Born: Anjeze Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, August 26, 1910 Died: September 5, 1997 The Parish of Canonized: September 4, 2016 SAINT MOTHER TERESA OF CALCUTTA Sacred Heart Saint Francis Founded 1912 Founded 1909 301 Ann Street • Newburgh, NY 12550 145 Benkard Avenue • Newburgh, NY 12550
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[email protected] Phone: 845-561-2264 • Fax: 845-562-7144 October 18, 2020 Mass Schedule Mass Schedule Saturday ------------------------------------------ 5:30 pm Saturday ------------------------------------------4:00 pm Sunday ----------------------- 10:00 am & 12:00 noon Sunday ---------------- 8:30 am & 1:30 pm (Spanish) Monday-Saturday ------------------------------ 9:00 am Monday-Friday ----7:00 am (Communion Service) & 12:00 noon Confessions Saturday --------------------------------- 4:30 - 5:15 pm Confessions Saturday --------------------------------- 3:00 - 3:45 pm Holy Days ------------------------------ As announced Parish Staff Baptisms Rev. William Damroth, Pastor BapƟsms are celebrated twice a month. Rev. John Antony, Parochial Vicar Please arrange for the obligatory preparaƟon Msgr. Peter Tran Van Phat, ReƟred session by calling the Rectory. Lawrence Kawula, Deacon Peter R.C. Haight, Deacon Marriage John Hanley, Deacon Engaged couples should contact the Rectory Jack Seymour, Deacon Rest in Peace Sister Alba Danese, FMI, Pastoral Assistant at least six months in advance. Diocesan Sister Anna Sasso, FMI, Pastoral Assistant regulaƟons require a marriage preparaƟon Sister Laura Urbano, PBVM, Pastoral Assistant program for all couples. Padre’s Corner (Reprinted from May 17, 2020 Bulletin) October 18, 2020 TWENTY NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME “”WINNINGEST COACH” DON SHULA, A DEDICATED CATHOLIC DIES AT AGE 90 Aleteia / John burger / May 4, 2020 The Miami Dolphins’ record-setting leader was the product of a Jesuit education and later became a generous supporter of Catholic Schools.