STOCKBRIDGE TOWN LINE McPhcnnJon of 1\JrH. ,J, 11. llayul'l' :Jprmrllng- a few ,, Mr·. IIIli! MJ',Y. Cedi Wr•mplr. of WIIIIIIJJJ:tlon vl.•rllncl Mr·. rtnrl Ml'H. f\f(CJ'•



'l'hiH \'hli•J:n•• IH IIIli' ~·r•u•· nlrl, l'ir·n•· uud 111' unn~ual till•r•nglh, lin•• lor plf'ldlnt:·

l.unrhron llnsil'sH 54c gal. Mm. llnrry ('IIDJllllnll tal ned !lnluJ day n I n I o'clodt 1uncheou (ll!t•!-it:~ \1/eit' 1lll·mbm·11 Sugar !1:\H. 1\NH 'l'ltll!'l\ 10 lh. Jlmif . ·• I \\'1• hn\'c• nllll't' hllglll' nu lmntl Batternes non I!Jall .111.\'liuu• IIJifl ~tllll· lllf'J' /;JJJll'llllll'l'ri 1/1 111/lll'lh··: ---..,.------;-;...,----I Coffee ALL- \\'111'1'1•~ J\NNOllNl'INO 'i'IIA'I' TJm ~iJWI'illl I'm• Fl'irlny 111111 S:ll· FIQur' IIJ'

WI~ AUt; I'AYI/1.'1: MOTOR WORK fol' l'li'IIJJ, l'r<'sh, ~Johilj•,tl!, - ~lo!lileas SJII'r•i:tl - C:ttllll'li Muhiloll EGGS hu·~t· PJ.fgH 40c Overhaul Tunc-Up Wiring Cylinder Rcboring Valve Work of All Kinds Racliatur Flushing When You're Walking Into Dart &· Cady's,1 CrankEhaft~: Turned. You're ·Headed· In the Right Dh~ectli·bn ·! !

'BRAKES' 11 For heatin[l and plumbing ~up plies and ne1·vice '.': ·, "I'.' '". 0 For home appliances and equipment . ' Adjnstmct1l e For hardwm·e and sporting goods Turn Drums - New Shoe8 Cylil11h·r:; Rebuilt Jl'~ fl'lll', of <'OIII'HI', lhal IIIII' sto<'i

hill't I \\'Ul'P 'II t•JUN,· II' \\'I' rlolt'l •Hllll'l< what ,luou 111'1'11, wlll 'you :lUI'; \\'1•'11 01'111'1' II 1111' WELDING you it' w~ c•a11. WHEEL BALANCING a Look At That Calendar! , SHELL AND FIRESTONE PRODUCTS Telepost Jl's ('I'I'I'Jlillg IU'OUIItl to IJII' mitJdJP 1rf fi~Jifl'lllill'l' 111111 1hat nwall!'i l~u· l'twl hiii'Uilll;" sPllSOII in Ur·sigtu•li to Hlljlpor·l sag-ging limht•rs in l':tmi•ing. 01.1 yum· donr~,11'[l •• honu•N Ill' l'tum huilliing-s, i\hsolul1l_1' 'iJII• • In usn, atljustahh·. ALL WORK DONE BY THIS COMPANY REI•LACE DIRTY FURNACE FILTERS $9.95 If air· fillers at'l' dogt,:'<'ol with rlirt, I'PiardiiiJ;' all· l'it·••ul:ttinu, r·1·· IS GUARANTEED pl:l<'t! t hi' Ill at otll'<' lrl'l'lll'l' I hey \I'll> II' Ill Ill' I' of yom• I' til' I. llhl' l{t'llllillf•, illPX(II'm~i\'1' J)lJI~T-S'l'OPS, Hot Water Heaters Both no·w anti !lhl'll t'ot• imllll'tllatr•


H you lllw them on I !w radio, ~·ou'll llltl' I hem llA'rS $12.95 !u•tlr·r whom tlu•y r·:u1 ,,111g and piny I'm• ynn anytime you wish •• , • PORTIS VICTOR RECORDING ARTISTS TQ cmnpletr> your fall wa:rtlrobe · · LutPst· hltM o11 Viet Ol' re~or1lH Come over and Jet us Jllay them for you Au Wheelbarrows $23.50 MacGregor Sportswear DART & I * . \ Philco Radio and Lawn mower$,! I I Phonograph nunmm-Tmim 1 CADY 1 Joy 0. Davis Clothing C~. Combination $215.00 l6·inc:l1, .,; ...... :jl<~:4:::,u 18-inch INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON; MIC·H~GAN,:THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12,·1946·

t ..... _...... \.he llt\etl' nl' HI lUll l'lll!I'Oitl.lmml .Jll'Q" rninlc£1. hv PmRirlenl Heei!Hel ll!i Ibe held nl Bp.t·nplly Mcmorlul )lll!'l!,· It.:NROll·MENT' fiGU~ES O)md~H IConunoy~J' ;·~: ~)11; tmnH· Arend of Holt, lildnu WllllfllllH nncll gucHI.H Mr. llnd MI'H, .,' .LESLIE I g'l'lllll.-1 wl'l'ich lll'c b '' ' . ' . ; ,:, ' ' tlon In lhe IHOI'Jllng. 'fhu ·llriYel'~ dny. .. PLmncr oi' Oltemcm VIHILcd l pea \:S n es Ie HdlOniM 1111<1 t'VOII It HII!ILI\er per- lrerhrool! n~Hi 1-fee\{HI;'I; '!'he Clll.!'l! Comnmnlly club h~ld :. SCHOOL NOW COl\() ),It, IN ' of the 1100!1 ,tt'ipH nrc )(tll'l\llWycr, MI'R, Elmrir· BJ•own Sulut·dny .,'l'lw LeHiie CIL\zmm eit>h "P"Imd c'cnt.rq.rn n.rt! f(rn·dillltc.9 of wllogeH. Mn1 ch, l1UHHeil Shnw anti ncv. ltH flrHt. meeting of the KCilHOn F1·l· lild d 1 M d 1 1 Copp und mverclt :· Tllll Aluletlnn Blrlhd11y club held nlng-. ' It,~ 17th y"a·r of nctlvltleH nl. n H" niHil Hllitl t.lml. 10 pet•ecn\. nr Pnul 'J'ucltm·; April, LeHiic Vlnco clny evening at the Clnrk school . :.. , ~ wrtr •· ur oc 1• supc!' n· , · · · '· ·. ·. f ' Its tll'st meeting of the Yell!' ThllrH· Robert ·Gnlley elllcrcd tho 811 (ilnnet· meeting 1tt Utc GAR hFLII thn pruHunt •nn·ollnwnl nr the JH'IH· and Cllll'eiH't! VllnrlnrLiii I'. hoi· Hisler , sbuml, Mt', llnd 1 s~hool nt tho beginning of the, nl an usscmbly,· m~etlng on .. Frldn.y plii!!ICII prenldent; Mrs. EJ the 1 11 1111 1 1111 · sc 1 v 1 J t1 1 1 mor lin" at 11 45 •r t 1 1 Is the grnnrlson nr Mr. nnd pru.~ldml nnd urter lntrortuelnr,: >>hi" disdHII'gnH l'l'llm the lll'l11ml 1'1Hl l!llJlJlt!l' enrnmllt. Mt·s. Mttt•lln Knht•cs of I.nnslrig, '.cone I ee !, n le Jcg nnerH r '" ' ', , . "!lfl uven, v CLl. Pl'llR dent; nnd 'rhnmfls Hnrt, ~~me nf the men who flr•e mom- sm·vi<·es, Ht! l.lwllglll. Lh11L many of next. fn 11 r· mnnliJH nl'l!: Od.nlle!', whn shownd colored motion pic- t)lere. nrc 13; tlrst grade, ·13; Hec· __.. ____ Mrs.. Ilene ,Sit•lwwsld, secretary • h~t·~ ol' the LeHIIe school rnculty !.hem h11d \Jo•m rclnnsed from the Al!'recl Puri) 1 noon at the h. om e. of MrH: Minnie l · Wt·iting All Lines of lnsm·nnce ' l3n Iwr. I nns were promntcc\ to front is now the hardware .'b•a•l· .., ville, who 11uvw. enll~ eel with the '~ "'.··1 son for the uftemoon and a 4 :30 · · · · ·' 1encou•·ng-c n 1nrg-c n tt cnc1 nnce n. t ness of' .1. H. Bacon wl\o wlll con- supper mlll'ihes .for ·thre\1 ·yeo.a·~, ·.eft1 for 1 M-7H. lll1Xl tu ll<'<'l' l!l•all Inn 'th? annual fnll retreat of the tinuc in this locution. r. It JeW· .,~ 1,. · , Pn1 rls' tltlnnd; North··· ,Onrollna; ll. c. llA!t'l' I Mtel~lr;an. Conference nss?c111l10n elt, formerly of Jackson. rind i'i!oJ·~ ·. h~ lll>e~lng. of the Hill Dr·y Mondny, . · ·.~·" ., ·., · . . JOliN II, llt\ll'J' •.J:..~---·.·.;_------'[of Chrlstllln llJndca\'Or whtch wtll recently or Placerville, Cllllfor.nln: (, on S. Main street Sut-.1. Mr·. and Mrs:.lilrnell't Larnei· y!H· ·. . ·. .,;,.,.,..,.==.,:,...,...... ,===---,,.------..,-----..,....---.;. ·-·-·-- _.. _· w\11 mnnnge the Implement •]Jukl· u~·ddy morning v:as uttended by a. tted:l'.ti'. nn~ Mr~:10iaytot1 Lnrner M..118 ; 1:i.•ia' 1 , 1\IMI J,unKing l'IJOne nee~ which will be n dlstrlbutlotl l!lrge 'e.row,d of customers. . of Miller road Siinday. · : ·• .. . ·. ' ~ ~~ t ' · nutlet for the mnchlnory: or tl.lq 1 ·The. new theatre being erected · Mh and Mrs. Otlti Mont11ven and · Jntemation£ll Harvester ,.cm1Jpllny. oil ·Main Rtreet · by ·Hobert· fnmily, Mr. and M;rli. Rll!hnrd Leu · .: ·Jj•,, Is 'to 'be callecl 'the and l'nlillly, 1\fJ:,''.!ltltl,·Mi·H.·, Byr.CHi Class Reunions ·, · . c Theatre. Wlgman and family unci Mrk. J{atc The reunions of two, ·lilgh 'school r.laRscs were held nt Russell.· pnriiJ Sun

COSTS YOU ONLY 31c A POUND! Footlmll l'raetlc!' . . Compere its low price, its in-the-bean flavor, I Forty boys hnve ,:cspondc:I·to I fnolbnll practice as candidates for its. store-ground freshness! Spotlight is mcmbea·s of the ·"Bia'clthuwil" . fresher, c:osts less ••• your, best value. gridclet•s of the Leslie high school. Nine of theHe are letter men, helnu·l·• Robert Taylor, Arthur Everts, Max Lee, Roy Love, Arthur Blunk, SAVUVEN pound Peter Hatch, James Buclt, Charles MORE ON 3 economy 8 9·( Fuist and Haymond Urene. Prnc· THE BIG bcig lice was started ThurHday after­ noon and will soon be followed by scrimmage leading to the qpenlng Country 14-oz. game with Holt at" Leslie Frldny Tomato Catsup Club boitle ·arternoon, September 20. The other ~pmes in the schedule are Dana· ville at Leslie on Scptembea· 27, Ruby Bee: , 1-lb. Stoclrbriclg-e there on October ··4, (Blackberry, jar 52c) jar lull pound .I aclhed, Jwces __ '• RrPatl, llruulmo·;: Jlun~. pit g. of 8 .... 12ll :[ Tomatoes New Pack No.2 ci:m 18c ~JI!C"I" Unlw ...... 27c :I CANNINC SUPPLY VA LUES Angol Fnotl ...... 4llc .. Big 11 K0 No.2 New Pnck can 13c FRUIT J~RS !Pints 5Jci ouarls SOc

·New Pack No.2 ZINC JAR CAPS IJ.Pe. Caps JOe) pkg. 19C Odessa Peas (12 cans $139) Gcans 70c Housewares Blouses FRUIT PECTIN Morgan's bollia 13C ! ' '· Rustic Cut No.2 SiZP!I for . \\'OIIlf'll unli l'lollclr·<'n ·Asparagus New Pack can 30c Counlry Club, large C Clot.hes Hllmllel'l SALT Be) 2 13 , 'rh~ JIPI'fm•t lli'!'CSSIII'Y I'm• _,,houl ... . (Morton's boxes Cltl1.ens Club Meel8 . · $1.50 .· . No.2 The Leslie Citizens club OJ' nl'fl<'.f' A"on· first mccUng of the season· lYllU.. IUifY. I·· While Eagle can CIDER VINEGAR Quarl 16c ,,. Blackberries 32c dale evening nt tile GAR hniJ.. Room He.ate•·• Warden Benson of Southem Mlch-· tgan Prison as the spenlier. · ' · Elech·ic HOMEwCROWN - MICHICAN $9.80 to $18.60

i ' PEACHES FOR CANNINC ... ' ...... Jt':!.l'iO t-t1 $5.25 Finest Elberlas! t\low is the time BU. .water H.eater~}>.::: .. :.. to can! $1.8 9 SPEEDY ELECTRIC; .. ·· $... .,··. 15·11'111, slzr• · lo ~2.!10 %-bushel 95c - 5 po!!nds l.Sc Wedclln~t Date Set. 62 Snndnv. October 20, hns been set Fancy Delidous. 11 "~ the date for the marrlnge of G~ULD ·sEPARATOR$. (Wealthys, 4 lbs. 19c) lb. ( Miss .lean Esther Wltchell, claugh· ...... $1.50 per panel Apples t01· of Mr. 11n1l Mrs. RoACOo' M: Wttchcll. W. Covert rolld, to John Michigan Marvin Mitchell, ~on of Mr. and Potatoes U. S. No.1 peck 49c Mrs. J. M. Mitchell, Church ·street. Master-Made Steel.Tile 1s oNcE AGAIN AVAILABLE 'rhe g-nnl post~ on the Leslle'hlgh ~chrl(ll athletic field were removed LEONA SAUSAGE Large lb. 33c flflturdnv In preparation fqi' the FO~IMMti>lA1'E INSTALLATION ~ .\ new lig-hl.h1g system. ; . ,, .~~:-~~ .':~:~.~.~~k.::_:·:· The P.:irls of·the W. W.·G.·met. :· I F~r New or M~d~~nized . lb. nt the Baptist p,n!:s.on.a-ge Wednes- ASST:"'~~U ~p,lt:~MEATS 39c:. dny evening. .,, •' · · :· ., ~~~~,(}{:7:' Kitchens·-· Bathrooms' The · motion .sound ]licture, "Who Is Mv Nclahbor?",· :wu Room:s lb. Officea·-·.· ..• Recreatio~ MILD. CRE!IM CHEESE 53c shown at the Leslie. .· :. Sunday evening. The picture liext; TIIJI:SE.' Il\fPORTANT FEATURES:''' . Rundav evening wlll·be "A Journey '.' '·:. • ' ' I Int.n Faith." · : . . .. · Fryin.g.Chickens LOAF CHEESE American tb. 52c e .Geometric deaiin, ~uU~ accurate .. tioli 1111d resist scratches Rev. Pnul Tuelcer, ·pnstor,!Jf the Leslie Baptist churcll ·attended tlie patterns · · . . . . . e 14 differeitt· hues, ench distinct nnd Fresh Dr~~sed, 4 9 conference of rural . pp.stors O.t e Variety . of shapes and aizea . . . . , carefully, tested as to tint . ·Tasty 19. C Grand Blanc Monday and '.Tiles,. e Made of materials of the hisheal· sloia · · · e ·Maater-Made supplies the beat avail- dllY. . obtainable · . · ,. · · alile adhesive mastic for long·lnsting Mrs. Myrtle Diesenroth hils. r~7 turned to l1er home lri Leslie from e Smoothest· 1urfacea posiible . ipplication · · Mercy hospital Jackson·. · Sch!ntifically determined· thicknea1. · • · Fib. any surface on which 1teel tile tb. 43c POLLOCK FILLETS tb. 27c e Two school nnd atren~rth to a1si1t the mo•t fric· . : .inay be used the streets of ROIEFIIH 'FILLETS lb. 43c SALMON STEAKS lb. 45c HALIBUT STEAKS tb. 43c sEE .IT oN orsPLAv ....:·w£iLL GLAoLv GIVE You AN ESTIMATE seenRurnl this Bible weel~'·[~:l~nu;[ii~:·li~~~~:~.l.l whtch Is ~elng ·,'J '·· . board of eattClllliOJJ. bu~ routes while Popular Brands dell very of n been ordered. Store . CIGAIITtES of the ss· . serton HROGER·S~ Catholic lt2.9 . ·· time Is ------~------~------l • IIONOB.l!JD ON IJJ!t'l'IIDAY Mlrw llr.len Ward Willi llll nvct·1 '' A flll.nlly g-nllwrlng wnn lwlrl rtl nljihl. gllonl. of Mlnu Pill Vlllllor•lt homo of Mr. and Mr:1. H. A, Thlll'H

1 ...• • Brndtwny nnrl dilldrcn nf 'l'olmln, - --·----"'--"'-"'·-·""-""·======~· ~ ; Ohio, lliHI Mr. nnrl Mrn, !., IJ,

1 Cavnnuugh nnd fllllllly of I.nlfl• . I Lunnlng. ANNIIAL

I M iHH 1•.!11-ill' I 111HI'Iirtll lr-1 vat•td illll- 11ug· I hiH wool1 al Wf'HI. II niland llltd Ol:S Fall Fair 'Milford wllh J'l'lu.livr,H. Fridily1 Mr. lllirl Mn;, A. H. C'hllvf'rlantK . · ! Sunclu.v 1111. Lihorly r-enter, Ohio. Llllll:h••oll al II n, m. M1•n.' Ettll CUIIIlinghlltn, wlm hrul been visiting- ! ill Malinn, l'·llorl to Ohli\' With thcnl'. · · ·

Evening Bags· for Special Occasions

Lu.xurlouu Hat.ln, whit<• "'' hlaf'i<, wilh g·Jiller· !.rim !'ouch and J~nvclopr, ~I.,VI•·:;

Tlli~ i:; our :mggeslion f(!l' a par­ l.knlm·ty Jlel'fcl'!. ChriHIIliiiH gill Duelt from the National Cnnvcn lion! We hrtvt• ~ecn a LOUNGING I'AJAMAS Jot, lertrnell It lot. and 'C OPEN I•'Oit RUISIN.EISS! l•'nl' lci!IUI'C !lotJI'B l•'igured jPI'NI'Y, si?.l'S 12 Lo IB HAJOS-ELLISON STUDIO SMOI Ht!\V n11d (jj(f(!rrnt. Hllnde in l"nll lwlr;, IIHII. gnpr; wil.h nhnosl cvr•r·y cnim·

COAT~. 1•' A C,l A LS Watch lineS .and' wrln~leA dle:snl\1! GADARDJNr•: SUJ'L'S with 1\ re,.l.llar Proaru.ln of facial&. us m~tko'·an-·nppolntmcnt for you todny. · Of'EN WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS UY APPOINTMENT The Paristyle Shoppe ELITE lt'm· I ncxpcnr.ivc :J1wu·lncss

To the School Room Crowd IS SCHOOL SUPPLIES HEADQUARTERS ~ ' . . .. --~ . ; ... ~ ' MILLS STORE HAS A DRESS ·Pf.,NCILS- TABLETS- NOTEBOOKS FOR THE .FALL SEASON PENS AND SETS • Ct~epes Founl;1i11 Pens from ...... S3c 1111 Scriplo Pencils ...... 20c •. Wools. 1 1 '1\.1~1~ F'eatlll'il!g the new, big- sleeves l"ull ski L'ts - wide belts · . Sizes 9 lo 44 'l'h" J>'ull Ht•.~:m• On Filtn $8.. 95 up Developing Free l'l'inl~ ·k r11rh And malw-tip case, some with 5 STAR Hcautiful llx 10 l':nhii'J;t:lllrB[~ zlppei·. f!losing ntael< unci While ..... :l!k DRUG SPF.CIALS Culul' . H:lc $8.95 u1l Jllmt.IIIIC ...... 11!1"

·•· fi Ih, llag J~I'SOJ\1 HAill'S ...... 2Ul' VlHI'I' OIIH Nl~\\', t•;NLAIWJ•;n ,. Gilt• IU•:~1 COUGH Sl'ltlll' ...... 'I!Jc GREETING CARD DEPARTMENT .. I!Ur The IIICHol t:UIIIJ>Iclc stucl< in tu\\'11 1 1 :!;J,;If) Ji'l'is IIAIIt TONIC Cl.ea ns ··.and AND l11\llt OIL ...... 'Hle ---c ' iltlc• HIIHIUNG ALCOIIOL, CAitUI'i R\' pin!, limit 1 ...... I!Jn Gl BSON Polish-es Ful' all OC'l'asioru; - fil' lo iiOc

N4!\\' Carolyn HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHICK J•:LJ>:CTHIC HAiiOUtS VITAMINS $15.00" $17.50 l'i<'l' I hi' ~•·hlel~ Slm \'I' I' lie~ I Cafe 148 E. Ash. ·Mason l•'nl' .the cnll\'f'llient•ll nnd snfel~· nr l'UUI' r r·r·:ulol i\ ...... 7!lf' - !J!lc' - :ji~·.~a •·azm• Na1·ilal ...... fi!lc• • $~.m1 DINNER MENU Nalola ...... fia,.. ~ $ ANY SUNDAY $7.95 SERVED FROM 12 '1'0 8 ·' Nick CAL6LO 2fi U7,. and His Cornhusltet·s Chi~ ken Plate Dinner ...... $1.1 o LEGION BUiLDING Baked Ham ...... ;.. , ...... :...... 75c !IIASON Beebe's G·Lac for Mastitis T ·Bone ~t_e~k ·...... ;,,,.,, .. :...... ,$1. 7s liS. .' . ~ . . ' ,\ Slll'f\, li't•atuicn\'. A~l\ ri>l' i..t:e lc~t l~lll'd~ lllld Dinnetlll include EVERY lilemilll'<', · l''l'Z l'oll'dm• l~rult Juice or SoiJJ) Fot· I{nts and Mice . Potatoes and Gt•avy Wedn·esday Ur •. Jlcss .Anlumt...... 61it•.• $1 .r..o - ijl2.u0 10 lhs, ...... ~tJ.Otl . Vegetable · Salad 'l'he mnst. erl'lclcut. t rcllhnctll Fnr Bread and Butter Beverage Modern and. Old WomltNH ()IIIUI\ENS Dessert ' • Time Dancing DDT Bombs· $2.95.DDT Liquid~ 49c. 75c Ust\ DDT Powder, 50% _., ______$2.00 • Dr. Hess Nicozine I!J\'Ory Sat.urllay Nlglit Wa.. e's Da-ug Sloa-e M,ason Mich. : · · Phone 5411 ~ 01'ganiziLtitHlS ' '

"''I<' "" ---< :nmc~ ·-- Nnl

WEDNESDAY·, (ill I'I'I'HOII),; Earl .. Vincent)L ~ Hill( hh hl'IHiHliu11al Old-Time B.111 It Don Rue Beauty Shop :l·lll :-ioulh ,Jpfl'et'Hilll ,iusl north of Ma11le :oil. :oil :u·l ,, II I'· 111, t'O(IIIIal' l'l'if'l'l-i

Courtley HOI.D 'CM IJP, :"'1\LEFAC'E! C'l-\1 Et= DEI\0-PAN OmY v.JI\NTliM I£5 OF TELE.PJ.IO~IE DIRECTOR'/? t•i•·s. Proud fiiii{IIIIH or I•OI'ePiain In rll'll c·olur·~. I opjted II' II h Colll'lll•y's II 0 II h I •• illll'HI'•IIflllll slopjll'f', i\ lllliHelllhll' lmgrau•·•• hh•nch••l of

f'Oj.{lll\(' 1 ('l'(hli'\\'UOd llllfl n•~~h111 h•alh~·•··

St. Knthc1 rncs Epi~cnp.d. llnllt::lll, I' I'll"' l'hnu h 111. f h111 ch tll'hnul •I p, m. ,i ~t~. j;y n('ll Oo~h Mcthodi~t, Clvd1 Oti)'I'IIP, Iilii'· ln1. WfiiHhil' ti'I'Vir''' 10 :t 111. Chut'l'h ~·~t~~ •II houl 11 :I !i 11. Ill. Youth J•,dly 1 II· rtJ, Fall and Winter Suits and Coats ' '1'114' hh•1uliug ul guml f1"hiitll 111111 );flfltl lnsll· in lhc!~f' llt'll' l'ltllt~, ff•>llllring latf'HI ,1,\'il: lro•llfb ill 1\'lll'lll, ll'illl<•l' fllhl'lf•H, ~1'1'1'1'111 <'

Got a WET CELLAR? WE GIVE LA \''l'ON (,'OHN I>H:-i GOLD SILVER VALLEY Simply Dramatic TRADING STAMPS HORSE SHOW Ill miles uurllt of ,Jni'IW>Il 1111 ll:-i-IOii anti I 111:1•• 1\'f'hl.

the wonder-working 1111 Bl'l'I'Y t•o:ul Ill' u1 mile.' ~oil\ h uf Ph•:~Salll Ia I"· WATERPROOFER Sunday, September 1 S Mn:>!ll\ Clwrf'h n[ lhc Nnl·IHttc. Mur·t'H\' Scientifically dovelopod to make underground military L Mnl'fnrd, !HIIrilllt•r·. to:on n. m. K•w- Installations watertight-ne revealed in January '46 Issue dllv tJI•Itonl. I 1 ,no o1. 111 Mut IIIIIJ-:' \\ rll- 12:30 ol ono of Amorica'o largeot magazines. Hhip. li :w ]I Ill. Ytllllh f:IUIIP!l 7::Jit 11. Ill. J~\'I•Uitt\.! \\'fii'Hhip, llt. 1\ !, 1'111• STOPS LEAKS AND DAMPNESS ECONOMICALLY 11111. uf 1\..rtd,akPI', llliuui!1, \\ill ht•;.!in :r W!•ll• u( r•r•l'\'ltP~. Mnndtt)' l'\'Prrrrr", !)Pp· Let us submit ootimates to Aquolllze any leaky, poroua IPtnlu'l IIi. l'unlinuln! tlnnu!!h ~undnv 1masonry· surfac:o-lntorlor or exterior-above or bolo.,· 'ground-finch •• cindor and masonry blocks, concrete,· 1•1 j11ill Ill tht" •tf'l~UIIcl l'lflnlt:lil!ll w\jiJ tl ~"''''"in!-:',\lr. Pal'l'nll ~Pflll"ll\hf'l' 11~1 lhf' :!:.!.HJll'ni.Pr. You ur·r•llr itn·iiPd lwn rough plaster, common brick, etucco. Low cOBI will lUI• til' I Vr•d ol!'l'l'jll nhly 1\11 I ollrl'l' Jtl'l 'lid Pill, 'ii••••···························· prise and delight you, $3.95 pel' bag Jllll~tnl' nnrl unw 1\H 1'\'Hil~rdinl. .fuin IIR ••rlf'h !'\ Pnin~ nl 7 ::Ill Jr. m., est r>ir! Rathb.urn Hardware ~nlut·•lny, New Fall Style$.

Sensationally New! FLO .. CO ENAMEL A War Time Discovery

THE GREATEST ADVANCEMENT DIIJJtist. Clnl'l'ftt't' A. I.nwlun, IN PAINTING TECHNIQUE! lrttr·dnr. \11:1111 Mo1nin~ wnJ'tdliJr. :-\pt·mnn, \ "L"I rlw Jlarllul',," 11.1rr Sun1l11Y ;H'IHirtl, (:Jm r)p~o; gy(')'fll I, tHI\11'1'illll'lltlr•nt, Gunmult••••l hy \Ill' mannfadut'f'l' fnl' ntll' )'1'111' ft•nm n:an llt\llltst Youth l•'flllnw~htlr, Chul'l••s I.Ynllti, 11• toMilltont. 7 ·an Tlw <:o~pt•l Hour. Lovely, graceful as a t'Vkt• will ft•Ullll'Q 1\11 uhi hymn, ll )..I'OliiJP) liOilg', ,\ N(•~l n Stril'ituul, 1\cVI'I'Hi yo11th (•hot'UI'U/i, poem ... in rich, ;ootY n t>t•lc,•tion hy tlw Youth Chui1' nnd H ,, SIMPLE TO APPLY hutHi :onln hy M1•, W:tllel' K :l.lmrnet. Tht• I > ~ •.Y• ""' '.~· H,l'l'llltJil,; "You: BP 'l'lw Jud'{P," ' 1 bl~c~ suede , , ', WOll• '. )•'LO-CO,:lf~l}.llncl wiil C\).v~r old paint as 'v~·ll'a[;ltlc\V. •or! 1\ureliul'o Bnt1tl11l. CIHll'flt•u /\. l.uwlutl, ,J}arc mpt<1ls wi~hopt .:~lc us,c .'of a prime ,c:oating .... , . ll)lNI Ol', I II :·lfr Smuht)' Hl'hou1, W, IJ, Ui'l', A rntiiHI-the-clucl; 1 flattering. I• LO-CO ·~name! rcqun·cs no scaler ot· prtmer..• · H\JIH'I'InlcndPnt, 1~:1111 Wnrl'lhit• :.t•t·vite: 'd~rfully dJslunrc', i1lwu~·s' hymn sin~ und IH'tl111111, "Ynu lJt• ThP Nllllll'l, llhl'll~'H lllllli, .VAitlto:'l'l' ot•• COI,Oit~ ,lu•l~P." rm• s••luml, nffic•l\ Ul' Mn!'rin Pl'c~byterlan. LIIUI en nn P\-'t~nhl,.;''s en­ h:tl\1!1', ministul', A comhlnccl Ht•J vin uf • $6.95 tcr·lalnlng. .JUST WIPE ON dnll'ch nrul chul'<'h :whoul will ht• \wid 111 1ll::lll ~IIIHIHy, St•JliPllllll'l lfi. fnl' lht~ nhtWI'VIIIH'l' nf Rnlly nnd Promu1inn l>;~y, :F~O-CO l~namci ·is ready n;ixcd-it can be applied .lnmt•K Vnnde1·Ven iK lu ht• the HfiNII\t'J', CONi'~ l'RICEil

A P P LIT. S W<'ulthys, Pippins, Mulden Blush, Wlnesups and I Sweets Now Is I h<' time also to pia< e yotll 01 der for winter apples We nlsn sell pcm s BIIng- yout I own contnlncts King- H Ot chmd I 1 'llllc 1101 th ol Lesli<' on Elden I For Sale tone! Phone 4121 Leslie ~6wtf I Seed

Pl'oducei'S 1 1~levatm· Co.

WII!Inm•iton Mr. Farmer Most families experience emer gcncJ<'S .11 Miscellaneous nne tmw 01 rtnothcr. To t <'fJllll e cxl! ,1 money ut such tunes Is not umhJJnl On 32 WOMENV3LOtisro·s, size;- to Home uml 'lliCh oceaH\DllH, we hope you'll t111 n ln lill• PPt Konnl IG, , otlnn, ~ayon ond nylon Business 1 nrmer H Bunk fm yout Joan 'l'hts Is n I.O.lllS RPgul.uly $2 70 to $108, now Ji'OHD tiUck Jack !01 snlc .JamC'l rinnncing $1 2'J to $:1 ns BccllWlth Clothes I Col( (j ll1lles notlll nf Mn,on 1 egulat· putt ot our· bitslness, t 1nlcH filL' low

F'mnk Thomas The Farmers Ba11k The Oldest Bani< in Ingham County-Member FDIC and Federal Reserve System ; When better pliers fll<' gslnnn!J"l nrl lr1bor fm ntHlif'l] on : hopP tn pay them request ITnvc mtpply M nutstdc wlntc for : A'r s·run "Golden l! \Ill G. C. ROYSTON 122 Jilnst Or1k, Mnsnn Phone !i271

Household Goods

APPLES Fol' Sale

70c to $1 10 Beckwtth " g 1 Shop, 1C,3 W Maple phone ~~;tr I$ ·'-~0-~:~~a::l 3_:_ _ VARIETY OF F'o\LL fot sale reasonable

2 YEARLING to trade tm a ftesh cow, meter Gumnscy Also Bay team 7 and 8 yeats old a ' and l Phone

Attention Farmers!

Agricultural Limestone I ' spread, tll'r lou $4 ------~~----~ Custom Gl'indinp: J'IUIMI"I' nm.JVJ~ItY ancl Mixing Washburn Limestone Co.

2 WOMEN'S coats for sale. One Snow's Hatcl1ery blncl< fur, size 16, the other a blaclt p1 in cess style, size 16 Mrs AND F'EED MILL Lyle I<:arr, 1907 East Columbia. Phone Mason 21683 37w1 WEALTHY apples, wuHlfalls on Phonr. 3u41 ----~------I hay $Ui0 bushel. Brmg your 23wtf Jewett's Flowers We Are Now Ready OLD LAF.D for sulc fm• use In own· c 0 n t a i 11 e r s Mrs Burt Flowcrphone 21231 soap malong, 12c lb Containers Green 4 miles north of Mnson on MASON extra or bring yom own Jn~n Phllhps t•oad. Phone Mason 2297:1 to give you YORKWTN SEED WHEAT for. 34wtt Ellsworth, 1612 s Gunn rand, 2 Y~ Bring own containers 37w1 sale Hnd a ytcld of 47 bushels miles cast, )j mile south ot Holt ------to the :tete llus yt•nr. Toolr fh st ;______~~,.------,---=--- Phone Holt 3318 37wl HOT WATER OR STEAM holler COMPLETE and ~ccond p1 cmJums at the Ing- BOY'S PLAID SHIRTS, sizes 8 to I------for sale, 760 cu feet, only used 1930 MODEL-A FORD coach for 2 seasons Wayne Miller if• mile sale. ~200 Gilbert rond, second north of Pmlt school on College house north of the Holt road road. 37wlp Grinding and Mixing Services ' Phone Holt 2587 37wlp -----~ WEJ HAVE a quanttty of galvan- 1838 CHEVROLET MASTER for ized aluminum rnoflng, 8, 10 We have a complete line of ,,oulh·y concenh·ate, stat·ting, sule, In good conditiOn. Elmer and 12 ft. lengths W G. Reeves, growing and laying mash. Lytle, 5 rmlca northeast ot Stock-~ stocltbrldgc. Phone Stocltbrldgc bridge, last house on Swan road 68F3. 37w2p Phone Stocltbrld~--- 37\~1p SMALL SUGAR PEARS for Hille. SLIPCOVERS-Bring me your CHILDREN'S wool sweaterM, sizes I Bring containers nnd plclt your Farmers Elevator chairs and mllttlrlnls. I will mnlw 7 to 14, $2.50. Beclcwith Clothes 1 own. 50c bushel. Mrs. Mlll'lt Cave, yam• slipcovers. , P)1011e Mason Sltop, 153 w. Maple, phone 5892. 514 West Columbia. Phone 23051. 5801. 35wtf 37Wlj 37w1[•------12, 1fJtiG

CffJCJI\Tt1Nfl WAN'l'I11D--Will ~omo while cotton Constl'llCtion "'"' f.:ul llruru w, II. Appleton, rtnd lflu· :t:ltB f'ryoJ' r oa!l, 2 mll~H not' til of lng-IHliH Wol'k Mil/Inn. I 'hnrw fi:\82, 7w·tf 21iw-lC Classif~ed fll'if'i( 11/lrl IIIIOI'i< LII,Yilll~ (!nr (ll'lltPJ worlt nnd ( !'IJIPIIl ot .111 lclndH. i!Pfill(l /o II IJIIH tally. Fumace Clcaninp; V.J\('(JliM PJ:, Phon!' Lt H- :trlw:Jp r11 lrHlVl\ Jrllt;P OJ' 'lllHIII hwldillgH Mll'lnn phnu•• :1771 '!r-tll

F1 (lP l~~·rllmnl o J)(): WASII11:1tfi lU•11'ATJ:Jo:IJ lllcc• new Hamalia B1·ollwrs 1 Vl'lll' Jrlt.ll'lllll (lt•d J•'r t'!' 1'.11 1- nllliL"l ('Jtiii:••-N,w HI'I\'HP, l.un· :,Jng plllllW ·1-lfl:ifi, HI:! J1~ Mnln HI 1 Pwl


AJIJ•Iy In JII'I'HOH Morse's Restaurant MASON POSIT TV I~~L Y Not Responsible WANTED!

~'1cnRr llllllf, n hnnfl'ot' wllh CVPI y gnl'll!Cilt Young Woman for Fountain Work Vlaltrr Neller Co 8 SHORT HOURS e GOOD WAGES Rraltor

11ii \Vr"i Mit higan Avenue A I'PLY IN l'EitSON A'l' LANRTNC1 Pef:ers and Garn Drug Store MASON

Wanted Farr911s BI1Yim:-; W,\ I'I'IN(l sm1, PliO,\ •~ on WJ!ITJe. Hardwood Boards Jewett Real Estate Agency OVEn ni~:Xt\1 ,J. S'I'ORJ~ MASON Bicycle Pa l'LS WANTED 8,ncl Accessol'ies Walnut Cherry -----·--·------Appliance Service

Af~MOlJit'S 2-12-(i Ji'I•:WI'li~IJ:Ij:u Phmw Tfnlt ~!J82 Hard Maple Birch 'r\\'0 t':llill,ld• 1l S!:~ I~ j)!l ln11 \'.IIJit· •uppiy l:1 l• lloat•d•; at IP.!St thl'PP-quartt•l·s nl 1111 tm•h thif•lc lunds 111111 fiVI' iJu ht•s II ldC' lilt' 1\'lLHft•fi-Nt'ILHUIJefl hmii'IIH,

J'JJ!:-;iluJy Ji't t dh .tlld <"nnc'tlil 1:1lr , Lool< IU'tlllllll your attil•s ruul hnt•ns. Yuu mny

'A/c• nH• IHt;,.lllg o lit. :lJJd Will ,J{ ( Olrtr• ntttl 'tl'! 11, lrn· flllll '1 ha11• Hllllll' ultl hu.u·d• ~·ou t•aJJ tui'JI IIllo t'aMh. l 111'1'11 t ht• h0111 thl tnt• \\'llfli1·11'01'1Cil1Jl'.

Spnw Painting· Casper Scarlett 0 N0 ND A < ; J\ Phone 6741 Mason

Chapman Bros. WE RAISE Oxford and Shropshire Sheep.


Bnlr,Jced rnt1on~ pny off in cmly sl11pm;nts and ths fin­ ish ,tbfJ' ''3tr.Yru ~ .:f!ll'i.~ 'f'f~llo.- 'I .· liqr:/~i Best Eot~ F,•cds nrc made to feed with hrm1c • ·' grnins-to furni<,h the c:il!:,t·- · _., nutrients bor,s need for fast ... e Our cno,tomerr, pr~dncc top lnmhn in and tl111fty J!.fOWlJt. ~pere properly balanced feeds are fed months. Pillsbury's ~est 1 'according to a planned program there are .extra eggs to· market._ Let us help YOU e We have rams of both breed~ for ~ale; ~41 () «~ 'set_ sustaine~, _high_ egg _pr~duction: ' fine ewes. 1939 prices. FEEDS rMASTER .M-fX the only lwg Cllllrt•ntmic' that rnntnlns millr • $3.65 per cwt, \EGG MASH Leslie Feed Service The Hammond Farm· I w. R. (SttilrP) no~nlg t Cus~om Grinding mul Mixing :;LE~~I'E lc_,_ """"''- "' • Eight INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICHl GAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1946 ------·------~------~------wAN 'I'm n -- 4 IIHBor·viPonbln wolllllll WAN'l'I~D-12·g'llllf(l! plllliJl 1-(1111. I CLASSIFIED llrll'lif'H uJIV!!, Bq;-lnnl11g OrJir!bcr rloHIJ•Inf( goorl home In nnHIRI. In GllHflll I 'cni'Hnll, :1:1•1 f•J, l•llm Ht., J.l' rrli I' Jll'lr•CH, Cnll l'lll'OhiUllnf( 1110 hniiFJOWfll'i! In I\ Jll(][lorn hnmc, MnHnn, l'hnnc OR71. :J7w I p ADVERTISING Jlcpt. Mlf'h. Hl.nlc ••nllo(l"n, :J7wl onn mlln J'I'Om Wllllnmalun. Mra. ··-- -· - . . . , ------I ------1 A. If, Pr•lno, l'nulc rJ, Wllllnmalon. WAN'l'l•JJ) Girl m· womnn to UH· WOMAN wnnlH nnn '" lhrco·J'oom l'hnne Jr,r.-r-··:1, alai, wll h houHeWm'll. Cull I!nil WAN'I'IJJD- Hlllllliinl-( lllnlwr·, IIU 71:107. :J7wl wnmJn loo lnrg1• or· lon fltlHIII. np1trlnwnl. IH'ofcl·nbly nn llrnl 11om' nr•nJ' hnlh, Ill' r·nfllll uml honrd lolliiiiUlnill & Md\c•(I\VJI. I'IIOIII' M1r· HUll, llfl81, (lw-11 ro1' wllh ltllr•IJPil rrlvllr•gcH. If r·c· nwrlc•llilll i•• IIC'r'dr•rl would do it. W•·llc• pnrllJ•IIilll'll to llflx ~a, lnfl"· Ju11n r:olllily NnwH :J7wl

I I' 1 1IIH~I'til .HPJ'VIt:Cfi wm'€! held l'nr· l•'rrrll'i<'lc BflnnnJ' Monrlny nflnr· 'IFJ!lll at~ o'l'!ni!ll frnlll the noJ'}J!inc \VAN}' I•] II !:Pili l'lllnlt•. It yo II I l'llH I( \\' ,\ 1\''\' t•: p l'tihll!' 11 te110IT. 'JJroH. c'hHJWI, 11cv Hnmlti 11eeHn rl<•"ll'l' l•f 111'11 111 hill' 11'111 ''"tnlr•, t t t" i ol'l'ir'lHLinf.[. interlllcnt IVIIH In I ill' • • 1 , rap\\'1 1 vp1u~· ~, ,l P 111 c n r-1 frulll~1. dly Ol' hll!oltlt'!-1~. [ll'upt•t ~'I lwtdl· l;n't (uHl ";;ult·d u,,oldtr.cping ! Bell On I< «'Oillt'l PI'Y• M1·, BnlltHW tHi(( Jm• llu• nd~'ll't' lllld H:,:!Jt,l,tHl\': Clt~IH~ ftW'ttm,Lil I'PIIl'l'l!l. \Vol')\ ln 1 w.w ilmn In Gl'lllloL l'llUnly Odo- ol ollt' laJg<': ."'l'll:lrlllll<'ti Hiatt_ hr·ultllto'• hi' 111,1'~1'1! Ill my home. ' lpnt• :10, IR71, Mfli,l nJ' hiH \ifr• WCIH who rue. i'I"''''"IJ:ll:; 111 _Jiw, lypl' "'1 11.11 IJH.-.~It:r, 11 tt: l•l J)plhi Ave., · I HJlPnt In 11nrl nl'n111Hi Bell Oalc nnrl wn1l<. bur 27 Vt'o/1'11 ol ciPprntlnhlt' 1\ltjll, lt•li'plilllll' 7~1111. :J7w1 I \Vehhervill••. The lnHl few ycni'R !'eO I est ole HcJ'I'IC't' l'tllilllc•~ UH lq' 13\ut'ldc I were hpcnt. in WahharvJIJa. Ilr. g-Ive you IJIIil'ic a uri l'l'llllc'nt M'll'·: WI~ .\\:!•) LOOKING rot· Homcone tlw Ct ow as they arpcat· in "The :suffered FL sti'OIIC Sunday nftcr· lee. C:nll llh wllilfllli ollllgnlillll 1111' ~lnHnll wh 11 would be inter· Enchanled I•'m·csl," lhc TLICsdny nnnn n1HI paHHed awuy Frlrlay, 1 111 WANTED-Wheat nnrl rye slmw i your part. llrJ'hc•r·l r:. f'1111[WJ', .,:,\c•d 111 Jllll't-linw woJ'i<. Come In anrl Wcrlnc~J(Iay ILlll'nctJnn nt lite 1September 6. Tic Is Hlli'VIVCd by hiH will pny $11 per Lon hnlorl, until 11enllm·, ~~r; 1'. l'npll"l A \'I', L.111·, 1111 !1 "'''' IJH .. Jcwctt'H !•'lower Shop, I•'nx Tlwale1·. · slstr•r, Mary Banner·, wllh whom Ring. l'hnnc G-7Jr-d, ~111'·11 ~\,"on 37wl further nol.lcc. Leon Cnuslc, :; he Jived, mllcR northcnst n f Leslie n n I.l•)i\ G IJI•; 110 W 1.1 N G STA H'I'S LJVffiS'l'Ot;IC 'lTUIC'I\INn to D~-, wAN'!' ED Woman to care for 3 VrlUghn rrlllcl. Phone Leslie 2:1:1:1. '!'cams anlcrct\ 111 I he 1:100 howl- llr•a\'Y I':IIJ'oilniC'nl tmlt. Jo:vcry lonrl ill!llli'Ni.. 1• · <'hilrlrcn a111l rio 111-(hl. houHewm·\c a:lwU ing- JaagJJe Will swing- mlo 11r:lion '!'he Wchb~rvlll~ puhllt· sciHJfli C. AndcnJon, f'IHJIIC Dnn~vtll~. from 11 n 111. ln 2 p. m. and fi p. Thursday n1g-ht. ol lh1s Wtlclc al opened Sr.ptcmhm· :1 with 02 en­ 2281. 1.!w-tf! 111 1o n.:JO p. m. No wash· Mason Rccrcn linn. .Tewell Hen I rol\arl Jn the hif.[h sl'hnnl a nrl 17 [lllg, !'hone Mason or 2~003. will open against Hilliard enr-olled in juntor high. 'rh!J·ty­ WANTI•:D , :!7wlp ROOM AND BOARD for Ciarlcs, Thorburn Coni ng-nlnsl I three me entered In the folll'th, couple In exchang-e lor hOIJHc· Hunter Monuments and Auslin fil'th nnrl s1xlh gTnde room, :J:l in worlc. Modern home on farm, 12 Treasurers again~t Wolvcrmo m 1 the second nnd thml room, nnd miles from Lnnsln(l". Phone Mnson l110 fitsl shift On the second sh1fl 1 •13 In \he lnndarganlan and flrHt Micl

. 7~~~1 \'ou'\'r• lrit·tl Jhr· IJIIILiil~· u/ Ma­ You get the ABme famou8 tread found in the now F!reatono D'o Lu:u ~~m Uail·y p•·mluc·l~ o\PI' uur Champion tire. Firestone recaps are c•otuJtr•t·. \\'uol

y,,., I'IICt!dly l•'ul'

At The Dairy Bnr

M1·. nnd MrH. Roland Graham were in Lansing Wednesday CV('· ning. I IlL \'CJ you I l'iml uur I'AIJIJLI•; l'OI'H Miss .lanme I~verett and Mrs. Cottage Cheese Vlna Wygant called on the Iutter's Because of the death of my wife, I will sell at public auction 'in ~lull•· rlghl hr•r·•• Ill the IJ;tlr,l' the f11ir grounds in t-he city of Mason on l'lant W. MAJ•J.Jo; H'l'., MAHON Saturday,

commencing at 1?.:30 o'~locl,, sharp, the following described

HOUSEHOLD GOODS Many othet• articles too numet·ous Studio Couch Wall Mirror Coffee Table Bedt·oom Suite, new, box springs, innerspt·ing This fu1·niture is in exh·a fine shape and mattress, v.anity and bench, bed nnd chest quality. Some is .almost new. It is the con· of drawers tents of a 6-t·oom house. Steel bed, mattress and SJlrings Dresser Wardrobe Dining Table and 6 Chairs Buffet China Cabinet Libt·at'Y Table We Offer Cedar Chest Dnvenp01·t and 2 Chnh·s End Table , St,an,d D· & C COFFEE SHOP 3-wily' Floor. Ccimt:nocle Lam1~: · ·, ; . 1 Singet• Sewing Machine · . 2 Kitchen Tnhlcs,. :· .. Table Lamps Several Small Rugs 9x12 Axminstea· Rug and Pad ' 9x12 Persian Rug and Pnd Electt·ic Washin~r JVlachine Electt·ic Sweeper Cenct·al Electric Stove Electric Reft·igea·ator Draperies Cut·tnins Goose Feather Pillows Chicken Dinners· Every Quantity of Dishes and cool{int{ utensils ~Silvet•wat·e, ct·ocks and fa·uit jars Dt·csaes, Shoes and Coats Su~day C11nned Ft·uit

dining !<10111 IWnllabtc . rnr dlltlllll' [llttt.lcs 1\111[ htiiUIIIClK THURSDAY, SEPTEMDER 12, 1!.146 PART .;'" THE INGHAM COUNrfY NEWS TWO

rt~nlfl'nccl tn t.IHIHC Dnlo Hill, Hnmlrl l.nrldn, Darrell ' • llnumA !Plait nnd Lloyd Morrill, I•'OX 'I'III•:A'I'HI'l nut ~toy's sonfl'H, or lrl11 perflolml· ~~UGI~ STuff STA~Ts . Acll;lltl.lng- thnl their IIHI.H nrc Hamiel Waro, Bnh Ha.ll, Clnrcnrm lt.y, or n. potent r:onrhirw.l.lnn ri( hntl1 win Dale over l.o his Hirln, ttlitl en 0 MASON r010 0t 0 s ~~:~·!"g>hl~"an~r;:~~A':;()-~~~~~CI~~~~t.n~~ ~~~~~~~r t~~:1's •;:r~;~nl:~~lllllfln Ill'(! filM N[WS Hlw helpR him when l1u tnngioa ley Hrtydcn, have Hortcd out n. Mn.e Plcrr:c, .Joe .Jolli1Silll, LcR.ny I Ul\ l:ll\ n 11 '\JeHHo .Jnmc:-~ teiiH !.he cpi(J with Uw law nver owncmhl[l rif 1 varsity squad. Curllfi, Merritt Snyder, Bill Clfll'l{ OI'IC.NIW \\'1'1'11 fiii:LIHI'\'0 ON,I ; 'l'hc Cllfifi nrc Darwin Barr, and Lcwi~ Dcnnlnfl' are lcrtanrlldntc. 1 bcclt •red Hcevc rtnrl Nol'lillln ,. . , ,. , . , , . LcnrllnJ.i cnnrllrlntes for tncltlc I ' IHlnry from lire time ho waH dr·ivon Viillcrt· hlfi. HiHtcrs M1:'ii-'crirl "iwcl Uw Ind .• urc J,clllng Horne llrud hnr·ths nrc .John Culhn.m, Gcorfl'c Parisian. 1 Into hiding after having aveng-ed B~rnrml GarChl~l', Mflllfl;ty. Pr!VIt'-l I.HIIIIJl'l In hlnc:i(illi; 1111r1 tnehllng-: wt1ytc, Bnh Lnsscn •..Tact.( Stitt, I Dic:lt B..t..dHH', the gnlloplr~g- '·"~­ hl.' mot.twr'H llllrrder nt tho hnnrlA Leach will lof\Ve JPrlday J'm• Call~ rlr·iiiA. By F'rlilay Conch A he ILoren Splnl!, Roy Alderman, Denn mnn, lA No. l. on the fullbnclt lrHr.. ol J>nHenrpulmtH l'nili·nnd Rpecu· fomin. e111·outo to ,Japan, .. lntmH, l.hi'IIUA'h hiH rcJrltlcHs rlecrls Donna Coyer who IH worldng 10: · 1 · , ·t•1 t 0 ·, , ll , 11 0•II 01'1', Chn.rlcs Lyons and Don Lch· Olhcr'H nul frll' lhc .fnh rue Don 1 u, Ill expec · lltVc Jc ' mnn. · Garver, Kenneth Swift n.nd Cnl· aeroHH five AlrttoH. 1 Howell, Apcnt 'the woclc cnrl tL~ uJUTfiWcorl down sn pl1tys cnn he BeAt hots frH· g-urtrds 80 far nrc hnm. , 1\Jnr·.~ llros, ltl't 111'11 I home, ~ •1 · g'iVf!n onl. to lhe Vll.l'slty Hql!nd nate. Hnri'!Arm, Dnn Eifert, H~rhtn · "From tills g'!'oup and some ,J(J The pint of "A Night· In Casa-l Robert Forsberg· and brotlwr· hi~ JIIHI miJr'c wor·l1 In I'IJIHirunenlniH Mills, Phil Boyne, Kenneth Swift, others,"•.· Coach Cohn salrl, "we .. , . . hope .to. build n team ·that will· hlnnea," Rtnrrlnl( tho Mnrx hro• illW, Clare Boug-hton, nttcnrlerl the .,...,..,..==-,-=.,;,;,======,;,:.~~~~~'l'l~~~....,.-""""_ll hidrl10n Eumpcnu art 1 ~======"'""' Anld the m·iginal nnlcr of :100 has i.I'CaHurcs ancl jewels Into 11 hotc1 1 "' pl'im- to shipping- t11c1n to n South ~.;... ______,.., Dr. A. L. Parrott heen inr:l'fmscd to :iOO. Tl10 llcll n k c l' o us fn.t11cr, Maclam & Camp plnycrl hy Ccor·ge ''Cnbhy" Hoyos, 'J'wlht llulelt, /'tlarrager lilnl he wa~ not lho l'illnin wl1n "!lot. their· prize winning stallion. llru•hnm \VIIN

We arc proud to announce to our record cus­ tomers that we have enlarged our record depart· mcnt, We plan to bring to you all of the latest records and songs as they come out. We arc star.t­ MICHIGAN'S 4-H. CLUB ~HAMPIONS The greatest state 4-H club show in history ing to receive larger shipments from Columbta took place at Mkhigan State college, East Lansing last week.. Livestock entries alone num­ which include their Masterworks albums, both bered 1,500 and champions were crowned in many events. Above is pictured .a few of the fea­ classical and semi-classical; popular albums, tures. (1) Gov. Harry F. Kcl1y seems pleased over the plaque citing him for outstanding serv- Hawaiian, rhumbas, children's records, lullabys. 1 "TO J•;ACrll IllS OWN" icc to 4-I-.I clubs of Michigan presented at the evenin~ show at which he was the principal I Columbia albums arc being stocked just as soon !speaker. (2) Delmont Chapman, Newport, shows his grand championship pen of fat market I lilt Spot" as the records come off the presses. THEATRE lambs. (3) Phyllis Dudley, 18, Adrian, won style revue honors and. will represent Michigan MASON PHONE 7421 at the National 4-H Club Congress in Chicago in December. ( 4) Louan Smith, Williamston, Continou.'l Silturday rrnm 3:00 P. M. Continuous Sunday fl*olll 3:00 P. M. Admission-14c and 32c-Tmc ln'chtdCcl hands over her· grand champion market steer to its buyer, Howard J. Knapp of the Capitol 1 Columbia- Victor- Decca EveninK .show!S Sturt ut 7:00 ( • M •.. ' City Locker compar.y, Lansing. Knapp paid Sl cents a pound for the 940 pound Angus. (5) Capitol- Ara - Majestic Champions .in the five lcadin.g dair.y breeds are.: Rober. t Habn.icht, (Hols.·tet.·n. ·).· ·.·L· yons: Duane 'l'hurscla,v ancl Fr·idll)', i'iet>tcomh"r 12-18 Tenn·Af.I'Cli'H In IGettel (Ayrshire) Bayport; Lester Heisler, (Brow!l Swiss), Albion; Bess Carpenter, (Guern- i'i'l'l~l'S OU'l'; J>:t~.t Slcle IUcl~ in IN Ji'AS'.fift}.;~f;l'ANY. 3ey), Coldwater and janice Ott, (Jersey), Olivet. ( 6) These four achievement winners will ' ' . . '.· ",::;.' .. ', :. ,. ~· ' TI-lE WOR~D'S GREATEST ARTISTS represent Michigan at the National 4-H Club camp in Washington, D. C., next June. They arc: Carl Sterzick, Petosky; Mary Manning, Lachine: Beverly Watkins, Mason; Charles L. Saturday, September 14 111 om· ''""""tl tli•JJ:ll'lllll'lll 1~111 hl' 1he NublP, t:uunt BltNie, Wuncly llrnnan, Figy, Michigan commissioner of agriculture who presented the awards and Stuart Sleight, IIHIIH~N or I h1• \\'nrlll'S J;l'f•Jtli•sf llJ't.i!d~, Vrtughn l\lonrrm, Phil llnl'ris, 1\.ntl' Laingsburg. (7) Myron Williams, St. Johns, whose grand championship ma"rket hog brought TYRONE POWER inl'llrrllng-: Arrclrn 1\""lcolnrwlr., Lily l'on~. i'imilh, Gene Aull',\'. Ro)' Ar·.uff, ''"''I')' 51 cents a pound in the auction following the sale. Rbc• ~tovc·.n~. Osr•ar· l.ovant, A1·fur Culunnn., l'earl U!tllrw, J)lnnh ~hur·c•, Huil:t.i 11sld, Hoill'l'l Casaclt'-'IIS, Bmtt c•lcoe llustun l'ups, Charll" 1 ~]11\'lll<, 'l'umm,r f\a,\', liarr.r ,JanH't'i, Ft'llllldP Carl1•, Lf~~ llCII'He)', Vill'men Vltl'nllaru, Guy· Trigger Star~ in New Film VANTOWN ~Ir-s, J,, 1'. Williams Br•m\'11, Uonu•4• I h'idl, l{tlY 1\~•ser·, I" rani\ htLI'Jin ruul lllllfl)' uUII'r ul IIUJ world'• JiSSii JAMii's »" Henrr Fonda· Nancy Kelly· Randolph Scott· Brian Donlevy . Sillll t I'll, nlug· Cr·oshy, GPnt• 1\l'upa, A'l'f!lllCNt 11111Mlcal IJIIII'I'IIlinlli'S, The Dansville F. M. Missionary L~ A 20th CENTURY-FOX ENC9RE . . Ul'lln~· n4HHimau, Xavil.•r· CuJ,;"a.t, Ita~· society met at the home or Mrs. n' William Sly Wednesday afternoon. Ice cream and cake were served. Sunday & Monday, September 15-16 Columbia Masterworks Albums Mr, and Mrs, Mil(e Salchert and 1'1"·:-i YOIJR '1'11\IE 'l'O IJOWL! ! ! daughter, Mrs. Edna. McDonald of The l,Jmallddl•h MAUX UROS, Am Sertll\'lui!Hil AJ:'lllll: Rosebush and Mr. anrl Mrs. Rich­ Char•le., llr·alw-Luls Culllcr·-Slg ltUJnllll 1\'ltlt H••hillll'l'l'!! T!ichaiku1\'t"ky"!\ ·ai'Cl Stevens of Millville and Mrs. '1'111~ MAnX IUIO'l'Hims IN SYMI'IIONY NO. R IN II MINOR NUTCRACKER SUITE SVMPHONY NO. 2 Ada VanSycle and Mrs. William NtlW Yol'k l'hilhnr!flnllit: Loll dull I'h i1 h iii'IIIIJ rd•~ ('''I' h ~~~~ I'll Nt~w Yurl\ l'hllhnnnunic Blaclc of Okemos were Sunday callers .of Mrs. :Maggie Burden. l•'e1·de {; tnfro' ~~ 'l'f;r·lwilwwHI\y'~ Harold Moni'Oe i~ t'I'Om A Night In Casablanca AN AMERICAN IN I'AIWi GHAND CANYON SUITE PIANO CONCERTO NO. I his recent accident but is still I An•lt''-' 1\.o:\t.(•)unC'li. cc>nfined at the Foote hospitnl. The Vantown Community Farm Mui'. Bureau will meet at the Vantown 1: i l!lfii~Y- Ku1·~n huv·~, Tuesday & Wednesday, September 17-18 CONCERTO NO. 2~ IN C MINOR hall Tuesday evening September For Ylllll' Com·t·nlctU~<' a SIUIII'N frum 6:30 1'. M. THEA~URE ISLANI> SCHEI·IERAZi\DE SUITE FOR PIANO AND ORCHESTRA 17 at 8:30. Those attending arc Or·chm;t:rn ~.YillJihuniquu fl!! I1a l'i~ to take suggestions for carrying ;\ l'inlnl'" For 'rtm Whole Vnmil,l' on n !iUccessful new year. There In Ucoalltiful Cnlnr· will be election of officers. Mem­ ·S"" Ill!' g'I'!Oa t e~l. nasi nf live 1111hnal ltdtll'll In aii.V ]lllllru·e, , . , bers arc to talw cake, coohics or· Plnycd by Eddie Dur.hin wafers, own table service and BladY t.lw be furnished, · :'itlllil'l·el, li.iug flw Seeing--,\]] l~ltglco unci Tom llw Mighl.y 1\lnunlain Mrs. Carl'oll Glynn is entertain- , Lion ....a., Btntutiful as tt lliMII'Y Fc·aturt' t:nmc to l.ifc. ing her mother from Felch. I Other Popular Records An interesting camera shot of "Trigger" ~::t! :Jeau~iful Pnlomino The Vantown 4-H cluh will meet 1 '"1'0 1~,\Gll IllS OWN" which stars h"Y Rogers in his newest Wcsl'lis llll< S]mt 11 I UJHI the Wllcl Horse, as they appear in a scene from •·My Pal Trigger," day evening, September 15. The Enchanted Forest "THAT'S WHAT I LIKE ABOUT "THEY SAY IT'S WONDERFUL" Republic's romance o( a gentle marc nnd a strong hearted stallion THE SOUTH" "THE GIRL I MAnny•• ll'ilh ll111'1'~' Drtl'"ntmrt·.Edmunrl Lflll'c·HI'I!IItla ,Juycc Phi! Hnr•J'ill FrHrll.; Sinnl.L'II l~ox on TlutrRday and Friday, "'flli\'1''0. AN II:ISII LULLAUI"' "NIGHT POLKA" "DO YOU LOVE ME" "AV~: MARIA" "1'1-IE ROUNCE I'OLKA" "AS II' I DIDN'T Hi\VE E:NOUGH ON MY MIND" Hi.;r• SI.Pvr!llrl ,lel'l'Y ~1117.1\II:.,· •• ' • "SLOWLY" . "GOODBYE. LITTLE DARLING, Mrs. Rose Cole or Lat~sing spent Gilbert Eldred were Sunday aucsts 1 cellcu!; it. i~ ~cntlc ".':!~ 1nfc; _d.~i~• up "L'AMOlJJ\, TOU.IOliRR LAM~~~:.; "i DON'-T' WANNA DO IT ALONE" GOODBYE" last week w1th her stster, Mrs. " !Ihe !Jhstero·m n ourprJSm~ly •hort time Anna LeSeney. of Mr. and J\trs. Roy H.uscn. within houro." govern·· PoHH ·-~~~,·~;· 1\ny J\yfiCI' "THERE I GO AGAIN" -often 24 'rhe•e 11 0AY BY DAY" . "THIS IS MY QELOVED" Mrs. Louella Gifford was pain- Miss ~Tcri.fl Cook is spending the ! mr.nt fincling• are incorporated in the "DOCTOR, LAWYER, INDIAN "ON THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA 1 fully injured when she fell nt her wcclc w1Lh ner sistct·, Mrs. Lloyd 1 new product , , •. IVY DRY "SUMMI'RTIME" CHIEF" AND SANTA FE" home Sn.turday. She has been Clm·lt. i Yourdrug•lore.59c. · • "WAi:r;o: IN A MAJOR" r.ct\ Bt·owll .. MARGIE" cared for at the home of Mr. and Mre. Clnyt:on Kent was a din- i And 1'1.! I~ us.Lf.1.: t~._l.l~t~, "KENTUCKY WALTZ" I Ware' Drug Store 1 "ROSETTA" ! MrH. Howard Clnrk ner guest of her 1;10thcr, Mrs. Inez j 8 · 1·.·,; ;~),;;~t' "ROCKY ROAD BLUES" Bill Monroe "YOU STOLE MY HEART" Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Tripp Clark, Mnnday mght. -1\fASON l"lurm2 GEORGE "GABBY" HAYES and DALE EVANS wlih 1m 1101 • A REPUBLIC :.R~MANI~~·,;:x~:~A·s''" "THE CONVICT AND THE ROSE" "SOME LITTLE RUG" BOB NOLAN and THE SONS OF THE PIONEERS PICTURE "SAN ANTONIO 1\0SE" (Cowboy) and children spent the week end ~--~-~-~-=-""-""·"'-"""-""-""-""-=-======A ntlre Knlil1!h11WL7. Phil l!!ti'f'IH witll their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Doh Will• "AM I BLUE" I 1 Roy Rusch and Mr. and Mrs. ----.------, l~nter the $1,000 mmtest fell' names for 'l'rlgge••'s twin colts. , "SAIL ALONG SILVERY MOON" IfnH~-tY Cnrmichncl Ernest Tripp. ''THERE'S A GOLD MINE IN THE 11 SIBONEY" also Bugs Bunny Curtnnn and Chupter l nf·Cl.\leil Carter, Delcelivl! "SONG or TBE VOLGA BOA'\',MAN" SKY 11 "HASTA MANANA" I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller, of "THE LORD'S I' Hi\ YER Gene Auti'Y Bingo CI'OKh)' Eaton Rapids were guests of Mr. ~ Don Co~Kuck Chnl'IIH "WAVE TO ME MY LADY" "PUT THAT RING ON MY FINGER" Ia:nd Mrs, Lloyd Clark Sat11,rday FARM LOANS "OVER AND OVER AGAIN" "THE WELCOME SONG"' evening, nenc Autry Anda·cwK S1Klci'K ! \1!1!1 Richard Doxtader of Jackson 11nmc0ffice "I'OLONAISE NO. 6 IN A FI.AT "DON'T DE A BABY, BABY" "SWEETHEART" i1 ,.1'\cwnrk, N.J. 5 TO 41 YEARI LO'W RATE MAJOH, OP. 53" "ALL THE CATS JOIN IN" "IF I HAD A WISHING RING" was n. wee]< ·end guest of Mr. and Egon Put.l'i Denny Gootimnn · Connie Doswell 1Mrs. Lloyd Clarl!. No nms NO S'I'OCK NO COMMISSION Mrs. Llna Stowe of Otsego and Miss Mina Stowe of Kalamazoo WHIPP FARM AGENCY were Sunday guests of Mr. and ' I,. L. DRAJ{E JEWETT APPLIANCE co. Mrs. Donald Clarlt, ·llli llnlllsllll' 1\ulhllng Lansing,. 1\llehlgan Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clark, George Clnrlt fllld Mr. and Mrs. Allt/larlzc•l l\Jor·tlld/10 Loa11 Sollcllot· (or. Clayton Kent visited frlends in THE i'RUllENTIAI. INSURANn: COMI'AN\'.011 AM~:RICA. Battle Creel[ Sunday. Two INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MiCHl GAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1946 I ~ nv nm INGI-IAM COUNTY NI:WS Michigan and The Old Northwest _j______'Sycamore THE NOTICE I'IJfll.!llliEO 'f'liUJl~OAY AJI'I'F:HNOONR IN 'f'lll!l f:l'f'Y CW ~IAHON, MICIIIflAN A 1111111cr· wmd prlntcr· linH h~e!l Itil ml Lo Ll big <:Jty dnlly from lhe lngl1um County NuwH. Lyle 0Hler­ V. J. Brown & Son, Publisher~ 1 hurg IIC!fllll lil:t new Joh with tiH• clur~.w ,nuttta• 1tl pnntnfi'Jco, Mu11on, Ml.,hlgnn, 11ndor urL ut Umnd Hapldu H c l' tl I d Stlltdtty M'III'Ch li, 1H71) 1ill!,ht. l'l'lrllcn• worl' nlghtH "" 111<11'11111!( JHljWr'H, Ltutt Hjlr'ltl!( Ml'H, ADVERTISING RA'I'ES U11l11 Whipple lcl'l lite fnghtllll WII~CRII'TION ltA'I'l'~ lJOUIII.y NeWH 1111d IH IIIIW HUtJ.lng { PuyAidtj In Advuuu) Di~tplny nr!Vf!rtllilng l'fllf'K nn UJl~ l·ypc i'ol' the llrty City 'l'luwH. lllii'RL(un, JliiHliii!HK lilCHIFI nntl!· 't'WfJ lliOillhH ugu MI'H. mvu Hpeucel', ill• unr In fntxhum nrul hlH nn f!n1t nne! lncml [JIIHt:H, ,•. , adJehduv. r'lllllltl•·lt ...... 1~.00 wl111 uauw to the Iu!(hnlll County 1 fic 1\ llnu. No J't!lllling m· [JtJI\lrll'lli~ ·•·fit •mrtl.u l11 lut{ll!lm nnd N<•wn by way of fo'ort Wnyue and fldV11!'f.lt1lnU Ji•IHI f.))i\11 ~r)llj C:anJ or «a.Jo1rdiL" ~~ouutl•·• '"':""""""' 1.~5 tltt~ LnHiJIII~.{ EitcLte Jm1rnnl, re­ It's ·Easv :·'btt H~~unll11• ...... 7r, 1'l111nk14, l ~ u word, Anrwnncf•lnf'ntH lnnwrl t.o the .rournal. .. o( l!flfHtulnrnonl» whurll ndmiHHinn ' .....& •U/JIIHI ""'"""""""'"'""'"" ,{)(i ·ifl.•...tllO' uut~hlu lnv:lwrn nnd IH iihnl'!-{(!d nr of nny plnn tn !niHil I Pr·mwnt npm·utOJ'fl nl lim Ing· "' A~!nlnl!' r:ouuJI,!II ...... :!.flO runlld muat lHJ nuld In udvtLIICfJ ul hnm County Nuw!J arc ~.,,~Hoy Lee Q11:• )'iiH 1111 OII/I\ ill I!IH Yil'O ... :!,[)!) ruHlo!Hl' l'llJO, """ l•:rtl'i l(niwl'. Bolh llJ'e nrmy To Get tfhere vdul'UJIH,. Lee lenl'llllll hiH tr·adc at "'" Jnghu1n County Nuw~ tutd Jg ADAPTATION MEANS SURVIVAL 1111 ,. of lite .rusteBt opcl'lllor~ In Lite , The wooly dt·phnnt, the dinosaur and hundreds of' other llltsitWHH. ·O~ttirhel'f; Jcur:ncd hhi nre-hiRtoric illlim;t!s [;tilecl to adapt themselves to chan~in~ l.rnd" her·e, too, lllld I~ llUOI.her· Olimatic cmH!itiun~; ;mtl so they Jlt:rbhed. They kept on doiug :~wit'l.. l<•tiWJ' came t.n llw IJIJ.lhnnt If your future holcb plenty of hcad­ · Couul.y New11 two mo11th~ ng'n. Hi~ nchcs, let 0111' !tank work 011 :;omc of t1tingti the 1:;mw uld way. They didn't seek higher ground 111 ""111 ,. '1.,1 111 'l'rlpoll. He laiitorncr:·l are clelightc •. - l 'fl I I I c 'oo' ' I ololll'lllll, <.rand Rl1tli11M lll'l'llhl 111111 I· of mus t1 at.·, 111<1< e l.1Cil 1ome 111 " pon(. 1ey l:J( 1011."~" 1n I 1e .,,,,. t•,,·t.v 'l'irlir." as at· . ,,•. ,..1 m . 11 -' ·' '' 11 111 ,., 111 ,...... 11 Dr. George 13akcr, 8•1 , (1 t•opper 1 ]lond· and olher hou~;cn under the banks at the edges of the I l'ouuty N"w"· 'l'he lett~rs us••ll t • , , dead wl•ile ulllmdilllf Mt'tl. J•aul 11ond. Then t!ti:; :';1m1mcr the drouth Day by day the pond in uualdng·. nJ• ll!" Wlll'tls lll'l' ,just I A.ncicnt Htstory J !t 1:drly, S••ptrmhet· 11. !lhrunk. A mouth i1J~O the water vamshed. Before the last of u ... hanw 111 a lug town as ln a ~ + 1 r.o y 1.. r,rs r.go 1 111 t'il• wat&r we11t 1lH' m11skrai s had adapted themsclven to the small uru·-l't.aolu nh,rtl!u "~'rs Clean a•! V~!'.'. ~~;.: Fll .. of f 1 Mfl'lnn t~IJ'"dR have lwcm so gnl- . ·1" · ,. '!'!·' I I · · t •d 10 · d~ ct · t · 11"' srune ''11 tlu; Grand Hapuls 'lied lly rL>r:cnt min.~ that th<'Y nrt• llew conulliun .•..• cy 1~h rmgla c 10 w weo 111 o ~ C0111- [""'tll"r'JLI•I and Lansing State Jour•nal .,.,...... , .. , .. , .. , ..... , ..... , .. , ..... , .. , ..... , .. , .. , .. ,_,.. .. I I i . II f1!Jd. They had fclkll half a hundred stalks of corn to rem force I'" it ""''" nt the Ingham County Ia moB. tmpar;~n l e. a..vy~tem of r.ave~; i.llld trenches dug into the ground. Actunlly, N•·w". On" Y••ar t\t:o '!'here will be a peaeh nnd cream muslct·att: fin;t due~ tunne}to; and then interlaced the l~r·. John M. l'lni'i'v, pa.•tLnr nf I he· fwei:Li at l.he Willian! llpton 1101110 th't! 1 stalks- above tho tunnelr.' ~ncl covered them with dirt. Those "'!'wname 1e 1...t ers are usee 1 111 tl: Le 13uniwl' Hill CaliHii.: eht~n·il I'm· !'n in Alailldon nllxt 'l'hnrsday. t-nehi arr now filler] with ear~ of corn stri]IJJed from the m::nlllacl.uJ·e ol pnmgraphs. !licll year~ IJLOJ'nru 1:nilllf lo ~·:t. .J•Ihn's Wnn·en PiPr'ttnn has openml n \.l.!' ' · llll!l 11 ,1 Wt!l'e Il.~lid hy Will tam l'illll'lih in .J:u;lc~oll in I fit~. di<'ll nl bariJet·~ltnp nt;xL to the LonJwenr' f'lilled stalin;. Slml\e;:penre. nigh I. today tlw New llw Men·y ltll/Jjlil al, .Ta<'lc:u1n, f~cp- slol'l;, ::: · Mnskrntr. in~;tinctively knew that they must ch;mge their v .. rlc '!'ln1c~ use~ only 2U leLten1 lembeJ' D. c. n. ITuntinr,ton is lmylng 10,- W'Ily of life. They knew by some wild wisdom that they would t'or all its news columns-lhe snnw 'rlw wheat prier i:t pcrmrcl at 000 lnJshnlH or citlel' nppies. ... f ~li aH nre used her·e at the lnghant $1..J'I ill 1ugltnm. '!'he nne wcntl1cr is fnsl ripcninr, il ; !16Ve to face urvive. It's the people who are always longing for ". '·,~t's holwl the tle,·tt'1 •• r . ,· • •• l I f .· 0 I d fuls of Hnur, SOJIIC shortcJiingl Jw; dl!~~l.. Hl~ \Va!l /l('('!dt•nl.u y .shu 8 ' I •·11& , Lansmg and Detroit car11agc nnt wagon ncto11e., 1il It . . 1 while he and hi•· IH'nllll'l' were novels of the seene, each l,hcir· own. Iller daughter at the hnndH of n ,.,... h 1 . I · . :m , 1Ja 1ong povn1 ct· an(1 a 1ew . •. l • • I 80 0 K H[ l f Am~l'ico.n 11 s ~~ltc er to ~n;~ " g motOJ ~ars. I oliH~r· t11ing~ and pt•otluce a cle- playtng' ;v1th lhll .r·<:volv<:J' _•n tlw ' lime pointing out some Hoeial UNFOHSEEN. '!'he. unu s u o.l: g·orul friend. '!'he solution of l.hnl ... .1\daptatJOn means Stll'VIval among muskrats-and among lieious calw. Another· woman can gravel Jl'l llal'i' nl l.lw )Jarilng i wealmee~. '!'Iris tirne it is the in fiction is nj>pnrenlly Drwothy i pmiJiem bring-s ori lltrnllg and nl- b~n~. lake lhe Slime ingredients, sUr home. ' Fenrlng family ·and their ndjust- il1a.,un!len flclrl. 'l'his I.! me she has 1 most· serin11s l'nfl'"''l"~n""'· '1'111"'''. -.O"- ll1etn up and bake them and whnt Com11res.sor·s nt·e r;l ill mi•.winr, nl. lloiJI',9 open to I he public nt Hall 1 11 1nysl .,., · \\'tth 'L q[1·one OTHER LESSONS ALSO IMPORTANT nhe produces may g·ag a snipe, One the Mn~nn 1•'1'11~en Ji'ontl Loekllm. Memot·i:ll Lilll'ary, M:.won:, Every- nwnt to normal life after Ute war. d~nson to. lei! of lite, . unique, , ubi!ily,. , _! w.psycological lO 'ce . bend.e es and • ev"n• "a ·~ ".,cl1ool man can lalce a few cans of pnint 10 y,,,11•4 1\gn H- Story Hour, Saturday, 1::lO. tl' l 0 1 t I lu -.111 I' I1 th r I ol a ham and illS name Wlll he Ull- ll\1111 Mr·s lvnn MOili'OC of Web- CLEMI~N'f'INE. Ji'OI' t.he nr·sl m~e a ) ! · tIt; .wor w uc ey IVe. , . . I remembered. ilcrvlllc n;Hl Vernon .f. Brown of lime I he A very Hupwoml Awnrll A! pomtctl out lly.. :Dr. Lau~en E. Brubaker m l11s pulpit: , . . ' Mason lms !J(•t:n nancl llJWII fXIllllhllllimtfl may lw llllllie wi(h nr. Clarlc. With Skilled FORD SERVICE! ro!Js today th2n there were a year ago. i other special equipment now When you read government propaganda telling how the I n~crlecl ~o light bugs nml disease !.-.------~ e e While we cannot give delivery now service tl;at's tops in every respect. Many 1 Uttited !!Ita tes i~1 on a peace-time basis and that thousands have 1 he frmt J.g l.lrlnned early· and "'-"""'"""'===""' -- of all the new Ford cars on m·d,,r, we of our finest mechanics have returned b I f 1 , there nre few orchards today een. t~ q~n .o f fee era! ·payrolls, ask to nee the other chart- where the ground is thick with ------.....,.----­ can give this assurance to every Ford from Will' service. In addition to their the one wh1ch 3hows that 205,535 have been added to more winrlfnlls. 1 expert worlm1anship, we have the modern 9ffset the 128,992 taken off. buyer: 1Ve /wve11 f /or.f!offen jlotr! We're than Don'1t Buy Insurance Half Way ..]Wade jobs in government should be abolished. The men A new apple .Juice industry nt just as anxious for you to have your new equipment plus the Genuine Ford Parts d · 1 1 11 · b • · 1 Novi and other apple centers in llalf n joh of lmyinr; insurance coverage. for your home if> at~ women w 11.1 1r1 t .JO s 111 war agenc1es s tould be put· back Michigan hns cut henvily into the Fpt·d as you a1·e to get it. And the minute needed for any job. Hight now we can almop,l n~ had a~ none nt nil, IJ~cauRe it doeRn't provirlc yon Otl fa~·m or industrial production lines-not kept on the federal cider and.. sour jell business, too> ready, you11 get the l(ood news give you one·day set·viee on any job ex• with l.hc pJ·ol.ecl.ion you nhonhl hrwc. Consider ynnl' inveAlment. it's I payrQlls. • . · '!'he apple juice is canned sweet ''· · cept a major overhaul. . · -o- . · , · nnd slays sweet and goes onto '!'hen huy tlre or· wind inDIIl'ancc th::lt meets· thnt ·investment 1 e e In the nlial\time; bring you•· pres· . THEY MUST BE MODERATE DRINKERS FIRST I hreakfas~ tables. along·sJd~ oran?e, rrquircn;eut. ' e e Cotllle in today for a thorough D · 't' · ·tl t b . gmpelrmt and pmeupple JUice. '1 he I ent Fm·d "hmn~" for service. \Ve cnn help. .. .': Max 'me · ilVIS, wn mg m 1e S ep em er Cosmopo 1 1tan, apple butter industry niso pays AGENTS, AUTO OWNERS INSURANCE CO. check-up and !ubt·ication. Let us put you m~ce it htst longer, run ~ett.~~- ~1!d .' mak.ts an·. understatement when she says, "011ly five out of good ·money for apples which used yom· car in !hnpe for the last lap. hundred drinkers become chronic alcoholics." to Into elder. Now at the protect its trade·in value. -· · every bc·n1ad~ McCowan. & ·McCowan Moder'n Fm·d me~hods will save you . If that same percentage held in whooping cough or close of tlw apple harvest, the un- liS E. Oa'{ Phone 8261 measles the death rate would be considered slcy-high. If five sold npples here In the big Ingl~nm I e, e We're in better prlilll ''illll'l'il, nt'J'It•lul- 111' riJII'<•IInJJ vi:lilrod MI'H, WcllrJ, Mr: 111111 MrH. l''loyrl L11r:ltwoorl J.a.llilfu•,• lllllf Mr·. llllrf Mt'H, '''io,vd Mr. 111111 Mm. !Jeor• J)pxfet• nntl t.lw nnt•fh. I Pel. l'i!llhl'IIJ'I'I'H \\'cn't! 1.1'1! :·irn:lllr!y, Clil'loJc:r· tlt~lll' fJIII\:~illg- Runrhty. ' ltnrl Chuclty llllri M I'll, Jli'Ji~l f:!IIJ'­ JJru•ltw;uH!'!lllml Uw l•'owlut•M Tlwlnm IIJHI J\ilr, nnd Mnl. IJm·nn Ml'H. CIHII'h~u Snmlloy Vtllll'" llo11gln11, II".Y 1111rl Hnlpll ivlr. '""' Ml'fl, l•'runl< MarltH of• I'IWit WIJI'IJ gunJd.H or Huv. lkx Held VI·11 e tau·· · '1'1 llll'illll,Y.1 Hllr'i. HIH!tll. l•'r·lrftly 111.· 1.11c Ji'nwl"t'·'Jlll!H 11nd 111m. Lee1 Snllllley1 Ill Mnrc I Atfillllll, Hnfplt [)[rope Hlltl L. H. l.tll.llfliJig' wrq•p Stllldii.,V gttcst.H nr; vii In fnlr, flJIPlHiiJIJ{ l.hlu we"' v n . ng- 1'. Wflll.e. M1·. lllllf Mrr;. M1!1vln HwnnHon, , ,...... ;.,--====~-...,.,'"""==.,....-,.---,..====,.....,., Ml'H. l''inrennn Wnhh ol' Anll 11nd Mt•:t. Con !GmoJlfl of Denrhorn. ----- ... Mr. IIIII! Mrr< ..lllll1P.9 Olr>t.l.ll or. ~ 1Arhrll' In ''I"'IHiing 11. fnw dayu wil.h M1·. ltnd Mru. flem·y fl:ggerH nrul IIOI1.SJ•: SilO\\' '['0 111•: ,S'l'i\(OJI:JJ Lilllillng· lltlll lllnlhl'l', Ml'll. M11ggill• , • MJ•, and Mt'll, Leon Webb. flOIIH IIIWill. i:liLfLJI'lhty ilalt!ng' at ltiVI'lin, WPn· n~r·r!lll. g·tH~HI.f.l of Mt•.' ! I ·-·-·---.. ·---·--·- .frmea fllf~ll.on lllld Mru.-1 Dclnllll' lJtl:-; uf Mil·hil~:lll and: ~amilll[:'. 11 .:ry n :1.'1, .year r:;. i WH.Ii llu~ nidi':.;! tlle!IIIWI' or l.lw 1'v1a- i H:lt'nahy ll!UVcd lo llw Mll!t·r· IH!Illl~; NOHTHWEST INGHAM mal P.A on Lahm· nay. :-iOtl r:'l'l~/ibyt.eriiiJJ cilun·h. 'tll'al' Mulltltcn. I' Mrs. Paul M(~CI'eet•y nwl with an .,. _•. ·. . . ,. ,, . . . , • , 1\·11'/l, Barnaby iH Hlll'vived by nw~ 11 1 IUr~. J\ml 'rMrlll aeeidcnl in her home nnd i:~ im· MJ.,,}Y ~\.r., })I!! II · Ll. •htl g'l'at'llahy lccpt up 1t Hpiritcrl cor-: I ained at a· six o'i•lncl\ dinner Howe, Mr·H. F'rcd f{nt.llig, Mrs. r~,."~·nc~Hl n;~c~ ,~ 1111111 ~ nn:g(Jj/':. f~l 1 ~~·: respnndf!ncc with\'~H and: Snlnnla,v r·vcning honrJJ'ing tile Cm·tis Wright and Ml's. 1\cnnclh gnlllllrHI \\d.i "fl' Ill. 111 1 llll!lL~. · fricnrls in nmny pru'ls of' tile • ''1•1 t ··11 J· · , ... · • f' Jlwit·l Baler~· atlrndcrl f{ully /lay alMa- :Oilc 111·1" 1111 " 11 J;a.rllnhy',; Ar·:Hil'lll,V I r'OIIIlii'V. [';IJ" al;;o l:i :iOtJI.h l'laggr•d. ~~h.r ('fl:-il. l!Pt' ballot 111: J•:ast Lansing, Lawt'C'nc:e Simp!inn Mr. Hnrl ~l'R. C.urtw V\ right. :lnci nf 1vi:l~i(JJl ill Vr•v:~y (r,wnsiJip. Cal- every tlel:llnn. I '."· IJaru;vil!e, Mr. and 1\-frH. LaVct·n I,June were tn Colclw~tlcr· and Hills· vin llw nnlv r·hild \\'ll}i IH•I'Il thcr•! i - l•'w· ll!~:ll·ly 10~ ye;~r:.; Mr:;, ~ f-:oult• anrl Billy, MrR. Tna David- dale on Sun!lny. in '187ll, H<; rlic·rl [11 I~D:!. L:nl'l,'Hil,V Wlll"t""' lh.e g-~·~~:vt.h ~.'"' • r;nn, Inn 'Tct'l'lli nnrl Mr. nnJl Ill!' ,.. ,,.l.ll rl~v_clllopmcnl.llofl tithe ,n.tlloJl.l' 't'',l" · · · · WILSON DISTRICT ' ' · '"" · · ' · "IVIL V l'r•cn cr w J'c um o w D:•vld ~~ll~wiHle. It was :dsn Miss! . . Mr. nnrl MrH. Bm·1mhy ""'""" l.o l1uior1 tn;;,rs aflcr,l.he.Civil Wnr: I Lllly1;'h1le s hlrlh,rla~ annn:r:rsaJ:.V· Ncfllll 1\I:Lol ~ho•rwnotl MaHon ~~here IJJCy fi~·f'rl until the aiHI rmw the Holdiers rnturn l'rotn A hc.Jlll.lfnlly rlccor,!l.ccl huthrl,ly M· , !I'. , . ['·. hw;banrlorkrtl.lllll 11121. tlll'cenlherwarH.Siwsflw the first. r"li<<' "l"r flow"I'S 'lllrl Rilvcr I I. riiH1 r rs. ,1 c:llllCH J! vson , . I 1 .: ··• , n 111•],' '· ~ '" . • , and fnmily of Dimond;ilc :lllrt' M1·. 'Phr yeill'!l Mt'H, H;JJ'lliLIJy :qH'nl train l.o be opcntl.cfl over !.he F~rin: r,lJHffe.J •,1(ic Lflr. l,lhle vcJy ,, Mr.s. ·Aibel'l Ncwma11 of Ma-li." Ma,;nn wem lillrtl with ndivity. J·.aiii'Oad ncar her g-irllwnd, I lr:~r·llvr.. 1.hc "''~~lng was spent• son W!'l'e Sunrlay dinne•· g 11 , 8 t 8 Sh" WfiH 11n lll'lli.'lll. Wfll'f(l•r in i.IH• and lllllll:V other highlighlH o[ his-~ Wllh eartls and VISJI.Jnr;. . . . Iof Mt·. and Mrs. Clnrenee Sher- PI'CHhylcrian "'.""'I'lL She joitwd l.ory. Her strcn);lll never wavered. I !111·. anrl Mrs. Guy llhtJVJIIP; of wood and f wil.h M1·. and Mrs. L. n: Jef- store over l.hc holiday. N. B. C. just as hard for Reddy to do a good job l'rev. Mr. anrl Mrs. Walle!' Jrmnldin / Mr. :tllll .Mrs. Lewis Wilsut1 and J'l.uined at dinnc!' 1'htll'mi"Y (jarden Fresh Fruits and Vegetables children called rePenlly at the 1 evening Mr. ancl Mrs. Lawton Al.­ lb. for you when too many plugs are CM· hollwH of Mr. and Mrs. Leslit~ 'woocl and daughter S£tntlm or RITZ CRACKERS pkg. MICIIIGAN WEIUTUY 1 I' l Wood liCill' Leslie anrl Mr. anrl I Dearborn. NEW PACK Mm. HnwaJ'!I Fcldpanseh neat· I· Mr. and Mrs. F. t•anl< Call. 1111d lbs. nected to one outlet: Stocltbnclge. Fmnees. Detty anrl Donna we1·c No. 21f2 ------I week end visiiot'H in t hP. nol'l h. 1 can 5 29° PHILLIPS DISTRICT Milton '''nmlclin was pleasanlly IONA APRICOTS 28c !!!~.E! SUNMAID ..... Joyce ,Hllber Slll'lll'ised on his l•lth birlhdny an­ niveJ·sa!'y by 10 of his schoolm;LI.cs. So when building, remodeling, or ju~t Mt·s. Frank Thompson visited ftefrrshmcnl.s were SCI'Ved by his SEEDLESS 15-oz. lb. Mr.s. Burl Gt·ccn Sunday evening. i11olhcr ;mel Bctlv Call. ' 1 pkg. 25° Ralph BaJtholomrw iH in the Mr. anrl Mrs. Walter Ji'J·anl


1 Auction Sale I I 1Wednenduy, Septcmbe•· I 1) J>, III.' ; Lorut. d I milo• nml h 111Ih• o•asl nf Nush1 lilt• ur ~ 12 milo~ \VI'IIt ooj v~oonnnh Hit 1111 IJ'hlrd ~treo•l nr ~~I pin rnad 7 ~'0\\S Ulltl (i )llllllj.( ('Ill flo•, :111011, llorM s, liD Hilt h pullo Is, fill lu us, li-l1111s 11f ml~o•d 1111), ~1111 husho Is ot nut., H ru r1 s nt stundln~; rnrn, No•11 1111'11 manur1 Njlreudo•r, lllUII l'r, 111 11 ll<'luutl ~4\( tru c u~nm Mt'pnra1ur und u.ll oll11 r huon too1ls, Excavating -and Grading P1·ompt Se1 voce ' Good Wmlt

Auction Sale

Use Bondex IJPnullll1•s, \Vill<•qu nuts P1 1" 111 H

e Aluminum AII-Pm pose Pamt e Tt·nctor I:munel in PopnlaJ Colors • Shafer's Decorating Supply MASON STOLZ BODY SHOP STA'IE S'fRF:F.'l' A l' SY('AIUORJ;

Ex per, body and paint 1 epatr I' CO!ItJ'LE'"FJ PAIN'!' JOBS AND DISABLED F.1ctory quality and prompt service E. W. STOLZ, nusln~ss Pllone 2LI01 HORSES AND CATTLE Prop. Rt•slllenrol Phone 21487 HOGS, CALVES AND SHEEP REMOVED FRf:E

F.url 1\fmnlng Call!! R1•ce!ve the n~~t Re5ult~. Phone DARLING'S Collect LOWDEN CHICKS MASON 3141

Roclcs, RedH, I,e~rlro 1 11 ~. Sexed Chlcl

Robinson Implement Co. MINNEAPOLIS-MOLINE FARM MACHINERY And Repait· Parts • Wo• IJ~n <' II I Olll)IIP!e lim• of farm eiJUfiJment and SJIIII>e )IIIIIs here nt 0111 ne11 location • !II:\ SON, l'IHt HU.AN Join this large group that enjoys the benefits of

good pay good working conditions LIVE-STOCK good opportunities for advancement

Thuraday, September 19 Auction Sale I P. Ill. Feeding Lambs Lo~11ted ~ miles north of Dlmondalt• <'Cmctery to Bill· The variety of production joba availnhle SatUJ•day, September 21 wood !lChool, one mile \\est, I And !ltocllerH fl',lllll nrH •• lllliiiH prosontnndMI'II Wlllaccflmlth·llll Hpont Snllll'f!ny In Howell. III'Lll nnd fruu- 1 1 11 1 11 111111 1 11 1 Ht•f'irfln WIJfJ 111'1' " li'll>illg I ill' f'fJI 1 llflllllt'l' II II' llloll'/'lll;;•· II I II It'll' liH'gllll 1hc•ll' l'lliiLCH 0/1 WcdncHtlny N "· I " r w ..~11M "I I'H, 13 yn 1[L Cl fii'/111 chnlnnan will have ~:hargc of ready ,for deer HIIUHim. •rcl"plwnc Cnmpnny. 'hc• P""''''-IMI'tl.''~j,:,,~'';~'v,,~,~\~,;'Lc:;.:',~ te \·s1 : 1 : t_ ;------~IIIli Wt•l'i! IJIJ!ll!ll lllld .J!l/llf'l' (JJ!'('Iil/11111,! l\llllald 1•'. J:al\1 1', hlltl Ill J'\.11'. dlld lii!W lht• hliH~t·~ lot' !t'Uil:ijlOJ!nt.ion. lhP dining l'OOitl; Untl No, 2, I' 1M H r M II I I 1I Ill I ·' 11 1 1 1 rl I' I I \ I"" II '·Ill I M I I Ill I ,cv, ant I'll, , , , eyer a!'c man mn' ng '" l'yd AWI'Y. nn;"ttK Wf'l'll Mi· and Dt·. C. L. Kaser :Mni',V~lnl>inn•·l"'i"'lollh•·.('t•niJ•td ltlntl<'l'g'll!'it•JI, fit'Ht IIIHI Hl'~ond Mellll'g'lulol H11CICI~n; nlll'l"··•·'l'ueHduy, Ati"IIHl 27, ul Sl. Law- lnlhecall l'l'Oill t.lteo•,lel'l\tnt·. MI'H Lluvti'Avt•;.Y·Illlt•- ol JJ,,;J.·II "1'''"1 " tiny Ill l>t•li'oll nnd lfeJ1•11 1\ut•hu· H<'''""" Lar'HII· J'f'llinclding "'""·'at. 1.''" fHII'HCJIIHgt', In the city the l'merrnrl. of the lmlt, n11d Cadill1u·. Ol'l'l!'ei'H for 11w ,, '· ! lli'l \', I'I'IL . ''• dJH r f()!Jlli~H: t.llir'·cl, Htlt.l; HIHuh; '!'he Vlll'l:lllfj llllll!:i nJ the W. s. c. wcelc: Mr. flllll MI'H. Clrulw Chum- coming yeur lll't!: Ut·~ll'g'l' l-illlllp~,(.l)l I !'tllli', I relic .lnbtlltel" fll'lh l•'l'l/11- S. lite!. \\mlnullllll;v Wtlh M!'H. Hn~d l>ct·lnlll onlcrl.nlned thom llt 11 HIX pl'eHitltmt; HatTy HaUIJlHCIII, \'/l't' '''" Hiitc:lnll" llixllt, l•:st.clln IiruiJ·H. V<'i'lt l:lrnug]l, FRANK'S PLACE ~.o:vuni!J, .J>c'llTill lil'liii.YtJII; <~ig·IJI.h: No.! nwl.. Willi MI'H .. Hc.sHil' Bnr- Bottrell, who mllrr.x HOOII ln11~r the HecJ'elai'Y and ll'l'llBIIrt•l', 'l'he 1!117 :illiiJ•,I'IIdl' pl'indp11 J, .lou overt11111; ru<·l:, ntH! Tlt~IL Ni>, .! Mnt. mlnlxli'Y• pnruhaHed lhu. TL>'Wilt reunion wllllw held nl M<"Cwmll'i< t•oc·Jil'.h.'~~~~~', · f'l\yl'ri's' Hy!p1Ja N••l-1 Mtll'llln .~:udtlt~~·-- .. _, , li'or.emon '.''"ne r\n l<'u!l.o~J Hlt•oet: plll'l<, AnguHI :J, WELDING-arc nnd ncelyl~h~ :.1,111; ltnnd n11d lltll'lllllllt\l.un, ·g.d.,. , 1\u~. Boll1ell WUH lr)tmml;v thu ------"''u·d <~ooiP,Y; ngJ'it·ullur", Immu1•J llo.~tH l'n l!l'lll'lmhs puHI.m· ol' ""'' local MetlwdiHt KINGMAN COMMUNITY Scwvlcn fm· all types of o•;'·ri-cyli'n·:lc'•;! ~;l!Ji!~e·~"''"'''' .J< r ,,;;It! I' oil!; hlllllll t'C:CIIlllllliex, H. Lil- Myi'lte Bubtlkllh l.odgll No, 72 dlltrl'h. fli'IHC' UlllllllH'l'l' I li1111 N•·l>tnn; Hhop, Wilhtll' Whit- hl'ld il:1 first full meeli11g 'l'uuHdny Mr. and Mrs. Gllbm·t Putmnn, ' ' n<';v; t'llllllllt'l'l'ial, Wlllllli' Hoc!<- u\'enlnu wlll1 n di.s1rid viHilntl llull nt7t I ion IIIli I "I hlt•l ic·.~. Clrti I'll Md)ll!'- fi'OIII Lnnslng-,. OlwnwH, !•'owlet'- Lnr4C or Ashtrtbula, Ohio, Hill' Ill R.urnmer·y on Wc•dni'Hrlny f1 J'll'i'­ llllln; l•:nglisli litH! Lnlin, .luwell ville, Sloeltbl'idg"e, !I nil, Howell nnd pari. of the wcel: at Boyne City 1noon. '!'hill was I he first nii'I'LIIIg ol 1 MilltgJIII; l•:ngliHii nnd HJWt•r•h, Nmth Bi'~IIICh were rep1·exunl.ed. and PetoHI:cy. ' ' tho yont· nnd elt•etion of nf'l'lr•t•r:•l- .lll•l.•"" l't'l'itllts; lii•tlol'Y and g-ov- Alllollg lltl• rll"lingulshed gllcRtH · 01, Benjn;nin OJ•cp;ory ol' Lon- WaH held. Mm. Dol'l'<'ll Clnr·lc ntH! ''''"'"''"'· Consln.tlt'<' J•:el!;•- wet'll Ma1·gnl'et l!iley, puHt pr·e~i- tlon j,;ugltinrl who IH in'thiH coun- Mr·H, Delltc R.ummm·y "'''' lt'llli<'l''t; -~~ijfi~iij~pjijjliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~;:;::::::::::;=::;=::..=::~~S!' 1<11111>'" 1111". phystc'H, ,It'rtll Blllllll'll; rlent nr I hi' auxlltni',Y of the •t.J·y 'helping t'o mal'<' I , print IH"d nw1wli by I he lodge hnltlheld In tho United Stnt.cH In Ol'lo- SlliHlny nl'lt•r·nnnn rnllt•rH fl\ IIH•! 1 ~lh•r•J' t\nnli'<'I'Hill'~' lwcn in mnlillllOilH usc during I he her· 1017 Htll prist'Vt'l' road, Wtlllamolllll, ''''"'·I bt•r•n pnrclinsed, nlsn n new auto- ]neat McthmiiBt church, with a home of Mm. Coc:il llar·lc'lllllll'g' on I'AUA))J•: l:l'llll'd 1111•11' Hilvt'l' n.nnJVili'Ht~l'Y malic· hnt waler· ltenteJ' and milllll' vlxlt and preached tho Hermon at 1 Tuesday aflcl'llonn with 1 11 ntlln{1 ll1hm· Whtm eveJ'Y ' .'- PJllt•nlh t' 1. A lnJ'f-fC lmnlly dm- imprnVl'lllenlH huve been made in the S11nday mor:ning servlec:1. nwmbt't'~l PI'C~t'nt. l'iJ'UliB lwlt.J , IL' j)Ot;aHOII MI'H, Dean AVl'I'Y nLll'iHic•d 1111' Pal's'! 'L'lw hig-h, filu•IIJ J:;:llll'liP' J!PJH't'ttwnvn, ' . ce " n .Ifill.dnug)JfPl' " s. , 1'\.O IlP.l' L \V at,1 w1 10 1Wfl hccn Ie •i't , 'I' llt!.::J"'lc J.,, ~llrnd. ler· Wtll'llf11', a11t1 nlle1tding the Wil- Shelbyville•, 'lenn. M1·. nnd Mrs. H. D. Vrm Dus •n, Hplnr, Hnmt•mhPr'?. · ·Largest- Se~~~~~e.g 1 linnwlnn g'l'adt• sehool, wn.s set·inus-1 Mr. and Ml'S, Fred S. LnJ•son who lmve l10cn living in Ill•' 11c•J'l Batl"lt-llc•l'l'llll<' ( ly injll!'t•tl l•'ritlay ns lw got off the' llnd daup;htcrs, ·Hollcrta and Ma1·- Bun I"'!' honAc, IHt\'1' moved l.o I.Jwir . "' y I sehonl lnt~ at Ills honw on Holt lllll, havl' rllltn•ncd f>·om n Lrlp to 1 hnnw 111 East Lrtnslnp;, Ma~mll D::l'ellllll,Y,, cla:~ghl.~l'" or l'OIH': 111' J'an I MnrsiJ'lll 'Hid n.obt'l'l P·ur~h flflfi S, ,J cfftli'Hnn Phone llliU ' il (I M ' 'I]\; W'll (; . • IIIH'dial!'ly to n Laulling I Mrs. MutHlo Parmenter or 1 1 11 1 hll~1pitnl I AmbulaucP Sl't'vlce ·','1 ~ \v',. 11 .,~·,·, ' :' ' 11 l's, " 1t·'""gh Wlli're it' wrrs fnund he was slll'l'cr• Nm•thvillr, Mr. and Ml'R. Williard 1 • 1 1 ,, 1 n , Wt'I'P un t'< 1 111 . . • t . D . I 111 ,11 '1'ia"<' Hnllll'(lnv AllgllHL 2,1 at tng !rom ~~ I me lll'ed slmll anrl 'Eih~ nnd.. son, Kurt, or ~ma, Inside Painting J Jw llrn7H· nr Uw b·t·idt>'~ p·u· ,111 .~ 'A JIWl!~JbiL' .c:pmo inJLU JClS. ! Plnr·Hin, Vl!·nted at the home of· the 1t't'i·pl 1011 f'nllmNt~d lh~· <~el'~Hll;~·lly. GtlhPt't Putmnns recently. WAU,I'APim JmMOVJm M /'H. C:ol'don l!.nPgl••t•, sister or HPnJCulc·l ~:lum•h . Mr. and Mrs. Ncl~on !3omlic of Jly ll11: IH·idt•g-•·notn pt·es1dctl, MJ•,9, 'rhc J:nsemcnt ~I Uw Mellwcllftt Alpena havt' been HIH'IIrlmJ; "· fllw I lllnlf'J' IJevt·nllli,V ami Mr·s. Dwtgltt chlltf'il IH llllllet•p;mnl:' exlcn.~IVC re-, days with Mrs. NciHon's sister, 1\fODI.;JtN l\IF.'I'JJOO I Dt•v••nney asHtsling, A Lhrec-liPrl'd mnrlcling nnd l'cpall's, Owtng to I Ml'A. S. B. Jnr.ohs. wedding- llltlw was sr11 ·ved. Mrs. the need ol mmc class rooms, . Mr. and Mrs, Artlttll' Hodp;es I Baugh g'lmluHied fmm lite W•l- pal'tilinns me bcinp; moved anrl the \tave returned from their vacation HARRY BAINES litltnst.nn lt1glt .sr:hnnl in lD·H anti rwc·_essary rooms bt'inp; bllilt. 'l'he in the northem of Michig·nn ,, l i pat·~ 1 llw hndugt·oont gl'rlduated fmm rhmng l'oom Will be t~nlargcd to I nllfl at Llw home ol Mr. Hodges & TOM BELT ' llcnJ·J;,,·n in HJ.IO, and Nerved wil.h ar.rmnmndato lnr·g-ct· cmwds. '!'he 'mother nt Smyrna. ' 1.25 E. South St. th., Aenl"'''" for :w mo11th~, 2 yonrs work ir; being done by tho men of Donald Babbitt returned l10111p lwi11g ovcr·seos, He r·ec•c•tvcd hiB th<• church. 'l'he dcgJ'C'' or K. o. H.I.Fri,lny from the upper peninmtlil Phone MASON 224fll ·. and Mr~. William Haynes' ·e 1946 Oldsmobile em· HIS ' 1' c Dealers p1chel' planlrt "'· blossom. I he an- and daughtc1·, .Janet, spent· the I \Tl1 . by the ptr.) t • " nun! and per.cnm~l llowe;s. were all· wee!: nt Grayling. : :' ... ; t ctnendous cnthustas,m . 1 .c ot·'dcrs on .. then· ,. or.good quality. 'I he e;-htlnts of the I A. v. Forsyth and daughter, . . , . r 1 o ban ~s OL . . ;luldren were exceptiOnally p;ood. Mrs. Ellen i... VnnNus spent ·. cveryw1::..~t·c have m,.,c '10SC who arc waiting,,we rtw sweepgtultcs award, a io~ely WedneR~lay nt the home of Mr. and . boo1::'-''~\ 1. ·'" iJt!.-{l>tld IS~~ l>lh1~·:: r.!...Q!st : peoFte. Ex..Pan!eon and au~mented service • , • thorough maintenaJlCe Ql1d iQ}dsmakeJ·f' ( J?l?~ ol<• ;<:i t"\te-1.01\'\• I 0 ~lry., j)'tcpls fron1 out of \own 'guests for ~==~~=~~,~~~~~ a l\'l1c splendid'a~.~ortmon~ of 11owcrs. ; meone else 'who~'l;llt~h ~'b' ~:,,~i),.,a·~~ w'-'1)\ lmlll I ete · .. ·s~fident · o~~~a!.i~~: ~~ ..~.~~!P.,",l~nt . h~~~- ~~.~ ~~mbi~.~~- ~ .~ld the 1In 'I Oil •so W '11 e rea 1 tt:. !two ht\ndred thirty-eight vlslt95s :sen'd them Mound. . e cegistct•cd the 1\rst day and • 341 bus faresd were •·egis(crcd at the close of the ~ ...... ~ ""'' .. ' .. -.. ' .. . . l particulars. . ... show. 't'qwr travel dollar really buys more ~day than ever be~ott:" in &ut lffllt . F 'd y between , M ·]av t11t·ou-gli •rt a - Mr. nncl Mrs. L. D. Ahhott nn;~ · transpoa'tation. And when Greyhound's orders for new b~aes are flllet\~•1JOif ·c any day- om , . Huynor Harvey spent L:il1ot· ~ny at Stocl:brldr,e. · · dollar will buy even more in camfort, conv.anience an6 better bus •rvke; is:O:O~. M. and 5:00P.M. . Mr. nncl Mrs. A. E. Adelbert and ~ ' .... ._ "'' ... ' •. i • i i Mr: nnd Mrs. 'J.' F. 'Pipe'r· Of Huh­ ' 1 lett visited at the home of 'the 'L.

' ' 1 D. Allbotts last week. Mnndny the oLDSMOBicB '. · ' , • 1 Allbotts entertained Fred Ives of I GREYHOUND ·TERMINAL l•,. Haslett. ' , r · Mrs. Bess Hagerman nnd soit EMPLOYMENT. OFFICE Richard arc vacationing in t)1c ' north nnd will stop for u fow dnys PETERS AND GARN DRUG STORE Elm Street Entrane6 nt Charlevoix, ,., , • Building Phone 6131 Administt·nhon Mr. ami Mrs. Louie Beclt of I Lansing spent Saturday in Wlh. !}amston, going to their cottqgc nt Lnke Chemung for the wec)t _ . . eml in the evening. · ·' Ton - • 0 •~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: t,hc,M~MaP~mM~e~~rt~ week at the home ofl\'l:rs. Allie I I w•are m~~~uonm~~~ 8 Drug Store ·I Monroe In Lansing; · · · ·- · -· · -.. .. · : Fhonc lioUl .. I'

INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICHl GAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1946 ----·-----~~"1:"- , -~---~,---,---.. -·---r·--~------4·--;-- DANSVILLE NEWS WHEATFIELD CENTER r 111" hnunr1 uriJolnlng t.lw twnw or ONONDAGA------I ngllam I. 'r. A, S. lias lllif Mlli',Y .lnllll!HJ Wllmnt flit Sutlll'· I Mlm; llflr•c GJ•ulg- ,l'lltlli'!Wtl lirtllle 1h1lo• YullltJI' , 1 1 M1· 111111 Mrn. Malllww Hmm,· (:tom J•'o~ftJr -f{ecoJ'Cl I~IU'ollmeht 1\lt'H, Ll'lllll 'IIIIIHIIII Ml·: llllfl Mrn. Loon iDfiHOIIhorg lnavo r,r·ls Wilmru; Heet•eJary, Mt·. '""' MI'H. ll<'i'lnll .Joltllnoll, l:r•v. I.Pc flpL'illg-r•r 11111/ Mt•n. )'Jr,iiHnnt Jnlcc wr•J'n r·allilll{ on I oul~uf·~f'Hhou l'lnlht••f out~!ll lu lw !U Cu;,l Chute:; I MYI'ifi Slllg~t·; li'Cilillii'CI', Pall! flllrl lunillv f'llilcdoll Mr. 111111 MI'H, cipJ•ingl'l' anrl llll'il' dilltghi<•J', IllS 1'1'11'111/.'l hr•rr• Hnnrlny, ttl Ul'l'll lo1· f•mupiPI•· fll'oll'('f iou, ( •u•· •r:nuss; I'Cflt'PScniHI.ives, Gcrll'g'C t1Jo11 W;lilcins nnrl Mr. IIIHI Mr.. :.' tnoli"''' 1111d f,[::lt•J• Vi1;iled Mr. 1111d r:nq;lnn C'l/1'1' nl' New Y111'1( \'i:lil- Q) 1 1 JJr•\\ ,o,;lorn,t:'f' vnullti wr'l'f' hf'lt'tlfi~ P11dc;q:c H(:cci I'CI'G Hn!Jnr•l and Hei'YI Show anrl Ml'. /Ifill C:n•t•ntnan and fllnli/leH S,tJII- Ml'l<. ]o)J·np:;J. l•'nll)£11' atlrl Mr8. prJ Mr-. and Mt'H, W/ll/11111 Clift' i!l'l( i fir·aiiJ cll•,,igur·rl to Jil'll\ ilk ff11• SinJonlnll advisor. The eig-hth dnv nflcrnonn. Kir!dr·r last 'rhni'Hrlny. wrclc. • 1 litu•sl, '"'lll't·~l i'I'01f'c•liriJI I'm• ull Bo:'i.c~ ~ M;til g'l'llriP olfir•crs nrc: Vl•·e )ll'f'[iidrnl, Ml'.8, Annll lltll'l. fllnll Shiil'lll·J Sl:rnloy l•'ay WaH in ro;nst Loran r;irJriiiH:H lind Hob clqniro:t' l'illdH ol g'lll'llll"llls, i\',h allnul IIIII' Philip 1\l'llnlrl; scr,rci~II'Y, Dnb, hurg- 1:, spending 11 f.,w days lhl11 1riiiH.( wit'h liH; •1·1! !'lub two 'rent fhiH wrclt 1111 11 fiHhlnl' l1·ipl ltl\\' siOJ'Uf~f' J'Hif•~t lmltt,). 0 C11ulhing C uus Tlwmpso11; I'OJll'esentai.Lve, 1'11ul wcclc wil.h Mr. anrt Mrs. George tw:l wee II. in IHirl lH•r11 Mkhll{lllt. . Or:cnl. 'l'hunalay night. With M!'. 'in the olri' tit" J11"ii. wei' I<. ~lrH'Icht•ldgr• 111 ~ream I PI'C.Wil'nl.; MciVH l•orernun, Vl!'e nnd Mi'H, George 1•'1'11,,1 011 II!CII' I 'lllf) cvr• 'i'Jii£111 whir·h h'IS been MJ• nn:.: ,,llldr•nl COlllH'II representative, Knf.I!I'Vn wenl home with then; to I Rh:ll·on 'I Jtw; ts l!or· I Mt·, ;mrl Mm. Hat'l'y l~lrlrint.- 1:::;;:.:::;::::::::::;:~:::==::::::;:::;::::::::::==::::;;:::;;::::;::;:;::;;:~ lhidt aud Tile nlller nffH·rl'fl havo not been hnrH, Mr. and M1·r;. Mnrr;-an Wrnn-; 1!· 1111111 A ". M.t•• nnH mcctmg 1nt crl Mrs THnhcllr Ulnver· last w~clc. •,"'._____ .,_... ______A111·clius Hoad, Lansintr Plullle Lall';inu 50111 elcelod. /\bout 40 boys arc out for•1 gal' of malnn Fl.apirls, SunriHy i Gr;mr/ llapl, !"ow- lilt•,,, llnll'llra1· Williamston r·a!lort nl lhe Mr·s. Wtlltnm !3Vt'l.l111 ~nrl Mr. nnr!, Electric Rcfrigc•·nlor:; Icepl,lt RANGES WATER PUMPS in their· honm·.. About 50 friends Vernon and Champaign, Ill. They 1 Ray Miller and Raymond urc Mr. anrl MrR. Chnrlos Mohr ha vc supply of coal is lnoxhau!tiblo. All thou , we1·e IH'esent for the occasion. Mrs. attended a family I'ennion at the ! spending this week in .Jonesboro, soil) their home to pa rl1es fmm RADIOS MILKERS odvantogfa art yours-r.lus tMe economy Lawton Hedglen was in charge nf home of Mr. and M1·s. Howard I Ai'lc., visiting relatLves. Srt:ingpolt and have moved to of in~tallotion ond opDrction. ~o. P." fits SWEEPERS I he program which consisted of j Richardson of Mt. Vemon with The Weaver family who recent- thcrl' home on any furnace and burns low-cost, fint I ,Jaei1s~n r~""l. g,rnup singing, reading by Mrs. about •10 relatives present. 1 Ly bought lhc olcl farm, Mt·s .. Wtll. leave COOLERS tizos of coal. T~c Pm·r•m•c])~ l•.ulcr; solo by Ethelyn HanmL; 1 Mr. und Mrs. Clifford Allen, Mr. 1rir·c rnalcing extensive repail's on .slate.~ s~o~ Cn: ... ~mmany,, nn lll'ig-innl poem by Frances Shor. Janel Mrs. Davit! Diehl anrl Mr anr/ 'the hnl!se. The son Hnrl new hriclo, I whole her ilush.•nd /., .,l,Lttoncd. 1 man: the novell.y band: vocRI duet Mrs. Dom D10hl were entcrla111erl who reccnlly came here froml~ng· ------~Y Helen Alwnod and F'ran<'es /at dinner Saturday .ll~e I land, arn livlllg inn trailer house. FITCHBURG Shel'lliun; c01·net solo, Leo Rogers; home of Mr. and Mrs. Lotns SLid M ., ,, M'll . . ,. D l. - Alt!'(l "ral" LIGHT FIXTURES fOR •)' bJ' y /fM 1 l.l.\.riY1 ICIW(l,JillCtOI. v,.., INtttnJC: y. llll oung; prcsenta- o ason. F' . • .; . tl ,·. 1 . !'ttl 1 I1 • 1 1 1 lion of g-ift by Rev. FJulcr• un:ht rofrcsllmenta were served I Sunday at the home of Mr. and · .' . ? ~ ,. . to the ant lalw on Sunday 111 honor nf Farm Building§ 1 1 1 18 1 al lhc conclusion of the progrum. 'I Mrs. Hnn·y Bailey of M11 r·shall. Cfelr w~ ~l~l .w.'t I L ltcn Gayle l•'t·cymnt.h who loft WPr/pctr- • 11 1 Commcrdal --- M1·. and Mrs. A i'lhur· Olsen ~ c 1ens !OspL .~ · . . . dny nwrnlng for nrmy set·vicc. \\', (), '1'. U. 'l'o 1\ft•et II spent lnst weelt 11t H;u·t visiting Mrs. _Tom K~lley, whn .Is 111 tll M1·s. Helen .Jump and F'r"r/ _:1 CON'I'IIi\CTING - l.t•:NJo;ttAL \\'llUi\'0 •rhc nex-t rcguhr meeting- r f friends and also attending- lho 7f>th health, 1s sprmclllti-f son'" lrmc with t.crtnincy anrl MJ's. l~lJ7.a P;Llt'll'lc of Howell m<~n. 1'hc gnost.H we1·c M1·. and home n'f Mrs. Clyde ctlrtis 'with 1 Wayne sr1ent Sunday ~ilh Mr. and: Will> bu1'1ed in I. he Nnrt II Slm·lc-. Mrs Clwrles Clinton nf Ma:wn, 1 Mrs. Lloyd Euler assist.lng. Mrs. M1·s. Leo Seeley of MHidlotnn. t bridge ~cnJcle1·y Sunduy llfler-j Mr. 11~111 !"f"·'· .Tot;n llarflcld, Gray- Lawlnn Hu::h!Jor·l!ood :tl.· son, _My•·lan Grimes:· Of Lansing. I guests of 'Ml:. and Mrs. Himnt i IPJHicd t.hc f•'owlcr·viiie lair the M1. and Mr·s. Dell Mend re- Rentt.y of Miifor·d. 1 past week. ce1ved wm·d Sunday of the death M,.,;_ Flot·ence Jfonel< anrJI ·------~u the formcr·'s mother, Mrs.; daughter, Connie, anrl MI·s. Aud-: DOUGLAS n~lw Mend n~ hm· home In St.. 11·cy DeMatsenarc and children of Jtexlut• Glyuu 1 KelmshuJ•g, F'londa Sunrlny mom-' Detroit spent Thtll·srlay with Mrs. 1 · lg, I Ona Almond. Connw fl!HI Andrey Mr·. unrl Mrs. Charles Brr:nnl'l' '1Jon't Groan ... Mr._ a1!d M1·s. Robert Sturn~ a!' !crt Sunday for Los Angel or;, nnd M ,.,, Mi11nie Bnclnw of Wil­ lnnd f~mtly of Standish WCJ'e I• rl·f California, to visit their hrol.hct•, Iiams! on were Sunday g·uesls of ~dlt~lsltors of Mr. and Mrs. Ever/. 1Erwin Gaylord.· 1 Mt·. anr/ Mrs. Hamid Glynn and ys. I Mr. and Mt·s. Paul Hoslnrnt nnd 'Dnlc. Mr. an_rl Mt·s. RobeJ•/. AndeJ·sonl HDn nnrl Ml·. nnrl M 1·s. Ebor' Ml', HIHI Mrs. Wir·J. Wa1·ncr and nnd r.ami!y, M1·. ancl Mrs. F'. C. Thompson of Lansing anci'Mr. and Betty Olmslcftd Hpcnl pnrt or last ~~~~~~~son and fftmlly, Mr. und Mrs. Mrs. Robert Thompson were sun- wcelc visiting in northern Mlch/- 1. st Wal11er anrl M•:· and MrH., day gucstn of Mr. and Mrs. tr. c. gan. .. Aver on. Acklc~ untl fnnuly and Mr·., Aiiderson. . M 111·vin Lot l, 11111! Devet•!y and .and 0Mts.• mb~t Thon_lJlSOJl and fam- . Ml·s. Grace Hurd and daughter, Phyllis Wnllcms ntl.enclcd the 1-H ~ ~ Lansing enJoyed a picnic 1 Margaret, Mrs. Bemiec Dnll and 'fnir at Michi>:nn Stnte college last M~~lday at. the home of M1·. and Mrs. Florence Willcinso[j of Lan-: wcel1 fi'Oill this chstnct. . .M' RoboJ t Thompson. sing were Sunday visitot·s of Mr. i Mr. illlll Mr·s ..Joe Zalowsln and Wait fbr it· . ~· and MrR. Albert Musolff nf and Mrs. c. A. Diehl. i Pntt·icia Ann of Olwmos wore SRt- (' ~umth _wcm Sunduy ~v_onmg Mrs. Snn1h Howlett is spending- 1unlay evening visitors of Mt·. ~nrl g !Csts o! Mr. ancJ ~rs. WJIJiam the wcet1 with her sister, Mrs. 1 Mrc. Leo Glynn. Sunday cvcnLng­ Mus~lff.1 Elvira Powell, of .Taclcson. I Mr. nnd Mrs. Eoh Price and SOilS ~ • nne! Mr~, B"nnct~ Taylor I Vaughn Whited of Monroe spent I of Dnnsvllle culled. CllJoyed a trip Ill nor·thern Michl- tho wcelt end, with .Tim Young. i Mr. nne! Mrs. Erl Watkins spent bet&re you phOne gan ovm• the Labor Day wee!' c'nd. Both boys left Monday to resume IFriday evening visiting .J1,1r. ,nnd Mt·., an? Ralph 'Wallc'ei: their studies Ash bury college, Mrs. 'trtoyd Fishet·. Sunday they T\1.!·s. ~nd at ,I Claud West· were· Sunday I clmncr Wilmoi'c,, J