South Carolina Law Review Volume 1 Issue 3 Article 5 3-1949 And This, Too, O King, Shall Change and Pass Away C. T. Graydon Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Common Law Commons, Constitutional Law Commons, Courts Commons, and the Religion Law Commons Recommended Citation C. T. Graydon, And This, Too, O King, Shall Change and Pass Away, 1 S. C. L. Q. 266 (1948). This Article is brought to you by the Law Reviews and Journals at Scholar Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in South Carolina Law Review by an authorized editor of Scholar Commons. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Graydon: And This, Too, O King, Shall Change and Pass Away "AND THIS, TOO, 0 KING, SHALL CHANGE AND PASS AWAY" C. T. GRAYD0N* It might be well, before I get into the subject, to define my conception of the terms with which the country is most con- cerned today. We hear most often the words "reactionary," "conservative," "liberal," and "radical". To my mind a reac- tionary is a man who never wishes to change except to go backwards. He is afraid of change and wants to hold the status quo or even to recede. A conservative is a person who is willing for change under certain limited conditions but who has to be thoroughly convinced before even attempting a change that the same is in line with his philosophical thought and will not upset the status quo. A liberal is a person who is not only willing to change, but is ready and anxious to change, provided, however, that he is convinced, or has reasonable grounds to conclude, that the change might work for better.