TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Summary of the new features, changes and improvements Created by: Michael Schams

23/February/2021 Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New

Chapter Overview


Backend User Interface

Changes for Integrators and Developers

Extbase and Fluid

Deprecated/Removed Functions

Sources and Authors

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Introduction

Introduction The Facts

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Introduction

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - The Facts

Release date: 23 February 2021 Release type: Sprint Release

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Introduction

Executive Summary

We are pleased to announce TYPO3 version 11.1, with multi-factor authentication built into the TYPO3 Core and some great usability improvements of the backend user interface. Perfectly in time and equipped with all features as promised, TYPO3 version 11.1 marks another milestone on our route towards the LTS (long-term support) release later this year. The system requirements for this release remain the same as for v11.0. The same applies to our support and maintenance promise.

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Introduction

System Requirements

PHP version 7.4+ PHP settings: memory_limit >= 256M max_execution_time >= 240s max_input_vars >= 1500 compilation option --disable-ipv6 must not be used Most database servers supported by Doctrine DBAL also work with TYPO3. Tested DB engines are for example:

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Introduction

Development, Support, and Maintenance Timeline

TYPO3 v11

Extended long-term support (ELTS) The TYPO3 GmbH offers further support options for TYPO3 v11 LTS even after 31 October 2024 for up to two additional years.

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Introduction

TYPO3 v11 Release Dates Planned release dates and their primary focus: v11.0 22/Dec/2020 New system requirements and breaking changes v11.1 23/Feb/2021 Multi-factor authentication v11.2 04/May/2021 Link sharing for TYPO3 Backend v11.3 13/Jul/2021 (to be determined) v11.4 07/Sep/2021 Feature freeze v11.5 05/Oct/2021 LTS Release (Long-term Support) https://typo3.org/cms/roadmap https://typo3.org/article/a-first-glimpse-of-typo3-v11

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Introduction


Official classic installation procedure under /Mac OS X (DocumentRoot for example /var/www/site/htdocs): $ cd /var/www/site $ wget --content-disposition get.typo3.org/11.1 $ tar xzf typo3_src-11.1.0.tar.gz $ cd htdocs $ ln -s ../typo3_src-11.1.0 typo3_src $ ln -s typo3_src/index. $ ln -s typo3_src/typo3 $ touch FIRST_INSTALL

See Installation and Upgrade Guide for details about systems.

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Introduction

Installation Using

Installation using PHP Composer under Linux, macOS, and Windows 10: $ cd /var/www/site/ $ composer create-project typo3/cms-base-distribution:^11 typo3v11

Alternatively, create your custom composer.json file and run: $ composer install

The Composer Helper online tool makes package selection easy. Further details are available in the Installation and Upgrade Guide.

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Backend User Interface

Chapter 1: Backend User Interface

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Backend User Interface

Multi-factor Authentication If activated, backend users can now add a second authentication factor to their login process (for example a time-based one-time password).

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Backend User Interface

Filelist: Folder Tree The file list (backend module "Filelist") received a visual overhaul and now uses the same lightweight SVG solution as the page tree does.

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Backend User Interface

Resizable Navigation Component

Backend users can now resize the navigation area such as the pagetree component and file list. The icon to collapse/re-open has been moved inside the area.

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Backend User Interface

Reset Backend User Filter The module "Backend Users" features a button to reset the user filter now.

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Backend User Interface

Backend Module Menus Following the ARIA Best Practices 1.1, backend users can now navigate through the main module and the help menu by using the keyboard. This is ideal for users of screen readers or other assistive technology.

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Changes for Integrators and Developers

Chapter 2: Changes for Integrators and Developers

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Changes for Integrators and Developers

Multi-factor Authentication (1)

TYPO3 v11.1 features multi-factor authentication. The TYPO3 Core includes two MFA providers by default: Time-based one-time password (TOTP) Recovery codes (fallback provider)

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Changes for Integrators and Developers

Multi-factor Authentication (2)

Additional providers can be added as TYPO3 extensions. Providers also feature a locking functionality (e.g. if OTP was entered wrongly multiple times). The following global configuration controls if MFA is required: $GLOBALS[’TYPO3_CONF_VARS’][’BE’][’requireMFA’] 0: MFA is optional (default) 1: MFA is required for all users 2: MFA is required for non-admin users only 3: MFA is required for admin users only

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Changes for Integrators and Developers

Multi-factor Authentication (3)

TSconfig can be used to disable the MFA field for backend users: setup.fields.mfaProviders.disabled = 1

It is possible to restrict the available providers for some users or groups (see "Access Rights/List"), or by TSconfig: auth.mfa.disableProviders := addToList(totp)

The following global configuration can be used to recommend a provider: $GLOBALS[’TYPO3_CONF_VARS’][’BE’][’recommendedMfaProvider’] Integrators can overwrite the global configuration by TSconfig: auth.mfa.recommendedProvider = totp

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Changes for Integrators and Developers

Multi-factor Authentication (4)

The MFA API is still experimental and subject to change. Extension developers are encouraged to review the PHP classes in: typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Authentication/Mfa/ Some initial demo extensions for example: mfa_yubikey mfa_hotp mfa_webauthn (planned to be implemented in the TYPO3 Core in v11 LTS) Read more about the current API in the changelog. We need your feedback! Please join the Slack channel #mfa-in-core and share your experience and requirements with us.

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Changes for Integrators and Developers

Backend Routes

Backend routes can now be restricted to HTTP methods. (e.g. GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) The optional property "methods" can be set in the files: Configuration/Backend/Routes.php Configuration/Backend/.php

For example: return [ ’my_route’ => [ ’path’ => ’/benni/my-route’, ’methods’ => [’POST’], ’target’ => MyVendor\MyPackage\Controller\MyRouteController::class . ’::submitAction’ ] ];

No restriction applies if no property is set.

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Changes for Integrators and Developers

Console Command List (1)

The TYPO3 command line utility does not instantiate all available console commands anymore when a user executes typo3 list. This prevents the CLI tool from slowing down or breaking the command list (e.g. if a command is not instantiable). TYPO3 integrators benefit from a faster and more robust command list.

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Changes for Integrators and Developers

Console Command List (2)

Two new properties have been added to the console.command dependency injection tag (to used in the Services. file): description hidden

The description must be set next to the command name: services: My\Namespace\Command\ExampleCommand: tags: - name: ’console.command’ command: ’my:example’ description: ’An example command that demonstrates some stuff’ hidden: false

Extension authors should use this method instead of setting description through $this->setDescription().

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Changes for Integrators and Developers

Content Element Wizard New "new content element" wizard now supports an icon overlay for each wizard element. Useful for custom content elements that use the same iconIdentifier multiple times. For example (TSconfig): mod.wizards.newContentElement.wizardItems { common.elements { my_element { iconIdentifier = content-my-icon iconOverlay = content-my-icon-overlay title = LLL:EXT:my_extension/Resources/Private/Language/ContentTypes.xlf:title description = LLL:EXT:my_extension/Resources/Private/Language/ContentTypes.xlf:description tt_content_defValues { CType = my_element } } } }

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Changes for Integrators and Developers

FlexForm Data Processor

A new data processor has been is introduced: TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\FlexFormProcessor This makes FlexForms available in Fluid templates. For example (TypoScript): 10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\FlexFormProcessor 10 { fieldName = my_flexform_field as = myOutputVariable }

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Extbase and Fluid

Chapter 3: Extbase and Fluid

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Extbase and Fluid


The ViewHelper features a new argument textWrap which wraps the link title. For example:

Output: My page title

Note: don’t forget to escape quotes: |" />

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Deprecated/Removed Functions

Chapter 4: Deprecated/Removed Functions

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Deprecated/Removed Functions


The T3Editor has been refactored into a custom HTML element: This element features a new JavaScript module: TYPO3\CMS\T3editor\Element\CodeMirrorElement Using the CSS class "t3editor" is now deprecated:

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Deprecated/Removed Functions


The JavaScript library SortableJS has been renamed to sortablejs. This change was required due to the import of TypeScript declarations of SortableJS. The previous name Sortable has been declared deprecated. Extension developers are advised to use the library with its new name.

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Deprecated/Removed Functions

jQuery in Tooltips

Passing jQuery objects to the methods show() and hide() of the module TYPO3/CMS/Backend/Tooltip has been marked as deprecated. This results in a deprecation warning in the browser’s console. Migration options: Pass a single HTMLElement or a NodeList to the functions.

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Sources and Authors

Chapter 5: Sources and Authors

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Sources and Authors

Sources TYPO3 News: https://typo3.org/project/news/ Release Infos: https://get.typo3.org/release-notes/11.x/TYPO3_CMS_11.1.0 TYPO3 v11 ChangeLog typo3/sysext/core/Documentation/Changelog/11.1/* TYPO3 Bug-/Issuetracker: https://forge.typo3.org/projects/typo3cms-core TYPO3 and Fluid Git Repositories: https://git.typo3.org/Packages/TYPO3.CMS.git https://github.com/TYPO3/Fluid

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New Sources and Authors

TYPO3 CMS What’s New Team: Pierrick Caillon, Richard Haeser, Jigal van Hemert, Henrietta Kucsovan, Corina Miron, Sinisa Mitrovic, Michael Schams, and Roberto Torresani


Licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0

TYPO3 Version 11.1 - What’s New