Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM OMB NO. 1124-0002; Expires February 28, 2014 u.s. Department of Justice Supplemental Statement Washington, DC 20530 Pursuant to the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended

For Six Month Period Ending Dec. 31, 2011 (Insert date)


1. (a) Name of Registrant (b) Registration No.

The Moffett Group, LLC 5802

(c) Business Address(es) of Registrant 180118th Street NW, Suite 9 Washington DC 20009

2. Has there been a change in the information previously furnished in connection with the following? (a) If an individual: (1) Residence address(es) Yes • No D (2) Citizenship Yes • No D (3) Occupation Yes • No D (b) If an organization: (1) Name • Yes • a- No H (2) Ownership or control Yes • No S (3) Branch offices Yes • No 0 (c) Explain fully all changes, if any, indicated in Items (a) and (b) above.

IF THE REGISTRANT IS AN INDIVIDUAL, OMIT RESPONSE TO ITEMS 3, 4, AND 5(a). 3. If you have previously filed Exhibit C1, state whether any changes therein have occurred during this 6 month reporting period. Yes • No B If yes, have you filed an amendment to the Exhibit C? Yes • No • If no, please attach the required amendment.

1 The Exhibit C, for which no printed form is provided, consists of a true copy of the charter, articles of incorporation, association, and by laws of a registrant that is an organization. (A waiver of the requirement to file an Exhibit C may be obtained for good cause upon written application to the Assistant Attorney General, National Security Division, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC 20530.) Formerly CRM-154 FORMNSD-2 Revised 03/11 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM (PAGE 2)

4. (a) Have any persons ceased acting as partners, officers, directors or similar officials of the registrant during this 6 month reporting period? Yes • No H If yes, furnish the following information: • Name Position Date Connection Ended

(b) Have any persons become partners, officers, directors or similar officials during this 6 month reporting period? Yes • No H If yes, furnish the following information: Name Residence Address Citizenship Position Date Assumed

5. (a) Has any person named in Item 4(b) rendered services directly in furtherance of the interests ofany foreign principal? Yes D No H If yes, identify each such person and describe the service rendered.

(b) During this six month reporting period, has the registrant hired as employees or in any other capacity, any persons who rendered or will render services to the registrant directly in furtherance of the interests ofany foreign principal(s) in other than a clerical or secretarial, or in a related or similar capacity? Yes • No 13

Name Residence Address Citizenship Position Date Assumed

(c) Have any employees or individuals, who have filed a short form registration statement, terminated their employment or connection with the registrant during this 6 month reporting period? Yes H No D If yes, furnish the following information: Name Position or Connection Date Terminated Margaret Moffett Associate July 31 st 2011

(d) Have any employees or individuals, who have filed a short form registration statement, terminated their connection with any foreign principal during this 6 month reporting period? Yes D No 13 If yes, furnish the following information: Name Position or Connection Foreign Principal Date Terminated

6. Have short form registration statements been filed by all of the persons named in Items 5(a) and 5(b) of the supplemental statement? Yes§ NoD If no, list names of persons who have not filed the required statement.

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(PAGE 3)

II - FOREIGN PRINCIPAL •7. Has your connection with any foreign principal ended during this 6 month reporting period? Yes IS No D If yes, furnish the following information:

Foreign Principal Date of Termination The Office of the President of the Republic of Congo March 31 2011

Have you acquired any new foreign principal(s)2 during this 6 month reporting period? Yes 0 No D If yes, furnish th following information:

Name and Address of Foreign Principal(s) Date Acquired The Office of the President of the Puntland State of Somalia 9/08/11 The Government of Lebanon, Embassy. 2560 28th Street, NW, Washington 11/30/11 DC 20008

9. In addition to those named in Items 7 and 8, if any, list foreign principal(s)2 whom you continued to represent during the 6 month reporting period. The Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt The Government of Morocco, Embassy The Republic of Kenya The Moroccan American Center for Policy

10. (a) Have you filed exhibits for the newly acquired foreign principal(s), if any, listed in Item 8? Exhibit A3 Yes H No • Exhibit B4 Yes H No D If no, please attach the required exhibit.

(b) Have there been any changes in the Exhibits A and B previously filed for any foreign principal whom you represented during this six month period? Yes • No H If yes, have you filed an amendment to these exhibits? YesD NoD If no, please attach the required amendment.

2 The term "foreign principal" includes, in addition to those defined in section 1(b) of the Act, an individual organization any of whose activities are directly or indirectly supervised, directed, controlled, financed, or subsidized in whole or in major part by a foreign government, foreign political party, foreign organization or foreign individual. (See Rule 100(a) (9)). A registrant who represents more than one foreign principal is required to list in the statements he files under the Act only those principals for whom he is not entitled to claim exemption under Section 3 of the Act. (See Rule 208.) 3 The Exhibit A, which is filed on Form NSD-3 (Formerly CRM-157) sets forth the information required to be disclosed concerning each foreign principal. 4 The Exhibit B, which is filed on Form NSD-4 (Formerly CRM-155) sets fourth the information concerning the agreement or understanding between the registrant and the foreign principal.

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM (PAGE 4) III - ACTIVITIES

11. During this 6 month reporting period, have you engaged in any activities for or rendered any services to any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes 0 No D

If yes, identify each foreign principal and describe in full detail your activities and services: See attachments A, B, C, D,E, F, G, H

12. During this 6 month reporting period, have you on behalf of any foreign principal engaged in political activity5 as defined below? Yes El No D

If yes, identify each such foreign principal and describe in full detail all such political activity, indicating, among other things, the relations, interests and policies sought to be influenced and the means employed to achieve this purpose. If the registrant arranged, sponsored or delivered speeches, lectures or radio and TV broadcasts, give details as to dates, places of delivery, names of speakers and subject matter. See Same Attachments as Above

13. In addition to the above described activities, if any, have you engaged in activity on your own behalf which benefits your foreign principal(s)? Yes D No [x]

If yes, describe fully.

5 The term "political activity" means any activity that the person engaging in believes will, or that the person intends to, in any way influence any agency or official of the Government of the United States or any section of the public within the United States with reference to formulating, adopting or changing the domestic or foreign policies of the United States or with reference to political or public interests, policies, or relations of a government of a foreign country or a foreign political party. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM (PAGE 5)


14. (a) RECEIPTS-MONIES During this 6 month reporting period, have you received from any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement, or from any other source, for or in the interests ofany such foreign principal, any contributions, income or money either as compensation or otherwise? Yes H No D If no, explain why. No formal contract between the Embassy of Lebanon and the Moffett Group. Any activities conducted were done as a result of a personal relationship. No monies received for the Govt, of Morocco during July-Dec. 2011 period; all monies received for 2011 were paid during Jan. 2011

If yes, set forth below in the required detail and separately for each foreign principal an account of such monies 6 Date From Whom Purpose Amount 7/21,8/15,9/15, Moroccan American Retainer $25,000 10/13,11/17 Center for Policy

10/27,12/20 Government of the Retainer $133,000 Arab Republic of Egypt 9/15,10/21 Republic of Kenya Retainer $151,032

9/15,10/12, Office of the President Retainer $40,000 12/16 of the Puntland State

$349,032 Total

(b) RECEIPTS - FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN During this 6 month reporting period, have you received, as part of a fundraising campaign7, any money on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? YesD No B If yes, have you filed an Exhibit D to your registration? Yes • NoD

If yes, indicate the date the Exhibit D was filed. Date

(c) RECEIPTS-THINGS OF VALUE During this 6 month reporting period, have you received any thing of value9 other than money from any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement, or from any other source, for or in the interests ofany such foreign principal? Yes • No H

If yes, furnish the following information:

Foreign Principal Date Received Thing of Value Purpose

6, 7 A registrant is required to file an Exhibit D if he collects or receives contributions, loans, moneys, or other things of value for a foreign principal, as part of a fundraising campaign. (See Rule 201(e)). 8 An Exhibit D, for which no printed form is provided, sets forth an account of money collected or received as a result of a fundraising campaign and transmitted for a foreign principal. 9 Things of value include but are not limited to gifts, interest free loans, expense free travel, favored stock purchases, exclusive rights, favored treatment over competitors, "kickbacks," and the like. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

(PAGE 6)

15. (a) DISBURSEMENTS-MONIES During this 6 month reporting period, have you (1) disbursed or expended monies in connection with activity on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes • No H (2) transmitted monies to any such foreign principal? Yes • No El

If no, explain in full detail why there were no disbursements made on behalf of any foreign principal. Disbursements were not a part of any agreement between the parties.

If yes, set forth below in the required detail and separately for each foreign principal an account of such monies, including monies transmitted, if any, to each foreign principal.

Date To Whom Purpose Amount


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(PAGE 7) (b) DISBURSEMENTS-THINGS OF VALUE During this 6 month reporting period, have you disposed of anything of value10 other than money in furtherance of or in connection with activities on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes • No H If yes, furnish the following information:

Date Recipient Foreign Principal Thing of Value Purpose

(c) DISBURSEMENTS-POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS During this 6 month reporting period, have you from your own funds and on your own behalf either directly or through any other person, made any contributions of money or other things of value" in connection with an election to any political office, or in connection with any primary election, convention, or caucus held to select candidates for political office? Yes B No D If yes, furnish the following information: Date Amount or Thing of Value Political Organization or Candidate Location of Event See Attachment I see attachment I See attachment I See attachments I

10,11 Things of value include but are not limited to gifts, interest free loans, expense free travel, favored stock purchases, exclusive rights, favored treatment over competitors, "kickbacks" and the like.

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16. (a) During this 6 month reporting period, did you prepare, disseminate or cause to be disseminated any informational materials?12 Yes M No • If Yes, go to Item 17. (b) If you answered No to Item 16(a), do you disseminate any material in connection with your registration? Yes D No D If Yes, please forward the materials disseminated during the six month period to the Registration Unit for review. 17. Identify each such foreign principal. The Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt The Republic of Kenya The Government of Morocco Office of the President of the Puntland State of Somalia Moroccan American Policy Center

18. During this 6 month reporting period, has any foreign principal established a budget or allocated a specified sum of money to finance your activities in preparing or disseminating informational materials? Yes • No [3 If yes, identify each such foreign principal, specify amount, and indicate for what period of time.

19. During this 6 month reporting period, did your activities in preparing, disseminating or causing the dissemination of informational materials include the use ofany of the following: D Radio or TV broadcasts H Magazine or newspaper D Motion picture films £3 Letters or telegrams • Advertising campaigns B Press releases D Pamphlets or other publications H Lectures or speeches • Other (specify) Electronic Communications H Email

• Website URL(s): : . D Social media websites URL(s): • Other (specify) ^^_

20. During this 6 month reporting period, did you disseminate or cause to be disseminated informational materials among any of the following groups: S Public officials • Newspapers • Libraries 0 Legislators • Editors D Educational institutions H Government agencies • Civic groups or associations • Nationality groups H Other (specify) Reporters

21. What language was used in the informational materials: 0 English D Other (specify)

22. Did you file with the Registration Unit, U.S. Department of Justice a copy of each item of such informational materials disseminated or caused to be disseminated during this 6 month reporting period? Yes S No D

23. Did you label each item of such informational materials with the statement required by Section 4(b) of the Act? Yes H No •

12 The term informational materials includes any oral, visual, graphic, written, or pictorial information or matter of any kind, including that published by means of advertising, books, periodicals, newspapers, lectures, broadcasts, motion pictures, or any means or instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce or otherwise. Informational materials disseminated by an agent of a foreign principal as part of an activity in itself exempt from registration, or an activity which by itself would not require registration, need not be filed pursuant to Section 4(b) of the Act.

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(PAGE 9)

VI-EXECUTION In accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 1746, the undersigned swear(s) or affirm(s) under penalty of perjury that he/she has (they have) read the information set forth in this registration statement and the attached exhibits and that he/she is (they are) familiar with the contents thereof and that such contents are in their entirety true and accurate to the best of his/her (their) knowledge and belief, except that the undersigned make(s) no representation as to truth or accuracy of the information contained in the attached Short Form Registration Statement(s), if any, insofar as such information is not within his/her (their) personal knowledge.

(Date of signature) (Print or type name under each signature or provide electronic signature13)

January 19,2012 • Isl Anthony J. Moffett eSigned

13 This statement shall be signed by the individual agent, if the registrant is an individual, or by a majority of those partners, officers, directors or persons performing similar functions, if the registrant is an organization, except that the organization can, by power of attorney, authorize one or more individuals to execute this statement on its behalf.

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Person Mon Person/Office Date Means Regarding Client Initiating th Contacted of Contact Contact Toby Moffett JULY Rep. Steve Cohen (TN-09) 7/26/11 Phone cal Egyptian Generals meeting Egypt

Toby Moffett Rep. Joe Courtney (CT-02) 7/26/11 Phone call Egyptian Generals meeting Egypt

Toby Moffett Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) 7/26/11 Phone call Egyptian Generals meeting Egypt

Toby Moffett Rep. Steve Cohen (TN-09) 7/27/11 Meeting Egyptian Generals meeting Egypt

Toby Moffett Rep. Joe Courtney (CT-02) 7/27/11 Meeting Egyptian Generals meeting Egypt

Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) 7/27/11 Meeting Egyptian Generals meeting Egypt

Toby Moffett Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (NE- -7/27/11 Meeting Egyptian Generals meeting Egypt 01) Toby Moffett Toby Moffett Rep. Rob Andrews (NJ-01) 7/27/11 Meeting Egyptian Generals meeting Egypt

Toby Moffett Rep. Howard Berman (CA- 7/27/11 Meeting Curtailing aid to Lebanon Lebanon 28)

Toby Moffett Rep. Betty McCollum (MN- 7/27/11 Meeting Egyptian Generals meeting Egypt 04)

Toby Moffett Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) 7/29/11 Meeting Inquiry re House Foreign Ops Morocco language Toby Moffett Rep. Barbara Lee(CA-09) 7/29/11 Meeting Inquiry re House Foreign Ops Morocco language Toby Moffett AUGU Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) 8/1/11 Email Egypt and possible meeting Egypt Staff: Haley Sofer b/t Amb. Shoukry and Sen. Toby Moffett Rep. Joe Courtney (CT-02) 8/10/11 Phone call Possible Kenyan Ambassador Kenya visit to CT

Toby Moffett Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) 8/22/11 Phone call Voicemail. Re timing of Egypt Staff: HalieSoifer meeting with Sen. Coons and

Toby Moffett Rep. Joe Courtney (CT-02) 8/31/11 Meeting Kenyan ambassador's Kenya potential visit to University

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

TobyMoftett SEPTE Sen. Chris Coon (D-DE) 9/8/11 Email Egypt Ambassador Meeting Egypt Staff: Halie Soifer Information

Toby Moffett Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) 9/8/11 Email Potential Meeting with Kadir Puntland Staff: Halie Soifer Mohamud

Toby Moffett Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) 9/8/11 Email Briefing of Puntland, and Puntland Staff: Jessice Elledge potential meeting scheduling

Toby Moffett Rep. Keith Ellison (MN-05) 9/8/11 Email Potential Meeting with Kadir Puntland Staff: Kari Moe, Minh Ta, Mohamud

Toby Moffett Rep. Steve Cohen (TN-09) 9/12/11 Email Puntland Meeting and Puntland Cooperation Agreement

Toby Moffett Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) 9/12/11 Meeting Puntland Meeting with Kadir Puntland Staff: Joel Starr Mohamud

Toby Moffett Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) 9/12/11 Meeting Puntland Meeting with Kadir Puntland Staff: Miriam Harmer Mohamud

Toby Moffett Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) 9/12/11 Meeting Puntland Meeting with Kadir Puntland Staff: Stacie Oliver Mohamud

Toby Mofett Sen. Mark Kirk 9/12/11 Meeting Puntland Meeting with Kadir Puntland Mohamud

Toby Mofett Rep. Howard Berman (CA- 9/12/11 Meeting Puntland Meeting at Puntland 28) Reception

Toby Mofett Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) 9/13/11 Meeting Puntland Meeting with Kadir Puntland Staff: Jessice Elledge Mohamud

Toby Moffett Potential breakfast meeting Puntland Rep. Keith Ellison (MN-05) 9/13/11 Email with Kadir Mohamud

Toby Moffett Puntland and Cooperation Puntland Rep. Steve Cohen (TN-09) 9/13/11 Email Agreement

Toby Moffett Puntland Meeting with Kadir Puntland Rep. Tom Marino (PA-10) 9/13/11 Meeting Mohamud Toby Moffett Puntland Meeting with Kadir Puntland Sen. Chris Coon (D-DE) 9/13/11 Meeting Mohamud Staff: Halie Soifer Toby Moffett Rep. Betty McCollum (MN- 9/13/11 Email Potential breakfast meeting Puntland 04) Staff: Bill Harper with Kadir Mohamud Toby Moffett Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) 9/13/11 Email Kadir Mohamud Visit Puntland Staff: Halie Soifer

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Toby Moffett Rep. Steve Cohen (TN-09) 9/13/11 Email Kadir Mohamud Visit Puntland

Toby Moffett Rep. Barbara Lee (CA-09) 9/14/11 Meeting Increased funding for Egypt Egypt Staff: Julie Nixon

Toby Moffett Rep. Sue Myrick (NC-09) 9/14/11 Meeting Puntland Meeting with Kadir Puntland Staff: Taylor Stanfod Mohamud

Toby Moffett Senate Foreign Relations 9/14/11 Meeting Puntland Meeting with Kadir Puntland Committee Staff: Tamara Mohamud i/i Toby Moffett Senate Foreign Relations 9/14/11 Meeting Puntland Meeting with Kadir Puntland Committee Staff: Shannon Mohamud Toby Moffett Senate Foreign Relations 9/14/11 Meeting Puntland Meeting with Kadir Puntland Committee Staff: Michael Mohamud

Toby Moffett Rep. Gregory Meeks (NY-6) 9/14/11 Email Delta Flight Service to Kenya Kenya

Toby Moffett Rep. Peter Welch (VT-At 9/14/11 Meeting Puntland Meeting with Kadir Puntland Large) Mohamud

Toby Moffett Rep. John Yarmuth (KY-3) 9/14/11 Meeting Puntland Meeting with Kadir Puntland Mohamud

Toby Moffett Rep. Gregory Meeks (NY-6) 9/19/11 Phone Cal Delta Flight Service to Kenya Kenya Staff: Benjamin Branch

Toby Moffett Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) 9/19/11 Email Sent article on Puntland Puntland Staff: Halie Soifer Contract

Toby Moffett Rep. Gregory Meeks (NY-6) 9/19/11 Email Sent article on Puntland Puntland Staff: Benjamin Branch Contract

Toby Moffett Camille Richardson 9/19/11 Email Sent article on Puntland Puntland Contract

Toby Moffett Camille Richardson 9/19/11 Email Delta Flight Service to Kenya Kenya

Toby Moffett Rep. Joe Courtney (CT-02) 9/20/11 Email Sent article on Puntland Puntland Contract

Toby Moffett Rep. Steve Cohen (TN-09) 9/20/11 Email Sent article on Puntland Puntland Contract

Toby Moffett Rep. Keith Ellison (MN-05) 9/20/11 Email Sent article on Puntland ' Puntland Contract

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Toby Moffett Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) 9/20/11 Email Sent article on Puntland Puntland Contract

Toby Moffett Rep. Peter Welch (VT-At 9/20/11 Email Sent article on Puntland Puntland Large) Contract

Toby Moffett Rep. Betty McCollum (MN- 9/20/11 Email Sent article on Puntland Puntland 04) Contract

Toby Moffett Rep. Anna Eshoo (CA-14) 9/20/11 Email Sent article on Puntland Puntland Contract

Toby Moffett Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) 9/20/11 Email Sent article on Puntland Puntland Contract

Toby Moffett Sen. Richard Blumenthal 9/20/11 Email Sent article on Puntland Puntland (D-CT) Contract Toby Moffett Sent article on Puntland Puntland Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) 9/20/11 Email Contract

Toby Moffett Sent article on Puntland Puntland Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) 9/20/11 Email Contract

Toby Moffett Sent article on Puntland Puntland Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) 9/20/11 Email Contract

Toby Moffett Sen. Maria Cantwell (D- 9/20/11 Emai Sent article on Puntland Puntland WA) Contract

Toby Moffett Camille Richardson 9/26/11 Email Question regarding Puntland Puntland

Toby Moffett Cheryl Sim 9/26/11 Email Kadir Mohamud Visit Recap, Puntland State Dept. position

Toby Moffett Camille Richardson 9/26/11 Email Durbin Africa Bill Puntland

Toby Moffett Rep. Gregory Meeks (NY-6) 9/27/11 Email Delta Flight Service to Kenya Kenya


Toby Moffett Rep. Gregory Meeks (NY-6) 10/4/11 Email Delta Flight Service to Kenya Kenya Staff: Benjamin Branch

Toby Moffett Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) 10/4/11 Email Floor resolution Kenya Staff: Francis Creighton congratulating Kenya on

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Toby Mofett Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) 10/4/11 Email Floor resolution Kenya Staff: Jessice Elledge congratulating Kenya on

Toby Moffett Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) 10/5/11 Email Floor resolution Kenya Staff:Leticia Mederos congratulating Kenya on

Toby Moffett Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) 10/5/11 Email Floor resolution Kenya Staff: Daniel Zeitlin congratulating Kenya on

Toby Moffett Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) 10/5/11 Email Floor resolution Kenya Staff: Elyse Schoenfeld congratulating Kenya on

Toby Moffett Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) 10/5/11 Email Floor resolution Kenya Staff: Halie Soifer congratulating Kenya on

Toby Moffett Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) 10/6/11 Email Floor resolution Kenya Staff: Halie Soifer congratulating Kenya on

Toby Moffett Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) ####### Email Kenyan constitution updates Kenya Staff:Leticia Mederos

Toby Moffett Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) ####### Meeting Floor resolution Kenya Staff:Leticia Mederos congratulating Kenya on

Toby Moffett Rep. Gregory Meeks (NY-6) ####### Email Delta Flight Service to Kenya Kenya Staff: Benjamin Branch Toby Moffett Rep. Barbara Lee (CA-09) ####### Email Kenyan women and Kenya Staff: Julie Nixon constituion anniversary

Toby Moffett Rep. Barbara Lee (CA-09) ####### Email Kenyan women and Kenya Staff: Julie Nixon constituion anniversary

Toby Moffett Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) ####### Email Egyptian Generals and Egypt Staff: Halie Soifer military update

Toby Moffett Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) ####### Meeting Appropriations Egypt Staff: Jessica Elledge Toby Moffett Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) ####### Meeting Appropriations Kenya Staff: Jessica Elledge

Toby Moffett Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) ####### Meeting Appropriations Puntland Staff: Jessica Elledge

Toby Moffett Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) ####### Meeting Appropriations - Egypt Staff: Francis Creighton

Toby Moffett Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) ####### Meeting Appropriations Kenya Staff: Francis Creighton

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Toby Moffett Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) ####### Meeting Appropriations Puntland Staff: Francis Creighton

Toby Moffett Rep. Jan Schakowsky (IL-9) ####### Phone Cat Kenya security situation Kenya Staff: Cathy Hurwit

Toby Moffett Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) ####### Meeting Appropriations Kenya Staff: Halie Soifer

Toby Moffett Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) ####### Meeting Appropriations Egypt Staff: Halie Soifer

Toby Moffett Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) ####### Meeting Appropriations Puntland Staff: Halie Soifer

Toby Moffett Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) ####### Meeting Appropriations Lebanon Staff: Halie Soifer

Toby Moffett Rep. Barbara Lee(CA-09) ####### Email Talking points on Kenya Kenya Staff: Julie Nixon Military Personnel

Toby Moffett Rep. Barbara Lee (CA-09) ####### Email General Inquiries about Lebanon Staff: Julie Nixon Lebanon

Toby Moffett Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) ####### Email General Inquiries about Lebanon Staff: Jessica Elledge Lebanon


Toby Moffett Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) .11/1/11 Email Dinner at Egyptiam Egypt Staff: Halie Soifer Ambassador Residence

Toby Moffett Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) 11/1/11 Email Dinner at Egyptiam Egypt Staff: Britta Gustafson Ambassador Residence Toby Moffett Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) 11/2/11 Email Moroccan Constitution Morocco Staff: Ann Noris Reforms Toby Moffett Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) 11/3/11 Meeting Appropriations meeting with Egypt Staff: Jessica Elledge Yasser El Nagger Toby Moffett Rep. Barbara Lee(CA-09) 11/3/11 Meeting Appropriations meeting with Egypt Staff: Julie Nixon Yasser El Nagger

Toby Moffett Rep. Steve Cohen (TN-09) 11/3/11 Meeting Appropriations meeting with Egypt Yasser El Nagger

Toby Moffett Rep. John Yarmuth (KY-3) 11/3/11 Meeting Appropriations meeting with Egypt Yasser El Nagger

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Toby Moffett Rep. Peter Welch (VT-At 11/7/11 Email Email of Conoco Letter Puntland Large) Staff: Bob asserting their rights in i-» . i • r i i Toby Moffett Rep. Peter Welch (VT-At 11/7/11 Email USAID livestock project in Kenya Large) Staff: Bob Kenya Toby Moffett Rep. Howard Berman (CA- 11/8/11 Email Question about meeting Kenya 28) Staff: Julia with Ambassador Macharia

Toby Moffett Rep. Keith Ellison (MN-05) 11/8/11 Email Question about meeting Kenya with Ambassador Macharia

Toby Moffett Rep. Keith Ellison (MN-05) 11/8/11 Email Oil and Puntland Puntland

Toby Moffett Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) 11/8/11 Email Egyptian Dinner Egypt Staff: Halie Soifer

Toby Moffett Rep. Keith Ellison (MN-05) 11/8/11 Email Egypt update Egypt

Toby Moffett Rep. Mike Thompson (CA- ####### Email Kenya involvement in Kenya 1) Staff: Melanie Somalia r*l • I . Toby Moffett Rep. BobFilner(CA-51) ####### Email Kenya involvement in Kenya Staff: Tony Buckles Somalia and Meeting • • . • r a I I Toby Moffett Rep. BobFilner(CA-51) ####### Email Kenya involvement in Kenya Staff: Sharen Wagener Somalia and Meeting Toby Moffett Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) ####### Email Meeting invitation for Kenya Staff: Mark Powden Abmassador Macharia

Toby Moffett Rep. Betty McCollum (MN- ####### Email Kenya Involvement in Kenya 04) Staff: Bill Harper Somalia

Toby Moffett Rep. Betty McCollum (MN- ####### Email Kenya Involvement in Kenya 04) Staff: Peter Frosch Somalia

Toby Moffett Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) ####### Email Kenya involvement in Puntland Staff: Mark Powden Somalia

Toby Moffett Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D- ####### Email Question about meeting Kenya MN) with Ambassador Macharia

Toby Moffett Rep. Bob Filner (CA-51) ####### Email Kenya involvement in Kenya Staff: Kim Messineo Somalia and Meeting • • . • r * i i Toby Moffett Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) ####### Phone Dinner for Egypt Egypt Staff: Halie Soifer

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Toby Moffett Sen. Maria Cantwell (D- ####### Email Question about meeting Kenya WA) Staff: Katharine with Ambassador Macharia

Toby Moffett Rep. Joe Courtney (CT-02) ####### Email Question about meeting Kenya Staff: Jason Gross with Ambassador Macharia

Toby Moffett Rep. Joe Courtney (CT-02) ####### Email Question about meeting Kenya Staff: Neil McKiernan with Ambassador Macharia

Toby Moffett Sen. Chris Coon (D-DE) ####### Email Potential meeting with Kenya Staff: Halie Soifer Kenyan Ambassador

Toby Moffett Rep. Keith Ellison (MN-05) ####### Meeting Meeting with Ambassador Kenya Macharia Kamau about

Toby Moffett Rep. Keith Ellison (MN-05) ####### Meeting Meeting with Ambassador Kenya Staff: Steven Lassiter Macharia Kamau about

Toby Moffett Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) ####### Meeting Meeting with Ambassador Kenya Macharia Kamau about Toby Moffett Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) ####### Meeting Meeting with Ambassador Kenya Staff: Jeff Lomanaco Macharia Kamau about

Toby Moffett Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) ####### Email Meeting with Egyptian Egypt Staff: Jessica Elledge Ambassador

Toby Moffett Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) ####### Email Sent article about Kenya's Kenya Staff: Halie Soifer involvement with Somalia i * i <~t i • Toby Moffett Rep. Keith Ellison (MN-05) ####### Email Sent article about Kenya's Kenya involvement with Somalia • • i *- i • • Toby Moffett Rep. Keith Ellison (MN-05) ####### Email US Policy towards Kenya Kenya Staff: Steven Lassiter

Toby Moffett Rep. Keith Ellison (MN-05) ####### Email US Agr. interests in Puntland Puntland and ConocoPhillips • i Toby Moffett Rep. Keith Ellison (MN-05) ####### Email US Agr. interests in Puntland Puntland Staff: Steven Lassiter and ConocoPhillips Toby Moffett Rep. Keith Ellison (MN-05) ####### Email US Policy towards Kenya Kenya

Toby Moffett Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) ####### Email Planning for Dinner at Egypt Staff: Halie Soifer Egyptian Embassy

Toby Moffett Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) ####### Email Planning for Dinner at Egypt Staff: Halie Soifer Egyptian Embassy

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Toby Moffett Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) ####### Email Planning for Dinner at Egypt Staff: Halie Soifer Egyptian Embassy

Toby Moffett Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) ####### Email Planning for Dinner at Egypt Staff: Britta Gustafson Egyptian Embassy

Toby Moffett Rep. Keith Ellison (MN-05) ####### Email Egyptian Dinner Honoring Egypt Staff: Steven Lassiter Sen. Coons Invitation

Toby Moffett Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) ####### Email Kenyan Ambassador Meeting Kenya Staff: Jessica Elledge Follow-up

Toby Moffett Rep. Keith Ellison (MN-05) ####### Email Floor statement discussion Kenya on Kenya Toby Moffett Rep. Keith Ellison (MN-05) ####### Email Floor statement on Somalia Puntland

Toby Moffett Rep. Keith Ellison (MN-05) ####### Email Egyptian Dinner Egypt

Toby Moffett Rep. Steve Cohen (TN-09) ####### Call Egyptian Dinner Egypt

Toby Moffett Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) ####### Call Egyptian Dinner Egypt Staff: Halie Soifer

Toby Moffett Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) ####### Email Planning for Dinner at Egypt Staff: Halie Soifer Egyptian Embassy

Toby Moffett Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) ####### Email Planning for Dinner at Egypt Staff: Halie Soifer Egyptian Embassy

Toby Moffettt Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) ####### Email Sent Article on Arab Spring Egypt Staff: Jessica Elledge

Toby Moffett Rep. John Yarmuth (KY-3) ####### Email Invitation to Dinner at Egypt Egyptian Embassy honoring Toby Moffett Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) ####### Call Planning for Dinner at Egypt Staff: Halie Soifer Egyptian Embassy Toby Moffett Rep. Steve Cohen (TN-09) ####### Call Planning for Dinner at Egypt Egyptian Embassy

Toby Moffett Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) ####### Email Planning for Dinner at Egypt Staff: Halie Soifer Egyptian Embassy

Toby Moffett Camille Richardson (US ####### Email Puntland Questions Puntland Embassy in Cairo)

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Toby Moffett Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) ####### Meeting Egyptian election process, Egypt economy, progress towards • •• i Toby Moffett Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) ####### Meeting Egyptian election process, Egypt economy, progress towards

Toby Moffett Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA) ####### Meeting Egyptian election process, Egypt economy, progress towards • • i- i . r Toby Moffett Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) ####### Meeting Egyptian election process, Egypt economy, progress towards I i I- i . r Toby Moffett Rep. Keith Ellison (MN-05) ####### Meeting Egyptian election process, Egypt economy, progress towards I i i» i . r Toby Moffett Rep. Peter Welch (VT-At ####### Meeting Egyptian election process, Egypt Large) economy, progress towards • I i- I . r Toby Moffett Egyptian election process, Egypt Rep. Steve Cohen (TN-09) ####### Meeting economy, progress towards i i i- i . r Toby Moffett Egyptian election process, Egypt Rep. Adam Smith (WA-09) ####### Meeting economy, progress towards !• i . r Toby Moffett Egyptian election process, Egypt Rep. John Yarmuth (KY-3) ####### Meeting economy, progress towards i • i- i . r Toby Moffett Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) ####### Meeting Egyptian election process, Egypt Staff: Halie Soifer economy, progress towards Toby Moffett Lionel Johnson (US ####### Meeting Egyptian election process, Egypt Chamber) economy, progress towards DECEMBER

Toby Moffett Rep. Keith Ellison (MN-05) 12/2/11 Email Investment and Update on Puntland Staff: Steven Lassiter Somalia Investment and

Toby Moffett Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) 12/2/11 Meeting General update Egypt Staff: Jessice Elledge

Toby Moffett Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) 12/2/11 Meeting General Update Puntland Staff: Jessica Elledge

Toby Moffett Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) 12/2/11 Meeting General Update Morocco Staff: Jessica Elledge

Toby Moffett Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) 12/2/11 Meeting General Update Kenya Staff: Jessica Elledge

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Toby Moffett Rep. Keith Ellison (MN-05) 12/6/11 Email Meeting inquiry on Somalia Puntland Famine

Toby Moffett Camille Richardson (US 12/7/11 Email PowerGen delegates in Puntland Embassy in Cairo) Somalia Toby Moffett Camille Richardson (US 12/7/11 Email Shared Speech Rep. Ellison Puntland Embassy in Cairo) Made on House Floor

Toby Moffett Rep. Keith Ellison (MN-05) 12/7/11 Phone Cal Somali Famine and Possible Puntland Trip

Toby Moffett Rep. Keith Ellison (MN-05) ####### Email Rep. Ellison possible trip to Puntland Staff: Steve Lassiter Somalia

Toby Moffett Rep. Keith Ellison (MN-05) ####### Email Trip to Somalia and The East Puntland Staff: Steve Lassiter African news article

Toby Moffett Rep. Keith Ellison (MN-05) ####### Email Meeting in Members Dining Puntland Staff: Steve Lassiter Room

Toby Moffett Rep. Keith Ellison (MN-05) ####### Email Rep. Ellison possible trip to Puntland Staff: Steve Lassiter Somalia

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM


Person/Office Means of Contact Regarding Contacted ISen. Chris Coons (D-DE) Istaff: Britta Gustafson JA5/11 Email Possible meeting b/t Sen Coons & Egyptian Ambassador in DE Egypt >Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) istaff: Britta Gustafson 8/24/11 Email Confirming mtng b/t Sen Coons and Ambassador in DC Egypt s'Seri" Chris Coons{fcDE) jstaff: Halie Soifer, Britta j Gustation 9/7/11 email Meeting request for Kadir Mohamud, President's son, in Washington, DC Puntland Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) Staff:Britta Gustafson 9/8/11 email Logistics of scheduled meeting for Amb. Shoukry and Sen. Coons Egypt_ Sen. Coons'(D-DE) Staff: Britta Gustafson ^ 9/8/11 email Logistics of scheduled meeting for Amb. Shoukry and Sen. Coons Egypt__ Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) Staff: Halie Soifer, Britta Gustafson \ Scheduling meeting with Kadir Mohamud and Coons' staff I Puntland ;Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) I Staff: Halle Soifer, Britta j. Gustafson 9/8/11 ; Meeting confirmation for Kadir Mohamud Puntland f Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) |Staff:Jessica Elledge JJ/8/11 i Discussion of meeting between Kadir Mohamud and USAID and US NSC Puntland I Rep. Chris Murphy {CTOS)" [Staff: Jessica Elledge 9/8/11. phone call i Follow up to discussion of meetings between Kadir Mohamud and USAID and NSC Puntland Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) Staff: Halie Soifer 9/9/11 email [Touch base on upcoming meeting with Kadir Mohamud Puntland Rep. Howard Berman [Staff: Julia Massimino 9/9/11 email I Breakfast with Kadir Mohamud Puntland Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) Staff: Jessica Elledge email [ Background info on Kadir Mohamud Puntland Rep. Chris Murphy {C+-05J Staff:Jessica Elledge __ [ Follow up on meeting Kadir Mohamud Puntland Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle (R- NY) Staff: Katelyn Costello 9/12/11 Meeting request for Kadir Mohamud, President's son, in Washington, DC Puntland Rep. Sue Myrick Staff: Taylor Stanford 9/12/11 email Meeting request for Kadir Mohamud, President's son, in Washington, DC Puntland Jonathan Stofka USDoD.AFRICOMunit 9/12/11 Email Meeting request for Kadir Mohamud, President's son, in Washington, DC Puntland Rep Chris Murphy (CT-05) ••[ 9 12 n Staff Jessica Elledge „. / / email Briefing invite for Kadir Mohamud Sen Chris Coons (b-DEJ [Puntland 9 n n Staff Halie Soifei- .„ / ' email Confirming mtng with Kadir Mohamud Maj Jonathan Stofka \ Puntland US DoO, AFRICOM _ 9/12/11 email Meeting request for Kadir Mohamud, President's son, in Washington, DC !. Puntland Rep Sue MyricMR-NCT Staff Taylor Stanford 9/13/11 Email Confirming new time for meeting b/t Kadir Mohamad and My rick's staff j Puntland Rep Keith Ellison Staff Dusty Brandenburg 9/13/11 Email : Inquiring Rep. Ellison's availability for Members bfast w/ Kadir Mohamud [Puntland Rep Chris Murphy (CT-05) Staff Jessica Elledge 9/13/11 Email I Confirming meeting for Jessica and Kadir Muhamad Puntland Rep John Yarmouth " 11/3/11 Email [ Inviting Rep. Yarmouth to MDR lunch with Egyptian Dep Chief Yasser Elnagger Egypt Sen Maria Cantwell Staff Maria Wassum 11/9/11 Email Gauging interest in meeting with Kenyan UN Ambassador Rep Howard Berman Staff Deanne Samuels 11/9/11; Email Gauging interest in meeting with Kenyan UN Ambassador Kenya Rep Chris Coons Staff Halie Soifer 11/14/11| Email Sending Macharia Kamau's CV Kenya ;Rep. Joe Courtney Istaff: Neil McKeirnan and [Jason Gross 11/14/11j Email [Sending Macharia Kamau's CV Kenya ; Rep. Steve Cohen Staff: Craig Dulniak [ 1 l/14/l'l; Email Sending Macharia Kamau's CV Kenya Rep. David Ciciliine Staff: Jessica Lemos Si Alisa : Sarkisian 11/15/11: Email ; Invitation for Rep. Ciciliine to join e

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Person/Office Contacted Date Means Regarding of Contact Client Kathryn Alpago & Worku Gachou, Rep. Ed 7/12/11 Email Follow-up to Royce (CA-40) & Tim Daly, Rep. Mike July 14, 2011 Thompson (CA-01) breakfast invitation from Congressman Mike Thompson's (CA-01) office

Morocco Scott Maraldo, Rep. Chris Smith (NJ-04), 7/12/11 Email Follow-up to Sheri Ricker, House Committee on Foreign July 14, 2011 Affairs &Tim Daly, Rep. Mike Thompson (CA- breakfast 01) invitation from Congressman Mike Thompson's (CA-01) office

Morocco Rachel Simonin, Diana Tasnadi & Kerri Price, 7/12/11 Email Follow-up to Morocco Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (NE-01) & Tim Daly, July 14, 2011 Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-01) breakfast invitation from Congressman Mike Thompson's (CA-01) office

Carlie Christensen & Aaron Ranck, Rep. Kay 7/12/11 Email Follow-up to Granger (TX-12) & Tim Daly, Rep. Mike July 14, 2011 Thompson (CA-01) breakfast invitation from Congressman Mike Thompson's (CA-01) office


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Tim Daly, Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-01) 7/12/11 Email Follow-up to July 14, 2011 breakfast invitation from Congressman Mike Thompson's (CA-01) office

Morocco Tim Daly, Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-01) 7/12/11 Email Follow-up to July 14, 2011 breakfast invitation from Congressman Mike Thompson's (CA-01) office

Morocco Tim Daly, Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-01) 7/12/11 Email Follow-up to July 14, 2011 breakfast invitation from Congressman Mike Thompson's (CA-01) office

Morocco Tim Daly, Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-01) 7/14/11 Email Follow-up to July 14, 2011 breakfast invitation from Congressman Mike Thompson's (CA-01) office


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Kathryn Alpago & Worku Gachou, Rep, Ed 7/14/11 Email Follow-up to Royce (CA-40) & Tim Daly, Rep. Mike July 14, 2011 Thompson (CA-01) breakfast invitation from Congressman Mike Thompson's (CA-01) office

Morocco Scott Maraldo, Rep. Chris Smith (NJ-04), 7/14/11 Email Follow-up to Sheri Ricker, House Committee on Foreign July 14, 2011 Affairs &Tim Daly, Rep. Mike Thompson (CA- breakfast 01) invitation from Congressman Mike Thompson's (CA-01) office

Morocco Rachel Simonin, Diana Tasnadi & Kerri Price, 7/14/11 Email Follow-up to Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (NE-01) & Tim Daly, July 14, 2011 Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-01) breakfast invitation from Congressman Mike Thompson's (CA-01) office

Morocco Tim Daly, Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-01) 7/14/11 Email Follow-up to July 14, 2011 breakfast invitation from Congressman Mike Thompson's (CA-01) office


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Tim Daly, Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-01) 7/22/11 Email Follow-up to July 14, 2011 breakfast invitation from Congressman Mike Thompson's (CA-01) office

Morocco Aaron Shapiro, Rep. Lois Capps (CA-23), 7/28/11 Email Sending Dear Allen Chatt, Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01), Colleague and Rekha Chandrasekaran &Amy McGrath, Letter text Rep. Susan Davis (CA-53), Amy Wheeler, commending Rep. Peter Welch (VT-At Large), Liam Morocco's Fitzsimmons & Andrea Alvord, Rep. Maurice constitutional Hinchey (NY-22), Andrew Bahrenburg, Rep. reforms from Betty McCollum (MN-04), Asher Hildebrand, Rep. Steve Rep. David Price (NC-04), Ben Kolesar, Rep. Cohen's (TN- John Olver (MA-01), Blake Hulnick, Rep. 09) office Anna Eshoo (CA-14), Brendan Devine, Rep. Diana DeGette (CO-01), Christina Tsafoulias, Rep. Michael Capuano (MA-08), Cindy Buhl, Rep. Jim McGovern (MA-03), Dan Mauer, Rep. George Miller (CA-07), Daniel Zeitlin, Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03), Emily Cardon, Rep. Jim Himes (CT-04), Eric Ffitch, Rep. Jay Inslee (WA-01), Hera Abbasi, Rep. Gerald Connolly (VA-11), Ilya Fischhoff, Rep. (MA-07), Jeremy Kadden, Rep. Shelley Berkley (NV-01), Jessica Elledge, Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05), Jessica Lee, Rep. Jim McDermott (WA-07), Jim Bochnowski, Rep. Peter Visclosky (IN-01), Jose Rodriguez, Rep. Ed Perlmutter (CO-07), Kate Lynch-DeAngelis, Rep. John Larson (CT- 01), Kevin McDermott, Rep. John Tierney (MA-06), Kristen Molloy, Rep. Bill Pascrell (NJ-08), Mariana Osorio, Rep. Stephen Lynch (MA-09), Mark Lee, Rep. Yvette Clarke (IMY-11), Markus Rose, Rep. fM/\-.r\/\\ MaH-houi Mi-Mm-i-ax . Dart I /"M lira Morocco

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Jim Bochnowski, Rep. Peter Visclosky (IN- 7/30/11 Email FY 2012 01) State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs Appropations bill full committee mark-up and Rep. Frank Wolf's (VA- 10) amendment Morocco Asher Hildebrand, Rep. David Price (NC-04) 7/30/11 Email FY 2012 State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs Appropations bill full committee mark-up and Rep. Frank Wolf's (VA- 10) amendment Morocco Liam Fitzsimmons & Andrea Alvord, Rep. 7/30/11 Email FY 2012 Maurice Hinchey (NY-22) State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs Appropations bill full committee mark-up and Rep. Frank Wolf's (VA- 10) amendment Morocco

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Daniel Zeitlin, Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) 7/30/11 Email FY 2012 State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs Appropations bill full committee mark-up and Rep. Frank Wolf's (VA- 10) amendment Morocco Caitie Whelan, Rep. Sam Farr (CA-17) 7/30/11 Email FY 2012 State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs Appropations bill full committee mark-up and Rep. Frank Wolf's (VA- 10) amendment Morocco Andrew Bahrenburg, Rep. Betty McCollum 7/30/11 Email FY 2012 (MN-04) State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs Appropations bill full committee mark-up and Rep. Frank Wolf's (VA- 10) amendment Morocco

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Teddy Miller, Rep. Barbara Lee (CA-09) 7/30/11 Email FY 2012 State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs Appropations bill full committee mark-up and Rep. Frank Wolf's (VA- 10) amendment Morocco Teddy Miller, Rep. Barbara Lee (CA-09) 7/30/11 Email Sending the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) investigation report Morocco Jim Bochnowski, Rep. Peter Visclosky (IN- 7/30/11 Email Sending the 01) Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) investigation report Morocco Asher Hildebrand, Rep. David Price (NC-04) 7/30/11 Email Sending the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) investigation report Morocco Liam Fitzsimmons & Andrea Alvord, Rep. 7/30/11 Email Sending the Maurice Hinchey (NY-22) Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) investigation report Morocco Daniel Zeitlin, Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) 7/30/11 Email Sending the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) investigation report Morocco

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Caitie Whelan, Rep. Sam Farr (CA-17) 7/30/11 Email Sending the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) investigation report Morocco Andrew Bahrenburg, Rep. Betty McCollum 7/30/11 Email Sending the (MN-04) Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) investigation report Morocco Marilyn Dillihay & Reisha Buster (Rep. Steve 8/3/11 Email Follow-up to Cohen, TN-09) Dear Colleague and Letter text commending Morocco's constitutional reforms from Rep. Steve Cohen's (TN- 09) office

Morocco Marilyn Dillihay (Rep. Steve Cohen, TN-09) 8/3/11 Email Follow-up to Dear Colleague and Letter text commending Morocco's constitutional reforms from Rep. Steve Cohen's (TN- 09) office


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Aaron Shapiro, Rep. Lois Capps (CA-23), 8/3/11 Email Follow-up to Allen Chatt, Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01), Dear Rekha Chandrasekaran & Amy McGrath, Colleague and Rep. Susan Davis (CA-53), Amy Wheeler, Letter text Rep. Peter Welch (VT-At Large), Liam commending Fitzsimmons & Andrea Alvord, Rep. Maurice Morocco's Hinchey (NY-22), Andrew Bahrenburg, Rep. constitutional Betty McCollum (MN-04), Asher Hildebrand, reforms from Rep. David Price (NC-04), Ben Kolesar, Rep. Rep. Steve John Olver (MA-01), Blake Hulnick, Rep. Cohen's (TN- Anna Eshoo (CA-14), Brendan Devine, Rep. 09) office Diana DeGette (CO-01), Christina Tsafoulias, Rep. Michael Capuano (MA-08), Cindy Buhl, Rep. Jim McGovern (MA-03), Dan Mauer, Rep. George Miller (CA-07), Daniel Zeitlin, Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03), Emily Cardon, Rep. Jim Himes (CT-04), Eric Ffitch, Rep. Jay Inslee (WA-01), Hera Abbasi, Rep. Gerald Connolly (VA-11), Ilya Fischhoff, Rep. Ed Markey (MA-07), Jeremy Kadden, Rep. Shelley Berkley (NV-01), Jessica Elledge, Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05), Jessica Lee, Rep. Jim McDermott (WA-07), Jim Bochnowski, Rep. Peter Visclosky (IN-01), Jose Rodriguez, Rep. Ed Perlmutter (CO-07), Kate Lynch-DeAngelis, Rep. John Larson (CT- 01), Kevin McDermott, Rep. John Tierney (MA-06), Kristen Molloy, Rep. Bill Pascrell (NJ-08), Mariana Osorio, Rep. Stephen Lynch (MA-09), Mark Lee, Rep. Yvette Clarke (NY-11), Markus Rose, Rep. Barney Frank fMA-C\A\ Mat+haui MrMnrrD\/ Dar> I Aiiico Morocco Jessica Elledge, Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) 8/3/11 Email Follow-up to Dear Colleague and Letter text commending Morocco's constitutional reforms from Rep. Steve Cohen's (TN- 09) office


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Asher Hildebrand, Rep. David Price (NC-04) 8/3/11 Email Follow-up to FY 2012 State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs Appropations bill full committee mark-up and Rep. Frank Wolf's (VA- 10) amendment Morocco Marilyn Dillihay & William Connor (Rep. 8/5/11 Email Follow-up to Steve Cohen, TN-09) Dear Colleague and Letter text commending Morocco's constitutional reforms from Rep. Steve Cohen's (TN- 09) office

Morocco Marilyn Dillihay & William Connor (Rep. 8/5/11 Email Follow-up to Steve Cohen, TN-09) Dear Colleague and Letter text commending Morocco's constitutional reforms from Rep. Steve Cohen's (TN- 09) office


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Marilyn Dillihay & William Connor (Rep. 8/5/11 Email Follow-up to Steve Cohen, TN-09) Dear Colleague and Letter text commending Morocco's constitutional reforms from Rep. Steve Cohen's (TN- 09) office

Morocco William Connor (Rep. Steve Cohen, TN-09) .' 8/5/11 Email Follow-up to Dear Colleague and Letter text commending Morocco's constitutional reforms from Rep. Steve Cohen's (TN- 09) office

Morocco Teddy Miller, Rep. Barbara Lee (CA-09) 9/16/11 Email FY 2012 State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs Appropations bill full committee mark-up Morocco

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Aaron Shapiro, Rep. Lois Capps (CA-23), 9/16/11 Email Sending a Allen Chatt, Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01), September Rekha Chandrasekaran & Amy McGrath, 14, 2011 New Rep. Susan Davis (CA-53), Amy Wheeler, York Times Rep. Peter Welch (VT-At Large), Liam article on Fitzsimmons & Andrea Alvord, Rep. Maurice terrorist Hinchey (NY-22), Andrew Bahrenburg, Rep. organizations Betty McCollum (MN-04), Asher Hildebrand, within Africa Rep. David Price (NC-04), Ben Kolesar, Rep. John Olver (MA-01), Blake Hulnick, Rep. Anna Eshoo (CA-14), Brendan Devine, Rep. Diana DeGette (CO-01), Christina Tsafoulias, Rep. Michael Capuano (MA-08), Cindy Buhl, Rep. Jim McGovern (MA-03), Dan Mauer, Rep. George Miller (CA-07), Daniel Zeitlin, Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03), Emily Cardon, Rep. Jim Himes (CT-04), Eric Ffitch, Rep. Jay Inslee (WA-01), Hera Abbasi, Rep. Gerald Connolly (VA-11), Ilya Fischhoff, Rep. Ed Markey (MA-07), Jeremy Kadden, Rep. Shelley Berkley (NV-01), Jessica Elledge, Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05), Jessica Lee, Rep. Jim McDermott (WA-07), Jim Bochnowski, Rep. Peter Visclosky (IN-01), Jose Rodriguez, Rep. Ed Perlmutter (CO-07), Kate Lynch-DeAngelis, Rep. John Larson (CT- 01), Kevin McDermott, Rep. John Tierney (MA-06), Kristen Molloy, Rep. Bill Pascrell (NJ-08), Mariana Osorio, Rep. Stephen Lynch (MA-09), Marilyn Dillihay, Rep. Steve Cohen (TN-09), Mark Lee, Rep. Yvette

Morlxa /MV-111 Msr^iir D^c Ra r.f\£^\t Morocco

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Aaron Shapiro, Rep. Lois Capps (CA-23), 9/17/11 Email Sending Dear Allen Chatt, Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01), Colleague re: Rekha Chandrasekaran & Amy McGrath, the Rep. Susan Davis (CA-53), Amy Wheeler, Congressional Rep. Peter Welch (VT-At Large), Blake Morocco Hulnick, Rep. Anna Eshoo (CA-14), Brendan Caucus and Devine, Rep. Diana DeGette (CO-01), request for Christina Tsafoulias, Rep. Michael Capuano member to (MA-08), Cindy Buhl, Rep. Jim McGovern join (MA-03), Dan Mauer, Rep. George Miller (CA- 07), Emily Cardon, Rep. Jim Himes (CT-04), Eric Ffitch, Rep. Jay Inslee (WA-01), Hera Abbasi, Rep. Gerald Connolly (VA-11), Ilya Fischhoff, Rep. Ed Markey (MA-07), Jeremy Kadden, Rep. Shelley Berkley (NV-01), Jessica Elledge, Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05), Jessica Lee, Rep. Jim McDermott (WA-07), Jose Rodriguez, Rep. Ed Perlmutter (CO-07), Kate Lynch-DeAngelis, Rep. John Larson (CT- 01), Kevin McDermott, Rep. John Tierney (MA-06), Kristen Molloy, Rep. Bill Pascrell (NJ-08), Mariana Osorio, Rep. Stephen Lynch (MA-09), Marilyn Dillihay, Rep. Steve Cohen (TN-09), Mark Lee, Rep. Yvette Clarke (NY-11), Markus Rose, Rep. Barney Frank (MA-04), Matthew McMurray, Rep. Louise Slaughter (NY-28), Melody Reis, Rep. Zoe Lofgren (CA-16), Nathan Bell, Rep. (MA-05), Neil McKiernan, Rep. Joe Courtney (CT-02), Nida Zaman, Rep. Andrew Carson (IN-07), Nina Besser, Rep. Morocco Marilyn Dillihay, David Greengrass & Craig 9/17/11 Email Follow-up to Dulniak, Rep. Steve Cohen (TN-09), request for member to join the Congressional Morocco Caucus Morocco Amy Wheeler, Rep. Peter Welch (VT-At 9/17/11 Email Follow-up to Large) request for member to join the Congressional Morocco Caucus Morocco

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Eric Ffitch, Rep. Jay Inslee (WA-01) 9/17/11 Email Follow-up to request for member to join the Congressional Morocco Caucus Morocco Kate Lynch-DeAngelis, Rep. John Larson (CT-9/17/11 Email Follow-up to 01) request for member to join the Congressional Morocco Caucus Morocco Tim Daly, Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-01) 9/17/11 Email Follow-up to request for member to join the Congressional Morocco Caucus Morocco Follow-up to Jeremy Kadden, Rep. Shelley Berkley (NV- 9/17/11 Email request for 01) member to join the Congressional Morocco Caucus Morocco Follow-up to Amy Wheeler, Rep. Peter Welch (VT-At 9/20/11 Email request for Large) member to join the Congressional Morocco Caucus Follow-up to Morocco Emily Cardon, Rep. Jim Himes (CT-04) 9/21/11 Email request for member to join the Congressional Morocco Caucus Follow-up to Morocco Daniel Zeitlin, Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) 9/21/11 Email request for member to join the Congressional Morocco Caucus Morocco

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Jessica Elledge, Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) 9/21/11 Email Follow-up to request for member to join the Congressional Morocco Caucus Morocco Neil McKiernan, Rep. Joe Courtney (CT-02) 9/21/11 Email Follow-up to request for member to join the Congressional Morocco Caucus Morocco Mark Lee, Rep. Yvette Clarke (NY-11) 9/21/11 Email Follow-up to request for member to join the Congressional Morocco Caucus Morocco Follow-up to Jessica Elledge, Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) 9/21/11 Email request for member to join the Congressional Morocco Caucus Morocco Follow-up to Rekha Chandrasekaran & Amy McGrath, 9/21/11 Email request for Rep. Susan Davis (CA-53) member to join the Congressional Morocco Caucus Follow-up to Morocco Jessica Elledge, Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) 9/21/11 Email request for member to join the Congressional Morocco Caucus Follow-up to Morocco Rekha Chandrasekaran & Amy McGrath, 9/23/11 Email request for Rep. Susan Davis (CA-53) member to join the Congressional Morocco Caucus Morocco

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Aaron Shapiro, Rep. Lois Capps (CA-23) 9/23/11 Email Follow-up to request for member to join the Congressional Morocco Caucus Morocco Jose Rodriguez, Rep. Ed Perlmutter (CO-07) 9/23/11 Email Follow-up to request for member to join the Congressional Morocco Caucus Morocco Blake Hulnick, Rep. Anna Eshoo (CA-14) 9/23/11 Email Follow-up to request for member to join the Congressional Morocco Caucus Morocco Allen Chatt, Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01) 9/23/11 Email Follow-up to request for member to join the Congressional Morocco Caucus Morocco Follow-up to Brendan Devine, Rep. Diana DeGette (CO- 9/23/11 Email request for 01) member to join the Congressional Morocco Caucus Morocco

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Aaron Shapiro, Rep. Lois Capps (CA-23), 9/28/11 Email Sending two Allen Chatt, Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01), September Rekha Chandrasekaran & Amy McGrath, 23, 2011 New Rep. Susan Davis (CA-53), Amy Wheeler, York Times Rep. Peter Welch (VT-At Large), Liam articles on Fitzsimmons & Andrea Alvord, Rep. Maurice Morocco Hinchey (NY-22), Andrew Bahrenburg, Rep. Betty McCollum (MN-04), Asher Hildebrand, Rep. David Price (NC-04), Ben Kolesar, Rep. John Olver (MA-01), Blake Hulnick, Rep. Anna Eshoo (CA-14), Brendan Devine, Rep. Diana DeGette (CO-01), Christina Tsafoulias, Rep. Michael Capuano (MA-08), Cindy Buhl, Rep. Jim McGovem (MA-03), Dan Mauer, Rep. George Miller (CA-07), Daniel Zeitlin, Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03), Emily Cardon, Rep. Jim Himes (CT-04), Eric Ffitch, Rep. Jay Inslee (WA-01), Hera Abbasi, Rep. Gerald Connolly (VA-11), Ilya Fischhoff, Rep. Ed Markey (MA-07), Jeremy Kadden, Rep. Shelley Berkley (NV-01), Jessica Elledge, Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05), Jessica Lee, Rep. Jim McDermott (WA-07), Jim Bochnowski, Rep. Peter Visclosky (IN-01), Jose Rodriguez, Rep. Ed Perlmutter (CO-07), Kate Lynch-DeAngelis, Rep. John Larson (CT- 01), Kevin McDermott, Rep. John Tierney (MA-06), Kristen Molloy, Rep. Bill Pascrell (NJ-08), Mariana Osorio, Rep. Stephen Lynch (MA-09), Marilyn Dillihay, Rep. Steve Cohen (TN-09), Mark Lee, Rep. Yvette

C\r^r\sc* f" MV_ 11^ Marl/nc Dncfl Dan Ramo\; Morocco

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Aaron Shapiro, Rep. Lois Capps (CA-23), 10/31/11 Email Sending an Allen Chatt, Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01), Ocotber 30, Rekha Chandrasekaran & Amy McGrath, 2011 Agence Rep. Susan Davis (CA-53), Amy Wheeler, France Press Rep. Peter Welch (VT-At Large), Liam article re: Fitzsimmons & Andrea Alvord, Rep. Maurice Polisario Hinchey (NY-22), Andrew Bahrenburg, Rep. complicity in Betty McCollum (MN-04), Asher Hildebrand, the recent Rep. David Price (NC-04), Ben Kolesar, Rep. kidnappings John Olver (MA-01), Blake Hulnick, Rep. of aid Anna Eshoo (CA-14), Brendan Devine, Rep. workers in Diana DeGette (CO-01), Christina Tsafoulias, Algeria Rep. Michael Capuano (MA-08), Cindy Buhl, Rep. Jim McGovern (MA-03), Dan Mauer, Rep. George Miller (CA-07), Daniel Zeitlin, Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03), Emily Cardon, Rep. Jim Himes (CT-04), Eric Ffitch, Rep. Jay Inslee (WA-01), Hera Abbasi, Rep. Gerald Connolly (VA-11), Ilya Fischhoff, Rep. Ed Markey (MA-07), Jeremy Kadden, Rep. Shelley Berkley (NV-01), Jessica Elledge, Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05), Jessica Lee, Rep. Jim McDermott (WA-07), Jim Bochnowski, Rep. Peter Visclosky (IN-01), Jose Rodriguez, Rep. Ed Perlmutter (CO-07), Kate Lynch-DeAngelis, Rep. John Larson (CT- 01), Kevin McDermott, Rep. John Tierney (MA-06), Kristen Molloy, Rep. Bill Pascrell (NJ-08), Mariana Osorio, Rep. Stephen Lynch (MA-09), Marilyn Dillihay, Rep. Steve Cohen (TN-09), Mark Lee, Rep. Yvette t^\.nr\ya r"MV_1 1 I Msrl/nr Dnco Dan R^mow Morocco Ilya Fischhoff & Makenzie Lystrup, Rep. Ed 10/31/11 Email Meeting Markey (MA-07) request re: general introduction and the bilateral US- Moroccan relationship Morocco

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Aaron Shapiro, Rep. Lois Capps (CA-23), 11/3/11 Email Sending a Allen Chatt, Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01), November 1, Rekha Chandrasekaran &Amy McGrath, 2011 Foreign Rep. Susan Davis (CA-53), Amy Wheeler, Policy Rep. Peter Welch (VT-At Large), Liam Association Fitzsimmons & Andrea Alvord, Rep. Maurice blog post re: Hinchey (NY-22), Andrew Bahrenburg, Rep. Morocco's Betty McCollum (MN-04), Asher Hildebrand, upcoming Rep. David Price (NC-04), Ben Kolesar, Rep. elections John Olver (MA-01), Blake Hulnick, Rep. Anna Eshoo (CA-14), Brendan Devine, Rep. Diana DeGette (CO-01), Christina Tsafoulias, Rep. Michael Capuano (MA-08), Cindy Buhl, Rep. Jim McGovern (MA-03), Dan Mauer, Rep. George Miller (CA-07), Daniel Zeitlin, Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03), Emily Cardon, Rep. Jim Himes (CT-04), Eric Ffitch, Rep. Jay Inslee (WA-01), Hera Abbasi, Rep. Gerald Connolly (VA-11), Ilya Fischhoff, Rep. Ed Markey (MA-07), Jeremy Kadden, Rep. Shelley Berkley (NV-01), Jessica Elledge, Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05), Jessica Lee, Rep. Jim McDermott (WA-07), Jim Bochnowski, Rep. Peter Visclosky (IN-01), Jose Rodriguez, Rep. Ed Perlmutter (CO-07), Kate Lynch-DeAngelis, Rep. John Larson (CT- 01), Kevin McDermott, Rep. John Tierney (MA-06), Kristen Molloy, Rep. Bill Pascrell (NJ-08), Mariana Osorio, Rep. Stephen Lynch (MA-09), Marilyn Dillihay, Rep. Steve Cohen (TN-09), Mark Lee, Rep. Yvette f"l=»rl/-Q f MV_ 1 1 ^ Mai-lyi ic Dr\ca Dar* R^rr»cix/ Morocco Makenzie Lystrup, Rep. Ed Markey (MA-07) 11/4/11 Email Confirming meeting request Morocco

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Aaron Shapiro, Rep. Lois Capps (CA-23), 11/4/11 Email Sending a Allen Chatt, Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01), November 3, Rekha Chandrasekaran & Amy McGrath, 2011 Rep. Susan Davis (CA-53), Amy Wheeler, Huffington Rep. Peter Welch (VT-At Large), Liam Post column Fitzsimmons & Andrea Alvord, Rep. Maurice re: the Hinchey (NY-22), Andrew Bahrenburg, Rep. Polisario's Betty McCollum (MN-04), Asher Hildebrand, role in the Rep. David Price (NC-04), Ben Kolesar, Rep. Western John Olver (MA-01), Blake Hulnick, Rep. Sahara Anna Eshoo (CA-14), Brendan Devine, Rep. kidnappings Diana DeGette (CO-01), Christina Tsafoulias, and a Rep. Michael Capuano (MA-08), Cindy Buhl, document on Rep. Jim McGovern (MA-03), Dan Mauer, the Rep. George Miller (CA-07), Daniel Zeitlin, connections Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03), Emily Cardon, between Rep. Jim Himes (CT-04), Eric Ffitch, Rep. Jay AQIM and the Inslee (WA-01), Hera Abbasi, Rep. Gerald Polisario Connolly (VA-11), Ilya Fischhoff, Rep. Ed Markey (MA-07), Jeremy Kadden, Rep. Shelley Berkley (NV-01), Jessica Elledge, Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05), Jessica Lee, Rep. Jim McDermott (WA-07), Jim Bochnowski, Rep. Peter Visclosky (IN-01), Jose Rodriguez, Rep. Ed Perlmutter (CO-07), Kate Lynch-DeAngelis, Rep. John Larson (CT- 01), Kevin McDermott, Rep. John Tierney (MA-06), Kristen Molloy, Rep. Bill Pascrell (NJ-08), Mariana Osorio, Rep. Stephen Lynch (MA-09), Marilyn Dillihay, Rep. Steve Cohen (TN-09), Mark Lee, Rep. Yvette rhrl/Q /MV.1 1 ^ M=ar-t/ijc Dnco Don Rarnia\;. Morocco

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Aaron Shapiro, Rep. Lois Capps (CA-23), 11/22/11 Email Sending Dear Allen Chatt, Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01), Colleague re: Rekha Chandrasekaran & Amy McGrath, the Rep. Susan Davis (CA-53), Amy Wheeler, Congressional Rep. Peter Welch (VT-At Large), Liam Morocco Fitzsimmons & Andrea Alvord, Rep. Maurice Caucus and Hinchey (NY-22), Andrew Bahrenburg, Rep. request for Betty McCollum (MN-04), Asher Hildebrand, member to Rep. David Price (NC-04), Ben Kolesar, Rep. join John Olver (MA-01), Blake Hulnick, Rep. Anna Eshoo (CA-14), Brendan Devine, Rep. Diana DeGette (CO-01), Christina Tsafoulias, Rep. Michael Capuano (MA-08), Cindy Buhl, Rep. Jim McGovern (MA-03), Dan Mauer, Rep. George Miller (CA-07), Daniel Zeitlin, Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03), Emily Cardon, Rep. Jim Himes (CT-04), Eric Ffitch, Rep. Jay Inslee (WA-01), Hera Abbasi, Rep. Gerald Connolly (VA-11), Ilya Fischhoff, Rep. Ed Markey (MA-07), Jeremy Kadden, Rep. Shelley Berkley (NV-01), Jessica Elledge, Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05), Jessica Lee, Rep. Jim McDermott (WA-07), Jim Bochnowski, Rep. Peter Visclosky (IN-01), Jose Rodriguez, Rep. Ed Perlmutter (CO-07), Kate Lynch-DeAngelis, Rep. John Larson (CT- 01), Kevin McDermott, Rep. John Tierney (MA-06), Kristen Molloy, Rep. Bill Pascrell (NJ-08), Mariana Osorio, Rep. Stephen Lynch (MA-09), Mark Lee, Rep. Yvette Clarke (NY-11), Markus Rose, Rep. Barney Frank

^MA-fl/M MnM*ltA\Af MrMurr3\» Dor* I nnica Morocco

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Aaron Shapiro, Rep. Lois Capps (CA-23), 11/22/11 Email Sending FAQs Allen Chatt, Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01), document on Rekha Chandrasekaran & Amy McGrath, Morocco's Rep. Susan Davis (CA-53), Amy Wheeler, upcoming Rep. Peter Welch (VT-At Large), Liam parliamentary Fitzsimmons & Andrea Alvord, Rep. Maurice elections Hinchey (NY-22), Andrew Bahrenburg, Rep. Betty McCollum (MN-04), Asher Hildebrand, Rep. David Price (NC-04), Ben Kolesar, Rep. John Olver (MA-01), Blake Hulnick, Rep. Anna Eshoo (CA-14), Brendan Devine, Rep. Diana DeGette (CO-01), Christina Tsafoulias, Rep. Michael Capuano (MA-08), Cindy Buhl, Rep. Jim McGovern (MA-03), Dan Mauer, Rep. George Miller (CA-07), Daniel Zeitlin, Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03), Emily Cardon, Rep. Jim Himes (CT-04), Eric Ffitch, Rep. Jay Inslee (WA-01), Hera Abbasi, Rep. Gerald Connolly (VA-11), Jeremy Kadden, Rep. Shelley Berkley (NV-01), Jessica Elledge, Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05), Jessica Lee, Rep. Jim McDermott (WA-07), Jim Bochnowski, Rep. Peter Visclosky (IN-01), r Kate Lynch-DeAngelis, Rep. John Larson (CT- 01), Kevin McDermott, Rep. John Tierney (MA-06), Kristen Molloy, Rep. Bill Pascrell (NJ-08), Makenzie Lystrup, Rep. Ed Markey (MA-07), Mariana Osorio, Rep. Stephen Lynch (MA-09), Marilyn Dillihay, Rep. Steve Cohen (TN-09), Mark Lee, Rep. Yvette Clarke (NY-11), Markus Rose, Rep. Barney d-rsrtU /MA-H/I^ MaM-hoiAi M/~MnrrDi/ D^sr* • Morocco Makenzie Lystrup, Rep. Ed Markey (MA-07) 11/22/11 Email Changing meeting date & time Morocco Daniel Harsha, Rep. Howard Berman (CA- 11/22/11 Email Sending FAQs 28) document on Morocco's upcoming parliamentary elections Morocco

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Daniel Harsha, Rep. Howard Berman (CA- 11/22/11 Email Sending Dear 28) Colleague re: the Congressional Morocco Caucus and request for member to join Morocco Jessica Elledge, Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) 11/30/11 Email Sending FAQs document on Morocco's recent parliamentary elections and request for a statement of support

Morocco Marilyn Dillihay, Rep. Steve Cohen (TN-09) 11/30/11 Email Sending FAQs Morocco document on Morocco's recent parliamentary elections and request for a statement of support

Jeremy Kadden, Rep. Shelley Berkley (NV- 11/30/11 Email Sending FAQs 01) document on Morocco's recent parliamentary elections and request for a statement of support


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Teddy Miller, Rep. Barbara Lee (CA-09) 11/30/11 Email Sending FAQs document on Morocco's recent parliamentary elections and request for a statement of support

Morocco Tim Daly, Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-01) 11/30/11 Email Sending FAQs document on Morocco's recent parliamentary elections and request for a statement of support

Morocco Tara Robertson, Rep. David Dreier (CA-26) 11/30/11 Email Sending FAQs document on Morocco's recent parliamentary elections and request for a statement of support

Morocco Marilyn Dillihay & Reisha Buster, Rep. Steve 12/1/11 Email Follow-up to Cohen(TN-09) request for a statement of support Morocco Marilyn Dillihay & Reisha Buster, Rep. Steve 12/1/11 Email Follow-up to Cohen(TN-09) request for a statement of support Morocco

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Andrew Bahrenburg, Rep. Betty McCollum 12/1/11 Email Sending FAQs (MN-04) document on Morocco's recent parliamentary elections and request for a statement of support

Morocco Amy Wheeler, Rep. Peter Welch (VT-At 12/1/11 Email Sending FAQs Large) document on Morocco's recent parliamentary elections and request for a statement of support

Morocco Brendan Larkin, Rep. Maurice Hinchey (NY- 12/1/11 Email Sending FAQs 22) document on Morocco's recent parliamentary elections and request for a statement of support

Morocco Amy Wheeler, Rep. Peter Welch (VT-At 12/1/11 Email Follow-up to Morocco Large) request for a statement of support Jessica Elledge, Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) 12/3/11 Email Follow-up to request for member to join the Congressional Morocco Caucus Morocco

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Jessica Elledge, Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) 12/3/11 Email Follow-up to request for member to join the Congressional Morocco Caucus Morocco Jessica Elledge, Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) 12/3/11 Email Follow-up to request for member to join the Congressional Morocco Caucus Morocco Jessica Elledge, Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) 12/3/11 Email Follow-up to request for member to join the Congressional Morocco Caucus Morocco Follow-up to Tim Daly, Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-01) 12/3/11 Email request for a statement of support Morocco Follow-up to Marilyn Dillihay, Rep. Steve Cohen (TN-09) 12/6/11 Email request for a statement of support Sending FAQs Morocco Blake Hulnick, Rep. Anna Eshoo (CA-14) 12/6/11 Email document on Morocco's recent parliamentary elections and request for a statement of support


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Ben Kolesar, Rep. John Olver (MA-01) 12/6/11 Email Sending FAQs document on Morocco's recent parliamentary elections and request for a statement of support

Morocco Tim Daly, Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-01) 12/6/11 Email Follow-up to request for a statement of support Morocco Eric Ffitch, Rep. Jay Inslee (WA-01) 12/6/11 Email Sending FAQs document on Morocco's recent parliamentary elections and request for a statement of support

Morocco Daniel Harsha, Rep. Howard Berman (CA- 12/6/11 Email Sending FAQs 28) document on Morocco's recent parliamentary elections and request for a statement of support


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Aaron Shapiro, Rep. Lois Capps (CA-23), 12/8/11 Email Sending Morocco Allen Chatt, Rep. Bruce Braley (IA-01), media Rekha Chandrasekaran & Amy McGrath, advisory for Rep. Susan Davis (CA-53), Amy Wheeler, MACP's Rep. Peter Welch (VT-At Large), Andrew rountable Bahrenburg, Rep. Betty McCollum (MN-04), discussion on Asher Hildebrand,.Rep. David Price (NC-04), December 8, Ben Kolesar, Rep. John Olver (MA-01), Blake 2011 Hulnick, Rep. Anna Eshoo (CA-14), Brendan Devine, Rep. Diana DeGette (CO-01), Brendan Larkin, Rep. Maurice Hinchey (NY- 22), Christina.Tsafoulias, Rep. Michael Capuano (MA-08), Cindy Buhl, Rep. Jim McGovern (MA-03), Pan Mauer, Rep. George Miller (CA-07), Daniel Zeitlin, Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03), Emily Cardon, Rep. Jim Himes (CT-04), Eric Ffitch, Rep. Jay Inslee (WA-01), Hera Abbasi, Rep. Gerald Connolly (VA-11), Ilya Fischhoff, Rep. Ed Markey (MA- 07), Jeremy Kadden, Rep. Shelley Berkley (NV-01), Jessica Elledge, Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05), Jessica Lee, Rep. Jim McDermott (WA-07), Jim Bochnowski, Rep. Peter Visclosky (IN-01), Jose Rodriguez, Rep. Ed Perlmutter (CO-07), Kate Lynch-DeAngelis, Rep. John Larson (CT-01), Kevin McDermott, Rep. John Tierney (MA-06), Kristen Molloy, Rep. Bill Pascrell (NJ-08), Mariana Osorio, Rep. Stephen Lynch (MA-09), Marilyn Dillihay, Rep. Steve Cohen (TN-09), Mark Lee, Rep. Yvette Clarke (NY-11), Markus

Marilyn Dillihay, Rep. Steve Cohen (TN-09) 12/8/11 Email Follow-up to request for a statement of support Morocco Marilyn Dillihay, Rep. Steve Cohen (TN-09) 12/8/11 Email Follow-up to request for a statement of support Morocco Marilyn Dillihay, Rep. Steve Cohen (TN-09) 12/8/11 Email Follow-up to request for a statement of support Morocco Blake Hulnick, Rep. Anna Eshoo (CA-14) 12/13/11 Email Follow-up to Morocco request for a statement of support

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Jeremy Kadden, Rep. Shelley Berkley (NV- 12/13/11 Email Follow-up to Morocco 01) request for a statement of support Teddy Miller, Rep. Barbara Lee (CA-09) 12/13/11 Email Follow-up to Morocco request for a statement of support Andrew Bahrenburg, Rep. Betty McCollum 12/13/11 Email Follow-up to (MN-04) request for a statement of support Morocco Tim Daly, Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-01) 12/13/11 Email Follow-up to request for a statement of support Morocco Follow-up to Teddy Miller, Rep. Barbara Lee (CA-09) 12/13/11 Email request for a statement of support Morocco Jeremy Kadden, Rep. Shelley Berkley (NV- 12/17/11 Email Follow-up to request for a 01) statement of support Morocco Jeremy Kadden, Rep. Shelley Berkley (NV- 12/17/11 Email Follow-up to 01) request for a statement of support Morocco Jeremy Kadden, Rep. Shelley Berkley (NV- 12/17/11 Email Follow-up to 01) request for a statement of support Morocco Jeremy Kadden, Rep. Shelley Berkley (NV- 12/20/11 Email Follow-up to 01) request for a statement of support Morocco

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA june 31st 2011-Dec. 31st 2011

Person/Off Date Means of Regarding Client ice Contact Contacted

Jennifer 7/2/11 Email Follow-up to Puntland Groover offer (Rep. Ann materials or Marie witness Buerkle, NY- questions re: 25) July 7, 2011 Subcommitte e on Africa, Global Health, and Human Rights hearing on Somalia

Kerri Price 7/2/11 Email Follow-up to (Rep. Jeff offer Fortenberry, materials or NE-01) witness questions re: July 7, 2011 Subcommitte e on Africa, Global Health, and Human Rights hearing on Somalia


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FAFIA June 31st 2011 -Dec. 31st 2011

Matt Minora 7/2/11 Email Follow-up to (Rep. Tom offer Marino, PA- materials or 10) witness questions re: July 7, 2011 Subcommitte e on Africa, Global Health, and Human Rights hearing on Somalia

Puntland Stephen 7/2/11 Email Follow-up to Chandler offer (Rep. Tim materials or Griffin, AR- witness 02) questions re: July 7, 2011 Subcommitte e on Africa, Global Health, and Human Rights hearing on Somalia

Puntland Sheri 7/2/11 Email Follow-up to Rickert offer (House materials or Committee witness on Foreign questions re: Affairs) July 7, 2011 Subcommitte e on Africa, Global Health, and Human Rights hearing on Somalia


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA June 31st 2011 -Dec. 31st 2011

Stephen 7/2/11 Email Follow-up to Chandler offer (Rep. Tim materials or Griffin, AR- witness 02) questions re: July 7, 2011 Subcommitte e on Africa, Global Health, and Human Rights hearing on Somalia

Puntland Stephen 7/7/11 Email Sending Chandler Somalia (Rep. Tim background Griffin, AR- document for 02) July 7, 2011 Subcommitte e on Africa, Global Health, and Human Rights hearing

Puntland Jennifer 7/7/11 Email Sending Groover Somalia . (Rep. Ann background Marie document for Buerkle, NY- July 7, 2011 25) Subcommitte e on Africa, Global Health, and Human Rights hearing


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA June 31st 2011-Dec. 31st 2011

Kerri Price 7/7/11 Email Sending (Rep. Jeff Somalia Fortenberry, background NE-01) document for July 7, 2011 Subcommitte e on Africa, Global Health, and Human Rights hearing

Puntland Matt Minora 7/7/11 Email Sending (Rep. Tom Somalia Marino, PA- background 10) document for July 7, 2011 Subcommitte e on Africa, Global Health, and Human Rights hearing

Puntland Sheri 7/7/11 Email Sending Rickert Somalia (House background Committee document for on Foreign July 7, 2011 Affairs) Subcommitte e on Africa, Global Health, and Human Rights hearing


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA june 31st 2011-Dec. 31st 2011

Kerri Price 7/7/11 Email Follow-up to (Rep. Jeff Somalia Fortenberry, background NE-01) document for July 7, 2011 Subcommitte e on Africa, Global Health, and Human Rights hearing

Puntland Matt Minora 7/7/11 Email Follow-up to (Rep. Tom Somalia Marino, PA- background 10) document for July 7, 2011 Subcommitte e on Africa, Global Health, and Human Rights hearing


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA June 31st 2011 -Dec. 31st 2011

Tom Sheehy 7/7/11 Email Sending (Rep. Ed Somalia Royce, CA- background 40), Luke document for Murry (Rep. July 7, 2011 Ted Poe, TX- Subcommitte 02), e on Africa, Rebecca Global Health, Ulrich (Rep. and Human Jeff Duncan, Rights SC-03), hearing Elise Conner (Rep. Bill Johnson, OH 06), Elaine Acevedo (Rep. Renee Ellmers, NC- 02)

Puntland Gregory 7/7/11 Email Sending Simpkins Somalia (House background Committee document for on Foreign July 7, 2011 Affairs) Subcommitte e on Africa, Global Health, and Human Rights hearing


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA June 31st 2011-Dec; 31st 2011

Igor 7/12/11 Email Follow-up to Khrestin & meeting Patrick request Magnuson (Senator Mark Kirk, IL)

Puntland Igor 7/12/11 Email Confirming Khrestin meeting (Senator request Mark Kirk, IL)

Puntland Igor 7/15/11 Meeting General Khrestin & introduction Brandon to current Greene work with the (Senator Puntland Mark Kirk, State of IL) Somalia Puntland

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA June 31st 2011-Dec. 31st 2011

Igor 8/16/11 Email Sending a Khrestin & draft letter to Brandon the State Greene Department (Senator regarding US Mark Kirk, policy toward IL) Somalia and requesting Senator Kirk lead the letter

Puntland Igor 8/30/11 Email Follow-up to Khrestin & draft letter to Brandon the State Greene Department (Senator regarding US Mark Kirk, policy toward IL) Somalia

Puntland Patrick 9/1/11 Email Meeting Magnuson, request re: Igor President of Khrestin & Puntland Kayla Miller son's trip to (Senator Washington, Mark Kirk, DC to discuss IL) & Dennis counter Balkham piracy issues (Senate Appropriatio ns Committee)


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA June 31st 2011-Dec. 31st 2011

Patrick 9/2/11 Email Follow-up to Magnuson, meeting Igor request Khrestin & Kayla Miller (Senator Mark Kirk, IL) & Dennis Balkham (Senate Appropriatio ns Committee)

Puntland Patrick 9/2/11 Email Follow-up to Magnuson, meeting Igor request Khrestin & Kayla Miller (Senator Mark Kirk, IL) & Dennis Balkham (Senate Appropriatio ns Committee)

Puntland Chris 9/8/11 Email Meeting Sullivan & request re: Stefan ie President of Higgins Puntland (Senator son's trip to Johnny Washington, Isaskson, DC GA)


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Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA June 31st 2011-Dec. 31st 2011

Kayla Miller 9/8/11 Email Follow-up to (Senator meeting Mark Kirk, request IL)

Puntland Tim Daly 9/8/11 Email Meeting (Rep. Mike request re: Thompson, President of CA-01) & Puntland Andy Polk son's trip to (Rep. Sue Washington, Myrick, NC- DC 09)

Puntland Igor 9/9/11 Email Follow-up to Khrestin meeting (Senator request Mark Kirk, IL)


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA June 31st 2011 -Dec. 31st 2011

Kerri Price & 9/9/11 Email Meeting Rachel request re: Simonin President of (Rep. Jeff Puntland Forten berry, son's trip to NE-01) Washington, DC

Puntland Stephen 9/9/11 Email Meeting Chandler & request re: Phil Jarvis President of (Rep. Tim Puntland Griffin, AR- son's trip to 02) Washington, DC

Puntland Christine 9/9/11 Email Meeting Capobianco request re: (Rep. Jeff President of Forten berry, Puntland NE-01) son's trip to Washington, DC


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA june 31st 2011-Dec. 31st 2011

Matt Minora 9/9/11 Email Meeting & Sara request re: Rogers President of (Rep. Tom Puntland Marino, PA- son's trip to 10) Washington, DC

Puntland Kerri Price & 9/9/11 Email Follow-up to Christine meeting Capobianco request (Rep. Jeff Forten berry, NE-01)

Puntland Jennifer 9/9/11 Email Meeting Groover & request re: Katelyn President of Costello Puntland (Rep. Ann son's trip to Marie Washington, Buerkle, NY- DC 25)


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FAf*A June 31st 2011 -Dec. 31st 2011

Worku 9/9/11 Email Meeting Gachou & request re: Kathryn President of Alpago Puntland (Rep. Ed son's trip to Royce, CA- Washington, 40) DC

Puntland Joel Starr & 9/9/11 Email Meeting Wendi Price request re: (Senator President of James Puntland Inhofe, OK) son's trip to Washington, DC

Puntland Miriam 9/9/11 Email Meeting Harmer & request re: Ellen James President of (Senator Puntland Mike Lee, son's trip to UT) Washington, DC


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FAFiA June 31st 2011-Dec. 31st 2011

Stacie 9/9/11 Email Meeting Oliver, request re: Kristin Rosa President of & Ramona Puntland Lessen son's trip to (Senator Washington, Bob Corker, DC TN)

Puntland Miriam 9/9/11 Email Follow-up to Harmer & meeting Ellen James request (Senator Mike Lee, UT)

Puntland Igor 9/9/11 Email Confirming Khrestin meeting (Senator request Mark Kirk, IL)


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA . June 31st 2011-Dec. 31st 2011

Tamara 9/9/11 Email Meeting Klajn & request re: Shannon President of Smith Puntland (Senate son's trip to Committee Washington, on Foreign DC Relations)

Puntland Tim Daly 9/10/11 Email Follow-up to (Rep. Mike meeting Thompson, request CA-01) & Andy Polk (Rep. Sue Myrick, NC- 09)

Puntland Chris 9/10/11 Email Follow-up to Sullivan & meeting Stefan ie request Higgins (Senator Johnny Isaskson, GA)


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA June 31st 2011-Dec. 31st 2011

Stephen 9/10/11 Email Follow-up to Chandler & meeting Phil Jarvis request (Rep. Tim Griffin, AR- 02)

Puntland Matt Minora 9/10/11 Email Follow-up to & Sara meeting Rogers request (Rep. Tom Marino, PA- 10)

Puntland Jennifer 9/10/11 Email Follow-up to Groover & meeting Katelyn request Costello (Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle, NY- 25)


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Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FAPxA June 31st 2011-Dec. 31st 2011

Worku 9/10/11 Email Follow-up to Gachou & meeting Kathryn request Alpago (Rep. Ed Royce, CA- 40)

Puntland Joel Starr & 9/10/11 Email Follow-up to Wendi Price meeting (Senator request James Inhofe, OK)

Puntland Stacie 9/10/11 Email Follow-up to Oliver, meeting Kristin Rosa request & Ramona Lessen (Senator Bob Corker, TN)


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA June 31st 2011 -Dec. 31st 2011

Kerri Price & 9/10/11 Email Follow-up to Christine meeting Capobianco request (Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, NE-01)

Puntland Tim Daly 9/10/11 Email Follow-up to (Rep. Mike meeting Thompson, request CA-01) & Andy Polk & Jordan Moon (Rep. Sue Myrick, NC-09)

Puntland Tim Daly 9/10/11 Email Follow-up to (Rep. Mike meeting Thompson, request CA-01) & Andy Polk, Jordan Moon & Taylor Stanford (Rep. Sue Myrick, NC- 09)


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA June 31st 2011-Dec. 31st 2011

Joel Starr & 9/10/11 Email Confirming Wendi Price meeting (Senator request James Inhofe, OK)

Puntland Halite 9/10/11 Phone Follow-up to Williams meeting (Senator request Bob Corker, TN)

Puntland Miriam 9/10/11 Phone Follow-up to Harmer meeting (Senator ! request Mike Lee, UT)


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA June 31st 2011 -Dec. 31st 2011

Hallie 9/10/11 Email Follow-up to Williams meeting (Senator s request Bob Corker, TN)

Puntland Miriam 9/10/11 Email Follow-up to Harmer meeting (Senator request Mike Lee, UT)

Puntland Igor 9/10/11 Email Changing Khrestin meeting date (Senator & time Mark Kirk, IL)


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA June 31st 2011-Dec. 31st 2011

Hallie 9/10/11 Email Confirming Williams meeting (Senator request Bob Corker, TN)

Puntland Chris 9/10/11 Phone Follow-up to Sullivan meeting (Senator request Johnny Isaskson, GA)

Puntland Chris 9/10/11 Email Follow-up to Sullivan meeting (Senator request Johnny Isaskson, GA)


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA June 31st 2011-Dec. 31st 2011

Tim Daly 9/10/11 Email Follow-up to (Rep. Mike meeting Thompson, request CA-01) & Jordan Moon & Taylor Stanford (Rep. Sue Myrick, NC- 09)

Puntland Igor 9/10/11 Email Follow-up to Khrestin meeting (Senator request Mark Kirk, IL)

Puntland Chris 9/10/11 Email Confirming Sullivan meeting (Senator request Johnny Isaskson, GA)


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA June 31st 2011 -Dec. 31st 2011

Sara Rogers 9/10/11 Email Follow-up to (Rep. Tom meeting Marino, PA- request 10)

Puntland Sara Rogers 9/10/11 Email Confirming (Rep. Tom meeting Marino, PA- request 10)

Puntland Tamara 9/10/11 Email Follow-up to Klajn & meeting Shannon request Smith (Senate Committee on Foreign Relations)


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA June 31st 2011-Dec. 31st 2011

Igor 9/10/11 Email Follow-up to Khrestin meeting (Senator request Mark Kirk, IL)

Puntland Tamara 9/10/11 Email Follow-up to Klajn & meeting Shannon request Smith (Senate Committee on Foreign Relations)

Puntland Tamara 9/10/11 Email Follow-up to Klajn & meeting Shannon request Smith (Senate Committee on Foreign Relations)


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA June 31st 2011 -Dec. 31st 2011

Igor 9/10/11 Email Confirming Khrestin meeting (Senator request Mark Kirk, IL)

Puntland Tamara 9/10/11 Email Follow-up to Klajn meeting (Senate request Committee on Foreign Relations)

Puntland Tamara 9/10/11 Email Confirming Klajn meeting (Senate request Committee on Foreign Relations)


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FAPJ\ june 31st 2011 -Dec. 31st 2011

Kerri Price & 9/10/11 Email Follow-up to Christine meeting Capobianco request (Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, NE-01)

Puntland Christine 9/10/11 Email Follow-up to Capobianco meeting (Rep. Jeff request Fortenberry, NE-01)

Puntland Joel Starr 9/13/11 Meeting General (Senator introduction James and Inhofe, OK) introducing Kadir Mohamud, Special Envoy from the Puntland State of Somalia Puntland

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit. 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FAFtA June 31st 2011-Dec. 31st 2011

Miriam 9/13/11 Meeting General Harmer introduction (Senator and Mike Lee, introducing UT) Kadir Mohamud, Special Envoy from the Puntland State of Somalia Puntland Joel Starr 9/13/11 Email Follow-up to (Senator meeting James Inhofe, OK)

Puntland Stacie 9/13/11 Meeting General Oliver introduction (Senator and Bob Corker, introducing TN) Kadir Mohamud, Special Envoy from the Puntland State of Somalia Puntland

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FAFIA june 31st 2011-Dec. 31st 2011

Patrick 9/13/11 Meeting General Magnuson & introduction Igor and Khrestin introducing (Senator Kadir Mark Kirk, Mohamud, IL) Special Envoy from the Puntland State of Somalia Puntland Patrick 9/13/11 Email Follow-up to Magnuson & draft letter to Igor the State Khrestin Department (Senator regarding US Mark Kirk, policy toward IL) Somalia

Puntland Christine 9/13/11 Email Follow-up to Capobianco meeting (Rep. Jeff request Fortenberry; NE-01)


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA June 31st 2011-Dec. 31st 2011

Francis 9/14/11 Meeting General Creighton & introduction Jessica and Elledge introducing (Rep. Chris Kadir Murphy, CT- Mohamud, 05) Special Envoy from the Puntland State of Somalia Puntland Matt Minora 9/14/11 Meeting General (Rep. Tom introduction Marino, PA- and 10) introducing Kadir Mohamud, Special Envoy from the Puntland State of Somalia Puntland Halie Soifer 9/14/11 Meeting General (Senator introduction Chris Coons, and DE) introducing Kadir Mohamud, Special Envoy from the Puntland State of Somalia Puntland

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA June 31st 2011-Dec. 31st 2011

Stacie 9/14/11 Email Follow-up to Oliver meeting (Senator Bob Corker, TN)

Puntland Jessica 9/14/11 Email Follow-up to Elledge meeting (Rep. Chris Murphy, CT- 05)

Puntland Taylor 9/15/11 Meeting General Standord introduction (Rep. Sue and Myrick, NC- introducing 09) Kadir Mohamud, Special Envoy from the Puntland State of Somalia


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA june 31st 2011-Dec. 31st 2011

Tamara 9/15/11 Meeting General Klajn introduction (Senate and Committee introducing on Foreign Kadir Relations) Mohamud, Special Envoy from the Puntland State of Somalia

Puntland Teddy Miller 9/16/11 Email Somalia (Rep. congressional Barbara briefing on Lee, CA-09) September 19, 2011

Puntland Teddy Miller 9/16/11 Email Somalia (Rep. congressional Barbara briefing on Lee, CA-09) September 19, 2012


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA June 31st 2011 -Dec. 31st 2011

Joel Starr 9/16/11 Email Follow-up to (Senator meeting & James sending a Inhofe, OK) document detailing the Department of State's "dual-track" policy toward Somalia

Puntland Teddy Miller 9/16/11 Email Somalia (Rep. congressional Barbara briefing on ,• Lee, CA-09) September 19, 2012

Puntland Kevin 9/16/11 Email Update on Gundersen our current (House work with the Committee Puntland on State of Homeland Somalia Security)


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA June 31st 2011 -Dec. 31st 2011

Teddy Miller 9/20/11 Email Somalia (Rep. congressional Barbara briefing on Lee, CA-09) September 19, 2012

Puntland Chris 9/21/11 Email Sending The Sullivan Hill article (Senator from 9/18/11 Johnny on oil Isaskson, concessions GA) in Puntland

Puntland Stacie 9/21/11 Email Sending The Oliver Hill article (Senator from 9/18/11 Bob Corker, on oil TN) concessions in Puntland


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA June 31st 2011 -Dec. 31st 2011

Joel Starr 9/21/11 Email Sending The (Senator Hill article James from 9/18/11 Inhofe, OK) on oil concessions in Puntland .

Puntland Miriam 9/21/11 Email Sending The Harmer Hill article (Senator from 9/18/11 Mike Lee, on oil UT) concessions in Puntland

Puntland Patrick 9/21/11 Email Sending The Magnuson & Hill article Igor from 9/18/11 Khrestin on oil (Senator concessions Mark Kirk, in Puntland IL)


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01 /24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA June 31st 2011-Dec. 31st 2011

Sheri 9/21/11 Email Sending The Rickert & Hill article Gregory from 9/18/11 Simpkins on oil (House concessions Committee in Puntland on Foreign Affairs), Kerri Price (Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, NE-01), Stephen Chandler (Rep. Tim Griffin, AR- 02), Matt Minora (Rep. Tom Marino, PA- 10) & Jennifer Groover (Rep. Ann ' Marie Buerkle, NY- 25) Puntland Tamara 9/21/11 Email Sending The Klajn, Hill article Shannon from 9/18/11 Smith & on oil Michael concessions Phelan in Puntland (Senate Committee on Foreign Relations)


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA june 31st 2011 -Dec. 31st 2011

Sheri 9/23/11 Email Sending Rickert & articles on Gregory Somalia and Simpkins al-Shabaab. (House Committee on Foreign Affairs), Kerri Price (Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, NE-01), Stephen Chandler (Rep. Tim Griffin, AR- 02), Matt Minora (Rep. Tom Marino, PA- 10), Jennifer Groover (Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle, NY- 25), Chris Sullivan (Senator Johnny Isaskson, Puntland

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA June 31st 2011-Dec. 31st 2011

Matt Minora 9/29/11 Email Follow-up to (Rep. Tom meeting Marino, PA- 10)

Puntland Matt Minora 10/4/11 Email Potential (Rep. Tom Africa, Global Marino, PA- Health & 10) Human Rights Subcommitte e hearing

Puntland Matt Minora 10/12/11 Email Potential (Rep. Tom Africa, Global Marino, PA­ Health & ID) Human Rights Subcommitte e hearing


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA June 31st 2011-Dec. 31st 2011

Matt Minora 10/14/11 Email Potential (Rep. Tom Africa, Global Marino, PA- Health & 10) Human Rights Subcommitte e hearing

Puntland Matt Minora 10/14/11 Email Potential (Rep. Tom Africa, Global Marino, PA- Health & 10) Human Rights Subcommitte e hearing & Senator Durbin's Africa Trade bill

Puntland Matt Minora 10/21/11 Emai Potential (Rep. Tom Africa, Global Marino, PA- Health & 10) Human Rights Subcommitte e hearing & Senator Durbin's Africa Trade bill Puntland

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA June 31st 2011 -Dec. 31st 2011

Matt Minora 10/25/11 Phone Potential (Rep. Tom letter to the Marino, PA­ State ID) Department regarding US policy toward Puntland/Som alia

Puntland Miriam 10/28/11 Email Follow-up to Harmer meeting (Senator Mike Lee, UT)

Puntland Miriam 11/2/11 Email Follow-up to Harmer meeting (Senator Mike Lee, UT)


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley Puntland Contacts for FARA June 31st 2011 -Dec. 31st 2011

Miriam 11/16/11 Email Follow-up to Harmer meeting (Senator Mike Lee, UT)

Puntland Miriam 11/18/11 Email Follow-up to Harmer meeting (Senator Mike Lee, UT)


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Person Person/Offi Date Means of Regarding Client Initiating ce Contact Contact Contacted Michael J. Kelley Heather 7/8/11 Email Follow-up to Molino meeting (House request sent by Permanent Major General Select Mohamed A. Committee Keshky for a on meeting with Intelligence) House & Carol Permanent Merkel (Rep. C.A. "Dutch" Select Ruppersberge Committee on r, MD-02) Intelligence Chairman, Ranking Member and committee members Egypt Michael J. Kelley Heather 7/13/11 Email Follow-up to Molino meeting (House request sent Permanent by Major Select General Committee Mohamed A. on Keshky for a Intelligence) meeting with & Carol House Merkel (Rep. Permanent C.A. "Dutch" Select Ruppersberge Committee on r, MD-02) Intelligence Chairman, Ranking Member and committee members Egypt

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Ashley Lowry 7/14/11 Email Follow-up to (House meeting Permanent request sent Select by Major Committee General on Mohamed A. Intelligence), Keshky for a Mary meeting with Randolph House Carpenter & Permanent Ethan Weber Select (Rep. Mike Committee on Rogers, MI- Intelligence 08) Chairman, Ranking Member and committee members Egypt Michael J. Kelley Carol Merkel 7/20/11 Email Follow-up to (Rep. C.A. meeting "Dutch" request sent Ruppersberge by Major r, MD-02) General Mohamed A. Keshky for a meeting with House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman, Ranking Member and committee members Egypt

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Carol Merkel 7/20/11 Email Follow-up to (Rep. C.A. meeting "Dutch" request sent Ruppersberge by Major r, MD-02) General Mohamed A. Keshky for a meeting with House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman, Ranking Member and committee members Egypt Michael J. Kelley Ashley Lowry 7/20/11 Email Follow-up to (House meeting Permanent request sent Select by Major Committee General on Mohamed A. Intelligence), Keshky for a Mary meeting with Randolph House Carpenter & Permanent Ethan Weber Select (Rep. Mike Committee on Rogers, MI- Intelligence 08) Chairman, Ranking Member and committee members Egypt

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Ashley Lowry 7/20/11 Email Follow-up to (House meeting Permanent request sent Select by Major Committee General on Mohamed A. Intelligence), Keshky for a Mary meeting with Randolph House Carpenter & Permanent Ethan Weber Select (Rep. Mike Committee on Rogers, MI- Intelligence 08) Chairman, Ranking Member and committee members Egypt Michael J. Kelley Mary 7/21/11 Email Follow-up to Randolph meeting Carpenter request sent (Rep. Mike by Major Rogers, MI- General 08) Mohamed A. Keshky for a meeting with House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman, Ranking Member and committee members Egypt

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Kerri Price & 7/27/11 Email Sending Rachel invitation to Simonin attend (Rep. Jeff breakfast Fortenberry, with generals NE-01) from the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces in the Member's Dining Room on 7/27/11 Egypt Michael J. Kelley Hera Abbasi 7/27/11 Email Sending & Rhonda invitation to Gillis (Rep. attend Gerald breakfast Connolly, VA- with generals 11) from the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces in the Member's Dining Room on 7/27/11 Egypt Michael J. Kelley Hera Abbasi 7/27/11 Email Follow-up to & Rhonda invitation to Gillis (Rep. attend Gerald breakfast Connolly, VA- with generals 11) from the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces in the Member's Dining Room on 7/27/11 Egypt

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Tim Welter 7/27/11 Email Sending (Rep. Todd invitation to Young,IN- attend 09) breakfast with generals from the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces in the Member's Dining Room on 7/27/11 Egypt Michael J. Kelley Tim Welter 7/27/11 Email Follow-up to (Rep. Todd invitation to Young,IN- attend 09) breakfast with generals from the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces in the Member's Dining Room on 7/27/11 Egypt Michael J. Kelley Tim Welter 7/27/11 Email Follow-up to (Rep. Todd invitation to Young,IN- attend 09) breakfast with generals from the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces in the Member's Dining Room on 7/27/11 Egypt

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Reema Dodin 9/16/11 Email FY 2012 Senate (Senator State, Foreign Richard Operations and Durbin, IL) Related Programs Appropations bill full committee mark-up Egypt Michael J. Kelley Reema Dodin 9/17/11 Email FY 2012 Senate (Senator State, Foreign Richard Operations and Durbin, IL) Related Programs Appropations bill full committee mark-up Egypt Michael J. Kelley Kaitlyn 9/23/11 Phone FY 2012 Senate McClure State, Foreign (Senator Operations and John Hoeven, Related ND) Programs Appropations bill full committee mark-up Egypt Michael J. Kelley Reema Dodin 9/23/11 Email FY 2012 Senate (Senator State, Foreign Richard Operations and Durbin, IL) Related Programs Appropations bill full committee mark-up Egypt

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37AM

Michael J. Kelley Kaitlyn 9/23/11 Email FY 2012 Senate McClure State, Foreign (Senator Operations and John Hoeven, Related ND) Programs Appropations bill full committee mark-up Egypt Michael J. Kelley Alan Elias 9/23/11 Email FY 2012 Senate (Senator Ron State, Foreign Johnson, WI) Operations and Related Programs Appropations bill full committee mark-up Egypt Michael J. Kelley Kaitlyn 9/23/11 Email FY 2012 Senate McClure State, Foreign (Senator Operations and John Hoeven, Related ND) Programs Appropations bill full committee mark-up Egypt Michael J. Kelley Reema Dodin 9/23/11 Email FY 2012 Senate (Senator State, Foreign Richard Operations and Durbin, IL) Related Programs Appropations bill full committee mark-up Egypt

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Kaitlyn 9/23/11 Email FY 2012 Senate McClure State, Foreign (Senator Operations and John Hoeven, Related ND) Programs Appropations bill full committee mark-up Egypt Michael J. Kelley Catie Finley & 9/28/11 Email Meeting Frank request with Cristinzio Egyptian (Senator Foreign Barbara Minister, Mikulski, MD) Mohamed Kamel Amr Egypt Michael J. Kelley Claire 9/28/11 Email Meeting Dickhut & request with Chris Homan Egyptian (Senator Foreign Richard Minister, Durbin, IL) Mohamed Kamel Amr Egypt Michael J. Kelley Kim Delatte& 9/28/11 Email Meeting Ross Nodurft request with (Senator Egyptian Mary Foreign Landrieu, LA) Minister, Mohamed Kamel Amr Egypt Michael J. Kelley Jennifer 9/28/11 Email Meeting Parsons & request with Doug Egyptian Babcock Foreign (Senator Minister, Sherrod Mohamed Brown, OH) Kamel Amr Egypt Michael J. Kelley Britta 9/28/11 Email Meeting Gustafson & request with Halie Soifer Egyptian (Senator Foreign Chris Coons, Minister, DE) Mohamed Kamel Amr Egypt

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by.NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Debbie 9/28/11 Email Meeting Yamada & request with Rori Kramer Egyptian (Senator Foreign Benjamin Minister, Cardin, MD) Mohamed Kamel Amr Egypt Michael J. Kelley Josh Kagan 9/28/11 Email Follow-up to (Senator meeting Chris Coons, request with DE) Egyptian Foreign Minister, Mohamed Kamel Amr Egypt Michael J. Kelley Josh Kagan 9/28/11 Email Follow-up to (Senator meeting Chris Coons, request with DE) Egyptian Foreign Minister, Mohamed Kamel Amr Egypt Michael J. Kelley Josh Kagan & 9/28/11 Email Follow-up to Halie Soifer meeting (Senator request with Chris Coons, Egyptian DE) Foreign Minister, Mohamed Kamel Amr Egypt Michael J. Kelley Kim Delatte 9/28/11 Email Follow-up to (Senator meeting Mary request with Landrieu, LA) Egyptian Foreign Minister, Mohamed Kamel Amr Egypt Michael J. Kelley Josh Kagan & 9/29/11 Email Follow-up to Halie Soifer meeting (Senator request with Chris Coons, Egyptian DE) Foreign Minister, Mohamed Kamel Amr Egypt

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Josh Kagan, 9/29/11 Email Follow-up to Halie Soifer & meeting Kelly Nye request with (Senator Egyptian Chris Coons, Foreign DE) Minister, Mohamed Kamel Amr Egypt Michael J. Kelley Josh Kagan, 9/29/11 Email Follow-up to Halie Soifer & meeting Kelly Nye request with (Senator Egyptian Chris Coons, Foreign DE) Minister, Mohamed Kamel Amr Egypt Michael J. Kelley Halie Soifer 9/29/11 Email Sending (Senator document Chris Coons, comparing DE) the House & Senate versions of the FY 2012 Senate State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs Appropations bill Egypt Michael J. Kelley Halie Soifer 9/29/11 Email Sending (Senator document Chris Coons, comparing DE) the House & Senate versions of the FY 2012 Senate State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs Appropations bill Egypt

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Josh Kagan, 9/29/11 Email Follow-up to Halie Soifer & meeting Kelly Nye request with (Senator Egyptian Chris Coons, Foreign DE) Minister, Mohamed Kamel Amr Egypt Michael J. Kelley Josh Kagan, 9/29/11 Email Confirming Halie Soifer & phone call Kelly Nye between (Senator Senator Chris Chris Coons, Coons (DE) DE) and Egyptian Foreign Minister, Mohamed Kamel Amr Egypt Michael J. Kelley Emily 9/29/11 Email Follow-up to Sullivan meeting (Senator request with Richard Egyptian Durbin, IL) Foreign Minister, Mohamed Kamel Amr Egypt Michael J. Kelley Kelly Healton 10/6/11 Email Follow-up to & Talia meeting Dubovi (Rep. request sent by Nita Lowey, Major General NY-18) Mohamed A. Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Gayle Reuter 10/6/11 Email Follow-up to &Tom meeting Garofalo request sent by (Rep. Jim Major General Moran, VA- Mohamed A. 08) Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit

Egypt Michael J. Kelley Corey 10/6/11 Email Follow-up to Williams & meeting Liam request sent by Fitzsimmons Major General (Rep. Maurice Mohamed A. Hinchey, NY- Keshky re: 22) Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit

Egypt Michael J. Kelley Elyse 10/6/11 Email Follow-up to Schoenfeld & meeting Daniel Zeitlin request sent by (Rep. Rosa Major General DeLauro, CT- Mohamed A. 03) •• Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit

Egypt Michael J. Kelley Kevin 10/6/11 Email Follow-up to McAlister & meeting Ben Kolesar request sent by (Rep. John Major General Olver, MA-01) Mohamed A. Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Teresa 10/6/11 Email Follow-up to Saunders & meeting Asher request sent by Hildebrand Major General (Rep. David Mohamed A. Price, NC-04) Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit

Egypt Michael J. Kelley David Beltran 10/6/11 Email Follow-up to & Caitie meeting Whelan (Rep. request sent by Sam Farr, CA- Major General 17) Mohamed A. Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit

Egypt Michael J. Kelley Tatyana 10/6/11 Email Follow-up to Kalinga & meeting Teddy Miller request sent by (Rep. Barbara Major General Lee, CA-09) Mohamed A. Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit

Egypt Michael J. Kelley Lauren Dees 10/6/11 Email Follow-up to & Andrew meeting Bahrenburg request sent by (Rep. Betty Major General McCollum, Mohamed A. MN-04) Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Claire 10/7/11 Email Follow-up to Reuschel & meeting Chris Homan request sent by (Senator Major General Richard Mohamed A. Durbin, IL) Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit

Egypt Michael J. Kelley Kim Delatte & 10/7/11 Email Follow-up to Ross Nodurft meeting (Senator request sent by Mary Major General Landrieu, LA) Mohamed A. Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit

Egypt Michael J. Kelley Claire 10/7/11 Email Follow-up to Reuschel & meeting Chris Homan request sent by (Senator Major General Richard Mohamed A. Durbin, IL) Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit

Egypt Michael J. Kelley Jennifer 10/7/11 Email Follow-up to Parsons & meeting Doug request sent by Babcock Major General (Senator Mohamed A. Sherrod Keshky re: Brown, OH) Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit


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Michael J. Kelley Jacqueline 10/7/11 Email Follow-up to Miller & Ann meeting Premer request sent by (Senator Ben Major General Nelson, NE) Mohamed A. Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit

Egypt Michael J. Kelley Grace Rooney 10/7/11 Email Follow-up to & Neely meeting Silbey request sent by (Senator Major General Patty Murray, Mohamed A. WA) Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit

Egypt Michael J. Kelley Betty Krupa 10/7/11 Email Follow-up to (Senator meeting Mary request sent by Landrieu, LA) Major General Mohamed A. Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit

Egypt Michael J. Kelley Betty Krupa 10/8/11 Email Follow-up to (Senator meeting Mary request sent by Landrieu, LA) Major General Mohamed A. Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Danika 10/8/11 Email Follow-up to Robinson, meeting Michael Frank request sent by & Chris Major General Homan Mohamed A. (Senator Keshky re: Richard Egyptian White Durbin, IL) Paper Delegation visit

Egypt Michael J. Kelley Betty Krupa 10/12/11 Email Follow-up to (Senator meeting Mary request sent by Landrieu, LA) Major General Mohamed A. Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit

Egypt Michael J. Kelley Andrea 10/12/11 Email Follow-up to Friedhoff meeting (Senator request sent by Patty Murray, Major General WA) Mohamed A. Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit

Egypt Michael J. Kelley Kelly Healton 10/12/11 Email Follow-up to 8i Talia meeting Dubovi (Rep. request sent by Nita Lowey, Major General NY-18) Mohamed A. Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Gayle Reuter 10/12/11 Email Follow-up to & Tom meeting Garofalo request sent by (Rep. Jim Major General Moran, VA- Mohamed A. 08) Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit

Egypt Michael J. Kelley Corey 10/12/11 Email Follow-up to Williams & meeting Liam request sent by Fitzsimmons Major General (Rep. Maurice Mohamed A. Hinchey, NY- Keshky re: 22) Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit

Egypt Michael J. Kelley Elyse 10/12/11 Email Follow-up to Schoenfeld & meeting Daniel Zeitlin request sent by (Rep. Rosa Major General DeLauro, CT- Mohamed A. 03) Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit

Egypt Michael J. Kelley Kevin 10/12/11 Email Follow-up to McAlister & meeting Ben Kolesar request sent by (Rep. John Major General Olver, MA-01) Mohamed A. Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Teresa 10/12/11 Email Follow-up to Saunders & meeting Asher request sent by Hildebrand Major General (Rep. David Mohamed A. Price, NC-04) Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit

Egypt Michael J. Kelley David Beltran 10/12/11 Email Follow-up to 8i Caitie meeting Whelan (Rep. request sent by Sam Farr, CA- Major General 17) Mohamed A. Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit

Egypt Michael J. Kelley Tatyana 10/12/11 Email Follow-up to Kalinga & meeting Teddy Miller request sent by (Rep. Barbara Major General Lee, CA-09) Mohamed A. Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit

Egypt Michael J. Kelley Lauren Dees 10/12/11 Email Follow-up to & Andrew meeting Bahrenburg request sent by (Rep. Betty Major General McCollum, Mohamed A. MN-04) Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Jacqueline 10/12/11 Email Follow-up to Miller & Ann meeting Premer request sent by (Senator Ben Major General Nelson, NE) Mohamed A. Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit

Egypt Michael J. Kelley Danika 10/12/11 Email Follow-up to Robinson, meeting Michael Frank request sent by & Chris Major General Homan Mohamed A. (Senator Keshky re: Richard Egyptian White Durbin, IL) Paper Delegation visit

Egypt Michael J. Kelley Tatyana 10/12/11 Email Follow-up to Kalinga & meeting Teddy Miller request sent by (Rep. Barbara Major General Lee, CA-09) Mohamed A. Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit

Egypt Michael J. Kelley Danika 10/12/11 Email Follow-up to Robinson, meeting Michael Frank request sent by & Chris Major General Homan Mohamed A. (Senator Keshky re: Richard Egyptian White Durbin, IL) Paper Delegation visit


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Elyse 10/12/11 Email Follow-up to Schoenfeld meeting (Rep. Rosa request sent by DeLauro, CT- Major General 03) Mohamed A. Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit

Egypt Michael J. Kelley Corey 10/12/11 Email Follow-up to Williams meeting (Rep. Maurice request sent by Hinchey, NY- Major General 22) Mohamed A. Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit

Egypt Michael J. Kelley Jacqueline 10/12/11 Email Follow-up to Miller & Ann meeting Premer request sent by (Senator Ben Major General Nelson, NE) Mohamed A. Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit

Egypt Michael J. Kelley Teresa 10/12/11 Email Follow-up to Saunders 8i meeting Asher request sent by Hildebrand Major General (Rep. David Mohamed A. Price, NC-04) Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Britta 10/12/11 Email Follow-up to Gustafson 81 meeting Halie Soifer request sent by (Senator Major General Chris Coons, Mohamed A. DE) Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit

Egypt Michael J. Kelley Ellen James & 10/12/11 Email Follow-up to Miriam meeting Harmer request sent by (Senator Mike Major General Lee, UT) Mohamed A. Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Aaron Ranck 10/13/11 Email Sending an (Rep. Kay October 10, Granger, TX- 2011 12), Adam Financial Howard Times article (Senator Dan on the recent Coats, IN), violence Alan Elias against (Senator Ron Egyptian Johnson, WI), Copts Allison Cooke (Rep. Renee Ellmers, NC- 02), Andrea Liptak (Senator Mitch McConnell, : KY), Brian Diffell (Senator Roy Blunt, MO), Chris Sullivan (Senator Johnny Isakson, GA), Christian Lyons (Rep. Michael McCaul, TX- 10), Elizabeth Uil-l-rtc- (Dc*r\ Egypt Michael J. Kelley Jessica 10/13/11 Email Follow-up to Elledge (Rep. meeting Chris Murphy, request sent by CT-05) Major General Mohamed A. Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley David Beltran 10/13/11 Email Follow-up to &. Caitie meeting Whelan (Rep. request sent by Sam Farr, CA- Major General 17) Mohamed A. Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit

Egypt Michael J. Kelley Jessica 10/14/11 Email Follow-upto Elledge (Rep. meeting Chris Murphy, request sent by CT-05) Major General Mohamed A. Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit

Egypt MichaelJ. Kelley Britta 10/14/11 Email Follow-upto Gustafson 8i meeting Halie Soifer request sent by (Senator Major General Chris Coons, Mohamed A. DE) Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit

Egypt, Michael J. Kelley Jessica 10/14/11 Phone Follow-upto Elledge (Rep. meeting Chris Murphy, request sent by CT-05) Major General Mohamed A. Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Jessica 10/11/11 Email Letter to Elledge (Rep. President Chris Murphy, Obama re: the CT-05) attacks on Egyptian Christians Egypt Michael J. Kelley Kelly Healton, 10/18/11 Phone Follow-up to Talia Dubovi meeting & Steve request sent by Marchese Major General (Rep. Nita Mohamed A. Lowey, NY- Keshky re: 18) Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit

Egypt Michael J. Kelley Halie Soifer 10/19/11 Email Follow-up to (Senator meeting Chris Coons, request sent DE) by Major General Mohamed A. Keshky re: Egyptian White Paper Delegation visit & sending Egyptian elections white paper document Egypt Michael J. Kelley Tamara Klajn 11/10/11 Email Staff lunch (Senate briefing with Committee Egyptian on Foreign Ambassador Affairs) Sameh Shoukry Egypt Michael J. Kelley Tamara Klajn 11/10/11 Email Staff lunch 8i Perry briefing with Cammack Egyptian (Senate Ambassador Committee Sameh on Foreign Shoukry Affairs) Egypt

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

~Received~by NSD/FAKA KegTstration"Unit~0T724/Z0T2_9T54:3 7'73LM~ Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Perry 11/11/11 Email Staff lunch Cammack briefing with (Senate Egyptian Committee Ambassador on Foreign Sameh Affairs) Shoukry Egypt. Michael J. Kelley Tim Daly 11/22/11 Phone Invite to (Rep. Mike dinner for Thompson, Senator Chris CA-01) Coons (DE) hosted by Ambassador Sameh Shoukry Egypt Michael J. Kelley Tim Daly & 11/22/11 Email Follow-up to Katie invite to Washburn dinner for (Rep. Mike Senator Chris Thompson, Coons (DE) CA-01) hosted by Ambassador Sameh Shoukry Egypt Michael J. Kelley Kerri Price & 11/23/11 Email Invite to Christine dinner for Capobianco Senator Chris (Rep. Jeff Coons (DE) Fortenberry, hosted by NE-01) Ambassador Sameh Shoukry Egypt Michael J. Kelley Tim Daly & 11/23/11 Email Follow-up to Katie invite to Washburn dinner for (Rep. Mike Senator Chris Thompson, Coons (DE) CA-01) hosted by Ambassador Sameh Shoukry Egypt

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Tim Daly & 11/23/11 Email Follow-up to Katie invite to Washburn dinner for (Rep. Mike Senator Chris Thompson, Coons (DE) CA-01) hosted by Ambassador Sameh Shoukry Egypt Michael J. Kelley Tim Daly & 11/23/11 Email Follow-up to Katie invite to Washburn dinner for (Rep. Mike Senator Chris Thompson, Coons (DE) CA-01) hosted by Ambassador Sameh Shoukry Egypt Michael J. Kelley Jennifer 11/23/11 Email Invite to Groover & dinner for Katelyn Senator Chris Costello (Rep. Coons (DE) Ann Marie hosted by Buerkle, NY- Ambassador 25) Sameh Shoukry Egypt Michael J. Kelley Christine 11/24/11 Phone Follow-up to Capobianco invite to (Rep. Jeff dinner for Fortenberry, Senator Chris NE-01) Coons (DE) hosted by Ambassador Sameh Shoukry Egypt Michael J. Kelley Kerri Price 8i 11/24/11 Email Follow-up to Christine invite to Capobianco dinner for (Rep. Jeff Senator Chris Fortenberry, Coons(DE) NE-01) hosted by Ambassador Sameh Shoukry Egypt

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Christine 11/29/11 Email Follow-up to Capobianco invite to (Rep. Jeff dinner for Fortenberry, Senator Chris NE-01) Coons (DE) hosted by Ambassador Sameh Shoukry Egypt Michael J. Kelley Jessica 12/1/11 Phone Staff lunch Elledge (Rep. briefing with Chris Murphy, Egyptian CT-05) Ambassador Sameh Shoukry Egypt Michael J. Kelley Jessica 12/1/11 Email Staff lunch Elledge (Rep. briefing with Chris Murphy, Egyptian CT-05) Ambassador Sameh Shoukry Egypt Michael J. Kelley Christine 12/1/11 Phone Meeting Capobianco request (Rep. Jeff between Rep. Fortenberry, Jeff NE-01) Fortenberry and Ambassador Sameh Shoukry Egypt Michael J. Kelley Christine 12/1/11 Email Follow-up to Capobianco meeting (Rep. Jeff request Fortenberry, NE-01) Egypt Michael J. Kelley Brad Bowman 12/1/11 Email Introduction (Senator to our work Kelly Ayotte, with Egypt NH) Egypt Michael J. Kelley Jessica 12/1/11 Phone Staff lunch Elledge (Rep. briefing with Chris Murphy, Egyptian CT-05) Ambassador Sameh Shoukry Egypt

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Jessica 12/1/11 Email Staff lunch Elledge (Rep. briefing with Chris Murphy, Egyptian CT-05) Ambassador Sameh Shoukry Egypt Michael J. Kelley Jessica 12/1/11 Email Staff lunch Elledge (Rep. briefing with Chris Murphy, Egyptian CT-05) Ambassador Sameh Shoukry Egypt Michael J. Kelley Jessica 12/1/11 Email Staff lunch Elledge (Rep. briefing with Chris Murphy, Egyptian CT-05) Ambassador Sameh Shoukry Egypt Michael J. Kelley Christine 12/1/11 Email Follow-up to Capobianco meeting (Rep. Jeff request Fortenberry, NE-01) Egypt

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Dan Harsha 12/3/11 Email December 9, (Rep. Howard 2011 Berman, CA- congressional 28), Howard staff briefing Diamond with Egyptian (Rep. Gary Ambassador Ackerman, NY Sameh 05), Scott Shoukry Petersen (Rep. Dennis Cardoza, CA- 18), Jennifer Prather (Rep. Ben Chandler, KY-06), Graham Mason (Rep. Allyson Schwartz, PA- 13), Jessica Elledge (Rep. Chris Murphy, CT-05) & Eric Williams (Rep. Karen Bass, CA-33)

Michael J. Kelley Tim Daly 12/3/11 Email December 9, (Rep. Mike 2011 Thompson, congressional CA-01), staff briefing Hilary Moffett with Egyptian (Rep. Dan Ambassador Boren, OK- Sameh 02), Susan Shoukry Collins (Rep. Luis Gutierrez, IL- 04) & Wyndee Parker (Rep. Nancy Pelosi, CA-08)

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Annie Yea 12/6/11 Email December 9, (Rep. Loretta 2011 Sanchez, CA- congressional 47), Kara staff briefing Spencer with Egyptian (Rep. Mike Ambassador Mclntyre, NC- Sameh 07), Ashley Shoukry Shillingsburg (Rep. Robert Brady, PA- 01), John Krisciunas (Rep. Jim Cooper, TN- 05), Matthew Herrmann (Del. Madeleine Bordallo, GU- At Large), Neil McKiernan (Rep. Joe Courtney, CT- 02), Meagan Linn (Rep. Dave Loebsack, IA- 02), Nora Bisharat fDon r*h£slli

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Perry 12/6/11 Email December 9, Cammack 2011 (Senate congressional Committee staff briefing on Foreign with Egyptian Affairs), Rori Ambassador Kramer Sameh (Senator Ben Shoukry Cardin, MD), Marta Ross (Senator Jim Webb, VA), Chad Kreikemeier (Senator Jeanne Shaheen, NH), Halie Soifer (Senator Chris Coons, DE), Matthew Padilla (Senator Tom Udall, NM)

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Perry 12/6/11 Email December 9, Cammack 2011 (Senate congressional Committee staff briefing on Foreign with Egyptian Affairs), Rori Ambassador Kramer Sameh (Senator Ben Shoukry Cardin, MD), Marta Ross (Senator Jim Webb, VA), Chad Kreikemeier (Senator Jeanne Shaheen, NH), Halie Soifer (Senator Chris Coons, DE), Matthew Padilla (Senator Tom Udall, NM)

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Michael 12/7/11 Email December 9, Kuiken 2011 (Senator congressional Committee staff briefing on Armed with Egyptian Services), Ambassador Carolyn Sameh Chuhta Shoukry (Senator Jack Reed, RI), Jennifer Tyree (Senator Daniel Akaka, HI), Ann Premer (Senator Ben Nelson, NE), Jason Rauch (Senator Claire McCaskill, MO), Casey Howard (Senator Mark Udall, CO), Roger Pena (Senator Kay Hagan, NC), David D amccii i r- Michael J. Kelley Louis Ulrich 12/7/11 Email December 9, (Senator 2011 John congressional Rockefeller, staff briefing WV), Isaiah with Egyptian Akin (Senator Ambassador Ron Wyden, Sameh OR), Marin Shoukry Stein (Senator Bill Nelson, FL), Nathaniel Lutovsky (Senator Kent Conrad, ND)

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Christine 12/7/11 Email Confirming Capobianco meeting (Rep. Jeff request Fortenberry, NE-01) Michael J. Kelley Jessica 12/8/11 Email December 9, Elledge (Rep. 2011 Chris Murphy, congressional CT-05) staff briefing with Egyptian Ambassador Sameh Shoukry

Michael J. Kelley Marilyn 12/8/11 Email December 9, Dillihay & 2011 Reisha Buster congressional (Rep. Steve staff briefing Cohen, TN- with Egyptian 09) Ambassador Sameh Shoukry

Michael J. Kelley Halie Soifer 12/8/11 Email December 9, (Senator 2011 Chris Coons, congressional DE) staff briefing with Egyptian Ambassador Sameh Shoukry

Michael J. Kelley Halie Soifer 12/8/11 Email December 9, (Senator 2011 Chris Coons, congressional DE) staff briefing with Egyptian Ambassador Sameh Shoukry

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Jessica 12/8/11 Email December 9, Elledge (Rep. 2011 Chris Murphy, congressional CT-05) staff briefing with Egyptian Ambassador Sameh Shoukry

Michael J. Kelley Jessica 12/8/11 Email December 9, Elledge (Rep. 2011 Chris Murphy, congressional CT-05) staff briefing with Egyptian Ambassador Sameh Shoukry

Michael J. Kelley Roger Pena 12/8/11 Email December 9, (Senator Kay 2011 Hagan, NC) congressional staff briefing with Egyptian Ambassador Sameh Shoukry

Michael J. Kelley Isaiah Akin 12/8/11 Email December 9, (Senator Ron 2011 Wyden, OR) congressional staff briefing with Egyptian Ambassador Sameh Shoukry

Michael J. Kelley Chris Sullivan 12/8/11 Email December 9, (Senator 2011 Johnny congressional Isakson, GA) staff briefing with Egyptian Ambassador Sameh Shoukry

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Brad Bowman 12/8/11 Email December 9, (Senator 2011 Kelly Ayotte, congressional NH) staff briefing with Egyptian Ambassador Sameh Shoukry

Michael J. Kelley Jessica 12/8/11 Email Amnesty Elledge (Rep. International Chris Murphy, email calling CT-05) on the United States government to stop arms supplies to Egyptian security forces

Michael J. Kelley Kerri Price 12/8/11 Email December 9, (Rep. Jeff 2011 Fortenberry, congressional NE-01) staff briefing with Egyptian Ambassador Sameh Shoukry

Michael J. Kelley Jessica 12/10/11 Email December 9, Elledge (Rep. 2011 Chris Murphy, congressional CT-05) staff briefing with Egyptian Ambassador Sameh Shoukry

Michael J. Kelley Kerri Price 12/11/11 Email Egypt (Rep. Jeff provisions in Fortenberry, FY 2012 NE-01) appropriation s omnibus package

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael J. Kelley Kerri Price 12/11/11 Email Egypt (Rep. Jeff provisions in Fortenberry, FY 2012 NE-01) appropriation s omnibus package Michael J. Kelley Kerri Price 12/11/11 Email Egypt (Rep. Jeff provisions in Fortenberry, FY 2012 NE-01) appropriation s omnibus package

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Michael Kelley-FARA-Kenya

Patrick Magnuson, Igor Khrestin (Senator Follow-up to request for a conference call Mark Kirk, IL) & Dennis Balkham (Senate Appropriations Committee) Martha Scott Poindexter (Senate Select Follow-up to meeting request Intelligence Committee) & Tyler Stevens (Senator Saxby Cham bliss, GA) i Martha Scott Poindexter (Senate Select Follow-up to meeting request ^Intelligence Committee) & Tyler Stevens ^(Senator Saxby Chambliss, GA) Tyler Stevens (Senator Saxby Chambliss, Confirming meeting request GA)

Tyler Stevens (Senator Saxby Chambliss, Changing meeting date & time GA]

Chris Sullivan (Senator Johnny Isakson, iSending witness questions document for July 14, GA) ; 2011 Foreign Relations Committee hearing on [Sudan • Joe! Starr (Senator James Inhofe, OK) j Sending witness questions document for July 14, •• 2011 Foreign Relations Committee hearing on -Sudan I Kristin Rosa & Kelly Moon (Senator Bob ;7/12/ll Sending witness questions document for July 14, [ Kenya ! Corker, TN) j 2011 Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Sudan [ Miriam Harmer (Senator Mike Lee, UT) [7/12/11 Sending witness questions document for July 14, [Kenya 2011 Foreign Relations Committee hearing on 1 Sudan I

:;Kiersten Powers (Senator James inhofe, J7/12/11 Sending witness questions document for July 14, I Kenya I OK) 2011 Foreign Relations Committee hearing on i Sudan l Amber Bland (Senator John Barrasson, 7/12/11 ISending witness questions document for July 14, [ Kenya WY) ''•• 2011 Foreign Relations Committee hearing on \ -Sudan § Lydia Westlake (Senator Jim DeMint, SC) [7/12/11 [Sending witness questions document for July 14, ; Kenya [ 2011 Foreign Relations Committee hearing on iSudan Victor Cervino (Senator Marco Rubio, FL) H/H/ii [Sending witness questions document for July 14, 12011 Foreign Relations Committee hearing on

:Chris Socfia (Senator Jim Risch, ID) 17/12/11 j Sending witness questions document for July 14, [ 2011 Foreign Relations Committee hearing on iSudan j Kenneth Myers & Michael Phelan \ Sending witness questions document for July 14, j (Committee on Foreign Relations) [ 2011 Foreign Relations Committee hearing on

Patrick Magnuson, Igor Khrestin & Follow-up to request for a conference call Brandon Greene (Senator Mark Kirk, IL) & Dennis Balkham (Senate Appropriations Committee) Tyler Stevens (Senator Saxby Chambliss, [ General introduction and Kenya background GA) [information

:Kevin Gundersen (House Committee on >7/20/11 Sending witness questions for July 27, 2011 ; Kenya Homeland Security) [ . Homeland Security Committee hearing on Al- , iShabaab Dan Scandling & Elyse Anders i(Rep. j 7/20/11 [Sending a link to an article about the Somalia \ Kenya Frank Wolf, VA-10) [ drought and humanitarian food crisis and [ requesting for a letter to be sent to QFAC ? Dan Scandling, Elyse Anderson & Kalinda ; 7/20/11 [ Follow-up to request for a letter to be sent to OFAC ! Kenya Stephenson (Rep. Frank Wolf, VA-10)

i Dan Scandling, Elyse Anderson & kalinda ^ 7/20/1 i j Follow-up to request for a letter to be sent to OFAC \ \ [Stephenson (Rep. Frank Wolf, VA-10) =

ikevin Gundersen (House Committee on [7/22/il Follow-up to witness questions for July 27, 2011 Kenya [Homeland Security) [ Homeland Security Committee hearing on Al- Shabaab [Elyse Anderson & Kalinda Stephenson [7/22/11 Follow-up to request for a letter to be sent to OFAC Kenya -[(Rep. Frank Wolf, VA-10)

[Kerri Price (Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, NE-01) j,7/22/11 Sending a link to an article about the Somali Kenya drought and humanitarian food crisis and requesting for a letter to be sent to OFAC :AndyToTk (RelTsuTr^^ " [7/22/ll"" Sending a link to an article about the Somalia [Kenya drought and humanitarian food crisis and requesting for a letter to be sent to OFAC Marilyn Dillihay (Rep. Steve Cohen, TN- >7/22/ll Follow-up to request for a letter to be sent to OFAC Kenya 09) |

[ Marilyn Dillihay & Reisha Buster (Rep. Follow-up to request for a letter to be sent to OFAC Kenya ^Steve Cohen, TN-09) 7/T2/T1

; Kevin Gundersen & Lauren Wenger Follow-up to witness questions for July 27, 2011 Kenya ;(House Committee oh Homeland 7/2S/11 Homeland Security Committee hearing on Al- ^Security) Shabaab Kevin Gundersen (House Committee 0 7/25/11 Follow-up to witness questions for July 27, 2011 Kenya Homeland Security) : Homeland Security Committee hearing on Al- Shabaab \ I Kerri Price (Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, NE-01) 7/2G/11 . Follow-up to request for a letter to be sent to OFAC ;Kenya

Andy Polk (Rep. Sue Myrick, NC-09) [ Follow-up lo request for a letter to be sent to OFAC Kenya

[Kevin Gundersen & Lauren Wenger [ Follow-up to witness questions for July 27, 2011 • Kenya [(House Committee on Homeland I Homeland Security Committee hearing on Al- ; Security) iShabaab [Andy Polk (Rep. Sue Myrick, NC-09) [ Follow-up to request for a letter to be sent to OFAC • Kenya .

Kevin Gundersen a Lauren Wenger [Follow-upto witness questions for July 27,2011 [ (House Committee on Homeland = Homeland Security Committee hearing on Al- [ Security) IShabaab * [ Kevin Gundersen & Lauren Wenger [ Follow-up to witness questions for July 27, 2011 [ Kenya [(House Committee on Homeland [ Homeland Security Committee hearing on Al- ; \ Security) iShabaab [ [ Elyse Anderson & Kalinda Stephenson [ Follow-up to request for a letter to be Sent to OFAC | Kenya [(Rep. Frank Wolf, VA-10)

[Paul BerkowtU (Rep. Dana Rohrabaeher, [7/28/11 iSending a link to an article about the Somal |CA-46) i : drought and humanitarian food crisis ahd

; requesting for a letter to be sent to OFAC

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Talal Belrhiti-FARA-Puntland

flgor khrestin & 7/14/20111 Meeting [General [Puntland | Brandon Greene j introduction to I (Senator Mark Kirk, |current work with ! I'D the Puntland State of SomaJiia__ ___ Joel Starr (Senator 9/12/2011 Meeting General Puntland James Inhofe, OK) .introduction and [introducing Kadir [Mohamud, Special j Envoy from the Puntland State of Somalia _____ Miriam Harmer 9/12/2011 Meeting General Puntland (Senator Mike Lee, j introduction and UT) [introducing Kadir Mohamud, Special Envoy from the Puntland State of Somalia^ jStacie Oliver 9/12/2011 Meeting General Puntland ((Senator Bob | introduction and I Corker, TN) (introducing Kadir Mohamud, Special Envoy from the Puntland State of Sjomalia Patrick Magnuson 9/12/2011 Meeting General Puntland & Igor Khrestin introduction and (Senator Mark Kirk, (introducing Kadir IL) j Mohamud, Special ] Envoy from the j Puntland State of (Somalia__ (Congressman Ed Meeting j Introduced Kadir Puntland Royce (CA) j Mohamud, Special I Envoy from the (Puntland State of [Somalia, and spoke [about the threat of [al-Shabab [Matt Minora (Rep. 9/13/2011 Meeting [General Puntland [Tom Marino, PA-10) [introduction and [introducing Kadir (Mohamud, Special I Envoy from the [Puntland State of |Soma__a_____. | Halie Soifer 9/13/2011 [Meeting (General I Puntland | (Senator Chris (introduction and [Coons, DE) [introducing Kadir (Mohamud, Special | Envoy from the j Puntland State of [Somalia

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Talal Belrhiti-Kenya-FARA

[Sent email asking the I [committee to present | Gregory Simpkins, ^question to witnesses | I (House Foreign regarding the lRfiJa_tionsCommitteeJ_j 10/3/2011! Email situattonjn Sudan. [ Kerrya_ Sent email inviting to [ (Roger Pena (Senator — —P" " j meet with |KayJH.^n__NC)_ 11/14/2011 [Email I Ambassador Kamau Kenya (Tamara Klajn (Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs), Roger Pena : UN related issues, (Senator Kay {specifically, Kenya's Hagan, NC), Halie ! recent military action Soifer & Dana l in Somalia and the Francis (Senator [humanitarian/refugee Chris Coons 11/15/2011 [Meeting I situation injKenya JKenya iUN.related issues, Representative Sue ~~" 1 ~ [specifically, Kenya's Myrick (NC-09) & (recent military action Clark Fonda ) in Somalia and the (Representative Sue I humanitarian/refugee M^ck^NC-OQ} 11/15/2011 ] Meeting [situation inKenya K__n_/__L [ UN related issues, Senator Mark Krik ! specifically, Kenya's (IL) & Patrick recent military action Magnuson & Igor in Somalia and the Khrestin (Senator humanitarian/refugee Mark Kirk, IL) 11/15/2011 [Meeting situation in Kenya I Kenya

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM

Date Amount Name of Political Organization Name of Candidate 8/1/11 2300 Joe Courtney for Congress Joe Courtney 9/21/11 300 McCollum for Congress Betty McCollum 9/27/11 1000 Blumenthal for Senate Dick Blumenthal 10/20/11 1000 Friends of Maria Maria Cantwell 11/15/11 500 Ciciliine Committee David Ciciliine 12/6/11 500 Joe Courtney for Congress Joe Courtney 12/13/11 1000 Donna Edwards for Congress Donna Edwards

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Attachment C FARA CONTACT SHEET RE: The Government of Kenya January 1, 2010 - June 30, 2010

Person/Office Date Means of Regarding Client Contacted Contact Terri Fish (Rep. Charles 12/6/11 Phone FY 2012 State, Foreign Operations and Related Lebanon Boustany, LA-07) Programs Appropriations bill

Bruce Evans (Senate 12/6/11 Email FY 2012 Senate State, Foreign Operations and Lebanon Committee.on Appropriations) Related Programs Appropriations bill

Laurent Crenshaw (Rep. Darrell 12/6/11 Phone FY 2012 State, Foreign Operations and Related Lebanon Issa, CA-49) Programs Appropriations bill

Bruce Evans (Senate 12/6/11 Email FY 2012 Senate State, Foreign Operations and Lebanon Committee on Appropriations) Related Programs Appropriations bill

Terri Fish (Rep. Charles 12/6/11 Email FY 2012 State, Foreign Operations and Related Lebanon Boustany, LA-07) Programs Appropriations bill

Laurent Crenshaw (Rep. Darrell 12/6/11 Email FY 2012 State, Foreign Operations and Related Lebanon Issa, CA-49) Programs Appropriations bill

Terri Fish (Rep. Charles 12/7/11 Email FY 2012 State, Foreign Operations and Related Lebanon Boustany, LA-07) Programs Appropriations bill

Laurent Crenshaw (Rep. Darrell 12/9/11 Email FY 2012 State, Foreign Operations and Related Lebanon Issa, CA-49) Programs Appropriations bill

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/24/2012 9:54:37 AM