WVU pays $925K to settle Mon. Clothing and food fest comes to Gee says playoff expansion is on Boulevard boulder suits Star City this weekend ‘life support’ p. 4 p. 5 p. 9 @DailyAthenaeum Th e Daily Athenaeum dailyathenaeum
[email protected] WVU’s Independent Student Newspaper THURSDAY AUGUST 26, 2021 www.thedaonline.com Gee mandates common sense, not vaccines would reevaluate any possible vac- BY TRENTON STRAIGHT cine requirements — the University NEWS EDITOR chose not to mandate vaccination, saying in a statement that it will con- Read more of the While hundreds of universities tinue to ‘strongly encourage’ people DA’s interview with around the country are requiring to get the shot. Gee on page 3. students and employees to get vacci- Gee pointed to a recent increase nated against COVID-19, President E. in student and employee vaccination Gordon Gee said getting people vac- numbers as a reason not to mandate cinated is a matter of common sense, the vaccine. not of force. “I’m not sure the mandates really “But I hope that we don’t ever work,” he said. “I think that the com- come to the point in which we are munity and human choice is more having to mandate anything other important. What we do, though, and than common sense,” Gee said in an the reason I say that our numbers are exclusive interview with the Daily refl ecting that is the fact that our vac- Athenaeum. “I always believe in cination numbers are going way up.” mandating common sense.” As of Wednesday, just over 70% of And while the University will not students and employees had been yet be mandating the vaccine for stu- fully vaccinated.