TENNESSEE 105th Congress 271 Office Listings http://www.senate.gov/∼thompson
[email protected] 523 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510 ................................... 224±4944 Chief of Staff.ÐTom Daffron. FAX: 228±3679 Press Secretary.ÐAlex Pratt. Legislative Director.ÐHannah Sistare. 3322 West End Avenue, Suite 120, Nashville, TN 37203 ......................................... (615) 736±5129 Federal Building, Suite 403, Memphis, TN 38103 ..................................................... (901) 544±4224 Post Office Building, 501 Main Street, Suite 315, Knoxville, TN 37902 ................. (615) 545±4253 Federal Building, 109 South Highland Street, Suite B±9, Jackson, TN 38301 ......... (901) 423±9344 6100 Building, Suite 4404, Chattanooga, TN 37411 .................................................. (615) 756±1328 Tri-City Regional Airport, Suite 103, Blountville, TN 37617 .................................... (615) 323±6217 * * * REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT WILLIAM LEWIS JENKINS, Republican, of Rogersville, TN; born on November 29, 1936 in Detroit, MI; graduated from Rogersville High School, 1954; B.B.A from Tennessee Tech, Cookville, 1957; served in the U.S. Army Military Police, second lieutenant, 1959±60; J.D., University of Tennessee College of Law, Knoxville, TN, 1961; admitted to the Rogersville bar, 1962; attorney; farmer; commissioner of conservation; circuit judge; energy advisor to Governor Lamar Alexander; TVA board member; Tennessee State Senate, 1962±70; Speaker of the House, 1968±70; delegate to the Republican National Convention, 1988; member: American Le- gion, Masonic Lodge, Tennessee Bar Association, Tennessee Farm Bureau; married Mary Kath- ryn Jenkins, 1959; four children: Rebecca, Georgeanne Price, William, Jr., Douglas; elected to the 105th Congress. Office Listings 1708 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515±4201 ................... 225±6356 Chief of Staff.ÐJeff Anderson. FAX: 225±5714 Executive Assistant/Office Manager.ÐBeth Point.