Singapore Freshwater Crab Johora Singaporensis
Conservation Strategy for the Singapore freshwater crab Johora singaporensis Fresh-wA-ter (!.,rA-fr ~~g# 6C?nSeniA-tiC?n '"un~tP.:J,te Wildlife IUCN ~ SSC NUS Species Survival Commission National University Reserves of Singapore I SINGAPORE N~PARKS OUR~)l;~f'to~1 GARDEN I ii Affiliated organisations Note: The conservation strategy is based solely on the opinions of the authors and do not constitute a statement of policy, decision, or position on behalf of the participating organizations. © May 2015 Compiled and edited by: Daniel JJ Ng (National University of Singapore) Philip JK McGowan (IUCN SSC Strategic Conservation Planning Subcommittee and Newcastle University, UK) Roopali Raghavan (Wildlife Reserves Singapore) Cai Yixiong (National Parks Board, Singapore) Neil Cumberlidge (IUCN SSC Freshwater Crustacean Specialist Group) Geoffrey Davison (National Parks Board, Singapore) Sonja Luz (Wildlife Reserves Singapore) Darren CJ Yeo (National University of Singapore) Suggested citation: Ng, DJJ*, McGowan, PJK, Raghavan, R, Cai, Y, Cumberlidge, N, Davison, G, Luz, S & Yeo, DCJ, 2015. Conservation Strategy for the Singapore freshwater crab Johora singaporensis. Singapore, 19 pp. Cover photographs: Brooding Johora singaporensis © 2013 Kenny Chua Wei Jie [front], Johora singaporensis in-situ © 2013 Ron Yeo Keng Hui [back] * Order of authorship indicates two categories of contribution: DJJN, PJKM, RR, and CY; and the rest in alphabetical order iii CONTENTS 1 Status Review 1.1 Background ..................................................................................................................................
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