml.. Immaculate cond Asking 1600 Call 542 4367 nights a week, for appointment call FULL-TIME — Person to learn re- CENTURY 21 EMblnder Realtors new and used cars in Monmoulh ceiving room procedures. No ex-741-725$. 117 shift. B.C./B S , Major Medical, *uns on regular gas. (5.895. Call County. Over 100 air-conditioned 264 6097 Experienced. lite insurance and profit sharing In Middletown, Grace Barker evenings after 6 p.m., 946-8125. HONDA CYCLES — And Mopeds, perience necessary Apply at Ntch- LANDSCAPER GARDENER'S 671 3500 naw cars in stock. McGLOIN ol's, Rte 34 ft. Llovd Road. Matawan Monmoulh Convalescent Center BUICK OPEL INC., Shrewsbury Shore Area's Number One Dealer BARTENDER — Part-time nights. HELPER Experienced Call after In Melewan, Joyce Friedman HORNET 1973 — 6-cvllnder auto- Rl 9 South. Freehold. 462-4661 WeApply in person between 1-3 p.m.. 2W-43OO Ave.. New Shrewsbury 741 6200 FULL TIME 5 p.m., 542 1094 544-1661 matic wagon, air, extra snowtlres on will not be undersold. Palmer Lounge, SA9 Palmer Ave., NURSES AIDES M/F — Fulltime, rims, clean, mechanically strong. W. Keansburg. BARMAID/BARTENDER - THUNDERBIRD 1968 — New paint, HONDA 1976 — 165 TWIN STAR Wanted Experienced only. Apply in 7 3 shift. Apply only If you're in (. busy ollicrv serving Central N J (925 170 6061. air, naw tires, AM/FM stereo, vary LEGAL SECRETARY - Red Bank terestad In devoting yourself com- Excellent condition. (650 Call BQPKKEEPING CLERK person at the Fountain Casino, 50 firm Minimum } yrs N J legal REAL ESTATE SALES JAGUAR 1982 — Will be showing Clean 11.600. 739-2642 7471144 after 7:30 p.m. Receivables, pavables. payroll, bill Hwy 35, i i if I wood, ask for Mario ptelely lo the proper care of the experience m negligence required. geriatric patient while on duly. App CALL TO ATTEND OUR Sept 30 T8.T MOTORS, 210 Wood 1 ing, and light typing. Salary $13,000. Extensive benefits TOP TRADE ALLOWANCE — Su TRIUMPH ri&ER 1971 Look . GAL/GUY FRIDAY — Should know Iv in person. 10-12 noon, 1:30 to 3:30 FREE SEMINAR bridge Ave., Highland Park. oerb service. DOWNES PONTIAC. To $200 Fee negotiable. include Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Ma- Sept 17, 7:30 PM 572 2577 good, runs wall. (700 or best oiler ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY some typing a. steno. We'll train jor Medical, lite insurance, pension p.m Holmdel Convelescent Center, i2 Lower Main St.. Matawan Ask lor Frank, 530-9165. alter 4 p m Full-time. Call 591-W1. 188 Hwv 34. Holmdel "IS A REAL ESTATE 5662299 20 Thomas 747-3494 Shrewsbury plan +. Reply to Box F 391, The CAREER FOR ME?" JEEP CJ-5 1979 — Silver An- Daily Register. Shrewsbury, N.J niversary, very good cond., best of- BOOKKEEPER GET READY PERSON — For auto CENTURY 21 TR6 1972 S Auto Services/ rental, must be over 21 4 have valid 0770T OFFICE CLEANERS Einbinder Realtor fer over (4,000 Call after 6 p.m., (1200 i a sic bookkeeping, receptionist Freehold area Laree lanltonal 264 1234 duties, punctual person driver's license. Full time em- 20I471HO0 Call 291 0935 ployment, 39 fir*, per week, plus LEGAL SECRETARY - W.lh e« company looking for people to work Parts To 1200 ptrience for expanding Red Bank part time Mon. through Frl., e JEEP WAGON 1979 — Limited edl- USED VOLKSWAGEN —ENGINES ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY overtime. Call 842-6800. REAL ESTATE - Why not loin lion. Luxury interior With snow law firm. Salary commensurate v m 10 D m Must have own trans AND TRANSMISSIONS. GUARAN MAGS — 2 Crager Magnlsium 20 Thomas 747-3494 . Shrewsbur LAZIER — No experience neces- with experience, benefits. Please porlation For further Information America's No 1 Top Seller, Century Plow. A/C. AM/FM 8 track. (10.000 TEED OTHER USED PARTS forward resume to P O Box 778, 21 Ability Really on Hwv. J5. 2294300 slotted. 14x6 5. lit Ford or Chrysler BROILER PERSON — Full-time wt, will train. Apply Morris Plate call »Mim. _ CHEVY. Silver 4-cyl . ALSO AVAILABLE CALL KENNY (15, Call 5.3 5917 Glass - 741-1043. Red Bank, N.J , 0770' Holmdel, in an IDEAL LOCATION THEODORE, 741-8500. ___ position, experienced only need app- ON-CALL AD TAKER — For Classi- Come to our FREE SEMINAR' aulo trans . p*' KITSON CHEVROLET CO SIDE PIPES—Thrush, side kick. 64 ly. Apply in person. River House, 1 6716833 Hwv. 36 Eatontown GUY/GAL FRIDAY LEGAL SECRETARY — 5 years fied Oeol. of The Daily Register strg .'brKs . AIR COND VEGA 1978 — AM/FM (-track In. long with flex pipe 1 mounting Navesink Avenue, Highlands. Assistant to President knowledge minimum experience to take com- Must type SO worn. Accurate spelling 547-1000 (1200 20 mpg. 77.000 mi Call brackets (tl Call (61 Wl after 5 plete charge of Hailet area office. RETAIL Sl° #11029 33 779 BUS DRIVER - Immediate open- •f retail trada, divert! fled duties, MUST Pleasant working condl LABRIOLA MOTORS 'B7 9J79 p.m. good with figures. 40-hour week. No Heavy emphasis on liability and ions. Call between 102. M>4000. SALES/CASHIERS/ miles ing, benefits Contact Henry Hudson workman's camp Salary $13,000 Newman Springs Rd. Red Bank VEGA 1976 WAGON — 70,000 miles, Regional School, Highlands. N.J. weekends E»I_2JI, ask for Peggy Nolen 741 2433 To 113.000. plus excellent benefit package In- STOCK automatic, good tires, one owner, Auto Rent/Lease cluding health, life insurance and IRTHOOONTIC ASSISTANT Full and part time hours available, llness lorces sale, first (750. CASHIER SUPERVISOR—Musi be ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY ireater Red Bank arae Experience interested in merchandising i, will- 20 Thomas 542-3494 Shrewsbury pension plan. Reply to Box C 364. experience prelerred. company ben 670-6061 THe Daily Register, Shrewsbury, x-rav Means* preferred but will efits For information call 2 Autos For Sale RENT A VAN — Low. low rates. Call ing to work weekends Send resume -aln. Friendly, take charge person VOL/OS WANTED USED to Becker Hardware Co., P.O Box HAIRDRESSER — Manager opera NJ 0770). 201 244 5150 Marty. TOM'S FORD. Hwv 35, Kay tor with following for growing shop iDoror 30 hr. week. Send resume 1 Highest prices paid port, 264-1600. A, Colts Neck, N.J 07722. Red Bank Volvo, 741 5886 Call 291 1112 Afttr 6, 264-9SS9 LEGAL SECRETARY - For Red alary requirements desired lo Box PERGAMENT "5595 COACHES — One assistant football Bank law office. Experience re- ", The Dally Register, Highway 35 1 Poole Avenue HAIRDRESSER — To rent space in hrewsburv. N.J. 07701. P'd«ic '»< & c coin V( .0 - New a, Used Auto Insurance coach, one assistant soccer coach, quired in litigation V9». Exc. HMIet Sales, .its. service, body shop must have teacher N.J. certifica- Red Bank Salon. Call /41-47S5 Of salary Call Steve at 741 3200 shore Mu- jrs Rl. 35, Wall. 528-7500 tion. Contact George Fanon, Athlet- 530-1457 after 6 Dm ARTS CLERK - For bus comRN OR LPN - M/F Part time for LIQUOR STORE CLERK — In any Experienced, all benefits small nursing home. Please can AVIS PHOENIX BROKERAGE ic Director. Red Bank Regional High HARDWARE 4 LUMBER SALES- VOLVO WAGON — 1972,4-cvl., auto. Hailet. Part time days Sales ex- aid. Call ITI-1300, 2443546 Famous for low cost aulo a, cycle School. 101 Ridge Rd.. Little Silver. PERSON — Floor sales, experience For engine repair or parts, 7 new 07739 Equal opportunity employer perience only over 21 Mid day Ires, body OK (350 Call 739-9477 isurance. Now giving free quotes neccessarv. Fulltime, can 741-2123. hours Call 2i4 2868 until i o m by phone Compare. COMMUNICATIONS TECHNICIAN 5 6 p.m.. 1 Help Wanted 51 Help wanted VW SQUAHEBACK 1948 — Ex Rt. 36. Keyporl. 264 3087 f N — M/F. 3-D part-time per Young Used Broad St.. Shrewsbury. 5441401 — Monmouth County residents, 2 HOME 4 COMMERCIAL — Clean- cellent condition. years experience, 2nd Class FCC-RT manant position, very pleasant 741-4325 Toll tree 800-662 3046 til 8 p.m. ing service needs help. Able to hen working cond Please call Mon -Frl , and driver's license required. Able die heavy equipment. Will train. Call 530-9471 ROUTE 34 Cars. VW 1976 — 7 passenger van Like to install & repair ftxed and mobile 483 308S. afttr S p.m. new 14000 Call Pearce, 872 0200 or 10 Wanted Automotive 2-wav radios 40 hours, liberal bene- LPN - M/F. full time. 11-7 Small AlSo AllintlcAva '47-H44 after 4 p.m. fits, salary 112,600 Send resume to IMMEDIATE OPENINGS — Fornursing home Sales & Promotion For Sale Monmouth County Personnel Depl , Aides Housekeepers, full and part 944-4991 VW HU(. 1943 fcnuine shot, txxly s Hall o( Records, Main St., Freehold. time, must have own transportation ABERDEEN 47 Shrewsbury Ave. good (150 or best offer. Ask lor Starting at $3.45 an hour. Call LPN — M/F, part-time, 7-3 4 3-11 Excellent career opportunity responsibilities in- (Matiwan) Ned Bank 747-0306 Frank, 530-9185 Call after 4 p.m. CONTROL CLERK 493 3096 Small nursing home. ALL JUNK CARS 946 4991 clude supervision of telephone sales, crew sales, AND TRUCKS Permanent full-time position tor INSURANCE —Growing Monmoulh 566-8000 2 Autos For Sale electronic manufacturer In our prod- County agancv wishes to hire ex- MACHINIST Pert lime, well ex subscription contests & all newspaper circulation uction control department, figure perlenced on Red Bank Recycling & Auto perienced commercial lines pro- detail skills required. Must be able ducer. Send resume to Holmes 4 5 ABC Gisholl automatic turret promotions. Position reports to circulation direc- Wreckers Top dollar paid. Fre to work independently. Will be pick-up 747 7764 or 747 7779 McDowell Inc., P.O. Bon 348lathe,. Set UP and operate. Call for tor. Circulation or sales experience necessary. trained ir# computerlied inventory Holmdel, NJ 07733 or call •pot. 534-6600 control application. Excellent com- 201 9464800 for Interview. Good wage package plus company paid bene- MAILROOM WORKER — Wanted pany benefits. Apply Whetlock Sig- fits. CASH ON THE SPOT — For lunk 1 nals Inc , 273 Branchport Ave., Long INFORMATION — On Alaskan and part-time and Sal Must be 18 yrs. inning cars, (25 and up lor com Branch, N.J. 07740. An equal op- overseas employment Excellent in old and have N.J. driver's license. ATTENTION! portunity employer. come. Call 312-741-9784, Ext. 6776. Call 741 1123, Call In confidence: plete cars. Free pick-up. Call 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. 671-5416 or 349-5270. COOK — With Institutional ex- 51 Help Wanted THREE CHEAP CARS — And one perience Salary open, Apply in per- SI Help Wanted Mr. VanDalen. FREE SAFETY CLINIC carrv-all Chevy pick-up lor sale son; Brookdale Nursing Center, 3325 Pontiac Lemans. Buick. Nova, 1973 Hwy is Hailet. Chevy. Call 530-1660. All cars under (500 DELI PERSON — Experience nec- 542-4000 Ext. 229. essary, full or part-time. Location SATURDAY, SEPT. 19,9 A.M. lo 3 P.M. TOP OOLLAR Matawan. Call M6-2M2 or M2 6348 BOYS, GIRLS FOR USEO CARS evenings LIPPIN MOTOR CAR CO, INC The Register That's right! Call (or an appointment to come In and take advantage of Rt. 35 Savreville. N.J 727-1300 DENTAL HE CEPTIONIST — Dynamic individual needed for MATAWAN, MIDDLETOWN AREA Dally Sunday our FREE Safety Clinic: a complete safety inspection for your car or challenging position; knowledge of dental forms needed. X-ray license NEWSPAPER ROUTES AVAILABLE Equal Opportunity Employ r. truck. This FREE, no-obligation offer is good on any vehicle, and gives EMPLOYMENT preferred. Call 87M3U. ONE DAY EACH WEEK. (WEDNES- you a written report on: DENTAL RECEPTIONIST — Dynamic individual needed for DAY) NO COLLECTION. 51 Help Wanted challenging position; knowledge of dental forms needed. X-ray license UNDER HOOD: • Fluid Levels • Exhaust System Male/Female preferred Please send resume, P O CALL: Box 140, Navesink, N.J. 07/52 • Cooling System • Emission Control System • Transmission I ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK DENTAL ASSISTANT — Musl have Mr. Robert McKnight Additional Income Potentiall JNDER VEHICLE: • Brakes — 'Will train person with book some experlenoe. Call 946 4663 week • Power Steering h##pmo hAfkyround on cofnputtr s except Wed 8:30 to 530 pm 542-4000, Ext. 287 GENERAL: Call McConnell Fuel OH Co., Adult Carrier Opening • Air Conditioning • Steering Linkage 29) 3300 DENTAL ASSISTANT — Certified Rural Delivery Route • Fuel System • Tires • Scheduled Maintenance ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT for full-time In fast paced high quail WANTED — To work In property ty office. Exc. opportunity for ex- Car Necessary management In Monmoulh Beach perienced person to advance In this are*, typing skills required Must field. Send resume to Box 383, work well wilh people, full time posi- Holmdel, N.J. 07733 Earn money tion with benefits. Salary com- Manalapan — Englishtown mensurate with Qualifications. Con- DENTAL ASSISTANT — X-rav tact Diane at 63S-242S. license required, experience pre- — Freehold Area 1 DAY ONLY: 8ATURDAY (SEPT. 19, 1981) ferred. 4 to 4',-j days weekly. AIDES HOMEMAKERHOME 542 2241 & prizes CALL NOW FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT (741-2433) HEALTH AIDES — Full or part Call time and 24nour duty No experience DENTAL RECEPTIONIST — Full- neccessary. Free training course. time, Monday through Friday. Some with Daily & Sunday Register Earn hourly wages plus mileage knowledge of dentistry necessary. Car and telephone neccessary. Call Paid holidays and pension plan. Young adults needed in Eatontown, Mary Tomeski Family & Children's Service 272-9100 Send resume to Box C 386, The Dally DATSUN or 542 6160 Register, Shrewsbury, N.J. 07701. Fair Haven, Little Silver, Tinton Falls 542-4000 EXT 227 AUTOMOBILE SALESPERSON - Musl be experienced, good oav. ben DRUG CLERK — Full-time, work and Long Branch. Bttiw.em 1:30 AM To 5:00 PM DODGE •fiti, commissions. Plus demon ng also in cosmetic dept , hours will LABRIOLA tralor Call for Interview. Kev Olds also Include some evenings 4 every other weekend In Hailet, Kevport Call 542-8880 mobile. 400 East Saint George Ave . Iqutl Opporfunity employer NEWMAN SPRINGS RD 741-2433 RED BANK Linden, N.J,, ask for Dennis, area Reply to Box C-355, The Dally EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 4H-53SS. Exit 13ft on Parkway. Register, Shrewsbury, N.J. 07701. SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14,1981 The Daily Register 17 order 3...get 4 extended classified deadline

Include Sunday the next time you Register rates are economical place a Register classified ad for and you can charge your ad to Call in your ad anytime up to 3 day* and well give you the 4th either Master Charge or Visa TOLL FREE PHONES day free. Now that's a good deal See how easy it is' Call IX hours 4t30 P.M. for next day daily insertion. Besides you get fast results too a day on 1700 this offer not lor MIDDLETOWN AREA 171-1300 commercial advertisers. MATAWAN AREA SM-8100 We make it easy to do business with us NON-COMMERCIAL ADS. ONLY. PHONE THE ACTION LINE, 542-1700 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE. CALL AT ANYTIME

51 Htlp Wanted 51 Hilp Wanted 51 Halp Wanted Nubbin 72 Garage/Yard Sales 77 Pets and Livestock

RNSLPNS NURSE'S AIDE SALESPERSON - Retell Mora. GARAGE SALE — Clothes, GREAT DANES — AKC. brlndles, 1 (M/F) Stock and cathlar work Involved. SWITCHBOARD OPCHATOR — VOUK TROUBLE 15, YOU CAN'T eLV furniture, baby equipment, toys, Evenings weekends. Pleasant, In- fawn, cropped, shots, dew claws. All snllli Available ApproK. 30 hrt. par week to ttart. YOU 7I?Y TO RUN A PROBLEM BY books, etc. 202 Beechwood Dr.. 9M-544I Medical l>«u>intl Pool Including tome weekends. With teresting work. Permanent. Shrewsbury, Sat., Sept 19, Sun, Hi Monmouth St. Red Bank potential to advance to run satellite AWAY PROM RUHMHCr AWAY Sept. 30, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Low Cost Spaying of Pets 4IM744 branch. Mutt hava transportation. TREE PERSON — Chipper, bucket, YOUR PROBLEM* Call 9220040 Write Bon cm, Tha Daily Regmer. chain saw, climbing experience. FfcOM IT, LAO. Friends of Animals Inc. RN M/F — Parl-tlma, monitor am Shrewsbury, N.J. O7701. HOLMDEL — Hsehold goods, Dulalorv general anesthesia. In Full-time, dependable, with refer- chairs, old sheet music, toys, OUTSTANDING PURE-BRED — lerett ft aMptrlanca naccatiar SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS — ences. 5444590 clothes, much more. 110 Holmdel Snepnerd. good watchdog, loves Rd., Wed Frl . Sept 14, 17 1» 9 4 p.m Applications now being accepted lor TRUCK DRIVER — Dependeble, children, free to loving home. Call Mi-nit, 542-2594 tha City of Long Branch. Equal Op- reliable, knowledge of trucks and MATAWAN RN/LPN M/F — 3X11:30 part portunity Employer. Contact Traltic familiar with Monmouth County. Texes Rd., Frl. ft Set . urn. t 11.30 7:30 pert-time. Call IM Bureau, 2321000, E»t. U. Write to Box Fin, The Dally Reg Sept II ft 19, to am. to 4 p m QUARTER HORSE Appointment, Mount PltaMnl Man Ister, Shrewsbury, N.J. 07701. Call 671-3449 . or Hurting Horn*. 144-4413. SECRETARY — Parl-tlma, Mli light ttano, mlmeo, general TYPIST 76 Auction Salts SAMOYED MALE DOG — Year old, ollice duties. Stan 14 per hour. Medical background and light steno AKC registered, hes papers, needs a SALES ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY helpful. Good typing skills. 9-S. lot of attention ft property. Greet Full and parl-tlmo hours avallablt 10 Thomas 542 3494 To S9.0OO. AUCTION — Every Tues. ft Thurs.. with kids $I7J Call Ed or Linda, experienced, company btntlltl, Im Shrewsbury ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 7:30 p.m. 179 South St., Freehold. 471-2947. medlete openings. For Intormallor 20 Thomas 54203494 Shrewsbury N.J. Public Invltled, free admission SHELTV — AKC, Blue Merle • call 201-244-S1S0. SECRETARY-CONFIDENTIAL — COL BOB RANDOLPH, Auc- Part time, 9 to t. Typing a, short TYPIST weeks. Champion line. PERGAMENT 71 Merchandise tioneer, 431-S7H or 223-4719 Call 7415170 Hwv. 35 ft Pool, Avt Halle hand necessary. Basic bookkeeping Type 43-50 wpm, dictaphone. If fil- S3 DomMtlc Htlp Merchandise For 71 Merchandise required. References required Call ing. 3-devs per week. Salt For Sale For Sale TWO-YEAR-OLD — Beautiful Bay MM10O. To $5. par hour. 77 Pets And Livestock Quarter horse, 15.1 hands, in training SHAMPOO PERSON — Full or par BABYSITTER NEEOED — My SECRETARY/TYPIST — For busy ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY for western tack. Now being broken • Hint, Red Bank area. 20 Thomas 747-3444 Shrewsbury home, Hailet area. 3 or 4 days a DRUMS — Gretsch, Peacock Flame SPECIALS AT SYCAMORE or you can train yourself. Call Donna Call w nit feminist mental health canter. Must week 550. (all 164 IJ07 alter 7 p m 1974 2-HORSE — Thoroughbred-sue be able to type 40 wpm. Pleasant with Zlldllen cymbals, •piece, stool GREENS — French-style bedroom after 7 p m at 471 4407. TYPIST 3 LINES Included. Call 739-1544. suite. Colonial maple bedroom suite, trailer. New floor, in good condition phone manner. Liberal benollts. SECRETARIES HOUSEKEEPER — To live In. Nice Call Donna attar 7 p.m. at 471-4407. Salary range - U.O00 to H.soo Call private room with TV. Two In liml office desk, home lateral file, 51 Help Wanted KEYPUNCH 5 DAYS EMERSON TURNTABLE — Pine fruttwood oval table, 4 chairs ft 80 BICVClM/ V. Rady. 244-4111. If you have any of the above skills Iv HO per day. Writ. Box F Jet, Tha condition with dust cover. $40. Call ACTIVE. AFFECTIONATE DOG - Daily Register. Shrewsbury. N.J. wtlel excellent quality, if vital cab- and are Interested In temporary 747-4042. inet, breakfronls, nutcnes. Wrought Needs loving family and running Mini Bikes work, why not come In and reolster. 01701 I $3.30 space. Fully Immunliad-tree. 291- SECRETARY BILINGUAL — Th» RteiSler FAMILY ADS (Inlti ETHAN ALLEN HUTCH — Rock ron furniture. Also antiques, paint- 1399 after 4. We pay top rates, no fee cherged. HOUSEKEEPER —For singlemele l ngs. prints, cut glass, brassware. TOO YOUNG Strong typing skills ft fluency In ACE TEMPORARIES lion FlflhUrt) tan Mil vour un- maple, hutch top, 49xl5 1x3S high, UCH MAGNUM XK — 19M, exc Spanish required. Apply to: Asm parent with 11-yeer old son in ne*d*d items lor you quickly. buffet bottom. 44x11x30 high. Re- silverware and other collectibles ond $500 20 ThomasShrewsbury Rumson. Not to live In. Pleese call Advanced And Beginners FOR AIRLINES tant Supt. tor Personnel Long Merchandise for uli ONLY decorating, must sell. Beautiful :ome In ft browse. RUSCIL'S. 34 431-9445 Branch Public Schools, 4 Wast End TYPIST — Excellent skills, good 747 1503 References required. Originating from houMftold, not •«• cond , $450. 741-1125. Sycamore Ave., west of RR station. DOG TRAINING Court. Long Branch, N.J. 07740 or ending a sale price of $200 Der 41-1504. Beyshore Dog Club. 74HO44 PUCH NEWPORT L Immediate openings lor sev spelling, part-time, hours flexible, WOMAN - To care for seml-dls- 229 1003. Equal opportunity em- transcription, pleasant doctor's of- article EXQUISITE — 11 Piece Italian pro- 400 mi., exc. cond. oral sharp guys and gals tree ebled women. References ft car re- vincial dining set, banquet ex- TABLE — Conference, oak - 72"X40" AKC YORKSHIRE TERRIER PUP ployer. fice. Call 739-3420. PRICE MUST BE MENTIONED. PIES — Champion bloodlines. 2 $500 747-5544 to travel enure US. with quired. 471-0443. Each additional lin«, $1.00. No dis- tension, off-white finish natural with glass top. $'S. Trailer hitch - Irmtwood. pads ft carpet Included. Class 2, heavy duty. $40. Lobster pot. months old. must be seen. 291-49M unique young business SHREWSBURY — Exxon Station. WAITRESS/WAITER — Ex- count it canceled belore expiration. eves. perienced, over 19. Apply In person $1300 747-3345. $10. 747-4M5. Merchandise group. Mull be 18 or over, 4)9 Broad St. Pert time help, nights 54 Situation! Wanted No charms in coov ft weekends. Apply In person. 2-5 p.m., Shore Point Inn, 33*0 Hwv. Have somethlno to sell? Phone BABY TEDDY BEAR HAMSTERS single, well groomed and 35, Hailet EXOTIC PLANTS — Selling out. No TOP SOIL Wanted Femalt reasonable offer refused. Mike's FINEST TOP SOIL In Monmouth. — Realty cute. $3.99. able to start now No ex- STATIONARY ENGINEER greenhouses, 201 Shore Blvd., Ocean ft Middlesex counties. Spe- Tanks Alot I Maple Ave 747 3440 For temporary assignment In local 542-1700 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA perience necessary Two BABYSITTING/HOUSEKEEPING Keensburg. N.J 717 5434 ciatlilng In only the Finest Top Soil "BEST EVER" —Leatherdogftcat area. Excellent pay. No fee cherged WAITERS/WAITRESSES for over 15 vrs. Price* from $50 per ANTED: Antiques, Jewelry, week Uaimng program Hotels ACE TEMPORARIES — 7 days a week from 7 a.m. to 7 collars ft laasltes Beautiful Now In ugs. Silver, Gold. FOR CASH FENCING DISTRIBUTOR — Hasload. 495-3494 or 739-4MS. stock at: and transportation furnished 20 Thomas 542 0301 Shrewsbury CONTINENTAL RESTAURANT p.m Call Lorraine at SeJ Jits any THE DAILY surplus of green vln,. clad chain link NTERNATIONAL GALLERIES TABLESIOE SERVICE EX time. Tanks Alot, • Maple Ave, 747-3440 For interview contact Tom fencing at 59 cants a sq. ft., com TOP SOIL 159 E Newman Springs Rd. SWITCHBOARD OPERATORS — PERIENCE ABSOLUTELY NEC- pletely Installed Terms. Call ware- ABSOLUTELY THE BEST hrewsburv 747-4200 Hairgrove at 776-9000 Mon Openings for • < mm, III shift or ESSARY BABYSITTING — In my Keyport REGISTER CHIHUAHUAS — (7) female 5 vrs., home. Any age. Experienced Mom. house direct. 2(3-0300 Prices from $30 per load. female 9 vrs., male 2 vrs., female 1 Vi aridities. 11 A.M. to 5PM IW night shift. Long term work. YEAR ROUND. FULL TIME. Same day delivery. Call 142 73O0 34 Meals, fenced yard, toys. A-l CLASSIFIED ADS vrs.. 2 3 mos. old. Puppy I male, l ALL LIONEL TRAINS EXCELLENT STARTING RATE character references. 244-5030 FIREWOOD- TOP SOIL KING female. Dogs free to good home. Flyer. Top cash appraisal 94" HARDEN SOFA — Exc. cond , STOVEWOOD 717-421) or 934-4240. Puppy's for sale to good home. 944-2093 CALL 3293131 BETWEEN 10 A.M. BABYSITTING — In my home, 5450 Large old wine press, 5125 Call •72-1111 AND 3 P.M. FOR APPT Finest quality hardwood. Full cord TWO GOLD — Velvet occasional NTIQUES — All kinds, bought lor 213 Instruction 211 Instruction Mon. thru Frl., Union Beach aree. 442-72 75 guaranteed. big yard, toys ft snacks. 739-2350 chairs, new cond. $100 each. EWE LAMB — Hampshire. US op cash. Mary Jane Roosevelt An A LOW BUDGET? 291-4B5 Call 944-4434 Wool fleece, SI per pound Call ques. 109 East River Rd., Rumson. WAITRESSES/WAITERS — Five BOOKKEEPER — Full-charge, 15 Shop the Used Furniture Center FLEA MARKET - Sept 20th. Colls USED MODERN OFFICE EQUIP 944-3099. 2-3159. Member Appraisers As years experience or more need app- vrs. experience, to do monthly, of Red Bank lation of America. ly. Lunch and dinner, full and part- Neck Fire Co. No 1. Rle 537 Spaces MENT — Desks, chairs, typewriter, quarterly write-ups, reconciliations 197 Shrewsbury Ave. 142-1449 $5. Ladles Auxiliary 944-2545. FREE FEMALE KITTEN — Has NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS time Apply In person. River House, ft returns In her home.. References misc. Items. Phone 741 9595. shots, black long hair. I Naveslnk Avenue, Highlands. supplied. 542 213) 747X134 More Classified ANDERSEN WINDOWS ft DOORS GENERAL ELECTRIC — Compact WICKER — Home shows, great hos- FOR OUR NEW LOCATION WAITER/WAITRESS — Full or — Any slie ft style 50% discount stereo, good condition Black. $25. tess plan. FREE KITTENS-Free Sib bag ol on Next Poge CREATIVE CHILD CARE — In my Call 747-40U. part-time. No experience necessary, Fair Haven home. Nursery school Wlndawliards. I MO 5234707. 471-9040. food with each kitten 188 EAST BERGEN I will train Call after 7 p.m., ill 7577 setting 741-0*74 GRAVELY TRACTOR — ah.p pull- Call 671-5150 ANTIQUE BEDROOM SET — 4- WROUGHT — Iron raiting. Crib, 08 Commercial WEEKEND SECRETARY — For piece, also other antiques ft collec- start, two-wheel, $400. Alter 4 p.m., high chair and mlsc NEW JERSEY DEPENDABLE WOMAN — To 747-0412. GERMAN SHORTHAIRED Rentals active real estate office in clean house, office or apartment. tibles. Call 9M-0499 Call $72 9404 POINTERS — AKC registered, Shrewsbury. Must have good typing Own transportation. Call after 5. males ft females, liver or ticked All CALL NOW: ANTIQUES 20% OH sale Toy BOX HAMMOND & BALDWIN skills ft experience In secretarial 717-7(23 shots, ready Sept 25, $250 495 2242 skills. Salary commensurate with Curl Oddity Antiques, 54OK River PIANO AND ORGAN 72 Garag* Salts experience Call I42-»009, Mr Heck EXPERIENCED MOTHER — Will Rd . Acme Center, Fair Haven. CENTER GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES RED BANK babysit any age In her Red Bank •42-7557. 11-4, Mon. thru Sat; Yard Sales — AKC. large-boned. German- 2SO0 SO FT Of OfFCI SP«Ct *W TRAIN TODAY FOR THE <\ \ WELDER — For asphalt plant in All models in stock. American pedigree, terrific tern heal included onvele perking, venr home. ANTIQUE OAK DESK Central Jersey. Experienced only UHM. We are Number One in BASEMENT SALE — 211 Laurel perements. health ft hips guaran- leasoneble uroc until receptxy Send reply Box Z-2J3. The Dally 30x52 Ave . West Keansburg. teed $250 495 2534 are* flood lurtic Ko« kMV'Ooai offices Register. Shrewsbury, NJ 07701. EXPERIENCED — Honest woman, 471-7550 service, reliability and Sept 14-10, 10-3 car. be 'M'ndrt Air condmorvng excellent worker, house cleaning, LOWEST PRICES. IRISH SETTER — Needs good equiomenl on premises WHOLESALE DRESSES — ft own transportation. 140. 775-4757. ANTIQUE CENTER of Red Bank COMPUTER and e*h 217 West Front Street 300 MAIN STREET GARAGE SALE home, 5 vr. old female, spayed, SPORTSWEAR Earn extra money 747-1100 3 buildings 150 dealers »4J 4134 ASBURY PARK. N J. 07713 Sal., Sept. 19th housebroken. great with children. In your spare time, selling name HAITIANS — Need lobs. Sleep in or 775-9300 brand clothes at discount prices. For out. Babysitters, housekeepers, etc. Items bought, ask for Guv Eetoncrest, Eatontown Call 74i 4H7 attar 4 p.m. futher info call Judy alter i p.m.. Call Lisa, 7754591 or 7473532. Open dally 9-9. Sat. 'til 5 SECRETARIAL CAREERS 74749H. ANTIQUE MIRROR — $35. Set of 3 MOTHER — Will babysit your child matching folding screens, $25 ea. For your convenience. Sun, by appt THAT WILL PAY OFF TOMORROW In my home. Plevroom. fencedln Serte Perfect Sleeper, with 125 bed HOT DOG CART — On trailer. $700 Babyslttlng/Chlld yard, a a m.. 5 p.m. 244-7144. frame, UN. Coffee table, round, or best offer. awn i nooMUMM • CMPVTU oruu black, formica top. metal base, S25. • Kirrwn • me KCT • nrM/ntM Cart MOTHER — Of six grown children, Misc. frames. II ee. 775-4945 after 4 7394314 between 10-4 will care for vour child while you are p.m. vmnmnvMKxnmut at work. Newborn and up, my home IBM TYPEWRITERS BABYSITTER — Rumson. 3 to 5 only Cell S13-5744. BEDROOM — Maple, double bed, RENTAL $22-$28 per mo. afternoons per week, own trenspor dresser ft night stand. $75 Dining DAY, EVC8., k SAT. CLA88E8 RESPONSIBLE — Young woman Rent with option to buy I71O31; Mrtynr tatlon. year-round Ml 4H5 after 6 room set. Country Spanish, china l*nf«**»J tMaktl Iltm p.m. seeks light housekeeping/ child care buffet, table, custom pads, 4 chairs. JEEPS — Government Surplus STUDENT LOANS AVAIL. efter school. Own transportation. 1450 Kitchen cabinets. $150. 244-3051 Listed for $3. 194. sold for $44. For BABYSITTER — Reliable woman to Available after 3pm weekdovs, all or 244-1145. Information call (312)931 194! Ext • FREE PLACEMENT ASSIST. sit for 12 month-old girl In my Red day on weekends Call Andrea, 351 747-9413 BOXES CORRUGATED costs with Bank home, weekdevs. References CALL FOB fWie BROCHUWE: 4»»B4»0 required. 84] 4443 For Moving ft storage, and for In- LARGE SECTIONAL - 3 Pieces, dustry. A complete line of packaging excellent condition. $400 Call after 4 SCHOOL OF DATA PROGRAMMING CAPABLE LOVING WOMAN — To Situations Wanted supplies 442-4472 or 747-4094 p.m. 244 >t34. be mother's helper. 3-4 hrs. per dey. ss Eetontown area. No smokers. Malt CHANDELIER — Lovely custom LIVING DOOM SET — 3 PC., Medl these big 543-4949 made crystal chandelier. Approx terranlen crushed velvet. Exc 34 xli , $350 530-1441 cond , $350 5t34IOabefore II ft efter MATURE WOMAN — To care for ALL AROUND YARD WORK — 100 P«f«on.g» Road, M.nlo Park, N.J. our l rr old daughter In my home Trees cut. gutters, garages cleaned. CLOTHING — Clean, used, Embury 1M1 Morrli Ave)., Union, N.J. tor 5 days a week. Transportation ft Free estimates 741-4305. United Methodist Church Fair. Sat., LIVING ROOM — Colonial. U" references required. 717-4127. Sept 19th. 10 AM to 7 P.M. In Little couch end chair with red and gold FENCES PAINTED Silver. print, $375. Dark pine accessories. CALL EVENINGS Rocker, $50. Trestle coffee table, •72-9331 CLOTHING — Male, sties 42 to 44 $50 End table, $50 All like new. 14 INFLATION FIGHTERS portly stout, suits, coats, mis- cu. ft. refrigerator, coppertone. $15. HAITIANS —Need lobs SIMP in or cellaneous items. Female, sites out. Babysitters, housekeepers, etc. Call Mi 7574 10 12. coats, 30 GALLON FISH TANK — Stand. DOG RUN — Chain link fence. ROLLING STONE TICKETS Cell Llse, 747-3532 or 77S 1591 MATTRESSES - Must salt in 10all accessories. Dempsevs ft Oscars JFK. 9/25. $50 1 up CREAM PUFF — Bedroom set, 4x4x12 with gala. $125 or best offer RETIRED-CARETAKER — Will days. Over 1,000 name brand mat- Included. $35 Call after 4, 495-0479. call 9» 3191 attar 4 em 544-2537 CLASSIFIED maplewood, twin bed, boxspring. tresses ft boxsprlngs. All sizes, such travel, companionship Write to Box mattress ft chest of drawers. Asking as Sealv, Eclipse, Simmons, Spring- AIR CONDITIONER — Sears. 11.500 ESTEY ORGAN — Small. $40 Roll SANYO REFRIGERATOR — F 397, The Daily Register, $150. Ride-on lawn mower, • h.p., BTU'S Good condition, $140. Call 'reeier. exc. cond.. 1 vr. old. 5300 or Shrewsbury. N.J. 07701. air, etc. New but slightly demaged out bed. $40. Sewing machine. $50. Brlggs ft Stretton engine, 32 In. cut. or water-stained From $39 95 each 741-2514 Call I72-IH6 best offer Reminton office type Asking $250 Call all day Sun., after Grant's Furniture. Mlddlebrook wrltler. $30 Adding machtng 5 Mon. Frl., 244 1711 Shopping Center, Rt. 35, Oekhurst, AM. FU WEATHER TV RADIO - ETHAN ALLEN KITCHEN SET — Smith/Corona Figurematlc, never N J. Mon. thru Frl. 10 to 9, till 4 ft Cassette recorder, still In box, 545 4 thumb-back chairs. $M Boston used. $20. 7<7 oieo Dailv-Sunday Sun. 12 to 5. Call 493-4900 4x4 butcher block kitchen table. $40. rocker. $50. Drum-style lamp table. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Eves., itiwu $75 Child's ion top desk ft chair SKI PANTS — Man's large. Gerry, never used, $70. MINK STOLE — Color Autumn ANTIQUE BRASS LIGHT — Fix-(Old). $40. 741-1125. 61 Business Haie, exc. cond., $350. ture, Ilka new, $35. Recessed kitchen A DAILY GUIDE REGISTER 671-4424 EVAN PICONE — Gray flannel Opportunities light, $5. 2 cameras $40 ea. Baby skirt, slie 12. ntvtr worn, $25. Call SKIS — K-2, used twice. 190cc with Classified Ads MIXED HARDWOOD carry seat $4 Bath, Ilka new $7.evenings. cubco binding. $45 Siie • ski boots. OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS $90 a cord, delivered. Glass shower doors with track $30 7 •42-1745. 120 170-4041. ACTION SEWFR SERVICE - For 471-a5M. rear view mirrors for van or truck. sale Price noglotable. as low as $15. M2-4114. FREEZER — 4 cu. ft., front door, SLIDE PROJECTOR — GAF Carousel, teed eend., liny gear •4JJII9 MONARCH — Contemporary wood new condition. Moving, must sell. or coal fireplace heater. Airtight ASSORTED — Weight lilting equip- $150 firm Call 4934134. needs replacement, must sell, $50. CARPET CLEANING 49.5 cents porcelain with accessories. $325. ment, $125. 7474D14 DRIVEWAY JANITORIAL 62 Mortgagtt per line, per day 291-9010. 495 1375 At EXPERT CARPET CLEANING CONSTRUCTION SERVICE (based on non-commercial FURNITURE — Bedroom set. 3 SOFAS (2) — Good condition, must — Upnolsterv cleaning. Reasonable 10-day Insertion) MOVING — House furnishings, BED — Twin slie with mattress ft piece, Mahogany finish, $15 Twin sell Black ft white tweed, »'4", $35. rates. Morris Hoffman 747-0209. MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE porch furniture, recreation room, boxspring. $30. Maple beds. $35. 14 In girl's bike. gold, 4'2". $50. 142-1191. FREE ESTIMATES — Asphalt FLOOR WAXING ft WINDOW MS-UN $30. Call 7411030. Buying or selling For FAST RESULTS marble-top crederua, mirrors, oak SOFA — $125, chair, $75. two end drlvewevs, parking lots and sealer CLEANING DONE — Residential ft Reflnenclng (debt consolldetlon) table and chairs, postcard collet STEAM CLEANING ommerclal. 495-3759. BICYCLE — Tandem - good condi GAS RANGE — 30" Hardwlck, good tables. $75 each Exc. cond. «70 llu Fully Insured. Our 24th veer. Call AT LOW COST tlon, old books. IBM Master clock, ART-CO INC PAVING 741-1524 and much more. 747-1143. tlon, needs one new tire, $40. cond. $75 after 5 p.m. THE EATONTOWN STEAM C USTi0IIVTFURINITUR:E BAYSHORE MORTGAGE CO. •42 2191 Call 471-5094 CLEANING SERVICE — Cleaning 244MI4 phone STENOGRAPH MACHINE — $175. MUMS • 70 VARIETIES BIKE — Girts 20 In AMF, banana GOLD WEDDING BAND — 14KElectric typewriter. $135. Antique on your location. Motors, trucks, and MOVING* STORAGE Rt. 79, Morganvllle. 591-9255 vans, cars and buses 544-0034. U S TOM MA DE LAWN seat, like new, $30. Fireplace screen (yellow}. 4 mm wide, slie S'-i Never folding crib. $125 Cer rack carriers, FURNITURE — Colonial knick- 63 Monty To Loan All colors $1 50 aa. ft up ft andirons, $40 291-531'. worn, $50 7412915 altar 4 p.m $5. Electric hedge clippers, $25 NICKS MOVERS - Low rates, sen knack shelves, sconces, wall coat REGISTER lor rates, free estimates Storage NURSERY SCHOOL EQUIPMENT Ping pong table. $35. 741-9340. CERAMIC TILE racks ft picture frames. Tony, — Entlrt contents ol pre-school CALORIC DOUBLE OVEN JC PENNY - 3 vr battery, used for We travel. Call anytime. 544-9194. 291 5499. 13Vi% GOVN'T BACKED LOANS Coppertone. $75 STOVE — 30" Sears gas range, License No. 4B4. VETERANS OR BUSINESSMEN Classified Ads Items to accommodate over 20 chil- 1 yr , $35 3. 13 In Big VIC tires. $20 NEW * REPAIRS — Bathroom re dren Call after 4 p.m.. 5444934 291-9454. ea. Kurt. 741-44a4. white. In good cond., $40. Frlgldalre modeling 141-4012 or 431-1171 after t SWEDISH MASSAGE Free Government Brochures LaundrvCenter washer ft dryer In STOP legal action euto re 542-1700 CAPTAIN'S BED — And matching one. $100. 142 5171 TREE SERVICE dresser, $150. Call 4714145 after 4 KITCHEN TABLE — 42" round, possession-home foreclosure her Toll-Free from Malawan Area PIANOS ORGANS pine, with 4 captains chairs. $200. CERTIFIED MASSAGE THERA- rasslng creditor tactics. "Eliminate MOST MAJOR BRANDS p.m. house humidifier, $75, child's car TIRES — 13) HR78xl5. on Chew LIGHT HAULING WOODY'S TREE SERVICE PIST — Also medical massage Call all financial problems through new rims. $30 each. 2 bowling balls. $10 Tree ft shrub trimming ft removal. 566-8100 WAREHOUSE PRICES CERAMIC MOLDS —50centsto$40 seat, $10, two snow tires with rims Ms Rltlwager, M. TH 739-1740 government >» programs and get 071-15, $4D 944 2911. each 1 AM car radio lor Chevy, $15. APPLIANCE ft FURNITURE - Fully Insured. Free estimates. S25 extra cash also". No credit relects. i ft. pouring table ft mixer $tW. 717-9541. Clean outs, ilc Complete Cleaning mlnlmum-|7S maximum. 530-1112 Toll-Free from Mlddletown Area FREEHOLD MUSIC Steel shelves $10. Greenware 25 MISCELLANEOUS 24-hour results. cants to 51 Tables $25 Chairs $3 LIVING ROOM SET — Good condi Service. Call smrtl or 787-3745. Toll-free details •00392-6959 TWIN BEDROOM SET — Dark Co- 671-9300 CENTER Paints SO cents Must sell, cell now tlon. 5150 lonial pine. $200. 9x12 oval nook rug. BACKHOE/FRONT LOADER ft MONEY AMERICA 717 1312 •72-OMO GARAGES - Etc., cleaned out Con SEWING MACHINE HOwell, N.J. 347 5400 RT. 9 n"j miles north of circle) $40. large metal office desk ft chair. structlon debris removed. Trees cut, SMALL DUMP TRUCK — For hire. OELI EQUIPMENT — Deep fryer, $75 530-9223 alter 4 30 REPAIR it Plans Also lor Non-vets MICROCOMPUTER — Sinclair lawns cut 747J12I. Reasonable, fully Insured. Cell Hon- booths, tebles ft chairs, sllcer, coun- (201) 462-4730 COFFEE TABLE — ICocktait ZX 80, with software. Exc. cond.. evcutt, 542-4197. ALL HOMEOWNERS ATTEN- ters, dell box, cash register, bread MONTHLY RENTALS FROM $7 50 table), sollg* dark pine, custom- $150. 471-7049 TWO B I C. 4 SPEAKERS — 2 years TEACHERS WILL DO MOVING - SEWING MACHINES TION! — Loans for any purpose- sllcer, scale paper dispensers, etc. made by The Bunk House, A-l cond.. old. exc cond . HO Call 244-5904 Trucking, furniture ft appliances CLEAN-UP JOBS — Attics, base- 401 Main St., Bradley Beach, PIANOS - ORGANS must sell. $100 or best otfer. 747-aOM. PIANO invtlme. Serviced ft Repaired. including business needs-at lowest All Musical Supplies and Services Pickup ft delivery. 142-1143. Alter 4:30. 741-7445. ments, etc. Light hauling, mlnl-dem- rates. 14W% U.S. Gov't-backed 544-4295 upright, $150 firm olltlon, lawn mowing. 471-1214. TUSTING PIANO CO. COLONIAL LIVING ROOM SET — 5U-62M TYPEWRITER — $40. desk. $20; funds available. Fast service. Colo- DESKS, FILES — Tables, chairs, Our 97th Year $100, men's 3 speed bike with bebv file cabinets. $11. $20 ft $30 each. MASONRY RUBBISH REMOVAL nial, call collect. 609 541 0300 adding machines, typewriters, of- Asburv Park 775-0444 seat $35, woman's coaster bike $20, PING PONG TABLES — $5 ft $25gold upholstered chairs. $50 ea . PAINTING* fice equipment, etc. at bargain Open 9 to 9 new vanity sink $10, 4' base cabinet each, sewing machine $50, twin bed [win bed, $100 717-4312. HARD TO GET — 1st. 2nd ft 3rd with formica top $40, flrepleco BRICK WORK — Patios, steps, side- WALLPAPERING mortgeges. 24-hour credit approval. prices. New or used. A.A.C. DESK $100. 3-speed fen $10. Supply cabinet BENS CLEAN-OUT SERVICE — OUTLET, 1709 Rt. 35, Oakhurst PINBALL MACHINES — Used, $200 screen $20 2444011 $30. lamp $40. Call 717-43I.2 UPRIGHT PIANO — $150. Electric welks. chimneys, barbecues, etc. Interest rates from 14'1 per cent. If guitar with amplifier. $125 Walnut Cell alter 5 p.m., 142 1609. Residential ft Industrial ft business 531-3990 ft up. Great Xmas gift, lavawav qualified. Deal with credit lender plan 229-5197. CREAM PUFF — Bedroom set, twin POOL — 16x32, steel framed with stereo cabinet. $75 Pine love seat All types of rubbish moved. Also CftF PAINTING — Interior, ex- Call 11011 M3O7«7 boiler ft furnaces. Call sa3-OI34 erlor, well-experienced. Free esti- DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RING bed, desk ft dresser, all wood. Ask- deck, above ground, good cond.. with brown plaid cushions. $75 FURNITURE REPAIR mates. Cell 7871915 or 495-1174 — 40 caret, 14 hi gold band. Ap- PRINTER'S TRAYS — Good Condi ing $200. 3 living room tables, all take it down It Is yours. 2911245. 741-3724 praised et $1,500, must sell, $550 tlon. wood. Asking $100. Redwood e. REFINISHING CARPENTRY sue S'i Call 291 5041 after 5. Call 544-0934 alter 6 p.m. furniture. 4 pieces Asking $00 or will REFRIGERATOR FOR SALE — WHEELS - 5 Ford 14" rims. $10 CALL WALLY'S PAINTING Ml RCHANDISE talk. Call Sun. all day, after 5 Mon GE, $125. Call In the mornings each. For a lob you'll be proud of DINING ROOM TABLE - With 4 RAILROAD TIES— New,creosoled Frl.. 244-aTll. 747-3037, 2911245 CARPENTERS WOOD SHOP - CARPENTER — Will do small lobs Expert Craftsmen. Reasonable. Re- chairs. $300. Call 291-4729 after 11 4x4x1, $4 90 Pressure-treated 4x4x1, Formica work, furniture repelrs and In spare time to supplement Income. liable 71 Merchandise $a.9O. Landscape ties, 4x4x>, $3 45 DESK — 40 In., 4-drewer. pull-out REFRIGERATOR — Westingnouse. w HTR LPOOL ELECTRIC rellnlshlno 7474093. Free estimates 542 5012 29I-1191 KMM234741. typewriter shelf, $100. Dishwasher, 17 cubic II., gold. $100. Parker lawn CLOTHES DRYER - Exc For Sale DINING ROOM SET — Man wood. under-counter Caloric, copcertone. sweeper. Hi After 7. 471 7W4 cond $100 t42 4219 before 12 Noon or SKYLIGHTS — Additions, block S ft T Interior/Exterior Painters Duncan Fvfe table, six chairs, but RCA — XL-100, 13 In color TV. 2 used 4 vrs.. $25 a42>0404 after 7 p m ^ CARPET fel, ft hutch. $450. Call 534 2MB mos old $300. Bedroom set, girl's REFRIGERATOR — Frlgldalre chimneys, basements, kitchens. Call 264-at)7 or 739-2434. AMANA — Double-door. 22 cu. ft. Kenmore gas stove, $75 each. Du- WHVRTPOOL WASHER — u-ib. ca Pete. 317 9149. Free Estimates. white Colonial, double dresser with DINING ROOM TABLE — Contem- INSTALLATION refrigerator with Icemaker, axe. DINETTES — 5-plece $79.95, sleep large wall mirror, twin canopy top porary Parson's style. 4 upholstered monl TV with FM radio, made in pacltv. exc. cond., $100. cond. $450. Upright freeier, $250. Sofa $145. bedding sets, Innersprlng bed, boxspring ft mattress $250. Air chairs. Exc. cond.. $200 144-5416 1940s. $175 739-4431. 513-3141 CARPET INbTALLATION — Re- Microwave oven, like new, 1300 Two $99.95. Bedrooms, living rooms, conditioner, Emerson Quiet Cool HOME EXTERIOR PAINTING AND bunk beds, factory. Alter I p.m. pairs, reslretchlng, well-to-wall. No STAINING — Beeutllul palm lobs glass collae tables. Two crystal 7.500 BTU $2SO1^2M47«_ lob to big or smell. Experienced IMPROVEMENTS done by Eddie. I scrape old paint off chandeliers »72 0744 4950095 mechenlc. Call alter ftp m , 775 Ofl/J windows and wash them before re REFRIGERATED MEAT CASE — painting. I recaulk all spots and Old, but In very good cond Best S 30 EXPERIENCED CARPENTER — offer Call after 5 o.m , 9M 0341 JIM'S CARPET INSTALLATION- Starting out on own cabinet*, well lolnts that need It. I work neat and SI .00 OFF YOUR NEXT CLASSIFIED AD Sales, cleaning, relays, re stretches units, stairs. Interior rooms. Quellty vour house will look beautiful, espe- SEE THESE NOW! — Apt. dryer. ft repairs 744 4117 work-reasonable reles. Joe. 739-9477 cially with while trim. For Iree estl $29.50. Twin walnut headboard. 3 LINES - 5 DAYS - 3 after 4 p.m. Sun. thru Frl. mate, call Eddie at 4714403 OFFER EXPIRES AUGUST 31, 1981 $29.50. Aouarlum, $5. Bookshelf, LANDSCAPING LAWN $12.50. 9x12 green rug, $29. Kenmore MAINTENANCE FULL LINE HOME IMPROVE sewing machine In solid maple cebl MENTS — No lob too smell Free net, $49. 2 old barrels. $5 ea. Con- FOR SALE PRICE UP TO '200" •stlmetes 244 4470. PAINTING vertible couch. $89. 12" wide base MILLER LANDSCAPING - Com cabinet. $10.50. Chest of drawers. Register Family Ads can sell Your unneeded items olete lewn service ft landscaping $29.50 Also misc. glassware ft other 5440301, JOWE CONSTRUCTION — Rooting, INSIDE OR OUTSIDE bric-a-brac. RUSCIL'S, 25 E. Front quickly Use our MERCHANDISE FOR SALE col- siding, carpentry, masonry. After 4 St.. Red Bank. 741-1493. umns now under a separate distinctive heading TV SERVICE p.m., 229-5297 or 3414(70 I only UM th* btst Mini Benjamin V •••OQfF ^ Moort. ShMlrocklnosi Jtalnlng, In- SOFABED — Colonial queen site. 3 Items originating Irom your household may be sold At HOME REPAIRS — Remodel- tulctlng, & homt rtpalrs. Quality LITTLE SILVER TELEVISION - t months old. $275. Trundle bed set. tor up to $200 00 (formerly $100 00) per article ing, carpentry, masonry, plumbing, work at a reasonable price, Free twin slie. $100. Must salt, need Sycamore Aye., Little Sliver, N.J. electric, no lob loo small. RftR etlimatts. Call Jo* at 7474938. Price tot each item must be mentioned Expert reoelrs Reasonable rates. COUPON space 747 7741 Maintenance. 67144?1^ 7<717/1 or 747 1773. MOQGAN P. COLIO. JR. TOP SOIL SPECIALIZING - In minor home Painting, wa»pap«rlno, plastering. THE RCQI8TER, DAILY/BUND! ABSOLUTELY THE BEST ROOFING* SIDING Improvements, also experienced In Ref. provided. Fre« estimates. After Prices from 130 per loed. roof repair. Call Tom, 495-2295. 6, 842-2341. MMfl). CALL: 642-1700 Same day delivery. AMERICAN HOME IMPROVE TOP SOIL KING Call 542-1700 . MENT — Roofing, siding, palming, MR rml HOME REPAIR PAINTING — And odd lobs Large 717-4217 or 931-4240 gutters, rooms. 52 vrs. exp. Rich Speclallilng In odd lobs or small. Very reasonable. Call No discount it cancelled belore expiration Call Bill or George 495-9153 Pete. 495-0494 or 495-1417. TOP GRADE 2224240 GOLF BALLS No changes m copy $7 DOZEN CALL 747-0412 AFTER 6 PI 108 Commercial 1S2 Boats And 239 Red Bank 18 The DailyRejpster SHREWSBURY, N.J. Y, SEPTEMBER 14, 1981 Rentals PUBLIC NOTICE Accessories An Ordinance tnlltltd "AN OR- DINANCE AMENDING THE EN- Cody relative . 64 Merchandise REO BANK — 3-bav garaoe •a , .of- TIRE CHAPTER H) "TRAFFIC 101 Apartments 101 Apartments It' HOBIE CAT — (Cat Feverl. Exc. ACT" OF THE ORDINANCE Wanted lice, plus 900 sq. ft. upstairs. Good cond. Jib kit. Large window In main. location witnpaihing. $450. 747 2253. KNOWN BY ITS SHORT FORM TI- Double Groumel Tramp. Asking TLE AS "REVISED ORDINANCES KEANSBURGBEACHVIEW WEST ENO — I Mdroom. one block 12500. Call 741-6240. • OF mi" ADOPTED JUNE 3, 1M1 ANTIQUES — GATEWAY AN from beech, swimming pool, own STORE — Near railroad station, GARDENS One-badroom, Heat, Monmouth St., exc. for offices. In- 1975 10' FIBERGLASS WELL- WAI protinttd tor Introduction and denies any TIQUES, Rl. 36 and Homestead grounds, cable TV available. hot water A cooking gas included, cludes heat & hot water. $350 per mo. CRAFT — In/outboard with us h.p., flnl reading on July 21. 1981 and on AVB., Leonardo. 2. llreplace, eat-in kitchen, large den. asked if the relationship with Cody was anything different. TINTON FALLS — Near Fort Mon- 2-car attached garage. Close to readers, The Dally Reg- 140 Rumson REO BANK(— Syifiv (2) 2-bedroom mouth - large 4-bedroom house with ; schools & stores. Call 741/075 after ister will offer a FREE PUBLIC NOTICI Mrs. Wilson said Sun-Times reports that Cody frequently HIGHLANDS — Luxury condo, 1 apts. with rtntfeifav window, $375. private yard. Available Oct. 1st. $525 i 7 p.m. one-day ad (3-lines only) tc Please Take Notice that the visited her residence in Florida are false. She said she bedroom, near Twin Lights. Call 671-S7QJ. per month plus utilities. One-year Planning Board of the Borough of Steve, 774 9200, 681-9355 eves. lease plus one month's security. Call < MIDDLETOWN anyone finding a lost pet or Rumson did, at a regular meeting recalled only three visits, and he never visited her alone. RED BANK — Luxury one- 544-0712 alter 5 P m lor appoint- ASSUMPTION article. held on September 9. 1961, grant HIGHLANDS — Deluxe efficiency 1 bedroom, carpeting, dishwasher. ment Musi see this 3/4 bedroom Ranch final major subdivision approval "He's as close as any relative could be," she said. She cottage in complex of 10 units, suit $400 + utilities. 741-2196. Call the Action Line today able one or two adults, $225 par located on •/. acre cul-de-sac in pres- 542-1700 with variances to Stavoia Realty calls Cody a "stepcousin." She said her father married month plus utilities, security & leas* SEA BRIGHT — The Harbour Point i tlglous Mlddletown area. 3 baths, Company for subdivision entitled 103 Rentals To Share living room with fireplace, dining "HARDING/RIDGE," known as Lot Cody's aunt when Mrs. Wilson was about five years old. reguired. 672-O9J6. Qlf.ce, fully furnished luxury apts. FEMALE GERMAN SHORT with a picturesque ocean view, ell room, kitchen, large recreation 22 Block 84 on the Borough Tax Map. ;- room. Central air conditioning, full HAIRED POINTER — Answers to Said property is located at 157 Ridge Mrs. Wilson, who resides in St. Louis and Florida, said she HIGHLAND HILLS —Waterview, 2 utilities Included In rent. Short or BELL LABS EMPLOYEE — Has bedrooms, $425 Includes heat, no basement, 2-zone gas baseboard Candy. Hailet area. REWARD Road, Rumsort, N.J. long space welcome. Prices starting large house In Fair Haven to share 164-4074. felt she had been portrayed as a ''kept woman." pels. Call 291-5371. ___ at $375 per mo. 1492 Ocean Ave., Sea heat. $50,000 assumes this •*<% The Resolution approving the with other female. Fireplace, mortgage $120,000. PHEONIX RE Bright, N.J. 747-3353. screened porch, 4-bedrooms, !• FOUND — Sept. 1. young edult male aforementioned subdivision with The Sun-Times said her net worth is about $1 million, but , ALTY, Bkr. 264-3M7. Shepherd Malamute mix. Under 3 variances is on file with the Plan- HIGHLANDS — 1 bedroom apl with SMALL APARTMENT — Port Mon- baths. Price neglotable. Call she put it at about $250,000. She acknowledged that Cody wrote spacious deck, second floor. Newly 747-0707. yrs. old, Tlnlon Falls area. 747-1695. ning Board in the Borough Clerk's mouth, bedroom, kitchen/living MIDDLETOWN SOUTH H.S. - office. Borough Hall. Rumson, New renovated, wall-to-wall carpeting, room area A bath, $265 plus electric $56,000 assumable 14V*> mortgage, her a check for $21,000 in 1970 to buy a $78,000 home in Boca off-street parking. 1-vr. leas*. $295 FEMALE WANTED — To share LOST — Large black cat wearing Jersey and is available for inspec- A security. Call after 7 p.m. 767-5767. 3 bedroom Ranch, 120' country site, flea collar, answers to name Pukle tion during regular business hours. per mo., I mo. security + gas & house In Rumson, S22S plus utilities. large rooms & bav window. Only Raton, Fla., but said it was a loan. She said she repaid electric. 8719592. Cell early mornings, 147 9287 Vicinity of Birch a. Spruce Dr., J. Gary Simmon, Secretary WEST END — 1 bedroom, lovely 2- $70's. Shrewsbury. Please call 747-4061 af- Rumson Planning Board "between $5,000 and $10,000" before Cody returned the note, family home, ground floor. Living I FAIR HAVEN REALTY 747-9600 KEANSBURG — 4 rooms, 1 HOUSE TO SHARE — Female. 2 ler S p.m. Reward. Sept. 14 $6 60 room with fireplace, cellar, eat-in bedrooms. 1275 per mo. + utilities. 1 canceling the loan. bedroom, tile bath, completely re- kitchen, enclosed sun porch or third Mlddletown area. Call after 6 p.m. OCEAN TOWNSHIP — Wayside LOST — Highlands Fire Chief's modeled apt. featuring new kitchen, bedroom. Heat A hot watei included ! Woods & Long View Village. New PUBLIC NOTICE T~ She said he gave her several gifts over the years, never 747 5875 badge. Lost In the vicinity of Miller Please Take Notice that at a bath, bedrooms. Fully insulated Available Nov, 1 It. $450. Call I homes from $145,000. 14V.% mort- St. end Hwv. 3t. Engraved John totaling "more than several hundred dollars" at a time. with economical toned heating sys- 222-7900 or 747-6933. HOUSE TO SHARE — 1 family. . gage. No points, no fees. $31-0505. regular meeting of the Planning Franklin, 1973'. Sentimental value. Board of the Borough of Rumson tem. Off-street parking, 1 block to Have own room, central air. 160 a 1 Small reward. 291-9276. She said she was paid by the archdiocese from 1968 to 1974 beach and public transportation. WEST END — Modern 3-room A week & 1 mo. security. Non-smoker. RUMSON — Conveniently located. held on September 9, 1981, Jhe Plan- ' stoned front ranch home. 2 ning Board denied a site plan with $320 per mo. + IVi mos. security. bath, furnished units. Yearly, lease, Call 73t-l73J. 1 LOST — Bird, trained Cockallel. while she worked in Cody's Chicago mansion, cooking, re- Days, 7873535, eves, and nights, references. $350 Includes ell. THE bedrooms, dining room, living room, gray with little white, yellow on variance application ol Exxon Com- decorating, ordering repairs, housekeeping, and running er- 7|7-27O0. SANDPEBBLE, 229 1700 after 2 Ml DDL ETOWN — 4 bedroom home, : kitchen, tiled bath, full basement. cheek with orange, named "Fred". pany U.S.A. for premises located al kitchen & laundry privileges, $325 a , aaraoe Asking 178,900 Highlands area. Reward. 291-0630. River Road and Allen Street, rands. month, mature business woman ore- ; Leo C. Baiiarro Agency, 221-6541. Rumson, N.J. known as Block 27, lerred. 671-2274 evenings. LOST — Persian cat, In the vicinity Lol3on the Borough Tax Map. She said she was the beneficiary of a $100,000 life insur- RUMSON — Professional 1 family of Stagg Rd. and Newman Springs The resolution denying the PERSON — To there expenses of home, executive Ranch, 100x200 lot. Rd.. Llncroft. Orange fur, cooper above mentioned site plan with vari- ance policy on Cody written in 1940. Cody named her owner large, unique, historic home. In Mid- In town bv river, 17 Blngham Ave. eves, with red collar and bell at ance application is on file with the dlelown area 872-0222, keep trying $124,900. 530-1792. tached. Answers to name of Tigger. Planning Board of the Borough of and beneficiary and paid the premiums, she said. In 1979, she REWARO. 711-4551. Rumson at Borough Hall and is Make It Yourself PERSON TO SHARE — Historical ! RUMSON WATERFRONT said, she obtained $33,000 in dividends from the policy. In 1980,, available for inspection during regu house. Mlddletown area. Reply to 1+ treed acres, bulkheeded. 4 ft. at lar business hours- she borrowed another $60,000 at a low interest rate against the Box Z 289, The Dally Register, '• low tide, spacious 3-bedroom Cus- 211 Special Notices Gary Sammon, Shrewsbury, N.J 07701. REFER tom Ranch with 2 fireplaces, 2-car Secretary cash value of the same policy. ENCES REQUIRED. oarage, full basement. Exceptional- ly private area, vet minutes to eve Rumson Planning Board Mrs. Wilson said she accumulated her property and sav- ANTICIPATION DATING Sept. 14 $6.60 Sew Popeye Doll rvthlng. We have the key, $112,500. SERVICE — Call for tree brochure, ings during 50 years of work, savings and investment. After 104 Winter Rentals LITTLE SILVER REALTY toll free. 8(0-661 3033 Realtor 741-0950 PUBLIC NOTICI separating from her late husband in the 1930s, she lived in St. ANYONE KNOWING THE Please Take Notice that the HIGHLANDS — Furnished, 2- EUMSON — Old Mill with tower on WHEREABOUTS — Of Richard Planning Board of the Borough ol Louis with her mother and saved her salary, she said. bedroom, living room, kitchen, until ; 1 -'i acres. LR with fireplace, VanPelt. formerly of Werah Place. Rumson did, al a regular meeting June 14. 1982 872-0472. enclosed porch with skylights. 3- Port-au-peck. please call his sister held on September 9. 1991, grant a She said she bought a house in 1940 for $5,000 and sold it in ' bedroom, 2 baths and charm. collect at 115-571-0148. minor subdivision with variances to MOUNT POCONO — Four-bedroom, 1 $165,000. Call FOUR SEASONS RE the estate of Sophie I. Trautmann for 1950 for $19,000. She worked for the St. Louis archdiocese at two-bath Chalet. Fireplace. Country ; ALTORS, 530-9600. 'HANDS OFF SOCIAL SECURITY' property located at 6-8 Ward Lane, the time, she said. club Close to all resorts. 232 5543 — Send II to: Bumper Slicker, 88 Rumson, N.J. and known as Block McLean St., River Plaza, N.J. 07701. NORTH LONG BRANCH — De- TAKE OVER 52. Lot 17 on the Borough Tax Map The Sun-Times said Cody, who was named chancellor of A copy of the resolution approv Here'sAmeiica'sfavontecartoon signer-decorated, 1-bedroom ex- MY MORTGAGE IT'S IMPORTANT — To gel good the Archdiocese of St. Louis in 1940, got Mrs. Wilson a job ecutive suites. Panoramic ocean Hazlet, 4 bedroom, 1'» bath. 26' ing said subdivision and variances is character now a huuable doll! nutrition while you are loosing on file with the Planning Board of views, maid service, color TV. laun- family room. 13% mortgage, only weight. You'll look 1 feel better on there in 1944, and she made between $4,000 and $8,000 a year He's Popeye the Sailor Man, dromat and restaurant on premises. $610 per mo. pays all. Approximate the Borough of Rumson and is avail- The Shaklee Way Slimming Plan able for Inspection at Borough Hall until her retirement in 1969. recognizable in every detail from All utilities Included. ly $34,000 cash required. 671-4499. Call 53H249 or 747-7743. BEACHCOMBER 222-8479 during regular business hours. Mrs. Wilson said she moved into a Chicago apartment and lacial expression to his pipe arid When considering Buying or Selling WANTE D — Person desiring to save Gary Sammon, Secretary Rumson Planning Board clothes. A child will love him! SEA BRIGHT — Motel rooms a, Call a member of The money on consumer needs. Call began work for Cody in 1969. He was ordained archbishop in lurnished apartments. Maid service. Monmouth County 531 8149 or 747-7743. Sept. 14 $5 70 Pat 729: pattern pieces to make T.V., utilities included In our low Multiple Listing Service 1965. winter rates. Available by day, week WIDOW — Professional, petite, 16" Popeye doll and outfit or month. No lease-no security. shapely, zestfully alive, diversified> Mrs. Wilson said she bought a Florida home in 1970, but TRADE WINDS MOTEL 842 1837 132 Condominiums Interests. Including good music, TINTON PALLS sold it for $110,000 in 1972. She then bought a condominium in i, home life, seeks an ac- WEST eND — Modern 3-room t PUBLIC NOTICE Town Housts unencumbered con An Ordinance Entitled "AN OR Boca Raton for $61,000, she said. $2.00 lor each pattern Add bath, furnished units. Immediate oc . leman 15444). Reply to cupancv, 1325 Includes ell. THE OINANCE REGULATING THE U.S. Attorney Dan K. Webb has refused to confirm or deny A BETTER LIFESTYLEI _ix c 379, The Dally Register, HOURS AND SALE FOR CON 50t each pattern lor postage SANDPEBBLE, 229-1700 after 2 Shrewsbury, NJ 07701. and handling Send to: SHADOW LAKE VILLAGE SUMPTION ANO DISTRIBUTION a grand jury investigation of Cody. He said he received WEST PALM BEACH, FLA. — Rentals e. Resales OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ON allegations of mishandling of funds by Cody and that it is his ILake Worth). 2-bedroom con- CENTURY 21 COZENS, Real 212 Travel- LICENSED PREMISES AND dominium, completely furnished. 741-7686 HOURS OF CLOSING OF SUCH job to check them. Laura Wheeler Call 566-0936 alter 6 p.m. Transportation PREMISES." was introduced bv ABANDON YOUR CAREfc Mayor and Council of the Borough of SHADOW LAKE VILLAGE Tlnton Falls on Aug. 11. 1981 and on Needlecratt Dept. 61 105 Summer Rentals ADULT NOT RETIREMENT RIDERS WANTED TO FLORIDA- Sept. fl, 1981 was finally adopted and Resales & rentals 135 & share driving. 5 cars leaving approved bv the Mayor CROWELL AGENCY between Sept. 20 a. Jan. 15. Make JEROMES REED The Daily Register KEANSBURG — Bungalow, com- reservation now. 870-6061. Borough Clerk pletely furnished, two bedrooms, 741-4030 Gabriel E Spec tor County Births kitchen. 787 7875 after 6 p.m. Resident Salesperson Mayor 232 W«st IBth St.. Hew Vo>k. MY Leon* Hester 747-4124 eves. 213 Instruction Sept 14 $5.70 Helga Stewart 741-6549 eves. 10011. Print NAME, ADDRESS, 106 Furnished Rooms RIVERVIEW Sept. 10 ZIP, SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. ABSOLUTELY CAREFREE FRENCH GROUP CONVERSA 250 Other Public Notices Shadow Lake Village TION CLASSES — Tues. 4 ThurS., Red Bank Mr. and Mrs. Mark Working woman? Look smart, be FURNISHED ROOM — Gentleman Resale-Rental* 8 p.m. ITATI OP MAIN! smart, dress lor less-sew a ward- preferred, have own T.V. a, refrig- WALKER a. WALKER 741-5112 Call 747-3687. YORK.U. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Horan Elbaum (Sue Trauber), 233 ©KFS erator, large kitchen to cook In, 140 Tom Robinson, 747-4034 eves. robe with our NEW FALL-WINTER MAIN! DISTRICT COURT (Deborah Burdge), 279-B Clubhouse Drive, Mid- per week. 711 union Ave., Union HATE DISTRICT TIN PATTERN CATALOG Coupon lor Beach 264-6325. DOCK YOUR BOAT — In front of East Road, Belford, son, dletown, son, Sept. 10. your Townhouse. This Condo offers GOING DIVISION OP SOUTMIRN YORK Free $2 pattern inside—your 729 KEANSBURG 3 bedrooms, V'% baths, custom kitch- CIVIL ACTION DOCKET NO. ai-CV-IU Mr. and Mrs. Bonifacio choice' Send (I 50 Rooms for rent en, library, den, 2-car oarage, plus TO WORK? Call 787-686* or 787 9151 1 sundecks overlooking the IN THE OROIR POR IIRVICI Trinidad (Gloria Santos), 6 Navesink. Asking $149,000. 741-0516. •Y PUBLICATION »M Othtr Public Notice)! LEONARDO - 3 rooms lor rent. MORNING? NOTICI OP HIARINO ON Melody Lane, Mlddletown, Supply own heat. $285 per mo. Call Itarn PETITION POR CHILD after ft p.m., 74M9S4. PROTICTION ORDIR 4 A hearing on this Petition for son Sept. 10. 133 Income Proptrtv BARTENDING IT IS ORDERED that Notice ol f mid Protection Order will be NICELY — Furnished room on in 3 short weeks Hearing, as set forth below, be given held et the Tenth Dlttrlct Court Mr. and Mrs. William busline In Fair Haven. INCOME PLUS — Retail or pro JERSEY SHORE to Calhleen Martin, bv publishing room In K literv. Melne. In the Donohue (CatherineCarson), The Easiest Dress! Call 747 04S6 I fessional use, a great high-traffic BARTENDING SCHOOL this Order and Notice of Hearing Counlv ol York, on October 14. Printed Pattern 1 Main It, Eatontown once a week for three successive mi. at 8 30 em lor oeronli. 138 Park Ave., Keansburg, OLD BRIDGE area of Ocean Township, apartment upstairs. Asking $15,000. 542-2299 weeks in the Dally Register news- cuitodlent. end other oertlet to 1 MATAWAN paper, published In Shrewsbury, appear end be heerd son, Sept. 12. 9056 591-1518 GAG REALTORS 531-2000 LEARN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE New Jersey, date of first publication s Parents end cuttodlens ere en* Mr. and Mrs. Russell SIZES 8-18 REO BANK — Studio room, private — Over the PHONE, 1 free ex- to be at least 31 days before the tilled to legal counsel In these bath, entrance, driveway Suitable 135 Commercial perimental lesson. DR. POKA. hearing dale, proceedings. If you went en el- Vickers (Jacqueline Hale), lor working woman. 741-2746. 842-K1., tornev but ere unable to afford Proptrtv IT is FURTHER ORDERED one. you should contact the Court 207 Branch Ave., Red Bank, ROOM FOR RENT - For woman, LITTLE FLOWER CHILDREN'S lhat should her address become as soon as possible to request son, Sept. 12. conveniently located on Broad St. CENTER — Infant care, nursery, known lo the Department before appointed counsel. Kitchen privileges. Call 741-1435. RUMSON — Building lot, presti- kindergarten. 1st a. 2nd grade. After hearing on this matter, a copy of this 6 Failure to appear and be heerd at Mr. and Mrs. Nick Pross gious location, BO'S. Call owner at school-6:30 a.m.-6 p.m., extended order as published be mailed lo her 130-0977. the hearing may result In per- hours available. Between Rts. 9 - 79, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN manent lost of rights with respect (Melanie O'Lochi, 67 Com- 108 Commercial Morganvllle, N.J, 07731, 591 1144 THAT: to the child Slimming stripes? A brilliant 1 Pursuant to 22 M.R S.A Subwc pton Ave., West Keansburg, J In these proceedings, the State of print? Yes! Navy, black or a Rentals 136 Industrial Proptrtv PIANO INSTRUCTION — Children lion 4032. the State of Maine De & adults. Call partment of Human Services has Maine Department of Human Ser Hazlet, daughter, Sept. 12. subtly glowing color? Yes! You RED BANK. — 3400 square foot 741-8324 after 5 p.m. petitioned for a protection order Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gale can't go wrong with this ex- A-l PRIME OFFICE —Heart of Red regarding the following minor Attorney General, Stete House. Bank. Heat, air conditioning in building in excellent condition. Good TUTORING —All subjects, K-%, My child: Jason Martin born on Augusta. Maine 04333. (Bette Uhrmachen, 104 Sil- tremely EASY. FLATTERING dress eluded. $115 mo Rocar Co.. 741-3313 for cabinet malting. Light manufac- home or yours. Reasonable rates. March 2, 1973. In Galveslon, Tex- Deled' August 24. 19IJ1 turing, storage, B{ repair shop with At Kltterv, Maine verside Ave., Little Silver, Printed Pattern 9056: Misses before 1 P.m. Call 495-3372. as.; office. Asking S75WO0 Call Trulolo- 2 The parent(s) and/or custodians /s/ Roland A Cole Sues 8, 10. 12, 14. 16, 18. Size A'l OFFICE —Suitable to attorney, Menna Agency. 74V28M Judge. Tenth District Court daughter, Sept. 13. accountant, doctor, insurance, etc of the child are: Calhleen Martin of Red Bank, New Jersey and A TRUE COPY ATTEST: 12 (bust 34) takes 1 5/8 yards 1200 vj It. Broad St., Shrewsbury RED BANK — 34M sq. ft. building Beryl P Hill. Deputy Clerk Mr. and Mrs. George Sin- 60 inch fabric. 741-7873. In excellent condition Good for cabi- Daniel Martin ol Parts Unknown 3 Dawn Draper is an interested DATE: a/24/S1 cox (Dierdre Hurley), 5 Is- net making. Light Vianutacturlng, Aug 31. Sept 8.14 S6B40 COLTS NECK — Commercial space storage, or repair shop with office party lo this action, land View Way, Sea Bright, lor lease. Colts Towne Shoppes Asking $75,000. Call Trufolo-Menne Colts Neck, NJ, across from De Agency. 741-2BM. 239 Red Bank 239 Red Bank 239 Red Bank son, Sept. 13. llclous Orchards. Space availabii Send $2.00 for each pattern. PUBLIC NOTICE RESOLUTION from Si SO Per mo. Cell 721-0044 lor An Ordinance entitled: "AN OR Add 50* for uch pattern for more information. WHEREAS: NJS 4UA.4-B7 provides that the Director ol me. Division more Informatio 140 Real Estate Wanted DINANCE AUTHORIZING THE of Local Government Services may approve the insertion of any special HOLY CROSS posUgt and handling. Send to: PURCHASE OF PARKING ' COLTS NECNECKK — Prime professional Item of revenue In the budget of any Counlv or Municipality when such Item Silver Spring, Md. METERS AND THE CONSTRUC- shall have been made available by law and the amount thereof was not office building space at the ALL CASH TION OF THE "GREAT SWAMP" Mr. and Mrs. Alan crossroads of Rt 34 S. Rt. ill 2 Investors seek houses up to 1100,000 PARKING LOT IN THE BOROUGH determined al the lime of the adoption of (he budget, end suites, 350 so.. II 1 350 sg. ft. Im Quick closing MELMED REALTY. OF RED BANK, COUNTY OF MON WHEREAS: said Director may also approve the Insertion of any item of Petrasek (Susan Ordecki), mediate occupancy, 7W-66M Bkr 671 5650 MOUTH AND APPROPRIATING appropriation for equal amount; MARIAN MARTIN THE SUM OF 115,000 THEREFOR SECTION 1. 18523 Eagles Roost Drive, was presented for Introduction and NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED thai the Borough of Red Bank DENTAL OFFICE — For rent, to first reading on July 22, 1981 and on hereby requests the Director ol the Division of Local Government Services Germantown, Md., son, Sept. Pattern Dept. 420 share with dental specialist Mon.. RECREATIONAL September 9, 1981 wat finally lo epprove the Insertion of an Hem ol revenue in the budget year 1981 in the 2. Wed a. Thurs Reply to Box C-381, adopted and approved. sum of n.800 00 which Is now available as a revenue from Revenue Sharing The Dally Register, Shrewsbury, ID ATTEST: Funds-Entitlement Period, October t. 1900 to September 30. 1901, Interest Mr. and Mrs. Petraiek are ' The Dally Register N.J. 07701. Earned on Investment of Allotment pursuant to the Provision of Statute, 1S2 Boats* Ruth M. Eschelbach, Borough Clerk and formerly of Rumson, N.J. He FREEHOLD — Prestigious, well- Michael J. Arnone, Mevor REVENUE: Revenue Sharing Funds appointed office space. Main St., Accessories Sept. 14 r 40 Entitlement Period: is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Freehold Boro. Suites up to 2000 sa October I, 1980 to September 30,1981 RE. Petrasek of Atlantic ft. Call weekdays. 780-7780. PUBLIC NOTICI 14 FT. GLASSTRON — With trailer Interest Earned on Investment of Allotment $i,B00 00 MATAWAN — On Rt. 34, appox- An Ordinance entitled: "ANOR SECTIONS. Highlands, N.J., and she is 8, 55 h.p. Merc. Asking 11,000. Cell DINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER Boi 161, Old Chelsea SU., New Imatelv 750 so. ft. Also small office, 291-4729 after 11 a.m. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED thai a like sum ol si.600 00 be and the the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. York, NY 10113. Print Name, approximately 162 sq. ft. Ample 13. "INOPERABLE MOTOR VEHI- same Is hereby appropriated under the caption of: perking Call S66-093ft after ft p.m. IS' LYMAN — And trailer, with 11 CLE." SECTION 1, OF CHAPTER APPROPRIATION: Revenue Sharing Funds AS. Ordecki of Holmdel, N.J. Address, Zip, Pattern Number h.p. Johnson electric start motor. 15 ENTITLED "MlS- Entitlement Period: 3 free Patterns inside 1982 MIDDLETOWN — 5,000 so ft. pro Asking 1450 Call alter 4 p.m. CELLANEOUS" OF THE COM- October 1. 1980 lo September 30,19BI fesslonal office space available for 739-3706. PILED ANO REVISED OR- Other Expense Needlecraft Catalog 170 Knit, Immediate occupancy. Ample park- DINANCES OF THE BOROUGH OF Interest Earned on Investment of Allotment. SI ,800,00 Crochet, Embroider patterns. ing. Sterling Thompson A As- 15' BOSTON WHALER — 75 h.p. RED BANK (Revision 1960 wat SECTIONS sociates. Realtors. 800 392 6810 Johnson outboard 4 trailer. Pro* presented for Introduction and first BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy ol this resolution be dial Jackets, dolls, quilts, more! $ 1.50 fesslonellv maintained. 14910. Call reading on August 2*, 1911 and on published once In the Dally Register on September 14. 1981 and two 12) ALL CRAFT BOMS $2.00 each 842-9004, evei. September 9, iff) was finally cerlilied copies hereof be forwarded to the Division of Local Governmenl The Action Line' RED BANK - Office space In pro- 7 adopted and approved. All Books and Catajog-add 50* fessional "building Excellent loca- It THOMPSON — Wood lepilreke, ATTEST: Adopted this 9th day of September 1981 and cerlilied as a true copy ol an each for portage and handling. tion. 5OO-I00O sq. ft. Available Im- 40 h.p. Johnson electric start, RuthM. Eschelbach, Borough Clerk 542-1700 mediately gelveniied trailer, canvas cover, all original. Michael J. Arnone, Mevor RuthM. Eschelbach. Borough Clerk REALTY OROUP. INC accessories. Good condition, ready Sept. 14 15.40 S42O9O0 to fish or ski, 11250 471 6872 Sept. 14 S22 20 Snuffy Smith Dennis the Menace SHREWSBURY, N.J MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14.1981 The Daly Register 19 (PULL HARDER!! Crossword puzzle ACROSS 22 Thrashed 45 — over 12 "I cannot 1 Strike 24 Place* for (aided) tell -" viciously Insignia 46 Cincinnati 13 Poet ol old Bb ehe« group 21 Singer Buil trouble 26 Actor 50 Merger, 23 - mater 10 Strike Beatty Olsons 25 Hoof sound breaker 27 Wind and 52 Crusoe, 27 Ford family 14 Lake city rain lor one lllOlllLFd 15 Dlipatch 30 Repasts 53 Mutinous 28 Dorothy's boat 33 Copperiield stirring dog 16 Indian wile 54 Oust 29 Oik) weight 34 Tiny Isle 56 Mountain 30 Murray 17 Amonaaro'e 35 Friend in lake and West daughter need 57 As well 31 Czech river 18 Discredited 36 Frail 58 Domingo or 32 Ancient Hi and Lois French 38 Merdi Gras, Pavarottl Mariner's premier lor one 59 Thefelore bird THAT TV I WANTED FOR THE *SO% OFF OUR 19 Giant ol 39 Decline 60 Back talk 36 Ripples None myth 40 Zaharias 61 Cobbled 37 Footnote IS ON SALE, IO% OPF ALREADY LOW PRICES 20 Billy 41 Pointer 62 Coconut, abbr. WITH MANUFACTURER'S Budd's 42 Mania ray lor one 38 Warships REBATE SALE " creator 44 7 of old DOWN 40 The Vener- 1 Smiles able - Friday'! Puzite Solved: Joyfully 41 "-we got 2 Prospero's lun" servant 43 Reproduces 3 Crab walk 44 Temporal 4 Celestial managers 5 Stayed, in 46 Roger or poker Francis 6 Racetracks 47 Mindful .. STAMP COLLECTION 7 Vital 48 Hulking 'DONT SNEEZE W MY. 6 "The Lady - 49 Assembly of churches Mary Worth 50 Audit men rumilv (lircu> UiJiU*.iJUJlM^XJ. 51 —brave IN THE JUNSLE OF NEW tOKK. &ESIDE51.1 COULDN'T GO TO 52 New: comb, DON'T YOU THE STREET CLEANERS ARE lorm &ED WITH A GUILTY 55 Spout KNOW WHAT PROWLIN& THE TRAILS! BUT. CONSCIENCE I HAO TIME IT HERE IN SANTA ROYALE, KATE is? THE NIGHT IS ADMIT THAT BERDAN CAN YOUNG! I'VE MISLED RETIRE THERE YOU! 16 A KNOCK

The Wizard of Id

":.-.. then my mommy said to daddy, "We'll get rid of all the junk around this place.' "

Andy ( &AYS- nevertheless will attempt to sponding paragraph Let CAPRICORNIDec 22- process Don't refuse an persuade people, even your birthday star be your Jan. 19) •• Your popularity invitation against their will, to do daily guide among your peers increases GEMINI(May 21-June 20) things your way Should they considerably today on the - You are likely to receive ultimately refuse, you do not TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER strength of recent good deci- what you ask for today hold a grudge: rather, you 15 sions Think requests over careful- give even those who disap- VIRGOIAug 23-Sept 22) AQUARIUS(Jan. 2O-Feb. ly before making them point you in this way credit - Don't allow a message 18) -• You may find yourself public. for independent thought from afar to create an allied to an unsavory char- CANCERfJune 21 July acter today Make every 22) - An increase in earning l 'CAUSE I WANT TO BORROW You sometimes take over- atmosphere of tension Deal HERE S THE X THOUGHT MY BEAUTIFUL HACKSAW ITfe SO effort to find a way out potential may be yours for IT AGAIN long to make up your mind directly with emergencies HACKSAW ^s_ ITWA6 about things, thus at times LIBRAfSept. 23-Oct. 22) - PISCESfFeb 19-March the asking today New 1 BORROWED M LOST missing out on gain • Accelerate your time 20) -- Don t allow yourself to employment opportunities PROM VOU schedule and you will be become distracted from open up LA6TVEAR You have a genuine talent for independent research able to fit in all that rriust be your purpose during morn- LEOIJuly 23-Aug. 22) - You enjoy working alone - done to secure gain by eve ing hours Gams are to be You may have to adjust to a but at the same time you SCORPIO(Oct. 23-Nov. had major change on the home need the approval of your 21) - Communications from ARIES(March 2 1 -Apr il front Children should be peers and your superiors in a distance may both surprise 19) -• Social activities may encouraged to give opinions

Sheinwold's bridge advice South dealer Both sides vulnerable By Alfred Shelnwold hearts left the situation still two hearts, and I.e then obscure since West might bids three clubs. The op- NORTH Doonesbury You can't always stop have led from J-10-8 of ponents pass. What do you • KJ3 your partner from throwing hearts While South was say"1 away a trick. However, you 0862 I$N?TTHA16O- TIME ME wondering about the heart ANSWER: Bid four INGAFmve don't have to call attention position. West artlessly said • A 10 8 5 to his foolishness. hearts. Partner's rebid asks to his partner: "1 hope you you to bid three heam if Declarer took dummy's WEST EAST can afford what you're you have minimum values ace of hearts, and East sig- doing." • 984 for your raise; but to jump • 75 nalled encouragement by Q762 East could have saved him- heart toward the Q-7 for a raise to two hearts. OA7 self by playing low but he finesse with the seven. The (A POCKKT 111" 11> 1-: TO • 73 couldn't resist taking a trick finesse brought an impossi- BRIDGE written by Alfred when it was offered. We all ble contract home. South Wwt North East have such partners. Sheirmuld \% available Gel DAILY QUESTION jotir cop) by sending $1 .'i lo 1^ Pass 2* Pass < STILL OBSCURE You hold: •75 J'K983 the Ked^aiik Regisjer, 1' 0 2^ Pass 3^ Pass O K J 95 *Q4 2. Partner 4 • All Pass The fall of the ten of Box'1600.' Los \rmeles Calif bids one heart, you raise to 90053 . Opening lead — V J IF Peanuts I'M &O\H& TO AAE SHE'LL WALK IrJ I WAS OM MY I HAVE A SLIVER IN NO PROBLEM,.I'LL FINP THAT'S CLOSE] MYFIN6ER.ANPI A PAIR OF TWEEZERS, EN0U6H i! CAN'T 6ET IT OUT ANP WE'LL HAVE IT OUT IN NO TIME...

Beetle Bailey


HO/HE AT LAST... HOT SHOWER.. AND SHA««X>5,.P0R 20 The Daily Register SHREWSBURY, NJ. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14.1981 . • Soviets capture Canada Gup National Football League summaries MONTREAL (AP) — Sergei Shepelev scored three goals The Soviets were second behind Canada in the round-robin and goaltender Vladislav Tretiak recorded 26 saves as the standings with a 3-1-1 record and beat Czechoslovakia 4-1 last Soviet Union humiliated Team Canada 8-1 last night to win the Friday in Ottawa in the other semifinal. NY-MUrhn • fumble return IDftnelo Montgomery IB SU, HarringlorTHTOr •ufUlo J 14 V ?—M CaatiadsrCurrhockey tournament:- -Tretiak faacknUtppadahe-Stuaeis to. a 3-1 lead aftqr two ChKhlMtl • It 1 14-41 kick) Giammofli 4 10, Jaworski 3-4, Oliver 1-7 •altlmtrt 110 0—1 NMr Vtrt Jtti • 17 S Ifr-M PASSING — New England, Grogan Igor Larionov had two goals and Vladimir Krutov, periods before a crowd of 17,033 at the Forum. NY Bark urn 40 Pats from Todd (Leahy ASJ.341 But—Cribbs 33 pass from Ferguson ' 7 19 105 3. Cavanaugh 4-U41-2 PhiladtJ (Mike Mayer kick) phia. Jaworski 11-75 152-0 Vladimir Golikov and Aleksandre Skvorstov scored one each Instead, the Soviets added five goals. Shepelev's third at NY-Walker 14 past tr Dm Todd (Leahy NV Wain Bil-FGWood}BFGWd}}} RECEIVING - New England, Collins But—J. Butler 54 pass from Ferguson for the Soviets, who more than avenged a 7-3 defeat by the 1:39 gave him a total of six for the tournament as he beat kick) I ip j downs 10 19 3-32. Johnson 3 32, Caihoun 2 15. Weslbrook Cln-FG Breech 44 Ruthts Y*rdl Mil !16i (Mike Mayer kick) -*. 1-21, Hasselbeck 1-12 Philadelphia, Hut Bummer 5 pass from Ferguson Canadian team here last Wednesday in the teams' round-robin Canadian.netminder Mike Liut, who faced 26 shots, with a NY FGLeahv49 Palling Yardi •1 2U Carmichael 5-70, Montgomery 2-57, IB (Mike Mayer kick) Cln Krtider 1 pass from Anderson Return Vftrdl 101 Campfield 2 6. Harrington 111, Giammona meeting in the six-nation event. screened drive. • (Brcecfi kick) P*tW» MM 1MB 1 1-7. Bui—Barnett 3 pass from Ferguson NY—FG Leahy 23 Stem Bv JH MI IMikeMayer kick) Clark Gillies, from the National Hockey League's New Krutov's short-handed goal came with Aleksei Kasatonov 11-46 Bui—Hooks & run IMike-M«yer kick) Cln—Griffin 1 run (BMjfChklCk) Punls 10 39 Rami 0 3 1 7-17 York Islanders, scored the lone goal for Canada, which serving an interference penalty at 4:08 Krutov skated past NY IUhih»jl Fumbles L«t 11 13 Saints 6 10 0 7-21 A44.950 Cm—Griffin 3 pats from Anderson Penalties Vards MMO 11-17 NO—FG Rtcardo4S suffered its first defeat in 11 games. Guy Laf leur and beat Liut with a wrist shot. (Breech kick) Time ol Possesiion 20. U 11:0! NO—FG Ricardo44 •lit Sal CIn-SI Claire 12 fumble return NO—G Rogers S run (Ricardo kick) First downs 24 li Canada had four exhibition victories, including a 3-2 Larionov's second goal made it 6-1 on a power play at INDIVIDUAL LEADERS ND—FG Ricardo 34 Rushes yards M169 26 73 (Breech kick) 261 I* decision over the Soviets at Edmonton on Aug.29, four tour- 16:00, splitting the Canadian defense, and Golikov scored on a NY —Berkum 8 MIS from Todd (Leahy RUSHINGNY. Kolar 13 31, Tavlor LA—FG Corral 40 Passing yards IU 3b Perry 8 23. Bright 7 minus 10, Per LA—Dennard v pass from Haden (Cor- Return yards 35 25 nament victories and a tie against Czechoslovakia, and a 4-1 back-hander low to Liut's glove side at 18:39. Skvortsov kick) kins i minus 11 Wash Biggins 6-21. Met Passes 6 70-1 12 20-7 A-49.4S4- ral kick) calt M3. Jackson 6-fl, Harmon 14. Wash NO—Chandler 23 Pass from Scott Sacks bv 546 0-0 semifinal victory here Friday over the United States. completed the rout at 19:19. cm NYJ mgtnn 17. Wonslev 10 (Ricardohtck) Punts 348 4-43 77 14 PASSING NY. Simms 8 27 1 93 Wash. LA—Dennard IS pass from Haden (Cor Fumbles lot! 2-2 31 Firtt downs Theismann 27 40 1 318 IS Rushes yardt 29- 77 JO 144 ralkick) Penalties yards *6S Piisino vardt RECEIVINGNY, Shirk 441, Fnede A—42.043 Time ot possession 34:51 25:09 W 224 2 33. Perkins 111, Perry IB Wash Monk Return vards# 9 4S McEnroe Panes 11-33 1 1919 0 7 74. MetcaM i 36. Harmon 5 34, Jackson LA NO INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS 4 30. Thompwn 3-00. Seav I 78. Warren First downs 17 19 RUSHING Buffalo, Cribbs 17-66. Sachs bv 4-17 4-19 t 73. Wonslevt-5 Brown 947. Hooks 6-30. Leaks 3 11, Punli 4-« 4-39 Rushes-yards 24-08 SO 224 Fumblei lost 00 2 t Passing yards 167 78 Ferguson 19, McCutcheon 7-8, Robinson 1 44 64 minus 7 Baltimore, Dickey 14-35. wins Open New Craiand i o o o- i Return yards Penal ties-vards f- (1 14111 McMillan 10 79. Landrv Ml, Dmon 1 mi Time of Possession 19 34 30 24 Philadelphia • 1 10 §-11 Passes 20342 4 17-3 NE—FGSmi1h77 Sacks by 1 12 334 nut] i continued I INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Phi - FG Franklin 4b Punls 540 133 PAiSING-Butfalo, Ferguson 14-711, RUSHING - Cincinnati, Griffin 15-49. Phi—FG Franklin 72 Fumbletlost 32 3-0 241 Baltimore. Jones«S-11-1. 30. Landry Koi two weeks here this Johnson 9 19. Anderson 5-9 NY Jets. Phi—Harrington 6 run (Franklin kick) Penalties-yards B-SO 9 70 7 17 l,M year, Borg had talked of how McNeill 13-78. Newton MB. Harper 3 73, A-71.OB9 Time of Possession 75 72 34 38 RECEIVING-Butfalo, Lewis 4-82, Dierking 7-10, Long 7 13, Todd 7 9. J Jones Brammer i S5, J Butler 3-74. Cribbs 3-46. the elusive Open was now his I (S) NI Phi INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Bameil 13. McCutcheon II Baltimore. PASSING — Cincinnati. Anderson First downs 14 IB RUSHING - LOS Angeles. Tyler 16 59. Carr 4 50, Dickey 3 30, McMillan 3-75. R big goal. 71 33 1 246 N.Y. Jell. Todd II 290-751 Rushes-yards 31-146 40-21C Bryant * 18. Haden 3-11 New Orleans. G Butler I 11,McCauiev 1-4. "He's put so much pres- Rogers 19 162, Holmes SI1. W Wilson RECEIVING —Cincinnati. Griffin? 46. Passing yards 137 142' Atlanla 0 0 0 It—11 Curtis 5 108, Johnson 3 47, Collmsworth Return yards 1 » it 37. Manning 113. Caster) 4. Scott 3 4 sure on himself to win this PASSING — Los Angeles, Haden Grten BJV 7 7 1 0-17 2-33. Ross 1-1, Krelder 1-7 NY, Jets - Passes n li 'i 11 ISO GB — Swanke 2 pass from Dickey Berkum > B7, Newton 4-37, Gaflnev 2 60. Sacks bv 1-10 70 34-2. 201 New Orleans. Manning 0-2 0, 0, that if he doesn't, he's had a Scot14 U3.90,MversO-1-0,0. ISIenerud kick) McNeill 773. J Jones 1 32. Walker 1 14, Punts 6-42 6 46 GB — Elhs II pass from Dickev bad year," McEnroe said. "I Long 13 Fumbles-losi 1-0 42 RECEIVING — Los Angeles, Bryant 6 19, Dennard 3 37, Tyler 2 IS, Hill 2-34, ISIenerud hick) Penalties-yards S40 • •M GB-FGStenerud44 don't think he should have New York • 0 7 10 w Time of Possession IB 08 31 52 Chitds 2<2O. Waddv if, Moore 2 27. Gum Washington 8 0 1 0 J in I l] New Orleans. Caster 141 Harav A! I (,L.U(khurst32 done that." AT—Andrews 7 run (Luckhurst kick) Wash Thompson 6 pass from INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS 1-16. Harris 1 70, Chandler 1-23. Theismann (Moselcv kick) AT—Jenkins 30 pass from Bartkowski And McEnroe, who had a RUSHING - New England, Collins (Luckhursl kick) NY-Tavior S run iDanelokickl IBM Caihoun ; 60. Cavanaugh 2 14, difficult time getting to the NY FG Danelo3S Tampa Bav 7 3 0 ft-10 AT —Kuykendall 20 interception return Taiupu 13, Pennvwell 13 Philadelphia, Kansas City / 3 1 6-1f (Luckhursl kick) final, said he knew now what KC—McKmghtBr (Lowerv kick) AT—Williams 57 fumble return (Luck- TB—Wilder 2 run (Yep Borg had learned before him: TB—FG Vepremian44 " A-5S.3B7 KC —FG Lowerv 20 "It's a lot harder to stay KC —FG Lowerv 70 AT OB on top than it is to get there.'' KC—FG Lowery 47 First downs 19 22 KC—FG Lowerv 41 RushtS'vards 30 113 2396 A—50,555 Passing yards 219 300 Return yards 101 63 Anne Smith won two U.S. Freehold today I KC Passes U-32-4 30443 Open championships yester- First downs 17 13 Sacks bv S32 3 2 Rushesvards 23-12 411S7 Punts 4-41 639 day at the National Tennis Passing yards 286 99 Fumbles lost 1 0 3 7 Center in Flushing Meadow. 111: Pace, 11.700, Clmr, $4,000 7 Dirty DJ (Gillilan) . 10-1 Return yards 11S 171 Penalties yards 448 3-10 7 Slorm Dealer (Nunnata) S-2 5 All At Once (Gale) .12-1 Passes 20430 172SO Time of Possession JO 01 29 59 Smith teamed with Kevin 7 Aggressive Lad (Kolh) 4-1 b Galvin Road A (Forte). . ,12-1 Sacks by 0-0 18 4 Iribal (Gant) 9-2 S Go On Carlo (Poliseno).. 20 1 Punls 136 743 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Curren of South Africa to cap- 3 First Echo (NO) 6-1 Fumbles lost 3-0 10 RUSHING - Atlanta. Andrews 19 87. 1 AMI. ii.i Flame InAerillo) 6-1 7th: Pact, 13,100 Penalties-yards 327 767 Cam Hit Moroski 1-14. Bartkowski 70 ture the mixed doubles, 6-4, 5 Rustic Steel (Fagharonel 5-1 5 Kehilan (Pecchia) 8-1 Time ot Possession 24 17 33 43 Green Bav. Middlelon 12 39 Ellis 9 59, 7-6 over JoAnne Russell and A Le Baron Beauport (King) 12-1 J-Andys Bve Bve (Blum) 2-1 Atkins 1-7, Dickey immus 4 6 Game Yankee (Bavosi) Wi 7 Olama Boy (Lupo) |.1 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS PASSING - Atlanta. Bertkowsk. Steve Denton, Curren's part- 2nd: Pace. Mdnt., 11,700 1 Gala Lady IND) 5-1 RUSHING - Tampa Bav. R Bell B 9. 16 30 4 233, Moroski 12 0-2 Green Bav. 7 Nerus (Art Stafford) # 5-2 4 Meadow Hue (Lipari) 6-1 Blanchard 10. Wilder S-S, Williams 1-3. Oickev 3044-3 342 ner in the men's doubles. 8 No Exchanges (Kelly) 9-2 6 Butler Roval (Peigelbeck) 10-1 Eckwood SI*) Kansas City. McKmght RECEIVING - Atlanta, Jenkins 6-116. A native of Dallas, Smith 1 Bats Cicero Tony (Telymondet 3-1 7 Wagon Rail (Rilio) 12-1 12-33, Hadnot 9-36, Delancy 13 S7, Kennev Francis 4 69, Miller 7 26. Cain 4 15. An 3 Native New Yopker (Oagnon) 5-1 8 flrets Kmqht Out (Hade) 20-1 1-24, Jackson IB. Carson Ml) drews 19 Green Bay. Lotion 0-179. Col then joined Kathy Jordan as 4 Hold The Line (Ben Stafford) 6-1 ith Pact, $3,600, Clmg, $15,000 PASSING — i <"n!>• i Bav. Williams (man 6-68. EltisB 47. Middlelon 5-33, Nixon 2 Special Captain (Rnzo) 12-1 7 Timely Orbit (ND) 4-1 20 43 0 794 Kansas Cite Kennev 12-25 0 99 IB, Thompson 15, S*anke »•! they defeated Rosie Casals b Selectman (Cona;o jr) t>»i 6 We Do Gamble (King Jr) 12-1 RECEIVING - Tjmpfl h.t. R H.-n 6 70. House SB7. Giles 1 24. T Ben 1)0. and Wendy Turnbull of Aus- 6 II Padrone (Tusco) 15 1 B teddy in, ,i A (Herve Filton) 7-2 Chicago 0 It 1 •-» 4 Gentle Fella (DelCampo) .3-1 Jones S 58. Echwood 2 45 Kansas City. tralia 6-3, 6-3 in the finals of 3rd: Pact, $2,S2O, Clms , W.0O0 McKmght 7 6, Rome 2-26. Smith 2 9. San Franclsce r 7 7 '—• 5 Love Courier ! Beachvt 4-1 ^Shut Eye (R Turcotte) 9-2 SF—Patton 31 Pass from Montana 1 Corlland Hanover (King Jr) 6-1 Carson 3 35. Dmon 7 18. Hadnot 1 10. De the women's doubles. 4 Merry Chris (Torre) i 3-1 lanev 1(5) (Bahrkick) 2 Royal Roy iGiorgiannl) 9-7 3 Town Fiddler (Kelly) 8-1 SF—Solomon 46 pass from Montana In another title match Sun- 3 Paleface Gordon (C Me Gee) .92 5 Tingler Lang (ND) 15-1 (Bahr kick) fth: Pact, $3,100 Denver 1 7 0 0—10 1 Oil Slick (Andolphol S-1 Seattle 1 t 3 8-13 Chi—Pavton 7 run I Thomas kick) day, Fred Stolle of Australia / King Cotton (DeVilis) 6-1 5 Racy Goods (Berkner) 8-1 Ch.-FG Thomas 3? 3 J M Counselor (Ktng) 9-2 If" (i, Stemfort30 and Pancho Segura won the 8 Sambuca 6ov (Collaio Jr) IS 1 Sca-Bovd 3 pass from Zorn (Herrera Chi—Eari 12 pass from Evans (Thomas 6L*anides(Orsita) 20-1 4 Aforethought (Manii) 5-1 kick) 6 Bronze Trail (Gillilan) 3-1 kick) Pinch Invitational doubles, 4th: Pact, J 1,000 Sea- FG Herrera 43 SF —Young 5 pass from Montana IBahr 4 Wheeling Baron (DelCampo) 2-1 2 Taroort Way (Parker) 7-2 kick) downing Owen Davidson of 1 Siseros Burnous (Kelly) 6-1 Den— Odoms 11 pass from Morton 6 Fulla Eden (King Jr) 6-1 (Stemfort kick) SF —Patlon 11 run (BahrkiCiD 1 Schillli Paul (Kelly) .'. 5-2 7 Lucy Hioniii (Maker) 8-1 A—49.520 Australia and Ham Rich- 8 Teddv Lobell (Harp jr) 15-1 Sea- FG Herrera 12 2 Bateman (obeli (Primeau) <. 9-2 A-58.S13 ardson 6-3, 3-6, 6-1. 3 Reslv (D Turcotte) 10-1 10th: Pact, $3,400, Clmr, $10,000 cm SF 5 Beau D (Rheo Filion) 7-2 8 Prudie Collins (Rheo Filion) 10-1 Dtfl ! Firsl downs 18 20 Sweden's Thomas 5 Rebel Anna (Greene) 15-1 4 Dexter Thorpe (Loonev) 3-1 Rushes yards 34 123 32 175 3 Senor Rapido (Al Stafford) 4-1 First downs 16 18 Hoegstedt, who was seeded 7 Fo»y Yankee (Kolbe) 20-1 Rushes yards 74 110 29-111 Passing yards 787 7 Buckeyes Pride tND) 9-2 74 SS ith PlC«, 443,480, Clmg.. $10,000 Passing yards 147 156 Return yards eighth, captured the Junior 3 Homestretch Eve (R Stansberry).. S-2 6 Bradley Pond Chip (Candell) 6-1 Passes 1933 1 20370 1 Racer (Marohn) MI Return yards 033 030 B Austral Peak (ND) |«1 Passes 147S-1 24 34 2 Sacks by 0-0 1-0 Boys' singles crown by upset- 1 Punctual (P Parolarl) S-1 8 Mr Nash (Bresnahan) 12-1 Punts 642 S38 7 Jetlry Ed (Tete) 15-1 Sacks by OS 43 03 19 ting fifth-seeded Hans •• i tu•'.i;/in (Hancock) 7-2 Punts 6 47 S 37 Fumbles lost 1*1 22 2 Electric Storrrt (Oesiardins) 6-1 11th: Pact, $2,SM, Clms., $1,000 Penalties yards 4-16 325 Schwaier of West Germany 6 El Romano (Vinci) 3-2 Fumbleviost 1-1 70 7 Savannah Byrd (ND) > 1-1 "• Penalties yards 6-60 440 Time of possession 25 16 34 44 1 oman Eagle (Browne) 8-1 7-5. 6-3. 6 Quaker Bill IKa/maier) 10-1 Time ol Possession 7S 31 34 29 4 Golden Egyptian (Vino) 15-1 2 Kells Hondo IPMcGee) 6-1 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS 4th Pact, $$2,400 4 Clancy Lobell (Herve Filion) 7-2 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING - Chicago. Pavton. 77 97. On Friday, Zina Garrison 1 Steely Dan (Primeau) 2-1 7 Center Play (McCarthy) 9-2 Suhev 6 n Evans 2 7 San Francisco. Pat- 3 Egan Senator (Kazmattr) ;.,, 5-1 RUSHING — Denver Parros 1369, of Houston captured the Jun- 3 Haven T (Brunei 3-1 Reed S 73, Preston. » IB Seattle ton 14-67. Cooper. 14 56, Easlev 3 5, APpMU 2 Lancer Almahurst (Hade) 4-1 8 Cardea (Llpari) 12-1 5 58 Jodat ? 73. Hughes 8 71, Lane M, Solomon I minus 3 ior Girls' crown, 6-0,6-3 over 4 J M I II ...... ] 6-1 SCordero IND) • ....15-1 Zorn 2 4 PASSING - Chicago, Evans MAC TAKEN ABACK — John McEnroe reacts as the top of his trophy slips during PASSIWG - Denver Morton 19-J3 1-216 San Francisco, Montana Kate Gompert. Garrison also 14 25 16t 1 Seattle Zorn 24-34 199 2 20320-287 won the Junior Girls' title at ceremony after he won the U.S. Open singles title by defeating Biorn Borg in four RECEIVING - Denver Preston a 27. RECEIVING - Chicago. Watts 5 74. sets yesterday at New York's National Tennis Center. By Dan Patch Odom }35, Watson 2 36, Reed 7 22. Parros Earl 4 48, Williams 4-25. Payton 3-11. Wimbledon. 2 16, Moses 1 75 Seattle Hughes 6 59 Bdschnage 7-4T. Margerum 1-t7 San 1 — Storm Dealer, Aggressive Lad, Le Baron Beauport Largent 5-45, McCullum 4 30. Sawyer 7 73. Francisco. Clark 6-61, Solomon S 113, Co- 2 — Native New Yorker, Bats Cicero Tony, No Exchanges Smith 217. Moore 7 0, Bovd 1-3. Lane 1-3. oper 4 28. Patlon 234, Voung 7 19, Elliott 3 — Paleface Gordon, Love Courier, Royal Roy Jodati ] t-17 4 - Schlffll paul, Wheeling Baron, Kesty Giants defeat Redskins, 17-7 5 — Austral Peak, The Sizzler, Homestretch eve, Punctual I — Lancer Almahurst, Steely Dan, Raven T i continued i After a scoreless first half, the Redskins scored on their first possession of the third quarter, going 82 yards in 11 plays. 7 — Andys Bye Bye, Otama Boy, Meadow Hue New York got the ball back again and marched to the | to Ricky Thompson TD pass. 8 - Gentle Fella, Teddy Frost A, Timely Orbit Simms lifts Upsala )frtnefina 6onaTneismann Washington 7 where the Giants settled for what turned out to Neither team converted a third down play in the first half. I — Aforethought, Slseros Bumpus, Tarpon Way be the winning points, a 25-yard Joe Danelo field goal. 10 — Dexter Thorpe, Beau D, Buckeyes Pride The Giants, who managed just one first down in the half, over Trenton State The Giants defense rose up again with three minutes left gained a total of 46 yards. II — El Romano, Egan Senator, Clancy Lobell, Roman Eagle on the clock and the Redskins with the ball on their own 18. BEST - Paleface Gordon "From the fans' standpoint it was probably pretty bor- Theismann went back to pass and was sacked by Phil ing," New York's Taylor said. WANDAGE (API - Quar- tempts for 187 yards. Tabor who jarred the ball loose. Defensive end George Martin terback Larry Simms passed scooped it up at the 8 and rambled in for his fifth career for two touchdowns yesterday Upsala scored first on a 43- touchdown. to lead Upsala to a 19-8 col- yard pass from Simms to John "The credit really goes to Phil Tabor He hit Theisman MONMOUTH BUILDING CENTER Meadowlands lege football victory over McAleavy. Simms followed and caused the fumble," Martin said. "I know we have the Trenton State. that by connecting with Joe stuff to be a good defensive unit." SUNDAY HOURS Carson on a 26-yard touch- However Trenton State's A standout on that defensive unit was rookie linebacker NOW down play. The third Upsala Lawrence Taylor, the No. 2 pick in this year's NFL draft. tonii eight points were their first touchdown was a 1-yard dive against Upsala in 19 quarters Taylor was credited with seven tackles. He also deflected a 1O:OO AM-3:00 PM by Dave D'Andrea. Theismann pass at the line of scrimmage. 111: 14,000, Clmg ,3 vo, 4 Fur. io Royal Flutter (Teje.ra) 6-1 over five games dating back 1 Fighting Angel (Perrtt) 6-1 ith: $10,080, All*., 1 ye* up, 1M 49 years. "He (Taylor) comes in in that certain spot that can really MONMOUTH BUILDING CENTER 2AX Suvln's Kin (Bealmear) 4-1 i Mi&ttrlo (Perrtt) 12-1 3 Vic's Angtl (Nemeti) 5-1 2 Paradm Cowboy (Asmussen) 12-1 Trenton scored on a 1-yard ignite a defense," Martin said. "He's a rookie and is prone to 4 bruiseboilom Blues (Mlcelt) 3-1 3 Century Banker (Ntmetl) 10-1 Simms, a 6-foot-4 Mahwah run by Tim Miller and follwed make an occasional error but he makes up for it I'm sure glad 5 Groovln On (Bromley) 0-1 4 Bine (Imparalo) 4-1 777 SHREWSBURY AVE. SHREWSBURY 6AX Captains Buttercup (Bealmear) 5 Planing (Samvn) B 1 junior, completed 12 of 27 at- that with a safety. he's on our side." 4-1 6 Quality TV. (Velasquez) 6-1 7XX Alma Libre (Vtrga) 12-1 j Stage Door Key (MacBeth) 5-2 747-5220 S Emily Louise IMcCauiey) 10-1 8 Vaguely Fun (Franklin) 10-1 9XX I orhlomond Miss (Quinones) 20-1 9 Gattor (Venena) 8-1 10 T.V. Curtain Call (Perret) 10 1 to Tim Tamber (Black) 12-1 11 Dottv'sWil (Jones) 15-1 Mh; $7,500, Clmg , 3 yo, 4 Fur 2nd: $4,8/1, Mdn., Clme.. 3 V0 ft U». « 1 Blue Bird Day (Vtltl).... 4-1 Cuozzo passes pace River Plaza Fur. 2XX Cashfor Ttrrit (Hicktv).. 15 1 IX Flying Change (D'Aleo) 10-1 JXX Ketchocan (Quinones) 3-1 "Sexy was never 2 Here Come de Clown (Bromley) 3-1 4 Devoted Lady (No Rider) 10-1 WALL — Quarterback Chris Cuozzo completed nine of 12 on a scoring play covering 70 yards for the final River Plaza 3XX Carv (Verge) 12-1 5XX True Blue Bird (O'Hara) 15-1 4 Ancient Winds (Thomas) 41 6 Scandalous Affair (Edwards) 6-1 passes for 175 yards and three touchdowns as River Plaza- touchdown. SXX Atco (Vtrot) 15-1 7 Arachele (C C Locwz) 8-1 this simple:' Lincroft opened its Central Division Pop Warner season with Middle guard Matt Lane stood out defensively for River 6X Welcome Rultr (Donahut) I I 8 Devils Elbow (Franklin) 12-1 "LuL«ann UnLinea made nIt ^ / jt 7X Open Waters (Boileilno) 5-1 9XX TV Time (Alligood) 20-1 a 30-13 triumph over Wall yesterday. Plaza with two fumble recoveries. possible lor me to low weight SKingZar (No Rider) 15-1 IOXX Limited Guess (Verge) 12-1 and keep it off while enjoying 9 Foolaru (M Gomel) 12-1 11 XX Maid of Hickory (No Rider)... 15 1 Wall opened the scoring when Bill Shimpko took the River Plaza took the pecwee game, 21-0. _. the foods I love 10 Capt Tavlor (Cantagallo) to 1 12 Kiss a Lord (Lovato) 8 1 The secret is an eating plan 11XX B.W.Duck (Velei) 0-1 8th: *H,2», Allw., 3 vt A up, 6 Fur. opening kickoff and raced 63 yards for the touchdown. thai works for everyone, plus a 12Kttlv (MGonialti) tS-1 1 Vushka (Kurti) 8-1 River Plaza came back quickly as Cuozzo threw a 55-yard Atlantic Highlands 13, Rumson-Kair HavknO psychological program that 13aeXXOur Fox Hunttr (O'Har*).. 15-1 2 Jest a Joke (Bromley) 10-1 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Atlantic Highlands scored allows you to find your own HnNir. Parkvitw (C C Lopai).. . 12 1 3X Sicilian Jet (Bolletino) 20 touchdown pass to Steve Brown on the first play from personal dieting pitfalls iSat Hulfwyne (McCauiev) 15-1 4 Slick Light (Nemttl) 5-2 3rd: 18,000, Mdn, 3 yo* up, 4 Fur, sx Gotham Hour (E Gome/) 12-1 scrimmage following the kickoff. Bova kicked the first of touchdowns in the second and fourth quarters to zip Rumson More importantly, 1AXX Jersey Lark [Verge) 5-1 4 Swift Wonder (Mkell) 4-1 three extra points. in the opening game for both teams. everyone cares at Lean Line 2AXX Matawan (Verge) 5-2 7 Jelfery C (Thomas) 15-1 So call today, because at 3XX AHItT.G. (Verge) 6-1 8XX interference (Verge) 6-1 Later in the first quarter, Cuozzo threw a 16-yard touch- B.J. Juarbe raced 16 yards for the first touchdown and Lean Line, sexy is simple" 4 Village Pet O Pro* of FSychdogy 4 Ocean Scandal I Asmussen) 4-1 9XX Big John G (Verge) 10 1 Walt Colantuono and Stu Edington were double winners MwimemUi Soal Club Second Race i and >tene Fither Ph D. Chairman Depl o> Nutnuon fluigan lJ«v 5 SasTn (Rocco) 15-1 10 Hacklebarnev (Cordtro) 0-1 with Colantuono winning both races in the Lightnings and Liihtnlngi 1. Maramgola 6 Extradition (M Gon/alez) 12-1 11 Astronaut (Gilbert) S-1 Pint Race 7 Kuhl 7K Best Talent (Mlgliore) 10-1 12 Born Mean (Nltd) 4-1 Edinglon taking two races in the Wood-Pussy's. 1 wall Colantuono 3 Ellssa Smith-Karen Verkooyan 8 Aloma's Ruler (Cordero) f 5-1 UaeX Bav Oaks (Mlgliore) 12-1 7 Charlie Roden Pair Haven River Rate 9XX Undertheinfluenct (Norwood). 12-1 Mae Granite Run (Pino) 10-1 John Luard and Doug Marsh both had a first and second in 3. Pat Corl Handicap the Albacroes while Doug Kuhl had a first and second in the Second Race 1. Terry Spencer (DavSaller) 1. Colantuono 7. Paul Lucvk (Laser) EATOMTOWN — Monmnulh Shopping Cenler. Community' Hm , (outlide. nem Io Blue Jays. 7. Carl Stewart 3. Dave Muir (Rhodes 19) Castro Convertible). Wed dl 7 15 pm rfllHOLO — VFW Posi. WilerworkiRd . Wed SELECTIONS Albacares Second Race at 7 15 p rn HAZLET — North Centerwlle Fire Co . 37? Middle Rd , Tue at 7 15pm 1 - Suyins Kin, Fighting Angel, Alma Libre Denis Farley of the Monmouth Boat Club won the first of Pint Race I.MuIr and Thur at9 15am JACKSON — Jacfcson Township Fire Co #1. New Proepecl Rd three Short Circuit Sailing Regattas at Greenwood Lake 1 John Luard 2. Soencer Mon «i7isPm LITTLE SILVER — L iffle Silver Fire House. Prospect Ave . Tue at I - Ancient Winds, Here Come de Clown, King Zar 1 Doug Marsh 3. Lucvk 9 15 a rn 4 M5 p m LONG IRANCH — IAMA Bldg . Indiana & West End Avenues recently. He had a 1-2-1 finish in the three races. Sandy 3. Bill Ewlng Third Race Mon at 7 t5 p m MANALAPAN — St Thomas More Church 1Q6 Qordens Ccner 3 — Saxroyal, Matawan, Liffey Second Race 1. Lucvk Rd. TUBS al 9 15 a m MANALAPAN — Slembach's Dept Store, Ground Floor 4 - Quiet Answer, Crown Me King, Mlka Song Huntsmen of MBC was runnerup with a 2-1-3 while Bob Held I.Marih 2 Rol Sanlomenna (Rhodes 19) Deling room neat furmlute dflpl I, Tue al 6 30 pm & Thur al 8 30 p m of MBC was fifth with a 5-3-7 2. Luard 3 Spencer BINAlOUAN — F'igiiieCo §2, Parker Ave . Tue al 9 15 am &7 15 pm. Wed at 5 — Ocean Scandal, Im Pure Gold, Sasln 3. John Lewftr iajtVfHM 1100am 4 7 15pm MATAWAN. — Washington Engine Co Jackson St (behind Yesterday's races were sailed in light winds during the Wood-Pitssv Pint Race Cenlral Jersey Bank) Mon at 7 15 p m and Wed at 9 15 a m MIDOLETOWN — 6 - Quality TV, Blng, Gattor First Rate 1 Kem Edwards Christ Episcopal Chu>cr> 9? Kings Hwy , Thur al 7 15pm MIDDLETOWN — King ol 7 - Scandalous Affair, Blue Bird Day, Devils Elbow early part of the competition, but the wind freshened from the 1 Stu Edington 2. Phoebe Edwards Kings Lutheran Chinch Cherry Tree Farm & Harmony Rd , Wet] at 12 00 noon West during the second races. 2 Evan Beecher 3. Scott Robinson NEPTUNE CITY — United Fife Co #1. MemonaWome Laurel Ave . Thur at 9 15 am 8 - Swift Wonder, Sicilian Jet, Yusbka Second Race Second Race 4 7 15 p m OCEAN —Wayiide Community Fire Co Weit Park 4 Way*de Ave Tue 1 Edington 1 K Edwards at 7 15pm KEANStURQ-r-St Marks Episcopal Church. 247 Carr Ave , Thur a1645 t — Nice Way of Going, Sterling Blossom, Ml Via Fair Haven River Rats 2. Beecher 7 Margaret Heath 10— Bravos Flame, Gulllermo, Down Yonder FAIR HAVEN - Kern Edwards won all three races in the Blue Javt 3 utbbieflMfeovitth ~ Loc*lwLe^UrwOowmeiFew*« your toc«l First Race Third Race Mpevmvtwi or specMly shop. BEST BET: Ocean Scandal (5th) Sunfish class yesterday on the Navesink River. t, Dave Kuhl IK Edwards 2. SueLawfer 2. Heath Terry Spencer had the top effort in the Hadicap races with j MikeMaramgola • 3. DeskovltCh