20192019『『『『心入波蘭心入波蘭 』』』文化之旅』文化之旅 ::: 波蘭大學格但斯克 101010 天天天團 天團團團 University 10 Days Study Tour - Gdansk (S0816GDN10)

暢遊波蘭北部波羅暢遊波蘭北部波羅的的的的海海海海沿岸沿岸沿岸沿岸三三三三聯城聯城聯城聯城 Tri-City: Gdansk 格但斯克 + Sopot 索珀 + Gdynia 格丁尼亞 參觀大型文化夏季市集 St. Dominic ’s Fair

體驗體驗體驗波蘭著名大學體驗 波蘭著名大學波蘭著名大學應用應用應用應用心理學課程心理學課程 SWPS University (Sopot campus) Applied Social Psychology: Well-being & Emotional Intelligence Applied Social Psychology: Attraction & Attachment Applied Personality Psychology: Identifying Your Strengths & Potential for Development 英語授課,共 10 小時,完成獲頒大學簽署證書

Airline: LUFTHANSA (LH) 16Aug Hong Kong – Munich LH731 23:05- 0505 (arr. 17Aug) 17Aug Munich – Gdansk LH1642 10:55-1225 25Aug Gdansk – Frankfurt LH1387 18:35-20:15 25Aug Frankfurt – Hong Kong LH796 22:10-15:45 (arr. 26Aug)

Itinerary Day I – 17 th August 2019 – Saturday Arrival at Gdansk airport. Transfer airport – hotel with English speaking assistant Lunch at a local restaurant within a walking distance from hotel Free afternoon Hotel - Novotel Centrum Gdansk

Day II – 18 th August – Sunday Morning: Visit to St Dominic’s Fair with English speaking guide Lunch at a local restaurant Afternoon: (4 hours) Gdansk Old sightseeing on foot and with English speaking guide Places to visit: Dlugi Targ Street, City Hall (outside), Wooden Crane (outside), St Mary’s Church (entrance), St Bridget’s Church with amber altar (entrance) Hotel - Novotel Centrum Gdansk

Day III – 19 th August – Monday Morning: (3 hours) Class at SWPS University Sopot Lunch at a local restaurant in Sopot Afternoon Sopot sightseeing and with English speaking guide. Sopot is well-known seaside resort with long beach (500 m) and picturesque pier (entrance) Hotel - Novotel Centrum Gdansk

Day IV - 20 th August – Tuesday Morning: (3 hours) Class at SWPS University Sopot Lunch at a local restaurant in Sopot Afternoon: Gdansk sightseeing with English speaking guide Visit to Amber Museum (entrance) + Amber jewellery–making viewing at S&A Jewellery Design Hotel - Novotel Centrum Gdansk

Day V – 21 st August – Wednesday Morning: (2 hours) Class at SWPS University Sopot Lunch at a local restaurant in Sopot Afternoon: (2 hours) Class at SWPS University Sopot Hotel - Novotel Centrum Gdansk

Day VI – 22 nd August – Thursday Full day excursion to and Frombork with English speaking guide Morning: Entrance to : 13 th century castle of the Knights of the . Former residence of the Grand Master of the Order. UNESCO World Heritage Site. Lunch at a local restaurant Afternoon: Visit Frombork: Medieval town where Polish astronomer worked & died Hotel - Novotel Centrum Gdansk

Day VII - 23 rd August – Friday Morning: Excursion to Gdynia with English speaking guide Visit the harbour and Ship Museum “Blyskawica”. Visit Gdynia beach with option to visit Museum of the Polish Navy (entrance fee not included) Lunch at a local restaurant Afternoon: Organ concert at Oliwa Cathedral. Visit European Solidarity Centre (entrance + audio guide) Hotel - Novotel Centrum Gdansk

Day VIII - 24 th August - Saturday Full Day excursion to Kashubia region with English speaking guide. Visit to Kashubian Ethnographic Park in Wdzydze Kiszewskie with workshops (eg. painting on glass, embroidering, knitting, paper flower making, carving in wood, clay modelling etc.) Visit to Upside Down House in Szymbark Lunch at a local restaurant Hotel – Novotel Centrum Gdansk

Day IX - 25 th August – Sunday Free time 16:00 Transfer to airport for flights to Hong Kong via Frankfurt

Poland University 10 Days Study Tour - Gdansk 波蘭大學格但斯克 101010 天團天團天團 (S0816GDN10) 團費 *: HK$28,000 (佔半房) / HK$31,000 (單人房) *包括課程學費、機票 、機場稅 、燃油附加費、酒店住宿、早午餐,當地交通、領隊導 遊 司機全程服務費,及保額達港幣十萬元的旅遊平安保險費 。晚餐自費。 旅行團細則與責任條款 :www.globair.com.hk

旅行團查詢及報名 寰宇之旅: (852) 2869 0829 [email protected] 尖沙咀東麼地道 62 號永安廣場 2 樓 215 室

『『『心入波蘭『心入波蘭 』』』文化之旅文化之旅其他行程查詢其他行程查詢 8/10 波蘭 10 天精選體驗團 8/12 華沙馬球馬術課程 9 天團 情牽波蘭: (852) 2668 6196 [email protected] 8/24 波蘭大學華沙 10 天團 灣仔皇后大道東 231-233 號恆威商業大廈 15 樓