Pogroms, Networks, and Migration the Jewish Migration from the Russian Empire to the United States 1881–1914∗
Pogroms, Networks, and Migration The Jewish Migration from the Russian Empire to the United States 1881{1914∗ Yannay Spitzery December 2, 2013 Latest version of this paper: gradstudents.wcas.northwestern.edu/ ysp201/Papers/Spitzer PogromsNetworksMigration.pdf ∗I thank my committee members Joel Mokyr (chair), Igal Hendel, and Joseph Ferrie for their endless support and advice. I am grateful for comments and suggestions from members of the economic history community of Northwestern University, numerous members of the department of economics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem; from seminar participants at Northwestern University, University of Michigan, Ann-Arbor, Stanford University, and from session participants at the International Cliometric conference 2013, the European Historical Economics Society conference 2013, the Economic History Association conference 2013, and the Illinois Economic Association meeting 2013. I have benefited from comments, discussions and correspondences with Ran Abramitzky, Martha Bailey, Leah Boustan, Carola Frydman, Andrew Godley, Amanda Gregg, Drew Keeling, Leslie McGranahan, Roy Mill, Yohannan Petrovsky-Shtern, Tiago Pires, Twan-Hwee Sng, Shaul Stampfer, Marlous van Waijenburg, Ariell Zimran, and Steven Zipperstein. This work was made possible by material support from the Economic History Association's Sokoloff Fellowship, the Crown Family Fellowship of Northwestern University's Crown Center for Jewish Studies, and Northwestern University Graduate School's Graduate Research Grant, and the Technology-Enhanced Doctoral Research Award, as well as by several periods of hosting at the department of economics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Data used in this paper were constructed in fruitful collaboration with Gennady Polonetsky and Marcy Blattner. Research assistance was provided by Amanda Lerner, Annie Weiss, and Victoria Zak.
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