1. That we meet biennially to consider all recommendations of the State Overseer and State Council.

2. Further, that all motions other than those so listed, must be first submitted to a “Motions Committee” for consideration at the conclusion of the written agenda.

3. Finally, that changes brought about by action of the General Assembly and/or General Executive Council be automatically entered as a matter of updating the State Ministers Meeting Minutes. Further, that the State Office be authorized to update and synthesize biennially, all items of a promotional nature regarding the ministries of the Church of God International Offices.


1. After the election of each board, (the State Council, State Youth and Discipleship Board), those persons receiving the highest number of votes on the final ballots for each board be designated as alternates in descending order.

2. That the State Council, consisting of ten (10) members, State Youth and Discipleship Board, consisting of five (5) members be elected biennially and shall not serve more than (4) consecutive years.

3. The State Youth and Discipleship board shall be elected from a list of no less than 15 nominees. The nominee list shall be submitted to the ministers by the Administrative Bishop and State Council, in consultation with the State Youth and Discipleship Director. Eligible incumbents will automatically be included.

4. In the event an alternate member serves out the unexpired term of a regular Council member or Youth and Discipleship Board member, and provided the time is less than one-half of the full term, this shall not affect his eligibility to serve the normal term covered by limitations.

5. That no person shall serve on more than one (1) elected board at the same time.

6. That any Ordained Bishop elected to serve on the State Youth and Discipleship Board not be disqualified from being elected to serve as a State Council alternate.


C. Elected State Council & Youth Board:

1. State Council: 1. Tobey Montgomery 6. Dennis Adams 2. Johnny Taylor 7. Steve Grandy 3. Phil Patterson 8. David White 4. Bob Proctor 9. Sergio Acedo 5. Shannon Fannin 10. Johnny Bunch

2. Youth Board: 1. Christopher Montgomery 4. Jonathan Goats 2. Daniel Querry 5. Isaac Banales 3. Amberlie Parada

II. FINISH COMMITMENT (Re-Affirmation of Finish Commitment Strategy)

The California/Nevada Church of God re-affirms the implementation of the FINISH COMMITMENT Vision and Strategy. We continue to join together with other states/regions and countries around the world in embracing and implementing this bold ministry strategy. We encourage our ministers, pastors and local churches to contextualize their ministries to the FINISH COMMITMENT as much as possible. Promotional resources can be found at

The ministry efforts of the CA/NV Church of God Regional Office, in alignment with the FINISH COMMITMENT as envisioned by the General Overseer, Dr. Timothy M. Hill and outlined at the 77th International General Assembly, will include, but not be limited to the following:


Find Intercede Network Invest Send Harvest

•Potential Church •Increase Prayer •Continue to develop •Increase giving •Global Missions •Project 20/20 Planters Emphasis at All Events Pastoral Covenant Antioch Connection and World Mission Church Planting Groups (PCG) Ministries Initiative

•Target Cities •Continue State Prayer •Cooperate with •Aggressively utilize •Support the •Youth & Ministry through the other Western USA and raise funds Annual YWEA/ Discipleship leadership of a state states to accomplish for church planting Women’s Prayer Ministry The FINISH and revitalization Discipleship Coordinator Commitment locally and globally Projects

•Multicultural/Next •Facilitate a Bi-Monthly •Improve our •Resource leaders •MWOA •Women’s Generation Online Prayer Event for technological for Contemporary Ministries Leaders CA/NV connections through Ministry social media

•Jeremiah Generation •Encourage local Prayer •Operation •Develop Next •Mission Trips •Emphasize


Leaders & Fasting Emphases Compassion Generation Leaders Conversion For Multicultural Growth, Contexts Discipleship & Church Membership

•Increased Income •Establish prayer centers •Ministerial Care •Ministerial Streams for (Prayer Towers) Development Ministry efforts

•The Hurting, Hopeless •Benefits Board and Helpless

III. PROJECT 20/20 Vision The purpose of Project 20/20 is to intentionally seek to plant at least 20 life-giving churches, in 20 cities where we have few or no churches, by the end of 2020.

Need The population of California is 39,777,000 (October 2018) and Nevada is 3,057,000 (October 2018). The total population of our region is more than 42.8 million.

Strategy Intentionally pursue all opportunities to establish healthy, life giving, Spirit empowered, disciple making reproducing churches in California & Nevada, by implementing the Eight Systems of Church Planting Movement.


We will work to plant new churches anywhere an opportunity arises. However, we will give special attention to the following areas of 100,000+ population or strategic cities where we have little or no church presence. Goal areas include but are not limited to:

San Diego (1,381,069) Elk Grove (163,553) San Francisco (852,469) Oceanside (175,078) Long Beach (473,577) Escondido (150,243) Chula Vista (260,988) Thousand Oaks (129,342) Oxnard (205,437) Rancho Cucamonga (169,353) Moreno Valley (202,976) Antioch (108,930) Santa Clarita/Valencia (214,162) Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton (207,183) Carson City, NV (54,522) Roseville/Rocklin/Auburn (201,450) Glendale (200,167) Las Vegas Metro (2,027,828) Pasadena (140,881) Lancaster/Palmdale (319,322)



WHEREAS, the harvest in the Western United States is plentiful and the workers are few, it is beneficial, strategic and powerful to provide opportunities for workers to be developed; and

WHEREAS, there continues to be a great need for church development, church planting, and trained pastoral leadership in the Western United States including California and Nevada; and

WHEREAS, ministers of the gospel have historically served as trainers, mentors, spiritual fathers, and leaders including leaders who served with distinction in the manner that the Reverend Charles Querry served for more than 51 years as a minister of the gospel, servant leader, and significantly productive Senior Pastor of churches;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Charles Querry Scholarship Fund be fully established and developed for the training of ministers in the Church of God in California and Nevada specifically, and the Church of God in the Western United States in general.


The Antioch Connection A Strategy for Church Health and Expansion

That we embrace “The Antioch Connection” as a strategy for church health and expansion for the Church of God in California/Nevada. Primary focus will be placed on three areas:

 Calling and equipping leaders.  Planting life-giving churches.  Strengthening existing churches.

These ministry directives will be undergirded by an on-going emphasis on the reading and study of God’s word and prayer.

In order to assist in funding these initiatives, we will ask churches and individuals across California/Nevada to voluntarily contribute offerings to “The Antioch Connection.” We will pursue partnership with Church of God World Missions to raise funds outside of California/Nevada for the Antioch Connection, particularly in the area of planting churches.

The State Council will be authorized to determine the percentage of these funds given to each of these three initiatives on an annual basis.



1. That each district shall have a District Overseer appointed by the State Overseer and that the work on the district be under his/her supervision. 2. That when the District Overseer visits a church on official business, the pastor is responsible to receive an offering or give an honorarium to defray traveling expenses. 3. The District Overseer shall contextualize and IMPLEMENT the CHURCH OF GOD FINISH COMMITMENT STRATEGY on the district. 4. The District Overseer shall inspire a Church Planting and Church Health (church revitalization) Vision on the district to continually plant churches and revitalize churches in the district and/or by the district somewhere in California and Nevada or Globally in keeping with the General Assembly. 5. That the District Overseer shall promote the Ministries of California-Nevada Church of God Youth and Discipleship Ministries, Global Missions Ministries including Church Planting, Church Health, Evangelism, and World Missions Ministries on the district as outlined by the state program, the General Assembly, General Overseer, and State Administrative Bishop. 6. That the State Office consult with the District Overseer whenever making a pastoral appointment on the district and when called upon to do so assist the State Administrative Bishop in the appointment of pastors. 7. When a church congregation is relocated (merged, closed, etc.), and existing property is sold at the recommendation of state officials, state trustees and district officials, that the church to which the congregation members are assigned receive consideration to receive a portion of net receipts from any sale. 8. Concerning various projects prior to any funding request, the request must first be reviewed and approved by the District Overseer. Also, said projects must be under the authority of a local California-Nevada Church of God congregation. 9. District Overseers are encouraged to arrange for a Pastoral Covenant Group on their district or partner together with another nearby District Overseer/District to do the same. Resources and training will be provided by the Center of Pastoral Excellence and the California-Nevada Church of God State Office.


WHEREAS, the global harvest was grown in number and accessibility by the global connecting of people through migration, transportation, communication and technology; and

WHEREAS, the global harvest is in great need of the gospel being communicated with authenticity and integrity that is contextual and biblically and theologically intact; and

WHEREAS, doing gospel mission must include our community, the community next door, those who are living in the margins and the uttermost parts of the Earth; and


WHEREAS, our communities and the communities next door are today, more culturally, ethnically and religiously diverse than at any point previously in history; and

WHEREAS, many among the People Groups who have migrated to the United States and specifically California and Nevada are in great need of the gospel message; and

WHEREAS, World Missions ministry remains significant and viable as an active and strategic system and method for gospel communication globally;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that we the California-Nevada Church of God seek to build bridges of relationship through Church of God World Missions Partnerships in which we as an organization raise funds and support World Missions Projects and we develop partnership relationships with a goal that the partners help to evangelize among People Groups form the partner nation who are now living in the California and Nevada;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that these partnership relationships have a goal of FINISH Commitment Vision fulfilling completion of the Great Commission;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the first global partnership relationships in the inaugural phase of California-Nevada Global Missions be Japan and the Philippines;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that California-Nevada Church of God embrace and accept the challenge goal of investing into the Tokyo, Japan City of Light Project to plant churches and develop a church planting hub center in Tokyo Japan which is less than 1% Christian Japan;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that California-Nevada Church of God also embrace partnership with the Philippines in planting churches in the, in California and Nevada and in the Philippines.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that we set as our two-year missions fund raising goal at an amount of $200,000 ($150,000 for Tokyo, Japan City of Light and Church Planting Project and $50,000 for Filipino Church Planting in California and Nevada as well as the Philippines.)



That all churches be encouraged to subscribe to the “EVANGEL.”



1. That each church avail itself of advertising media, such as television, radio, newspaper, road signs, hotel directories, social media, etc.

2. That each church display neat, suitable, identifying and directional signs. That the standard Church of God logo be used when possible and where practical.

3. That each church maintain clean, neat, attractive, and well lighted property.

4. That each local church endeavor to keep an up-to-date, attractive website. Links to and should be included.

5. That each minister and local church take advantage of the Church of God social networking platform (Facebook, Twitter, discussion forum, etc.) through the international and state office websites.



That on any deed form used in the purchase of real estate, the “essential clauses” must be inserted. (A copy of these clauses as revised in their latest revision can be obtained from the State or International Offices.)


Since the ministry is a taxing and demanding calling, time should be taken periodically for each minister to relax and refresh himself mentally and physically, so a positive attitude may be projected to the congregation. Therefore, the State/Regional Administrative Bishop recommends each church insist that its pastor and family take at least a two week vacation annually, not to include church related activities. Further, that every effort be made to assist the pastor financially, including full wages and sufficient funds to defray vacation expenses.

The following graduated scale is suggested to bless ministerial families with more vacation time, commensurate with longer years of ministerial service

0-5 years - 2 Weeks 6-10 years - 3 Weeks 11-15 years - 4 Weeks 16-20 years - 5 Weeks 21+ years - 6 Weeks



That no soliciting be done in the name of the Church of God without authorization from the State Overseer and District Overseer and local Pastor.


That it is the responsibility and duty of each pastor to see that local church buildings and properties are exempt from taxes to the full extent allowable by law. This must be done annually, before the month of February, for churches in California. For the churches in Nevada, an application for religious non-profit property tax exemption, must be filled out and filed by June 15th of each year to qualify for the next year’s exemption. An application can be obtained from the county assessor’s office in the county where the church is located.

Copies of tax exemption documents must be sent to the state office. The state office will send a reminder regarding these important matters.


1. That each local pastor give membership opportunities often, especially during and after revival. Further, that all new converts be encouraged to be baptized in water.

2. Excluding Members:

That we emphasize the restoration of erring members. When it is necessary to exclude members that the District and State Overseer be notified and written approval obtained prior to a conference.


That the ordinances of the Lord’s Supper and Washing of the Saint’s Feet be observed one or more times a year.


That whenever the State Overseer, State Youth and Discipleship Director or State Evangelism Director visits a church on official business, an honorarium be received.


That where ministers have had their credentials revoked for any cause and they continue to engage in ministerial activity in opposition to the Church of God, that Church of God ministers and members be considered disloyal in promoting their ministerial activities. The same shall apply to all ministers who are known to sow discord and disloyal attitudes


in the Church of God, regardless of the church affiliation. This does not prohibit the use of ministers or speakers from other reputable organizations who are worthy.


1. That the State Overseer, along with the State Council, be authorized to underwrite loans where it becomes absolutely necessary.

2. That where request for underwriting a loan is made, the church must furnish the State Council a financial statement with present indebtedness status.

3. That any church desiring to launch a building program, purchase property or apply for a loan must obtain written permission from District and State Overseer.

4. That the State Council annually review the status of all loans underwritten by the State.


That it is the responsibility of the local pastor to see that adequate insurance coverage is maintained on all property under his care. And further, to verify that liability coverage is included in this blanket policy.


1. The Church of God Has a Centralized Form of Government

The Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee) has a centralized (by legal definition “hierarchical”) form of church government. The General Assembly, the highest authority of the Church of God, governs the ownership of all church property, both real and personal. All property is held in trust for members composing said General Assembly.

2. The Definition of General Assembly

The General Assembly of the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee) is that organized body with full power and authority to designate the teachings, principles, and practices of all the local churches composing said Assembly.

3. The General Assembly and the State Overseer

The General Assembly governs the operation (including ownership of all real and personal property) of the Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee, at all structural levels: international, national, state/territorial, district and local. The General Assembly has vested in the office of the state overseer authority over the local churches. Some of his powers, all of which are more fully explained elsewhere in the Supplement of the book of Minutes, can be exercised to remove pastors, to appoint


pastors, or a special Board of Trustees, which may be the State Board of Trustees, to hold title to local property.

4. The Local Board of Trustees Holds Title to Real Estate

A Local Board of Trustees shall hold title to, manage, and control, pursuant to the direction of the local congregation, all real estate owned by the local congregation by which they are selected, provided that all such property shall be used, managed, and controlled for the sole and exclusive use and benefit of the Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee, USA.

5. Local Churches Are Bound by Decisions of the General Assembly

Local churches, when they have been accepted into the Church of God, are therefore bound by the decisions of the General Assembly in matters of doctrine, teaching, and polity.

6. Receiving Members into the Church of God

Church membership is Scriptural, and any person presenting himself as a prospective member is making a serious and far-reaching decision. It is the responsibility of the pastor to see that all persons making themselves available for membership are fully informed of the doctrine, teachings, government, and heritage of the Church of God.

7. Membership Roll

The pastor and church clerk shall maintain an accurate, up-to-date membership roll, staying in contact with members who are unable to attend church regularly and members who are in the Armed Forces, encouraging them to attend and transfer their membership to a local Church of God or Ministry to the Military Center in the area where they are stationed.

8. Procedure in Dealing with Erring Members

If a member who is not a minister shall be charged with any offense which makes it necessary to deal with the member, formal charges in writing shall be given to the member not less than three days (when practical) prior to the time and place of the conference. The member shall have a right to be heard and offer corroborating testimony at the conference. Further, the charges shall be heard and a decision rendered by the local church and pastor’s council or (if a church does not have a pastor’s council or board of elders) by the male members who are present at the meeting and in good standing with the church. Disciplinary options include but are not limited to: official reprimand, restitution, censure, restrictions, and, where necessary, excommunication.

In those cases in which he deems it in the best interest of the local church to do so, the state/regional overseer shall have the authority to excommunicate an unruly or


uncooperative member without a formal hearing. A member disfellowshiped by a state/regional overseer shall have the right to appeal to the International Executive Committee within 10 days of the written notice of the overseer’s action. The decision of the International Executive Committee is final, with no further recourse for appeal by the member. The local church must remove the member’s name from the membership roll when notified of the action by the state overseer.

9. Local Church Conference

A church conference is a business meeting for the purpose of transacting any business necessary for the operation of the local church.

The regular conference, consisting of the membership, is called or set for any regularly designated time by the pastor or district overseer. The purpose of the conference is to inform the church of its financial status. The church conference shall also consider any other business referred to it by the pastor and his church council. All major disbursements must be approved by the church in conference.

The called conference consists of all members of the local church who wish to attend, said conference to convene at a time set by the pastor to take care of business arising between the regular conferences. This does not exclude the rights of the state and district overseer to call or moderate conferences in local churches. Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall serve as the guide for conducting all business conferences.

10. Appointments of Pastors

The authority for the appointment of pastors is vested in the state overseer. Local churches are to refrain from taking action on the selection of pastors until authorized to do so by the state overseer. The state overseer shall appoint the pastor subsequent to consultation with the district overseer, and after having given members of the local church an opportunity to express themselves regarding their desire for pastor of their choice. The state overseer may call for an expression from the membership (at least 16 years of age) when there is an apparent decline in the spiritual health and well- being of the local church. The signature of the individual expressing a pastoral preference is required on the local church pastoral preference ballot.

11. The Selection of the Church and Pastor’s Council

When a local church deems it practical to have a Church and Pastor’s Council, said council shall be elected by the governing body of the church consisting of the loyal members.

The Church and Pastor’s Council, under the direction of the pastor, shall promote the general and state outreach programs of the church. The council shall work in harmony with the pastor and assist him, when called upon, in the institution and direction of the local church program in the following areas:


Spiritual - The Council, under the direction of the pastor, shall encourage spiritual growth of the local congregation with emphasis on personal Bible reading, prayer, family devotions, tithing and giving, Christian service, and personal witnessing.

Financial - The Council, under the direction of the pastor, shall approve the disbursement of church funds. (This does not include Women’s Ministries monies). All major disbursements must be approved by the church in conference. Each congregation shall determine what amount constitutes a major disbursement.

Physical - The council, under the direction of the pastor, shall provide and maintain proper building facilities for the congregation and proper residence for the pastor. The council shall see that all church properties are properly insured and tax-exempt, when the state government provides such exemption.

12. The Church Treasurer

A church treasurer shall be appointed by the pastor and confirmed by the council and/or the church body. The church treasurer shall: (1). Determine and maintain an accurate record of the date of the organization of the church and all other vital information pertaining to the local church organization. (2). Keep an accurate record for the names and addresses of all local church members. (3). Report monthly to the Secretary General, on MAP (Moving Active Pentecostal) ministry forms, the names and addresses of all members moving from their local church to another area. (4). Record and maintain accurate minutes of all church conferences and business transactions (loans, property transactions, and so forth). (5). Maintain an accurate record of all the local church conferences and disbursements, at the church, where possible. (6). Prepare monthly reports and send one copy to the Secretary General and one copy to the state overseer by the fifth of each month on the reporting forms provided by the Secretary General's office. (7). Prepare a financial report for each quarterly conference. (8). Furnish an itemized list of all receipts and disbursements to the pastor each week. (9). Disburse money from the church treasury under the direction of the pastor. The pastor and clerk, or treasurer, are to sign all authorized checks.

13. Local Church Finance Committee

Because of an ever-increasing responsibility upon those handling money in the local churches, each church is to have a Finance Committee. The Finance Committee shall consist of the treasurer and two other members. The second and third members shall be appointed by the pastor and confirmed by the Church and Pastor’s Council and/or the members of the church. The Finance Committee shall (1). Receive and count all monies; and, (2). Prepare funds for deposit.


14. Tithing in the Local Church

All members and ministers of the Church of God shall pay tithes into the church where they are members. Local church treasurers shall send a percentage of tithes paid into the local church according to the following schedule to the International Office (Secretary General) with their monthly report, and an equal amount to their State/Regional Office (State Treasurer) with their monthly report, with the remainder for the support of the pastor (72nd A., 2008; [(2010)].

Beginning September 1, 2014 and 5% To International Office going forward 5% To State/Regional Office

15. Registration of local Church Property Deeds.

All deeds shall be registered or recorded directly upon their execution in their respective county courthouses. Copies of the executed deeds for local properties shall be maintained in the offices of the state overseer and local church treasurer. Before any deed is recorded, it is to have the written approval of the state overseer.

16. Local Church Insurance

Pastors and churches are required to keep all property under their care adequately insured where practical.

17. Approval of Construction, Purchase or Remodeling Plans for Local Churches

The state overseer shall require any local church in his state before acquiring property, beginning or contracting for construction or purchase of a new church or educational building or a parsonage, or remodeling or such a building if the cost will exceed 10 percent of its value, to submit for consideration and approval a statement of the need for the proposed facilities, preliminary architectural plans, and estimate of the cost and a financial plan for defraying such costs. Before finally approving the building project, the state overseer or his designee shall ascertain whether the preliminary architectural design and financial programs have been reviewed, evaluated and approved by proper authorities.

18. All Property Held for Church of God

All property, real or personal, held by or for a particular local church, state office, department or agency, whether legal title is lodged in a corporation, a trustee or trustees, or an unincorporated association, is held in trust nevertheless for the use and benefit of the Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee.


The centralized governmental structure of the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee) does not provide for local church ownership of properties outside the trust relationship for the sole and exclusive use and benefit of the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee). All deed conveyances, or other actions purporting to effect ownership or control of real or personal property, which are inconsistent with the requirements as set forth in these General Assembly Minutes are deemed invalid and ineffective to alter the essential trust relationship for the benefit of the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee).

Where there does not exist an express trust covering real or personal properties utilized by local churches, then an implied trust in favor of the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee) exists by virtue of the Church of God polity as expressed in these Minutes.


WHEREAS we believe that the body of Christ can bring hope to a hurting world; and

WHEREAS even as Jesus, who fed the hungry, healed the sick, cared for children and reached out to the poor and the neglected of His day, so His church must do the same;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we are committed to addressing the ills of our society.

*violence against the unborn *the homeless in their despair *the hungry in their pain *isolated criminals who live with their hatred *emotional, physical and sexual abuse of victimized children *victims of disaster *care for the sick, disabled and elderly *victims of alcohol and drug abuse

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we repent over what we have failed to do and commit ourselves as the body of Christ to reach out in love and in the name of Jesus to all the hurting people everywhere.

CA/NV local churches are encouraged to support and/or avail themselves of the following Church of God Division of Care Ministries:  Homes For Children  Center For Ministerial Care  Spirit Care (Senior Adults)  Operation Compassion

Information about these ministries maybe found at



That a director of Ministerial care be appointed. That he/she work closely with the Center for Ministerial Care in Cleveland, TN in ministering specifically to the needs of hurting ministerial families in California and Nevada.


That our ministers be made aware of their opportunity to participate in the "Church of God Ministers Retirement Plan." Further, that the local churches be urged to contribute an offering equal to at least 5% of their pastor's salary each month. That strong consideration be given to providing this benefit to other full-time staff members, as funds allow. (Applications may be obtained online at



That Camp Meeting dates, location and speaker be determined by the State Overseer. Further, that each church be encouraged to send an offering not less than $10.00 with their monthly report to be used exclusively for Camp Meeting.


That Prayer Conference dates, location and speaker be determined by the State Overseer.


That we sponsor a ministerial retreat in off Assembly year if interest is sufficient.


Women's Discipleship is confronting the issues that women are facing today by providing Kindle the Power resources, training, and study opportunities that will focus on character and integrity in life choices, values and unique spiritual gifts through discipleship awareness. Our goal is to develop an army of powerful, more-than- conquering confident women.

We will strive to provide resources and events at the state/regional level to equip and encourage our women and we encourage each of our churches to reach out in ministry to the women in their local church and community. We also recommend that each local church take advantage of the Women’s Discipleship resources that are available through


the Church of God International Women’s Discipleship office and to support and promote the Women’s Discipleship projects with their prayers and funds.


A. Vision The Youth and Discipleship Department of the California-Nevada Church of God exists to partner with local churches and its youth ministry teams to reach a new generation of believers with the Gospel and power of Christ, raise disciples in the local youth group, and release them to do the work of the ministry within their church, community and our movement.

B. Mission Our state-coordinated ministry events are to accomplish three paramount goals: 1. Encounter: That our students have an authentic encounter with the presence of God. 2. Equip: That our students be equipped with training and teaching to fulfill their calling. 3. Engage: That our students be positioned to engage their local homes, schools and churches in Christian witness and ministry.

C. Barnabas Initiative The Barnabas Initiative is a program geared toward mentoring high school upper Classmen to become next-generation leaders in today’s church. The four weekend Labs are designed to accomplish the following, in conjunction with the “Find” Category of the FINISH Commitment adopted by the Church of God:

F: FOCUS our attention and resources on next-generation leaders within our movement.

I: IDENTIFY their gifts and calling, as well as creative ways to engage them in Ministry through today’s cultural platforms.

N: NETWORK them with like-minded peers and leaders in a hand’s-on learning Environment.

D: DEVELOP their leadership and ministry skills through training and ministry.

D. West Coast Winterfest

West Coast Winterfest remains our primary gathering of the year where our students and youth groups come together for a transformative weekend of Spirit-filled worship, power-filled Word and both personal and corporate growth.

E. Girls’ Jamboree


Girls ages 5-12 will gather for two days of heartfelt ministry.

F. Teen Summer Camp

Teen Summer Camp is a weekend encounter will focus on spiritual growth and youth group “team” development for junior and senior high school students.

G. Teen Talent

This biennial event exists to discover, develop and dedicate the talent of Church of God teenagers through regional, state and international competition. Our goal is To send the top-two finishers in each category to the International competition.


We encourage every local church and youth group to participate in YWEA (Youth World Evangelism Action).


Many outstanding church growth and health materials/conferences are available through USA Missions. These include resources/conferences for Jail and Prison Ministry, Senior Adults, Church Planting, Strengthening Small Churches, etc. Information can be found at


We recommend that the State Offices appoint a MWOA state coordinator who will partner with the MWOA International Offices in meeting the needs of their state and around the world. The MWOA state coordinator would be a person with experience in construction projects, servant leadership training and a commitment to this ministry.

That we provide men and women the opportunity to show the love of Christ by participating in hands-on ministry through volunteer service in construction, disaster relief and humanitarian assistance here in the USA and around the world while enhancing other ministries so that they will be more effective, efficient and fruitful in their participation in the Great Commission.

The purpose of the Men and Women of Action is to train leaders who will mentor others to utilize the skills of all persons willing to become involved in meeting needs; share resources including manpower, equipment and facilities to assist others in fulfilling the Great Commission; utilize every available resource to encourage local churches to adopt projects both stateside and internationally.



That our churches be made aware of the extensive involvement of our ministers in the Chaplain's Services in all branches of the military.

1. Names and addresses of military personnel in local churches should be mailed to: Ministry to the Military, P.O. Box 2430, Cleveland, TN 37320-2430.

2. Establish Military Fellowships in local churches.


1. Credentialing

Current information about ministerial credentialing requirements and required training programs (CAMS and MIP) may be obtained from the CA/NV Church Of God State Office.

2. Higher Education Opportunities

Our ministry and laity are encouraged to avail themselves of the educational opportunities offered by Lee University, the Pentecostal Theological Seminary, the School of Ministry and the Patten Education Foundation.


The offices of Men’s and Women’s Discipleship offers outstanding ministry resources for local churches. Go to for more information.


Resolution of Appreciation California/Nevada Church of God State Ministers Meeting November 29-30, 2018

Whereas the Ministers of the Church of God in California and Nevada met in Fresno, California on November 29-30, 2018 in a regular, biennial Minister’s Meeting, and

Whereas the meeting was capably conducted by the Administrative Bishop, Dr. Sean O’Neal and

Whereas First Lady Shyrel O’Neal, Director of Women’s Discipleship Ministries, effectively and capably ministered to the women of California and Nevada Church of God, and

Whereas the state secretarial staff: Mrs. Kim Rothenfluh and Mrs. Lisa Palumbo, have exhibited cooperative and professional conduct in the preparation of the agenda, materials, and subsequent duties assigned to ensure a successful state Ministers meeting.

Be it therefore resolved that the ministers of the Church of God in California and Nevada express their appreciation for the following:

Appreciation is extended to Dr. Sean O’Neal for the integrity and love extended to the ministers and membership of the Church of God in California and Nevada. The capable leadership, professionalism, compassion, and strategic focus and vision of Dr. O’Neal serve to encourage the church in reaching the Harvest, releasing capable ministers into the field, and shepherding those under his care. We appreciate his leadership and authentic ministry during this missional mandate.

Appreciation is extended to First Lady Shyrel O’Neal for her heartfelt compassion and desire to lead those under her care into a deeper walk of faith as fellow heirs of the Kingdom of God. Her grace, passion, and kindness are a powerful example of Biblical Righteousness.

Appreciation is extended to those who serve the Church of God in California and Nevada through the many and varied operations of the State ministries. These include the State Office Staff, Campus Staff, Ministry Directors, and all associated parties who contribute to the success of the Work of the Lord. May the rich blessings of our Lord Jesus Christ be upon them as faithful and loyal servants of His Kingdom.

Above all, Appreciation and Gratitude is offered in heartfelt praise to the God of All Mercy and Grace, for His Divine Guidance and Counsel in the affairs of the Church of God in California and Nevada; with continued prayer for Providential Care and Direction as we engage in the missional mandate before us.

Resolution Adopted this the 30th Day of November in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Eighteen, by the ministers of the Church of God in California and Nevada meeting in regular conference.