University of California, San Diego Volume 37, Number 21 Friday, May 18, 1979 Brown Favors UC Weapons Pullout Governor's Statement Surprises Regents 8y Trapper B rne pecial to lhe Guardian SAN FRANCISCO - Governor Jerry Brown surprised the Board of Regents meeting here yesterday by announcing that he is in favor of the University of California severing its ties with the Livermore and Los Alamos, N .M. nuclear weapons development laboratories. - " I think the time ha come to ay that the nationa l interest is not served by thi connection between the Federal Government and the University of Californi a ," Brown said. " 11 should be stated very clearly that the Uni versity should separate itself from weapons development and get on with its own affairs." Brown's comment were in response to the Buchsbaum Committee r port, which Department of Energy Assistant Secretary Dwane Sewell presented to the Regents yesterday. The report recommended that UC maintain and strengthen its ties with the weapons labs. The Buc hsbaum Committee, a task force set up the the DOE to study the relationship between the University and the labs, Duncan Burns and guest dine at the Coffee Hut. reported that recently there has been " inadequate attention being paid by the University to certain needs of the laboratories~" However, itsaid the prospects of UC severing its ties with the labs are " remote and undesirable." Alcohol Sale CalPIRG Investigates Brown, however, said there is " a rising sense of alienation in many qua rters as a result of this weapons business." He predicted that "within a reasonably short time the dissent will become the A Problem at Prices at Bookstore majority and the decision to sever the ties with the labs will be made anyway." . Faculty Olub By Eric Harpel! texts, general information Brown addM that " brea king a relationship is never without By Reed Alpert Senior Staff Writer books and a myriad of popular distress and pain, especially when it involves money." Editor Book publishers, not the fiction novels, are sold at a Brown's announcement was followed quickly by similar The proposed UCSD faculty UCSD bookstore, determine the " 20% to 40% markup on the statements by Regents Gregory Bateson and Stanley club may have trouble serving retail prices of textbooks, a price paid by the bookstore," Scheinbaum, who have always favored such a move, and Yori beer and wine if the California recent CalPIRG study shows. reported the CalPIRG survey. Wada, who has been indecisive on the matter. After the meeting, state Alcohol and Beverage " Unfavorable " student ' 'Different categories of books Brown said th number of votes on the Board for severing ties with Control Board decides that the reaction to the high cost of carry different margins of the labs is increasing. campus cannot have two books at UCSD prompted the profit," Mores confirm , " but UC President David Saxon took a stand in opposition to Brown, separate contractors with CalPIRG study , which the general book sales are non­ saying that the University, as " a bastion of freedom," has a alcohol licenses, David Ryer, revealed that the bookstore profit. " responsibility to continue to manage the labs. assistant chancellor, said sells their books at a markup on Although the CalPIRG " What has been the outcome after 30 years of UC managing the yesterday. the wholesale price dictated by survey indicated that prices labs? " Saxon asked. " Has the University been ill-served? I submit With the contract for the the publisher. are comparable from one store not. " student pub in Building C According to bookstore to the next, Mores said, Saxon added that " in Korea and Vietnam, we and our opponents currently being negotiated with manager Paul Mores, UCSD " occasionally you will find had the ultimate weapon at hand, and did not use it. That ultimate (PI~ase turn to page 14) proposed contractor Henry book prices are comparable to exceptions in price .. .Inflation Goldy who runs the pub at San prices at off-campus retail is one reason. If we bought a Diego St. the university is outlets. "I think we are book before the price went up, looking into either not serving competitive with the general then our price would be lower beer and wine at the faculty market. Prices will be just than someone who bought the club or the possibility of about the same wherever you book after it went up. A store subcontracting the beer and go. They (the publishing that sells only the popular titles wine concession through Goldy, companies) are as bad or worse will be able to sell those books said Ryer. than oil companies in regards for less than we do. We feel it is There is no state law against to setting prices." more important to carry a wide there being two contractors Textbooks, which are variety of books." with beer and wine licenses on ordered by campus professors, Mores also offered an campus, a spokesman- for the are marked up" approximately explanation as to why the ABC said, but he added that he 20% from the wholesale cost," bookstore price may occa­ didn't know if the ABC would said Mores. The twenty percent sionally be higher than the grant two licenses. markup corresponds to the suggested retail price . The sPokesman said there is recommended retail price. " Either they didn't give us any no set criteria to determine if a General books, which include discount on the retail price or (Please tum page 10) problem-oriented academic the discount was too small to '0 cover the costs of carrying the book. " According to CalPIRG, gifts and fad items are marked up a...... ~"' .... The' Ballet's Coming most, as much as 100 percent. Said Mores, "Items that are a By Jill Louise Bazeley contracted May 8 to install the gamble for us to buy ('pet Dean Takes Year Off Con'rtbutlnl Edilor professional ballet company rocks' for example) will be Warren College Dean Gary Frost will be on leave during the The San Diego Ballet in a residential program here. marked up the most. 1979-80 academic year. Company will become a Under the terms of the " We have to make a large Frost will be teaching a course in Organizational resident of UCSD for six agreement, the San Diego profit on fad items. If it turns Development and Leadership in a new doctoral program at the months, beginning January Ballet will present five ballets out that we're stuck with them, University of San Diego. 1980, according to an at UCSD between January then we might as well throw Frost will also serve as a consultant to the American agreement signed by repre­ and June 1980. In return for them in the trash." Management Association. He will be workine with senior level sentatives of the two the use of the Mandeville The CalPIRG study indicated executives from major companies around the world on the institutions earlier this Auditorium, Mattin and that the net profit has been problems and techniques of effective management. month. school director Lynn Hodg­ steady since the opening of the In addition, Frost will be designing and implementing an on­ Keith Martin, San Diego kinson will teach drama and bookstore, with an exception in going training program for middle and upper management as Ballet artistic director, and dance courses durina the 19~ the academic year 1976-1977, Director of Corporate Management Development for the Cubic Michael Addison, UCSD 10 school year. when the net profit was over 5% Corporation of San Diego. c1rama department chAirman. (Please turn to page 13) (Pleue '11m to page 4) Julie Gordon will serve as the Acting Dean next year. Fri., May 18, 1979 The Guardian Fri., May 18, 1979 The Guardian page 3 Oeinion NEWS BRIEFS From the Associated Press editorial II. . II ilflr

Naming Third Is IINT'L I I NAT'L _ -----'I 1 STATE Not That Tough Palestinian Plan Okayed Nuke Study Gets Way Gasoline on the Way TEL AVIV. Israel (AP) - A Cabinet committee MIDDLETOWN, Pa. (AP) - The presidential LOS ANGELES (AP) - While gas lines grew yesterday a pproved a 22-point plan for Palestinian commission investigating the Three Mile Island longer and tempers shorter - sparking a shooting in Each try at finding a permanent name for Third College autonomy in the West Bank and Gaza. nuclear reactor accident abruptly canceled its which three persons were wounded - the Air has been erratic and ill-considered, and we believe that the A State Radio broadcast said the committee voted hearings yesterday, a nd its chairman said members Resources Board voted ye terday to make more gas latest attempt is the weakest of all. unanimously to prevent an independent state in the might resign if they couldn't hear testimony under availa ble to California motorists. Last spring, about a third of the college voted to establish occupied areas a nd uphold Israel's intention to oath or subpoena witnesses. And Democratic Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. chose the name "Third" as the permanent name of the college, reassert its claim to both area after five years. But hours after th e commis ion balked at yesterday to ignore a similar move by his Republican In a point-by- point vote during a seven-hour " roadblocks" stemming from a di pute between the lieutenant governor, Mike Curb, who had signed an but a campus committee that recommends to the Senate Judiciary Committee and th e Justice chancellor whether names of campus facilities should be meeting, the 11 ministers endorsed Begin's executive order in Brown's absence, telling oil WJ, Department, the Senate una nimously a pproved a companies to boost the lead level in gasoline and approved turned it down, arguing that the na me " Third" conception of Palestinian self-rule promised by the \ resolution giving the commission what it wanted. thereby increase gas production. might not have relevance in the future. Israel-Egypt peace treaty. ~ The plan goes to the full Cabinet next Monday and The Senate action came on a voice vote without At least five oil companies - Chevron, Areo, The committee, headed by Muir Provost John Stewart, debate. It still requires a pproval in the House, which 'lIHM is fully olr­ ScIence Editor The ~ suscrlbes 10 the and you've got people afraid, -vthlng comes toaether in an 9ICh1iarating conclllioned. IM .OOO tOM. of IJberIan .....1"' . Associated Press Wire ServIce. the services. In fact, the corporations in eKPerience of SUI1ing, nang gliding ond skIIng. IanyAlonlo hurt, confused, self-con­ For instance, FM radio, UHF commanding market positions Copy EdItor Los Angeles nm. 9,'ndlcale. the PaCific News Service and demning, sad and often unable television aod cable TV were all are fighting deregulation tooth Slide show and information HarryT<*n La Palomo Thea1re May 1~22 (Wed-lues) Collegiate Crc.ISword. Entire to cope well with regular shackled by the FCC in tbeir and nail - or else bidding for a GeneIOI Manager Ocean Beach Strand Theatre May 1~19 (Wed-Sun) Tuesday, May 22 12:00 noon and 7:00 pm I.::ontenl$ copvrig t • 1979. everyday life. Sharon concerns fonnatlve years in response to compromise that will preserve herself with these and all of ber complaints from commercial their own advantages while SHOWnMES 7:16 and 9:16 North Conference Room, Student Center (PleMe turn &0 pale 14) broadcasters that these new (Please tum ao pale I.) ~. ~:. I I • , ••• J ,. • ~ 'I , • , .~ . •. ... . •• ~ ~ .. ... -.-.. -.- Fri., May 18, 1979 The Guardian pageS The Guardian Fri., May 18, 1979 News Rec Facilities Approval Would -Raise Fee by $5 Helico'pterRescue Service Considered By Eric HarpeU financed by a Regents loan' that thing ata time. Right now, he is A helicopter rescue service. rotors can be shut down in 45 Senior S&alf WrUer carries a 9.5% interest rate. getting gift funds for a proposed which can reach the scene of an econds. A five dollar increase in According to the election cancer center," said a accident in half the time it takes Med Center Proposes "Life Flight" Baxt said that the helicopter student fees may be slated for marshals, the loan will be committee member. paramedics, may be imple­ crew will react to patients, CaU 1981 if UCSD students vote repaid over a 25-year period at According to the election mented at the UCSD Medical stabilize them at the scene and in favor of the recreation $106,595 per year. There will be marshals, the proposed Center. provide them with expert pre­ " At present, patients in patient in Imperial Valley and transport them to the nearest Cacilities proposal on Wednes­ an additional $43,405 used per facilities are to be located just Plan Cor " Life Flight," the hospital treatment and Imperial County can pay up to transport him/ her to a hospital, hospital with landing facilities day and Thunday's student year Cor maintenance. north oC the Warren West Field, 24-hour helicopter ambulance, transport them to an emer­ $400 for an ambulance." he it will take Life Flight less than and appropriate treatment .referendum. According to a Rec Facilities and are to be run by a student are currently awaiting gency facility, said Baxt. said. halC that time. said Baxt. capabilities. The referendum asks student Committee member, "The committee consisting of six Some of the UCSD Bookstore merchandise that was &he sullje4ct approva 1 {rom the Health The Life Flight system " The fee will be a drop in the to aUot a fee increase Cor yearly cost of the Cacilities was voting representatives, one a CaWIKG study. Systems Agency, according to centers around the use of a bucket, but it will pay for some The system will be activated Patients will only be constructine and maintaining set by how much students were each to be appointed by the Dr. William Baxt, associate single Alouette III jet expenses," remarked Baxt. through a communications transported directly to "Student Recreation Facili­ willing to pay." ASUCSD, the GSC, and the four director oC the emergency helicopter which will be paid Life Flight will be dispatched center at the UCSD Medical University Hospital if referred ties," which will consist of "a The Student Opinion Survey college councils . Three medical services at UCSD for with univers ity funds . with an attending level Center, with land lines to every there by an outside physician. swlmmine pool, two jacuzzis, conducted in May 1978 nonvoting consultants will Bookstore Prices Medical Center. according to Bax!. He said the physician and a trained flight major public safety agency and said Baxt. This will include rive racquetball/handball indicated that a majority of the assist in operation of the " If all goe smoothly, the annual cost of running the nurse. " Our crew will be a lot medical care facility in the cases in which the patient courts, and a shower!locker students responding (59%) facilities. (Continued Crom page 1) any current plnn has been helicopter could be operating helicopter ambulance is more tra ined than para­ area. Baxt said the service will requires treatment at the bum, room." Also included in the indicated that they were willing The Rec Facilities Commlt­ of the bookstore's total income. devised Cor expansion in the by December." said Baxt. approximately $300,000. medics, " said Baxt. The not respond to calls from the trauma or infant care centers proposal is ni,ht li,hting for the to pay a $5 increase in fee to tee believes that the fee According to David Harris of near future. He did indicate, The largest need for Life Baxt added that the Life helicopter can carry up to two public because "that would be oC the hospital. Muir field. fund more recreational increase would be greater if the CalPIRG, •'They said the profit however, "we just don't have Flight will be in Imperial Flight project received " JOO patients, he added. too extreme." Baxt estimates that Life The support of those students facilities. proposal was not voted on until seemed large because of a new enough pace." County and the rural areas of percent" support from the The helicopter will have a top Flight will carry about 400 The support of 2/3 of those The proposa I originally next year. accounting procedure." Mores expressed doubt that North County, Baxt said. university. speed of 120 miles per hour and " Within five minutes after patients a year, saving a students votine is necessary to called for the building of a gym A committee spokesman The bookstore, which is "self book prices would remain at Life Flight will reach persons Patients will be charged a a range of 150 miles, Baxt said. receiving the call, the "minimum" of 50 lives. pass the Rec Facilities in addition to the planned indicated that the same sufficient" according to their current level. " We may be in need of emergency medical fee of $150 to $200 for the While it takes an ambulance helicopter will be up in the air," proposal, said a committee facilities. Financing for the proposal would result in a $6 fee CalPIRG , is considering forced to add to the retail price services in inaccessible areas, helicopter service. said Baxt. almost three hour to reach a said Baxt, adding that the - By John Hondros member, who added, earlier proposal included the increase if it were not passed by expansion in the Cuture. of books if the publi hers go "McElroy has final say on what soliciting of girt funds for a new the students until nex t year. "It CalPIRG lists the cost of ahead and lower the discount constitutes a winnine margin. .. gymnasium. However, "the ·would cost $7.20 if we waited building a larger facility at they give us on the retail price. The new facilities, which will Chancellor has a policy of only two, due to skyrocketing "over three million dollars." Right now we can subsidize Undergrad Lab Safety coit 11,001,000, are to be accepting gift funds for one inflation costs." Mores did not indicate that with sweatshirts, etc ... A Matter for Concern

By John Brock lab ." Rea noted, "teaching Office is also a lwClYs available Stall Writer about afety procedures is a to advise anyone about possible Concern about safety in built-in process given by the hazards. UCSD undergraduate labora­ professors and T.A.s in any " From a safety standpoint," tories has re ulted in an effort given course. " noted Rea, " the lab them­ by members of the faculty and When students have ques­ selves are quite well-designed, staff to raise the "safety tions about safety procedures, and are well-maintained. In .0. and UniveBlty Events present T"E consciou ness" of students they should always ask their chemistry labs, for example, here. according to AI Rea, instructors, said Rea. He al 0 fume hoods and drains operate campus Environmental Health pointed out that the Safety (Plea e turn to page 14) and Safety Officer. " There is currently no big problem with teaching lab LAST [)ISC() afety," stated Rea. "But even APIS is now EECS so. we want e\'eryone to be Those wild-€yed Colks wandering about saying " EECS" with Master of Ceremonies thinking about afety so that no aren't talking about unidentified rodent sitings these day - such problem does arise." they're talking about all the gnarly mental work they're doing Sir Monti Rock III Rea said that the Environ­ in their major field . mental Health and Safety EECS is the acrQnym for Electrical Engineering and Services. located on Matthews Computer Sciences, the new name for an established uni versity DANCE campu . advise the adminis­ department. You may know it as APIS. which formerly stood tra l ion on any un aCe practice for Applied Physics and Information Science. au.rdlM1 Pholo by Ken ICrown for or hazardous conditions that it "Mainly. the name was changed to reflect the true nature of Students conduct experiments in a USB chemistry lab. Thousands of $$$ worth of PRIZES!!!! e ncounters. " In undergra d the department," Paul Saltman explains.

1st PRIZE: $100 plus Eric The Red Car Stereo I- GOlD from California Gold & Jewels by Tashne r------~------·--~------,I CLOTHES from Fashion Xpress. Lazy Daisy Boutique. I Rare Earth Boutique. Tower 5 & Quincy's I NAILS by La Difference Free oil change HAlRSMING by Die Modelie I and more from I The Candy Emporium. The Shoe Stable. Hill House Restaurant. with Tune-u'p Specials I plus , ItECOROSfrom RCA. CBS. Electra/Asylum. Casablance & RSO FOR YOUR ZMODELS Everyone Who Enters Winslm vw $27.95 (.-eluding '72 and 1.llr bu... ' 9:00 on I June 2, Saturday, I Blue Aragon Ballroom (you won't believe your eyes!) I Z=$59.95 Datsun $44.95 (Formerly the Gym) I lueluding .. ZH mocs.I. and roed.te,,' G UCSD St. $4.50, GA $5.50 I ALL !'ARTS ANO LA8QR GUARANTEED FOR 2 MOl. a.. 2,DOO MILU UCSD Box Office I TUNE U!' FOR YOUR V.W. OR DATSUN-INCLUDES: PL,UGS, POINTS. VALVE COVER GASKETS. COMPRESSION TEST,ADJUST VALVES. ADJUST CARBURETOf!.CLEAN DISTRIBUTOR, CHECK PLUG 452-4559 I WIREB , SET DWELL AND TIMING. OIL CHANGE, ",ASKETS. OIL FILTER. THE WARREN COLLEGF; PROGRAM BOAR» p...,scnls TIlT .1I1.MlATlOII I 1NC1AL1I.,. IIIICI ,. :~------. CompIIntenlalr VlIIt ow Ceftl." And ... F. Y.,.1f : $5 check G : . WIIJ WI 1iIIlI, ,lie Differ_. "WI> with MCh aenrice performed for future 'lI»i" I till Dlys. Eves • W•• hlldl I .... O.Cente< ------'LEASE PRESENT ABOVE COUPONS BEFORE SERV ______1 21IOQ_n.. A ... '.iflc ..... 921l1li ""- 171.) uo.l. A SPRING DINNER-DANCE S\uto u.s, GRANT HOTEL

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I -., .------.... -_ .. ---- .. _... - -.------_.- The Guardian Fri., May 18, 1979 The Guardian page 7 §eorts Athletes of the Month .Batsman, Cyclist Get April Honors

By Karen Hunter BASEBALL Sports E dilor Jon Di ckinson's sea on A woman cyclist who" has no batting average placed him fear" and a baseball player among the best in the NAIA who batted .500 for thc month of Southern Division this spring, April have been selected as ending with a .380, the best on April's Athletes of the Month. the Triton squad. CYCLING Not bad considering that By "quiet example" Warren Dickinson never got mucl1 junior Susan VanGundy has playing experience at UCSD in led UCSD to an extremely the past. He was cut from the successful season as the team's team in his freshman year but top female cyclist. according to former coach Lyle "She en ters ra ces, rides Olsen's policies, was allowed to hard, and wins, leaving an remain with the team for impressive effect on the rest of workouts, playing in only a few the team," commented cycling games the entire season. The coach Dean Patterson. same thing happened in his " The guys have really helped sophomore year so Dickjnson au._ me," VanGrundy commented. didn't even bother to try out in Cyclist Susan VanGundy and baseball player Jon Dickinson receive athletes of the "In this sport the men are so from IC Athletic Director Judy Sweet_ his junior year. He made the much better than the women, team this year in a starting but the guys took time to help position. me work out. "This was my last year to Metsch Upsets First Seed in P atterson remarked, " Sue give sports a whirl," Dickinson works harder to improve than remarked. "I was sorry I didn't any athlete on our team She continue as a sophomore and Water Polo Finale Set Division III Tennis Nationals works so hard, that as a coach junior - I feel I missed a lot. " I'm sometimes afra id to let her Dickinson commented that veSD·. women'. waler polo learn wraps up standout, Dan Crane, asking if he would be By Henry J. DeVries Bourdland of host Millsaps Metsch advanced to the co ntinue - she never quits." he owes his season' success to III fIn& .... dill Salanlay and Sunday al &be interesled in coaching. Crane agreed and the Staff WI-iter Co llege, 4-6 , 2-6. quarter finals by defeating VanGundy had a victorious .. a lot of hard work and help Sa. Die.. SlIle Women's Waler Polo &earn has been working out &bree nighls a week UCSD's P a ul Metsch David Hardy of Pomona Pitzer pring ea on, winning two from my teammates and T...... ne eleven memben of &be ever since. advanced to the semi-finals The double team of Metsch College Thur day morning 3-6, race and placing second in the coach, but definitely not from Tn... aqaad will face competition from teams today of the NCAA Division III a nd Hein were upset in the first 7·6,6-1. Metsch won his first and prestigious NCAA Western clean living." One member of the UCSD learn, Claudia Nationals at Jackson, Missis­ round Wednesday by Goldberg second round matches in from as far away al Slippery Rock. O'Brien. I s also a member of &be Ju nior N alional United States Intercollegiate Coach Vince Askey re­ Pea.. ylva.... llOI1IIem rival. ve Berkeley, -s ipp i by d efea ti ng the and Chuck Warshaver of straights sets when he defeated Championships. The cyclist's marked that "Jon's hard work Waler Polo leam. As a swimmer on &be 1978-79 tournament's number one seed, Williams College 4-6, 6-0, 4-6. Lee Ellis of Johns Hopkins CIdee Stale. aDd ve Davis, as well as teams . Triton women's learn, O'Brien !let !leveral two wins came in the women's and dedication have finally Martin Goldberg of Williams The Triton doubles team was University 6-1 , 6-0 and Steve ...... die Loa AII.eiel aDd So Dle.o are... !l(hool records. division of the Claremont paid off." TIle learn II.. only been practldnl lOietber Members of the Women's Water Polo College, yesterday afternoon. ranked number seven in the Mallonee of the University of Criterium and the UC Santa Askey cited Dickinson'" lI_e die be,..".. 01 sprIn. quarter afler Crane Is looking for a good showing from the practice. field of 32 going into the the South, 6-0, 6-3. Barbara Criterium. leadership qualities as part Jf approadll •• Intercollellate water polo women in the weekend event. Metsch, who earned All­ tourney. Metsch revenged the "I don't know any other hi s outstanding performance American tennis honors last doubles loss by his co me-from­ Hei n pulled out two close competitive women cyclists at for April. "Jon's leadership year by advancing to the semi­ behind victory over Goldberg in matches on Wednesday to UCSD," Van Gundy remarked. qualities are two-fold: he finals, defeated Goldberg 4-6,7- the following day's singles advance to the third round. "You have to be weird t6 do it. always takes charge when 5, 6-3. Metsch went into the competition. Hein defeated Ba ird Ha ney of Racing is very draining." something needs to be done to tourney as the number eight Tufts University, 7-6, 6-1 and A Chemistry major, Van­ spark the team up and most seed in a field of 64 . John Rosenberg, the third Larry Knopf of Salsbury State Gundy says that to train she importantly, everyone on the Triton to be invited to the University, 4-6, 7-6, and 6-2. " rides with really good Metsch is the only Triton still team has a genuine re pect for national tournament, was Semi-final action will people." To keep in shape over his ability and desire to win ." competing in tournament eliminated in the first round conclude today and the finals the summer she plans to enter action. Billy Hein, the number Askey feels that Dickinson's singles match by Mark will be held Saturday. UCSD is the Red Zinger, an eight day graduation and absence from two seed, lost his third round Goldberg of SUNY-Binghanton also vying for team honors in tage race in Colorado from match yesterday to Mike the team next year will make 2-6, 3-6. the top five. July 21-29 . his job as coach a lot harder. Backgammon for Fun and Profit Touted by Student Promoters By Pam Gold sets and promote tournaments draw - love backgammon." Staff Writer in conjunctio n with the On of the mo t impres ive Bil ckgammon , a game American Backgammon competitors in the San Diego combining the excitement of Players Association a nd area is UCSD's Billy Hein, also Las Vegas and the S9Phisti­ Southern California Backgam­ known for his tennis ability. cation of chess, ha established mon Association. His tou rna­ Ta nzman works with a team itself as more than just a fad of ments range from small club of associates, who assist with E WEEK the rich and dccadent. Drew events to banquet hal1 affair , technicalities a nd act as a Tanzman, soo n to be a graduate a nd are affiliilted with co mplia nc e and practice of UCSD , has been heading an co mmerical establishments board. UCSD students who effort to popularize back­ that provide food and have participated with this gammon in San Diego, making entertainment. Prize money is operation include George Chu, it accessible to anyone who awarded in the various John Murphy III and Vicky ffTHE -WIZ" wants to play . categories, a determined by Whelan, all of whom are "Due to its rapidly increasing ability. exceptional backgammon popularity," says Tanzman, People like backgammon players, faring well in "it's a solid business venture, because "it's an exciting, fast­ competition. yielding both emotional moving game." According to Tanzman is in his fourth year satisfaction and financial Ta nzman, " Quick-thinking, at UCSD, completing a degree THE CAST reward. " logical individuals are usually in economics. This background Tanzman, as acting Director good backgammon player , is useful as he becomes more of the Southern California and tho e participating in involved with sPOltS events and The Tinman Steve Claiborne Backgammon Club, distribute competition .- win, lose, or conc rt promotionals. The Lion John Cox The UCS D Women's Caucus The entry C e i $5, with all In conjunction with the race, The Wizard Anthony Filer First Annual 10-Ki lometer Run entrant receiving race T­ the D Women ' aucu i The Scarecrow Aubrey Fenderson beg ins at 9 am Saturday, June shi rts. Prizes will be gi ven to conducting a forum callcd 2 , in t h e University of the top three winners in each "Women and Running" at 4: 45 Magic M unchkin Chris Washington California, San Diego Medical division . Drawings for Tuesday. May 22. in room 111 The Goodwitch Glenda Allen chool parking lot, 10 ated at addilionlll prizes will b of th Administrative Complex week's Miller Intramural Team of the Week comes to ue from the far-off Anita Hallie Parker the intersection of Gilman and at an Diego. icki Hob on , of OZ. Respl.nd.ntly dr.... d in their yukky y.llow uniforms, "THE Main Munchkin Joan Wallace Myers drives. vice president of the an Diego in their first-.ver att.mpt at Coed Softball have been giving weekly Announcements Dionne Lasarte The race i open to men and Track Club, and a pllnel of lessorlS to the relidents of the Sunday Pick-off League. Dorothy women of all ages. Applications experienced runners will Anthony Filer plaYI "the Wizard" and hitl tape-measure home runs Evilene Janis Carter Ou._ I'l>0l0 b, II... Ho_ for th e 6.2-mile race are due by conducted at the end of the run. di cu running. alarming regularity. Mainstay of the defense is Janie Carter who plays Miss One Terri Archer Drew T ...... IledD. tIfttor ., 'lie SotdIIen e.auorall Wednesday, May 23 . Appli­ The scenic route i' n A The D Women's Caucu , and a s.cond ba•• 100. Theme Song "You Can't Win" Badlpmmoa Club. leU up area back...... &ouDam_w &0 cations can be obta ined at certified our e on r latively i a group of fa ully ,JI1d staff has racked up an impre.sive 5-0 record to date al they approach popularize ,lie pme. va rious sporting goods sto res in flat terroin with one steep hill. women from the univer itl'. Thursday'l cla ..ic championlhip match-up with the powerfu 1SAHARA San Diego or from Women 's Aid stations will be set up at the For more information phone O)u y member _ .' JW("wa.y.poiIIt aed.atttN lint It. J iI 'ki.e.iUtil\llOolt ~ . ~__ ' __ ~7- ______-L __ ~T~h~._G~U~.~d~la~n ______~ ______~ ______~F~ri~. ~,1t~~------T~he~G~u~a~rd~la~n~ ______~~~~9 Special Report: Affirmative Action Special Report: Affirm'ative Action Despite Bakke, U eeps SAAC: Minority Rights Voice Minority Admissi Push First of its Kind in UC B}' JOII Goetz as a fa ctor in admissions. Now Berkeley's programs are Senior Staff Writer Minority groups throug wo rking toward more definitive Frustrated. in Mission Ever since Allan Bakke became nation assailed the ruling ,IS goa ls, Bailey S:lid. "Number one. the focus of a nationwide debate destructionof minoritie ' we' re trying to get more By John Hondro going program, composed of "a over affirmative action programs, in S education. (minorities) . Number two. we're Associate News Editor series of positive and the University of California has Yet the very university trying to get the percentage up to UCSD's Student Affirmative coordinuted activities, in order been thrown into an arena of public precipitated the rul ing what it is in the p 0101' citizenry in Action Committee was "the to bring to the campus and scrutiny a nd concern. retained, revised, even Ca lifornia. Numb r three, we're first affirmative action sustuin an integrated student Last June the US Supreme Court ened its minority admis trying to get a greater percentage organization of its kind in the population, " the manual states. ruled that the Regents or the programs. of regul arly admissa bl e stud ents," UC system - in fact, it was one The Chancellor i respon ible University must a dmit Bakke to the The UC Davis Medical aid Bailey. of the first in the country," for the implementation of all UC Davis Medical School. In a instance, now gives m Future a ffirm:ltive action plans acco rding to Francisco a pects of the CSD SAAC divided agreement, the court ruled applicants an automatic fi such as adding 50 Black engineers Estrada, former member of program. toward the 15needed to rp(,'p' \I"i. at UC B will continue this trend. SAAC. that the Davis policy of "Discrimination Persists" automatical ly restricting 16 consideration for admission. according to Ba iley, although, " it's SAAC , in its third year of percent of its enrollment to even this policy can't draw as pretty hard to definli the words (of existence, defines itself as a vehicle for promoting the rights According to Armitage, "A minority students violated the 1964 minority students to the sellool. Pl:Ist goals) like 'more and better.' lot of money is going toward Civil Rights Act. past years because students We 're spending a lot of bucks. of minority students at UCSD. " If SAAC didn't already exist bringing in minority students; - .. -obyK.. Krown The bench sided, however, with want to be in Allan Bakke's We' re trying to be more effective." SAAC sees to it that their rights according to Dean Lois O'G UC Irvine's program, now here, it would have to be S&lldea&s ...... 1111 a recent meeting of Ibe Student Affirmative Action CommlUee (SAAC), the university's policy of using race a re protected." The UC undergraduate s si milar to the UCSD a ffirmative created," says Vice Chancellor However, committee mem­ admissions policies center action system, operated on a quota of Student Affairs Richard bers believe th at SAAC has not student affirmative a system until 1974. "The time in Armitage. " It's extremely important that minority become visible to the EOP Encourages Low Income programs and the Educ at' which the quotas were set was back a dministration. Opportunity Program (E in the days of political strife student organizations are not divided. They need to move Each campus used a di between minority fac tions," " Within the last 10 years, the approach to attract m explained Director of Admissions together. " situation for Chicano has SAAC , a n advisory commit· Applicants, ·Smooths Way to UC although each must Jame Dunning. steadily worsened at UCSD," tee to A rmitage, is composed of university requirements Out of every 10 minority students remarked Estrada. " While the more than six to six·and·o accepted at that time, four Black. six representatives from the applicants of qualifications minority and lower income number of Chicano students Elloy Villa, SAAC Chairman, By Steve Sclllleider inform them of the admission percent of entering freshm em four Mexican-American and two Asian American Students has gone up , the overall that are not met, and suggests students tend to " talk Alliance, Black Students S&aIf Wri&er requirements at UCSD , Byrd admitted by waiving re students from other minority percentage has dropped from Out of the 1400 students who ways in which the deficiencies themselves out" of going to UC said. " It is possible to lose Union , Disabled Students admissions standards. groups were to be selected. six percent in 1972 to the schools. They automatically legitimate steps to follow - we $40,000 from the Registration have enrolled at UCSD through may be dealt with, Byrd added. eligibility in eighth or ninth UC Berkeley's special " But in 1974 we felt that was no Union. MEChA, the Native present four percent." the Education Opportunity UCSD's EOP program, assume that they lack either grade," he remarked, program, currently under lo nger tenable. The tension American Students Alliance don 't know exactly what todo," Fee Committee, some of which Program, approximately 70 similar to other programs in the academic qualifications or According to Byrd, the plans, illustrates some between minorities had de- and the Women 's Center. Estrada added that the said Villa. is used to hire student interns. SAAC also has its conflicts EOP and the Student Health percent are minorities, the country, began in 1968 with the financial capacity to attend Partnership Program also tries challenges affirmative

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VIIA. __ , • I 0...... ,....10 The Guardian Fri., May 18, 1979 Fri., May 18, 1979 The Guardian page 11 Concerts! Pat Dcmowitz News Allman Brothers Restore Dixie Power Faculty _Club Dry? Construction Near Glider four or [jve tune from the new album. Enlightened Rogues. (Continued from pale I) considering the East Room in New Lineup but the choices were choice. license will be granted, but that Mandeville Center and the including a n ext nded the ABC has to look at each case International Center as Port Gets Board Approval instrumental in the fir ·t encore individually. locations for the club. As Biting As - about 25 minutes of solos and Criteria particularly rele­ Ryer said the committee has By Kathy Hurfer the Board despite initial commercia l a nd housi ng ducts, highlighting drummers vant to a university would not heard from the board of AS!lOCiale News Editor concern by several members development. Original Hit Johilnsen ;lI1d Butch Trucks in include what type of controls directors of the International Plans for construction on that the center would be used Acquired by the Regents in an incredible di play of would be placed on availability Center about the idea, and that both the stables property and a for commercial profit instead 1967 to be used for academic precision and speed and bassist stretch of land bordering of the alcohol, how the business he was not impressed by the of for university functions. pu rposes, the sta ble area would have a confe sion, right Goldflics in a hot solo that UCSD's glider port and a would be operated and whether atmosphere in the East Room. be better suited for private from the start: when would have done any great or not addilJl a second license Ryer said he doesn't know recommendation to retain the But McElroy, an ex-officio development in light of a I they cut me open to find proud. Hi strong technique is university's knoll property all member of the Board, assured would create any further when the committee will decide reduction in UCSD's original out wh at toppcd t icking, even more phenomenal when problema. the spokesman said_ on a location for the club received endorsement Wednes­ members the university would student enrollment estimates, they'll find the musical notation one consider that he' by far The Faculty Club Commit­ although he hopes it will be day from the Board of make certain that whoever is according to McElroy. fo r the All m ;)n Broth e l" the youngesl Brothcr - agcd 22 tee, whicb is chaired by Ryer before the end of the quarter. Overseers. chosen as contractor will While the Board appeared to "J essica" un my hc"lI-t and the to thc mid-30 of Allman and and charged with looking at In three separate voice votes, understand the center is to be support this contention, several " Statesboroug h Blue .. lyric Betts. options for the club, is also the Board overwhelmingly used primarily for academic members argued that 'UC on my brain. purposes. passed the recommendations should sell the property instead In tl'umenta ls predomi­ Minorities during their final meeting of the of retaining it for leasing It wa n't j ust the II man nated. with some really stell ar year. The most contested issue the purposes. But after discussion, Telecom (ConLinued from page 9) Brothers Band th at did the solo work by each of the If Chancellor McElroy Board discussed concerned the the Board voted to accept the ( from pale Z) ('L1!' \'ing, it was the wholc \'ery members. Greg Allman's less than half the population. supports the Board's recom­ conversion of UCSD's stable leasing arrangement with only ripe south e rn - roc k vo als were as ra py-good as extendin, • market oppor­ Although California's minority mendations, as expected, he property into an area for one dissenting vote. tUDitie. in the new tech­ population has grown steadily, will submit the proposals to the move mcnt of thecarl y 70s - thc ever. if not as strong as one noiOlies. Earnest government UC enrollment, except for Regents for preliminary times wh en harlie Daniels might like. However, they were offtd.Ia, meanwhile. extol the Asian-American students, has approval. wrote "The South I Gonna Do compl cmented by the ll ddition traditional virtues of intense never reached proportionate University retention of the Overseers: Town to Gown It Again!" of Bonnie Bra mlett (formerly competition - corporate numbers. knoll property, a 25-acre area of Bonnie and Delaney and innovation that leads to boosted Some scholars like Supreme located off of La Jolla Shores Since the 1973-74 academic year, the UCSD Board of So it was with apprehension Friend ). introduced as " the efficiency, lower cost and new Court Justice Harry Blackman Drive, received unanimous Overseers has provided community input and advice to that I approached Jast Sunday's first Allman Sister." Bram­ services. predict that special admissions Board support after almost no Chancellor William McElroy on non-academic issues faced by Allman Brothers Band concert L. Lo R, Dan Toler, Elvin Bishop. Dickey BellS and David Goldflies in concertat the Sports Arena last lett' voice i as raspy and raw Certainly, deregulation and affirmative action debate. the university. at the Sports Arena. In the three Sunday, as Allman's - but soars over a promises big changes in programs will not be necessary Known especially for its The Board consists of 39 community members who serve one­ and a half years since the "Win, I was unprepared for what-i And that's a sha me. because signature double leads so much wider range of notes. television. Today the industry in the future. As he wrote in the archeological importance, the year terms at McElroy's invitation and eight "ex-officio" Lose or Draw" tour and the got: a band with all the bite and Toler a nd Gold£lies (formerly cleanly you could close your is divided - like Gaul - into Bakke opinion, "At some knoll area will be placed under members directly associated with the university. emotional brea kup of the band ball s that cata pulted them to with Great Southern) have eyes a nd believe that Duane The third and final encore of three parts: ABC, CBS , and time ... the United States will the protection of the uni­ According to P aul West, director of Public Information here, over drug ethics, none of the the front of the Southern Wave. restored the raw power of thi had come back. The Brothers the evening concluded with NBC. But by 1981, cable TV and reach a stage of maturity versity's Natural Land and the Board in <;! ludes such " influential" citizens of the San Diego band 's constituent part have Only two things marred the seminal blues and boogie band. took fine advantage of the "May the Circle Be Unbroken," satellite "superstations" will where such action is no longer Water Reserve System if the community as Theodore Giesel. better known as " Dr. Seuss." done very well. Gregg Allman's pf>l'formance - horrible renaissance to play a lot of the which featured Bramlett and be giving tbe networks a run for necessary. Then persons will be Board' s recommendation The Board was formed to increase community awareness of solo albums have been dull and equalization of the sound old tunes that weren't really brought guitarist Elvin Bishop, their money. regarded as persons, and receives Regental support. UCSD , to provide a means for citizens to make valuable Dickey Retts' Great Southern system early in the show and The new lineup returns the possible with the double whose fairly mediocre band (Michael Singsen is a director of discrimination of the type we A conference center, to be suggestions to the university and to act as a " catalyst" to Band bombed_Sea Level, which Gregg Allman's mumbled band to the two-guitar, keyboa rds, single guitar lineup opened the show. back onstage Public Medio Center, a non-profit address today will be an ugly owned and operated on improve the relationship between the university and the took in a lot of the other band introductions of the band two dru mmer format of the that included Chuck Leavel, for 15 minutes of righteous public interest resource agency in feature of history that is university-leased land, was community, according to goals set by Vice Chancellor of members, has done fairly well members - so unclear it early days, with Toler and songs like "Whipping Post," Dixie revival rock and roll that San Francisco_) instructive but behind us." also strongly supported by Academic Affairs Paul Saltman in 1973 . - but few of those band obscured the na mes of the two Dickey Betts (who seems to "Statesborough Blues" and "In left the musicians and roadies members were origina l latest additions, guitarist Dan have assumed band leader­ Memory of Elizabeth Reed." grinning and the audience Bruthers, with the exception of Toler and bassist David ship) tra ding sizzling olos and roaring: a fine and sati (ying end to an excellent show. Now showing at Henceforth, drumme~ Jai Jonny Johan en. Golcifues. playing tho e Allman Bms. The band included only a bout all ' announcement-type personals will be run In the CINEMA 3 announcements section of our classified advertising. 755-5512 275-0069 These and any regular announcements will ncNI MOVIE DIRECTORY cost~ per 100 lpac.. (I.e. announcements are no WINJ1ER5~~~EMY AWARDS1' longer free). Aztec. 665 5th (239-9239) Unicorn. 7454 La Jolla Blvd .. La Jolla (459- Compul Drive In, 6147 EI Cajon Blvd. (562- Comlno CIMmCI • . 2253 EI Camino Real. Low and Disorder. Clnderello Uberty, and 4341 ) 1717) OceanSide (433-9144) BEST PICTURE -----Thank You. Exit the Dragon. Enter the Tiger. through 5/19 Modo and The Clockmaker cJ Saint Paul. Love at First Bite and Somebody Kltled Her Theater 1: Grease BEST DIRECTOR • BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR lalboa, 4th and E (233-3326) through 5/22 Husband Theater 2: The Deer Hunter Fortune and Men's Eyes. 5/23 Century Twin. 54th and EI C ajon Blvd. (562- Theater 3: Coming Home BEST FILM EDITING • BEST SOUND Dawn of the Dead. The Town That Dreaded Sundown. and Island of Dr. Mareoo 7690) Theater 4: Down 01 the Dead Ctairemonl. 4140 Clalremonl Meso (274- Iroa

Fri. a Sal. May 18-19 CECILIO & KAPONO wim JOHN MTDORF in Tuft.- Sun . May 22-27 SPORTS AllEIIA VIUA6E GEORGE SHEARING mil Spera ~ IIYd, 1113 ~ .....: 222·00n

nut III till ...... In ~ .. th...... Hotel ... r... IIIcanIs May 24-0ne nighl only SOC OFF for UCSD students MAYNARD FERGUSON on the purchase of any platter. BRING YOUR 10. Mon., Mav 28 INTHE ElICpires 5-28-79 MISSION BAY WOODY HERMAN and I". BALLROOM Thundering Herd

Tues. & Wed .• Mav 29. 30 John Travolta Olivia Newton-John SONNY ROLLINS

ThurldlV. May 31 Special double bill acl~a Advance tickets on Sale isthewonl PAPA JOHN CREACH & DAN HICKS 998 Wesl MinIOn loy Dltv. NOW at the BAHIA Hotel, @!I~ 8:00P.M. 488-0551 or call F n .- Sun .. June 1. 2. 3 _ ...... --_ ... ------,.. -. ,. . $8.50 PER PERSON TICKETRON, 565-9947 SARAH VAUGHAN ~ starring RON WOOD KEITH RICHARDS Thursoay. June 7 Stanley Clarke Ian HcLagan "Zlggy" Model1.te BRIAN AUGER Bobby Key •• UM ""dav - Su"d~y. June 8, 9. 10 ...... -~cana *ROY AYERS .,.,.01 s·"••• Join with IXOPie allover the and UBIOUITY STARBOOTY ~ ~WEUlt country who are decidlngto make Traveler find: world peace a reality now. Oming Travel Packs is a creative way we can initiate Luggage a. Totes Monday. J..,np " positive chan~ on a global level Gann.nt Bags TUESDAY,MAY 22 &t8 :OOPID PASSPORT r STUDENT SPECIAL .. and experience new dimensions Luggage Carts call theatres All Seats ae.erved: in cOlllCiousnCIII. Voltage Conv.rters for showtirnes 9.00,8.00 II Men's cuts $10 : ( ... SI5) Money Belts Tir.ket. ovenable It .11 IHll aalltbl.'. m --'...... · • Women'. cuts $13 : This Sunday', OM Circle will be Guide Books a. Maps ~en'. Store., all .r~na tlo~.t outlet., en~ I ~~S~ ~ in APM 2101 at 7:30 eharp. Pluase Books a. Tap4N \.!!~:t£) Travel ACC.UOrt88 the Sports A ren~ Tick.t Offic •• f-.pxt thru May 30 r Doon win clOH at 7:45,10 pleue ___wtth this ~_~ come on lime. PRODUCED IlY, LP.RIH VALLOJi I'R&S£lI'l'S INC. • ,..... fl C_ 1I¥d. 512·7_ 1250 PrOspect A (rcc event sponsored by La Jolla Acccl~.!ed Growth Processes _.oas2 UnlimitC'd 459-8996. The Guardian Fri .• May 18, 1979 Fri .• May 18, 1979 .,..14 rhe Guardian ;,f' page 15 . ...-- ... Brown Wants UC Out of Weapons Lab (Conlinued from page 1) weapon serves as a deterrent." Regents were told that had the 36 Blacks, 30 Asians, 18 known among scholars that the Pitminger added that ·· if you UC Student Body President's new, tougher admissions Chrcanos, two American SATs are biased against lower a dmission sta nd ard to Council representative Kathy standards been in effect this Indians, and one Latino, a total minorities. Anytime you apply let more minority students in, Taylor .sked the Regents-not to year, 211, or 1.7 percent of the of 87 minority students. a single formula to different you will, in the process, let in rega'rd the Buchsbaum 12,374 1978 freshmen would At UCSD , 22 out of 1610 groups , you ' ll h ave a more marginal m aj ority Committee's report "as have been ineligible for admitted freshmen would have disproportionate impact." students ... gospel." She pointed out that admission. been ineligible under the new College Entrance Examina­ The Regents also approved six of the Committee's 15 UC Vice President Donald requirements. Of those 22, 16 tion Board Chair John yesterday a proposal to set members flied a minOrity Swain and Assistant Vice are white, two are Black, one is Pltminger denied the tests are aside nine acres west of North report, protesting the "speed, President Alice Cox said the Chicano, and one is Latino. Two biased against minorities, Torrey Pines Road near UCSD secrecy, and lack of public. new standards, which place declined to state their race. saying that " although evidence as a conference center. The input with which the Commit­ more emphasis on Scholastic The new standards will not indicates that minorilies score University intends to lease the IMPOSSIBLE PAPER due too .00n1 Female roommate wonted. 2 bedroom SCU RI TRAINEE POSITION NOW OPEN. Call Profeuionol .ducator/ writer / r.learch.r tee carried out Its Investiga­ Aptitude Test scores and less on take effect until next fall . lower on the tests, the tests area Cor 55 years, renting it out hou.e in North Pork. Call 297·0787. (5/25) x391 7 or check at student employment. can h.lp you put it log ether. Call Andrea, 15/1 8) Classifieds 488-3084 or 298·8111. tion." high school grade point Regent Renee Tu rkell , combines with high school to organizations wishing to use ( ~ / 21 ) Stop comploining abou t uneventful weekends and make this a trul), dead Taylor told the Regents .that averages, would have had the protesting the Regents' GPAs can predict students' it. Typing IBM Term Pope,. The.e., etc. Earn S - Men, ages 18·40. n.eded for weekend with the Groteful Dead movie on If they do not make a decision effect of making ineligible for decision of last year to toughen a bility to do university-level The Regents ' meeti ng Reo.onable rate •. Mrs . Old. 455.0127. p.ych OKpe rimen" In La Jolla. PI ..... call PERSONAls SERViCES Friday 5· 18 and the Fes.ival (6/ 8) 452·4750 & leave name. (6/ 8) on whether to !lever ties with UC admissions no whites and the standards said, " It's well work. " concl ud es tod ay. J08s! on Saturday 5· 19. Be ing dead was never so Mole Professional: j n ter est~d in 0 the labs by the end of today's LAKE TAHOE , CA LIf! fanta.tic tip.1 SI ,700 E.perf editing' typing: Theses, reports, et 01. fun. marriage minded female for dote ~ . Call 54,000 su mmer! Thousands still needed. IBM Mag II Memory EC'uip . VillAGE session, "there will be people 583·2475 aher 5 pm. (5/ 30) ltouSiNG, here who will non-violently. Co sinos, Restaurants, Ranches, Cruises. SECRETARIAT 454.9061. (6/ 8) TRAVEl Lab Safety Practices Worry 'Faculty Send $3.95 for APPLICATION/ INfO. '0 person How does a Cub Scout become 0 Boy Scout? Female wonted for cohabitafion in demonstrate by askllll you to LAKEWORLD, 80.60129. Socramen.o, CA A5k Moonho or Jim at th e Saturday TYPING: J6M, Term Papen, Dissertations, CA RIBBEAN CRUISE Augus. 18 .hru 25, Clairemon. house. $1 15/ month. 272·7737. donee 95860. (5 /1 8) exit over their prostrate (Con,IDued from page 5) procedures." using open flames right next to what was taught. "Last nIght! 0, ask a brownie ... RUSH JOBS. 453·0656, 560·8171. Group Ra'e, call Ruby 263·8240 after 5:00 May 28. Need I·BO Apt. F/ Uf, M. To M. or Ie.,... bodies." at a better efficiency rate than Jay Rosenberg, Revelle a flammable chemical," he quarter," Lee said, " I TA 'ed a Mode to order rubber stomps. Stomp 452· 1588. (6/ 8) Chucky, fly wi th me 10 Jupiter. Hal and anyth,ng 452·9768 $1. 25 per Itne 4922 Mt. Wilh in 3M from campu •. Aher Jun. " . Ph. Other than Saxon, Relents in almost any other institu­ junior in chemistry, believes said, adding, " Fortunately , synthesis lab,with huge batches Dove will go if you will. C Typ ,ng - Marilyn would like.o fulf ill your RIders to New York needed . Shore ex poand 452·748B, Leave a message. (5/21) who support the University'S tion." He added, "Unfor­ that the beginning lab courses things have improved greatly oC chemicals. This quarter An.e ra SO 9211 1 16/ 8 \ ,yping needs - expert, reasonable. has driving. Leaving Jun. 17. 465· 1094. (5/ 25) this quarter, at least Crom what we're doing a na lytical work, Oa n P. Happy Birthday. Is ,t more fun.o b e IBM ; call 27()'672S (5/25) Del Mar Beoch Hau.e avail July 1 10 June mana,ement of the labs tunately, some lab classes are were much less safe because of e g enius? C OASIS Wri ting Ce nte r prOV ides help with '80. 4 bdrm furn i. hed, S660/ mo. Call (213) remained silent yesterday. too crowded, and this can lead student inexperience. I've seen." and even just because oC a ny kind o f writing problem. IndIvidual TYPING: IBM CO".

LAST SUMMER? All current and former OASIS tutors are invited to join in the "If 08Bh rather than oacb8t is the m&1n cons1deratiOn, they could hardly do CURRENT JUNIORS better than to SIgn on with Nashv1lle's Southwestern Co." Tlme Mag. June 25, 1973 TUTOR BASH Summer jobs available fOl' current Juniors majoring in Information Science. '''lWo SUIJUDel'S with 8out.hwestBrn has got to be worth more tha.n the fiYp1C&l \.Ul1wrs1ty eduoat1on to the suooess of young people." Sunday, June 3rd - beach barbeque SAl COMSYSTEMS is searching for exceptional. versatile college students IM"IO would Georgia State Unlver.lty Sign up NOW in the OASIS UNDERGROUNDIi! like an opportunity to acquire experience In the business world. We offer challenging summer positions In a stimulating and Innovative atmosphere. 'Your experience in worldng in the Southwestern program should prove rewa.rding in & w1de variety of WQB, both now and In the future." 50 Chu rch society or 12 Terrifying ACROSS U.s. Senetor How.d Bilker SAl Comsystems Corporation, headquartered In San Diego, is a leading performer In oven brand 15 Walter - Dis ney the high technology software development and software 5elV1ces marketplace. We 1 Polo division 51 Sports league 16 Peasants of India 8 Treble symbol 52 Ending for concert 21 Kha rtoum' s river ''Southwestern was one of the most Important exper18nces of m.v coll8ge offer local and nationwide opportunities. (2 wds.) 53 Like a diehard 25 University in New oa.reer." . Carto. Montalvo, Pre ..dent ASUCSD 13 Press - 55 You : Ger . York 14 Prince or 56 Phony one 27 Arrogant SPACES STILL AVAILABLE If you have the desire to take part In the growth and expansion we mountain 58 Sea off Australia 29 As well "It. also will be an extremely promable summer for many of the students, see ahead, we'd like to have you on our team. For consideration, 17 Navigation dev ices 60 Heaven Iy 33 I : Ger. 18 With dander up 61 Office tenns who wW. ea.rn an &veN«e of t2,777"." for the please send your transcripts or a summary of your courses and 34 Like a play . Special Summer Program 19 Consumed 62 Little girl ingre­ 36 Foolish -, The Well Street Joumal Aug. 4, 1978 grades In confidence to: 20 Noi se from nature dient famous hOrse at the Revelle Res Halls 22 So uth American 63 Ho st irritable 37 Ocean blazes Don't just spend this summer, invest it. For more information about our resort (2 wds .) 23 Rocky pinnacle DO 39 - languages summer program send your name, address, phone number and 24 Boxer - Griffith WN 40 Biblical brother 25 Room to swing - Its capi t al Is 42 Post-season foot- school you attend to: Apply at 206 Admln'n"_ Complex 26 Novel is t Murdoch Zagreb ball "team " SUMMER WORK OR CALL 28 l..-,avably per- 2 Bull ied 43 Bryant or Loos SAl COMSVSlEMS CORPORAlION sistent 3 Kind of motive 44 Shoot a TV closeup BOX 1553 297-8022 30 Very lang tltne 4 Mauna - (2 wds.) For on-campus students that are eligible, 2801 Camino del Rio South. Dept. BT 31 " - newt. •. " 5 Intanuel - 45 Ape s . for short LA JOLLA, CA 92037 FOR APPOINTMENT the rate is $408 (room and 10 meal/week plan). 32 Legal right 6 " Iss WIllla~s 46 Latent SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 35 African villages 7 CurriculUt1 vitae 47 - cow COMSYSTEMS 38 Yellowish plgtllent 8 .. Fi when ready, 53 Arias ~"~"~--P-'-~" CORPORATION AnN. M5. JAN SANBORN "! For off-campus students, $574 (room and ~1 Holte of P.,.wnldes 54 Make like I 10 meal / week plan). ~3 Deification 9 Welt out of control picture M Equal Opportunity Emploo,

• production (paste-up) workers • distributors (on and off campus) • staff writers • photographers • office managers • a part-time bookkeeper \ and morel Call 452-3467 for more Information, or drop by our offices In the Student Center.