Y4F/JSC/EGY/21: Rollout of Job Search Clubs Programme in Greater , ,

Damietta and Kafr El Sheikh

Responses to be received by 4 July, 2021

Subject: Y4F/JSC/EGY/21: Rollout of Job Search Clubs Programme in Greater Cairo, Alexandria, and Kafr El Sheikh

RFQ Reference: Y4F/JSC/EGY/21

Date: 17/06/2021

Dear Sir/Madam,

The International Labour Office (hereinafter the “ILO”) is pleased to invite your company submit a bid for the described in Annex I.

When preparing your quotation, please bear in mind that any and all services provided to the ILO are subject to the Terms and Conditions Applicable to ILO Contracts for Services. Please return your completed offer to the ILO together with the Certification form (Annex II) duly signed by an authorized legal representative of your company.

The conditions set out in the Terms and Conditions Applicable to ILO Contracts for Services, as well as any other conditions contained in or enclosed with this letter, will become part of any contract concluded with the successful bidder. If your offer is accepted, you will receive a formal

Purchase Order.

Your Bid must be received by the ILO no later than 4 July 2021, at 5:00 pm, Cairo Time. Late bids shall be rejected.

Failure to comply with the requirements of this RFQ and its Annexes may render a bid ineligible for consideration.

We look forward to receiving your Proposal.

Yours sincerely,

Eric Oechslin

Director of the Decent Work Team for North Africa

Country Director for and Eritrea


For this request, offers may be submitted by fax or e-mail. You must submit your offer strictly in compliance with the procedures described below.

All submissions eligible for consideration must include:

• Annex I • Annex II

• Annex III, and

• Appendix A. all signed by the legal representative and stamped with the official seal of your company, on or before 4 July 2021, at 5:00 pm at the following e-mail address:

[email protected]

Offers received after the deadline specified above will not be considered. The ILO reserves the right to extend the deadline for the submission of offers. In such an event, the ILO will inform all potential bidders in writing of the terms and duration of the extension.

To enable you to prepare and submit your quotation, please find enclosed the following:

• Terms of Reference (Annex I);

• Certification to be submitted by a Bidder (Annex II);

• Offer submission form and Appendix A (Annex III);

Terms and Conditions applicable to ILO contracts for services are available at inter/documents/legaldocument/wcms_117515.pdf

The ILO recommends the usage of Adobe Acrobat Reader for all Annexes in PDF format.



- Terms of Reference (Annex I) - Certification to be submitted by a Bidder (Annex II) - Terms and Conditions applicable to ILO contracts for services (Annex III)

International Labour Organization

Annex I

Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference (TOR)

Rollout of Job Search Clubs Programme in Greater Cairo, Alexandria, Damietta and Kafr El


Project Title Youth for Future

ILO Project DC 107819 Code

Assignment Cairo, Egypt Location

Contact Person Caroline Naguib

[email protected]








ILO 2017 Version 2.1 (EN) 16.03.2021 Procurement Manual, Tool 6-2-a

International Labour Organization

Annex I


The last decade has witnessed numerous changes and challenges in the MENA region. Conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Libya, and Yemen, as well as the political unrest in some areas of East Africa, continue to force refugees and asylum seekers to migrate to countries like Egypt, where many refugees and migrants have been living for years in protracted displacement including large numbers of children, adolescents, and youth. Over the years they have been subject to vulnerabilities, social protection issues, and labour market integration challenges. Their challenges include barriers to residency and secure stay, difficulties to access work permits, access to education and training, and access to employment services.

On the other hand, Egyptian youth are facing socio-economic challenges within the Egyptian market with a good portion of the young people are aspiring for migration seeking better socio- economic opportunities in foreign markets.

This can be attributed to the structural and cyclical challenges in the labour market with key impediments including gender disparities in accessing the labour market, lack of job creation, and a weak business environment. Unemployment has been a growing challenge facing Egyptian youth, with specific intensity among females.

The Covid-19 Pandemic has added to the labour market’s lack of equilibrium where employers and employment opportunities were limited to scaled-up competencies, leaving the vulnerable portion of the society under the mercy of low-wage, non-secured and short-term jobs.

The Project has been designed to provide Egyptian youth, young migrants, and refugees access to better livelihoods and chances of better opportunities in the labour market through employability and entrepreneurial skills. Currently, the project is in its inception phase to put foundations for a cohesive and solid portfolio of interventions to support Youth across vulnerable communities.

International Labour Organization

Annex I

Youth for Future

The objective of the project is to improve the livelihood opportunities and strengthen the socio- economic resilience of young migrants, refugees, and Egyptian youth in host communities through improved policy frameworks, employability skills, career prospects, and inclusive youth centers. Jointly implementing the project, the ILO and UNICEF, will be using a three-pronged approach that combines skills development and career guidance services at the individual (micro) level with capacity development of key stakeholders at the institutional (meso) level and policy engagement and awareness-raising on the national (macro) level. All activities are conducted in coordination with social partners, with the tripartite structures in consideration.


The Job Search Clubs (JSC) is an ILO methodology that activates and engages youth in job search activities during the Club, with an objective to enable job seekers to find a suitable job within the shortest feasible period by creating supportive groups of individuals who share the same need while receiving intensive coaching on job search related skills.

Hence, JSC is a place where young people gather and share resources and contacts, while searching for jobs under the supervision of a trained facilitator. The Club members meet daily for two weeks under the supervision of a trained facilitator who provides them with the guidance, information and tools they need during their search for employment. In addition, members assist one another to enhance their job-hunting skills, and provide mutual support and encouragement.

Ideally, a new club starts each month.

Following an initial assessment of their personal interests, skills and occupational goals, the members learn and practice various skills such as:

• Telephone and interview skills • Dealing with potentially stressful situations • Gathering job leads from various sources • Conducting information interviews with practitioners of the occupation that interests them

International Labour Organization

Annex I

• Discovering the "hidden job market" • Filling out applications, writing CVs and making telephone contacts • Handling oneself effectively in a job interview.

Raising awareness of different job types informal and formal and its pros and cons in addition to the regular group meetings, members also receive one-to-one coaching with the facilitator.

JSC was launched in 2017 in four governorates, and it has been integrated into the Ministry of

Youth and Sports annual work plan and rolled out in 15 governorates. In 2018, 762 unemployed young people participated, of whom 360 subsequently got a job.

The trainers will also introduce to the participants by the end of each JSC the profiling tool, a mobile app developed by Skilllab The profiling tool helps young people identify their skills and find out which occupations are available based on identified skills, former education and even informal activities.

Certified Trainers

• Only ILO certified trainers are able to deliver the training course and introduce the profiling tool. ILO will conduct a ToF to certified JSC and profiling tool facilitators, the implementing partners are welcome to participate in the training to ensure sustainability and availability. • Each training will have two certified trainers.

JSC Target Beneficiaries

Job Clubs are intended for members who lack adequate job search skills or the ability to market themselves to employers. Job Clubs, compared to other job search trainings that commonly last between one hour and two days, are more intensive and aim to activate particularly disadvantaged job-seekers. This includes long-term (one-year) unemployed young people, migrants, and refugees facing specific challenges to enter the labour market.

International Labour Organization

Annex I

Assignment Scope

In light of the above and with an aim to contribute to the JSC implementation in Egypt, the ILO is soliciting the services of an experienced national implementing partner to roll out the JSC club programme in Greater Cairo, Alexandria, Damietta and Kafr El Sheikh.


In this assignment, the target beneficiaries are 80 young refugees and migrants in Greater Cairo,

Damietta, Alexandria and Kafr El Sheikh.

The implementing partner needs to identify exact locations and the target beneficiaries based on clear criteria (for example, the refugees’ and migrants populations in each governorate, beneficiaries’ criteria of selection identified in the JSC toolkit …etc.). During implementation, the ILO and UNHCR will provide support and clearance to the selection criteria and the outreach methodology.

In the meantime, the implementing partner need to develop a follow-up plan and tracer study to trained beneficiaries.


- Number of 5 established clubs.

- Number of 80 JSC beneficiaries.

- Number of JSC beneficiaries who received post-training support.

** All person-related data will be disaggregated by sex and age (and disability where feasible).

Key Deliverables

N Key Deliverables Key Activities


• In collaboration with the ILO and national 1 Finalise the Detailed implementing partners, submit the detailed Implementation Plan implementation plan.

International Labour Organization

Annex I

• The service provider needs to include in the detailed implementation plan a monthly report.

2 Num. of 3 JSCs (48 target • Implement 3 JSC in the governorates (Greater

persons) implemented in month 1. Cairo, Alexandria, Damietta,); 16 participants in each training

3 Num. of 2 JSCs (32 target • Implement 2 JSC in two of the governorates persons) implemented in month 2. (Greater Cairo, Alexandria, Damietta, Kafr El Sheikh); 16 participants in each training

4 Final technical and financial reports (10.10.2021)


To this end, the key activities of the assignment shall be:


1. Ensure JSC programme design responds to the JSC facilitators’ manual.

2. Develop a solid, realistic work plan that will ensure the proper implementation with the designated time frame;

3. Identify exact locations and the target beneficiaries based on clear criteria (for example, the refugees’ populations, beneficiaries’ criteria of selection identified in each ILO toolkit …etc.). The ILO and UNHCR will provide support and clearance to the selection criteria and the outreach methodology.

4. Consult and engage national implementing partners in assignment activities as relevant, particularly in reaching out for candidates, and in promoting the workshops, and, also, in hiring certified trainers to run the training including the fees of trainers, their accommodations and transportations, as relevant.

International Labour Organization

Annex I


5. Advertise and promote the implementation of the programme;

6. Facilitate the outreach, process of interviews, and selection of JSC participants/beneficiaries based on a clear set of criteria;

7. Conduct the implementation of five training workshops, ensuring the provision of relevant technical content as well as the handling of necessary logistical arrangements (5 JSC in Greater Cairo, Alexandria, Damietta and Kafr El Sheikh (16 participants in each training).

8. Conduct evaluation of JSC and develop evaluation for the participants and analyse forms


9. Develop a follow-up scheme and tracer study for trained beneficiaries aiming to further support them after the JSC trainings, for a period of three months after the JSC training end date.


Partners and Counterparts


Required Expertise

• The implementing partner must have previous experience in a similar assignment and relevant academic background to the assignment scope. • Knowledge of or experience in the region, including of Arabic is a must. • Good communication, networking, and presentation skills. • Excellent report writing skills.

International Labour Organization

Annex I

• The implementing partner should be available to collaborate with project partners when needed/requested.

Expected Duration

• All assignment’s deliverables are expected to be delivered to the satisfaction of the ILO by 15.10.2021

Supervision and Logistical Arrangements:

• The consultant will perform his/her assignment under the supervision of the Y4Future Project team. • The ILO will facilitate any required: technical and methodological information, technical documents and project information, to help the consultant achieve their expected deliverables.


The ILO will disburse the contract in several installments based on the below table, and upon the satisfaction of the ILO, as follows:

Key Deliverables Installments

Detailed Implementation Plan 30%

Conducting 3 JSCs 40%

Conducting 2 JSCs 30%

Total 100 %

International Labour Organization

Annex II


The ILO expects all participants in its procurement process to adhere to the very highest standards of moral and ethical conduct and transparency, to prevent any conflict of interest and not to engage in any form of coercive, collusive, corrupt, or fraudulent practices.

With respect to its proposal submitted in response to the ILO’s Invitation to Bid/Request for Proposal mentioned above, the Bidder hereby certifies that: 1. The prices in its proposal have been arrived at independently without consultation, communication or agreement with any other interested companies, competitor or potential competitor with a view to restricting competition.

2. No attempt has been made or will be made by the Bidder to influence any other Bidder, organization, partnership or corporation to either submit or not submit a proposal.

3. The Bidder will not offer, solicit or accept, directly or indirectly, any gratuity, gift, favour, entertainment, promises of future employment or other benefits to or from anyone in the ILO.

4. The Bidder (parent company and/or any subsidiaries) is not identified on, or associated with any individual, groups, undertakings and entities identified on, the list established pursuant to UN Security Council Resolution 1267 (Consolidated List).1

5. The Bidder (parent company and/or any subsidiaries) will not use the funds received under any contract with the ILO to provide support to individuals, groups, undertakings or entities associated with terrorism.

6. The Bidder (parent company and/or any subsidiaries) is not the subject of any form of sanction imposed by an organization or body within the United Nations System, including the World Bank.

The ILO reserves the right to cancel or terminate with immediate effect and without compensation any offer of or contract arising from this bidding procedure in the event of any misrepresentation in relation to the above certifications.

1 The Consolidated List can be found at the website: ILO 2017 Version 2.1 (EN) 16.03.2021 Procurement Manual, Tool 6-2-a

International Labour Organization

Annex II

Definitions of terms used in this declaration:

“coercive practice” is impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or harm, directly or indirectly, another or the property of another to influence improperly the actions of another.

“collusive practice” is any conduct or arrangement between two or more bidders or contractors, designed to achieve an improper purpose, including to influence improperly the actions of another or to set prices at an artificial level or in a non-competitive manner;

“conflict of interest” is a situation that gives rise to an actual, potential or perceived conflict between the interests of one party and another;

“corrupt practice” is the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting, directly or indirectly, of any advantage, in order to influence improperly the actions of another;

“fraudulent practice” is any act or omission, including a misrepresentation, that knowingly or recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, another to obtain a financial or other benefit or to avoid an obligation;

The undersigned certifies/y to be duly authorized to sign this Certification on behalf of the Bidder.

Name and Position Signature Date

International Labour Organization

Annex III


Reference N°: Add RFQ number and description Closing Date: Date, time, time zone Bidder Name: Fill in Bidder’s name and address

For the supply of services:

Having examined this Request for Quotation including its Annexes, and having examined all conditions and factors that might in any way affect its cost or time of performance, we, the undersigned, offer to execute and complete the Services in full acceptance of, and in accordance with, the Terms and Conditions Applicable to ILO Contracts for Services for the following Total Contract Price, net of any direct taxes or customs duties and other import taxes:

Task Description Lump Sum in Add currency here (Excluding VAT) 1 Click or tap here to enter text. Click or tap here to enter text. 2 Click or tap here to enter text. Click or tap here to enter text. 3 Click or tap here to enter text. Click or tap here to enter text. 4 Click or tap here to enter text. Click or tap here to enter text. 5 Click or tap here to enter text. Click or tap here to enter text. Total Click or tap here to enter text.

Attached to this Offer Submission Form is Appendix A, containing the proposed detailed cost breakdown for each of the above tasks.

Additional Services Compensation for any additional services to this RFQ shall be calculated based on the rates below:

ILO 2017 Version 2.1 (EN) 16.03.2021 Procurement Manual, Tool 6-2-a

International Labour Organization

Annex II

Position (title) Based at contractor’s Office Based at the ILO Click or tap here to enter text. Click or tap here to enter text. Click or tap here to enter text. Click or tap here to enter text. Click or tap here to enter Click or tap here to enter text. text. Click or tap here to enter text. Click or tap here to enter text. Click or tap here to enter text. Click or tap here to enter text. Click or tap here to enter text. Click or tap here to enter text. Click or tap here to enter text. Click or tap here to enter text. Click or tap here to enter text. Comments Click or tap here to enter text. Click or tap here to enter text.

Name: Click or tap here to enter text. COMPANY STAMP Position: Click or tap here to enter text. Tel/Fax: Click or tap here to enter text. E-mail: Click or tap here to enter text. Date: Click or tap to enter a date.

Signature: Click or tap here to enter text.

International Labour Organization

Annex III


The bidder is to provide in this document the proposed detailed cost breakdown for each of the tasks. All individual activities and sub-activities should be specified and their respective cost quoted. Further details or clarifications regarding the time-and-material costs quoted in the previous page, if any, should be indicated here