Double-Opposing Rotation-Advancement Flaps for Closure of Forehead Defects
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ORIGINAL ARTICLE Double-Opposing Rotation-Advancement Flaps for Closure of Forehead Defects Evan R. Ransom, MD; Andrew A. Jacono, MD Objective: To describe a local flap for closure of fore- lignant neoplasms; 2 were adjacent to previous recon- head defects of all sizes that does not alter the brow po- structions. No recurrence of tumor was seen during the sition or hairline. study period. No permanent frontal branch injuries oc- curred. One patient developed a moderate cellulitis. Pho- Methods: Retrospective review of 16 cases in which the tographic analysis showed that brow position and hair- double-opposing rotation-advancement flaps were used line contour were maintained in all cases. for closure of small (Ͻ10 cm2), medium (10-20 cm2), and large (Ͼ20 cm2) forehead defects. This technique was de- Conclusions: The double-opposing rotation-advancement veloped from Orticochea’s method for closure of large flap closure is a versatile reconstructive option for small, scalp wounds. medium, and large forehead defects. The technique involves elevation of opposing, asymmetric flaps, with subsequent Results: All 16 patients underwent single-stage closure rotation of one side and advancement of the contralateral of forehead defects using our design. Six patients were side. Single-stage closure may be accomplished without un- men, 8 were women (mean age, 71 years). Preoperative appealing changes to the brow position or hairline. defect sizes ranged from 3 to 30 cm2 (mean, 18 cm2). All wounds resulted from Mohs surgery for cutaneous ma- Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2012;14(5):342-345 LOSURE OF SURGICAL OR plied specifically to closure of forehead de- traumatic defects of the fects. We present a series of 16 patients forehead offers several who underwent surgery over a 4-year pe- challenges to the recon- riod in a busy Mohs referral practice. Using structive surgeon. First, double-opposing rotation-advancement the forehead skin is relatively thick and has flaps, it is possible to close defects of 3 to C 2 limited mobility. Second, the forehead is 30 cm on the forehead in a single stage, bounded by 2 important facial land- without undesirable changes in the brow marks that, if altered, cause an obvious vi- position or the hairline. sual flaw: the brow and the hairline. For smaller wounds, reconstruction typically METHODS consists of horizontally or vertically ori- ented linear closures. In cases nearer to the A retrospective review of Mohs micrographic Author Affiliations: Divisions brow, an “O” to “T” flap is frequently surgery defect repairs was undertaken. We iden- Author Affil of Facial Plastic and used.1 In the temple region, however, there tified 16 cases of forehead closures using the of Facial Pla Reconstructive Surgery, may be insufficient laxity, or the distance flap design described. All cases were per- Reconstructi Departments of Departments from the temporal tuft to the lateral brow formed between 2007 and 2011 by the senior Otolaryngology–Head and Neck author (A.A.J.) at a facial plastic surgery pri- Otolaryngolo Surgery, Albert Einstein College may be unintentionally decreased. vate practice and ambulatory surgery center. Surgery, Albe of Medicine, Bronx, New York Larger wounds require greater atten- Procedures were performed using local anes- of Medicine, (Drs Ransom and Jacono), and tion and creativity. A variety of well- thesia. Standard aesthetic photography was (Drs Ransom New York Eye and Ear conceived repairs have been described for used preoperatively and postoperatively. New York Ey Infirmary (Dr Jacono); Sections the scalp but are infrequently applicable The double-opposing rotation-advance- Infirmary (D of Facial Plastic and ment (“modified Orticochea”) closure was de- of Facial Pla Reconstructive Surgery, North outside of the vertex and especially in the Reconstructi forehead.2-4 Among the best designs, the veloped from the 3-flap initially described in Shore University Hospital, 5 Shore Univer Manhasset, New York 3-flap and 4-flap techniques of Orti- 1971. Our flap design omits the third limb of Manhasset, N (Drs Ransom and Jacono), and cochea figure prominently.5-7 These flaps the incision and raises only 2 local flaps rather (Drs Ransom Long Island Jewish Medical are unsuitable for forehead repair, how- than 3. This modification makes the tech- Long Island J nique more suitable to forehead closure, given Center, New Hyde Park, New ever, because both the incision length and Center, New York (Dr Ransom); and New the smaller tissue bed relative to the vertex and York (Dr Ran York Center for Facial Plastic closure would cause significant distor- the difficulty of incision camouflage in the non– York Center and Laser Surgery, New York tion of the brow and hairline. hair-bearing forehead skin. and Laser Su and Great Neck, New York Herein, we describe a modification of The incisions are planned in a fashion simi- and Great N (Dr Jacono). the 3-flap technique of Orticochea5 as ap- lar to the initial steps of the Orticochea 3-flap (Dr Jacono). ARCH FACIAL PLAST SURG/ VOL 14 (NO. 5), SEP/OCT 2012 WWW.ARCHFACIAL.COM 342 ©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: on 09/28/2021 A B C X 60°-75° Y Standing Y´ X´ X´ Y X cone deformity Y´ Figure 1. Flap design. A, Midforehead lesion prior to any cuts. B, During the procedure, one flap is rotated into the primary defect (Y to YЈ), while the contralateral flap is advanced into the secondary defect (X to XЈ). C, Final closure. procedure: a line is drawn from the superior aspect of the de- fect toward the vertex (away from the brow or temporal hair Table. Summary of 16 Forehead Defects tuft) at approximately 60° to 75° from a tangent drawn at that point on the curvilinear defect margin (Figure 1A). The length Forehead Defects, No. of this limb is determined by the diameter of the defect and the Temple patient-specific mobility of the forehead and anterior scalp soft- Defect Size, cm2 Region Mid-Forehead Hairline tissue envelope; typically, these are equivalent. This vertical line Ͻ may be placed slightly off center, toward the side with more 10 (Small) 3 0 0 available non–hair-bearing skin for improved rotation. 10-20 (Medium) 0 3 4 Ͼ20 (Large) 1 2 3 A second line is drawn roughly parallel to the tangent at the origin of the first line, with a gentle curve toward the defect on either side. This makes a sort of capital “T” with a slightly curved crossbar. The length of the second line is roughly equivalent “stacking” flaps in a rotation-advancement arrangement (much to the first line but can be lengthened conservatively during like a cleft lip repair). Finally, an attempt is made during flap the procedure if more flap movement is needed. design to place the resulting incisions parallel to the forehead Bilateral flaps are raised in a subgaleal plane for large defects rhytids in the midline and radially in the temple region. or a subcutaneous plane for smaller defects and in the region of the frontal branch of the facial nerve laterally. These flaps are random but are pedicled on a wide base. The flap elevated on RESULTS the acute side of the angle formed by the first line and the defect margin is rotated into the primary defect (Figure 1B). The con- OVERALL OUTCOMES tralateral flap is then advanced into the secondary defect, be- hind the rotation flap (Figure 1C). Suturing begins with a deep layer, including bites of fascia or deep dermis, using absorbable Sixteen patients underwent double-opposing rotation- polyfilament (eg, Vicryl; Ethicon). Generally the rotation flap is advancement flaps for closure of forehead wounds result- approximated first, though in cases with relatively high ten- ing from Mohs micrographic surgery for nonmelanoma cu- sion, it may be helpful to begin with closure of the secondary taneous malignant neoplasm. Six patients were men, while defect. In addition, the tissue superior to the “T” created by the 8 were women; the average patient age was 71 years. De- incisions should be undermined and may be advanced inferi- fect size ranged from 3 to 30 cm2, with a mean area of 18 orly to limit tension on the repair. In cases of higher tension, ga- cm2. All repairs were completed in a single stage (Table). leotomies distal to the crossbar of the “T” may be used. Two patients with large initial defects had small residual Once the primary and secondary defects are closed, a sec- defects (smaller than 2 cm2) that were allowed to granu- ond layer of sutures is placed in the epidermis using a nonab- sorbable monofilament (eg, nylon or Prolene; Ethicon). A stand- late. A Burrow graft was used in 1 patient. No tumor re- ing cone deformity is typically present at the inferior edge of currence was noted during the study period. No perma- the design on the side of the rotation flap; this is resected as nent frontal branch injuries occurred. One patient developed needed as a final step in the closure. An effort is made to re- a moderate cellulitis, with cultures demonstrating methi- move this excess in an aesthetic manner, eg, along the brow cillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. This was treated with margin, hairline, or contiguous with a deep rhytid. In a minor- local wound care and a 2-week course of trimethoprim- ity of patients, there will be a small residual defect. Luckily, sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim DS; Hoffman-La Roche Inc). small wounds of the forehead and scalp heal very well by sec- Scar results were good to excellent in all cases. Two 8 ondary intention. The tissue excess removed at the standing patients required injection of triamcinolone, 10 mg/mL cone can be used as a Burrow graft in rare cases.