Planning Committee – 24 June 2021 Part I
PLANNING COMMITTEE – 24 JUNE 2021 PART I - DELEGATED 5. 19/0646/OUT: Outline Application: Construction of new Motorway Service Area (MSA) to comprise: amenity building, 80 bedroom lodge, drive-thru coffee unit, fuel filling station with retail shop, together with associated car, coach, motorcycle, caravan, HGV and abnormal load parking, alterations to the A41 including construction of a new roundabout and vehicular access, works to the local highway network and at Junction 20 of the M25 motorway. Provision of landscaping, signage, infrastructure and ancillary works. (Outline Application accompanied by an Environmental Statement with matters of Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale reserved) at LAND SOUTH OF JUNCTION 20 OF M25 AND WEST OF A41 WATFORD ROAD, HUNTON BRIDGE, HERTFORDSHIRE Parish: Abbots Langley Ward: Gade Valley Expiry of Statutory Period: 26 July 2019 Case Officer: Adam Ralton Extension agreed to 28 May 2021 Recommendation: That Outline Planning Permission be Refused. Reason for consideration by the Committee: The application has been called in to committee by three Members of the Planning Committee. In addition the proposal would, if approved, constitute a departure from the Development Plan. 1 Relevant Planning History 1.1 18/1474/EIAS: EIA Scoping Opinion request - Motorway Service Area on land south of Junction 20 of the M25 and west of the A41. 1.2 TPO897 - The Three Rivers (Land Adjacent Junction 20 of M25, Watford Road, Hunton Bridge) Tree Preservation Order 2019 was made in August 2019 and confirmed by the Planning Committee in January 2020. This Order protects ten individual Oak trees, one individual Ash, and one individual Elder tree and one Area of semi-mature trees on the Southwest side of the application site; one group of one Oak, six Beech, one Lime and one Ash (G1); one group of ten Hornbeam, one Silver birch and four Norway Maple (G2); one group of seven Lime, one Cedar, one Oak and one Wellingtonia (G3) and a Woodland with various Oak, Hazel, Ash, Hawthorn, Blackthorn, Elder and Holly trees.
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