Submitted to the Board of Examiners In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement For Literary Degree at English Literature Department





Jambi, September 2020

Pembimbing I : Dr. Alfian, M.Ed …………… Pembimbing II : Tira Mariana, SS.,M. Hum Alamat : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN STS Jambi

Kepada Yth Ibu Dekan Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN STS Jambi Di- Tempat

Assalamu‟alaikum wr.wb Setelah membaca dan mengadakan perbaikan seperlunya, maka kami berpendapat bahwa skripsi saudari: Ulfa Arimawati, Nim. AI.160811 yang berjudul „“Psychopath Behaviour in The Orphan Film by Jaume Collet Serra”‟, telah dapat diajukan untuk dimunaqosahkan guna melengkapi tugas - tugas dan memenuhi syarat – syarat untuk memperoleh gelar sarjana strata satu (S1) pada Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, UIN STS Jambi. Maka, dengan itu kami ajukan skripsi tersebut agar dapat diterima dengan baik. Demikianlah kami ucapkan terima kasih, semoga bermanfaat bagi kepentingan kampus dan para peneliti. Wassalamu‟alaikum wr.wb

Pembimbing I Pembimbing II

Dr. Alfian, M.Ed Tira Mariana, SS., M. Hum NIP: 19791230200604103 NUPN: 9920100346



Jambi,September 2020

Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, M.Ed ……………… Supervisor II : Tira Mariana, SS.,M. Hum ……… ……… Address : Adab and Humanities Faculty .. ………… State Islamic University ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

To The Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty State Islamic University In Jambi

Assalamu‟alaikum wr. Wb

After reading and revising everything extend necessary, so we agree that the thesis entitled “Psychopath Behaviour in The Orphan Film by Jaume Collet Serra” can be submitted to Munaqasyah exam in part fulfillment to the Requirement for the Degree of Humaniora Scholar. We submitted it in order to be received well. Thus, we hoped it can be useful for all.

Wassalamu‟alaikum wr. Wb

Supervisor I Supervisor II

Dr. Alfian, M.Ed Tira Mariana, SS., M. Hum NIP: 19791230200604103 NUPN: 9920100346



This thesis had been examined by the session of Adab and Humanities Faculty The State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi on October 01st 2020 and accepted as a part of requirement have to be fulfilled for obtaining Undergraduate Degree (S1) in English Literature Department.

LETT Jambi, October 01st 2020

Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty

Dr. Halimah Dja’far. S. Ag., M. Fil. I NIP: 196012111988032001

Secertary Chairwoman


Chandri Febri Santi, M. Pd Dian Mukhlisa, SS., MA NIP: 198902032018012002 NIP: 198808112015032006

Examiner I Supervisor I

Ulfatmi Azlan, SS., MA Dr. Alfian, M. Ed NIP: 198411272011012012 NIP: 197401031999031006

Examiner II Supervisor II

Firdiansyah, M. Hum Tira Mariana, SS., M. Hum NIPN: 2004118102 NUPN: 9920100346



I who signed this letter:

Name : Ulfa Arimawati

NIM : AI.160811

Department : English Literature Department

Faculty : Adab and Humanities

By signing this letter, I state that the thesis entitled “Psychopath Behaviour in The Orphan Film by Jaume Collet Serra”. is my original work. If this thesis is not original or cheating from other researcher, I will be ready to be responsible and get punishment based on the role of Adab and Humanities Faculty of State

Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Therefore, I make this statement in good health and mind.

Jambi, September 2020 The writer

Ulfa Arimawati Nim: AI. 160811




Say, "Come, I will recite what your Lord has prohibited to you. (He commands) that you not associate anything with Him, and to parents, good treatment, and do not kill your children out of poverty; We will provide for you and them. And do not approach immoralities - what is apparent of them and what is concealed. And do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden (to be killed) except by (legal) right. This has He instructed you that you may use reason."1

Katakanlah (Muhammad), “Marilah aku bacakan apa yang diharamkan Tuhan kepadamu. Jangan mempersekutukan-Nya dengan apa pun, berbuat baik kepada ibu bapak, janganlah membunuh anak-anakmu karena miskin. Kamilah yang memberi rizki kepadamu dan kepada mereka, janganlah kamu mendekati perbuatan yang keji, baik yang terlihat maupun yang tersembunyi, janganlah kamu membunuh orang yang diharamkan Allah kecuali dengan alasan yang benar. Demikianlah dia memerintahkan kepadamu agar kamu mengerti. (QS. Al-An‟am:151)2

1 Mushaf, Qur‟an Tajweed International, (Bandung: Al-Qur‟anul Karim, 2016), p.102. 2 Usman el-Qurtuby, Qur‟an Hafalan dan Terjemah, (PT. Cordoba Internasional Indonesia, Bandung: 2012), p.148.



Alhamdulillahi rabil „alamin, the writer express his highest gratitude to

Allah subhanahu wa ta‟ala for blessing, love opportunity, health, and mercy to complete this thesis. This thesis entitled “Psychopath Behaviour in The Orphan

Film by Jaume Collet Serra” which is submitted to fulfill the requirements for bachelor degree (S1) in English Literature, Adab and Humaniora, The State

Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Shalawat and Salam are upon

Prophet and last Messenger, Muhammad SAW, who has brought us from the darkness to lightness and to a better life.

To accomplish this thesis, the writer had been given one great deal to many people. So, the writer would like to say thanks for their contribution, they are:

1. The Rector of state Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi,

Prof. Dr. Suaidi, M.A, Ph.D. The vices of Rector, Dr. Rofiqoh Ferawati,

SE., M,EI. Dr. As‟ad Isma, M.pd. and Dr. Bahrul Ulum, S.Ag., MA


2. The Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty, Dr. Halimah Dja‟far. S. Ag., M.

Fil. I. The vices of dean, Dr.Ali Muzakir, M. Ag. Dr. Alfian, S.Pd, M.Ed.

and Dr. Roudhoh, S.Ag.SS M.Pd.I

3. The Head of English Literature Department Dian Mukhlisa, MA. And the

Secretary of English Literature Department Chandri Febri Santi M.Pd

4. My Supervisors, Dr. Alfian, M.Ed., and Tira Mariana, SS., Hum who have

given me ideas and provided great inputs to me in finising this thesis.

5. All the Lecturers and staffs of Adab and Humanities Faculty, then

contribution and assistant during studying in UIN of Sulthan Thaha

Saifuddin Jambi.

6. The Head and officers of the library of UIN and public library of Jambi


7. My beloved gengs, Literature 2016 A, friends who always helping me Putri

Yanelia, Fitri Nuraini, Ahmad Mukhlisin, Royhatul Masruroh, Efi Lutfiatul

Hidayah, and Anjas Ayuningtiyas. Thanks you for always helping me and

always give me spirit.

8. The last but not least, to my beloved parents, brothers who gave fully

supporting to the writer.


This thesis is still far away from perfection. I need some critics and suggestions, so that I can be better in the future. Finally, the writer hopes this thesis will give positive contributions for readers, especially for the students of

English Literature Department of Adab and Humanities Faculty.

Jambi, September 2020 The writer

Ulfa Arimawati Nim: AI. 160811



Ulfa Arimawati , 2020 : Psychopath Behaviour in The Orphan Film by Jaume Collet Serra.

Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, M.Ed Supervisor II : Tira Mariana, SS., M. Hum

This film discusses about Psychopath Behaviour in The Orphan Film by Jaume Collet Serra. Pyschopaths are social predators who lure, manipulate, and shattered hopes. This research aims to determaine the behaviour, types and the effects of psychopath in everyday life. The research data are taken from The Orphan film and the script. The data are clarified by using psychopathy theory. The writer uses two theories to answer the formulation of the problem, the first is Stefan‟s H. verstappen theory, the second is Robert‟s Hare theory. This research uses qualitative descriptive method. Research findings show that first, there are four common types of psychopath; the victim, the artists, malevolent psychopath, professional psychopath, and malevolent is mostly dominant. The second, there are six psychopath behaviour; lack empathy, lack of remorse, irresponsibillity, implusive behaviour, complusive lying, and manipulative, and manipulative is mostly dominant. The last, the effects of main character psychopath behaviour; no regret after killing and uncontrolled emotion.

Keywords ; Psychopath, common types of psychopath, psychopath behaviour, effects of psychopath.



…… Ulfa Arimawati , 2020 :Psychopath Behaviour in The Orphan Film by Jaume Collet Serra.

Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, M.Ed Supervisor II : Tira Mariana, SS., M. Hum

Penelitian ini membahas tentang Perilaku Psikopat dalam Film Orphan karya Jaume Collet Serra. Psikopat adalah predator sosial yang memikat, memanipulasi, dan menghancurkan harapan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perilaku, tipe-tipe, dan efek-efek dari psikopat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Data penelitian diambil dari film The Orphan dan naskahnya. Data tersebut diklarifikasi dengan menggunakan teori psikopati. Penulis menggunakan dua teori untuk menjawab rumusan masalah, pertama adalah teori Stefan H. Verstappen, kedua adalah teori Robert Hare. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertama, ada empat jenis psikopat yang umum; the victim, the artists, malevolent psychopath, professional psychopath, tetapi malevolent psikopat yang lebih dominan. Kedua, ada enam perilaku psikopat; there are six psychopath behaviour; lack empathy, lack of remorse, irresponsibillity, implusive behaviour, complusive lying, and manipulative, dan manipulative yang paling dominan. Terakhir, efek-efek tokoh utama perilaku psikopat; tidak merasa bersalah setelah membunuh dan emosi yang tidak terkontrol.

Kata Kunci :Psikopat, tipe psikopat umum, perilaku psikopat, efek-efek psikopat



NOTA DINAS ...... i

APPROVAL ...... ii



MOTTO ...... v


ABSTRACT ...... ix

ABSTRAK ...... x



A. Background of the Problem ...... 1

B. Formulation of the Problem ...... 3

C. Limitation of the Problem ...... 4

D. Purpose of the Research ...... 4

E. Significance of the Research ...... 4


A. Psychological Approach ...... 6

B. Behaviour ...... 7


C. Psychopath ...... 9

D. Common Types of Psychopath...... 11

E. Behaviour of Psychopath ...... 12

F. The Effect of Psychopath Behaviour ...... 15

G. Review of Related Research ...... 16


A. Design of Research ...... 19

B. Source of Data ...... 20

C. Technique of Data Collection ...... 20

D. Technique of Data Analysis ...... 22


A. The Common Types of Psychopath Found in Orphan Film by Jaume

Collet Serra ...... 24

1. The Victim ...... 24

2. The Artist ...... 26

3. Malevolent Psychopath ...... 27

4. Professional Psychopath ...... 29

B. The Psychopath Behaviour as seen in the Main Character Found in

Orphan Film by Jaume Collet Serra ...... 29

1. Lack of Emphaty ...... 30


2. Lack of Remorse ...... 31

3. Irresponsibility ...... 33

4. Implusive Behaviour ...... 35

5. Complusive Lying ...... 36

6. Manipulative ...... 38

C. The Effects of Main Character Psychopath Behaviour in Orphan Film

by Jaume Collet Serra ...... 39

1. No Regret After Killing...... 39

2. Uncontrolled Emotion ...... 41


A. Conclusions…………………………………...... …....……... 44

B. Suggestions…………………………………………...... 45







A. Background of the Problem Humans have been created by God with their respective personalities. Personality that people have is influenced by their characteristics, behavior, actions, attitudes, and thoughts. A person can be said to be healthy physical and mental physique, if only physical is healthy, but the soul is not it cannot be called health perfectly. Soul meant is a person's psychic mental. In psychology of disease or psychological disorders, one of them is psychopath. Psychopathic disorder is a human personality that has always been considered dangerous and detrimental to society. There are some characteristics that are shown by a person who has psychiatric disorder. Firstly, psychopath tends to behave good and attract the attention of those around him or her by giving charming in first impression. Secondly, psychopaths tend to be less empathy and fake normal, therefore they often convincingly come across as personable even charming. It is based on the statement of Pieter Hintjens who explains that most psychopaths are successful and hide in general society, the number one talent of a psychopath is too look normal.3 There are many cases of psychopath in this world, some of them are cruel behavior, but some of them are well behaved like a normal people in general. So, the people are difficult to know it. Psychopath to be found among perpetrators whose motivation is an attempt to establish an affectional relationship with the victim.

3 Pieter Hintjens, The Psychopath Code Craking The Predators That Stalk Us (Publisher: by Pieter Hintjens, 2015), p.167.


Film is a reveal of expression, and creation by someone and also as a medium of entertainment for people. Film is also a combination between technology and theatre, sounding art, art of painting, and music. nimation techniques special effects. Literature is also an art, anything that is written and reflects culture. Film begins from scenario and also reflects culture, so film is reflected with literature.

The film is one of the literary works that have now developed rapidly. The film is a literary work because it is a drama modern. The film as a work of art is often interpreted results of copyrighted works of art that have the completeness of some elements of art to meet the needed of a spiritual nature. According to panca javandalasta in his book: “Film adalah rangkaian gambar yang bergerak membentuk suatu cerita atau juga biasa disebut movie atau video”.4 One of the film that get people‟s attention, especially in the year 2009 is the Orphan film. The film tells about a mother of two children depressed and often had nighmares because her third child died before birth. Then adopted a mysterious 9 year old girl named Esther. The next morning, Kate and John go to Saint Mariana‟s Orphanage for Girl. Kate and John decided to adopt a child named Esther who has talent to paint and sing, Esther is also a smart kid. Esther is sociable when she goes to the Kate‟s house for the first time, when she knew that has sister named Max, and she learns how to speak with sign language. It make Max likes her too but not with Daniel. Esther is John‟s favorite child. It did make Daniel jealous. Esther turns to his real personality gradually. One day on the playground Esther pushed her classmate to fracture. Esther also kills Sister Abigail after a visit to the home of Kate and John. Kate begins to suspect Esther. Esther always threatens Max and Daniel order not to tell anyone even though they know that Esther had killed Sister Abigail. Kate contacts Orphanage to find out anything about Esther, but the Orphanage was also dubious

4 Panca Javandalasta, Mahir Bikin Film (Surabaya: PT. Java Pustaka Group, 2011). p. 22.


about Esther. Finally, Kate knows about the real personality of Esther. Esther is actually a 33 year old women who suffered a mental disorder. She has hypopituarism, a rare hormone disorder that stunts her physical growth, and has spent most of her life pretending to be a little girl. The writer choose this film the first because it became a trending topic on , and get an award nominated for Teen Choice Awards 2009, winner of the Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival 2010 Golden Reven International Feature Long Competition. The second because it has a lot of behavior that can be discussed about psychological disorders. Especially among Americans, that children who are adopted from orphanage actually destroy the harmony of their adoptive families and can hurt people around. Many adopted children do not know their own character, and are hurting the adoptive family. The writer interested with a main character in Orphan film, that is Esther. Esther is a very smart girl, she can handle all the story succesfully. The writer feels that they are psychiatric irregularities on the main character itself. The writer indicates that the main character in the film has kind of psychopath disorder because it has a relation to have no sense of empathy or grief to others. The writer consider that research on psychology is considered important, because by researching it can overcome the problems related with psychic. From the explanation above, the writer interested to analyze the problems that exist in the film Orphan. This scientific research titled Psychopath Behaviour in The Orphan film by Jaume Collet Serra. B. Formulations of the Problem

In this research, the writer thinks important to write formulation of the problem, they are;


1. What are the common types of psychopath found in Orphan film by Jaume Collet Serra? 2. What are the psychopath behaviour as seen in the main character found in Orphan film by Jaume Collet Serra? 3. What are the effects of main character psychopath behaviour in Orphan film by Jaume Collet Serra? C. Limitation of the Problem Actually there are many aspects that can be analysed in the film, also there have been various researchers who have used this object which is Orphan film by Jaume Collet Serra for their study, but to make my research appropriate and different from others, the writer will make a limitation to this research. The writer only going to analyze and focused on the main character, named Esther in The Orphan film. D. Purposes of the Research The purpose of this research is : 1. To find out the common types of psychopath found in Orphan film by Jaume Collet Serra. 2. To find out the psychopath behaviour as seen in the main character found in Orphan film by Jaume Collet Serra. 3. To find out the effects main character psychopath behaviour in Orphan film by Jaume Collet Serra. E. Significant of the Research

Actually this research has several significance, theoretically and partically. Theoritically, the aim of this thesis is to give much knowledge about literature, especially about literature and film, richer than before. It is expected that this study can grow the interest of the readers in understanding film. This research was expected to help the reader in term of increasing their knowledge about


psychopath things in the film that could have happened in everyday life, and the researcher may help the readers to understand well about a psychopath in their life. Practically, the result of the research was expected to give better understanding to the readers in how the way to understand and know the psychopath‟s brain. It may give the understanding that a psychopath does not simply be a psychopath, there is background to form it. This research is also expected to be useful for enriching knowledge in the field of literature. The writer also hopes, later on there will be another research which use this theory and apply it in different object of research in my major.



A. Psychological Approach

Psychology is the science of behaviour. The primary aim of psychology is to find the law which relate behaviour to situations, conditions, and other behaviours.5 In Gilmer's book, he says that psychology is at the center of our effort to understand the behaviour of all living things and, in particular, of our individual search for self-understanding.6 Psychology is a branch of science that is the object of the discussion is the state of the human soul. This approach seeks to understand how these creatures thinking and feeling. Literary psychology approach is a way of analysis based on the viewpoint of psychology and departed from the assumption that the literary work always discuss about the events of human life is to live and anddressing emission in life. So this psychological approach is the analysis or criticism of a literary work that focuses on the state of the human psychologi. In other hand, literary work is the result of an author‟s expression of the soul in which the author described the psychological atmosphere, good atmosphere and emotional pain. Psychology is an academic and applied discipline that involves the scientific study of mental functions and behaviours.7 Psychology has always been popular topic within the films. The actions in the film are analyzable from the perspective of variety of psychological. Psychological knowledge is applied to various spheres of human activity including the family, education, employment, and to the treatment of mental health problems. It can be explained, psychology refers to the

5 David C. Edwards, General Psychology (USA: The Macmillan Company, 1969), p.1-2. 6 Gilmer B.Von Haller, Psychology (New York: Harper and Row Publisher, 1970), p.4. 7 James F. Brennan, Sejarah dan Sistem Psikologi (Jakarta: PT. RajaGrafindo Persada, 2006), p.23


application of such knowledge to various areas of human activity including the issue that related to daily life, and it also include the application of this science to human problems.8 Some psychologists believe that mental activity is always an inference from behaviour, other psychologist accept some forms of mental activity present in conscious experience, or awareness, as source of primary data for psychological science.9 B. Behaviour

Behaviorism is a genre in psychology from Burrhus Frederic Skinner or often known as B.F. Skinner. Skinner is considered by most to be one of the pivotal psychologists of the twentieth century. Both his followers and non followers alike agree that his tireless work on behaviorism has significant perceptions of how behavior is understood by scientists, the common man and changing the psychological landscape in general. His theory, although modified in various ways over the years, continues to be widely applied in all walks of life. Skinner was an American psychologist best known for the theory he developed over many years, which he called operant conditioning. Operant conditioning was a refinement of Ivan Pavlov‟s earlier concept of classical conditioning. Operant conditioning states that learning occurs as a result of the rewards and punishments the subject receives in response to a particular behavior. If the result of the behavior is a reward, the same behavior is likely to be repeated. If the result is a punishment, the behavior is less likely to be repeated.10 B. F. Skinner‟s entire theoretical system is based on what he called operant

8 Robinson Morgan King, Introduction to Psychology (Tokyo: Tosho Printing CO. LTD, 1979), p.4. 9 Ernest R. Hilgard,, To Psychology (United States American: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc,1957), p.21. 10 Kristine Krapp, Psychologists & Their Theowies for Student (United States of America, 2005), p.4.


conditioning. Operant conditioning is one of the most basic forms of learning and affects virtually all forms of human behavior. It states that learning occurs as a result of voluntary responses that are operating on the environment. Skinner‟s behaviorism assumes that humans are controlled and influenced by forces in the environment and the external world, not by forces from within. He did not go as far as denying the existence of internal physiological or even mental conditions, but he did deny their usefulness for the scientific study of behavior.11 A stimulus is a stimulus that occurs from a new environment or from someone, stimulus is very important in the psychology of behaviorism, because the stimulus is the beginning of a person can be said to have different behavioral changes. Giving stimulus can occur due to the experience provided. These experiences trigger a repetition that changes human behavior.12 Behavior in psychology is not only real but include the existence of which is an extension of real behavior. Sign the sign will appear on the body as a result of too frequent behavior or habit is done. Just as a jolly laugh and often will leave marks on his face and we can immediately judge the person. Permanent effect allow a psychologist able to study the human soul through their behavior. A behavior, however is an absolute principle in psychology is that the behavior is an expression of the soul because the expression has an important role in psychology though it is worth noting that not all of which are in the spirit expressed in behavior. This is done because there is a typical characteristic of a person who is only good in the sense that a good personality, or not good. G.W Allport argue that: Personality is a dynamic organization of individual psycho-physical system that

11 Kristine Krapp, Psychologists & Their Theowies for Student, p.399. 12Partiningsih, “Kepribadian Behaviorisme Tokoh Anya Dalam Novel Critical Eleven Karya Ika Natassa: Kajian Psikologi Skinner” Thesis, The Surabaya State University.


determines the behaviour and thoughts of a typical individual.13 Dynamic intent on understanding the behaviour may be changeable through learning or through experience, education, and so on. Personality is all behavioural patterns and habits of individuals who gathered in her and used to react and adapt to any stimuli both from outside and from within. Based on the above definition, the behaviour patterns of individuals in adapting to the environment will vary. Personality is characteristic, style or properties that are characteristic associated with us. Personality was sourced from the formations that is unique from the environment. C. Psychopath Psychopaths literally mean mental illness. Psychopaths derived from the word psyche means soul and pathos which mean the disease. Someone who is often referred to as a psychopath is very aware of his actions. The symptoms themselves are often referred to as psychopath, someone who behave likely crazy without mental disorders.14 Psychopaths are social predators who lure, manipulate, and ruthlessly hijack their way of life, shattered hopes, leaving traces of heartbreak, and empty wallets. Completely lacking in conscience and heartlessness towards others, psychopath also selfishly take what people like, violating social norms and expectations without the slightest hint of guilt or remorse.15

Traditionally defined as a personality disorder, psychopathy is characterized by persistent antisocial tendencies in terms of thought and behavior, as well as impaired empathic functioning, low remorse and “bold, egotistical, disinhibited traits”. According Sarlito W. Sarwono “Psikopat adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk orang-orang yang secara kronik (terus-menerus) menunjukkan perilaku

13 James F. Brennan, Sejarah dan Sistem Psikologi, p.30. 14Kendler KS. Reflection on The Relationship Between Psychiatric Genetics and Psychiatric Nosology (New York: A J Psychiatry, 2006), p.46. 15Robert D. Hare, PhD, Without Consience The Disturbing World of The Psychopaths Among Us (New York: London, 1999). p. 112.


immoral dan anti sosial”.16 Psychopaths usually know that their behavior is harmful or detrimental to others, but he does not care, and can not refrain from doing it. Psychopaths also have the image of could, heartless, and inhuman being, can have the high verbal intelligence but typically lack of emotional intellegence, and can be expert in manipulating people by playing to their emotions. Psychopath are so good using the game theory, by means of the games, and manipulate the emotions of their victims, compel them to play the role and enter to the psychopaths traps. Psychopath used their charm, intimidiation, implusive, and cold-blooded violence to attain their ends. Psychopath is a symptom that indicates that someone is having an imbalance or a failure in harmonizing impulses constructive and destructive in itself, is usually triggered by the pressures or life or experiencing emotional trauma that caused the conflict who have not found a way out. But psychopath not same with schizophrenia, a real psychopath is normal, meaning that he/she was totally aware about all that done.17 Some people argue that psychopaths are the rarest creatures that can only be found at the lowest levels of society. However, what is happening today is just the opposite. Not uncommon, but actually quite common, and may be found in everyday life. The reason is that the more competitive a given environment is, the more ruthless the Cheating Strategy will be used. In the circle of wealth and power, a lack of compassion and remorse is a prerequisite for success, and only a psychopathic mentality can develop. Because of the tremendous damage psychopaths have done to society, it is important for each person to be aware of

16Sarlito W. Sarwono. Pengantar Psikologi Umum (PT Rajagrafindo Persada, Jakarta:2010), p,265-266. 17Cicih Nuraeni “A Psychopath Analysis on Amy‟s Character In Gone Girl Movie”, (Journal: STIBA Nusa Mandiri) Volume VIII Number 2016, p.47.


the psychopath's existence and to recognize its behavioral characteristics. Understanding them is the first step in defending yourself against the evil that psychopaths will commit.18 D. Common Types of Psychopath While there are as many variations in the personalities of psychopaths as there are among normal people, there are some types of psychopath according Stefan H. Verstappen19: 1. Narcissists The most benign form of psychopathology is pathological narcissism. Narcissists, like the Greek mythology Narcissus, who are so self-centered that nothing else in the world is important apart from them. A narcissist needs a constant source of Supply, namely praise, attention, appreciation, adoration, recognition. There are two basic types of narcissists, Somatic and Brain. Somatic narcissists take pride in their looks and appearance. Narcissists will show off their sexual exploits, brag about their accomplishments, and show off what they have. Often times are health addicts, hypochondriacs, and sex addicts. Cerebral Narcissists love their own thoughts, arrogant, condescending, and "know-it-all" who takes pride in being smarter than everyone else. 2. The victim Usually used by female psychopaths, in the initial phase of the approach, psychopaths also usually play victims, telling sad stories so that other people feel sympathy. This method is used so that the psychopath can perform the action. Psychopath pretends heartfelt gratitude for whatever small kindness strangers provide her, but behind the mask is a cunning, ruthless, and loveless predator. Often using sex as the hook, they can juggle several victims at a time draining

18 Stefan H. Verstappen Defense Against The Psychopath (Toronto, Canada: Woodbridge Press. 2011), p.5-6. 19 Stefan H. Verstappen Defense Against The Psychopath. p. 11-18.


them of life and money until there is nothing left, then skipping town to avoid the repercussions. 3. The artists Not all con artists are psychopaths, but psychopaths make convincing con artists. Being excellent liars, they put that talent to use by cheating others. Without a conscience or remorse to stand in the way, psychopath are free to cheat old women out of their life savings. 4. Malevolent psychopath Malevolent psychopath Better known as Anti-Social Personality Disorder, the Malevolent Psychopath is a real-life monster of everyone's nightmare. Often impulsive and opportunistic, sociopaths will not hesitate to commit any type of crime and will use manipulation, intimidation, and violence to get what they want. 5. Professional Psychopath The malevolent psychopath is the most dangerous however, it is the Professional Psychopath that is the most destructive. The professional psychopath is just as malevolent, narcissistic, and remorseless. 6. Secondary Psychopath Secondary psychopath are renponsive and risk takers against pressure. This type of person is also prone to anxiety and guilt. While the classic genetic psychopath is one who born with whatever genetic trait that causes this pathology, there is another group of people that behave just like the classic the psychopath who were not born that way but were created. Secondary psychopaths are created in two ways, through trauma and through groups. Trauma from an accident, drug addiction, or severe psysical and psychological abuse can destroy that part of the frontal cortex of the brain where empathy and conscience is processed. E. Behaviour of Psychopath

One behaviours of psychopaths is the poverty of emotion in positive and


negative character. Even those positive feelings to other is just a pretense. The appereances of psychopath are charming and manipulating people for personal gain, lack of positive emotions encourage them to act irresponsible and often cruel to others. There are behaviour of psychopath according to Stefan H. Verstappen20: 1. Lack of Empathy Empathy is the ability to experience within oneself the feelings and emotions expressed by others. Psychopaths lack empathy and as a result, a psychopath does not care about his impact on others, is not even truly human, nor is he truly alive. Psychopaths from an early age recognize that they are different, and that they must act like everyone else in order to be accepted by society. psychopaths learn to imitate what others see and do, but never understand why they should act this way. 2. Lack of Remorse Remorse is an emotional expression of personal regret felt by a person after he or she has committed an act, which they deem to be shameful, hurtful, or violent. Psychopaths understand when people are angry with them for their behavior, and as a last resort, they may pretend they are sorry, but unlike most people, they are not the least bit disturbed by feelings of guilt. Remorse is a powerful negative emotion that causes turmoil in those that feel it, turmoil that often results in self-destructive or self-deprecating behaviors. 3. Grandiosity Despite being shallow and superficial, psychopaths show no self-esteem issues. Psychopaths live in a falsely constructed worldview in which they are both literally and figuratively god. Often seen as megalomaniacs, they also have an equally overblown sense of entitlement. 4. Superficiality

20 Stefan H. Verstappen Defense Against The Psychopath, p.6-10.


Psychopaths can never penetrate beyond the surface of most knowledge. As a result, they exhibit a “superficial” comprehension of some or many subjects but are often seen by true experts as being shallow. This superficiality extends to their attempts at acting normal by exhibiting false emotions through an exaggerated affect. 5. Irresponsibility A psychopath tends to have difficulty to be responsible, and often blame others. Psychopath tend to be busy with self involved and have difficulty understanding the perspective of others. In addition, psychopath may violate the rights of others, especially for self profit. 6. Impulsive Behavior Implusive is a tendency to act without thinking about the consequences or risks to be faced. Someone who has implusive behaviour can be said to be unstable because inconsistent. The person may suddenly do something spontaneous that was not planned before or choose an option that does not fit with the original plan for no good reason. 7. Poor Behavior Control This characteristic can be misleading since many psychopaths exhibit excellent self control by having to pretend to be for most of their lives. The lack of self control comes into play when the megalomania causes them to do and behave exactly as they please at any time they have an urge. 8. Lacking Goals Another characteristic attributed to the psychopathic personality is the lack of goals, but this can be misleading. Many psychopaths have goals, such as murder two victims at once. 9. Complusive Lying


Without empathy, shame, and remorse they are free to lie as often and as outrageously as they please. They are so good at lying they can fool trained psychiatrists and even other psychopaths. What is important to know is that given the right circumstances they can fool anyone. 10. Manipulative Psychopath use this ability to keep those around confused, unable to think clearly, and off balance. Psychopath very often cheat just to get an emotional response from their environmen. Although often caught lying a psychopath is unrepentant and tends to do the same things over and over. 11. Anti-social Behavior Their lack of empathy for other people extends onto society and the environment. Vandalism, pollution, graffiti, animal abuse, environmental destruction, building code violations, reckless driving, and a host of morally and socially unacceptable activities are of no concern to the psychopath. F. The Effect of Psychopath Behaviour Psychopath as predator who use attraction, manipulation, intimidation, and violence to control someone in order to satisfy selfish needs. Psychopath have a lack of conscience and feelings for other people. Psychopath tend to be domineering and lacking regret for the wrong done. A psychopath exhibits a cold or heartless attitude shown limited ability to understand people‟s feelings other. The cold attitude of the psychopath is supported by the emotions of the psychopath unstable and shallow. Robert Hare, have the thought that psychopath personality that is seen as a kind hearted human, but behind it all is very detrimental to the people around like there is no regret after killing and uncontrolled emotion.21

21Robert D. Hare, PhD, Without Consience The Distrubing World of The Psychopaths Among Us. p.150.


Based on the apparent cruelty committed by psychopath, that psychopath have no understanding of conscience. Related to the psychopath‟s lack of insight into the disorders have and the selfishness of psychopaths that seem extreme, psychopaths even have rules themselves. Psychopaths are closely related to uncontrolled emotion, distrubance that makes psychopaths looks cold, also does not have the ability to deepen feelings of emotion. G. Review of Related Research There are three reviews of related researches that the writer has found, first from student of English Literature Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Mulawarman University. They are Sulistyo Dwi Antoko, Muhammad Natsir, Nita Maya Valiantien22 with the title "Character Analysis of Dexter Morgan From Dexter TV Show: With Special Reference To Psychopath or Sociopath Disorders". They are discussed about Dexter Morgan the master of horrendous crimes without everyone acknowledgement. This research use the qualitative method, by using theories from Robert Hare‟s. The finding of the research shows that Dexter Morgan has dominant character as a high functioning psychopath because he can manipulate everyone, undetected serial killer, and act like a wolf in sheep clothes. The second is Student of English Literature Department of Adab and Humanities Faculty State Islamic University Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, she is Aulia Dhian Rakhmadhani with the title “Psychopath in Thomas Harris‟ Hannibal Rising”.23 She discussed about Hannibal Lecter‟s psychopath in Thomas Harris‟ Hannibal Rising novel. In the novel, Hannibal Lecter is a brilliant forensic

22 Sulistyo Dwi Antoko, Muhammad Natsir, Nita Maya Valiantien, Character Analysis of Dexter Morgan From Dexter TV Show: With Special Reference To Psychopath or Sociopath Disorders (Journal: English Literature Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Mulawarman University, 2018), Volume. 2, Number. 2. 23 Aulia Dhian Rakhmadhani, Psychopath in Thomas Harris‟ Hannibal Rising, Thesis: State Islamic University Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, 2016.


psychiatrist turnng to be a cannibalistic psychopath. This research use the qualitative method. This research use psychological criticism design to analysis and applies a psychological approach especially psychopathy such as the symptoms, the causes and the types. The finding of the research that the writer found 6 behaviours of psychopath and the causes Hannibal becomes a psychopath based on genetic and environment factors. The third is from English Literature Department of Adab and Humanities Faculty State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya. He is Moh Syakir Rohman with the title “Psychopath Characteristic on Amy Elliott Dunne as the Main Character in Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn”.24 He discussed about the story of a woman named Amy Elliott Dunne who has psychopathic syndrome due to pressure from her parents and her husband. This research use the qualitative method and descriptive technique. He also use two theories, new criticism as the supporting theory and psychoanalisis Sigmund Freud as the main theory. The finding of the research shows that Amy Elliott Dunne who has psychopathic syndrome due to pressure from her parents and her husband, A lot of pressure can affect a persons‟s psychological condition, as in natural by Amy Elliott Dunne a psychopath because of too much oppression in her lives. From several researches above, actually this research has the same topic, but has different literary works. The difference of this research is the object and theory to answer the problem formulation. Some of studies above examine different objects and use several theories from other experts, for example Robert Hare, Sigmun Frued and others. Whereas in this study the writer will use the theory of Stefan H. Verstappen to answer the first and the second question, Robert

24 Moh Syakir Rohman, Psychopath Characteristic on Amy Elliott Dunne as the Main Character in Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn, Thesis: State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya, 2019.


Hare, to answer the last question, and main character in the Orphan film as the object.



A. Design of Research

Every research uses the method to analyze the problems, there are two methods in the research, there are qualitative method and quantitative method. The research was conducted by employing a descriptive qualitative method. Descriptive qualitative method is a method which is employed to collect and analyze data and draw conclusion of the analyzed data. According to Bogdan and Taylor “defines qualitative research refers in the broadest sense the research that produce descriptive data people‟s own writer or spoken and observable behavior”.25 According to Nyoman Kutha Ratna in his book Theory, Method, and Literary Research Techniques, he stated that the “Metode kualitatif secara keseluruhan merupakan cara-cara penafsiran dengan menyajikannya dalam bentuk deskripsi”26. Qualitative research is a research procedure that produce descriptive data in the form of written words and from people that can be observed. It means that characteristic of the qualitative is analytic descriptive and produce descriptive data spoken words of the person or behaviour being researched. According to Nawawi: “Metode deskriptif dapat diartikan sebagai prosedur pemecahan masalah yang diselidiki dengan menggambarkan atau melukiskan keadaan subjek atau objek penelitian (novel, drama, cerita pendek, puisi) pada saat sekarang berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang tampak

25Moelong j. Lexy, Qualitative Research Methods (Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya 2005), p.4. 26Nyoman Kutha Ratna, Teori, Metode, dan Penelitian Sastra, (Yogyakarta, Pustaka Pelajar,2007), p.46.


atau sebagaimana adanya.”27 Descriptive method can be interpreted as problem solving which is investigated by picture or depict the state of the subject or research object (novel, drama, short story, poem) at present based on visible fact or unification. It means that descriptive method can be defined as a problem solving procedures investigated by describing the state of the subject or object in the research. The writer have the necessary steps to be used to achieve the most effective results of the study and the steps are consisted of research design, data and source of data, tecnique of collecting data, and mothod of analyzing data. B. Source of Data

In this research, the writer takes the data from The Orphan film directed by Jaume Collet Serra and written by David Leslie Johnson from a story by Alex Mace. Orphan film was released theatrically in the United States on july 24, 2009, by Warner Bros Picture, with duration 123 minutes. The writer uses the dialouges, and script taken from C. Techniques of Data Collection

The purpose of data collection is to get information related with the topics. There are many ways to collect the data, like Chaterine Marshall and Gretchen B Rossman stated that: “the fundamental methods relied on by qualitative researchers for gathering information are, participation in the setting, direct observation, in-depth interviewing, document review.”28 It means that in the qualitative research there are some method to collect the data, there are participation in the setting, direct observation, interview and document review. The writer will use documentation to get the information and analyze the problem

27 Siswantoro. Metode Penelitian Sastra, (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2010), p.56. 28 Miles, M.B., and Huberman, A.M. Qualitative Data Analysis, (Newbury Park CA: Sage, 1984), p.309.


of the research. “dokumentasi merupakan catatan peristiwa yang sudah berlalu. dokumentasi bisa bebentuk tulisan, gambar, atau karya-karya monumental dari seseorang. Dokumentasi yang berbentuk karya seni, berupa karya misalnya gambar, patung, film dan lain- lainnya.”29 Documentation is a record of past events. Documentation may be in the form of writing, drawing, or monumental works of person. Documents in the form of works of art, in the form of works such as pictures, sculptures, films and other. It means that, documentation refer to how to record the events in form of document, a note or file that saved. Its about events or something that has occured in the past. There some forms of them as kinds of documentation are picture and literary work by someone. Document in the form of artwork such as images, sculptures films and etc. The writer use documentation method to collect the data in this research, because based on the statement above, the form of documentation can be a text, picture or literary work. Writer collects data from Identity film and it is one of the literary work that part of document. The writer took the data by watching film and reading the script. According to Siswantoro there are 3 steps in collecting the data which are “menyiapkan lembaran pengumpulan data, menyeleksi data, dan memberi deskripsi” : 1) Preparing data collection sheets. Prepare a book or sheet and don‟t forget that each sheet is labeled with category. 2) Selecting data. After that we select the data has been obtained may also be reduced or added it. In this research the writer will begin to collecting the data by

29 Miles, M.B., and Huberman, A.M. qualitative data analysis, p.312.


analyzing common types of psychopath, psychopath behaviour and the effects of psychopath in Orphan film. 3) Giving a description. The writer then gives a description or information about the data. A description is given in order to sharpen the accuracy of the data.30 D. Technique of Data Analysis After collecting the data, the writer analyzes the data. In qualitative research, technique analysis data are used to answer the formulation of the problem in analysis data. Bogdan stated that:

“Analisis data adalah proses mencari dan menyusun secara sistematis data yang di peroleh dari hasil wawancara, catatan lapangan, dan bahan- bahan lain, sehingga dapat mudah dipahami, dan temuanya dapat diinformasikan kepada orang lain.”31 Data analysis is the process of searching arranging systematically data obtained from interviews, field notes, ant other materials, so that it can be easily understood, and findings can be informed to others. It means that analyzing data means looking for the data related to problem formulation through interviews, field notes and other materials and then organizing them systematically to be easily understood and informed to others. The writer used descriptive analysis technique. Which descriptive analysis seeks information and describes a phenomenon in detail. In this research the writer get the data from script in the film. The writer has some steps in analyzing the data, in order to make this research more specific. The steps are: 1. Identifying

30 Siswantoro, Metode Penelitian Sastra Analisis Struktur Puisi. (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2010), p.74. 31 Prastowo, Andi. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif dalam Perspektif Rancangan Penelitian. (Yogyakarta: Ar-ruzz Media, 2011), p.208.


The writer identifies the data which have correlation with psychopath in film orphan. 2. Analyzing, describing, explaining The writer analyzes, explains and explains how a 9 year old girl becomes a cold blooded killer. 3. Making the conclusion

After all the data have been analyzed, described, and explained in the research, the writer will make the conclusion of the research.32

32 Miles, M.B., and Huberman, A.M. qualitative data analysis, p.220.



In this chapter, the writer will discuss about the psychological problems of Psychopath Behaviour In The Orphan Film by Jaume Collet Serra. Base on the previous chapther, this chapter is conducted to answer the research question, What are the common types of psychopath found in Orphan Film by Jaume Collet Serra?,What are the psychopath behaviour as seen in the main character found in Orphan Film by Jaume Colet Serra?, and What are the effects of main character psychopath behaviour in Orphan film by Jaume Collet Serra?. A. Common Types of Psychopath Every psychopath has a different type. In the previous chapter the writer mentions several types of psychopath. According to Stefan Verstappen there are 6 types of psychopath, Narcisstists, The Victim, The Artists, Malevolent Psychopath, Professional Psychopath and Secondary Psychopath.33 The analysis of the data to the first question is What are the Common Types of Psychopath Found in the Orphan Film by Jaume Collet Serra. The writer found there are four types of psychopath which is explain as follow; 1. The Victim In this orphan film Esther belongs to this type because Esther is good at manipulating victims. Evidence is seen when Max gives a gift to Esther, and John also presents a painting tool. The pictures below show that Esther has the victim types.

33 Stefan H. Verstappen Defense Against The Psychopath, p.6-10.


Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

John : “Wow, look at that, what, what what.” Esther : (Open a gift from John) “Thank you” (laugh and hug john).34

From the dialog in the picture above it can seen that Esther was very happy and hugged John. She pretends heartfelt gratitude for whatever small kindness strangers provide her, but behind the mask is a cunning, ruthless, and loveless

34 Minute, 00:22:45.


predator. Esther even had time to seduce John to make love when they were in the living room, but John refused. She does various ways to get what he wants. 2. The Artists When John and Kate wanted to take adopted children from the orphanage they met Esther who was painting, she had excellent painting talent, therefore John and Kate very interested to adopting Esther, because she is an extraordinary liar, she uses this talent to deceive the Kate family.35 The pictures below show that Esther has the artists type.

Picture 4

Picture 5 Esther : “it’s really boring here” Kate : “it‟s boring?,if you‟re so bored why aren‟t you down at the party?” Esther : “I’ve never really seen the point of it nobody’s ever talked to me, I guess I’m different” Kare : “there‟s nothing wrong with being different”

35 Minute, 00:18:10.


John : “ you know, you two have a lot in common”

From the dialog above, Esther used her talent to attract Kate and John‟s attention. In a room Esther seemed to be painting alone then John approached Esther, then Kate followed up to them. Esther said that the place was very boring, it was the first step to getting Kate and John‟s attention. 3. Malevolent Psychopath According to the explanation in the previous point that Esther was a very cruel psychopath without mercy, the evidence proves that Esther malevolent psychopath is when she killed John (his stepfather).36 The picture below show that Esther has the malevolent psychopath type.

Picture 6

Picture 7 The pictures above shows that Esther is malevolent psychopath. After Esther expressed her affection for John, Esther did not succeed in winning John‟s heart,

36 Minute, 01:45:12.


but John only Esther as a child, so Esther takes a kitchen knife and kills John in the house. The incident was witnessed by Max, after seeing everything Max runs into the room to save himself. 4. Professional Psychopath In addition to the cruel killer Esther who is also very professional in his actions, he is good at covering up his crimes, manipulating and returning facts. The first proof when Esther hid the clothes, gloves and hammers used to kill sister Abigail. The pictures below show that Esther has the professional psychopath type.

Picture 8

Picture 9


Picture 10

Max : (With sign language) “You tricked me.” Esther : “It doesn't exist meaning, they will send you to jail for helping to hide it, I have to kill him because he wants to report me, you won't report me, are you?” Max : (Shaking head) Esther : “Don‟t worry, you my little sister, I will not let anything happen to you, I love you.” 37

From the dialog above Max is very scared and Esther tries to convince Max that nothing will happen to him. After killing Sister Abigail and throwing her into a ravine, Esther hides the used items of killing Sister Abigail in a tree house. Based on the data analysis, the question number one, the writer finds 4 types of psychopath, the victim, the artists, malevolent psychopath and professional psychopath. In the theory Stafen Verstappen's propose 6 types of psychopaths, but in this research there is only 4 types found, and in contrast to research Sulistiono Dwi Antoko et al, from student of English Literature Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Mulawarman University, just discused about how Dexter Morgan hid his true identity in social life. B. Psychopath Behaviour This part contains the discussion about psychopath behaviour based on the Orphan film by Jaume Collet Serra. According to Stefan Verstappen there are 11

37 Minute, 00:57:47.


psychopath behaviour, but the writer find 6 behaviour, Lack of Empathy, Lack of Remorse, Irresponsibility, Implussive Behaviour, Complusive Lying, and Manipulative.38 The analysis based on the second question is What are the Psychopath Behaviour as seen in the Main Character Found in Orphan Film by Jaume Collet Serra. 1. Lack of Empathy The first proof of main character psychopath behaviour is her lack of empathy. It happens when Daniel shoots the bird with the paint ball. Daniel doesn‟t think that bird is agony because he just shoots it with paint ball. However, Esther thinks that bird is agony. Therefore, she orders Daniel to kill that bird with the rock. Daniel doesn‟t want to do it because he doesn‟t want to hurt that bird anymore. Besides, Daniel thinks that bird is not agony. Finally, Esther herself kills that bird with the rock without checking that bird is still alive or not. The pictures below show that Esther lack of empathy behaviour.

Picture 11

38 Stefan H. Verstappen Defense Against The Psychopath.p.6-10.


Picture 12

Esther : “did you kill it ?” Daniel : “it‟s just a pain ball, I didin‟t think it would hurt him”. Esther : ( takes a rock and gives that to Daniel ) “ put it out a misery. It‟s in pain, and it‟s your responsibility.” Daniel : “it was just an accident.” Esther : “if you walk away now, it will starve to death. Is that what you want ?” Daniel : “I‟m not doing it.” (Esther kills that bird by herself.)39

From the dialog above Esther told Daniel to kill the bird to death, so that the bird would not be in pain, but Daniel did not want to do it. Daniel ran leaving Esther and Max near the tree house, where Daniel had been playing. Finally, Esther herself kills that bird with the rock without checking that bird is still alive or not. 2. Lack of Remorse The second proof of main character psychopath behaviour is her lack of remorse. This proof was seen when Esther gave a surprise to Kate by cutting off her beloved flower. Esther knew that the flower was very meaningful because it

39 Minute 00:30:05.


was planted for her dead child (Jessica). it made Kate very angry. The pictures below show that Esther has lack of remorse behaviour.

Picture 13

Picture 14

Picture 15 Esther : “I have a special surprise for you, mommy.” Kate : “You do?.” Esther : “I picked this flower just for you.”


Kate : “Esther put that down.”40 From the dialog Esther does not have any feeling of remorse and guilty after cutting Kate's lovely flower. Esther knows that the flowers that Kate planted are her favorite flowers, Esther deliberately cut the flowers and gave them to Kate in the kitchen while Kate was cooking. 3. Irresponsibility There are so many events that prove that Esther never has a sense of responsibility, instead she even returns facts. The first proof that esther is not responsible is when sister Abigail visits the house of John and Kate, telling her that there is something strange about Esther, every time there is any event there is always an Esther, turns out Esther listens to all her conversations. Then the Abigail nurse went home, but in the middle of the trip she was shocked by the Max who suddenly appeared from the side of the road to almost hit her. Sister Abigail gets out of the car and helps Max, suddenly from behind Esther hits her using a hammer until Sister Abigail dies.41 The pictures below show that Esther has irresponsibillity behaviour.

Picture 16

40 Minute 01:10:09. 41 Minute, 00:56:56.


Picture 17

Picture 18

Max : (in the road side, Max crying) Sister Abigail : (get off the car and go to Max) “Max, are you okay?” Esther : (hit sister Abigail’s head with a hammer) “stop crying grab foot and help me get her off the road, now” (Esther talk to Max). After killing Sister Abigail, Esther left without any sense of responsibility. the second proof which states that Esther irresponsibility is when Esther wanted to kill Daniel because Daniel knew where to store the hammer and used clothes Esther killed Sister Abigail. When Daniel was looking for the device in the tree house, Esther burned it to make Daniel injured.42

42 Minute, 01:27:06.


Picture 19

Picture 20 Eather : “are you looking for this, for sister Abigail I could‟n have done it myself you know Max is just as guilty as I am whatever” Daniel : “Max did you her do it” Esther : “think about it how did she even know what was up here it’s always better to burn the evidence if they find these things they didn’t just become a fool they’ll coming be coming for Max too, it’s really what you want” Daniel : “wait, what are you doing, are you crazy?” (Esther doused the oil and lit a match). From the dialog above, Esther plans crime to Daniel, because after Esther finds out that Daniel and Max will report Esther‟s crime to Kate and John. When Daniel will look for evidance in the tree house, Esther suddenly enters the tree house and burns it to make Daniel injured and taken to the hospital. 4. Impulsive Behavior Esther prepared food for John by wearing a black dress and using thick makeup. Esther knew that John was drunk, and took advantage of the situation.


She sat next to John, looked into his eyes and touched his face. The pictures below show that Esther has implusive behaviour.

Picture 21

Picture 22

Esther : “John, let me take care of you.” John : (John was shocked and pushed his face away) “What are you doing? What are you doing? What going on?” Esther : “you said you love me.”43

From the dialog above Esther tried to seduce John, but John was shocked and push his face away. Esther wantes to spend her time with John and express her feelings, but John only loved Esther as his daughter, then Esther got angry and asked to leave John. 5. Compulsive Lying

43 Minute 01:36:37.


John invites esther and max to the playground. She saw Berenda (her classmate bullying Esther), Esther wants revenge by pushing Brenda from the playground, causing her legs to break. The pictures below show that Esther has complusive lying behaviour.

Picture 23

Picture 24

Picture 25

John : “Brenda‟s father says that you pushed her.”


Esthere: “That’s not true, we were just playing. I swear.” Kate : (To Max) Okay, and did you see what happened”? Max : (With sign language) She slipped.”44 From the dialog above Esther lied that she did not encourage Brenda and threatened Max to keep this a secret. 6. Manipulative After Kate is angry because Esther cut off her beloved flower, Esther runs into the room and injures her own hand. Therefore, John thinks that Kate who hurts her hand because at that moment Kate is very angry with Esther. Therefore, John is angry with Kate.45 The pictures below show that Esther has manipulative behaviour.

Picture 26

Picture 27

44 Minute 00:43:44. 45 Minute 01:12:00


Esther injures herself because she wants to get John's attention, so Kate looks wrong to John and Esther wants to be the only person to get attention. Based on the research of the second question about psychopath behaviour, the writer find 6 psychopath behaviour, lack of empathy, lack of remorse, irresponsibillity, implusive behaviour, complusive lying and manipulative. This discovery accordance with the theory of Stephen Verstappen, who said that there are 11 psychopath behaviours and also similar to the research of other people. The writer found 6 psychopath behaviours and the most dominant was manipulative. In contrast to research Aulia Dhian Rakhmadhani's research from the Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University Malang, she found 6 psychopathic behavior and the most dominant was manipulative. C. The Effects of Main Character Psychopath Behaviour This part contains the discussion about the effects of main character psychopath behaviour based on the Orphan film by Jaume Collet Serra. The analysis based on the second question is What are the effect of main character psychopath behaviour in Orphan film by Jaume Collet Serra. 1. No Regret After Killing The first effect of main character psychopath behaviour is no regret after killing. According to Robert Hare, psychopath who appear to be ordinary humans are kind, but behind it all psychopaths are human beings who are cruel and very determental to others. Psychopath no regret after killing because loss the empathy to others people.46 The first when Esther killed the bird with a stone, the second when Esther kill sister Abigail and throw her in a ravine, and the last when Esther kill John (step father). The pictures below show that Esther there is no regret after killing.

46 Robert D. Hare, PhD, Without Consience The Distrubing World of The Psychopaths Among Us. p.150.


Picture 28 Esther : “did you kill it ?” Daniel : “it‟s just a pain ball, I didin‟t think it would hurt him”. Esther : ( takes a rock and gives that to Daniel ) “ put it out a misery. It‟s in pain, and it‟s your responsibility.” Daniel : “it was just an accident.” Esther : “if you walk away now, it will starve to death. Is that what you want ?” Daniel : “I‟m not doing it.” Esther :(Esther kills that bird by herself.)

From the dialog above, daniel was playing shoot near the tree house, suddenly there was a bird and Daniel aimed at the bird, when Esther told Daniel to kill bird to death but he did not want to, finally Esther kill a bird by herself without empathy after killing. Daniel and Max was suspicious of Esther and left the place.

Picture 29


From the picture above, in the house Esther kill john with a knife, because John refused to have sex with Esther, when John already knows Esther‟s crime, the murder is withnessed by Max, because in the house only Esther, John, and Max. Max was surprised and immediately ran to save himself. Esther also wanted to kill Max and Kate (step mother), but they were able to defeat Esther and kill her in the middle of the ice poll.

Picture 30 Max : (in the road side, Max crying) Sister Abigail : (get off the car and go to Max) “Max, are you okay?” Esther : (hit sister Abigail’s head with a hammer) “stop crying grab foot and help me get her off the road, now” (Esther talk to Max).

From the dialog above, the writer can conclude that Esther very cruel, no regret after killing. 2. Uncontrolled Emotion The last effect of main character psychopath behaviour is uncontrolled emotion. When Esther entered school for the first time, at school Esther received an unpleasant reception from her friends. The next day, her classmate,Brenda interfered with taking Esther‟s Bible until it fell apart. When Esther tried to tidy up the Bible, Brenda pulled the ribbon around Esther‟s neck, suddenly Esther screamed so loudly that it made all the students look at her strangely.47 The

47 Minute, 00:34:10.


pictures below show that Esther uncontrolled emotion. The pictures below show that Esther uncontrolled emotion.

Picture 31

Picture 32

Picture 33 Brenda : “is this a Bible?” Esther : (nod head) Brenda : “Jesus Freak brought a Bible school today” (Brenda throw Esther’s Bible) “oh, little


doggy,this is your necklace little doggy” (Brenda pulled out the ribbon necklace Esther was wearing). From the dialog above it can seen that the effect of this psychopath behavior makes Esther uncontrolled emosion. Esther walked in the school corridor carrying books, suddenly Esther tripped and fell. Brenda took Esther‟s Bible, then when Esther wanted to take it Brenda threw the Bible on the floor until it fell apart. When Esther was tidying her Bible, Brenda pulled the ribbon necklace that was used by Esther so that it made Esther emotional and screamed very loudly. From the analysis above, the writer can conclude that there are two effects of psychopath behaviour, the first there is no regret after killing. Esther easily killed the bird with stone, then killed sister Abigail, even killed John (step father) without any regret. And the last uncontrolled emotion. Esther could not control her emotion when bullied by her classmate and made her scream out loud. This study is different from the three studies above, because none of the three has examined the effects of psychopath behaviour.



This chapter presents the conclusion and suggestion that deal with the analysis. It contains the summary of the analysis that is discussed in the previous chapter. Bisedes that, this chapter also presents the suggestion for the other researchs. A. Conclusion From the results of the analysis, The writer find 4 types of psychopath that exist in Esther. The first is the victim, when Max and John give a gift to Esther, she pretends to be grateful for what John gave her. The second is the artists, Esther attracted the attantion of John and Kate with his painting skills. The third is malevolent psychopath, when Esther kill John in the house. And the last is professional psychopath, Esther hides clothes, glove, and hammer at the tree house and licensing Max that Esther is in danger. The writer finds several behaviors in the Orphan film. The first is lack of empathy the proof when Esther kill bird with stone because Daniel does not want to do. The second is lack of remorse, Esther gave Kate‟s favorite flowers, and made Kate very angry. The third is irresponsibility, Esther killed Sister Abigail because she told him that something wrong with her. The fourth is implusive behaviour, when Esther seduced John in the guest room. The fifth is complusive lying, Esther pushed Brenda off the playground, causing Brenda‟s leg to break because at school Brenda bullied Esther. And the last is manipulative, when Esther gives flowers to Kate and Kate is angry, Esther enter the room and injures herself, so John thinks that Kate is guilty.

The writer find two effects of psychopath behaviour, the first no regret after killing. Esther easily killed the bird with stone, then killed sister Abigail,


even killed John (step father) without any regret. And the last uncontrolled emotion. Esther could not control her emotion when bullied by her classmate and made her scream out loud. B. Suggestion This film is very interesting to be watched and to be analyzed. In analyzing film, the research should use the appropriate theory or approach in order to have maximal comprehension of the film itself. By reading this readers can understand about the common types of psychopath, psychopath behaviour, and the effects of psychopath. Therefore the reader can also be vigilant and advised to be careful when meeting new people who have behaviors with characteristics that have been written in this thesis. The writer would like to suggest to nex researchers who want analyze about the psychopath can examine the effects of psychopaths on the family, or on the community environment.



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The Film Synopsis

Orphan is a 2009 psychological horor film directed by Jaume Collet Serra and written by David Leslie Johnson from a story by Alex Mace. The film stars , , Isabelle Fuhrman, C. C. H. Pounder and Jimmy Bennett. Orphan was released theatrically in the United States on July 24, 2009, by Warner Bros. The film received mixed reviews from critics, who praised its dark humor, scares, and Fuhrman and Farmiga's performances, but criticism for its screenplay, characters and lack of depth and grossed $78 million worldwide against a $20 million budget.

Kate and John Coleman's marriage is strained after the stillbirth of their third child Jessica, whose loss is particularly hard on Kate, who is also recovering from alcoholism. The couple decide to adopt a 9-year-old Russian girl, Esther, from the local orphanage. While their 5-year-old deaf daughter Max embraces Esther almost immediately, their 12-year-old son Daniel is far less welcoming.

Kate soon bonds with Esther, developing a strong mother-daughter relationship as well as rebuilding her own with John.

After Sister Abigail, the head of the orphanage, warns Kate of bad things happening whenever Esther is around, Esther kills the nun with a hammer and pushes her body into a ditch, hiding the evidence in Daniel's treehouse. She catches Daniel spying on her, interrogates him, and threatens to kill him if he tells his parents. As Kate becomes further convinced that something is wrong with Esther, John, who does not believe her, suggests that Esther could do something nice for Kate. She intentionally brings her a bouquet of flowers from Jessica's grave, angering Kate who roughly grabs Esther's arm in response. Later that night, Esther purposely breaks her arm and blames Kate. The next day, Esther releases the brake in the car, causing it to roll into oncoming traffic with Max inside.

When Daniel learns about Sister Abigail's death from Max and searches the treehouse, Esther sets it on fire, causing Daniel to fall and be knocked unconscious. Esther attempts to kill him but is stopped by Max. While Daniel is in the hospital, Esther smothers him with a pillow but he is quickly revived. Realizing what Esther did, Kate attacks her but is restrained and sedated. At the hospital, Kate gets a call from Dr. Värava of the Saarne Institute, and learns that Esther is actually a 33-year-old woman named Leena Klammer. She has hypopituitarism, a rare hormonal disorder that stunted her physical growth and caused proportional dwarfism, and has spent most of her life posing as a little girl. Esther has murdered at least seven people, including the last family that adopted her after failing to seduce the husband.48



Esther was very happy and hugged John, she pretends heartfelt gratitude for whatever small kindness provide John.

Max is very scared and Esther tries to convince Max that nothing will happen to him.

Esther her self kill that bird with the rock without checking that bird is still alive or not.

Esther gave a surprise to Kate by cutting off her beloved flower.

Esther tried to seduce john, but John was shocked and push his face.

Esther lied that she did not encourage Brenda and threatened Max to keep this a secret.


CONSULTATION CARD Name : Ulfa Arimawati NIM : AI.160811 Title of Thesis :Psychopath Behaviour in The Orphan Film by Jaume Collet Serra Advisor I : Dr. Alfian, M.Ed No Date Material of Consultation Signature

1 13/01/2020 Formulation of the Problem 2 16/01/2020 Chapter I and II

3 20/01/2020 Background of the Problem, Chapter II

4 27/01/2020 Purpose of the Research, Significan of the Research 5 03/02/2020 Chapter II

6 26/02/2020 Chapter II and III 7 05/03/2020 Chapter III 8 10/03/2020 Acc For Proposal Seminar 9 20/06/2020 Chapter II and IV 10 30/06/2020 Chapter IV and V 11 07/09/2020 Limitation of the Problem,Chapter III, and IV

12 15/09/2020 Acc For Munaqasyah

Jambi, September 2020 An. Dekan Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik

Dr. Ali Muzakir, M.Ag NIP. 19710715200212003


CONSULTATION CARD Name : Ulfa Arimawati NIM : AI.160811 Title of Thesis :Psychopath Behaviour in The Orphan Film by Jaume Collet Serra Advisor I : Tira Mariana, SS., M. Hum Signat No Date Material of Consultation ure 1 10/02/2020 Theoritical Framework

2 17/02/2020 Review Chapter I,II

3 02/03/2020 Review Chapter I, II and III 4 03/03/2020 Acc For Proposal Seminary

5 27/06/2020 Theoritical Framework, Method of Research 6 29/07/2020 Chapter IV 7 11/08/2020 Chapter IV, Appendixes

8 18/08/2020 Table of Content, Chapter IV 9 03/09/2020 Chapter IV, Conclusions and Suggestion 10 04/09/2020 Cover, Abstract 11 07/09/2020 Acc For Munaqosyah

Jambi, September 2020 An. Dekan Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik

Dr. Ali Muzakir, M.Ag NIP. 19710715200212003



Nama : Ulfa Arimawati Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan Tempat, Tanggal Lahir : Rimbo Bujang, 12 Juni 1998 Kewarganegaraan : Indonesia Status Perkawinan : Belum Menikah Agama : Islam Kesehatan : Sangat Baik Alamat : Perumahan Puri Masurai 1 Jl. Kemajuan, Mendalo Darat, Jambi Luar Kota. Pos-el : [email protected] Nama Ayah : Muhajir Nama Ibu : Tri Suwarni

RIWAYAT PENDIDIKAN FORMAL Formal: 2005-2011 : SDN 11 Desa Sidomulyo Kec. Tungkal Ilir Kab. Banyuasin

2011-2013 : Mts Mamba‟ul Hisan, Sri Gunung, Jl. Palembang-jambi. 2013-2016 : MA Mamba‟ul Hisan, Sri Gunung, Jl. Palembang-jambi. 2016-2020 : S1 Sasra Inggris UIN STS Jambi.

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Ulfa Arimawati Nim: AI. 160811