Happy Pesach

Image by EvgeniY on Pixabay I know so many of you look forward to our holiday compilations of tips and recipes so, of course is a holiday in which we deliver! This packet is full of tips, recipes and information my staff and I have collected in order to help you through the chag. May you have a blessed Passover filled with happiness, laughter and HEALTH! Tanya

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Tips from Tanya BEFORE the Holiday: Do NOT neglect your exercise. Try to stick to your routine as much as possible, even though you have so much more to do. Remember, the cleaning WILL get done. You however, will feel much better if you get your exercise. As it gets closer to Yom tov, many of the foods you are used to eating on your plan may not be available in stores or hard to find. Keep that in mind and stock up accordingly. If you can’t make it, buy it. Don’t feel bad spending money on a salad or a healthier dinner if you see that it is just not getting done at home. PLAN your meals. If you’re eating at home, you are more in control and can predict what will be served. If you are eating out and feel close enough or comfortable enough to your hosts, ask what will be served.

Sedarim: Find out the minimum amount of matzah and grape juice you can eat/drink to be yotzeh (exempt) of the mitzvah and stick to the minimum. Make sure to eat a light dinner and drink water before the seder so that you’re not too hungry. Since the eating takes place very late, eat in moderation. If possible, take a walk after the meal so that you don’t go to sleep on a full stomach.

Chol Hamoed: If you can, write down whatever you remember eating. This will give you some for m of accountability. Passover ladyfingers are a great , low calorie snack. I like them so much, I buy extra to have during the year. If you are heading out on a trip, plan accordingly. Just like you pack up everythin g for the kids, do the same for yourself. Lack of preparation means you will get hungry and munch non allowed items. If you can not make it to your usual exercise class, wake up a little earlier and either go for a jog/walk or do an at home DVD. Aside from burning some of the inevitable extra calories, you will feel like you are more on track.

Second Days and General Meal Guidelines: Always fill half your plate with vegetables, the other quarter with a protein (chicken, fish, meat) and if necessary, the other quarter with a starch if you are not having matzah. Stick to a kezayis of matzah and just a sip of grape juice if need be, per meal. If you are having dips, try to limit to 3 teaspoons in total per meal. Make plenty of vegetable side dishes and salads. You can divide your protein so that you have both fish and meat. For example: a small piece of fish as the appetizer and a small piece of meat for the main course along with a salad. Always try to drink 2 cups of water before a meal so that you do not feel as hungry. Find other things to do at the meal besides eating. Keep busy with serving and clearing, talking or even getting up and moving to the couch. Skip the non essential extras including soup, appetizers, coleslaw , dips and desserts. Remember, if you go off track for one meal or even a whole day, get right back on!

Good luck and have a great holiday! Tanya Tips from Basya

Make yourself a list of “no-no’s” before Pesach that you are committed to not having at all. For example: cake, , chocolate, etc. Get dressed every day and even by the night meals. It is hard to know when we are full or have eaten enough when we are wearing robes and pajamas. Also, looking our best makes us feel better and more in control. Avoid temptation. If you must buy chocolate, buy items that other people like but that are easier for you to resist. If you get off track, don’t try to undereat in order to fix it; This will just set up a vicious cycle where you go to the next meal hungry. Try to get back to your normal structure as quickly as possible. Plan your Chol Hamoed outings well. Bring along cut veggies and sugar-free gum and candy along with your lunch and snack so you don’t come home starved. Don’t feel obligated to eat because people around you are eating or pressuring you to eat. Similarly, don’t feel obligated to overeat because it’s a Yom Tom. There is no mitzvah to overeat but there IS a mitzvah to take good care of your health. Keep this in mind when sitting at long Yom Tov meals.

Tips from Rachel

Just because it’s a holiday, doesn’t mean we have to enslave ourselves with unnecessary calories. Pesach is one of the hardest times for dieters but it doesn’t have to be. Rather than saying “this Pesach, I’ll have whatever I want and start watching after the holiday”, start being careful now. For this holiday especially, portion control is very important because ues, we will be eating more than usual. You should definitely still track everything you are eating. What I usually tell my clients when tracking, is to circle any little extra thing they put in their mouths; Whether it’s one chocolate chip or leftover piece of chicken. By circling it, you end up feeling more accountable for each, extra piece of food you put into your mouth. Here are some tips: Start by taking a small portion onto your plate. Prepare cut up fruits and vegetable so that if you do end up wanting more, you are already prepared. Remember that drinking water helps fill you up, so make sure to drink a lot. Yes, on Pesach we are supposed to eat matzah but it doesn't say that we should eat tons of it. Have just the amount needed and that’s it. Remember this holiday is long. Don’t sit and shmooze but rather, get up and help clear the table. This way, you’re not tempted to eat more. Don’t skip your meals or snack so that you won’t be extra hungry at the seder. Tips from Alice

Pesach is a time when we celebrate our freedom from slavery. Some may consider dieting synonymous with slavery but in reality, it is the opposite. Think of that feeling you have when you eat something you know is unhealthy, when you overeat or stuff yourself even though you’re full. You may be enjoying yourself while eating, but when you’re done, you wish it had never happened. Is that what you call freedom? Lacking control, dreaming of going back a few minutes in time and making the right decision, a sinking feeling of regret? When we are following a proper food plan, we are in complete control of what, when and how we eat. We know what to do, what to expect and we are sure of our choices. THAT is control, confidence, security and FREEDOM. Feel free to ask questions. The office may be closed but we are always available to help. Tips: Remember to plan the night before, especially for Chol Hamoed. If you’re going away for the day, properly prepare your snacks and meals for which you won’t be home. Don’t skip any meals. Buy an insulated bag to take along with you for any food that needs to be kept hot or cold. Prepare dinner and cut up fruits and vegetables before you leave so you can pop dinner in the oven right when you get home and have a healthy snack while you wait for it to heat up. Eat according to your meal plan. Exercise! Eating habits are the main factor in a healthy lifestyle but over a long Yom Tov, we tend to sit too much which leads to noshing. If you exercise for a few minutes each day, it will set the tone for the rest of the day. Drink your water! Opt for healthy choices- grilled cutlets instead of fried, whole wheat matzah over regular, salad with dressing on the side instead of the ones drowning in dressing… you get the idea. Make this your happiest, healthiest Pesach ever by celebrating your freedom to make the right choices. Passover General Meal Guidelines

Seder: Kezayis (minimal) of matzah which you should find out in advance how much that is. Tip: a whole round matzah is equal to 4 breads

Minimal grape juice or wine (find out in advance how much that is). Tip: buy small cups for this purpose

Simanim: These are meant to be just tastes or samples so treat it that way. Tip: save a fruit from earlier in the day

Food at the Seder: Budget 6 oz. of protein to be used in any way you'd like. (Example: 3 oz . fish and 3 oz . chicken). Avoid starchy side dishes such as potatoes because you're having matzah. Fill up on vegetables. Dessert is very late and should be just a fruit or baked apple or compote without sugar.

Tip: Being that the Seder is very late and you will be hungry earlier, have your afternoon snack as late as possible that day and / or even have one protein plus a vegetable and a fruit. Example: string cheese plus cucumber or apple or 4 slices turkey breast with lettuce.

Yom Tov days: - Minimal matzah (find out in advance what that is). - Minimal grape juice or wine. - Fill up half your plate with veggies. - One protein or a combo of two (example: 3 oz. of fish and 2 oz . of chicken). - No potatoes unless you're not having matzah or just a bite of matzah. - For desserts , stick to fruits or portioned and budgeted treats. - During the day, like on shabbos, use your allowed fruits, snacks, and treat budget.

Passover Options

Breakfast Ideas: Lunch: Dinner: ● Mehadrin Fit n’ Free or Leben Grain Options: Protein Choices: light with Pesach granola ● Whole wheat matzah ● Chicken and a fruit crackers ● Fish ● 1 cup approved Pesach cereal ● Small baked potato ● Meat with skim milk and a fruit ● Rice or Quinoa (depends on ● Or any lunch protein ● Pesach oatmeal made with water custom) and a fruit ● Matzah crackers (whole wheat) ● 1 cup butternut squash, acorn Grain: ● Eggs and vegetables squash, beets or peas ● Small baked potato (white or ● Smoothie made with one yogurt sweet) or one cup skim milk plus one Protein Choices: ● Rice or Quinoa (depends on cup of fruit ● 1 can in water custom) ● Turkey breast Note: No matzah or crackers in the Snacks: ● Cottage cheese evening ● ● Reduced fat cheese ● 1 cup butternut squash, acorn ● Apple chips ● 1-2 tablespoons light cream squash, beets or peas ● Diet cheese ● Cappuccino or latte made with ● Fish Treat: skim milk and sugar ● Chicken Anything packaged up to the calories ● Smoothie made with one yogurt ● ½ cup chickpeas or other you were given. You can also make a or one cup skim milk plus one cup of fruit legumes (depends on recipe from what we have or send us ● Fruit custom) your recipes and we’ll gladly help you ● Lady fingers (100 calories worth, break them down. about 6-7 of them) ● (10 small or 6-7 large) ● TAP cookie or muffin for Pesach

Popular Passover Food Calories

Food Serving Calories

1 Potato Small (170 g) 130

Gefilte Fish 1 piece with broth 77

Grape Juice 8 fl. oz. (240 g) 170

Grape Juice Light 8 fl. oz. (240 g) 45

Macaroons (vanilla) 1 100

Macaroons (chocolate) 1 macaroon 90

Macaroons (coconut) 1 macaroon 90

Matzah 28 g 111

Red Wine (merlot) 5 fl. oz. (147 g) 125

White Wine 5 fl. oz. (147 g) 120

The 411 on Matzah Whole Wheat vs Spelt Whole wheat is lower in calories and fat and is higher in fiber. However, spelt is gentler on the digestive system. If you have any digestive issues or stomach sensitivities, choose spelt. Otherwise, choose whole wheat. Image by avitalchn on Pixabay

A typical Shmurah Matzah is equal to FOUR breads. If your plan allows for two breads, have half a shmurah matzah. If your plan allows for one bread, have a quarter of a shmurah matzah. When possible, such as on chol hamoed, stick to whole wheat matzah crackers.

A square matzah is equal to two breads. If your plan allows for two breads, have one whole matzah. If your plan allows for one bread, have half.

TIP: Find out in advance exactly how much is a kezayis so you can eat that bare minimum at the sedarim. Your matzah is your complete starch so avoid any other starch along with it. EXCEPTION: If you are skipping the matzah or just having a bite of it. Photo by Bill Anastas on Unsplash

Pesach Hotel and Resort Tips Can I maintain or even LOSE weight during Pesach at a hotel or resort? ABSOLUTELY! I’ve compiled a list of tips from my many years of experience with Pesach getaways.

● Exercise: Most hotels offer exercise classes, separate gym and pool hours and some have beautiful grounds and walking trails. Take advantage of these amenities. Burn calories and set the right tone for the day. Try to fit in a workout on erev Pesach after you’re settled in your room. That way you will stay away from the lavish arrival meal and you will also come into Yom Tov with the right mindset.

● Healthy choices: There is a plethora of food from which to choose but there are also more than enough healthy choices. For example: At a breakfast buffet, have a custom omelette prepared for you with cooking spray, a whole egg, two egg whites and your choice vegetables. Choose cut up fruits and salads with dressings on the side. Sit down and eat without going back to check out the food. When leaving, use the closest exit instead of walking past the food to the last exit in the dining room.

● The tea room is not necessity: You can enjoy the tea, coffee and fruits. If you will be too tempted by the food there, then send someone to get your drink for you. Sit in the lobby to enjoy your drink instead of at one of the tables in the tea room where you will be surrounded by tempting junk food. You can also opt to do something else altogether.

● Your one treat: Do allow yourself one treat a day if necessary but only if you are sure it won’t make you crave more. Keep in mind- when comparing homemade to catered desserts, it’s not even worth cheating. I have yet to taste a dessert on Pesach that is better than homemade. Don’t let your progress go to waste.

● Make a request: Ask your server to bring you fruit for dessert instead of the dessert that is being served. Most hotels are happy to accommodate. Some even offer additional food options such as salt free, sugar free, fat free, dietetic, etc… All you have to do is ask.

● Pesach is only ONE week: Whether you have been on the plan for months or only a couple of weeks, don’t ruin your hard work over one holiday. It is so much harder to get back into it once you’ve stopped. Remember that Pesach is so much more than just food. Focus on the “non food” meaning of the holiday and spending time with your loved ones.

● Limit table time during meals: Simply said, eat and be done. Do not linger around. Go to the lobby or to a nearby sitting area to continue conversations elsewhere.

● Only order what you NEED: The waiter usually brings over a sheet listing all the appetizers, main dishes etc. As opposed to a buffet or family style dinners, this actually is helpful because if you do not ask for it, it will not be there.

● Bring a scale: I am contradicting myself here because you may have read my “anti scale” article where I recommend weighing yourself only one a week. However, I find it helpful to check in with the scale between Yom Tov days and just to see how you are doing.

● Compensate: If you spend too much money on Monday, you can still be in control of your account if you lay low on your purchases on Tuesday. Using the same logic, if you had a big lunch, have a small dinner or even skip it. I did this three times to be exact. I fed the kids dinner then put them to sleep early, had a fruit and went to sleep myself… Do not feel bad for me because I enjoyed very big and delicious lunches and desserts on those days.

● Treat buffet as a visual menu: Just like in a restaurant, you cannot order or sample everything on the menu. Same here. Take a look then make a choice.

● Start every day with a good breakfast: This means a protein (yogurt, omelette, etc.) and a fruit or vegetable. You can also add a little starch such as half a matzah. If you start your day with sugar or junk food, your blood sugar will not be steady and you will find yourself craving more sugar throughout the day. Image by Alexey Hulsov from Pixabay

@nutritionbytanya Tips for Quarantine By Tanya and staff DO: ✅Get dressed every morning. There may be nowhere to go but that doesn’t mean staying in pajamas is a good idea. When you’re dressed, you feel more energized, productive and less likely to overeat. Even dabbing on a little makeup and spraying some perfume refreshes you. ✅ Eat breakfast at a usual hour versus skipping it or pushing it off to later. ✅ Write out a tentative schedule of the day and stick to it. ✅ Do an at-home workout (like our Shape DVD). Even have your kids join and make it a family workout! ✅ Have freebies like tea, veggie soup, cut up vegetables, etc. ready and accessible so when you get in a munching mood, you have what to grab. ✅ Use the time wisely to: -catch up on projects you've been pushing off. -prepare meals for the rest of the week. -clean for Pesach! ✅ Take a nap. The more well rested you are, the less likely you are to overeat out of exhaustion. Just try not to interfere with the time you get to bed to avoid nighttime, mindless munching. ✅ Try on your summer clothing; are they fitting better yet? ✅ You surely stocked up on non perishable food. Make sure you also thought of useful diet staples such as canned beans, tuna, oatmeal, your favorite water brand that gets you to drink, etc. ✅Brainstorm! Learn a new language, draw, read, make photo albums, look through old memories etc. There are plenty of ideas, think about it!

DON'T: ❌ Stay in pajamas all day or wear a big sweatshirt all day. ❌ Use the day as an excuse to go off track. ❌ Bake (unless you promise not to lick the batter)  ❌ Watch cooking shows if they make you get hungry (or Instagram food accounts).

Good luck! Stay on track! As always, we are here for you with tips, support, and phone sessions! Pesach and dieting... what’s the connection? By: Tanya Rosen

1. Self control Think about the built in self control we have every Pesach. We can’t eat our usual foods; some don’t even go out to eat or eat in people’s houses, yet we don’t think twice. We don’t think of it as an option. We just keep doing what we need to do. It’s the same concept as when something isn’t kosher or we’re fleishigs and something is dairy.

2. Prep! No other holiday requires as much prep as Passover. The amount of cleaning, cooking, shopping, making menus, etc. Dieting also takes prep. People seem surprised about that. Our plan is super simple and doesn’t require much prep but still, some is required yet people get taken aback by that. I think knowing it will be needed, will help. It won’t be a surprise, more of a fact. After all, we’re not surprised about the Pesach prep year to year.

3. Judgment doesn’t matter Pesach is a time where different people have different traditions and levels of stringency, yet no one really judges. Everyone allows for people to do what they feel comfortable doing. Even when someone says they won’t eat in your house, you accept that and don’t get offended. When it comes to dieting however, everyone is quick to judge and give advice and try to persuade people to do things they’re not comfortable doing.

4. Celebrating freedom with not being free? Contradicting? On Pesach we’re officially celebrating freedom yet we do so in a very ‘not free’ way. We’re not free to use whatever utensils we want. We’re not free to eat what we want or go where we want. Maybe if we stop looking at dieting as a lack of freedom but rather doing what we need to do, we will have a different perspective.

5. It’s temporary, not forever We get through Pesach as hard as it is, knowing that it’s not forever, it’s temporary. We need to look at dieting the same way. The hard part (weight loss) is temporary and won’t last forever. Once we reach our goal and are ready to maintain, it will be a lot easier. Almost anything can be done if you keep in mind that it ISN’T forever. I asked my staff to think of more ways Pesach and dieting are similar and here is what they said: ● From Basia Fenig, one of our nutrition counselors: Self control and TRUE freedom The whole idea of Pesach is about freedom. The question is, how is it that the were brought to freedom and then given a book with 613 laws to keep? How is a book of rules considered freedom?! And the answer is that freedom isn’t about NOT having rules, it’s about being able to have the power to choose right from wrong; being able to have self control and choose what you know is ultimately good for you (keeping the Torah and mitzvos) is real freedom. And so too when is comes to dieting. Being able to say no and hold back when you really want that piece of cake is true freedom!

● From Basya Kovacs, one of our nutrition counselors: It’s about food planning and self control. The self control is actually a good connection to kosher in general. We stay hungry or avoid delicious looking food because it’s not kosher or we don’t know its’ status, but we sometimes don’t control ourselves and avoid the temptation when it IS kosher. Both take preparation but pay off in the end. Pesach cleaning and dieting are hard and exhausting but need to be done. For most of us not eating on Pesach, it’s no struggle at all, so we can train our minds that unhealthy stuff has no room in our bodies. If we can transmit the natural self control we have on Pesach to all year round, we’ll be in good shape. So many parts of Pesach stay with you as reminders of how strong and well prepared you are and how much willpower you really have when you put your mind to it.

6. Just like on Pesach they worked hard, dieting is also hard But after, when they got out of mitzrayim they were on the highest level. When you are done dieting, you too will be on a high level but you must have consistency. Come Pesach, your house is all clean and fresh and you feel so good... the same thing with a diet... when you start a diet you feel so fresh and so good!

7. On Pesach, you have to remove foods as Hashem says. On a diet, you remove foods that aren’t beneficial as the nutritionist says. Funny how on Pesach we have no issue staying away from chametz cake and cookies because it’s written in the Torah and instructed by Hashem. We have to apply the same principles when dieting. The wrong foods are chametz and our diet is a year long Pesach (hopefully not a whole year but you get the point).

8. True “freedom” is one who has self control A lot of people only eat homemade food on Pesach; nothing store bought, nothing processed and just simple ingredients. Some do the same with dieting. Pesach is a holiday all about freedom and letting go of our past so it’s also a chance to let go of bad habits that don’t serve us and to be free of the dieting myths, bad habits we have with food, self sabotaging etc.

9. Freedom and rules Freedom from mitzrayim was actually when we got the Torah, which is a set of rules and hardly seems like freedom; but actually without any rules we are much less free and we are pulled this way and that way. We overdo it and feel guilty when we do whatever we want. Same with dieting, by having a good diet, a good set of food “rules”, it frees us up to enjoy food guilt free.

www.nutritionbytanya.com [email protected] 1-844- TANYA DIET (826-9234)

Week Of: ______Start Weight: ______End Weight: ______

Day Breakfast Snack Lunch Snack Dinner Treat Victories

SUN Time: Time: Time: Time: Time: Time:
















Photo by Maarten van den Heuvel Soups

THE SCOOP ON SOUPS Vegetable Soup: No oil, margarine, butter or starchy vegetables = FREE *AVOID BEFORE A WEIGH IN SINCE IT MAY BLOAT YOU is a liquid protein so just deduct 1oz. of protein from your meal.

Classic Chicken Soup Zucchini (for soup or alone) Ingredients: Ingredients: A 3 ½ to 4 pound chicken 2 medium zucchini, peeled 6 carrots, peeled oil spray or 1 teaspoon 4 celery stalks

1 large yellow , quartered Instructions: 2 ½ teaspoons kosher salt Using a julienne peeler, cut the zucchini into 1 teaspoon whole black peppercorns long strands until you reach the seeds.

Discard remainder of zucchini or save for Instructions: the “Chicken Matzah Balls” recipe. Add the Photo by Caroline Attwood on Unsplash Place the chicken in a large pot. Cut 3 of strands to the soup and simmer for 3-4 the carrots and 2 of the celery stalks into minutes or until softened. Serve 1-inch pieces. Add the onion and cut Roasted Root Vegetable Soup immediately so the noodles don’t become vegetables to the pot with salt, peppercorns Ingredients: too soft. and enough cold water to cover (about 8 2 sweet potatoes, peeled and chopped to *You can also prepare the noodles ahead of cups). Bring to a boil. 1" pieces time by sauteing them in the olive oil or Reduce heat and simmer, skimming any 3 parsnips, peeled and diced spray until soft and refrigerate until needed. foam off the top. Continue simmering until 2 carrots, peeled and diced Allow them to reach room temperature the chicken is cooked through, about 30 1 small celery root, peeled and diced before adding to individual bowls of soup. minutes. 1 medium rutabaga, peeled and diced COUNT AS FREE IF USING SPRAY Transfer the chicken to a bowl and let cool. 1 cup milk (can omit) Strain the broth, discarding the vegetables. 5-6 cups water or more, to reach desired Return the broth to the pot. Thinly slice the consistency remaining carrots and celery. Add them to Cream of Zucchini Soup 1 ½ teaspoons salt the broth and simmer until tender, about 10 Ingredients: ¼ teaspoon fresh or dried minced rosemary minutes. When the chicken is cool enough 1 onion, thinly sliced ¼ teaspoon if desired to handle, shred the meat and add it to the 3 big zucchini, not peeled, cut into chunks 1 tablespoon honey soup. 4 big carrots, peeled and cut into rounds Makes 6 servings. Count each serving 3 stalks celery Crispy Garnish Ingredients: as a protein. Water to cover Half a bunch of parsley 4 tablespoons onion soup mix Cooking spray Salt and pepper, to taste Instructions: Chicken “Matzah” Balls Instructions: Preheat oven to 400°F. (for soup or alone) Sauté onion in nonfat cooking spray till Line two cookie sheets with parchment Ingredients: translucent. paper. Generously spray with cooking ½ small zucchini, peeled and cut into Add vegetables, water to cover and spray. On one cookie sheet, place the diced chunks (or 3 ounces of discarded zucchini onion soup mix. Cook till soft. Blend using carrots and parsnips. On the other cookie from “Zucchini ” recipe) an immersion blender. sheet, place the sweet potatoes, celery root ½ small onion, peeled and cut into chunks Count as FREE. and rutabaga. ¾ teaspoon kosher salt Place both sheets in the oven and roast 1 pinch coarse vegetables until tender, around 45 minutes. 2 egg whites The sheet with the carrots may be done ½ pound ground chicken breast Zucchini Cauliflower Soup first, so check once in a while. Ingredients: When all the vegetables have finished Instructions: 1 spanish onion, thinly sliced roasting, remove from the oven and Combine the zucchini, onion, salt, pepper 5 medium zucchini, not peeled, cut into carefully transfer to a blender or food and egg. Proces in a food processor until chunks processor. Add the remaining ingredients. smooth then transfer to a medium bowl. Water to cover Process until smooth and very velvety. Add the chicken and mix until well 1 teaspoon salt To Prepare Crispy Parsley Garnish: combined and sticky. Place the batter into 1 teaspoon pepper Clean and shred parsley. the freezer for 15 minutes to make it easier 1 tablespoon onion soup mix Heat a skillet and spray with cooking spray. to handle. 2 bags frozen cauliflower Let parsley crisp in the pan until desired Fill 2/3 of a 4 quart pot with water and salt, level of crispiness- but keep an eye on it, and bring to a boil. Working quickly with wet Instructions: since it burns easily! hands, use the batter to form small balls Saute onion in very little oil-just enough to grease pot.To serve: Spoon soup into bowls and and drop them into the pot to simmer for When soft add 5 medium zucchini and sprinkle with the crispy parsley. Add a about 20 minutes. water to cover. Add salt, pepper sprinkle of or cayenne for extra *They are fluffiest when eaten fresh.You and onion soup mix. colour. may prepare the batter in advance then When zucchini is soft add 2 bags fr Makes 6 servings. Count each serving cook it on Yom Tov, right before serving. ozen cauliflower. Cook as a starch. (Remember, if you are Makes 3 servings. till cauliflower is soft (20-30 min), and blend. having matzah by a meal, that counts as Count each serving as a protein. Count as FREE. your starch) Salads

Cucumber Radish Salad Lemon Salad Ingredients: Ingredients: 1 clove garlic, minced 1 container cherry or grape tomatoes Dash black pepper ½ of 1 large lemon 3 cups thinly sliced cucumber (1 large) 1 medium garlic clove ½ cup thinly sliced red onion Salt and pepper to taste ½ cup thinly sliced radishes Your choice herbs- cilantro or parsley 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 tablespoons vinegar Instructions: 1-2 teaspoons zero calorie sweetener Squeeze the juice from the lemon into a container. Finely mince the garlic and Instructions: herbs and add to lemon juice. Add salt and In a medium bowl stir together salt, garlic, pepper as desired. Cover and shake to mix black pepper lemon juice, vinegar and Diet Cucumber Salad well. sweetener. Ingredients: Cut the tomatoes in half, place in a bowl Add cucumber, onion and radishes. 1 yellow onion, sliced thin and pour mixture over the tomatoes. Toss Toss to coat. Cover with plastic wrap or foil 1 beet, boiled & sliced thin well, add some herb leaves to garnish and and chill for 4 to 24 hours, stirring often. 4 kirbies, peeled & sliced thin serve. Stir before serving. 2 tablespoons light mayonnaise Can be used as a marinade for chicken Makes 4 servings. Count as free! ⅛ cup vinegar (if not using mayonnaise) and fish. Adjust lemon and garlic amounts ⅛ cup zero calorie sweetener as desired. Salt and pepper Count as FREE.

Instructions: Zucchini Spaghetti Salad Place all ingredients in a bowl. Mix well Ingredients: and serve. *Photo: As an alternative, mix 2 medium zucchini (1 ¼ pounds total), the dressing components separately and peeled and cut with a julienne peeler drizzle over vegetables. 2 tablespoons olive oil, divided Divide into 2 servings. Count each 2-3 shallots or mini , sliced into thin serving as a fat. rings ½ cup carrots, diced ½ cup beets, diced Kosher salt and coarse black pepper, to taste

Instructions: Photo by PhotoMIX Ltd. from Pexels Peel the zucchini and trim the ends. Using a good quality julienne peeler, cut the zucchini into long strands. Keep peeling until you have just ½ inch of zucchini remaining in the center. Discard remainder. Fennel Cucumber Salad Lay out the zucchini in an even layer over Ingredients: doubled up paper towels. Allow the Sliced fennel bulbs (shaved won’t last as zucchini to sit and dry out for about 4 long in your fridge) Photo by Igor Miske on Unsplash hours. Cucumber, julienned In a large, non stick skillet, heat 1 teaspoon Salt and pepper, to taste olive oil over medium heat. Saute the Lemon zest, to taste zucchini strands just until heated through Sprinkle of garlic and coated with oil (about 2 minutes) in Turnip Salad (From: Whisk- Ami vinegar, to taste batches as necessary and set aside. In the Magazine/ by Nechama Norman) Chopped dill same pan, add the remaining teaspoon Ingredients: 1 tablespoon olive oil olive oil and saute the shallots till they 2 turnips (baseball size), peeled and cut become translucent (about 2 minutes). Add into chunks Instructions: the carrots and beets and saute until crisp 1 Spanish onion (similar in size to the Combine all ingredients and you’ve got a tender. Season with salt and pepper to turnips), cut into chunks refreshing, delicious salad! taste. 5 garlic cloves Makes 4 servings. Count each serving Season the zucchini with kosher salt and ¼ cup olive oil as FREE or half the recipe as a fat. the rest of the vegetables and toss lightly ½-1 teaspoon salt, according to taste with tongs. Serve at room temperature. Instructions: To make this salad in advance, store the In a food processor fitted with the S blade, sauteed zucchini and the rest of the pulse turnip, onion and garlic until finely vegetables separately in the refrigerator. chopped. Do not over process as the When ready, allow to come to room vegetables should still be dry. temperature, season the zucchini with salt Place vegetables in a bowl and add oil, and toss along with the previously garlic and salt. Salad will keep in the seasoned vegetables. refrigerator for about 2 weeks. Optional- add ½ container mushrooms and Makes 4-6 servings ½ container grape tomatoes. Counts as: reduce oil and count as free Count 1 cup as a starch and a fat. Count 1 serving as a fat. Appetizers & Side Dishes

Cajun Carrot Fries Carrot Sauté with Ginger & Orange (From: Whisk- Ami Magazine) Ingredients: Ingredients: 2 tablespoons olive oil 8-10 large carrots, peeled and cut into thin 3 cups grated carrots (6 medium-large) slices 2 teaspoons minced fresh ginger 1 tablespoon olive oil 1/2 cup orange juice ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper ¼ teaspoon salt (freshly ground pepper Salt and black pepper, to taste optional) Photo by Angele J from Pexels Instructions:

Fat Free Zucchini Kugel Instructions: Preheat oven to 450°F. Grease and/or line Ingredients: Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet o a large baking sheet. Toss the sliced carrots Olive oil spray ver medium-high heat. Add carrots a with olive oil, cayenne pepper, salt and ½ onion, finely chopped nd ginger. Cook, black pepper. Arrange the fries in a single 2 medium zucchini, peeled and grated stirring often until wilted layer on baking sheet and bake for 5 Salt (about 2 minutes). Stir in orange juice and salt; simmerminutes then flip fried over and bake for 6 egg whites, lightly beaten uncovered until the carrots are tende another 10-15 minutes until crisp. Serve r and most of the liquid has evaporated warm. Instructions: (1 to 2 minutes). Season with pepper and serve. Makes 2 servings. Count each serving Preheat oven to 375°F. Saute onions for 5 Makes 4 servings. Count each serving as a fat. minutes. as a fat. Add zucchini and saute for 10 minutes. Yummy Veggie Kugel Remove from heat and allow to cool. Ingredients: Squeeze out as much liquid as possible 1 32 ounce bag frozen vegetables and season with salt. Add the egg white ( broccoli, cauliflower or squash) and mix well. Pour mixture into greased 8” 3 egg whites, beaten square pan and bake until top is brown and puffy and center is set (about 1 hour). 2 tablespoons chicken soup consomme *Can be made with carrots as well. Makes 2 servings. Count each serving Instructions: as a protein or FREE if having on Yom Preheat oven to 375°F. Tov. Cook vegetables in a little bit of water Image by congerdesign from Pixabay approximately ¾ cup till softened. Drain vegetables and mash with a masher or fork. Beet Chips Add in egg whites and consomme powder. Ingredients: Mix well and pour into a 9” x 13” 2 medium/large red beets, scrubbed or disposable pan and bake for 45 minutes - 1 Tri Color Vegetable Fries peeled (use gloves and newspaper for hour till golden on top. Ingredients: peeling) Makes 4 servings. Count each serving 1 jumbo sweet potato, peeled and cut into Cooking spray as FREE on Shabbos or Yom Tov. Kosher salt ¼ ⅓ inch fries 2 large parsnips, peeled and cut into ¼ ⅓ Instructions: inch fries Preheat oven to 450°F. Line 2 baking 1 jumbo beet, peeled and cut into ¼ ⅓ inch sheets with parchment fries (use gloves) paper. Slice the tops and bottoms off the 1 ½ teaspoons olive oil, divided beets and slice into ¾ - 1 teaspoon kosher salt (optional) rounds as thin as possible (best to use mandolin for ⅛” slices). Instructions: Brush beets with olive oil and sprinkle with Preheat oven to 400° F. In a large bowl, salt. Place on toss the sweet potato and parsnip fries with baking sheet. Roast for 18-22 minutes until 1 teaspoon olive oil. Arrange in one even beets are soft and slightly shrunken. The layer on a sheet pan. Toss the beet fries smaller and thinner slices will need to be with the remaining ½ teaspoon olive oil. Squash Side Dish removed earlier to avoid them burning. Arrange in an even layer on a second sheet Ingredients: *Can be done with taro root, butternut pan. Bake uncovered for 40 minutes, 1 large Spanish onion, sliced thin squash or other root vegetables as well. rotating the sheet pans from top to bottom 1 winter squash , peeled and cut into chunks Makes 1-2 servings. Count each serving halfway through. Dash of as a starch. Remove the sweet potato and parsnip pan Dash of salt and leave the beets to continue baking for 6 1 teaspoon garlic more minutes. Toss all vegetables together Dash of cinnamon with kosher salt and serve immediately. Makes 2 servings. Count each serving Instructions: as a starch and a fat. Saute onions in Pam till golden. Add squash, paprika, salt, garlic and cinnamon. Saute until ready. Makes 4 servings. Count each serving as a starch. Photo source: http://whattheforksfordinner.com

Photo by rawpixel.com from Pexels Crispy Carrot Chips Side Dish Ingredients: Ingredients: 4 small carrots, peeled 1 medium eggplant, cubed Kosher salt 2 plum tomatoes, thinly sliced 1 red onion, thinly sliced Instructions: 8 ounce can tomato sauce Preheat oven to 250°F. Line 2 cookie sheet 1 teaspoon salt sized 2 teaspoons zero calorie sweetener aluminum pans with parchment paper. Use 1 teaspoon a food processor to thinly slice the carrots into Instructions: rounds and arrange the carrots on the lined Saute cubed eggplant in Pam spray till soft. baking pans. Sprinkle with salt and bake Add in tomatoes and red onion and mix. uncovered until shriveled and crispy (about Cook 45 minutes). Sprinkle over salads for 5-10 minutes till tomatoes release liquid crunch. and onion is translucent. Add in tomato Count as FREE. Stuffed Mushrooms sauce, salt, zero calorie sweetener and Ingredients: oregano. Cook for 10 more minutes mixing 17 large crimini mushrooms (approximately) frequently making sure vegetables do not 1-2 teaspoons olive oil for drizzling stick to the pan and sauce does not burn. 1 cup whole almonds, shelled 3 tablespoons whole wheat matzah crumbs *For those who eat only peeled vegetables, 2 tablespoons Italian parsley, chopped, or 6 here is how to peel tomatoes: cubes frozen parsley Bring a pot of water to a boil. Drop in the ½ teaspoon salt tomatoes. Remove them after 30 seconds ½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper or when the skin begins to peel. Put them 1 tablespoon sweet red wine (you can also into a bowl of ice water then easily peel off use dry, if you prefer) the skin. Count as FREE. Instructions: Preheat the oven to 425°F. Remove the stems from the mushrooms by gently pulling them out. In a food processor Lightened up Pesach Noodle Kugel fitted with the blade attachment, pulse the Ingredients: stems and five mushrooms until they are 1 package (12 ounces) Kosher L’Pesach the size of large crumbs. Reserve the egg noodles (this may work with a remaining whole mushrooms. substitution of 12 ounces homemade egg Heat a sauté pan with one teaspoon of oil lokshen.) and sauté the pulsed mushrooms for five 1 pint reduced-fat cottage cheese minutes, just until softened. 1 pint fat-free sour cream Meanwhile, pulse the almonds and crumbs 1¼ cup zero calorie sweetener Image by Larisa Koshkina from Pixabay in the food processor until they are the size 2 eggs of crumbs. Transfer into a mixing bowl and 2 egg whites add the sautéed mushrooms, parsley, salt, ½ can (8 ounces) crushed unsweetened pepper and red wine. Mix together. pineapple, drained Carrot Kugel Spoon about one tablespoon of the mixture 2-3 teaspoons cinnamon for topping Change things up, and make this recipe into the cavity of each of the reserved instead of your traditional ! mushrooms, then place them in a well-oiled Instructions: Your waistline will thank you! baking dish, stuffing sides up. Drizzle about Preheat oven to 350°F. Coat a 13” × 9” pan one tablespoon of oil over the mushrooms with cooking spray and set aside. Ingredients: and bake for 15 minutes. Cook the noodles as directed on the 5-6 cups chopped carrots, approximately 2 Makes 6 servings - count each serving package. Drain and rinse in cold water. pounds as a protein. Do not add a fat. In a large bowl, mix together cottage 2 tablespoons honey cheese, sour cream, zero calorie 1 ounce zero calorie sweetener sweetener, eggs, egg whites and pineapple. ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon Using a rubber spatula, gently fold in 1 tablespoon orange rind noodles. Mix thoroughly. Pour into the 2 eggs prepared pan and sprinkle cinnamon evenly Baked Asparagus 2 egg whites over the top. Ingredients: ½ cup almond flour Bake for 50-60 minutes until light golden 1 bunch asparagus brown on top. Serve warm or at room 1 tablespoon imitation soy sauce Instructions: temperature. 2 frozen garlic cubes Cook carrots in a pot of water until soft, Makes 6 servings. Count each serving 1 onion, thinly sliced about 20 minutes as a complete meal + ½ a fruit. 1 teaspoon salt In a blender, puree carrots, honey, cinnamon, orange rind, eggs, egg whites Instructions: and almond flour. Preheat oven to 350°F. Spray a 9” x 13” Place mixture in a greased 8 x 8 inch pan with baking dish. nonfat cooking spray. Place asparagus in Bake at 350°F for 1 hour, until browned one layer in pan. Top with onions. around the edges and done in the center. Make a mixture of soy sauce, garlic cubes Serve warm out of the oven, or allow to and salt and pour over asparagus. Bake for cool, refrigerate overnight and serve cold. 45 minutes until soft. Makes 4 servings. Count each serving Photo by Aphiwat chuangchoem from Pexels Count as FREE. as a snack. Salt Crusted Standing Rib Eye Roast (From: Whisk- Ami Magazine) Main Dishes Ingredients: 1- 6 pound rib eye roast with bones (bones should be cut away and tied together with Simple Roasted Chicken Chicken and Zucchini Skewers butcher string) Ingredients: Ingredients: 10 garlic cloves 1 small onion, peeled and quartered ½ cup Kosher L’Pesach soy sauce 2 tablespoons kosher salt 3 cloves garlic, peeled and quartered 1 ½ tablespoons honey ⅓ teaspoon fresh black pepper 3 sprigs fresh tarragon 1 garlic clove, crushed 2 tablespoons olive oil 3 sprigs fresh 1 pound boneless skinless chicken thighs Verdini greens 1 chicken (5 pounds), giblets removed 1-2 large onions (your choice), 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil cut into 1 inch cubes Instructions: 1 teaspoon kosher salt 1 medium zucchini, Remove meat from refrigerator and allow to ½ teaspoon freshly ground pepper sliced into ½ inch thick rings reach room temperature before cooking to 16 (10 inch) bamboo skewers ensure even cooking (about 3 hours). Instructions: Preheat oven to 500°F and allow it to heat for Preheat oven to 375°F. Place onion, garlic, Instructions: at least 30 minutes. Pulse garlic in processor tarragon and thyme into the cavity of the Bring soy sauce, honey and crushed garlic until finely minced and add the salt and chicken. Tie the legs together with kitchen to a boil in a medium-sized saucepan and pepper. Place roast standing on bones with string, mostly closing the cavity opening. Pull cook over medium heat for about 5 minutes. fat side up. Rub oil on roast. Add garlic the wings so the tips overlap the top of the Set aside to cool. Cut the chicken into 1-inch mixture to form a crust. Place in roasting pan breast and tie in place, wrapping the string pieces and place in a ziplock bag; pour half of and bake for 15 minutes. Lower oven around the wings and body. Rub the chicken the marinade over the chicken. temperature to 325°F. Bake for 15 minutes with oil, salt and pepper, Set in a roasting Place the zucchini in a second large ziplock per pound for medium-well (I cooked mine for pan, breast-side down. bag and pour the remaining marinade over one hour and 45 minutes). Remove from Roast the chicken for 25 minutes. Turn the zucchini. Refrigerate for at least 30 oven when meat reaches about 5° before breast-side up and continue roasting, basting minutes. Meanwhile, soak the skewers in your goal temperature since meat continues occasionally with pan juices until a water for 30 minutes so they don’t burn. to cook and rise in temperature after it is thermometer inserted into the thickest part of Thread the chicken onto the skewers, taken out of the oven. I removed my meat at the thigh (without touching bone), registers alternating with onion so that each stick has 3 135°F for a goal temperature of 140°F, 175°F (about 1 hour and 25 minutes to 1 ½ cubes of chicken and two pieces of onion, After removing roast from oven, prepare a hours. Transfer to a cutting board to rest for discarding the chicken marinade. tent of foil to cover meat loosely and allow to 10 minutes. Remove string before carving. Thread the zucchini onto skewers, alternating rest before slicing to ensure juices stay in the Makes 8 servings. Count each serving as a with remaining onion, reserving the marinade mean. Serve on a bed of Verdini greens. protein. for basting. Preheat the grill or a grill pan over Count 5-6 ounces as a protein. medium-high heat.When hot, spray with cooking spray then reduced heat to medium. Winter Squash and Chicken Grill the zucchini and chicken skewers for Ingredients: about 5 to 6 minutes on each side, brushing Steak and Asparagus Bundles 9 cups butternut, buttercup or hubbard both sides of the skewers with the sauce Ingredients: squash, peeled and cubed (you can by during the last few minutes of cooking time. ½ pound thin skirt steak, trimmed of excess pre-cubed in your local market) Recipe makes 4 servings (3 chicken fat 2 medium shallots, thinly sliced and skewers and 1 zucchini skewer is a 1 tablespoon or a separated into rings serving). mixture of your choice of seasoning 1 cup small, pitted prunes Count each serving as a protein. Enjoy! ½ pound thin asparagus spears, trimmed 3 cloves garlic, minced 1 teaspoon olive oil 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon Salt and ground black pepper, to taste 1 teaspoon dried oregano ½ red pepper, roasted and cut into strips 1 teaspoon dried thyme 6 toothpicks 1 teaspoon salt, divided

½ teaspoon freshly ground pepper Instructions: 1 teaspoon freshly grated orange zest Red Wine London Broil Butterfly or pound steak with a meat mallet to ¼ cup orange juice Ingredients: 1/4-inch thickness. Cut into 6 strips, 1 cup reduced-sodium chicken or vegetable 2 pounds London Broil approximately 2 inches wide by 5 inches long. broth 2 cups red wine Season both sides with Montreal steak 8 skinless, bone-in chicken thighs, trimmed 4 cloves garlic, minced seasoning and place in the refrigerator. (about 3 ½ pounds) 1 teaspoon salt Preheat oven to "grill" setting or low broil. 1-2 tablespoons olive oil Place asparagus in a shallow dish; drizzle Instructions: olive oil on top. Season with salt and pepper. Preheat oven to 350°F. Place squash, prunes, Instructions: Grill asparagus for 2 minutes, turning after 1 garlic, shallots, cinnamon, oregano, thyme, ½ Pour wine into saucepan and set over minute. Transfer to a plate. Reheat oven to teaspoon salt and pepper in a large bowl and medium/low heat. Cook until reduced to medium-high on "grill" setting. mix well. Transfer to a 9” x 13” baking dish. about ½ cup. Let cool then add garlic, salt Line up steak strips next to each other in an Sprinkle chicken with the remaining salt and and oil. Using a meat tenderizer, poke holes assembly line. Place 3 to 4 asparagus spears place on top of the vegetables. Mix broth, on both sides of the meat. Place in a Ziploc on top, perpendicular to each steak strip. Top orange zest and juice in a small bowl and bag. Add marinade to mean in bag and share asparagus with 1 red pepper strip. pour over the chicken. Cover the baking dish it a little to make sure the marinade touches Roll steak tightly around asparagus, angling it with foil. Bake for 40 minutes. Uncover and the meat. Refrigerate overnight. Set grill on diagonally to avoid overlapping the steak. continue baking until the vegetables are high heat or set grill pan over high heat until Photo source: Secure with a toothpick. tender and the chicken is cooked through, hot. Frill for 4-5 minutes on each side. Let http://whattheforksfordinner.comGrill steak bundles for 8 minutes, turning basting often (about 1 hour more). meat rest for 10 minutes. Slice and serve. every 2 minutes. Makes 8 servings. Count each serving as a Makes 6 servings. Count each serving as Makes 3 servings. Count each serving (3 complete meal. a protein and count towards your beef bundles) as a protein. Do not add a fat. allowance.

Surinam Charoset Greek Charoset Ingredients: Ingredients: 4 ounces unsweetened coconut 2 cups pitted dates, chopped 8 ounces chopped ½ cup raisins, chopped 2 tablespoons honey ½ cup sweet Passover wine 1 tablespoon cinnamon 4 ounces ground walnuts 8 ounces dried apples ½ teaspoon ground ginger 8 ounces dried apricots 8 ounces dried pears Instructions: 1 cup raisins Place the dates and raisins in a 4 ounces sugar free cherry jam bowl and blend with the wine. Add Sweet red wine the walnuts and ginger and blend well. Instructions: Makes 8 servings. Count each Combine everything except the serving as 1 snack + 1 limited jam and wine in a large, heavy pot. fruit. Add water to cover. Simmer over low heat and stir occasionally with a wooden spoon. Add small Photo by samer daboul from Pexels amounts of water periodically, so mix does not stick to pot. Cook at Venetian Charoset least 90 minutes. Stir in cherry Ingredients: jam. Let cool. Add enough wine to 1½ cups paste be absorbed. 8 ounces chopped dates Makes 12 servings. Count each 8 ounces chopped figs serving as a snack + 1 limited 1 cup chopped almonds fruit. ¾ cup chopped walnuts Photo by Mona Mok on Unsplash 1 orange rind, grated ¼ cup chopped apricots ½ cup brandy Persian Charoset 2 tablespoons honey Ingredients: 1 unpeeled pear, cored and finely Instructions: chopped Combine all ingredients and mix, 1 unpeeled apple, cored and finely gradually adding just enough chopped brandy and honey to bind the ½ cup finely chopped walnuts mixture. ½ cup finely chopped almonds Makes 10 servings. Count each Photo by Mareefe from Pexels ½ cup finely chopped hazelnuts serving as a snack + 1 limited (filberts) fruit. Central European Charoset 1 cup chopped dates Ingredients: 1 cup chopped raisins 2 apples, unpeeled, cored and 2 teaspoons ginger finely chopped 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 cup finely chopped walnuts 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar 2 tablespoons honey 1-2 tablespoons sweet Passover 1 teaspoon cinnamon wine ¼ cup sweet Passover wine Instructions: Instructions: Combine the pear, apple, walnuts, Combine the apples, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, honey and cinnamon in a bowl and Image by Pera Detlic from Pixabay nuts, dates and raisins. Mix well. mix well. Add enough wine to bind Add the ginger, cinnamon, vinegar the mixture. Serve in a bowl or roll and enough wine to bind the into one-inch balls and arrange on mixture. a plate. Makes 8 servings. Count each Makes 6-8 servings. Count each serving as a snack + 1 limited serving as a snack. fruit. Breakfast, Desserts & Snacks

Banana Pancakes Roasted Nuts Apple Fruit Leather Ingredients: Ingredients: Ingredients: 2 egg whites Almonds 4 medium apples, peeled and chopped 1 egg Water 1/2 cup water 1 ripe banana, mashed Kosher salt 2 tablespoons sugar substitute Cooking spray Instructions: Instructions: Instructions: Preheat oven to 350°F. Spread almonds on Place apples in saucepan and add water. Combine ingredients in a bowl and mix well. a cookie sheet. in an even layer. Sprinkle Bring to a simmer then cover and cook for Spray frying pan with cooking spray and with a tiny bit of water and season. with 10 minutes or until soft. Add sugar heat over medium/high. Pour half the batter salt. Toss gently until evenly coated then substitute and mash. Cook for 2-3 more into the frying pan and cook until browned. roast for 5 minutes. Shake pan to distribute minutes on low heat, stirring occasionally. Flip the pancake over and continue cooking the almonds evenly and continue to roast Pour mixture into blender and process until until browned. as needed. Check every 3 minutes until the smooth. Pour onto a baking sheet and Makes 2 pancakes (you can use the whole nuts are brown and smell nutty. Remove smooth out with a spatula into a thin layer. batter at once to make 1 large pancake) from the oven and immediately transfer to a Bake at 170°F for 2-3 hours or until it is Count entire recipe as a breakfast. plate (do not leave on hot pan as they will tacky without sticking to your fingers (check continue to roast). periodically). Count 15 almonds as a snack. Cut into strips and let cool then roll the Carrot Cake Bites strips along with the parchment paper and Ingredients: store in an airtight container. ½ cup almond flour Makes 4 servings. Count each serving ½ cup + 1 tablespoon water as a fruit. 2 tablespoons unsweetened applesauce ½ teaspoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon cinnamon Chocolate Chip Cookies 4 tablespoons zero calorie sweetener Ingredients: 1 medium carrot (60-70g), finely chopped or 2 tablespoons coconut flour shredded ¼ cup almond flour 4 tablespoons shredded coconut ¼ cup zero calorie sweetener 3 tablespoons matzah meal Instructions: 3 dashes cinnamon Combine almond flour, water, applesauce Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay Dash of salt and vanilla extract in large mixing bowl, and 6-7 tablespoons water stir. Sweet and Natural Applesauce ½ teaspoon vanilla sugar Add in cinnamon, sweetener and shredded Ingredients: 1 tablespoon chocolate chips carrots to bowl. Stir to combine. Extra fancy Cortland apples (jumbo size Refrigerate dough for 15 minutes. only) Place shredded coconut in small bowl. Water Instructions: After 15 minutes, remove dough from fridge Preheat oven to 350°F. Line baking sheet and roll into 15 equal-sized cake balls. Roll Instructions: with parchment paper and set aside. each ball in shredded coconut until evenly Peel and dice apples. Fill a size appropriate Combine coconut flour, almond flour, coated. pot with up to 2/3 of water and add apples. sweetener, matzah meal, cinnamon and Store in refrigerator for up to a week. Bring to a boil then lower the heat to the salt in a mixing bowl and whisk with a fork. Makes 12 balls. Count 3-4 balls as a lowest possible and simmer for 8 hours or Add water and vanilla extract, and stir. If snack or a treat. overnight. dough isn’t fully moist, add in more water, Count each cup as a fruit. one tablespoon at a time. Stir in chocolate chips. Coconut Macaroons Form dough into 8 equal-sized balls, place Ingredients: Fruity Jello on baking sheet and slightly flatten with the 3 cups shredded coconut, unsweetened Ingredients: palm of your hand. 2 eggs or 4 egg whites 2 packs of any flavor jello Bake for 12 minutes. 1 cup coconut sugar 4 cups boiling water Allow to cool completely before eating. Lemon zest (optional) Pineapple, cut up in small pieces (tidbit Makes 8 cookies. Count 1-2 cookies as a size) treat. Instructions: 1 cup strawberries, chopped (frozen is fine) Place the coconut in a food processor and 1 cup pomegranate seeds pulse for 60 seconds. In a large bow, whisk ½ cup mango, cut into small pieces together the sugar and eggs. Ass the 1 cup blueberries coconut and mix until well combined. If 1 cup kiwi, cut into small pieces needed, place batter in the freezer for 30 minutes so it’s easier to handle. Instructions: Form into 1” balls and arrange on cookie Empty jello packets into a large mixing sheets. Bake in preheated oven at 350°F bowl. Add 4 cups boiling water and mix well for 10-15 minutes (until very browned). Cool till all the jello is dissolved. Add any mixture completely before removing from pan. To of cut up fruit you like : pineapple, avoid breakage, place the pan in the strawberries, blueberries, freezer and remove the macaroons after kiwi pomegranate seeds, mango. Mix all they’ve frozen. Keep in a sealed container together and divide into cups. in the freezer. Put it in the fridge for a yummy de Makes 40 macaroons. ssert or snack. Count each macaroon as a treat. Count ½ a cup as 1 fruit. Check out our PESACH WEBINAR WORKSHOP WITH TANYA & STAFF. Manually enter the following link: https://youtu.be/8gRLw4EmXZE OR if you have an iphone, use the camera feature to scan the code and automatically be redirected to the video.

Thank you to the following people that contributed! Basya Kovacs Rachel Esses Alice Harrosh Keren Politzer Jenny Wallach Maya Karasanti Chavi Sperber Leah Zonenshein

Photo source: www.clevelandjewishnews.com