PARISH COUNCIL Chair Clive Abbott, Hassage House, Faulkland, , BA3 5XG [email protected] Clerk Nicola Duke, 6 Shetland Close, Westbury, , BA13 2GN, [email protected]

Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 8th November 2017 at The Palairet Hall, Norton St Philip at 7.00 pm.

Present: Cllr C Abbott (Chair), Cllr J Scarrow, Cllr G Hitchins, Cllr M Walker, Cllr Eastment and Cllr B Lund.

In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk) and 5 members of the public.

Public Participation Mrs Lucy Trott – spoke regarding agenda item 7925(c) re: pedestrian crossing at Bell Hill. It was noted that the school was currently without a lollipop person but it was also noted that the lollipop service did not cover pre-school hours. Mrs Trott reported that parents had expressed concern at the dangers of crossing Bell Hill with small children, due to the speed and volume of the traffic and asked for consideration to be given to a zebra or pelican crossing to address this problem. Cllr Scarrow confirmed that she shared the concerns raised and reported that the issue had been discussed at a recent governor’s meeting. She expressed concern that the 20 mph limit was not slowing the traffic down as it came into the village. Cllr Eastment reported that there were technical issues relating to the installation of any pedestrian crossing. He reported that the lollipop lady had left her post due to safety concerns. He also reported that the speed indicator device had been installed at the bottom of Bell Hill and the data would be extracted and reported to the and to Highways. He stated that speed bumps were not an option as they could not be installed on an ‘A’ road. It was agreed that the parish council would approach the Highways department at County Council to report the gravity of the issue and ask for its suggestions. Cllr Eastment suggested that a site visit from Highways department officers would be useful. He reported that he was meeting with the new Head of Road Safety for and would raise the issue.

Parish Reports  District and County Councillor report – Cllr Oliver had sent apologies for absence due to a conflicting engagement at County Hall and had provided a report, which was circulated and is appended to the minutes.  Police report – had been previously circulated via email and was noted. Cllr Eastment reported that the next meeting was due to take place in January 2018 and would be held in .


7915 Apologies for Absence None

7916 Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate None.

7917 Minutes a) The minutes of a previous meeting of the Council held on 12th October 2017 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Lund, seconded Cllr Walker). b) Matters arising from the above meeting - the Chair spoke to minute reference 7909 and asked for clarification as to the reasoning behind consulting on the location for the defibrillator, which was given by Cllr Walker as being lack of background information. It was noted that the telephone kiosk may now be a potential location.

7918 Council Reports  Chair’s announcements – the Chair reported a conversation he had held with a representative from Lochailort regarding the leylandii trees and the path steps at the Fortescue Fields development. The Chair had asked for a reply to his letter of 25 August to Mr Haig and had requested a site meeting with Lochailort representatives to find a solution.  Parish Clerk – provided an update on quotes for a replacement noticeboard at Lane (minute reference 7895 refers) and reported that a parishioner had contacted her for a specification. Final quotes would be available for consideration at the December Council meeting. Member reports  267 bus services –Cllr Scarrow had provided a report which is appended to the minutes. Members discussed the provision of bus shelters and it was noted that the narrowness of the pathway and low user numbers appeared to prohibit these.  Parish Path Liaison Officer – Vivienne Bolton reported: o A meeting of the Rights of Way group was scheduled for Friday 10th November in the Palairet Hall. This would look at the ‘Adopt a Path’ schemes and the associated risk assessment documents. The routes which needed to be applied for a definitive map modification order (DMMO) would also be discussed and prioritised. o A copy of the s106 agreement had been provided as the Fortescue Fields footpaths had not been registered on the definitive map. This had been circulated with the relevant officer’s response, which confirmed that the s 106 agreement had not created a new right of way and was not classed as a ‘legal event’. Ms Bolton reported it was likely the paths were classed as ‘permissive paths’ and could therefore be removed by the landowner. o Bina Ford had lodged a s31.6 notice on Shepherds Mead to protect the land from gaining public rights of way. Ms Bolton suggested that the route linking the Tellisford Lane stile to the opposite stile could be added as an application for a DMMO. This would require the provision

of user evidence. It was noted that this would be available from the village green application evidence. o It was reported that the Government was considering releasing green belt land for development and would be making a statement within the next two weeks.  Sustainable Norton St Philip –Cllr Lund had provided a report which is appended to the minutes. Cllr Lund thanked the Church Mead Committee for its support of the recycling efforts at the Bonfire Night. Cllr Scarrow reported that the initiative from the group had resulted in a real improvement in the management of waste from the event. Attention was drawn to the arrangements for the litter pick event on 22nd November 2017, which would focus on the village centre.  Church Mead Committee - Cllr Scarrow had provided a report which is appended to the minutes.  Palairet Hall –Cllr Eastment reported that a meeting of the Mansgement Committee was scheduled for the end of November 2017.  Traffic Action Group – it was noted that the TAG issues would be dealt with under agenda item 7923 – Highways. Cllr Scarrow spoke to the yellow lines in the village and noted that the additional yellow lines were forcing cars to park in neighbouring streets, causing congestion. She stated that she felt an impact assessment of any further yellow lines needed to be undertaken. Members discussed this issue and felt that this required further encouragement to parishioners to park considerately.

7919 Planning applications 2017/2910/TCA - Underhill 3 Fair Close Norton St Philip BA2 7LD - Proposed works to trees in a conservation area – Support (proposed Cllr Walker, seconded Cllr Hitchins). 7920 Planning decisions, appeals and enforcements Members noted the previously circulated planning and enforcement decisions, notices and updates.

Planning Application 2017/0779-Fair Close –the Council’s Planning Group had been working on issues relating to the roof and Cllr Hitchins had circulated an email from the applicant, who had reported that the roof should darken with age and that the architect was due to respond regarding the height increase over that approved by MDC. The increase in height appeared to be about 30 cm. It was agreed to reflect on this when the awaited information from the applicant’s surveyor had been received. Cllr Hitchins would keep the applicant informed.

7921 Financials  Council expenditure as listed was approved (proposed Cllr Eastment, seconded Cllr Walker):

Payee Detail and statutory power Amount Chq no

N Duke WFHA and expenses October £29.47 1719 LGA 1972 s 112 HMRC PAYE October £177.60 1720 LGA 1972 s 112 Palairet Hall Council hall hire £30.00 1721 LGA 1972s 133 Palairet Hall ‘Drop In’ Lunch Group – hall hire £40.00 1721 LGA 1972s 133 Open Spaces Society Annual subscription £45.00 1723 LGA 1972 s 111 HMRC N. I. October £24.98 1722 LGA 1972 s 112

 The Financial Position Report to end of October 2017 had been circulated to members and was noted.  Grant Applications – members considered the following grant applications a. Friends of St Leonards Church, – a copy of the application had been circulated to members and it was resolved to grant the application in the amount of £550 (proposed Cllr Abbott, seconded Cllr Lund) (Budgetary provision – Revenue, Grants) (Statutory authority – LGA 1972 s 137) (Cheque number 1724). b. Hardington Vale Rights of Way Group to hire premises for meetings up to March 2018 – the Chair spoke to this application and it was proposed by Cllr Scarrow, seconded by Cllr Walker and resolved to allocate the sum of up to £50 for hall hire at the Palairet Hall. The clerk would arrange for the Council to be invoiced direct for these hall hires.  Bus timetable – it was resolved to allocate funds up to £150 to enable the preparation of a bespoke 267 timetable for the parish (proposed Cllr Hitchins, seconded Cllr Lund). 7922 Neighbourhood Planning Members received a report from Cllrs Hitchins and Lund on a meeting with Planning Policy at Council (previously circulated) and members considered whether the parish council wished to commence the preparation of a Neighbourhood Plan for Norton St Philip.

Following debate it was proposed by Cllr Hitchins that the Parish Council embarks on the initial stages of the preparation of a Neighbourhood Plan for Norton St Philip (the village of Norton St Philip in the first instance, the precise area to be designated as the Neighbourhood Plan to be kept under review). This was seconded by Cllr Lund and resolved. (Localism Act 2011).

It was noted that public meetings would need to be arranged to advertise this intention and that the neighbourhood area would need to be designated. Grant applications would also be required. It was agreed that Cllr Hitchins would prepare a draft information sheet on neighbourhood planning for issue to the public. This draft would

be shared with Cllrs Abbott and Lund. The Chair suggested that the clerk be given the delegated authority to convene a public meeting as soon as practicable. It was noted that Jo Milling, Planning Policy Officer at Mendip District Council, would be invited to attend. It was noted that the project would need administrative support and the Chair suggested that this could be taken on by the parish clerk, and could be funded externally. Cllr Hitchins would look into obtaining funding for this.

It was proposed by Cllr Abbott, seconded by Cllr Hitchins and resolved to add a budget heading for Neighbourhood Planning to the parish council budget in the amount of £2,500. (Localism Act 2011).

7923 Highways – reports from Cllr Eastment had been previously circulated by email. a) Highways issues relating to the s278 agreement on Fortescue Fields – a meeting had been arranged for Tuesday 14th November although it was noted the arrangements for the meeting were still to be confirmed (as to location and attendance). b) Small Improvement Scheme (SIS) for the area around Hart’s Forge/ The Cut/ Farleigh Road – Cllr Eastment spoke to this agenda item, providing members with background to the issue and speaking to the preferred option for the installation of speed cushions at Harts Forge and along Farleigh Road. Somerset Highways would now report back with final drawings on this scheme, which would need to be approved by the parish council before being taken forward. Cllr Eastment confirmed that funds were also available to address problems with The Cut (speeding and access to the Farleigh Road). c) Cllr Eastment’s meeting with Somerset Highways Officers – Chris Betty and Jeff Bunting and Linda Oliver on 27th. October at Highways Office, Dunball, Bridgewater – notes of the meeting had been circulated and were noted.

7924 Former Roman Catholic (RC) Church Standing Orders were suspended at this point to enable Ms Bolton to take part in the debate, as a member of the RCC working group. The Chairman tabled a report on the possibility of a lease being offered on the former RC Church, which was discussed. Following debate the recommendations contained in the report were adopted (proposed Cllr Lund, seconded Cllr Scarrow):

 That the parish council explore the possibility of a lease for the former RC Church  If there is a lease, the lessor would be a community group, not the PC  In the event of a lease, the RCC should be used principally for activities over and above those which take place at the Palairet Hall  Potential members of a lessor group should be sought immediately  The parish council would explain the offer at an early public meeting  The type of body, and its constitution, should be for the lessor group  The parish council should consider a grant of up to £5,000 in the first year

The RCC working group would take the actions forward and the Chairman would provide additional support. At this point Standing Orders were re-instated.

7925 Correspondence a) re: salt bag collection day 2017/2018 and winter services 2017/2018 – Cllr Walker agreed to collect the available 10 x 20kg salt bags and deliver throughout the parish. The clerk was asked to notify the Frome depot that Cllr Walker would be attending. Members were asked to check the grit bins and advise the clerk if any needed to be filled. b) Andy Linegar re: broadband provision in Norton St Philip –Cllr Hitchins reported that he had been advised by BT that there was ample capacity in the Faulkland cabinet supplying Norton St Philip. It was noted that Mr Linegar had now been able to attain an improved broadband provision. c) Lucy Trott re: pedestrian crossing on Bell Hill – this issue had been discussed during the public consultation period and the course of action agreed. The parish council would write to Somerset County Council to outline the issues and seek assistance. The Chair would prepare a draft letter and circulate for comment before issue.

7926 Parish Magazine Items for inclusion in the copy for the next Parish Magazine were agreed as:  Public Rights of Way – to be drafted by Ms Bolton and shared with the Clerk  Neighbourhood Plan public meetings  Broadband capacity in Norton St Philip (Cllr Hitchins to provide the clerk with information on this issue)

7927 Meeting schedule Members noted the date of the next meeting as Wednesday 13th December 2017 at 7.00 pm at the Palairet Hall, Norton St Philip. It was agreed that the clerk would include the potential use of the telephone kiosk for the defibrillator on the agenda for the December meeting and Cllr Hitchins would liaise with Karen Bird (project initiator) accordingly.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9. 20 pm.