Uppdatering 2021-06-14

Guidelines to reduce the risk of infection in schools & preschools

Region announces that the regional advices for Blekinge will cease to apply from 14 June. Municipality has therefore updated items 1, 3, 5 and 6 of the guidelines for school & preschool. The other points remain unchanged. Although many people choose to get vaccinated against COVID-19, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in is still increasing and in there are now over 2000 confirmed cases. The pandemic is not over yet and it is important to remind you of what applies in the primary and pre-school in Ronneby municipality. In Ronneby municipality's preschools and schools, we continue to follow the guidelines and recommendations of the Public Health Agency of Sweden and Region Blekinge.

1. Healthy children and students are welcome to school & preschool In general, students who are healthy should go to school and children who are healthy can go to preschool. Exceptions apply to students, children and staff who come home from a trip to a country that the State Department advises against non-essential travel. In these cases, the person should not go to school or preschool until after 7 days at home in quarantine. If the person does not show any symptoms after seven days, they can return to preschool or school. Do not forget to contact your child's school after returning home. This also means that Ronneby municipality will send home or encourage guardians to pick up children or students if they are deemed sick at the time of the drop-off. Read more about what applies in case of return after illness in paragraph 5.

2. Reduce the risk of infection In order to reduce the risk of spreading infection, children, students and staff should pay attention to symptoms that may occur during COVID-19. This applies to both mild symptoms such as sore throat, sniffles, nausea and headache, but also other symptoms such as muscle and joint pain, fever, cough and difficulty of breathing. At the slightest symptom of one of these, both employees, children and students should stay at home. For information about testing and infection tracing, read more on Region Blekinge's website.

3. Pick-up and drop-off Ronneby Municipality recommends that pick-up and drop-off takes place outdoors. In general, only healthy guardians leave and pick up healthy children. If the guardian is ill, another person must pick up or leave the child. This also applies to suspicion of illness and to mild symptoms. It is important to follow the rules of conduct expressed by the attending physician or 1177. If you are unsure if the guidelines apply in your case, please call your child's school or preschool before pick-up and drop-off. Then we will check if there is a safe way for pick-up and drop-off in the individual case. We therefore ask that you as a guardian review and, if necessary, supplement the list of family contacts who can leave and pick up your child if necessary.

Education Administration 2 4. Sick during the school day If a child or student falls ill during the school day, the child/pupil should go home as soon as possible. The staff will then contact the child/student's guardian and assess whether they can go home by themselves or should wait in an individual room until the guardian arrives.

5. Sick family members & family quarantine Symptom-free students and students who have siblings or other family members who are ill can go to preschool, elementary school or after-school as usual. However, this does not apply to those who live with a person with confirmed COVID-19. In these cases, so-called family quarantine applies that includes adults and children of all ages. Children and students who live with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 should stay at home even if they themselves are symptom-free.

6. Return to school & preschool after illness The Public Health Agency of Sweden recommends that children and young people stay at home as long as symptoms of illness are present and for another two days without symptoms of disease. If the child has residual mild symptoms, such as dry cough and mild sniffles, when seven days have passed after onset, a return to school and other activities can take place. It is the responsibility of the guardian that only children and pupils who meet these criteria come to school or preschool. We do not accept any personal reasons to leave a sick child to our businesses. If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact the head of operations preschool Ingela Berg on 0457-61 78 38 or operations manager primary school Charlotte Kansikas on 0457-61 83 45.

7. Validity The guidelines apply until further notice and cover all the municipality's preschools and primary schools. We ask all guardians to respect these guidelines. It is only together that we can reduce the spread of infection and protect each other.