RAMBLERJournal of the West Riding Area of the Ramblers’ Association - Edited by Keith Wadd and Dave Pannell Inside this issue: FESTIVAL OF WALKS TO Area Vice-President, Colin Speakman, warns us not to take the most iconic parts of Swaledale, Wensleydale and upper Wharfedale BE WALKLEEDS National Park for granted restored, whilst the Hay Time project has recreated some of the finest The week-long Festival is in early flower-rich meadows in . As walkers we have also benefitted November 2014 marks the 60th anniversary of the Designation summer and what better time of the from a right of way management regime which is second to none – year for a festival of walks! Order for the Yorkshire Dales National Park, that spectacular area of with waymarking a high priority. Not only was the Settle-Carlisle line countryside which all of us as members of West Riding Area of the saved (and the RA had a major role in this) but thanks to the Yorkshire IT’S AGM TIME! Ramblers must surely regard as our own National Park, lying as it does Dales Society subsidiary, Dales and Bowland CIC, we have perhaps so close to where most of us live and work, so easily accessible. the finest Sunday network of integrated bus and train services in any Details for all group AGMs inside this issue. Use them to have your say, ask National Parks didn’t happen by chance, handed to us for our pleasure protected landscape in the UK, with services designed by walkers for and enjoyment by benign governments and landowners. National walkers, but also there for local people. questions and put forward your ideas. Parks were fought for by men and women with passion and foresight, But what of the future? The are now massive cutbacks to the many most of them keen walkers. They in turn were inspired by the great YORKSHIRE DALES AT 60 Walking is a “risk-taking activity”, it is sometimes said when accidents Lack of concentration is also a crucial factor. Just as with the ice, if we facilities which have long been accepted as fundamental to a civilised poets, scientists, novelists, essayists and painters, influencing later The 60th anniversary of the Yorkshire happen. Like most things, it might be added - including life itself. knew the trap was there, we would know how to deal with it, but we quality of life in Britain - libraries, theatres, parks, rural transport, youth guidebook writers such as A.J.Brown and Wainwright, who taught us Dales National Park comes with an However, in most activities we can attempt to reduce the risk with wholly don’t notice until it’s too late. Tiredness may be involved, and it would centres, old poeples care and social facilities are now deemed, in one to see and value our finest countryside for the spiritual enrichment it Benedict Southworth (middle) takes a well earned rest after the walk. uncertain future. beneficial consequences, and without going to the extreme of wrapping be interesting to know whether more accidents occur in the latter part of the weathiest countries in the world, to be no longer affordable. Left to Right - Bernard Ellis, Derrick Watt, Benedict Southworth, Elizabeth Snow and Martin Bennett gives us, as well as the mental and physical health benefits of walking in ourselves in cotton-wool. Sticking my neck out (which I have recently of a walk than earlier on. Another possible factor may be conversation National Parks are now also being targeted. With around 40% cuts to the hills. But it was generations of campaigners such as Octavia Hill, painfully cricked through what I previously thought was an activity wholly which despite its many virtues can distract us from the major exercise its budget, the Yorkshire Dales National Park is struggling to maintain George and Charles Trevelyan, T.A. Leonard, John Dower, without risk, namely sleep), I would modestly suggest that by far the of remaining vertical. its services. But there are further cuts in the pipeline that could Tom Stephenson, and our own Arthur Raistrick who 2014 AREA FOOTPATH biggest risk of a bad accident in walking is not through frisky cattle, or have a devastating impact. It is worth pointing out that before boots and shoes were invented, the created the political pressure for legislation, arguing With around Ramblers’ Chief Exec Visits vicious dogs, but through falling. SURVEY human race contrived to remain vertical most of the time by effective use passionately in committees and in the press, for the 40% cuts to In fact National Parks cost relatively little to run – less than There is always a strong element of just bad luck in a fall, but despite this of the toes and the balls of the feet. These are still part of our biological need to protect the landscape and wildlife habitats its budget, the £1 per head per person would pay for all our National West Riding Area there are ways of reducing the risk. I am not making these comments equipment, and still useful for keeping the balance. And through use from ruthless developers, and to affirm and protect Yorkshire Dales Parks. But let us make no mistake. Cutting funding for Benedict Southworth, Ramblers CEO, visited area, including this year’s publication of “Our in a pious, it’s never happened to me sort of way, because it has. of the same, walkers contrived to remain upright most of the time rights of access. The great 1949 National Parks and National Park National Parks is a political issue. National Parks are now Fortunately, although I’ve gone backside over bosom (and prior to the evolution of elaborate treads on the soles of boots. Access to the Countryside Act was a culmination of targeted by politicians who have an agenda to undermine West Riding Area on Monday 7th July. In the Approach to Volunteering” based on the work is struggling of the Ramblers Volunteer Sounding Board. vice versa?) on innumerable occasions, I have so far The real Arguably, toes are still more important than treads. It’s also this work. It gave us not only National Parks and and weaken planning and environmental legislation, and evening he came to , and addressing a well escaped with no more than a few bruises and hurt pride, time to appraise the use of sticks. There’s little doubt National Nature Reserves, but the Definitive Map of to maintain its to cut funding levels, which will roll back the clock half a attended Area Council meeting with several Benedict also commented that we when I might easily have suffered the broken limbs, traps are the that they are valuable in taking the strain off ageing Footpaths and Bridleways which is a priceless asset. services. century to a time when the National Park, underfunded and Group representatives present, talked now “know a lot about ourselves” It led ultimately to the equally significant CROW Act 2000 understaffed, was little more than an ineffective line on the map. in a frank and entirely committed Benedict particularly with respect to the torn muscles and long periods of recovery painfully unexpected ones knees, and they often give valuable support on difficult If you haven’t yet done your footpath experienced by many walking friends. terrain. The downside is over-reliance on them, and which means that over 60% of the open countryside in the way about his own role within the nature of our membership. 2015 is election year. If we want to keep our National Parks, and doesn’t have survey, there’s still time to do it. where we fail to make sometimes the stick can slip and the walker as well Yorkshire Dales is now legally accessible on foot. Ramblers, the issues it faces, and So, what can be done? Well, basically, I suggest, indeed our great access and footpath heritage, we need to ensure that the successes it is achieving. “grandiose Benedict referred to some Please send the information you have an adequate appraisal (both rather quickly). So walking with a stick or sticks obtained from the survey to Keith apart from the luck element, nearly all accidents are But how successful has the Yorkshire Dales National Park been since politicians, hungry for our votes, understand that we do not want to see ideas”, instead of the recent achievements. may be helpful, but it’s no substitute for controlling the Wadd at [email protected] by caused by a combination of a failure to appraise the of the potential 1954? In the early days, the National Park was little more than a Britain transformed into a low-tax state suffering weak planning laws It was very much a “state of The Ramblers is representing balance with our biological equipment. he is focussing mid-November at the latest. For those risks immediately in front (i.e. the next few footsteps) theoretical line on a map, divided into two totally separate halves – the and poor public services, where the rich and the powerful transfer their the nation” talk (i.e. Ramblers’ walkers at the highest level, dangers surveyors who are no longer doing the and a lack of concentration. For example, most people I would like to add something on how to fall, but I don’t old West Riding and the old North Riding Parks. Not until 1974 was vast wealth to off-shore tax havens with impunity, whilst public services “nation”) and was listened to on “getting the and we were one of a “round survey, your squares have not been slip on ice not because they don’t know how to walk on know enough. It may be commented that it happens so there a unified National Park under a single Committee and National suffer devastation. The National Park movement needs to recapture attentively. His role, as he sees table of groups” called by the foundations re-allocated and if you would like to do a frosty surface (they’ve usually had decades of experience), quickly that there is no time to do anything about it, but I’m Park Officer, and not until 1997 was there an independent National the vision, energy and drive of our founding fathers, so many of whom it, is to “run the organisation for the Ministry of Health to talk about right” them for one more year, it would still but because they didn’t know it was there till their feet went from under not sure this is always true. There are lots of things that happen very Park Authority. Only in the last two decades has there been enough were passionate walkers, to ensure that great landscapes such as Board of Trustees”. He doesn’t have physical activity in the nation. be appreciated. KW them. As walkers, we don’t usually fall in the really difficult places such quickly in life, and we usually deal with them adequately because we money and resources to start making a real difference. the Yorkshire Dales are protected and remain accessible for future “grandiose ideas”, but is focussing on Benedict said that we have “shown as the mini-scrambles, stepping stones, and steep descents because have taught ourselves good habits. It happens massively in sport with a generations. As Ramblers, let’s make sure that in 2015 footpaths, One criterion of success must surely be that the landscape of the Dales “getting the foundations right” and establishing that we are an organisation that can deliver”, we know they are there, and we use our experience to take adequate quickly moving ball, it happens in driving, and it happens in conversation. access and properly funded and resourced National Parks become, at has been well protected. With few exceptions, ugly developments have stability within the organisation. In particular, and that the response from Walking for Health precautions. The real traps are the unexpected ones where we fail to All the while we have to make split-second decisions and get it right. I both national and local level, a key election issue. WEST RIDING AREA AGM been kept at bay. Less obvious perhaps have been some remarkable he appreciated that much of the basic work groups has been very positive. The contract with make an adequate appraisal of the potential dangers. don’t see that walking is an exception. conservation projects, most of them delivered through key partners Colin Speakman of the organisation is done by volunteers, and Macmillan Cancer Support for the organisation The Area AGM will be held at 2pm in this context he regarded Central Office and of Walking for Health has recently been renewed Saturday 31st January 2015 at the Particular traps are the sideways slope, particularly when it is wet, Please don’t send messages of sympathy and hopes for a speedy such as the Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust, set up in 1998 with a Colin speakmans latest book “The Yorkshire Dales National its staff as having a major role in supporting for a further three years. We are working closely Clarke Foley Centre Ilkley. Speaker frosty or very dry, mossy stones and boards (whether on the ground recovery to the fallen walker in the photo. It’s been specially staged for view to attracting huge sums of money for conservation. For example Park: A Celebration of 60 Years” will be reveiwed in the next West the volunteers, “supporting people in doing and culturally mixing with a number of kindred to be finalised. or on stiles), and the small pebble on a sloping rock (the pebble moves the WRR. The important thing is to make sure it’s not for real. Mind how over a million trees have been planted, and barns and walls in the Riding Rambler things they want to do”. It is clear that a great organisations. as the foot is put on it, and the result is a heavy fall on a hard surface). you go! KW deal of important work is taking place in this Continued on page 2 > See details of group AGMs inside! The Ramblers' Association is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, Company Registration No 4458492 Registered Charity in England and Wales No 1093577 Registered Office 2nd Floor Camelford House 87-90 Albert Embankment London SE1 7TW Visit the Area website or join us on Facebook: Designed by The Design MechanicsWest Riding - www.thedesignmechanics.comRambler designed by THE DESIGN MECHANICS - Visit the Area website or join us on Facebook: IT’S AGM TIME! Continued on page 2 > COUNCIL TURNS DOWN Benedict mentioned the need for clarity about the role of Areas within Why not go to your group AGM. You will be very welcome. Get to know what your Group is doing, have your say, ask the Ramblers, an issue that goes back at least to the 1990s, he PLANS TO REPLACE RURAL questions, put forward your ideas. thought. It is of course an issue in West Riding Area too. PATH WITH ACCESS ROAD BRADFORD GROUP AGM The last decade has not been an easy time for the Ramblers for a Saturday 15th November 4pm Airedale Heifer, Keighley Road, number of reasons. However, members of Area Council were left in The rural character of a well-loved public footpath on the outskirts East Morton, Preceeded by 3 mile walk at 2pm from Airedale no doubt that they have now a CEO who is deeply interested in the of Wakefield could have been changed forever if plans for an Heifer. Meal available after the AGM job he is doing for the association, and who has already done much access road to a proposed housing development had been to stabilise it. It is also clear that he is prepared to listen to members, approved by Wakefield Council.The path at Newton Hill just to CALDERDALE GROUP AGM take some of their ideas on board, and guide the Ramblers to working the north of Wakefield city centre runs at the back of houses on Tuesday 11th November 7.30pm Oddfellows Hall, for a future that we all believe in. Hatfield View and on agricultural land off Ouchthorpe Lane. The Coleridge St., Halifax open-space traversed by the path is part of the city’s green belt and it has been valued by local walkers for generations. Miller CRAVEN GROUP AGM Prior to the meeting Benedict chatted informally with members of Wednesday, 22nd October, 7.30pm Swadford Centre, Area Council during a pre-meeting meal at the nearby Victoria Hotel. Homes is seeking to build an estate of 68 houses in a field close Swadford Road, Skipton Earlier in the day, Benedict joined members of Area Council and to Pinderfield Hospital and planned to replace the present public Harrogate Group on a four mile question-raising walk on paths in footpath path with a new path beside a three-quarter mile long HARROGATE GROUP AGM North Yorkshire. FESTIVAL OF WALKS TO BE access road to the new estate. Saturday, 8th November 2.00pm, Wesley Chapel, Cheltenham Crescent, Harrogate. Speaker David Alred “Nidderdale Mike O’Donnell, Footpath Secretary of the Wakefield & District Yesterday” Preceded by 7/8 mile walk at 9.30am from Trinity The festival will start from the bandstand Group of the Ramblers, wrote on behalf of the Group to oppose Methodist Chapel WOODHALL BRIDGE TO BE “WALKLEEDS” at Roundhay Park the access road application on the grounds that it was a

misuse of green belt land to provide access to the building site, HUDDERSFIELD GROUP AGM Wednesday 12th November 7.30 p.m. The Monkey Club, REPAIRED and that the tarmac road and street lighting would be a gross Armitage Bridge, Huddersfield environmental intrusion. Members of the Friends of Newton Hill “WALKLEEDS” will be the name for the next year’s Festival of Walks. Wednesday starts off with a walk from Wetherby which includes by the end of October. This should give plenty of time for the held a demonstration to coincide with a site visit by the Planning Woodhall Bridge which provides a popular bridleway crossing of An attractive programme has already been drawn up, and thanks to paths beside the River Wharfe, the afternoon walk is from Barwick routes to be checked and tweaked where necessary, and for and Highways Committee. The plans for the the new access road KEIGHLEY GROUP AGM the River Wharfe between East Keswick and Sicklinghall is to be our Groups for giving enthusiastic support. The week-long Festival and there is an evening walk from Rawdon taking in Billing and were recommended for approval at the meeting of Wakefield’s Monday 10th November 7.30pm Quaker Meeting Room, repaired in the very near future, and it is hoped the bridge will be problems to be noted. Nearly all of the walks have been taken Skipton Road, Keighley Light Refreshments is in early summer (31st May to 7th June), and what better time of Crag Wood. There is an all day from Bardsey to Hetchell Crags and Planning and Highways Committee in July. However, the re-opened for public use in the next few weeks. Repairs to the from “Ramblers’ Leeds East” and “Ramblers’ Leeds West”, the year for a festival of walks! All the walks will be within the Leeds Thorner, and the walkers have a rest. committee referred the application back for more information, and bridge which was damaged by floods will cost in the region of by Douglas Cossar and published by West Riding Area. That LEEDS GROUP AGM boundaries where there is a great deal of attractive countryside, as unconvinced by the facts, proceeded to reject the application. Of £250,000. North Yorkshire County Council who were unfortunate means they’re all good walks. Saturday 8th November 3 p.m. St Giles Church Hall, well as interesting urban routes. On Thursday morning there’s a walk round Eccup Reservoir, and an course, this does not stop Miller Homes from lodging an appeal. Bramhope. Preceded by 8 mile walk at 10.30am from car to have all the damage on their side of the bridge (the bridge afternoon walk on the north side of Garforth. The evening walk is Mike O’Donnell commented: “Of on-going concern to all of us park behind Fox & Hounds, Bramhope spans the local authority boundary between North Yorkshire and Publicity for the Festival of Walking was postponed until after During the Festival there will be a led walk within a short distance of from Calverley, and the Leeds Country Way walk is from Bardsey must be the new planning climate where there is a presumption in Leeds) are to be congratulated on making the decision to carry the Tour de France and Le Grand Depart, but it is intended the home of every person who lives in Leeds. Most of the walks will to Garforth. Friday sees a walk provided by the Area’s Social & favour of development.” KW Information from Yorkshire Evening LOWER WHARFEDALE GROUP AGM out the repairs. Local walkers and walkers from further afield will that by the time that the present edition of the West Riding be led by the Ramblers’ Association and all of the walks will be free Rambles (short notice so details not finalised), an afternoon walk Post 8th July 2014 (thanks to Lee Davidson for noting it), and Friday 14th November 7.30pm Eric LeFevre Hall Memorial benefit from the restoration of this route across the River Wharfe, Rambler is read, the arrangements for a grand opening of charge. There will be half day walks in the morning or afternoon, taking in Cookridge and Bramhope. There will be an all day walk Mike O’Donnell Burley-in-Wharfedale and the bridge and its immediate riverside surroundings also of the festival will have been finalised, with a well-known some evening walks, and there will also be some longer whole day from Harewood to East Keswick via the banks of the Wharfe, and the provide a pretty riverside scene for happily whiling away a few celebrity “cutting the tape”. The local media will also have NORTH GROUP AGM walks. All of the walks are convenient for public transport. A special Leeds Country Way walkers proceed to Oulton. spare minutes. been approached to give advance publicity to the festival. Thursday 18th November 7.30pm Black Bull, Birstall feature is that the whole of the 60 mile Leeds Country Way will Saturday includes a walk from Bramhope taking in Masses of publicity was given to the Tour de France and to The latest news is that repairs to the bridge have now gone out be walked, and the attractive route will be covered in six JOHN O’GAUNTS CASTLE RIPON GROUP AGM Staircase Lane and Caley Crags, the afternoon walk is cycling. Can walking achieve the same? Leeds Council and to tender with a completion date of 20th December envisaged. walks of approximately ten miles. By the time Thursday 20th November 7.30pm Hugh Ripley Hall, Ripon at the other side of the city and visits Farnley Park councillors are very much involved, and it is intended that as It is anticipated that there will be a re-opening ceremony after FENCED OFF The walks are predominantly country walks. People you read this, the and Cockersdale, there’s a whole day walk starting well as being a celebration of walking the festival will be a TAKE A HIKE AGM the repairs are carried out, and we hope to put the details on the showcase for Leeds and the fine countryside that lies within Details not yet finalised. Will be posted on who live locally and those who come from further arrangements will from Kippax which goes to Great Preston and also The ruins of John O’Gaunt’s Castle lie beside a popular public West Riding Area website. its boundaries. Information supplied by Steven Wood afield may be surprised by the attractive countryside have been finalised, explores some of the newly opened St Aidan’s footpath in Haverah Park, a few miles west of Harrogate and that lies within the Leeds boundaries which stretch Country Park, and the Leeds Country Way walkers close to the Washburn Valley. The castle dates at least from Thanks to every one who is already helping to make the festival WAKEFIELD & DISTRICT GROUP AGM from Menston to Fairbairn Ings, and from Wetherby with a well-known move on to Woodkirk. On Sunday morning there’s 1372 when John of Gaunt became Lord of Knaresborough. The a success. We shall need many more helpers to do such Sunday 11th January 3.30pm at Castleford, United to Woodkirk. Walkers believe that the best places celebrity “cutting a walk round Temple Newsam Park, an afternoon site lies just inside the boundary of the Nidderdale AONB. things as distribute the leaflets, perhaps to act as stewards Reform Church Afternoon Tea (for directions contact can be visited only on foot! The walks will be at a fairly walk which visits Yeadon Tarn, an all-day walk from Murray 01977 700327) preceded by 4/5 mile walk from the tape”. on walks. There are a lot of imponderables, particularly the ASH DIEBACK LESS gentle pace to allow everyone time to enjoy the beauty Golden Acre, and the Leeds Country Way walkers do Although the ruins are not on the ROW, for many years there has Fairburn Ings SE 451 277 number of people coming on the various walks, and it would of the countryside and the many fine views. the last lap as they return to Pudsey. been no attempt to prevent walkers exploring the ruins (actually be nice to have each day a pool of people who could be WETHERBY GROUP AGM RAMPANT THAN FEARED there’s not much left) and picnicking amongst the mounds. There Sunday, 2nd November 2.30pm Wetherby Social Club, Ramblers’ local groups and TakeAHike have given strong support, These walks spreading across the are already in place, called upon to help. are pretty views into the valley below. Recently, there has been Sandbeck Way, Wetherby and are providing leaders for many of the walks. Particularly strong and many have already been “walked out”. It is intended that Walking a change in ownership of the site and adjacent land. The nearby support comes from Leeds Group on whose patch the festival takes for Health currently organised by the Ramblers and Macmillan Cancer Above all we would like everyone to come along and bring dilapidated barns, a favourite haunt of swallows, are being re- WEST RIDING AREA AGM place. The Social & Rambles Committee of West Riding Area is also Support will slot into this framework. There is still room for some their friends and family to the opening ceremony and initial developed, and the ruins of John O’Gaunts fenced off to prevent The Area AGM will be held at 2pm Saturday 31st January 2015 providing walks leaders. further walks before the total programme is finalised, and affiliated walk on Sunday 31st May. It’s not a campaign event. It’s public access. The planning permission for the re-development was at the Clarke Foley Centre Ilkley. Speaker to be finalised. and other walks groups are being approached to see if they want a celebration of walking. We have over 3000 Ramblers’ granted subject to submission of proposals designed to protect The programme starts in Roundhay Park at 11am on Sunday 31st Association members in West Riding Area. If even half of us and maintain the site which is a scheduled monument protected by All members of Groups in West Riding Area are to be involved. It is hoped short urban walks in Leeds, and perhaps May with a two mile celebration of walking around Waterloo Lake. In came along and brought our children, grandchildren, friends, English Heritage. A few years ago under previous ownership it was welcome to attend. in Morley, Pudsey, Rothwell and other towns within the Leeds the afternoon West Riding Area will organise a half day walk starting boundaries can be part of the programme. that would be a big public statement to say that walking is a in a vulnerable condition, and English Heritage provided a grant to from nearby. Monday morning will see a walk from Harewood, brilliant activity, good for physical health, good for things to consolidate the castle ruins, enabling the site to be taken off the At and afternoon and evening walks starting from Pudsey. The Leeds It is intended to produce a printed festival leaflet that looks really good see and time to see them, good for meeting friends. Then, Risk Register. The information board for the castle is behind the CORRECTION Country Way walk kicks off at Pudsey and finishes at Cookridge. On (this is important for publicity purposes) and it will be publicly available after the opening ceremony what about making the festival a newly erected fence, and English Heritage is thought to have given Tuesday there is a morning walk around East & West Ardsley, and an by the end of February. This timescale requires a mid-January week’s walking holiday?! - pick and mix the walks throughout permission for it to be moved to a position where it can be seen by In Joyce Broughton’s “2014: COMMEMORATIONS AND afternoon walk taking in Kirkstall and Newlay. The evening walk is deadline for the final submission of the content (mainly the walks the week, and the home accommodation is free. the public. Peter Wells, West Riding Area’s representative on the CELEBRATIONS” (West Riding Rambler July 2014) Ron Cotton Good news – ash dieback, a fungus disease affecting ash trees, is not Nidderdale AONB Liaison Committee, raised the issue at the liaison spreading northwards as rapidly as feared. So far, there is no evidence of from Howley Park, and the Leeds Country Way walkers move on from details and related information and guidelines). Walks leaders have was printed as Ron Collins. Apologies to Ron Cotton and to Cookridge to Bardsey. been asked to “walk out” the routes and submit appropriate details Mike Church and Keith Wadd committee’s recent meeting, and the AONB will continue to monitor Joyce for this error. the disease among the many ash trees at Harlow Carr Gardens, Harrogate. the situation. Information supplied by Peter and Delia Wells

Visit the Area website or join us on Facebook: Visit the Area website or join us on Facebook: Visit the Area website or join us on Facebook:

IT’S AGM TIME! Continued on page 2 > COUNCIL TURNS DOWN Benedict mentioned the need for clarity about the role of Areas within Why not go to your group AGM. You will be very welcome. Get to know what your Group is doing, have your say, ask the Ramblers, an issue that goes back at least to the 1990s, he PLANS TO REPLACE RURAL questions, put forward your ideas. thought. It is of course an issue in West Riding Area too. PATH WITH ACCESS ROAD BRADFORD GROUP AGM The last decade has not been an easy time for the Ramblers for a Saturday 15th November 4pm Airedale Heifer, Keighley Road, number of reasons. However, members of Area Council were left in The rural character of a well-loved public footpath on the outskirts East Morton, Preceeded by 3 mile walk at 2pm from Airedale no doubt that they have now a CEO who is deeply interested in the of Wakefield could have been changed forever if plans for an Heifer. Meal available after the AGM job he is doing for the association, and who has already done much access road to a proposed housing development had been to stabilise it. It is also clear that he is prepared to listen to members, approved by Wakefield Council.The path at Newton Hill just to CALDERDALE GROUP AGM take some of their ideas on board, and guide the Ramblers to working the north of Wakefield city centre runs at the back of houses on Tuesday 11th November 7.30pm Oddfellows Hall, for a future that we all believe in. Hatfield View and on agricultural land off Ouchthorpe Lane. The Coleridge St., Halifax open-space traversed by the path is part of the city’s green belt and it has been valued by local walkers for generations. Miller CRAVEN GROUP AGM Prior to the meeting Benedict chatted informally with members of Wednesday, 22nd October, 7.30pm Swadford Centre, Area Council during a pre-meeting meal at the nearby Victoria Hotel. Homes is seeking to build an estate of 68 houses in a field close Swadford Road, Skipton Earlier in the day, Benedict joined members of Area Council and to Pinderfield Hospital and planned to replace the present public Harrogate Group on a four mile question-raising walk on paths in footpath path with a new path beside a three-quarter mile long HARROGATE GROUP AGM North Yorkshire. FESTIVAL OF WALKS TO BE access road to the new estate. Saturday, 8th November 2.00pm, Wesley Chapel, Cheltenham Crescent, Harrogate. Speaker David Alred “Nidderdale Mike O’Donnell, Footpath Secretary of the Wakefield & District Yesterday” Preceded by 7/8 mile walk at 9.30am from Trinity The festival will start from the bandstand Group of the Ramblers, wrote on behalf of the Group to oppose Methodist Chapel WOODHALL BRIDGE TO BE “WALKLEEDS” at Roundhay Park the access road application on the grounds that it was a

misuse of green belt land to provide access to the building site, HUDDERSFIELD GROUP AGM Wednesday 12th November 7.30 p.m. The Monkey Club, REPAIRED and that the tarmac road and street lighting would be a gross Armitage Bridge, Huddersfield environmental intrusion. Members of the Friends of Newton Hill “WALKLEEDS” will be the name for the next year’s Festival of Walks. Wednesday starts off with a walk from Wetherby which includes by the end of October. This should give plenty of time for the held a demonstration to coincide with a site visit by the Planning Woodhall Bridge which provides a popular bridleway crossing of An attractive programme has already been drawn up, and thanks to paths beside the River Wharfe, the afternoon walk is from Barwick routes to be checked and tweaked where necessary, and for and Highways Committee. The plans for the the new access road KEIGHLEY GROUP AGM the River Wharfe between East Keswick and Sicklinghall is to be our Groups for giving enthusiastic support. The week-long Festival and there is an evening walk from Rawdon taking in Billing and were recommended for approval at the meeting of Wakefield’s Monday 10th November 7.30pm Quaker Meeting Room, repaired in the very near future, and it is hoped the bridge will be problems to be noted. Nearly all of the walks have been taken Skipton Road, Keighley Light Refreshments is in early summer (31st May to 7th June), and what better time of Crag Wood. There is an all day from Bardsey to Hetchell Crags and Planning and Highways Committee in July. However, the re-opened for public use in the next few weeks. Repairs to the from “Ramblers’ Leeds East” and “Ramblers’ Leeds West”, the year for a festival of walks! All the walks will be within the Leeds Thorner, and the Leeds Country Way walkers have a rest. committee referred the application back for more information, and bridge which was damaged by floods will cost in the region of by Douglas Cossar and published by West Riding Area. That LEEDS GROUP AGM boundaries where there is a great deal of attractive countryside, as unconvinced by the facts, proceeded to reject the application. Of £250,000. North Yorkshire County Council who were unfortunate means they’re all good walks. Saturday 8th November 3 p.m. St Giles Church Hall, well as interesting urban routes. On Thursday morning there’s a walk round Eccup Reservoir, and an course, this does not stop Miller Homes from lodging an appeal. Bramhope. Preceded by 8 mile walk at 10.30am from car to have all the damage on their side of the bridge (the bridge afternoon walk on the north side of Garforth. The evening walk is Mike O’Donnell commented: “Of on-going concern to all of us park behind Fox & Hounds, Bramhope spans the local authority boundary between North Yorkshire and Publicity for the Festival of Walking was postponed until after During the Festival there will be a led walk within a short distance of from Calverley, and the Leeds Country Way walk is from Bardsey must be the new planning climate where there is a presumption in Leeds) are to be congratulated on making the decision to carry the Tour de France and Le Grand Depart, but it is intended the home of every person who lives in Leeds. Most of the walks will to Garforth. Friday sees a walk provided by the Area’s Social & favour of development.” KW Information from Yorkshire Evening LOWER WHARFEDALE GROUP AGM out the repairs. Local walkers and walkers from further afield will that by the time that the present edition of the West Riding be led by the Ramblers’ Association and all of the walks will be free Rambles (short notice so details not finalised), an afternoon walk Post 8th July 2014 (thanks to Lee Davidson for noting it), and Friday 14th November 7.30pm Eric LeFevre Hall Memorial benefit from the restoration of this route across the River Wharfe, Rambler is read, the arrangements for a grand opening of charge. There will be half day walks in the morning or afternoon, taking in Cookridge and Bramhope. There will be an all day walk Mike O’Donnell Burley-in-Wharfedale and the bridge and its immediate riverside surroundings also of the festival will have been finalised, with a well-known some evening walks, and there will also be some longer whole day from Harewood to East Keswick via the banks of the Wharfe, and the provide a pretty riverside scene for happily whiling away a few celebrity “cutting the tape”. The local media will also have NORTH KIRKLEES GROUP AGM walks. All of the walks are convenient for public transport. A special Leeds Country Way walkers proceed to Oulton. spare minutes. been approached to give advance publicity to the festival. Thursday 18th November 7.30pm Black Bull, Birstall feature is that the whole of the 60 mile Leeds Country Way will Saturday includes a walk from Bramhope taking in Masses of publicity was given to the Tour de France and to The latest news is that repairs to the bridge have now gone out be walked, and the attractive route will be covered in six JOHN O’GAUNTS CASTLE RIPON GROUP AGM Staircase Lane and Caley Crags, the afternoon walk is cycling. Can walking achieve the same? Leeds Council and to tender with a completion date of 20th December envisaged. walks of approximately ten miles. By the time Thursday 20th November 7.30pm Hugh Ripley Hall, Ripon at the other side of the city and visits Farnley Park councillors are very much involved, and it is intended that as It is anticipated that there will be a re-opening ceremony after FENCED OFF The walks are predominantly country walks. People you read this, the and Cockersdale, there’s a whole day walk starting well as being a celebration of walking the festival will be a TAKE A HIKE AGM the repairs are carried out, and we hope to put the details on the showcase for Leeds and the fine countryside that lies within Details not yet finalised. Will be posted on who live locally and those who come from further arrangements will from Kippax which goes to Great Preston and also The ruins of John O’Gaunt’s Castle lie beside a popular public West Riding Area website. its boundaries. Information supplied by Steven Wood afield may be surprised by the attractive countryside have been finalised, explores some of the newly opened St Aidan’s footpath in Haverah Park, a few miles west of Harrogate and that lies within the Leeds boundaries which stretch Country Park, and the Leeds Country Way walkers close to the Washburn Valley. The castle dates at least from Thanks to every one who is already helping to make the festival WAKEFIELD & DISTRICT GROUP AGM from Menston to Fairbairn Ings, and from Wetherby with a well-known move on to Woodkirk. On Sunday morning there’s 1372 when John of Gaunt became Lord of Knaresborough. The a success. We shall need many more helpers to do such Sunday 11th January 3.30pm at Castleford, United to Woodkirk. Walkers believe that the best places celebrity “cutting a walk round Temple Newsam Park, an afternoon site lies just inside the boundary of the Nidderdale AONB. things as distribute the leaflets, perhaps to act as stewards Reform Church Afternoon Tea (for directions contact can be visited only on foot! The walks will be at a fairly walk which visits Yeadon Tarn, an all-day walk from Murray 01977 700327) preceded by 4/5 mile walk from the tape”. on walks. There are a lot of imponderables, particularly the ASH DIEBACK LESS gentle pace to allow everyone time to enjoy the beauty Golden Acre, and the Leeds Country Way walkers do Although the ruins are not on the ROW, for many years there has Fairburn Ings SE 451 277 number of people coming on the various walks, and it would of the countryside and the many fine views. the last lap as they return to Pudsey. been no attempt to prevent walkers exploring the ruins (actually be nice to have each day a pool of people who could be WETHERBY GROUP AGM RAMPANT THAN FEARED there’s not much left) and picnicking amongst the mounds. There Sunday, 2nd November 2.30pm Wetherby Social Club, Ramblers’ local groups and TakeAHike have given strong support, These walks spreading across the city of Leeds are already in place, called upon to help. are pretty views into the valley below. Recently, there has been Sandbeck Way, Wetherby and are providing leaders for many of the walks. Particularly strong and many have already been “walked out”. It is intended that Walking a change in ownership of the site and adjacent land. The nearby support comes from Leeds Group on whose patch the festival takes for Health currently organised by the Ramblers and Macmillan Cancer Above all we would like everyone to come along and bring dilapidated barns, a favourite haunt of swallows, are being re- WEST RIDING AREA AGM place. The Social & Rambles Committee of West Riding Area is also Support will slot into this framework. There is still room for some their friends and family to the opening ceremony and initial developed, and the ruins of John O’Gaunts fenced off to prevent The Area AGM will be held at 2pm Saturday 31st January 2015 providing walks leaders. further walks before the total programme is finalised, and affiliated walk on Sunday 31st May. It’s not a campaign event. It’s public access. The planning permission for the re-development was at the Clarke Foley Centre Ilkley. Speaker to be finalised. and other walks groups are being approached to see if they want a celebration of walking. We have over 3000 Ramblers’ granted subject to submission of proposals designed to protect The programme starts in Roundhay Park at 11am on Sunday 31st Association members in West Riding Area. If even half of us and maintain the site which is a scheduled monument protected by All members of Groups in West Riding Area are to be involved. It is hoped short urban walks in Leeds, and perhaps May with a two mile celebration of walking around Waterloo Lake. In came along and brought our children, grandchildren, friends, English Heritage. A few years ago under previous ownership it was welcome to attend. in Morley, Pudsey, Rothwell and other towns within the Leeds the afternoon West Riding Area will organise a half day walk starting boundaries can be part of the programme. that would be a big public statement to say that walking is a in a vulnerable condition, and English Heritage provided a grant to from nearby. Monday morning will see a walk from Harewood, brilliant activity, good for physical health, good for things to consolidate the castle ruins, enabling the site to be taken off the At and afternoon and evening walks starting from Pudsey. The Leeds It is intended to produce a printed festival leaflet that looks really good see and time to see them, good for meeting friends. Then, Risk Register. The information board for the castle is behind the CORRECTION Country Way walk kicks off at Pudsey and finishes at Cookridge. On (this is important for publicity purposes) and it will be publicly available after the opening ceremony what about making the festival a newly erected fence, and English Heritage is thought to have given Tuesday there is a morning walk around East & West Ardsley, and an by the end of February. This timescale requires a mid-January week’s walking holiday?! - pick and mix the walks throughout permission for it to be moved to a position where it can be seen by In Joyce Broughton’s “2014: COMMEMORATIONS AND afternoon walk taking in Kirkstall and Newlay. The evening walk is deadline for the final submission of the content (mainly the walks the week, and the home accommodation is free. the public. Peter Wells, West Riding Area’s representative on the CELEBRATIONS” (West Riding Rambler July 2014) Ron Cotton Good news – ash dieback, a fungus disease affecting ash trees, is not Nidderdale AONB Liaison Committee, raised the issue at the liaison spreading northwards as rapidly as feared. So far, there is no evidence of from Howley Park, and the Leeds Country Way walkers move on from details and related information and guidelines). Walks leaders have was printed as Ron Collins. Apologies to Ron Cotton and to Cookridge to Bardsey. been asked to “walk out” the routes and submit appropriate details Mike Church and Keith Wadd committee’s recent meeting, and the AONB will continue to monitor Joyce for this error. the disease among the many ash trees at Harlow Carr Gardens, Harrogate. the situation. Information supplied by Peter and Delia Wells

Visit the Area website or join us on Facebook: Visit the Area website or join us on Facebook: Visit the Area website or join us on Facebook:

IT’S AGM TIME! Continued on page 2 > COUNCIL TURNS DOWN Benedict mentioned the need for clarity about the role of Areas within Why not go to your group AGM. You will be very welcome. Get to know what your Group is doing, have your say, ask the Ramblers, an issue that goes back at least to the 1990s, he PLANS TO REPLACE RURAL questions, put forward your ideas. thought. It is of course an issue in West Riding Area too. PATH WITH ACCESS ROAD BRADFORD GROUP AGM The last decade has not been an easy time for the Ramblers for a Saturday 15th November 4pm Airedale Heifer, Keighley Road, number of reasons. However, members of Area Council were left in The rural character of a well-loved public footpath on the outskirts East Morton, Preceeded by 3 mile walk at 2pm from Airedale no doubt that they have now a CEO who is deeply interested in the of Wakefield could have been changed forever if plans for an Heifer. Meal available after the AGM job he is doing for the association, and who has already done much access road to a proposed housing development had been to stabilise it. It is also clear that he is prepared to listen to members, approved by Wakefield Council.The path at Newton Hill just to CALDERDALE GROUP AGM take some of their ideas on board, and guide the Ramblers to working the north of Wakefield city centre runs at the back of houses on Tuesday 11th November 7.30pm Oddfellows Hall, for a future that we all believe in. Hatfield View and on agricultural land off Ouchthorpe Lane. The Coleridge St., Halifax open-space traversed by the path is part of the city’s green belt and it has been valued by local walkers for generations. Miller CRAVEN GROUP AGM Prior to the meeting Benedict chatted informally with members of Wednesday, 22nd October, 7.30pm Swadford Centre, Area Council during a pre-meeting meal at the nearby Victoria Hotel. Homes is seeking to build an estate of 68 houses in a field close Swadford Road, Skipton Earlier in the day, Benedict joined members of Area Council and to Pinderfield Hospital and planned to replace the present public Harrogate Group on a four mile question-raising walk on paths in footpath path with a new path beside a three-quarter mile long HARROGATE GROUP AGM North Yorkshire. FESTIVAL OF WALKS TO BE access road to the new estate. Saturday, 8th November 2.00pm, Wesley Chapel, Cheltenham Crescent, Harrogate. Speaker David Alred “Nidderdale Mike O’Donnell, Footpath Secretary of the Wakefield & District Yesterday” Preceded by 7/8 mile walk at 9.30am from Trinity The festival will start from the bandstand Group of the Ramblers, wrote on behalf of the Group to oppose Methodist Chapel WOODHALL BRIDGE TO BE “WALKLEEDS” at Roundhay Park the access road application on the grounds that it was a

misuse of green belt land to provide access to the building site, HUDDERSFIELD GROUP AGM Wednesday 12th November 7.30 p.m. The Monkey Club, REPAIRED and that the tarmac road and street lighting would be a gross Armitage Bridge, Huddersfield environmental intrusion. Members of the Friends of Newton Hill “WALKLEEDS” will be the name for the next year’s Festival of Walks. Wednesday starts off with a walk from Wetherby which includes by the end of October. This should give plenty of time for the held a demonstration to coincide with a site visit by the Planning Woodhall Bridge which provides a popular bridleway crossing of An attractive programme has already been drawn up, and thanks to paths beside the River Wharfe, the afternoon walk is from Barwick routes to be checked and tweaked where necessary, and for and Highways Committee. The plans for the the new access road KEIGHLEY GROUP AGM the River Wharfe between East Keswick and Sicklinghall is to be our Groups for giving enthusiastic support. The week-long Festival and there is an evening walk from Rawdon taking in Billing and were recommended for approval at the meeting of Wakefield’s Monday 10th November 7.30pm Quaker Meeting Room, repaired in the very near future, and it is hoped the bridge will be problems to be noted. Nearly all of the walks have been taken Skipton Road, Keighley Light Refreshments is in early summer (31st May to 7th June), and what better time of Crag Wood. There is an all day from Bardsey to Hetchell Crags and Planning and Highways Committee in July. However, the re-opened for public use in the next few weeks. Repairs to the from “Ramblers’ Leeds East” and “Ramblers’ Leeds West”, the year for a festival of walks! All the walks will be within the Leeds Thorner, and the Leeds Country Way walkers have a rest. committee referred the application back for more information, and bridge which was damaged by floods will cost in the region of by Douglas Cossar and published by West Riding Area. That LEEDS GROUP AGM boundaries where there is a great deal of attractive countryside, as unconvinced by the facts, proceeded to reject the application. Of £250,000. North Yorkshire County Council who were unfortunate means they’re all good walks. Saturday 8th November 3 p.m. St Giles Church Hall, well as interesting urban routes. On Thursday morning there’s a walk round Eccup Reservoir, and an course, this does not stop Miller Homes from lodging an appeal. Bramhope. Preceded by 8 mile walk at 10.30am from car to have all the damage on their side of the bridge (the bridge afternoon walk on the north side of Garforth. The evening walk is Mike O’Donnell commented: “Of on-going concern to all of us park behind Fox & Hounds, Bramhope spans the local authority boundary between North Yorkshire and Publicity for the Festival of Walking was postponed until after During the Festival there will be a led walk within a short distance of from Calverley, and the Leeds Country Way walk is from Bardsey must be the new planning climate where there is a presumption in Leeds) are to be congratulated on making the decision to carry the Tour de France and Le Grand Depart, but it is intended the home of every person who lives in Leeds. Most of the walks will to Garforth. Friday sees a walk provided by the Area’s Social & favour of development.” KW Information from Yorkshire Evening LOWER WHARFEDALE GROUP AGM out the repairs. Local walkers and walkers from further afield will that by the time that the present edition of the West Riding be led by the Ramblers’ Association and all of the walks will be free Rambles (short notice so details not finalised), an afternoon walk Post 8th July 2014 (thanks to Lee Davidson for noting it), and Friday 14th November 7.30pm Eric LeFevre Hall Memorial benefit from the restoration of this route across the River Wharfe, Rambler is read, the arrangements for a grand opening of charge. There will be half day walks in the morning or afternoon, taking in Cookridge and Bramhope. There will be an all day walk Mike O’Donnell Burley-in-Wharfedale and the bridge and its immediate riverside surroundings also of the festival will have been finalised, with a well-known some evening walks, and there will also be some longer whole day from Harewood to East Keswick via the banks of the Wharfe, and the provide a pretty riverside scene for happily whiling away a few celebrity “cutting the tape”. The local media will also have NORTH KIRKLEES GROUP AGM walks. All of the walks are convenient for public transport. A special Leeds Country Way walkers proceed to Oulton. spare minutes. been approached to give advance publicity to the festival. Thursday 18th November 7.30pm Black Bull, Birstall feature is that the whole of the 60 mile Leeds Country Way will Saturday includes a walk from Bramhope taking in Masses of publicity was given to the Tour de France and to The latest news is that repairs to the bridge have now gone out be walked, and the attractive route will be covered in six JOHN O’GAUNTS CASTLE RIPON GROUP AGM Staircase Lane and Caley Crags, the afternoon walk is cycling. Can walking achieve the same? Leeds Council and to tender with a completion date of 20th December envisaged. walks of approximately ten miles. By the time Thursday 20th November 7.30pm Hugh Ripley Hall, Ripon at the other side of the city and visits Farnley Park councillors are very much involved, and it is intended that as It is anticipated that there will be a re-opening ceremony after FENCED OFF The walks are predominantly country walks. People you read this, the and Cockersdale, there’s a whole day walk starting well as being a celebration of walking the festival will be a TAKE A HIKE AGM the repairs are carried out, and we hope to put the details on the showcase for Leeds and the fine countryside that lies within Details not yet finalised. Will be posted on who live locally and those who come from further arrangements will from Kippax which goes to Great Preston and also The ruins of John O’Gaunt’s Castle lie beside a popular public West Riding Area website. its boundaries. Information supplied by Steven Wood afield may be surprised by the attractive countryside have been finalised, explores some of the newly opened St Aidan’s footpath in Haverah Park, a few miles west of Harrogate and that lies within the Leeds boundaries which stretch Country Park, and the Leeds Country Way walkers close to the Washburn Valley. The castle dates at least from Thanks to every one who is already helping to make the festival WAKEFIELD & DISTRICT GROUP AGM from Menston to Fairbairn Ings, and from Wetherby with a well-known move on to Woodkirk. On Sunday morning there’s 1372 when John of Gaunt became Lord of Knaresborough. The a success. We shall need many more helpers to do such Sunday 11th January 3.30pm at Castleford, United to Woodkirk. Walkers believe that the best places celebrity “cutting a walk round Temple Newsam Park, an afternoon site lies just inside the boundary of the Nidderdale AONB. things as distribute the leaflets, perhaps to act as stewards Reform Church Afternoon Tea (for directions contact can be visited only on foot! The walks will be at a fairly walk which visits Yeadon Tarn, an all-day walk from Murray 01977 700327) preceded by 4/5 mile walk from the tape”. on walks. There are a lot of imponderables, particularly the ASH DIEBACK LESS gentle pace to allow everyone time to enjoy the beauty Golden Acre, and the Leeds Country Way walkers do Although the ruins are not on the ROW, for many years there has Fairburn Ings SE 451 277 number of people coming on the various walks, and it would of the countryside and the many fine views. the last lap as they return to Pudsey. been no attempt to prevent walkers exploring the ruins (actually be nice to have each day a pool of people who could be WETHERBY GROUP AGM RAMPANT THAN FEARED there’s not much left) and picnicking amongst the mounds. There Sunday, 2nd November 2.30pm Wetherby Social Club, Ramblers’ local groups and TakeAHike have given strong support, These walks spreading across the city of Leeds are already in place, called upon to help. are pretty views into the valley below. Recently, there has been Sandbeck Way, Wetherby and are providing leaders for many of the walks. Particularly strong and many have already been “walked out”. It is intended that Walking a change in ownership of the site and adjacent land. The nearby support comes from Leeds Group on whose patch the festival takes for Health currently organised by the Ramblers and Macmillan Cancer Above all we would like everyone to come along and bring dilapidated barns, a favourite haunt of swallows, are being re- WEST RIDING AREA AGM place. The Social & Rambles Committee of West Riding Area is also Support will slot into this framework. There is still room for some their friends and family to the opening ceremony and initial developed, and the ruins of John O’Gaunts fenced off to prevent The Area AGM will be held at 2pm Saturday 31st January 2015 providing walks leaders. further walks before the total programme is finalised, and affiliated walk on Sunday 31st May. It’s not a campaign event. It’s public access. The planning permission for the re-development was at the Clarke Foley Centre Ilkley. Speaker to be finalised. and other walks groups are being approached to see if they want a celebration of walking. We have over 3000 Ramblers’ granted subject to submission of proposals designed to protect The programme starts in Roundhay Park at 11am on Sunday 31st Association members in West Riding Area. If even half of us and maintain the site which is a scheduled monument protected by All members of Groups in West Riding Area are to be involved. It is hoped short urban walks in Leeds, and perhaps May with a two mile celebration of walking around Waterloo Lake. In came along and brought our children, grandchildren, friends, English Heritage. A few years ago under previous ownership it was welcome to attend. in Morley, Pudsey, Rothwell and other towns within the Leeds the afternoon West Riding Area will organise a half day walk starting boundaries can be part of the programme. that would be a big public statement to say that walking is a in a vulnerable condition, and English Heritage provided a grant to from nearby. Monday morning will see a walk from Harewood, brilliant activity, good for physical health, good for things to consolidate the castle ruins, enabling the site to be taken off the At and afternoon and evening walks starting from Pudsey. The Leeds It is intended to produce a printed festival leaflet that looks really good see and time to see them, good for meeting friends. Then, Risk Register. The information board for the castle is behind the CORRECTION Country Way walk kicks off at Pudsey and finishes at Cookridge. On (this is important for publicity purposes) and it will be publicly available after the opening ceremony what about making the festival a newly erected fence, and English Heritage is thought to have given Tuesday there is a morning walk around East & West Ardsley, and an by the end of February. This timescale requires a mid-January week’s walking holiday?! - pick and mix the walks throughout permission for it to be moved to a position where it can be seen by In Joyce Broughton’s “2014: COMMEMORATIONS AND afternoon walk taking in Kirkstall and Newlay. The evening walk is deadline for the final submission of the content (mainly the walks the week, and the home accommodation is free. the public. Peter Wells, West Riding Area’s representative on the CELEBRATIONS” (West Riding Rambler July 2014) Ron Cotton Good news – ash dieback, a fungus disease affecting ash trees, is not Nidderdale AONB Liaison Committee, raised the issue at the liaison spreading northwards as rapidly as feared. So far, there is no evidence of from Howley Park, and the Leeds Country Way walkers move on from details and related information and guidelines). Walks leaders have was printed as Ron Collins. Apologies to Ron Cotton and to Cookridge to Bardsey. been asked to “walk out” the routes and submit appropriate details Mike Church and Keith Wadd committee’s recent meeting, and the AONB will continue to monitor Joyce for this error. the disease among the many ash trees at Harlow Carr Gardens, Harrogate. the situation. Information supplied by Peter and Delia Wells

Visit the Area website or join us on Facebook: Visit the Area website or join us on Facebook: Visit the Area website or join us on Facebook:


RAMBLERJournal of the West Riding Area of the Ramblers’ Association - Edited by Keith Wadd and Dave Pannell Inside this issue: FESTIVAL OF WALKS TO Area Vice-President, Colin Speakman, warns us not to take the most iconic parts of Swaledale, Wensleydale and upper Wharfedale BE WALKLEEDS National Park for granted restored, whilst the Hay Time project has recreated some of the finest The week-long Festival is in early flower-rich meadows in England. As walkers we have also benefitted November 2014 marks the 60th anniversary of the Designation summer and what better time of the from a right of way management regime which is second to none – year for a festival of walks! Order for the Yorkshire Dales National Park, that spectacular area of with waymarking a high priority. Not only was the Settle-Carlisle line countryside which all of us as members of West Riding Area of the saved (and the RA had a major role in this) but thanks to the Yorkshire IT’S AGM TIME! Ramblers must surely regard as our own National Park, lying as it does Dales Society subsidiary, Dales and Bowland CIC, we have perhaps so close to where most of us live and work, so easily accessible. the finest Sunday network of integrated bus and train services in any Details for all group AGMs inside this issue. Use them to have your say, ask National Parks didn’t happen by chance, handed to us for our pleasure protected landscape in the UK, with services designed by walkers for and enjoyment by benign governments and landowners. National walkers, but also there for local people. questions and put forward your ideas. Parks were fought for by men and women with passion and foresight, But what of the future? The are now massive cutbacks to the many most of them keen walkers. They in turn were inspired by the great YORKSHIRE DALES AT 60 Lack of concentration is also a crucial factor. Just as with the ice, if we facilities which have long been accepted as fundamental to a civilised Walking is a “risk-taking activity”, it is sometimes said when accidents poets, scientists, novelists, essayists and painters, influencing later The 60th anniversary of the Yorkshire knew the trap was there, we would know how to deal with it, but we quality of life in Britain - libraries, theatres, parks, rural transport, youth happen. Like most things, it might be added - including life itself. guidebook writers such as A.J.Brown and Wainwright, who taught us Dales National Park comes with an However, in most activities we can attempt to reduce the risk with wholly don’t notice until it’s too late. Tiredness may be involved, and it would centres, old poeples care and social facilities are now deemed, in one to see and value our finest countryside for the spiritual enrichment it Benedict Southworth (middle) takes a well earned rest after the walk. uncertain future. be interesting to know whether more accidents occur in the latter part of the weathiest countries in the world, to be no longer affordable. Left to Right - Bernard Ellis, Derrick Watt, Benedict Southworth, Elizabeth Snow and Martin Bennett beneficial consequences, and without going to the extreme of wrapping gives us, as well as the mental and physical health benefits of walking in of a walk than earlier on. Another possible factor may be conversation National Parks are now also being targeted. With around 40% cuts to ourselves in cotton-wool. Sticking my neck out (which I have recently the hills. But it was generations of campaigners such as Octavia Hill, which despite its many virtues can distract us from the major exercise its budget, the Yorkshire Dales National Park is struggling to maintain painfully cricked through what I previously thought was an activity wholly George and Charles Trevelyan, T.A. Leonard, John Dower, of remaining vertical. its services. But there are further cuts in the pipeline that could without risk, namely sleep), I would modestly suggest that by far the Tom Stephenson, and our own Arthur Raistrick who 2014 AREA FOOTPATH biggest risk of a bad accident in walking is not through frisky cattle, or have a devastating impact. It is worth pointing out that before boots and shoes were invented, the created the political pressure for legislation, arguing With around Ramblers’ Chief Exec Visits vicious dogs, but through falling. SURVEY human race contrived to remain vertical most of the time by effective use passionately in committees and in the press, for the 40% cuts to In fact National Parks cost relatively little to run – less than There is always a strong element of just bad luck in a fall, but despite this of the toes and the balls of the feet. These are still part of our biological need to protect the landscape and wildlife habitats its budget, the £1 per head per person would pay for all our National West Riding Area there are ways of reducing the risk. I am not making these comments equipment, and still useful for keeping the balance. And through use from ruthless developers, and to affirm and protect Yorkshire Dales Parks. But let us make no mistake. Cutting funding for Benedict Southworth, Ramblers CEO, visited area, including this year’s publication of “Our in a pious, it’s never happened to me sort of way, because it has. of the same, walkers contrived to remain upright most of the time rights of access. The great 1949 National Parks and National Park National Parks is a political issue. National Parks are now Fortunately, although I’ve gone backside over bosom (and prior to the evolution of elaborate treads on the soles of boots. Access to the Countryside Act was a culmination of targeted by politicians who have an agenda to undermine West Riding Area on Monday 7th July. In the Approach to Volunteering” based on the work is struggling of the Ramblers Volunteer Sounding Board. vice versa?) on innumerable occasions, I have so far The real Arguably, toes are still more important than treads. It’s also this work. It gave us not only National Parks and and weaken planning and environmental legislation, and evening he came to Leeds, and addressing a well escaped with no more than a few bruises and hurt pride, time to appraise the use of sticks. There’s little doubt National Nature Reserves, but the Definitive Map of to maintain its to cut funding levels, which will roll back the clock half a attended Area Council meeting with several Benedict also commented that we when I might easily have suffered the broken limbs, traps are the that they are valuable in taking the strain off ageing Footpaths and Bridleways which is a priceless asset. services. century to a time when the National Park, underfunded and Group representatives present, talked now “know a lot about ourselves” It led ultimately to the equally significant CROW Act 2000 understaffed, was little more than an ineffective line on the map. in a frank and entirely committed Benedict particularly with respect to the torn muscles and long periods of recovery painfully unexpected ones knees, and they often give valuable support on difficult If you haven’t yet done your footpath terrain. The downside is over-reliance on them, and which means that over 60% of the open countryside in the way about his own role within the nature of our membership. experienced by many walking friends. 2015 is election year. If we want to keep our National Parks, and doesn’t have survey, there’s still time to do it. where we fail to make sometimes the stick can slip and the walker as well Yorkshire Dales is now legally accessible on foot. Ramblers, the issues it faces, and So, what can be done? Well, basically, I suggest, indeed our great access and footpath heritage, we need to ensure that the successes it is achieving. “grandiose Benedict referred to some Please send the information you have an adequate appraisal (both rather quickly). So walking with a stick or sticks obtained from the survey to Keith apart from the luck element, nearly all accidents are But how successful has the Yorkshire Dales National Park been since politicians, hungry for our votes, understand that we do not want to see ideas”, instead of the recent achievements. may be helpful, but it’s no substitute for controlling the Wadd at [email protected] by caused by a combination of a failure to appraise the of the potential 1954? In the early days, the National Park was little more than a Britain transformed into a low-tax state suffering weak planning laws It was very much a “state of The Ramblers is representing balance with our biological equipment. he is focussing mid-November at the latest. For those risks immediately in front (i.e. the next few footsteps) theoretical line on a map, divided into two totally separate halves – the and poor public services, where the rich and the powerful transfer their the nation” talk (i.e. Ramblers’ walkers at the highest level, dangers surveyors who are no longer doing the and a lack of concentration. For example, most people I would like to add something on how to fall, but I don’t old West Riding and the old North Riding Parks. Not until 1974 was vast wealth to off-shore tax havens with impunity, whilst public services “nation”) and was listened to on “getting the and we were one of a “round survey, your squares have not been slip on ice not because they don’t know how to walk on know enough. It may be commented that it happens so there a unified National Park under a single Committee and National suffer devastation. The National Park movement needs to recapture attentively. His role, as he sees table of groups” called by the foundations re-allocated and if you would like to do a frosty surface (they’ve usually had decades of experience), quickly that there is no time to do anything about it, but I’m Park Officer, and not until 1997 was there an independent National the vision, energy and drive of our founding fathers, so many of whom it, is to “run the organisation for the Ministry of Health to talk about right” them for one more year, it would still but because they didn’t know it was there till their feet went from under not sure this is always true. There are lots of things that happen very Park Authority. Only in the last two decades has there been enough were passionate walkers, to ensure that great landscapes such as Board of Trustees”. He doesn’t have physical activity in the nation. be appreciated. KW them. As walkers, we don’t usually fall in the really difficult places such quickly in life, and we usually deal with them adequately because we money and resources to start making a real difference. the Yorkshire Dales are protected and remain accessible for future “grandiose ideas”, but is focussing on Benedict said that we have “shown have taught ourselves good habits. It happens massively in sport with a generations. As Ramblers, let’s make sure that in 2015 footpaths, as the mini-scrambles, stepping stones, and steep descents because One criterion of success must surely be that the landscape of the Dales “getting the foundations right” and establishing that we are an organisation that can deliver”, quickly moving ball, it happens in driving, and it happens in conversation. access and properly funded and resourced National Parks become, at we know they are there, and we use our experience to take adequate has been well protected. With few exceptions, ugly developments have stability within the organisation. In particular, and that the response from Walking for Health All the while we have to make split-second decisions and get it right. I both national and local level, a key election issue. WEST RIDING AREA AGM precautions. The real traps are the unexpected ones where we fail to been kept at bay. Less obvious perhaps have been some remarkable he appreciated that much of the basic work groups has been very positive. The contract with don’t see that walking is an exception. make an adequate appraisal of the potential dangers. conservation projects, most of them delivered through key partners Colin Speakman of the organisation is done by volunteers, and Macmillan Cancer Support for the organisation The Area AGM will be held at 2pm in this context he regarded Central Office and of Walking for Health has recently been renewed Saturday 31st January 2015 at the Particular traps are the sideways slope, particularly when it is wet, Please don’t send messages of sympathy and hopes for a speedy such as the Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust, set up in 1998 with a Colin speakmans latest book “The Yorkshire Dales National its staff as having a major role in supporting for a further three years. We are working closely Clarke Foley Centre Ilkley. Speaker frosty or very dry, mossy stones and boards (whether on the ground recovery to the fallen walker in the photo. It’s been specially staged for view to attracting huge sums of money for conservation. For example Park: A Celebration of 60 Years” will be reveiwed in the next West the volunteers, “supporting people in doing and culturally mixing with a number of kindred to be finalised. or on stiles), and the small pebble on a sloping rock (the pebble moves the WRR. The important thing is to make sure it’s not for real. Mind how over a million trees have been planted, and barns and walls in the Riding Rambler things they want to do”. It is clear that a great organisations. as the foot is put on it, and the result is a heavy fall on a hard surface). you go! KW deal of important work is taking place in this Continued on page 2 > See details of group AGMs inside! The Ramblers' Association is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, Company Registration No 4458492 Registered Charity in England and Wales No 1093577 Registered Office 2nd Floor Camelford House 87-90 Albert Embankment London SE1 7TW Visit the Area website or join us on Facebook: Designed by The Design MechanicsWest Riding - www.thedesignmechanics.comRambler designed by THE DESIGN MECHANICS - Visit the Area website or join us on Facebook: No.140 Oct 2014 WHOOPS…...! YORKSHIRE DALES NATIONAL Walking is a “risk- PARK: 60 GREAT YEARS BUT AN taking activity” UNCERTAIN FUTURE WESTWEST RIDING RIDING

RAMBLERJournal of the West Riding Area of the Ramblers’ Association - Edited by Keith Wadd and Dave Pannell Inside this issue: FESTIVAL OF WALKS TO Area Vice-President, Colin Speakman, warns us not to take the most iconic parts of Swaledale, Wensleydale and upper Wharfedale BE WALKLEEDS National Park for granted restored, whilst the Hay Time project has recreated some of the finest The week-long Festival is in early flower-rich meadows in England. As walkers we have also benefitted November 2014 marks the 60th anniversary of the Designation summer and what better time of the from a right of way management regime which is second to none – year for a festival of walks! Order for the Yorkshire Dales National Park, that spectacular area of with waymarking a high priority. Not only was the Settle-Carlisle line countryside which all of us as members of West Riding Area of the saved (and the RA had a major role in this) but thanks to the Yorkshire IT’S AGM TIME! Ramblers must surely regard as our own National Park, lying as it does Dales Society subsidiary, Dales and Bowland CIC, we have perhaps so close to where most of us live and work, so easily accessible. the finest Sunday network of integrated bus and train services in any Details for all group AGMs inside this issue. Use them to have your say, ask National Parks didn’t happen by chance, handed to us for our pleasure protected landscape in the UK, with services designed by walkers for and enjoyment by benign governments and landowners. National walkers, but also there for local people. questions and put forward your ideas. Parks were fought for by men and women with passion and foresight, But what of the future? The are now massive cutbacks to the many most of them keen walkers. They in turn were inspired by the great YORKSHIRE DALES AT 60 Lack of concentration is also a crucial factor. Just as with the ice, if we facilities which have long been accepted as fundamental to a civilised Walking is a “risk-taking activity”, it is sometimes said when accidents poets, scientists, novelists, essayists and painters, influencing later The 60th anniversary of the Yorkshire knew the trap was there, we would know how to deal with it, but we quality of life in Britain - libraries, theatres, parks, rural transport, youth happen. Like most things, it might be added - including life itself. guidebook writers such as A.J.Brown and Wainwright, who taught us Dales National Park comes with an However, in most activities we can attempt to reduce the risk with wholly don’t notice until it’s too late. Tiredness may be involved, and it would centres, old poeples care and social facilities are now deemed, in one to see and value our finest countryside for the spiritual enrichment it Benedict Southworth (middle) takes a well earned rest after the walk. uncertain future. be interesting to know whether more accidents occur in the latter part of the weathiest countries in the world, to be no longer affordable. Left to Right - Bernard Ellis, Derrick Watt, Benedict Southworth, Elizabeth Snow and Martin Bennett beneficial consequences, and without going to the extreme of wrapping gives us, as well as the mental and physical health benefits of walking in of a walk than earlier on. Another possible factor may be conversation National Parks are now also being targeted. With around 40% cuts to ourselves in cotton-wool. Sticking my neck out (which I have recently the hills. But it was generations of campaigners such as Octavia Hill, which despite its many virtues can distract us from the major exercise its budget, the Yorkshire Dales National Park is struggling to maintain painfully cricked through what I previously thought was an activity wholly George and Charles Trevelyan, T.A. Leonard, John Dower, of remaining vertical. its services. But there are further cuts in the pipeline that could without risk, namely sleep), I would modestly suggest that by far the Tom Stephenson, and our own Arthur Raistrick who 2014 AREA FOOTPATH biggest risk of a bad accident in walking is not through frisky cattle, or have a devastating impact. It is worth pointing out that before boots and shoes were invented, the created the political pressure for legislation, arguing With around Ramblers’ Chief Exec Visits vicious dogs, but through falling. SURVEY human race contrived to remain vertical most of the time by effective use passionately in committees and in the press, for the 40% cuts to In fact National Parks cost relatively little to run – less than There is always a strong element of just bad luck in a fall, but despite this of the toes and the balls of the feet. These are still part of our biological need to protect the landscape and wildlife habitats its budget, the £1 per head per person would pay for all our National West Riding Area there are ways of reducing the risk. I am not making these comments equipment, and still useful for keeping the balance. And through use from ruthless developers, and to affirm and protect Yorkshire Dales Parks. But let us make no mistake. Cutting funding for Benedict Southworth, Ramblers CEO, visited area, including this year’s publication of “Our in a pious, it’s never happened to me sort of way, because it has. of the same, walkers contrived to remain upright most of the time rights of access. The great 1949 National Parks and National Park National Parks is a political issue. National Parks are now Fortunately, although I’ve gone backside over bosom (and prior to the evolution of elaborate treads on the soles of boots. Access to the Countryside Act was a culmination of targeted by politicians who have an agenda to undermine West Riding Area on Monday 7th July. In the Approach to Volunteering” based on the work is struggling of the Ramblers Volunteer Sounding Board. vice versa?) on innumerable occasions, I have so far The real Arguably, toes are still more important than treads. It’s also this work. It gave us not only National Parks and and weaken planning and environmental legislation, and evening he came to Leeds, and addressing a well escaped with no more than a few bruises and hurt pride, time to appraise the use of sticks. There’s little doubt National Nature Reserves, but the Definitive Map of to maintain its to cut funding levels, which will roll back the clock half a attended Area Council meeting with several Benedict also commented that we when I might easily have suffered the broken limbs, traps are the that they are valuable in taking the strain off ageing Footpaths and Bridleways which is a priceless asset. services. century to a time when the National Park, underfunded and Group representatives present, talked now “know a lot about ourselves” It led ultimately to the equally significant CROW Act 2000 understaffed, was little more than an ineffective line on the map. in a frank and entirely committed Benedict particularly with respect to the torn muscles and long periods of recovery painfully unexpected ones knees, and they often give valuable support on difficult If you haven’t yet done your footpath terrain. The downside is over-reliance on them, and which means that over 60% of the open countryside in the way about his own role within the nature of our membership. experienced by many walking friends. 2015 is election year. If we want to keep our National Parks, and doesn’t have survey, there’s still time to do it. where we fail to make sometimes the stick can slip and the walker as well Yorkshire Dales is now legally accessible on foot. Ramblers, the issues it faces, and So, what can be done? Well, basically, I suggest, indeed our great access and footpath heritage, we need to ensure that the successes it is achieving. “grandiose Benedict referred to some Please send the information you have an adequate appraisal (both rather quickly). So walking with a stick or sticks obtained from the survey to Keith apart from the luck element, nearly all accidents are But how successful has the Yorkshire Dales National Park been since politicians, hungry for our votes, understand that we do not want to see ideas”, instead of the recent achievements. may be helpful, but it’s no substitute for controlling the Wadd at [email protected] by caused by a combination of a failure to appraise the of the potential 1954? In the early days, the National Park was little more than a Britain transformed into a low-tax state suffering weak planning laws It was very much a “state of The Ramblers is representing balance with our biological equipment. he is focussing mid-November at the latest. For those risks immediately in front (i.e. the next few footsteps) theoretical line on a map, divided into two totally separate halves – the and poor public services, where the rich and the powerful transfer their the nation” talk (i.e. Ramblers’ walkers at the highest level, dangers surveyors who are no longer doing the and a lack of concentration. For example, most people I would like to add something on how to fall, but I don’t old West Riding and the old North Riding Parks. Not until 1974 was vast wealth to off-shore tax havens with impunity, whilst public services “nation”) and was listened to on “getting the and we were one of a “round survey, your squares have not been slip on ice not because they don’t know how to walk on know enough. It may be commented that it happens so there a unified National Park under a single Committee and National suffer devastation. The National Park movement needs to recapture attentively. His role, as he sees table of groups” called by the foundations re-allocated and if you would like to do a frosty surface (they’ve usually had decades of experience), quickly that there is no time to do anything about it, but I’m Park Officer, and not until 1997 was there an independent National the vision, energy and drive of our founding fathers, so many of whom it, is to “run the organisation for the Ministry of Health to talk about right” them for one more year, it would still but because they didn’t know it was there till their feet went from under not sure this is always true. There are lots of things that happen very Park Authority. Only in the last two decades has there been enough were passionate walkers, to ensure that great landscapes such as Board of Trustees”. He doesn’t have physical activity in the nation. be appreciated. KW them. As walkers, we don’t usually fall in the really difficult places such quickly in life, and we usually deal with them adequately because we money and resources to start making a real difference. the Yorkshire Dales are protected and remain accessible for future “grandiose ideas”, but is focussing on Benedict said that we have “shown have taught ourselves good habits. It happens massively in sport with a generations. As Ramblers, let’s make sure that in 2015 footpaths, as the mini-scrambles, stepping stones, and steep descents because One criterion of success must surely be that the landscape of the Dales “getting the foundations right” and establishing that we are an organisation that can deliver”, quickly moving ball, it happens in driving, and it happens in conversation. access and properly funded and resourced National Parks become, at we know they are there, and we use our experience to take adequate has been well protected. With few exceptions, ugly developments have stability within the organisation. In particular, and that the response from Walking for Health All the while we have to make split-second decisions and get it right. I both national and local level, a key election issue. WEST RIDING AREA AGM precautions. The real traps are the unexpected ones where we fail to been kept at bay. Less obvious perhaps have been some remarkable he appreciated that much of the basic work groups has been very positive. The contract with don’t see that walking is an exception. make an adequate appraisal of the potential dangers. conservation projects, most of them delivered through key partners Colin Speakman of the organisation is done by volunteers, and Macmillan Cancer Support for the organisation The Area AGM will be held at 2pm in this context he regarded Central Office and of Walking for Health has recently been renewed Saturday 31st January 2015 at the Particular traps are the sideways slope, particularly when it is wet, Please don’t send messages of sympathy and hopes for a speedy such as the Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust, set up in 1998 with a Colin speakmans latest book “The Yorkshire Dales National its staff as having a major role in supporting for a further three years. We are working closely Clarke Foley Centre Ilkley. Speaker frosty or very dry, mossy stones and boards (whether on the ground recovery to the fallen walker in the photo. It’s been specially staged for view to attracting huge sums of money for conservation. For example Park: A Celebration of 60 Years” will be reveiwed in the next West the volunteers, “supporting people in doing and culturally mixing with a number of kindred to be finalised. or on stiles), and the small pebble on a sloping rock (the pebble moves the WRR. The important thing is to make sure it’s not for real. Mind how over a million trees have been planted, and barns and walls in the Riding Rambler things they want to do”. It is clear that a great organisations. as the foot is put on it, and the result is a heavy fall on a hard surface). you go! KW deal of important work is taking place in this Continued on page 2 > See details of group AGMs inside! The Ramblers' Association is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, Company Registration No 4458492 Registered Charity in England and Wales No 1093577 Registered Office 2nd Floor Camelford House 87-90 Albert Embankment London SE1 7TW Visit the Area website or join us on Facebook: Designed by The Design MechanicsWest Riding - www.thedesignmechanics.comRambler designed by THE DESIGN MECHANICS - Visit the Area website or join us on Facebook: