Strathard Community Council Minutes of meeting 6 th October 2016 Aberfoyle Memorial Hall 7.30pm

1. Present: M Colquhoun, R Dingwall, A Goulancourt, F McEwan, Geraint Short, C Smith, W Ronald (LLTNP), WPC Deans, PC McKerrachar, A Boa Actions (Aberfoyle Village People), one member of the public. 2. Apologies: S Stephen, J Quinn 3. Minutes: AG proposed, RD seconded 4. Matters Arising: Bus Routes. The meeting welcomed one resident from Aberfoyle whose main concern in attending the meeting was to ask for a ssistance with the general frustrations from many residents regarding the bus route. The community councils has requested a meeting to discuss bus routes and awaited the results of surveys from the Council and other interested parties. RD All rural villages would possibly require to work together on this.

Community councillors The community council was still looking for people to put themselves forward to fill two vacancies in Aberfoyle and Stronachlachar during the interim vacancy process. The application process would be publicised locally and had a deadline of 21 st October. Forms were available online. FM Flooding Additional funding and plans were being discussed within Stirling Council. The community council had been informed that a Committee deci sion would be made in November. Right of way Craigmore new residents were now in residence and there was still no signage for the right of way, although they had been made aware of this and that signage should be placed at the entrance to the right of way.

Proceeds from the original sale of the property were now available and the process for the outside learning building could now go ahead. Japanese Knotweed Forth Fisheries had been active in the community treating knotweed, Goats A meeting to be arrange before the end of the year at Inversnaid to allow AG/FM the RSPB and local community to have dialogue on management of the goats in the Inversnaid area and other matters. Forestry gave the community council very short notice of a cull carried out before the meeting, therefore no discussion with them could take place. 5. Correspondence Forestry Commission: Regarding cull of goats (ref. 4) and Loch Katrine / AG Arklet annual meeting. Query over reinstatement at new Glengyle bridge. Stirling Council: Waste services and their improved collection system regarding bins. All information would be delivered to households and was available on line. Kinlochard phone box: Being retained due to Kinlochard residents’ CS resistance to the box being removed. Query raised regarding looking after the box and keeping it clean, which would be investigated. 6. Stirling Council Noted works to improve the drainage at Road were being carried Issues out, and reassurance had been given by the Council this would not affect other properties. 7. Planning Planning list The LLTNP website has changed for sourcing and accessing planning applications with a large number of applications to be sifted through to WR create a pertinent list for the meeting. Updates to existing applications: ▪ The Loch Chon campsite has been approved with agreed modifications to the original application. A further local meeting would be held on 19 th October in Kinlochard with the National Park to discuss wild camping at

Loch Ard. ▪ The Altskeith planning application was anticipated to be withdrawn after comments from SEPA and concerns regarding flooding and sewage. ▪ Forestry has decided to withdraw its application for a zip wire at The Lodge. New applications: ▪ Change of use for the former police station to a Pharmacy. ▪ Drumlean Kennel cottage: Request for restriction on the original planning permission to be removed, as original planning consent understood to be for use by employees of the estate. This would be investigated further to allow feedback and any concerns to be advised. ▪ New extension at Queens Crescent – no concerns. 9. Reports: Finances: No change Stirling Councillors: No report Police : The representatives from Police ran through their report from 1 September to 5 October. 3 incidents noted - anti social behaviour, vandalism and a disturbance of the peace. Road safety within the community was discussed and the police were being vigilant. A further discussion regarding appropriate line markings being required within the village to assist drivers to park conscientiously and courteously as the main street was a cause for concern with many residents. Speeding was again raised as an issue and Police Scotland requested that all incidents be reported to allow them to monitor and respond.

No incidents of theft, although moving forward into the darker nights and

winter months, there was always opportunists and residents should be more vigilant ensure out door garages and sheds were secure. There would be more visual presence from the Police over the next few weeks regarding concerns from residents regarding the noise from the main street late at night. The Police were asked if they would be doing another police surgery within the village, and responded that of the several dates on which they were available in the Tourist information building, not one person had approached them. The effective use of police resource and time required that these be stopped with no further surgeries planned at the moment. Broadband: No progress to report National Park : Fishing permits were discussed and the sale of permits would remain the same Community Trusts : Community Grant scheme the closing date for applications would be 12 December. Community Action Plan: Details from community questionnaire due in and their next meeting due within the next couple of weeks, the date would be communicated, Aberfoyle Village People: Extensive work by volunteers within the village clearing the paths by the river also clearing dead trees from the ri ver noted and welcomed. Meetings attended : No other meetings attended.

Next meeting 3 November 2016 in Inversnaid Hotel (rescheduled to Aberfoyle – 17 November)