

WEDNESDAT. 29,19411 \.

p a c e K X T E E IY Manchester livening Herald V -■ The Wvnlher Torecast «,t Bnrcai Average Daily Ctfeulation For tha Month oil Jaiy, IMS Oenenilly fair tonight; Friday A son waa born to IJr. and'Mrs. DON W IU IS partly cloudy with scattered aft­ About To wn Raymond Schaller of ...172. Oak Schools Open LECLERC ernoon thunaershowem; not much street at HarUord Hospital Aug. G A RA G t change In temperature. 2S, Mra. Schaller is the forihi;r Just What Yau^ve FUNERAL BOMB 8,890 X Member of tho Audit We. Sftlvaton A. m Ellaabetb Orlmaaon and the haby On Wednesdfifv 28 Mahi'strMC Complete Auto Senriea la the first great grandson o< Rob­ > BntOaa of Oliealatloao Kldrkic« »tr«*t, Mancheiter. ton Phoaa 5289 18 Main St TeL 8085| M m chm Her^A City of FiMagc Charm «< JoMph r*lie«, who r«c«itly r«- ert Schubert, Sr. 6f 54 Cooper Been Waiting For! turnod from ovoiiwo duty, hw re- street. OfTices to Be Open for (TWELVE PACKS) PKICE I HKEB CENTS portod to tho Army Ground and MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1945 8«w lc« rorcM R rdU tribO ^ Sta­ Mr. and Mrs. William Kronlck Registration of New and family of 18 Stephen atreet, VOL. LXIV., NO. 281 tion at l*Jce Plmdd Qub, N w Pupils on Tuesday 1,800 Yards Tork. Pfc. Felloe enter^ the have returned home after spend­ ing several days on Cape Ood. aerviee on Jito AR pubHavtohe^ In Manches- aerred ovaraeaa for Sanforized Shrunk U. S. Marineh Look Over Landing Site Superintendent -Raymond S. -aar win opeu Wadneaday. MacArthur in Japan the Mth Infantry a Omper ba from 10 to 12 to the morning street at Hartford HospiUl Aug. evening, August '81, -at eight and from t to >"to the afternoon, jg. Mrs. Wright is-the^fwumr o’clock at the l*onia of Charles Tnikahot, » Ruasell atreet. Tha paranto/« all children who Margaret Schubert. will enter-^^ianchester achools for FLORAL PRINTS Be Written Off Mr. and MraTw. J. Herron o f Mambera of Ander^n-Shea the firat^tlme, either by transfer or a » Wglnnera. are urged,to com­ First Units 4W itraat, today w « t to AiiKlliary, y.F.W., will h- Id a dog Atlaatla a ty for a roast at the home of >the president. plete registrallona for such chil­ Administration ^Befifeves •ntiy ara makteg the trip oy Mrs. Plorence Streetar, 56 Stark­ dren OB Tuesday to avoid delaye JLend-Lease when achools open on Wetoesday c yd. (Qe^neral Sets Up Head­ tonobUo. • weather stoeel, tomorrow evening Victory, Revere Lend- at 6:*0 o’eloelt. If any of'the morning. quarters in Yokohs- members desire further Jlnforma- All new pupils xvlll be required A fine quality cotton print In beautiful floral patterns Lease and Commit­ End Brings to present evidence of date of Marines and Tars ma; Americans Swarm I tlon they should call the chairman, birth and of vaccination. Report with red. blue, gold, navy and rose grounds. For chil­ ST: BRIDGET’S ment to Join in Organ- MW. Aim Irish, tel. 8927. ______cards or -other evidence of place­ dren’s wear, houSedresses, dirndl skirt.s, aprons, drapes, Jiang Post-War Trade About Fear Out of Skies - and! ment Will be helpful. etc. To be admitted to kindergarten Are More Important Occupy Jap Bp4e From Seas in Unbrolte j a child must become five years of CHURCH B A S E I^ en Stream; Oecupa-| WANTED age on or before next Jan. 1, To British Face Toughest be admitted to first grade he must Washington, Aug. 30.--(ff) tiott ‘Going’ Splendid­ become six years on or before Winter Since Begins Man to work at gaa station. — President Truman notified Halsey Sets Up Shore Jan. 1. exffspt . in the smaller 32** Imported Congress today that the more ning of War; Abrupt Two Gruisiers ly,’ General Assertil Steady work. Good oppor­ schools which have no klndergar- PLAYING STARTS AT 8:15 Headquarters Shortly tehs. where he may be admitted to than 842,000,000,000 this Ending Slap in Face f e n d e r a n d tunity for right man. * Ap­ first grade if his birthday comes country spent on lend-lease After Americans Wade Get to Haveti Atsugi Air Field, Near To­ ply in person. on or before March 1. aid to its Allies should, in the kyo, Aug. 30.— (/P)— General b o d y w o r k There will be two kindergarten New York, Augt. ,30.—(ffV- Ashore to Seize Base Printed Suiting main, be written off the MacArthur arrived in Japan! sessions at Washington, Hollister, The sudden termination of lend' SOLIMENE A FLAGG V A N 'S ^ books. The reaaon— made After Battles and set up headquarters in and Lincoln schools. There will be lease has created a feeling of ap­ Yokosuka, TapTan, Aug. 3(^- me. one session at Robertson, Man­ clear in a lengthy report Mr. Yokohama as Nippon’s miU-| ■I M. VsL g l i l Service Station chester Green, Highland Park and Truman sent to Capitol hill—la prehension In Great Britain, Rob­ — (yP)— Admiral Halsey ' set tary ruler today amidst tl Nathan Hale. that the administration bellevea ert Bunnelle, Aaaociated Ihreai up American Naval shore Houston and Canberra first alien armed forces ey 4IE7 Bartford Road High SdMol Registration What A Surprise He’s Going the United States received thrw managing executive' for the Unit headquarters In Japan today' Escape Japanese After to occupy the $acred islan Tbe offices of the Manchester 6 9 ^ things more Important than a dol­ ed Kingdom, aald today following a few hours after ten thop- Paratroopers and seaboi High ackod ato open this week his arrival from London for his Good looking floral patterns In a fast color lar baalt settlement. They are: Being Blasted by Tor­ Marines and sailors, hand-pli for tha lugiatratlCNi of new pupils. To Get When He Finds How. first visit to this country In six ~ ~ . . Teenier crowd a landing craft to take a first look at Japan as the nand Am ericans M arines and W m U h e Machittes' More Important Things U. 8. Marines aboard the transport ^ n ls r _^ w d a lanmng cra « to remind Nippon of the tovaati Thla doea not apply to enteHng suiting, Lmks like printed linen. years. waded ashore pedoes Off Formosa ’ 1. victory over Germany and boat^piowrihrough'^gami bay on the approaches to Tokyo, at the Philippines, swarmed Repaired . fraabnaaB who wera graduated The British feel that the with leveled guns and occu­ BENSON’S from local grada achools taat, June Guam.) ______of the. skies and to from the Well You Can Sew More than 85,600.000.000 abrupt manner In which lend- pied the nearly deserted Yo­ New York, Aug. 80.—(AT—The AH M slm and Modeta. and W'ho have already handed In Z r K GREEN^ STAMPS GIVEN WITH to an unbroken stream. RADIO SERVICE through last Mrach In revera# lease was ended was a alap In tha kosuka Nayal base. IS,000-mile Odyaaey of two elective cards. Other new pupils face,” he said. “ Of course they Take Over Air Raid PhofM 8822 or 5059 A L L M AKES transferring to Manchester High CASH SALES! tend-leaae. Halsey’s four star flag was wounded ships, the heavy Ameri­ S A oommltmant from all na­ knew lend-lease after They took over Ataugl air We Specialize On school from other schools are ask­ Snyder Backs Pearl Harbor Report hoisted at 10:45 a. m. can cruisers Houston and Canber­ tions receiving lend-leaao to join the war waa over, but they were Wednesday, e.w.t.). ’The ’Third 18 miles from Tokyo; ran up ed to report for , interviews so in organising poat-war Interna­ counting .on It to help them ra, was made public today by the American flag over Yok( PflBLCO PRODUCTS that their programs will bo ready •fleet admiral, however, maintain­ Pick Cp and Delivery tional trade on Uie basis of lower­ them through the transition to ed hlB actual headquarters aboard Navy In a proud account 6t a ae­ Naval base, Japan’s second for the opening dfiy, September 5. Further Help est: rodeiby’ Japanese truck tol On i-nrge Radios ing barriers. peace. Now that it has been sud­ the battleship Missouri where Ja­ ries of night battles last October While the advanced high acbool In a letter accompanying the denly taken away, they realise z F u t o r Is K e p t to the Pacific which cost the two Yokohama, port of Tokyo Sm O NIZING and ComMpatlona., enrollment of 1,387 la considerably pan win formally surrender Sun- ZENITH BATTEBV PACKS report, Mr. Truman told the law- they face what -will probably be ships the lives of 78 crew mem­ th » occupation force wlU eatai larger than last year, the effect «JW.HAU COU For Workers I h t Body Shop Method general headquarters:dqua and CAUL S5S5 , their toughest winter since the Airborne troop?, landing at At- bers. of the end of the war la batng f elt. Comm* ""^W lth . the defeat of the Axis' war started nnd-they are pretty- A rmy and Navy-Ready t?sbd by Halsey aa Salt evacuating prisonerspnao oT war SOLIMENE A FLAGG. Iite, BENSON’S I Principal Bailey aaya that already sugi air field with General Mac­ powers, whose ruthless plan for unhappy about It." Byrnes W ould Arthur, occupied Yokohama, five ’The Houston and Canberra, "a black hell l>ole’’ where •M Center St. Tel. SlOl 118 MAIN STRKET I a fe-w pupils have requested trans- world conqueat and enslavement Letdown Experlraced EarUer Says Return to Peace To Oose Books But blasted by Japanese torpedoes to beatings' were common.” ifora to other schools mllea closer to Tokyo. cams so close to succeeding, the Biihnelle said tae people In Solons Demand Trials Sun engagement off the laland of The occhpation is "going United States haa realised the Britain bad already.experienced a Part and Parcel ol Let Satellites No Shbte Fired •dldly”, MacArthur aald. riot a shot was fired in the flpat Formosa, were used by Admiral major objscUve for which lend- letdown earlier this summer be­ WarrJWust Give Aid And More Information William F. Halsey aa bait to a were moving In an orderly fa cause they, had failed to - realize seaborne invasion In Japanese “without bloodshed” and he leaae aid haa been extended history. The water-soaked ain- tremendous hoax which neariy The president haa ordered lend' the fruits of Victory as quickly as To Displaced Workers Make Appeals lured. the imperial Japanese fleet the Japanese appeared to be Bulletin! phlbtouB forces walking hshort to SMONIZING / lease operations halted, effectlw they had hoped. the Yokosuka area foiind unman­ to destruction by the American tog' to good faith. V-J day. and already has cut off " I think liiat feeling o f dlscon- Washington, Aug. 30.— (/P) Third fleet. The occupation by troops to : The Body Shop Method Bulletin! ned coatfciMnd anti-aircraft gu^ns battle dress and ready for ^ requlalUons for auppUes which — President Truman declared Nations Involved in Ter­ In eihpty forts—empty, except for Both cruisers, which ,bad gnsm- formerly would have been orjlered (Gontiniied.oa Page Two) Washington, Aug. 80.—(/PI— bled and won against the enemy contingency, waa eight houra on SOLIMENE A FLAGG. Itac. Unemplojrment compensation today he thought the whole neatiy-Btaclt"d ammunition which when MacArthur stepped OBP . under the mutual aid program, ritorial Disputes May Japan once, had expected to deliver and the aea, limped half way 8S4 Center St. XeL ilO l claims hit the highest nmrk In Ataugl airdrome from hie eh To Begin Coaversations country, as much as any in­ Be Called, to Pre­ In qulte/dlfferent fashion to Allied around the world to haven at east LAST THREE Meanwhile, arrangementa are history/hnrt-W^k—JS96,458 Ini­ dividual,' was responsible for coast ports. It was a striking silver C-54 transport, "Bataan, tial cjifims—b(ialrman Arthur 2 p. m. (1 a. m. e.jw. t.) being worltad out with lend-lease War Workers the Pearl Harbor disaster. sent Cases to Council Marines reached Yokosuka at parallel to the;feat of the light countries to switch their com­ J. ARmeyer of the Social Se­ cruiser Marbl^ead, which also Landlnga Slmuletaiieoiia Mr. Truman told a news con­ fil35 a. m. Japan tlpie (8-35 p. nu merce iver to a peaceUme basis. curity Board told the Senate.. Wednesday, e.w.t.) and the tw k made a 18,000-mlle trip-.to safety The supreme Allied corns' American ofRclala -con- Out of Jobs F liM ce committee today. That ference he had no objection Washington, ' Aug. 80— force commander. Rear Admiral to the United States after It had landed amidst cheering parat ^ New versations with a British dele^- was more than 50 per cent to a court martial but didn’t Countriea formerly allied .with Oscar C. Badger, docked hla flag­ been bombed by the Japs in 1942. era of the 11th airborne dlvWa higlwr than In any prevlons tlon next week fhr some sort of iiitend to order one. In addi­ Nazi Germany may get a Phance ship cruiser, the San Dlegb, at HL Not until today did the Navy who. began pouring from m tr week Bince the war began, he lift censorship restrlcUona to per­ endlng stream of transporta credit 4B)sUtute.” Hit2Mimon| to plead their own cases before the a. m. (9 p. m. Wednesday, e.w.t.). Business Hours Summing up the gigantic pro­ tesHfied, and about 11 times tion, he said he „ always had Grave Salutes Exchanged mit publication of the atory, al­ 6 a. m. (5 p. m. Wednesday, e. gram, Mr. Truman said: "Each the nnmber iecelved In the va­ favored a unity of command Big Flve foretfirmlnlstera^ln Lon­ A stocky Japanese vice admiral though N*vy officials took report­ t.) simultaneous with landlnga OPEN rious iftates for the week prior . for the Army and Navy, but don next month.,,' awaited Admiral Badger and Rear ers aboaKl the Houston last AprtI Yokosuka, led by the Fourth M l SL°'^oSwbS 'S" ml W 'S J 1 Regular World Cruinen to Japan’s surrender. didn’t wartt to amplify his Similarly, IL was learned today, Admiral Robert B. Carney, Ad­ at the Brooklyn Navy Yard to fine regiment. Daily 6 A. M. to 11 P. M. armed ntlght In accordance vrith miral Halsey’s chief of staff, at the view the agon)t of fire and twist­ The Fourth Marines, ruahao Seen Within Washington, Aug. 30.—(J>)—Es- views oh that now. nations involved In territorial dis­ Sandays 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Its full abilities and capacities. putes i^ay be summoned to pre­ battleship dock. Grave salutes ed steel which itm ship endured the Philippinss from CSilnsj Now, he added, ta* lenff-lease Climb Toward Betterj tablishment of a national unem and to hear fromXher skipper. one of the heroip outfits to Special Offering Of Three sent (heir views when the council were exchanged aS;..Marlne guarda Road Service! arrangementa are being wound up Living Given Boost compensation standard- Washington, Aug. 30.—* also the thin Wade of Futtau pen­ (The Houston was named after (Late BU The lend lease aid which now totals insula across Uie bay from Yoko- the old U. S. S. Houston, which reputation for furs. That’s why more'and" more people are buying their iiliMlon aald, in a more sphering in the living standards of displaced inside infonnation. Chairman Europe. over 842,000j)00.000." It said, "has announcement, that 2,000,000 war l^orkers Is threatqped. Elbert t). Thomite.-(U., Utah), of has been listed by the Navy as Bynies also Is understood to " b rin e s reached Futtau at 5=58 Death Reports PkqMganda Dewey-Richmaii furs at H A L E ’S every year. / been dlrecUy consumed by pur vvorkera have lost'^-thelr jobs since The committee is hearing wit­ the SepSte Military., committee have several other suggestions de­ "overdue and presumed lost" since Oak Ridge, Tenn>sAug, 80e • . , . • nlv (4:58 p. m. Wednesday, AlUea In the war." Japan’s fall. Some, however, nesses on a bllKto standardize job­ remained silent impending talks signed to speed up the work of Feb. 28, 1942, when she met an —Japanese reports of i It added that if so huge a debt have been rehired already. less pay at 825 a week for 26 with War department officials. .w.t.) Yinc.ind found:------. enemy Naval force in Netherlands Co. Woolens For Fall the council. It haa been assigned ^ a n clam digger, vvho radioactive efft-cta of at ^ were to be added to the enorinoua Otherwise tbe news-^^^^m In­ weeks. Clamor for Military Trial the task of drawing up nroposed East Indies waters and never 'was togs are pure propaganM OCULIST financial obUgatlana already 1^ dustry and government aUKe—waa "The return to peace Is part an— ' lled-TtaUan peace treaty. (The Canberra' bears the name $2r98 «nd $3-29 yd. 8. Oourteav behind the counter partment of national defense, When the renort on Italy waa Report Beatings With Women’s .Army corps anno KIDSKIN-DYED SKUNK , : of an Australian cruiser sunk dur­ Th6 Friendly ^s l*u0Is coming bstK. toSv^,say gwguacaoretallera — Pearl Harbor Report "Top secret” labels were pulled ready, the foreign ministers them­ that W A l enlistments we fasenbower Sees Keduc-j along with dellverlee, e ^ e r credit selves would consider It. then, give Bamboo Stiqks and ing a surprise Japanese attack halt^ yesterday. Col, W « ' Smart color combinations in red and black, brown and yesterday from findings of special near Savo island, off U^/^^^'^canai, FIX-IT SHOP and pre-wgr store eervlcas. Sparks New Drive to Army and Navy boards of Inquiry Italian government officials ah op. Metal Rods by Japs Battle Boyce, W’AC director thn, navy and blue, browh and green, brown and cr^m , , iion to 400,000 In Its ^tlm ate of lay-offa, the portunltv to present their views.' announced dls^ontlnnanee of W. A. Burnett, Pnip. Consolidated Forces Into Pearl Harbor and accompany­ (Conttooed on Page Eight) black and cream. • : [ ' Reich by Winter’s Em War Manpower comml^on said ing reports by Secretary of War Wnnid Fonrinlate Final P r o ^ a l llstmenls, said that WACa will 718 No. Main St^ Bockland Then.‘ theI council Itself fliiallv Shanghai, Aug. 30.- demobilized on a p rop ortl^ Stlmson, Secretary of the Na-vy Stories of brutal Japanew capture XOonllaned ra Page ftlgtit) Washington, Aug. 30.—(AT—’The would formulate a finished propos­ tMisIs with Army men. Any Vif Forreatal and Admiral Ernest who beat them with bamboo sticks Berlin, Aug. 80.— Gene^ Pearl Harbor report sparked a new King, commander In chief of the al for presentation to the Ujilted S8 years of age dr oWei may 'Repairs made on Elsenhower said to n y that the and meter rods until they Hospital Seen drive in Congress today for merger fleet. Nations. .. ,.w discharged upon reqnett and i Washers, Vacuums, 3.500,000 American froopa now in Similar groups would delllv black and blue from knee to hip 7 ^58 inch of the armed forces. / . One or another oT the reports and could Jiardly walk, wqrp re­ enlisted WAC whq has a p oM t SILVERTONE DYED Germany would be'reduced to a Soldier Held Supporters of the mbVpment crate other treaties and such charge score of 44 la eKgMa Beaters, Irons j fixed occupatipn /force of about pointed accusing fingers at half a lated here i by eight American As‘HellDGle’ . ^ ,, itenhed the report "convlnclj% evi- dozen men In high position. Includ­ ticklish territorial questions as rflcsw- In Addition cnllffton w m u s k r a t ! , 400^000 well befoge the end of the 'Trieste. Aosta, and the Greek-, flicfS- .... w J or what hare yop. Novelty Plaid Woolens ^ iic m g a g s fiJ d e n c e ’’ that a lack of cpordinatlon ing Gen. George C. Mamhall. One airman aald he had his en whose husbands have hew ^ winter. ^ existed between the Army and Tugoslav boundary. from the armed, to The Americah commander said wrists tied behind him and had Boyington Among! 500 charged Work Guaranteejd * Navy when the Japanese attack- (OoBUnned on Pnge. Two) How Bvmes’ four colleagues— may I'bo discharged upon the importation of food from the Russia’s Molotov. Britain’s Bevln, beerf^ung bjl hla thumbs to efforta ed. by .the Japanese to force him to Prisoners LiBerated; Rates ReasonabK NATURAL TIPPED United States to feed Germans T h e y said Jhe sItuaUon would, 1 France’s Bldault and China’s waa Inescapahle, but that he did Vermont O ffic i^ in reveal American plans to tovade casualty Figures Drop $1.98 to $3.98 yd. not have existed had the Army and Wang Shal-Tse—will react to hU Waahtogton. Aug. 30—B . Prompt Pick-np and not mean he Intended to fatten Treasury Balance Many Weep Freely _ SKUNK . . New Jersey to . Quiz Navy been working together under recommendations Is not known, N lp p o r^ ^ Threaten Repoctere and deletions to combat o Delivery Service. the Germans. one head both In Hawaii and Wash­ Good looking patterns for jackets, skirts, suits, etc, All Washington, Aiig. 30—VP)— ’The Neither Is tlielr attitude re In good condition, and reported by the armed !<«*••,, He said he bo^d" to have the Fugitive on Slaying ington. Byrnes’ frequently expressed con; Wokyo Bay, Aug. 30—VPf—Maj. Germans elect their own officials position of the Treasury Aug. 28: their wlounds are heallngi They dav produced a redodtlo^ Telephone 4777 color combinations. Likewise, they added, a recur­ Receipts. 8112.456.926.46; expeh- victlon that at such meetings as Gregory (Pappy) Boyington, U. S. from last week’s total. Tl In city— and---- rural ...» areas this fall.. . . . I Englewood, N. J., Aug.- 80.'—(S) rence can be prevented only by ere still are held by the Japanese who 'dltures. $452,394,234,27: balance, threatened correspondents w to Mkrtoe .flying ace missing m ^e fletire,. which Is i » t Elsenhower declined to L_state’s Attorney Clarke A . ,atloh . „ „ „ of a national department of (Conttooed on Page Eight) h $19,054,476,450.71. , bayonets when .they first tried to thin 16 months, w a s i^ o iig TOO 1.0W 545 aa agatoat l,D70S tS how long the Gravel and Sheriff Dewey Perry defense, pritonere of war—the first libera­ the preceding week. 'The cur- Northern Dyed Silverblue Germany w u ld lasL say^ tois ^ Burlington, V t, arrived to En- Had Planned Campaign Interview them'In the YMCA her^ ted on Jepan-r«vacuated today total Includes 928,284 58 inch was a matter of •‘‘? * * ? * ^ jjg ^ ; glewood early today to queatton Merger advocatea aald . they had -Entfance waa gained ■^^*.*1 * nfinutes ■ delay. The ^ from a hosplt,al described as a Army and I43,?61'tor , Rnmn«.v. a soldier * campaign this fallTnit Shanghai atlU awalta- Ita ^ d a l •Hell hole" by Navy reacuere. The Army report represwiea.^ Fire In^rance ...sd not hoped to have "such atrong Tire Rationing May Last Many of the ^prlsoheto found at cUne o f 197. The N avy Plain Shetlands with the slaying near Burlington I " release. Asmoriiaear aEok<*amaL.weteJn « Oa r|oor M uskrat^ ------Second Ueut. Harold M. M e r . pitiful conffificii and wept amnns Allied nowers to I "■v«"pr»y apprehended by i^ctlon by the Houar ~~ Longer Than MaMt Thm abashed as thejr caught their first piMnes Sweep Shlpyarfl rey Indian Lamb Chicago, pilot of an Army B-M FURNITURE tSTal^ wS^ t^ **!**■,■ Post-War Military Policy commit' bomber: Second Lieut. William R. glimpse of rescuing Americans. , Portland, Ore„ Aug. 1 And Pefsnail Bffseta $2.98 yd. ^ g S hoiiestv He Issued by the Burlington Uee, which conducted hearings last Msrtln.l Jr„ Colorado Springs, Boyington. officially " credited FlanMs swept through laekPsralaa vrith shooting! down 26 Japanese BUpballdlBg CorperaUM si?d t o « ^ « r T r i ? t o RusS^ « - w h ^ Charged murder toter but made no recommend. Washington. Aug- ow- 8® (A>)—T ire. able to assure that our “ 'ims^ita^ Colo., and Sergt. ayd e J. Srtjers, Wa eaa prolaal raa tor aa to tlon system will not be crippled by planes before he disappeared <)ver destroying poee^ F*™ * Sable Blended vested to torn many , things that Four Found Shot Dead ^ ^ ic a l of the comment waa that Mt. Pleasant, M(ch ; Navy Filers M 9MS pat f i a i l l i t • ymr The smart'plain color wool-fabric. In aqua, Kelly green. rationing, the OPA Indicated to- . ^ ,or tires Otot would atnp AMM-lc Walter Pallack. Chicago; 'Rabaul. New Britain. Jan. 3, 1944, dollarB of newly eorapwto^ Copen blue, scarlet; grey, rust brown, cerise. ! _ ’The warrant for Romprey’s a r-jo j Bepresentative Sikes (D „ Fla.) day.day, ■ may1 last longer than you ; jealei^' of "Supplies, leaving some AMM-Sc Frank Maratea. CW ca^; sent out word he was happy and fols and kUltog a eal Northern Muskrat V drivers that perform the most ea messaged greetings to Admiral imaeaBpI; think AOM-Sc 'red Hauser, North Hojly- The maa...... «n Berhn * The I l»rother-to-law, nhd the latter’a niember of aential servlcea .without -tires. wood, calif., and Seamen 1-c Jena Halsey. ' i- drowned when hh Jlva* Since the end of gasoline tatlon- Commodore Roger Simpson, a^t^H^^c^mJSer^was to^achildren were foundLoipmlttee. tog Aug. 15, the agency said, mo­ Backlog Must Be Filled MarUnseh. Brooklyn. N. Y - flaming ship Into the h e * . jLiPC Green Stam|w Given With Cash Salcsl ^ shot to death yesterday, at their ..Jrhe' ^ e re^revelations to„ the (Peart This means, to effect, ^ t the Richard C. Warner. Dalton, in. commanding th4" » P «5 ^ bestoa oporntoc waa alto nport are clinching argu- torists have been flowing local backlog of unflBed -appUcationa Drisoner evacuation task force, re­ 1 Harbor) report are clinch^ « w - Effler and hla-botobee were The fire broke ««t t o Arthur AaKnofla TPhe dead slrat•^'^ Imenta to favor of completo com ceived reports that "there -ever Allied Control council. Bhot down Mky 17. The Navy m « VlctoiT, a « i t o i p l e « bln eatl BUaa Mansfield. 81, farm mn- >oUdatlon of the Army and Navy, were on allidane htolch «rraahed has been a blacker Hell hole than n m n d within ml ,He declared that tlvs ____ the prisoner of war hospital v/o ALL FURS SUBJECT Easy Budget The JMt HAi-^ COM June 28, following an attack on s v e M . Olyaa. s are now evacuating." atomgolSa. S tveral MAMCHISrM CONM- Japanese cqivoy of three dertroy; He said many of the prisoners ■ p t t t a n . avaidBg 1 to S t . M. TOaO%TAX V. •r escerts, la picket boat three thn h a* wwa. i Terms Arranged |blnia. i . ' ' tn MAIN De.-cribing the red p yn> ^ — 'stationed at Camp Wheeler, Ga.,|two servlcea^nd that the only way United States troops homeward aaj (Coattoved ea Itofs • .. " -:;rj aa soon as enough tires are avaU -. aiaaa. 80().000 to larger aisee. A ■ai3CeLai lOnsOkmS SB (C mi ,_vt i PACfT TM«»-^;

.-,q'uare-icU can be satisfying sub­ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN- T^TISDXT, AUGUSf 30, 194J stitutes for boarding-house fare ?AGE TWO $50 in the RockviUe City Court on U rges Loaning and the symphony. In,addition, the MANYNEVER X,. Wednesday with Aaaoclat* Judge Rockville Charles Underwood preaiding. Hart rural teacher finds opportunities theater* of war or afe atationed I'ould have mustered only 180 their rofinths of imprisonment In-f ■S*- for service to her pupils and to the Pearl Harbor planes' against the ta.sk force. ]A*iHl-Kca«e eluded enforced tenures in "in­ Round and Square Pertnits Worth $ 759^694 waa-charged with operating a taxi­ O f Teachers SUSPECT CAOSE within the limlta of the eontlneh- ' — ■ C itadel Heacljs cab without a P.U.C. permit •n i social and cultural life of the com­ 'ells P olicy' ta! United States. Attach Unpreventable quisitorial dena of brutiam." munity that can place her in a ' A request was sent out by the DAiNniNt; without proper regletratlon. He As soldiers leave (he service, Furor Coiitiiiiics The Navy Inqulri^ board said the Fiid Brings IssuedJJuritig 12 Months Sees N o L etup was arrested by Police Captain unique and Important positions OF BACKACHES the ODB will have the additional attack on Pearl Harbor, under clr-- evacuation task force for. 300 units T o Q uit Posts Every’ Friday Night. 8:.30 Peter J. Dowgewlcz after dis­ Would Apply a Lend- there. . Thia Old Traatmsnt Often O n A llow ance task of discontinuing their family cumstances .then existing, "was Since variety of experience is Brings Happy RsUsf -'**^*'**' ^ 'Vm I The group of 500, believed to be YEOMAW' HAU charging a pauwienger In the center allowances and Class , fc. allot- (UoDtInurd from Page One) unpreventable and that. when, it David Chambers, building In- Chicken cobps Numbering 18 For R ed Cross of the city. In court he was in­ Lease Program to always an .asset,” Mr. Pratt con^ Many »u(r«rtr» r*H*r« luzslnstiiSaSto- ' ments-of-pay—ndt- to mention the would take place was unpredict­ mostly Americana, constituted the ('olumhia tinned, "large cities could wel af- noIcklT, one* thiurdlteoTir that th« nsIcsoM first to be liberated In Japan Major and Mrs. Jere­ ipector, has filed with the Select­ costa $2',645 and 39 garages added formed that the Connecticut law Aid Rural Sections of th«fr trouble m«y be tired IcidiMsi. ivService Men's Allot­ claims to be settled. And of Army -chief of staff, and Fqrmer. able." , ' (Continued frnni Page One) men hla report for the year end­ $18,400. There was 307 permits requires a P.U.C. permit and a li­ forii.,to give these volunteers an The kldnejre »re Mature’! chief way of taz- (feurse, the ODB has the continu- Serrelary of State (iirdell Hub,.' This is what (he Army and where there are an estimated miah H. Sweet .Are ing-August 15. It shows that issued for altefatlons valued at In-sci^lce training salary Incre­ Inz the txceat aeida and vaate out of Ibe blood. There were no recomniendatiohs 36,000 Allied prisoners of war, in­ Work to Continue as cense from this state to operate In Hartford, Aug. 30—With many TbeybcIpmottpeoplepaMaboutlpiiitoadiv. ments Enil Month linJS task of processing changes of Navy reporl.s had tU {socialistic as people In thia coun- ■ 1 Club House ...... • • ■■ ... 20,900.00 Gustave Hoffman, 83, well known Lyndon U. Pratt. Executive ^Sec­ happy rtllef and will Iwp tba It mfln of war) by tonight.” Carney aald. N. J, CurtLs. are to be transferred MANCHESTER 7 Poultry Houses ...... • • • day stated that the end of hostili­ painter and etcher, died this morn­ retary of the Connecticut State might be Interested In finding otn- kidnay tubes flnah out poisonous waste froto diers are discharged' from active the reports were based. formation to Short on Dec 6 and T^try might be led to believe, . OetUng Things Done at once to the PitLsfield. Mass... ■ ...... ties with 18,400.00 Japan means no letup In er teaching positions, the secre­ ' your blood. Gat Doan’4 PiUa, A number of senators and repre­ indicating an "almoai' immediate" 39 Garages . . . ----4 • • • ...... ’ ...... 12 , 000.00 ing at the Rockville City hospital Teachers’ Association, said twaV ^"service. Class E sllotments-of-pay tn get it Is through a department Simpson was assigned to hls (Jorps. They were at their cottage 2 Tobacco Sheds ...... local Red Cross acUvitles. following a lingering Illness. A tary emphasized. Since gasoline of national defense." sentatives, particularly Republi­ SHOWING ...... 6 , 000.00 “City boards of education, Mr will also continue to be paid unr break with Japan, and ‘ O etament will make-m any great work for hia past performances in at Old .Orchard Beach, Maine, 1 Dance Hall—...... "The nature of some of opr ac­ life-long resident of Rpckvllle he Pratt continued, "could under juch restrictions have been lifted, they ■-der the customary ODB proce- Both Democrats and Repnblicsns cans. wanted a look St the com­ termtne the re^lneaa of the Ha- ch^mges in th e jra y the British getting thinga done. He was ...... ■ ...... 3.445.00 tivities may change,” she said, arc now able to commute to and plete record and said so. Rome when they received the orders, cut 16 Sheds ...... : ...... 3,350.00 was the son of Theodore and Wll- a plan grant leaves of absence to :.dure. joined in the move. waiian command despite the threat , doing things.” he said. credited With knocking out Jap­ .short their vacation and are pack­ “but there will be important work hemine Gerlach Hoffman. He was from their city homes, not only This was stated today by Bi iR., "The findings will renew the de­ thought the jpubllc also was 'en­ of war FRI.-SAT.-SUN. 3 Storage Cellars ...... / ...... 2,545 00 to do." She thanked all of the vol­ teacher* who vertunteer for a titled to all the Information ijn "The ibori es plan, among other anese shipping at Rabaul. New ing their belongings preparatory 18 Chicken Coops , ...... widely traveled, and hls etchings year’s service In nearby rural continuing In employment by 4 or 5-Room " Qan. Leonard H. Sims, USA, act- mand for legislation to merge the Stimsdn called the charges "en­ ! things atidRalization of coal Britain, when he took a destroyer to leaving for PitUfleid, Tuesday...... , / ; ___; 2,600.00 unteer workers of the Chapter ^or teaching In the smaller towns, but Army and Navy.” said Represen­ Pearl Harbor.' Both Stimaon and 11 Brooder Hoiuse.s ...... ■ ...... i;400.00 the remarkable record of 274,305 of scenes, together with hls paint­ MiM Shirley Palmer schools, provided that the ’ ing director of the War Depart­ tirely unjustified” and Mr. Truman j mines, that won’t be ao radi- groiip to the harbor in 1944. They will aay farewell ti the local 4 Bams ...... ------l.l.’SO.OO ings, had .'appeared in numerous era were assured of retaining their serving where their special skills ment Office of Dependency Bene- tative Albert Thomas ID., Texas), Fofrestal said appropriate conX baciced him up. It was on Jan. 3, 1944, that hours served since Pearl Harbor, are needed moat. Aportnleiit or^ member of the House Naval Appro­ gressional committees would be cal becaii the coal property is corps Sunday evening a. 7:30. 1 Dormitory .... exhibits. He leaves two brothers; places In the salary schedule, and f fits in Newark, y Jape Handed ritlmatiun already led by the government, Boyington, of Okanogan, Wash;, ...... 7 . • 1,000.00 a tnily magnificent recorfl for so George and Theodore, both of Cali­ Miss Shlrlky Palmer, daughter f As soldiers leave the sendee, priation aubcommittee. ^ven full records and reports. ^ Major and Mrs. .Sweet have held 1 Dog Kennel ...... • X.- • 150.00 small a chapter. of Mr. apd Mrs, Edwin A. Palmer seniority, retirement and -enure • 1 "The disclosures of the lack of Declaring he wouldn't stand fOy \ hu11 The Army board said the so that na inallaation would be was last seen while tailing a Jap­ many charge in Eastern Massa­ 2 Play Houses...... •••• fornia; also several nieces and 1 however, the benefits are discon- anese plane -In. turn followed by ...... 75.00 Coincidentally y«jth Mrs. Mc- nephews. of Parker street, Manchester, baa plan," the CSTA Secre Now Many Wflar House Waiifed Mtnued, he emphasized. Eligibility coordination will give new empha­ '‘any whitewash." May said last former secretary of state handed j more or [ust 1^ change In chusetts. The Major is a native of 1 Advertising Sign ...... 138,279.00 Bee’s statement, national Red been accepted by the Nurses Cadet sis J o the eonsolidstion drive." night In a radio program that "the the Japanese what they regarded I management, 12 enemy aircraft. Framingham, Maas. They wero 307 Allerations -and Additions The funeral will be held Satur­ tary continued, "not only could «aaaes at the end of the month In Carney auggeated the possibility Cross chairman, Basil O'Connor, day at 2:30 p. m. at the 'White Fu­ corps. She will enter the St. help relieve the teacher shortage FALSE TEETH By Business Couple. which discharge occurs. said Representative Harne.ss (R., people are entitled to bnow the as an ulUmatium at a time when Bunnelle pointed diit also that stationed at the Lynn. Mass., cita­ ^$759,894.00 issued the following from Wash- Francis hospital In Hartford on whole truth baaed op all the facts the Atmy and Navy wanted more I the telephone and telegraph ays- that more than 500 prisoners have del for three and a half years: also neral home. Dr. George S. Brookes, but would also provide, .teachers With More Comfort Under the Servicemen’s De­ Ind.) been librated when he-said the The fees collected for the above permite amounted to *L517.M. pastor of the Union Congregation-, September^ 4. Miss Palmer.^ad- with an opportunity to broaden FASTEKTII. a pleaantit - alkaline Nu'^hildren. pendents Allowance Act of 1942, Army leaders-supported the plan pertaining to this grave dlsa.ster." tlme tb prepare for war and had I tema are operated bg the govem- in Cfambridge, Chelsea, Haverhill 80.00 "Although actual Hostilities uated from the Manchester High (non-add) powder, holds false teeth in testimony before the House com­ suggeated a Oiree-months truce In | ment. evacuation force "obviously Is and Boaton, and were appointed to 4 Master Electrician Licenses ssu^ have ceased, thanks to' Providen­ al church, will officiate. Burial their experience with a wider ya- u amended, family allowances are ran* For Fair Open Trial moving fast," leaving little time 7 Matter Electrician Licenses i'.su«!d through State ' 35 00 will be In Grove H|ll cemetery. school In June of 1942. She was riety of Bubject* and Bupervlaion more Hrmly. To rat and talk In more // c a l l 7586 mittee la.st winter. Navy leaders The Kentuckian called for a the Pacific. i Food and Fuel Below Normal Hartford for the term 1931-33. 195.00 tial grace, the American Red Cross comfort. Just sprinkle n IrtOe TA a- payable for six months after the to pass out Information on reaulta. 39 Master Electrician/ Renewal Licenses lssued_. . . . . formerly, with: the Connecticut over multiple grades. 'TEETH on your plates. No immmy, termination of war, to those de­ were cool to the idea at that time. "full, fair and open trial" of Maj. Stimaon defertded Hull, saying! Bunnelle said that, the end of Both Major and Mrs. Sweet have 20.00 faces World-Wide tasks. We must Mutual Life Insurance company. EVENINGS 4527 made many friends since they 4 Journeyman Electiieian Licenses Issued • • ■ ’ • v - ” continue to serve our armed .'orces, "These teachers would find inai gooey, pasty taste or feeling. Oiecks pendents whose soldiers are still Gen, Walter C. Short and Rear he "strongly disagreed' writh w-hat ; jj,e war has meant|-little change 21 Joiirnevman Elcctrlcliin, Renewal Licenses issued.. 21:00 Besides participating In several of small towns have their points, to<^ •'plate odor " (denture breath).\ Get came t^Manche'ter, In the parish overseas for as long as the need Tomato Season PASTEETH at any drug store, \ in the‘Army and in a pay status, Admiral Husband E. Kimmel. the amounted to conjecture and adding for the average Briton, y<h food Surprise Shower 1 Master Heating License issued ...... 20.00 the Red Cross activities, she has and that church suppers and Ocsidral Sims explained. This may Rev. P. Blaney Arhiy and Navy commanders^al that the board's comment was n^d fuel far below normal, and and the town. Major Sweet was a 30.00 exists. Red Cross services to hos­ also canva.ssed for the War Bond Pearl Harbor at the outbreak of member of the Klwanls club, the 6'MBstcr Heating Renewal Licenses ...... 6.00 pitalized servicemen and veterans be gome time after the actual "uncalled for and not within the^|,ou8ing in a critical condition, 6 journeyman Heating Renewal Licences Issued .... must be stepped up to keep pace Now at Height drives here. ' fighting ends, he pointed out. III Teacliiiig Post the war. scope of their pfxiper Inquiry.' j ‘j'There has been a little more For Recent Bride oldest service club In town, and 9 Master Plumbing ((2omb.) Licenses issued ...... 90.00 itnee war is terminated as of the, Representative Short (R-Mo.)' Hull promised to “make such a ga)wHne available,*' he aaid, "and tbok an' active part in community 82.50 with demands. Our (chapters must questioned whether some "shield­ and war w’ork. They have three- 33 Mastci: Plumbing (Combd R«"^wal 7.50 be prepared for all emergcnciM. date set by Congress. World W ar’ statement as mi\y be called" for i consequently you see a few more Mrs. W*illiam J. Kloter, the for- 3 Journeyman Plumbing (Comb.) LicensesM^ed such as disasters, and mllst build Storrs, Aug. 30.—Tomatoes are. Sterliiig Serving EAT THE BEST AT REYMANDER’S I was terminated in July, 1921, Rev. Philip L. Blimey of Summit ing” w-as being done and said "the after studying tfie reports. ! automobiles and taxis on the married daughters , and ' several censes issued 12.00 as cheap and well-flavored thia f OR SALE street, ordained to the priesthood American people w'iil not be .satis­ mej; Mias Gertrude Ritijhie, daugh- grandchildren. 24 Journeym.'rrj Plumbing tComb.) 251.50 up and strengthen their peace­ Corned Beef and Cabbage when Congress by a Joint resolu- Kimmel and Stark The Navy j^treeta. but aside from that there ter“bf Mr. and Mrs. John Ritchie, 266 Electrical PermiU 1-wued-Fecs collected . time programs." week as they will be all summer,, tton declared the war ended, a week ago. Who . Celebrated hls" fied until a coiirt martial Is held" Board was "of the opinion that no | j, qq change apparent tn London, Major and Mrs. Sweet will be . . . 78.00 In Philippines VeaU Cacclatore Half Broilers 9x12 SHED fli-at high mass at St. James's of 96 Summit street, was the honor 42 Heating Permits issued—Fees, collected ... 60:00 Cannot Relax says A. E. Wilkinson, vegetable ? World War II will be terminated Representative 8 h a f e r (R- offenses have been committed nor . There haa been no increase In food guest at a aurpriae miacellanebus succeeded by CS^ptain and Mrs. AH Oil Burner Permits issued—Fees collected ...... This brief outline of national Tenderloin Steak Suitable for Workshop 1^ similar Cengreastonal action. church last Sunday, has been ap­ Mich.l. like Short a member of the .serious blame Incurred^ on the paj-t rations, clothing is just aa hard Richard Atwell, (faptain Atwell 43.50 specialist of the Agricultural Ex­ Veal Cutlet Short Steaks pointed to the teaching staff at St. shower last, night at the home of '29 Certificates of Occupancy ' 275 Red Cross policy, Mrs. McBee as­ • with a Sfabee Unljt In the PBI'IP" oT Storeroom. Accordingly, the ODB — the Military committee, also ha<}. Ideas i of any person or persona in the“ to get as it ever was and fuel Mrs. Marshall Young, of 77 Garden is'a young., man and has been an 3 Copies Certificate of Occupancy Issued-Fees collected^ serted, means no relaxing of the tension Service, University of Con­ Jgrgest activity of the Office of Thomas's Seminary, Bloomfield. a court martial might be Inforder. | Naval service." It gavl Kimmel ' officer less than ten years. pines.—Joseph A. Sterl^g, Boat- LOADS OF FUN — DINE AND DANCE TONIGHT! The announcement of hla ap- just aa scarce. street. Mrs. l^loter’a marriage to Tocal chapter’s efforts. In fact, necticut. Homemakers planning Swain’s Mhte. Second J®* inquire tiha Fiscal Director. Headquarters, Sevefhl legislators took issue. ] pretty much a clean billVf health ! "It still take.- a month to have $1,034.25 "many of the organization's ser­ pointfhent was made today by however, with the criticisms o f' but said Stark "failed to di.splay t Sergeant Kloter was solemnized at 1.517.00 to put up tomatoes this year will Hamlin street, Manchester, Conn., Fine Wines, Liquors and Beer ADAMY’S Anny Service Forces—will con- Bishop O’Brien. Father Blaney your laundry done; amj ypii have the South Methodi.st church. Satur­ 432 Building Permits issued—Fees collected^< vices will gradually , expand,, she find their best buys on the market ” r member of this construction SERVIC^TATION Itoue to disburse family allow- Marahall and Hull in the official sound judgment" In not Sending six motKh's to get a suit day. July 28. on his rtturn from INU-Mly fiMNMy tk«i right now. Nutrition experts sda :es and Class B allotments-of> was a prefect at St. Thomas’s the reports.reports, Important information to Kimmel.' ,r, Soldier Held ...... $2,55125 pointed out. . battaUon of the Pacific Fleet ^ rv - greater part of lu t year. .made”'' overseas service. He /has recently litf *!• •ewel '‘In the years which He ahead, vise the canning of not less than 20 ice Force which was working on Resrimaiidor's Reitaiiraiit Cor. Spruce and Eldridge to eligible dependents of Points Unknown or OlMcnre . I Both Admiral King snd S^re- Huhnelle said the coming win-1 been re-assigned to camp In rs^Sombrng^nspeeVoV h^ a’*" she said, “Veteran’s claims upon quarts per member of the fam­ Its third major project when the streets,^ ly men and women who are tn These dneiimenta brought aha ro­ tary forrestal. flkilig ter is llkelv to be the bieake.st one I California. As Suspect the govemmenl'''’po (o alarrh ei- ■ E>n> TONtOHT: He was a member of the Foresters vilians. It also said II;. S. policy sense of reality. big beef steaks that would cost of America and the AncieiiU Order • Built To Maker’s Precision Standards Another b.anner attendance wa.s; Lazy'Man’s Wonderland $4 a plate In New York. We have was not to be construed aa re­ nr»‘.sent at the Knights of Colum- ; ■**' SYOMEY GREENSTREET “HORN BLOWS AT of Hibernians. stricting Short to action that It Is certainly a lazy man’s won­ had Ice cream twice a day since Mr. Tobin leaves three sons. X, 0 An New Precision Made Parts bus carnival on the lot hext to the REONAU) GMlOnia-% L SAm MIDNIGHT" derland. with fiothing to break the we came aboard. . ■ "might jeopardize your defense.’’ K. of C. home at Main and Del- OAK GRILL Despite the easy life, the Ma­ They are William J. Tobin, Jr., of 8. Short reported the next day “WHERE? GOCGOOD FEIJX)WS GET TOGETHER" n a s: “ROAD TO ALCATRAZ” “HANGOVER SQUARE" monotony but three of the squar- Youngstown. Ohio; Joseph C. and * All Recent Improvements mont streets last, night AU the est meals each day^ that ever fell rines are getting tense. They he had put into effect an anU- booths reported large reeelpts, the ; Francis S. ’ >bin, both of Rock­ sabotage alert. Your Search for Good F that Japanese dlplopiatlc and A great yellow moon Is shining ■* t e l e p h o n e 5101 PhyKics,.Bip1ogy, Geology, Etc.. ..maular fotU at Hong Kong, prize has g6ne to a resident of the ' Large Sirloin Steak now and the great battlewagons of the John B.- Burke Funeral 634 CENTER STREET “ Drawing Board* for Home Work. Singapore, ^"tavla, Washington eoutt^ end of the town. Breaded Veal Cutlet' slide like huge cats noiselessly ^ rttn n e d froni Page One) Home, 87 East Center street, Complete Drawing Outfit* and London i had been ordered to Southern Fried Chleken across the churning water. They Manchester: SPIRAL BOUND NOTte BCWKS ' T-Sqnare* Anglre Scaien ,destroy moot codes and ciphers are dark and silent—blacked out cargo transports and two troop New Office Hours PLAIN NOTE BOOKS, An Sizes / Transparent Rule* ! nhd biirn secret documents. To Send Most as if they were on regular war­ transport* north of Shanghai. At the conclusion of the session Higgin* Drawing Iiik 9. Apparently the United DINE AND DANCE time combat miasion.mission. n Fleet e e i coin-com Paliack said anti - alrcr^t or the USES and Unemployment RING BINDERS, 2 and S Rinq^ Penclla States had cracked a Japanese Troops Home mandera are Uklng no dhances of ; knocked the bokiber out of the sky representatives held here Wednes­ SlJlt^lng Paper code, for Stimson said the War . To the Lilting Tune* of a repetition of the "day^ of in- a„d It crashed near the convoy. day. It was" announced that due to EXTRA SHEETS AND FILLERS Tracinn^/iPftper* . Protractorm. famy” Pearl . Harbor - that Troop - Transport Slink department received information (Continued Frotn Page Oaej THE OAR GRILL SWING8TERS the large number applying, new ' Plain and Ruled — for Ring, Theme, on Dec. 6 on what Japan's reply ■ .10 OAK STREET TELEPHONE 3894 launched US into the war; When .Tapanese.v rescuers picked hours would be In effect Wednes­ All New and Approved Devici»! .Plaiies Circle )n Hkles, them up, Paliack saw about 1,200 day. Sept. 5. Starting then and Scieiice and Physiology Bmdera to American settlement overtures being c o n 8 t a n 11 y acmlerated, ^ Fine Wines — Uqnors and Beer 1026 Main Street, Cbi:ner Bii^U would be and that 'the ‘answer in­ All day, carrier-based planes men swimming around from a until further notice the office will Eiimhower aaid that even the - cirele protectively In the skies. troop transport that had been be open frbm 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. East Hartford (Next to E a s ^ ^ Theater). dicated an Immediate severance of estimate of 400,000 men' aa an oc-1 X Fouitfriri, Pens diplomatic relations. They come In waves of 20 to 30 sunk by the .toombepi. — The representatives would appre­ cupa.Uon fo«» might be reduced like endless flights of bluf-grey "As the Japs picked up the ciate the fact if those applying Stenography Supplies Marshal did not receive word of later, prqvided the Germans did thia until the, following morning. geese. Usually; each flight is trail­ swimmers each greeted us by would do so before 12 noon and WE ARE READY Spiral Bound Note Books $1.5D and up more fbr themselves and leas po­ ed by some late-sfarting DonpTd slugging ns,’’ Paliack related. We Then he mesj|aged Short by com­ licing became necicMar.v. after 1 o’clock- Pads ■ Pencils ' Erasers mercial radio Mying the Japanese Duck tfylng to ifatch up. _ were locked in vegetable bins and Wedding Saturday Carbon Papfr — Blbboni, — Etc. Eisenhower Indicated that can­ There Is something about this beaten every couple of hours. The marriage of Mlaa Alice Eve­ FOR SCHOOL we're presenting what amounted to ned meat probably 'would be one Mechanical Pencils an ultimatum St 1 p. m. e. w. t endless parade of might through "Th8 next day on reaching lyn Uaher, daughter of Mr. and of the larger items In American f cloud-streaked skies and slow, Shanghai we were really beaten Mra. AJden Usher. of Loveland Sweaters The message reached Honolulu food exports to Germany. He said hammering- seas that catches at up by Jap enlisted men taking HUl, itockvlUe. to Corporal Ulderic Everything You Need 29c to $1.25 22 mifiutea ^fore the attack on he personally favored a ration of your throat. It is America on vic­ •n Pearl Harbor began, but it wasn’t turns hitting us." ’ Mallloux, son of Mr. and Mra. Hen­ < Composition Books — Pencil* . * ; 2,0(10 calories dail.v for Germans, tory parade. It Is the thousands Other tortures Included the ty­ ry MaUIoux, Sr., of Groavemor- Skirls Pen* decoded and delivered to the ad­ on advice of physicians that {this who survived moving In majesty ing of their hands behind their dale, wlU take place on Saturday Book Covers Eraser* Correspondence Papers jutant general until 7 hours and 3 wraa the minimum level at which to claim the triumph for all the backs and then being raised with at 9 a. m. at St. Bernard’s Church. 7 to 14 All Staodxrfl Make* of Ink minutes after the fighting started. disease could, be prevented. ^ DANCING thousdnds who died on lonely a cord around their necks. . Corpoiral MaUIoux recently' return­ Tran*parent and Boxwood Ruler* Sheet*, and 84 Envelope* 10. The Japanese began train­ He profeased. however, to have atolls or were lost in swirling wa­ "With our hands tied that way ed from the Pacific with thfe '43rd Colored Pencils , Pen Holder* ing for the strike in July or Aug­ OUTFITTERS Contrr Street no idea whni that level could be ters in struggle-filled days when a they would give us four or five Division. ' ' a Box and Up ust in their home waters. They OF c Carnival Every Thorsdoy ond Salhirdoy world at peace seemed a forlorn Fined 50c BOLAND:::::: reached He' .said a common agree­ Bocks,” Fallack said. FORGIR.LS. used six carriers, two fast battle- ment hmbng all the Allies was doluaion. ^ linng by Ills Thumbs John Hard. 23, of 120 Wllbra- Webster Dictionaries ships, two heavy criiiaers. one I , Evening* necessary, or there would a MAIN AND DELMONT STREETS We have been at sea for |iay6- Elfler, refusing to provide the ham Road, Springfield, was fined BLOUSES Pocket Size, 50e Standard, $1.00 up Dennison’s Goods HANia;HANia. A l l Dial Ught cruiaer, a destroyer division stampede of,' Germans Into the 9:30P. M .tol A. M. ^ c e p t for a few rain squallA the Japanese with information, was and some subnnarihes. zone allowlrig the highest rations. ■ weather has been the perfect kind hung by hls thumbs for half an d r e s s e s VM> H KL Northerly Boute Taken ART MrKAY AND HIS ORCHESTRA star* — Tag* — Label* VNDHKL \ / l L l 6320^ 2 0 The general aald.^ German coal — the Nipponese folders will be ad- hour. . WE NOW HAVE 1 a n k l e t s Card HoMec*sc* I . The task force assembled at {production would .be Shared' on a ''vertlJrtng again . within , a fe,w- Six released American prison- Desk Blotters *Ikiiksn bfiy at Btortu island' tai; ASTERS mjLOOM IMlorrty =bMis ' among llb e ^ ti^ R e s t a u n i n t . months. No typhoon has lashed eni of war: Burvlvj)i» 4rf Walw Is­ OOATfc : Adi'Popular CWdt* north Japan and sailed Nov. 27 or countries and that German" needs our w(»y. • ..... land, likewise told of Japanese ^ ftoii: peV Y iT r nsifTWF fi: " students iTMihg FURNACE BURNER SERVICE 78; taking a northerly route aoutb^ wpuld be filled last He expressed f ’■ Phone 392.3 (One did, a few days later, but brtrtalHlfS. , _ No Sale On Monday and Toes. leg g in g s e t s of 'the' Aleutians with orders to^ sympathy with Holland, i^lgium, did po damage.) They were Edward Cook. Ban Notebooks . deattoy even Japanese ships that Francisco, and Amos J. White, FRED SCHUETZ ffisM $ to fix — t to la ' Pencil Boxes 'M France and Luxembourg over StllHag Behind Hatchc« 40 Kensington Street sighted the fleet.. their critical fuel problema. Marines 'walk bare backed about Rahway, N. J., civilians, and Ma­ Well rilled • 20c -It turned south toward Oahu rines Corp. Robert E. Lee, Taylor- the decks or . stretch asleep, thelf FOR BOYS and laurtched some 300 of its ap- BUkwonna Taught Him RIDES BOOTHS FERRIS WHEEL bronze skins unharmed by tropic ville,' ni.; Pfc. Leroy Moritz, Sed- 50c, 85c, $1.25 45 Sheets of Paper.*...... proximately 42t planes from 300 sun rays. ;At night It Is a little rt Wooley. Wash., and Sergt. Wil­ .PANTS to 250 miles out. . Comte Hilaire de (ihardonnet, atlfllng'nie’Mlnd- the hatches and liam D. Beck, South Gate, Chllf. PIANO TUiJJn G 11. 'The Intelligence officeruf thefather of the rayon industry, based, DANCING portholes, closed to keep light The Japanese hit them with • jcADET SUITS . Pacific fleet declarsd.'later his rdsearch on silkworms, copy- from showing outside, to any quirts "quits a lot.’’ they said. had American forces Intercepted* rO R YOUNG. AND OLD! kamikaze minded Japanese sub­ Itarlne Lieut. Ctol. J. R. 8. Dev- AND VOiCING-$S.OO m a c k in a w s their'natuiml siik producing- ereujf and abw t I400 Wake sur­ he thought they would have “tak­ b)^sgMdianical means. He even Every Thurs. ond| Sat. Evening marine co'mnftmder. In the morn- Repairing . Rebuilding , sNO-surrs en .the licking of their life." Fleet obtanM-^his first celluloee from ‘ ing, you edn almost swim through vivors were trsHsferred to Japan Gash tor Tour Spinet Grand The Dewey-Richman units A Peaiil Harbor,. he s-Jd, mulberry'lafi'vea, as do silkworms. yqur perspiration to the edge, of last year, the six told correipon- and Upright / Stses to M Tears. would have 'Been unable to have yout bunk. Troops take one or dents here. STATIONERS OPTK DEPOT SQUARE GRILL two fresh or salt water ahfiwers Among American prisoners of JEWELERS DOOR dally trying to krep cool. war freed here was Dr, Charles A. G. McCROHON 14 DEPOT SQUARE TELEPHQNC-3333 There Is deck music throughout Boynton, Yale graduate and prin-, PRIZE - TURKEY though ------AJmsrlcan School Phonfl 7171 E.kCH NIGttT! PACE FIVE MANCHESTER EVENING HF.RAI.D MANCHESTER, (T>NN. THCRSDAY, AUGUST 3 0 ,1S4S B ir o im WANCHESTOR E VENTNC FTERALD. MANCHESTER. OONN^ THURSDAT, AUGUST 8(^ 194S Full Job BiU Rationing Data Ouster Action MaeArthur Reaily Next t’ealure at the State Theater !VIi?rilies ami Tars Heavenly Peace Snyder Backs Bridgeport Hopeful Furnished by May Be Next FIRS IWomen’s Get-Together To Control Japan; Occupy Jap Base Is No P/inacea umce ol L Further Help Price AdndnUtration A I Regional Department ot MARKETS 1st Units Lamlcfl (Continoed from Page One) About Employment Information McCarthy’s Council Con­ SUPER Proves Grand Success Simple Measure Has 55 Tremont Street, Boston. 8, approaching boats and kept on For Workers siders Jnstitutiug Legal la comparatively generous: With Terrific Implications , Maaaachusetta (Continued Prom Page One) digging. ^ty in Strange State Move Soon Nearly One Hundred May Get Bench A man who grabbed his clam (Goatlnoed From Page Oae) a maximum of $23 a week for 18 Says This Student the last on Corregldor. Today's basket and fled frantically. Of Suspended Anima­ weeks. Many workers qualify for _ Fats, Meats, Etc. Present at Social r landing was made by a reactivated Former Chauffeur Waiting in his prepared testimony. "Tbe that maximum. Book Four Red- Stamps Q2 Bridgeport, Aug. 30.—(A')—Ac regiment. A former Great Neck, N. T,, human as well as tbe material tion; Jobs Go Begging; There's about 200 millions in (Fl)*t of Four Articles) through U2 good through Aug. 31; tlon in the Superior court to seek ranged by Republican -'The 11th . Airborne division chauffeur, waiting with two Jap­ coats o f . transition are costa of the city's savings account*. But . By Jack Stinnett V2 through Z2 good through SepL the ouster of Col. Elmer S. Wat­ helped Mac Arthur clear 300,000 anese officers to act as translator war. We have recognized thia Part Seek Benefits no one know* how widely that'* 30; Al through E l good through Washington —Headline reader* son from the office of state com­ Double ' Group in tbe Town Japanese out of the 'SPhlllppInes during the quick capitulation fact in the programs for assist­ diBtributed. Oct. 31; F I through K1 good may have the idea that (he pro­ missioner of motor vehicles ap­ and were victors at Nichols field ceremony. ance to businejHi. and veterans. We (SIgrid Arne has started a May Be Trouble Over Itay through Nov. 30; LI through Q1 where, Japan stnick its first blow cannot in good conscience adopt There may be trouble over pay posed Full Employment Act 1* a become valid Sept. 1, good peared today to be the next pos­ Town and Mra. Within a half-hour, three old reconversion tour which" will sible step In the fight of John T. at the Islands. '' Nipponese forts, unmanned, were another, attitude towards displaced Sk^"her tl. key In d u e tr ia l^ :^ e *. since panacea for any and all immediate through Dec. 31. .Oaoff* M. Wadddl'a InterMtlnr war workers." $1 an hour are protesting, pt to­ Sugar McCarthy, Newtown Democrat, to s t o r e s yisee at 4d6 Pvtar atraet pr6v«d Raliited by Enemy Officers under guard and American flags dtiea from coast to coast. She post-war economic ailments— a retain the post to wbich he was Most people will be, buying lor the two dsy holiday Paratroop units drove in Jap­ flew above them. Spikes and 16- Only 30 Million Covered day’s prices, they can’t live on 60 Book Four .Stamp 36 good MOHOfiY, IkBOR DkY ^am Idaal dioica for tbe rct-tofoUier will talk to bunInesM and In- and 75 cents an hour paid on less guarantee of 66,000.000 Jobs at a through Aug. 31 for five pounds; appointed for four years in 1941 and some lor three days. Shop as aajly Saturday as anese truck.s, duly saluted by ene­ pound sledge hammers knocked Present unemployment Compen­ duntrlal leaders, "to workers by tbe then Gov. Robert A. Hur­ and picnic aponaored by the Man- my officers, to occupy Yokohama! out quickly the abandoned Japa­ skilled Jobs offered them. living or better wage—and. that Stamp 38 good Sept. 1 through you can bacausa it will help reduce 1^ le(e Saturday sation systems, be continued, and to unemployed, aizlng up And the pay-check* no longer Dec. 31 for five pounds. ley. five miles' claser to Tokyo than nese guns. A few American weap­ cover only some 3^ million of the Congress 1* going to make work cheater Republican club. G.O.P. and reporting on their prob- will include "time-and-a-half.” all over the place. Shoes Samuel Reich, McCarthy’s stora traffic. 'partiea have, been held there on Yokosuka. . This was the first ons were among those seized. nation's. 52 million gainfully em­ lema and what they are doing Book Three Airplane Stamps 1. counsel, said yesterday, in a Marines, tensely alert as they That means a Cut of 2() to 30 ner 'They had better read a little aevcral different occaatoni but laat step tow'ard a Juncture, between ployed. .Among those excluded about Bolutlona. Thin report on cent on the check, for those >vho 2, 3 and 4 good indefinitely. OPA strongly worded statement that PIM 10 “ “u /’lfttos FOB 1BE the sea and airborne forces who.se moved inland, had overrun empty are 2,900,000 Federal employees, deeper. nislit’a affair wta voted "topa" by KM the situation at Bridgeport, In keep their Jobs. Union men are The same is good advice for the says no plans to cancel any. he was' considering the possibility all who attendad. “rha number original landings were made 18 beach bunkers and pillboxes. many of them workers in ship­ the first of her etorira; others Rationing of gasoline, fuel oil, of instituting such action. miles apart on either side of Miu- Two officers and the interpret­ prepacldg to demand that pay calamity howler* who think the waa well on toward a Hundred and yards. arsenals, munitions depots, will follow at Interval*.) scales be increased to cover that oil stoves and processed foods re­ Criticizes "Obstinate Orders" rs peninsula. er. Frank S. Narusawa, who said gun factories and explosives Full Employment BUI would give averybody had a thoroughly _ good difference. the government the right to stick quiring blue points ended Aug. 15. Reich criticized what he termed time. ™*Both sir and sea forces were he had worked. ifT^IKy' York , and plants; 200,000 In the merchant - - By SIgrid Arne The city’s famous little Social­ Governor Baldwin’s "obstinate or­ covered In ty-pical battle fashion Boston as a chauffeur for 25 marine; and 2,000,000 employes of it* nose into everybody’s business, ders” of Wednesday lii Which he Committee in Cliarge Bridgeport, Aug.v 30—(>Pi— ' Th^ ist mayor. Jasper McLevy, says continue controls over Industry, Following are the hours at the TTie committee, Mra. George F. by the ready, but silent, guns of an years, met tbe Americans In tun­ firms hiring fewer than eight some public works may be needed Local War Price and Rationing instructed Watson to remain In Allied war fleet;anchored in Tokyo neled and .vaulted Fort Okahodai. workers. little fellow in denim was waiting establtah boondoggling for the office pending the outcome of an Borat, prealdent of the club; Mn. bay and swarms of planes -ang- to keep people *1 work. But he shiftless, or embark on more Office: , William G. Crawford, paat preal­ The Japanese garrison before The bill would extend Jobless in line to sign up for uneihplpy- says Bridgeport can’t plan until Monday: 10 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. appeal to the State Supreme Ing from fighters to Super-Forts. withdrawing had laid out ita pay to all of these groups. deficit spending. dent and vice chalriuan of the Re- Dennis Morgan and Barbara Stan\^y^ as they appear together In ment compenaation. Three days it knows Whether Ongress will Tuesdays: Closed to the public. Court ot Errors on Superior Court HONEYDEW ^ Begin Evacuating Prisoners weapons in neat rows—unlike the As reasons for Increasing maxi- help. Bridgeport has been cutting Wednesdays: 2 p. m. to 4:16 p. m. Judge Edward J. Quinlan’s deci­ ublioan town committee, and In a coordinated mercy opera­ Warners' sparkling comedy-romance/XiChristmas in Connecticut,” i before he Sad been riveting--Cor­ The Pull Employment Bill, In its 1 EXTRA FANCY tra. Herbert W. Robb, program Germans, who tapriclously de­ mum'TienefltB Snyder cited these Its debt, but it still has some. Thursdavs: 10 a m. to 4;15 p. m. sion that held McCarthy the ac­ S tion, four ships began evacuating playing at the State thcA(cr Sunday, Moii^day and Tuesday, Also stroyed much of their equipment sairs for the Navy. 'Now he had present state, is a simple measure li I Chairman, who made the arrange* Sen. Warren R. Austin, above, figures; Through it all there's an air of Friday: 10 a.m.' to 4:16 p.m. tual commissioner. MELONS the first of 36,000 prisoners of war starred in the film is Sydney Greenstreet. last May rather than yield it to no Job. He grinned as he apotted with terrific Implication*. menta were complimented on the of Vermont, is considered a Cost of Living Higher Leroy Downs, Bridgeport's war patience, and a drive toward co­ Saturdays: ?0 a .m. to 12 noon. He asserted the governor had in Japan, Including 8,000 Ameri­ the Allies. operation. CIO and AFL are doing Both its simplicity and it* Im­ Office telephone 6189. Issued the-'brders in "defiance ot COOKING I aucceaa of the picnic and aocial. leading choi Nowhere was there any sign of Many warworkers knew the war­ They'll start work in'September. trade and comi 'fee and In de­ contended that “probably cvelyc PEACHES pation forces—the Sixth and $15 would have purchased in 1939. Among the gueaU, were present Obituary Sixth Army will move Into the United Natlona? h o ^ ity as the Marines knocked time jobs must end some time. velopment of the natural re­ (official) act of Colonel Watson iS and former town officials, profea- Eig'hth Armies, which helped Ma> "Yet half the states still. have Real Reconversion Job Somewhere in the Ryukyus, 1 beaten islands in the next few A---7'he flag, unofficial, conaiata out Futtsu's guns and Joined larg­ maximum rates as low as $15 d r- sources of the United State*.”• Aug. 30—Technical Sgt. Charles Illegal.” He asserted it might ul- l alonal men and their wives, club Arthur fulfill his pledge to return weeks. er forcie moving into yokosuka. Searchlights focused on dome Bridgeport, like the nation’s to Mitaila. of four vertical red bars on a $18, and 41 states have, a maxi­ Urges Blanching 2. Ml American* able to work M. Willumitis, 38, of Manchester, tin»tely become necessary to call tiaembera and their husbands and Reduced To “Shantytown” white field. It also ia called the Fleet Xdmlral Nimitz, from of St. Paul's (Cathedral, Lon­ other factory towns, ha* a real and seeking work have the right a special session ot the General 2 9 « ’ Steel-Hclmeted MaJ. Gen. Jo­ mum of $20 or less.” reconversion Job on it* hands, it Conn., was promoted to Master GREEN PI [others prominent In the Republi- the bridge oF^the battleship Soutn don, threw a shadow of the seph M. Swing led his 11th divi­ The 11th Airborne men entering Four Freedoms flag.- Witnesses called for the second to useful, remunerative, regular Sgt., it was revealed recently. Assembly "to attempt to validate” I can pany. On Invitation of Mra. Funcralfi Yokohama found It haH been re­ Dakota, trained binoculars on the church's cross on low-hanging day of hearings by the Senate F i­ was one of the war’s boom towns. Vegetables Now and full-time employment, and what he termed Watson’s illegal Bortt, who axpreaaed her pleasure sion paratroopers from Okinawa Its factories turned out planes, Son ofjMr. and/ Mrs. Michael to Ataugi. He was the first to duced to a "shantytown” by Allied beaches as the Mkrinee walked iri. clouds behind it, forming in the nance committee, vvopklng on a it is the policy of the United acts. I that so many were able to attend, ^ Peter F. Calhoun Q—How was ' the 1944 World Admiral Halsey watebed from the| torpedoes, buUfts, searchlights, en­ WillumUis, brother of Helena and touch Japan As the greatest mass bombings. Many Japanese were Series money shared 7- heavens the symbol of peace similar bill, include Chairman Ar­ Storrs, Aug. 30—Home garden State* to assure the existence at Irene Willumitis all of 356 Deer ■John T. McCarthy is the mo­ they eerved themselves buffet Mlsaoun, and British Admiral Sir j gineer* at the General Electric Funeral service* for Peter F. air transport of the Pacific' got living in shacks made of scrap. . A—The S t Louis Cardinals got seen in the striking photo above. thur J. Altmeyer pf'the Social Se­ era who grew cauliflower and en­ all times of sufficient employment field road, Windsor. Conn., he is tor vehicles commissioner of the [ style, at tables filled with dishes Calhoun, of 305 Porter strefct, who Otheie lived in caves. Many cook­ Bruce Fraser from the Duke of curity board. New. York's Mayor ' plant dreamed i.p the , Opportunities to enable all Amer­ state of Connecticut,” Reich's I of beJead beans, scdloped potatoes, under way. 94,629 eadb and tha St. Louis it* worker* turned out 530,000 of dive this summer—and those who the husband of Mrs. Charle* Wil­ TOM ATOES >5< CUCUMBERS 2-15. | died Tuesday night at the Man- Paratroopers Fully Armed ed over open fires. However, some Browns $2,743 each. York. Said Nimitz, "This is a Fiorello LaGucirdia. Veterans' Ad- - still insist on white Celery—should icans who have finished their statement said. 'Tt is his sworn I macaroni and cheese, cold cuts, modem buildings still y-ere intact pleasure. ...” lumitis of 109 Hollister street, chestqr Memorial hoapital,-will be An unending stream of C-54, ministrator Gmar N. Bradley, and' open their blanching campaigns schooling and who do not have Mancheatei’. He has a brother, Lt duly to perform the functions of idavUIed eggs, plcklea. salads in held Saturday morning at ten transports, each carrying 40 .nan In the heart of the-city. ’ These had His meaning waa clear to any­ One-Man Army’ R. J. Thomas, vice president of ***Bridgeport’s path back to peace full-'.lme housekeeping respon­ the office. He is under oath and [variety and roUa. Hot coffee, ice Q—In what year did . "Gone iB probably a typical example^of wlthir. the next few days, says A. Albert Willumitis serving in the CABBAGE ”5. CARROTS 2 1 o'clock in St. James's church leav­ loads, landed on the 6.600 foot been cleaned by the Japanese for one looking at Yokosuka’s power­ the Congress ,of Industrial Or­ E. Wilkinson, vegetable specialist sibilities freely to exercise this bound tojJlLSO. [cream, home-made cake, cookies •u.se by the Americans. With the Wind” win the "Oscar” ful armament and ita island baa- what’s going on in other such fac­ Army. ing the T. P. Holloran Funeral runway at three minute intcn'als Among Liberated ganisations. of the Agricultural Extension right." , Mauler Sgt. Willumitis enlisted - “The insistence on the part of I and cupcakes completed e hearty with clock-Ilke regularity, dis­ ArriA-lng in the plane with Gen- of the Academy of Motion Picture tione. tory towns. , the governor in this course of con Home at 9:30. Friends may, call Arta and Sciences? Praised by Green Service. University of Connecti­ Those are the exact words of In Sept. 1942. received his basic BEETS 2* “15c SQUASH —2 ”19* i [meal, enjoyea In the picnic area at the funeral home at any time gorging 7,500 paratroopers, garb­ ei-al Spaatz were Gen. George C. Scores , of gun emplacements, It’s switching back npw to the bin, the rest of which merely duct is most definitely without ' • ’ ' • • 't-.r _( 1 Kenney, comipanding the Far East A—In 1939. ' The bill, introduced by Senator washing machines, toasters, cigar­ cut. These vegetables usually sell training at Mississippi Ordnance loader tbs ttesa, the gueats in four- bMore the aervicee. ed in battle green ax)d ,:fully with coastal guns of up to 16 Chicago, 'Aug. 30.—(Jf>)—Capt.' Kilgore. (D.. W. Va.). drew praise better on the market after they creates the machinery by which the public interest in mind.” Isomes seated around card tables. armed. Air Forces, and Lieut. Gen. Ennis inches, covered the narrow chan- ette lighters, corsets, phonopaph Plant and has b'een overseas 19 Q^What is meant by "abso- Arthur W. Werinuth of Chicago yesterday from AFL President recorda, electric heaters. ^ U will are bleached..^ Recently, however, Congress and tbe President can He has a'lsfi seen dutyJiL Speaks About Primary Arthur J. Lamberg MacArthur called the pheers C. Whitehead, commander of the ___ leading into Tpkyo bay. Land­ be guided in fulfllllng this prom Walks S5 Miles in Two Ihij-s F'ifth Air Force. reference to ti who won recognition as a "one- William Greenwiid a series of oth­ continue to make some bullets, as many people have swung to the Hawaii and in the Philippines. Mrs. Borst called for a rising and music wliich greeted him’ "the ings here against opposition would er labor witnesses. (freen pascal celery which has ise to the people. . tvote of thanks tq tbe host end Funeral aervicea for Arthur J. sweetest music I ever heard.” ature ? have been virtually Impoaalble, It did before the war. And. since Prior to his mUltary duties, Beaver. Ore.— eim liberated unemployment compensation in Three weeks of blanching Is the single dissenting vote, it still a visit with relatives from his lo. Crawford, vice chairmen of the Theodore E. Palmer of the Eman smoking a.lpng.atemmed pipe, was activity ceases. It exists at 459.6 Marines of the reinforced Fourth Ing some. How many no One Sales and Service Co., in ' New WE"Not To be forgotten" Steaks HAVE and Roasts of Baaf make their appearance BEEF! this week as supplies ere more from a Japaneae. prison camp, hia the various states. Some rvui as Commerefiil requirement for cel- would do nothing to give return­ .isolated mountain home and mur­ [town committee, who gave an im- uel Lutheran church officiated. G. accompanied by his chief of staff. degrees below the Fahreinhelt regiment. Sixth division, soon were knows, and that's the town s big­ Haven, Conn. Albert Pearson sang "Safe in the wife, Mrs. Je*n Wermuth, said low as $15 a week for 14 weeks, eiy, but mo.st home gardeners ing war veterans or discharged mured he’d' best "set a spell.' Af­ plentiful. Treat your family this waeki Any FIRST NATIONAL MARKET will sarva youl aptu speech, directing atten- Lieut. Gen. Richard K. Suthet^ To Save Twins zero. strolling through the base. It was she was notified yesterday by the gest headache because the Chance- Arms of Jeaua” and 'The Old only a few approach the suggest­ Vbught plant (Corsairs) had some will be satisfied with one week or war workers jobs immediately, or It h’as been estimated that ter resting a few minutes he told on to tbe primaries. Tuesday. land. the old Fourthv Marine regiment War depswt'ment. ed standard which would be even this wlbter. It would take worried relative* he wa* feeling |Saptamber 11, and the feet that Rugged Cross.” Other ranking officers flyirig in­ 0 —What was the first steam­ which had fought doggedly on Ba­ 12,000 on the pay roll. More none at atl. says Prof. Wilkinson. 215.537 persons of the 389,645 '^ e bearers were Harry John­ ship crossing of the Atlantic? Mrs. Wermuth said the infer-' achieved by Increased Federal con­ thousands made heliocopters at the Shut out the sunlight by covering that long to set up the full em­ population of the Hawaiian Is­ •'chipper a* ever” after walking Your Favorite Steaks—Priced Right! <0ly cbntut waa for -the office to Atsugt included Lieut. Gen. Phoenix, Arlz., Aug. 30— — taan and Corregldor until every tributions. The cost of the bill ia ployment machinery and throw the 35 ihHea in two days and sleep­ CHUCK fisC selectmen. Of the eighteen son, Julius Modean, Harry Llndell, Robert L. Elchelberger, whose A—TTie "Rising Sun," built in matioh from the adjutant gener­ Sikorsky plant. the stalks with boards, -paper or lands live on Oahu, principal is­ Arizona's Siamese twins were re­ man had been killed, wounded or esUmated at $750,000,000 to $2,- ing outd^rs one night. 8 RED POINTS BONl-IN lO A lT edldates in tbe field only seven Frank Server. Thomas Glenney, Eighth Army win occupy the Britain by Lord Cochrane, cros.sed captured. al's’' office advised her that her 15,000 Without Jobe soil. If wood is used, stand 12- the switches. land of the gtoup. and Lewla Keeney. Burial was in ported lo be "more- than holding the Atlantic to South America in husband’s name “ appears in a list 000,000,000 depending upon the un­ Right now tbe city is in a Inch boards bn either side of the ly be elected. Mrs. Crawford Tokyo area: General Rpaatz, Com­ The Yokosuka base, second, employment Ibod and the extent GRADE LB f ’■A" GRADE -F ' g r a d e ^ C her hearera to give deep the East cemetery, > mander of the U. S'. Army Stra­ their own” today as scientists 1818. largest In Japan, waa turned ovet of personnel sd Camp Hotan, strange state of suspended anlmi^ row, and hold them in place with Henrv Morgenthau. former secre­ SiHoin >40* grade LB 33* Mukden, Manchuria, dated Aug. to which the statps take advan­ stakes or wire staples. Twelve- tary of the Treasury, enthusiastl-1 LB LB lit to tbe matter, and to tegic Air Force# whose Super­ worked to save them. to Admiral Carney in a brief jsere- tlon. It Ul estimated some 15,000 8 RED POINTS - n ZD* 26.” as reported by the American tage of optional coverage featuree. are wlthonTjobs. Some say th^e inch sheets of paper will al*o cally approved the bill as “an ap­ He evary effort to become ac- forts helped bring the (pikado to Q—What la the largest manu­ mony, on the anti-submaripe boat ■ Aa drawn, the bill wpuld extend 3 RED POINTS Father Emmett McLoughlin, facturing Industry In the United camp commander. will be as many a* 25.000. The prove satisfactory. Push soil propriate basis from which to com­ intad with the quatlflcatlona of More News Likely» • his knees: Gen. George C. Kenney, .O.F.M., superintendent of Santa ways beneath a big cranoi' coverage—at Federal expense — It’s Deliciouki GRADEgrade LB ( GRADE LB W* eontestahte, in ordel? that the commanding the Far East Forces, States? Both Carney and Badger, whose "1 am very happy," Mrs. Wer­ population Is about 180,000. against the base of the paper or mence an analysis of the problem Porterhouse 4 * 4 Monica hospital, appealed 'ast tc 3,9()0.0(ip Federal workers and wooden covering. Soil blanching "X ...... ■t men ba voted into office. The and- Lieut. Geri. Ennis C. While- A—According to data for 1939, special task force Ihe first to muth said “ I never had any doubt 200,000 maritime employes. And But whUe the 15,000, or so. are of prosperous postwar America. Male* tea as uaual. but double strength to eUowiw 9 RED POINTS On Atomic Bomb night for a rare chemical sub­ last prewar year, • the motor ve­ wondering whether they’ll p t of celery Is practical only in Octo­ That’s what it i s - a foundation. ker also urged the men end head, commander of the Fifth Air stance developed by the Harvard enter Tokyo bay^/'participated in he liras safe. He may have lost a the government would pay the ex­ TOP OH “A“ present to attend , the force. ■ ■ hicle and parts induatry ranked the brief formiUttles. few pounds, but I know be ia all peftcetiin6 jobs, 800 Jobs ^re golnp ber. Mound earth gradually In spite of that , it's something meltiiig ice. WhUe etiU hot. pour into glaeses tilled bo tto m grade lb 1 |c GRADE LB . research laboratories called fibrin pense of moving displaced war against the sides of each row, Round le luncheon, Thursday, "From Melbourne to Tokyo w'as first in number of employes, money Vice AdmljrSV Mlchltars Tozuka right.” workers to new jobs. h tg g \n g on the ,U. S. employment of a mystery why the administra­ with cracked ice____Add sugar and lemon to taste. Wsahlngton, Aug, 30.—IJPi—A film, a product of blood plasma. spent on materials and value •ervlce’e books. And only 6,000 completing the process in about 10 INCH CUT ROAST ember 13, at one o'clock at a long ,road,”. MacArthur said be­ He said it might be used to cover handed oyet e plain white en­ LaGuardla, accompanied by tion and congressional leader* Hartford Club, when the partial lifting, at least, o t the fore leaving for Yokohama fo''set products. velope bearing the formal notice have signed up for imemploynient ten day*. i made It the first “must” on the 4 RED POINTS the expos'ed, underside of the um- Mayor Edward J. Kelly of Chicago, "A" GRADE O A ■’B“ g r a d e ^ "W kcr will be Miss Marlqn Mar- news "blackout” on the atomic up his headquarters. “It has been of sutySnder of the base to Ameri­ also was due to testl^ before an­ compensation. CeuHflowe^ postwar list. , , i IB. bomb ia under consideration. billicus. the’ danger point where Despite the uncertainty, the aaaietant chairman of the Re- a long hard road. But this looks death lurks nearest. The four-day- Q—Who is head of the Tennes­ can forces. other Senate group today. The To obtain the daiizUng white After all. Sen. James F. Mur­ Hamburg Steak lbJU* lbZ/* ubllcan N ebtonal Committee. This was learned today along like the pay-off see Valley Authority? ’th e .Americans stepped ashore Tolland two mayors will give their view# stores and restaurant* are full. color prized by cmillflower grow ray (D-Mont) and Rep. Wright | with the fact that a presidential old twins are Joined at the abdo­ 5 RED POINTS ■ Crawford asked those who "The surrender plans are going men and the umbillicus is covered A—David E. Ulienthal is chair­ from Badger's flagship, the cruiser to a banking subcommittee con­ And yet. In the malls now, are the ers, protect the . heads early in Patman (D-Tex) introduced the to go to notify Mra Borst or dlrsctlve put : a tight security splendidly and- completely accord­ only by a thin layer of membrane. man. San Diego after Tozuka^^and hia The 25th anniversary of the sidering the eo-oUIed "full employ­ blue altpe (Diance-Vought Is mail­ their growth from rain and sun­ bill eight ' month* ago. I t . was | II elf. clamp on details of the use and ing to prearrangement. . . . It IB hoped the fibrin film will party had gathered on theXement Federation of Tolland Churchea ment bill.” • . ing out to liotlfy those of their light, Prof. Wilkinson advise*. gathering dust when Congress Oronnde^ Are inspeefed development of the bomb after the "The Japs seem to be, offering strengthen this layer and stimu­ • Q—'Who was the laet oSarist boat ways and posed for pictures and Home Coming Day was held workmen they won’t need. Some strain* have selfrcoyering went home for vacation. Mr: and Mrs. Weddell acquired first preliminary announcements us complete good faith and there late further growth of the mem­ 1-uler of Russia? for both American and Japanese at the Federated Church Sunday, Optinfiam For I/wg Pun characteristics, but in most cases (Next: Full Employment dr preaent home about six years were made early this month. - I ia every* hope for success in the brane. . A—Nicholas II relgfied from photographers. \ August 2(Uwith Rev. James. H. There’s a general optimism for it Is necessary to draw the outside Machinery.) y / Both great lovers of the Bottled up by the presidential, capitulation and that it will con­ 1894 until his abdication in 1917 With the acceptance of the suri: Potter, D. D., . pastor of the ton the long .pull, although there are leaves over the developing curd ban, it waa underatood, ie “a A pathologist. Dr. Maurice Ro­ after the March .l^ tevolution. He render envelope Carney completed Church of (Jhrist, Congregational no exact flgfiires bn Joba .closed. ly American 'architecture and tinue without friction and without senthal. predicted that an opera­ and fasten them with string or Fire at Familiar Address TEA •hinge, they have done won- honey” of an eyewitneaa report unnecessary bloodshed.” and his family., ikere executed in the first surrender of any. major of Norfolk, Connecticut delivering Jobs ahead or future pay 'scalea raffia. Use different colors to In- BIG tion — not. to sever the twins ,— Misses Adeline and Marion^, WHITE ers with the house and the on the dropping of the first atom­ Admiral Nimitz, who watched 1918. Japanese military installation. mon, “Therefore”, Ephisiana 4-1. The fclty’e leaders are banking on diCate which plants are first tied San Pedro. Calif.—(8>)--Pire De- mm 20-OZ might succeed in permitting them ads. While daylight remained ic missile at-Hiroshima. This re­ the landings in Tokyo bay from Mr*. Helen D. UpSon. organist, LoeUcher of Main atreet, are'^ two circumstances to pull them and should be first harvested. to walk side by side. They now partment Capt. ErnestTer led hU HAVE ENOUGH EXTRA ^ 'iX^AF men and women roamed portedly tVss written by an Army his flagship South Dakota, also and director of the 'Ybung People'* spending a weric of their vacation through. . . Endive . men In a deeperate dash fo 3606 SLICED roan. i ■ • have to lie facing each other. British Force Enters choir with membera of tte 'Junior In New York City. 1. They think the city’s diversi­ ound the property, finding eome- noted the^acefulnesa of the oc­ Fir,8i EnKstment When the endive plant is about Elmira street. A broom had set LOAVES OF THAT TENDER, BEUY ALDEN VARXtY BREADS blng of interest to all, from the T h e prospective relaxation of cupation. Choir furnished special muale. The Friendship class Snjoyed a fied products will give their fac­ fifteen inches in diameter, gather Port of Hong Kong fife to a closet after It had been 20OZ goto I ddle > horses of the children to the president's order, which have "I think,” he said, 'Ht was be­ Prisoners Too Popular Sydney. Australia, Aug. 30—OP) About 140 were present to enjoy picnic at the home of Mr. and Mra. tories a chance, to go back to the all of tbe leaves over the head and SOFT BETTY AIDEN BREAD Louis Schlude of Meadow Brook old customers now that Uncle Sam used to poke an 'indnerator. Capt. HOME-CANNING SEESJIILS WHOLEWHEAT:^ LOAF I U « (re. Wsddell'e studio, in a ee- not been made 'public, was under­ cauae of the emperor.” In Navy Reduced —A strong British- Naval force the fine sermon and muaic. Home- tie them together. Home garden' and Mrs. ,Fer eatimated damage at uded section. Here they have stood to stem fKm the fact the Lieut. Gen. Jonathan M.' Waln- Decatur, III.—(/Pl-^Prisoners^'th commanded by Rear Admiral C. comen wen present from Spring- road, Wednesday afternoon and has cut off the gravy. era should blanch the heads a few $15—and they ought to know. It I OVER THE HOLIDAY order has been interpreted in some 'Beld; "Chester, Mesa., New Britain. evening. 2. Everyone thinks hopefully AT YOUR GROCER’S CRACKED WHEAXs?/tOF { one-story, well screened wright, hero of Bataan and' Cor- the Macon t^ n ty Jail, says^Rner- ■ . <9 ' ; ■ ■ H. J. Harcourt entered the port of at a time find from 5 to 7 days waa their hpuae. 1 lighted building, wheris the ca.ses to stop the release of infor­ regldor. left Chungking today for Iff Emery Thornell, are njuch too , Washing^ton, Aug. 8(1—Uf)— ITie Hong Kong today to reoccupy the Hartford, Manchester, Wapping,' Those wishing to Join Ellington ; v. that the people who came here each. Rot will result from pro MILD CARAWAY DZ spends considerable time, mation it was not Intended' to Manila, en route to Tokyo bay to popular. A flood of visitors to the way waa cleared today for re­ Crown, colony, British Pacific fleet Glastonbury, Windsor, Vernon. Grange should have their applies- to r war Jobs—mostly from New longed covering., Fullheart endive RYE flavor LO H- oratlpg trays and other tln- halt. be present at the surrender. In Jail mai^e. it necessa^ to assign sumption of enUatmen.ts Ibe headquarters announced .here to­ Rockville, Coventry, Conn., and ttone in at the next meeting, Sept­ York city, Pennsylvania and Ver­ —a variety with very broad leaves • '*4 Btft lO-OZ articlee of all vintagea and the plane with him was Lieut. Gen. two extra deputies to handle them. armed^ service* on a voluntary night New York CHty. ember 12. ■ f mont—"will • go back where they —Is somewhat self-blanching:" »»1A0 RAISIN LOAF One prisoner had''nine visitors In At 13:30 there was a box lunch­ \ came from.” Flijce for Uebt, 20-OZ a Iptlona Much of the work Sir Arthur, Ernest Percival.- gov­ basis.' The communique said Admiral Sgt. and M n. Abraham Ooe ara flaky pie cru8t». finished while much wes in ernor of Singapore, who also one day. The.^'Uerifl has banned President Truman issued an Hafeourt waa aboard the Swift- eon under the trees on the visiting Mr. Coe's parents on Fin­ There’* some evidence they ^lakoro for DATED FOR FRESHNESS VIENNA LOAF I of decoration. 3m . wad- Reports His Truck spent most of the war in a Japah- all future vjsltors, except relatives executive order yesterday vacat­ sure but did not Identify the ves­ church laWn, with, coffee served by ney street. Sgt. Coe is stationed will. Bridgeport hit It* war peak critp, tcodtr has In her home, perhaps the eag prison camp and vvlll witneisi of the pptaoners. ing an order of December, 1943, sel further. Mn.'Howard Ayen, chairman of at Miami Beach, Fla., and la home in July, 1941. When It wa* rushing Deaths Last Night com muffini. out ammunition for D-day, and rgest assortment of tinware ob- As Beiu^ Stolen the enemy's final capitulation. which suapended voluntary cnliat- Text of the communique; A committee. on furlough. SPONGE CAKES BEHER THAN EVER! /iDD cm f! ro yo(/p cte in Manebester. 'Another in- Will AOcept Surrender In Korea SaiA'uel F .. B- Morse proposed menta for the duration. "A atrohg'British Naval force At 8 p. m. there was eirHing, O orge A. Peterson is a patient had 90,000 on the payroll. YTie ■New York—Rabbi“ Sarhuel M. SSnVF KYBO COFFBF •sting hobby is eoUecUng smell Another veteran of the early at;'the outbreak of the Civil War Voluntary enlistmenta in the commanded by Rear Admiral C. reminiscences and business meet­ In the Hartford hospital. He was night Prealdent Truman announc­ Cohen, fifi, who resigned lost De­ ticaplionally cloi«-toxlur#d, t«nd«r Irtih cakas idaal as a bai« that the national U. S. flag should for shoitcaka using saasonabla trash or cannad Iruits. m U ve lamps and the'iM fill a John Linnell, painter-contractor, daya of the war,*'General Stilwell,^ Army will bo. on a three-year ba­ H. J. Harcourt in the SwiftSure ing of the association. ' taken lU while on hie vacation and ed Japan’s surrender there were cember. after 2.7 years as execu­ Je "Whatnot”. will accept Japan's surrender iii be cut .In two, the North retaining ste, the same as before the war. entered the port of Hong Kong to­ U Under observation at the hos­ 66,000 working. No one„ kndw^ tive dilrector of the United Syna­ PUIN OTTOMZiO of 65 Bunce Drive,' reported to po­ the upper six and onerhalfi atripea, M n. Constance King "'of Three­ SALT SOME AWAY BOX SPONGE for SmoUer UomKea . PKG 15< New to many of those present lice yesterday morning that his Korea. 'The southern 'half ot'the The Navy's pre-war “hitch” was day to reoccupy the crown col­ fold Farms, Spriqg Valley, New pital. where the others went. They Just gogue of America, and".an author­ M sm 1 and those stars above a diagonal PKG evening waa the new rumpus small truck, used in his painting liberated nation will be, occupied six years, but the Navy disclosed ony." York, was a recent guest of Mr. The next meeting of JElIlngton • disappeared because on V -J day ity on organization of religious SPONGE lAYERS Two Round Layers^ 22< pm on the main floor', which oc- by the 24th corps, part of Stilwell's ■line extending from, the head of today orders had gone out reduc­ The communique added that the Grange will be held Wednesday WMC wa* atlU trying to find some lifo In American Jewish communi­ m -aom \ business, had been stolen sometime the staff to the lower comer of' and Mn. John H. Steele. _ tiplea tha epaca given over to a during the early morning hours Tenth Army. ing the first enlletment term to Britieh force included the 33.000- Mr. Carroll ‘ of Tolland has. pur­ evening, September 13 in the 3,100 worker* to fill job*. ties. He wa* born in. Russia. ■ imer kitchen and shed. Rarly yesterday. The loss Was not dis­ Full detaJls of Japan’s oocupa- the canton. ■. ^ four, years. ton aircraft carrier Indomitable, chased a dairy fapm In Suffield. Town hall. The Home Econom­ ^ •- Some Bright Spots Morristown, N.' J .— .William merican houses were often built the new 35,000-ton battlesfatp An­ ics committee has chargs of the Since" V-J day there have been Payson Richardson, 80, dean of I covered until Linnell went out to Conn., and will move bis family DOUBU veuR HONO HU r'HC, BUY YOUR CANNING NEEDS ^th these extensions sq that the take the truck to go to work yes­ son. the Venerable,' the. cruiser to that town in about two weeks program. some b r ip t spots; General Elec­ Brooklyn Law school which he stes would not have to go out- terday. Euryalus, the Cxnadlan armed Mr. and M n. Charles Graham The Ellington Volunteer Fire tric cleaned It* bazooka depart­ founded in 1901 and author of om In unfavorable weather. merchantahip Prince Robert, six department will hold Ita annual several legal taxts. He waa PINTS ■ Linnell reported that thOre were PJtICS CHANGES AFTER MAJOR U.S. WARS of Massachusetts were Sunday ment SO rapidly that In two weeks E-Z SEAL IN ' This room la finished in knotty several caaes of paint and bruahes destroyers, eight submarinee, gnesta of Tolland relatives. lawn* party and drawiiig at Ell­ It rolled Its first washing machine* bora in Farmer Center, Ohio. to bring out the boo^ 1ST TO 4 TH.TO 7 TH TO 10TH TO 13TH TO 19TH TO CASE *na and has a fireplace of brick.l and other gear in .the truck at the •even Auetreliaii . minesweepers John C. Reilly has been appojnt-. ington O nter Thuraday and Fri­ off the line. IV* hiring for that Chicago— Robert B. H arperj^, Don't spoil ryouf. holiday waak-and by sfiTH MO. 7 TH MO, and the hospital ship Oxfordshire. PRESERVE lied from an old print. It is time it waa stolen in value of about 10TH MO. I3 TH MO. 19 TH MO. 3 1 STMO. ed to succeed Levi T. Garrison as day, September 8-7. 'Hje draw­ department, but plant managers vice president of the Peoples (3as. QUARTS running put ol coltaa Buy anough trash Vriaitely furnished and Is $200. Police are investigating the 'The shipa oarry 'apedal medi­ rural supervisor of schools for ing for the Hereford steer wUl be doubt they can keep all their work­ Light and Coke f?o., and widely] roasltd and trash ground Kybo cotta* now. cal auppliea for prisoners of war In overy folad ped wKh curios that bavs a i^ - theft. this district whose ntlrement be­ ^day night i ers In the other department*. known chemical engineer. He CASE "T ; . many of them have been .The truck was taken after 2 and internee civilians and addl' was a native of Evansville, Ind.; j A s comes effective September 1st. The "non-essential” plants are r property of noted Manchester a. m., Linnell told the police, for tlallMic* OB ptitt chenget ofter hettililiet leaded tional Naval personnel io take' Mr. Reilly has.been visiting In Boy Wins Sewing PrUe j asking for the , worker* they Fontana, Wls.—Eugene J . CoUr, PASO ^a x ;k^ i 2 * CERTO i <0T in24« now Hying and others who his son came home shortly befors 2 were (empiled by Cer'aell Univenity espeS over the poH and restore it to full veteran Chicago newspaper and] working order,” . the communique Tolland *^th Mr. Garrison to be­ couldn't have during the war: CAPS i-P'tcE 'Sw 19« ave passed on. The men and o'clock and the truck was in the come acquainted with the town's Newark, N. J., Aug. 30.—)—Ap­ win dlaband her Army and All There’s hope the serylce busl toe. ta*w, «H. *«i»w»« ^ lID t a n d PERSONAL .2 J MED CAKES Merrill Mueller, NBC correspond­ proximately 800 relatives of em- FDrcea in the Pacific, a total ot. np*»<-* Wil! open up Jobs; the ga- Mly i« • e»ta»- 1 7 . 3 CAK!s i ( Sfi—(*>—The Rojne Mexico a ty ; Aug. 30— OP) — ent with the occupation force* in ployea of the Waterbury, Com- 58 000 men, aa soon aa tha Japs- I'Hgrs the! closed for lack of help; t U M M I R S LARGE 3«»29« ______•iMMMWsie so folUfknwtad WUICT TO STORE STOCKS SUBjkT TO STORE 1 reports today that Mexico extended formal recogni­ Japan, said In a broadcast over pi^ea, lac., vlalted Oie plant neas stgnaturaa ara plaoad on Al- the under-alaffed stores; the salm “ SUBJECT TO STORE STOCKS ■ar' aecretaryi- tion to the afwly foraed Spanish the American Army controlled Had surrandar tarm a.. aad thar* toitiee that muat be rebuilt -ffieM Bhe BmA Te eto n s r o s n l Wednasday in ka qpaa houat pro­ s m i iet' To tuiA over .worker* Connectl- » ’», haeMfersItlilBgs, iMUrdwsfe 'esi* •■Tfi niMplojmwit TTtrir— **““ r "atiU inaoleaC' . ffimiUsa of « aimottnead laat pIfW, .. , 'V . }■ 'K-.i X P A G E SE\ MANCHESTER EVENING H E R A L D . MANCHESTER. CQNN- THURSDAY. AUGUST 3U, H)4» MANCHEgTEK KN K.NLNG HERALD,.MAina(«i' not to an A m e rlca ^ ich had Just nearer the truth. points will buy about 28 per cent ^..-'br^litlcal vie-Jvs is desired by contributions nf thu character oners of War. W orkers Apply roundtd Oetobar I, T3A. Center Chbp.s...... 12 down 2 Weight! ...... 4 DovVn WilK Be Taken Off R o o k tO BoOSt / The state director said that hie Fall Semester abandoned its own prihciple# In a ...... more meal. .TO per cent more Cream Spread . 4 Down ^ but lettees which arc detamatory or abusive will be rejected. List by Year’s End Also announced for the whole chee.'e. and 21. per cert, more but; End Chops ...... 7 liown 1 • WlienxGQQils .Plenti- J * United States is a total of 2 Army concurred heartily w ^ Governor .PubllahM Bt« 7 Brenlni j ,fr-tair«m of would-be ap Tenderloin ...... 12 down 2 (•roup. Ill Cheeses Hartford,. ''Aug, 80— (P) —Wil­ Raymond E. Baldwtp'who, in a re­ Ddy School j ' anadars and Holldaya Entered at the , stratagem ter and margarine beginning Sun- Aiiv Rationed Cheese ■ Mon of our local people. Jn exhibit­ The war’s end brightens the out­ personnel freed from Japanese Ofllea at Uascbcater, Conn., as ; peasement Ham. Bone In. Slices. . 12 down 2 I’ rges Folks to Exhibit ful andN^tqrekeepers C fO llll* 1 F O C l l l C t S liam J. Fitzgerald, state director cent statement said that he and da v. . 'Not . Included in ing vegetables and fruits they prison camps. of the War Manpower commission, ad Oaaa *UII Hatter. There will be many Amerlb^ns Canned milk becomes ration Shoulder or Picnic Editor . The Manchester Evening look for many Manchester -resi­ Crainectlcut other New England'governors urg­ Starts Sept. 5 Connecticut Steaks . . . down 1 Croup I or Group haVe raised. Begin to ^ Prices ------dents awaiting telephone tnsUlla said today that there were “thou­ ed all employers, whether hiring SUBSCRIPTION RATES free ' — ■ 8 Herald: Ujinderstand that no Granger, Armv Dead— Pacific Regions j who w ill not share in the inquiry Bellies, Fresh and Cured or Vn sands of Jobs" available in Connec­ directly o r through the USES, to — — • ; Oae Tear ey Hall ...... » »•;" Annbuncfng these shdrp reduc­ Containing o r e Manchester ' Grange. Inc!'. 1» working on the Fair program. ;s Plan Export Directory tions, D. Lloyd Hobron, local man­ Kelko. Walter J., Pfc.. son of Par montti by Hall ...... J board s attempted, assessment of '.Cured Only ...... 7 down 2 ..... By James Marlow John Keiko, 195 Oak street; New ticut and urged unemployed former keep In close touch with Uielr local Secretarial tions in red -point values lodav. Than U '^,^r Cent working very activelTi.' bn what paid for their work. Many are pay­ ager for The-Sbuthem New Eifg war workers to apply for .them at Slagia Copy ...... * M j blame, and who will certainly not i^Price Administrator iTiejter Roasts appears to be'^-ah Interesting pro­ ing their twn'expenses. This is a Washington. Aug. 80— For Distribi|tion in Britain. - USES offices and to keep them In­ ’ YMleerad Ona Taar ...... \Y an k ee Loin Whole or Half 8 Down 1 , B u t te'T f a t by land “ Telephone Company, report United States Employment wrvice formed of all openings for em­ Stenographic .Waatcm Statea and APO ...... 313 00 ! go along w'lth the efforts of sen- Bv .Y H. O. Bowles attributed them to larger "fit . . . 4 Di'wn. gram for its Grangei Fair. Sept Community project, stressing Ag- Boss Chester Bowles says h X Army D«(mI—European Regions Loin End Cuts ...... 7 Dowm I. Latin America ed today. ■ Ald'erufccl, Salvatore, Pfc., son offices throughout the state. ployment which they may have. , sation-mongering members of allocations by the .Agriculture de- 4,roup IT' Cheese 7 and 8. l iculture -vnd Education, two of agency has about 8 million price Accountancy UE31UEK 0» I-oln- -Center Cuts . . 12 Dd'A'n 2 I sincerely hope every depart­ the foremost activities of the Na­ The company expects to receive of Mrs. Rose Alderucct. '830 Con­ Fitzgerald said there were ap­ In this way. Governor .Baldwin ^ THB ASSOCIATPD'PKSa- i congress to agonize still further , ,ignlfl. - parXnient and Improved distribu­ Ham — Whole or Half Down inv Other Rationed When, bV withholding 8 Cliee.ses , ...... - Down ment of this Fair will be a pro­ tional Grange. ceilings on things—goodX and Har.tfor^/Aug. 30.-r-Publlcatlon enough telephones by the end of necticut avenue, Bridgeport. proximately 3,500 Job openings in eald, Jobs can be quickly challeng­ Tba Aaaociated Preai la tac.uairaly over a tragic, but In many ways tion. Ham--Butt End . . . 8 Do^ ed to those desiring them aiid un­ PHONE 2-2261 '^aatltlad to tbe uac o( rtpuolicallOD cant strike of his pen, Oovernor Fats and Oils Tighter nounced, success, but I feel a spo- Arthur E. Hutchinson. services—in this country. of an “Export Directory of Con­ this year to supply service To shout Speliades, Ernest A., T.5, son of the Hartford USES office, 2,182 in Ham Shank End 5 ivn Mrs. Mary'Speliades, 84 Seymour employment rolls maintained \ at OR W RITE ['all naira dlapatche -cradUea to .>r not ' Inevitable, chapter in our history. Baldwin refuse' little was known about light. in Tokyo Harbor------ion behalf of the State of Conhect- tion- to In .\pprevlatlols. time to come. / ing planned by the State, Develop­ switchboards or dial equipment eluded vacancies in manufacturlhg 183 ANN STREET HARTFORD 3, CONN. lae. ______^______Estimating the average decrease S h a n k /H slf I Pic- To the Edltcir, ' \ are-operating at full load —; a con­ a whole 156 casualties for Aug. 30, • lent It was an act which wuld because of a lack of quality In They'll be taken off when goods ment Commission to assist, indus­ Publlanera\ Repreaantatlvea: Tbe : in tjie point value of meals at nl(>*'''Hoivc In . . 7 Down 1 their prodiicts/and a shortage of Did 1 ever state how much I dition which may’ arise here .at 1945. of the U. S. Naval Forces SjKmlder Shank Half Ky Douglas Larsen are plentiful and storekeepers— try in securing foreign tegde. j 'ltue HeUniTa Special Aftncy-^.Vea The End Of A fhcorv be measured not only for Its cash about 28 per cent, the OPA chief helo- to get exhibits ready. appreciated Mr. Kilpatrick’g fine some later date. "When this point (Navy, Marine Corps-, and Coast Tork. Chicago. Detroit end Boston. * benAflt-s to the state, but tor the said both housewives and restaut^ (Picnic) Boneless NE.\ Staff Correspondent again In competition with one an­ Governor Baldwin stated today. Guard) not heretofore released on ■ For the^^wst few years I haye- iob last Spring in .reporting Dr. other—will begin to cut their own is reached, no additional tele­ Most of the speakers at the plain, but perhaps difficult, hon- anls will be able to buy more metarch ! Shoulder- — Butt Half questions from former Federal their garden problems, more espe- school hall 7 Dr. Hoehman holds central offlee until more switch­ consisting of 4 dead, 44 wounded, CIHCUI.ATION& i Conference* on Science. Phlloso- (Boston Butt) — Trying to Hold 1948-Une The purpose of the bill in ques-. He a.sserted. howeverv-That th e! employees in the service and" vet­ cially-The inexperienced, and have a Very high position in the United emor said; . boards or dial equipment have 87 miasing, and 21 changes of Tba Bcrsld Printing Company, Ins., phy and Religion in New York tion was two-fold. First. It in­ "Bone In (Piece or Generallv. OPA is trying to hold “If we are to make full use of,, statua, all dead from miasing. aasumer no Baadciai respimi'bil'ty (or situation still does not permit Ibe erans who are Intcreisted i^ get- reexuved much encouragement .and Ptatea Department of Agriculture. been planned, built and installed ! City last week refused to admit tended to invalidate the state's Slices) ...... 8 Dowm 1 prices now to what they were our industrial facilities which hay* 'These casualties bring the total re­ typograpbical error, appewng In ad- end of meat fatyoning "becau.se : .tihg on the L’. S! payroll: atitude as a re.sult. Now may I He has referred several times to ■-il —or about what they were—In —a sloweriNm***'* complex Job than eartlsamanu 'o * The Manchester Era- I that the atomic bomb had fallen claim to .some $1 ,200,000 In tax: supplies conj^ifuie to be tight in Shoulder — Butt Half _ the exceptional pleasant visit he beeh so tremendously expanded by the production and installation of ported to next of kin and released I Boston Butt' — Q. As a veteran, what rights do/"urge any of you. 1942. . .w the war and thereby maintain ^ull HOIIDIIV RHERD! ping Herald.’ ~ __ on them. toO. Some of them went money the gasoline companies of manV.pIaceSo'ver the country," He ; r have for reinstatehent irt the | tables worthy of exh biHon. to had here in- Manchester. Severn! telephone Instruments. • for publication since Dec. 7, 1941, the state have been withholding! Bbnc^leas i Piece or It’s Impossible beeguse of the employment fot Ctonnecticut work­ to Aug. 30, 1945, to 14'1.396. ! ahead With prepared speeches and , although the wbiiid^in^ guess when the ehd ! Slices) 8 Down 1 Government if my former joblSas show u.s what V'"' of . our leadin’?: people contributed tf^mandous #1** ° f under Telephones will continue to' be Thursday. August 30 ers, It will be necessary for many Connectffut I err »iAiftAio« mlaJyf come. Other Pork Cut* been reallocated, or reclaailfled i your entries at the «• personally to his enjoyment. price^ontrol to go Into many «e- of our manufacturera to expand immediately available for business R.R. •! prepared theories and Ignored ita particular provision permitting "Steaks and roasts will be dqwr. I'H'’e enloyed your edlt^'ilalj. es­ Navy Wounded THE M AH Ur 10 Rfilt MORI Hocks ...... 1 Down 1 while 1 was in the service" «hove. Personally I shall apnreci- talls here>- But, here is_a s«mpl* their markets-by allocating at the firms and individuals granted pri­ ! existence. Others regarded it as such wlthholdii.g was rep<-aled h from 2 to 3 points a pound, ham­ \. If your former pmUtion has ! ate any service you may render m pecially on foreign affairs, very ority by War Production Board George. Armand. Pfc., USMCR. Pearl Harbor Reports Knuckles ...... ,. . . 2 Down ,1 of how complex It la In Jufft, one outset a part of their peacetime Mother. Mrs. Lucy * Gtorge, 455 \ ' Just one more development! nel-; the General Assembly, that pcad burger 2 and lamb and veal. 1 to 3 . Spareribs ...... 6 Down 3 been re-evaluated to / a higher j this line. ■v'.ch of 1st'. regulations which remain in effe<:t. Yours very truly. production for foreign trade. If Hillside avenue, Hartford. One of the recurrent sugges- thir better nor worse than other;-'’*'’" " '* * point.* Pork .steaks, chops and . Racon level without subst^tial change; In some waya it has been a '^ P A tries to control prices oh such allocations are nOt made and ’These applicants have first call on " \ • , plement prepared' and/published Arthur E. Hutchinson telephones disconnected as people Navy Missing I tions in the Pearl Harbor reports roasts do dow-n 1 to 2 points; all Bacon--Slab or Piece, in duties and reawJnslbllities. you backward, unfortunate season. .M^’ mbat things you buy' |rbm their we wait for surpluseff to develop, Keeney, Arthur Hammond. Jr.. developments In the march of by j^y the statute revirevixRtn5jrfft commiscommis- bacon 2 points and spareribs drop I are entitled to M heneflta of the own garden, so luxuriant a year move away or give up their service to that it would actually have griencec^ Some of these admitted Rind On .... - ...... 8' Down ra*y state until they are finished it is very likely that other coun­ Lt.. USN. W’lfe, Mrs. Margaret sloner. 3 points ) Bacon—Slab or Piece. reallocation. } f the position' has, ago. is not producing as well this for other reasons. Other applicants REQUIRES bem Impossible to prepare this j, [hat it does and 'sold to you in a stoib, tries will capture the foreign French Keeney, 42 Westwood road, Secondl.V. Hpuse Bill 1021 .set up .Most meats that now have s • Rind Off ...... ,8 Down 2 been reallocjated to a lower grade ! year. True, I have a squash vine Prisoners Killed We\can take cotton used in a will receive telephones strictly ac­ a formula^f6r future tax with-, market which will be ours if we West Hartford. nation, or lU flghUng men, for iritensify and bring per- value, ot 2 to 3 points ro down 1^ Bacon — Sliced. Rind ■ without substantial change in du-1 oyer 36 feet long, but the squashes dress is an example. \ cording to turn, as far aa facili­ holding/^ivileges which .seemed act now.” ties are available. Phelps. Walter Benjamin, Lt. I the Pearl Harbor action. No mat- ^ j^e problem point. Off ...... 8 Down 2 tips and responsibilities, vou have I are not. nearly rnatured, and it Bv Food Packages Ceding nt Every Step (Jg), USNR. Eather, Dwight Go- so ambiguously lilieral as to indi- 'a mandiatorv right of restoration | would not be advisable to exhibit Declaring that “ normal com­ in Manchester, 754 orders for Blsa-yaur shesi(lne...Buy anaugh *ar tlra Creamerc" butter, a unoffloiallv '.Bacon Canadian When bptton is spun Into yarn dell Phelps, 44 ftigh Farms road, JOfit .helldtv wMl(*Bnd...Rtm«mbBr*a.Aa.F jter how urgent the alerts sent ••making man's mind control ^ t e that the new fornuila would to that position. However, if there ! the vine with immature squashes, merce will certainly be resumed announced earlier, will - coat 12 Style. Whole. Piece at a mill, the spinner has to sell telephone service are on file, and W’est Hartford. • BtorBB will tloM d'all day Men.i 8a|rt. S# [out, no matter what orders might actions to keSp hint from de^.-^'oet far more, in the next ten year Down 2 exists a position which yon are The beans have gone to the top of first In the Western Hemisphere," the equipment can handle only ______“ ; points. This derrea.se of 4 makes or Sliced i Smoked l 12 San, Francisco. Aug. 30— It at ii celling price to the weaver Governor Baldwin said the Span­ ive been given, no matter ’"■•hat^j ,j himself” '• ’’ period, than the $1,200,000 the I its. point 'value the lowest since Sides, Aged. Dry- Jqiialitied to fill, of like seniorityi i a pole, seven feet high,, then look- Food packages'dropped fixim two about 435 more telephones; It is Getting to Be FamHUO' Job' Down 2 /Status and pav to that of the po-I ed about to .see what else they who turns the yam Into cloth: ish,, and Portuguese directories uncertain whether new equipment, iBtepa might have bein taken, the 1 did nreS^iu'an companies had been try- ; May. 1944, and only half the value Cured ...... 10 Americsn planes instantly killed There’s celling on the clotlr would be given wide circulation TRACK 16 ltd PihbU ptr Lb. FRESH PEAS 1. *>..» wA,.irt .tin speaker did pTCSeni «n withhold in the past ten It commanded until mid-July. .Sausage sition which vou held at the time 1 could climb, gnd" discovered, some fouf Allied prisoners of war ’Tues­ now oh order, can be made ready Portland. Ore.—(P)—Veteran Am­ Isuggeation is that we would »t*l' interpretation of thejrtbmic bomb, years. We keep srtying "gaaoniie AvsiASf Ki#slA/%SS\3 f «*A'A to n H when the weaver sells It to a fin­ in the other Americas. All manu­ CALIFORNIA ."FULL A Margarine also goes down from Bologna. All Types . 3 Down" 1 you entered the service, y o u two feet away, a'hickory tree and day, Japan's Domei agency said before that many telephones have bulance Driver Carl Emerson was Ihave been caught cold by the Ai^V^^.hich, the-morejwe atudy It "and ; companies" because we Wrote one started up that, but as, the tree is isher who may put stripes on it. facturera engaged In or Interested been installed. BUTTER 14 to 12 points. Frankfurters, A ll should be as.signfd to that Job. -toda^'-ln a dispatch recorded by bleach it, or add ’ , some other in foreign trade will be given equal not surprised when a maternity PODS" TENDER SWEET A LBS i lo t Japanese aggression. We were j,, ^ ,y jnjeed Piece about this .saying "gas com- In addition to making canned Types ...... 4 Down I Q. Are- members of reserve some eight Inches in circumfer­ the Federal Communications com­ Throughout Connecticut, the to­ Fteih 1 LB ence and 25 feet tall, it would be touches to the cloth. space, without obligation on their call took him to the union bus de­ I b peaceful nation. We w-ere not , , reformation o f P*i'le-'’." which brought us re- milk point free for home consump­ Loaves, All Types .. 3 Down 1 corps units entitled to preference mission. tal number of orders now being pot, nor even excited when he had I— Vmind«4 w . were not nre- * a coihplete. reformation of roach from public utilities exec- diflacult to exhibit both beans and There’s a ceiling on tKe. flnlshed part, for listing their names, ad­ held up is about 35.000. 'Where Ciesmery PRINT47' WHITE CELERY tion. the OPA removed all restric­ Polish. Alt Types .... S Down 1 for Jobs In the Federal Govern­ Domei said one Australian of­ dresses. trademarks and' principal to stop halfway to the hospital and Iwar-minded. We were not pre i thoueW: on this world. This. J,t(„ said their compaples tree. Also tomato vines six feet ficer and .one American soldier goods when It’s sold to it-, dress central offices ate tfct filled to ?a- APPLES "*jo7tTiViI’w '^ 2 tse 2S> tions on Its use by manufacturers, Miscellaneous Sausage Product# ment ' products, the governor stated. deliver a daughter for his passen­ WORKERS WHITEHOUSE reality of war, Vnie,emphasized the nature of had troubles enough without- be- high, but there are green tomatoes manufacturer. . paTity. enough telephones ^ will hotels, restaurants and other es- Berliner ...... 6 Down 1 A. Yes, upon furnishing proof were killed at Hanaoka In north­ ger. Back at his garage. Emerson fthere were some leaders who w e r e > ^ ^^.tion and particu- : Ing accused of' this too. t.sbUahments. Down 1 that they have performed active on them, and if I am at the Fair eastern’ Japan. A soldier and on# 'There’s a ceiling on the dress In his letters, he azked m*nu- probably be insUlled this year to TOMATOES ^muM Vizg IS E* tStpicolU Butts . . . '9 when It’s sold to a wholesaler. calmly sketched a safety pin on Itiylng so to prepare us. butt^;, ! So there was the bill. passed f'heese Points Cut In Half KnaCkwurat ( All Becf) 4 Down 1 duty for other than training pur­ in person, there vv’ill be plenty. , of patient, unidentified, were killed ?acturers to state on an enclosed serve half of these applicants. The m P . MILK “ green” there, without There’s a celling on what the pnstcgfd whether they would ^ .company expecta to .proylde. ser- the door of his ambulance, along­ eORH laiMceaa was marginal. WhjsiL'Sen- without, deoate in the. House, and' points for all kinds of rationed Lebanon Bologna .... A Down 1 poses and have been honcrrably bringing j-Jt-the -Otiba Army hospital com­ 14H 01 VAIA# NEW tOUTHiaN S' " '’ f also without debate in the Senate,. were cut In half. the tomatoes. pound. Wholesaler can charge when fie InterMtod In being listed In the vice for the remainder during side of four others for Infant de­ ilIR M UNIPOWM iltt S lator Nye, addressing ajFlsolatlon- Minced Luncheon .... A Down 1 separated from such service. liveries made en route. ' CANS irito another form of matter, b u t, although there was some slight Here are the changes In red Newr England ...... 8 Down 1 <3. Who has the authority to We are fortunate in having se­ aella It to a storekeeper. directories and to return the card 1946. 3 6 ^ ABAHtf CM WAUroaNta twiETA Itot audiencs on Um^ftemoon of Into energv which dissipates it -! tip-off of its Importance on the point values for the rationing peri- | pepperoni.( Fresh 1 IJown 1 decide whether I am fit physically cured as Judges, for the vegetables Continue Mercy ons And there’s a ceiling on the to the Development Commission’s IH red poinis per can U llllllilC v JUICY ai2t 044'Bs S IS* and fruit. Professor Albert E. Wil­ dress which the storekeeper sells International Division which will IVearl Harbor, i*Pl—On# hun­ to you. . . . handle the prixliictlon of the cata­ |a( the Japajieae attack, he turned Pork ...... •...... 7 Down 1 ment Job? P A T E N T W s r m — w’orld. I her to witness its succe-saful prog- umn shows present point values, Dry Sausage • Hard: A. This responsibility rests with necticut. and Mancheater’a- own dred thirty-four Super-Forts con­ As explained. OPA tries to hold logs. _ HarUord. Aug. 30.—(Pi—Gov­ Ito his a ^ e n c e and told it this | Peiro. two of the best in this tinued their mercy mtsalons today, Apply SPIHACR •(ftsrtr Up until this time the favorite ress. the second shows the change effec­ Tj’plcal Items Are the appointing officer.' Denial of that dress to about the price you Governor Baldwin ' said that ernor Baldwin today had in his MEDICINES Juat another Roosevelt warj area for this task, if the vyriter carrying 1,073,000 pounds-of sup­ •would have paid for the same kind publication of the dlrectortea had theory of materlaliam has been <>ur Ac** exposure of the WII tive Sept. 2. Hard Silami, Hard reinstatement in a Job for a physi­ possession the first set of new- Lowest PHoeg In Tosrn! CHOP SHEY VMITABI.S Inunor. That was an extreme came after Its passage In the Beef Down 1 cal disability must be on the knows .anything about it. plies to prisoners of war In ths « f dress in 1942. been recommended to him ' by a Baggage Room the theory that matter is actually Cervelat ...... 8 Tokyo, Sendai. Osaka, Hiroshima, type luminous automobile license but illustrative of tbe fact HViuse, and liefore Its passage In Steaks Semidray...... Sausage; grounds that the disability makes Some friends in North Dakota But there are a couple of ways special committee of export men Arthnr Drug Store* I Indestructible, that. however Hakodate. Fukuoka, Formosa. plates which Acting Motor Ve­ j the Senate, but still "no single Porterhouse ...... * Down 3 Typical Items are performance of duty Impossible, or hi-Ve promised, if they can get In which this can be done; more than a year ago smd had 848 Main 8t. Tel. 8806 ClgantlM XiiS: 10* them ready in time, to send us Korea and Mukden areas. Each hicles Commissioner Elmer S. I much you might change its form Senator raised his voire in pro­ T-Bone...... 8 Down 3 i Cerevalt, Pork Root, reduces Job efficiency to a level The manufacturer — when he later been approved by the com­ Manchester Passenger Statidjn lIBBny American fighting men, Down 3 I ■ , some garden seeds, such as the In­ plane carried 8,000 pounds of sup­ Watson said would soon replace HRMsMlOtT^Ini IMTIT* ! and appearance and even its na- test, which was either lethargy Club ...... >....'.'8 and Mortadella .... A Down-1 below what is normally acceptable. starts the dress on Its, way to the mission’s Foreign Trade Advisory the present aluminum markers aa ould not conceive, in advance, of or evidence that the bill’s three Rib—in-livch Gut .... A Down 2 i Q. Does the son. of a msm killed dians used, long before they ever plies. storekeeper—May have to put a Committee, but It had been de­ ; ture, y'ou could not destroy It, you Down 2 I Fresh, Smoked and saw o r -heard of a white man. I a safety measure. The new plates HOC Rttz Orn liir i \MW |a -blow such as the Japanese did sponsors, Mr. Spellacy, Repub- ; R-ibr-rL-lnch Cut ..' . . . 7 Cooked Sausage in action get [veterans preference price-tag on It. showing the price layed until the General Assembly are to be made of a brass-bronze See Mr, N, DeFillipo ' could not change it Into nothing. Sirloin ...... 8 Down 3 hope they wlH reach us on time. made funds available. Town •ike. (Iran National Committeeman J. Group A: 100 Per for Government Jobs? "at which It can be sold to you. and stainless steel combination KrHh c '9 P * P b- 0 * \ But it is Just that which the Kencnth Bradley, and former Sirloin- Boneless ....If) Down 3 A. No. Preference may be If they do; Mathias Spies'#, whom Orr-the manufacturer sells to He pointed out in his letter that The reports contain a some­ Down 3 Cent' Rationed Ma­ I am informed is the highest au­ coated with a luminous material a t eith e r 7 A. M, or 4:30 P. M, Extrtett asSNMar) lU V P tf* atomic bomb, with its new kind fo I Jeutcnaiit (lovernor W llllam Round (Full,Cut) . . . 9 terial ...... Down 1 granted only to veterans, their the wholesaler at a celling price. every facility for assisting manu­ to make them visible at night, Ativerliseineiil what striking illustration of this Hadden, had done their ground­ Top Round ...... 9 Down 3 widows and wives. thority on Indian lore Of any one Tile OPA allows the wholesaler a facturers, large or small, to de­ atomic combustion, does do. It Down 3 Group B: Not Leas in this section of the country, has, Watson said. flirlfr*i Iry OtTNl I sms M * htory. While the , Japanese . planes work well. Bottom Round ...... 9 Than 90 Per Cent ■ certain margin of profit— called velop foreign trade had now been bums up matte? so that it does Round Tip ...... 9 Down 3 consented to give us a short talk Notice I So the bill went to the Gover­ Rationed Material . 4 Down 1 the mark-up— when he sells to the provided In the State. SRTbMr'S in the midst of their attack Chuch (Blade or Arm) 4 Down 2 on methods of gardening in In­ " * j disappear, so that It does become nor. and became his for decision, Group ,C: Not Less storekeeper." Psarl Harbor, . a group Flank ...... 8 Down S Approves Diesel dian history. flerhir'tOlNiMiPNiB ' flbthing. i He could easily enoiigh have than 50 Per Cent Aets A# Oontrols on Prices Primary Caucus Proposals nsflcan planes ivhich had been Roasts ’There are other Hems of Inter­ Ten Die la Bomber Crash So the highest achievement o f : "i?*ivli«'^i*scisia* Rib Standing iChine Rationed Material; est In prospect, but what some of In turn the OPA allows the Jt on patrol came upon the , r, ^ ^ , i routine decision. It was legisla- Blood Sausage in­ Maiiiteiianee Shop IrVISIT •hie following names have been I N 1 .'. f.’l'' that science - which has long | ^ad been passed with-! Bone On) 10-lnch ua desire most of all. yes more storekeeper a certain mark-up San Francisco, Aug. 30—(.P)—.A sne. Their guns were loaded, cluded Regardless than anything else. Is the coopera- when selling to you. But these de­ proposed for nomination aa can­ f (• u " ! ■ ’( preached the completely materi-: out controversy In both Houses, Cut ...... 5 Super-Fortreas crashed in/ a rag didates for the' several offices of hey were, In every material way. Rih'-- Standing (Chine of Higher Meat vices both act as ceilings or con­ ing storm in hlUs near Te'gamura RATION-FREE VALUES Vl&l If ‘ alistic explanation of this world And even though he knew what Content ...... 8 Down 1 New Haven. Aug. 80.— The the Town of Manchester, Con­ ily for action. As these planes Bone Op) /7-lnch trols on the prices, Tuesday afternoon, killing ten of necticut, to be voted for at - the I is actually 'and finally an achieve- *'1"'* legislation It p* ...... A Down 2 qroup D; Less Than Federal District Court at New But suppose here that all the the 11 Americans aboant Domei LOANS approached Pearl Harbor, they; , .fact that there woukln t have been Cut Burning Callouses nominating caucus to be held in Rib Boneless — Roll- Per Cent More Haven, has approved the expendi­ time we were talking of cotton News agency reported today in a TVOKT bemar imiirtnsrily; bw 4 d O Z 4 g t rere actually attacked bv Japa-i which blows *n*t«n*ll»1lc; too much public controversy if he Tftan 20 per. Cent JL/ if a loan U tba batt toiutiim ra the State Armory in said Man­ ' ed (C A D Grades ture of $675,000, and the War Sore Aching Feet Jhat went Into a simple blue cot­ dispatch monitored by the Federal row srablera, tlUa apacld a * ^ wm « e fighter planes. But there ^ theory sky-high. All the: had sighed the bill. Among the ...... 7 Down Ratiohe^ Material;. Production Board has granted" per- Dsa't tel .zMur sugar Iran (sal Communications commission. The chester, on the second Tuesday in ORANGK JUICE ^KOBNLAND CAN must have Only) .... ton dress; MtW you tiaM aad tiavcL Plwaa, MU September (which will be Sep­ aosvldence that any one of these o f : temptation.* to sign Rouid Tip 9 down Souse ^qd Head 'miaalon for materials and machine ■ • • • n r wfcau (w s-Jm asats a Sa# ysu Now suppoae.that same piece of survivor, seriously burned, ’’is be­ ua Jnv'anKb van aad gM* aa 46 OZ ( (Theese IncuK ^ Re­ tools for the construction and «“ .#*• aaUaIjrtas rallaf. Uaa lha m tba a«iiaManr *aeM Iv »aur tember ir. 1945). i science’s m.terlallstlc •’‘ Ic"'*-j 'poU tl^r ^ r ' o i ; I " '•••'• 4 down uhlts ^ ta isM PODOL. Ifa srsaaa- "cloth, when the finisher got ing given' every possible medical tioa. Tbaa Map la hr appoIntaMa* erican planes fired one shot A down gardless of Higher equipping of a new diesel locomo­ Uaa ai^ atalalsaa. Sastbaa aaj casla buru- through with It, contained stripes. treatment," Domei . said. le lim aad picb up tba moaqr- The polls will be opened at nine 1 GRAPEF^T JUICE CAN 27‘ ck at the Japanese. ,Uons_i. fln.ny_cummc.d With the;- I S’ l T t^^’^oneie*. Meat Content . 2 Down J tive maintenance shop for The New '■f„***Jf“ **V**4 asra fast with tbs Aral o'clock in the forenoon and wiU 0*« a Jar s l PODOL. taSar. This was a. dreas not quite like SiMPU T8 «m.Y NO. 2 4 That was. perhaps, V perfect * n’ «t*'-l»'l»‘ “ ’ ! Had once progressed, and *rom^ - Rolled (C * D Meats In Tin or Glass Haven Railroad to be located at far aalr SO. saaU at any the flnlaher had made before. Loaaa art awda aa MmaWiM atoM remain open until eight o’clock 1 ' calculation is neither accurate which he had now announced his ^ Containers, Includ­ J. H. Uals Cura.. Wsldaa Drag. Mratbly payaawM zau tea aSert win in the afternoon. STRING B m »HA CAN I I nbol of the state of mind this Grades Onlyl 9 down 3 Kew Haven. Conn. OPA would ha!ve to. establish a A taaa.ar tie# eatfa nor final. ‘ 'own prospective |Chuck (Blade or Arm) ing Brick or Other The new shop has been (lealgned QaiBB’s Dras. Caatar Phanasey aad special ceiling to fit this case be­ Vow Movor CtoonW roar REPUBUCAN PROPOSALS NO. 2 liation was in, and of tbe advan- ' rII whv should He eo out or ni» I « Form Chill Con all (aad drag tiaras. c«M«cvtWt monthly ntiMaMMa FOR NOMINATIONS . There is, in this universe, some-1 * ' . __ „ - ___5 : —Bone In -----• - S down 1 to meet the requirements of New cause the stripe finish cost more , U SIS.0S aacb. .Pwawc |#l»*w. CAN |e an unscrupulous aggressor way to spoil a ! Ch-ick or Shoulder- Came Without Knyen diesel 'operation, and, when than just a plain blue dreas. )ENTAIPUTES imily mmer. If zaaaaad $10 M SELECTMEN GREEN GIANTxfEAS 18* thing besides matter, something •Ken" Bradley and "Bill Had- ' , Beans ...... Down 1 uae pbaat aa aodap te a l-viaH Sherwood G. Bowers NO 2 iild have over us. It can be 4 down 1 8 completed, will be one of the best So—there would hgve to be ad­ lara. Or tfSHaaMBrat'lar zeu w den? Why not let even Tom Spcl-1 ••...... Chili Con O rn e With justments all along the line to the S o i k u i l y J. Henry (Jhalifour uasUoned whether, even had all beyond the things you . can feel 5 down 1 arraiigiNt and equipped diesel re­ applz pMaaaaSz. Mlapbaa* ar arlM. CAN 1 5 * and touch. lacy succeed once more at hlS; K other Cuts Beans ...... “ I.. . . 2 Dolvn 1 pair sho^^tn the East. A cen­ HOSPITAL SUPPLIES atorekeeper. KImsII* * n 4 t aiMSz., harw- David (Chambers DEL MONTE P lie “omissions" the Pearl Har- perennial game" (Thopped^Ham ,-.X....10 Down 2 aothtng Cost Higher ( sI bradiint. JajLsat rrar Griswold A.. Chappell 1< 0 Z- 7 | What that means it is difficult IHank Meat ...... GE down 1 trally locatedx^lesel shop to. sup- BEDPANS ORADDATBS alsis ar hrMgt la ,a or repcirts cite and criUcize been The picture we are trying to Nock— Bone In ...... 2 down 1 Cooked "Beef jN o t on plem'ent repair and maintenance HOT WATER ROTTLES In spite of all the efforU by .*( watra. a 5Ta Unit Kita- Cecil W.' England BOT I I to guess. The. fact that matter Bita. Pitaw! tulas, OS- STOKELY’S KETCHUP kvoided, tbe Japanese would still give Is, In other word*, that Neck —Boneless ------3 down 1 Chart Last 'M onth) shops at Boston and New Vork is ORirrCHRS AND CANES ' New __ OPA, the coet of clothing has ad­ F IN A N C E C O WiUiam J. Foord Oovernor Baldwin had every Corned Beef 6 down vanced more'than ahy other Item Atatart aJtr SHasatar. Ttar pot have poseessed an unaltered can be turned into pure energy Heel of Round—Bone- required to care for the large num­ ttvCk mbtUb Ulit •••• ysnt ■ tad riaar Louis Genovesi pleasant reason except one to Deviled Ham ...... 5 dowm Arthnr DruR Stores • that goes I'nto what the govern­ t»4af f«rylDBMrttiib • Jack-M. Gordon- may mean that pure energy, in leas ( ...... •» 6 dowm 2 ber of diesel units the rdad oper­ 848 Main S t t e l. 8808 'Zlsta Tbaatar Bldg. CHILI SAUCE KM N ’f 19* Advantage and whether they go along with this excepttonadly Dried Beef-...... 16 down ates in the New Haven area'./The Cream Deodoipil ment clHls the coat of living. Pbeaa S4M Raymond E. Hagedom dther words a .(Jod, first created Shank—Bone In ...... 2 down 1 Ss/ffy tn^f ^ KIEENITE the Brushle^y Way • • ''l o t vould still not hav'e beeh able to Well-nianage«l coup. The one rea­ Sh'ank Meat—Boneless 3 down 1 Ham (Whole or new shop vylll handle periodical ln< Coat of clothing has advanced D. B. Brawa, Mgr. Francis J. Happenny TtM Itf JlicewtssT> L!t CAN rkatter. Now that matter hhs more than 45 per cent since war Llesaaa Ns. .101 Jn a great yictoryc son standing on the other side Hamburger—Ground Piece) ...... 12-'down spection and maintonance of diesel Niels A. W, Johnson been thus unmasked, it may be of declston was-hi# own con- Luncheon Meat ...... 8 down switchers, as well as running re­ Slop PenpiniliM broke out In Europe In 1939. It Get KLEENTTE today at Qnlnn’s Victor J. Johnson Wblsts Cori Against this backgrbund, the from Boneless Beef has incfeaaed more than 19 peir Pluunnacy and All Good Druggists. LOBSTERS that the prestige of the spiritual, (M’lenee. .It was this reason and Forequarters, . M^at Loaf ...... I.... 4 down pair work on road locomotives. t . Don not iniute ikin. John H. Lappen 1 1 1 rmy and Navy' boards of inquiry which he finally honored arid Meat Spreads ...... '4 dowm Special featjirea will include an no< tot drenct or men’s shiiti. cent since OPA slapped on Ki Joseph C. Luts _ ‘LIVE A Q C A&P Srape Jiice Nevertheless proceed to assess the reality or''ffie spiritual, are Flanks, Shanks and R. F. BROOKS 2 . Prevestl undtf-stm odor. . price controls in May, 1942.' .28 0? obeyed, to the state’s great Trlmminga of Any Potted and Devijed overhead, traveling Crane, full John I. Olson •iICKEN . LB m CAH- going to be intensified in the sci­ Meats ...... down ' Help! itop penpitition mfehr. A couple of the factors In the In­ Hiked Beanix sme against a number of indl- benefit. Other Grades of 8 length inspection- pits, high speed S . Apufr.wnite.saiucpcic.icsin- Clarence K. Petersen ence and philosophy of the future. Spired' Ham ., 10 down • 2 locomotive Jacks, a drop table, Painting and creased cost: Disappearance of "Harold A. TurKington llduals. It is an inescapable con-; Beef and Beet Fat 4 down S lesi vanithinf cream. many o f the ipw-priced lines and It may even be that science can Lamb ’ Vienna Sausage ..... 4 down 1 and an overhead Inspection plat­ 4 . No wailing to dry. Can be Peter Urbanettl.. IFRANKFORT lluslon that they themselves are •SvvlM’onsIn’ 3Iarks Its H)04h Ready-to-Eat Meats. '(Cooked, form. Small Individual shops for Papqr Hanging used right after ahaving. more money to spend for clothing, TOWN cunuc no longer try to deny the possi­ '' ' Nteaks and Chops T io t s ie V - M MILK FORTIf IE# MS* 45* omewhat careless in their assess- Birthday Boiled, Baked, or Barbecued) the repair of electrical, air brake, S ; Awarded Approval Scat oi by people who before the.waf with Samuel J.i Turklngton. SKINLESS ■ 0 7 ® Loin Chops tor Roast) 8 down 8 American InaututeoHaundei-: #oz|ge pent of' blame and that their eag- bility of a life after death. Balbecued Pork— and signal equipment will comple­ Canvas Ceilings a lower incomes contented them- TOWN TREASURER 4 POINTS LB U l Spick White Shoe Polisli SOT Rib Oiops (or Roast) 5 down 2 ing —htrmleta to fabric. Uac . eelves with much cheaper clothes. ness to find- a handsome num- 'Sliced or Shredded .12 down 2 ment. the main shop. Modem Acrid regularir. 1: , Georgs H. Waddell. Th"^ mile^'town of'Ni^^^ ^ L w ^ C l i p s ^ :(anadian Bacon, . locker room and wash room fa' S p e c i a l t y L ik e H e # TAX COLLE<3TOR A-Porr Spot Remover wAf 17* sr of “ goats".; ha* led them to Swiiis settlement whfch introduced Shoulder, Chops— 3 ^ StoaWf^ h J jk d m p I'niLsual “ Depression" Blade or Arm Smoked (Whole, cilitles will be provided. Samuel Nelson. POLLOCK can ass quickly over- some very thin Swiss cheese to America, Is now Piece, or Sliced) ..14 down 2 MOtl ISM AND WOSUN lUtli : ASSESSOR Old Pitch Cleanser 2 # 15* Chpps ...... ----- 4 down 20 years experience VOU’LL 2-Piece Living Room $39-00 FRESH A tf|C und. Their willingness to call I The oncoiiplng depression is the 100 years old. Bill the town council Roasts Dried Beef, Slices ...16 down 4 A Visit To Henry A. Mutrie. has 'put off celebration of the event EAST TERMS! id in g t h e r o d s SLICED LB X U lecretary Hull's, memorandum t o : umisuil depression 'In his­ Leg._Whole or Part' . 6 down Ham—Bone In, Whole ARRID FIND REGISTRAR OF VOTERS R or Running a business, it’s easy enough until all her.'sons and daughters down Recrilils.Needed 'Oar Foneral Suites—In Basic Cover / s y w ft Japane.ie ten[ - days . before tory. Two 'things mak;#. '^It that Sirloin Roast—Bone In 6 dO' or HaU* .. 0 2 f e l . 7 8 9 3 tNAN AwvoijaaiaaoaoaAtiT Robert N. Veltch. when you don’t have, to pay the freight. You simply get a have leturned from w af aerx’ice. Ham—Bone In. Homo *-■ BOARD OF e d u c a t i o n unusual. We know it is coming. Y'oke, Rattle, or Tri­ J. a l l WORK GUARANTEED free ride at somebody S f M ^ s e r r s i srl Harbor an “ ultimatum" The council, hbwever, looks for; Sli(:es* ...... ■,'1...14 down 2 For Coiiilpanv H Charles 8. House MACKEREL And. secondly,',vve know it is go­ ward to honoring the memory of angle-B one In ■/ Maybe you run a store or service sution or dress shop. 1. S u p e r Q u iH ty 2* $0^^ ^ ems a deliberate distortion of Yoke, Rattle, or Tri- Ham—Bqtt End* .... 10 down 2 u n n u n iiF o m U rge SelfcUon of Fabric* — Prompt Delivery! Janet S. Smith. FRESH i| |-e 2. FI*vor*a«v«r Roasted 4. C U ito m ing. to en^. ' the band of 122 immigrants who Ham—Shank End* . 7 down 2 CONSTABLE Woulcl yom like to have a next-door competitoc who hto little -i. A Bl«nd to Suit Vtur Tt story, since Secretary Hull's p6- reached the green Wisconsin h lll^ " angle— Boneless A: I I M M M M m t CAPE LB I 0 |tion in that iiiemorandum was ,We know it is coming as We see Chuck or Shoulder, Ham- -Boneless, Whole First Lieutenant iltdurice Miller, We Carry Our. Own Aceoanta " James Duffy , or no tent, or taxes, ot interest to pay, and who is kept in bus** in August. 1845 “ Just as soon^ss or Half** .. - ...... 12 down 3 1 STfAMING-SOfT-SHELL 2.'»a4i ’ erely a restateineiit of an Amer-1 tl)* drastic readjustment of enti- we are together again." / Square—Cut—Bon# commanding officer of (Jompany ^ o u n d e c • Otto HerrmBhh ness patdy hy yomr tax money? Eight O’clock 8 down 1 Ham—Boneless and H, State Guards, has announced Raymond E. Robinbon sn position which could, cc never 1 ployment conditions in purely The settlers left their ^ a t iv c . In, Neck Off ..... Yet this is what happens with government and municipal C L A M S 2 ots 4 5 CYuick or Shoulder, 1 Fatted, Slices** ,'..14 down 2 tfiat all men between the ages of Se^ick J. Straughsn. Red Circle COHU 2 , ' . S 4 7 ’ It„was no ultimaijim,, w»r industries. ^ ^ , rant()ii, Glanis. In Switx^and be- pastrami- (All Cuts) ;URKE@ electric power systemi. Th&y are not required to pay federal 1 COTTAGE CRfAWlD rause^ of a disastrous crop failure. Crosscut—-Bone In 3 dowm 1- 17 and-86 who are Interested In 1874 MacDONALD UPHOLSTERY CO. I LB E4t: ^ l y an outline of the bsaia j " e know it m\ist end Wa we see Veal W^oie ...... 5 down 2 serving in the State' Guard may DEMOCRATIC PROPOSALS' taxer; often get money from the public trea'fury atjittle no. 2 . A c f s 5 r By mutual consent It was decided Pastram.i (All C?uts) as.*! MAIN STREET HARTFORD TEL. 2-4127 Bokar Coffee that a number of families should Steaks and Chops apply to the Recruiting Officer of > iSTft FOR NOMINATIONS interest; make up losses out of your pocket at • taxpayer. CHEESE ..18’ on s ^ c h the United States and i ll)* pent-up rieed for pi ace pro- Slices ...... A down ■ 2 SELECTMEIN emigrate to America to make their iLoin Chops (or Roast) 8 down 8 Company H at the State Armory ' SpedBl AtteatloB GIvsb Oat-et-Towa Castoaien Meanwhile, on the, average, America’s biiiinefs-managed ^pan coilt^ come to an agree-' duction, a need so gresl tfiiat it Picnic or Shoulder— ' , ‘ Russell T. Corcoran homes.. Money for the Journey was Rib Chops (or Roast) 6 down 2 next Monday night after 7:80 p. m. electric companies turn back to the people as taxa about l i e It In FaV Eaatem affairs. It can hardly fail to crea| e boom provided by the j^ople of the set­ Shoulders Chops ....4 down 2 Bone In ■...... 9 down 1 Due to lossea to .the armed .Wilbert T. Garrison 3 LBS Picnic or Shoulder— WATKINS out of every dollar reev ed . And these companies — owned merely aN;pntlnuatipn-of our j conditions for several years. We tlement. Round Steak ((^tlets forces,'there will he frequent op­ Wapter J. Kompanik CRISCO )» to condone ami accept would have to bungle greatly and To this day m|sny of the » nav iTn T® 828.60 8I8J16 flO.Bfi $.5.28 REGISTRAR OF VOTERS •loan poeition poesibl# and, there are two extrenles of opin­ Breast—Bone In .... 2 down Cheddar, Colby, Washed Curd, . Agriculture peat control branch 1 S;SI K; K Vp t o $58.89 815.60 j H0« 8L28 Edward F. Mortarty. make a propoeai to the ion on it .. Employers are. genilr' ' 88.00 Per Day Up-To 812J» 811.68 8 6.60 , 88,26 BOARD OF EDUCATION •a Haar KIIIOM iOPT la "THI ILieTBie HOUR” w ith RsBari AraSnu*ae'i OXYDOL Cashier Fuils^ Holdup Breast—Boneless .... 4 down Soaked Curd, S.wiss, Brick, Muni- ' has declared war on the pT*y OrdMflfni. fvGry $ s» 4m f e#Nr##Ge, 4JRg 8W T$ C M tte tn s rk a WOODBURY’S ally speaking, very optimistic. N. C. Bogglni e for a three months Flank Meat ...... 8 down ster, Edam, Gouda, Bliie, Gorgon­ aquirrel and will fupply free aiieHa Thone ii3 m a in STR E E T > . All Lines « f Iniwirance , IKI.EI’HONL oin.i Samuel J. TiirkingloiL could not..... have — ------failedwire: present “ rhj emergency being .eld and Shank. use Flank it to and .any.variations of .the. .respective ment uicluded a recipe for stewed UkMMit88furdii> At 6:>‘tU P, M. At 142 felAtn CKN'l'KR 82* Xowa .Cletlt.J j| Mk-jjjaijj au kinds of thtnfis, not maivi ^p;•• xha would-be r«»bber lied. ' Brea:itf .... -, 4 down 21 processes lor the types of cheese. squirrel,. " ■ (• vT •. ■ \r -■ Tv .u f:'-/ , 'iPAGE.fNlNfli MANCOTSTPR EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY. AUGUST 30,1948 >AGE EIGfff' MANCHKS'I'KK KVKJflNG HERAT-D. MAN(T1ES'rEK. tX)NN« THURSDA Y, AUGUST 30, 1945

I^cal Boys to Wulcli Japanese Siirrcncler Two Cruisers He No Like ■Appeals Board To Enter Uiiiverwitv Byrnes Woiilcl Harvest Queen Today Radio Fliers Rally to (Jain Tie Meets Tonight Let Satellites Get to Haven Entries Closed Boetern tAer rime 4:00—WDRC — House Party chestra Music: WTHT — Arthur Make Appeals After Battles 18 Local Girls ,Ate in News; WT^T — News: Glrand’s ftale;"tVTlC Philo Vance. To . Consider Six Re- Music Hall; WTIC —Backstage 7:45—WTTftT—GI Salutp. quests for Exceptions (Continued From Page One). (Continned Poge’One) Beauty Contest at the Wife. 8:00—WDR6—Suspense: WHTD ■■V ------—Pick and Pats W H T —Frank bmiu ; _W TIC—Stella Dallas. 4 15 Warren.Jarvis Edge A ir c r a f^ Local Grange Fair b the Zoning Rules miich information as pos.tlhlc on the night of , Aug. 8, 1942. It is 4:30—WDRC — Ad Uner; W nC Slngiser: WTIC — Silhouettes i should he given to Al.lled press the first U. S. Naval vessel honor­ - t - —Lorenzo Joneh. and Cameos. The Zoning Board of Appeals and radio re)>orters—ijiirlng the ing a foreign city, in this ca.se the Manchester’s best-looking g;irlt 8;15 _ WHTD — Earl'Godwin; j capital of Australia.) 4:45—w n c — Young Widder WTHT—Kliy-O-Quls. x baa alx requests for zoning wcep- deliberations. will compete on Saturday, Sept. 8, Brown. West Hartford Tallies 2^ Q ia to consider at tonight's The only recent comparable I Damage to the two cruisers for the Manchester Grange title of 8:00--WDRC — News; Mueic; 8:30—WDRC—FBI In Peace ind Local Sport Chatter ' aaettng. Jamea Vlvieios who was conference was the Diinibarton I caused ’"Tokyo Rose" nnd other ra­ "Harvest Queen? at the siate_ar-' WHTD — Terry and the War; Bill HenryWHTD — Score 1-Q Win in^Tth Principal Speaker Runs in Fourth Duly dio commentators to annopnee to America’s' Town M e e ti n g ; gnatad permission six months I Oaks meeting on world orgpniza- r mory at 9 p. m. A committee of . Pirates: WTHT-r-Meet the Band; Atomic it a word known the^looking forward to see Just what ago to operate a tea room at 341 [ tion at Washington last year. At j rf Jubilant Jap public that most of WTHT ’— Senator Brlen McMa­ To Have Thread CityY the Third fleet had been sunk. Judges including the Master of the WTIC — When a Girl Marries. hon; WTIC—Adventures of Top- ; world over. It is safe to say that he has got.- - Bast Center street, failed to take i that time verv little information | 5;I5—‘WDRC—Main StreetT Hartr Bruno "Lefty” Persan of the advantage of the permit within | was made-public during the scs-i Hoping that Jap admirals might State Grange, and his associate per. . To Gain Playoff Spot Hartford , Road Tavern Nine Kiiot Score in believe, their own radio and try to officers will officiate in the capae-, ford; WHTD — Did. Tracyr 8:45 __ WTHT — Asylum Hill I Grill nine has richly earned the The ' the 120 days and is again asking \ slons. . 1 •WTOT — Superman: WTIC — moniker of Atomic with his mas-ubowling team that gained first 6th; Zazzaro Stars tor the exception, finish off the cripples. Halsey or­ Ity of beauty Judges in the local Plahtation Singers. place in the Rec Bowling League Dumbarton Oaks started out as dered the Houston and Canberra to .Contest. Portia Faces Lifp. 9:00—WDRC — Don Voorhees ; terful pitching feaU in the Man­ Wayne E. Wright Is asking to I an "explbrator.v" fact-finding con­ 8:30—WDRC—War Comraentar>': Gleason Bests McGuire^ Gsme Date^^t chester Twilight League. standings last year only to lose Defensively^^ at Short maintain course in Jap waters. The Judges of the Harvest Ot/chestra: WTHT — Gabriel _____ out in the playoffs will be back operate an automobile paint shop! ference.. blit finished irp with a, The ruse nearly worked. Out Queen contest are Harry L, Page, Swoon or Croon'' WHTD — Jack Heatter; WTIC—Music Hall. On 'MouqdV Allows in the rear of 202 / New Bolton” plan for world organization large­ came the Jap fleet but when l-'ss Master yf the Connecticut State Armstrong; WTHT.—: 9:15__WTHT—Real Stories from The annual Twilight Laague ' Last Tuesday svening after the in full harness By Earl Wr Vost toad, a rural zone. ' j X ly adopted at the United Nhtlons -than 200 miles from the ball — Grange, Ira Wilcox. ' of Merrow, Scores; Music: WTIC — Just Real Life. Two llifg; Only Eun game which was rained out ' game there was considerable cOm-, der the colors of the Falrfle d A two-run rally in the top half Fred Recave wants to operate a conference In .San Kitan-cisco. and an equal distance from Hal­ Conn.. Steward of the State ' Plain Bill. 9:30—WDRC — Hobby Lobby; last Aveek will be played next I ment on the ability of Person and Grocery. of the sixth inning enabled the printing press in the bnsement .'of /WHTD —: Variations by Van mo Micky Delucca as pitchers. Both ■ 1 WUIimantic Fliers to deadlock the Must BeJCatlfled sey’s main force—the . Japanese Grartga-auiLrawood CovHle of An­ 8:45—WDRC — Old Record Shop: Sc*rt‘'^*l T Out Thursday night, Sept. 6, at This information reaches the t i l Main street, a residdnee A Sea l-c Ray Thompson Sea. l-o Walter Ferguson fleet turned tail and ran for the dover, Pomona Master of the WHTD — Singing Lady: WTHT ' Cleve: Coronet Story Teller: 5:45 at the West Side Oval. are good and in league competition Pratt and Whitney Men’s Club aone. Miss Amelia Farr According to the Potsdam com­ 7 WTHT—Football Game; WT|G Have 'been great. Pefzan’s record desk via .loe Birtles who guided last night at 2-all in a well played '/j munique,, the foreign ministers cover of Japan. Grange. —Tom Mix; WTIC — Front Page Warren and Jarvis clinched Jlmmv-Foley and Vic Paganl the Tavern fo“ fB«~top last year. AeUuir—Befeanen—and—Salva- The Canberra was hit first. It How to Be Judged — Villmjr'i^re. game at the Oval. :''b$aJullano are asking for per­ —Mias Amelia Farr, daughter of couqciUwltl merely draw Tip-treaty There are at least two Man­ big battleship was completed. Farrell. third place In'toe final sUndlngs will handle the respective Joe reports that his entire team The contest was a playoff for) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Farr of jonA territorial proposals, wdilch The first U. S. S. Missouri was was participating in a- mission Contestants will be Judged, 6:00—News on all stations. 10.00 — WDRC — First Line; teams. mission to sell .;frult and vegeta­ chester servicemen, both buddies against the Formosa Naval basq among other qualities, on person­ 'WHTD — one Foot In Heaven; of the Softball League last night will be firing away in league fourth place in the .final Twilight bles at 180 and’190 New Bolton 513 Main street, will leave Sunday then must be ratified by the Unit­ built before the Civil War. The This Is the sour puss presented 6:15—WDRC — Headliners Club: WTIC — Mystery in the Air. when they downed the Plant J competition once the season geto League standings and wa^ called , morning. September 2. for .Syra­ ed Nations organlMtton. and members of the crew of the second^ a unit of the "White on Oct. 13 when seven Jap planes ality. poise snd good looks. E.sch WHTD — Digest of toe Air; Or­ ' road, a rural and residence zone. roared from an overcast to attack '\by Lt.-Gen. Takashiro Kawabe, : will face the Judges carrying, typ­ 10:30 — w pRC — Romance, Aircraft 1 to 0 at toe North End underway.. after seven full innings due to Patrick J. Mooney is the only cuse University, SyracusyrN. Y. Tt 1s doubtful,* however,- that U. S: S, Mijwourl, who will, have Fleet" which sailed around the chestral Interlude: WTHT -r- front .scats in Tol:yo Harbor when the American force ah were shot vice chief ol the Imperial Jap­ ically enough, baskets of fruit or Rhythm '«n6'Rlpley; WHTD — diamond before a large crowd; darkness. These same two teams : , one this time who wants to keep Miss Farr, who yras graduated smaller nations would have any world in 1907-08, once sailed into down—but not until one had put -i anese staff when be arrived in Musle: Concert, Houp: WTIC ,— Hqt«I Pehnsylvanla Orchestra: On the subject of bowling we re­ will again meet Friday night, at with the class of from Man-, the Nips sign the formal surren- ppgppf,,] Tokyo Harbor with the flowers accentuating the.ir white Professor Andfe S^phenker. The winning run crossed the member St toe bowling banquet CklcUens. His request is for per- better luck changing a major pro- der documents on Admiral Hal-. ' torpedo in the Canberra. Manila as leader of the Jap evening gowns. Point values for WTIC—Ftudy Vallee Show. Browns Shade 5:46 with the wtiiner to face- ths;. > ailaslon to keep them at 18 Lind- Chester High school, will take the vlslori of a treaty "proposed" by A U. 8. fleet 6:30—WDRC — George B. Arm 11:00—News oh all stations. plate in to* I*** half of the sev­ last year that the foul line rule Hamilton Props next Wednesday * fine arts course. \ , aeyos .flagship. Ball of Flame Mast High delegation. Apparently he did the qualities stressed in Judging was discussed. In other years this ' man street a B zone. this Big Five than they did'-^'lltl ! Second MlSsoni|i.''*erapP<^ A |haU of flame shot mast high. not-relish ills foie. will be personality, SO pointi^ stead: WHTD — Answer M»n’. 11:15—WDRC—Night Owl Show; enth inning after two men were night at the Oval. Ernest Vlchi wants to be allow­ amending -.Dumbarton Oaks sub- ' They are Seman Ic. Walter 8. The sefcond U. 8. 8. Missouri WTIC — Boh Steele. WHlU-^Olmstead at the Or- out. The game developed Into a Tigers 5 to 4 rule has not been enforced in Ferguson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Flrerooms and engine, room three poise and beauty. 25 points, eacln is bettor inasmuch as he has yet Danny O’Rourke finally ma

(Ueu. y ' / iwANCHESTEK EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. GONN, THURSDAY, AUGUST SO, 194S ^AGE ET-Vn/EN 1>AGE TEJ9 ..J MANCHESTEHIC EVENING HEKALD, MANUHEarrBR, GONff^ AUGUST 194K Help V Tied—Female 3.>i I’liiiltry and Sujr'!’cs 4.3 Hai«-c«n*o .(lOoriM B> KU.N IA1M-- FU.\ Automobiles for Sale Kusiness ServicM Offered 13 Business Services Offered I.‘i ___ _ =^lj ItMiNKRVlI.I.E FOLKS BOOKKEEPING and Accounting LIGHT TRiudkiNG. aahes ^ -WA-NT8P — GIRLS, and young BROILERS^ >2 to 3 lbs, 40c lb at NORGE, oven heat control, ga.. i 1942 PONTIAC sedan coupe, 1942 range, apartment size. Perfect I Classified Classified Plymouth deluxe sedan, 1941 records Kept weekly. Balanced rubbish remoVed reasonable. Tei. women in all departments. the farm. Ernest Gowdy, CoVen- CAUM YfeRSELF, dRAN^.V. Pontiac sedan, 1941 Plymouth 2- monthly for income tax purposes, 3661. Steady Job, gc pay, pleasant trjK 'Tel. 8782. condition, $40. Call 2-1032. I Sense and Nohsense liirtoundlng*. Tobe.- Baaeball ON SHORTS UNPER TI JAT SHIRT doOr sedan, 1940 Chevrolet de­ confidential notary public. Phone G. P. ELEjCTRlC Appliance and FOR , SALE— Maple dining-room Adyertiseiiiints Man, (who was watching the luxe sedan, radios, heaters. Cole 3627 days or evening^. Manufacturing, Elm street Man­ Wife *Cqueatlonlng her husband) Adveitisements oil burner’^^ervlce. "PWunpt/ and chester. 100 R. I. red pullets, StM months table, 4 chairs green upholster­ A couple of bualneaa men were' horseshoe pitcher*)—No, 1 don’t Motors, 4164.' efTicIcnt service. All work guar­ _What’s the difference hptween Ota r ANTEED RADIO service. old. Telephone 6814. ed. Good condition. Call 8997. For Rent For Sale driving a car at the standard 36 •Idealism’ and TteUsm.' •Mkr ? believe I feel quite up to a game. • or R ent For Sale Complete cleaning and check-up anteed. Work called for and de­ VyANTED- WdMAN for steady, miles per hour, out on the edge of I’m juat a UtUe waak today. FOR SALE — 1934 Plymouth FOR SALE— Broilers about 4 FOiR SALE—Comblnatlcn coal, oil • T o Buy T o S e ll Huaband—WaU. hmph, weU, It sedan, 3 pre-war tires, good con­ of your radio' $3.00. All makes livered. Tel. 2-1339. pleasant work. Saturdays off. _ , mrU#^ai«rm raiB€(l but- T^Thayer heard thunder town aaw a ' horse and buggy la like ttita, ‘Ideallam’ 1# what wa Frland (who wanted to play)— To Buy ■To Sell radios repaired. Expert service. New System Laundry, Harrison pounds, 42 cents per pound, ItVe and gas stove. Gas het water |T h a Story heading towards them. One aald But It doesn’t take much Mrrength dition 1225. Also R.c :a . combina- weight. Call 5625. heater, i burner oil stove, pipe- loolted. not at her cxpmienced during «ur honey- /JJllltary training. Phone 4553. REFRIGERATION SERVICE street. .law but Judson to the other in a thoughtful ■way; m ^ ; and •reaUam.' well, realism to pitch a game. S tlori radio and record ^Aignger. — - ■ ' ^ less. Call 62^3 after 6 p. m. '*»—!* ka, ted daughter-ln-Is First Man—Well. Henry, you Man—Well, If you Insist TU V Call 2-0187. - Grunow. Cold.spot, Crodley, FOR SALE—'One thousand N. H. la what we’re up agalnat right refrigeration service, Gen­ '.Ve.'itlnghoiiRe, and nil other rimkos. WANTED—GIRL or woman for gam M ua last Judaoh. ^ at great length. Ha " just cen t toll. He may be 20 years play, brrt I’ll have to go home for eral Electric, Grirnow, Crosley, general hou.sework B.endbt wash­ pullets and roasters. 3'j-months FOR SALE —’Thr'^e piece dinln*r BusincMS Property for Sale 70 behind us—hr 6 monthe ahead. now. ' /■ Lost Md Found 1934 CHEVROLET coupie,-Rumble .Commercial and Domestic. old. Tel 71!58./t. A. Frink. ' room set, ten chairs, full size bed ,ve and the« oMmed, ner\«iaiy, an unneceasary my horse shoes. seat and heater. 5 good tires, Frigldairi and all oUiet makes. er and Ironer. Live 11 or out. Call FOR SALE or For Rent—Business /alts his hTaard for Brock to attempt the Ecnie, Meenie, Minie. Mo Ha left and half an hour later Including Work .fuaranteed. Motor repairs. 2-1482, complete. 3-4 size bed •<^ompletp, More than 6,500,000 persons In he was back with a team of liOBT—SUMiof good condition. Call 2-1805. “ SCIENTIFIC 18 FIVE mo^hs old red pullets, corner cabinet, Philco ra'dlo, .54- property at 29; Bissell street. In­ ■**r»**?“ «' *!!! , a ta lrt. just yet. No.” she con- Pipe my girt out with Joe. house key and Finder Call 4394, B. * H. Refrigeration REFRIGERATION CO. ready to lay, $2. Roger Olcott, 403 quire 8 Bissell. ' Unued'aa Brock made a mwe to the United States make their I Jb* to bigger horaea: — ' Reward. Service. A NEW industry, desires, help. No gal. oil drum, 3 burner Perfection — wttk thens to i„d bar eye* were full of peacetime living directly - or In­ Man (explaining)—I alway# 4Mve at Herald 37 Oak St. • Phone:2-1226 experience nece.ssary. '• Phone West Center. Phone 7853. 'joII stove and oven. 9 ft. kit 'heh So I Agger Auto Accessorie^Tirea <1 ^ ______— la helped sf tee plaso. "Mother knows best. directly from highway transpor-^ Eenie ain’t my girt no m o. pitch the ahoea that way. You see OH, SHE HAS ! WEUI-.THAT liOST—2 hooka of imantic OLD FLOORS SANDED.^- SHEET METAL WORK hot alt 2-.J717. extension table, arm chair, parlor Houses for Sale 72 «taoU». O-a. leg I. gose rm right, don’t tetion. I uaed to mlalay home shoes ao VioliHy of Laying afKl finishing. fiimaee repairing. New hot air t^ble. lamn; tennis racket. Will much that I bad to figure out a Elka Vair tickets. WHY NOT see us for your ramp J. E, .lonaen, ' WANTED — Woman for li^ht Articles for Sale 45 ' vou. Thayer? All of u* have one Passing' Acquaintance -How m a k e s it A U - RIOHT Ifanchester Green. koall and utility trailer needs. Trailers and air conditioning furnaces ih- sacrifice. 236 Cent, r .**trcp{, FOR SALE 4-KapiJy house on 1 thought—what ’4e good for you. The skipper of the itight street better method and aince I’ve Tel. Wllllmaritlc 9928. evening*. hoti-sekeeping. two children, no IV come you’re all dreaaed up these pitched thlp! team Tvs never loet S748. for sale and made to order; Park­ - stalled; Eaves trough anti con­ FOR s a l e —. 7-lnch bench saw Highland s t ’eel, 3 four room and Brock.” She amlled-- serenely into ■weeper wanted to clean the Job at OOS • • • • • laundry or heavy work. Live In. l"We must get you home, dar- street In front of a local residence days? Have you got a a shoe. er Welding Oo., 166 West Middle WANTED-^ALL KINDS Jf elec­ ductor repairing, .,Norman Bentz, Excellent opportunity for person. complete with pulleys, belt and 1. five rooms. large lot, excellent the stunned(IIIVU silence, avoiding------o HU- LOST—ORinr, buir and white, 3 8966 FOR SALE —EJectrIc stove .Oxce],- condition, price $9,950. Ca:il 2-/ ng,” Mrs. Kittridge had as- the other night but couldn’t do it last? '■Turnpike. Tel. 8926. tric wiring ‘‘and repairing. An^ Interested in good home. One day one-quarter K. p : motor $25. 2 lent condition. Telerbone TfiSL' amed command, something new dreth'a hardening We.® Man—Tve got ji^methtng . A Good Motto months old kitten, Yicinity of alze lob given prompt attention. metal scooters, 1 wit’i balloon 0137. er’s blank astonlshmeht. I n«l because of the cars parked In Garden apartments. Reward, 31K WASHER VAUIMJMS.. Electric a-week qff. Good pay. References ______i her voice, her very carriage, front of the place. Noting a light tor. 1 am now orator. aU the good you can. Call 3975 before'7, p m. tires. Tele’phorte 2-0833. JUST ARRIVFU neW7 Oual'ty the car la right over here. Jud- Emma dust the UtUe rdom at th* toow what that la, W t you? Garden Drive. nrcycles—Bicycles M motors, etc., repaired All parts required. 'Tel. 3272. . FOR-SALE — 4 room, end Of the hall which was Grand- In the window, he went up to see o all the people you can. available 24-hour eervtce. Charg­ electric r.iho'es T.-jhle ton model burner, recreation roon J>h, you and Hildreth are coming about moving the cam. ■ tail you anyway. It tallk* thla; If In all th# waya you can. ASHES AND RUBBISH removed WANTED--A girl for kitchen FOR SALE Child’-** all metal Benson’s. 713. Main atreet. . to the house, of course.”: father’a. We put some .thln^ you aak an ordinary Yellow how FOR SAl B;—Boy’s pre-war bicy­ AtUr*. cellars and yard? cleaned ee C O D. Manchester 2-1486 automobile. In perfect condition. merit,. . storm wiirdov; in to make R more comfortable. Btceet Sweeper (to the man As long aa evek you can. FOtJND—Golden-haired male ool- - mornings or evenings -work at Depot Square Grill. 'Tue.v- ' They were -at the car now. w hp^^sw ered the door)—Whose many is two and two, ItaU ta y cle. ..ExceHpnt condition. Call R. Gamposeo,- telephone 5848 o ■day, Thursday and Friday. 6 p. Telephone 2-0538. FOR .SALE—3 rooms of nre-war screen.s, large lot.' Inqpf.^ „ Darling boy, y*”* four. But If you aak me. .m toll He. Call 8828, Mrs. Demers. 3232. 7487. sell street. Phono 7 3 ^ or 6376. hayer Is driving,” Mrs. Kitt- Now you must rest before dlnnw, car# are those outside? , Teacher—What Is it that bind# WOODCUTTING, plowing, re- m. to. l a. m. Call 3835. furniture' Includin'' e'ectric rr'rl- Idge said. "Careful, darting, of Man—Come back along toward you this; ‘When In th* coprs* of us together, «ustalns us and makes FOR SALE- Bicycle $18, bed $10, frerator,.tnb’e tonT-ns rs-n'e. nnr- for we’re having everything yoO. human events It becomes pecM- FOR .SALE—Pre-Ve 178 ing,. No Job too large' or too in e'-ec'Icnf condition. Telephone gainst the door. He tried to tell yoii? Oiir poker game won’t the slighter fear of any success­ Cbmpanj, 877 Main street. Tele­ and evenings. 3 In familjo-Exc.e'l- Main street. Tel. .559L ’ 4570. Owner leaving town. .286 East "I have my car. thank you, w i ful contradiction that the answer South Amitjea 1# the University Birch street. RANGE AND FUEL oil. Genera small. All work, guaranteed. Imlle. "I’m not used to these I must run," Moya aald sweetly. be over f6r at least two hours yet. of San Marcos, at Lima, Peru, embarrassed ; phone 4425. '_____ Parker Welding Co.. -168 West lent salary. Sundayi off. Phone Midd|c^T5irnpike, phone 2-0868. invariably will be four.’ That U trucking. James A. Wood*. 2! ATTENTION Farmers. Lime sow­ HOSpTTAT I3FTV? nr ovboe) ch airs h inga yet.” Mrs. KlUrldge spoke "I’m meeting Julie at the founded in 1651v, Pearl-ateet. TMephone 6.56R. Middle Tiiri.pike..Tel. 3926. 6567. ienderly-before anyone else could what maket an orator. ers now available. Farm Store, for rent nr sale Rntee rea.somtile FOR ^ALE .Two-family flat, ex- (irand knowing you’re The Rev. W- P- Dickinson m- y llnd words. ”We’H look after you, Wanted Autos— SERVICEMAN’S wife-wants re­ Jilontgomery' Ward’s, Manchester, Phnn*, Keith's Furnltnr. 4159 e^.ent locAHon. Iiiqiiire 35 Chest- ceived a aumiilona for apeedtag in Customer—And nqw hay# - yOu PLUMBER. BtenmfiUcr, pump ne ELECTRIC Refrigeration service, put street. . arllng. Just , take yow Ume---- ■eeegnltlon! Motorcycles 12 chrnUc. Carl Nygren. 15 Soutl servicing all makes, commercial liable girl or woman to care for "Well, let’s not atand here." Denver, Colorado. Th* sententto Gratitude has been defined Wt- shown me everything you have in children while mother works. Call FOR S.M-E'—I Malestle rsrtin hi'rh fou he^. Judson. There, now. Hildreth said tartly and imposed by PollO* Judge PhlUp B. FOR RENT atrecK Tel. 6497 and domestic refrigerators. All EL'TO 4 H. P. Outboard mote $50. • » toriy as a lively anticlpaUon of the shop? V- WAN’i’ED—WE Ne e d used cars call*, given prompt attention. 47>i Charter,Oak street. hov ahlnet «, VCW5S. W V \V» eavEairoi gh conductors, Nu-. harrows. Dublin Tractor Com- liking , and laughing. door. A shaft of sunlight fell on As you travel along life’s high­ with glory a# the primary aim Soutb ManchesteT JARVIS REALTY CO. guaranteed. Metro Service Co.' WANTED AT Once- Two men for j telephone .2-1771. 6-pany, Wllllmantlc. the coverlet of the ‘single bed. Be­ quite often miss the targcL^;;;;^ Yo Y S t. udswx. o c ro a H i ywl (HK«> V5«2t VApaSNt© 'Tel. Manchester 2-0883, Hartford wood ^:rilings and Interior walls. ■Resort Prnnerty for Sale 74 way, Gtia>KD-'VAK'& 0 * 5 i A Offloe 4112 ReaMenoe 7275 'Wood sttinoOng, general repair­ grading dawns and general lalfa- It took only a few, momenta to side the bed a large chair and Juat whistle and sing. O orge Benaon. Fire District Weekdays and Sandaya 7-9663, scaping wPrk.' Jqhn S. Wolcott & COVENTRY LAKE—Water front ■reach the house. Now, Thayer ottoman crowded a chest V — — ing. Free ■Estimate. Time pay­ FOR SALE -HOT water heater. MiiR'cni 53 And troubles take wing. IdleneM l i ‘nothing to do and REPAIRS MADE ON washers, ments. IjOuls^.Lavlgne. Manches­ Son' IM Main street. Telephone 4609. cotta Be. 6 tXKims, twp,baths. Com­ Ithought as they pulled WP “ “ em and a desk. Beyond the bod Let each day bring what It may. ‘Of ttVAt to vxwv Manchester, Connecticut ter Roofing. Call 2-1428. pletely furnished including piano. ere joined by the Judson Kltt- a door opened to a termce and —Mrs. E. B. Young. I lots of time to do it in. vacuums, beaters. Rons or what w a n t e d —Ambitious young man FOR SAT E — Beautiful player iridges whoae car was already OCS\ tWL v»\0«> H t? have you. The ' F'rlendly FIx-It piano with 100 rolls: Lovely up­ All electric.kitchen. Heatolafor the garden. “Here we are.’- said Board of Relief, Sbuth ROOFTNC — SPECIALIZING In for combination clerical and Building Materials 47 fireplace! Bcqiittfiil view of entire Aed. Now she and Brock would Mm. Kittridge and would have '"■IR— OEfAW'bl Shop. 718 North Main street; orderly duties. Manchester Me­ holstered chair:—collapsible doa­ Iteve a chance to be alone. Then Manchester Fire. District Help Wanted Telephone 4777. W. Burnett. Prop repairing roofs of all kinds, also ble bed: leather bag: gerit's suit: lake. Private dock, float and boaL gone in, but Thayer waS before FUNirt BUSINESS new roofs. No Job tod small or morial hospital, William P. FDR SALE — SLATO flaisglng. Man.v other features. Sacriflclhg. laa, a slowly-moving little group. \ Slover, Supt. topcoat and overcoat; sizes 38-39. they came througrh the big front will help him,” Thayer M id Notice is hereby given to all OIL BURNERS serviced and re­ large. Good work, fair price. Free various colors for stepping (Tail Hartford 6-0974 between 9 Apply Loeser Realty,- -South, I taxpayers In the South Msnehes^ Female placed. Warm air furnaces re­ . estimates Call Howtey. Manches­ stones, terraces and walks Green, Idoor panic suddenly raced through evenly, “if he needs aiw help.” _ mm WANTED — Man for general and 8. ■ ~ ■ street. Coven-try Lake. Phohe^ Iher a ^ she knew that she was ter Fire District, that a Board of paired and replaced. For full In­ ter 5361. grey, purple, varigafed block*. 266J1. Like two opi>osing forces the Relief meeting will be held in the Experienced Telephone laundry and pxtiactor work. Richard Lewis, 56 Ardmore road, Ifrightened. . girl’s eyes and those of her moth- formation call . Van. Carnp Bros. Manchester Laundiy, Maple auditorium ,Of Fire Station No. 4 Switchboard Operator ' IS years' Experience! 'Tel. 5244. Manchester. Phone 7191. COVENTRY LAKE — Suits Us Inside the hou.se they all paused cr-ln-lavr met in combat. Fqr Roofing—Siding 17-A street. Wearine Apparel— I while Emma came from thej the spAce of seconds only they en School Street, F.riday evening, Free InspectlOn-s! . Furt cottage, three , rooms furnished Auguat 81, 1945, from' 7 to S P. Some typing and clerical cottage with extra one-room work I kitchen, crying and laughUig Into stood thus, the will of one at g ri^ -* EXPERT REPAIRS of Shingles, WE NEED a man to train for Diamonds-T-W’atchgs Iher apron, trying.to k ^ ^ e r eyes with the will of the other, brrt to 0 M.. E.W.T., for the purpose of work. Apply in pemn. RADIO REPAIRING Pick-up slate, composition and tin roofs. store nianagei between, 20 to 35 FOR SALE—GIRL’S red coat, size shop. Hose to lake. Large lot. by V. T. HABILIN h e ^ n g any and alt complaints service.. Kadlo*-^ checked at the —Jewelry 48 Open fireplace. Sacrifice $1,800. I dt>in tlia pliin6(iHiipk‘'tjr<>U8®r Thayer It seemed the clMh of Good for Two Baaea Rebuilding and repairing of years bid. M ist be a willing work­ 10. genuine mink collar, excellent the effort only esHtog attention to a l l e y OOP ' 'Oil SND IT, regardiug the , tax Hat. home. Store open all day Man- condition. Call at 70 Lenox atreet, Apply Looser Realty, Coventry I their struggle must be audible. Rogers Corporation cjrtmneys and flashings. E. V, er. Honest and be initiative. l i t the more. .^Hut.you’re home!” Then, moving to avoid hte wife. ( 50U w ere! MV 60SH. THtV — pomk! fbow non Robert J. Smith, chestei Radio Service. 78 Birch FOR SALE-^Brand new'17-jewel Lake. told o SlMKIMO Coughlin, .390 Woodland ’’street. Salary an'd commission while Hamilton wristwatch. shockproof or telephone 2-1341. I The tpok«r/end of an unuttered Brock bumped awkwardly into the 'ICM. I ’IM T D 'ik KNOW WHAT ON, .T'» ACTION.*/ ■ Thomas J. Haseett, Mill and Oakland Streeta street. Telephone 2-0840. Phone 7707. TAICB IT EASV.. ha Harry A. Schieldge, learning. Kinnev Shoe Store, and waterproof, $55. Tel. 68^. CCVE.NTRY LAKE—Hill Top cot­ I thoughtr then sobs, getUng the .doorpjamb and caught himself TWS W*V. 1 P(?6NEO « Manchester, Conn. 903 Main street. LADY’S BLAC3K melton cloth MV FBlEMPE. ComihiaSloners. CLEAN VOUR oil burner now. Bo (Thesterfleld, size'-lS. Practically tage. 5 rooms, tile bath. InaulaU I betjt^of her laughter. with difficulty. DisUke leaped at 4 ^ -lOU 1 the «R u and ready for winter. Guaranteed Moving—TTucking— new. Telephone 3337. . ed, year-rourvd cottage, fireplace, “All right now, Emma,” Mrs. 'Thaver from his mother’s ejrea. tOMlHOvW POINT WANTEID—2 painters for outside Garden—Farm—p^lry rnttrldge Uklng over. "We’ll iese rats service; 15 yeara experience. Call Storage 20 work. Raymond Iheke. Phone oil furnace, hot water system. "Help him, then,” Mm. K ittri^ e ET MOO? King’s, 2-1585. 3384. ; , Produeta SO FOR SALEI^GIRL’S buiiny type Beautiful, . grounds. Garage.^' want dinner early: It’s been a long Mid.' very low, and Thayer felt LOCAL MOVING and trucking. X. coat, brown, size 12. Lined with, Everythihg in first-class gopdf-. 1 dav for my son.” ^ * her face "flame as if It had been FOR SALE —Canning tomatoea. green corduroy. Worn one season [ “I guess I am—tired. Mom. Inquire 28 Foley street. Phone WANTED-MAN for filling silo. large firm rlpe/tomatoes. Bring tlon. Apply Loeser Realtjv^ov- slappd. 6718. Little, 195 Spencer'atreet. Phone only. $10. Tel. 6331. entry' Lake. ^ Brock’s voice tight with strain. (To Be Contluued) HELP your own coijtainer. Call at 214 •niajrcr allpped her hand Into FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 3757. Gardner atreet. AUS’ITN A. CHAMBLRS Com­ ______TERRAMUGGUS .L^K E —Mari^ hit, feeling it Hke Ice, knowing 6-Room SinKle — Attached WANTED WANTED TO BUT — Single. pany. ’Trailer van service.. Local WANTED—Good honeat, reliable ,-L. Wanted—To Hut 58 borough. 'TeiTa'^cotta cottage. 8 her own Waa little warmer. "Ymr ItaraRe, steam heat, oil 2-Famlty Houses — Large and moving, packing ^ and . storage. man to work In recapping shop ■y ^usehold Cpodg 51 rooms, frmrrl^ed, bath, artesian can mat bisfore dinner,” she said. Social Situations Small Farms — in Manchester Dial 5187. WANTED TO BUY — Air com­ well,' h r w lot, close to lake, Then, as if on cue, all eyes burner, large welL bind- and drive oil truck. Apply Bar / 20 Carpenters Bolton, Vernon and Ro. Wind­ Inw Tire Store, 565 Main atreet pressor 10-15 C. F. V. Prefer $2,2,00if sold this week. Apply coming into focus on one thing — iStH. .ta-x scapedlot. Situate near sor. All transactions (CASH) F O ^ Sa le:—studio couch. , Call gasoline driven. Call 2-0033. 1/5'eser Realty. South street, Cov- that long winding flight of ppl- The situation: You are In tro d ^ Main Street. 20 Laborers Painting—Papering 21 /'2-05()6 between 4-6 p. m. ^eiitry Lake. Phone 266J.1, Willi- tahed steps leading to the second ing a yormg woman of ^ ..... What have yon T Call. Write or Situiitioiis Wanted— WANTED—OLD-fashloned mu^c' floor. ' A sort of horror gripping by MEBIULL BIOSSEB 5 Bricklayers, Phone — Manchester 4842 or p a in t in g and ' Paperhanging. box. State price, size, condition mantic. at.d a mail old enough to he her Heroic-Victim Female 38 Thsyer. If an of them stood there. father. / 5-Room Single-7-Garage in 2-1107 (Any TImel. Good work. Reasonable . rates. REX GAS HOT WATER Heater. Box G. Herald. 1 .kelping. pulling at him. shaming FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Raymond Fiske. Phone 3384. basement, steam heat 2 Stone Masons EXPERIENCED — Stenographer Telephone 4619. Wantfd—Real E-tate 77 M’rong Way: Because of the ' *»*^y*.'. J(4P0BTANT HOWARD R. HA.STINGS desires work in. local office. Tel. She said clearly, quietly. I difference in ages present the girl .CHADYSHIDE Bl - MUST with oil burner, large let. 1 P ainter PAINTING—Interior sijid exterior. FOR s a l e —BOX aprii g for full Rofims Wit Board, 59 Beal Estate and Insarancc Best of paint and workmanship. 4,591. C!USTOMERS WAITING for aln* think you can managed best with­ to the mpn. ______Located corner Branford lOI Phelps RosM, Cor: Green Kd alze bed. Uaed very little. Tele­ FOR r e n t — ROOM, private gle homes, flats, duplexes, farms out help. Brock. Just taking your HGCIbaGauw Phone Edward Price 2-1003. RELIABLE Baby litter. Mother phone 5019, Bight Way: Present the man to ‘'Smoke signek heck! Thai was n\y blanket burning upT HEaORGRUBBLH UXM. SCMOOU and Middle Turnpike. P lu m b er home, suitable for 2 girls, couple. and lake* properties. List with ua. own tlias.” For an Instant bis the woman—even though the PAINTING AND Paperhanging of three g ro w cjrtldren. Phone Near bath, kitchen privileges, McKinney Brothers, 505 Main oyeo turned to her. catches o ld IS fvauoctk Capable of making com­ 607^.'' 6-WAY LAMP, jig ^aw, electric Mm. Klttridge’s voice was not woman is conaldethbly younger. MMTIN6 IHC and wallpaper. John p. Sullivan. musager, Lefever 12-gauge dou­ .eo'ntlnuous hot water. Near bus. street. Telephont 60 J of, 5230. i^ S M aC N 3'/j Acre Place in Coventry plete heat installations in Phone 4260. ' Tel. 2-1625—2-0296. BY GALBRAITH IRONSIDES —5-room pottage, electri­ new homes-^ ble-barrel shotgun, 7 boxes shelW By Dick Turner SIDE GLANCES ARDMORE Situfl ins Wanted— and Case. Phone 5591. , ATTRACTIVE ROOMS, reason­ CARNIVAL hKSHtMm city and pump. Price M a ittC u e Apply Private Instroctiona , 28 / Male 39 FOR SALE—Folding bki)y car- ably priced. Light housekeeping Matron *8 Delight T>iurr«aso) reasonable. If you are R O A D ^ faculties provided. Central. Night looking for a small coun- RADIO Classes (adult), 'startle WAN'l^D—Position as experiehc- rtage with metaWrame,'pray pen X, WHO suocan 4-ROOM SINGLE-^Spaee for and bathinette. Call after 4 p. m. or weekly rates 14 Arch street. INCNCMNS 0 , try place—-this is it. Jarvis Realty Co. two additional rooms npstairs. September, 10 lessons $12—tenth ed'i-etail clerk or driver with re­ Phone 398"' MOMSKCS He Shower, laundry tra.vs- $42.00 lesson broadcast.' Elocimon, liable concern. Phone 2-1224. 7057, UUSthSHWAf 6 Dover Road monthly after reasonable down tutoring, reading, matheiMtlcs. ONE FURNISHED roqm with o u ter NT 9oc See payment. -' White Studio, 709 Main! .4-139^ Jiltchenette and private bath. 2pi I— X' CBmc----- ^ Phone 4112 or 7275 Closed August 24-Septmber $. DogSTT-Birda—Pets . 41 Spruce atreet. Week Days and Sundays A Prize Winner! n d Stuart J. Wosley JarviV Realty ; FOR SALE-r-8 months old cocker FTTRNISHED room In private BY FBKUUAKM^ . Help Wanted—ramale SS A Defender \ state Theater Building 1 . Olllce: 6 Dover Road spaniel. Owner leaving,--town. home. Shower, continuous hot h’ RED RYDER. ’rlO-’ TOU NcnS Residence; 26 Alexander Street Reasonable. Call 5378.> ' water. On bus line, 190 Oakland m h rvoeR g n j r tOO<. . USE SUM* Tel. 6648 - 7146 z w a n t e d —Experi^ced shirt op­ UTflE KA«R-*P6S5 VSSta' : 5EEr5« T) AM ] . FROr\ CH)ET Ptmci PHONES 4112 OR 7275 erator.- New i^lodej Laundry. ■r ■ atreet. \.! ■' ■ TCU fourto ’K RSg,- Lr«R0v4»j O jOUD.\ /ISfocSwat Week Dayra an^ Sundays rM arcfO Read Herald A ^s. Summit street. Llve Stock—Vehli^es 42 FOR RENT—Room, for a, woman. o r wf tNArf J Nice location, near business sec­ .TlGaT tNABUDOerlj YORKSHIRE Cheater white pigs, tion. Inquire 35 Foster street." 6 weeks old, $12 each. Roger OI Phone 4409. , cott, 403 West Center.. Phone -7853 ATTR ACTIVE Room for one or AUCTION TO BE SOLD FOR S A I^ —All -round, farm horse ' two gtrla, continuous hot water SATURDAY, SEPT. 1,TO:30 A, M. cheap or will;'-trade for pigs, and shower,' nice neighborhood, 592 EAST CENTER ST. FOR N0RRL4N T. BENTZ chickens or cow. TeL Manchester near bus line. Telephone 2-1586. We offer a Two-Family Dwelling with a t ^ c a r 7733. ) Household Goods Plus GtHids Formerly Btiught To Open’ garage. Each apartihent ha.s living roonir dining room An Antique Shop ' and kitchen and three biwlrooms and bath on serond floor. FOR SALE—-Fresh cows'; aprtiig- Apartments— Flats— ■ers at all times. Inquire SiS4, Bid- Maple Bedroom Set, pair Hollywood Beds, Maple Breakfast Opcni»rches and good attic space. All utilities. Cen­ Tenements B3 /'f Bet, Divan and Upholstered Chairs, Martha Washington Cabinet, well street Phone 7405. Spinet Desk, large and small Rugs, P.prrh Chairs and *Metal tral location. 5 ROOM furnished apartment Glider, Six-Way- Lamp, Ice Bo!x, Dishes, Heavy Cast Aluminum with bath. Adults only. Reason­ ,Ware. Maple Play Pen, large RiK'kIng Horse. 2 Lawn Flowers, Six-Room Single. Steam heat. All other conveni­ Poaltry and Sfppliea 43 able rent. 37 Charter Oak atreet. Photographer’s Camera and Tripod, Drop-head tawing Machine; ences. Large level lot. This is a 2 ',i-story house. Attic Terrill. FOR sa le:—Broilers and fryers. OUR BOARDING HOUSE m a j o r u u o p l r Empire. Card Table, Cherry and .tialiogany Desk, Chest of space and large open porch. Ask to.see it. One min­ Also 14-week ol(f R. I. red pullets. BT J . R . WILLIAMS Drawers, rope front; Melodeon, pair heavy brass Andirons, Can­ FOR RENT — 4-Room tenement, OUT OUR WAT ute from Main street; I 668 North Main atreet Tel. 2-1403 upstairs, 95 (Charter Oak street. HE'/,AM06,V4AV46UP,CON\e dle Stand, small .Hitchcork Roeker, Vases, Bowls and ’Tumblers SNIFF? hM iwofeq, is t h a t In pink and bine MUn glass, 5111k Glass Plates,' Bisque Figiirines, Adults preferred. Ir.qilire, Sam OhJi IT’S 8ADRNlHi(3! , FOR sa le:—4-5 pound broilers Yulyes, 7Cl' Main 'street. •THE O'JeRWVAEUAINiS . Vietoitan Jewel Box, Demi-Tasse, Spun Brass Kettle, Old I.nnips I Also 3 Vi montha old pulleta. 290 aronva o f GOFpee? In Glaao, Brass, Nickel and China, Caster Sets, Bristol and China I Hackmatack atreet Phone 8069. p a t t e r o p LlTTLt pAt-Uw Vases, Pattern Glass; Buttons, Etc. Robert J. Smith, lijic. ARCUES Ohi FLOOR'/ 30Me, father, VJE 'DO Hiinses for Rent 65 SE E M llb BE Hundreds of Good Items for. Antique Dealers and Collectors! Real Estate and Insurance ' BABY CHICKS.-white rocks, reds X LlK.e A VMORhJ JBifii eeNTLV ALON6-“'SHALt ^ J. HAROLD b r o w n ; Auctioneer , and barred cross. Delivery With­ FX3R RENT—5-room house. Avail­ V OUT X READ NOO A 54A R J^ 963 MAIN STREET PHONE 3450 * Lunch Served, j Postponed In Case of Rain. in 2 weeks. Ebco CTiicks, 37 Hoi able September 1. Call W. F. S-SO -tVMAiN STDCy SBFpfiS. lister street 3233. Johnson, 7426. y — Mni *“Whv, yes. ma’am. I’m the baby-sitter who put the «dli|i ______3 0 S T gREAKFAST? “Of eoiirM' I can go through a cigaret line m often as ^ the pJiiw -I just thought I’d earn a litne m o^y after sit- hicyrtcfo—' Trtis rrs'D IlfFIC U L ’I TO rent! Why Uke-SSTnot known as sFoadway’a man-of-a-thouiand. rtO O S C S O ^ SEEIW& SY FIMN not Invest In a horns for security ting with three generation# of children free. 1 0 B 6 MOV/INI?/ Low LANK LIfiUNAKU and happiness. See Mckinriey facet for nothing! ■:^ia«ir«r4S0ir Ham wrest. -Tale- w m r NO. MICKBV-HE phone scira or 5230. By Sue Burnett by LESLIE t u r n e r FOR DiON’t STOP HERB.' Here is a frock which recom­ WASH TUBBS______1 UNCLE PHIL I I GUESS THE BOVS mends Itself for every daVtima m c m m ttT wLUouiThwr I tW M JW v By Mra. Anne Cabot 66 need. Good in any fabric |Qr all­ .eiONOTHflUP RIBBED HIM ApLITTLEj It comes from Louisville, Ken­ I WlU. 4HOW purpose wear. A basic for larger tw fl vwqcff noisoNi TOO MUCH LAST tucky and la one of the prize w|,n- FOR room furnished sizes. , NIGHT' 'ning piecea in a nation-wide cro­ apartmeni Bashing-machine chet conteat. The 20 by 9-lnch cro­ Pattern No. 8913 is designed fOr and electric refrigerator. ' Call slees 36, 38, 40, ■42, -44, 46, 48. 50 0 cheted runner makes a lovely dln- 6839. ' WtTH iiM W R Y t ing^tabla-or buffet runner and and 52. Size 38 needs 4 1-4 yards 7 ~ Z TO Sfw aix of the mats will make of 35 or 39-inch, material. a moat unusual luncheon set Wanted to Kent 68 For this pattern, tend 20 cents. To obtain . complete croche^g In coins, your name,- address,. size instructions for the Louiaville, WANTED—Fumlahed or unfurn­ desired and the pattern number to Ky., Crochet Ruhner (Pattern No. ished light housekeeping apart­ Sue Burnett, The Manchester. Eve­ 6308) aeiid 16 centa in coin, plus 1 ment for mother and ^ n 13. Near ning Herald, 1150 Sixth Avenue. cent postage, your nome, address school and bus. Write Box W-D. New York 19, N. Y. snd, the pattern number to Anne Cabot, The Manchester Herald, URGENTL'V • Needed! 5-6-room 11.50 Sixth avenue, New Tfork 19, rent by '.ocal couple and small Read Herald Adva. N. Y. c.hil^. baU'2-(HB7. ■0 ^ .4 ■ M 3