Church Bells
18 Church Bells. [Decem ber 7, 1894. the ancient dilapidated clook, which he described as ‘ an arrangement of BELLS AND BELL-RINGING. wheels and bars, black with tar, that looked very much like an _ agricultural implement, inclosed in a great summer-house of a case.’ This wonderful timepiece has been cleared away, and the size of the belfry thereby enlarged. The Towcester and District Association. New floors have been laid down, and a roof of improved design has been fixed b u s i n e s s in the belfry. In removing the old floor a quantity of ancient oaken beams A meeting was held at Towcester on the 17th ult., at Mr. R. T. and boards, in an excellent state of preservation, were found, and out of Gudgeon’s, the room being kindly lent by him. The Rev. R. A. Kennaway these an ecclesiastical chair has been constructed. The workmanship is presided. Ringers were present from Towcester, Easton Neston, Moreton, splendid, and the chair will be one of the ‘ sights ’ of the church. Pinkney, Green’s Norton, Blakesley, and Bradden. It was decided to hold The dedication service took place at 12.30 in the Norman Nave, and was the annual meeting at Towcester with Easton Neston, on May 16th, 189-5. well attended, a number of the neighbouring gentry and clergy being present. Honorary Members of Bell-ringing Societies. The officiating clergy were the Bishop of Shrewsbury, the Rev. A. G. S i e ,— I should be greatly obliged if any of your readers who are Secre Edouart, M.A.
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