Reinforcement and Increasing and Decreasing Behaviors POSITIVE NEGATIVE POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT PUNISHMENT What We’ll Cover:


• Stimulus: a thing or event that evokes a specific functional reaction What do you think of when I say: Reinforcement? Punishment? Reinforcement vs. Punishment

• In ABA, when we say reinforcement, we want to increase a behavior • When we say punishment, we want to decrease a behavior Getting a hug, high-five, , saying “good job!” or other forms or after completing your homework

(+) Examples of Positive Receiving a paycheck for doing work Reinforcers

Preferred snack or food after cleaning up Your Turn! What are some more examples of positive reinforcers? Examples of (-) Negative Reinforcers

DOING THE DISHES TO STOP A LEAVING THE TABLE AFTER PRESSING A BUTTON TO TURN PARENT FROM EATING TWO BITES OF BROCCOLI OFF A VERY LOUD ALARM Your turn! What are some other examples of negative reinforcers? Touching a hot stove and feeling pain

(+) Examples of Positive Yelling at a child for picking his nose Punishment

Eating rotten food and having a bad taste in your mouth after Your turn! What are some other examples of positive punishment? Taking away screen time when A child kicks his peer during his a child refuses to finish their favorite game, soccer, and is (-) Examples homework removed from the game of Negative

Child continually flips the lights Closely related to extinction, Punishment on and off because it is visually the removal of reinforcement stimulating, so the parent for a previously reinforced disables the light switch. behavior Your Turn! What are some more examples of negative punishment? We use TONS of positive reinforcement Example: Giving praise or adding a sticker to a during sticker board when answering a question correctly sessions to reinforce our lessons Using Reinforcement in ABA

We use negative Example: Allowing a timer to play until the child reinforcers sits down to start a lesson too! While we never yell at Example: Saying “stop” or “try again” during session may lower the amount of clients, some of our times a child does a less-preferred behavior, like picking their nose or giving phrases may act as an incorrect answer Using positive punishment Punishment in

ABA Example: While a therapist is talking with parents, the child realizes they cannot tie their We use extinction shoe, and starts screaming and hitting the therapist and parent. The therapist and parent often wait to answer the child until they say, “Excuse me” or “Can you help me?” Let’s Talk About Your Kiddo Can we think of examples that reinforcement and punishment is used with your child? Questions? You did it! You • You can now take your new skills to the real world (and brag completed an ABA to all your friends). parent training • Please contact your therapist if you have any follow-up through Tanager questions about what you learned today. Place!

This PowerPoint was created by Lexys Sillin, RBT and approved by Blake Stephenson BCBA References

M.A., K. P. (2013, February 5). The Difference between Positive/Negative Reinforcement and Positive/Negative Punishment. Retrieved from reinforcement-and-positivenegative-punishment/ Staddon, J. E. R; D. T Cerutti (February 2003). "". Annual Review of . 54 (1): 115–144. doi:10.1146/annurev.psych.54.101601.145124. PMC 1473025. PMID 12415075 What is Reinforcement and Why Is It Important in ABA? (n.d.). Retrieved from reinforcement-and-why-is-it-important-in-aba/