Rodent Consumption in


Kanokwan Suwannarong1,2 and Robert S Chapman2

1FHI 360, Asia-Pacific Regional Office (APRO), ;2 College of Public Health Sciences, University, Bangkok, Thailand

Abstract. Rodents are important reservoirs of rodent-borne infections worldwide, including Southeast Asia and Northeast Thailand (Isaan), where rodent con- sumption may be a source of rodent-borne diseases. The behavior of consuming rodents is related to a population’s traditions, knowledge, cultural, and house- hold contexts, among other factors. This cross-sectional survey was conducted in Khon Kaen Province, Thailand during November-December 2011. It aimed to elicit information about rodent consumption among residents of this province, and to identify factors associated with rodent consumption there. Multiple logis- tic regression analysis indicated that male gender, large family size, and use of rainwater as the main source of drinking water were positively associated with reported rodent consumption in this province, while having proper knowledge/ attitudes towards animal-borne disease was negatively associated. These results provide evidence-base information for further studies, such as participatory ac- tion research, to further explore how people interact with rodents in different contexts. Further research is also needed to characterize risk of zoonotic diseases in relation to rodent consumption. Keywords: Akaike’s Information Criteria (AIC), Emerging Pandemic Threats (EPT) program, PREVENT Project, rodent-borne disease, rodent consumption, Thailand

INTRODUCTION Project, implemented by FHI 360, is one of projects under the EPT program and The United States Agency for Inter- has been tasked with understanding and national Development (USAID) launched addressing the risk of transmission at the an Emerging Pandemic Threats (EPT) interface of human-animal behaviors. program in 2009 with the main objective PREVENT focuses largely on bats, of combatting any zoonotic emerging non-human primates, and rodents, as diseases that could be harmful to human these are the types of animals that have health (USAID, 2013). The PREVENT most frequently been implicated in the transmission of zoonotic diseases to hu- Correspondence: Kanokwan Suwannarong, FHI 360, 130-132 19th Floor, Tower 3, Sindhorn mans. PREVENT has launched research Building, Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok activities in several regions of the world, 10330, Thailand. including a wide-ranging study to under- Tel: +66 (0) 81 717 5572 stand and quantify human exposure to E-mail: [email protected]; kanokwan animals. Quantifying exposure will help [email protected] to determine which human populations

Vol 45 No. 5 September 2014 1209 Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health are at greatest risk of contracting emerg- water contaminated by rodent urine and/ ing infectious diseases and what types of or feces, handling of dead infected rodents interventions could reduce this risk. (especially while hunting, slaughtering, or Rodents are the largest group of butchering them), or contamination with mammals worldwide (Singla et al, 2008). saliva after being bitten while trying to They are considered an important dis- capture them. ease reservoir species with potential to The consumption of ‘wild foods’ is impact the human economy and public an integral part of people’s eating habits health, locally and internationally (Mills in many societies and is closely related and Childs, 1998; Meerburg et al, 2009). to populations’ traditions, knowledge, Several studies have shown that rodents cultural, and household contexts (Setala- act as reservoirs for at least 60 zoonotic phruk and Price, 2007). Rodent consump- diseases (Mills and Childs, 1998; Mills, tion is common in many Asian communi- 2005; Taylor et al, 2008). These diseases ties, including some in rural northeast include leptospirosis (Gratz, 1973; Bunnag Thailand, where knowledge of wild food et al, 1983; Tangkanakul et al, 2000, 2001, resources and hunting-gathering practices 2005; Kawaguchi et al, 2008; Victoriano has been passed from generation to gener- et al, 2009), hantavirus (Gamage et al, ation. This human activity has been found 2011), scrub typhus (Lerdthusnee et al, to be a cause of certain rodent-borne 2008), plague (Limpakarnjanarat, 1987; disease infections. For example, a study Walker, et al, 1996; Davis et al, 2005; conducted in the Republic of Guinea sug- Meerburg et al, 2009), parasitic diseases gested that rodent consumption is a risk (Shih et al, 1997), Lassa virus (Ter Meulen factor for rodent-to-human transmission et al, 1996; Meerburg et al, 2009), and food of the Lassa virus (Ter Meulen et al, 1996). poisoning (Oosterom, 1991). Because there is limited knowledge The incidence of rodent-borne dis- and few published papers on rodent con- eases has increased during recent decades; sumption among humans, especially in for example, leptospirosis (Tangkanakul Thailand and Southeast Asian countries, et al, 2000). Incidence is evidently related to increased attention should be devoted to rodent abundance, population dynamics, this area (Cosson et al, 2014). In response dispersal of rodents to human habitations, to this need, the present cross sectional and behavioral human-rodent interac- study was conducted in November- tions (Ostfeld and Holt, 2004). Diseases December 2011. can be spread from rodents via direct The study aimed to characterize and indirect routes (Meerburg et al, 2009). rodent consumption among Khon Kaen Pathogens (such as viral, bacterial, or pro- residents who lived in urban, agricultural, tozoan) exit a rodent host, either in excreta and forest settings. The study also aimed (feces, urine, or saliva) or through the bite to identify characteristics associated with of a blood-sucking arthropod. the likelihood of consuming rodents. They can enter a new host (either ro- In this effort, the study addressed four dent or human) through inhalation (Meer- research questions: 1) How important burg et al, 2009), skin puncture (Ostfeld are socio-demographic characteristics as and Holt, 2004), human consumption as determinants of rodent consumption, 2) food products (Ter Meulen et al, 1996) that How important are environmental char- are not thoroughly cooked, contact with acteristics as such determinants, 3) How

1210 Vol 45 No. 5 September 2014 Rodent Consumption in Thailand important are behavioral characteristics as such de- terminants, and 4) How important is the cultural 4 context as such a determi- 3 2 nant? The results of this 1 study are expected to ad- vance the understanding of frequency and deter- minants of various forms of contact with rodents in the PREVENT study areas. Ultimately, it is ex- pected that findings will contribute to interventions to reduce rodent contact in ways that will reduce Urban setting: 1 Mueang District risk of zoonotic diseases. Agriculture setting: 2 Phu Wiang and 3 Wiang Khao Distircts The present report focuses Forest setting: 4 Phu Pha Man District on frequency of, and as- sociations with, rodent Fig1–Maps of Thailand and Khon Kaen Province (with districts consumption. Characteris- selected per setting). tics associated with other forms of rodent contact (eg, contact while province, including: a) urban (Mueang inside or outside homes), and with contact District) and b) non-urban (agriculture with animals other than rodents, will be and forest: Phu Wiang, Wiang Khao, and reported elsewhere. Phu Pha Man districts) (Fig 1). Respondents MATERIALS AND METHODS Respondent selection criteria were as Study design and setting follows: males or females, 18-50 years old, This study was a cross-sectional sur- and those who had stayed in the study vey that focused on rodent consumption areas continuously for at least six months among residents of Khon Kaen Province before data collection. A two-stage cluster in northeastern Thailand during Novem- sampling procedure was utilized. In the ber-December 2011. The study elicited first stage, villages were selected ran- information on all types of interactions domly using probability proportional to with wild and domestic animals, includ- size (PPS) sampling. In the second stage, ing rodents. Thailand was selected for the independent male and female samples study because there have been increasing from the households in each village were reports of emerging, re-emerging, and selected by systematic sampling, with rodent-borne zoonotic infections in the different random starts. country. The study focused on residents In the field, two separate teams in- who lived in different settings within the terviewed the men and the women. In

Vol 45 No. 5 September 2014 1211 Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health each village, households were selected come: rodent consumption in the month by systematic random sampling, using or year preceding data collection. a random starting point and a specified Twenty-two independent variables interval between households. Each team were considered in the analysis. The used a predetermined walking route that selections of the independent variables covered the entired village so that all were based on literatures, which in- households in each village had an equal dicated that potential factors such as chance of being included in the survey. socio-demographic (eg, age, gender, types The route was determined by using vil- of occupation, and economical status) lage maps provided by local health offices. (Assogbadjo et al, 2005; Setalaphruk and Starting with the first household of each Price, 2007; Navegantes de Araujo et al, sample and walking the predetermined 2013; Suwannarong et al, 2014), behavioral route, the lead survey team screened for (eg, cultivation-related tasks) and environ- eligible respondents in the households. In mental factors (eg, household types) (Wat- households with more than one eligible son et al, 2014) as well as cultural context adult, one adult was selected using a Kish factors (eg, knowledge of leptospirosis) grid table (Kish, 1965), which essentially (Navegantes de Araujo et al, 2013), might gave an equal probability of selection to be associated with rodent contact, rodent the eligible respondents in each village. consumption and rodent-borne disease in- Data collection tools and procedures fections (eg, hantavirus and leptospirosis). Trained field researchers conducted Of these, nineteen were dichotomous face-to-face interviews using a standard- and three were continuous. For each ized questionnaire to collect information dichotomous variable, the comparison on rodent consumption, socio-demo- group was described first, followed by graphic, and other descriptive character- the reference group. The numbers and istics from the study respondents. A pilot percentages of participants in the com- test was conducted among 30 respondents parison group were also given. who lived in Khon Kaen, but who were Socio-demographic information: Age not the same as the respondents, to test [>mean age of 36 years (60, 53.1%) vs ≤36 the validity and precision of the translated years]; Gender [male (74, 65.5%) vs fe- questionnaire and the correct understand- male]; Area of residence [non-urban (for- ing of each question. est and agricultural 102, 90.3%) vs urban]; Study variables Education [≥secondary school (47, 41.6%) Respondents were asked what kinds vs other]; Occupation reported as farmer of animals, including rodents, they had (64, 56.6%) vs other; Has a car [yes (49, consumed in the month and year prior 43.4%) vs no]; Marital status [married and to data collection. Aside from the con- cohabiting (87, 77.0%) vs other]; Family sumption, the respondents were also size [≥6 people (46, 40.7%) vs <6 people]. asked about contacts with rodents while Environmental information: Has working crops and encountered with flush toilet (10, 8.9%)vs other; Household crops; however, this current paper is only waste disposal [waste is collected (37, focused on rodent consumption. 32.7%) vs other]; Main drinking water Responses to these two questions source in all seasons is rainwater (103, were combined into a single binary out- 91.2%) vs other sources; Animals have

1212 Vol 45 No. 5 September 2014 Rodent Consumption in Thailand access to drinking water [yes (35, 31.0%) sion model was constructed. This model vs no]; Main cooking fuel [biomass (74, included all independent variables for 65.5%) vs other]; Dwelling has wooden which p<0.15 in bivariate analysis. In floor [yes (42, 37.2%) vs no]; Dwelling Step 3, a final multiple logistic regression has wooden walls [yes (32, 28.3%) vs no]; model was constructed. This included all Dwelling has zinc roof [yes (91, 80.5%) independent variables for which p<0.15 vs no]. in the preliminary model. Behavioral information: Number of Collinearity and potential confound- food crops grown, among vegetables, rice, ing were evaluated by inspection of grain, and others (continuous); Number of variance inflation factors (derived from cultivation-related tasks [preparing land multiple linear regression models that for planting, planting crops; maintaining included the same dependent and inde- crops, or harvesting crops (continuous)]; pendent variables as the preliminary and Takes measures to avoid animal contact, in final logistic regression models described order to avoid disease from animals [yes above). Standard errors of variables in an- (24, 21.2%) vs no]. alytical models were also inspected. The Cultural context: Knowledge/at- relative importance of socio-demographic, titudes towards animal-borne disease environmental, behavioral, and cultural (continuous score); Aware that rodents characteristics was assessed by compar- can cause human disease [yes (86, 76.1%) ing Akaike’s Information Criteria (AICs) vs no]; Has heard of leptospirosis [yes (84, in models that did and did not include 74.3%) vs no]. these characteristics. Statistical analysis Ethical considerations The household interview data were The FHI 360 Institutional Review entered into a database using CSPro© (ver- Board approved the conduct of this study sion 5.0.3; Washington, DC: US Census (FHI 360 IRB: Project No 3879-06100; 2011 Bureau). Then data were analyzed using Nov 29). The Khon Kaen Provincial Health SPSS software (version 22; IBM: Armonk, Office allowed the research team to con- NY). The dependent and independent duct the study with the cooperation of analytical variables listed above were local staff in the study areas (verification created after data cleaning. provided). The College of Public Health Data were analyzed in three steps: Sciences, Chulalongkorn University Eth- Step 1 consisted of a bivariate analysis, in ics Committee approved the analysis of which the degree of association between the database (Ref No. 005.1/56; 2013 Apr an dependent variable and each of the 30). independent variables was ascertained Researchers obtained consent from separately (Bursac et al, 2008). For categor- each respondent before information was ical independent variables, associations collected. They informed all participants were assessed with Pearson chi-square of the purpose of the study, the benefits tests (or Fisher exact tests when expected and risks to them, and the fact that their cell counts were <5). For continuous in- participation was voluntary. Researchers dependent variables, associations were told respondents that no risks were an- assessed with logistic regression. In Step ticipated from participating in this study, 2, a preliminary multiple logistic regres- except possible discomfort in answering

Vol 45 No. 5 September 2014 1213 Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health some questions. They also assured respon- or vegetables). Forty-seven respondents dents that all information would be confi- (41.6%) attained educational levels ≥sec- dential, and that no names or identifying ondary school. information would be used in any reports Thirteen independent variables (gen- resulting from the study. der, area of residence, occupation, family Researchers asked all respondents size, educational attainment level, main to sign or make a mark on an informed cooking fuel, sanitation, main drinking consent form that detailed all this infor- water source, dwelling has wooden floor, mation; the researchers countersigned the dwelling has zinc roof, number of crops consent form. Respondents were offered a grown, number of cultivation-related copy of the completed consent form. Re- tasks, and knowledge/attitudes towards spondents were not paid for participation, animal-borne disease) from bivariate but were provided with refreshments. analysis results were eligible to enter All data were entered onto a laptop into Step 2, preliminary multiple logistic computer as soon after data collection as regression model (Table 1). was realistically possible. The household Five variables (gender, family size, questionnaire was entered into a database main cooking fuel, sanitation, main drink- on a password-protected computer at field ing water source, and knowledge/atti- base, and stored in a password-protected tudes towards animal-borne disease) were location there and on the FHI 360 comput- eligible for addition to Step 2 of prelimi- er system. Once data from questionnaires nary multiple logistic regression (Table 2). and notes were entered and checked, all Four variables (gender, family size, main hard copies were destroyed. drinking water source, and knowledge/ attitudes towards animal-borne disease) RESULTS were statistically significantly associated with reported rodent consumption at Among 201 (100 female and 101 male) Step 3 of final multiple logistic regression. respondents, 113 respondents (56.2%), in- Male gender (OR 7.45; 95% CI: 3.51-15.85, cluding 39 females and 74 males, reported p<0.001), family size ≥six persons (OR 2.31; consuming some type of rodent during 95% CI: 1.10-4.84, p=0.027), and use of rain- the previous one-month or 12-month pe- water as the main source of drinking water riods. Among these 113 respondents, 104 in all seasons (OR 8.61; 95% CI: 3.28-22.57, (92.0%), 4 (3.5%), 6 (5.3%), 33 (29.2%), 19 p<0.001) were positively associated with (16.8%), and 3 (2.7%) reported consum- reported rodent consumption, while hav- ing only rats (not specific species), field ing proper knowledge/attitudes towards rats, squirrels, burrowing squirrels, flying animal-borne disease (OR 0.96; 95% CI: squirrels, and porcupine, respectively. 0.92-0.99, p=0.030) was negatively associ- The mean age was 36.5 years among ated with rodent consumption (Table 3). the 113 respondents. Based on this mean Table 4 presents Akaike’s Information age, 60 respondents (53.1%) were aged Criteria (AICs) for the preliminary model, >36 years. One hundred and two (90.3%) the final model, and models in which came from non-urban settings (agriculture socio-demographic, environmental, and and forest). Most of them were married cultural characteristics were omitted from or cohabiting (87, 77.0%) and 64 (56.6%) the final model. (The final model did not respondents were farmers (rice, grains, include any behavioral characteristics as

1214 Vol 45 No. 5 September 2014 Rodent Consumption in Thailand

Table 1 Bivariate analysis results, odds ratios, confidence intervals, andp -values of independent variables with rodent consumption in the past 12 months.

Variable Rodent consumption in the past 12-months Confidence interval Odds p-value ratio Lower Upper

Male (Ref female) 4.287 2.361 7.783 <0.001 Age (Ref age < 36 years) 0.821 0.468 1.440 <0.001 Non-urban (Ref urban) 4.558 2.122 9.790 <0.001 Farmer (Ref non-farmer) 2.951 1.642 5.303 <0.001 Marital status (Ref other aside from married or cohabiting) 1.184 0.620 2.260 <0.001 Family size (Ref < 6 persons) 1.551 0.861 2.793 <0.001 Educational attainment level (Ref < secondary school) 0.650 0.371 1.140 <0.001 Main cooking fuel (Ref using other main cooking fuel 2.873 1.614 5.115 <0.001 except biomass fuel) Had heard of leptospirosis (Ref had not heard of the 0.745 0.382 1.453 <0.001 disease) Aware that rodents can cause human disease (Ref 1.264 0.671 2.382 <0.001 not aware that rodents can cause human diseases) Takes measures to avoid rodent-borne diseases (Ref 0.719 0.375 1.378 <0.001 didn't take measures to avoid rodent-borne diseases) Sanitation (Ref other except flush toilet) 0.472 0.201 1.110 <0.001 Has a car (Ref other vehicle except cars) 0.668 0.381 1.170 <0.001 Main drinking water source (Ref other sources 7.131 3.282 15.492 <0.001 of drinking water except rainwater) Animals have access to drinking water 1.346 0.720 2.517 <0.001 (Ref animals had no access to drinking water) Waste disposal (Ref other waste disposal except 1.298 0.704 2.394 <0.001 collecting it) Dwelling has wooden floor (Ref other except 1.672 0.909 3.076 <0.001 wooden floor) Dwelling has wooden walls (Ref other except 1.343 0.705 2.560 <0.001 wooden walls) Dwelling has zinc roof (Ref other except zinc roof) 2.250 1.188 4.261 <0.001 Number of food crops grown (continuous) Number of cultivation-related tasks (continuous) Knowledge/attitude toward animal-borne disease (continuous) independent variables). AICs are shown demographic and environmental char- in smaller-is-better format. The AIC was acteristics from the final model caused smallest for the final model, suggesting large increases in AICs, indicating the that this was the most informative model important influence of both of these types among those assessed. Omitting socio- of characteristics on rodent consump-

Vol 45 No. 5 September 2014 1215 Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health

Table 2 Preliminary multiple logistic regression model for rodent consumption.

95% CI for ORs Variable Coefficient Odds p-value ratio Lower Upper

Socio-demographic information Gender (male) 2.063 7.869 3.594 17.229 <0.001 Non-urban residence -0.874 0.417 0.068 2.554 0.344 Occupation as farmer 0.382 1.465 0.587 3.657 0.413 Family size (> 6 persons) 0.886 2.427 1.133 5.197 0.023 Educational attainment level (> secondary -0.403 0.669 0.302 1.481 0.321 school) Environmental information Main cooking fuel (biomass fuel) 0.666 1.947 0.914 4.146 0.084 Sanitation (having flush toilet) 0.046 1.047 0.364 3.012 0.933 Rainwater as main drinking water source 2.550 12.806 2.132 76.934 0.005 Dwelling has wooden floor 0.010 1.010 0.463 2.204 0.980 Dwelling has zinc roof 0.146 1.157 0.476 2.814 0.748 Behavioral information Number of food crops grown 0.154 1.167 0.760 1.792 0.480 Number of cultivation-related tasks 0.045 1.046 0.807 1.354 0.736 Cultural context Knowledge/attitudes towards animal- -0.035 0.966 0.926 1.007 0.098 borne diseases Constant -1.400 0.247 0.223

tion. Omitting the cultural characteristic the final model, and would not have led (knowledge/attitude toward rodent-borne to misinterpretation. diseases) caused only a small increase in AIC, indicating that this was less impor- DISCUSSION tant than socio-demographic and environ- The results indicated that males, large mental factors. family size (≥six persons in the family), Variance inflation factors (VIFs) were and using rainwater as a source of drink- very small for the final model, ranging ing water in all seasons were associated from only 1.007 (for knowledge/attitude with reported rodent consumption, while toward rodent-borne diseases) to 1.197 having proper knowledge/attitudes (for drinking rainwater). The smallest towards animal-borne disease was as- possible VIF is 1.000, indicating no col- sociated with fewer reports of rodent linearity whatsoever. Standard errors of consumption in this province. This may independent variable coefficients were be because males were the main family also very small in the final model ranging members who worked crops, and they from only 0.003 to 0.077. These findings were thus at greater risk of exposure to strongly suggest that collinearity among rodents and would also be more likely independent variables was negligible in to eat them. This was compatible with

1216 Vol 45 No. 5 September 2014 Rodent Consumption in Thailand

Table 3 Final multiple logistic regression for rodent consumption.

95% CI for ORs Variable Coefficient Odds p-value ratio (ORs) Lower Upper

Socio-demographic information Gender (male) 2.009 7.454 3.505 15.852 <0.001 Family size (≥ 6 persons) 0.835 2.305 1.097 4.842 0.027 Environmental information Main cooking fuel (biomass fuel) 0.724 2.063 0.998 4.266 0.051 Rainwater as main drinking water source 2.153 8.610 3.284 22.572 <0.001 Cultural context Knowledge/attitudes towards animal- -0.041 0.959 0.924 0.996 0.030 borne diseases Constant -1.011 0.364 0.314

Table 4 Akaike’s Information Criteria (AICs) for preliminary and final logistic regression models, and for models in which the indicated types of characteristics were omitted from the final model.

Model AICa

Preliminary model (13 variables) 220.3 Final model (5 variables) 210.7 Final model omitting indicated characteristic Socio-demographic (2 variables) 241.6 Environmental (2 variables) 245.2 Cultural (1 variable) 213.7 aSmall is better. findings of a PREVENT formative study, consumption. Respondents who used conducted in Khon Kaen Province during rainwater as a source of drinking water June to July 2011,which found that males might be considered to be of low-to- had a greater chance to interact with wild middle economic status, because persons animals than females did (unpublished who have higher incomes are more likely findings). to purchase bottles of drinking water from The locations for catching and storing groceries or factories, or have well water rainwater for drinking purposes in rural in their household to produce clean water areas of Thailand are usually outside the for family consumption. house. Behaviors stemming from this Having proper knowledge/attitudes might place this population at higher towards animal-borne diseases appeared risk of exposure to rodents outside their to be protective factors against rodent con- homes, and promote increased rodent sumption. This maybe because the more

Vol 45 No. 5 September 2014 1217 Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health people had proper knowledge/attitudes (eg, rodent contact), aside from rodent towards animal-borne disease, the more consumption, and other types of animals likely they were to avoid eating rodents. (eg, primates, bats, and domestic animals). For reasons given above, we believe Therefore, it would be beneficial to have that the final model was not subject to mis- future epidemiological studies that would interpretation due to collinearity among study direct associations between rodent the independent variables included in that consumption and specific rodent-borne model. At the same time, two variables in disease infections (eg, leptospirosis, hanta- the preliminary model, namely, nonurban virus, food poisoning). residence and drinking rainwater, were In conclusion, the results likely repre- tightly correlated (VIFs 3.46 and 3.56, sent information on rodent consumption respectively). Of the nonurban and urban activities in northeastern Thailand or even residents, 94.4% and 7.5%, respectively, in the entire Asia region, and might be able drank rainwater (p<0.001 by Pearson chi- to generalize to other areas that have simi- square test). lar characteristics. These findings should When drinking rainwater was re- help to improve knowledge and attitudes placed with nonurban residence in the towards rodent-borne diseases. This could final model, the AIC was 222.3, which is serve for several PREVENT studies, such larger than the actual final model AIC of as participatory action research, to ad- 210.7. Nevertheless, it is conceivable that vance understanding of human-rodent the positive and significant association interactions in this province. It will also between drinking rainwater and rodent be important to conduct epidemiologic consumption (Table 3) might, to some studies to characterize zoonotic disease extent, reflect a concurrent positive asso- risk in relation to rodent consumption and ciation with nonurban residence. This is- other types of rodent contact. Information sue should be assessed in future research. from these efforts should provide a sound As per our research methodology, we scientific basis for policies to reduce risk found benefits in utilizing this sampling of these diseases. method because we could get equal num- bers for genders from different starting ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS directions. Kish grid tables could assist The EPT/PREVENT Project allowed to identifying a respondent from several authors to access, analyze, and pub- eligible respondents in each household, lish this data. The PREVENT Project which would assist in practical sampling was implemented by FHI 360 under methodology during fieldwork. USAID Cooperative Agreement GHN- However, one limitation of the study A-00-09-00002-00. This study was made was that it was not a hypothesis gener- possible by the generous support of the ating study, but rather than hypothesis American people through the United testing study. It did not measure disease- States Agency for International Devel- risk directly, but rather measured risk opment (USAID). The 90th Anniversary behaviors toward disease risk. of Chulalongkorn University Fund or Moreover, this was a part of the Ratchadaphiseksomphot Endowment PREVENT human-animal interface study Fund was also partially supported for that focused on other outcome variables this study. The funders had no role in

1218 Vol 45 No. 5 September 2014 Rodent Consumption in Thailand study design, data collection and analysis, logical evidence of Thailand virus-related decision to publish, or preparation of the hantavirus infection among suspected manuscript. We sincerely thank Dr Susan leptospirosis patients in Kandy, Sri Lanka. Zimicki, PREVENT Technical Director, Jpn J Infect Dis 2011; 64: 72-5. and Ms Sara Woldehanna for their valu- Gratz NG. Urban rodent-borne disease and able support and suggestions for analysis rodent distribution in Israel and nighbor- and reporting of this study. We also would ing countries. Isr J Med Sci 1973; 9: 969-79. like to thank Dr Zo Rambeloson for his Kawaguchi L, Sengkeopraseuth B, Tsuyuoka R, leadership on the field data collection. et al. Seroprevalence of leptospirosis and In addition, we would like to thank the risk factor analysis in flood-prone rural Am J Trop Med Hyg current and previous Chief Medical Of- areas in Lao PDR. 2008; 78: 957-61. ficers of the Khon Kaen Provincial Health Office and their health facilities staff for Kish L. Sampling organizations and groups of unequal sizes. Am Sociol Rev 1965; 30: their cooperation and assistance during 564-72. research implementation. We also thank the local field researchers and FHI 360 Lerdthusnee K, Nigro J, Monkanna T, et al. Sur- veys of rodent-borne disease in Thailand supporting staff, whose efforts ensured with a focus on scrub typhus assessment. smooth operations in the field and in the Integr Zool 2008; 3: 267-73. office. This study was a part of the first Limpakarnjanarat K. Plague situation in Thai- author’s partial requirements to fulfill a land (1985). J Med Assoc Thai 1987; 70: PhD in Public Health at the College of 243-6. Public Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn Meerburg B G, Singleton GR, Kijlstra A.Rodent- University, Thailand. borne diseases and their risks for public health. Crit Rev Microbiol 2009; 35: 221-70. REFERENCES Mills JN. Regulation of rodent-borne viruses in Assogbadjo AE, Codjia JTC, Sinsin B, Ekue the natural host: implications for human MRM, Mensah GA. Importance of rodents disease. Arch Virol Suppl 2005; (19): 45-57. as a human food source in Benin. Belg J Mills JN, Childs JE. Ecologic studies of rodent Zool 2005; 135 (suppl): 11-5. reservoirs: their relevance for human Bunnag T, Potha U, Thirachandra S, Impand P. health. Emerg Infect Dis 1998; 4: 529-37. Leptospirosis in man and rodents in North Navegantes de Araujo W, Finkmoore B, Ribeiro and Northeast Thailand. Southeast Asian J GS, et al. Knowledge, attitudes, and prac- Trop Med Public Health 1983; 14: 481-7. tices related to leptospirosis among urban Bursac Z, Gauss CH, Williams DK, Hosmer DW. slum residents in Brazil. Am J Trop Med Hyg Purposeful selection of variables in logistic 2013; 88: 359-63. regression. Source Code Biol Med 2008; 3: 17. Oosterom J. Epidemiological studies and pro- Cosson JF, Picardeau M, Mielcarek M, et al. posed preventive measures in the fight Epidemiology of leptospira transmitted against human salmonellosis. Int J Food by rodents in Southeast Asia. PLoS Negl Microbiol 1991; 12: 41-51. Trop Dis 2014; 8: e2902. Ostfeld RS, Holt RD. Are predators good for Davis S, Calvet E, Leirs H. Fluctuating rodent your health? Evaluating evidence for populations and risk to humans from top-down regulation of zoonotic disease rodent-borne zoonoses. Vector Borne Zoonot reservoirs. Front Ecol Environ 2004; 2: 13-20. Dis 2005; 5: 305-14. Setalaphruk C, Price LL. Children’s traditional Gamage CD, Yasuda SP, Nishio S, et al. Sero- ecological knowledge of wild food re-

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