Evolution, 60(5), 2006, pp. 991±1003


S. M. SHUSTER,1,2,3 E. V. LONSDORF,1,2,4 G. M. WIMP,1,2,5 J. K. BAILEY,1,2,6 AND T. G. WHITHAM1,2 1Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona 86011 2Merriam-Powell Center for Environmental Research, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona 86011 3E-mail:[email protected] 4Conservation and Science Department, Lincoln Park Zoo, Chicago, Illinois 60616 5Department of Entomology, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742 6Department of Ecology and , University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996

Abstract. The evolutionary analysis of community organization is considered a major frontier in biology. Nevertheless, current explanations for community structure exclude the effects of and selection at levels above the individual. Here, we demonstrate a genetic basis for community structure, arising from the ®tness consequences of genetic interactions among species (i.e., interspeci®c indirect genetic effects or IIGEs). Using simulated and natural com- munities of arthropods inhabiting North American cottonwoods (Populus), we show that when species comprising ecological communities are summarized using a multivariate statistical method, nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS), the resulting univariate scores can be analyzed using standard techniques for estimating the heritability of quantitative traits. Our estimates of the broad-sense heritability of arthropod communities on known of cottonwood trees in common gardens explained 56±63% of the total variation in community . To justify and help interpret our empirical approach, we modeled synthetic communities in which the number, intensity, and ®tness consequences of the genetic interactions among species comprising the community were explicitly known. Results from the model suggest that our empirical estimates of broad-sense community heritability arise from heritable variation in a host tree trait and the ®tness consequences of IGEs that extend from tree trait to arthropods. When arthropod traits are heritable, interspeci®c IGEs cause species interactions to change, and community occurs. Our results have implications for establishing the genetic foundations of communities and ecosystems.

Key words. Arthropods, community evolution, community , cottonwood, extended community phenotype, indirect genetic effects, Populus.

Received March 3, 2005. Accepted March 2, 2006.

Community ecology has yet to incorporate the evolutionary in individual relative ®tness depends on the genetic and de- insights gained from studies of multilevel selection within mographic composition of its community (Kerr and Godfrey- species (Wade 1977; Craig 1982; Goodnight 1990a,b; Smith 2002). We do not suggest that a community has ®tness Thompson et al. 2001; Whitham et al. 2003). In particular, (e.g., Wilson 1997) or that differential extinction and pro- the lack of a reliable ®eld measure for group, species, or liferation of communities occurs. community heritability has prevented widespread acceptance Because the ®tness consequences of genetic interactions of multilevel selection as an evolutionary force capable of among species alter the frequencies of the in¯uencing community structure (Hubbell 2001; Clark and involved in these interactions, genetic differences among Mclachlan 2003; Volkov et al. 2003; Hochwender and Fritz communities are likely to exist. Moreover, interactions 2004). However, when individuals live within groups, com- among species and the ®tness effects they impose are likely ponents of ®tness arising from conspeci®c interactions can to undergo continuous change (Moore et al. 1997; Agrawal be readily identi®ed (Goodnight et al. 1992; Goodnight and et al. 2001; Wade 2003). Therefore, when the traits involved Stevens 1997; Whitham et al. 2003). The ®tness consequenc- in interspeci®c interactions are heritable, genetic interactions es of genetically based interactions among individuals in the among individuals in different species are likely to evolve, same species, known as indirect genetic effects (IGEs), are and the number and relative abundances of species compris- now considered important in group and social evolution ing the community are likely to change (Whitham et al. 2005). (Moore et al. 1997; Agrawal et al. 2001; Wade 2003). In the same way that IGEs may in¯uence social evolution, An analogous mechanism involves genetic interactions we suggest that interspeci®c IGEs (IIGEs) could in¯uence among individuals in different species (Goodnight 1990a,b; interspeci®c interactions and provide a basis for communities Goodnight and Craig 1996; Swenson et al. 2000; Wade 2003). to evolve genetically and differentiate demographically. When these interactions have ®tness consequences, the re- Here, we describe methods for measuring broad-sense 2 alized ®tness of each species depends on the number and community heritability,HC , an empirical estimate of the frac- relative abundances of other species present within the com- tion of the total variation in community phenotype that is munity (E. V. Lonsdorf, S. M. Shuster, and T. G. Whitham, explained by IIGEs (Becker 1985; Falconer 1989; see also 2 unpubl. ms.). Stated differently, when the ®tnesses of all Goodnight 1990a,b). Our approach for measuringHC uses interacting species are affected at once, contextual, com- standard quantitative genetic methods. However, instead of munity-level selection occurs (Goodnight et al. 1992; Whit- estimating the phenotypic covariance of quantitative traits in ham et al. 2003). We de®ne community-level selection as related individuals, we estimate the phenotypic covariance selection that requires interactions with at least one other of arthropod communities on related cottonwood trees. We species, that is, selection within a community context, where- also provide a mechanism by which cottonwood clones may 991 ᭧ 2006 The Society for the Study of Evolution. All rights reserved. 992 S. M. SHUSTER ET AL. accumulate similar arthropod assemblages. We assert that and condensed tannins (Lindroth et al. 1993; Harding et al. measurable broad-sense community heritability arises when 2005; Rehill et al. 2005). These compounds affect diverse in one species covaries with natural selec- taxa at all trophic levels and at scales from common gardens tion on one or more other species. Such genetic interactions to western North America (Floate et al. 1997; Martinsen et among species cause to act within a com- al. 1998; Bangert et al. 2005, 2006). munity context. Thus, broad-sense community heritability, Genetic variation in cottonwoods is the most important 2 HC, provides two types of information: (1) it measures the factor affecting arthropod communities in the wild and in phenotypic covariance of communities on groups of related common gardens (Wimp et al. 2004, 2005; Bangert et al. host organisms; and (2) it documents the existence of indirect 2005), and the ®tness effects of individual tree genotypes on genetic effects among species within communities (Craig arthropod ®tness are well documented (Whitham 1989, 1999; 1982; Goodnight 1990a,b; Goodnight and Craig 1996; Moore Wimp and Whitham 2001; McIntyre and Whitham 2003). et al. 1997; Swenson et al. 2000; Agrawal et al. 2001; Wade Reciprocal transplant experiments of different aphid lineages 2003). on different tree lineages indicate that aphid ®tness is likely We apply this approach to study phenotypic differences to be in¯uenced by an interaction between aphid that appear within and among arthropod communities inhab- and tree genotype (Moran and Whitham 1988). Studies of iting genetically distinct groups of cottonwood tree clones. variation in single sequence repeats (SSRs) in the galling We present three sets of results. First, we review existing aphid Pemphigus betae show high levels of genetic variation research that demonstrates the dependence of arthropod ®t- and that particular aphid SSRs covary with particular nar- ness on interactions between arthropod and host plant genes. rowleaf and cottonwood tree genotypes (Lushai et al. Next, we report the methods and results of simulations in 2004; R. Foottit, G. Allen, and T. Whitham, unpubl. ms.). which arthropod ®tness, abundance, and evolutionÐand thus Interactions between different species of arthropods within arthropod community phenotypeÐdepends explicitly on ge- cottonwood communities are less well documented but also netic interactions between simulated arthropods and their appear to impose signi®cant ®tness effects (Dickson and simulated host plants. Last, we apply our simulation results Whitham 1996; Waltz and Whitham 1997; Martinsen et al. in a common-garden experiment, in which we measure the 2000; Wimp and Whitham 2001), suggesting that arthropod among-group component of the total phenotypic variance of communities on cottonwood trees arise from within- and 79 arthropod communities inhabiting groups of genetically among-species interactions that in¯uence the ®tness of their identical trees, drawn from 20 genotypes within four cotton- associated arthropod . wood cross types. In this analysis, we document signi®cant broad-sense community heritability under ®eld conditions. MATERIALS AND METHODS These results, combined with our simulations, suggest that Univariate Summaries of Arthropod Community Phenotype estimates of community heritability quantify the phenotypic consequences of selection caused by genetic interactions In our simulations and in our empirical study, we sum- among species. marized the abundances of arthropod species comprising Our simulations and the consistent phenotypic responses communities on different genotypes of cottonwood trees us- that appeared within and among community generations in ing nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS; Faith et al. natural arthropod communities show that broad-sense com- 1987; Minchin 1987; Clarke 1993). NMDS is based upon munity heritability can account for the resemblance among pairwise community dissimilarities generated by the Bray- communities sharing common ancestry. Our use of estab- Curtis dissimilarity coef®cient (Faith et al. 1987; Minchin lished quantitative genetic methods to measure the existence 1987; Clarke 1993). Thus, in our analyses, each clonal rep- of genetic variation within and among ecological commu- licate within each tree genotype generated a single NMDS nities, as well as the phenotypic covariance of genetically score, which summarized the composition of each commu- similar communities caused by IIGEs, demonstrates that ge- nity. The Bray-Curtis measure is appropriate for ecological netic interactions among species can produce distinct com- data because: (1) its value is one when samples have no munity and may lead to community evolution. species in common; (2) its value is zero when samples are identical; (3) species that are jointly absent from samples do Arthropod Communities on Cottonwoods: A Review not affect the dissimilarity value among samples; (4) the addition of samples does not affect the dissimilarity values Our research and that of our collaborators shows that the for other pairs of samples; (5) it registers differences in the expression of genes in North American cottonwoods (Populus total abundance among samples when the relative abundances sp.), pinÄon pine (Pinus edulus), and Australian eucalypts (Eu- are identical (Clarke and Warwick 2001); and (6) it suc- calyptus sp.) results in extended phenotypes that in¯uence cessfully recovers simulated ecological gradients in ordina- community structure and ecosystem processes (Driebe and tion (Faith et al. 1987; Minchin 1987). Whitham 2000; Dungey et al. 2000; Brown et al. 2001; Gehr- NMDS performs well when handling data with high beta ing and Whitham 2002; Chapman et al. 2003; Kuske et al. diversity (Fasham 1977), but also ef®ciently handles data in 2003; Whitham et al. 2003; Schweitzer et al. 2004, 2005a,b; which beta diversity is low (Minchin 1987). This point is Bailey et al. 2004, 2005, 2006; Wimp et al. 2005; Bangert critical in the cottonwood system, in which turnover rates et al. 2006; LeRoy et al. 2006). Genes underlying cottonwood approach 80% among trees of the same cross type (G. M. extended community and ecosystem phenotypes control plant Wimp, unpubl. data). Previous work on the of phytochemistry, particularly salicylate phenolic glycosides NMDS compared to other multivariate techniques, as well as COMMUNITY HERITABILITY 993 our own exploration, suggest that NMDS is less likely to with species other than the host tree was much more impor- create spurious sources of variation, which could be misat- tant than the tree, that is, En was very large. tributed to plant genetic factors, than are other multivariate To illustrate this theory in detail, we performed a series techniques, such as canonical discriminant analysis and prin- of simulations in which phenotypically distinct arthropod cipal component analysis (E. V. Lonsdorf, unpubl. data; see communities were produced by genetic interactions among below). NMDS provides no speci®c information on the ge- community members and their host plants. More speci®cally, netic basis for each score. The map of samples it produces we created communities in which we controlled and account- is based on rank dissimilarities, not on species distributions ed for the number, intensity, and ®tness consequences of the (Minchin 1987). Because common and rare arthropod species genetic interactions among the species comprising the com- are treated equally by NMDS, observed score values are not munity. We then applied the theory to an empirical study of driven by a few common species, but instead represent com- an arthropod community on genetically variable host trees. munity-wide patterns. Thus, NMDS seemed ideal for our pur- If the communities of arthropods were similar within rep- poses; it provided a robust ordination technique for com- licates of individual tree genotypes, as well as distinct among munity analysis because it captured the consequences of trait different tree genotypes, then a one-way ANOVA of NMDS interactions among host cottonwoods and their dependent scores by tree genotype would identify the fraction of the arthropods, and it summarized them as a single community total variation in community phenotype that was due to ge- phenotype. netic differences among communities. We suggest that this simple analysis identi®es the among-community fraction of Community Heritability the genetic variance affecting coevolving traits (sensu Good- night and Craig 1996), that is, the fraction of total genetic Our overarching goal was to explore the relationship be- variance that speci®cally in¯uences the composition of ar- tween IIGEs, our presumed source of community-level selec- thropod communities on cottonwood trees. tion, and their possible effects on variation in community phe- A one-way ANOVA of NMDS scores used to identify dif- notypes. If these phenotypic changes re¯ect changes in the ferences in community phenotype is analogous to the standard genetic interactions among species within the community, then method for identifying the broad-sense heritability of quanti- the outcome of community-level selection (i.e., selection with- tative traits (H2; Lynch and Walsh 1998; see also Becker 1985; in a community context) can be called community evolution. Falconer 1989). For this reason, and because all cottonwood We suggest that the underlying genetic basis for phenotypic tree genotypes bearing arthropod communities that were in- variation among arthropod communities on cottonwood trees, cluded in our analyses were represented by multiple clones, we what we consider quanti®able in estimates of broad-sense com- de®ne community heritability in the broad sense,H2 , as the munity heritability,H2 , should be proportional to the product C C contribution of all genetic factors in¯uencing community phe- of the broad-sense heritability of the tree trait used to identify 22ϭ ␴␴ 2 ␪ notypic variation: HC (among genotype / total ) (Becker 1985; genetically similar communities, i, and the intensity of com- munity-level selection, ␥, relative to total selection in each Falconer 1989; Lynch and Walsh 1998). Thus, in addition to ecological context, (␥ϩE ). Thus, providing a means for documenting the existence of indirect n genetic effects among species within communities, estimates of ␥ H2 provide a statistical estimate of the phenotypic covariance 22ϰ C H C H ␪ ␥ϩ , (1) of communities on groups of related host organisms En 2 ␪ ␥ whereH␪ is broad-sense heritability of tree trait , and Simulated Arthropods on Simulated Cottonwoods summarizes the intensity of the ®tness consequences of ge- netic interactions between each arthropod species and its host To determine whether phenotypically distinct arthropod plant. In equation (1), En represents all other potential sources communities could be produced by genetic interactions of variation in the arthropod community, including IIGEs among community members and their host plants, we mod- among community members, for example, intraguild and tro- eled synthetic communities in which the number, intensity, phic interactions among the arthropod species (competition, and ®tness consequences of the genetic interactions among predation, mutualism, disease). Because IIGEs from each of species were explicitly known. We created synthetic trees in the above sources can contribute to total variation in com- which a single trait in¯uencing plant phytochemistry varied munity phenotype, they may each contribute to the measur- among tree genotypes and cross types. We next allowed sim- able value of broad-sense community heritability (see below). ulated arthropods of different genotypes to sample trees in 2 Thus, estimates ofHC can quantify more than just the heri- our simulated forest so that particular abundances of arthro- tability of the tree trait; they also include the phenotypic pod species became associated with each tree because of the effects of individual-level as well as community-level selec- interaction between tree and arthropod genotypes. We then tion, although we chose not to identify the relative contri- used NMDS to collapse arthropod multispecies abundances butions of selection in these contexts here (see Goodnight et for each tree into a single community phenotype for genetic al. 1992). Instead, we predicted that broad-sense community analysis. heritability would approach zero if any of the following were Our simulation analysis had two goals that each dealt with true: (1) variation in the plant trait was not heritable; (2) the statistical challenges inherent in our de®nition of community strength of selection was zero, so that heritable variation heritability. The ®rst was to ensure that NMDS did not ar- within the tree had no ®tness consequences for the dependent ti®cially manipulate components of variation within the ex- community; or (3) the ecological context from interactions tended phenotypes to produce false estimates of community 994 S. M. SHUSTER ET AL.

␪ heritability. If the statistical conversion of multivariate data ith tree trait, i, represented potential habitat, and that the jth to a univariate score arti®cially altered phenotypic variation arthropod trait, zj, like the host tree trait, was determined by within or among tree genotypes, it would call into question a single with two alleles, such that, ϭ ϩ ϩ our genetic interpretations of the actual arthropod community zj b12b ez, (3) on Populus. Because we explicitly de®ned the relationship where, b was the additive effect of an on chromosome between tree phenotype and its associated arthropod com- 1 1, b2 was the additive effect of an allele on chromosome 2, munity, we had a well-founded, a priori expectation that the and e was a uniformly distributed number, e ϳ U (Ϫ(e /2), relationship between tree phenotypic values and community z z z ez/2), that represented the residual deviation due to random NMDS scores re¯ected the selection imposed from plant to environmental effects. Like the tree trait, we assumed that arthropod. there were two alleles for each jth arthropod species, Cj and The second goal of our simulation was to apply funda- Dj. Assuming that pj represented the frequency of allele Dj mental, well-accepted theory from and in a population of arthropod species j, then the mean trait ecology to determine whether our measure of community value, zÅij, for a population of arthropod species, j, on cot- heritability identi®ed the phenotypic signature of the ®tness tonwood tree, i, was consequences of genetic interactions among species. In our zÅ ϭ 2pD2 ϩ 2p (1 Ϫ p )(C ϩ D ) empirical work (see below), we predicted that if genetic in- ij j j j j j j ϩ Ϫ 2 teractions had no ®tness consequences for arthropods settling 2(1 pjj) C . (4) on cottonwoods, there would be no differences in the com- We modi®ed the model of Ronce and Kirkpatrick (2001) position of arthropod communities within or among cotton- to describe joint changes in population size, nij, and mean wood genotypes. Rejection of this hypothesis, in the form of ␪ trait, zÅij, as a function of tree trait, i, for each arthropod an observed signi®cant association of particular arthropod species, j, on each tree, i. communities with individual plant genotypes, would provide ␴ 2 dzÅ G evidence that community-level selection had occurred and ij ϭ␥ij (␪ϪzÅ ), (5a) ␴ 2 iij that there was a strong genetic component to community dt zij structure. In our simulation, we modi®ed the ®tness conse- dn n ␥␥ quences and the strength of genetic interactions among ar- ijϭ ϪϪ␴Ϫ ij 22␪Ϫ nriziij΂΃1 ij ( zÅ ) , and (5b) thropods and their cottonwood hosts to determine the sen- dt[] K 22 sitivity of our measure of community heritability. dp dzÅ 1 ijϭ ij . (5c) dt dt 2D Ϫ 2C Simulation of Tree Phenotypes ij ␴2 In equation (5a),Gij is the genetic variance of trait zÅij, equal To determine whether phenotypically distinct communities Ϫ Ϫ 2 ␴2 to 2pi(1 pi)(2Dj 2Cj) ,z¯ij is the total phenotypic variance ␴␴22 can be produced by genetic interactions among community of trait z, equal to GEϩ , ␥ is the strength of stabilizing ij ␪ ␪ Ϫ members and their host plants, we modeled synthetic com- selection by tree trait i on insect trait zÅij, and ( i zÅij) munities in which the number, intensity, and ®tness conse- represents the degree of maladaptation of the jth insect spe- quences of the genetic interactions among species comprising cies on the ith host plant. Following Ronce and Kirkpatrick the community were explicitly known. We assumed that a (2001), we assumed that the arthropod population followed single trait, ␪, (e.g., plant phytochemistry) varied among tree logistic growth in which K represented its carrying capacity. genotypes (i.e., the trait was heritable). We then used a gen- The second and third terms inside the square brackets of eral quantitative genetic model (Shaw et al. 1998) to separate equation (5b) represented two different demographic loads genetic and environmental effects on the expression of phy- that would reduce arthropod population size. The ®rst was tochemical trait ␪, due to stabilizing selection acting on variance around the mean arthropod trait, and the second was due to the evolu- ␪ϭ ϩ ϩ i a12a e␪, (2) tionary load difference between the arthropod mean trait, zÅ, and the habitat represented by tree trait, ␪ (Lande and Shan- where, a1 was the additive effect of an allele on chromosome non 1996). The change in frequency over time (eq. 5c) 1, a2 was the additive effect of an allele on chromosome 2, was simply the change in trait value scaled by the quantitative e␪ was a uniformly distributed number that represented the trait differences of the two alleles. residual deviation due to random environmental effects, e␪ We assumed that the gene frequency,p* , and trait value, ϳ U(Ϫe␪/2, e␪/2), and there was no . Because e␪ ij was randomized across all individuals, there were no gene- zÅij*, of each arthropod species, j, on tree, i, at equilibrium by-environment (G ϫ E) interactions (Shaw et al. 1998). would be: Thus, the ®nal phenotypic value, ␪, equaled the sum of ad- 0 ditive genetic effects, (a ϩ a ), plus the environmental de- 1 2  ␪Ϫ2C viation, e, following the standard de®nition of a phenotype * ϭ  ii pij Ϫ and (P), P ϭ G ϩ E. 2Dii2C 1, Simulation of Arthropod Communities 2C ,if␪Ͻ2C On each of the 50 trees in our simulation (see below), we  iii * ϭ␪ Ͻ␪ Ͻ created a community of 25 dependent arthropod species ac- zÅij j,if2C i i2D i (6) ␪Ͼ cording to the following assumptions. We assumed that the 2Diii,if 2D . COMMUNITY HERITABILITY 995

FIG. 1. The two sources of demographic load, variance in arthropod trait, z, and evolutionary load, can create relatively complex associations between tree phenotype, ␪, and the predicted arthropod abundance for each species, n* (scaled from zero to one in this ®gure), as a function of the range in niche space. High genetic variation underlying niche breadth and strong selection (dashed line) increase demographic load due to variance in arthropod trait, relative to low genetic variation and weak selection (solid line); the dotted line illustrates the predicted arthropod gene frequency that creates a phenotype, z, that matches tree phenotype, ␪, within the potential niche space.

␴2 Ͼ Because we limited the range in niche space of each arthropod tween zero and one, resulting in higher trait variance ( z¯ ␪ ϭ ij species to between 2C and 2D, arthropod alleles would be- 0) and very little evolutionary load ( i zÅij). ␪ come ®xed when i was above or below 2C or 2D, respec- Note that equation (7) takes on the de®nition of a tradi- tively. tional phenotype, P ϭ G ϩ E, where phenotype P represents The predicted abundance of each arthropod species, j,on arthropod population, nij, G represents the terms in paren- tree, i,nij* , was theses, which include genetically determined plant and ar- ␥␥ thropod traits; and E represents the environmental causes of ϭ Ϫ␴22 Ϫ ␪Ϫ ϩ variation in arthropod population size. Equation (7) illustrates nij**K 1 z( izÅ ij) E n , (7) []22ij ij our assumption that the abundance of each arthropod species, and therefore the arthropod community on each tree, is de- whereEE was a uniformly distributed random number, nnij ij termined by the strength of the interaction between tree and ϳ U(ϪEE/2, /2), that represented the residual difference nnij ij arthropod phenotypes, (␥ ␪ Ϫ Å 2 in population size of arthropod species, j, on tree, i, caused /2) ( i zij*) , relative to variation in ecological context,E . by ecological interactions other than the tree, (e.g., predators, nij competition, disease). The relative effect of E on predicted n Simulations abundance was proportional to the carrying capacity. For example, if carrying capacity, K, was 100 (as it is in our As explained above, we used the results of our simulations ϭ simulations) and En 30, then the abundance range predicted to satisfy two statistical goals underlying our methods for by tree phenotype would range between zero and 100 Ϯ 15. analyzing community heritability. Our ®rst goal was to cor- The relative effect of En on n* was thus proportional to En/ rectly quantify the relationships between tree phenotype, se- 2K. lection due to IIGEs, and arthropod community phenotype. We emphasize that as a consequence of our assumptions, To achieve this, we compared tree phenotypes with NMDS the two sources of demographic load, variance in arthropod scores as a function of selection strength and ecological con- trait, z, and evolutionary load, can create relatively complex text. We predicted that the strength of the relationship would associations between tree phenotype, ␪, and the predicted increase as community-level selection increased and ecolog- arthropod abundance for each species, n*, as a function of ical variation decreased. Recall that two demographic load the range in niche space (Fig. 1). With a narrow niche range terms described earlier (eqs. 5b and 7) caused population size relative to the plant phenotype, the arthropod gene frequency to decline when arthropod trait variance was greater than zero should either be ®xed at zero or one, resulting in very low and/or when the arthropod's mean trait value did not match ␴2 ϳ ␪ ± trait variance ( zÅij 0) and high evolutionary load ( i zÅij). host plant phenotype. We required NMDS to capture the In contrast, with a broad niche range relative to plant phe- complexity of associations between each arthropod abun- notype, arthropod gene frequency is more likely to fall be- dance and plant phenotype as a function of arthropod niche 996 S. M. SHUSTER ET AL. range and selection. Furthermore, we required the NMDS (RFLP) markers (Keim et al. 1989; Martinsen et al. 2001). scores to be continuous and normally distributed, assump- Multiple cuttings used per tree allowed clonal replication tions made when genetic analyses are applied to traditional within genotypes. Trees within stands were blocked to reduce phenotypes (Lynch and Walsh 1998). potential within-garden site effects. All trees in this study Our second goal was to determine whether our measures were approximately 10 years old, were about 10 m tall, and of community heritability identi®ed the phenotypic signature had reached reproductive maturity. of the ®tness consequences of genetic interactions among Focusing on the lower canopy of each of these trees and species. To achieve this, we varied the terms in equation (1) counting the numbers of each arthropod species identi®able to determine whether our measure of community heritability during a 2-min survey, we censused 79 trees with three to was sensitive to changes in broad sense heritability of tree six replicate clones per genotype for the leaf-modifying com- 2 trait,H␪ , the intensity of community-level selection, ␥, and munities. The 14 members of the leaf-modifying arthropod ␥ϩ total selection in each ecological context, ( En). We pre- community on Populus included four species of aphids (Ho- dicted that community heritability would increase as plant moptera: Aphididae: P. betae, P. populicaulis, P. populitrans- heritability increased, selection increased, or ecological var- versus, Thecabuis populicondupifolius), seven species of lep- iation decreased. Meeting both of our statistical goals would idopterans (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae: Anacampsis niveopul- indicate that signi®cant estimates of community heritability vella, gelechiid 2; Gracillaridae: gracillarids 1, 2; Tortricidae: in our empirical study revealed the existence of genetic in- tortricids 1±3), one saw¯y (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae: teractions between plant trait variation and arthropod ®t- Phyllocolpa sp.), one beetle (Coleoptera: Psoidae: psoid sp. nesses that altered the ecological and evolutionary contexts 1), and one mite (Acari: Eriophyidae: Aceria parapopuli). of these natural communities. For our simulation experiments, we used four alleles to Genetic Analysis of Community Phenotypes create 10 genotypes (four homozygotes and six possible het- erozygotes) and replicated each genotype ®ve times, for a Because our experimental design incorporated genetic var- total of 50 individual trees. We could have created many iation within and between host cottonwood species and their more trees, but we limited the number to resemble the em- naturally occurring hybrids (i.e., four cross types; P. fre- pirical work described below. We performed our simulation montii, P. angustifolia,F1 hybrid, and BC hybrid), we ana- (community analysis and statistical analysis described below) lyzed our empirical study using three methods of increasing under two levels of heritability for plant trait, ␪, eight levels genetic resolution: (1) a line cross/joint scaling analysis of of the strength of selection, ␥, and ®ve levels of variation in the effect of cross type; (2) nested ANOVA with genotype nested within cross type; and (3) a one-way ANOVA of ge- ecological context,Enij . We replicated each of the 80 factor- level combinations 100 times and reported the average com- notype for each of the four cross types. This sequence allowed munity heritability. We used Matlab (ver. 6.5.1; Mathworks, us to determine whether within- or between-species com- Inc., Natick, MA) for all simulations (see Appendix I, avail- parisons accounted for more of the total variation in com- able online only at http://dx.doi.org/10.1554/05-121.1.s1). munity phenotype in our study and to determine the extent to which our inferences from this system may apply to other systems. All three analyses assumed that each NMDS score Sampling Arthropod Communities on Common acted as a trait whose genetic basis can be evaluated (Hoch- Garden Cottonwoods wender and Fritz 2004). We emphasize that one of the goals To investigate the tendency for genetically distinct host of our simulation was to evaluate this assumption as well. trees to support phenotypically distinct communities in the Our line cross/joint scaling analysis combined a line cross ®eld, we surveyed the leaf modifying arthropod community method (Cavalli 1952; Hayman 1958) and a joint scaling test on Populus (14 species from ®ve orders and seven families). (Mather and Jinks 1982) to yield a regression technique that Because these gall-forming and leaf-rolling arthropods live determined whether additive or dominant genetic effects in- in close association with their cottonwood hosts, we expected ¯uenced the expression of community phenotype in hybrid- them to exhibit high ®delity to tree genotype. Also, because izing species (Lynch and Walsh 1998). Signi®cant plant ad- heritable traits underlie arthropod decisions about oviposition ditive or dominant genetic effects on a community would and gall formation, and because these decisions are made in indicate that differences between species were important de- response to heritable phenological and chemical cues present terminants of arthropod community. in trees (Abrahamson et al. 1993), we considered genetic Our nested ANOVA, of genotypes nested within cross type, correlations likely to arise among these associated traits in using the standard methods for estimating broad-sense her- arthropods and in cottonwood trees. itability of quantitative traits, (Becker 1985; Falconer 1989), To separate genetic and environmental hypotheses that allowed us to estimate the relative effects of genotype and might account for among-community patterns, cuttings from cross type. To summarize total variation in community phe- P. fremontii (Fremont cottonwood), P. angustifolia (narrow- notype, and to determine the total contribution of genetic ϫ leaf cottonwood), F1 hybrid (P. fremontii P. angustifolia), factors underlying arthropod community differences, we cal- ϫ and backcross hybrid (BC; F1 P. angustifolia) cottonwood culated the broad-sense heritability of community phenotype, 2 trees growing naturally along the Weber River, Utah, were HC, from nested ANOVAs of NMDS scores as the proportion established in a common garden. Pure and hybrid status as of variation that is due to genotype relative to total variation. well as speci®c tree genotypes were determined using 35 However, because segregational variance from genetic dif- species-speci®c restriction fragment-length polymorphism ferences between the cottonwood species comprising our pa- COMMUNITY HERITABILITY 997 rental host plant cross types (Fremont, narrowleaf) were ex- plant heritability was also higher (Fig. 3a) and lower when posed within the BC hybrids (Lynch and Walsh 1998), dif- plant heritability was lower (Fig. 3b). ferences between genotypes could arise from either within a single species or genetic differences between species in this Plant Genetic Basis of Arthropod Community Variation in a cross type. Therefore, our nested ANOVA, while providing Common Garden a way to identify the relative contributions of genotype and The results of our three analyses of the galling community cross type to estimates of community heritability, does not on cottonwoods consistently indicated that genetic variation provide unequivocal evidence of genetic variation within a within an individual host plant species explained more var- species. iation in community phenotype than genetic variation be- Thus, to treat each cross type separately and determine tween host plant species. First, the line cross analysis and whether variation within a species has important community- joint scaling test showed weak, nonsigni®cant additive and level consequences, we also conducted a one-way ANOVA dominant effects between the two cottonwood species. The of community phenotype within each of the four tree cross simplest additive model could not be rejected (␹2 ϭ 1.68, df types. This approach is analogous to the standard method for ϭ 2, P ϭ 0.43) and the additive effect was not signi®cant identifying dam effects in a half-sib breeding design (Fal- (0.10 Ϯ 0.13; t ϭ 0.76, P ϭ 0.29). coner and McKay 1996). Signi®cant heritability estimates Second, a nested-ANOVA of NMDS scores with genotypes within the parental tree species would suggest that the genetic nested within cross types showed that tree genotype account- variation within species, rather than or in addition to between ed for approximately three times more of the total variation species, was important for predicting the structure of the in arthropod community phenotype (57%) than tree cross type dependent community. We analyzed common-garden com- (19%). Both genotype and cross type, however, accounted munities in the same manner as the simulation data, although for signi®cant variation in arthropod community structure due to unequal sample sizes, the lower 90% con®dence in- (Table 1). Because line cross analysis indicated weak or no tervals for our within-lineage analyses were estimated as in additive effects and because arthropod community differ- Becker (1985; see Appendix II, available online only at http: ences between cross types were small compared to differ- //dx.doi.org/10.1554/05-121.1.s2). ences within, it is unlikely that segregational variance in the BC cross type contributed much to differences between ge- RESULTS notypes. Simulations Third, a one-way ANOVA of NMDS scores of genotypes within each cross type indicated that genetic variance within Our simulations indicated that NMDS is indeed an appro- individual host plant species can be used to account for var- priate tool for identifying the interaction of plant phenotype iation among dependent arthropod communities (Fig. 4b). We and selection on a dependent arthropod community. That is, calculated signi®cant heritability estimates for both parental NMDS did not create spurious variance in community phe- types (Fremont H2 Ϯ 95% CI ϭ 0.65 Ϯ 0.47; narrowleaf notype and instead acted as a trait whose genetic basis can C HH2 ϭ 0.60 Ϯ 0.47), and also within the BC cross type ( 2 be evaluated using standard quantitative genetic methods. As C C ϭ 0.80 Ϯ 0.20). However, we observed no signi®cant heri- the strength of selection increased, the slope of the relation- tability within the F cross type (H2 ϭ 0.013 Ϯ 0.19). Overall, ship between tree phenotype and the arthropod community 1 C our three statistical methods indicated that genetic variation NMDS score increased (Fig. 2). As the ecological variation within host plant species accounted for more of the total increased, the relationship between tree phenotype and variation in arthropod community than genetic variation be- NMDS score became weaker. Furthermore, NMDS captured tween host plant species. the effects of two sources of demographic load illustrated by the slightly nonlinear relationship between NMDS and tree DISCUSSION phenotype. When niche range was constrained to zero so that only the evolutionary load term was included, the relationship Together, our simulation and empirical results indicated between NMDS and plant phenotype was linear (E. Lonsdorf, that indirect genetic effects on the ®tness of community mem- S. Shuster, and T. Whitham; unpubl. data). bers can produce distinct arthropod communities with sta- One-way ANOVA of NMDS scores across cottonwood ge- tistically distinguishable phenotypes. We found that NMDS, notypes in our simulated communities showed signi®cant the statistical approach we used to transform each multivar- among-genotype variation in arthropod community structure, iate community phenotype into a univariate score suitable indicating that the ®tness consequences of genetic interac- for quantitative genetic analysis, accurately represents vari- tions between arthropods and their host plants had produced ation in community phenotype within and among host plant recognizable community phenotypes. Furthermore, our es- genotypes (Fig. 2). Our results also suggest that IIGEs are timate of community heritability was sensitive to changes in expressed when a plant trait is heritable, when that trait im- plant trait heritability, the strength of selection by the plant poses selection upon arthropods, and when the ®tness effects trait on each arthropod, and the amount of ecological vari- of the trait on arthropods are not swamped by other sources ation (Fig. 3). As selection increased, community heritability of selection. We assert that the consequences of IIGEs on increased and the rate of increase declined with increasing community phenotype can be measured in estimates of broad- 2 ecological variation. Consistent with equation (1), our overall sense community heritability,HC . Moreover, when we in- 2 2 estimate of broad sense community heritability,HC , was creased selection intensity due to IIGEs, the value of HC 2 scaled by plant heritability, such thatHC was higher when increased, that is, communities became more distinct (Fig. 998 S. M. SHUSTER ET AL.

FIG. 2. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) acts as a trait whose genetic basis can be evaluated using standard quantitative genetic methods. Each set of points represents the relationship between tree phenotype (␪) and arthropod community structure (NMDS ␥ ϭ ϫ c score) created by selection intensity, ,( [0.0000792 2.51] ), from the tree and other environmental sources, EN, (cf. eqs. 1 and 7). ␥ The relative effect of En on each species is proportional to En/2K. As the strength of selection increased (c in above), the slope of the relationship between tree phenotype and the arthropod community NMDS score increased; as the ecological variation increased (A: EN ϭ ϭ 0 vs. B: EN. 60), the relationship between tree phenotype and NMDS score became weaker. NMDS also captured the effects of two sources of demographic load illustrated by the slightly nonlinear relationship between NMDS a tree phenotype. When niche range was constrained to be zero so that only the evolutionary load term was included, the relationship between NMDS and plant phenotype was linear (not shown). COMMUNITY HERITABILITY 999

FIG. 3. The relationship between community heritability, plant trait heritability, the strength of selection of plant trait on each arthropod and the amount of ecological variation; as selection (␥) increased, community heritability increased, and the rate of increase declined 2 with increasing ecological variation (EN); our overall estimate of broad sense community heritability,HC was scaled by plant heritability, 2 such thatHC was lower when plant heritability was lower (A) and higher when plant heritability was higher (B).

2 3). Thus, any observation of signi®cantHC means that there is a genetic basis for interactions between species, a require- ment for community evolution (Goodnight 1990a,b; Good- night and Craig 1996). Furthermore, our ability to detect 2 TABLE 1. Results of a nested ANOVA of arthropod community signi®cantHC for existing communities indicated that com- phenotypes (summarized by nonmetric multidimensional scaling munity-level selection and phenotypic divergence among scores) with tree genotype nested within cross type to identify dif- communities had already occurred. ferences in the composition of arthropod communities within cot- tonwood cross types. Our simulation results are substantiated by our analysis of natural arthropod communities on cottonwoods in a common Sum of Mean garden. Our estimates of community heritability indicated Source df squares square F ratio Prob Ͼ F that approximately 56±63% of the phenotypic variation Cross type 3 0.604 0.202 10.184 Ͻ.0001 among communities was explained by genetic variation Genotype(cross) 16 2.192 0.137 6.926 Ͻ.0001 among clones (Fig. 4). We also found IIGEs appearing within Error 59 1.167 0.020 a single cottonwood species, rather than between species, Total 78 3.964 indicating that our results apply to a wide range of systems 1000 S. M. SHUSTER ET AL.

FIG. 4. (A) Genetic variation within, rather than between, individual host plant species structures the dependent arthropod community. The line cross analysis and joint scaling test showed weak, nonsigni®cant additive and dominant effects between the two host plant species. The simplest additive model could not be rejected (␹2 ϭ 1.6843, df ϭ 2, P ϭ 0.43) and the additive effect was not signi®cant (additive effect Ϯ SE ϭ 0.10 Ϯ 0.13, t ϭ 0.76, P ϭ 0.29). Large, ®lled circles represent adjusted means of cross type arthropod community plus/minus one standard from a nested ANOVA; each of the small symbols represent individuals of each genotype within each of the four cross types; similar symbols in different cross types do not represent similar genotypes. (B) One-way ANOVA of nonmetric multidimensional scaling scores of genotypes within each crosstype indicated that genetic variance within host plant species can be used 2 ϭ to account for variation among dependent arthropod communities. Heritability estimates for both parental types (Fremont [F] HC 0.65 Ϯ 2 ϭ Ϯ 2 ϭ Ϯ 0.47; narrowleaf [N] HHC 0.60 0.47), and also within the backcross hybrid (BC) cross type ( C 0.80 0.20) were signi®cant. 2 ϭ Ϯ We observed no signi®cant heritability within F1 cross type (HC 0.013 0.19).

and were not simply an epiphenomenon created by the hy- caused by genetic variation among individuals within tree bridization process (Table 2). Using line cross analysis, we and arthropod species. 2 found no signi®cant additive genetic effects between tree Because we observed signi®cant estimates ofHC , we con- species. Furthermore, a nested ANOVA suggested that only clude that indirect genetic effects exist between cottonwoods 19% of variation in communities was due to differences be- and their dependent galling communities. These selection tween tree cross types, as compared to 57% of variation due events occurred consistently within the clonal replicates of to differences among genotypes within cross types. Our re- the 20 tree genotypes in our garden, leading to consistent sults suggest that variation in the outcome of genetic inter- arthropod communities, evidently produced by similar inten- actions between tree and arthropod species is primarily sities of community-level selection. It is well known that COMMUNITY HERITABILITY 1001

TABLE 2. Results of three genetic analyses indicate that differences in community phenotype among individual trees were caused by genetic interactions between arthropods and cottonwood genotypes within two distinct parental cottonwood species, not due to genetic variation generated by hybridization.

Indirect genetic effect Line cross analysis Nested ANOVA One-way ANOVAs Between hybridizing host species Weak effects Weak effects na Reason no additive or domi- 19% of variance be- nant tween cross type Within host species na Strong effects Strong effects 2 ϭ Reason 57% of variance with- narrowleaf Hc 0.60 (0.46) in cross type 2 ϭ Fremont Hc 0.65 (0.47)

different communities of arthropods become associated with trait, it is a poor predictor of how much change can occur genetically distinct plants (see review above). We suggest because dominance and contribute to the total ge- that observations of phenotypically similar communities on netic variance that H2 measures. Similarly, while signi®cant 2 genetically similar plants provide evidence for the existence broad-sense community heritability,HC , indicates that com- of community-level selection and for genetically based var- munity-level selection could change the average community iation in the underlying phenotype that creates selection. Es- phenotype, it too is a poor predictor of how much change 2 timates ofHC measure the phenotypic covariance of com- can occur because genetic variation within species as well as munities inhabiting genetically identical host plants and pro- the phenotypic consequences of genetic interactions among vide a quantitative summary of how strongly genetic inter- species are part of the total phenotypic variance. Signi®cant 2 actions between plants and their symbionts (IIGEs) may estimates ofHC demonstrate the existence of a genetic basis in¯uence the overall community composition. We discuss for community organization (Tables 1, 2), that is, they show elsewhere (Whitham et al. 2003) how the total intensity of that genetically similar host species accumulate similar as- community-level selection may be partitioned into its con- semblages of symbionts in a predictable and repeatable way. stituent effects using contextual analysis (Goodnight et al. Regardless of whether this pattern arises from active habitat 1992). selection by arthropods or from viability selection on ar- Our results provide important de®nitions for the study of thropods, the composition of the community is recognizable community genetics. Despite apparent similarities between in a repeatable way because some individuals are present on evolution as it occurs within individual species and evolution host plants and others are not. at the community level, the terms community heritability, Falconer and McKay (1996, p. 185; also Lande and Arnold community-level selection, and community evolution,aswe 1983; Phillips and Arnold 1989) de®ned the selection dif- use them here, are not strictly analogous to the more familiar ferential, S, on quantitative traits as ``the mean phenotypic terms heritability, selection, and evolution, as they are used value of individuals selected as parents, expressed as a de- in studies of quantitative traits in diploid populations. Fal- viation from . . . the mean phenotypic value of all the in- coner and McKay (1996, p. 123) de®ned heritability in the dividuals in the parental generation before selection was broad sense, H2, as ``the extent to which individuals' phe- made.'' We de®ne community-level selection as selection notypes are determined by the[ir] genotypes,'' or more ex- that requires interactions with at least one other species, plicitly, the ratio of the genetic variance, VG, to total phe- wherein individual relative ®tness depends on the genetic and notypic variance, VP, where VG is measured as the among- demographic composition of its community. Such selection group component of the total phenotypic variance, when occurs within a community context and does not imply that groups consist of clonal individuals. communities differentially proliferate or become extinct. 2 We de®ne community heritability in the broad sense,HC , Falconer and McKay (1996, p. 185) de®ned evolution, or as the among-group component of the total phenotypic var- the response to selection, R, as, ``the difference of mean iance of arthropod communities, when communities inhabit phenotypic value between the offspring of the selected par- groups of clonal host plants. As such, our de®nition identi®es ents and the whole of the parental generation before selec- the contribution of all genetic factors in¯uencing observed tion.'' Here is where our de®nition of community evolution 22␴␴ 2 community phenotype; that is,HC [among genotype / total ]. Thus, departs most from standard quantitative genetic terminology. 2 HC is computationally analogous to the standard quantitative Similar to our de®nition of community-level selection, we genetic de®nition of broad-sense heritability for diploid or- de®ne community evolution as a change in genetic interac- ganisms (Becker 1985; Lynch and Walsh 1998). However, tions between two or more species (Goodnight 1990a,b; our de®nition differs from that of Goodnight (1990a,b; Good- Goodnight and Craig 1996), that is, evolution in a community night and Craig 1996), who focused on community-level context. We suggest that IIGEs are likely to cause such chang- traits that were transmissible from one community generation es and may, in the process, change the overall composition to the next. This de®nition is similar to the quantitative ge- of the community, that is, change in the number and relative netic de®nition of narrow-sense heritability, and thus is dis- abundances of species that comprise it. tinct from ours. Our ®ndings support the concept of extended community While signi®cant broad-sense heritability, H2, indicates phenotypes in which genes have effects at levels higher than that selection could change the average value of a quantitative the population (Whitham et al. 2003; Johnson and Agrawal 1002 S. M. SHUSTER ET AL.

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