Strategic Planning and Environment : Development Control

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Strategic Planning and Environment : Development Control Cardiff Council : Strategic Planning And Environment : Development Control Applications Decided between 23/01/2017 and 27/01/2017 Application No. Date Applicant Type Address Proposal Decision Date: Decision: Statutory Class: ADAMSDOWN 16/02119/MNR 02/09/2016 Blue Coast Cardiff VAR UNIT 5, CITY LINK, VARIATION OF 26/01/2017 Permission be Renewals and LLP & TJX Europe NEWPORT ROAD, CONDITION 6 (SIZE OF granted Variation of ADAMSDOWN, CARDIFF, RETAIL UNIT Conditions CF24 1PQ FLOORSPACE AND SCOPE OF GOODS TO BE SOLD ) OF 16/00929/MNR BUTETOWN 16/03029/MJR 21/12/2016 Fusion Cardiff DOC LAND AT HERBERT STREET, DISCHARGE OF 24/01/2017 Partial Discharge Discharge of Capital Quarter LLP ATLANTIC WHARF, CONDITIONS of Condition (s) Conditions CARDIFF, CF10 4AY CONDITION 17 (CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PLAN), CONDITION 19 (LAND CONTAMINATION), CONDITION 20 (REMEDIATION STRATEGY), CONDITION 23 (GAS MONITORING ADDENDUM) AND CONDITION 31 (VIBRATION SURVEY) OF 16/01855/MJR 16/02848/MNR 01/12/2016 Travis Perkins FUL TRAVIS PERKINS, QUEEN INSTALLATION OF 23/01/2017 Permission be Other Consent ALEXANDRA DOCK, COLD STORAGE RACKING granted Types STORES ROAD, CARDIFF BAY, CARDIFF, CF10 4LW Page No. 1 Application No. Date Applicant Type Address Proposal Decision Date: Decision: Statutory Class: 16/02829/MNR 29/11/2016 Egliobar Ltd CLU 111-112 BUTE STREET, TO CONFIRM THAT THE 24/01/2017 Permission be Other Consent BUTETOWN, CARDIFF, CF10 FOLLOWING granted Types 5AD APPLICATION HAS BEEN LAWFULLY COMMENCED AND REMAINS EXTANT. 05/01715/C - "CHANGE OF USE AND EXTENSION OF 2ND AND 3RD FLOORS TO PROVIDE 3 FLATS TOGETHER WITH THE REMOVAL OF THE ROLLER SHUTTERS AND THEIR REPLACEMENT WITH OPEN BRICK BOND TYPE ROLLER SHUTTERS AND THE REPAINTING OF THE FRONT FACADE" CANTON 16/02816/DCH 29/11/2016 Dymond HSE 23 LOFTUS STREET, PROPOSED REAR, 24/01/2017 Permission be Householder CANTON, CARDIFF, CF5 1HL FIRST FLOOR granted EXTENSION OVER EXISTING GROUND FLOOR EXTENSION. 16/02654/MJR 04/11/2016 Ely Bridge DOC PROPOSED MIXED USE DISCHARGE OF 26/01/2017 Partial Discharge Discharge of Development DEVELOPMENT OLD MILL CONDITION 14 of Condition (s) Conditions Company Ltd BUSINESS PARK, (SCHEME OF SANATORIUM ROAD, CONSTRUCTION CANTON MANAGEMENT) OF 14/02277/MNR 16/01219/MNR 16/06/2016 Ely Bridge DOC FORMER PAPER MILL ARJO DISCHARGE OF 26/01/2017 Full Discharge of Discharge of Development WIGGINS, OLD MILL CONDITION 17 Condition Conditions Company BUSINESS PARK, (ENGINEERING SANATORIUM ROAD, DETAILS OF VIADUCT) CANTON, CARDIFF, CF11 OF 14/00773/DCO 8DS Page No. 2 Application No. Date Applicant Type Address Proposal Decision Date: Decision: Statutory Class: 16/02390/DCH 01/11/2016 SMITH HSE 572 COWBRIDGE ROAD PROPOSED ROOF 27/01/2017 Permission be Householder EAST, CANTON, CARDIFF, EXTENSION AND granted CF5 1BP ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING GARAGE TO CREATE STORE 16/02875/MNR 06/12/2016 BERESFORD FUL 101A ELY ROAD, CHANGE OF USE OF 27/01/2017 Permission be Minor - Dwellings FAIRWATER, CARDIFF, CF5 GROUND FLOOR granted (C3) 2BZ OFFICE INTO RESIDENTIAL USE AND CONVERSON OF PREMISES INTO TWO FLATS CATHAYS 16/02990/MNR 15/12/2016 JUPITER FUL 36 WOODVILLE ROAD, CONVERSION OF 27/01/2017 Permission be Other Consent PROPERTY CATHAYS, CARDIFF, CF24 FIRST/SECOND FLOOR granted Types SERVICES 4EB TO PROVIDE TWO FLATS 16/02547/MNR 16/12/2016 Yapp FUL 36 WYEVERNE ROAD, GROUND AND FIRST 27/01/2017 Planning Minor - Dwellings CATHAYS, CARDIFF, CF24 FLOOR REAR Permission be (C3) 4BH EXTENSION HIP TO refused GABLE LOFT CONVERSION AND CONVERSION FROM C4 HOUSE IN MULTIPLE OCCUPATION TO 8 BED SUI GENERIS HOUSE IN MULTIPLE OCCUPATION 16/02973/DCH 16/12/2016 Edwards HSE FIRST FLOOR FLAT, 175 LOFT EXTENSION 27/01/2017 Permission be Householder MALEFANT STREET, WITH REAR DORMER granted CATHAYS, CARDIFF, CF24 4QG 16/03005/MNR 22/12/2016 Prothero FUL 159 MALEFANT STREET, CONVERSION OF 27/01/2017 Permission be Minor - Dwellings CATHAYS, CARDIFF, CF24 HOUSE INTO THREE granted (C3) 4QG FLATS AND REAR DORMER EXTENSION Page No. 3 Application No. Date Applicant Type Address Proposal Decision Date: Decision: Statutory Class: 16/02584/MNR 12/12/2016 Cardiff University FUL 37 & 38 PARK PLACE, CHANGE OF USE FOR 25/01/2017 Permission be Minor - Other Estates Department CATHAYS PARK, CARDIFF, GROUND FLOOR FROM granted Principal Uses CF10 3BB B1 OFFICE USE TO D1 DOCTORS SURGERY FOR UNIVERSITY USE 16/02869/DCH 01/12/2016 Quin & Co Ltd HSE 47 BLACKWEIR TERRACE, FIRST FLOOR REAR 26/01/2017 Permission be Householder BLACKWEIR, CARDIFF, CF10 EXTENSION, REAR granted 3EQ DORMER ROOF EXTENSION, INSERTION OF 1 NO. ROOF LIGHTS TO THE PITCHED ROOF AND ASSOCIATED INTERNAL ALTERATIONS TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS FROM THREE (C4) TO SIX (C4) 16/02629/MJR 02/11/2016 m2h architects DOC 23-24 PARK PLACE, DISCHARGE OF 24/01/2017 Full Discharge of Discharge of CATHAYS PARK, CARDIFF, CONDITIONS 6 Condition Conditions CF10 3BA (ACOUSTIC SEPARATION), 8 (DRAINAGE) AND 9 (SITE LAYOUT) OF 16/01794/MJR CYNCOED 16/02284/DCH 22/09/2016 WARREN HSE 11 THREE ARCHES AVENUE, PROPOSED 25/01/2017 Permission be Householder CYNCOED, CARDIFF, CF14 DEMOLITION OF granted 0NU EXISTING SINGLE STOREY REAR ANNEX. CONSTRUCTION OF TWO STOREY SIDE EXTENSION, SINGLE STOREY REAR EXTENSION AND DORMER LOFT EXTENSION Page No. 4 Application No. Date Applicant Type Address Proposal Decision Date: Decision: Statutory Class: 16/02815/MNR 25/11/2016 Malik CLU 45B LAKESIDE DRIVE, USE AS A SEPARATE 23/01/2017 Permission be Other Consent LAKESIDE, CARDIFF, CF23 DWELLING granted Types 6DF FAIRWATER 16/02841/DCH 29/11/2016 Bailey HSE 658 BEECHLEY DRIVE, SINGLE STOREY REAR 24/01/2017 Permission be Householder PENTREBANE, CARDIFF, EXTENSION (GRANNY granted CF5 3SS FLAT) & OUT HOUSE UPGRADE 16/02161/MNR 06/09/2016 James FUL LAND ADJACENT TO 105 NEW BUILD FOUR 25/01/2017 Permission be Minor - Dwellings AMETHYST ROAD, SELF CONTAINED granted (C3) FAIRWATER, CARDIFF, CF5 FLATS 3NT HEATH 16/02910/DCH 07/12/2016 Critcher HSE 17 ST AUGUSTINE ROAD, ERECTION OF A 27/01/2017 Permission be Householder HEATH, CARDIFF, CF14 4BD SINGLE STOREY REAR granted EXTENSION 17/00105/DCH 18/01/2017 Studio56 NMH 53 KING GEORGE V DRIVE NON MATERIAL 26/01/2017 Permission be Non Material WEST, HEATH, CARDIFF, AMENDMENT TO granted Householder CF14 4EF 16/02035/DCH. ADDITIONAL GLAZING TO REAR GROUND FLOOR EXTENSION AND ADDITIONAL ROOF LIGHTS IN MAIN ROOF. 16/02593/MNR 18/11/2016 Lakeside Properties RES 149 HEATHWOOD ROAD, RESERVED MATTERS 25/01/2017 Permission be Minor - Dwellings Ltd HEATH, CARDIFF, CF14 4BL FOR 16/00007/MNR IN granted (C3) RESPECT OF DEMOLITION OF EXISTING HOUSE AND CONSTRUCTION OF 7 NO SELF CONTAINED FLATS WITH PARKING AND GARDEN AREAS (APPEARANCE AND LANDSCAPING) LISVANE Page No. 5 Application No. Date Applicant Type Address Proposal Decision Date: Decision: Statutory Class: 17/00090/DCH 16/01/2017 Matthews NMH 21 HEOL CEFN ON, LISVANE, ALTERATIONS TO 27/01/2017 Permission be Non Material CARDIFF, CF14 0TP 16/00198/DCH - granted Householder INCLUSION OF 3 NO. ROOF LIGHTS TO THE NEW SIDE EXTENSION 17/00096/DCH 18/01/2017 Prescott NMH 60 HEOL Y DELYN, LISVANE, ALTERATIONS TO 27/01/2017 Permission be Non Material CARDIFF, CF14 0SR 16/02798/DCH - granted Householder AMENDMENT TO SQUARE OFF THE CORNER TO THE FRONT EXTENSION BOTH AT GROUND AND FIRST FLOOR LEVELS, AND THE REPLACEMENT OF GLAZING TO THE TV ROOM TO MATCH THE NEW SLIDING DOORS TO THE KITCHEN/DINING AREA. ALSO, THE CHANGE IN COLOUR OF THE FASCIAS AND SOFFITS LLANDAFF 16/02293/DCH 23/09/2016 Samuel-Walker HSE 52 BUCKLEY CLOSE, PROPOSED TWO 27/01/2017 Permission be Householder DANESCOURT, CARDIFF, STOREY EXTENSION granted CF5 2DG TO SIDE, TO FORM LIVING ROOM, UTILITY, BEDROOM WITH EN-SUITE AND EN-LARGE EXISTING REAR BEDROOM 16/02901/DCH 22/12/2016 MORTIMER HSE 2 VAUGHAN AVENUE, SINGLE STOREY SIDE 27/01/2017 Permission be Householder LLANDAFF, CARDIFF, CF5 AND REAR EXTENSION granted 2HR AND LOFT CONVERSION INCLUDING HIP TO GABLE AND REAR DORMER EXTENSIONS. Page No. 6 Application No. Date Applicant Type Address Proposal Decision Date: Decision: Statutory Class: LLANISHEN 16/02898/MNR 13/12/2016 WITTS FUL 22 WHITE BARN ROAD, PROPOSED 26/01/2017 Planning Minor - Dwellings LLANISHEN, CARDIFF, CF14 CONSTRUCTION OF Permission be (C3) 5HB TWO STOREY, 3 refused BEDROOM DWELLING ATTACHED TO SIDE OF NO. 22 WHITE BARN ROAD 16/02961/DCH 13/12/2016 Randall HSE 12 ROUNDEL CLOSE, SINGLE STOREY REAR 27/01/2017 Permission be Householder THORNHILL, CARDIFF, CF14 EXTENSION granted 9ES 16/02822/MNR 28/11/2016 Sarak FUL 1 MORRIS AVENUE, NEW 2 BEDROOM 23/01/2017 Planning Minor - Dwellings Developments Ltd LLANISHEN, CARDIFF, CF14 END-OF TERRACE Permission be (C3) 5JU HOUSE TO NORTH refused ELEVATION OF NO 1 MORRIS AVENUE PENTYRCH 16/03053/DCH 11/01/2017 James NMH 15 BRONHAUL, PENTYRCH, REARRANGEMENT OF 23/01/2017 Permission be Non Material CARDIFF, CF15 9TA DOORS AND WINDOWS granted Householder TO REAR ELEVATION PENYLAN 16/02819/DCH 28/11/2016 Jones HSE 21 PEN-Y-LAN TERRACE, PROPOSED SINGLE 23/01/2017 Permission be Householder PENYLAN, CARDIFF, CF23 STOREY EXTENSION granted 9EU AT THE ABOVE PROPERTY. WORKS ARE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE SUNROOM, AND ADDITIONAL UTILITY SPACES. Page No. 7 Application No. Date Applicant Type Address Proposal Decision Date: Decision: Statutory Class: 16/02505/DCH 28/11/2016 Vaughan HSE 41 TY-DRAW ROAD, REMOVAL OF 10 23/01/2017 Permission be Householder PENYLAN, CARDIFF, CF23 TIMBER FRAMED BOX granted 5HD SASH WINDOWS TO GROUND AND FIRST FLOOR BAY WINDOW AND REPLACEMENT WITH CONSERVATION COMPLIANT BOX SASH WINDOWS 16/02397/MNR 04/10/2016 JK Accountancy DOC THE WELSH REFUGEE DISCHARGE OF 23/01/2017 Full Discharge of Discharge of COUNCIL PHOENIX HOUSE, CONDITION 8 (SITE Condition Conditions 389 NEWPORT ROAD, ENCLOSURE) AND 11 PENYLAN, CARDIFF, CF24 (CONSTRUCTION 1TP MANAGEMENT SCHEME) OF 15/01521/MNR A/16/00225/MNR 09/12/2016 Sainsbury's ADV J SAINSBURY PLC, 2 NO.
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