Base Users Guide

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Base Users Guide Base Users Guide 7.0 Edition Base Users Guide: 7.0 Edition Published Dec 01 2017 Copyright © 2017 University of California This document is subject to the Rocks® License (see Rocks Copyright). Table of Contents Preface...................................................................................................................................................................vii 1. Overview.............................................................................................................................................................1 2. Attributes............................................................................................................................................................2 3. Installing a Rocks Cluster.................................................................................................................................5 3.1. Getting Started.........................................................................................................................................5 3.2. Rocks 7: Install and Configure Your Frontend........................................................................................6 3.3. Rocks 6: Install and Configure Your Frontend......................................................................................20 3.4. Install Your Compute Nodes.................................................................................................................34 3.5. Upgrade or Reconfigure Your Existing Frontend..................................................................................37 3.6. Installing a Frontend over the Network.................................................................................................41 3.7. Enabling Public Web Access to Your Frontend....................................................................................43 4. Defining and Modifying Networks and Network Interfaces........................................................................46 4.1. Networks, Subnets, VLANs and Interfaces...........................................................................................46 4.2. Named Networks/Subnets.....................................................................................................................46 4.3. Host Interfaces.......................................................................................................................................46 4.4. Virtual LANs (VLANs) and Logical VLAN Bridges...........................................................................47 4.5. Configuring IPMI interfaces..................................................................................................................49 4.6. Networking Configuration Examples....................................................................................................51 5. Customizing your Rocks Installation.............................................................................................................53 5.1. Adding Packages to Compute Nodes....................................................................................................53 5.2. Customizing Configuration of Compute Nodes....................................................................................54 5.3. Adding Applications to Compute Nodes..............................................................................................55 5.4. Configuring Additional Ethernet Interfaces..........................................................................................55 5.5. Compute Node Disk Partitioning..........................................................................................................56 5.6. Creating a Custom Kernel RPM............................................................................................................64 5.7. Enabling RSH on Compute Nodes........................................................................................................66 5.8. Hostbased vs. Key-base SSH Authentication........................................................................................66 5.9. Adding a New Appliance Type to the Cluster.......................................................................................67 5.10. Adding a Device Driver.......................................................................................................................69 5.11. Extending DNS...................................................................................................................................71 5.12. Changing the Root password...............................................................................................................71 5.13. The insert-ethers command line..........................................................................................................72 6. Community Resources.....................................................................................................................................74 6.1. Access to Rocks Source Code...............................................................................................................74 6.2. All Past Rocks Releases........................................................................................................................74 6.3. Email Discussion List............................................................................................................................74 7. Administration Examples................................................................................................................................76 7.1. Introduction to the Rocks Command Line............................................................................................76 7.2. Boot Order and PXE First.....................................................................................................................76 7.3. Support for PXE First............................................................................................................................77 7.4. Forcing a Re-install at Next PXE Boot.................................................................................................77 7.5. Inspecting and Changing PXE Behaviour.............................................................................................77 7.6. Working with and Modifying Network Configuration..........................................................................79 7.7. Reinstall All Compute Nodes with SGE...............................................................................................79 iii 8. Advanced Tasks................................................................................................................................................81 8.1. Managing the Firewall on the Cluster Nodes........................................................................................81 8.2. Enabling Two-Factor Authentication with Google Authenticator........................................................85 8.3. Flashing BIOS on Compute Nodes Using PXE....................................................................................92 8.4. Adding a Login Appliance to Your Cluster...........................................................................................93 8.5. Channel Bonding Interfaces..................................................................................................................94 8.6. Frontend Central Server........................................................................................................................95 8.7. Cross Kickstarting.................................................................................................................................95 8.8. Adding Kernel Boot Parameters............................................................................................................97 8.9. Controlling Bootloader Parameters.......................................................................................................99 8.10. System Update...................................................................................................................................100 8.11. Reconfigure a Cluster........................................................................................................................102 9. Command Reference.....................................................................................................................................105 9.1. No Commands Installed at BUILD.....................................................................................................105 A. Frequently Asked Questions........................................................................................................................106 A.1. Installation..........................................................................................................................................106 A.2. Configuration......................................................................................................................................108 A.3. System Administration.......................................................................................................................110 B. Release Notes.................................................................................................................................................112 B.1. Release 6.2 - changes from 6.1.1........................................................................................................112 B.2. Release
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