Circular to Shareholders in Relation to the Proposed Renounceable Rights Issue with Warrants
THISTHIS CIRCULAR CIRCULAR IS IS IMPORTANT IMPORTANT AND AND REQUIRES REQUIRES YOUR YOUR IMMEDIATE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. ATTENTION. THIS CIRCULAR IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. IfTHISIfTHIS you you CIRCULAR CIRCULARare are in in any anyIS IS doubtIMPORTANT doubtIMPORTANT as as to to ANDthe ANDthe course REQUIREScourse REQUIRES of of action YOURaction YOUR toIMMEDIATE toIMMEDIATE be be taken, taken, should should consult consult your your Ifstockbroker,stockbroker, you are in bank anybank manager,doubt manager, as solicitor,to solicitor, the course accountant accountant of action or or other otherto be professional professional taken, you advisers advisersshould immediately.consult immediately. your IfIf you you are are in in any any doubt doubt as as to to the the course course of of action action to to be be taken, taken, you you should should consult consult your your stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, accountant or other professional advisers immediately. Bursastockbroker, Bursastockbroker, Securities Securities bank banktakes takes manager, nomanager, no responsibility responsibility solicitor, solicitor, for for accountantthe accountantthe contents contents orof orof thisother thisother Circular, Circular, professional professional makes makes no advisersno advisersrepresentation representation immediately. immediately. as as to to its its Bursaaccuracyaccuracy Securities or or completeness completeness takes no responsibilityand and expressly expressly for disclaims disclaimsthe contents any any liability ofliability this whatsoeverCircular, whatsoever makes for for anyno any representationloss loss howsoever howsoever as arising toarising its accuracyfromBursafromBursa or Securities or inSecurities orin reliance reliancecompleteness takes takesupon upon no nothe responsibilitytheand responsibility whole whole expressly or or any anyfor disclaimsfor part the part the ofcontents of contentsthe anythe contents contentsliability of of this this of whatsoeverCircular, of Circular,this this Circular.
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