Non-Bessel-Gaussianity and Flow Harmonic Fine-Splitting

Hadi Mehrabpour1, 2, ∗ and Seyed Farid Taghavi2, 3, † 1Department of Physics, Sharif University of Technology, P.O. Box 11155-9161, Tehran, Iran 2School of Particles and Accelerators, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), P.O. Box 19395-5531, Tehran, Iran 3Physik Department, Technische Universit¨atM¨unchen,Munich, Germany Both collision geometry and event-by-event fluctuations are encoded in the experimentally ob- served flow harmonic distribution p(vn) and 2k-particle cumulants cn{2k}. In the present study, we systematically connect these observables to each other by employing Gram-Charlier A series. We quantify the deviation of p(vn) from Bessel-Gaussianity in terms of flow harmonic fine-splitting. Sub- sequently, we show that the corrected Bessel-Gaussian distribution can fit the simulated data better than the Bessel-Gaussian distribution in the more peripheral collisions. Inspired by Gram-Charlier A series, we introduce a new set of cumulants qn{2k} that are more natural to study distributions near Bessel-Gaussian. These new cumulants are obtained from cn{2k} where the collision geometry effect is extracted from it. By exploiting q2{2k}, we introduce a new set of estimators for averaged ellipticityv ¯2 which are more accurate compared to v2{2k} for k > 1. As another application of q2{2k}, we show we are able to restrict the phase space of v2{4}, v2{6} and v2{8} by demanding the consistency ofv ¯2 and v2{2k} with q2{2k} equation. The allowed phase space is a region such that v2{4} − v2{6} & 0 and 12v2{6} − 11v2{8} − v2{4} & 0, which is compatible with the experimental observations.

I. INTRODUCTION tum fluctuations at the initial state. As a result, the observed flow harmonics fluctuate event by event even if It is a well-established picture that the produced mat- we fix the initial geometry of the collision. In fact, the ter in the heavy ion experiment has collective behavior. event-by-event fluctuations are encoded in p(vn) and ex- Based on this picture, the initial energy density mani- perimentally observed flow harmonics as well. It is worth- fests itself in the final particle momentum distribution. while to mention that the observed event-by-event fluc- Accordingly, as the main collectivity consequence, the tuations are a reflection of the initial state fluctuations final particle momentum distribution is extensively stud- entangled with the modifications during different stages ied by different experimental groups in the past years. As of the matter evolution, namely collective expansion and a matter of fact, the experimental groups at Relativistic the hadronization. For that reason, exploring the exact Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and Large Hadron Collider interpretation of the flow harmonics is crucial to under- (LHC) measure the flow harmonics vn [1–8], the coeffi- stand the contribution of each stage of the evolution on cients of the momentum distribution Fourier expansion the fluctuations. Moreover, there is no well-established in the azimuthal direction [9–11]. All these observations picture for the initial state of the heavy ion collision so can be explained by several models based on the collec- far. The interpretations of the observed quantities con- tive picture. tain information about the initial state. This information Finding the flow harmonics is not straightforward, be- can shed light upon the heavy ion initial state models too. cause the reaction plane angle (the angle between the ori- According to the theoretical studies, flow harmonic entation of the impact parameter and a reference frame) vn 2k obtained from 2k-particle correlation functions is not under control experimentally. Additionally, the are{ different,} and their difference is sourced by non- Fourier coefficients cannot be found reliably due to the flow effects [13, 14] and event-by-event fluctuations as low statistic in a single event. These enforce us to use well [19]. We should say that experimental observations arXiv:1805.04695v2 [nucl-th] 7 Mar 2019 an analysis more sophisticated than a Fourier analysis. show that v2 2 is considerably larger than v2 4 , v2 6 { } { } { } There are several methods to find the flow harmonics and v2 8 . Additionally, all the ratios v2 6 /v2 4 , { } { } { } experimentally, namely Event-Plane method [12], multi- v2 8 /v2 4 and v2 8 /v2 6 are different from unity { } { } { } { } particle correlation functions [13, 14] and Lee-Yang zeros [20, 21]. Alternatively, the distribution p(vn) is approx- [15, 16]. The most recent technique to find the flow har- imated by Bessel-Gaussian distribution (corresponds to monics is using the distribution of flow harmonic p(vn). a Gaussian distribution for vn fluctuations) as a simple This distribution has been obtained experimentally by model [10, 22]. Based on this model, the difference be- employing the unfolding technique [17, 18]. tween v2 2 and v2 4 is related to the width of the v2 It is known that the initial shape of the energy density fluctuations.{ } However,{ } this model cannot explain the dif- depends on the geometry of the collision and the quan- ference between other v2 2k . { } In the past years, several interesting studies about the non-Gaussian vn fluctuations have been done [23– ∗ [email protected] 28]. Specifically, it has been shown in Ref. [27] that the † [email protected] of v2 fluctuations is related to the difference 2 v2 4 v2 6 . Also, the connection between of initial anisotropies and flow harmonics are used exten- { } − { } v3 fluctuations and the ratio v3 4 /v3 2 has been stud- sively to quantify the initial energy density and final mo- ied in Ref. [28]. It is worth noting{ } that{ } the deviation mentum distribution. of vn fluctuations from Gaussian distribution immedi- The initial energy (or entropy) density of a single event ately leads to the deviation of p(vn) from Bessel-Gaussian can be written in terms of the initial anisotropies, namely distribution. In [29], the quantities vn 4 vn 6 and the ellipticity and triangularity. Specifically, ellipticity { } − { } vn 6 vn 8 for a generic narrow distribution is com- and triangularity (shown by ε2 and ε3, respectively) are puted.{ } − { } cumulants of the distribution indicating how much it is In the present work, we will introduce a systematic deviated from a two dimensional rotationally symmetric method to connect vn 2k to distribution p(vn). In Gaussian distribution [30]. { } Sec. II, we have an overview of the known concepts of The final momentum distribution is studied by its cumulants, flow harmonic distributions and their rela- Fourier expansion in the azimuthal direction, tion with the averaged flow harmonicsv ¯n. Sec. III is " ∞ # dedicated to the Gram-Charlier A series in which we find 1 dN 1 X = 1 + 2vn cos n(φ ψn) . (1) an approximated flow harmonic distribution in terms of N dφ 2π n=1 − cn 2k . Specifically for the second harmonics, we show { } that the deviation of p(v2) from Bessel-Gaussianity is In the above, vn and ψn are unknown parameters that quantified by the fine-splitting v2 2k v2 2` where inψn inφ { } − { } can be found easily viav ˆn vne = e . Here, the k, ` 2 and k = `. These studies guide us to define a averaging is obtained by using≡ the distributionh i 1 dN in ≥ 6 N dφ new set of cumulants qn 2k where they depend on the { } a given event. The parameterv ˆn is called flow harmonic. event-by-event fluctuations only. In Sec. IV, we use the Instead of complex form, we occasionally use the flow new cumulants to introduce more accurate estimations harmonics in Cartesian coordinates, for the average ellipticity. As another application of new cumulants, we use q2 2k to constrain the v2 4 , v2 6 v = v cos nψ , v = v sin nψ . (2) { } { } { } n,x n n n,y n n and v2 8 phase space in Sec. V. We show that the phase { } 1 space is restricted to a domain that v2 4 v2 6 0 Low multiplicity in a single event, randomness of the { } − { } & and 12v2 6 11v2 8 v2 4 & 0. We present the con- reaction plane angle and non-flow effects are the main clusion in{ Sec.} − VI.{ The} − supplementary{ } materials can be challenges in extracting the experimental values of flow found in the appendices. We would like to emphasize that harmonics. By defeating these experimental challenges, in the Appendix C, we found a one-dimensional distribu- one would be able to find the distribution p(vn,x, vn,y) tion for p(vn) which is different from that mentioned in for each centrality class which is a manifestation of the Sec. III. Additionally, an interesting connection between event-by-event fluctuations. In finding p(vn,x, vn,y), we p(vn) expansion in terms of cumulants cn 2k and a rel- rotate the system at each single event such that the re- { } atively new concept of the multiple orthogonal polyno- action plane angle ΦRP is set to be zero. In this case, the mials in mathematics is presented in the Appendix D. averaged ellipticity v¯2 v2,x is a manifestation of the geometrical initial ellipticity≡ h fori events in a given cen- trality class irrespective of the fluctuations. In general, II. FLOW HARMONIC DISTRIBUTIONS AND we are able to define averaged flow harmonic v¯n vn,x 2k-PARTICLE CUMULANTS too. In odd harmonics, however, this average would≡ h bei zero for spherical ion collisions with same sizes. This section is devoted to an overview of already known A practical way to study a distribution function p(r) concepts of cumulant and its application to study the is using two dimensional cumulants, where r stands for a collectivity in the heavy ion physics. We present this generic two dimensional . Consider G(k) overview to smoothly move forward to the flow harmonic as the characteristic function of the probability distri- distribution and its deviation from Bessel-Gaussianity. bution p(r). The characteristic function is, in fact, the Fourier transformed p(r), Z A. Correlation Functions vs. Distribution G(k) eir·k = dxdy eir·kp(r). (3) ≡ h i According to the collective picture in the heavy ion ex- Consequently, we can define the cumulative function as periments, the final particle momentum distribution is a (k) = log G(k). Two dimensional cumulants are ob- consequence of the initial state after a collective evolu- Ctained from tion. In order to study this picture quantitatively, the m+n m n X i kx ky mn log eir·k = A h i m,n m!n! 1 (4) In Ref. [27], the constraint v2{4} > v2{6} is deduced from the ∞ ∞ m m inϕ X X i k e k m,n initial eccentricity, and the fact that the initial eccentricity is = C , bounded to a unit circle. m! m=0 n=−∞ 3 where mn and m,n are the 2D cumulants in Cartesian instead ofp ˜(vn,x, vn,y) if we use G(k) = J0(kvn) as the A C 5 h i and polar coordinates, respectively. The two dimensional characteristic function of p(vn) . cumulants have already been used to quantify the initial The cumulants of p(vn) can be found by expanding energy density shape by Teaney and Yan in Ref. [30]. the cumulative function log J0(kvn) in terms of ik. The However, we use the two dimensional cumulants to study coefficients of ik in this expansionh (upi to some convenient flow harmonic distributions in the present study2. In the constants) are the desired cumulants, q 2 2 second line in the above, we used k = k + k , ϕk = 2m x y X (ik) cn 2m log J0(kvn) = { }. (7) atan2(kx, ky). In Appendix A, we study 2D cumulants in h i 4m(m!)2 these two coordinates and their relations in more details. m=1 The random ΦRP rotates the point (vn,x, vn,y) with where cn 2m are those obtained from 2k-particle corre- a random phase in the range [0, 2π) at each event. As lation functions{ } [13, 14], a result, the distribution p(vn,x, vn,y) is replaced by a 2 cn 2 = v , (8a) p˜(vn,x, vn,y) which is a rotationally symmetric distribu- { } h ni 3 4 2 2 tion . We should say that the distributionp ˜(vn,x, vn,y) cn 4 = vn 2 vn , (8b) { } h 6 i − h 4 i 2 2 3 is experimentally accessible. In Ref. [18], the unfolding cn 6 = vn 9 vn vn + 12 vn , (8c) technique has been used by ATLAS collaboration to re- { } h 8 i − h 6ih 2i h 4i 2 cn 8 = v 16 v v 18 v , (8d) move the statistical uncertainty (sourced by low { } h ni − h nih ni − h ni +144 v4 v2 2 144 v2 4. at each event) and non-flow effects from a distribution of h nih ni − h ni “observed” flow harmonics (vobs, vobs). In this case, the 2k n,x n,y The cumulants cn 2k vn 2k (see Eq. (12)) are in- only unknown parameter to find an accurate p(v , v ) { } ∝ { } n,x n,y dicating the characteristics of the distribution p(vn) while is the reaction plane angle. Since there is no information the cumulants mn (or equivalently m,n) in Eq. (4) are in the azimuthal direction ofp ˜(v , v ), we can sim- A C n,x n,y shown the characteristics of p(vn,x, vn,y). The intercon- ply average out this direction to find a one dimensional 4 nection between vn 2k and mn have been studied pre- distribution , viously in the literature.{ } PointA out that in order to define Z 2π p(vn,x, vn,y), we considered ΦRP = 0 for all events. In this 3 p(v ) = v dϕ p(v cos ϕ, v sin ϕ). (5) case, the cumulant 30 = (vn,x vn,x ) is related to n n n n A h −h i i 0 the skewness of p(vn,x, vn,y). For the case n = 2, this quantity is found for the first time in Ref. [27], and it is Note that we can interchangeably usep ˜(v , v ) or n,x n,y argued that v 4 v 6 . In other words, p(v , v ) in the above because obviously the effect 30 2 2 30 n,x n,y is related toA the fine-splitting∝ { } − between{ } v 4 and v A6 . of the random reaction plane angle and the azimuthal 2 2 In Ref. [28], the kurtosis of p(v , v ) in{ the} radial{ di-} averaging are the same. 3,x 3,y rection has also been calculated, and it is shown it is In polar coordinates, we havep ˜(vn,x, vn,y) p˜(vn). As ≡ proportional to v4 4 6. a result, the characteristic function of the distribution 3{ } One may wonder whether the distribution p(vn) con- p˜(vn,x, vn,y) in polar coordinates is given by tains more information than cn 2k because the odd mo- { } ivnk cos(ϕ−ϕk) ments of p(vn) are absent in the definitions of cn 2k [29]. e 2D = { } h i However, it is worth mentioning that the moments can Z ∞ Z 2π ivnk cos(ϕ−ϕk) be found by expanding the characteristic function G(k) vndvndϕ p˜(vn) e (6) 0 0 in terms of ik, Z ∞ 2 4 vn 2 vn 4 = dvn p(vn)J0(kvn) = J0(kvn) 1D, G(k) = J0(kvn) = 1 + h ik + h ik + , (9) 0 h i h i 4 64 ···

for the radial distributions like p(vn). Since the above where we used Eq. (5) in the above. Here, J0(x) is the series is convergent7, we can find the characteristic func- Bessel function of the first kind. Also, 2D av- h· · ·i tion G(k) by knowing the moments v2k . Having char- eraging with respect top ˜(vn,x, vn,y) while 1D spec- h n i h· · ·i acteristic function in hand, we immediately find p(vn) by ifies the averaging with respect to p(vn). The Eq. (6) indicates that we can study the radial distribution p(vn)

5 We ignore the subscript 1D or 2D when it is not ambiguous. 6 The coefficients of the proportionality in both skewness and ra- 2 In Ref. [30], Amn has been shown by Wn,ab (n = 1, 2,... and dial kurtosis are also functions of vn{2k}. We should note that s a, b ∈ {x, y}). Also Cmn has been shown by W0,n, W0,n and the skewness (radial kurtosis) vanishs if v2{4} − v2{6} (v3{4}) c W0,n. is equal to zero (see Refs. [27, 28] for the details). 3 7 In general p(vn,x, vn,y) is not rotationally symmetric. For in- It is an important question whether is it possible to determine stance p(v2,x, v2,y) has not this symmetry in non-central colli- p(vn) uniquely from its moments [32] (see also Ref. [33])? An- sion of spherically symmetric ions while p(v3,x, v3,y) has it for swering to this question is beyond the scope of the present work. the same collisions. Here we assume that p(vn) is M-determinate which means we 4 2q We simply use the notation ϕ ≡ nψn. can find it from its moments hvn i in principle. 4

8 inversing the last line in the Eq. (6) , means that p(v3,x, v3,y) itself is rotationally symmetric, Z ∞ and the main features of p(v3,x, v3,y) andp ˜(v3,x, v3,y) are p(v ) = v k dk J (kv )G(k). (10) same. As a consequence, p(v3) or equivalently c3 2k can n n o n { } 0 uniquely reproduce the main features of p(v3,x, v3,y). It means that by assuming the convergence of the series However, it is not the case for n = 2 due to in Eq. (9) the distribution p(vn) can be found completely the non-zero averaged ellipticityv ¯2. The distribution by using only even moments. p(v2,x, v2,y) is not rotationally symmetric and reshuffling Equivalently, we can use the following argument: for (v2,x, v2,y) leads to information loss from the original the distributionp ˜(vn,x, vn,y), one simply finds the only p(v2,x, v2,y). Therefore, there is at least some informa- 2k 2` tion in p(v2,x, v2,y) that we cannot obtain it from p(v2) non-vanishing moments are vnx vny . It means that in h 2(k+`)i or c2 2k . Nevertheless, it is still possible to find some the polar coordinates only vn are present. Ad- { } h i features of p(v2,x, v2,y) approximately. For instance, we ditionally, by finding the two dimensional cumulants of mentioned earlier in this section that the skewness of p˜(vn,x, vn,y) in polar coordinates m,n (Eq. (4)), we ob- C this distribution in the v2,x direction is proportional to tain that the only non-zero cumulants are 2k,0 cn 2k v2 4 v2 6 . (see Appendix A). C ∝ { } { } − { } The other important feature of p(v , v ) isv ¯ which As a result, in the presence of random reaction plane 2,x 2,y 2 is not obvious how we can find from c 2k . In fact, we angle, c 2k ’s are all we can learn from the original 2 n are able to approximately findv ¯ in terms{ } of c 2k by p(v , v { ),} whether we use 2k-particle correlation func- 2 2 n,x n,y approximating p(v , v ). The most trivial approxima-{ } tions or obtain it from the unfolded distribution p(v ) in 2,x 2,y n tion is a two dimensional Dirac delta function located at principle. However, we should say that the efficiency of (¯v , 0), the two methods in removing single event statistical un- 2 certainty and non-flow effects could be different which p(v2,x, v2,y) δ(v2,x v¯2, v2,y). leads to different results in practice. ' − Furthermore, the whole information about the fluc- This corresponds to the case that there are no fluctua- tuations are not encoded in p(vn,x, vn,y). In fact, tions, and the only source for ellipticity is coming from the most general form of the fluctuations are en- an ideally elliptic initial geometry. Considering Eq. (5), coded in a distribution as p(v , v , v , v ,...). It 1,x 1,y 2,x 2,y the moments v2q can be easily obtained as follows is worth mentioning that the symmetric cumulants, h 2 i which have been introduced in Ref. [33] and have Z 2q 2 2 q been measured by ALICE collaboration [34], are non- v = dv2,xdv2,y(v + v ) δ(v2,x v¯2, v2,y h 2 i 2,x 2,x − vanishing. Additionally, the event-plane correlations 2q q ∗ q m/n (which are related to the moments vˆ (ˆv ) ) have =v ¯2 . (11) h m n i been obtained by the ATLAS collaboration [35, 36]. 2 4 Now by using Eq. (8), we find c2 2 =v ¯2, c2 4 = v¯2, They are non-zero too. These measurements indi- 6 { } { } − c2 6 = 4¯v , etc. It is common in the literature to cate that p(v1,x, v1,y, v2,x, v2,y,...) cannot be written as { } 2 Q show the averaged ellipticityv ¯2 which is approximated n p(vn,x, vn,y). In the present work, however, we do not by c2 2k as v2 2k . Note that the quantity v2 2k is focus on the joint distribution and leave this topic for the { } { } { } studies in the future. Let us point out that moving for- defined for the case that the flow harmonic distribution ward to find a generic form for the moments of the flow is considered as a delta function. Furthermore, we can harmonic distribution was already done in Ref. [37]. assume an ideal case that for any harmonics the distri- bution p(vn,x, vn,x) has a sharp and clean peak around v¯n. By the mentioned assumption, we have [14], B. Approximated Averaged Ellipticity 2 v 2 = cn 2 , n{ } { } 4 A question arises now: how much information is en- vn 4 = cn 4 , { } − { } (12) coded in p(vn) from the original p(vn,x, vn,y)? In order 6 v 6 = cn 6 /4, to answer this question, we first focus on n = 3. Unless n{ } { } 8 v 8 = cn 8 /33. there is no net triangularity for spherical ion collisions, n{ } − { } the non-zero triangularity at each event comes from the fluctuations. Hence, we havev ¯3 = 0 for such an ex- Nevertheless, we know thatv ¯n can be non-zero for odd n periment. In this case, the event-by-event randomness when the collided ions are not spherical or have different 9 of ΦRP is similar to the rotation of the triangular sym- sizes . metry plane due to the event-by-event fluctuations. It

9 The assumptions which have been used in Ref. [14] to find 8 R ∞ 0 We use the orthogonality relation 0 k Jα(kr)Jα(kr ) dk = δ(r− Eq. (12) are exactly equivalent to considering p(vn,x, vn,y) as r0)/r. a delta function. 5

The delta function approximation for p(v2,x, v2,y) is We should say that the first remark is very strong and we not compatible with the experimental observation. In can estimatev ¯n by a weaker condition. Obviously, if we this case, we have estimate only one or cumulant of p(vn) as a func- tion ofv ¯n, in principle, we can estimatev ¯n by comparing v2 2 = v2 4 = =v ¯2, (13) { } { } ··· the estimated moment or cumulant with the experimen- tal data. But the question is how to introduce such a rea- by definition, while different v 2k have different values 2 sonable estimation practically. In the following sections, based on the experimental observation.{ } Specifically, the we introduce a method to estimatev ¯ from a minimum difference between v 2 and other v 2k for k > 1 is n 2 2 information of p(v ). One notes thatv ¯ = v 4 = is considerably large [20,{ 21].} { } n 2 2 true only if we approximate p(v ) by Bessel-Gaussian{ } ··· dis- We can improve the previous approximation by re- 2 tribution. In the next section, we find an approximated placing the delta function with a Gaussian distribu- distribution around Bessel-Gaussianity. tion. In this case, we model the fluctuations by the width of the Gaussian distribution. Let us assume that p(v2,x, v2,y) (v2,x, v2,y) where (v2,x, v2,y) is a two dimensional'N Gaussian distribution locatedN at (¯v , 0)10, III. RADIAL-GRAM-CHARLIER 2 DISTRIBUTION AND NEW CUMULANTS

(v −v¯ )2+v2 1 − 2,x 2 2,y (v2,x, v2,y) = e 2σ2 . (14) N 2πσ2 In Sec. II B, we argued that the quantityv ¯n, which is truly related to the geometric features of the collision, Using above and Eq. (5), one can simply find p(v2) = can be obtained by estimating a function for p(vn,x, vn,y). BG(v2;v ¯2) where BG(v2;v ¯2) is the well-known Bessel We observed that the Dirac delta function choice for Gaussian distribution [10, 22], p(vn,x, vn,y) leads tov ¯n = vn 2k for k > 0, while by { } v2+¯v2 assuming the distribution as a 2D Gaussian located at  v2  v2v¯2  − 2 2 BG(v2;v ¯2) = I0 e 2σ2 . (15) (¯v , 0) (the Bessel-Gaussian in one dimension) we find σ2 σ2 n v¯n = vn 2k for k > 1. One notes that in modeling the { } Here, I0(x) is the modified Bessel function of the first flow harmonic distribution by delta function or Gaussian 2q kind. Now, we are able to find the moments v by distribution, the parameterv ¯n is an unfixed parameter h 2 i using this approximated p(v ). According to the relations which is eventually related to the vn 2k . In any case, 2 { } in Eq. (8), we find the experimental observation indicates that vn 2k are split, therefore, the above two models are not{ accurate} q 2 2 enough. v2 2 = v¯2 + 2σ { } (16) Instead of modeling p(vn,x, vn,y), we will try to model v2 4 = vn 6 = vn 8 = =v ¯2, p(v ) with an unfixed parameterv ¯ , namely p(v ;v ¯ ). { } { } { } ··· n n n n In this section, we introduce a series for this distribution where we used the notation v2 2k introduced in { } such that the leading term in this expansion is the Bessel- Eq. (12). This result explains the large difference be- Gaussian distribution. The expansion coefficients would tween v2 2 and v2 2k for k > 1. In fact, the presence { } { } be a new set of cumulants that specifies the deviation of fluctuations is responsible for it. This description for of the distribution from the Bessel-Gaussianity. In fact, the difference between v2 2 and other flow harmonics { } by using these cumulants, we would be able to model was argued first in Ref. [22]. It is found that the split- p(vn;v ¯n) more systematically. ting between v2 2 and other flow harmonics contains { } It is well-known that a given distribution can be ap- information from the two dimensional distribution [22]. proximated by Gram-Charlier A series which approxi- The above two examples bring us to the following re- mate the distribution in terms of its cumulants (see Ap- marks: pendix B). Here we use this concept to find an approx- imation for p(v ;v ¯ ) in term of cumulants c 2k . One In order to relatev ¯ to c 2k , one needs to esti- n n n n n of the formal methods of finding the Gram-Charlier{ } A • mate the shape of p(v ) where{ }v ¯ is implemented in n n series is using orthogonal polynomials. In addition to this estimation explicitly. We show this estimated this well-known method, we will introduce an alternative distribution by p(v ;v ¯ ). n n method which is more practical for finding the series of One can check the accuracy of the estimated dis- a one dimensional p(vn;v ¯n) around the Bessel-Gaussian • tribution by studying the fine-splitting vn 2k distribution. { } − vn 2` and comparing it with the experimental data.{ } A. Gram-Charlier A series: 1D Distribution with Support R

10 We consider a reasonable assumption that the widths of the Before finding the approximated distribution around Gaussian distribution in the v2,x and v2,y directions are same. Bessel-Gaussian, let us practice the alternative method 6

of finding Gram-Charlier A series by applying it to a one- we find a2,0 = a2,1 = a2,2 = 0. However, the third itera- dimensional distribution p(x) with support ( , )11. tion is non-trivial. The equations are This method will be used in the next section−∞ to find∞ the 2 1 3 = 1 + a3,0 + σ a3,2 = 1, Radial-Gram-Charlier distribution for arbitrary harmon- h i 2 4 ics. x 3 = σ a3,1 + 3σ a3,3 = κ1 = 0, h i The characteristic function for a one-dimensional dis- 2 2 2 4 2 ikx x 3 = σ + σ a3,0 + 3σ a3,2 = σ , tribution is e , and the cumulants κn of such a distri- h i h i ikx P n 3 4 6 bution is found from log e = (ik) κ /n!. The x 3 = 3σ a3,1 + 15σ a3,3 = κ3. n=1 n h i first few cumulants are presentedh i in the following,

κ1 = x , (17a) The above equations can be solved easily, a3,0 = a3,2 = h i 2 4 κ = x2 x 2, (17b) 0 and a3,1 = 3σ a3,3 = κ3/(2σ ) which leads 2 − 3 − h 3i − h i 2 3 to T3(x) = κ3/(6σ )He3(x/σ). Here, Hen(x) is the κ3 = x 3 x x + 2 x , (17c) h i − h ih i h i probabilistic Hermite polynomial defined as Hen(x) = 4 3 2 2 2 2 κ4 = x 4 x x 3 x , (17d) ex /2( d/dx)ne−x /2. We are able to continue the itera- h i − h ih i − h2 i2 4 +12 x x 6 x , tive calculations− to any order and find h i h i − h i 2 where the averages are performed with respect to p(x) in 1 − (x−κ1) X hn 1/2 p(x) = e 2σ2 Hen((x κ1)/κ ). the right-hand side. √ n! 2 2πσ n=0 − Now, consider an approximation for the original distri- (20) bution where its cumulants are coincident with the orig- In the above, h0 = 1 and h1 = 0 together with inal p(x) only for a few first cumulants. We show this approximated distribution by pq(x) where the cumulants h3 = γ1, κn for 1 n q are the same as the cumulants of the h4 = γ2, original p≤(x). ≤ h5 = γ3, (21) Assume the following ansatz for this approximated dis- 2 tribution, h6 = γ4 + 10γ1 , . q . 2 . 1 − x X p (x) = e 2σ2 T (x), (18) q √ i 2πσ i=0 where γn are the standardized cumulants defined as κn where γn−2 = n/2 . (22) κ2 i X k Note that in the Eq. (20), we arbitrarily shifted the dis- Ti(x) = ai,kx a0,0 = 1. (19) k=0 tribution to the case that the first moment of p(x) is κ1. In addition, we assumed that the width of the Gaus- In the above, ai,k (except a0,0) are unknown coefficients. sian distribution is exactly equal to κ2. The Eq. (20) is Note that p0(x) is nothing but a Gaussian distribution the well-know Gram-Charlier A series for the distribution located at the origin. One can find the unknown co- p(x). efficients ai,k by using equations in (17) together with One could consider the Eq. (20) as an expansion in the normalization condition iteratively. In what follows terms of Hermite polynomials. Using the fact that we show how it works: let us present the moments ob- Hen(x) are orthogonal with respect to the weight w(x) = m −x2/2 tained from pq(x) as x q. Also, assume that the first e /√2π, moment (which is theh firsti cumulant too) is zero. At Z ∞ the end, we recover the first moment by applying a sim- dx w(x)Hem(x)Hen(x) = m! δmn, ple shift. Now for the first iteration (q = 1) we have −∞ 1 1 = 1 + a1,0 = 1 from the normalization condition h i 2 and x 1 = σ a1,1 = κ1 = 0 from the Eq. (17a). It is a we can find the coefficients hn in Eq. (21) (see Red. [38]). h i To this end, we change the coordinate as x (x κ1)/σ. linear two dimensional system of equations and the so- → − lution is a1,0 = a1,1 = 0. In the next step (q = 2), we As a result, we have have three equations (one normalization condition and Z ∞ 2 two Eq. (17a) and Eq. (17b)). By considering κ2 = σ , hn = dx p(x)Hen((x κ1)/σ). −∞ − By using the series form of the Hermite polynomial, we find hn as a function of p(x) moments. Rewriting mo- 11 An standard method for finding the Gram-Charlier A series of ments in terms of cumulants (reverting the equations in p(x) is reviewed in Appendix B 1. (17)), one finds Eq. (20). 7

B. Radial-Gram-Charlier Distribution the weight w(x) = e−x in the range [0, ), ∞ Z ∞ −x Using standard methods, we can extend one dimen- dx e Ln(x)Lm(x) = δmn. sional Gram-Charlier A series (20) to two dimensions (see 0 Appendix B 2), 2 2 By changing the coordinate as x = v3/(2σ ), the mea- 2 −v2/(2σ2) X hmn x µx y µy sure w(x)dx changes to (v3/σ )e 3 dv3; the radial p(r) = (r) Hem( − )Hen( − ), (23) N m!n! σx σy Gaussian distribution appears as the weight for orthog- m,n=0 2 2 onality of Ln(v3/(2σ )). Hence, we can write a general where hmn are written in terms of two dimensional cu- distribution p(v3) like mulants mn (see Eqs. (B12)-(B14)), and (r) is a two ∞ v2 n odd A N v3 − 3 X ( 1) `2n 2 2 dimensional Gaussian distribution similar to Eq. (14) lo- p(v3) = e 2σ2 − Ln(v /(2σ )), (24) σ2 n! 3 cated at (µx, µy) and σx = σy. n=0 It is worth noting that6 the concept of 2D Gram- odd 13 Charlier A series has been employed in heavy ion physics where the coefficients `2n can be found by first in Ref. [30] by Teaney and Yan. They used this series Z ∞ 12 odd n 2 2 to study the energy density of a single event . However, `2n = n!( 1) dv3 p(v3)Ln(v3/(2σ )). (25) we use this to study flow harmonic distribution in the − 0 present work. Considering the series form of the Laguerre polynomial, Now let us consider a two dimensional Gram-Charlier n   k A series for p(vn,x, vn,y). By this consideration, one can X n ( 1) k Ln(x) = − x , (26) find a corresponding series for p(vn) by averaging out the k k! azimuthal direction. We should say that the result of this k=0 averaging for the second and third harmonics are differ- odd 2q we immediately find `n in terms of moments v3 . ent. For n = 3, the distribution p(v3,x, v3,y) is rotation- Then one can invert the equations in (8) to writeh thei ally symmetric and, as we already remarked in the previ- 2q moments v3 in terms of cumulants c3 2q . If we do so ous section, the whole information of the distribution is h i 2 2 14 { } odd and by choosing 2σ = v3 = c3 2 , we find `0 = 1 encoded in c3 2k . As a result, we are able to rewrite the odd h i { } { } and `2 = 0 together with 2D cumulants mn in terms of c3 2k . It has been done A { } in Ref. [28], and an expansion for p(v3) has been found. odd odd `4 = Γ2 , On the other hand, for n = 2 the whole information of odd odd p(v2,x, v2,y) is not in c2 2k . Therefore, we are not able `6 = Γ4 , { } (27) to rewrite all mn in terms of c2 2k after averaging out odd odd odd 2 A { } `8 = Γ6 + 18(Γ2 ) , the azimuthal direction of a 2D Gram-Charlier A series. odd odd odd odd For completeness, we studied the azimuthal averaging `10 = Γ8 + 100(Γ2 )(Γ4 ), of Eq. (23) in the most general case in the Appendix C. where in the above we defined the standardized cumu- In this appendix, we showed that the distribution in odd lants Γ2k as Ref. [28] is reproduced only by assuming 10 = 01 = 0. A A Also, we discussed about the information we can find c3 2k Γodd = { }, (28) from the averaged distribution compared to the two di- 2k−2 ck 2 mensional one. However, the method which we will fol- 2 { } low in this section is different from that point out in Ap- similar to Eq. (22). pendix C. Consequently, the most general series we will The expansion (24) together with Eq. (27) is exactly find here is not coincident with the distribution obtained the series found in Ref. [28] which is true for any odd in the Appendix C. n. This approximated distribution is called the Radial- Before finding a Gram-Charlier A series for arbitrary Gram-Charlier (RGC) distribution in Ref. [28]. harmonic, let us find the series for odd harmonics (men- It should be noted that it is a series for the case that tioned in Ref. [28]) by employing orthogonal polynomi- v¯n = 0. In the following, we will try to find similar series als. The result will be used to find the series for the most for p(vn;v ¯n) wherev ¯n could be non-vanishing. general case later. Since we havev ¯3 = 0 for n = 3, the In order to find the Gram-Charlier A series for the Bessel-Gaussian distribution reduces to a radial Gaus- distribution p(vn, ;v ¯n) in general case, we comeback to 2 −v2/(2σ2) sian distribution as (v3/σ )e 3 . Moreover, the La- the iterative method explained in Sec. III A where we guerre polynomials Ln(x) are orthogonal with respect to

n odd 13 (−1) `2n In Eq. (24), we chose the coefficient expansion as n! for 12 We explicitly connect the Eq. (23) to the results in Ref. [30] in convenience. 14 the Appendix B 3. Refer to the footnote 15 and set A10 = 0. 8

found the distribution (20) by considering the ansatz (18) For the next iteration, we find that the normalization and iteratively solving the equations in (17). condition and Eq. (8a) are automatically satisfied, 1 2 = 2 h i Here, we assume that pq(vn;v ¯n) is an approximation of 1, v 2 = cn 2 while the Eq. (8b) leads to a non-trivial h ni { } p(vn) where only the cumulants cn 2k with 1 k q equation for `4, are same as the original distribution.{ } Now suppose≤ ≤ an 2 2 4 ansatz that has the following properties: cn 6 = `4(cn 2 v¯n) v¯n. (34) { } { } − − Its leading order corresponds to the Bessel- Using the above equation, we immediately find ` . In • 4 Gaussian distribution. a similar way, we are able to continue this iterative cal- culation and find `2q from the only non-trivial algebraic In the limitv ¯n 0, the distribution approaches to • (24). → equation at each step. A summary of the few first results are as follows: `0 = 1 and `2 = 0 together with 2k Using such an ansatz, we calculate the moments vn h i 4 with some unknown parameters and find them by solving cn 4 +v ¯n `4 = { } 2 2 , the equations in (8) iteratively. (cn 2 v¯ ) We introduce the following form for the ansatz, { } − 2 6 cn 6 + 6cn 4 v¯n + 2¯vn q ` = , v2 +¯v2 6 { } { } 2 3  vn  − n n X (cn 2 v¯ ) pq(vn;v ¯n) = e 2σ2 i(vn;v ¯n), (29) { } − σ2 Q 2 2 4 8 i=0 cn 8 + 12cn 6 v¯n + 18cn 4 + 42cn 4 v¯n + 9¯vn `8 = { } { } { 2} 4 { } . where (cn 2 v¯ ) { } − (35) i  k X vn v2v¯2  One may wonder that, similar to two previous cases, i(vn;v ¯n) = ai,k Ik 2 . (30) Q −v¯n σ are we able to write all the coefficients `2k in terms of k=0 some standardized cumulants? These standardized cu- One simply finds that by choosing a0,0 = 1 the dis- mulants should smoothly approach to what is mentioned tribution p0(vn;v ¯n) is the Bessel-Gaussian distribution. in Eq. (28). In fact, it motivates us to define a new set On the other hand, the function i(vn;v ¯n) in the limit Q of cumulants, v¯n 0 reduces to → 2 q 2 = c 2 v¯ , (36a) i k k n n n X ( 1)  vn  { } { } − 4 ai,k − . (31) q 4 = c 4 +v ¯ , (36b) k! 2σ2 n n n k=0 { } { } 2 6 qn 6 = cn 6 + 6cn 4 v¯n + 2¯vn, (36c) { } { } { } 2 4 8 By comparing the above expansion with Eq. (26), we real- qn 8 = cn 8 + 12cn 6 v¯ + 6cn 4 v¯ 9¯v , (36d) i { } { } { } n { } n − n ize that if we choose ai,k k , i(vn;v ¯n) is proportional 2 2 2 2 ∝ Q qn 10 = cn 10 + 20(cn 8 12cn 4 )¯vn, (36e) to Ln(vn/(2σ )). In order to reproduce the Eq. (24), we { } { } 4 { } − {6 } 10 +30 cn 6 v¯ 480 cn 4 v¯ 156v ¯ . choose { } n − { } n − n i   ( 1) i Now, we can define the standardized form of this new ai,k = `2i − , (32) i! k sets of cumulants as follows,

where `2i are unknown coefficients. qn 2k Similar to the Sec. III A, we indicate the moments of Γ2k−2 = k{ }. (37) 2m qn 2 pq(vn;v ¯n) by v q. For the first iteration, we have the { } h n i normalization condition 1 0 = `0 = 1. For the second h i Using the above definitions, we can rewrite the coeffi- iteration, the normalization condition is trivially satisfied cients `2k in the following form, 2 2 1 1 = 1 while from the Eq. (8a) we have vn 1 =v ¯n + h i2 h i 2σ (1 + `2) = cn 2 . At this stage, we choose `2 = 0 to `4 = Γ2, have15 { } `6 = Γ4, 2 2 (38) cn 2 =v ¯ + 2σ . (33) 2 { } n `8 = Γ6 + 18Γ2, `10 = Γ8 + 100Γ2Γ4,

15 Obviously, there is no one-to-one correspondence between which are in agreement with equations in (27) in the limit cn{2k} and Amn due to the losing information by averaging. 2 2 v¯n 0. Specifically, one can find cn{2} = A10 + A01 + A20 + A02 → (see Eq. (C5a)). Note that by assuming ΦRP = 0 we have Let us to summarize the series in (29) as follows A01 = hvn,yi = 0 and A10 = hvn,xi =v ¯n. Also, it is a reason- ∞ able assumption to consider that A 'A (see Refs. [27, 28]). v2 +¯v2 i 20 02 vn − n n X ( 1) `2i By choosing σ = σ = σ = A 'A , one approximates p(vn;v ¯n) = e 2σ2 − ˜i(vn;v ¯n), (39) x y 20 02 σ2 i! Q p(vn,x, vn,y) around a symmetric Gaussian distribution located i=0 at (¯vn, 0) where its width is exactly similar to the distribution p(v , v ). In this case, we find c {2} =v ¯2 + 2σ2. n,x n,y n n where ˜i(vn;v ¯n) is similar to i(vn;v ¯n) in Eq. (30) up Q Q 9

to a numerical factor,

i 10 VISHNU ˜ ( 1) `2i i(vn;v ¯n) = − i(vn;v ¯n) BGmy_hist Entries 14001 Q i! Q Meanp 2( 0.09078v2;v ¯2) Std Dev 0.03927 i    k (40) 1 p3(v2;v ¯2)

X i vn vnv¯n  ) = I . 2 p4(v2;v ¯2) k 2 v k −v¯n σ (

k=0 p 10−1 Recall that both distributions (20) and (24) could be

found by using the orthogonality of Hen(x) and Ln(x). 10−2 We can ask that is there any similar approach to find 65-70% Centrality Eq. (39)? Surprisingly, ˜i(vn;v ¯n) is related to a general- Q 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 ized class of orthogonal polynomials which are called mul- v2 tiple orthogonal polynomials (see Ref. [39]). These gen- eralized version of the polynomials are orthogonal with (a) respect to more than one weight. Specifically, the poly-

nomials related to ˜i(vn;v ¯n) have been introduced in Ref. [40]. In order toQ avoid relatively formal mathemat- 10 ical material here, we refer the interested reader to Ap- VISHNU BGmy_hist Entries 14001 pendix D where we briefly review the multiple orthogonal Meanp (v 0.0853;v ¯ ) Std 2Dev 0.037692 2 polynomials and re-derive Eq. (39) by employing them. 1 p3(v2;v ¯2) ) 2 p (v ;v ¯ ) An important point about the distribution (39) is the v 4 2 2 ( p convergence of its summation. For sure, finding the con- − 10 1 vergence condition of the infinite sum in Eq. (39) is be- yond the scope of the present paper. However, if we find that at least a few first terms in Eq. (39) is sufficient to 10−2 give a reasonable approximation of p(vn) then there is 70-75% Centrality no concern about the convergence or divergence of this 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 v series practically16. 2 In order to show how much the distribution (39) is a (b) good approximation, we need to have a sample for p(vn)

where itsv ¯n is known. To this end, we generate heavy ion collision events by employing a hydrodynamic based event generator which is called iEBE-VISHNU [41]. The 10 VISHNU reaction plane angle is set to zero in this event generator. BGmy_hist Entries 14001 Thus, we can simply find p(vn,xvn,y) and subsequently Meanp 2(v 0.076172;v ¯2) 1 Std Dev 0.03448 ) p3(v2;v ¯2)

v¯n. The events are divided into sixteen centrality classes 2 v

between 0 to 80 percent and at each centrality class we ( p4(v2;v ¯2) p generate 14000 events. The initial condition model is set 10−1 to be MC-Glauber. Let us recover the notation in Eq. (29) and assume 10−2 that pq(vn;v ¯n) is the distribution (39) where the sum- 75-80% Centrality mation is done up to i = q. We first compute the c2 2k { } 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 andv ¯2 from iEBE-VISHNU output and plug the results v2 in Eq. (39). After that we can compare the original simulated distribution p(vn) with estimated pq(v2;v ¯2). (c) The results are presented in the Fig. 1 for the events in 65-70%, 70-75% and 75-80% centrality classes in which FIG. 1. Comparing the flow harmonic distribution from we expect the distribution is deviated from the Bessel- iEBE-VISHNU (shaded region) and Gram-Charler A series Gaussian. In this figure, the black curve corresponds different approximations.

16 This is an argument presented in Ref. [45]. In the same ref- erence the convergence condition of Eq. (20) (which is not our to the Bessel-Gaussian distribution (p0(vn;v ¯n)) and the main interest here) can be found. It is shown that if p(x) is red, green and blue curves correspond to pq(v2;v ¯2) with a function of bounded variation in the range (−∞, ∞) and the q = 2, 3 and 4, respectively. Recall that q = 1 has no R ∞ −x2/4 integral −∞ dx e p(x) is convergent then the series (20) is contribution because `2 vanishes. As can be seen in the convergent. Otherwise it might diverge. figure, the black curve shows that the distribution is de- 10

C. New Cumulants

0.878 × 65-70% h Let us come back to the cumulants in Eq. (36) and 1.06 Entries 0 Mean70 -75% 0 point out their properties. Considering the new cumu- Std Dev 0 75-80% lants qn 2k , we note the following remarks: 1.04 { } NDF /

2 Referring to Eq. (13), all the cumulants qn 2k for χ • { } k 1 are vanishing for the distribution δ(vn,x 1.02 ≥ − v¯n, vn,y).

1 Referring to Eq. (16), the only non-zero qn 2k for • {2 } BG q = 2 q = 3 q = 4 q = 5 q = 6 q = 7 Bessel-Gaussian distribution is qn 2 = 2σ . { } pq(v2;v ¯2) In the limitv ¯n 0, the cumulants qn 2k ap- • → { } proach to cn 2k . { }

FIG. 2. Examining the accuracy of the Gram-Charlier A se- The above remarks are indicated that qn 2k contains ries with the actual distribution obtained from simulation by information originated from the fluctuations{ only} and the studying χ2/NDF. explicit effect of the collision geometryv ¯n is extracted from it18. It is important to note that although we have found qn 2k by RGC distribution inspiration, we think it is { } viated from Bessel-Gaussian and distribution pq(v2;v ¯2) completely independent of that and there must be a more with q = 0 explains the generated data more accurately. direct way to find qn 2k independent of the RGC dis- 6 tribution. { } In order to compare the estimated distributions more Concerning the difference between c 2k and q 2k quantitatively, we plotted χ2/NDF which compare the n n in terms of Gram-Charlier expansion,{ we} should{ say} estimated distribution p (v ;v ¯ ) with iEBE-VISHNU q 2 2 that the cumulants c 2k appears as the coefficients output. We plotted the results in Fig. 2 for q = n of the expansion when we{ expand} the distribution p(v ) 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 for the events in 65-70%, 70-75% and n around a radial-Gaussian distribution (see Eq. (24)) 75-80% centrality classes. The value of χ2/NDF as- while q 2k are those appear in the expansion around sociated with the Bessel-Gaussian distribution is much n the Bessel-{ Gaussian} distribution. Now, if the distribu- greater than others. Therefore, we multiplied its value tion under study is more Bessel-Gaussian rather than by 0.878 to increase the readability of the figure. the radial-Gaussian, we need infinitely many cn 2k cu- As the Fig. 2 demonstrates, the Bessel-Gaussian dis- mulants to reproduce the correct distribution.{ For} in- tribution has less compatibility with the distribution. In stance, for second harmonics all v2 2k are non-zero and addition, the quantity χ2/NDF becomes more close to have approximately close values. It{ is because} we are ap- one by increasing q17. It is relatively close to one for proximating a distribution which is more Bessel-Gaussian higher values of q. One may deduce from the figure that rather than a radial-Gaussian. On the other hand for the series converges because χ2/NDF for q = 6 and q = 7 third harmonics, we expect that the underling distribu- are very close to each other and very close to one. How- tion is more radial-Gaussian, and practically we see a ever, we should say that although it is an strong evidence larger difference between v3 2 and v3 4 compared to for the series convergence, there is no guarantee that by the second harmonics [8]. Based{ } on the above{ } arguments, adding higher terms the series remain stable. Addition- we deduce that qn 2k are more natural choice for the { } ally, we checked the convergence of the series for the case case thatv ¯n is non-vanishing. interested in heavy ion physics. This convergence might Nevertheless, the cumulants qn 2k (unlike cn 2k ) not be true for an arbitrary distribution in general. In are not experimentally observable{ because} of the{ pres-} any case, what we learn from the above arguments is that ence ofv ¯n in their definition. However, they are useful to at least few first terms in the series (39) gives a good systematically estimate the distribution p(vn) and con- approximation compared to the original flow harmonic sequently estimate the parameterv ¯n. This will be the distributions. topic of the next section.

18 It is important to note that although we extracted the explicit 17 As an exception, the quantity χ2/NDF increases slightly in mov- collision geometry effect but its footprint still exists in the fluc- ing from q = 2 to q = 3 for the events in the 65-70% centrality tuations implicitly, e.g. forv ¯2 6= 0, the distribution is skewed class. However, the overall trend is decreasing in general. while forv ¯2 = 0 is not. 11

− ×10 3 0 q 2 2{ } q2 4 0.005 { }

q 4 2{ } −0.02 q 6 2{ } 0 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 %Centrality %Centrality (a) (b)

− − ×10 6 ×10 9 0 q 6 2{ } 0.1 q 8 2{ } q 8 2{ } −5 q 10 0 2{ }

20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 %Centrality %Centrality (c) (d)

FIG. 3. The cumulants q2{2k} obtained from the iEBE-VISHNU event generator.

IV. AVERAGED ELLIPTICITY AND FLOW q2 2k are obtained from the iEBE-VISHNU output and HARMONIC FINE-SPLITTING presnted{ } in Fig. 3. Therefore, as already remarked, we expect that a few first cumulants qn 2k is enough to { } In this section, we would like to exploit the cu- quantify the main features of a distribution near Bessel- mulants qn 2k to find an estimation forv ¯n. Note Gaussian. { } that if we had a prior knowledge about one of the Let us concentrate on n = 2 from now on. Recall that q2 2k or even any function of them (for instance q2 4 = q2 6 = = 0 corresponds to Bessel-Gaussian { } { } { } ··· g(q2 2 , q2 4 ,...)), we could findv ¯n exactly by solving distribution. This choice of cumulants equivalent to a { } { } the equation g(q2 2 , q2 4 ,...) = 0 in principle. Be- distribution with v2 4 = v2 6 = which is not com- { } { } { } { } ··· cause the cumulants cn 2k are experimentally accessi- patible with the splitting of v2 2k observed in the exper- { } { } ble, one would practically solve an equation g(¯vn) = 0. iment. As we discussed at the beginning of this chapter, We regret that we have not such a prior knowledge about we can findv ¯2 by estimating any function of cumulants q2 2k , but we are still able to estimatev ¯n approximately q2 2k . Here we use the most simple guess for this func- { } { } by assuming some properties for p(vn). tion which is g(q2 2 , q2 4 ,...) = q2 2k . Therefore, { } { } { } Any given distribution can be quantified by qn 2k . the equation q2 2k = 0 for each k 1 corresponds to { } { } ≥ While p(vn) is approximately Bessel-Gaussian, we can an specific estimation for p(v2). guess that For k = 1, we have q2 2 = 0 which meansv ¯2 = v2 2 . { } { } For this special choice, all the Γ2k−2 in Eq. (37) diverge qn 2 qn 4 qn 6 qn 8 . { }  { }  { }  { }  · · · unless we set all other q2 2k to zero too. As a result, this { } In fact, it is confirmed by the simulation. The cumulants choice corresponds to the delta function for p(v2,x, v2,y). 12

The equations in (42) indicate that by assuming q2 4 = 0 all the other cumulants of p(v2;v ¯2 4 ) are { } { } iEBE-VISHNU written in terms of the fine-splitting ∆2 k, ` . Therefore, 0.08 { } the distribution p(v2;v ¯2 4 ) satisfies all the fine-splitting { } structure of v2 2k by construction. { } 0.06 One can simply check that how much the estimation v¯2 2k is accurate by using simulation. We exploit again True { } v¯2 the iEBE-VISHNU event generator to compare the true 0.04 True v¯2 4 value ofv ¯2 (¯v2 ) withv ¯2 4 = v2 4 . The result is { } { } { } True v¯ 6 depicted in Fig. 4 by brown and green curves forv ¯ 2{ } 2 0.02 v¯2 8 andv ¯2 4 , respectively. As the figure illustrates,v ¯2 4 { } { } True { } is not compatible withv ¯2 for centralities higher than v¯2 10 { } 50% where we expect that Bessel-Gaussian distribution 0 0 20 40 60 80 does not work well. It should be noted that all other v2 2k for k > 2 never close to the true value ofv ¯2 in %Centrality higher{ } centralities because all of them are very close to v2 4 . { } In order to improve the estimation ofv ¯2, we set q2 6 = 0 in Eq. (36c). This equation has six roots where{ only} FIG. 4. Using iEBE-VISHNU output, the true value ofv ¯2 is two of them are real and positive. In addition, as can be compared with the estimatorsv ¯2{2k}. seen from Fig. 4, the true value ofv ¯2 is always smaller than v2 4 (=v ¯2 4 ) in higher centralities. In fact, it is { } { } true for all v2 2k for k > 2. Based on this observation, { } we demand the root to be smaller than v2 4 . In fact, we The first non-trivial choice is q2 4 = 0. Referring to { } { } have checked that the equation q2 2k = 0 for k = 3, 4, 5 Eq. (36b), we find has only one root which is real, positive{ } and smaller than v¯ 4 = v 4 , (41) v2 2k for k = 2, 3, 4, 5. 2 2 { } { } { } In Fig. 4,v ¯2 6 is plotted by a red curve which is where in the abovev ¯ 4 refers tov ¯ which is estimated { } 2 2 obtained by solving q2 6 = 0 numerically. As can be from q 4 = 0. This{ is} exactly the assumption that has { } 2 seen, it is more close to the real value ofv ¯2 rather than been made{ } in Ref. [27] to find the skewness experimen- v2 4 . In fact, we are able to find this root analytically tally. By estimatingv ¯2, we can find other q2 2k . We too,{ } present a few first cumulants in the following, { } p v¯2 6 = v2 6 v2 6 ∆2 4, 6 + (∆), (44) q2 4 = 0 (42a) { } { } − { } { } O { } 5 3/2 which is compatible with the red curve in Fig. 4 with a q2 6 = 24 v2 6 ∆2 4, 6 + (∆ ) (42b) { } − 7{ } { } O good accuracy. Using the estimator (44), we find other q2 8 = 24 v 8 (∆2 4, 6 11∆2 6, 8 ) { } − 2{ } { } − { } q2 2k as follows, 3/2 { } + (∆ ) (42c) 3 p 9 O q2 4 = 4 v2 6 v2 6 ∆2 4, 6 + (∆), (45a) q2 10 = 240 v 10 (3∆2 6, 8 19∆2 8, 10 ) { } − { } { } { } O { } 2{ } { } − { } 3/2 q2 6 = 0, (45b) + (∆ ), (42d) { } 7 O q2 8 = 264 v2 8 (∆2 6, 8 ∆2 4, 6 ) where we used the notation { } { } { } − { } + (∆3/2), (45c) 9 O ∆n 2k, 2` = vn 2k vn 2` (43) q2 10 = 240 v 10 (3∆2 6, 8 19∆2 8, 10 ) { } { } − { } { } 2{ } { } − { } 3/2 for the fine-splitting between different vn 2k ’s. Further- + (∆ ). (45d) { } O more, in Eqs. (42) we expanded q2 2k in terms of fine- { } By comparing Eqs. (42) and (45), we note that q2 2k splitting ∆2 2k, 2` . { } { } (except q2 10 ) are different because the estimated dis- Note that the above q2 2k are characterizing an es- { } { } tributions p(v2;v ¯2 4 ) and p(v2;v ¯2 6 ) are different. timated distribution p(v2;v ¯2 4 ). For such an estimated { } { } { } We can go further and estimatev ¯2 by solving the equa- distribution, q2 6 is proportional to the skewness intro- { } tion q2 8 = 0. The result is plotted by blue curve in duced in Ref. [27]. Interestingly, q2 8 is proportional to { } Fig. 4.{ Also,} its analytical value can be found as follows, ∆2 4, 6 11∆2 6, 8 which has been considered to be { } − { } zero in Ref. [27]. However, here we see that this com- 1 p v¯2 8 = v2 8 v2 8 (11∆2 6, 8 ∆2 4, 6 ) bination can be non-zero and its value is related to the { } { } − √10 { } { } − { } cumulant q2 8 . In fact, the same quantity can be com- + (∆). (46) puted for a{ generic} narrow distribution [29]. In turns O out that this quantity can be non-vanishing in the small As Fig. 4 indicates, comparingv ¯2 6 , the estimator { } fluctuation limit. v¯2 8 is a worse estimation ofv ¯2 (except between the { } 13

ATLAS 1 0.1 Pb+Pb √SNN = 2.76 TeV 1 Lint = 7µb− pT > 0.5 GeV

v¯ 4 δ4 2{ } 0.5 0.05 v¯ 6 δ6 2{ } v¯ 8 δ8 2{ } δ v¯2 10 10 { } 0 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 %Centrality %Centrality

FIG. 5. The quantity δ2k for k = 2, 3, 4 and 5 with respect to FIG. 6. The averaged flow harmonic estimatorv ¯2{2k} ob- centrality class. tained from the ATLAS experimental data [18].

range 30% to 50% centralities). We might expect that than δ8 for all centralities. This can be considered as a because q2 8 q2 6 (see Fig. 3), the quantityv ¯2 8 reason for the fact thatv ¯2 8 is less accurate thanv ¯2 6 { }  { } { } { } { } should be a better approximation thanv ¯2 6 . But this (andv ¯2 10 ). { } { } argument is not true. In fact, the cumulants q2 2k for Furthermore, let us mention that the cumulant q 6 { } 2 the true distribution are small, but they are non-zero at changes its sign (see Fig. 3 and Fig. 5) for the centralities{ } any centralities. Let us rewrite the Eqs. (36b)-(36d) as around 60-65%. It means it is exactly equal to zero at follows, a specific point in this range, and we expect thatv ¯2 6 True { } 4 4 becomes exactly equal tov ¯2 at this point. This can v¯2 δ4v2 4 = 0, (47a) − { } be seen also in Fig. 4 where the red curve (¯v2 6 ) crosses 6 4 2 6 True { } 2¯v2 6v2 4 v¯2 + 4 δ6 v2 6 = 0, (47b) the brown curve (¯v2 ). 8 − 4{ } 4 6 { }2 8 9¯v2 + 6v2 4 v¯2 48v2 6 v¯2 + 33 δ8 v2 8 = 0, (47c) The situation for q2 10 is very similar to q2 6 . As { } − { } { } a result, it is not surprising{ } if we find the estimator{ } where v¯2 10 similar tov ¯2 6 . We have foundv ¯2 10 by solv- { } { } { } q2 2k ing q2 10 = 0 numerically. The result is plotted by a δ2k = 1 { }. (48) { } black curve in Fig. 4. As can be seen, the results ofv ¯2 6 − c2 2k { } { } andv ¯2 10 are approximately similar. { } The estimatorv ¯2 2k (k = 2, 3, 4) can be found by solv- Now, we are in a position to estimate thev ¯ of the { } 2 ing the Eqs. (47a,b,c) where we set δ2k = 1. Alterna- real data by usingv ¯2 2k . According to the above dis- { } tively, by employing the actual value of δ2k from the simu- cussions, we expect thatv ¯2 6 ,v ¯2 8 andv ¯2 10 are True True { } { } { } lation we findv ¯2 . In fact, the difference betweenv ¯2 more close to the real value of the averaged ellipticity andv ¯2 2k is a manifestation of the inaccuracy in the v¯2 compared to v2 4 (or any other v2 2k for k > 2). { } { } { } setting δ2k = 1. In other words, demanding q2 2k = 0 The result is plotted in Fig. 6. In finding the estimated { } is not exactly correct. Looking at the problem from this v¯2, we employed v2 2k reported by ATLAS collabora- { } angle, by referring to Fig. 4, we realize that δ4 = 1 is tion in Ref. [18]. The value ofv ¯2 4 is exactly equal to { } the most inaccurate approximation. Also, δ6 = 1 is more v2 4 which is plotted by green curve in the figure. By { } accurate than δ8 = 1. plugging experimental values of v2 2k into the relations By using iEBE-VISHNU generated data, we can check (36c), (36d) and (36e) and setting{ them} to zero, we have the accuracy of the δ2k = 1 estimation by comparing numerically foundv ¯2 6 (red curve),v ¯2 8 (blue curve) { } 19{ } different values of δ2k (for k = 2, 3, 4, 5) calculated from andv ¯2 10 (black curve), respectively . The errors of { } simulation. The result is plotted in Fig. 5. This figure v¯2 10 is too large for the present experimental data, and confirms the difference between the estimatorsv ¯2 2k { } { } discussed above. The quantity δ4 has the most deviation from unity. Also, we see that δ8 deviates from unity for 19 centralities above 55% while δ6 (and δ10) is more close In details, all the Eqs. (36c)-(36e) were written in terms of mo- ments hv2ki. Considering the reported experimental distribution to one up to 65% centrality. Moreover, δ6 (δ10) is larger 2 14

0.15 0.15

v 4 = 0.01 v 4 = 0.1 2{ } 2{ }

0.1 0.1 } } 8 8 { { 2 2 v v 0.05 0.05

0 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 v 6 v 6 2{ } 2{ } (a) (b)

FIG. 7. The allowed region of v2{6}-v2{8} phase space for the two fixed values of v2{4} and δ6 = δ8 = 1.

more precise observation is needed to find more accurate Until now, we considered the cumulants vn 2k as an { } estimation. Exactly similar to the iEBE-VISHNU simu- input to find an estimation forv ¯n. In the next section, 20 lation, the value ofv ¯2 8 is between v2 4 andv ¯2 6 . we try to restrict the phase space of the allowed region { } { } { } Therefore, we expect the true value of the averaged el- of vn 2k by using cumulants qn 2k . 21 { } { } lipticity to be close to the value ofv ¯2 6 . In this section, we introduced a method{ } to estimate p(v2, v¯2). By considering the cumulants c2 2k of the V. CONSTRAINTS ON THE FLOW { } true distribution p(v2), we estimatedv ¯2 by assuming that HARMONICS PHASE SPACE the cumulant q2 2k of p(v2, v¯2) is zero for a specific value { } of k. These estimations for q2 6 = 0 and q2 8 = 0 Referring to Eq. (44) and Eq. (46), we see that these are presented analytically in Eq.{ (44)} and Eq. (46){ } and estimators lead to real values forv ¯2 4 andv ¯2 6 only also with red and blue curves in Fig. 4 numerically. We { } { } if we have 11∆2 6, 8 ∆2 4, 6 0. In this section, exploited hydrodynamic simulation to investigate the ac- we would like to{ investigate} ≥ { these} ≥constraints and their curacy of our estimations. We found thatv ¯2 6 is more { } validity range. accurate thanv ¯2 8 . Finally, we found the experimental { } We first consider the Eq. (47b). The quantities v2 2k values forv ¯2 6 ,v ¯2 8 andv ¯2 10 . { } { } { } { } andv ¯2 are real valued. Therefore, it is a well-defined and simple question that what are the allowed values of v2 4 { } and v2 6 such that the Eq. (47b) has at least one real root. The{ } polynomial in the left-hand side of Eq. (47b) p(v2) in Ref. [18], we are able to produce the covariance matrix 2k goes to positive infinity forv ¯2 . As a result, it has associated with statistical fluctuations of the moments hv2 i. Us- → ±∞ ing the covariance matrix, we generated 10000 random number at least one real root if the polynomial is negative in at by using a multidimensional Gaussian distribution. Employing least one of its minima. This condition is satisfied for each random number, we solved the equations (36c)-(36e) nu- 1/6 merically and found estimatedv ¯2. We obtained the standard δ6 v2 6 v2 4 . (49) deviation of the finalv ¯2 distribution as the statistical error of { } ≤ { } thev ¯2{2k}. Since δ is unknown, there is no bound on v 4 and 20 6 2 We have computed the quantitiesε ¯2{4},ε ¯2{6} andε ¯2{8} for { } v2 6 . Although we do not know the exact value of δ6, Elliptic-Power distribution [25] which is a simple analytical { } 1/6 model for the initial state distribution. We have observed ex- we know that 0.9 . δ6 . 1 based on our simulation True actly the same hierarchy, and we have seenε ¯ is more close to (see Fig. 5). In this case, if we observe v2 6 v2 4 , ε¯2{6}. This is an evidence that this behavior is generic for the we immediately deduce the inequality in Eq.{ (49).} ≤ On{ the} interested distributions in heavy ion physics. 21 other hand, there is a possibility to observe that v2 6 is Comparing Fig. 4 with Fig. 6, one finds that the values ofv ¯2{2k} { } slightly greater than v2 4 . This observation means that from simulation are relatively smaller than that obtained from { } the real data. This deviation is due to the difference in pT range. δ6 is definitely smaller than unity. Here, we show both In Fig. 6, we used the data from Ref. [18] where pT > 0.5 GeV, cases by an approximate inequality as v2 4 & v2 6 due while the output of the iEBE-VISHNU is in the range pT . 1/6 { } { } 4 GeV. For a confirmation of iEBE-VISHNU output, we refer to the smallness of δ6 . the reader to Ref. [20, 21] where v2{4} is reported for pT below Alternatively, it is known that the initial eccentricity 3 GeV. The order of magnitude ofv ¯2{2k} in our simulation is point (ε2,x, ε2,y) is bounded into a unit circle [25], and compatible with that mentioned in Ref. [20, 21]. it leads to a negative skewness for p(ε2,x, ε2,y) in non- 15

from the figure, some region of the v2 2k phase space { } v2 4 = 0.112 0.002 is not allowed. The condition 11∆2 6, 8 ∆2 4, 6 0.115 { } ± { } ≥ { } 40-45% Centrality (see the square root in (46)) indicates that the border ATLAS of this allowed region can be identified with v2 8 = { } (12v2 6 v2 4 )/11 up to order ∆2 2k, 2` . This is 0.11 { } − { } { }

} shown by red line in Fig. 7. Alternatively, the numeri- 8

{ cally generated border of the allowed region slightly de- 2 v viates from the analytical border line. It happens for the 0.105 region that v2 4 is different from v2 6 and v2 8 con- { } { } { } siderably. The reason is that ∆2 2k, 2` is not small in { } this region, and the condition 11∆2 6, 8 ∆2 4, 6 is { } ≥ { } 0.1 not accurate anymore. 0.1 0.105 0.11 0.115 Let us combine the constraint obtained from Eq. (47b) v 6 2{ } and Eq. (47c). For a more realistic study, we use the ATLAS data for v2 4 as an input. Instead of using (a) { } a fixed value for v2 4 , we generate it randomly with a Gaussian distribution{ } where it is centered around the central value of v2 4 , and the width equal to the er- 0.1 v 4 = 0.093 0.002 2{ } ± ror of v 4 . The{ result} for 40-45% centralities is pre- 65-70% Centrality 2 sented in{ Fig.} 8(a). For this case, we expect that the ATLAS Bessel-Gaussian distribution works well. As a result, we assume δ6 δ8 1 (see Fig. 5). From ATLAS results

} ' '

8 [18], we have v2 4 = 0.112 0.002 in 40-45% centrali-

{ 0.09 { } ± 2 ties. The black star in the figure shows the experimental v value of (v2 6 , v2 8 ) (the ellipse shows the one sigma { } { } error without considering the correlations between v2 6 { } and v2 8 ). The width of the bands is due to the one { } sigma error of v2 4 . As the figure shows, the exper- 0.08 { } 0.08 0.09 0.1 imental result is compatible with the allowed region of v2 6 (v2 6 , v2 8 ). { } For{ } more{ } peripheral collisions, we expect a non-zero (b) value for δ2k. In the 65-70% centrality class (the most pe- ripheral class of events reported by ATLAS in Ref. [18]), FIG. 8. Combining the constraints ∆ {4, 6} 0 and 2 & we have v2 4 0.093 0.002. According to our simu- 11∆2{6, 8}−∆2{4, 6} & 0 to find the allowed region of v2{6}- lation in this{ }' centrality± class, we expect that the values v {8} phase space. In this case, δ , δ and v {4} are not com- 2 6 6 2 of δ and δ to be 0.88 and 0.8, respectively. However, pletely fixed. The region is compatible with the ATLAS data 6 8 reported in Ref. [18]. here we do not choose fixed values for δ6 and δ8. In- stead, we generate a random number between 0.8 to 1 and assign the result to both δ6 and δ8. The result is presented in Fig. 8(b). Referring to this figure, the al- central collisions. By considering the hydrodynamic lin- lowed region is compatible with the experiment similar to the previous case. For non-zero values of δ6 and δ8, the ear response, the skewness in p(ε2,x, ε2,y) is translated −1/6 into p(v2,x, v2,y) skewness and condition v2 4 > v2 6 allowed region can be identified by v2 6 = δ6 v2 4 { } { } −1/8 { } { } [27]. However, it is possible that the non-linearity of the and v2 8 = δ8 (12v2 6 v2 4 )/11. These two con- hydrodynamic response changes the order in the inequal- straints{ (similar} to Fig. 8(a)){ } − are{ presented} by two bands ity to the case that v2 6 is slightly greater than v2 4 . in Fig. 8(b). In this case, the width of the bands is due { } { } This is compatible with the result which we have found to the inaccuracy in δ6 and δ8 together with v2 4 . { } from a more general consideration. By considering the correlation between v2 6 and { } Now, we concentrate on the Eq. (47c). Due to the v2 8 , the experimental one sigma region of v2 6 -v2 8 { } { } { } complications in finding the analytical allowed values of would not be a simple domain. Nevertheless, for the v2 2k , we investigate it numerically. First, we consider present inaccurate case which is depicted in Fig. 8, we { } the case that δ6 = δ8 = 1. In this case, we fix a value are able to restrict the one sigma domain by comparing for v2 4 and after that randomly generate v2 6 and it with the allowed region showed by the blue dots. { } { } v2 8 between 0 to 0.15. Putting the above generated Let us summarize the constraint on the flow harmonic { } and fixed values into Eq. (47c), we can findv ¯2 numeri- fine-splitting as follows cally. If the equation has at least one real solution, we accept (v2 6 , v2 8 ), otherwise we reject it. The result ∆2 4, 6 & 0, (50a) { } { } { } is presented as scatter plots in Fig. 7. As can be seen 11∆2 6, 8 ∆2 4, 6 0, (50b) { } − { } & 16

Bessel-Gaussian distribution where the coefficients of the expansion have been written in terms of a new set of cumulants qn 2k . We have shown that the corrected v2 6 /v2 4 { } 1.02 { } { } Bessel-Gaussian distribution can fit the actual distribu- 11v 8 /12v 4 + 1/12 tion p(vn) much better than Bessel-Gaussian distribu- 2{ } 2{ } tion. The new cumulants qn 2k was written in terms { } of cn 2k and averaged flow harmonicv ¯n. Because the 1 { } only non-vanishing new cumulants are qn 2 for Bessel- Gaussian distribution, they are more natural{ } choice to ATLAS study the distributions near Bessel-Gaussian compared 0.98 Pb+Pb to cn 2k . √SNN = 2.76 TeV 1 { } Lint = 7µb− By using the cumulants qn 2k , we could systemati- { } cally introduce different estimations for p(vn) and conse- 20 40 60 quently relate the averaged ellipticityv ¯2 to the flow har- %Centrality monic fine-splitting v2 2k v2 2` for k, ` 2 and k = `. As an specific example{ } for − the{ v ¯} estimator,≥ we have6 p 2 shown thatv ¯2 6 v2 6 v2 6 (v2 4 v2 6 ). We have used iEBE-VISHNU{ }' { }− event generator{ } { } to − compare{ } the

FIG. 9. Experimental values of ratios v2{6}/v2{4} and true value of thev ¯2 to the estimated one, also, we have 11v {6}/12v {4} + 1/12 with respect to the centrality class shown that the estimatorv ¯2 6 is more accurate than 2 2 { } from ATLAS data [18]. v2 2k for k > 1. As another application of new cumu- lants,{ } we have constrained the phase space of the flow harmonics vn 2k to the region that v2 4 v2 6 0 { } { } − { } & and 12v2 6 11v2 8 v2 4 0. It is experimen- { } − { } − { } & which correspond to the region filled by the blue dots in tally confirmed that v2 4 v2 6 > 0. But we need Fig. 8. Note that we used the approximate inequality more accurate experimental{ } − observation{ } for the quantity 1/8 in Eq. (50b) because of not only ignoring δ but also 12v2 6 11v2 8 v2 4 . 8 { } − { } − { } ignoring terms with order (∆2). One should note that we have shown the compatibil- O Let us point out that the inequalities in Eq. (50) can ity of allowed phase space of v2 2k with experimental { } be written as results of (high multiplicity) Pb-Pb collisions. Recently, the flow harmonics are measured for p-p, p-Pb and low- 11 v2 8 1 v2 6 { } + . { } . 1. (51) multiplicity Pb-Pb collisions by ATLAS in Ref. [42]. In 12 v2 4 12 v2 4 { } { } the light of q2 2k cumulants, it would be interesting to study the similarity{ } and difference between the splitting In Ref. [18], the ratios v2 6 /v2 4 and v2 8 /v2 4 have { } { } { } { } of v2 2k in these systems and examine the compatibility been calculated experimentally. In Fig. 9, we compared { } of the results with the allowed region comes from q2 2k . the relations v2 6 /v2 4 with 11v2 6 /12v2 4 + 1/12. { } As can be seen,{ the} conditions{ } in Eq.{ (51)} are{ satisfied} in Furthermore, we have only focused on the distribu- all centralities. Furthermore, the inequality in the right- tion p(vn) in the present study. However, based on the hand side of Eq. (51) is not saturated while we need a observation of symmetric cumulants and event-plane cor- more accurate experimental observation to decide about relations, we expect that a similar systematic study for the saturation of the inequality in the left-hand side. distribution p(v1, v2,...) can connect this joint distribu- Finally we would like to mention that the Eq. (36e) tion to the observations. Such a study would be helpful to relate the initial state event-by-event fluctuations to does not lead to any constraint on v2 2k for 0.5 δ10 { } . . the observation. This would be a fruitful area for further 1. The reason is thatv ¯2 = 0 is a minimum of the following relation work.

10 4 6 6 4 156v ¯2 480 v2 4 v¯2 120 v2 6 v¯2 − 8{ } − 8 { 2} 10 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS +20(12v 4 + 33v 8 )¯v 456 δ10v 10 , 2{ } 2{ } 2 − 2 { } 10 and its value in the minimum is 456 δ10v 10 . It − 2 { } The authors would like to specially thank Hessamaddin means that for δ10 > 0 the equation always has real roots. Arfaei, HM’s supervisor, for useful discussions, com- ments and providing guidance over HM’s work during this project. We would like to thank Jean-Yves Ollitrault VI. CONCLUSION AND OUTLOOK for useful discussions and comments during “IPM Work- shop on Collective Phenomena & Heavy Ion Physics”. In the present work, we have employed the concept of We also thank Ali Davody for providing us the iEBE- Gram-Charlier A series to relate the distribution p(vn) VISHNU data and discussions. We thanks Mojtaba Mo- to cn 2k . We have found an expansion around the hammadi Najafabadi and Ante Bilandzic for useful com- { } 17 ments. We would like to thank Navid Abbasi, Davood order to have a non-vanishing m,n we need to have some Allahbakhshi, Giuliano Giacalone, Reza Goldouzian and terms in the left-hand side suchC that 2m + n = m0 and Farid Taghinavaz for discussions. We thank participants n = n0. It immediately leads to m = (m0 + n0)/2 0 of “IPM Workshop on Collective Phenomena & Heavy and m− + n = (m0 n0)/2 0. One should note that≥ Ion Physics”. the (m + n)! in the− denominator≥ of Eq. (A3) diverges if m + n < 0. As a result ,we deduce that m0,n0 can be non-vanishing if n0 m0. Strictly speaking,C for m 0 Appendix A: Two Dimensional Cumulants in only cumulants | | ≤ ≥ Cartesian and Polar Coordinates m,−m, m,−m+2, m,m−2, m,m (A4) C C ···C C The Cartesian cumulants can be found in terms of ∗ mn are non-zero. Also, note that we have m,−n = m,n the moments xky` by usingA the first line of the Eq. (4). C C h i because the distribution is a real function. A few first cumulants can be found as follows, Based on the above considerations one can find all non- m inϕ trivial values of m,n in terms of moments r e by 10 = x , (A1a) C h i A h i using Eq. (A3). A few first two dimensional cumulants in 01 = y , (A1b) polar coordinates are presented explicitly in the following A h i2 2 20 = x x , (A1c) A h i − h i 11 = xy x y , (A1d) 1 −iϕ A h 2 i − h ih2 i 1,1 = re , (A5a) 02 = y y , (A1e) C 2h i A h i − h i 3 2 3 1  2 iϕ −iϕ  30 = x 3 x x + 2 x , (A1f) 2,0 = r re re , (A5b) A h 2i − h ih2 i h i 2 C 2 h i − h ih i 21 = x y x y 2 x xy + 2 x y , A h i − h ih i − h ih i h i h i 1  2 −2iϕ −iϕ 2 2,2 = r e r e , (A5c) (A1g) C 4 h i − h i 2 2 2 12 = xy x y 2 xy y + 2 x y , 3  3 −iϕ iϕ −iϕ 2 A h i − h ih i − h ih i h ih i 3,1 = r e + 2 re re (A1h) C 8 h i h ih i 3 2 3 iϕ 2 −2iϕ 2 −iϕ  03 = y 3 y y + 2 y . (A1i) re r e 2 r re , (A5d) A h i − h ih i h i −h ih i − h ih i 3,3 = Note that for a fixed number χ we have mn C m+n A → 1  3 −3iϕ −iϕ 2 −2iϕ −iϕ 3 χ mn by replacing x χx and y χy. We call r e 3 r e r e + 2 r e (A5e). A → → m + n as the order of mn . Consequently, there are 8 h i − h ih i h i A m + n + 1 number of cumulants with the order m + n. The first cumulant, 0,0, is equal to zero by considering C In order to find the cumulants m,n in polar coordi- the normalization condition of the probability distribu- nates x = r cos ϕ and y = r sin ϕ, weC use the second line tion. of the Eq. (4). Considering the Jacobi-Anger identity By redefinition

∞ c s ir·k irk cos(ϕ−ϕk) X n in(ϕ−ϕk) W0,n = n,0,Wn,m = ( m,n),Wn,m = ( m,n), e = e = i Jn(kr) e , (A2) C < C −= C n=−∞ we find the cumulants in polar coordinate which has been obtained in Ref. [30]. In Ref. [30], the translational and we are able to write the Eq. (4) as follows, c rotational invariance have been used to eliminate W1,1, ∞ ∞ ! s s 2m+n −inϕk W1,1 and W2,2. In our notation, it is equivalent to 1,1 = X X (ik) e 2m+n inϕ C log r e 1,−1 = 0 and 2,2 = 2,−2. 22m+nm!(m + n)!h i C C C m=0 n=−∞ One notes that by replacing r with χr we have m,n ∞ ∞ m C → m inϕk χ m,n. In other words, the order of m,n is indicated by X X m,n (ik) e = C , m inC polar coordinates. Referring toC Eq. (A4), we find m! m=0 n=−∞ that there are m + 1 cumulants with order m in polar (A3) coordinates. As a result, we are able to find a one-to- where in the left-hand side of the above we have used the one relation between m,n and k` with same order by C A series form of the Bessel function Jn(kr). equating two sides of the equation In Eq. (A3), the combination (ik)2m+ne−inϕk is ap- m+n m n peared in the left-hand side. It means that if we have X mn(ik) cos ϕk sin ϕk A = odd n then the power of ik is odd and if we have m!n! | | m,n even n then the power of ik is even. Therefore, the ∞ ∞ (A6) | | m inϕk only non-vanishing m,n are those both m and n are X X m,n (ik) e C | | C . odd or even. The other consequence of the combination m! 2m+n −inϕ m=0 n=−∞ (ik) e k is that we have m,n = 0 for n > m. C | | The reason is that in the right-hand side of the Eq. (A3), In the left-hand side of the above equality, we re-write m0 in0ϕ P m n the combination (ik) e k is appeared. Therefore, in ((ikx) (iky) mn/(m!n!)) in polar coordinates. A m,n A 18 few first cumulants in polar coordinates can be written method of finding the series by using the orthogonal poly- in terms of mn as follows, nomials. Here, we use another standard method of find- A ing the Gram-Charlier A series. 1 1,1 = [ 10 i 01] , (A7a) Let us consider the Characteristic Function of a given C 2 A − A distribution p(x) as G(t) = R dx eitxp(x). Then one can 1 2,0 = [ 20 + 02] , (A7b) find the cumulants of the distribution by using Cumula- C 2 A A tive Function, 1 2,2 = [ 20 02 2i 11] , (A7c) X n C 4 A − A − A log G(t) = κn(it) /n!. (B1) 3 n=1 3,1 = [ 30 + 12 i( 03 + 21)] , (A7d) C 8 A A − A A Now assume that p(x) can be approximated by a known 1 distribution, namely a Gaussian distribution, 3,3 = [ 30 3 12 + i( 03 3 21)] . (A7e) C 8 A − A A − A (x−µ0 )2 1 − 1 (x) = e 2σ2 . The cumulants m,−n can be obtained easily by using the N √2πσ reality condition.C One can invert the above equations to By setting the value µ0 = 0 and the width σ = 1 for find mn in terms of m,n too, A C simplicity, the generating function of a Gaussian distri- −t2/2 10 = 1,1 + 1,−1, (A8a) bution can be simply find as GN (t) = e . Referring P κ (it)n/n! A C C to Eq. (B1), we have G(t) = e n=1 n . Addition- 01 = i( 1,1 1,−1), (A8b) A C − C ally, we consider that the mean value and the of 20 = 2,0 + 2,2 + 2,−2, (A8c) 0 2 A C C C the distribution p(x) are κ1 = µ = 0 and κ2 = σ = 1. 11 = i( 2,2 2,−2), (A8d) It means that we are able to write G(t) for a generic A C − C 02 = 2,0 2,2 2,−2, (A8e) distribution p(x) as follows, A C − C − C P n 2 = + + + , (A8f) κn(it) /n! −t /2 30 3,3 3,1 3,−1 3,−3 G(t) = e n=3 e A C C C C (B2) i P κ (it)n/n! 21 = (3 3,3 + 3,1 3,−1 3 3,−3) , (A8g) = e n=3 n G (t). A 3 C C − C − C N 1 Now, we are able to find p(x) by using inverse 12 = (3 3,3 3,1 3,−1 + 3 3,−3) , (A8h) A −3 C − C − C C Fourier transformation. By considering the relation R n −itx −t2/2 n R −itx −t2/2 03 = i ( 3,3 3,1 + 3,−1 3,−3) . (A8i) dt(it) e e = ( d/dx) dte e , we A − C − C C − C have × − For rotationally symmetric distributions, only the mo- 2m P n Z 2  ments r survive in the polar coordinates. In such n=3 κn(−d/dx) /n! −itx −t /2 h i p(x) = e dte e /2π a case, the only non-zero polar cumulants are 2k,0. For (B3) C P n h 2 i instance, all the cumulants in Eq. (A7) vanish except 2,0 n=3 κn(−d/dx) /n! −x /2 2 C = e e /√2π . where it is equal to r /2. A few first 2k,0 are given by h i C By scaling x x/σ and shifting x x µ0, we find22 → → − P n 1  2  κn(−d/dx) /n! 2,0 = r , (A9a) p(x) = e n=3 (x). (B4) C 2 h i N 3  4 2 2 Recall that the probabilistic Hermite polynomial is de- 4,0 = r 2 r , (A9b) x2/2 r −x2/2 8 fined as Her(x) = e ( d/dx) e . As a result, one C h i − h i − 5  6 4 2 2 3 can simply find 6,0 = r 9 r r + 12 r , (A9c) C 16 h i − h ih i h i  d n 1 (x) = He ((x µ0)/σ) (x). (B5) 35  8 6 2 4 2 n n 8,0 = r 16 r r 18 r −dx N σ − N C 128 h i − h ih i − h i 4 2 2 2 4 It is worth noting that the Eq. (B4) is exact. We are +144 r r 144 r  .(A9d) h ih i − h i able to approximate this exact relation by expanding it By replacing r with vn in the Eq. (A9) and comparing it in terms of number of derivatives. The result of such an with Eq. (8), we find that cn 2k 2k,0. expansion is called Gram-Charlier A series, { } ∝ C 2 1 − (x−κ1) X hn p(x) = e 2σ2 Hen((x κ1)/σ), √ n! − Appendix B: Gram-Charlier A Series 2πσ n=1

where hn has presented in Eq. (21) (h1 = 1, h2 = 0). 1. Gram-Charlier A Series: One Dimension

In Sec. III A, we have introduced an iterative method 22 Note that after scaling x → x/σ, we have (d/dx) → σ(d/dx). r to find the Gram-Charlier A series for a one-dimensional Additionally, κr scales to κr/σ . These two scalings cancel each distribution. Also, we shortly explained the standard other and we find Eq. (B4). 19

2. Gram-Charlier A Series: Two Dimensions For m + n = 6 we have, 1 Consider the following two dimensional Gaussian dis-  2  h60 = 6 60 + 10 30 , tribution, σx A A

0 2 1 (x−µ0 )2 (y−µ ) − x − y h51 = 5 [ 51 + 10 30 21] , 1 2σ2 2σ2 σ σ (r) = e x y , (B6) x y A A A N 2πσ σ x y 1  2  h42 = 4 2 42 + 4 30 12 + 6 21 , which is more general than Eq. (14). Referring to Eq. (3), σxσy A A A A we can find the characteristic function of Eq. (B6) as 1 follows h33 = 3 3 [ 33 + 30 03 + 9 12 21] , (B14) σxσy A A A A A 1 − (kxσx+ky σy ) GN (k) = e 2 . (B7) 1  2  h24 = 2 4 24 + 4 03 21 + 6 12 , Now, assume that the mean values x and y ( = σxσy A A A A R h i0 h 0i h· · ·i dxdy p(r)) are exactly equal to µx and µy, respec- 1 ··· 0 0 h15 = 5 [ 15 + 10 03 12] , tively, and alternatively set µx = µy = 0 by a shift. σxσy A A A Then, the characteristic function of p(r) can be written 1  2  as follows h06 = 6 06 + 10 03 . σy A A m n X (i kx) (i ky) mn G(k) = exp A The other hmn can be found accordingly. m,n m!n! (B8) " m n 0 # X (i kx) (i ky) mn = exp A GN (k), m!n! 3. Gram-Charlier A Series and Energy Density m,n Expansion 0 where in the last line are exactly as mn except Amn A 0 0 We should say that the Gram-Charlier A series = 20 σx, = 02 σy. (B9) A20 A − A20 A − (Eq. (B11)) is exactly what has been used in Ref. [30] Note that we could choose 20 = σx and 02 = σy simi- to quantify the initial energy density deviation from a 23 lar to what we did in one dimension.A ButA here we do not rotationally symmetric Gaussian distribution . use this convention for the future purpose. In Ref. [30], the cumulants of the energy density ρ(r) We can find p(r) by an inverse Fourier transformation, have been expanded in terms of moments " m+n 0  m+n # rmeinϕ X ( 1) mn d inΦm,n p(r) = exp − A (r),(B10) εˆm,n εm,ne = { m }, (B15) m!n! dxmdyn N ≡ − r m,n { } m n where m, n = 0, 1,... and where for finding the above we replaced (ikx) (ikx) m+n m+n m n with ( 1) (d /dx dy ) in Eq. (B8). R ρ(r)dxdy The− Gram-Charlier A series can be found by expand- = ··· . R r ing the exponential in Eq. (B10) in terms of number of {· · · } ρ( )dxdy derivatives. By recovering µ0 and µ0 by a reverse shift x y Due to the translational invariance, we can freely in r, we find choose the origin of the coordinates such that re±iϕ = { } X hmn x µx y µy 0. Using this and referring to Eq. (A5) and Eq. (B15), p(r) = (r) Hem( − )Hen( − ).(B11) m!n! σ σ one finds N m,n=0 x y

1 2 In the above, we have used a trivial extension of Eq. (B5) 2,0 = r , to two dimensions. The coefficients hmn for m + n 2 C 2{ } ≤ 1 in the Eq. (B11) are given as follows (we set 11 = 0 for 2 −2iΦ2,2 A 2,2 = r ε2,2e , simplicity): C −4{ } (B16) 3 3 −3iΦ3,1 3,1 = r ε3,1e , h00 = 1, C −8{ }

h10 = h01 = 0, 1 3 −3iΦ3,3 (B12) 3,3 = r ε3,3e . 20 02 C −8{ } h20 = A 2 1, h11 = 0, h02 = A 2 1. σx − σy − Additionally, we have 23 If we had considered A20 = σx and A02 = σy in Eq. (B9), mn we would have found the energy density distribution around a hmn = Am n , 3 m + n 5. (B13) Gaussian distribution which is not rotationally symmetric. σx σy ≤ ≤ 20

It is common in the literature to define initial anisotropies do the same calculation and find a one dimensional series as ε1 ε3,1, ε2 ε2,2 and ε3 ε3,3. According to by averaging out the azimuthal direction of Eq. (B11). Eq. (B16),≡ initial≡ anisotropies are≡ itself cumulants. In We should emphasize that this calculation has already fact, the parameter εn quantifies the global features of been done in Ref. [28] for the case that p(r) is rotation- the initial energy density. For instance, ε1, ε2 and ε3 ally symmetric around the origin. However, we will try quantify dipole asymmetry, ellipticity and triangularity to find such a radial series for a more general case. 0 0 of the distribution respectively. The symmetry planes For simplicity, we assume that µ 01 = 0 (µ y ≡ A x ≡ Φ1 Φ3,1, Φ2 Φ2,2 and Φ3 Φ3,3 quantify the orien- 10) together with σ σx = σy = 20 = 02. Also, we ≡ ≡ ≡ A ≡ A A tation of the dipole asymmetry, ellipticity and triangu- consider that 11 = 0. These considerations are compat- A larity with respect to a reference direction. ible with p(vn,x, vn,y). For such case, h20 = h11 = h02 = Furthermore, one can relate two dimensional cumu- 0. lants in Cartesian coordinates, mn, to those in polar By averaging out the azimuthal direction of Eq. (B11), A coordinates, m,n by using Eq. (A8). Using them, we we will find a distribution which has the following form, can find C 2 02 "  0   r  r +µx rµ 1 2 − 2 x X = r (1 ε cos 2Φ ), p(r) = e 2σ I0 P1,i(r) 20 2 2 σ2 σ2 A 2{ } − i=1 1 (C1) 2  0   0  # 11 = r ε2 sin 2Φ2, rµx rµx X A −2{ } + I1 P2,i(r) . 2σ2 σ2 1 2 i=1 02 = r (1 + ε2 cos 2Φ2), A 2{ } 1 3 We can find the polynomials P1,i(r) and P2,i(r) by direct 30 = r (3ε1 cos Φ1 + ε3 cos 3Φ3), (B17) A −4{ } calculations. For i = 1, 2, one simply finds that P1,1(r) = 1 and P (r) = P (r) = P (r) = 0. The polynomials 1 3 2,1 1,2 2,2 21 = r (ε1 sin Φ1 + ε3 sin 3Φ3), A −4{ } for i = 3 are given by, 1 3 0 0  02  12 = r (ε1 cos Φ1 ε3 cos 3Φ3), µx µx µx A −4{ } − P1,3(r) = h12 + 1 h30 2σ 2σ − 3σ2 1 3 03 = r (3ε1 sin Φ1 ε3 sin 3Φ3).   02    2  A −4{ } − 1 3µx r + 3h12 + 1 h30 , 6 − σ2 µ0 σ Now, we use Eq. (B11) to find a Gram-Charlier A series x (C2) for the energy density. The result is the following, 2σ  σ2  P2,3(r) = 1 + h12 −µ0 µ02 2 " 3 # x x − r {r2} X 0  4   2  ρ(r, ϕ) e 1 + an(r)εn cos n(ϕ Φn) , µx 2σ h30 r ∝ − + 1 + h30 + . n=1 σ 3µ04 3 µ0 σ (B18) x x where Finding P1,4(r) and P2,4(r) are straightforward, but they r r3 (r2 2 r2 ) are more complicated. For that reason, we decided not a1(r) = { } − { } , − r2 3 to present them considering the limited space. Note that 2 { } at each Pa,i(r) only cumulants mn (if there is any) with r 24 A a2(r) = , (B19) order m + n = i are present . − r2 In Sec. II A, we have argued that the one-dimensional {3 }3 r r distributions like p(vn) can be characterized by cn 2k . a3(r) = { } . { } −3 r2 3 As a result, we expect to relate mn to cn 2k by con- A { 0 } { } sidering Eq. (C1) (replace r with vn and µx withv ¯n). 2 2 2 In the above, we assumed that σx = σy = r /2. This Considering Eq. (8) and using Eq. (C1) up to i = 4, we { } result coincides with that has been presented in Ref. [30]. can find cn 2k for k = 1, 2, 3 as follows, Cumulants m,n, m > 3 cannot be written simply in { } C 2 2 terms of one moment εm,n, however, it is always possible cn 2 =v ¯n + 2σ , (C3a) { } 4 to find Gram-Charlier A series Eq. (B18) to any order cn 4 = v¯n + 4¯vn ( 12 + 30) beyond triangularity. { } − A A + 40 + 2 22 + 04, (C3b) 6 3 A A A cn 6 = 4¯vn 8¯vn(3 12 + 2 30) { } − A 2 A Appendix C: A Radial Distribution From 2D +6¯vn( 40 04). (C3c) Gram-Charlier A Series A − A

The Bessel-Gaussian distribution (15) was obtained by 24 m+n averaging out the azimuthal direction of a two dimen- Note that Amn = σ hmn for m + n = 3, 4 based on our sional Gaussian distribution (14). Alternatively, one can assumptions in this section. 21

The above result is not surprising. In fact, it is However, the bracket for i = 4 is non-trivial in the 0 a general relation between mn of the distribution limit µ 0, A x → p(vn,x, vn,y) and cn 2k of p(vn). Recall the equality  0   0   0  ivnk cos(ϕ−ϕk) { } rµx rµx rµx e 2D = J0(kvn) 1D in Eq. (6) where the I P (r) + I P (r) h i h i 0 2 1,4 2 1 2 2,4 average 2D is performed with respect to the distri- σ 2σ σ h· · ·i  2 4  butionp ˜(vn,x, vn,y). For the case that the average is per- 1 r r (h40 + 2h22 + h04) 1 + . formed with respect to p(vn,x, vn,y), this relation should → 8 − σ2 8σ4 be replaced by The last line in the above can be written as 2π 1 Z  2  ivnk cos(ϕ−ϕk) 1 r dϕk e 2D = J0(kvn) 1D. (C4) (h40 + 2h22 + h04)L2 . (C6) 2π 0 h i h i 8 2σ2 Using above, Eq. (4) and Eq. (7), we find This result is interesting because it shows that the distribution (C1) has simpler form only if we assume Z 2π m+n 0 1 X mn(ik) m n µx 10 0. Let us again consider the flow har- log dϕk exp A (cos ϕk sin ϕk) ≡ A → 0 2π m!n! monic distribution (r vn and µx v¯n). By setting 0 m,n 2 → → 20 = 02 = σ and 10 = 01 = 11 = 0, we find from 2m A A A A A X (ik) cn 2m Eq. (C5b) that = m { 2 }. 4 (m!) 2 m=1 cn 2 = 2σ , { } cn 4 = 40 + 2 22 + 04. By expanding both sides in terms of k and comparing { } A A A the coefficients, one finds the relation between cn 2k { } Therefore, the explicit form of Eq. (C1) up to i = 4 is and mn. The result for cn 2 and cn 4 are as follows A { } { } given by

2 2 v2     2  cn 2 = 01 + 10 + 02 + 20, (C5a)  vn  − n 1 cn 4 vn 2σ2 { } A 4 A 2 A2 A 2 2 p(vn) = 2 e 1 + 2 { } L2 2 , (C7) cn 4 = 01 2 10 01 + 2 02 01 2 20 01 (C5b) σ 2 cn 2 2σ { } −A − A A A A − A A 4 2 { } + 4 03 01 + 8 10 11 01 + 4 21 01 10 + 02 which is compatible with Eq. (24) and what has been A A2 A2 A A2 A A − A A 2 02 10 + 4 11 + 20 + 04 + 4 10 12 found in Ref. [28]. We can check that for 11 = 0 the − A2 A A A A A A 25 A 6 + 2 10 20 2 02 20 + 2 22 + 4 10 30 + 40. above result is true too . A A − A A A A A A It is worth noting that we have not assumed the orig- The relation for cn 6 is more complicated. Note that inal distribution to be rotationally symmetric. In fact, { } by setting the simplifications we used in finding Eq. (C1), the original distribution can have non-zero 30 or 12 A A the above relations reduce to Eq. (C3a) and Eq. (C3b). too, but they are not appeared in cn 2k or the distri- { } In general, cn 2k is written in terms of a large number bution (C7). It is due to the fact that their information { } of pq, therefore, we are not able to write pq in terms of is lost during the averaging. A A cumulants cn 2k . However, it is possible to ignore the One could ask that while h12 and h30 are present in the { } cumulants pq with p + q 4 at some cases. For n = 2, polynomials P1,3(vn) and P2,3(vn) in Eq. (C2), it maybe A ≥ this truncation leads to a reasonable approximation for possible to find all hmn from Eq. (C1) by fitting it to an c2 4 and c2 6 , and we are able to find 30 in terms of experimental p(vn). We should say that always a com- { } { } A c2 2 , c2 4 and c2 6 which has been done in Ref. [27]. bination of hmn appears in the polynomials Pa,i(vn). As In{ Ref.} [28],{ } however,{ } it has been shown that keeping a result, if we assume that the series is convergent and 2D Cartesian cumulants up to forth order does not lead also we have access to an accurate experimental distri- to a reasonable approximation for c2 8 . Therefore, we bution, we can only find a combination of hmn due to { } are not able to find forth order mn in terms of c2 2k the information loss during the averaging. Specifically, A { } simply. in the simple Eq. (C7) case, only 40 + 2 22 + 04 can A A A Referring to Eq. (39), we see that the coefficients `2i be found by fitting. (as a function of cn 2k andv ¯n) appeared as an overall In any case, the distribution (C1) is different from that factors at each order{ of} approximation. In contrast, the mentioned in Eq. (39). These two different series refer coefficients h in Eq. (C1) do not appear in the poly- to two different truncations. Note that qn 2k can be mn { } nomial Pa,i(r) as an overall factor. Now, let us compute written in terms of pq with p + q 2k. For instance, if 0 A ≤ the limit µ 0. A straightforward calculation shows we keep mn up to forth order, all the cumulants qn 2k x A { } that → are non-zero. Therefore, in principal, the summation (39) goes to infinity while the summation (C1) is truncated  0   0   0  rµx rµx rµx up to i = 4. I0 P1,3(r) + I1 P2,3(r) 0. σ2 2σ2 σ2 →

As a result, the bracket in Eq. (C1) is equal to one up to 25 2 i = 3. In this case, we have cn{4} = 4A11 + A40 + 2A22 + A04. 22

Appendix D: RGC Distribution From Multiple An example of the MOPs can be found in Ref. [40] Orthogonal Polynomials where the polynomials are orthogonal with respect to a weight vector (wν,c(x), wν+1,c(x)). Here, In Sec. III, we have discussed that how the orthogo- ν/2 −cx wν,c(x) = x Iν (2√x)e , (D5) nality conditions of Hen(x) and Ln(x) can be used to find Eq. (20) and Eq. (24), respectively. However, or- is defined for x > 0, ν > 1 and c > 0. In this study, we dinary orthogonal polynomials cannot be employed for are interested in these specific− MOPs because they are the more general distribution series (39). Recall that related to ˜i(vn;v ¯n) in Eq. (40). Q in one- dimension the polynomials n(x) and m(x) For the present specific case, we have r = 2. As a re- are orthogonal with respect to the measureP w(xP)dx if sult, the index ~n has the form (k, k) or (k +1, k) referring R n(x) m(x)w(x) dx = ζnδnm. This relation can be to Eq. (D2). The explicit form of a few first polynomials P P R m equivalently written as x n(x)w(x)dx = 0 for 0 ~~n for ν = 0 are given by, m < n [39]. P ≤ P = 1, We will show we can obtain Eq. (39) by employing P1,(0,0) a generalization of the orthogonal polynomials. These 2,(0,0) = c, generalized orthogonal polynomials are called Multiple P −   2c 2 Orthogonal Polynomials (MOPs) [39]. The MOPs are 1,(1,1) = 1 + 3 1 + c x, (D6) orthogonal with respect to more than one weight. Let P 3  2  us define r different weights ~w(x) = (w1(x), . . . , wr(x)) 2c 3 2,(1,1) = 3c 1 + c + c x. and a multi-index ~n = (n1, . . . , nr)(ni N0). Then the P − 3 − ∈ type I multiple orthogonal polynomial is given as ~~n = P and ( 1,~n,..., r,~n) where j,~n is a polynomial with degree P P 26 P 2 at most nj . These polynomials obey the following = 1 + c x, P1,(1,0) orthogonality condition,  c  = 2 1 + c, Z P2,(1,0) − 2 m x ~~n ~w(x) dx = 0, 0 m < N + r 1, (D1)   P • ≤ − 2 4c 2 4 2 1,(2,1) = 1 + 6c 1 + + c x + c x , (D7) Pr P 3 where N = i=1 ni, and dot indicates the inner product.  3  3c 2 3c Note that for r = 1, the above relation returns to the 2,(2,1) = 4c 1 + + 2c + ordinary orthogonal polynomial. P − 2 2 Here, we restrict ourselves to the weakly complete sys- 4c3(1 + c)x. tems. In this case, the multi-index ~n always has the fol- − lowing form [43, 44], We refer the interested reader to Ref. [40] for the general ~ form of ~n. In Ref. [40], 1,(n1,n2) and 2,(n1,n2) have (n1, . . . , nr) = (k + 1, . . . k + 1, k, . . . k ), k N0. (D2) P (ν,c) P (ν,c) P | {z } | {z } ∈ been shown by An1,n2 and Bn1,n2 . j times r−j times The function i(x) in Eq. (D3) has the following simple Y Here 0 j < r. In this case, we can define a one-to-one form [40], ≤ map between a single index i and ~n as i(~n) = rk + j + 1. i   ν,c X i k (ν+k)/2 −cx Consequently, we are able to define (x) = ( c) x Iν+k(2√x)e . (D8) Yi k − k=0 i(~n)(x) = ~~n ~w(x). (D3) Y P • Now, we can choose As a result, Eq. (D1) can be written as 2σ2 Z ν = 0, c = , m 2 dx x i(x) = 0, 0 m < i. (D4) v¯n Y ≤ and change the coordinate Note that the above relation is not an ordinary orthog- v v¯ 2 onality condition because i is not a single finite degree x = n n . polynomial times a weight.Y 2σ2 Referring to Eq. (40), one finds 2 2 2 0, 2σ   2 2 dv¯n vnv¯n −(v /2σ ) 26 = ˜i(vn;v ¯n)e n . (D9) Another class of MOPs are called type II multiple orthogonal Yi 4σ4 Q polynomial. In this class, a multi-indexed monic polynomial P~n satisfies the following r orthogonality conditions, Consequently, the orthogonality condition (D4) up to an Z m irrelevant numerical factor can be written as x P~nwi(x)dx, 0 ≤ m < ni, Z ∞ 2m ˜0 where 0 ≤ i ≤ r [39]. Type II MOPs are not used here. dvn vn i(vn;v ¯n) = 0, 0 m < i, (D10) 0 Q ≤ 23 where Using the above relation, we can find the following recur- rence relation for `2r, v2 +¯v2 0 vn − n n ˜ 2σ2 ˜ " i # i(vn;v ¯n) = 2 e i(vn;v ¯n). (D11) 2r Pr−1 (−1) `2i 0 Q σ Q r vn i=0 i! mri `2r = ( 1) r! h i − 0 , (D15) − mrr As a result, we are able to write p(vn;v ¯n) as a series of ˜0 i(vn;v ¯n), where r 0. Q ≥ 0 Note that mri in Eq. (D13) is completely computable, ∞ 0 ( 1)i` for instance m0,0 = 1. Consequently, we have `0 = X 2i ˜0 0 p(vn;v ¯n) = − i(vn;v ¯n), (D12) 1/m for r = 0 which leads to ` = 1. The next it- i! Q 0,0 0 i=0 eration is as follows 0 2 `0m v with unknown `2i. Note that Eq. (D12) is exactly the 1,0 n `2 = 0− h i Eq. (39). m1,1 2 2 2 Let us define the following quantity, vn v¯n 2σ = h i − 2 − . Z 2σ 0 2r 0 m = dvn v ˜ (vn;v ¯n). (D13) ri n Qi By considering the Eq. (8a) and Eq. (33), we find `2 = 0. Similarly, we have Noting Eq. (D10), we find that m0 = 0 for 0 r < i. As 4 2 2 2 ri ≤ vn 2 vn v¯n a result, we are able to write the moments of p(vn;v ¯n) as `4 = h i −2 h i2 −2 ( vn v¯n) follows, h i − 2 cn 4 +v ¯ = { } n , (D16) Z ∞ 2 2 2r 2r (cn 2 v¯n) vn = dvnvn p(vn;v ¯n) { } − h i 0 where in the last line we used Eq. (8a) and Eq. (8b). One ∞ i Z ∞ X ( 1) `2i 2r 0 can continue this procedure to find all the values of `2i = − dvn v ˜ (vn;v ¯n) i! n Qi (D14) as mentioned in Eq. (35). i=0 0 r i X ( 1) `2i = − m0 . i! ri i=0 [1] K. H. Ackermann et al. [STAR Collaboration], Phys. [15] R. S. Bhalerao, N. Borghini and J. Y. Ollitrault, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 402 (2001) [nucl-ex/0009011]. Lett. B 580, 157 (2004) [nucl-th/0307018]. [2] R. A. 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