Case Report Femoral Neck Fracture in a Young Adult Renal Patient

dr. Putu Feryawan Meregawa, SpOT


Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Udayana/RSUP Sanglah Oktober 2018

Chapter I Introduction

Bone abnormalities have been known to be associated with chronic for more than 60 years. Renal osteodystrophy is the term used to describe the many different patterns of the skeletal abnormalities that occur in patients with . The term CKD-Mineral and Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD) has been recommended to be used to describe a broader clinical syndrome that develops as a systemic disorder of mineral and bone metabolism in CKD. The manifestations include one or more of the following: (1) abnormalities of , phosphorous, (PTH) or metabolism; (2) abnormalities in bone turnover, mineralization, volume, linear growth or strength; and (3) vascular or other soft tissue . The term renal osteodystrophy should be used exclusively to define alterations in the bone morphology associated with CKD. This is a single measure of the skeletal component of the systemic disorder of CKD-MBD that is quantifiable by histomorphometry of bone biopsy. The abnormalities of the bone in the setting of CKD may manifest as (1) high turnover , (2) adynamic bone disease, (3) and (4) mixed renal osteodystrophy.1 Pathological fractures after minor trauma in osteopenic patients are not uncommon, but fractures due to hypocalcemic convulsions in patients with renal insufficiency are relatively rare. The biomechanical challenges of femoral neck fixation and the vulnerability of the femoral head blood supply lead to a high incidence of non-union and osteonecrosis of the femoral head after internal fixation of displaced femoral neck fractures. The femoral neck is a biomechanically vulnerable area and therefore a common site of fractures when the bone is subjected to unusual loads as it is in the case of high energy trauma.2

Chapter II Literature Review

2.1 Renal Osteodystrophy 2.1.1 Definition Renal osteodystrophy is a spectrum of disease seen in patients with chronic renal disease. It is characterized by bone mineralization deficiency due to electrolyte and endocrine abnormalities. The term CKD-Mineral and Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD) has been recommended to be used to describe a broader clinical syndrome that develops as a systemic disorder of mineral and bone metabolism in CKD. The manifestations include one or more of the following:3  Abnormalities of calcium, phosphorous, parathyroid hormone (PTH) or vitamin D metabolism  Abnormalities in bone turnover, mineralization, volume, linear growth or strength  Vascular or other soft tissue calcification.

2.1.2 Patophysiology

Figure 1. Pathophysiology algorithm of Renal Osteodystrophy1

It happened due to the inability of the damaged kidney to convert vitamin D3 to calcitrol (the active form) and because of the phosphate retention ().  and secondary hyperphosphatemia caused by hypocalcemia and lack of phosphate excretion by damaged kidney.  related phosphate retention is a key pathological step.

2.1.3 Classification Renal bone disease is usually classified according to the histologic appearance. Although definitive diagnosis in an individual patient requires a bone biopsy, much information about bone disease can be inferred from clinical and laboratory findings. Accordingly, most practitioners do not perform bone biopsies on a routine basis. Even in the absence of routine bone biopsies, knowledge of the histologic classification provides a useful framework for diagnosis and treatment. fibrosa cystica is a high-turnover bone disease that is most prominently associated with hyperparathyroidism. Adynamic bone disease is a low bone turnover that is predominantly associated with low parathyroid hormone (PTH) activity. Osteomalacia is a low- turnover condition that is strongly associated with aluminum toxicity. Mixed uremic bone disease is characterized by the simultaneous appearance of multiple histologic patterns. In addition, patients with kidney disease may develop several other syndromes that may affect bone such as β2 microglobulin disease (renal amyloidosis). Each histologic pattern is associated with characteristic clinical and biochemical features. A presumptive diagnosis is often possible, even without a bone biopsy. Different treatment approaches are indicated for each histologic pattern. It is likely that metabolic acidosis contributes to all forms of renal bone disease because of loss of bone calcium in the physiologic process of buffering the extracellular concentration of hydrogen.3

2.1.4 Symptoms There are several symptoms occur in renal osteodystrophy patients, most of them due to the imbalance of electrolyte and hormone:1  weakness   pathological fracture (commonest complication)  skeletal deformity  symptoms of hypocalcemia: - abdominal pain - muscle cramps - dyspnea - convulsions/seizures - mental status changes

2.1.5 Laboratory Finding There are laboratory result differences between renal osteodystrophy patients and others. In renal osteodystrophy patients, only the calcium serum were low.

Figure 2. Laboratory finding in renal osteodystrophy patient (taken from

2.2 Femoral Neck Fracture 2.2.1 Introduction The femoral neck is a biomechanically vulnerable area and therefore a common site of fractures when the bone is subjected to unusual loads as it is in the case of high energy trauma. Although the latter is the most common scenario, such unusual loads can be generated by excessive muscle contractions as well. This could happen during epileptic convulsions or during the course of electroshock therapy.4 Certain medical conditions may further increase the possibility of such a rare fracture mechanism by diminishing bone strength. One of these is Renal Osteodystrophy (ROD). In patients suffering from this condition, the combination of uremia and hypocalcemia can lead to bone demineralization and severe osteomalacia. At the same time hypocalcemic tetanic convulsions can expose bone to the above mentioned unusual stresses resulting in pathologic fractures. The majority of these seizures occur during the dialysis sessions or in the immediate postoperative period following subtotal . Although patients suffering either bilateral scapula fractures or bilateral femoral neck fracture in the above mentioned settings have been reported in the literature, there is still lack of recommendations regarding the treatment of these fractures. There only few studies in the literature that evaluate the effects of this type of hip fracture and its treatment approach in patients with end stage renal disease. The study of Karaeminogullari et al.8 analyses the surgically treated hip fractures in patient under chronic . The mean age of patients with hip fractures was 57 years, ranging from 19 to 81 years. Nine out of thirteen femoral neck fractures, which were treated with cannulated screws, resulted in after biological and further mechanical failure. This was explained by the low bone quality, due to the severe and the ROD the patients had. The authors concluded that an arthroplasty is recommended for dis- placed femoral neck fractures in patients under hemodialysis. The latter is a reasonable conclusion but it cannot be applied in young patients with chronic renal failure. Evaluating the operative treatment of hip fractures in hemodialysed patients, Sano et al.9 supported that such fractures should be internally fixed if the patients are younger than 70 years of age. Instead they preferred arthroplasty because the former surgical option would take time for dialysed patients to reach bone union and it would be very likely to develop pseudarthrosis. At five different case reports six young patients with ages ranging between 18 and 40 years had identical lesions.4-7,10 They all suffered from femoral neck fractures due to hypocalcemic convulsions. Interestingly, every one of them received different treatment than the other. They were treated either with hemiarthroplasty or internal osteosynthesis. The later included options such as dynamic hip screw (DHS) and Knowles pins. Conservative management was preferred in one patient was. Most of the patients who were treated surgically had good results. Weight bearing was prohibited for a period of two to three months. Two patients treated with Knowles pins developed osteonecrosis of the femoral head (ONFH).

2.2.2 Anatomy

Figure 3. The blood supply of head femoral (taken from: head.html)

The femoral head receives arterial blood flow from an anastomosis of three sets of arteries: (1) the retinacular vessels, primarily from the medial circumflex femoral artery and, to a lesser extent, the lateral circumflex femoral artery; (2) terminal branches of the medullary artery from the shaft of the femur; and (3) the artery of the ligamentum teres from the posterior division of the obturator artery. Arterial blood supply to the femoral head is achieved through an anastomosis of three sets of arteries (Figure 3). The principal vessels ascend in the synovial retinaculum, which is a reflection of the ligamentous capsule onto the neck of the femur. These vessels arise mainly posterior superiorly and posterior inferiorly from the medial circumflex femoral artery, which is supplemented to a lesser extent from the lateral circumflex femoral artery. These vessels anastomose with the terminal branches of the medullary artery from the shaft of the femur. The third source is the anastomosis within the femoral head from the artery of the ligamentum teres, which arises from a posterior division of the obturator artery. This vessel may persist with advanced age, but in approximately 20% of the population it never develops.11

2.2.3 Patophysiology The hip is an area where the torque of powerful opposing muscles is well balanced. The center of the femoral head is the center of rotation of the femoral joint and the neck serves as the lever arm which carries all the acting muscle and weight bearing forces. Any condition leading to the deterioration of the bone structure or quality makes this area susceptible to fractures. resulting from chronic metabolic diseases such as secondary hyperparathyroidism and ROD is such an example. In comparison to osteoporosis in adults, where bone has decreased BMD, osteopenia in children and young adults can be greater than osteoporosis.4 Pathological femoral neck fractures occurring after hypocalcemic convulsions display a similar pattern. They are usually vertical neck or basal neck fractures, corresponding to types II and III of Pauwels classification system.12,13 The more vertical the neck fracture line is, the stronger the shearing forces acting at the fracture site. Unless the chosen operative method takes into account this biomechanical property of the fracture the osteosynthesis will ultimately fail and lead to a non union or pseudarthrosis.12,14

2.2.4 Classification

Figure 4. Garden Classification (taken from

Figure 5. Pauwels Classification (taken from

2.2.5 General Treatment

Figure 6. Treatment algorithm of femoral neck fracture 15

Figure 7. Treatment algorithm of femoral neck fracture in osteodystrophic bone 2

The general treatment regime for these fractures dictates internal fixation for all undisplaced or displaced fractures of the femoral head with good bone stock. Thus can be accomplished either by closed or open reduction if necessary. Preferred methods include cannulated screws, Knowles pins or DHS with or without an antirotator screw.5,16 In the case of older patients with underlying hip disease, cemented hemiarthroplasty or total hip arthroplasty, are strongly recommended. In patients suffering from of (e.g. Paget disease), rheumatoid arthritis or neuro- muscular disorders, hemiarthroplasty or total hip arthroplasty are indicated.13,16 A cemented femoral prosthesis is preferred because a porous coated femoral stem used for press- fit fixation is not expected to be well incorporated. On the contrary, the acetabular component should be press fit.13 In young adults, the pre-injury status and life expectancy are key factors when deciding whether to proceed with internal fixation or hip joint reconstruction.17 Although prosthetic replacement allows the patient to ambulate early postoperatively, comprises the risks of loosening of the prosthesis and subsequent revision surgery. In a meta-analysis of 106 reports pertaining to femoral neck fracture, Lu-Yao et al.18 showed that although internal fixation is associated with a higher failure rate, it offers the long-term chance of regaining normal function of the hip. In the case of primary bone disease at young age in a patient with normal life expectancy the use of a hip prosthesis is not an option.19 The rationale in treating such fractures in young adults is to choose the least invasive procedure in order to retain the maximum of bone stock keeping always in mind the possibility of future revision surgery.16

2.2.6 Surgical Technique A surgical technique that relies only on the type of implant produces poor results.20,21 In a study by Weinrobe et al.14 the fracture geometry, the , and the fracture reduction are examined in relation with the redisplacement of a femoral neck fracture fixed with cancellous screws. The authors stated that the two measures: i) the angle formed by the axis of the femoral head/neck proximal fracture component and the axis of the remaining region of the femoral neck, and ii) the offset of the femoral head fracture component cortex with respect to femoral neck cortex, were found to be the strongest predictors of no loss of reduction postoperatively. Another, less significant, predictor was the femoral fracture angle respect to the axis of the femoral shaft. Fracture surfaces with angles less than 41.6 degrees from the femoral shaft axis redisplaced at a higher rate than those with angles greater than 41.6 degrees (Pauwels I-II). Hence, the perfect anatomic reduction should be sought in a deficient bone. The bone density of the head is usually greater than that of the femoral neck. When a compressive load is applied to the femoral head, as in ambulation, the head tends to dis- place inferiorly and rotate into a varus position. The bone of the femoral neck inferior to the screw shafts (the Ward's triangle area) is not effective in preventing the screws from rotating into varus leading to screw pullout and finally to failure of osteosynthesis. However, when the inferior screw is placed close to the inferior cortex of the femoral neck, it is buttressed and resists rotation, and the effect of bone density is lessened. Therefore, surgical technique has a part to play in the role of bone density on fracture redisplacement. Cannulated cancellous bone screws or compression hip screws were recommended for the treatment of femoral neck fractures. The three-point fixation principle for the introduction of cannulated screws was stated and the position of the compression hip screw for steep fracture angles above 50 (Pauwels III) was recommended.14,20 In the study by Levi et al.21 it is mentioned that the optimal position of the sliding screw is the inferoposterior position of the centre of the femoral head, where the bone has the maximum BMD. In osteopenic young patients with femoral neck fractures, a valgus osteotomy and internal fixation with either a DHS or an angular blade plate is recommended.16 Osteosynthesis in valgus reduction was achieved using a wide angle DHS plate in a 30-year-old female patient, who suffered bilateral femoral neck fractures caused by tetanic convulsions. Uremic young adults, at the borderline of skeletal maturity differ in that they demonstrate delayed physeal ossification. These patients may present with child-specific lesions, such as slipped femoral epiphysis. The treatment in these cases should be adjusted so as to match protocols followed in younger ages.6

2.2.7. Postoperative management The greatest femoral neck fracture fragment movement occurs during the first postoperative month.14 In osteopenic patients with metabolic bone disease the bone potential is low and the healing process prolonged.17 The fracture callus usually does not form normally and healing occurs slowly as a result of delayed mineralization.10 Young adults with such pathology and femoral neck fixated fractures should be prevented from weight bearing for a period of 12 weeks or longer (8-12 weeks in healthy individuals), depending on the radiographic assessment of the healing process. Prior to any operative approach, a correct assessment of the underlying bone disease should be done. A treatment regimen is planned aiming to regain normal or near-normal bone mass. Once the medical treatment is started, there is generally little problem with bone healing and union occurs fairly rapidly, except perhaps in patients with .10 This is accomplished by conservative means, such as oral nutrition- al supplements containing calcium, vitamin D, or biphosphonates.20 When indicated operative procedures, such as subtotal parathyroidectomy or renal transplantation can permanently cure the underlying disease. Amyloidosis, hypogonadism, , chronic acidosis or other conditions, that may play role in the pathogenesis of reduced bone mass in these patients, should also be excluded.22

Chapter III Case Report

3.1 Patient Identity Name : DPS Sex : Male Age : 39 y.o Address : Denpasar Ward : Angsoka Nationality : Indonesian / Balinese Admitted : 7th of September 2018

3.2 Patient History Chief complaint : Pain of left hip • Conscious patient complained of pain on his left hip after fell 7 hours prior to admission • Patient was trying to move his motorbike then he fell off with his motorbike hit his left hip • There was no history of unconsciousness. No history of nausea and vomiting • Patient was Reffered from Tabanan Hospital by General Surgeon with diagnosis CF Left Neck Femur, Susp. Abdominal Blunt Trauma, Anemia and CKD St.V on Reguler HD

Past medical History Diagnosed CKD and HD since 2008

Family history No other family member experienced similar problem

3.3 Physical examination 3.3.1 Primary Survey A : Clear B : Spontaneous, RR 20 x/min C : Stable Hemodynamic, BP 130/90 mmHg, HR 84 x/min D : Alert

3.3.2 Secondary Status GCS : E4V5M6 Head : cephal hematoma - Eye : isochor pupil 3mm/3mm, reactive +/+, Neck : normal alignment, tenderness-, step off - Thorax : I : symmetrical (+), no bruise P : vocal fremitus simetrical Per : sonor/sonor Aus : Cor : S1S2 reg, murmur (-) Po : ves +/+, rh -/-, wh -/- Abdomen : distension (-), Bowel Sound (+) N Extremity : according to local status

3.3.3 Local Status (Left Hip) L : Swelling (-), bruise (-), deformity (+) shortening and external rotation F : Tenderness (+) over the left hip, artery dorsalis pedis (+), CRT < 2 “, sensation normal M : Active ROM Knee limited due to pain Active ROM Ankle 35/45 Active ROM MTP-IP 0/90

LLD D S 1 cm

FL 82 81 AL 77 77

Figure 7. Clinical picture of patient during examination

3.4 Radiology Imaging Pelvic X-Ray AP view (Tabanan Hospital, 7th of September 2018) (Figure 8)

3.5 Diagnosis CF Left Neck Femur Garden Type I + Renal Osteodystrophy + CKD st V ec PNC on HD regular

3.6 Treatment Hemiarthroplasty Bipolar

Figure 10. Clinical Picture post hemiarthroplasty bipolar

Figure 11. X-ray post hemiarthroplasty bipolar Chapter IV Discussion

Treatment of neck femur is challenging especially in young adults. The goals of surgical treatment of femoral neck fractures in young adults with renal osteodystrophy and osteopenic bone are: i) to salvage the femoral head, ii) to achieve in every case a stable fixation, iii) not to harm the physeal plate if present, iv) to retain the maximum bone stock possible, and v) to return to normal activities as soon as possible. In this case, hemiarthroplasty bipolar was chosen due to the vulnerability of the femoral head blood supply lead to a high incidence of non-union and osteonecrosis of the femoral head (ONFH) after internal fixation and the fracture that was operated more than 48 hours which leads to avascular necrosis risk. However, patient’s age and the type of fracture should have been considered as well. Based on the algorithm we know that either Garden Type I and the patient’s age, the best possible treatment is actually internal fixation. Implant shoud be changed in the next 15 years depends on the implant that been used.2,22 If the first osteosynthesis fails a second may be attempted following the same guidelines with a slightly extended exposure to use 'healthy' bone. In case of a pseudarthrosis bone grafts and/or BMP's can be used to enhance the bone healing In case of osteonecrosis, a revision osteosynthesis can be performed with the use of a vascularized fibula graft for supporting both the fracture healing and the vitality of the femoral head. If a coxarthrosis pre-existed to the femoral neck fracture or if there is an advanced stage ONFH a hemiarthroplasty is indicated. In all cases, careful mobilization and minimal weight bearing should be followed until the BMD value is increased to nearly normal levels.2,21 To be concluded, the rationale in treating such fractures in young adults is to choose the least invasive procedure in order to retain the maximum of bone stock keeping always in mind the possibility of future revision surgery.2 The treatment of femoral fracture will be more precise if BMD can be checked in our hospital.

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